1986 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net
1986 Humanoid Reports. “A touch of Gray”
HIS: High Strangeness Index
ROS: Reliability of Source
By far this year was the low point of the 80’s decade as far as humanoid or entity encounters went. Some very unusual cases were reported, especially from Argentina, Brazil, and a couple from California. Abductions and missing time seemed to be at their height. Towards the end of the year, the slow down was in full swing. December did brought forth an interesting and implausible contact story from Mexico and another bizarre encounter from Argentina and another from Russia but they were few and far between.
Below the known 1986 cases.
Location. Near Padova Italy
Date: 1986
Time: various
A strange creature, described as reptilian in appearance was seen by independent witnesses in the region. It was said to have been tall, greenish and with red luminous eyes. No other information.
HC addition # 3815
Source: Prof. Sebastiano De Gennaro, USAC
Type: E Encounter with isolated humanoid entity.
HSI: “7”
Reliability of Source: “7”
Comments: Report of reptilian type entity. There has been quite a few numbers of such reports in Italy. Need more information on this particular case.
Location. Krasnodar, Russia
Date: 1986
Time: various
The young female witness, Galina, had been unable to become pregnant and was very close to committing suicide. As she sat in her bathroom preparing a blade, a strange voice in her head told Galina: ” What are you going to do? A brilliant future awaits you, you will have a son. Believe me and change your mind.” Her first reaction was that she had been contacted b a spirit, but the voice then told her that he was a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization (planet and constellation name was given but this information was not recorded). From that time on, this alien “guardian” accompanied her all the time, in all situations and places. Later on she was able to physically see the alien. He was tall, 2.2 to 2.30 meters in height, eyes bigger than humans, slightly slanted; the arcs over the eyes were distinctly marked; eyelids were present. She saw neither eyebrows nor eyelashes. The head was covered with some type of white headgear. The skin was very white, resembling sour cream and covered by transparent hair follicles. He wore a white satin sleeveless jacket, very tight-fitting, with embroidery and a large shiny buckle. His countenance was striking. He showed a lot of nobility and sensitivity. He had large irises, large white pupils with a black center. The nose was not visible; he wore something resembling a respirator or mask made out of a white material. The face was more elongated than humans. The mouth was slightly visible through the mask; it was slit-like, like a fish. The hands were gray in color with very long fingers. (5 on each hand). Galina asked him once if his race was the only one present on Earth. The answer was a resounding no, that there were many other races present and there were many who wanted to control human affairs. His race had been visiting earth for six years. He also said that not all races were warm-blooded, that some were cold-blooded, or reptilian in nature. He also mentioned a fierce and aggressive race, of huge alien men, 4.5 to 5 meters in height, with red skin and cyclopean in nature. The contacts continued and additional data was obtained; he mentioned that they could not interfere in human affairs unless requested by the humans. A picture of the alien’s home was shown to Galina. It was a cozy home with sharp pointed roofs, clear front garden, with numerous trees containing lilac-like flowers. In 1989 she received information that her guardian had returned to his planet that his watch was over.
HC addendum
Source: Elena E Ustinova, N Prostosova, and Anton Anfalov
Type: E Direct interference and intervention by humanoid entity on human affairs.
HSI: “10”
ROS: “9”
Comments: Very intriguing case, a sort of “guardian angel” type entity actually assisting a human. We must hope there are such entities in the Universe that care about human needs and problems.
Location. Lee County South Carolina
Date: 1986
Time: unknown
George Plyler saw a bluish gray humanoid prowling around a wooded area. No other information.
HC addition # 2930
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate November 1989
Type: E Encounter with isolated humanoid report.
HSI: “4”
ROS: “10”
Comments: Would need more information on this case. I can recall a case of a similar entity in Wisconsin in 2001.
Location. Near Mingus Mountain Arizona
Date: 1986
Time: unknown
A motorist passing by the summit of the mountain noticed some bright flashes of light on a side canyon. He stopped and left the car and proceeded to investigate. There he came upon a landed disc shaped object on the side of the canyon. Three humanoids were walking around the craft. One of the humanoids raised his hand in a gesture of greeting; at this point the witness ran back to his vehicle and sped away. The disc then followed him briefly, positioning itself in front of him, and then it departed at high speed.
HC addition # 555
Source: Tom Dongo, Alien Tide
Type: C
High Strangeness Index: 6
Source Reliability: 7
Comments: There is no more detailed description of the humanoids from the source. I must stress to all researchers that the description of the humanoid is imperative every minute detail should be taken into account.
Location. Cayey Puerto Rico
Date: 1986
Time: unknown
The main witness and her son heard the sound of water running outside. The son went outside to investigate and then shouted at her. He had seen a short white entity holding the water hose from which the water was running. As he watched the little being floated away and vanished. The main witness wasn’t wearing her glasses and only saw a blurred white object.
HC addition # 1675
Source: Karla Turner PhD, “Taken”
Type: E
Location. Paraipaba, Brazil
Date: 1986
Time: unknown
A tall heavyset humanoid wearing a dark, tight fitting suit was seen entering a bullet shaped object on the ground. It then took off. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: B
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: More information is essential on this case.
Location. Hudson Valley New York
Date: 1986
Time: 0200A
Several days after seeing a huge boomerang shaped craft hovering over a field, the 16-year old witness was home sleeping when he suddenly woke up. He then noticed a 4-foot tall very slender figure standing in his room. He couldn’t make out any features. There was also a bright light directly outside his room. He was completely paralyzed and naked, his body was suspended a few feet above the bed. He tried to scream but could not. The next thing that happened was that the figure walked to the side of the bed and the witness felt something very cold and extremely sharp enter his back, pushing its way into the spine. He felt no pain. The figure then walked back to the foot of the bed. There was a flash of light and it disappeared.
HC addition # 3487
Source: CAUS
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Among the many high strangeness reports from the area that reportedly occurred in the 80’s and early 90’s.
Location. Ulyanovsk Russia
Date: 1986
Time: morning
The witness was alone at home getting ready to go to work when someone rang his doorbell; he opened the door and was confronted by a seven-foot tall man, wearing a silver coverall and large boots. In a low gruff voice, the intruder told the witness that he was an “alien” and needed food. The witness gave him some groceries. The man left on foot carrying the items wrapped in old newspapers. The witness proceeded to his job but felt an urge to return home early, upon doing so he found his pantry ransacked, all the food items missing.
HC addition # 578
Source: Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of The Soviet Union
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: A tall humanoid asking for food? Very incredible indeed, 1986 was the beginning of an era of high strangeness reports from Russia that peaked in 1990. The weirder tales were yet to come.
Location. Near La Jolla California
Date: 1986
Time: evening
The witness, who at the time was wheelchair bound was resting alone in a beach near la Jolla when out of nowhere a large 100-foot long torpedo shaped craft approached and began hovering above him. The witness entered into a light trance and was somehow lifted into the hovering craft. He was then examined by several small humanoids with large heads and huge slanted eyes. He felt no fear. Later he found himself seated inside his van, his wheelchair neatly tucked away in the back. Incredibly, over the next few weeks his condition began to reverse itself until he was finally able to walk again with the help of a cane.
HC addition # 1857
Source: Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger
The Rainbow Conspiracy
Type: G
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: Apparent but unconfirmed report of extremely positive effects on the witness after the alleged abduction. It must be noted that the aliens were of the small bigheaded variety.
Location. Worsley, Manchester, England
Date: 1986
Time: evening
The main witness and a friend were standing in the backyard when all of the sudden a large round glowing red object descended overhead. His friend ran into the house frightened. The object hovered about 100 ft above the house emitting a slight humming sound. Through some large lighted portholes the main witness saw several tall thin man like figures looking out. These were described as having blond hair and wearing some kind of blue uniforms.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Sightings in the UK
Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Possible Nordic humanoid sighting, there doesn’t appeared to have been abduction in this case.
Location. Brooklands England
Date: 1986
Time: evening
The 17-year-old witness was walking along a wooded path near the local technical college. He had walked a 3rd of the way along the path, when he decided to relieve himself against a tree. As he did so he looked back and saw someone coming from over the brow of the hill but continued on. He looked back again and noticed the figure had gained some 30 odd yards. He thought it must have been someone on a bike to travel that distance so quickly. He took one more glance and noticed that the figure had gained a lot of ground again. Still thinking that it was someone on a bike he walked back to the path and was confronted by a figure at least 8 ft tall, wearing a black Hessian style cloak with a hood over the face. The cloak reached the floor and was hung over the body in a triangular shaped fashion. It was now motionless as it stood 10 yards from the witness. The witness found himself almost drawn to it and took one step forward. He faced the figure for a few minutes; he then came to his senses turned around and gingerly jogged away without looking back.
HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times
Type: E
Location. Fazenda Nossa Senhora de Gloria, Brazil
Date: 1986
Time: 1800
Jose Maria Resende had gone to a field in order to round up some of the farm animals when he noticed that the animals were in an extremely agitated state. Suddenly he saw a strange creature about 1.50meters in height, with yellow eyes, long hair, and large pointy ears and a snout-like nose. The humanoid wore a tight-fitting brown suit and boots of the same color. The creature pointed an object at Resende that apparently paralyzed him. The creature then began to gesticulate and to speak in an unknown language. After about 15 minutes of speaking incomprehensible words, it walked back into the brush and disappeared from sight. Soon after that Resende was able to move again. Around the same time at Joao Del Rei, a short man like figure was seen near a military installation.
HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia Type: E
Location. Piura, Peru
Date: 1986
Time: evening
The 8-year old witness, Renzo, was out playing in some woods when saw, not to far away a short hair covered creature wearing what appeared to be some type of helmet on his head. The creature moved in a strange sideways fashion and quickly entered a landed metallic diamond shaped craft that had been partially concealed by some brush. The craft remained on the ground for about 3 minutes and then lifted up and flew slowly above the trees. It emitted a very low buzzing sound. It quickly disappeared from view into the distance.
HC addendum
Source: Direct From witness
Type: B
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: Report of hairy helmeted humanoid entering landed UFO.
Location. Corona California
Date: 1986
Time: night
The witness saw several small beings that came to her bedside. They seemed to glide and move in graceful leaps. They had round eyes, no hair and were about four-feet tall with wrinkled foreheads. Another curious detail is that she noticed tiny sharp teeth in their mouths. No other information.
HC addition # 3839
Source: Abductee Anonymous
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: Even though is not very common reports of little humanoids with sharp protruding teeth have been reported before. I can recall one case from Puerto Rico I believe involving an abduction.
Location. Pinellas County Florida
Date: 1986
Time: night
The witness was reading in bed when suddenly the bulb in his lamp began to dim. Thinking it was a bad bulb he turned it off and went to sleep. Still awake he then heard a noise in the kitchen. Upon investigating he found, much to his surprise, that the kitchen window above the sink was completely gone, even the blinds were missing. Only the window frame remained. Suddenly a small gray figure with a large head began climbing through the window. The witness ran to the front door and looked through the front screen door to see another short gray being standing there, he appeared to be guarding the door, standing there with his hands behind his back. The witness slammed the door and turned around looking for the other creature. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain behind his left ear and then blacked out. He woke up in his bed, lying on his left side and looking directly at a 3-foot tall white colored being. It had a large head with large coal black oval shaped eyes, no ears were visible, a small nose and a slit for a mouth. The being had a rectangular device on its chest with what appeared to be pockets and buttons on it. The witness sensed that this being was a female. He then attempted to kick at the creature but was unable to move, he also attempted to grab a knife from the night stand but was not able to either, as he was attempting to do it, everything went dark. Later he woke up and the beings were gone. All his electrical appliances were flashing, apparently due to a power failure.
HC addition # 2281
Source: Florida Mufon News, Vol. 3 # 3
Type: E
Location. Sao Joao Del Rei, Brazil
Date: 1986
Time: night
Soldier Ivanir Siqueira was patrolling the campgrounds, when at a secluded spot he noticed a crouching figure. Approaching it, the figure suddenly rose up to a height of 1.30meters in height. The humanoid had a relatively large head, a normal face and was wearing a transparent outfit and a close-fitting helmet. Terrified, Siqueira pointed his rifle at the creature, but suddenly the small humanoid stared fixedly at him and smiled. The witness then perceived that the visitor was friendly and meant no harm. He quickly walked away from the area and did not see the creature depart.
HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Type: E
Location. Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada
Date: 1986
Time: night
8-year old Karine suddenly woke up and it was dark and the house seemed very quiet. She heard the sounds of spiked heels coming from the kitchen, heading towards her bedroom. She tried to scream for help but no sound came from her mouth. She then saw a strange being, green in color, surrounded by an aura, apparently the shape of a man. The humanoid was about 5 ft tall, unclothed, and apparently having no sexual organs. His head was like a cone with a wide forehead. He had large eyes close to a small nose and a small mouth. He glided towards the witness and stopped about 5 ft from the bed. He looked at the witness and his lips started moving as if he was talking, but there was absolutely no sound. The figure suddenly left the room.
HC addendum
Source: GREPI
Type: E
Location. Ferland Park, Quebec Canada
Date: 1986
Time: 2100
Approximately 10 individuals were inside a local bar, including the main witness (the waitress) when suddenly 2 persons dressed in black walked in. They were both 6 ft tall, of athletic built, wearing similar shoes. Their apparels were made of a superior material with very discrete lines of about 1/8 of an inch running down their clothes. They looked very much alike, like twin brothers. They sat at a table 20 ft away from the witnesses, asked for water, and stared at the group. They seemed to want to communicate to one of the witnesses (the waitress) that claim she used telepathy to ask them to leave her alone. After about 10 minutes the two strangers apparently left, however no one in the bar could recall seeing them leave.
HC addendum
Source: GREPI
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Reports of supposed aliens visiting bars has been reported numerous times.
Location. Hamakua Coast, Oahu, Hawaii
Date: 1986
Time: late night
A local elderly resident, Mrs. Gomes that lived near a place called “Menehune Bridge” reported hearing chanting coming from outside her home. Going out she reportedly encountered several little men about 3 ft tall, wearing cloaks that glowed in the dark. The men had thick beards and the women long, beautiful black hair. Their bodies are perfectly formed. She reportedly gave the little people cookies. (These little men are reputed to have been the mythic “Menehune” of ancient Hawaiian tradition).
HC addendum
Source: Hawaii Folklore & Legends
Type: E
Location. Mafra, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Date: 1986
Time: 2200
After hearing undefined noises coming from outside in the front yard, a family of three including a 5-year old girl opened the door to see a terrifying sight. Her mother opened the wooden door and her father armed with a piece of wood peaked outside to see a bizarre creature standing no more than 4 meters from the front door. After seeing the look of terror on her parents the little girl ran to the door and also saw the creature, which years later she described as about 2.80m in height, man-shaped, with a pair of huge wings covering its back, shiny black in color. It had large pointed ears, and brilliant red triangular shaped eyes. It carried in one hand an object resembling a “trident”. The little girl does not remember seeing a mouth or nose. The little girl screamed and the terrifying humanoid stared at her. Her mother then pulled her back from the door, not before she saw her stepfather fling the piece of wood at the creature, but before it reached the figure the piece of wood vanished in plain sight. The creature remained immobile. It then suddenly pulled what appeared to be some kind of cape over its body emitting something that the witness could now only describe as a “magnetic field” and vanished in front of the terrified family. They never spoke about the matter and her mother always prohibited any discussion about the encounter. Strangely soon after the encounter, her mother developed a fulminating type of cancer, which killed her in a very short time.
HC addendum
Source: Portal UFO Genesis, Brazil (Relatos)
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: The young witness thinks that there was somehow a connection with the encounter and her mother’s untimely death.
Location. Paris, France
Date: January 1986
Time: 0300A
Michel L (involved in previous sightings) living in the banks of River Seine suddenly awoke to see a winged man like figure hovering in the bedroom. The figure was slightly phosphorescent in color, and milky white in appearance. The strange figure was moving its wings slowly, making a slight shuffling noise. Its head was covered with a cap that covered its ears; it wore a loose fitting white gown and sandals. The facial features were not discernable. The strange figure takes some steps towards the witness bed and stops, recoiling its wings under the shoulders. It then suddenly rises up in an angle and disappears towards an open window.
