1956 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

A very slow year, perhaps a preview of the early sixties.

1957 would pick up considerably, but 1956 was not a memorable one. Some interesting cases here and there, in France and Australia mostly. Following is a list of known humanoid cases for 1956.

Location. Thornton Colorado
Date: 1956
Time: unknown
In a dream like state the witness found herself walking to school, when, at a corner, she found herself enveloped in a blue light. Next thing she knew she was surrounded by a group of human looking beings. They asked her if she wanted to visit their home and she agreed. She was then taken to a room, and sat in some kind of molded bucket like seat. Upon arriving at an unknown location she was led down a ramp into a corral type fenced in area. Around its perimeter were giant flowers, of every kind and color. In the middle of the corral was a big swing set. Eventually somebody said that it was time to go home. She walked up the ramp into a vehicle. Her next recollection was of standing at the same corner with the blue light around her. The light then just snapped off.

HC addition # 3488
Source: CAUS
Type: G

Location. Mexico City, DF, Mexico
Date: 1956
Time: 0700A
Juan Maturano reported encountering a golden glowing being in his room. It had large beautiful, caring eyes. As the witness approached the glowing being it suddenly vanished in plain sight. Involved in other encounters.

HC addendum
Source: Juan Maturano “Tulipan de Diamantes”
Type: E

Location. Mount Lassen California
Date: 1956
Time: late afternoon
Ralph B. Fields & another man identified only as Joe had gone to the mountain in search of guano. By the third day they were nearing the mountaintop when they decided to make camp. Joe went off to collect dead scrub brush. Suddenly he returned in a state of high excitement. He had found a big cave nearby that looked promising. Once in the cave the deeper they went in, the deeper it seemed. At one point they made an amazing discovery; the floor was worn smooth, and the cavern walls and ceiling seemed cut artificially. The cave now looked more like a tunnel. Suddenly a light flashed and three men confronted Fields & Joe. The men were of normal appearance, about 50 years of age, dressed in jeans & flannel shirts. They wore shoes with unusually thick soles. One of the strangers asked the witnesses what they were doing there, but appeared incredulous to their answer. Two more strangers showed up. Now badly frightened the witnesses were asked to accompany the strangers deeper into the cave. About two miles later they came to a spot where the walls expanded. There they encountered a strange device that looked like a toboggan with a seat and a control panel. It gave off a buzzing sound. The group sat on the wide seat and flew off at “terrific” speed. After a long journey, they saw another similar craft approaching them. The strangers, suddenly acting nervous maneuvered to a stop and landed two feet from the other object. The crew of the first ship leaped out and tried to run away but the crew of the second, who were carrying pencil like weapons, shot them down, killing all of them. The new group now approached the frightened witnesses and asked them if they were “surface people.” Then they were told that they had been lucky to have been rescued or they would have eventually become “horlocks” and would have been killed also. Eventually they were flown back to the surface and warned not to return.

HC addendum
Source: Jim Keith, Underground Alien Bases
Type: G Date is approximate.

Location. Fort Bragg North Carolina
Date: 1956
Time: evening
The witness was driving with his parents through the Fort Bragg military property on their way home in Southern Pines. They made a turn on the road and were stopped, by military police that seemed to be everywhere. Jeeps and trucks with armed men were moving around. The soldier in front of their car was telling them to turn around and leave now. His father began backing the car when his mom yelled out, “Look, Look!” He climbed over the top of the seat and saw several little gray large headed figures standing next to a nearby helicopter, surrounded by soldiers. They did not appear to be prisoners. The witnesses drove quickly away and never discussed the encounter.

HC addition # 3786
Source: North Carolina Mufon
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Very intriguing report, showing possible military and alien cooperation?

Location. Pantano del Pintado, Sevilla, Spain
Date: 1956
Time: evening
The 18-year old witness saw, hovering about 10 meters above a pond about 40 meters away from his location a brilliant metallic cigar shaped object. He observed the object for about 20 minutes when it suddenly shot up into the sky silently emitting a plume of smoke from behind. While the object hovered over the water he was able to see “waves” on the surface. Soon after the incident the witness reported acquiring the ability of “precognition”. And was able to see the death of his mother several days before she died. He claimed that heavy chain smoking dwindled his psychic abilities, which he did not want.

HC addendum
Source: Joaquin Mateos Nogales, Manuel Filpo Cabana
Type: F?
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Not an entity case per se, but a significant case indicating a definite psychic connection in some cases.

Location. Near Bakchisaray, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: 1956
Time: evening
Hiking in a wooded area several military personnel found a cave in the forest and entered it. When they entered the cave they began to experience strange feelings, they felt disoriented a feeling of “time displacement” overwhelmed them. They saw a strange light emanating from an unknown source in the cave, and seized by fear they left the cave. As they walked out they saw a strange woman (dressed like an ordinary human woman, but there was something very strange about her). She entered the cave wearing a dress and went out of the cave dressed in a totally different manner. She simply had no time to change in such a short time period. After a search, the woman could not be found. In the same area tourist guide Viktor Sikilinda saw a normal looking woman, with red hair and wearing normal clothing come out of solid rock at a cave near the Uspenskiy Monastery. She walked straight through the rock and vanished.

HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov, Ukraine
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Have we here time travelers of some sort? Or visitors from other dimensions?

Location. Ridgecrest California
Date: 1956?
Time: night
The eight-year old witness recalled being taken out of her home at night by several short gray humanoids wearing dark blue jackets with a sash running diagonally from shoulder to waist. An emblem resembling a coiled snake within an irregular border was displayed on the front of the jackets. She was taken to an object resembling a large toy top that had apparently landed near her home. The witness was then apparently taken to an underground facility where she saw several nude children enclosed in glass chambers that appeared to be asleep. At one point the witness managed to run away and crawl up to the surface through a vent. She found herself in the desert. Moments later a tall, very nice looking woman with long dark hair and wearing a dark purple uniform with an insignia came running to her. The woman grabbed her and forced her back into the underground chamber. She then attempted to force the witness to climb into an empty glass chamber, apparently to observe her. The witness resisted and was able to see several consoles in the other side of the room operated by half a dozen man-like beings. A taller gray colored entity now entered the room; he seemed angry and ordered the tall back haired woman to put the witness into the glass chamber. But the witness again resisted. The tall gray entity apparently relented and ordered the others to take the witness back to her home.

HC addition # 1126
Source: William F Hamilton, UFO Universe Summer 1992
Type: G

Location. Valenca, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Date: 1956
Time: night
Bright lights awakened Vera Lucia in her room, looking out her window she noticed what appeared to be a person holding a flashlight walking down an alleyway by her house. She apparently suffered a memory lapse and could not remember what occurred that night. Later under hypnosis she remembered lying on her bed paralyzed unable to move. She was able to clearly see what was happening around her. Soon two figures walked into the room. They floated just above the floor and they were identical to each other. They had Oriental features, with dark olive skin, and black hair. One was a male with short hair the other a woman with long flowing hair. Both wore a tight fitting phosphorescent silvery suit. The whole time, the woman stood back as the man performed several “experiments” on her body. He had some type of luminous wand, which he used while performing several tests on her body. Soon both humanoids stepped back and disappeared into a luminous bluish glow that appeared to be a portal of some kind. That same night other witnesses saw a huge bright light hovering over some nearby woods. Soon after the incident, Lucia was endowed with the power of healing which endures to this day.

HC addendum
Source: Painel Ovni
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Early bedroom visitation case, the silvery wand type object has often been reported in conjunction with humanoid reports. Also the reputed psychic healing ability obtained by the witness is notable. Note the similarities (as far as the acquired psychic abilities) with the Pantano del Pintado case in Spain the same year.

Location. La Napoule, Alpes Maritimes, France
Date: 1956
Time: night
A local truck driver is in his bedroom at night when suddenly several beings float into the room. The beings looked “Japanese” but with even more elongated eyes. One being held him in an arm lock preventing him from moving, while some unknown force exerted some control on the witness. There was no verbal or any other type of exchange between the beings and the witness. Soon the beings jumped out the window and floated out into the night. The witness then heard a violent explosion outside and a blowing noise like a powerful wind.

HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 317, Denys Breysse
Type: E

Location. Pont St. Esprit, Provence, France
Date: 1956
Time: night
7-year old Louis Turi was awakened by something touching his foot and thought it was his little kitten snuggling up to him. He reached down to draw the kitten up to his pillow. It was then that he saw five small monkey-like creatures surrounding his bed. They had deep penetrating black eyes shaped like almonds, and stood about three and a half feet tall. He became frightened and paralyzed but was able to hide under the blankets. Later as an adult, Louis underwent hypnotic regression and recalled that one of the creatures had pulled the blanket away from his head. The creature’s scrutinizing eyes were less than two inches from his face, as if it were programming his mind.

