UFO Events, Conferences, Lectures and Meetings
Additions and corrections can be submitted here.
(Local meetings accepted)
Norway January 9th 2017
United Kingdom March 1st 2017
USA March 1st 2017
Looking for a speaker for your conference or meeting? – Have a look at the Lecturers pages
FRANCE & French Speaking Countries
Les Repas Ufologiques
Les Repas Ufologiques Parisiens ont plus de 20 ans, ils sont régulièrement organisés dans une cafétéria et vous pouvez sans aucune adhésion au préalable y participer. Prendre toutefois connaissance au préalable du règlement figurant sur le site des Repas Ufologiques : http://www.lesrepasufologiques.com – Le réseau est animé par Gérard Lebat. Depuis leur création, de nombreuses autres villes de France l’ont rejoint. Les dates sont régulières donc faciles à retenir, dans tous les repas viennent des personnes passionnées par le phénomène, souvent du monde entier. Au cours de ces rencontres il est largement évoqué l’actualité ufologique et paranormale. L’orientation de la discussion est basée sur le sérieux du phénomène, le côté scientifique, mais en fait ils sont ouverts à toutes les idées et hypothèses. Les repas sont animés par tous ses participants, ainsi vous êtes invité à communiquer, à échanger documents, informations etc. Des idées sont émises, des adresses données et des actions concrétisées ! Ces repas sont totalement libres et ne représentent aucune association en particulier, toutes y sont invitées et la majorité représentées. Les Repas Ufologiques sont une association de fait ou il ne vous sera demandé aucune cotisation, tout y étant bénévole ! Nous souhaitons également votre participation. Des repas sur ce concept, existent dans près d’une trentaine de ville en France, au Maroc ! (Liste sur le site des Repas Ufologiques). Devant l’importance que prennent ces repas, à Paris, plus ou moins 100 invités chaque mois, et dans toutes les villes de province, nous nous devons de développer la communication. Ainsi, vous pouvez dès maintenant consulter le “Journal des Repas Ufologiques Parisiens” et la page réservée à chaque repas, sur le site national des Repas Ufologiques, sur lequel vous pourrez lire un résumé des repas passés. C’est bien utile, lorsqu’on n’a pas été en mesure d’assister à un repas ! Pour les prochains repas, nous annonçons les futurs intervenants, lorsqu’ils sont connus suffisamment tôt. C’est pourquoi, auteurs, chercheurs, responsables de groupements, conférenciers, et vous, qui avez quelque chose à dire, contactez-nous dès maintenant si vous souhaitez intervenir en tant qu’orateur lors de nos prochains repas. (Les interventions sont courtes : 10 mm à 1 h 30 mn). Il est prudent de consulter le site pour les dates et lieu, le calendrier étant publié longtemps à l’avance, des changements sont toujours possibles. Messieurs les Journalistes, photographes de presse, grands reporters vous êtes invités à vous faire connaître lors de votre venue à nos rencontres. Dossier de presse à votre disposition en nous contactant à l’avance : lebat1@aol.com
Tous les Repas Ufologiques de France et des pays d’expression Française sont organisés sur le même principe que les Repas Ufologiques Parisiens. Le réseau des Repas Ufologiques applique un règlement commun, précis, qui cadre l’organisation de chaque repas. (Pour en prendre connaissance, rendez-vous sur le site des Repas Ufologiques : http://www.lesrepasufologiques.com
Vous aussi vous organisez une réunion, une soirée, une conférence, contactez-nous et demandez votre inscription sur notre site. C’est gratuit, organisé par un site communautaire qui assure un maximum de publicité et d’information via son site, ses 4 blogs, ses listes d’infos….. Email : lebat1@aol.com
(Pour les repas non mentionnés ici s’il vous plaît visitez le site Web Repas Ufologiques à http://www.lesrepasufologiques.com pour les dernières informations. – John @ UFOINFO.)
Web: http://www.lesrepasufologiques.com
September 29th – October 1st
Internasjonal UFO Konferanse
Venue: Stiklestad Nasjonale Kultursenter, Leksdalsvegen 1, 7650 Verdal
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Speakers: Robert Salas, Paola Harris, Robbert van den Broeke (via Skype), Veronica Paz Wells, Suzy Hansen, Gary Heseltine, Nancy Talbott (via Skype), Esen Sekerkarar
All lectures are in English
Admission: 1245kr/130 Euro. Note: There are some 885kr/100 Euro low price tickets for people with low income etc.