HC addendum
Source: Godelieve Van Overmeire
Type: E
Location. Moorhead Minnesota
Date: January 1986
Time: night
A freshman from Concordia College was at the girl’s dorm getting ready for a date that night, when she felt someone pinching her elastic waistband of her panties. A cold finger snapped the waistband far back and let go. Looking at the mirror she was stunned to see a hooded and caped figure behind her. The hood shadowed much of his face, but it revealed a gaunt dark green reptilian chin and a thin lipless mouth. The black cape hid much of his body, showing only a glimpse of a scaly chest. Angry, thinking that it was a prank, she turned around to slap the intruder, but the bizarre figure had vanished in plain sight.
HC addition # 3548
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 2
Type: E
Location. Mokotow Poland
Date: January 15 1986
Time: 1900
The witness was walking back home on Wiktorska street when she saw a dull metallic bowl shaped object descend and land on a vacant field between two buildings. Moments later a hatch slid open on the top of the object and a woman dressed in black came out. Apparently the woman took mental control of the witness and took him inside the object. Inside it was very bright and he saw two men wearing dark tight-fitting overalls with hoods. He was ordered to lie down and at that moment he lost consciousness. Later he woke up standing at the door of his house.
HC addition # 952
Source: UFONS # 209
Type: G
Location. Manila, Philippines
Date: February 1986
Time: daytime
A full convoy of tanks had been sent to Manila by the late dictator Marcos in order to quell the ever-increasing public demonstrations against his regime. This tanks wee manned by hard-core militant soldiers. As the tanks came upon the civilians, many of them lying down in the streets in front of the tanks, Marcos gave the order to fire on the people. As the tanks attempted to penetrate the crowds many of who were praying and showing their rosaries, the marines riding on top of the forward tanks saw what appeared to be a cross form in the sky, but this sign apparently did not deterred them since they continued to press on. Suddenly a beautiful woman appeared in front of the tanks and soldiers. The woman was dressed in blue and had sparkling beautiful eyes. She then spoke to the soldiers. “Dear soldiers, stop! Do not proceed, Do not harm my children.” Upon hearing those words the stunned soldiers put down their weapons. They came down from the tanks and joined the throngs of people. The enigmatic woman in blue had disappeared; many claimed it had been the Virgin Mary.
HC addendum
Source: Cardinal Sin, Manila
Type: E or F?
Location. Kitley Woods, Indiana
Date: February 1986
Time: night
Her eldest son who had been frightened by a light in his room awakened Debbie Tomey. A few minutes later, she clearly saw a gray skinned being walk through the hall past her bedroom door, from the direction of her son’s room.
HC addendum
Source: Budd Hopkins
Type: E
Location. Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi Mexico
Date: February 12 1986
Time: afternoon
Several students at the local primary school “Tierra y Libertad” saw an extraordinary bright light descend from the sky and land or hover on top of an electric transformer box about 50 meters away. Several students among them, 10-year old Teresa Mayola, observed three short luminous figures detach themselves from the light and float over to some nearby roofs, and then descend to the schoolyard. The figures were described as luminous, about 1.20 meters in height, with large pointy ears. Their faces were covered by a strange fuzzy growth. One of the creatures reportedly entered the school and was apparently chased by some of the students. A teacher reported seeing strange blue lights hovering above the power lines.
HC addendum
Source: Contacto Ovni
Type: B
Location. Rancheria Diez Gutierrez, Mexico
Date: February 15 1986
Time: daytime
13-year old Yolanda Chessani Ferrioli saw a being dressed in a shiny silvery suit and a helmet. The figure stood near an animal pen. She saw the figure about 10 meters in front of her as it suddenly turned around and stared at her. She was able to see that the helmet had a large rectangular glass visor and no facial features could be seen. The being was carrying a silvery metallic rod-like object. The frightened witness ran into her house and locked the door. Another relative reported seeing strange “round clouds” flying over the area that emitted muted thunder-like sounds.
HC addendum
Source: Ramon Manrique
Type: C?
Location. Near Tabossi, Entre Rios, Argentina
Date: Spring 1986
Time: afternoon
Several witnesses onboard a bus were approaching a hill where some high-tension wires were located when they what appeared to be a potential passenger waiting on the side of the road. The witnesses were somewhat surprised to see that the stranger was staring intently at the high-tension wires above him. As the bus drove by slowly he figure took a quickly glance at the passengers, which were able to describe it in more detail. The figure was very short in stature, wearing a shiny silvery outfit with what appeared to be some kind of “cuffs” that covered its arms; it had large staring eyes and a large baldhead. A sensation of fear invaded the conductor and he quickly accelerated away from the area.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso, Argentina
Type: E
Location. Thousand Oaks California
Date: March 1986
Time: unknown
The witness encountered in her living room a short half-solid and half transparent being that radiated sweetness and peace. He stood with his hands folded and was surrounded by a soft bright white glow. He told the witness telepathically that “its time.” No other information.
HC addition # 1299
Source: Carole Alberts, UFO Vol. 3 # 2
Type: E
Location. St. Petersburg Florida
Date: March 15 1986
Time: 2230
The witness was sitting on her couch watching television when suddenly she felt static electricity that made the hairs of her arms and neck stand up. She then felt something besides her. Looking, she saw a human like figure apparently made out of light or energy. You could see right through the figure, and bone like structures were visible. The being spoke something that the witness was not able to understand. It sounded like a phonograph record being played to fast. 10 minutes passed that seemed only seconds for the witness. Afraid she took her two boys and left the house.
HC addition # 3572
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Santa Ana Corrientes Argentina
Date: March 21 1986
Time: 0100A
A farmer reported seeing an object with brilliant lights descend and land slowly near him. Two short humanoids wearing black tight fitting outfits emerged from the object. These approached the witness; signaled to him, then spoke in an unknown language. The beings left when the witness told them he could not understand them. A six-meter circle of burned grass was found on the site and the witness suffered from headaches after the incident.
HC addition # 926
Source: UFO Data Base
Type: B
Location. Near Teocaltiche Mexico
Date: March 22 1986
Time: after dusk
A local peasant couple living with their cancer stricken 6-year old daughter were startled when a seven-foot tall human like figure wearing a glistening suit walked into their tiny hut. The being hesitated then pointed a paralyzing beam of greenish-blue light that seemed to emanate from the palm of his hand. The couple could not move as they watched the tall figure carry their daughter and gently placing her on the kitchen table. For two hours the being spoke to the little girl in a strange language then placed two glowing metal tubes next to her temples. Five minutes later he removed them and the girl jumped up apparently cured. The being then departed in a black bullet-shaped craft that had landed next to the witness house.
HC addition # 1378
Source: Lillian Crowner Desguin, UFOs Fact or Fiction
Type: C
Location. Benaguacil Spain
Date: April 1986
Time: 1500
The witness was rummaging through an abandoned house near his property looking for discarded nails and wood. Soon a strange sound that appeared to be coming from the upstairs room caught his attention. The sound resembled two feet dragging themselves on the floor. For a minute he thought it could had been a burglar. Concerned he stood by the front door and waited as the sound continued upstairs. Suddenly it all became very quiet and the sounds stopped. But soon the dragging footsteps continued, but this time they seemed to be coming down the steps of the nearby stairwell. Thin drapes covered the entrance from the stairwell and the area where the witness waited intrigued, suddenly this were parted and the witness was horrified to see a creature over 2 meters in height, wearing a long white cape. It had large bright red penetrating eyes and more incredibly, gnarled goat like feet. Petrified the witness was unable to move, but as the creature extended a large claw-like hand towards him, the witness slammed the door and ran quickly away from the area, never again returning to the abandoned house.
HC addendum
Source: Bitacora
Type: E
Location. Brownsville, Texas
Date: April 1986
Time: 2215
Two witnesses driving back home after dropping off a friend spotted what appeared to be a bright star approaching their vehicle. They stopped at an intersection to watch and noticed another man in a station wagon doing the same thing. As the object came closer they could make out a saucer shaped craft. The object hovered over the vehicle about a 2 story high building. On the lower part of the UFO there was a bright light and it was surrounded by what seemed about a ten-foot section area, which all of a sudden started emitting multicolored lights. It seemed as if there was a pattern to the lights as they went in different directions. Above the area where the lights were being emitted there were what seemed to be glass windows and the witnesses could make out figures moving inside. The figures were human shaped except that they had very long and thin arms. Frightened the witnesses drove away and the UFO followed them for what seemed to be about five to ten minutes. As they approached the city lights the object suddenly took off in the opposite direction. Looking back the witnesses spotted three military helicopters headed toward the general area where the UFO had gone.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A
Location. Kitley Woods, Indiana
Date: April 1986
Time: night
Debbie Tomey was again abducted from her home at night. She was again shown her “daughter” along with a pitifully small, pale infant. The entities conveyed to her that these were the oldest & youngest of her nine hybrid children. She was then told that the purpose of the meeting was for her to hold and love the infant so that they could observe and could learn to do so themselves.