HC addendum
Source: Shawn Atlanti, San Diego
Type: E?

Location. Krasnoyarsk, East Siberia, Russia
Date: 195
6 Time: night
7-year old Irina Nikolayevna was in bed ill when she awoke in the middle of the night and saw four humanoid figures standing near her bed. The entities were dressed in light clothing and had diffused faces. A peculiar and most distinguished detail on these humanoid figures were their disproportional long inhuman arms. Mentally they asked the girl to stretch her hand out and come close to them. At that moment when they approached Irina, she felt no fear. But when she refused to come any closer to them, the entities began to transform their appearance. A fog like substance seemed to have lifted from them and their real appearance was now clearly evident. The aliens by now had developed a dark brown color and grew in height to almost 3meters tall. Their figures were humanoid, but the heads seemed dog-like. When Irina saw their true appearance she felt terrific fear which paralyzed her, chaining her body to the bed. Despite her desperate resistance the aliens were pulling Irina towards them and their efforts were stronger by the second. Irina then grabbed her mother’s hand (who was in the bed next to Irina). Her mother also woke up and Irina screamed at her to hold her hand tightly, which her terrified mother did. At this point the entities retreated and disappeared into the darkness. The rest of the night Irina held on to her mother’s hand trembling with fear. Apparently this episode was repeated the next night and for several nights after that. The hapless girl only managed to sleep each night at 0400A or 0500A. She tried to tell other people what was happening to her but most did not understand or take her seriously. After the nightly visits she became very ill. She lost much weight, and medical doctors found “damage” in her lungs. Periodically she would find strange burns on her body; the burns would appear in the morning and disappear by noon. Sometimes the burns would be present on her body for 24hours straight.

HC addendum
Source: Nadezhda Golovkova, “NITs ENIO” research center, Rostov-on-Don
In “Cross of Centaurs” newspaper # 3 1999
Type: E

Location. Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
Date: 1956
Time: various
Years after the incident the witness recalled that as a young boy he was visited in his bedroom on several occasions by several men dressed in black that would take him out of the room while his parents slept. They would perform tests on him and it was almost always on his spinal cord. On several occasions he attempted to scream but was unable to. The dark garbed “doctors” warned him that he should never speak of them or else he would be in danger. The “treatments” continued for a while then finally just stopped. The witness has peculiar “scars” on his back to this day.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G

Location. Barre-des-Cevennes Lozere France
Date: beginning of 1956
Time: 0100A
Two gendarmes, M Simon & M Barboule, were coming back from tour of duty, pushing their bicycle as they mounted a hill, and had reached a barn when they heard a noise that quickly became a “deafening racket.” Then there appeared about 50 yards away, a few yards above the ground, a round black disc shaped mass about 35 ft in diameter and 4 ft thick, beneath which was a row of flue-pipe mouths, appearing red hot, from which emerged short reddish flames. A strong hot wind blew from the object and pushed them against the barn. The object continued on to land in a flat field, passing within 50 yards of them. The red tubes mouths darkened, as if cooling down. After about a minute, a cupola of an opaque ivory white color lighted up atop the object, and at the same time dazzling rays of several colors—yellow, green, and blue—emerged from the base of the cupola and were given off in all directions. Then a sort of luminous “balloon” emerged from the source of the rays, detached itself, and slowly twice made the circuit of the nearby hilltop peak, “Castelai.” After this it rejoined the object and disappeared. During the flight of this “balloon,” the witnesses noticed human like silhouettes—perhaps 4 of them—slowly walking around the UFO, as if inspecting it. They went around it several times. When the “balloon,” returned, these silhouettes disappeared. Then the light rays and the cupola went out, and the hot wind began to blow again, with a deafening noise, the object rose vertically and disappeared in the sky. During the observation, the gendarmes felt paralyzed; M Simon put his hand on his revolver holster, but could not remove it. M Barboule’s watch never ran properly again.

Humcat 1956-15
Source: J Tyrode, LDLN # 116
Type: C

Location. Laguna Cartagena Puerto Rico
Date: 1956
Time: unknown
Independent witnesses saw a very bright silvery metallic disc shaped object with multicolored lights around the edge and a translucent dome on top. It hovered briefly above the witnesses and several standing men-like figures could be seen inside the dome.

HC addition # 656
Source: Jorge Martin, Alien Update
Type: A

Location. Near Strathalkyn South Australia
Date: 1956
Time: unknown
Two days after seeing a low level craft over the area an entity described as tall with long blond hair and feminine features appeared at the witness house. It communicated by using telepathy and claimed that he was from the planet “Mars.” No other information.

HC addition # 1164
Source: Mark Moravec, Psiufo Phenomena
Type: D

Location. Atacama Desert Argentina
Date: 1956
Time: unknown
Dwellers in these sparsely inhabit Andean areas reported the presence of strange giant beings in the snowy slopes of Mt Macon (over 20,000 feet) where huge tracks had been found in the snow. A year or so previously, a huge cigar shaped craft had been seen flying over the region and was reported to have either landed up in the Cordillera or to have crashed against a peak. Moreover, quantities of dead condors and eagles had been found and many of their nests ravaged and destroyed, in the same area where the gigantic footprints had appeared.

Humcat 1956-19
Source: Charles Bowen “The Humanoids”
Type: D

Location. Aveley Essex England
Date: 1956
Time: 0015A
A teenager woke up to a flashing orange yellow light in the corner of the ceiling. He got out of bed and went to the window. 100 yards away he was able to see a hovering dark object with multicolored lights rotating around it, underneath, orange yellow lights were rotating in the opposite direction. Several oval shaped windows could be seen; these emitted a yellow white glow. Inside he was able to see several human like figures in dark diver’s suits moving around casually. Gas-like fire blue flames were apparently being emitted towards the ground from the bottom of the object.

HC addition # 995
Source: Norman Oliver, Bufora Journal Vol. 8 # 1
Type: A

Location. Ballywhorskey County Donegal Ireland
Date: 1956
Time: daytime
The 11-year old witness was alone at a place called “Fairy Cradle” when he heard some very beautiful distinctive music coming from an unknown source, looking around he saw 18, two-foot tall little men all dressed in red, some were dancing and others appeared to be playing flutes. The witness became frightened and ran home.

HC addition # 679
Source: Scott S Smith, Fate March 1993
Type: E

Location. Paraibuna Brazil
Date: 1956
Time: 1640
A. Rossi, a metal worker, was approached while fishing by 2 strange beings, & paralyzed. They were tall, bald, and without sexual organs; they had only 2 fingers on their hands & only 2 toes on their feet. Telepathically they invited him to visit their planet. Their vessel, hovering above the ground, was shaped something like a sentry box, 100 ft wide & 30 ft high. Rossi was given a fruit juice like liquid drink, and the vessel departed to the other world, where the houses are round, people live on fruit juices, and reproduction is by staring into one another’s eyes. After 18 hours, Rossi was brought back to the riverbank.

Humcat 1956-1
Source: J Escobar Faria & Richard Hall
Type: G

Location. Roodeport South Africa
Date: 1956
Time: night
The witness was alone in his bedroom when he was suddenly paralyzed and taken from his room by several beings with large heads and no hair. He was then medically examined on a table. They apparently implanted something into him that activated his psychic powers. He was told they came from the “Pleiades” star cluster.

HC addition # 528
Source: Jenny Randles, Abduction
Type: G

Location. Near Hesperia California
Date: January 1956
Time: night
The witness woke up to see a small big eyed baldheaded man looking at her through the back picture window of her bedroom. She woke up her husband and he went out back to check and found no footprints in the snow.

HC addition # 2872
Source: Patricia Lee, Shadowmag
Type: E

Location. Choisy Le Roi France
Date: middle of February 1956
Time: 2130
The 41-year old witness was driving back alone in her car after visiting her parents on the No. 7 road when as she was about to cross a bridge she spotted something shiny white & phosphorescent on the right side of the road. There was a faint hissing noise that seemed to be connected with the object, which was suspended at maybe 20cms or so off the ground @ some nearby wasteland. She pulled up so she could get a closer look when she noticed a “person” about 1.30m or so high moving about near it. She thought it could have been a UFO and a bizarre idea came to her head, she thought maybe if she could grab an occupant of a UFO and take him to the newspapers. She stopped the car and noticed that by now there were eight figures around the machine, engrossed in looking at something or other on the ground. The object was shaped like a flattened pumpkin, with luminous facets that doubtless were windows. She then noticed two more beings inside the machine. The others, outside, seemed to be studying the waste ground there. When the humanoids noticed the witness approaching them, with no signs of fear, they quickly ran into an opening in the base of the craft. The last one of them—the one she was aiming to grab—turned around and fixed his large black eyes on her intensely as if wanting to say something. But just as she was about to grab him a beam of light shot out from one of the windows on the upper part of the machine and engulfed her and paralyzed her on the spot. She could not move any part of her body except her eyes. Terrified she watch all of the humanoids go into the machine, and then the brightness of the beam of light started to fade and she was able to back away and escape to her car. She sat in the car unable to move again and heard a sort of scraping noise that sounded “metallic”. Minutes later the hissing noise from the machine became intensely louder, and it slowly started to rise until it was at the height of the tops of the big plane trees fringing the road. The machine stopped momentarily, and then took off at a top speed. The entire craft turned orange and then red as its speed increased. She described the beings as clad in grayish blue tightly fitting one-piece combination garments. They had large and quite protuberant black eyes, almost no nose, but their nostril holes were visible and they had a slit where the mouth should had been. They were slim as though they had no muscles. Their arms were longer in proportion than normal and their heads were proportionately larger than humans also.
The witness reported beneficial after effects after the encounter, including an increase of intelligent and some pre-cognition abilities and dreams. Her health also greatly increased.

