Sep. 16, 1955 Boisseuges (France). A young shepherd heard a
1800 whistling sound as a dark mass appeared to fall from
the sky and a rush of air swept him from his feet. The
object looked like a machine with an opening where
a stairway became visible. Two occupants were seen.
One was observed to have a reddish face, a bald head
and very fine teeth. The craft was round, about 3.5 m
diameter, 2 m high, lighted with neon-like light. The
occupants gathered some plants and flew away to
the northwest. (Personal)
Sep. 17, 1955 Bush Pine (New York). Mr. and Mrs. Bordes, of New
night York City, were fishing when they heard a loud splash
and a "gurgling sound," saw a pink, iridescent, mush-
room-shaped object rise about 70 cm above the water,
and sink into the reservoir. Later, they saw the object
again, about 5 m long and surrounded with turbu-
lence. It reversed direction several times without turn-
ing around and finally flew away very fast. (Constance
226; FSR 55,5)
Oct. 28, 1955 Galloway (England). A disk with a row of blue lights
on the periphery slowly maneuvered above a car on a
deserted road. (Evidence 135, 146)
Nov. 02, 1955 Williston (Florida). Deputy-sheriff A. H. Perkins,
C. F. Bell, and a dozen other witnesses saw six bell-
shaped objects moving by successive leaps. One came
close to a patrol car; the men inside felt that their
arms and legs "went dead" and that their clothes
were burning them. (Evidence 64)
Apr. 06, 1956 McKinney (Texas). Two men saw a silvery, balloon-
shaped craft about 2 m in diameter land in a field
100 m away from them, about 8 km east of McKinney.
They stopped their car to investigate, but the object
took off at fantastic speed. (Atic)
Apr. 08, 1956 Elboeuf (France). Near Exauroux, two brothers, 18
2345 and 20, saw a red ball to their left coming down and
hovering at tree height. It then left at fantastic speed.
Three additional witnesses reported it independently.
The object was a disk about 7.5 m in diameter, with a
red dome, and rotating fins under it. It emitted a
yellow-orange glow. (Personal)
Apr. 16, 1956 Henderson (North Carolina). On Route 1, just be-
0500 fore dawn, two government employees saw for a few
seconds a large, top-shaped object passing over their
car. It was as large as the road and made no sound.
May. 09, 1956 Jacksonville (Florida). Two girls, Joan Frost and
2300 Gertie Wynn, while waiting for a bus, saw two
pulsating lights flying horizontally and disappearing.
15 min later the lights were seen again, stopping at
the zenith, merging, and diving to 50 m altitude. As
the bus arrived, it seemed that the objects had sepa-
rated and were about to abduct the witnesses, and
they ran to the vehicle in terror. (APRO Mar., 59)
Jun. 06, 1956 Banning (California). An object hovered about 30 m
0430 above and 100 m away from the witness's car. Showing
something like a dome on top, it crossed the road
slowly, turned, and crossed the road again behind the
car, then vanished suddenly. (Atic)
Jul. 20, 1956 Panorama City (California). Three witnesses inde-
pendently claimed that they observed a huge, ball-
shaped object from which emerged three beings. They
were nearly 2 m tall, had long, blond hair, and wore
tight, green suits. (Hanlon; Humanoids 64)
Sep., 1956 Cabo Frio (Brazil). O. Guarichi was walking on the
2030 beach with his dogs when he saw an object come from
the sea and land. Two men, 1.80 m tall, wearing
metallic-looking uniforms, emerged. One of them
picked up objects from the beach. There was an ex-
change of gestures with the witness. One of the dogs
turned away when the witness approached the craft,
which was 20 m wide 3 m high and showed flashing
lights as it left. (Nachrichten Mar., 61)
Jan. 15, 1957 Balfour (New Zealand). William West and Wallace
early Liddell saw an object similar to a shooting star coming