HC addendum
Source: Budd Hopkins
Type: G
Location. Szczecin Poland
Date: April 23 1986
Time: night
The witness encountered two undescribed humanoids in the house and saw a glowing object hovering outside. Time seemed to stand still as the humanoids were present. The witness’s next memory was of being inside the object. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Uforaport Poland
Type: G
Location. Gravina Di Puglia Italy
Date: April 27 1986
Time: 0730
While on a cross-country race, Karate instructor G L and a student noticed two humanoids wearing white coveralls and oval shaped helmets, standing by the road apparently looking at the men. The humanoids were very tall, well over two meters in height. Frightened the witness fled the area and attempted to obtain additional witness. Armed with some cameras they returned with a carload of men, but they failed to find anything. Later G L and his student returned to the site and reported encountering a similar entity that seemed to move in greats strides just above the ground. His student reported seeing an entity that carried in one hand something resembling a black “walking cane.” Later, others reported hearing strange “rustling” noises coming from the woods. The police was notified and ground traces were reportedly found in a clearing.
HC addendum
Source: CISU
Type: E
Location. Near Arias Argentina
Date: May 12 1986
Time: 1015A
The witness was driving on a rural road to a nearby farm field in order to repair a broken down tractor and as he drove by an empty field he noticed an object on the ground, which he first thought was a downed aircraft. He stopped his vehicle and walked towards the object. The witness climbed over a wire fence and saw a truck drive by slowly and the driver looking at the field with a startled expression on his face, he continued on without stopping. He could now see that the object was not an airplane. As he tried to approach the object some type of invisible barrier prevented him to and he became dazed as if in a stupor. He was able to see the object from six meters away. The craft was a shiny smooth metallic oval shaped object with a flange around it and two fin-like protrusions. He could see two transparent windows on the object and inside he could now see six small human-like beings that appeared to be totally human except that their noses were red. Their bodies were completely covered by a reddish coursed hair and they all had shoulder length hair. Their face, hands, and feet appeared hairless. The beings watched the witness intently and appear to communicate among themselves. A similar object then approached at high speed and swooped low over the object on the ground and somehow connected itself to it, both objects then departed at high speed leaving a column of smoke behind and emitting a loud buzzing sound. A burned area of flattened vegetation is found at the site.
HC addition # 302
Source: Ricardo Banchs, Richard Heiden
Type: A
Location. Near Belo Horizonte Brazil
Date: May 15 1986
Time: night
Joaquim, a 70-year old farmer, watched a lighted object hovering about 50 paces away and approximately 15 meters above the ground for about 30 minutes. The object was flashing a beam of light around the terrain, and occasionally on the witness as he stood in a doorway. Due to the brilliance of the light, he shielded his face with his left arm. On one occasion the light struck his right eye, he later lost about 80% of the vision in that eye and his left arm was burned like sunburn. Joaquim heard voices, but couldn’t understand the language. As the object glided away it hit some electric wires and broke one of them.
HC addition # 3419
Source: Mufon UFO Journal, August 1987
Type: F
Location. Santa Rosa, Argentina
Date: May 29 1986
Time: night
Near the center of the city the witness was lying in bed when he heard a loud buzzing sound coming from outside the window. At the same time a powerful light shone through the window. Dogs in the area were barking. As the witness looked outside he saw an object hovering above the treetops near his house. The witness was suddenly confronted by two 8-foot tall beings that were blocking the door. These creatures lacked mouths, nose, or ears. They had dark eyes and long thin hands with three fingers, the middle one being the longest. The beings were making quick gestures and were wearing shiny silvery, close fitting overalls with a wide belt with unknown type of accessories hanging from it. They also wore a necklace with a medallion. These beings then suddenly vanished. The witness then stepped out and saw a ball shaped object moving at high speed towards the south.
HC addition # 244
Source: Fabio Picasso, Strange Magazine # 8
Type: C
“Distant thunder”
Location. Near Colonia Año De Juarez, Mexico
Date: May 30 1986
Time: 2030
Carlos was bicycling back home after visiting family and was using a side road in order to avoid the heavy traffic. Son about 500 meters ahead he noticed what appeared to be two large luminous eyes staring at him. As he approached the eyes the bicycle light turned off and Carlos movements seemed to become lethargic. A short figure with large luminous eyes approached the witness and ordered Carlos to follow him. The figure remained 4 meters ahead of Carlos, who seemed unable to resist and followed the creature to a field were a large lighted object rested on the ground. A ramp descended to the ground and Carlos entered the craft, followed by two more short humanoids. Inside he found himself in a lighted circular area with what appeared to be a square table in the middle of the room. In a corner stood a taller more heavyset figure with large luminous eyes. For some unknown reason, Carlos knew that this creature was the “leader.” He described the figure as having a huge oval shaped hairless head, with large black eyes lacking any pupils. It had two holes for ears, two holes for a nose and a slit like lipless mouth. The head was directly set on its shoulders, lacking a neck and appeared to have a hump on its back. It had dark gray skin, resembling that of an elephant, with long thin arms and legs. A bizarre feature was its hands, which ended in numerous thin filaments resembling roots. No apparent clothing was seen. At this point the witness was very afraid but heard a mental message imploring to be calm, that they did not harm humans. A telepathic conversation ensued in which the humanoid invited the witness to come with them to their place of origin. The witness declined the invitation and was told that they understood his decision. He was then shown on a diffused screen on a wall a dry arid world apparently the humanoid’s point of origin. He was also informed that they could transform their bodies and appearance at will, and was given a brief demonstration. Suddenly the witness was overcome by”darkness” and then passed out. When he woke up he found himself lying on the road next to his bicycle at about 2200. He suffered from severe insomnia for the next two weeks and from terrible nightmares. He found several round red marks around the belly button area and circular marks around his under arms. Later under hypnosis he was able to remember that at one point onboard the craft he was taken into a room where he saw numerous objects resembling telephone booths. He was asked to enter one of them, once inside a bright blue light covered his body. Once outside he looked inside another one of the booths and saw a figure identical in appearance to him. Before leaving he was told by the leader to keep an eye for the sign of their return by being aware of “the sounds of distant thunder.”
Source: Contacto Ovni
Type: G
Location. Conceicao Do Mato Dentro, Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: late May 1986
Time: night
A 22-year old man saw a brightly lit object shaped like a refrigerator land 20 meters away from him. A stairway appeared and a figure began descending the steps. The witness was armed with a 38-caliber revolver and fired twice at the object apparently without affect. He became frightened and ran home.
HC addition # 776
Source: Mufon Journal, unknown #
Type: B
Location. Vallo Di Lauro Aviano Italy
Date: end of May 1986
Time: 2230
Mrs G Menchini was walking to another room in her home when she looked out to see in the nearby forest a strange creature approaching the house. She described the creature as almost 3 meters tall, covered with black hair. It walked on two feet, like a man. When the creature noticed the witness it emitted a loud groaning sound and quickly disappeared into the woods. Later that night, two men, Vittorio Panizzi, & Enrico Preziosi watched a large luminous sphere on the ground, in front of which stood two tall humanoids covered in thick black hair.
HC addendum
Source: Archivio SUF
Type: E & C
Location. Border between England and Wales
Date: Summer 1986
Time: unknown
A man named Marshall spotted a figure leaping-almost gliding over high meadows. The figure was clothed in a black ski-suit and had a notably elongated chin. It bounded rapidly toward the startled Marshall, slapped him then emitting a mighty laugh bounded off into the fields and disappeared.
HC addition # 3246
Source: Jerome Clark, The Unexplained
Type: E
Location. Flat Top Mountain Colorado
Date: Summer 1986
Time: afternoon
At an isolated location three witnesses saw a huge bird-like creature apparently perched on top of a flat hill. They decided to approach to obtain a better look when the creature took off. They described it as bigger that a 747 (!) resembling an intangible shadow. They were able to see it had split feathers on its wings and on its tail, a predatory beak, no eyes were visible. It flew over the valley counterclockwise and then it just vanished. (The legendary Thunderbird?)