HC addition # 2069
Source: Claude Raffy quoting Genevieve Vanquelef
FSR Vol. 42 # 3
Type: B

Location. Not given
Date: Spring 1956
Time: afternoon
The six-year old witness had gone into some woods in order to relieve himself when he saw what he describes as a huge praying mantis in front of him in the woods. It was sideways to him with its head turned looking straight at him. He was horrified almost sick to his stomach. Soon he heard his mom and others calling him by name. He ran a few steps where he had heard his mom and she came running toward him and reprimanded him for being gone for over an hour (which he could not remember any of it).

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal About com. July 2002 Archive
Type: E or G?

Location. White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico
Date: March 1956
Time: 0300A
Air Force Sgt Jonathan P. Lovette and a Major Conningham were out in a field from the launch sites looking for debris from a missile test when Sgt Lovette went over the ridge of a small sand dune and was out of sight for a time. Major Conningham then heard Sgt Lovette scream in what was described as terror or agony. The Major thinking Lovette had been bitten by a snake or something ran over the crest of the dune and saw Sgt Lovette being dragged into what appeared to him and was described as being a silvery disc-like object which hovered in the air approximately 15 to 20 ft away. Major Conningham described what appeared to be a long snake-like object, which was wrapped around the sergeant’s legs and was dragging him to the craft. Major Conningham admittedly froze as the sergeant was dragged inside the disc and observed the disc going up into the sky very quickly. Major Conningham got on the jeep radio and reported the incident to Missile Control whereupon Missile Control confirmed a radar sighting. Search parties went into the desert looking for Lovette. Major Conningham’s report was taken and he was admitted to the White Sands Base Dispensary for observation. The search for Sgt Lovette continued for three days at the end of which his nude body was found approximately ten miles downrange. The body had been mutilated; the tongue had been removed from the lower portion of the jaw. An incision had been made just under the tip of the chin and extended all the way back to the esophagus and larynx. He had been emasculated and his eyes had been removed. Also, his anus had been removed and there were comments in the report on the apparent surgical skill of the removal of these items including the genitalia. The report commented that the anus and the genitalia had been removed, as though a plug, which in the case of the anus extended all the way to the colon. His body had also been completely drained of all blood.

HC addendum
Source: Yorkshire UFO Information and Other sources
Type: G?
Comments: This is supposed to be from the officially “unpublished” Project Grudge report # 2

Location. Grand Ledge, Michigan
Date: March 23 1956
Time: 0300A
While walking along the river bank a 27-year old laboratory technician named Bassett “felt the presence of something” and looked up. He saw a rapidly descending metallic sphere that gave off an orange glow; it then stopped just ten feet away and only four feet above the ground. It made no sound. He “lost track of time” and felt the UFO had tried to make contact with him. There was possible missing time associated with this case.

HC addendum
Source: Jerome Clark, “The Anomalist” April 2000
Type: G
Unexplored abduction event?

Location. Birmingham, Alabama
Date: April 3 1956
Time: night
Witnesses described a winged humanoid which resembled a ‘silver colored’ angel flying over a coal and iron plant and disappearing towards the North. It was again seen in the area on April 5.

HC addendum
Source: G. E. Eberhart
Type: E

Location. Mooi River Natal Province South Africa
Date: April 9 1956
Time: 0700A
In the early morning Mrs Elizabeth Klarer Fielding walked to the hill where she had previously seen a UFO, & found the vessel on the ground there; in front of it stood the spaceman she had seen before. 6 ft 4” tall, he had long white hair & wore a silvery whitish one piece suit covering even his feet. She went aboard, seeing a man of darker complexion at the controls, and was taken in the UFO to the “huge” mother ship in space, where she saw many people & was shown pictures of the humanoids home planet. She spent “a whole day & evening” in space. Further information indicates that the humanoid greeted her in a friendly manner and expressed surprised that she was not afraid. She was helped aboard by the humanoid. At first she thought that the humanoid was Russian but was immediately reassured by the alien that he was from the planet Venus. “The interior of the craft was simple, and beautiful in my mind. None of the mass of instruments and wires over dashboard and walls as in modern aircraft, but simple rows of pushbuttons on some kind of desk. None of the stuffy smell of fuel—it was all clean, efficient and simple.” A gentle humming sound, soothing and pleasant emanated from the floor of the craft, which gave her a sense of power and security. The porthole covers were open and she could see for miles, but it was all very hazy. Soon she saw an incredible landscape she described as like a rolling green country and a blue sea in the distance. The tall spaceman and his companion wore dark brownish suits, the trousers narrowing down to the ankles, the shirtsleeves narrowing to the wrists, and a high neckline. They were close-fitting garments, but light and comfortable made of a material not unlike a coarse shiny nylon. She was given refreshing water to drink and a delicious red apple and other fruit similar to bananas. They told Klarer that they were vegetarians.

Humcat 1956-2
Source: Cynthia Hind in Fate, Edgar Sievers, FSR 56 # 2
Type: G

Location. Rengo Valley, Argentina
Date: May 1956
Time: unknown
Independent witnesses reported encountering in an isolated mountainous area a tall hairy man-like figure that supposedly attacked them. A local farmer P Espinoza was confronted by tall hairy figure with long arms, wearing what appeared to be a leather loincloth. It ran into the woods when the witness resisted. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso
Type: E

Location. East Flanders, Belgium
Date: May or June 1956
Time: 1600
The 12-year-old witness was playing in the kitchen garden behind the family home. Suddenly the girl had her attention attracted by an object, which appeared above the northwestern wall at the end of the garden. The object seemed to come from the north and to fly towards the south. It was flying above the western corner of the garden, where huge trees and a big oak were located. At the moment that the circular object was just above the tree line, the girl saw two beings of human appearance. She could see them through the translucent surface of the vehicle; they smiled and waved their arms. The encounter finished quickly as the object disappeared towards the south.

HC addendum
Source: Bulletin du Gesag # 109, March 2003
Type: A

Location. East Flanders, Belgium
Date: end of May 1956
Time: afternoon
The same girl as to the previous incident had climbed over a wall in her garden and had gone to a field near her property there she encountered a dark gray circular object sitting on the ground. The object had a flat dome on top, not higher than the present cars. Suddenly and without any apparent transition, two men appeared near the object. They wore gray coveralls, and were bending down on the ground apparently searching for something. They disappeared suddenly and the object rose vertically several meters before rapidly flying towards the north. The sighting lasted between one and two minutes.

HC addendum
Source: Bulletin du Gesag # 109, March 2003 &
Godelieve VanOvermeire
Type: C

Location. Forest of Marsois Haute Marne France
Date: Summer 1956
Time: 0700A
The witness had been walking along a broad path in a wooded area searching for mushrooms when as she reached the vicinity of a local “dolmen” she caught sight of two short figures coming towards her on the path. The witness thought that these were children, so she walked towards them, but she suddenly halted, as the figures got nearer, she then realized that they were indeed not children at all. The beings had stopped and were staring at the witness. These were described as having stocky thickset bodies, with short thin legs. They wore close fitting white one-piece suits, black mittens on their hands, black half boots, and a broad belt around their waists. They also wore a round black helmet and their faces were covered with a transparent visor. No facial features could be seen. The witness asked who they were, but they ignored her and walked into the woods disappearing from sight.

HC addition # 836
Source: Lionel Danizel, FSR Vol. 27 # 5
Type: E

Location. Near Yellowstone California
Date: Summer 1956
Time: early evening
The young witness was sitting in the back seat of the family car as they drove through an isolated road near the National Park. He suddenly looked out the rear window to see three objects quickly descending from behind the treetops. The objects were silvery orange metallic discs with a glass dome on top. Inside each dome stood a human-like figure. One disc pulled away while the other two approached to within 30 feet of the vehicle. The closest object tilted slightly so the witness was able to see its pilot inside. Described as a human-like figure wearing dark goggles. The witness waved at the occupant, that then waved back slowly using the palm of hand. He shouted at his parents but when he turned around the objects had already disappeared.