Web: http://ufo-konferanse.com
March 15th
Birmingham UFO Group Presents Neil Geddes-Ward
Venue: Hot Shots Snooker Club, 100 Crosswells Road, Oldbury, Birmingham B68 8HH
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Speaker: Neil Geddes-Ward
Topic: Encounters With Faeries, Ghosts & Spirits
A fascinating lecture which provides anecdotal evidence of people’s encounters with the faerie world, ghosts and strange spirits and other strange phenomena. Be prepared for some extremely interesting and bizarre tales of the paranormal!
Neil is the co-author of the book Faeriecraft with Alicen Geddes-Ward, and a visionary artist, producing artwork for publications and prints. He has appeared on TV and radio, discussing strange paranormal dreams, faeries, ghostly encounters, and spoken in the US and the UK. He conducts workshops, and specialises in spiritualism, psychic development, mediumship studies, and speaking on ordinary people having extraordinary experiences. He has filmed psychical research and taken part in ESP research with Dr Peter Fenwick. He has made short films discussing UFOs, 9/11 and other mysteries as they are researched. He also started and continues to run High Wycombe Paranormal Meet up group, which has steadily grown over the last few years. His own talks are from his own experiences and that of others and other researches he has conducted.
In addition to Neil’s lecture, Dave will provide the usual update on all things UFO, and we will no doubt have one of our raffles with some great prizes up for grabs. There will be plenty of time to chat and ask Neil questions throughout the evening.
Time: 7:30pm – 11:30pm
Admission: £5.00 members, £5.50 non-members
If you are planning to come from elsewhere and have any questions or would like details of nearby hotels please contact Dave on davehodrien@bufog.com.
Web: http://bufoevens.blogspot.com
Web: http://bufog.blogspot.com
April 17th
Birmingham UFO Group Presents Truthseekers UFO Quiz Night
Venue: Hot Shots Snooker Club, 100 Crosswells Road, Oldbury, Birmingham B68 8HH
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Topic: Truthseekers UFO Quiz Night
Time: 7:30pm – 11:30pm
Admission: TBA
If you are planning to come from elsewhere and have any questions or would like details of nearby hotels please contact Dave on davehodrien@bufog.com.
Web: http://bufoevens.blogspot.com
Web: http://bufog.blogspot.com
April 25th
Swansea UFO Network Presents Ellis Taylor
Venue: The New Lodge, Alexandra Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4PE
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Speaker: Ellis Taylor
Topic: Encounters With Other Worlds – Key Numbers, And How Every Human’s Life Is Managed
Ellis Taylor is an international Australian born experiencer, an irreverent Otherworld traveller, and a researcher and investigator into our natural and supposed supernatural (Ellis sees no demarcation) environments. He is a psychic, numerologist, painter, speaker and writer.
Time: 20:00 – 22:30
Admission: Donation
Phone: 07954806402
E-mail: swanseaufonet@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.sufon.co.uk
May 30th
Swansea UFO Network Presents Martin Mason
Venue: The New Lodge, Alexandra Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4PE
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Speaker: Martin Mason
Topic: Theory Of Multidimensional Existence
Swansea based Martin Mason studied quantum mechanics at UCL and remains passionate about the subject, and how to bring the ‘observer’ into the equation. He is fascinated by the apparent ability of human intent to affect reality. This evening he will be discussing quantum mechanics, string theory, the holographic universe and the possibility that they all require the existence of other universes/dimensions. Where are they? And who could live there?
Time: 20:00 – 22:30
Admission: Donation
Phone: 07954806402
E-mail: swanseaufonet@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.sufon.co.uk
June 27th
Swansea UFO Network Presents Jeanie Rebane
Venue: The New Lodge, Alexandra Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4PE
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Speaker: Jeanie Rebane
Topic: Stand Up Spirituality
Syncronicity, orbs and personal experiences.
“It is my passion in life to make people laugh and wake people up to the undeniable fact that our reality is much deeper and magical then we thought possible. It is my belief and I have evidence to support it, that if we open up our hearts and minds, trust our intuition and appreciate the signs of coincidences and dreams, we can all connect to a richer life experience. It gives me great pleasure to share with you a unique occasion.”