close to them appearing then as an oval, fluorescent
craft, about 40 m in diameter, which almost touched
the grass. They rushed to catch it, but it jumped away,
turning into a bluish-white sphere with a dark red
center. Each time they tried to reach it, the craft
jumped farther away. It cleared a high fence and
slowly vanished. The Invercargill Weather Bureau
had no explanation. (107)
Feb. 09, 1957 Georgetown (Connecticut). Approximate date. Ina
2200 Salter was driving on Route 53 in a desolate area when
she encountered a cigar-shaped objert about 5 m long,
showing several portholes, which was hovering close
to the ground to the left of the road. The portholes,
about 50 cm in diameter, were illuminated with a
yellowish light, and there were shadows moving be-
hind. As she passed the object, it took off straight up,
hovered for a few seconds, then rose out of sight
(APRO Mar., 62)
Mar. 08, 1957 Baudette (Minnesota). A pilot saw a circular object
night flying against the wind. It was luminous, about 5.5 m
in diameter, and flew so low that it appeared to suck
up the snow. (Keyhoe S)
Apr. 14, 1957 Vins-sur-Caramy (France). At an intersection, two
1500 women, Mrs. Garcin and Mrs. Rami, suddenly heard
a noise and saw behind them a top-shaped object, 1 m
high and 1 m wide, nearly touching the ground. It
made a sudden jump and landed again: There were a
number of antennalike projections on top of it. The
noise did not come from the object, but from a
metallic road sign vibrating in its vicinity. (M 207;
Challenge 14)
Apr. 19, 1957 Pacific Ocean, near Japan. Japanese fishermen aboard
1152 the "Kitsukawara Maru" saw two metal disks come
into the sky. This was followed by violent turbulence.
(Round-up 147)
Apr. 22, 1957 Palalda (France). Mr. and Mrs. Firmin Bason heard
1300 an unusual noise and saw a whirlwind of flames 10 or
15 m above ground, coming down toward the vine-
yard. It was red and blue, spinning wildly, flying
slowly. It hovered for 5 min over plants which moved
violently, then it flew south with a deafening roar,
hovered again and departed to the southwest. Diam-
eter at the top: about 5 m. (Ouranos 21)
May., 1957 Milford (Pennsylvania). Frances Stichler, who lived
on a farm, was working in her barn when she heard a
whirring sound and saw a bowl-shaped object, 7 m in
diameter, with a rim over 1 m wide about 5 m above
ground. It stopped with one side tilted toward her. A
man dressed in a loose, shiny, gray suit, wearing a
tight-fitting helmet, was facing her from inside the
object. He seemed of average height had deep-set
eyes, tanned skin, and a long face with a "quizzical"
expression. Almost immediately the object left toward
the southeast. (108; Humanoids 57)
May. 01, 1957 Pajasblancas Airport (Argentina). When his motor-
0700 cycle suddenly failed, the driver observed a disk, 2O m
in diameter and 5 m thick, hovering about 15 m above
ground. He hid in a ditch and saw the craft come
down, making a sound similar to air escaping from a
valve. A sort of lift descended from its base almost to
the ground. In it was a man of average height, who
made friendly gestures to the witness. He was dressed
in a plastic diving suit. The witness entered the ma-
chine and saw inside several people seated before
instrument panels, lighted by an extraordinary light.
He was then escorted out, and the disk rose to the
northwest. During the next hour, six sightings were
made along the same course by independent witnesses.
(Humanoids 35; FSR 65, 1; FSR 65, 4)
May. 10, 1957 Beaucourt-sur-Ancre (France). A Hungarian refugee,
2250 Michel Fekete, was riding his bicycle when he saw an
object hovering 30 cm above ground and four little
men nearby. The police found lavalike fragments at
the site. Six other witnesses vouch for the sighting
including Messrs. Iklef and Lepot and their wives.