HC addition # 3235
Source: Christopher O’Brien, Enter The Valley
Type: E
Location. Asteroussia Mountains Crete, Greece
Date: Summer 1986
Time: afternoon
In a remote area, three young men out hunting saw a giant dark gray winged man-like creature flying towards them at a low altitude, it had bat-like wings with finger like projections, sharp claws and a long beak resembling a cross between a man and a pterodactyl. It quickly left the area.
HC addition # 370
Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Unexplained Mysteries
Of the 20th Century
Type: E
Location. Virginia, exact location not given
Date: Summer 1986
Time: late night
Bobby Suriyathep and his pet dog had been out hunting in the forest and had gone back to the cabin at nightfall. Later that night in a dream like state a blue light carried him up and out the cabin through walls. He was then pulled into a large hovering silvery disc shaped object and onto a cold metal table. Three humanoids stood around him. These were described as 4-feet tall with huge heads, grayish skin, and large black eyes. Using several strange devices the beings probed the witness internally and collected samples. Soon he found himself back in bed awakened by the barking of his dog. He found several sores around his body.
HC addition # 2767
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & The World
Type: G
Location. Metairie, Louisiana
Date: Summer 1986
Time: late night
The witness was asleep when suddenly he woke up, making a weird growling noise and his body shaking. He opened his eyes and saw a figure standing over him, wearing a dark robe and hood. It was standing in front of the window and the light from the streetlight outside seemed to pass right through the being. It had round very large eyes, at least three times larger than normal and they glowed in a black radiance. Its eyes were totally black, but shone bright. The eyes and face had no expression and stared coldly at the witness. The entity never spoke or touched the witness. The witness was partially paralyzed and was struggled the get free. He was finally able to break free and leapt to his feet and threw a punch at the figure, but it had apparently vanished in plain sight.
HC addendum
Source: Paranormal.com
Type: E
Location. Tucson Arizona
Date: early June 1986
Time: 2330
On different occasions the witness awoke with the feeling that some type of evil presence was just outside her bedroom window. It seemed to have complete control over her and the witness was completely unable to move and helpless. She was able to see its shadow on the moonlight against the curtain over the window. It appeared to have a very large cranium, small pointed chin, and skinny neck, thin shoulders and a skinny upper torso.
HC addition # 2154
Source: Letter in Unsolved UFO Sightings, spring 1994
Type: E
Location. Caserta Italy
Date: June 1986
Time: night
A 6-foot tall humanoid figure, covered with long hair, with large bright eyes and large ears was seen in the mountains by several independent witnesses. During the same time low-level flying lights were seen in the same area. No other information.
HC addition # 693
Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Unexplained Mysteries
Of the 20th Century
Type: D
Location. Ochate, Las Hurdes, Spain
Date: June 1986
Time: night
Fernando Gil was standing next to an old abandoned tower staring at the star-filled skies when he began haring footsteps around him that seemed to be circling the area around him. He could not see anything, as he stood paralyzed with fear. Soon a very thin and invisible hand scraped his back several times. He could feel the presence of some sort of being but could not see anybody. He was finally able to move and ran to where some friends were camping. They had not noticed anything strange.
HC addendum
Source: Iker Jimenez, Enigmas Sin Resolver
Type: E?
Location. Jay Florida
Date: June 1986
Time: late night
The main witness was sleeping with her young daughter, who was suffering from an in-operable cancerous brain tumor, in her bedroom when she suddenly awoke to see three cloaked beings that were standing at the foot of their bed, apparently communicating with each other but not with the witness. When the witness attempted to reach over to touch her daughter she realized that she was unable to move. All she could do was move her eyes. The beings then came over to the side of her bed and a very peaceful feeling came over her, the being that was directly opposite to the witness right shoulder bend over and touched her daughter, and everything went quite and the witness memory ended at this point. The next day her daughter experienced a massive nosebleed she apparently expelled a very large blood clot from her nose, almost gagging her. A few months later the witness took her daughter for a new C T scan. Soon she was surprised to learn that her daughter’s tumor was completely gone apparently removed by a laser, according to her doctor (name deleted). Her daughter is now cancer free.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Salerno e Avellino, Italy
Date: June 2 1986
Time: 2230
Witnesses saw a bright sphere land on a nearby field, and two 2-meter tall bald headed figures were then seen walking around it. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: CUN
Type: C
Location. Nego, Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: June 3 1986
Time: night
Paulo Pereira Campos was returning to his home in a rural area when he noticed a luminous yellow oval shaped object approaching in his direction. Accompanied by his two daughters they all ran and hid in a bamboo field. There they watched the object land about 200 meters away. Two short figures emerged from the object and walked around for 15 minutes. They then re-entered the object, which took off and left. Footprints were found at the site.
HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro
Type: B
Location. Gaiole in Chianti, Italy
Date: June 7 1986
Time: night
While collecting mushrooms in a wooded area two men heard a loud sound coming from some nearby bushes. A strange humanoid then came out of the woods; it was described as covered with reddish hair and very large. The men fled the area. Later that night residents in a nearby home heard growling noises coming from the woods and saw a large hairy figure moving about. A third encounter was also reported that same night.
HC addendum
Source: UFO in Visita A Siena, Marco Bianchini, Roberto Cappelli
Type: E
Location. Ancerville, France
Date: June 8 1986
Time: 2325
Two men, accompanied by their pedigree dog were walking along a path near a local canal by the River Marne observed a very tall, over two meters in height, human like figure somewhat feminine in appearance standing about 40 meters away, the dog reacted becoming visibly disturbed. The being was human in appearance and was wearing a white uniform and had long blond shoulder length hair. Its arms appeared normal and seemed to be wearing white boots and a wide belt. It was totally silent and stood straight up like a statue. Moments later the figure moved rapidly away to the right and seemed to become elevated almost as if it was gliding and disappeared from view.
HC addendum
Source: Robert Robe Regional Catalogue, Groupe 5255
Type: E
Location. Gary, Indiana
Date: June 15 1986
Time: 0300A
The witness was alone sleeping in bed when suddenly he was awake. Standing in his view was a 3 ft tall creature of a smooth white color with huge bug-like eyes. He could not see a mouth, without any hair or ears and there was a hump where a nose should had been. The terrified witness attempted to strike the creature with the pillow but it went right through it. The witness then watched the creature slowly turn its head and looked directly at him. At this point he heard something in his find mind say: “Why are you trying to hurt me?” The creature then faded slowly away and disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Barrio Don Bosco, Santa Fe Argentina
Date: June 18 1986
Time: 1830
9-year old Juan Ignacio Pucheta was playing outside when he saw on a nearby empty field a short greenish figure holding what appeared to be a silver colored staff. The humanoid’s face appeared aged and wrinkled. He wore what appeared to be a gold colored belt. The witness remained still and watched the half-meter tall figure move the silvery staff around. He then noticed that further down on the field there were additional figures. When the little man looked at Juan, he ran away from the area. Later on 10-year old Daniel Gomez saw a similar figure in the same field. This figure was wearing greenish clothing and its face was also green. He also wore a gold colored belt and red boots. It seemed to lack a nose. Daniel quickly left the area. Around the same time several children in Coglhan Buenos Aires reported seeing several small greenish figures wearing gold belts in a field.
HC addendum
Source: Liliana Plataneo, ONIFE
Type: E
Location. Atripalada, Aviano, Italy
Date: June 19 1986
Time: night
Witnesses spotted a hairy 2-meter tall figure that was seen entering a wooded area. Soon a lighted object was seen rising into the sky from the woods. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: CUN Italy
Type: E
Location. Hagen Germany
Date: June 16 1986
Time: night
The female witness saw a pale yellow light hovering low over the area. A human like figure wearing a silvery metallic outfit seemed to be clinging to it, under it. The object was about the size of a half-moon. The light disappeared from sight, seemingly becoming smaller.
HC addition # 182
Source: Ulrich Magin
Type: A?
Location. Valdessus France
Date: June 20 1986
Time: 0400A
Cesar Locatelli was driving on a brushy isolated area searching for a swarm of wild bees when he made a turn under some trees and came upon a large transparent brightly lit bluish disc shaped object that was partly resting on top of a large boulder. Inside the object he could clearly see six human-like figures of average height. These figures were wearing white monk like tunics with cowls covering their heads that also hid their faces. They all were standing around an oval shaped table apparently bent over it. The witness attempted to drive away but his engine stalled. At the same time he could her a high-pitched humming sound. He was finally able to start the car and drove away, briefly glancing back at the object. (The witness returned to the site months later and was surprised to see that the large boulder was now gone.)
