UFO Links

Abduction Information Center
AIC was created in order to offer abduction experiencers and the general public a place where they can access the very best and latest information available on the UFO/abduction phenomenon. We encourage comments from physicians and mental health care professionals in regard to any of the material presented at A.I.C.

Above ‘N’ Beyond
You were never important enough to know the truth UNTIL NOW.

Above Top Secret – Uncovering Government Conspiracies


The Anomaly Archives
Lending library of the Scientific Anomaly Institute. Over 2200 books and growing collections on UFOs, Mind, Parapsychology, Cryptozoology, Parapolitics and much more.

Archives for the Unexplained
Archives for UFO Research was founded in Sweden in 1973… The core of our collections has come, and keep coming, from ‘ufologists’ – people who are specialized in the study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). That is why we have built an international reputation (1973-2013) as the Archives for UFO research, under the acronym AFU.
By decision of the AFU board, in April 2013, we took on the new name Archives for the unexplained, but still continue under the old, well known acronym AFU.

Best UFO Resources and Links
Hand-picked collection of UFO resources, TV documentaries, papers, research studies on UFO physics/science, photos, videos, books etc with summaries. Includes photos and descriptions of purported alien UFOnauts.”

The Blue Book Archive
The Blue Book Archive provides free online access to the National Archives Blue Book microfilm collection. Moreover, these documents have been rendered searchable so as to increase the utility of this material to researchers.

The British UFO Research Association

Crop Circle Connector

Crowded Skies
Crowded Skies is the website for London UFO Studies.

Dr. Bruce Maccabee Research Website

FBI Records: Unexplained Phenomena
Direct link to the UFO files at the FBI’s Vault website

Filer’s Files
Archives also available here on UFOINFO

Heavens Above
Heavens Above maintains a set of dynamic Web pages which generate visibility predictions for visible satellites and Iridium flares for ANY location on the Earth. The predictions are generated dynamically each time a page is requested, so you can obtain the very latest predictions, using the most recently available orbit data, and customised for your own location and time zone.

Could be useful for checking out any sightings.

Ian Ridpath’s UFO Skeptics Pages
The site includes astronomer Ian Ridpath’s investigations into the Rendlesham Forest case.

IFO Database
The photographs and video stills of Identified Flying Objects (I.F.O.’s) on this web site are presented as a research tool for comparison to and analysis of past, present and future video and photographic materials containing images similar in appearance and nature.

Kenny Young Archives
The archived version of UFO Research Cincinatti containing the research of the late Kenny Young.

Majestic Documents
The team’s mission is to clarify the UFO phenomenon, its agenda and history, and to implement the most effective way to educate the public and world governments to its reality and implications.

MUFON – The Mutual UFO Network HQ










New England
New England MUFON is the merger of MUFON Chapters in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont

North Dakota


Orange County




San Antonio

South Dakota



Le Mystéres des Ovnis
French language site

Mystical Universe – International UFO Reporting Center

National Archives – UFO Files
UFO documents released by the British Government through the Freedom Of Information Publication Scheme. The files include descriptions of alleged Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon or “UFO” sightings and subsequent MOD evaluations of the reports.

National UFO Reporting Center
The National UFO Reporting Center, which is moving to a new location between the towns of Davenport and Harrington, WA, was founded in 1974. The center’s primary function over the past two decades has been to receive, record, and to the greatest degree possible corroborate and document reports from individuals who have been witness to unusual, possibly UFO related events.

An international peer reviewed directory of the best UFO evidence.

Northern Ontario UFO Research & Study is a private organization dedicated to the collection and dissemination of UFO information.

A UFO Resource Website dedicated to the theme of Ufology & Under Ground Technology. Updated daily with new content.

Covers activity in the Lake Ontario area.

Phantoms and Monsters
A daily dose of paranormal phenomena, cryptids, UFOs, ultraterrestrial beings & alternative news

The Presidents UFO Website
In the pages of this Web site you will hopefully be led on a journey that will show you the entire known history of how the most powerful man in the world has dealt with the most highly classified secret of the last century. In short, this is the story of how the President and the White House have dealt with the mystery of UFOs.

Primo Contatto
An association among psychotherapists whose aim is to study the phenomenon of Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind. In English and Italian

Project 1947
PROJECT 1947 is a world-wide effort to document the origins of the modern UFO phenomenon. Research for the project has yielded many early-era UFO reports via the FOIA, newspaper articles and contemporary accounts. Some of the material gathered by PROJECT 1947 is on display here.