The craft was luminous, pulsating between red and
white (remaining red longer). When white, it was
more blinding than a powerful searchlight. It was 50 m
away from the group of witnesses. Occupants were
about 1.30 m tall with a beige-gray body, an ab-
normally large black head, and a waddling gait. The
object flew away when a car came into view. (109; M
Jun. 5, 1957 Uriman (Venezuela). Undocumented report of a
landing and of "bellicose dwarfs." (Quincy)
Jul. 25, 1957 Sao Sebastiao (Brazil). Mr. Joao Guimaraes, who is
1910 a professor at the Catholic Faculty of Law in Santos,
was sitting near the shore when he saw a hat-shaped,
luminous craft approach from the sea and land near
him. From it came a metallic stairway. Two normal
men with long, fair hair hanging to their shoulders, a
youthful appearance and wearing one-piece suits,
came down, gave no verbal answers to his questions,
but invited him "telepathically" to come aboard the
craft. Inside the illuminated compartment, he sat on
a circular seat with the crew. The machine rose for a
short flight. On his return, Guimaraes found that his
watch no longer worked. (Humanoids 36; FSR 57, 6
Jul. 30, 1957 Galt, Ontario (Canada). Jack Stephenson was walk-
ing about 7 km from Galt when he saw a flash in the
sky. A circular object making a whirring sound came
down and landed with a throw of flames. It took off
again 30 min later,leaving the ground blackened and
branches broken. The craft had a stationary dome,
but the periphery was spinning. (Round-up 188)
Aug. 20, 1957 Quilino (Argentina). An Air Force man inside a tent
heard a loud, shrill sound and saw a disk that came
down as grass and plants fluttered wildly under it. He
found himself unable to draw his gun, which "seemed
to be glued in its holster." A voice came from the
craft, telling him in Spanish that UFO's had a base in
the Salta area and would soon show themselves to
warn all people about the dangers of a nuclear
catastrophe. (Humanoids 36)
Aug. 22, 1957 Cecil Naval Air Station (Florida). A black, bell-
1540 shaped object bearing two bright, white lights at the
top and maeasuring 15 m in diameter was chased by a
civilian in a car until the engine stalled. The object
was then hovering 3 m away. The underside of the
machine resembled a disk with fins. When a jet air-
craft took off from the airfield, the object went out of
sight almost instantaneously. The car battery was
found completely dead. There was no helicopter in
the area, although the two witnesses compared the
noise made by the object to that of a helicopter. (Atic)
Sep., 1957 Campinas (Brazil). A man suddenly fell, as if para-
lyzed, and his two companions then observed an ob-
ject shaped like a disk with a dome on top and another
dome under it, 50 m away. A door opened and three
men, 1.70 m tall, wearing close-fitting, iridescent
clothing, and who walked as if on skis, appeared to
make a check of the craft and the surroundings. They
gathered samples in a large box. The witnesses saw
small portholes and a tripod landing gear. The craft
took off after 20 min. (Nachrichten Jul., 60)
Sep. 10, 1957 Ubatuba (Brazil). Approximate date. Anonymous
witnesses saw a disk dive down and explode, shower-
ing the area with flaming fragments. Some samples
were gathered, sent to a Brazilian newsman, analyzed
by friends of Dr. Fontes, of Rio, and were found to
consist of surprisingly pure magnesium. (Lor.l 90; 110)
Sep. 16, 1957 Smithfield (Australia). Les McDonald, 17, and
930 Gladys Smith, 14, saw a red light changing to green,
spreading around them like a mist and covering an
area about 100 m diameter. They became nearly
paralyzed and "felt a warm glow." They had no fear,
but were "merely cognizant of things as they were
without being able to react." This sensation lasted
two min. (UFO Bulletin Dec., 57)
Sep. 19, 1957 Point Pleasant (New Jersey). A boomerang-shaped
1840 object bigger than a house was reported to have
landed. Grass flattened. (Atic)
Sep. 26, 1957 Yellow Falls (Texas). Three hundred people were
sunset said to have seen three elongated objects with a series
of portholes, maneuvering at ground level in an area
with many empty oil wells. One of these objects, said
to be 150 m long and 20 m high, pearl-colored, glisten-
ing under the setting sun and showing a series of
circles painted on its surface, landed for 20 min. An
occupant emerged, observed the abandoned derricks
and took off again. Observed through binoculars, he