HC addition # 873
Source: Joel Mesnard, Michael Morel Seythoux, FSR Vol. 37 # 1
Type: A
Location. Guadalajara, Mexico
Date: June 21 1986
Time: 2225
The 38-year old witness was riding his dirt bike through some canyons and was starting to get dark so he decided to head home. As he rode along he felt as he was being watched so he stopped and looked back, he then saw a hovering object very close to the ground. All of the sudden everything around him began to fade away and he found himself inside the ship. He recalled seeing numerous flashing lights and what appeared to be controls. He was then examined by three 6 ft 2 inches tall humanoids. Their skin looked very pale and had very broad chests. Their heads resembled an upside down pear, he could see no mouths but they had large protruding oval shaped eyes. They apparently communicated via telepathy as the witness saw images in his mind. His next memory was of waking up in his bed wearing his dirty clothes. Two black round scars where found on the witness back, one behind each shoulder. He could not account for 20minutes of time.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Watch
Type: G
Location. Mountain Home Idaho
Date: July 1986
Time: 0300A
Jane Derry was sleeping on a couch in her trailer, from her position she was able to see the hallway that led to the children’s bedrooms. She had 4 children. At about 0300A she suddenly woke up and looked towards the hallway. There she saw, standing at one of the bedroom’s doors a glowing man-like figure. He wore a one-piece silvery outfit, and his hair was very long, past his shoulders. She thought in her mind, “what do you want” and the figure turned and smiled at her. He then looked briefly into the children’s room, and then back at the witness then vanished.
HC addition # 2845
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: E
Location. Higganum Massachusetts
Date: July 1986 Time: daytime
Betty Andreasson was lying on a couch at her trailer home reading a bible when she suddenly heard a whirring sound and saw a strange being appear next to the couch. The being was the typical gray with large black slanted eyes and wearing a uniform of some type. At this point she saw her body lying on the couch, she was apparently having an out of body experience at the same time that the being appeared next to her or it was apparently induced by the alien for an unknown purpose. During her OOBE stage the witness underwent a strange experience that involved visions of crystal spheres, the passing of a gigantic bird and seeing a hovering spherical craft.
HC addition # 1346
Source: Richard L Thompson, “Alien Identities”
Type: G or F?
Location. Montechiaro, Asti, Italy
Date: July 1 1986
Time: 0430A
Farmer Francesco Costa had gone into the fields when he encountered a shadow then a being with horns. The being was wearing a red coat, a black hat and a yellow scarf. His wife screamed upon seeing the humanoid. The farmer thinks the being is Satan. The being suddenly disappears, leaving a strong smell of sulfur behind.
HC addendum
Source: Sky Sentinel Magazine # 13
Type: E
Location. Detroit Michigan
Date: July 7 1986
Time: unknown
The witness was taken from his home and into an object. Inside he found himself in a room with two human looking aliens. These two showed him a globe of the earth floating above a table, he then saw something shoot out of space and crash in the “Montana” area. Moments later he sees an object crashing into the New Mexico desert. He was then told “it was one of their craft, that it was a tragedy and that our government was keeping it secret from the people.”
HC addition # 1184
Source: Lane Barnholtz, Connecting Link # 21
Type: G
Location. Bradford England
Date: July 10 1986
Time: afternoon
The witness, apparently a local UFO investigator, was walking down “Sticker Lane” when suddenly everything became very quiet and the people and cars around the area disappeared. A large black shiny car, resembling a Cadillac pulled up next to him and stopped. The window of the car came halfway down and a man inside, that was entirely dressed in black shouted at him “Hey you, forget everything you know about UFO’s” and another warning about meddling with UFO’s. At one point the window came completely down and the witness was able to see another black-garbed man inside and a partition resembling black glass. The car then drove away silently. Moments later all sound returned to the area and the people and traffic reappeared.
HC addition # 1788
Source: Nigel Watson, Portraits of Alien Encounters
Type: E
Location. Rudiano Brescia Italy
Date: July 13 1986
Time: midnight
A laborer walking along an irrigation ditch encountered a strange short humanoid, “the size of a 7 or 8-year old child.” It had a huge baldhead. Once the figure saw him it scampered quickly towards a nearby dull metallic hovering object. The figure jumped into the object through an open hatch. The object then took off at high speed into the sky.
HC addendum
Source: CUN
Type: B
Location. Kemaman Terengganu Malaysia
Date: July 27 1986
Time: 2100
Several witnesses at the local Kerten Airport saw a fiery red sphere; 3-4 ft in diameter descend from the sky and hover low above a large field. A 3-foot tall figure briefly emerged from the object and walked around the area. Minutes later the entity returned to the object which then took off closely followed by a small white sphere. No sound was reported. Footprints were found on the soft sand on the field.
HC addition # 831
Source: L Blundell, FSR Vol. 32 # 3
Type: B
Location. Passa Tempo, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: August 1986
Time: night
Local farmer, Paulo Pereira Campos and his two sons were returning home at night when they saw a large ball of fire fly low over their heads. Terrified they ran to their home nearby, but Campos felt something grab him from behind and pull him. He was able to break free and watched from his house as a large luminous object landed nearby. Moments later two short humanoids exited the object, and walked briefly around it. After a few minutes they went back inside. The craft then took off emitting a loud buzzing sound and illuminating the area with a bright beam of light. Ground traces were found the next day.
HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Type: B
Location. Rovaniemi Lapland Finland
Date: August 1986
Time: night
The witness and a friend watched a large craft illuminated in a yellow glow hovering silently above a nearby field. The craft stayed there for about 15 minutes then left. Later under hypnosis the witness recalled that somehow she was taken into the object and found herself lying on a table. Several short hairless humanoids with gray skin and large eyes stood around looking at her. They all wore tight fitting diver’s suits. The witness was unable to move as the beings communicated with her using telepathy. They used instruments on her that emitted a white beam of light and a bluish violet light. At one point a long needle like device was inserted in her lower abdomen.
HC addition # 969
Source: UFONS # 253
Type: G
Location. Thornlie Western Australia
Date: August 1 1986
Time: 0030A
Several students watched an egg-shaped object land close to them; a dark colored one-meter tall figure was briefly seen outside the object. The object then left at high speed emitting a loud hissing sound. No other information.
HC addition # 986
Source: TUFOIC UFO, Tasmania 1987
Type: C
Location. Calalzo Di Cadore Belluno Italy
Date: August 15 1986
Time: 2300
A man and his wife were sitting near a wooded outside the town when they noticed a bright light coming down from the sky, it soon became a domed disc shaped object bright blue in color. The object landed nearby. The couple then apparently became unconscious and came to 2 hours later and found a dark circular trace on the ground. Later under hypnosis they recalled that two beings came out of the disc and took them onboard apparently using some type of mind control, inside they were given a medical examination. The beings were described as very tall, with oval shaped heads with luminous eyes, pointed ears, and narrow mouths. They wore overalls. Inside multicolored lights illuminated the object.
HC addition # 155
Source: Paolo Fiorino, Gian Paolo Grassimo &
Antonio Chiumento, IUR Vol. 14 # 4
Type: G
Location. Schwerte Germany
Date: late August 1986
Time: 1800
Rolf Kaster was riding his bicycle along a narrow cement lane surrounded by woods, when suddenly he noticed a very tall figure step out from behind some bushes. The figure was that of a slender 4-meter tall female with long limbs, very fair skin, and handsome features. She was wearing a metallic jumpsuit with a hood and boots. Around her neck she wore a choker with a transparent stone. Kaster’s question as to whether she came from the future was answered “no”. In a German dialect, which Kaster had difficulty understanding the lady giant told him that she was from the constellation of Lupus (this is the same area where the alleged UMMO visitors are said to come from) the giant woman then beckoned to the witness to follow her. They entered a small forest and into a clearing, a small cloud floated over them. Suddenly it began to rain in three closely adjacent circular patches then a long iron chain with a pipe on the end was lowered to the ground. The giant female then picked up the witness on her shoulders and mounted the iron pipe. Both were then pulled up. Looking up the witness could now see a large lens-shaped craft. Inside he encountered other giants both men and women and all completely nude. The female giant who brought him inside also undressed. He also noticed a large aquarium on wheels, which contained a grayish green creature shaped like three funnels, it had several short tentacles and also several eyes arranged on a circle. A helmet lined up with a jelly-like substance was placed on the witness head as he sat on a bench. Next to him sat a nude giant wearing a similar helmet. He felt that the helmet was connected to a computer, which apparently gave him an “intelligence test.” The witness also felt that he could communicate by telepathy with the funnel-like creature in the aquarium. The helmet caused extreme pain on the witness paralyzing him. He then passed out. Later he woke up lying on the grass near his bicycle.