Time: 20:00 – 22:30
Admission: Donation
Phone: 07954806402
E-mail: swanseaufonet@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.sufon.co.uk
July 25th
Swansea UFO Network Presents Matthew Williams
Venue: The New Lodge, Alexandra Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4PE
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Speaker: Matthew Williams
Topic: TBA
Time: 20:00 – 22:30
Admission: Donation
Phone: 07954806402
E-mail: swanseaufonet@yahoo.com
August 29th
Swansea UFO Network Presents John Hanson & Dawn Holloway
Venue: The New Lodge, Alexandra Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4PE
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Speaker: John Hanson & Dawn Holloway
Topic: TBA
Time: 20:00 – 22:30
Admission: Donation
Phone: 07954806402
E-mail: swanseaufonet@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.sufon.co.uk
September 26th
Swansea UFO Network Presents Howard Middleton-Jones
Venue: The New Lodge, Alexandra Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4PE
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Speaker: Howard Middleton-Jones
Topic: Solar Anomalies
The background of unidentified Solar activity and the history of the ‘Solar cruisers’. In 1999 because of many unusual solar ‘activities’ recorded a world-wide group was set up, The Solar anomaly Group’, of which Howard was one of the original 13 members. Unfortunately, over the years many have passed away and only two of them now remain, however, many new younger groups have now been set up to investigate these ‘anomalies’. The presentation will show how these ‘anomalies’ began to be recorded and demonstrate how many of these sightings may be actual large craft, originally termed ‘solar cruisers’ back in 1999. Rare footage from NASA SOHO satellite captures will be presented to demonstrate how these anomalies could be large craft utilising the power of the sun and interacting with the energy of the sun – The presentation will also demonstrate how these anomalies materialise and dematerialise within a short time frame and the resulting repercussions of Solar activity.
Time: 20:00 – 22:30
Admission: Donation
Phone: 07954806402
E-mail: swanseaufonet@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.sufon.co.uk
October 31st
Swansea UFO Network Presents Dawn Phillips
Venue: The New Lodge, Alexandra Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4PE
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Speaker: Dawn Phillips of Ghost Seekers Wales
Topic: Aliens And Ghosts
It’s Halloween tonight and we welcome back members of Ghost Seekers Wales for an update of what they’ve been up to since their visit last year, and we look at some cases where aliens and spirits might overlap.
Time: 20:00 – 22:30
Admission: Donation
Phone: 07954806402
E-mail: swanseaufonet@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.sufon.co.uk
November 28th
Swansea UFO Network Presents David Stone
Venue: The New Lodge, Alexandra Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4PE
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Speaker: David Stone
Topic: The M5 Motorway Abduction
“The morning that changed not only my life but my family’s. It began the night on the 4th of May 1990. We were getting excited of a holiday to Cornwall which we had saved for over 12 months. The children were running around packing there things with there mums help of course. I remember that I sat watching television until my wife called for any assistance. The children retired to bed about 9.pm and as for myself about 10.30pm. I told the children we would leave early in the morning when we had breakfast and the packing completed. Next morning the 5th of May the children woke up me and the wife very early fully washed and dressed shouting can we go now Dad. Because the car was already packed except a few small items we were ready to leave after we had tea and toast. Till this day I can’t say exactly what time we left but it was sometime around 3am. Our journey to Cornwall had begun crossing the Severn Bridge then filtering off onto the M5 Motorway. It seem we had been travelling just about a hour when we hit this low fog drifting across the road. You could see the fog was quite wide spread but not to bad above 3 feet where it wasn’t so dense but patchy. At this point the children as always singing their heads off and I also joined in. My wife just observed the passing signs and anything that caught her eye. Then came the moment of disbelief that would turn all our lives upside down. Nothing would be the same again.”
Time: 20:00 – 22:30
Admission: Donation
Phone: 07954806402
E-mail: swanseaufonet@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.sufon.co.uk
December 28th
Swansea UFO Network Presents Steve Drewson and Emlyn Williams
Venue: The New Lodge, Alexandra Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4PE
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Speaker: Steve Drewson and Emlyn Williams
Topic: The M5 Motorway Abduction
A look at the UFO sightings from around South Wales which have occurred during 2017
Time: 20:00 – 22:30
Admission: Donation
Phone: 07954806402
E-mail: swanseaufonet@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.sufon.co.uk
Daily by Appointment
Roswell UFO Tours with Dennis Balthaser
Venue: Roswell, New Mexico and former Roswell Army Air Field
Discover the 1947 UFO crash, retrieval, and cover-up at the actual locations where the events occurred in Roswell, New Mexico…
Tours Offered Daily by Reservation Only
48-Hour Advance Booking Required
In-Depth Guided Tour with Top Roswell UFO Researcher
Min. 2-hr Guided Tour of Roswell and former Roswell Army Air Field
UFO Researcher, Dennis Balthaser as your personal Tour Guide
See places connected to the 1947 Roswell UFO Crash
Visit the former Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF)
Minimum 48-Hour Advance Reservations Required.
Whether you are just one person, or a large group – you are in good hands with Top Secret Tours. Upon booking your Roswell UFO Tour, you will receive email confirmation of your desired date (tours are based on availability and are not guaranteed until you receive confirmation).