appeared as a "monster," 1 m tall, moving with
strange jumps. He picked up something from the
ground. (Perego)
Sep. 29, 1957 Deerwood Nike Base (Maryland). Undocumented
0500 report of a landing observed by missile men. (Keyhoe
Oct., 1957 Niquelandia (Brazil). At the Gabiroba farm, owners
A. Santinoni and S. de Oliveira were blinded by
beam from a round object at ground level. The light
was green and yellow. When they came near, all went
dark and the object vanished. (Round-up 205)
Oct. 05, 1957 Francisco de Sales (Brazil). Antonio Villas-Boas who
2300 could not sleep because of the heat, opened the
shutters of his house and saw a silvery glow in the
yard, but no flying object. The light moved and was
seen going over the house. (FSR 66, 4; Magonia)
Oct. 08, 1957 Nabouwalu (Fiji Islands). Two couples going from
1500 Nabouwalu to Nawaca in a motor boat saw a white
object come down from the sky, thought it was a
plane in trouble and went closer. They found the
object hovering 7 m above the water, and a figure on
board the craft aimed at them a beam so bright they
"felt weak." The figure disappeared suddenly, and
the object took off vertically at high speed. (Round-up
202; Challenge 18)
Oct. 10, 1957 Schenectady (New York). Mrs. Edward Yeager who
lived in a trailer on the Duanesburg-Church Road
near Mariaville, saw a circular object go down behind
the hill. Two min later it flew up again, very bright.
The next day she was feeding animals that ran away
as the same or a similar object came within 2 m of the
ground. Two dark, little men came out of the craft
and went into the woods. The object remained there
two min, then left. A search for the occupants proved
futile. A bus driver was said to have seen two craft
land in a nearby field at the same hour. (FSR 58, 3)
Oct. 10, 1957 Quebracoco (Brazil). Naval officer Miguel Espanhol
night and another man, traveling to Ceres, saw a bright
object that illuminated the countryside and came
down to ground level as the truck stalled. It was oval
or saucer-shaped, over 150 m in diameter and 40 m
deep, with a dome supporting a long "aerial" with a
red light on top. The bright light went off and the
witnesses saw seven childlike beings, with long hair
and luminous suits, who looked down at them for
about 3 min. The craft flew south and released a
smaller disk, which flew north. (Humanoids 36)
Oct. 11, 1957 Roulon (France). Two witnesses in a car saw some-
2000 thing they described as "a dark, transparent ball"
about 50 cm in diameter rising from the side of the
road. It had appendages trailing behind. (111)
Oct. 14, 1957 Francisco de Sales (Brazil). Second observation by
2145 A. Villas-Boas. He was plowing a field with his
brother when they saw a red light at the edge of the
field. He went toward it, but it shifted its position
every time he went close. It vanished on the spot.
(FSR 66, 4; Magonia)
Oct. 15, 1957 Covington (Indiana). Mr. Moudy, a farmer, observed
daylight a silvery disk which hovered above his tractor; the
engine failed when the object rose. (Personal)
Oct. 16, 1957 Francisco de Sales (Brazil). Third observation by A.
0100 Villas-Boas. Alone in the fields on a clear night, he
saw a big, red star which took the appearance of a
luminous, egg-shaped object and stopped 50 m above
his tractor. Its light was brighter than that of the
headlights as it landed 15 m away. The top part was
spinning. It became green as it slowed down, was then
seen as a flattened dome. Three legs emerged from the
machine as it settled down. The tractor engine stalled,
and the witness was seized by unknown individuals
and carried aboard the craft, where he was medically
examined, then left with a woman of short stature
with whom he had sexual intercourse. Villas-Boas
reported that crew members wore tight, white clothes
with a light on the belt, heelless white shoes, big
gloves, and opaque helmets with a slit at the level of
the eyes. Their language was shrill, and he could estab-
lish no verbal communication with them. (FSR 66,
4 et seq.)
Oct. 25, 1957 Petropolis (Brazil). A girl suffering from cancer ap-
peared about to die when the house was suddenly
illuminated by a strong light, as if a searchlight had
been aimed at the room. It came from an object whose
top part was reddish yellow. Two figures emerged
from it and entered the house. They were about 1.20 m
tall, had long yellow-red hair, small green, slanted
eyes, and wore white gloves and glowing white clothes.