HC addition # 887
Source: Illobrand Von Ludwiger, Mufon Symposium
Proceedings 1993
Type: G
Location. Viale, Entre Rios, Argentina
Date: September 1986
Time: afternoon
Independent witnesses reported encountering in a very inaccessible wooded area tall silvery-white garbed thin humanoids wearing large square helmets with opaque visors. One of the witnesses was in a horse and attempted to approach the humanoids but these disappeared quickly into the brush, walking or floating at a very fast rate of speed. They appeared not to be able to bend their knees as they moved. The witness followed the figures but they had vanished into thin air. Around the same time an unknown object or meteor leaving behind a multicolored plume reportedly crashed into the woods.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso, Argentina
Type: D
Location. Near Metcalf Illinois
Date: September 1986
Time: 2030
The main witness heard a strange pounding sound coming from a tin grain bin behind his home. He grabbed his rifle and went out to investigate, he found nothing and returned. Fifteen minutes later the dusk-dawn light strangely came back on, again he grabbed his rifle and proceeded to investigate. He found perched on the shed roof a very strange gray colored creature with a large head, huge eyes, and dangling arms. The creature made a sudden move and the terrified witness aimed his rifle at it. The being then suddenly moved out of sight, the witness fired one shot into the dark and ran back to the house. A later search failed to locate anything.
HC addition # 1847
Source: Francis L Ridge, Regional Encounters The FC Files
Type: E
Location. Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Date: September 13 1986
Time: night
During a rash of UFO sightings in the region Mrs Lourdes Altamirano watched a huge luminous object descend and hover above a large tree. Several gigantic figures descended from the object and inspected the surroundings, at one point apparently intent in opening a large ceramic jar near the witness’s house. She attempted to wake her husband but this one remained asleep. After a while the beings reboarded the object, which took off at high speed.
HC addendum
Source: Contacto Ovni
Type: B
Location. Not given
Date: September 18 1986
Time: night
The witness had gone to visit his grandfather’s grave at the local cemetery when all of the sudden a powerful force pulled him upwards, causing him great difficulty in breathing. He then found himself surrounded by several strange beings described as having huge disfigured heads about the size of a watermelon. They were bald except for one that had brown facial hair from his chin down. They stared at the witness and did not touch him, at least for the time that he remained conscious. They appeared to be naked and were shining a powerful beam of light down on the witness. Later, at 0400A, the witness awoke in the neighbor’s driveway completely nude, there were a few scratches on his body.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Experiencers Support
Type: G
Location. Hughenden Valley, England
Date: late September 1986
Time: late night
Two separate motorists, Mark Nursey, and his girlfriend Allyson Buleptt sighted a bizarre figure standing on the side of the road. The figure seemed to be wearing a green coverall; they could not see any head or hands. It seemed to be stooping down and was about 5 ft 11 inches tall and well built. They drove by and did not stop.
HC addendum
Source: Strange Buckinghamshire
Type: E
Location. Culleredo La Coruna Spain
Date: October 1986
Time: 1900
The witness had gone to a local quarry to try out his just fixed motorcycle and was sitting on a large rock resting. He then saw a large bright light descend and seven orange triangle shaped objects emerged from the light and flew in formation. One of the objects broke formation and descended towards the witness. At this point the witness attempted to start the motorcycle but it would not work. The craft now hovered close to the ground nearby. The witness could see that the object had blunted corners and a large glass panel. A beam of light emerged from the object’s bottom and two beings descended to the ground. One of the beings grabbed the witness and dragged him inside the object. The beings were described as green colored, short with large heads and bright eyes. The witness recalled being stretched out on a platform and looking into a powerful white light. He next woke up lying besides his motorcycle and the object and the beings already gone.
HC addition # 781
Source: J Plana Crivillen CEI Barcelona
FSR Vol. 33 # 3
Type: G
Location. London England
Date: October 1986
Time: night
The witness had numerous visitations late at night in his bedroom by strange little humanoid creatures, bluish in color, which had the ability to walk through doors as if they were not there. In one episode he saw two taller entities more human like in appearance and wearing what appeared to be doctor’s gowns. These seemed to be preparing themselves for surgery. He woke up to see one of the tall beings extracting blood form both his index fingers. They also used a rod with a glass ball on the end to touch his body. It apparently hurt when they did so and kept doing it despite his protests. He finally lost consciousness and woke up later with the entities already gone. He became deeply withdrawn after the incident.
HC addition # 2288
Source: Jenny Randles, Star Children
Type: E or G?
Location. Laguna Curu, Ceara Brazil
Date: October 1986
Time: around 0200A
Antonio Gouveia and his friend Raimundo Sidute were fishing in an isolated lagoon when they noticed an approaching bright light. Terrified they dropped the nets and began running away. Sidute was able to leave the area but Antonio hid in an abandoned shack. He was able to see the light, now clearly a disc shaped object now hovering 10 meters above the ground. The disc projected an intense beam of light towards the ground. An intense heat wave invaded the area. Antonio noticed what appeared to be “filaments” dangling from the object and what appeared to be the letters, I, H and W on inscribed on the hull. The upper half of the object appeared to be transparent and inside he could see two short figures wearing tight fitting suits. He also heard high-pitched child like voices speaking in an unknown language. At 0300A the object departed towards the north.
HC addendum
Source: Pablo Villarrubia Masso
Type: A
Location. Yumale, Riga, Latvia
Date: October 1986
Time: 2200
54-year old Ivar K was returning home from a pub when he noticed about 50 meters ahead of him a man-like silhouette, as he approached the figure he suddenly heard a loud clicking sound. A soft reddish light illuminated everything around him; a circle of light surrounded him and an impenetrable haze also surrounded him. Frightened he broke into a run he remembered falling and being covered with smoke and flames of light, he got up and continued to run. He finally managed to run out of the boundary of the circle and fell into the water at the shore of the sea. The radiance around him disappeared and he shouted and ran to the police station. He was not believed and was temporarily placed in an insane asylum.
HC addendum
Source: Anton “Cade” Belousov
Type: E?
Location. Near London England
Date: October 6 1986
Time: late night
A woman dying of cancer was visited in her bedroom by several short gray skinned humanoids wearing some type of pointed headgear, which lifted her up to the ceiling. She apparently saw visions after that. No other information.
HC addition # 2380
Source: Whitley Strieber, Transformation
Type: E
Location. Alloa, Clacknmannashire, Scotland
Date: October 24 1986
Time: late evening
The witness, John Davidson, was sitting comfortably and alone in his living room, meditating, which was a common thing for John to do. After some minutes, John perceived through closed eyes, a very bright intense white light, the next thing he recalls was finding himself in, what he could only describe as a “flying saucer.” John was then aware of someone standing at his right hand side that was explaining all about the “saucer” and its capabilities. Visually, John described the interior of the object as having a highly polished floor, which in fact he found quite slippery. It was a circular room, roughly 25 to 30 ft in circumference. Around one side of this object, John saw 5 “people” apparently human-like sitting in chairs at control panels, about 5 feet apart from one another. John also noticed that in the center of the room, there was a glass or plastic bubble of which through it he saw lots of machinery. It was pointed out by this “person” on his right, that this was the power source of the object. As far as John can remember the beings resembled humans, however at one point during his time on board the ship, John claims to have seen what he can only describe as a “robot”, of which he only saw the back of it. He then claims to have been shown 4 planets through some of the windows on board the object. Whilst looking at these planets, he saw what looked like a plane, or another unusual flying object move across his line of vision. Minutes later he saw the same or (similar object) return, only this time in the opposite direction and at a further distance. The object also apparently traveled to the “moon” and that it was positioned such that he could see through the observation window “a large crater”. He was very surprised to see that inside the crater he could see what he took to be buildings. He then found himself back in his armchair in the living room of his home. He cannot recall how he got there or how long this episode lasted for.
