2003 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net
With a slow ending to the year 2002 as far as humanoid reports was concerned, 2003 appears to have started off with a slow start, but things promised to pick up later in the year.
Location. Bolam Lake, Northumberland, England
Date: January 2003
Time: after midnight
Three men out in a fishing trip reported encountering a tall dark muscular figure standing on a patch of woods near the lake. The figure was dark, about 8 ft tall, heavy built and it had glowing eyes. Terrified the witnesses ran to their vehicle, which was parked nearby.
HC addendum
Source: Geoff Lincoln, British Hominid Research
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: There are appears to me more frequent reports of Bigfoot or tall hairy creatures from European areas recently.
Location. Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico
Date: early January 2003
Time: 0230A
Delfino Garcia Zarate was at his post as security guard at the Technical Secondary school # 98 Mariano Escobedo and was making the rounds in the patio area when he heard a strong sound resembling a bird moving its wings at a very high rate of speed. Curious he looked up in the direction from which the sound originated and was able to see a hairy man-like figure with two huge dark wings. Terrified he ran into the school and hid in one of the schoolrooms until the morning. Around the same time a woman living in the Unidad Puerta Grande suburb was out in her back patio washing some dishes when she also heard a loud thrashing sound overhead, at first she thought it could had been an eagle and looked up but was surprised to see a hairy man-like figure floating overhead on a pair of huge wings, terrified she also ran into the house. Also around the same time in Cocolapam suburb a man and his son were repairing the TV antenna on their roof when they noticed a winged creature, gray and hairy in appearance that was approaching their location from a northerly direction, the winged humanoid glided on a pair of huge wings and quickly disappeared from sight. Another woman reported being awake around 0300A taking a shower when she looked out the bathroom window in the direction of nearby Cerro De Escamela was surprised to see a huge winged dark creature resembling some type of prehistoric being gliding slowly over the area. Others in nearby Cerro del Borrego have seen a similar winged creature.
HC addendum
Source: El Durmiente de Orizaba, El Hombre Alado
Type: E
Location. Fulton, Missouri
Date: January 4 2003
Time: 0300A
25-year old Bob Simon suddenly woke up as he felt being pulled towards the bedroom window by an unknown intruder. He looked up to see a very tall humanoid, with red eyes, no mouth and a slim gray body. It had huge hands with very long fingers. Regaining his senses, Simon struggled with the alien and managed to grab a small knife by his bed and stab the alien. The alien seemed to have been hurt and relaxed his grip on Simon. There was a sudden blast of bright light and the alien vanished. The witness claims there are scratch marks on his body.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Watch
Type: G Abduction attempt?
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 5
Comments: Was the humanoid really injured by the witness in this alleged incident?
Location. Cincinnati Ohio
Date: January 8 2003
Time: 0230A
A 14-year old boy heard a strange aircraft flying over his house. Very scared, the boy looked out the window, and suddenly he heard a voice in his head. This voice sounded strange and spoke in a language that he didn’t understand. Extremely startled, the boy went back to bed, and again heard the voice. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: F
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: This case appears to have been an attempt to communicate with the witness telepathically by some unknown entities.
Location. Wullagi, Northern Territories, Australia
Date: middle of January 2003
Time: late night
A four-year-old child told her mother that one late night 3 “frogmen” like figures came in through the bedroom window encased in a mist. She could see their large eyes and what appeared to be greenish skin. They poke her arms, legs and belly. She tries to wake her mother that sleeps in the bed with her but is unable to. The dog in the room does not make a sound. The mother reportedly heard noises, in the bushes outside the window and recalled that the night was “unusually” quiet. She was paralyzed and was unable to recall any other details. A scorch mark and burnt foliage was found on the ground in the yard.
HC addendum
Source: Debbie Payne, AUFORN Adelaide Australia
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Possibly an abduction event. Elements of the “Oz factor” are also noted here. It is peculiar that the dog did not stir during the incident.
Location. Jackson, New Jersey
Date: January 15 2003
Time: 2230
The witness was jogging in a field with some of her pets when she noticed a crowd of people in a field. At first she thought that it was a group of young boys playing but his dogs broke loose and ran toward them. She thought it was strange since his pets were usually calmed and gentle. She ran after them and saw them run right through the crowd towards what appeared to be a sort of hovering disc-shaped object. The witness ran up to a 13-year old boy in the crowd and asked him what was going on, his replied was, ” I am not sure”. Suddenly a blinding light flashed as the witness touched the craft. She suddenly woke up, thinking it was a dream feeling a cold sensation on his back. She was lying on some kind of hard table surrounded by strange creatures with large heads shaped like watermelons. Their eyes were like bugs and the skin was grayish green. They had strange utensils or apparatuses that poked the witness causing her skin to burn. She tried to scream but was so terrified that he was unable to utter a sound. About an hour later she was removed from the craft onto the same field, but a different location. She watched the craft as it shot away. It was about midnight. She heard a bark and found one of his dogs, the other one he did not find until a week later.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: The description of the creatures is similar to the case just before in Australia. If true a hypnotic regression is necessary.
Location. Prospect, Connecticut
Date: January 22 2003
Time: 2230
The witness had just finished work and was driving home when he reached an area by a small lake, noticing something walking on the road he put on his high beams. He saw a figure walked out from the side of the road and stopped on the middle of the road for a second. It looked like it was grayish in color and it was walking on two legs. The feet were small with brown/black areas on the side. It wobbled across the road like an ape. When it reached the other side it stopped and looked at the witness waving its skinny arms. There appeared to be lights behind it. The witness described it as about 6 ft tall, with foot long pointy ears, the eyes were dark black, with no apparent nose. It was cold and the witness did not see any “breathe” coming out of its small mouth. The mouth had a red silver strip on top. As the witness drove away he looked back to see the creature standing on the road and the woods behind lit up like daytime.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Encounter with isolated humanoid. In this case we cannot ignore the resemblance of this humanoid to the Chupacabra type creatures.
Location. Alma Center, Wisconsin
Date: January 23 2003
Time: 0620A
The witness was returning home from work on a very cold morning and for the past two nights had been seeing a brightly colored moving object in the western sky. On this date he saw the object closer to him, it appeared and disappeared as it approached the witness. It hovered about 100 ft from the car. The witness exited the car and saw the object, green in color with a large frosted white dome on top. The craft descended to about 20 ft above the ground and the witness could see movement inside the dome shape on top. He saw only vague shapes but something was definitely moving inside. At this point the witness entered his vehicle and drove away at high speed. The object then made a swing above the car and moved off to the east at a high rate of speed.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Interesting and rare recent type A report of apparent humanoids seen onboard the UFO.
Location. Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Date: January 26 2003
Time: late night
Anatoly Yurevich awoke in the middle of the night to the sounds of footsteps, he then saw standing at the side of the bed a very short, 2 ft tall creature, very heavy set, maybe weighing about 250lbs. Meanwhile his dog hid under the blanket shaking with fright. The creature touched the witness knee and then pulled the blanket, it then disappeared in plain sight. After 1-2 minutes the witness perceived a severe pain in his lower abdomen. The dog growled for 20 minutes after the incident. The witness then fell asleep.
HC addendum
Source: RU.UFO Guest book entries
Type: E
Location. Florida, exact location not given
Date: January 27 2003
Time: night
The witness was asleep in bed with her boyfriend when she suddenly awoke and looked at the doorway and noticed two creatures that were “squishy” in appearance. They were dark colored and about three feet tall. By her bedside there was another creature, who was very tall, thin, and large yellow eyes, it was grayish to almost lime-green in color. Terrified she pulled the covers over her head, but suddenly she did not feel afraid anymore. She then felt very confused and does not know if she left her bed, she could not speak. At one point she was lying on her stomach and something was being inserted in her rectum. When her fear returned a creature that was somehow made to appear human comforted her telling her not to be afraid that she would not be hurt. The tall creature seemed very comforting towards the witness; he stood over her, patted her on her head and mentally told her that they were not done. Soon she found herself back on her bed, very scared and confused.
HC addendum
Source: Great Dreams.Com, Stories
Type: G?
Location. Broummana, Lebanon
Date: January 28 2003
Time: 0525A
Nearly before sunrise the witness was in his bedroom when a strange feeling woke him up. He then saw a very strange creature sitting on the border of the bed. He was completely paralyzed, stunned, but with an extremely joyful feeling. The creature has long thin arms and had one of its arms on the witness’s back, looking at him and smiling, with. He had huge eyes and large pointed ears; his body was totally hairless and light brown in color. After 15 minutes the witness attempted to touch the creature but it vanished through the closed balcony door. Now able to move, the witness ran to see if somebody was outside but there wasn’t anyone around. The creature had completely vanished. The witness felt no fear just the joyful feeling.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Tualatin, Oregon
Date: February 2003
Time: night
As the witness boyfriend lay sleeping in bed she got up to use the bathroom. After she left the bathroom she decided to walk out to the living room and have a cigarette before she tried to go back to sleep. The apartment was pitch black. There were no windows except in the bedroom, which was covered with blinds and curtains, and the living room had a sliding glass door to a balcony that was right along side the main door and completely closed up with a drape as well. As she started down the path to the front of the living room she could sense someone walking up behind her. She thought it was her boyfriend and continued down the hall expecting that he was wanted to scare her. After a couple of more steps, she quickly glanced back and was stunned when she didn’t see him behind him, but what appeared to be an outline of a figure with a faint glow around it, she could see the bedroom door behind/through it. She looked straight ahead and continued walking. She was stopped on her tracks as she reached the end of the walkway where it branched to either the entry to the kitchen or the entry to the dining room or straight ahead to the living room. She literally felt as though something was standing in front of her. She was afraid to look up but did glance behind at which time she saw the same outline as before only more defined, there was almost an actual being there though it seemed to glow all around. She quickly turned back toward the living room, as it seemed there was only one presence in front and behind her, but also from the dining room and the kitchen. She was literally trapped by the four separate beings. The more she was feeling and seeing them, the more she could see them take shape. The one behind her seemed to be wearing suspenders and maybe plaid, and was probably no more than 5’7″, but the others seemed quite a bit larger and taller. The whole time that she felt their presence around her she felt a wind moving around at the end of the walkway. There were no windows opened. She could also hear what sounded like unintelligible whispering. During all this she was trying to look away and reach the light on the kitchen entry directly behind her on the hallway wall she was leaning on. She felt as though the presences were forcing her to the floor. She did manage to turn on the light; as soon as she did the room seemed back to normal. It wasn’t cold or windy. Her boyfriend had been sound asleep the whole time.
HC addendum
Source: UFOs About.com Paranormal Stories August
Type: E?
Comments: I cannot even begin to guess as to what type of creatures these were, but they were obviously malevolent in nature.
Location. Horsham, West Sussex, England
Date: February 2003
Time: unknown
A friend of Eve Knowles-Martin reported seeing a silver suited 7 foot tall man, which apparently leapt across the width of the road in one bound. There have been other strange occurrences in the area including, strange chemical smells, no birds or wildlife present, an apparent lack of oxygen, rapid changes in temperature, and most strange of all, a bright blue light that upon closer inspection turned out to be a 40 ft vertical blue flame burning in the middle of the woods.
HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Wide range of apparently related phenomena reported here. As far as the vertical blue flame it seems to be a unique description.
Location. Sullana, near Piura La Vieja, Peru
Date: February 2003
Time: unknown
During a heavy wave of UFO sightings that included luminous UFOs, silvery discs and hovering spheres, witnesses reported seeing colored lights hovering above the rooftops and in the same area encountering a tall beautiful blond woman with wild golden-streaked chestnut-colored hair wearing a golden tanga with little silver stars embroidered beneath the waistband. It reportedly vanished in plain sight.
HC addendum
Source: Giorgio Piacenza & Monica Gaetano in UFO Roundup
February 2003
Type: D
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: This sexy alleged extraterrestrial reportedly calls herself “Jelu” and has been seen before in 1954. Another similar event was reported in Brazil in 1983.
Location. Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: February 2003
Time: night
A local resident reported going to the balcony of his apartment when he was surprised to see a beam of light descend from the sky. The beam of light descended from the sky and landed on a nearby balcony, and suddenly a totally naked male figure materialized within the beam of light right on the balcony. The UFO itself was unseen but was obviously hovering high above. The man was apparently semi-conscious and disoriented. Frightened the witness ran back inside, thinking that he might the next abduction victim.
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov, UKUFAS
Type: G?
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: A more in depth investigation is imperative on this case. It appears that the main witness saw the final conclusion of an alien abduction.
Location. Near Izmit, Turkey
Date: February 2003
Time: night
The witness was in his vehicle entering a viaduct (bridge) 90kms from Istanbul and as his car slowed down to 120kmh the headlights of his car shone on a bizarre animal or creature crossing the road just ahead of him. It sort of leapt into the highway just from behind the barrier. It then bounded across the highway. The fashion in which it was running was peculiar: it was arching its back as its head was still held low and between its shoulders. It had a shiny gray-silvery color body. It had no tail. The witness hit the brakes in order to give it more time to get across. Just as it got across the 4 lanes and reached the mid barriers, it stopped and rose on its hind feet. It stood just as a kangaroo would stand and looked around. It stared at the headlights as though it was mesmerized for a few seconds. Its forelegs were long enough to touch its knees. Its eyes reflected the headlights, in green. By then the witness had come as close as 30meters from it. It had a slight hunch while standing up and the witness estimated its height at about 1.65m, when it was erect. Then it leapt across the middle barrier and bounded across the other side of the highway, which headed east. The witness further described the creature as having fairly large eyes and no hair.
HC addendum
Source: Castle of Spirits Stories Index
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: The witness could not guess as to what the creature was. It does resemble somewhat descriptions given to the fabled Chupacabra, but I have never heard of any Chupacabra attacks in Turkey.
Location. Tel Aviv, Israel
Date: February 2003
Time: night
The female witness, traveling alone was staying at the Mount Zion Hotel reported suffering from a vivid dream of seeing strange creatures floating towards the hotel terrace from the nearby Valley of Hinnom. The creatures (not described) reportedly were silent and menacing and had “bad intentions”. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Israel Guestbook Entry
Type: E or F?
Location. Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Date: February 3 2003
Time: 0200A
70-year old Domingo Ramos awoke to the sounds of very loud commotion coming from rabbit cages. Looking out the window he was stunned to see a bizarre winged bird-like creature with long wings and huge protruding eyes apparently “sucking” the blood out of the unfortunate rabbits. Ramos described the creature as about 5 ft tall that also attacked a goat, which it left wounded and weakened. Ramos yelled at the creature, which then rose up and flew away in an unknown direction. The terrified witness described the creature as having “semi-human” facial features. He notified the police in the morning.