Up to 3 people included in the tour price of USD 75.00 – larger groups can be arranged by appointment with at least two days advance notice. Contact us for further information and details.
Call Toll-free 1 (888) 991-6718 to Book your Reservation!
Full information at the Tour website:
Web: http://www.roswellufotours.com
2nd Tuesday of each Month
Monthly Oregon MUFON Meetings
Venue: Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church at SE Belmont and 55th Ave. Portland, Oregon
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Speakers: State and Assistant State Directors. Oregon MUFON Investigators. Occasional Guest Speakers.
The Oregon MUFON meeting encourages anyone sharing an interest or concerns regarding the UFO phenomena to attend. State and Assistant State Directors share new information. Field Investigators discuss current ongoing sightings and encounter reports. A select monthly topic is discussed; followed by a question and answer period.
See the Oregon MUFON website for meeting details
Time: 6:00 – 8:00pm
Admission: Free to the public. Donations accepted
E-mail: tomr.bowden@gmail.com
Web: http://www.oregonmufon.com
2nd Friday of each Month
Social Saucers
Venue: KRI Center for Consciousness Studies, 81 Portsmouth Ave., Stratham, NH 03885
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Speakers and topics will vary month to month.
Join in for an evening of intellectual and open minded discussion about UFO’s and the like. Discussion will vary every month, from sightings and abductions to technology and cover ups. A perfect time to share your own experiences and theories or ask questions. If you’ve ever wondered “Are we Alone?”, you don’t want to miss this gathering.
For more information please visit our event page.
Time: 19:00 – 20:30
Admission: By donation
Web: http://www.meetup.com/TheCenterNH/
Web: http://www.theCenterNH.com
1st Saturday of each Month
Encounters Gathering
Venue: KRI Center for Consciousness Studies, 81 Portsmouth Ave., Stratham, NH 03885
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Your host for the gathering will be Mike Stevens. Mike is a seasoned paranormal researcher and investigator with the Kitt Research Initiative and is a staff member at the Center for Consciousness Studies. Mike is the founder of the Center’s “Social Saucers” event, which he has successfully used as a platform to bring some of the top names in Ufology to the Center. Aside from his roles with KRI and the Center, Mike has worked to change the stigma surrounding the abduction phenomena by promoting public awareness of the subject. He was the initiating force behind the New Hampshire historical marker for Betty and Barney Hill’s UFO encounter. Mike has been interviewed in the past by both newspapers and radio about his involvement in the paranormal and UFO communities.
Do you feel you’ve been chosen? Have you had experiences with alien beings or UFO sightings? Whether you are looking for support to deal with your experiences (past or present) or looking to further explore them; the KRI Center for Consciousness Studies is proud to offer the “Encounters Gathering”. If you are an abductee, contactee, had sightings, or have been plagued by strange dreams, memories or missing time, this is the group for you! The Encounters Gathering is a supportive and informative group, comprised of those who understand you because they’ve been there. You are not alone.
For more information please visit our event page.
Time: 16:00 – 17:30
Admission: By donation
Web: http://www.meetup.com/TheCenterNH/
Web: http://www.theCenterNH.com
2nd Saturday of each Month
Southwest Georgia UFO Discussion Meetings
Venue: Thomasville County Public Library, 201 North Madison Street, Thomasville, GA 31792
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Hosted by Billy J Rachels with 48 years in UFO field discussing UFOs etc and other items everyone welcome everyone has their opinions and right to have input
Time: 12 noon – 3:00pm Eastern
Admission: Free
Contact/Phone: call 229 228 1204
E-mail: bjrachels1@hotmail.com
March 11th
Colorado MUFON Meeting
Venue: Englewood High School Auditorium, 3800 S Logan St, Englewood, CO 80113
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Special Guest Speaker: Sean Bartok – Author of FLASHBACKS
At age 19 Sean Bartok was abducted from his grandfather’s pond while fishing one night in 1959.
That event changed his life forever.
FLASHBACKS is a memoir of his and his family’s experiences with ETs, Native American spirits, and entities from other dimensions.
FLASHBACKS contains the first known photographic evidence of a UFO circular beam-down track in the snow with alien and Sean’s footprints in the center, proving the existence of extraterrestrials, abductions, and ETs’ interactions with Sean and his family.
FLASHBACKS documents the radical changes in Sean’s art and design work, bearing witness to the life changing effect abductions had on him.