Before the astounded witnesses (the author of the
report and the family of the girl), they used a device
producing a bluish-white light and another instu-
ment, in what appeared to be radiation treatment of
the patient. After 30 min they went away, leaving
her completely cured. The report was anonymous.
(FSR 67, 5)
Oct. 31, 1957 Longchaumois (France). A businessman and his wife
0000 saw a large, lighted object with openings, which hov-
ered, came to ground level, and took off with a great
increase in brightness at very high speed, but without
noise. (Personal)
Nov., 1957 Provencal (Louisiana). Haskell Raper, Jr., was driv-
2300 ing home on a rainy night when he saw a large, lighted
object on the road ahead, which he thought was a
truck. Suddenly the object flashed a beam of light
directly at the car, apparently exerting a strong
pressure and slowing it to a stop 5 m away. The object
was then described as oval, 5 m long, 3 m high, army
green in color. It bore lettering beginning with the
letters UN, followed by some numbers. A sort of heat
wave filled the car, and the witness ran out in panic
as the vehicle caught fire. The object rose with the
sound of a diesel engine. Raper ran to the town, less
than 2 km away; and reported the incident. The car,
a 1956 Ford, was completely destroyed. (FS Oct., 58)
Nov. 02, 1957 Canadian (Texas). 5 km west of this town, military
0330 and civilian witnesses reported a submarine-shaped
object, red and white, two or three times as long as a
car and about 3 m high, at ground level. A figure was
seen near this object, also something compared to a
white flag. When a car stopped in the vicinity, a
flash of light from the object coincided with the sud-
den failure of the headlights. (Atic)
Nov. 02, 1957 Levelland (Texas). A large number of reports from
2250 the Levelland area described a low-flying object, over
60 m long, equipped with a bright light, and which
interfered with car ignition. (Anatomy 136; map)
Nov. 03, 1957 White Sands (New Mexico). At Stallion Site, an
0300 army patrol in a jeep saw an orange, "apparently con-
trolled," luminous object on the ground near the site
of the first A-bomb explosion. It was first seen as a
sunlike source 50 m above ground, descending to
ground level after 3 min, and landing several km away
at the northern end of the testing grounds. Two wit-
nesses. (M 238)
Nov. 04, 1957 Elmwood Park (Illinois). Two policemen, Joseph
0315 Lukasek and Clifford Schau, and a third man named
Daniel De Giovanni, while looking for the cause of a
headlight failure, observed a fluorescent object 50 to
100 m away from them, coming down. The car had-
lights functioned properly again and they drove to-
ward the object but had to stop at a cemetery wall.
They turned off all lights and watched the object for
two min. It played "hide and seek" with them as they
tried to reach its location. (M 240; 113)
Nov. 05, 1957 New Castle (Indiana). An object looking like "a big
meat platter" was seen at close range by Mrs. Jasper
Barlow and her two children, who were inside their
car. It had a flickering light on the bottom. There was
no ignition interference noted. (M 245)
Nov. 05, 1957 New York City (New York). In Van Cortland Park,
0430 Frank C. was talking with a bus driver when they saw
in the park, about 400 m away, a metallic object
shaped like a disk, spinning with a soft whirring. On
top was a fixed dome with portholes. The object was
hovering at tree-height. A yellow light from the craft
suddenly illuminated the area, and it flew off "like a
shooting star." (M 241)
Nov. 05, 1957 Scotia (Nebraska). A man heard a noise similar to
1730 that of a helicopter and perceived a "burning" odor.