HC addendum
Source: OVNI.Net Puerto Rico quoting Miguel Rivera
Cruz “El Vocero” San Juan
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Appears to have been some type of “Chupacabra” hybrid or variance thereof.
Location. Kings Cross, NSW, Australia
Date: February 9 2003
Time: 1600
A local artist was painting the roof of his apartment when he “felt” something watching him. Looking up, he saw a metallic knob or helmet shaped object about the size of a car, hovering directly above him. He could “see” one occupant, a “cloaked” figure, although the object had no windows; this “seeing” was ore a feeling and the witness was in fact sure there where two such figures in the object although he could only “see” one. The object vanished after about one or two seconds, the witness thinks in response to his looking up at it. There was no suggestion that it went anywhere, it just instantly disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Ralph Bergmann AUFORN NSW
Type: F? Or A
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: The sighting of the occupants or humanoids seemed to have been of a psychic nature in this intriguing case.
Location. Sierra Bermeja area, Puerto Rico
Date: February 9 2003
Time: 2100
Ismael Velez heard several very loud reports sounding like thunder claps coming from outside. Going outside to investigate he saw a tall winged creature about 6-8 ft tall, with large shiny eyes and large hairy claw-like hands. It suddenly ran and disappeared into a wooded area.
HC addendum
Source: Wilson Sosa, Confederacion De Ovnilogia de
Puerto Rico
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: The description of the creature is very similar to the one seen attacking the animals in Fajardo on the third.
Location. Sierra Bermeja area, Puerto Rico
Date: February 11 2003
Time: 0030A
Upon hearing noises outside Ismael Velez looked out to see a short apparently nude “little man” with a large round head and large slanted dark eyes running down a concrete stairwell in the yard, it disappeared from sight behind some parked automobiles.
HC addendum
Source: Wilson Sosa, Confederacion De Ovnilogia de
Puerto Rico
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: The same witness apparently encounters a different type of humanoid in this case.
Location. Near Seattle Washington
Date: February 13 2003
Time: 0230A
The witness (a police crime scene technician) was leaving a scene late one night. It was beginning to rain, and suddenly his car began making weird noises the radio turned on automatically and started tuning to numerous stations a second, the lights inside and outside the car were flashing. When he looked up he saw a huge triangular shaped object above the car, in a few seconds blue blinding lights distracted the witness. It all suddenly stopped and his car was suddenly parked on the side of the road with everything switched off, and when he looked at his watch it was 0303A. He had lost 33 minutes of time. He turned his car on and drove back to his office. (No hypnotic regression has been attempted).
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Hypnotic regression is imperative in this case.
Location. Near Calama, Chile
Date: February 20 2003
Time: evening
A woman from a nearby village reported seeing a round object flying at a very low altitude “about 4 ft from the ground”. According to her, the object came very close to her and tried to “take her away” by using some kind of force to pull her towards it. She said she managed to avoid being “taken” by holding on to a small tree until the object finally gave up and left.
HC addendum
Source: Luis Ferrer, Calama UFO Center
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Reminds me of several Brazilian reports from 1979 describing just such type of abduction attempts.
Location. Silver Spring, Maryland
Date: February 22 2003
Time: midnight
The witness (a teacher) was in her room grading some papers when all of the sudden she noticed a bright light outside her apartment. She stepped outside to see what it could be when she suddenly felt a warm sensation come over her body. Her next memory was on being alone, lying on a cold hard table with figures wearing doctor-like masks standing around her. The figures were at least 8 ft tall. They appeared to be “slimy” since the witness was touched in several private places by the humanoids. They stuck a needle in the witness, but she felt no pain. In the background there were more figures that appeared to be the female version of the other ones. The humanoids spoke in an unknown language that could not be understood. The speech resembled a series of clicks and mumbled speech. The room grew cold and she felt “something” being pulled out of her. (She believes it was her appendix). She lost consciousness again at this point. She woke up later and found a scar on her side.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Bizarre report of recent abduction. This location is the site of the Madelaine Rodeiffer UFO film taken in 1965; George Adamski was supposedly staying with her at the time.
Location. Calama, Chile
Date: February 23 2003
Time: 0130A
Cousins Francisco Araya Carrizo and Jose Carvajal Carrizo reported that as they arrived home late one night they spotted a huge shadowy humanoid figure standing on the rooftop. The figure made an extreme amount of noise as it jumped to another the roof of the terraced patio. Their mother had been hearing somebody running on the roof for the last 30 minutes the men had arrived. Around the same type several witnesses reported seeing a hovering & rotating silvery craft at about 1500 m over the area.
HC addendum
Source: Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center & Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo
Miami UFO Center
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: It could be argued that the creature is another Chupacabra variance.
Location. Las Pailas, Salta, Argentina
Date: February 23 2003
Time: 0900A
24-year old Milagros Linquin had gone into a rocky hillside in order to retrieve her goats when he noticed a shiny object on the nearby hill. Close to the summit she noticed a metallic object similar to a bus, rectangular in shape with numerous visible windows and doors on one of its visible sides. She counted about 8 windows on the craft. The object appeared to be made out of a shiny metallic alloy, which reflected the rays of the sun. Around the craft she noticed other shiny objects, square in shape, some bigger than the others, she counted about 14 of this square metallic “covers”. At this point, her father, 74-year old Don Linquin came up and also noticed the shiny metallic object. In the meantime Milagros had climbed a bit further and was now closer to the object. At this point both witnesses noticed several human like figures wearing white tight-fitting garments moving around the object, apparently working on the shiny metallic covers or plates. There were about 6 figures in total. Don Linquin also noticed, a little further down from the summit three additional human like figures these dressed in black tight-fitting outfits that appeared to be looking around and inspecting the surroundings. After about 30 minutes, Milagros climbs higher in order to approach the object and its “occupants” but when she does, the whole scene appears to have vanished. Later while checking the supposed landing site a deep rectangular track is found on the ground.
HC addendum
Source: Gaceta Ovni, June 2003
Type: C
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Interesting landing report describing apparent human-like occupants.
Location. Rosario de la Frontera, Argentina
Date: February 26 2003
Time: 2200
Alerted by the sounds of his barking dogs, 62-year old Patricio Saldaño, armed with a flashlight went out to investigate. He noticed that the dogs were furiously running back & forth from one area of the yard to the other. He then saw standing only about 10 meters from him a huge hairy figure standing on two legs. It resembled a giant ape, which stared at the witness with large bright red eyes. The creature was silent and moved its huge arms in an apparent attempt to scare the dogs away, which curiously did not attack. The creature had long sharp claws that reflected the light in the darkness. His wife and two young children also saw the bizarre creature, which disappeared into the darkness. Several days earlier a dead calf had been found dead and partially eaten.
HC addendum
Source: Planeta listas quoting newspaper sources
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: This hairy humanoid or “manimal” was reportedly seen in numerous occasions in the area.
Location. Caspana, Calama, Chile
Date: late February 2003
Time: afternoon
A group of Catholic high school students, most of them 15-years of age, reported seeing a strange being near their campus. They heard strange noises on the rooftops of other houses in the neighborhood. They then saw a strange figure standing about 1.2 meters in height. The being appeared to move about not by walking but by making small leaps.
HC addendum
Source: Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Unfortunately no detailed description of the entity is given.
Location. Near Houston, Texas
Date: early March 2003
Time: evening
The witness noticed his dog chasing something in the yard, thinking it was a cat he went out to investigate and yell at his dog. But when he got there he saw a 1 foot tall figure wearing red clothing—something resembling a clown suit without the big shoes and nose. He wore a pointy red hat and had white beard. The witness called his dog over to him; he pulled him inside and closed the door. Then looked out the window to see the figure eating birdseed in the yard. As he looked out, the gnome like figure looked straight at him. It seemed to become afraid and hid behind the porch. The witness called out and the small figure peeked over the porch at him and smiled. Then it disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Paranormal about.com. Your True Tales, March 2003
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Modern day report of a “gnome” like creature. Incredibly this type of
incident is still being reported in modern days.
Location. Cononley, Lancashire, England
Date: March 2003
Time: night
Local witnesses reported the landing of a metallic disc shaped object on a field. Inside a glass like dome structure, several human like figures could be seen moving about and apparently operating some controls. The figures wore tight-fitting blue coveralls. Awaiting additional information on this case.
HC addendum
Source: Alistair Shand quoting Nigel Mortimer Northern UFO Network
Type: A?
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: No additional details in this intriguing case have been forthcoming.
Location. Near Cleveland, Ohio
Date: March 11 2003
Time: midnight
The witness suddenly woke up wide feeling afraid and wide-eyed. He then saw 4 creatures leaning over him. He went to reach over to his nightstand to grab his gun but as soon as he moved one the creatures pointed some sort of device at him, he heard a hum and then he could no longer move. He could not even move his eyes. He could see his wife out of the corner of his eye, but it seemed that she was still sleeping. His next memory was of lying on some sort of gurney. He was naked and the car was made out of cold metal. The 4 creatures were taking him down some sort of hallway. The walls were dark gray with a scaly type of texture to it. The hallway was lit up, but there were no light fixtures and he could not see the source of the light. He was no longer paralyzed but his arms and legs appeared to be restrained somehow, but there were no clamps or straps. It was as if they were magnetized to the cart. During the brief trip down this hall, there was an open door way off to his right, he glanced into the room for a second, and was able to get a mental image as to what was in the room. There were 7 creatures, 2 were standing in front of a panel at the far end of the room. The panel had some small lights on it. Then there were 3 more to the left side of the room studying what appeared to be a holographic map of the earth. There were several red dots on the map. It seemed that they marked certain “targets” or “locations”. Then there were 2 more of the creatures standing in the center of the room, facing each other. As if they were having a conversation but there was no sound. There was actually no sound in the structure that he was in. There was complete silence. They put him in a very bright room, and again he could not see the source of the light. One of the creatures waved his hand over his face. The creature had 3 fingers, resembling 1 index type of finger and opposite thumbs. As soon as his hand went across his face, his body went numb. He was extremely groggy, but he could see what was happening. He could not speak a word. One of the creatures took a long metal object and inserted it in his nose. A sample was apparently taken then the creature inserted the same device into his mouth, reaching almost to the back of his throat. As soon as he started gagging the creature pulled the device out his mouth. One of the creatures then came towards him with something that resembled a device that measures blood pressure. The device was wrapped around the witness penis. He felt a lot of pressure and after a couple of seconds the device was pulled off. A creature then walked behind his head. His head was lifted up until his chin touched his chest. Then he felt a chunk of his hair pulled out. Soon he felt extremely dizzy and passed out. His next recollection was of waking up at 0430A. His penis was sore and appeared larger than normal. He described the creatures as about 4 ft tall, they wore no apparel, there were no genitalia and their arms and legs were much longer than their torso. They were very skinny, with no muscle tone, no signs of fatty tissue, no veins and no bone structure showing through their skin. Their skin was a blue-gray color, almost like a gunmetal color. Very smooth, almost like they were made out of porcelain. Their heads were longer than wide, oval shaped, large black eyes, no retinas, veins or corneas. There was no hair on their bodies. They did not have ears. There were 3 small holes on each side of their heads. They had 2 oval openings above the mouth. Their mouths were like a slit 2″ long, horizontal.
HC addendum
Source: I was abducted.com
Type: G
Location. Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico
Date: March 16 2003
Time: 1900
Nicolas Sanchez Castillo reported seeing a domed metallic disc-shaped object descend and land on his backyard. An opening became visible and a short gray figure with a pear shaped head and large oval shaped eyes emerged. Apparently the creature communicated telepathically with the witness but there are no details of the communication as of yet.
HC addendum
Source: El Durmiente De Orizaba, Mexico
Type: B
Location. Fort Wayne, Indiana
Date: March 23 2003
Time: 0335A
A sharp piercing sound right outside the bedroom window awakened the witness. As she awoke he opened his eyes and saw a gray-green luminous being looking at her through the window. She could not move. She could feel her husband next to her in bed but she could not speak, it was as if her jaws were locked. Finally she began to attempt to pray and the creature began to make a high-pitched sound. Then she was able to move. She woke up her husband but he had not heard anything and the creature was gone.
HC addendum
Source: I was abducted.com
Type: E
Location. Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico
Date: March 27 2003
Time: afternoon
From different vantage points, teacher Griselda Morales Benitez and a student, Adrian Rosas Perfecto observed some strange clouds high over the city that seemed to come together and form a large dark gray “alien” seen in profile. The strange phenomena lasted for several minutes and then vanished.
HC addendum
Source: El Durmiente De Orizaba, Mexico
Type: E?
Location. Capac, Michigan
Date: March 28 2003
Time: midnight
The witness had woken up to take a pain reliever and had turned to the TV on and sat on the living room couch facing the window on his front porch. He then noticed a figure running across the porch. He quickly got up and looked out the door in time to see what the figure looked like as it ran around the corner of his house on the porch. It was of average height, had abnormally long arms, its arms and legs were somewhat spindly and it had a larger than normal baldhead. He did not take a good look at the face but it did not appeared to be human. Within a few seconds of this, the lights went out and he could see two large blue spotlights in the sky as if was searching for something. They came from a field across from his house about 800 ft away. As the lights moved away the power came back on. A neighbor reportedly also saw the blue lights.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: C?
Location. Quebec, Canada (exact location not given)
Date: March 29 2003
Time: 2000
Two young witnesses saw a luminous ball descend from the sky and hover close to them. Terrified they stood motionless and without breathing staring at the sphere, it suddenly disappeared. Around the same time a 31-year old neighbor reported seeing several short creatures in his backyard. These had very black round eyes, and brown skin. They seemed to float through the air and floated right through the wall and into his house. One of the creatures asked the witness if he wanted to go to their planet, but he declined the invitation. The creatures then left the same way they had come in.