HC addition # 2632
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & The World
Type: A

Location. Viale, Entre Rios, Argentina
Date: Summer 1956
Time: evening
As several families were retiring home after work witnesses spotted a strange luminous sphere flying parallel to the railroad tracks and headed toward the railroad station. Numerous witnesses gathered to see the silent craft continued on its journey. It appeared to be about 2 meters in diameter. It was lighted from within but the light did not project outside. Witnesses could see a man like figure in profile apparently sitting and operating some unseen controls. He appeared to have been wearing a large round helmet. The witnesses watched as the object disappeared silently into the distance.

HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso, Argentina
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 10
Comments: Possibly related to the following case, since it occurred in the same area and around the same time.

Location. Kadzherom, Komi Republic, Russia
Date: summer 1956
Time: late evening
12-year old Vladimir Nikishin (involved in a later encounter) was walking with a friend along the railway and without noticing it they wandered a long distance away from the village. The evening was dark but they were not concerned since they were walking close to the railway. When both boys decided to turn around to return to the village they noticed sometime that made their blood freeze. A huge black humanoid figure was standing on the railway embankment; the figure was at least 2.5m in height and wore something resembling a large cap or hood on its head. The humanoid held a long thick rod or staff in his hand. Both boys grew torpid, like frozen in place, unable to look away from the imposing humanoid. The entity slowly turned its head and the witnesses now saw the entity’s eyes which emitted a burning bright red light. The tall black entity then began to walk slowly toward the witnesses. The boys wanted to run away but their legs did not obey them, both were apparently paralyzed. The humanoid came closer and closer but suddenly the boys heard the hoot or honk of the steam engine locomotive which was approaching them from behind. The strange entity then uttered a muffled growl and then said in a loud, brutish voice, “I will be back to take you”. And in the next moment the humanoid vanished. Both boys then began to run home. Upon reaching the hamlet they told the adults what they had seen, thinking that they would not be believed, but apparently other locals had seen the same or similar creature since the 1930’s. Others in the area had disappeared without a trace.

HC addendum
Source: Vladimir Nikishin in: “The Secret Power” (Taynaya Vlast) newspaper
Moscow # 15, 2002
Type: E
Comments: I wonder what would have happened to the boys if the locomotive had not arrived at that time.

Location. Ombues near Viale, Entre Rios, Argentina
Date: Summer 1956
Time: midnight
The anonymous witness was returning home after visiting his girlfriend. He was riding a small horse that moved slowly on a deserted path. As he approached an area known as “Ombues” he noticed two men standing on the side of the road. He noticed that both men wore something resembling a blue coverall. Behind them, on a field behind a barbwire fence he could see a “machine” almost square in shape, and totally dark, resting on the ground. One of the men, using friendly gestures and without introducing himself approached the witness and invited him to come for “a ride.” The animal abruptly stopped as if receiving an imperative order to halt. At the same time the witness felt a strange sensation of cooperation and felt he should do what he was told. He told the men that he would go with them as long as he was returned early since he had to do many things in the morning. He dismounted from the horse and tied him against one of the poles on the barbwire; he then proceeded to follow the men to the object. Before going inside the object one of the men told him, “We will demonstrate to you that “up there” there are more things than simple sky.” Once inside the object the witness could see what appeared to be a command console replete with what appeared to be little levers. On the sides of the craft and a bit inclined he could see several windows from where he could see outside. He was told not to be afraid and to stand on a corner. The small object emitted a dull humming sound and lifted off flying towards the nearest town. Once they were flying over the town, one of the men asked him, “What is that place, and what is the name of it?” He told them that it was a town called Segui. He could clearly see the lights in the houses and was surprised that he could see everything below him very clearly despite being late at night. Soon the craft rose further higher until they came upon a huge illuminated “mothership”. “Here is where we live,” one of the men told him. At the door inside the larger craft waited a third individual dressed in the same way as the other two men. He further described the men as of normal height, with very low crew cut hair. He was invited inside the larger craft and once in the presence of the third individual he felt that this one was somewhat miffed at his presence. He asked the other two men why had they brought the witness with them, their answer was, “This is what we found.” To which the third individual replied, “Haven t you noticed that this individual is of a very low intelligence level? This man appeared to be the leader and turning to the witness spoke to him in a very pleasant tone telling him that he would not be hurt, that they had come in peace. That they hailed from a very distant place where humanity had apparently originated. They had come in order to obtain food, which was apparently scarce in their home. He again reiterated not to be afraid that they had no bellicose intentions and that in a period of “5” years they were going to conduct mass landings and contacts. He also mentioned one other curious fact, that before this could occur, the small ones would come first, “tell the rest of the world that we come in peace and we will return”. The stunned witness heard all this without asking any questions and without speaking a word. Before leaving the large ship the witness overheard the apparent leader telling the other men to make him forget most of the encounter, something that apparently occurred. He was returned to the same path where he found his horse tied up and patiently waiting for him. In the sunflower field where the small object had rested, an 11-meter circle of smashed plants was found.

HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso, Argentina
High Strangeness Index: 9
Reliability of Source: 10
Comments: An incredibly intriguing case. Who were the “small ones” mentioned by the alien leader, the grays or someone entirely different. Apparently their time frame is not the same as on earth since it has been more than 30 years after the encounter and they still have not returned.

Location. Stuttgart Germany
Date: Summer 1956
Time: 2100
During a storm, student Karl Ackermann, took refuge in a wooded area, he then saw a large disc shaped object pass over him and land on a nearby meadow. Soon the witness heard a crashing noise approaching his location. A gigantic figure now appeared from behind a nearby hill. The witness became frightened as the figure approached. It was described as wearing some sort of diver’s mask and it appeared to be breathing heavily. It also carried a small box under its arm. It made a gesture with its hand towards the witness motioning him to follow him; it then moved quickly up the hill and was gone. The witness followed and then saw at a distance the figure standing next to a huge shiny structure. The witness then heard a loud buzzing sound and felt extreme heat, and then everything disappeared.

HC addition # 242
Source: Ulrich Magin
Type: C

Location. Near Auxerre France
Date: Summer 1956
Time: 2300
The witness was riding his motorcycle along an isolated rural road and as he was making a right turn he was overcome by a strange eerie feeling, he also noticed the outline of a very dark and large object on a nearby field. The lights of his motorcycle suddenly illuminated the figure of a six-foot tall man wearing a tight fitting gray silvery color outfit. At this point the witness stopped with the figure only four feet away. The being, described as very human looking and slim, looked silently at the witness for a few moments. The witness then accelerated his motorcycle then stopped and looked back to see the huge dark object become brightly lit, it emitted a humming sound and began changing colors. The witness could now see that it was oval shaped and had numerous lighted portholes. Several human like figures could be seen moving inside. The object ascended slowly then angled away from the witness shooting away at tremendous speed.

HC addition # 1065
Source: Robert D. Barry, Saga UFO Annual 1975
Type: A & C

Location. Near High Bridge New Jersey
Date: Summer 1956
Time: night
While the 12-year old son of Howard Menger was dying of brain cancer & was bedridden, several persons reported seeing a pulsating “bar of light” hovering over the boy’s bed. That same night four men wearing luminous uniforms were seen on a hill top 300 feet away.

HC addition # 3015
Source: Jerome Clark, Fate June 1991
Type: E

Location. Between Wimereux & Boulogne, Pais de Calais, France
Date: Summer 1956
Time: night
A witness traveling on a road spotted a shiny disc-shaped object on the ground. A figure about 1-1/2 m in height stood next to the object. Afraid the witness did not approach and left the area.

HC addendum
Source: LDLN, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: C

Location. Jarvenpaa, Finland
Date: Summer 1956
Time: night
The witness, a 15-year old girl at the time, was sleeping in the main farmhouse and her brother in a nearby storehouse. During the night she suddenly awoke and noticed two small humanoids with large eyes and wearing gray suits in her room. Afraid, she pretended to be asleep as she watched the humanoids. They seemed to be interested in the two alarm clocks in the room. After a while they moved to the living room, and she could her how they seemed to tamper with the large wall clock. Soon after, the humanoids went out of the main building. Now the girl watched through the window and saw one of the humanoids standing at the open door of the storehouse in which her brother slept. The humanoid carried an alarm clock on his hand. Then both humanoids came out of the storehouse and in a strange way began to “bounce” one after the other towards the corner of the field where a strange vehicle with many lights and a cupola rested. The humanoids bounced into the vehicle, which then ascended straight up. Next morning all the clocks in the farmhouse displayed different times, between 2400 and 0430A. During the upcoming years nothing grew in the corner of the field where the strange vehicle had landed.

