Argentina: UFO Sightings on the Rise in Merlo
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Argentina: UFO Sightings on the Rise in Merlo
Source: El Diario de la Republica (newspaper)
Date: 11.22.10
Argentina: UFO Sightings on the Rise in Merlo
As a consequence of frequent sightings with Unidentified Flying Objects in the Sierra Comechingones, the local Planetarium organized a series of chats on the conference. The most recent sighting took place in October of this year.
On the evening of March 30 of this year, several residents of communites located on the western slopes of the Sierra Comechingones made phone calls – alternating between surprise and alarm – to the Villa de Merlo Planetarium after having witnessed the zig-zagging, east-west motion of a triangular UFO with whitish lights on its vertexes. The object lost itself in the sky toward the west.
Months later, on an October afternoon, a major real estate firm in Merlo published the daylight photo of a property in the mountain in a local newspaper. When magnified, the image revealed the presence of an unidentified flying object. These are not the only sightings that have taken place in the area, and for this reason, the city Planetarium organized a series of chats on the subject.
The press release issued by the Observatory states that as a result of frequent UFO sightings in the Sierra Comechingones, it shall hold lectures on the phenomenon. However, the Planetarium isn’t the only agency issued in the subject, as several researchers and ufologists from various parts of the country have been motivated to study the complaints closely. Among them is the renowned “Patagonia Ovni” organization.
“In the light of these events, which unquestionably constitute a true mystery, but fully rejecting [the possibility] that what was seen was an alien spacecraft, the Planetarium shall approach the subject from a scientific standpoint in a series of lectures to be held over coming days,” explained Martin Fernández, the institution’s press officer. Anyone interested in information related to the chats may obtain it from
(Translation (c) 2010, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)
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