HC addendum
Source: GREPI site
Type: D
Location. Quininde, Ecuador
Date: early April 2003
Time: night
A number of local residents called police after seeing what they described as a “gnome” in the town center. They all described the creature as being very small, green and ugly. Marco Preciado reported that the humanoid was less than three feet tall and that he had seen it about 3 times. He tried to follow it but it disappeared. Cecilia Cedeño who owns a liquor shop that the humanoid appeared in front of a shop to a group of people. The creature gave out a loud laugh and ran away. Police were called in to investigate the story.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Casebook Forum
Type: E
Location. Hollywood, Florida
Date: April 2003
Time: 0100A
Two women came to the side of the South Florida gatehouse where “June” worked as a security guard. They said that there was something strange out by the curb, about 100 feet away, but they didn’t know what it was. It was on the road just east of the driveway. The women were upset and seemed to think that something was very wrong. June instructed the women to wait in their car by the gatehouse while she went to investigate. If there were any problems they could call the police on their cell phone. June walked out to the curb and found sitting on the curb, curled up into a ball somewhat smaller than a beach ball a strange “person”. With her flashlight June could see a neck and a dark suit. Gently, June touched the figure and said, “Hello!” but there was no movement. Finally as June touched the shoulder, a small woman suddenly unwound from the curled up ball position. She was about 4’8″ tall with very high heels on her shoes. She was dressed very well with beautiful jewelry, a leather purse, diamond appearing earrings and long red hair that fell to her shoulders and very large brown eyes, a small nose and a tiny barely noticeable mouth. She appeared to be about 24 years of age and appeared to be afraid. June questioned her gently:
June: What are you doing?
Woman: “I m waiting”.
June: “For whom”?
Woman: “A-a-a ride”
June: “Well, who is supposed to pick you up?”
Woman: “I Don’t know”
June: “Honey, come off the curb and stand next to me”
June put her hand around the little woman and noticed that she maybe weighed about 70 pounds, had long arms and very long fingers. Her pinstriped suit with a skirt looked as though it could have been made in the 1940’s. Finally the woman looked at June and asked:
Woman: Where am I?
June: Well we’re on earth, and it’s the 4rth rock from the sun. (!)
Woman: “Oh….”
June: “Can I do anything for you? Do you need the police?
Woman: “The who”?
June: “The Police”
Woman: What do they do? (Was her stunning response)
June: They might be able to help.
Woman: No I am all right. I am just going to wait.
June took hold of her and insisted she come with her to the gatehouse to talk for a while. But the strange woman insisted that she wanted to wait by the curb. At this she sat back down and curled up into a ball again. Reluctantly June returned to the gate where she found the other two ladies still waiting in their vehicle. June then called the police, which came around and spoke to the woman for 45 minutes but could not detain her. They told June that the woman did not have any identification on her, and no keys, but had some money and small papers with scribbles on them in her purse. They said that they had no reason to detain her and left. After the police left, June went out to check on the little woman but this one had vanished into thin air.
HC addendum
Source: Miami Skyscan July 2003
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: This cartoonish character appears to have come out straight out of the 4rth dimension.
Location. Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico
Date: April 2 2003
Time: 0645A
Teacher, Griselda Morales Benitez (involved in a previous observation) was riding a bus on her way to work when she noticed a strange cloud in the form of an “angel” floating over the road. This vision brought a state of happiness and she somehow felt “protected”.
HC addendum
Source: El Durmiente De Orizaba, Mexico
Type: E
Location. Coral Springs, Florida
Date: April 4 2003
Time: 2338
The witness saw a dark figure outside the window, and at first thought it was a man. It somehow resembled a naked man standing in the middle of the road, but after about half a minute of standing, the figure walked away, as it disappeared into the trees the witnesses thought the would find out who it was but then a triangular shaped craft appeared, it was encased in an eerie glow and it had 3 lights on each corner. The craft then zoomed up leaving a trail of white fog behind.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: C
Location. La Paz, Bolivia
Date: April 16 2003
Time: night
A young man was sleeping in his bed when he suddenly became paralyzed and saw the dark shadowy figure of a female being entering his room. The witness experienced shortness of breath and became unconscious. Apparently upon waking up again the mysterious figure was gone. In another section of town another witness reported being visited by several short humanoids with dark slanted eyes in his bedroom. Apparently the humanoids provoked some kind of fire in the room scorching the mattress and the sheets. No other information. Still waiting additional information on these cases.
HC addendum
Source: Juan Carlos Aliaga, Centro De La Nueva Era
Type: E?
Location. Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Date: April 18 2003
Time: 0100A
The witness was returning home from work and as he came out of an alley he saw something run across the street between two cars. At first he thought it was a rabbit but as he looked it over he noticed that it was about 4 ft high, humanoid shaped and running on two legs. The witness watched stunned as it ran in between 2 cars. As the figure disappeared the witness ran to the place where he had last seen it and felt like he was being watched. The witness could only describe the figure as having a pair of brown legs and as it ran it seemed to be ducking or hunching over like was trying not to be see.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Kaliningrad, Russia
Date: April 18 2003
Time: 1817
The entire Russian Baltic Fleet and a large number of local residents watched in awe as a “flying wing” shaped UFO winged over rapidly and plunged into Kaliningrad Harbor. The event was caught on video by a local RTR Russian State Television news crew, which was present on the massive naval base, filming a documentary segment on the fleet for airing on Russian TV. The UFO, described as a “Flying Wing” with two elongated, dome like protrusions on top, and three similar structures, underneath, overflew the Baltic Fleet, which lay at anchor in Kaliningrad Harbor. According to a Russian Naval Commander, who wishes to remain anonymous, the craft was apparently caught, accidentally within the sweep patterns of ship mounted search radars, which came on to track it’s progress, causing some sort of malfunction which resulted in the crash, “It was traveling at a tremendous rate of speed” he said to RTR reporters, on the scene. “It was very low, not more than 1500 meters above the surface of the water. When the radars came on, it simply winged over and dove into the water, as if had lost either power or control. The light gray colored craft, with no apparent seams or rivet patterns, was estimated by onlookers to be approximately the size of a small airliner, or light transport aircraft, and traveling at speeds of excess of Mach 2, was absolutely quiet as it passed, but made a “tremendous noise” as it plunged into the water, causing a geyser of steam and water, mixed with small debris, which shot an estimated 500 meters into the air. It appeared one witness, a civilian onlooker, said, that whoever, or whatever was in control of the craft made a deliberate effort to take it away from the naval ships and the shoreline before it went into the harbor. One Sovremini Class Destroyer was slightly damaged by flying debris, but, so far, no casualties have been reported. Radiation levels at the site, re high, but the source of the radiation, as well as its nature, have yet to be determined. Russian authorities, from the Ministry of Health, are quick to point out that the radiation levels are not dangerous, simply “higher than normal.” So far, debris recovered has been small, averaging less than a meter in diameter, at the largest. Most debris recovered to date, have been what appear to be “skin material” of an unknown alloy, and interior bracing and piping, composed of a very high grade and extremely pure aluminum. The Navy has cordoned off a considerable area of the harbor and it is interesting to note that, in spite of the high speed at which the craft was traveling, and it’s extremely low altitude, there was no characteristic “sonic boom” associated with it’s approach, and no noticeable vibration on the ground. More information is pending.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Casebook Forum quoting Russian Newspaper Sources
Type: H?
Location. Rinconada, Lautaro, Chile
Date: April 20 2003
Time: 2000
Hearing strange noises coming from the chicken pen, Samuel Cayuman became concerned and went out to investigate. As he opened the pen he could not see inside because of the darkness and apparently he had failed to bright a flashlight. He reached inside and pulled out a chicken. Stunned he saw a small hairy creature seemingly attached to the unfortunate chicken’s neck and sucking the blood from the animal. He pulled the creature apart from the chicken, which was already dead, and clubbed it to death. According to initial reports, the creature is small, black and hairy with feline features, but no in depth studies have been conducted on it. After seeing a picture of this alleged Chupacabra, it looks to me more like a large wildcat.
HC addendum
Source: Añoz Luz Listas, quoting newspaper sources.
Type: H? I saw a picture of the animal and it looks like a large wild cat to me.
Location. Concord, North Carolina
Date: April 21 2003
Time: 2000
The witness had finished his shift a local (manufacturing) plant and had stepped out onto the dock behind a large pile of pallets to have a smoke. There he had the feeling of being watched, he whirled around expecting to see a co-worker instead he saw a large purple light emanating from a tear-drop shaped craft with a round bottom that’s was hovering nearby. The craft had a concave windshield. Behind the windshield he could see two glowing lights or eyes. They moved independent to one another, apparently not attached to the same being. Terrified, the witness ran and unable to scream pointed out the object to a lift operator. At this point a beam of white light shot out from the object and struck the forklift. Immediately the electrical system on the lift shut down and the operator screamed. The witness next memory was of sitting in the plant manager’s office getting oxygen and a cool rag on his head.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A or G?
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 6
Location. Rosario De La Frontera, Argentina
Date: April 22 2003
Time: 1600
Local Fire Chief, Ezequiel Alvarez reported seeing a tall hairy humanoid, about 1.80 m in height that appeared to move at very high speed and emitted loud inhuman screams. The creature apparently killed three dogs, using huge clawed hands. Another local witness, a teacher, reported finding a strange hairy cadaver on the side of the road, somewhat resembling to tall hairy humanoid but much smaller, he noticed that it had testicles resembling those of humans. Incredibly he did not pick up the body and drove on. The creature has been repeatedly seen around the local dump.
HC addendum
Source: Radio 10, Buenos Aires in Planeta Listas
Type: E
Location. Exmouth, Devon, England
Date: April 23 2003
Time: 1445
Elliott A was returning home from an Air Cadet exercise when he apparently suddenly experienced some “lost time”. He did not remember getting home. He could only remember leaving the Squadron HQ and then waking almost from a dream state outside his house on the driveway. Later while sleeping he experienced a very realistic “dream” in which he spoke to “aliens”. Small gray figures with big black eyes, no nose and a thin slit for a mouth, he could not describe their “voice”. He seemed to shout out questions before he came under their influence. He seemed to remember confronting the aliens about “things”. He could only remember that the aliens saying, “That if we didn’t change our ways, they would annihilate us and start over”, or something along this lines.
HC addendum
Source: Mystical Universe, Alien Abduction Cases
Type: G?
Location. Pontypool, Gwent, Wales
Date: April 28 2003
Time: 2000
Driving home from work the witness, Marcus Warner, saw a blue flashing light in his rear view mirror. He pulled to the side of the road and stopped his engine. He was then approached, not by the police, but as men in black suits resembling businessmen or government agents. At this point his memory begins to fail, he had a recollection of the man leading him to an open area near the local “Burtons Biscuit Factory”. He then had a feeling of weightlessness and an intense feeling of calm. He remembered seeing a formation of figures, arranged into a standard ten pin bowling formation, with the single figure standing in front and a triangle of figures behind it. He has a recurring image of a needle piercing his left eye. He must have driven home although he has no recollection of doing so. The witness has not undergone hypnotic regression.
HC addendum
Source: I was abducted.com, abduction stories
Type: G?
Location. Paris, France
Date: April 29 2003
Time: 0130A
After watching a movie the witness went to bed and after laying down for two minutes he looked at the threshold to his living room the figure of a “girl” of about 9 years of age, wearing a white dress, with long straight black hair, and a gray face. She stared at the witness silently. He closed his eyes and shook his head, when he opened them again the girl was gone. On May 1 around 0100A he noticed an odor resembling burning wood in the apartment but found nothing amiss after a search.
HC addendum
Source: GREPI site
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: Possibly specter type entity. I have on record other reports describing such entities (young and girl like).
Location. Regensburg, Germany
Date: May 2003
Time: night
The witness, an elderly woman, woke up in the middle of the night to see a large gray head of an “alien” floating next to her bed. It appeared to be some kind of hologram. She could not believe it and rubbed her eyes, but the floating head remained. She got up and checked if it was only some kind of weird effect of the lights and shadow. But it was not, the head just floated in the room. After a few minutes it seemed to dissolve into nothingness.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Casebook Forums
Type: E
Location. Illinois, exact location not given
Date: May 2 2003
Time: 0330A
Three young women returning from a bonfire and party in the countryside and had finished returning some of the equipment and chairs to the shed. As they got back into the van one of the girls saw a figure standing a little off the drive-way by the house. She motioned the others to look at it and becoming somewhat afraid headed back into town. They described the figure as man-like, light colored or wearing white clothing. Soon they headed over to the bonfire, which was still burning. Suddenly in the glow of the headlights they all saw what appeared to be two separate rows of creatures or figures. Maybe 15 to each row and about approximately 3 to 4 ft tall and standing only about 15 ft from them, directly in front of the car. One of the witnesses described them as having “Christmas light heads” and that the heads were connected to the body but she couldn’t see how. Their arms were up, but she couldn’t see hands. She says they were stick-like, dark gray or brown in color. They did not move and stood perfectly still. They appeared to be frozen in two separate rows. Two of the girls began to cry and screamed for the driver to leave the area immediately. Terrified they drove away from the area and drove around for about 2 hours before having the courage to return back to their homes.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. North Richland Hills, Smithfield, Texas
Date: May 3 2003
Time: 0330A
The witness had been sitting on the back porch looking over the pasture behind his home. The pasture had several horses but he could not see them at the time because they were at the other end. After about 10 minutes he began to hear the horses and it sounded like they were kicking the sheet metal and squealing loudly. He could also hear dogs barking in the distance. Just as he strained to look over to the horse shelter everything became silent, no movements or sounds. Everything was eerily quiet and the witness feeling somewhat scared stepped off the porch and began hearing a low whirring sound, he then saw a light flash on the ground in the middle of the pasture. He looked up and saw at about 100 ft off the ground a black craft hovering and shooting flashes of light at the ground from a pod on the right end of the craft. The craft had a multicolored mist or hot looking gas on the bottom of it, on the left side of the craft was what appeared to be a rectangular red window. He could see movement inside. At that moment he began to feel sick. The craft looked about 50 ft long with a dull blue light on the top. After about 5 minutes the whirring sound faded and the craft hovered silently for about 2 seconds and then zipped straight up without a sound. He also noticed that the power appeared to be off the neighborhood.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A?
Location. Lecce, Italy
Date: May 10 2003
Time: night
The witness, who had before seen a strong light shining from outside his bedroom window. Reportedly saw a in a very vivid dream like state a hovering luminous sphere and within it a beautiful human like female. The female approached him and in a very sweet voice told him not to fear that they were here to take him with them, and to not to fear anything evil.
HC addendum
Source: Roberto Malini, UFO Italia
Type: F?
