1989 HUMANOID REPORTS Albert Compiled by Albert Rosales
1989 The Return of the Humanoids.
After a brief hiatus or “slow” period, reports of encounters with entities or humanoids returned with a vengeance in 1989, due in part to the flow of information from the former Eastern bloc countries and what was then the Soviet Union. 1989 was indeed a memorable year, surpassed by the year of the Humanoid itself, 1973 and by that incredible year 1954. As more reports surface from other years and from 1996, 1989 will probably rank among the top five years of reports. The Berlin Wall was gone, but the humanoids were back!
Note: Images have been used by Albert with permission or in good faith. If you have any objection to his use of them please write to Albert at the address below. Also contact me (John Hayes) with details of the image(s) and it/they will be removed from the website.]
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: dolphins305@comcast.net
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.
Sight Unseen : Science, UFO Invisibility and Transgenic Beings
– Budd Hopkins, Carol Rainey
…In Sight Unseen, Budd Hopkins and coauthor Carol Rainey show how fascinating discoveries in modern science support the plausibility of the UFO phenomenon.
Featuring sixteen never-before-published cases, Sight Unseen probes two newly uncovered patterns in alien abduction: cases of UFO ‘invisibility’ and reports of genetically altered alien beings who interact with humans during their routine lives.
The ‘invisibility’ accounts detailed by Hopkins include numerous daylight abductions in densely populated urban areas — all apparently unseen and accomplished through a technology of invisibility…
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