Sean will discuss several entries from his book and focus on the effects of several abductions, what aliens told him, a blast off from atop his home, his meditation and the sudden appearance of an ET in broad daylight, his abduction on Jan 13, 1984 and the subsequent events that led up to the discovery of UFO beam-down tracks in the snow with ET and human footprints in the center. For more information go to SeanBartok.com…
Time: 13:30 – 16:00
Admission: Suggested Tax Deductable Donation $15.00
Please enter through front doors, “The Venue” will be to your left.
Please note – this is not in the auditorium
Web: http://www.comufon.org
March 15th
Colorado MUFON Presents Preston Dennett
Venue: Costa Mesa Senior Center, 695 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
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Speaker: Preston Dennett
Topic: Inside UFOs
UFO researcher and MUFON field investigator, Preston Dennett, will present all brand new, never-before-published cases from his new book, “Inside UFOs.” What is the alien agenda? Why are they here and what are their plans for humanity? Are they friendly or hostile? Using firsthand testimony from the witnesses themselves, Dennett will answer these questions and more. Some of the cases discussed include:
· A Navy Corpsman is invited aboard a UFO by his shipmate, only to meet fifteen-foot-tall, friendly Praying Mantis-type ETs.
· A paperboy encounters a UFO and has missing time, leaving him with an undiagnosed illness and a mystery that remained unsolved for years.
· A teacher stops on the road when a huge metallic sphere drops from the sky, and out steps a handsome-looking spaceman.
· A new mother is shocked to see an alien right outside her window, staring intently at her newborn son.
a desperately ill housewife is transported from her home into an unknown base and cured by an eight-foot-tall, orange-haired humanoid.
· A Navy Electronics Specialist has a complex UFO encounter aboard a Navy Ship, and is taught by the ETs about alternative energy sources.
Dennett will present these and several other new, unpublished cases involving extensive contact with a wide variety of extraterrestrials, including information from his other new books, “Not from Here: Volumes 1 & 2.” This is not just another lecture about abductions by grays. This presentation of firsthand contact cases will show just how fascinating and bizarre extraterrestrial contact can be.
Time: 7:40pm
Admission: $10.00 Members, 1st Timers and Students with ID; $15.00 General admission
Web: http://www.mufonoc.org
March 17th
Sedona MUFON Presents Ryan Jones
Venue: Sedona Public Library, 3250 White Bear Road, Sedona, AZ 86336
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Speaker: Ryan Jones
Topic: The Nazi Bell, From World War II To Today
“The Nazi Bell, from World War II to Today,” revealing the science of the Bell and its possible application in present-day black projects.
Ryan Jones is an aerospace engineer with experience on the Space Shuttle, the B-1B bomber, the F-15 and F/A-18 fighters, and other defense programs. He is a patented inventor, an instrumented rated pilot, and a competitive pistol shooter. His first novel Datashark concerns hackers, cyberwarfare, and the National Security Agency and predicted many of the infrastructure-related cyberattacks that now frequent the headlines. His second book Specters is about UFOs, the CIA and the Aurora spyplane and present a “grand unified field theory” of the UFO phenomena in an accessible fictional format. His third novel Final Security is his most ambitious to date, combining an action-packed story of suppressed physics, organized crime and escaped Nazis with extensive footnotes and photographs that document a chilling post-WWII Nazi influence inside our government even to the present day.
Time: 19:00 prompt
Admission: $10.00 cash only
Web: http://www.sedonamufon.com
March 18th
Phoenix MUFON Presents Chase Kloetzke
Venue: Arizona Historical Society, 1300 N. College Ave, Tempe, AZ. 85281
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Speaker: Chase Kloetzke
Topic: The Remains Of Ancient Cultures And Why They Are Included In The UFO Reality
Chase will be including some information gathered about the Megalithic and Cyclopian structures found all over the world as well as the Phenotipic distinctions, evidence of a divergent and possible venerated “hybrid” race.
She will bring the 4 skulls and forensic collection samples taken most recently in Peru. She said “What’s most amazing is the Peruvian Government, (Ministry of Culture), asked a UFO investigator to take DNA samples and conduct a scientific examination for the first time ever. It is also the first time in history that a full library of DNA was sampled.”