He saw a balloon-like, elongated object that came to
ground level, did not touch the ground, but rose again
and disappeared. The witness was "paralyzed" during
the observation. The object appeared to have gener-
ated thick smoke. (Atic)
Nov. 06, 1957 Santa Fe (New Mexico). J. Martinez and A. Gallegos
0010 saw an egg-shaped object coming toward them at low
altitude. It moved slowly, illuminating their car and
producing a humming sound. The car engine, the
clock and a wristwatch stopped. The object shot away
toward the southwest. (M 246)
Nov. 06, 1957 Seoul (Korea). North of Seoul a barrel-shaped object,
morning bluish-white and luminous, was seen close to the
ground, reflected in a pool of water. It rose and van-
ished "like a light switched off." (Atic)
Nov. 06, 1957 Playa del Rey (California). Richard Kehoe was driv-
0540 ing near the beach when his engine stopped, and so
did three other cars. The man got out and observed
an egg-shaped object wrapped in "a blue haze" on
the beach. Two men, below average height got out
of the craft and asked them questions about their
identity, what time it was, etc. They looked normal
wore black leather pants, white belts, light-colored
jerseys, and seemed to have yellowish-green skin. They
went back inside the craft, which left rapidly, and the
cars could then be started. (Humanoids 57)
Nov. 06, 1957 Lake County (Ohio). A civilian source reported an
0630 object so bright that his eyes could not sustain it. It
appeared to land on a ridge, then took off again. It
was round and much larger than a plane, had an
"odd color," left no trail and made no noise. (Atic)
Nov. 06, 1957 Knoxville (Tennessee). 12-year-old Everett Clark
0630 saw a strange object on the ground and four occu-
pants, two men and two women who spoke a lan-
guage he thought was similar to German. They went
back to the craft in a manner the witness could not
understand, for he saw no door. (M 271;114;
Nov. 06, 1957 Everittstown (New Jersey). John Trasco saw a bril-
evening liant, egg-shaped object hovering in front of a barn
and was confronted with a being 1 m tall with a
putty-colored face and frog-like eyes. He thought the
dwarf said in broken English: "We are peaceful
people; we only want your dog." The little man, who
was dressed in a green suit with shiny buttons, a green
tam-o-shanter-like cap, and gloves with a shiny object
at the tip of each finger, fled when the witness denied
his request. (Humanoids 56; Magonia)
Nov. 06, 1957 Boerne (Texas). A civilian source reported an oval
1800 object, about 5 m long, bright orange, similar to
glowing coals, hovering 4 m above ground. The wit-
ness went to call his family; the object had vanished
when he returned. Unidentified. (Atic)
Nov. 06, 1957 Baskatong Lake (Canada). 180 km north of Ottawa
2100 Jacques Jacobson and three of his friends saw a bright,
yellowish-white sphere hovering over a hilltop about
4 km away. From top and bottom issued light cones
that illuminated the countryside and the clouds.
Radio reception was blocked throughout the obser-
vation, except for a very powerful signal at one wave-
length, modulated, but not in Morse code. The object
rose slowly toward the south. (M 249)
Nov. 06, 1957 Montville (Ohio). Olden Moore, 28, a plasterer was
2330 driving home when he suddenly saw an object look-
ing like a bright meteor split into two pieces, one of
which went straight up. The other got larger while
its color changed from bright white to blue-green. It
hovered 60 m above a field and came to the ground
with a soft whirring sound, 150 m away. After observ-
ing it for 15 min, Moore then walked to the object,
which he found to be shaped like "a covered dish"
15 m in diameter, 5 m high, with a cone on top about
3 m high, surrounded by haze or fog, pulsating slowly.