Location. Near Calama, Chile
Date: May 22 2003
Time: 1830
Five young men were returning to the goat pens in a local farm when they suddenly saw six short bizarre beings emerge from behind some nearby brush. The humanoids were only about 60cm in height completely hairless and with dark gray skin. They had huge oval shaped heads, two large pointed ears, small black oval shaped eyes, the beings had large deformed noses, and their mouths appeared to be disproportionate in size in relation to their heads. The witnesses could see yellowed teeth inside the mouth, some separated by large gaps and some completely missing. All six beings had what appeared to be a grotesque and sarcastic grin on their faces. Their facial features were similar to humans and displayed what appeared to be traces of scars and cuts on their skins. One of the witnesses swore that one of the humanoids had what appeared to be a piece of his nose hanging down. Their necks were very short, similar to children. Most of the humanoids had protruding bellies and all wore similar clothing, which appeared to be a multicolored “dirty” looking outfit with a wide belt around their ample waists. Their legs were very short, resembling very much those of a rabbit ending in long sharp nails. They moved around using peculiar jumps and steps, moving in all directions. The moment these peculiar entities came out from behind the bushes they began to “play” and jump among themselves. They seemed to jump and intentionally strike each other with their bodies. Some of them would scratch the ground, throwing up large gobs of dirt and rocks. During the whole incident the men noticed very strong sulfur like smell in the area. The beings stared at the men and emitted sinister guffaws and laughs, which caused a certain fear with the men. The sudden appearance of the bizarre humanoids caused a sense of immobility and stupor among the witnesses. After “playing” around for a few minutes the humanoids walked over to the sheep pen. The sheep began to exhibit great fear and began to group together in one corner of the pen. One of the humanoids approached the sheep and suddenly jumped on top of one of the unfortunate animals. The humanoid commenced to roughhouse with the animal, squeezing it with its legs and then inserting its sharp claws into the animal’s neck. The sheep could only shake in terror and howl, apparently it could not move. Soon four of the other humanoids surrounded the animal and began to strike it mercilessly with great violence until the animal fell mortally wounded to the ground, at that moment all six humanoids began to attack the injured animal, tearing its flesh apart, while the animal howled in pain. The terrified men watched the spectacle unable to move; finally one of the men broke from his stupor and flung several rocks at the creatures. The humanoids evaded the rocks, laughing even louder at the witnesses. But this gesture on the part of the witness apparently caused the creatures to regroup and jump towards the same location from which they had come out. The humanoids then disappeared into the brush. At this point the rest of the witnesses reacted and approached the mortally injured sheep. The unfortunate animal displayed several large holes and scars on the neck area and due to the gravity of its injuries and the great loss of blood it had to be sacrificed.
HC addendum
Source: Calama UFO Center, Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo
Type: E
Location. Sheffield, England
Date: May 23 2003
Time: night
The witness felt as he was dreaming and in his dream he was having a conversation with someone, but he was not sure with whom or what. He was speaking in English but the person responding was speaking in “silence” (telepathy?). The person was telling the witness to refrain from doing something, but he said “No”. It was then that he woke up. As he was trying to go back to sleep, two dark figures about 4 ft in height jumped onto his bed. One of the figures grabbed his legs and held them down, and the other sat on his chest and began to strangle him (!). He could not breathe and began to slowly pass out. Somehow he mustered up enough energy to break free with his legs and push one figure off his chest and kick the other figure away simultaneously. As he did this he heard a couple of thuds and the figures vanished before his eyes.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Organization dot Com. England
Type: E
Location. Moscow region Russia
Date: end of May 2003
Time: late night
After a long day of weeding potatoes in the fields the main witness and her mother were sitting on the porch of their house resting and admiring the evening sunset. Their attention was suddenly drawn to a lonely cloudlet of unusual form. It greatly resembled a pear. Thinking that it was really a cloud they ignored it. Later that night as the main witness slept she suddenly awoke feeling a terrible headache, a strange vibration in her body and a severe earache, similar to when what happens when landing in an aircraft. Her teeth rattled involuntarily. A bright beam of light fell through the window on her bed. However he mother slept peacefully in the same room. The witness could hear a monotonic sound that apparently her mother was unable to hear. The witness rose from bed and hurried out of her bed, as soon as she left lighted area from the beam of light the headache subsided. The witness then walked to her porch and opened her door. At this point she was stunned to see hovering directly above the potato beds an object very similar to the pear-shaped “cloud” seen earlier by the witness and her mother. The object was similar but only much brighter, with silvery, blue beams of light and a protrusion resembling a cell phone antenna. Feeling no fear the witness took off in a run towards the object, yelling and wildly swinging her arms. Suddenly her body acquired a weightless constitution and she seemed to float above the earth. She floated quickly towards the bright object when she was about 2 meters away she seemed to fall and loose consciousness. She came to the next morning lying on the cold ground covered with morning dew. She lay on the earth for more than 3 hours. Later she arose slowly and walked back to the house. Later a circular burnt patch was found on the potato bed directly under where the object had hovered. Nothing grew on the spot for about 3 months afterwards.
HC addendum
Source: X-Libri UFO Russia
Type: G?
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: Have we here another possibly unexplored abduction event?
Location. Mt Shasta, California
Date: June 2003
Time: afternoon
The witness (involved in a previous encounter) had gone up the mountain and was meditating when he asked specifically, to visit the “Telos” and in the stillness, a trunk of a tree presented itself and there was a doorway in the tree. The witness asked permission of the deva of the mountain, the deva of nature. He then walked down at an angle downwards through the mountain. He didn’t exactly walk, he floated down, and his feet were not quite touching the ground. He floated down; the atmosphere was faintly red, with a red tinge to it. There was a group of “people” waiting, in the mountain, and it was a very short visit, just to acknowledge that they had granted what he had asked, to visit them in the mountain. He described his hosts as human-like very kind and hospitable. He then came back up the pathway.
HC addendum
Source: One Light, Stories of Lemurian Encounters with
Type: E?
Location. West Sussex, England
Date: June 2003
Time: 2200
Two men were returning back from a friend’s house along a section of country road they had driven individually many times before. They slowed for a tight left hand bend in the road and as they turned, driving at this point at about 20mph the headlights caught someone moving amongst the trees on the outside of the bend. Both men then caught a brief glimpse of a “person” of a most bizarre nature. The figure was at least 8 ft tall, and whilst their brief observation it was hard to make any accurate estimate on that, he was clearly larger than normal. It was too quick to notice any particular facial features, he was virtually facing the witnesses, but looking slightly down as the lights shone on him, and seemed to be stepping sideways over something in the undergrowth, as his right leg was moving upwards and sideways. The other very unusual aspect was that the headlights reflected a large glare of his clothing, which seemed to be shiny, almost like foil. Stunned, both men confirmed to each other what they had seen and after a couple of moments of indecision they reversed back to the bend and point the headlights into the trees approximately were they had seen it but it all appeared normal. One of the men even exited the car and called out several times.
HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times Site
Type: E
Location. Cleadon, South Tyneside, England
Date: June 10 2003
Time: 2015
The witness encountered what seemed to be a large bipedal creature. The night was dark so it was hard to tell exactly, however it appeared to have a thick fur coat. The witness was about 50 yards from the creature as it walked along the edge of a tree line, before it was startled and ran back into the trees. The encounter was very brief so unfortunately there is not much else as far as details, although there was another person in the vicinity at the time, apparently walking their dog.
HC addendum
Source: GCBRO Worldwide Reports
Type: E
Location. Springfield, Illinois
Date: June 10 2003
Time: 2230
The witness had just pulled into her apartment parking lot and was slowing down to select a parking spot, when she noticed what appeared to be a small child playing around a large steel waste dumpster in the corner of the parking lot. The steel dumpster was located underneath a large stand of trees about 15 feet from her location. She got out of the car and walked over to the rear passenger door to get her briefcase and saw movement out of her periphery that further caught her attention. She was concerned about the safety of the “child” and began to slowly walk towards the dumpster to ask where the child’s parents where at. She approached to within 6-8 feet when she heard a loud banging noise and this “child” suddenly had the ability to jump 5 feet and land on top of the dumpster’s steel lid. It was now staring down at her. At this point she described feeling a pressure in her head, nausea and dizziness. She strained to identify it for about 20-30 seconds when she realized that it was not a child, but a strange being, which suddenly produced a glowing white orb of light about the size of a volleyball in its hands and held on to it at about chest height. The light cast from the glowing orb illuminated its head for several seconds and she described a large almond shaped head with big black eyes staring intently at her movements. She stood there in stunned silence trying to understand what was happening and that everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. The being seemed to tighten its grasp on the glowing orb of light and it jumped feet first into the dumpster and disappeared without making any noise. She broke down emotionally and ran into her apartment, quickly notifying her husband. Her husband searched the area but failed to find anything. They also have reported seeing over the past year many electric white blue streaks of light in the area of the parking lot, and frequent but brief power outages.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Limeira, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: June 12 2003
Time: 0620A
A man named Zilmerman had left for work taken the usual route on the Limeira-Piracicaba toll road. There was a weak fog that morning and as he drove out of the toll area he noticed a figure that appeared to be hitchhiking on the side of the road. Inexplicably and knowing that it could be a dangerous move the witness slowed and then stopped the car. As he did, the “person” came walking over to where he had stopped. Obeying an inner impulse the witness lower the driver’s window and remained sitting in his car seemingly unable to move. When the person came over to the window, the witness realized that this “person” was not an ordinary human. He had human-like characteristics, but he had large “cat-like” eyes and seemed to exude a powerful “odor”. The stranger pointed to the direction of Piracicaba and entered the car. As he entered the backseat of the car the smell became almost unbearable to witness who could not compare it to anything known to him. The being was about 1.60m in height, with pale features, wearing a pointed hood and a tight-fitting outfit, resembling a jogging suit. He wore strange shoes with very thick soles that seemed to scratch the surface of the car. The witness could see a small nose but did not notice any hair. Fearful, the witness asked the stranger where he wanted to go and again this one pointed in the direction of Piracicaba. The witness then asked the stranger his name and in turn the stranger looked at him and as he did his pupils suddenly became totally black. Sweating with fear and after driving for about 500me witness began to hear loud croaking sounds, which he thought was the creature’s speech. He looked and noticed that it had six fingered hands with pointy black nails; his skin appeared to be sweating some type of oily substance from which the disagreeable odor emanated. Each time that the witness would ask it something, the humanoid would look at him intently again his pupils becoming totally black. The witness then produced a piece of paper and a pencil and gave it to the stranger. This one scribbled some meaningless diagrams on it and gave it back to the witness. Close to the Santa Rosa quarter near Piracicaba the witness felt that he had to stop the car. The humanoid exited the car smiled at him and then cross the street quickly disappearing into some bushes. The witness experienced a severe headache soon after the encounter.
HC addendum
Source: Portal UFO Genesis, Brazil (Relatos)
Type: E
Location. South Park, Pennsylvania
Date: June 12 2003
Time: 2315
On a very humid night with a very bright moon the main witness and his wife heard what sounded like rolling thunder in the distance. The rolling thunder noise seemed to be sustained and the witness thought it was rather unusual since he could not see any storm n the distance. About 10 minutes elapsed with the sound still constantly in the background, at times becoming almost mechanical in nature, sort of like a muscle car. The volume also seemed to rise and lower. The witness soon fell asleep. Somehow he ended up in the couch downstairs and woke up to the sound of his son crying. He ran upstairs and his wife held the child until he calmed down. At this point the witness thought he could hear sounds resembling tractor-trailers in the distance. Unable to sleep he went back to the couch. In a state of semi sleep the witness was suddenly startled by a noise that sounded almost electronic, and for lack of a better adjective, evil. It almost seemed like one of those, voice changing kid toys, or a distorted Nextel phone. He could not determine what was being said. It sounded linguistic and not just a noise. He was completely awake at this point, waiting. He heard it again and he bolted up looking out the picture window that overlooks the fields in front of the house. He distinctly heard this “voice” 2 times and it was distinctly different both times. He ran upstairs but his wife apparently had not heard the voice. The dog was sound asleep and there was nothing that he could see outside. He did not sleep the rest of the night.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: F?
Location. Near Springfield, Tennessee
Date: June 13 2003
Time: 2300
While camping in a wooded clearing the two witnesses watched a bright white blue glowing sphere that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. It was low and close to them. It then flew over the witnesses and into a cloud, it then came back over them and suddenly disappears, as a cloud seemed to wrap around it to conceal it. Later that night both witnesses saw about 20 thin, bald headed midget-like creatures in a field, as if watching them. It was too dark and far to return home so feeling afraid the witness went to sleep inside their tent.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: D?
Location. Rough River State Park, Kentucky
Date: June 24 2003
Time: afternoon
The witness had gone canoeing for a weekend of rest and relaxation in an isolated area but strangely felt queasy and nervous. He was inexplicably anxious for some unknown reason. Although he could define why, he felt like he had something to fear—and he sensed death. Taking these sensations seriously, he was extremely cautious on the river. After several miles he paddled the canoe to the riverbank and tied it off to a tree. He got out to explore the area. Looking down 8 or 10 ft into the creek he spotted what looked like the top of a clay jar. He thought that he might have found some old archeological artifact. He started down the bank toward the creek. The bank was extremely slippery with mud and he stopped just short of the water and very close to the old earthenware pot. It was more like a clay crock and he soon realized that it probably wasn’t very old. He poked at it and noticed there were little handprints on it, at first he thought it could had been raccoon prints but they were more like little human handprints, about an inch wide. He tried to pry the thing loose using a stick but suddenly heard a noise. He heard what sounded like kids laughing. It was coming from down the creek several yards away. When he last managed to pull the crock jar out of the mud, something screamed. It sounded like a little girl—really high pitched and loud. Not knowing what to do he grabbed the jar and began to scramble up the muddy bank. Glancing back he saw something move down near the creek. He then sat at the top of the bank for a moment looking at the jar, trying to reason away the handprints. He then walked along the creek a bit and stopped every once in a while to peek through the bushes and see if anybody was there. Then when he looked over the bank he saw two little people standing about 10 inches tall. They had pale skins, little brown leather pants held up by suspenders, no shirts and little pointy hats made of what looked like leather. They had leather foot coverings that went up past the ankle. Their hair was reddish color and their eyes blue. Their hands were only about an inch wide. They knew he was watching but they continued their task, they were pulling some kind of wooded stump down the muddy creek bank with long leather ropes or strings. These little men were surprisingly clean, for the work they were doing. He then heard a thump back where he first had gone in the creek. He looked back and there were three more of the m—little men just like the first two—and they had pushed that crock jar back down the bank. They were all laughing—high-pitched laughter, like a bunch of kids. He then heard a loud snap and they were all gone. Their footprints were plainly visible in the mud, but they were gone along with the crock jar and the wooded stump. They had vanished in a split second.