HC addendum
Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland
Type: B

Location. Feyzin, France
Date: June 1956
Time: 0600A
Roland X was traveling on his “velo” (a kind of moped) when he notices a shiny object on the side of the road, resembling a hat and partially covered by vegetation. The principal body of which is the darkest section and is surmounted by a kind of cockpit. Afraid to approach, he observes the craft from a safe distance and suddenly sees a robust, gray being, with very wide shoulders, and about the size of a 9-year old child. The humanoid is wearing a diver’s suit and moves slowly. It suddenly disappears in plain sight of the witness. The craft then rises up in a spiral, and then angles away at very high speed, all in absolute silence. The witnesses had noticed that there had been some type of “energy” between him and the object, which paralyzed and him and forced him to divert his glance. He quickly pedaled away from the area.

HC addendum
Source: Figuet, J L Ruchon
Type: C

Location. Near Gorman California
Date: June 1956
Time: night
Jan Whitley was driving along a mountain road with Emily Cronin and the latter’s six-year-old son who was sleeping in the back seat. They pulled off at a rest stop to sleep awhile. They remembered seeing a light resembling a truck headlight at first; also they heard a high-pitched whining sound and felt paralyzed. Both felt the car sway for an unknown reason. Emily perceived a mental message telling her that someone was going to take her away. Then she saw a man looking in the back window of the car. Under hypnosis Emily recalled seeing a tall humanoid with a thin face and wearing black clothes, which was looking into the car apparently fascinated by the sight of the little boy. Two other beings tried to call away their curious companion. Emily understood the conversation among them to say that the encounter was a mistake, but the curious being shook the car and continued his observations, despite the other’s objections. The witnesses eventually managed to leave the site, but later were unable to locate the exact spot alongside the road.

HC addition # 2249
Source: Ann Druffel & Idabel Epperson
Type: C

Location. Near New Hampshire Ohio
Date: June 1956
Time: 2200
Two women were traveling by car along a farm road when as they passed a round barn they noticed a bright light approaching from a small wooded area. They stopped the vehicle on the side of the road. The light then approached their vehicle; at this point they now realized that the light was attached to a large dark rectangular shaped object. The object descended almost touching the ground at the edge of the road across from the witnesses. Both witnesses were terrified as an entire wall of the object facing them lit up from inside with a pale green light. They could now see three humanoid entities inside the object. One what standing at what resembled a console and was operating some controls. Two other similar humanoids stood behind another structure behind the first being. The humanoids appeared to be shorter than normal humans, with arms that reached below their knees; they appeared to have much visible dark hair on their exposed portions including the head. All were wearing what appeared to be short-sleeved smocks of a light colored material. After a few minutes the object began moving slowly away and gradually disappeared into the distance.

HC addition # 1576
Source: Cufos Associate Newsletter Vol. 13 # 3
Type: A

Location. Belton Missouri
Date: June 1 1956
Time: 1900
The witness had gone out to empty the trash when he saw a 6’5” tall well proportioned bright blue glowing human shaped figure that was apparently looking at the neighbor’s back porch light bulb. At this point the witness could hear a voice in his head telling him to be calm & not to be afraid. The witness mother came outside at this time, distracting the witness briefly, as he pointed towards the figure it had vanished.

HC addition # 3194
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Cincinnati, Ohio
Date: June 5 1956
Time: 0930A
The young witness was camping deep in the woods alone listening to radio with ear phones when suddenly the radio quit working, checking the batteries which were brand new he realized that they now appeared drained. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw something apparently landing nearby. There was no sound as the object came to within 3 feet of the ground and stopped. A glass-looking ramp came out of it silently, but making a small sound as it hit the ground. He then saw “something” begin to leave the object, became afraid and covered his eyes. He then heard walking and branches being moved, the sound then stopped and he waited at least 15minutes before he uncovered his face again. The object still sat there but there wasn’t anyone around it. He then tried to move and heard movement behind him and as he began to turn he felt something very cold “like an ice cube” touch the back of his neck near his ear, he tried to move away but it seemed to move with him, he then blacked out. He later awoke sitting on the same spot but the object was gone. He walked his bicycle home because he felt dizzy. As he reached his parent’s house and went in he found them all dressed up like they were going to church, incredibly it was already Sunday afternoon. He had lost 24 hours of time. Later after seeing a doctor he learned more details of what occurred to him (no information on that).

HC addendum
Source: http://www.ufoevidence.org/sightings
Type: G?

Location. Near Eagle Pass, Texas
Date: June 11 1956
Time: afternoon
Dan Martin (involved in a previous encounter) answered a tap at his back door and upon opening it found a man and a woman who said, “You are Mr. Martin, Dap O’Day.” Grasping him by the elbows, the pair levitated Martin to the upper atmosphere, where he felt surrounded by blackness and stars. Then he suddenly became aware of having come to hover beneath a vast canopy, the center of which was a tube, multiple shuttered like a camera lens. Martin and his companions were drawn up into a control room with buttons, levers, dials, and the other accepted “scientific” accouterment. Shortly, he was moved into a vast hall about the length of a football field, where another female addressed him as “Mr. Martin, Dap O’Day” and led him into a smaller chamber, where sat “a man the like of which I had never seen before except, in a astral experience…” Martin was seated on a couch next to the Girl Guide, who, in spite of being the male’s mate apparently insisted on rubbing thighs with Martin. Following a brief resume of his various lives, some of the history of the flying saucers, apparently of the mother ship type, was unfolded for him.

HC addendum
Source: Paris Flammonde, The Age of Flying Saucers
Type: G

Location. Harsby Ostergotland Sweden
Date: June 12 1956
Time: 1900
Mrs Brita Raninger, sat beneath an oak meditating when she heard a monotonous buzzing sound and saw an object which looked like a flat plate resting on a glade about 150-200 meters away. It had a cupola and was shimmering with a blue green color. The diameter was about 4.5 m and it was 120-130 cm in height. Then she saw a couple of Mongol-like “beautiful and slender” creatures running around the object. They were about 150 cm tall and dressed in shining green, tight fitting coveralls, uniform like and made out of a material similar to leather. They had no hoods, but their long, black, and curly hair fell on their shoulders. They moved swiftly around the object and when one of them turned around and stared at the witness, she felt as though hypnotized. She got the impression, maybe by telepathy that they had landed to repair the vehicle. The witness was not afraid but was somewhat shaken and felt stiff. 10-12 minutes later the creatures ran into the object where their faces were seen in the cupola, smiling. A strong buzzing sound was heard and the object took off circling slowly at first, then shot away like a rocket. The object left an acrid smell of phosphorus in the glade. A few weeks later a friend found a round circle in the glade where the grass was scorched and burnt.

HC addition # 2524
Sven Olof Svensson
Type: B

Location. Edroy, Texas
Date: June 15 1956
Time: 0100A
The witness was awoken by two beings approximately four feet tall in his bedroom. She was paralyzed and could not move or talk, yet she was able to communicate with the two beings telepathically. They told her that she had to go with them. She then asked them if she could tell her mother who slept in a bed next to her. They told her no. It looked to the witness that the aliens had huge black teardrop eyes. They said that she must go with them. Everything else relating to the encounter is a blank to the witness. Her next conscious memory was of being back in bed. She told her mother what had happened but she was told that it had only been a dream. According to the witness she attempted regressive hypnosis but was unsuccessful. She suffered deep emotional scars as a result of the encounter.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E or G?

Location. Otterburn, Northumberland, England
Date: July 1956
Time: morning
A Mr. Stocker, wireless operator for the Territorial Army and a driver were traveling through open moorland in a Land Rover on a single-track road. As they crossed a bridge and ascended a slight hill, Stocker saw what looked like an elderly woman dressed in a long, gray coat and a shawl. She was standing on a sandy area on the left hand side of the road beneath a hawthorn tree. After they passed her, Stocker glanced in one of the vehicle’s rearview mirror, but now could see no one beneath the thorn tree. The drive too had seen the figure. They went back but there was nobody visible anywhere on the open moor around and there were no footprints in the sandy ground at the spot.

HC addendum
Source: Paul Deveraux, Haunted Land
Type: E

Location. Quebrada de Agua Chuya, Argentina
Date: July 1956
Time: afternoon
In a remote location sheepherder Ernesto Salitonlay encountered in a ridge a huge figure entirely covered in dark hair that screamed at him using loud guttural sounds. His animals became terrified and fled from the area. Salitonlay fired at the creature with his rifled and this one ran up a hill and vanished. He reported the incident to the police.