Holes, footprints and radioactivity were found at the
site by Civil Defense Director Kenneth Locke. (M
Nov. 07, 1957 Meridian (Mississippi). Truck driver Malvin Stevens,
0725 48, was driving to Memphis when, about 23 km
northwest of Meridian, he saw an object which ap-
peared to have two propellers at either end and a
third one on top. Getting out of his truck, he saw
three little men about 1.30 m tall, in gray clothes,
with "pasty white faces" that seemed friendly and
willing to talk, but he was unable to understand their
"chattering." "I stood there for what seemed like an
eternity." They got back into the machine and it
took off straight up. There was no ignition inter-
ference. An 8-year-old girl from Honse independently
reported a round object crossing the sky toward the
south. (M 273; 115)
Nov. 08, 1957 Edinburgh (Scotland). Fourteen people, including
Mrs. Maty Home, reported to police that a disk-
shaped object followed their truck, dived toward it,
came within 20 m of them, then left toward the sea,
leaving a double vapor trail. (Round-up 217; 116)
Nov. 08, 1957 Sloanville (New York). A cigar-shaped object 70 m
0200 long was observed less than 7 m above ground. (M
264; 117)
Nov. 08, 1957 Holly (West Virginia). Hank Mollohan and eight
1430 other persons saw an elongated object, 12 m long,
with several portholes from which fire and smoke
appeared to be coming. It swung at low altitude and
dropped to the ground. People seemed to be moving
around it, but the witnesses were driven away by a
hard rain. (M 265)
Nov. 08, 1957 Waterloo (Iowa). Paul Rutledge saw an object 16 m
night long flying over his garage. The top part was bright,
and there were two figures visible inside. (M 266)
Nov. 09, 1957 Lake City (Missouri). A civilian driving his car home
0100 from work observed a hovering object 16 m long. His
car engine died as he neared the object's position,
and it started again only after the object's departure.
Nov. 10, 1957 Madison (Ohio). Mrs. Leita Kuhn observed a very
0125 large, lighted object 20 m above ground. It was so
brilliant that she had to close her eyes. It was over
10 m wide, 3 to 4 m thick, with a dome on top. The
witness had to consult a physician several days later
because of serious eye and skin irritation. (M 267;
Nov. 16, 1957 Bage City (Brazil). A blinding object, red and yellow,
2230 twice landed-first near the Jockey Club, then near
the Rural Exhibition. (Quincy)
Nov. 18, 1957 Maracaja (Brazil). Farmers Joao Ernani and Pedro
1030 Zilli heard a strange humming sound, then saw two
aluminum-colored disks 200 m away. Near them were
six mm of average height, slim build, dressed in "dark
gray suits glued to their bodies." The disks were
about 3.5 m wide, hovering 1 m above ground. They
rose with a sharp whistling sound, while coconut trees
below them bent double. Three more disks rose from
behind the trees, and all five flew toward the Atlantic.
(Humanoids 36)
Nov. 18, 1957 Aston (Great Britain). Mrs. Cynthia Appleton, 27,
1500 mother of two, saw the figure of a man appear near
her fireplace while a whistling sound was audible.
He was tall and fair, wore a tight-fitting plastic gar-
ment, and seemed to communicate with her through
telepathy, indicating he was looking for titanium and
was coming from a world of peace and harmony. Sud-
denly he disappeared. Mrs. Appleton had subsequent
contacts with similar entities. (Humanoids 4)
Nov. 22, 1957 Gesten (Denmark). A shop owner saw a pyramid-
shaped, luminous, transparent object fly fast across
the road. As it was above 250 m away, he clearly saw
two figures who looked like human beings, sitting
one behind the other aboard the craft. (Personal)
Nov. 23, 1957 Tonopah (Nevada). Four disk-shaped objects on the
0630 ground were observed for 20 min from a distance of
15 m. When the witness tried to come closer, they
took off with an unbearable humming sound. (Atic)
Nov. 25, 1957 Ugines (France). Two engineers were driving about
1430 200 m from the railroad crossing in Faverges when
they saw a nearly spherical object at ground level,
performing zig-zags on the road. They stopped and
were amazed as the object simply vanished, leaving
no trace. (Personal)
Dec., 1957 El Cajon (California). Edmund Rucker was awak-
night ened by a roaring noise and saw a strange object land
near his house. "Its windows were lighted, and I saw
strange-looking heads there." An opening became
visible and four creatures emerged. They had large
heads, dome-like foreheads, and bulging eyeballs.