Project Blue Book – UFO Investigations
From Alaska to Arizona, from Florida to Labrador, UFO sightings were reported from within North America and even around the world. They are documented in these files. Very few photographs are included in these records. Instead these are text descriptions of encounters or sightings during the years 1947 to 1969. Names of people involved in the sightings are excluded. They are arranged chronologically, then by location…

PRUFOS (Police Reporting UFOs)
The PRUFOS Police Database was created in November 2001 and launched publicly in the January 2002 issue of UFO Magazine. It was created to record British police officer UFO sightings. They are recorded in two categories – ‘On and Off duty’. It caters for serving and retired British police officers and also offers a total confidentialy agreement if requested. My primary aim is to record the sightings for the benefit of the public. Many of the cases found on the database a remarkable and suggest very strongly that ET is already visiting us and is operating within British Airspace with inpunity.

“The worlds first communications site dedicated to the scientific study of the reptilian image in Earth’s ancient mytho-history and modern UFO phenomena. Reptilians, Draco, Reptoids..it’s all here for your review.”

The Research of Jerry Cohen
Select cases and moments from UFO History

Roswell UFO Museum and Research Centre

Russian and Eurasian UFO and USO Research

Simple Satellite Tracker
Spaceweather.com’s simple Satellite Tracker has gone global. The tool now works not only for US and Canadian readers, but also for sky watchers in countries around the world – Just use the Global Flybys link. Useful for ruling out satellites when you have a sighting.

Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone
UFO investigator Stan Gordon is the producer of the video ‘Kecksburg: The Untold Story.’ Full details of the video and other UFO sightings are available at the site.

Balloon Related UFO Sightings (Spanish language site)

The Supernatural Zone

Timothy Good
Worldwide research, interviewing key witnesses and discussing the subject with astronauts, military and intelligence specialists, pilots, politicians and scientists, has established Timothy Good as a leading authority on UFOs and the alien presence – the most highly classified subject on Earth.

Truth Seeker at Roswell
The web site of Dennis Balthaser: UFO Researcher, Investigator and Lecturer

UFO Afrinews
“I’ve dedicated this site to Cynthia Hind UFO Afrinews work, and would like to provide as much of the resources she spent years gathering and giving out virtually free to whoever was interested. The UFO Afrinews series of booklets were first published in July 1988 and the final copy (No.22) published in July 2000 just before her passing.”

All the news from British Columbia

The UFO Chronicles
Breaking News, Opinion, Editorials, Articles in regards to UFOs, Ufology, UAP, Flying Saucers, Flying Disks [sic], Historical Accounts, Government cover-up, FOIA requests etc.

UFO Roundup
Archived here on UFOINFO in case you did not know!

UFO Watchdog
Covering UFOs From Serious to Absurd. Distinguishing Fact From Fantasy. Exposing the Parasites, Delusional Personalities, Morons and Frauds Currently Polluting UFOlogy.

While the UFOCAT site is no longer available, Donald Johnson has made a major update to “Encounters with Aliens on this Day” which is now hosted on the UFOINFO site.

UFOCAT refers to a computer database of over 170,000 UFO reports and related information. It is the result of a 36-year effort that began during the U.S. Air Force sponsored Colorado UFO Project, also known as the “Condon Committee.”…UFOCAT exists today as the most comprehensive reference tool and bibliographic source on UFO reports in existence.

Exploring The Facts & Myths About UFOs

Java open source software tools for ufology

UFOPOP: Flying Saucers In Popular Culture
The purpose of this website is to preserve and display the imagery of UFOs and Flying Saucers presented in popular culture. UFOPOP initially features a Gallery of over 1,000 comic books with covers that display images of UFOs and Flying Saucers. Other Galleries that are in the planning stage include Books, Magazines, Merchandising and Toys.

Your world guide to UFO shapes and configurations

UFOs Found in Real TV Broadcasts
This UFO blogspot presents UFO footage (videos) and descriptions of UFO footage found in real TV broadcasts from around the world. Any UFO evidence recorded or obtained by a media company or government source will also be included here.

UFOs Northwest
Your Source of UFO Sightings & Investigation

Dutch language UFO start page

Universons Theory (les Universons)
Dedicated to the Univesons’ theory, a theoretical model proven by many experimental facts. This model seems able to explain how interstellar travel is possible and how a new type of space propulsion is imaginable. The model explains also the strange effects reported by UFO witnesses.

More important than that, the Universons’ model offers new possibilities about ENERGY for Humankind. For this reason it cannot remain ignored, or its details diffused only by classical scientific publications, unable to take care of the thousands of pages needed

The Vike Factor l
The Vike Factor 2
Brian Vike’s sites with all the latest sighting report

The Virtually Strange Network
Amongst other subjects the site now hosts the UFO Updates archive, ‘Strange Days… Indeed’ program & archive, The Abduction Information Center site, and the MUFON Ontario pages.