HC addendum
Source: Gustavo Fernandez
Type: E

Location. Van Nuys California
Date: July 17 1956
Time: afternoon
Awakened by a sonic boom and his dog’s barking, Todd Kittredge saw a golden ball 8 ft in diameter descend into his front yard, splitting a tree. 3 men 6.5 ft tall emerged, walking through the wall; they had shoulder length blond hair & wore green one-piece coveralls with shoes attached. Their eyes looked as though made of stone. When Kittredge came out, they shook hands with him & in mechanical sounding voices said they were from Venus, and were here to help earth people. When a dog snapped at one, they walked back in and the ball ascended.

Humcat 1956-3
Source: Idabel Epperson for CSI
Type: B

Location. Panorama City California
Date: July 19 1956
Time: afternoon
Mrs M. J. a housewife said a giant steel like ball had landed in her rose garden, and 3 6 foot tall men with shoulder length blond hair, wearing green ski suits, got out & said they were from Venus. She then called a local newspaper to report the encounter.

Humcat 1956-4
Source: Idabel Epperson for CSI
Type: B

Location. Van Nuys California
Date: July 19 1956
Time: afternoon
An anonymous telephone lineman called the Hollywood Citizen News to report that a huge ball came down near his pole, and 3 tall men in green ski suits walked through the wall, shook his hand, & told him they were here to help earth people.

Humcat 1956-5
Source: Idabel Epperson
Type: B

Location. Near Vallenar, Chile
Date: July 23 1956
Time: 1800
In a desert location between the towns of Huasco and Freirina a miner reported encountering a strange object on the ground. The craft was about 150 meters from his location and was round and silvery in color, about 1.50m in altitude and 50m in diameter. It was emitting green flashes of light and had landed on 3 leg-like protrusions. On top it had a cabin-like structure with portholes and a ladder leading into it. From the desert brush 5 humanoid figures appear and quickly climbed up the ladder and into the cabin. The witness described the humanoids as man-like, about 1.80m in height, athletic in built, and wearing shirts, shorts and “military caps”, the color of their skin was rosy-white. As the humanoids disappeared inside the cabin, this one was immediately covered by a metallic disc-like lid, concealing it completely. Immediately after that the craft took off emitting bright flashes of multicolored light. It quickly disappeared into the distance.

HC addendum
Source: Ovnis Extraterrestres y Otros en Chile
Type: B
Comments: Translated by Albert S. Rosales

Location. Van Nuys California
Date: July 30 1956
Time: 1800
Going to his backyard, Todd Kittredge again saw the golden ball hovering, & two men beside it. He was taken on a ride 700 miles above Los Angeles, and saw the mother ship, called a “Giganta-Liner.” They spoke to him telepathically by laying hands on his shoulders. The trip lasted 20 minutes.

Humcat 1956-6
Source: Lt Louis C Sauter, USAF Project Blue Book
Type: G

Location. Granja de Torrehermosa Badajoz Spain
Date: August 1956
Time: 1400
About 20 small boys, including 5-year old CS, hear a loud noise and observed a bullet shaped object approaching from the NW at high speed; passing overhead, it turned east and descended to several meters above the ground, about 500 meters east of the boys. About 4 meters long and aluminum colored, it had a transparent window at the narrow end through which could be seen the heads and shoulders of two apparently naked occupants. About ten adults joined the children and the group approached to within 50 meters, gesturing to the “pilots.” CS described them as appearing green, with apparent “antenna” on their heads. As the ground drew near the object ascended rapidly to the east and disappeared “in a second.” There were no traces.

Humcat 1956-16
Source: Claude Navarro
Type: A

Location. Tuna, Smaland Sweden
Date: August 1956
Time: evening
Brita Raninger was having a cup of coffee with some friends in the home of her parents, when one of the guests asked why all the roe deer were running away. Suddenly a helicopter like object was seen over the woods, it descended and landed. Four remarkable creatures ran out of the object and circled it several times.

HC addition # 2523
Source: Sven Olof Svensson
Type: B

Location. Nebit Dag, Turkmenistan (USSR)
Date: August 1956
Time: evening
A young woman named Ludmila Vartanyants, of Armenian nationality and a student at the Ashgabat Medical Institute, was resting in the yard outside her home after a very hot and busy day. Suddenly she felt discomfort and an unreasonable fear overcame her. Moments later she felt her body become completely paralyzed. The fear enveloped her completely, paralyzing her will; she could not make a move or even open her eyes. She struggle and was finally able to open her eyes slightly. But to her horror she saw two 3-meter tall giants standing over her. The humanoids had grotesque looking heads with what appeared to be several eyes on them (!), they had trunk-like protrusions (gas masks?), and several slits (like mouth slits) on a gray-greenish skin. She closed her eyes and again opened them, but the horrible entities were still present, standing near her. The “monsters” then leaned over her and she apparently lost consciousness. (She was possibly abducted and subjected to a medical examination). She returned to her senses only in the morning feeling completely sick and jaded. Her face was swollen, as if having an allergic reaction. She was ill for many weeks after the encounter, her bones and joints ached continuously and she had trouble sleeping. But to her outmost amazement, her intellectual abilities suddenly increased after the incident, and she passed all the exams at the Institute very easily—strangely she apparently knew the answers to any of the questions before they were asked. She felt as if the knowledge was being “transmitted” directly into her brain.

HC addendum
Source: Vagiz Garayev in “Otrazheniye” # 3, 1998
Type: G?

Location. Filey North Yorkshire England
Date: August 1956
Time: night
June Rice was walking home along an isolated dark field. She noticed that it was unusually quiet that night and no animals seemed to be around. Two men suddenly appeared out of nowhere and walked towards her. The men were very tall and wore whitish silver suits, one piece. They were very pale with white hair and had beautiful eyes. The men turned and the witness felt an urge to follow them. Next thing she remembered was being in a round room with seats all around and people sitting on the seats. She was made to sit down while the beings communicated with her by using telepathy. One of the men then approached her and put his hand on her head. She seemed go backwards and her seat went upwards. She then felt a very sharp pain on her side and her next conscious memory was being in her bed at home.

HC addition # 1984
Source: Carl Nagaitis & Phillip Mantle, “Without Consent”
Type: G

Location. High Bridge New Jersey
Date: August 1956
Time: night
A ball of fire appeared and landed, pulsating different colors; it was a saucer of Adamski type, as shown in photographs taken by the witness, Howard Menger. 3 tall men with long blond hair emerged; one raised his hand, & communicated telepathically with Menger, who was taken aboard the ship to a spot in space near Venus, the trip lasted 15-20 minutes. There he saw projections of life on Venus.

Humcat 1956-7
Source: FSR Vol. 3 # 4
Type: G

Location. Balneario Norte, Buenos Aires Argentina
Date: August 1956
Time: 2330
A young boy fishing in a desolate field by the River Platte, suddenly felt as if someone was watching him, after a few moments he turned he head and saw a very tall man looking at him. This individual had fair skin, clear eyes with short well-groomed hair. He told the witness in a friendly way “not to be afraid.” The man wore tight fitting mustard colored coverall with a hood hanging on the back. The being took out a small sphere that emitted a very bright luminosity; he then took the witness by the hand and told him to follow and not to be afraid. As they neared the river edge a silvery disc shaped craft arrived, it hovered very close to the ground, a door opened and a ramp descended to the ground, another similar being emerged and both invited the witness inside. While inside he met a 12-year old girl that told him that she had also been abducted but that “they” were good. More beings now appeared including females, who wore similar mustard colored outfits, had beautiful yellow eyes, and had close-cropped black colored hair. They both were told to undress and given clothing to wear. They were apparently taken to a huge space station where they saw similar beings that wore tight fitting blue outfits, gloves, and helmets with visors. They were made to lie down on beds and were put to sleep as the object traveled through space. The beings mostly communicated via telepathy and performed several mental experiments on the two abductees.

HC addition # 375
Source: Richard Heiden, quoting Cuarta Dimension 1987
Type: G

Location. Quitilipe, Salta, Argentina
Date: middle of August 1956
Time: night
A local miner, Benigno Hoyo was prospecting near the Morro del Pilar when during a severe snowstorm he took refuge in a local cave. Inside the cave a huge bear-like creature that lunged at him confronted him. Terrified he fired his weapon and heard agonizing screams as the creature disappeared further into the cave. Locals call this kind of creature the “ukamar zupai”. Which they describe as having human characteristics but completely covered with hair and with a pointy-head. It screams and yells when in the presence of humans. Around the same time the local inhabitants found several condor and eagle nests destroyed and the eggs partially devoured. During an archeological expedition by Tucuman University the partially eaten bodies of a bizarre species of goat that possessed four horns were found. Also huge footprints were found around the dead bodies.

HC addendum
Source: Gustavo Fernandez
Type: E

Location. Cerro Quitilipe, Cumbre Del Cerro Altoluza o Luza, Salta, Argentina
Date: August 4 1956
Time: night
Several prospectors were sitting around a bonfire in the middle of a powerful thunderstorm when they spotted a strange figure standing in the rain. It was tall and hairy, and it was emitting powerful screams. Terrified they ran down from the mountain and on their way down the man heard what sounded like the ringing of bells. (?)