Time: 12:00 – 15:00
Admission: $15.00
Web: http://www.phoenixmufon.com
March 21st
Main Line MUFON PA Presents The Venusians Among Us
Venue: Tredyffrin Public Library, 582 Upper Gulph Road, Stratford, PA 19087
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Speaker: Dr. Raymond A. Keller
Topic: The Venusians Among Us
Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a retired professor and AmeriCorps VISTA helping veterans in Morgantown, West Virginia, has recently come out with his second book, Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet (Terra Alta, WV: Headline Books, 2015), 336 pages, illustrated. Dr. Keller’s book explores many facets of conditions and life on Venus in many dimensions from a perspective of conspiracies, history, theosophy, ufology and current events, especially space research. Dr. Leo Sprinkle of the University of Wyoming at Laramie, and Mr. Hakan Blomqvist of the UFO Archives in Sweden, wrote the introductions to Dr. Keller’s book; and Michael LaRiche of the Coast-to-Coast A.M. Radio Discussion groups in Northeast Ohio wrote the forward. The lecture is accompanied by a power-point presentation and followed by a Q and A session. If there is anything you ever wanted to know about Venus and Venusians, now is the time to have your questions answered…
Time: 18:30
Admission: Free
Web: http://www.mainlinemufon.com
April 14th – 16th
Ozark UFO Conference
Venue: Best Western Inn of the Ozarks, 207 West Van Buren, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
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Speakers: Stanton Friedman, Grant Cameron, James Clarkson, Mike Clelland, Linda Moulton Howe, Debra Kauble, David Marler, Kathleen Marden, Travis Walton, Forrest Crawford (Master of Ceremonies)
Registration: See event website as a variety of options are available
Web: http://ozarkufoconference.com
April 18th
Main Line MUFON PA Presents Joe Foster
Venue: Tredyffrin Public Library, 582 Upper Gulph Road, Stratford, PA 19087
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Speaker: Joe Foster
Joseph spent the first of his formative years growing up in East Hampton, LI, NY before moving to a farm in New Jersey. He enlisted in the US Coast Guard in 1969 serving thru 1973. During this time he encountered several UFO related events he considered transformational. While in the U.S. Coast Guard he was trained as a Navigator and Signalman (Quartermaster) performing those duties on board a high endurance, Coast Guard cutter, the USCGC Mellon. He served both on Ocean Station patrols (Victor) as well as well as having deployed to the Republic of Vietnam as part of Operation Market Time.
Joseph’s background includes; Project/Program management, IT, Science & Technology, and Communications. He also worked for the FBI in Tech Services, managed a data center for Merrill Lynch. During the time he spent with Merrill Lynch as an AVP (Assistant Vice President), historically, his operation cleared the first government security on behalf of the parent company, ML&Co with the Federal Reserve Bank of NY. His FedWire Data Center cleared $billions in Government Securities and funds transfers on a daily basis. Joe also provided leadership and program direction in the development of new technologies for the Department of Defense and the aerospace industry. Among these new technologies included; an automated gun sight with heads up display, an advanced waste to energy system and the promotion of an innovative data storage technology using a crystal as a high capacity storage medium. Joseph’s presentation will focus primarily on his experiences while in the Coast Guard and information related to the military and UFOs. He will speak specifically of events having taken place at sea dovetailing with interesting information that surfaced, quite by accident during a conversation with a person whom he considered “In the know” about UFO related “events”. He discusses these items from first hand experience including the anecdotal information subsequently acquired. These events are just a part of other incidents having taken place throughout his life, the first at the age three. Other non-military related events to be discussed at a later date.
His experiences represent a personal journey and his effort of trying to understand them. This is what inspired this lecture, created specifically for Main Line MUFON. Joseph believes our lives are connected to the unknown with a “silver” thread and if we accept that which is offered, there is an opportunity to attain valuable insights into not only ourselves but also the universe in which we live. Joe considers some of his experiences awe inspiring, some perhaps frightening…
Time: 18:30
Admission: Free
Web: http://www.mainlinemufon.com
April 21st
Sedona MUFON Meeting
Venue: Sedona Public Library, 3250 White Bear Road, Sedona, AZ 86336
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Speaker: TBA
Time: 19:00 prompt
Admission: $10.00 cash only
Web: http://www.sedonamufon.com
April 22nd
Phoenix MUFON Presents Paul Stonehill
Venue: Arizona Historical Society, 1300 N. College Ave, Tempe, AZ. 85281
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Speaker: Paul Stonehill
Topic: TBA
Time: 12:00 – 15:00
Admission: $15.00
Web: http://www.phoenixmufon.com
April 29th
Erie UFO Conference