HC addendum
Source: Paranormal about.com, Canoe Trip to the Unknown
Type: E
Location. Brooklyn Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date: July 2003
Time: evening
Kim Courteau and her sister were attending a monthly MUFON meeting. At the meeting they noticed a woman there whom Kim (a regular attendee) had not seen before. She was different. Her features were severe and noticeably pronounced, especially from a side view of her face. They could not help but notice that her face was large in size and elongated slightly with a rounded head and ending in a very pointy chin. Another striking feature of her appearance was her oversized sunglasses, which she kept on during the entire meeting, even when the room was darkened to watch a video, the dark sunglasses never came off. They took half of her face. Kim and her sister kept stealing glances at her whenever they felt she was not looking, but somehow the woman would always be looking at them before they would even think of looking in her direction. She said nothing the entire meeting. Her hair was big and feathered. Her lips were quite thin. She seemed to be much more interested in scanning the room and the other attendees than anything else. She gave the witnesses the creeps. After the meeting was over the witnesses lose track of the stranger and asked the other participants, but incredibly no one else had noticed the peculiar woman.
HC addendum
Source: Direct from Kim Courteau
Type: E
Location. Iboi, Kedah, Malaysia
Date: July 2003
Time: daytime
41-year old Sidik Ismail reported encountering a strange creature in the area of another similar encounter. He first heard a sound like someone yelling at him, and then he saw two small creatures. However, suddenly both of them vanished in front of him. He described the creatures as about the height of a 4-5 year old boy, completely naked, bald headed and huge eyes.
HC addendum
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, Malaysia
Type: E
Location. Garfield Heights, Ohio
Date: July 2003
Time: 0630A
Dominic D’Amico was walking his dog when the animal started barking at something, at first the witness thought it was a pine-tree a few yards away from him. So he kept walking with his dog and then he saw his head quickly move to look towards the side of the house. When the D’Amico followed the dog’s gaze he saw a very bizarre creature. He described it as a large, black creature standing about 6 ft tall, and it looked like it had ears like a rabbit. The weirdest part was that all he could see was a black silhouette, and the creature seemed to be looking from around the side of the house. He could see no eyes, mouth or any other features. Scared the witness immediately walked back into the house. Once inside, the dog hid under one of the bar stools, apparently terrified.
HC addendum
Source: It happened to Me, August 2003
Type: E
Location. San Clemente, California
Date: July 2003
Time: night
The witness was sleeping outside in a field when suddenly he saw a mere 4-6 ft away from him, under the branches of a tree, a non-human figure, about 3 ft tall with a large “classic” looking shaped alien head and a very small, rather thin body standing upright, facing him. The witness could not make out any features, but the being looked like it was made out of shadow. Accidentally in his fear and shock the witness crunched some leaves of twigs and made a loud sound that seemed to jolt the being, for it literally jumped back in shock. The witness watched for about 3 minutes as the humanoid made a quick, shaking rhythm with its left arm, before vanishing instantly leaving the witness in an astonished state. The witness has been possibly involved in other encounters since then.
HC addendum
Source: Alien Abduction Discussion Group Messages
Type: E
Location. Nevado de Cachi, Salta, Argentina
Date: July 2003
Time: night
Two tourists were stargazing in the area when they noticed two extraordinary light sources descending over the mountain, the two lights became larger and emitted bright flashes of blue, red and white beams of light. Moments later they noticed on a nearby mountain ridge about 200 meters away, two tall humanoid figures wearing tight-fitting luminous outfits walking in the direction towards the summit. Concerned for their safety both witnesses left the area.
HC addendum
Source: Raul Oscar Chaves, Ciufos Argentina
Type: D
Location. Las Maravillas, Santa Julia, Chile
Date: July 9 2003
Time: 0500A
Veronica Vildosola began to hear strange banging sounds coming from the roofs of adjacent homes. It sounded as if someone or something was jumping from roof to roof. Suddenly she heard what sounded like a very heavy “bird” land on the roof of her house. Immediately she heard loud scratching noises on the roof. Fearing an attack on her ducks and chickens she kept in her yard she asked her husband to go out and check. Her husband, Juan Silva went out and reported encountering a bizarre creature resembling a dog wrapped around the back of a helpless duck. Silva approached the animal and threw a wrench at it, but it did not move, Silva then began striking the creature with a metal rod. The creature made some growling noises. Silva could see that whatever it was it had a pair of very bright eyes. At this point Veronica had stepped out armed with a shovel and saw when the creature made its escape. In a strange half erect position the creature quickly scurried away from the area. At the same time the neighborhood dogs began to bark frantically. Later they noticed that the hapless duck had a deep orifice from which the creature had apparently sucked its blood out. Other ducks disappeared mysteriously. Around the same time in the nearby village of Quillota residents saw a bizarre creature that jumped from roof to roof, some of the witnesses saw strange glowing eyes that seemed to have a paralyzing effect on the stunned witnesses.
HC addendum
Source: Estrella De Loa Newspaper, Gloria Raquel Añoz Luz List
Type: E
Location. Swansea, England
Date: July 16 2003
Time: afternoon
The witness was walking besides a river on her way to visit a friend on the other side, as she reached the end where the tunnel crossing was located, she suddenly felt paralyzed and collapsed to on the ground. It felt as if some kind of force was trying to pull her underground. Then somehow she was floated through the tunnel. Her next memory was being on the floor of a circular room. She was still unable to move. Something then “sucked” her dress off leaving only in her socks, bra and watch. Then her watch shot up to the ceiling as if was a magnet and then rest of her clothing came off the same way her dress had. Then a bright light shone right in front of her. Since she was lying on the floor she could not see where it was coming from. Then four human-like figures crowded around her, as they moved their arms the witness was able to stand up, now shaking like a leaf. They then told her to go forward towards a lit up corridor in front of her. She soon started walking and in the corridor she saw pictures of lions (?) around her. She walked into a tiny room, which she hardly had room to move. She could not even turn around and something was hurting her back. After about 10 minutes she fell through the floor of the tiny room and landed softly in another room with two people there. The men told her to get dress and handed over her clothes and her watch. They then told her to stand on a little “pod” which apparently transported her out of the object and to the other side of the river.
HC addendum
Source: I was Abducted.com
Type: G
Location. Barnoldswick, Lancashire, England
Date: July 16 2003
Time: 2030
Two teachers in their 50’s had gone for a short circular early evening walk across the fields and were almost back home walking up the road when they looked up and saw the figure of a man, dressed in what looked like black overalls descending as if by parachute. He was coming down about 50 yards away behind the last house in the row. They thought he was going to land in the meadow beyond. But when he was only about 15 ft off the ground he leveled out and began to slowly accelerate, climbing very gently and heading off in a northerly direction. They watched as he crossed the valley and disappeared into the distance. They did not see any means of propulsion on the figure. Nothing visibly attached to his back, no noise, nothing that they could detect. The visibility was excellent that day.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC Type: E
Location. Iboi, Kedah, Malaysia
Date: July 23 2003
Time: 1800
16-year old Mohd Zukri Zainol was on his motorcycle on his way to a friend’s house when suddenly he felt his motorcycle slowing down as if some unknown force was pulling it. He turned around and was shocked to see a 3-ft tall bald headed being staring at him. The creature then tried to grab Zainol’s hands. Although the creature was less than 3 ft tall, according to Zainol it was exceptionally strong. He completely stopped his motorcycle and tried to resist. At that very moment a second being suddenly appeared in front of him. This being shook the motorcycle until he fell to the ground. Then it scratched his legs with very sharp claws. The witness further described the beings as small, with small legs and large reddish eyes. The two creatures did not utter a sound during the encounter. Eventually the witness managed to get away.
HC addendum
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, Malaysia
Type: E
Location. San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Date: July 23 2003
Time: 2105
A young student, Diego, and two of his friends, Jonathan & Carlos had gone to visit Diego’s grandfather cabin. Upon arriving the trio realizes that the elderly gentleman is not home so they decide to stay in for the night and prepare dinner. Later as they were getting ready to eat they began to hear to dogs emitting strange growling noises, howls and run back & forth as if running scare. A few minutes later the men began to hear loud banging and scratching noises at the front door of the cabin, which seemed to increase in violence and intensity. Terrified, the men ran to a corner of the cabin, knelt down and began to pray, thinking that some kind of “beast” was trying to enter the cabin. 5 minutes later the banging noises abruptly ceased. At this point Diego gets up and looks out the window and does not see anything outside. He opens the door and calls the other two men to the front door. As the tree men stand around recovering from their initial shock they suddenly see about 15 meters away seemingly floating between some pear trees a bizarre winged humanoid about 1.50 meters in height, sporting a pair of wings at least 3.5 meters in width. The strange humanoid appeared to be totally covered in shiny hairless skin that appeared to have just come out of the water. It had a large head and a small beak. On top of its head it had what appeared to be a small crest that appeared to be missing a piece in the middle. Its eyes were huge and completely black in color, but despite their color they appeared to glow in the dark. The terrified trio thought at first that they were witnessing a creature from the prehistoric past, since its wings resembled somewhat those of an ancient pterodactyl. It seemed to have bony protrusions on its wings. The creature’s legs were thick and robust in nature that ended in powerful claw like protrusions. Suddenly the winged humanoid moved its wings causing the nearest tree to sway back as if rocked by a strong wind and with incredibly agility it rose up and disappeared in the darkness. The terrified witnesses ran back into the cabin.
HC addendum
Source: Calama UFO Center
Type: E
Location. Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Date: July 31 2003
Time: 0100A
The two witnesses, Linda and Pat were playing around on the computer when they decided to go out and do some stargazing. Soon they headed out to an area where they would get a look at the clear night sky without having lights to obscure their view. As they drove along Pat reported that there was quite a bit of traffic for that time of the night, but after they decided to stop just off to the side of the road to see what they might notice, the traffic stopped coming. There was not a light from any vehicles, not anything other than a very dark stretch of road. Pat grabbed her flashlight and shone it into the sky as she has done this in the past. Her friend Linda was scanning with a pair of binoculars on the other side of the car. A few minutes later they noticed what appeared to be three stars up in the sky that formed into a triangle shape. All three lights at this time were solid white in color. Both ladies watched as the three white lights started moving, but moving together. Soon the lights began to change color to neon green as the object stopped and hovered just ahead of their car. Pat turned the headlights off and shone her flashlight down the road in front of her car. They were worried about any wild animals such as bears etc. As she shone the light up the road both of the women spotted which frightened them a lot. Five sets of eyes were staring at them from approximately 40 feet away from them. As frightened as they were their first thoughts were of coyotes or some other wild animals. But soon they realized that the creatures were roughly four feet tall, with dark gray shoulders, and were coming towards the women. Pat yelled at her friend Linda “get in the car, get in the car”. Pat said they both scrambled to get back into the vehicle but she said it was like moving through quicksand and it felt horrible. It felt as if everything was slowing down around them. Once they were both back in the car, Pat tried to turn the ignition on so she could get the power windows up. But all the electricity in the car was failing. The dome light and headlights were going off and on, on their own. Finally the car started and they sped off towards home and as they traveled along the road they again noticed a fair bit of traffic coming in their direction. (They thought it was strange that there had been no traffic around when all was happening). As they drove along the road both ladies felt their whole body tingling just like they had been zapped by a charge from a battery. At this point they both noticed a time discrepancy in their vehicle clock. It appears that they could not account for 25 minutes of their time. As they neared home and turned onto Baker Street all of the sudden they saw this bright glowing neon green sphere low in the sky. The object started moving to the right, moving in quick hesitant bursts of speed, and then it started to move away until the ladies car came to a halt, and sod did the object. Before they knew it, the sphere of green light began heading towards them at a high rate of speed and hovered high above the car. The driver sped off quickly and drove into an orchard, which was very close by. They thought it was a good place to hide from the object. But only after a very short time after arriving at the orchard they now saw three glowing spheres of green light hovering in the sky forming what appeared to be a triangle. After a short period of time each of the green lights moved away in different directions. In the morning Pat discovered a large bruise on her left breast and another on the bottom of her foot. Both were extremely painful. Linda also suffered from an unexpected nosebleed. Also bruises resembling finger marks were found on Linda’s thigh. Linda also suffered from terribly pain on her lower back. Curiously the doctor told Linda that it appeared that she had suffered from a radiation burn on her back.
HC addendum
Source: Brian Vike, HBCC UFO Research, British Columbia
Type: C or G?
Location. Near Seward, Alaska
Date: August 2003
Time: night
Several youngsters were out in the area trying to snag salmon in the tidal pools late one night (it was very light out, just like twilight) when they saw on a field what they could only describe as “stick people” about three feet high, with large heads and eyes that reflected greenish light when the youngster shone their flashlights on them. The terrified youngsters felt that they were being stalked as they saw 15 pairs coming towards them. At this point the kids made a mad run for the main road. Upon arriving there, they confronted at least 15 to 20 more “stick people” hiding in the tall grass. Thankfully, the humanoids then ran towards the heavy brushy area and disappeared from sight. Another adult witness reported experiencing unexplained loud “ringing” in his ears as he visited the area.
HC addendum
Source: Alternative Realities Chronicles, Vol. # 1 # 4
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: I recall similar events reported around Nome back in August of 1988.
Location. Yonkers, New York
Date: August 2003
Time: 0139A
The witness was watching television facing away from the window when the blinds from the window began to bounce around; he ignored it, thinking it was just the wind. After 20 minutes the witness got up to close to window and was startled to see a bizarre powerfully built creature about 3-1/2 ft tall that stared at the witness with huge red glowing eyes. It was what had been bouncing the blinds. Terrified the witness ran to his room and hid and did not see the creature again.
HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales, September 2003
Paranormal about.com
Type: E
Location. Boise, Idaho
Date: August 2003
Time: night
H Snow was in his bedroom when a small white ball of light zigzagged into his room above his head. He then closed his eyes and could see a rectangular window with geometric patterns of different colors, swirling vortexes of different sizes and colors. It was as if he was looking into another dimension of pure beauty. He could see a panel of different color lights on each side of the window. The room seemed to get bigger and he felt as he was inside the light, he could now see a being of light sitting at a control desk with the same kind of panel and lights with his hands over some of the lights. There was no sound or communication from the being. The room then got even bigger and the being now looked like some type of robot with beautiful pulsating colors inside of it. The head looked like strips of leather with short black tentacles. They seemed to be moving as the being floated towards the witness. As it got closer he could see the tentacles right next to his eyes. However he felt no fear as he opened his eyes. The witness feels that he received curative powers as a result of the bizarre encounter.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Watch, Abduction Reports
Type: G or F?