They delivered a message to the witness in English,
stating that they had philanthropic and scientific
purposes. (FS Jul., 58)
Dec. 08, 1957 Woodward (Oklahoma). Between Woodward and
1750 Seiling, 12 km from the latter, an unknown flying
object allegedly took complete control of a car with
three passengers. The driver, an employee of an air-
craft company, had turned the heater, windshield
wiper, and radio on. He was nearing a hill in this
wooded area when a bright light appeared ahead. It
reminded the witness of the light from a mercury
lamp. As a crash seemed imminent, the car slowed
down by itself and stopped, as if the entire electrical
circuit had failed. Over the vehicle was a disk 16 m in
diameter with portholes around the periphery, emit-
ting a current of hot air and a high-pitched sound. It
had a dome on top and bottom. It rose as the car
started by itself. The car was a 1954 Dodge Coronet
without automatic transmission. The witness spent
four hours with two Kirtland AFB officers who told
him of similar observations. The case was never re-
ported to Blue Book. (Personal)
Dec. 11, 1957 Chestnut (Louisiana). Mary Louise Tobin, a school-
teacher, was driving on State Highway 1 when she saw
an object that she compared to the rising sun, in the
vicinity of a smoking car. The driver, an elderly lady,
came out with a child who seemed to have suffered
burns. The unknown object went away: The disabled
car did not catch on fire. (FS Jul., 58)
Dec. 11, 1957 Ellsworth (Wisconsin). Many cars stopped to observe
1600 a silent, reddish, glowing disk, about 15 m in diam-
eter, which flew 6 m above the ground at about 80
km/h. A small, windowless cabin was visible on the
underside of the object. (FS Jul., 58)
Dec. 18, 1957 Old Saybrook (Connecticut). Mary Stan was awak-
night ened by a brilliant light and saw through her east
window the fuselage of a craft that hovered in mid-
air. Aboard were two men, each with his right hand
raised, wearing yellowish jackets. A third man joined
the first two, then all lights went off inside the craft
while it glowed like brass. A spinning antennalike de-
vice was noted. A few minutes later it flew off. (FSR
Dec. 21, 1957 Ponte Poran (Brazil). Mrs. Mendonca and five other
1830 persons saw a light in the south, which later appeared
as two spherical objects coming closer to the witnesses
on an oscillating course. One of them hovered close
to the car while the other circled. They were shaped
like a sphere surrounded by a flat ring, and chased the
car for two hours over the deserted road. Estimated
diameter: 5 m. (APRO Mar., 59)
Dec. 30, 1957 Drakestown (New Jersey). George Chowanski, an
night auto mechanic was alerted by the barking of his dog
and heard a whirring sound similar to that of an elec-
tric shaver. A lighted object was observed by Chow-
anski and his wife as it came within 60 cm of the
ground. Two figures came out of the bottom of the
object, walked around a clearing, and one picked up
something before returning to the craft, which then
took off. Total duration: 2 min. (FS Oct., 58)
Jan., 1958 Depew (New York). A lady who was driving on the
0130 New York State Thruway during a snow storm
saw a large shape with a tall, luminous pole on the
side of the road. Her car stalled, and the lights went
off. Two figures, looking like animals or huge insects
were observed near the pole. They soon disappared,
and the object took off spinning. The witness was
then able to start her car. She noted that the snow at
the site had been melted and the grass was warm.
(Binder; Magonia)
Jan. 04, 1958 Stavanger (Norway). A woodcutter reported that he
saw an object land, and a very tall man with a tanned
face, wearing a helmet, stepped from the machine.
He went back in after a few minutes; the craft took
off "with a noise like a flock of birds." Air Force offi-
cers and policemen searched the snowcovered hill for
traces. (FSR 58, 2)
Jan. 07, 1958 Aston (Great Britain). Two figures again appeared to
Mrs. Appleton and spoke to her in English (see Case
443). (Humanoids 4)
Jan. 13, 1958 Farm Hill (Australia). Brian Crittendon, 21, was
2345 chased by a dome-shaped object that emitted a nar-
row light beam toward the ground. He was so fright-
ened that he drove home on a half-flat tire, followed
for 5 km by the object, which was about 50 m away
and 10 m above ground. It overtook his car at a speed
exceeding 100 km/h. Radio interference was noted,
but no noise. (UFO Bulletin Mar., 58)
Jan. 26, 1958 Shimada City (Japan). A very bright object landed
1600 before numerous chemical workers; they reported
beings falling from the sky without parachutes. They
wore strange suits and spoke an unknown language.
(FSR 58, 3)