Venue: Erie Bayfront Convention Center, 1 Sassafras Pier, Erie, PA 16507
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Speakers: Cheryl Costa, Kathleen Marden, John Ventre/Owen Eichler, Nick Pope, Fred Saluga
Time: 09:00 – 19:00
Admission: $29.00 or $42.00 with lunch
Web: http://mufonpa.com/wp1/?page_id=925
May 19th
Sedona MUFON Presents Jaap van Etten
Venue: Sedona Public Library, 3250 White Bear Road, Sedona, AZ 86336
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Speaker: Jaap van Etten
Time: 19:00 prompt
Admission: $10.00 cash only
Web: http://www.sedonamufon.com
May 20th
Phoenix MUFON Presents Ken Johnston
Venue: Arizona Historical Society, 1300 N. College Ave, Tempe, AZ. 85281
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Speaker: Ken Johnston
Topic: TBA
Time: 12:00 – 15:00
Admission: $15.00
Web: http://www.phoenixmufon.com
May 23rd
Main Line MUFON PA Presents Travis Walton
Venue: Tredyffrin Public Library, 582 Upper Gulph Road, Stratford, PA 19087
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Speaker: Travis Walton
Topic: Travis Walton in Person, a Power Point Lecture
Followed by Q and A & books sales and signing. Travis has one of the most famous UFO cases of all time. Driving home after a day of clearing brush and trees in the forest, six lumberjacks come upon a 40-foot disk hovering silently over the crest of a ridge. As if spellbound, Travis Walton jumps from the passenger side, running towards it for a closer look. That decision November 5, 1975 would change him and these loggers for the rest of their lives. The 21 year-old logger from Snowflake Arizona disappeared for five days, igniting a firestorm of controversy aimed at the logging crew who were the last to see him in the forest. Travis will recount his experience in person. He will have books for sale and DVD’s for sale…
Travis Walton’s 1975 experience comes alive in a new 93-minute documentary of one man’s trauma and transition when a mysterious beam of light strikes him unconscious – or dead. This film combines new and archived interviews with the logging crew, police, and the polygraph examiner. Now 40 years later Walton explains how the forest, the highway, and the phone booth remain emotional triggers. Don’t miss this chance to meet Travis and have your photo taken with him.
Time: 18:30
Admission: Free
Web: http://www.mainlinemufon.com
June 17th
Phoenix MUFON Presents Suzy Hansen
Venue: Arizona Historical Society, 1300 N. College Ave, Tempe, AZ. 85281
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Speaker: Suzy Hansen
Topic: TBA
Time: 12:00 – 15:00
Admission: $15.00
Web: http://www.phoenixmufon.com
June 20th
Main Line MUFON PA Presents Carol Bowman
Venue: Tredyffrin Public Library, 582 Upper Gulph Road, Stratford, PA 19087
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Speaker: Carol Bowman
Topic: Past lives of Children
Ms. Bowman, author and regression hypnotherapist will speak on her experience with children remembering their past lives. Children’s Past Lives, was the first book written for the general public to describe and explain children’s past lives. It’s really two books in one: a memoir and a guidebook for parents. “I tell the story of how my own two children led me to discover children’s past lives. Then through cases of other children Carol describes the practical aspects of these memories: what they look and sound like, how to distinguish between genuine past life memories and fantasy, how they are triggered, how they affect dreams, and how adults should respond.”…
Time: 18:30
Admission: Free
Web: http://www.mainlinemufon.com
September 19th
Main Line MUFON PA Presents Frank Chille
Venue: Tredyffrin Public Library, 582 Upper Gulph Road, Stratford, PA 19087
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Speaker: Frank Chille
Topic: The Exoconscious Human
Frank Chille will present a discussion and power-point presentation featuring little known contactee experiences – one from 1920 and several others from Southern California. He will also share background and experiences at George Van Tassel’s Integratron located in Landers CA – in the high desert area – above Palm Springs. Frank Chille has been a self-proclaimed seeker of Arcane Knowledge for the past 45 years. He is a student of metaphysics, ancient civilizations, comparative religions, and has knowledge of mostly unknown contactee experiences from individuals he has met along his life path. He has had first hand exposure to advanced technology products, has traveled extensively throughout the US and has lived abroad. Frank has spoken publicly and conducted seminars on diverse subjects on both coasts, as well as for the military on subjects including energy studies and lighting effects on health…
Time: 18:30
Admission: Free
Web: http://www.mainlinemufon.com
October 17th
Main Line MUFON PA Presents Edward Nightingale
Venue: Tredyffrin Public Library, 582 Upper Gulph Road, Stratford, PA 19087
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Speaker: Edward Nightingale
Topic: The Giza Template