Location. Near Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: August 2003
Time: night
Andre Villa and his girlfriend had camped out on a hill overlooking a valley and had started a small bonfire when they noticed a bright bluish light descend over the area, within the light they could see a large disc-shaped craft. The illuminated craft approached their position at very high speed and landed on a nearby field. Terrified both witnesses ran and hid behind some bushes, the whole time keeping their eyes on the object. They could see that the craft was really hovering at about 3 meters from the ground, illuminating its surroundings like daytime. The craft did not have windows, doors or openings; it was completely smooth and was encased in a bright bluish glow. Despite his girlfriend’s loud objections Andres approached to within 200 meters of the craft and hid behind a pile of rocks near the bonfire in order to obtain a better look at the strange craft. After about 20 minutes an opening became visible on the craft that still floated close to the ground, from the opening a small ladder-like protrusion dropped to the ground. Two short humanoid creatures then climbed down to the ground from inside the object, these had child-like bodies, very pale features, huge heads, but the witnesses could not see their facial features due to the glaring blue light around the craft. The two humanoids looked around and seemed to talk among themselves, soon 3 more similar creatures emerged from the craft. The group walked around the area near the object as if looking for something. Moments later the witness watched another bright light descending from the sky. The light hovered briefly changing colors from red to orange tones. Suddenly the short humanoids that had been milling around the bluish disc-shaped craft appeared to become agitated and began running towards their craft, while the other craft, a sphere shaped object dotted with bright beams of light quickly descended over the scene. The sphere descended to within 50 meters of the disc and landed. The witnesses then heard a loud roaring noise and a bright flash from the sphere temporarily blinded and seemed to incapacitate several of the short humanoids, since a couple dropped to the ground. The glare now gone the witnesses saw three figures come out of the sphere. These were described as taller, human-like, wearing transparent glass-like helmets, and very tight-fitting black jumpsuits. These aliens ran in the direction of the shorter humanoids, which were still stunned and appeared confused. Three of the short humanoids managed to enter their craft, but two were unable to and remained behind to confront the other three apparently threatening aliens. The stunned witnesses watched as a brief but violent struggle ensued. To their horror they watched as the two short humanoids were apparently struck down by the taller aliens, while their bluish disc-shaped craft pulled up the ladder, closed the opening and shot away at incredible speed, living behind their two fallen comrades. The three tall aliens then proceeded to pick up the limp bodies of the short humanoids and dragged them inside their sphere-shaped craft. The witnesses could not tell if the humanoids were dead or still alive. The aliens quickly entered the sphere, which then rose up into the sky and vanished in plain sight. Terrified the two witnesses left the area, promising never to return to the area.
HC addendum
Source: www.sobrenatural.org
Type: B & F?
Comments: The Diamantina area has always been a region of high strangeness happenings. The above case, though not properly investigated seems to indicate a sort of an ongoing struggle between different types of “aliens”, there has been other reports of apparent dogfights between different types of UFOs, these well documented, plus other reports that hint of a struggle between different sides. (Translated by Albert S Rosales).
Location. Szcecinek, Poland
Date: August 11 2003
Time: 0500A
Mr. Lech Hacinski was returning home from work when he noticed three figures, about 1.60m in height, apparently standing under a nearby railroad overpass, they appeared to be inspecting something on the ground, and immediately noticed as the witness’s vehicle approached their location. One of the “men” then left the others and walked to the middle of the road with one of its hands raised up. For some unexplained reason the witness was forced to stop the car as the human-like figure approached him. At this point the witness noticed that the three men wore round helmets and had large round black eyes, he could not see any other facial features. On top of the helmet there was what Hacinski took to be a communications device. They also wore dark blue astronaut-like suits with black backpacks of some type. One of them approached even closer and pointed an object at the witness, which flashed multi-colored lights. This humanoid then proceeded to contact the witness by using telepathy and asked him several questions about his car and his manner of dress (apparently the witness had by now stepped out of the vehicle). They asked him about the car’s propulsion system and engine. The witness opened the hood of the car and attempted to explain to the humanoids how the engine operated. Before leaving the humanoids warned the witness that humans must to preserve the earth’s most precious resources, which they said it was the water and the air, if not extinction was surely to follow. Before leaving the witness asked the humanoids where was their home planet located. Their answer was sort of vague but the witness understood something about “the eighth galaxy”. The aliens also told the witness that he was the first earthling they had made contact with. The aliens then floated to a nearby field where a huge dark round object rested on the ground, the bottom of the craft appeared to be surrounded by fog. The aliens disappeared into the craft, which then rose up and disappeared towards the west at high speed. On the field where the craft had landed a 50 meters width circle of flattened wheat was found.
HC addendum
Source: Robert Lezniakiewicz, UFO Raport Poland
Type: B
Location. Tolapa, Nicaragua
Date: August 15 2003
Time: various
Villagers in this Northwestern Nicaraguan village reported the sudden death of their sheep; apparently attacked by an unknown creature they dubbed the “Chupacabra”. 12 female sheep were found dead, all had strange round wounds in the area of the neck according to farmer Alicia Icabalceta. Another farmer Albertina Brenes reporting losing 5 sheep to the mysterious creature. One of her nephews reported hearing noises at the same time that the sheep displayed nervous behavior. Other farmers reported seeing a strange creature described as a mixture of a dog and a kangaroo with very long and strong hind legs and very shiny eyes roaming the countryside.
HC addendum
Source: El Dia Newspaper August 2003
Type: E
Location. Managua, Nicaragua
Date: August 16 2003
Time: 0130A
The witness was vacationing in the area and had gone to bed in his hotel room after about 3 hours he had to get up to use the bathroom. He opened the door and heard an odd slurping sound coming from the toilet. He leapt up in surprise at the two dim red eyes that were staring at him. They had no pupils. He switched on the light and stared in horror at a small bipedal reptilian-like creature that glared back at him. It was green in color and had a frog-like body and a large round head. It had what appeared to be spines running from the top of the head to the end of its back. Two small fangs protruded from its mouth. They were each about an inch long. It wore a cute and curious but menacing expression. The creature was about 1 meter in height and as soon as it saw the witness it jumped to the shower curtain, scrambled up on it using amazing agility and perched on the horizontal bar that held it up. Immediately the bar snapped of the wall bringing the creature down into the bathtub. As it struggled to regain its feet, the witness picked up the pole and struck the creature twice on the rump. The creature hopped out of the bathtub, it ran under the witness legs, out of the bathroom and into the witness sleeping quarters. The witness grabbed a flashlight and followed into the third floor hallway. The witness entered the hallway in time to see it turn a corner eight doors down. The witness then went back into his sleeping quarters and stayed awake all night.
HC addendum
Source: Mystical Universe
Type: E
Location. Poland Maine
Date: August 23 2003
Time: 0100A
The witness was driving back to his hotel in Auburn Maine when suddenly he was enveloped by a blinding light coming from all directions, his truck engine stalled and he just drifted off the road onto a sandy shoulder abutting the field. The truck then levitated 6 ft off the ground and was deposited about 90 ft off the road in the middle of a field. Terrified, he scrambled out of the car and while in the field a basketball sized orb of light suddenly flew toward him and stopped inches in front of his face. The orb began to spin. It was multicolored (like carnival glass). The witness remembers becoming very calm and then he lost consciousness. When he awoke he was naked and lying on a surface about the size of a twin bed, except the surface appeared to be translucent and unsupported. It seemed to be floating in mid-air. The chamber he was in seemed to be made of the same shimmering material as the orb. As he sat there very calmly, at least six beings came into the chamber through a portal that seemed to just open in the wall, like a mouth. Their skin was the color of ripe plums (dark purple), their “hands” were cone shaped and seemed to have eight opposable digits of the same length webbed together with no break in the webbing. Their two eyes were almond shaped with pale blue/silver irises against a black pupil. Their eyes had no whites and one seemed slightly larger than the other. Some of the aliens had a larger right eye, some a larger left. Their heads and mouths were like a turtle’s. They seemed to have small indentations on either side of their heads, but no openings. They were bent forward and moved like “birds” except their legs seemed to be heavier. They were of varying heights, between 5 ft and 6’6″. The witness thinks they were of the two sexes. The “females” appeared to have a small trench-like depression in the small of their back between where their legs joined. The “males” seemed to have a small protuberance high on their torso with a valve like opening in its center, the protuberance was not phallic, but more like a 4″ long vertical mound. There also seemed to be some kind of eliminatory opening between their legs. The witness could not see their feet. He felt strangely calm as the aliens examined him. They waved “wands” over his body, which turned different colors. They took blood through a clear suction type device, which did not pierce the skin but seemed to draw the blood through the surface. The aliens made vibrating and purring sounds to each other during the exam. They also extracted some semen through a device similar to the blood taking suction cup. The chamber was extremely warm. When they finished their exam, the orb appeared over his face again and he lost consciousness again. He awoke naked in a fetal position next to his truck in the field. His clothes were in a pile nearby. Still feeling very calm he drove back to the hotel. The witness examined himself on a mirror and noticed a round suction mark on his torso, which faded the next morning.
HC addendum
Source: I Was abducted.com
Type: G
Location. Cerro Termal, Rosario de la Frontera, Argentina
Date: late August 2003
Time: early morning
A “Gaucho” surnamed Posadas in charge of a farm owned by a local rancher, Oscar Frez was crossing the sector, located high in a densely forested area when he ran into a strange being standing over two meters tall, covered in hair from head to foot, long arms ending in sharp claws, an oval shaped head and an enormous mouth filled with menacing fangs. Posadas impressed by the sight got off his mount and reached for the shotgun on the saddle, but the hominid had vanished by the time he looked up again.
HC addendum
Source: Scott Corrales, Journal of Hispanic Ufology 9-4-03
Type: E
Location. Cerro Termal, Rosario de la Frontera, Argentina
Date: late August 2003
Time: 1700
Biathlete Humberto Sosa, 52 was training with Susana Romano, 32 and upon reaching a curve they felt the crushing of branches from the hill. They stopped to see what it could be and amid the foliage they saw briefly, a large creature, resembling an ape, moving with great agility. They both remained very still, their eyes riveted to the area in the trees. They tried to listen, but everything remained silent. Suddenly all of the birds flew away, as though fleeing from something. And again they saw the creature jump up. It resembled a giant ape, and afraid both witnesses ran as quickly as possible out of the forested area. However the “thing” seemed to follow them, running parallel to them some 10 meters down the slope, through the wilderness, which is impossible for a human to do given the thickness of the vegetation. Through the leaves and branches they could see its enormous silhouette and every so often could hear how timber was violently shattered, which led them to believe that the creature’s weight was tremendous.
HC addendum
Source: Scott Corrales, IHU, Gloria Coluchi
Type: E
Location. St. Laurent, Manitoba, Canada
Date: late August 2003
Time: night
In the last week of August four youths were driving south of St. Laurent towards the golf course road (as many locals call it) when they saw flashing lights over and above one of the buildings on the course. The lights seemed to be sitting stationary in one spot and low over the sheds. The witnesses assumed, after seeing a car pulled to the side of the road and the lights flashing, that someone might have been breaking into the sheds. Two of the young men decided to sneak in to see if they might catch someone causing damage, the other two went back home to get their parents and have them come down to the area where all this was taking place. As the two youths were approximately half way into the course and as they approached a small road, which passed by one of the dugouts, they heard a very loud, piercing scream. As they kept walking for approximate another 100 feet, all of the sudden this “thing” was right in front of them screaming out a loud screeching noise. It was a three-foot tall creature that ran in front of them only about 25 ft away. Both witnesses were taken totally by surprise and were very frightened. Both ran back towards the road where they had been dropped off but seeing that they did not have a vehicle they cowered in the ditch, which ran along side of the road hoping that whatever it was would not find them. A few minutes later the two other youths arrived along with their parents who searched the area but found nothing. But, apparently unusual holes have been found in the ground throughout the area.
HC addendum
Source: Brian Vike for CANUFO
Type: E
Location. Near Arivaca, Arizona
Date: September 2003
Time: sundown
The witness was scouting for deer on horseback in the Cerro Colorado Mountains about 1.5 miles from his camp and as twilight approached he found a dead bighorn sheep lamb. It looked like it had been killed within the hour. It had a gory looking bloody hole in its throat, just above the chest area. It appeared that the predator had eaten the heart and drank the blood, nothing else. There was some blood on the ground. The witness looked around and picked up the trail of a three—possibly four-toed animal with each toe about the length of a human finger with a claw or nail on the end of each one. He had never seen a track such as this one in all the years he had spent in the wild. He followed the tracks to a draw and looking down he saw a “thing” about 50 feet below him headed down hill. The witness followed it and after a while it apparently sensed the horse was there and turned around to face it, it saw the witness and then moved more rapidly down hill, but it couldn’t outrun the horse. Its stride was about 1.5 ft walking upright and 5-8 ft when moving on three or four limbs and possibly 12-20 ft when making a funny sort of hop. It had a funny gait, almost a lope, but little jumps and sometimes bounds were involved. It only looked back at the witness three times. It finally got down to a steep rocky area full of cracks, crevasses and holes between the boulders. It disappeared into the rocks. The witness described the creature as a cross between the creature of the black lagoon and a rhesus monkey. It moved on two, three and four legs/arms. It stood about 3.5-4 ft tall when standing and weighed maybe about 50-60 lbs. It had large lemur like eyes, brown skin, possibly fine fur, a large bald or hairless head, enlarged buttocks and thick hind limbs. It had some spike-like protrusions along its back that appeared flexible and moved as it ran. It had claws or long gray nails on at least three of the digits on the left front and rear. It had more of a snout than a nose. The witness did not see any teeth. It had a “dead meat” smell, but not rotten meat, no doubt because it just fed. The next morning the witness was surprised to find the dead lamb still there, apparently not touched by any of the area’s predators.
HC addendum
Source: Paranormal about.com October 2003 stories
Type: E
Location. Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Date: early September 2003
Time: night
The cousin of 16-year old “Samahil” had gone outside her home and observed a strange short thin humanoid moving among the brushes. Soon the humanoid approached the house and stood about 2 meters away from the front door, standing behind a tree. It had long dangling arms, a round head and round bluish eyes. It appeared to be wearing a tight-fitting silvery gray suit. A photograph was allegedly taken of the alien.