HC addendum
Source: Malcolm Robinson, SPI UK
Type: G or F?
Location. Palms California
Date: November 1986
Time: 0200A
The witness awoke from what she assumed was a dream, where she had been in a metallic-walled room with several small humanoids that were examining her with various probes. As she opened her eyes she noticed a small humanoid standing on either side of her, withdrawing needles from her arms. The witness yelled and her dog came running into the room and sprang at one of the humanoids, but this one thrust his four fingered hand out at the dog, the dog then retreated whimpering in fear. Every time the witness screamed the other humanoid would place its hand over her head, tranquilizing her. At this point the witness mother entered the room and saw the two humanoids also. These were described as 4-foot tall, with reptilian textured grayish skin and huge heads and large deep-set black almond-shaped eyes that angled upwards. The mother screamed causing the two humanoids to jump back startled and touch a circulating light sphere attached to what seemed to be belts on some kind of uniform they wore. The beings vanished in plain sight and at the same time the power in the house went out. An orange colored oval shaped object was seen hovering silently over the house apparently causing the house to vibrate, it then moved quickly away.
HC addition # 1295
Source: Barry Taff, UFO Vol. 4 # 1
Type: C or E
Location. Yala, Jujuy, Argentina
Date: November 1986
Time: 0300A
A man walking on an empty field watched a bright light descend from the sky and transformed itself into a centaur-like creature, half-human, half animal. It seemed to further change its appearance and it now resembled a “virgin” like apparition standing in profile. The whole vision suddenly disappeared emitting a loud & terrible sound.
HC addendum
Source: Patricio Parente, Gaceta Ovni
Type: E?
Location. Near Sedona Arizona
Date: November 1986
Time: evening
A couple that lived in an isolated area was watching television when they noticed a flashing blue light falling to earth in their property. They thought it was a plane crash and they both rushed to the site. As they neared the place, they came upon a large disc-shaped object on the desert ground. Around the object several small figures with large heads seemed to be collecting ground samples. One of the witnesses uttered a cry that attracted the attention of the little men. The couple then ran as fast as they could and as they attempted to climb above a low hill they were struck in the back by something that knocked them down causing extreme pain. They both lost consciousness. They later came to and found themselves 8 miles from where they had originally been before, with no further memory.
HC addition # 553
Source: Tom Dongo, “Alien Tide”
Type: C or G?
Location. Alberta Canada, exact location not given
Date: November 1986
Time: evening
The witness was sitting at home reading when he suddenly felt a strong atmospheric change in the room. A four and a half foot tall figure then appeared standing in front of her. It was described as clay-colored wearing a dark green robe with a wide black belt worn diagonally across the chest. The witness felt a tremendous love and calm emanating from the figure. She felt a brief telepathic message from the figure before it vanished.
HC addition # 1099
Source: Brad Steiger “The UFO Abductors”
Type: E
Location. Jiangxi Region, China
Date: November 18 1986
Time: night
At a local tree nursery called “Red Flag” an anonymous forest keeper has lost his way deep within the nursery and feels attracted by an unknown force, and walks independently of his will. Arriving at a clearing he is frightened upon seeing a giant “shadow” with a violet light on the top. It turns out to be a gray metallic sphere. With a smooth whistling sound a sliding door opens. The witness is then attracted inside by a luminous beam, which comes from the shadowy area of the sphere. Inside he is confronted by two giant man-like figures, with large heads, no eyes or ears and wearing what appeared to be very tight-fitting black skin suits. He hears both aliens speaking among each other in a “twittering” type of sound. One of them then puts his hand on the witness head and communicates using telepathy. They inform him that they come from the “SPITA” Constellation. They invite him to come and see their planet. The alien then removes his hand. The witness then floats out of the object within the beam of light. When he touches the ground he feels exhausted. Apparently the witness had other contact experiences after this first encounter.
HC addendum
Source: Shi Bo, “L’empire du milieu trouble par les OVNI” in Denys Breysse
Project Becassine
Type: G
Location. Near Michoacan Mexico
Date: November 22 1986
Time: 1800
Several witnesses traveling by truck on the road to Michoacan noticed what they first thought was a luminous cloud flying over the area. But upon closer scrutiny they noticed that it appeared to be a luminous human like figure that seemed to be moving its arms. It flew low, very close to the witnesses that felt some sort of air displacement. The figure emitted a strong golden light and appeared to travel on top of a platform of fire. It was estimated to have been 5 or 6 meters long. A photograph was taken but it came out fuzzy.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso
Type: E
Location. Perm Russia
Date: December 1986
Time: daytime
A local UFO investigator on his way home encountered two strange humanoids in the street. These were about 5-foot tall and had large gray eyes, wore caps and zippered jackets, they also had short gray hair and their hands reached below their knees. They appeared to have several scars on their hands. One of them followed the witness along the street, the witness felt that his mind was being read and felt a mental message telling him to discontinue his research. He was plagued with poltergeist activity after the encounter.
HC addition # 579
Source: Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of The
Soviet Union
Type: E
Location. Near Los Azufres, Michoacan, Mexico
Date: December 1986
Time: late night
Rolando Silva Andrade, an avid hunter, had gone out on a hunt with his brothers in an area known as “El Zacatonal.” That night he was at his usual deer stand waiting for any animal to show up. Soon he saw a deer approach, as the animal approached Rolando shone his spotlight at it, chasing it towards the direction where his brothers waited. As he approached he shut off his light and waited for his brother to shoot. But suddenly a bright light became visible over the nearby trees, curious he walked towards it thinking that it was his brothers, he then noticed several 30 cm light beams that appeared to be suspended in the air. Frightened he turned around and attempted to flee the area, but at that point he apparently lost consciousness. Later he came to, suffering from a loud buzzing sound in his ears, and a feeling of something pressing hard on his forehead (this feeling lasted several days). Feeling very tired he went to sleep at the makeshift hunting camp. The next morning his brothers woke him up and asked him where he had been, and why he did not go look for them, at this point Rolando felt a terrible headache. Later as the headache subsided he began to remember what had transpired. His brothers apparently did not see the lights. He remembered being inside a green colored object that was covered with different geometrical figures, squares, circles, etc. The walls on the object resembled TV screens, He saw several tall blond haired men apparently operating controls inside the object. These men were over 2 meters in height, were thin, and wore tight-fitting metallic outfits. The beings were apparently friendly and communicated with Rolando informing him of the coming Earth changes. According to Rolando his next memory was of lying on the ground. The witness became a changed man; he no longer drinks alcohol, is a vegetarian, and lets his hair grow long. He apparently developed the ability to see into the future also. He also was able to remember several past lives that he had lived including that of a tribal Indian chief.
HC addition # 3788
Source: Rolando Silva and Nacor Reyes, Contacto Ovni # 29
Type: G
Location. Parana Argentina
Date: December 5 1986
Time: 1600
Three children were playing along the banks of a river when suddenly 8 to 10 short gnome like beings appeared. The beings wore different colored clothing and spoke in an incomprehensible language. They appeared to have no feet and floated above the water. The boys began to run away but one of them fell and was left behind. Terrified he threw a stone at one of the beings that was carrying a strange arrow-shaped device. The stone went through the being as if there was nothing there. Moments later a cloud of black foul-smelling smoke appeared, covering the river and the beings completely, then the beings seem to shrink and disappear. The beings were described as mean-looking lacking eyes and noses, sparse hair, claw like hands and two small horns on the head. Strange tracks were later found in the area.
HC addition # 594
Source: Fabio Picasso, Strange Magazine # 11
Type: E
Location. Parana Argentina
Date: December 7 1986
Time: 0130A
During a strong electrical storm in the area, several witnesses saw strange lights near a local river. Several men, including Hector Becerra, 40, responded to the area to investigate. At one point while walking along the side of the river, he noticed two brilliant yellow-red eyes about 5cm in diameter, with a dark point in the center, there appeared to be a short dark figure behind the eyes. That same night another witness had seen a luminous red disc flying low over the river that suddenly vanished in plain sight. Independent witnesses also heard strange noises and murmurings. Strange tracks were found on the muddy ground. On December 8 13-year old Alejandro Almada found a strange lightweight metallic medallion on a long chain. It appeared to have some strange symbols on it, including a face with wings on top of it.
HC addendum
Source: Argentina Misteriosa
Type: D
Total Cases: 95
Addendums to be included as they become available.
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.