Edward traveled to Egypt with John Anthony west in the late 1990’s and had a life changing experience which started him on a life journey to unlock the secrets encoded into the geometries of the Giza plateau. Based on 16 years of research back engineering the design of the Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza, Edward Nightingale has rediscovered precisely how the architects of Giza used geometry and mathematics to encode a stunning amount of knowledge within the architectural design of the Giza Complex. The decoding of Giza is key to unlocking many other mysteries that have been suppressed and hidden for millennia. Masters such as Leonardo DaVinci and Michelangelo have hidden these secrets in plain sight.…
Time: 18:30
Admission: Free
Web: http://www.mainlinemufon.com
October 27th – 28th
Philadelphia MUFON Conference
Venue: Sheraton Bucks County, 400 Oxford Valley Road, Langhorne, PA 19047
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Speakers: Travis Walton, Linda Moulton Howe, Col Charles Halt, Gary Heseltine, Tony Angiola, Ben Moss
See event website for times and range of package options available
Web: http://mufonpa.com/wp1/?page_id=927
November 4th
Pittsburgh Area UFO Conference
Venue: Bishop Connare Center, 2900 Seminary Drive, Greensburg, PA 15601
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Speakers: Nick Pope, David Paulides, Dr David Jacobs, John Ventre, Ed Kelemen
Time: 09:00 – 18:00
Admission: Speakers $29.00, Cocktail Hour $18.00, plus other options
Web: http://mufonpa.com/wp1/?page_id=929
November 14th
Main Line MUFON PA Presents Cheryl Costa
Venue: Tredyffrin Public Library, 582 Upper Gulph Road, Stratford, PA 19087
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Speaker: Cheryl Costa
Topic: The National UFO/UAP Sighting Magnitude Study
Since the Condon Study in 1968, there has not been a statistical book compiled or assembled about UFOs/UAPs, so the “National UFO/UAP Sighting Magnitude Study” was undertaken by Cheryl Costa and Linda Miller Costa to meet the critical information needed. The first objective of the “National UFO/UAP Sighting Magnitude Study” was an effort to report measurable sighting statistics over a stable and definable period of time (2001–2015). The secondary objective was to augment County location data in an effort to provide a new way of looking for UFO/UAP patterns. The third objective was to combine Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) data in an effort to get a real perspective on the magnitude of UFO/UAP sightings in the United States. Cheryl Costa’s presentation will report a summary of National UFO/UAP sighting data at a glance and examine the state and county level UFO/UAP sighting stats for Pennsylvania. Cheryl Costa is an upstate- New York resident and a NY native. A veteran of two military services and a retired IT professional from the Aerospace Industry, she holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from SUNY Empire State College in Entertainment Writing. Besides being a published playwright and mystery writer, she writes the wildly popular UFO column “New York Skies” for SyracuseNewTimes.com.
Time: 18:30
Admission: Free
Web: http://www.mainlinemufon.com
December 19th
Main Line MUFON PA Presents Scott Deuschane
Venue: Tredyffrin Public Library, 582 Upper Gulph Road, Stratford, PA 19087
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Speaker: Scott Deuschane
Scott will join us in person to introduce his new film and discuss the process of making the film. He will be available for Questions and Answers after the screening. His film is a riveting look at the potential for life in the upper atmosphere, our upper ocean of air. This new film asks an important question for humanity to consider. Could the planets vast atmosphere hold a wide variety of life just like the ocean does? Not Alone explores an exciting new scientific idea – that that many kinds of unidentified flying objects may be actually living things. Utilizing a lot of actual NASA footage from over 50 years of space exploration, you will see amazing UFOs that look, move, and act like creatures that live in the ocean – except these sky creatures might be giants, many miles high. Do such organism really move in the skies above? See the stunning evidence for yourself. Hear what astronauts have reported for years. Get ready to look at the atmosphere in a whole new way, once you open your eyes to the living sky you will realize we are Not Alone.
Time: 18:30
Admission: Free
Web: http://www.mainlinemufon.com
January 16th 2018
Main Line MUFON PA Presents The Mountauk Chronicles
Venue: Tredyffrin Public Library, 582 Upper Gulph Road, Stratford, PA 19087
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Film: The Mountauk Chronicles by Christopher Garentano
These amazing stories about Montauk have become legends told around camp fires and secret gatherings for years before they became known around the world.The Montauk Chronicles is the first motion picture to examine the Camp Hero legends and the phenomena that surrounds them. Some day, between 1971 and 1983, deep beneath the Camp Hero air force base there were bizarre and brutal experiments conducted by a clandestine organization, from another world. Now we hear the story from the very men who claim to have been there. Movie maker Chrisopher P. Garetano examines the paranormal legends, and illustrates them as the alleged survivors tell their harrowing tales. Chris has offered to skype in with us after the film screening to answer questions and discuss the making of the film.
Time: 18:30
Admission: Free
Web: http://www.mainlinemufon.com