HC addendum
Source: Guillermo D Gimenez, OVNI Vision Chile, quoting
Los OVNIS TV Mexico
Type: E
Location. Marietta, Georgia
Date: September 1 2003
Time: late night
The witness, Paul Blackstone, was attempting to wake up after some unusual dreams but could not quite wake up. He felt someone feeling his face and he thought at first that it was his mother or sister attempting to wake him up, but then he remembered that he was alone at home that night. He felt a hand palpate his upper eye orbital region and then his cheekbones and then tilt his head back. He felt paralyzed but struggled to awake fully. He began to notice that he felt rubbery and clammy and also began hearing a pulsating high-pitched frequency sound. He then attempted to mentally communicate with what he felt was an alien presence in his room. He told “it” his name and let them know that he was not afraid. He then felt a hand on his forehead; soon the sound and the hand went away. He then felt his right arm being lifted and then another hand grip his wrist. He then felt some caressing on his hand. He continued to struggle and soon felt what seemed to be a large needle driven into his wrist perhaps drawing blood or injecting something. He then felt what seemed like a powerful electrical shock on his wrist, up his arm and then up his back and neck. He then felt the needle come out. Somebody then held his arm and the witness began to regain the ability to use his right arm and the use of his facial muscles and began to whisper “Hello, hello”. But soon he lost the ability to speak again and felt a hand on the back of his neck. He felt himself drifting away to sleep but managed to struggle with the unseen intruder. Soon he was able to open his eyes but his body was frozen from the neck down. His room was very dark but there was a light blue glow coming from outside. Right by his bed he then saw a tall 7 ft figure with a large head and slender arms, but it was to dark to see the face, eyes or color. It was looking down at the witness and then turned around and walked towards the door. The witness heard silent footsteps but could not turn his head and did not hear the door open. Soon the witness regained his ability to move. He searched around the room and noticed that the door of his room was locked. He also checked his arm but could not find any evidence of an injection.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Casebook, Alien Newsletter Issue # 69
Type: E
Location. Near Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Date: September 3 2003
Time: 0230A
During the wee hours of the morning the witness’s 12-year old son woke her husband and herself telling them that he had a nosebleed. They did not think much about it since the boy usually gets a bleed once a year and it was not a heavy bleed, but rather a persistent trickle. He then came to their bed with them and the witness suddenly went to sleep very rapidly and went immediately into an extremely vivid lucid dream. In the dream her son and her were outside of a house and they ran to the other side to see a UFO in the sky. The UFO was not lit, but rather a dark shadow in the night sky, huge and in two parts that were connected. They somehow “knew” that this was something to be afraid of and hid in the deep shadows of the house as the UFO came down with very little noise and transformed itself into a vast robot, which started walking across the countryside. Again they “knew” this had something to do with power, as in electrical power and that they would be forced to use some power they didn’t want to use. In fact they “knew” that if they used the power they were bringing it would be a trick ultimately used to imprison them. They ran inside the house and there the phone was ringing and they again “knew” it was the power company calling them to force them to use this new power. For this reason they did not answer the phone. There was a glassed in room in the house, which had a number of people seated in it. These people were important to the witness, although they were not familiar to her. She ran into the room to warn them of what she had seen. One of the people was a brown haired girl about 20 whom the witness recognized as her daughter (not her real life daughter). She also recognized her as her mother. She was crying, although the witness was not sure why. What was remarkable about her was that she was half human and half “android” or robotic. At one point the witness could see some of the skin on her back and you could see that the skin was living tissue stretched over a metallic frame. The skin was red and sore like burned scar tissue. She was also pregnant and made a comment to the witness about how she had been to “animal control” (the witness could not quite recall the phrase but it was like going to a veterinarian instead of a human doctor), where she had been impregnated. The father of her child was also there, another predominantly robotic person who looked like a human face had been grafted on. He was a sympathetic figure and he understood what the witness was telling him. There were others in the room that were similar but the witness did not have a chance to speak to them. The dream went blank for a bit and then the witness found herself outside in a “neighborhood”. There was a huge wind blowing and the witness “knew” that this was about earth’s changes. She also “knew” that after the earth changes the alien beings will come for us and that it would be terrible. The power company had set up a steel building that looked like the only thing that could withstand the wind. Everyone crowded inside and the witness “knew” that it was trap. She point out to the father of her daughter’s baby that the heave stainless steel door only opened from the outside, and that if they would let them go they would all be imprisoned. Between them they managed to keep the doors from closing. The dream went on with dire predictions for humanity and coming earth changes; a collapse of society was coming. The witness woke up around 0600A with a severe nosebleed, stiff arms and legs and total physical exhaustion. Other family members reported strange scratches and marks on their bodies.
HC addendum
Source: Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research
Type: G or F?
Location. Beshtau Mountain, near Lermontova Russia
Date: October 2003
Time: daytime
Boris Sinitzin, his wife Tatiana and several friends were relaxing at the hydrogen sulfide springs not far from the “Second Athos Monastery”. When suddenly the woman focused her attention on three figures, standing about 400 meters away on the slopes of the mountain. The figures were about 2 meters in height, yellow, silvery and blue in color. They stood motionlessly, emitting noticeable radiance from their bodies. For some reason the witnesses felt no fear and somehow knew immediately that these were “aliens”. The strange trio stared at the witnesses from the slopes and one of them pointed a finger at the group. As soon as the aliens realized they were being watched they seemed to vanish in plain sight. Everyone in the group felt a strange harmony within and could not speak about what they had seen. Later on as the witnesses drove away from the area they again saw the three strange figures on the slops, these disappeared in the same manner as before.
HC addendum
Source: Yuri Protasov, 11-25-2003
Type: E
Location. Kranoarmeysk, Ukraine
Date: October 2003
Time: night
Engineer Vladimir Prosyanikov was suddenly awakened in the middle of then night by a strange impulse. Near the sofa was his television set, which was at the time disconnected from the socket. Suddenly, color images began appearing on the screen, first he saw a star with stars, Ursa Major constellation and the Polaris star at the center, and Cassiopeia to the right. He saw what appeared to be a white arrow pointer; it approached Ursa Major and pointed to the place between the second and third stars of the Ursa Major (Big Bear). After that, everything vanished and images of animals and birds began appearing on the screen, bears, rabbits, wolfs and very beautiful birds. Following that, humanoid images appeared on the screen, and man and a woman and what appeared to be a projector-type device to the right of them, that began to slowly signaling, 3 short white flashes and one long bright red light. The humanoids on the screen were dressed in silvery tight-fitting suits, nothing out of the ordinary was noted about their faces, but their eyes seemed to cause a strange sensation on the witness. Seized by an awful fear he humped from his sofa, and covered the television set with a sheet of cloth. Filled with curiosity 2 hours later he lifted the cloth and the room was suddenly filled with holographic images of animals, including a cat that seemed to float towards the kitchen. After that the television screen showed images of dinosaurs, mammoths and other bizarre and “ugly” looking animals. Afraid that the animals might somehow penetrate into the room he again covered the set with the cloth and ran out into his front yard.
HC addendum
Source: “Mir Zazerkalya” (World Behind the Mirror) Nr 9 (160) 2004
Type: F?
Location. West Central, Minnesota
Date: October 3 2003
Time: late afternoon
A husband and wife were relaxing and talking about the day when they noticed the sky turning a strange pink color. They were on a small hill on the east side of their house when both suddenly and almost at the same time said, “What the hell is that? The wife ran for her camera and began to take pictures. They both saw a strange vertical cloud that seemed to be walking up the hill. It had started out toward the bottom but by the time she got the camera it was almost to the rise. It seemed to be “body-like” in form. It also seemed to emit some kind of “mental energy”. It gave off very scary energy or vibes. It continued out of view. The sky then returned to normal.
HC addendum
Source: Brian Vike, HBCC UFO Research
Type: E?
Location. Casilda, Rosario, Argentina
Date: October 8 2003
Time: night
Upon hearing his dogs barking furiously a local resident stepped out of his home armed with a flashlight. At first he did not see anything but upon directing the beam of light to another direction he saw a mall dark hairy figure apparently attempting to climb up the side of the nearby Candelaria Canal. She could not see many details because it was really dark, but was able to detect a sort of sound coming from the creature similar to a hiccup. Terrified she ran home. Another man reported seeing reported seeing the same or similar creature this time in the canal standing on top of some rocks, “its body was totally covered with dark hair”. Others reported seeing the creature and calling the police who failed to locate anything. The creature was reported to be the size of a 4-year old child.
HC addendum
Source: Newspaper, Cuña de Bandera, Argentina
October 15 2003
Type: E
Location. Cliff Cave, St Louis, Missouri
Date: October 17 2003
Time: 2140
Two witnesses had gone to the local park after sundown, which was considered trespassing since the park was closed before sundown. As they walked by the trees guarding the field they noticed that the grass had a sort of shroud or clear like fog hovering about two feet above it. As they walked to the center of the field one of the men noticed something moving in front of the trees on the other end of the field about 500 ft away. As he crept closer he could see a sort of white figure about 5-6 ft tall, moving slowly. It wasn’t exactly walking and it didn’t have any real definition to it. It sort look like an apparition the closer they got. The first witness quickened his pace, closely followed by his friend. He could not start to make it out. On completion of a step, there was a loud screech, like the creature forced the air out of its lungs and made an “eee-uuuungh” sound. The witness then saw a half erect, two-foot tall, gray creature fling up about 10-15 ft in the air right in front of the white figure. It reminded him of a monkey in shape and movement. It made the noise again. Both witnesses yell in shock and bolted from the area, the first witness tripped over a divot on the field, his friend ran back to help him as he did this both men watched the now very white figure or “shroud” above the ground move around. They then watched a serpent like formation of fog crawling across the field in front of them. One of the witnesses walked a few feet and again heard the strange screeching sound coming from the middle of the field. At this point both witnesses ran out the field as they did they heard the screeching sound several times again from behind the tree line.
HC addendum
Source: Paranormal about.com, your true tales, November 03
Type: E
Location. Near San Andres Tenejapam, Veracruz, Mexico
Date: October 28 2003
Time: 0515A
Several passengers’ onboard bus # 35 of “Adelas” transport services including Gaudencio Lopez reported seeing an incredible looking creature just as the bus rounded a corner known as “El Piojo”. They reported seeing a creature larger than an elephant somewhat reptilian in appearance crossing the road just ahead of the bus. Terrified the passengers yelled at the driver to turn the headlights off, afraid that the creature would charge the bus. The strange creature reached the embankment on the other side of the road and disappeared down into a gully. Other passengers reported seeing the same or similar creature around the same curve at other times.
HC addendum
Source: Emilio Gonzalez G, El Durmiente De Orizaba
Type: E
Comments: Sounds like a dinosaur is loose in Mexico!
Location. Moscow region, Russia
Date: November 2003
Time: late night
The witness who was staying at an “education camp” along with hundreds of other young men was sleeping in the barracks that night in a room that contained 6 other companions; he slept on the top bunk. That night he suddenly woke up as if in a dream and observed several “alien figures” or humanoids (not described), which appeared to be busy at different tasks in the room. He was completely paralyzed and in terrible fear. The encounter lasted for about a couple of minutes then the witness suddenly was awake in bed sweating profusely and shaking. He got up and checked the doors and windows but these were all locked.
HC addendum
Source: Blackvault Forums
Type: E
Comments: Maybe a Hypnopompic vision? But these usually last only seconds.
Location. San Antonio, Texas
Date: November 1 2003
Time: 0800A
Victor M was standing in his kitchen pouring a cup of coffee when for some reason he found himself staring to his left out the window to the backyard, almost as if in a trance. The entire scenario happened in about four seconds in time. In the first second, a brownish (sienna) colored smoky mist came wrapping around the patio post from the rear. It was about two feet tall and two inches thick and was hugging the side of the post about five feet above the ground. His first thought was maybe there was a fire in the rafters and smoke was rolling down the side of the post. It was a weird looking smoke though, very fluid looking and brown in color. The next second the “smoke” stepped aside from the post and formed into a human shape. He could see the torso from above the groin (no legs) the head and right arm. It was the same fluid smoky sienna brown. He couldn’t see a face and the torso didn’t appear to the clothed. There was a redwood colored storage shed in his neighbor’s yard directly behind where he saw the shape and his backyard was covered in sienna covered gravel, so he couldn’t tell if the apparition was picking up its color from either of those. He also could not tell if the apparition was transparent. It almost seemed to have transparency to it, but he was not sure if the light on the storage shed was actually shining through it or not. The whole thing was still very smoky, fluid and almost had a shimmer-like sparkle to it. The next second it appeared that the apparition actually straightened its head from a downward position (like someone standing at attention). He saw the shoulders snap into place and they stood and stared directly at each other for a split second. His whole body jolted like he was shocked to see the witness looking at him. It was a very human like reaction. His head and shoulders did that classic shocked, jerky movement, (imagine how your body reacts when someone surprises you). In the remaining second, he turned sideways and raised his right arm like he was running. He scooted very quickly back behind the patio post. At the same time he appeared to be running, his body also seemed to be reverting back to the smoky mist shape. The witness was never afraid during the entire incidence. It happened very quickly and it seemed to have been afraid of the witness. The next second the witness ran out the patio and looked behind the post. There was nothing there.
HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales, January 2004
Type: E
Location. Aldine, Houston, Texas
Date: November 5 2003
Time: night
Several locals reported seeing what appeared to have been a bobcat like creature roaming the area. Another man reported being attacked by a creature that was three feet tall and had teeth like tusks. He received scars on his face and body.
HC addendum
Source: Paranormal about.com. Your true Tales December 2003
Type: E
Location. Tucson, Arizona
Date: November 6 2003
Time: evening
As the witness and her mother walked out the front door, the mother turned to lock the door and the young witness, Sarah A, walked towards the car. As she neared the car she was shocked by a dark figure that resembled a man-ape combination. It was crouched down, sort of frog style, and took a jump toward the witness as if the witness had startled it. It then made a loud hissing noise. In fear the young witness closed her eyes and did not move until she heard her mother calling out to her. Her mother had caught a glimpse of something running out of the corner of her right eye, but it was to fast to see any clear details. The witness further described the creature as having huge hind legs an arched spiny back, with very large piercing eyes.