HC addendum
Source: Proyecto CATENT, Argentina
Type: E

Location. Le Boulu-Ceret France
Date: August 22 1956
Time: 1150A
Ms. Porta, riding a moped, was passed by 2 enormous, absolutely silent motorcycles, appearing nickel plated, each carrying 2 passengers dressed in fawn colored satin, with boots & “closely sealed helmets.” They stopped, blocking the road, & as she squeezed past they looked at her; their faces were totally hidden by big smoked glasses. Ten yards further on, she looked back; but they had vanished without a sound.

Humcat 1956-8
Source: M. Vidal, FSR Vol. 15 # 6
Type: E?

Location. Ventura California
Date: August 25 1956
Time: midnight
The witness suddenly woke up to see three slightly built men wearing metallic like jump suits standing by his bed. Their leader asked for assistance from the witness in repairing their nearby landed craft since he had experience in “electro magnetic” energy. The witness apparently helped fixed their “spacecraft.” No other information.

HC addition # 1128
Source: Letter by Ernest Dunbar, UFO Universe Fall 1992
Type: G?

Location. Falls City Nebraska
Date: Autumn 1956
Time: afternoon
The witness was standing outside next to his pick up truck when he noticed something in the sky resembling a kite descending. As it came closer the witness realized that it was a strange winged creature almost 8 to 9 feet tall, flying about 15 feet above the ground. Its wings were silvery and polished and had multi colored lights on its underside, it had a breastplate with dials that the being seemed to be manipulating with his hands. The being’s face was demonic in appearance; it had large watery blue eyes and leathery wrinkled skin. As the being flew above the witness, he felt temporarily paralyzed and heard a hissing sound.

HC addition # 88
Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Unexplained Mysteries of the 20th
Type: E

Location. Veluwe, The Netherlands
Date: Autumn 1956
Time: night
Mrs. Van B was walking through her fields in the woods located behind her home. Deep in the woods she heard a gentle purring sound; a smooth but high-pitched purring. She walked across a deep a small embankment as she climbed to the top she saw on a ridge a faint bluish light in the woods. Thinking it was a poacher she slipped nearer and saw a huge faint bluish light sphere about 3 meters in diameter resting on the ground, somewhat resembling a cloud of bluish light. The sphere dimly lighted the trees around it. Two shapes were silhouetted in the gleam. The shapes appeared to be between her and the sphere. She watched in silence, crouching behind a tree trunk. It seemed that the two “men” were “burying” things on the ground; they moved around constantly and appeared to be digging up the soil. She now noticed that the cloud-like blue sphere was hovering just above the ground. The men walking in front of it seemed human, except for their slenderness, their thin long arms and a quite small head. The head was very rounded around the backside. On the side of their heads they wore one or two small square boxes. Their head was covered in a tight-fitting headgear, which accentuated the roundness of their heads. All of the sudden a little man came out of the sphere; he seemed to step briskly out the gleam, stood in front of the sphere and looked at the other figures. He raised an arm as if looking at a watch turned around and disappeared back into the sphere. Her memory became confused from that moment on, but she saw a flash from behind the sphere, and thought that the men were setting fire to the woods. One of the men ran around the glowing sphere and fell to the ground. The other walked briskly and appeared to watch the glow behind the sphere extinguish itself. Suddenly she saw two more men on their knees near the fallen figure and then carry him up behind the sphere. Immediately after that another man came out of the glow. He was holding objects in his hands and another item under his arm. He ran towards the witness and stopped about 10 meters from her, putting something down on the ground. She heard a noise resembling the rustling of leaves as if the figure was covering something on the ground. The man looked around and then returned to the glowing sphere. The purring sound became louder and the light intensified. The sphere then began to balance itself over the ground in a pendulum like matter. A shower of sparks was seen coming out of the soil, everything in the area seemed to sparkle and strong wind like sound was heard. Then everything vanished. The panicked witness then ran home. Later relatives found a crater and strange charred remains at the site. The source located a smaller crater, which still remained at the site 21 years later. One of the charred remains appeared to be a rubber boot, and there was also cardboard box with a sort of tubing sticking from it. There appeared to be a fuse in it with pins on it. The source was not allowed to remove any of the items. The family of the witness requested anonymity.

HC addendum
Source: Hans Van Kampen, Spooklicht 4.2
Type: B

Location. Near Chester California
Date: September 1956
Time: 1500
Four people were bow and arrow hunting in the Wilson Lake area near Chester; the party split into two groups, and an off duty sheriff of Butte County was with his sister, when he saw a small figure through the manzanita bush. His sister was about 150 yards away. He was seated in a clearing when heard gravel rolling downs a slope behind him. He stood up and saw the figure about 70 feet away. He was about four-feet tall with very human looking facial features, and wore brightly colored clothes, consisting of green, tight fitting pants, a gold jacket over a tan pullover shirt, and low brown boots. Brown hair protruded slightly from under a red and gold cap. No buttons, zippers, or other fasteners were visible. His general stature was entirely human and he could have passed for a small boy except that his features were those of a 35 or 40-year-old man. His hands appeared normal, and he carried nothing. After staring at one another for about a minute, the little figure whirled around and leaped up the gravel slope in 20-foot strides, until it cleared the top and disappeared. The man’s sister saw the figure only briefly and thought it was just another hunter. The man returned to the site later but could find no traces.

Humcat 1956-17
Source: Paul Cerny, Mufon & Cufos
Type: E

Location. Terney, Blagodatnoye Lake, Primorskiy Kray, Far East, Russia
Date: September 1956
Time: daytime
Several dozen fishermen in the lake at the time became the witnesses of an apparent significant UFO crash. They saw a silver object, shaped like a hat, with red windows or portholes along its rim quickly approaching their location. The UFO was huge; its diameter estimated by the witnesses as about…possibly one kilometer and a half (maybe much less, about 150meters?). The object was emitting a loud grinding sound, leaving a trail of dense smoke, indicating that it was possibly in deep trouble. As it flew, the UFO ejected numerous thin metallic needle-shaped objects from it. The next day the fishermen collected some of these pieces. The UFO eventually fell into the Sea of Japan. The crash site was never studied until today and remarkably the Russian military seemed ignorant or indifferent to the crash, until today.

HC addendum
Source: Valeriy Dvuzhilnyi quoted by Karina Pronina and Valentin
Pavlenko in “Interesnaya Gazeta” Kiev # 82 D+ Block 2005
Type: H

Location. Near Bocainha Brazil
Date: September 1956
Time: 2000
The witness saw a large disc shaped object hovering over the area, the object descended and landed near the road. A tall man dressed in Roman like outfit and helmet emerged from the object. He greeted the witness in a friendly manner and talked about their previous contact and said that for them it had only been 3 days, but for the witness it had been seven years.

HC addition # 846
Source: Richard Heiden, FSR Vol. 27 # 6
Type: G

Location. Le Houlme Seine Maritime France
Date: September 1956
Time: 2320
M. Follon riding his Solex noticed a bright light across the valley. When he got to the other side he went to look at it. About 60 yards from the road hovered a “saucer” of aluminum color, 40 ft in diameter and 30 ft high, about 3 ft off the ground. It had an antenna on top and below this a row of ports emitting verdigris-green flames; around its equator were windows about 14” x 20” in size. Through these he could see 3 or 4 “silhouettes of human form,” apparently of normal stature, passing back and forth, seemingly busy at some task. He watched for 10 minutes, during which a car coming along the road had its headlights put out and its motor stopped. Then the flames from the ports increased to 20 ft in length, a powerful searchlight was directed southward, and the craft, making a loud noise, moved off the south, rising at a 45-degree angle and soon attaining the speed of a jet aircraft.

Humcat 1956-18
Source: M Freulon, LDLN # 137
Type: A

Location. Johnson City, Tennessee
Date: September 1956
Time: late night
A group of teenagers parked in an isolated area, were listening to the car radio when they noticed coming from behind a rise between them and the river a huge dark humanoid form that was coming towards them taking very long strides. The figure was estimated to have been at least 12 to 13 foot tall. The witnesses fled the area in a panic and did not return to the spot.

HC addition # 507
Source: Letter in Strange Magazine # 6 from Betty Y
Type: E

Location. Near Twin Falls, Idaho
Date: September 7 1956
Time: evening
Three men said they watched a huge “saucer-shaped object” some 200 feet in diameter descend into an open field and come to rest near a steer. But before they could rush over to get a closer view the UFO took off again—-and the steer was gone too.

HC addendum
Source: True “Flying Saucers & UFOs Quarterly” # 1
Comments: Apparent animal abduction.

