
Filer’s Files

Filer’s Files is a weekly compilation of UFO related events and stories edited by George Filer the MUFON Eastern Director.

Subscription details are available from George Filer at: Majorstar@verizon.net

Online Archives are available at:
Web: http://www.nationalufocenter.com
Web: https://ufoinfo.com/filer/

Filer's Files


The Journal of Anomalous Sciences

The Journal of Anomalous Sciences’ sole mission is to explore the wonderful world full of the unexplained. A world where the mysterious events we’ve begun to call the “paranormal,” are studied, investigated, and documented as an “Anomalous Science.”

We hope to provide our readers with thought-provoking, ground-breaking articles filled with information about amazing discoveries that will someday influence how we view the “unexplained” through mainstream science. See what others are doing to make a difference, as they share their insight in though-provoking articles, new trends, and wonderful discoveries that may someday give us a a better understanding to the world around us.

The Journal of Anomalous Sciences aims to become your indispensable and informative resource guide with all the latest information available. Within our pages you will learn about new and important trends, studies, theories and ideas in a format that will not only keep you informed, but captivate your imagination as it entertains you.

Our readers are a highly demanding audience that seek only the truth behind their areas of interest. Thus we attempt to deliver that information with ground breaking analysis from both sides of the fence, presented in such a way as to spark your imagination to new possibilities.

Note: The Journal of Anomalous Sciences is available in PDF, EXE (Flippy Book format) , MOBILE and IPAD editions

Web: http://www.thedimensionzone.com/hyper_link.htm [Archives]
Web: http://www.thedimensionzone.com

Missouri MUFON Newsletter

Missouri MUFON
PO Box 1166
MO 64051

Phone: 816-833-1602

State Director, Debbie Ziegelmeyer. Assistant State Director, Margie Kay.

Meetings are held monthly in St. Louis and Kansas City with guest speakers, and we host other state-wide events.

We publish a bi-monthly newsletter for our members with information about what is going on in Missouri MUFON. Available as a downloadable PDF.

E-mail: mufondiveteam@netscape.com, margiekay06@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.missourimufon.org

Missouri MUFON Newsletter


Phenomena Magazine: The Scientific Examination of the Unexplained

Now recognised as the leading online magazine of its type, ‘Phenomena’ is a FREE magazine from the Unknown Phenomena Investigation Association (UPIA) and Manchester’s Association of Paranormal Investigation & Training (MAPIT). Originally scripted as an in house journal, Phenomena’s circulation and format was altered due to the large number of persons interested in the publication. Phenomena looks at the whole realm of the Unexplained; Paranormal, UFO’s, Cryptozoological and much much more. Guest writers along with reviews of books and documentaries add to the content as does recent news from the paranormal world. Phenomena Magazine can be downloaded from our site every month for FREE in PDF Format. Also available as a free text file.

Note: Phenomena Magazine is temporarily available via the MAPIT website. Back issues are availablefrom UFOTV.COM and UFOSTORE.COM – see here for instructions.

Web: http://www.mapit.kk5.org

Phenomena Magazine: The Scientific Examination of the Unexplained


UFO Digest Newsletter

952 Main Street East
L3K 5V4

Phone: 905 834-2177
Fax: 905 312-9312

The UFO Digest newsletter offers video, photographic and testimonial proof of ufos, alien abduction, monsters and the paranormal. UFO Digest searches the Internet discovering breaking news and offering exclusive interviews and videos and bringing you an easy to read, entertaining weekly newsletter that keeps you informed and up-to-date about everything that is strange and bizarre. The UFO Digest Newsletter is a double optin mailing list, which means the subscriber has to join and then confirm by return email or by going to a URL link that confirms registration. The UFO Digest Newsletter is emailed to over 7,000 members weekly.

A subscription link is on the UFO Digest home page.

Web: http://www.ufodigest.com

UFO Digest Newsletter

UFO Truth Magazine

UFO Truth Magazine is an 84 page colour bi-monthly Ezine dedicated to people who believe that aliens are real and that they are visiting the Earth now and have been for many years.

With improved technology there has never been a better time to launch an internet based UFO magazine for people that support the merits of the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH). In that vein I (Gary Heseltine)have gathered together a number of dedicated and well respected researchers from around the world to act as regular columnists for the magazine. Many other notable ufologists have also agreed to be guest contributors to it. By having some of the best researchers from around the world involved I hope they will broaden the magazine’s international appeal. UFO Truth Magazine is an ezine for all the countries of the world.

UFO Truth Magazine will be dedicated to bringing you the latest UFO news and stories from around the world garnered by some of the foremost researchers in the field.

UFO Truth Magazine will present the most credible evidence in a no nonsense, non sensationalistic way with science always at its core.

The first edition of UFO Truth Magazine is absolutely free and you can get it now by ordering the Free Download from our store.

Web: http://www.ufotruthmagazine.co.uk

The following bulletins are no longer produced but are archived on the UFOINFO site:

UFO + PSI Magazine

UFO + PSI Magazine was a free HTML based magazine about all UFO + PSI related phenomena which wass sent to every interested reader monthly attached to an email. It was ‘made’ in Germany, but all articles are in the English language.

Unfortunately Christian Pfeiler stopped producing the magazine and all attempts to trace him have been unsuccesful.

An online archive is available at: http://ufoinfo.com/ufopsi/


UFO News UK was a fortnightly newsletter of UFO sightings and other UFO connected subjects. The magazine was sent as an HTML formatted E-mail, complete with images.

Anthony James, editor of the newsletter, is the former founder of the East Midlands UFO Research Association (EMUFORA) which ran from 1990 to 1998.

An online archive (with Anthony’s permission) can be found on the UFOINFO site at: https://ufoinfo.com/ufonewsuk/

UFO Roundup

UFO Roundup was a weekly compilation of UFO, Paranormal and Fortean related events and stories edited by Joseph Trainor.

Please note that Joseph Trainor is offline and no longer has the Masinaigan@aol.com e-mail address and we have no idea who is using it, so please do not try writing to him.

Online archives are available at: https://ufoinfo.com/roundup/