HC addendum
Source: Paranormal about.com. Your True Tales, December 2003
Type: E
Location. Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Date: November 7 2003
Time: 1830
The witness was taking a walk with his dog along the city limits on a secluded street when he came upon an open field and noticed his dog approaching a strange figure. At first he did not know what it was until he got a closer look. The figure did not move and just stared at the witness approaching, it seemed not to worry about the dog. The figure was dark and appeared to be lying down on its elbows or knees, possibly in an attempt to conceal itself. The witness and his dog then left the area.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Comments: Unfortunately there is no further description of the humanoid.
Location. Phoenix, Arizona
Date: November 21 2003
Time: 0230A
A young girl reported being awakened in the middle of the night and frightened by a blue “alien”. Jenna R was sleeping in her bed on a Friday night when she suddenly woke up feeling very frightened. She opened her eyes and turned over and at the edge of her bed stood a little man about three to four ft tall and grayish-blue in color. He was staring at her with piercing black eyes. The humanoid started moving slowly towards her, she tried to scream but was unable to. She immediately hid under the covers. She then slowly came out of the covers and the humanoid was still there. She quickly sat up. The humanoid the flung the bedroom door open and ran out. While approaching the bed, the entity moved very slowly in a kind of “creeping” manner.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Volume 8 # 47
Type: E
Location. Padre Hurtado, Chile
Date: late November 2003
Time: 2330
The Hernandez family was conducting an outdoor barbeque in their backyard when suddenly several prunes apparently from a nearby field pelted the wife, Mercedes, who was guarding the grill. At first she thought that someone in her family was playing a joke on her but soon realized that the prunes seemed to be coming from the direction of a nearby large tree. The tree was about 10 meters away and she approached the area. As she approached the tree she heard a sound similar to someone chewing very loud, upon getting closer she spotted a pair of shiny red eyes, which were looking at her from a point in the center of the tree trunk. Whatever it was, it seemed to be sitting in between two thick branches located in the center of the trunk. Terrified she yelled for her husband. Her husband also saw the strange figure and grabbing a hose he sprayed water on the creature hoping that it would scare it. In an instant the creature executed a tremendous leap and jumped over the nearby neighbor’s wall, and into a pen filled with geese and ducks. Due to the moonlight on that night the two witnesses were able to see some details on the bizarre creature. The creature was about 5 ft tall, covered in brown hair. It had a pear-shaped head with what appeared to be a very pointed beak, also hairy. It had two short arms that ended in claws, and a tail-like protrusion on its back. The eyes were round and bright red in color. As the creature leapt from the tree it caused several branches to break in half, when it landed on the other side of the stonewall, there was a very audible “thump”. At this point the creature disappeared from sight. During the encounter the witnesses two pet dogs hid under a nearby outdoor sink visibly terrified.
HC addendum
Source: IIEE Chile
Type: E
Location. Constanza, Dominican Republic
Date: December 2003
Time: evening
Sixto Paz Wells along with about 37 other persons had gathered in a mountainous area in order to meditate, during the so call “Worldwide Moment of Contact” the first one held in the Dominican Republic. After performing numerous breathing and meditating exercises the group noticed a strange fog or mist approaching their position at about 300 meters away. The strange fog seemed to move at ground level. As it approached their location the fog seemed to rise up into the air acquiring a half-moon shape, turning a pale blue or silvery color. Wells immediately decided to approach the strange fog with the intention to verify what the group was witnessing. As he approached the luminous dome-shaped fog it seemed to approach his location, surrounding him in a sort of luminous whirlwind. At that same moment Wells noticed the figure of a very tall man, dressed in a dark outfit that walked towards him, the others in the nearby camp also saw the strange tall figure. As Wells watched he noticed a luminous golden sphere floating among the bushes ahead of him, and to his right a silvery disc-shaped object hovering above the trees. Suddenly Wells rose into the air and felt being “sucked” towards the hovering disc in an oblique trajectory, he entered the hovering object at very high speed. Apparently the tall humanoid had accompanied in his flight towards the hovering object. Once inside he found himself in a round dim room, not to large. Above him he could see what appeared to be a constellation of stars. Suddenly he noticed four “persons” standing in front of him. Three of them were very similar to each other, including the outfits they wore, only the fourth figure appeared different, he seemed to be a giant of a man, somewhat uncomfortable as he stood slightly inclined looking at the witness. The giant wore a dark outfit, with a silvery plate-like object on his chest. He had long silvery hair. The other three were of average height, and wore tight-fitting blue coveralls; their faces were slightly triangular in shape, orange in color with large slanted eyes. They had large pointy ears, which drooped over their shoulders. They had thick dark hair. Wells (involved in other encounters) recognized some of the aliens, since he had met them before. One of the beings, the one called “Sampiac” then communicated with Wells. Soon the others joined in a dialogue with Wells. The beings spoke about their ancestors from Lemuria and Mu and the destruction of Atlantis. They warned Wells of the approaching earth changes and warned that humanity must be informed. Soon he was told to return to the rest of the group. At that moment a beam of light descended from a triangular shaped crystal-like object on the ceiling of the craft completely covering Wells in some sort of “soft energy”. A sort of hatch opened under his feet and Wells descended slowly towards the forest, at very high speed, accompanied by one of the tall beings. The being landed about 20 meters from Wells, in a very excited state Wells noticed that he was accompanied by the very tall being, about 2 1/2 meters in height. He asked the giant humanoid if he could approach him but was told that it was not necessary, that he was tell the others about what had transpired. Wells then bade farewell and walked back to the camp to join the others.
HC addendum
Source: Sixto Paz Wells, Los Esenios de los Andes
Type: G
Location. Longbridge, England
Date: December 2003
Time: midnight
The 25-year old man was walking back from his girlfriend’s house one and the route he was taking took him pass the Land-Rover Kalamazoo plant, which has a large park in the rear. He heard strange noises emanating from the park. At first he thought it was a car but upon investigating further he saw some moving lights behind the trees. Not certain what it could be he glanced behind the trees and saw a large round object, hovering about five ft above the ground. It had a strange metallic sheen and was making a noise like a low pitch hum. In the distance, he could make out some thin, shadowy figures, with long arms and large heads. He could hardly move and suddenly as if they knew he was there, the figures turned around and looked directly at him. They had huge eyes. They then started to make their way towards the witness, who then made a break for and ran. When he reached the boundary of the park, where it meets the road a black car pulled up and the driver motioned for the witness to come over. Although, terrified, he went over to the car, and the driver asked him if he had seen anything. Somewhat confused and wandering how the driver knew, the witness mentioned that there was something in the park. The driver who was wearing a black suit then said, “You didn’t see anything did you”? By this time the witness was really scared and said that he had not seen anything. He then went straight home and called the police but they said that nothing out of the ordinary had been reported in the area.
HC addendum
Source: The UFO Casebook, UFO and Alien Newsletter Issue # 83
Type: C?
Location. Valley Forge National Park, Pennsylvania
Date: December 3 2003
Time: 1651
The 36-year old witness was apparently abducted into a UFO and into a pitch-black room. He could only remembered entering the craft through a pure white entryway. Inside he was placed in a tube-like container that was made out of some bronzed color metal that felt soft like cotton. He described the aliens as having human shaped heads, slightly larger than normal, large oval shaped eyes. Pale greenish-gray skin, their eyes glowed slightly in the darkness. They had skinny, bony fingers. Whenever they touched him it left a slightly painful feeling where they touched leaving behind a brownish film of an unknown substance. They had small slanted mouths but he never saw their mouths move when they communicated with each other. After the encounter the witness experienced slight headaches, numerous nose bleeds. He also found numerous dead squirrels in his back yard. He also reported finding a strange mole-like protrusion at the tip of his spinal cord, the morning after the encounter. It oozed pus-like substance metallic silver in color.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Watch site
Type: G
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 5
Comments: Low weight case with numerous gaps on the original narrative.
Location. Leisure City, Dade County, Florida
Date: December 4 2003
Time: 2300
A lone window, Mrs. Alsbury suddenly woke up to see three figures staring at her from outside her bedroom window. The figures appeared to be tall feminine characters or women, with blond hair and dressed in black tight-fitting outfits. After a few minutes the figures disappeared. The next morning close to noontime the same witness noticed the same or similar figures lounging around her patio area, they were the same tall blond haired characters wearing all black. Afraid she called a neighbor, a Mrs. List who immediately notified the police. A police cruiser responded about 20 minutes later but apparently nothing was located. However a police report was written. (Case # 646787b).
HC addendum
Source: Personal investigation
Type: E
Location. Chaffee, Missouri
Date: December 9 2003
Time: 1250
The eyewitness was driving about 55 mph when he saw a dull aluminum colored bent up creature running on the road and slowed down to 40 mph. The creature looked like a huge aluminum colored “cockroach man” with very long legs that looked like he was running on his knees. It was at least seven feet tall, but he saw no face or eyes and it was hunched over as it ran. At first it looked like a deer, until it ran by the truck so fast that the witness could not see its legs moving, it was more like scurrying. It looked like it had some sort of arms; the witness did not see any wings but it was moving as if it had some. The creature zoomed ten feet by the passenger side door up to thirty feet in front of the truck. The witness then sped up to 65 mph and passed the creature he then looked over his shoulder and watched the creature running behind them. The creature then caught up to the truck then ran alongside of it for a good four seconds and then zoomed past the truck again, to about 20 feet in front of it and then jumped straight into the air and disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Peter Davenport, NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Near Marietta, Ohio
Date: December 11 2003
Time: evening
Two witnesses were driving to a nearby town in West Virginia on a well-traveled highway when they spotted a strange creature off to the side of the highway looking away from them. The “animal” looked like a strange mix between a deer and a bear. It stood about six and a half feet high in total. It had very long, extremely thin legs that looked almost unstable and its entire torso, neck and head was covered in very long black fur. Its legs were not however. They were unable to see its feet due to the 2-inch tall grass. The creature turned to look at them before they drove off. It had large eyes that were red in color. The muzzle/snout was long and slender with a cat-like nose, they couldn’t see any ears.
HC addendum
Source: Cryptozoology.com, Sightings
Type: E
Location. Guanica, Puerto Rico
Date: December 13 2003
Time: near midnight
A group of persons headed by Reinaldo Rios were conducting a night vigil at the old “Fort Capron” which was built by the US in 1898 during the Spanish-American war and is a known site for different types of paranormal manifestations. One moonless night during a meditation exercise they heard strange noises around them. Soon Rios and his cousin noticed behind one of the windows a strange thin creature wearing a strange shiny gold suit. The figure stood for some time at the window. Frightened both men left the area and joined the rest of the group, which were at a different location. Later they returned with additional witnesses but the creature had vanished. Others reported seeing mysterious lights in the area.
HC addendum
Source: Reinaldo Rios, El Dragon Invisible
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: I am not sure what the connection is to an old haunted Spanish fort to an alien like being.
Location. Tin Tin, Salta, Argentina
Date: December 16 2003
Time: near midnight
Julio Espinoza his 5-year old daughter Tamara and 5 other witnesses were traveling by truck near the entrance to the Los Cardones National Park when the driver call out that there was a strange object on the ground about 400 meters away on the right of the road. Espinosa managed to climb on top of the truck in order to obtain a better look as the truck approached the strange object. As the truck drove very close to the object Espinoza saw an object about 100 meters in width, which was resting on the ground on what appeared to be several leg-like supports that rose to about 10-12 meters from the ground. Several hose-like protrusions with lights on the end emerged from the supports. Curious Espinoza left the truck and hid behind a boulder to get a closer look. Suddenly the lights dimmed and Espinoza saw several strange figures, which walked as if suspended animation. He was only able to describe the humanoids as tall and thin wearing very bright outfits that obscured any other features. Hiding behind the boulder he saw one of the figures jumped on top of an outcrop and appear to collect ground samples. After about 20 minutes, Espinoza decided to return to the truck in order to notify the rest of the people. They saw the object but were unable to see the humanoids, because of the distance.
HC addendum
Source: Lista Espacio Compartido January 4 2004
Type: C
Location. Antofagasta, Chile
Date: December 23 2003
Time: 0200A
Student Max Hidalgo was having dinner with family and friends when Hidalgo and two of his cousins heard strange screeching sounds coming from outside. Minutes later armed with a flashlight and accompanied by a group of friends and family he went outside to check to see what was emitting the strange sounds. A short distance from the group the men sighted a strange creature, described as tall and black, bipedal but somewhat hunched over and with a hairy snout. The stranger creature quickly disappeared into the darkness. The next day the witnesses found strange footprint close to a nearby canal.
HC addendum
Source: Erick Bellido, Ovnis Terra
Type: E
Location. Eatonville, California
Date: December 26 2003
Time: midnight
D. H. age 41 was awakened in his travel trailer and clearly saw a red orb three inches in diameter floating around. The baseball size red ball had a two inch red mist around it, so its total diameter was about five inches. Although the red light was “hazy” it lit up the entire interior compartment of the trailer. It was an extremely bright light hovering in the same spot, said the witness. He leaned up on his right elbow very slowly and the light moved about a half an inch further inside the trailer and then bolted out the door. D H was unaware until that moment that the trailer door was open. He always closes and locks that door. The door slammed behind the light. He awoke that morning with a good-sized bump on the back of his head. Yet, he felt better than he had in months. The door trim on the floor had a one-and-a-half inch outward dent in it. The next night he closed his eyes for a minute and had a flashback of someone pulling him by his ankles out of his bed. All of the covers had been removed from his body and he was terrified as he was being dragged feet-first by two hands from his bed and through the trailer door. His head striking the rim probably caused the dent. Later he remembered a large dark gray face about two feet away with thin arms, he saw no ears, mouth, hair or nose.
HC addendum
Source: Filer’s Files # 13-2004, quoting William Puckett & Joe Ryan
UFOs Northwest California
Type: E or G?
Comments: It looks like an abduction attempt gone wrong.
Location. Elizabeth, New Jersey
Date: December 28 2003
Time: night
Enrique Rodriguez and a group of friends were outdoors in their hometown located just across Newark Bay from the New York City borough of Staten Island when they spotted something very strange. “An alien ran to the left behind some trees and disappeared”. Enrique reported, describing the entity as a tall grayish figure with long, large black-brownish eyes, long arms and fingers. It had no mouth, either, just the eyes. Rodriguez was at his friend’s backyard when he saw it. The others became frightened and ran, but he just stood there looking and the creature was looking back at him until it disappeared from sight. Enrique said the entity had gray colored skin resembling that of a baby dinosaur, very shiny and was 6 to 8 ft tall. He called the police who scoffed at him but did check the yards. Apparently nothing was found.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 9 # 3
Type: E
Total cases so far: 114
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.