Location. Big Bethel Virginia
Date: September 9 1956
Time: 2035
Three witnesses, T L Bristow, Mrs Bristow, and Mrs W McPherson, saw an object comparable in size to the moon, which descended gradually to the horizon. Two of the observers thought they could see occupants wearing some sort of headgear.

Humcat 1956-9
Source: E V Monismith for USAF Project Blue Book
Type: A

Location. Praia Do Saco De Sao Francisco Brazil
Date: September 10 1956
Time: 1100A
At a beach side area the main witness was sitting at a bus bench when she heard some type of sound and noticed a bright light descending over the water. The sound became unbearable. The bathers in the water panicked and began running out of the water. The object was large, rounded and very bright; it descended very close to the water. The main witness apparently blacked out and later woke up to find herself lying on a long table in a curved corridor. On another similar table she saw a youth that she had previously seen at the beach. The piercing sound was still apparent. She then noticed two men like figures approaching slowly. The beings were tall and were dressed in close fitting silvery coverall type suits, which covered the hands and feet. They also wore a belt of the same material. The beings took the witness and the youth by the arms and carried them through a door into a circular room and placed them in different tables. Suddenly a man appeared near the main witness, he was tall, with gray hair combed back and also wearing a close fitting silvery outfit. He had dark penetrating eyes and spoke in perfect melodious Portuguese. She was given an examination onboard the object and shown some type of control room. She then experienced another lapse of memory and then found herself sitting on a pile of rocks back on the beach.

HC addition # 1642
Source: A J Gevaerd & Wendelle C Stevens
UFO Abductions at Maringa
Type: G

Location. Krisitnehamn Varmland Sweden
Date: October 1956
Time: midnight
Lyyli Nilsson was going home and had come a few blocks from her flat when somebody spoke to her, looking up into one of the lime trees besides the street she saw two persons sitting there. There was a 15-minute conversation in Swedish between her and the persons, during which they said they were unable to come down into the street because they had different “clothing” and could be detected. They claimed to have recognized the witness and they gave her advise about her future. Finally they offered her a ride in a saucer, but she turned around and ran away. Looking back she noticed a bell shaped object hovering above the tree where the men where.

HC addition # 2522
Source: Seven Olof Svensson
Type: C

Location. Mitchel Air Force Base New York
Date: Winter 1956
Time: 0100A
Two hours after about 15 military personnel witnesses several luminous disc shaped objects cavorting over the area and the being chased away by jet fighters, two of the men were patrolling the grounds where some of the aircraft hangars were located when they noticed the figure of a man walk quickly and disappear towards the nearby fire drill hangar. Suddenly the whole are near the hangar lit up and an object shaped like a disc became visible on the ground. The object became brighter and began changing colors, it then lifted slowly and silently, and it hovered briefly then shot away at tremendous speed.

HC addition # 1064
Source: Robert D. Barry, Saga UFO Annual 1975
Type: C

Location. Shefford Bedfordshire England
Date: November 1956
Time: unknown
An undocumented report of a man encountering and communicating with an entity from a landed UFO. No other details are given.

HC addition # 1805
Source: Janet & Colin Wilson, Modern Mysteries of Britain
Type: B?

Location. Glen Cove, Maine
Date: November 1956
Time: 0100A
It was night when Peter Hurkos’s wife pointed out a “ball in the sky”. Hurkos admitted that he had dismissed it initially as just the moon, until he realized that it was moving. About 0100A they had retired, and then suddenly about an hour later he awoke, walked to the ocean, and a short distance away, out across the water, Hurkos said he saw a transparent object that contained three small figures staring at him. At the time of the sighting it had been high tide. The next day during low tide, Puharich and Hurkos returned to the site and according to Hurkos, there was a burned circle measuring about 30 ft in diameter on the now exposed rocks.

HC addendum
Source: B. Ann Slate Saga UFO Report, winter 1975.
Type: A
Comments: Hurkos is of course the famed psychic.

Location. Mt. Pocono Pennsylvania
Date: November 1956
Time: night
Out walking on a moonlight night, Joe Bozak encountered 2 greenish luminous individuals standing 18 inches above the ground. “We were waiting—we knew you would come,” one said. Then a flat greenish glow perhaps 40 ft across drifted above the trees. Some of the greenish “fire” got on his right arm, where it destroyed the sweater sleeve. Bozak panicked and ran home.

Humcat 1956-10
Source: Long John Nebel Radio Show in WOR
Type: C

Location. Pensacola, Florida
Date: November 1956
Time: late night
While asleep, the 4-year old witness (involved in other encounters) would hear a deep or low-pitched electronic beep in his head. This would cause his consciousness to click on. In a sort of altered state the witness would get up, get dressed and leave the house. He walked to the nearby cemetery where there was a landed silvery disc-shaped craft. He was then greeted by the blond man and woman in metallic coveralls beside the craft, which had a ramp extended to the ground. He then accompanied them inside. There were two pilots in the saucer in addition to the man and woman. On this visit he became familiar with the UFOs “floor viewer”. The floor viewer was something that he could not describe. One moment, the floor would be its normal metal and the next, you could see through the floor in the middle of the craft. From the cemetery location they took off straight up and the witness would watch the ground getting smaller and smaller. He recalled several of these “familiarization” flights during that period.

HC addendum
Source: UFOs in the Gulf Breeze-Pensacola Area:
Contact Since 1955
Type: G

Location. Derry New Hampshire
Date: November 15 1956
Time: 1100A
While out gathering Christmas greens, A G Horne looked up & saw beside him a green dwarf only 2 ft tall, with a high domed head, floppy ears, and a face like a bloodhound, except for the filmed, lidless eyes, which resembled those of a snake. He had short arms & legs and “stumpy” hands & feet. He seemed to wear no clothing; the skin in folds like an elephant’s. Horne watched him for several minutes, and then moved toward him; “he started for me with a kind of screeching sound, and I left there.” (The witness has also seen a flight of small discs at close hand.)

Humcat 1956-13
Source: Walter Webb
Type: E

Location. Parma Ohio
Date: November 16 1956
Time: night
A woman and her 2 children, aged 10 & 15, observed a disc hovering over their front yard in the middle of the night. Three small figures were visible, apparently moving around the craft on the ground. No other information.

Humcat 1956-11
Source: J R Reiss Nicap
Type: C

Location. Near San Lorenzo Argentina
Date: November 25 1956
Time: midnight
A witness staying in her summer home watched a strange object hover briefly over a nearby field then descend and land on a clearing near a river. The object was circular with a small dome on top and one on the bottom. From a slit like opening it emitted foggy discharges. A hatch was opened and a powerful light shone from inside illuminating the landscape like daytime. At one point several brown colored figures were seen moving on top of the object. Moments later it rose vertically and quickly disappeared from sight. It was raining heavily throughout the encounter and a slight hum was heard while the craft was in sight.

HC addition # 1161
Source: Hector P Anganuzzi, Historia De Los Platos
Voladores en La Argentina
Type: C

Location. Biggelswade England
Date: November 28 1956
Time: night
A strange customer in his shop, with a very high forehead, told John Whitworth that he could see a flying saucer if he would go to a certain spot on November 28. Whitworth went and did see hovering an object like a humming top, with lighted portholes. Just one year later the visitor returned & told him he would have a contact this time, at another spot. Whitworth went with a crowd of others, including a BBC recording van, & was disappointed. Later a telephone call, “in an unearthly voice” reproached him from bringing the others.

Humcat 1956-12
Source: FSR Vol. 4 # 3
Type: D

Location. Conashaugh Pennsylvania
Date: December 17 1956
Time: 2100
Mrs Marie Carow went out after dark with a 5-cell flashlight, and discovered 2 little men, 3.6, and 3 ft tall, standing motionless on her back lawn. Both wore helmets and snug fitting suits of glistening silvery material, and were of fair complexion; the shorter one was stocky, the taller one slender. Mrs Carow played the beam on them for about 3 minutes, then ran back to tell her husband. When she went out again 15 minutes later, they were gone.

Humcat 1956-14
Source: J E Myer & Dr Berthold Schwarz
Type: E

Location. Near Hughenden Queensland Australia
Date: late 1956
Time: afternoon
A young girl was crossing a paddock on her farm when she felt a strange force upon her and heard a soft hum. She felt being lifted off the ground and then fainted. Later she awoke to find herself in a strange large room accompanied by two men wearing silver white ski suits. The men did not communicate with her. The room had a colored galaxy display on the wall. She also noticed an arched doorway leading into a corridor and also what appeared to be porthole like windows along the wall. She then felt an enormous pressure and lost consciousness. She then found herself back in the farm at a different paddock. A huge saucer shaped object hovered above her, the craft ascended rapidly towards the west and vanished.

HC addition # 2018
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: G

Total Cases: 87

Addendums to be included as they become available.

Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

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