The Magonia Database: Part 6: February 2nd 1958 – November 1962
459 Feb. 02, 1958 Hokkaido (Japan). Farmer Yasukichi Nakaguchi and 1530 his son, and Kametaro Takuma, saw an egg-shaped object that landed silently. (FSR 58, 3) 460 Feb. 24, 1958 Conceicao Almeida (Brazil). Three witnesses, among 0305 them Dr. C. da Costa, decided to sleep in their car when the engine stalled and could not…
Chi tiếtThe Magonia Database: Part 3: October 3rd 1954 – October 18th 1954
182 Oct. 03, 1954 Bressuire (France). Angelo Girardo, 55, a stockyard dawn employee, was going to work when he saw a circular craft 3 m diameter and a small figure wearing a diving suit, standing close by. The object took off at a fan- tastic speed. (32; M 130) 183 Oct. 03, 1954 Vron (France).…
Chi tiếtThe Magonia Database: Part 9: March 30th 1966 – April 16th 1967
740 Mar. 30, 1966 Pecos (Texas). An elongated object about 30 m long and 9 m high was reported to have landed near a high- way for 5 min. (NICAP Mar., 66) 741 Mar. 30, 1966 Lexisburg (Indiana). A civilian woman and her four 2035 children observed an oval object crossing the road as they…
Chi tiếtThe Magonia Database: Part 5: September 16th 1955 – January 26th 1958
375 Sep. 16, 1955 Boisseuges (France). A young shepherd heard a 1800 whistling sound as a dark mass appeared to fall from the sky and a rush of air swept him from his feet. The object looked like a machine with an opening where a stairway became visible. Two occupants were seen. One was observed…
Chi tiếtThe Magonia Database: Part 2: December 1951 – October 2nd 1954
87 Dec., 1951 Red Springs (North Carolina). Sam Coley and his two children saw an object with a human-looking occupant. (Humanoids 52) 88 Jan., 1952 Weston (Wyoming). A 38-year-old rancher saw a 2230 “shooting star” that suddenly stopped in mid-air be- tween him and a mountain. It was seen spinning in a clockwise direction. It…
Chi tiếtThe Magonia Database: Part 10: April 21st 1967 – November 22nd 1968
836 Apr. 21, 1967 South Hill (Virginia). Mr. Crowder was driving home 2100 when he saw an object on the road 70 m away. Sup- ported by four legs, it was a vertical cylinder, 5 m in diameter, with a half-sphere on top. It was gray and its base was 1 m above the pavement.…
Chi tiếtThe Magonia Database: Part 1: July 1868 – December 1951
PASSPORT TO MAGONIA UFO SIGHTINGS DATABASE —————————————— A CENTURY OF UFO LANDINGS (1868-1968) ————————————- ** Scanned in by Don Allen ** ===================================================================== 1 Jul., 1868 Copiago (Chile). A strange “aerial construction” bearing lights and making engine noises flew low over this town. Local people also described it as a giant bird covered with large scales…
Chi tiếtThe Magonia Database: Part 7: December 9th 1962 – April 8th 1965
552 Dec. 09, 1962 Bologna (Italy). Antonio Candau saw a circular ob- 2200 ject land in Cadivilla, 9 m away from him. It was about 5.5 m m diameter, and two men emerged from it, approaching within 2 m, and spoke incompre- hensible words. They wore yellow coveralls and a wide belt. Noting that the…
Chi tiếtThe Magonia Database: Part 8: April 23rd 1965 – March 28th 1966
644 Apr. 23, 1965 Rivesville (West Virginia). A woman observed an 0800 object land near her house while she was working in her kitchen. It was shaped like a disk, showed port- holes and a cylinder about 1 m high, with a sliding door from which a small creature, about 1 m tall, emerged and…
Chi tiếtThe Magonia Database: Part 4: October 19th 1954 – August 25th 1955
287 Oct. 19, 1954 Livorno (Italy). Bruno Senesi saw two shining ob- jects emitting smoke land in a field. Out of them came small, red, monstrous beings who chased him. In a state of great excitement Senesi was brought to a hospital, where he tried to hide under a bed, scream- ing and trembling in…
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