UFO Organizations in Russia

RUFORS – Russian UFO Research Station

Nikolay Subbotin

Web: http://www.rufors.ru  [ English page – http://www.rufors.ru/content/view/80/47/ ]

Our public research organisation RUFORS expands the contacts to the purpose of effective dialogue to all research organisations interested in studying of the Unusual phenomena, ufologies, history of ancient civilisations, ways of overcoming of forthcoming planetary crisis, and also carrying out of joint expeditions to abnormal zones and places where artefacts of ancient civilisations have remained. We offer you joint dialogue, the decision of the general questions and research projects. And now it is a little that is RUFORS…

RUFORS – Russian UFO Reserach Station – is a public research organization which has been 20 years in the market. It unites researchers from Russia and abroad. Nowadays the company has branches in Perm, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Tomsk, Taganrog, Krasnodar, South East Asia.

RUFORS was founded on May 1996.

Honourable member RUFORS is Marina Popovich (the test pilot, the writer, the ufologist).

What do we do?

* We try to explore Unusual Phenomena.
* We create a unique information field for people who wish to learn more about the world they are living in.
* We shoot documentary films for central TV channels and we write articles about abnormal phenomena for leading mass-media providers.
* We organize extreme expeditions.
* We teach people to think in a non-standard way and see the things other people are unable to see.

Our main objectives:

* uniting Russian researchers in one unique information field;
* carrying out research and analysis of UFO and other abnormal phenomena problems;
* providing quick information exchange among researchers;
* Cooperating with scientific and state research establishments;
* Creating a unified information database.

Our basic events:

* created the first Russian page in Internet, devoted to the exploration of Unusual phenomena (1996),
* created the first English photoarchive of Russian photos of Unusual phenomena for the western researchers (1996),
* participated in the creation of Ufologies and paranormal sources section in RUnet for the project “the Internet: yellow pages” (1997),
* published the first network magazine on ufology – “Dialogue: the Earth – Space” (1997),
* got Artemija Lebedev’s network Award for the creation of the first Russian page on ufology in Internet (1997),
* created the first Russian mail list “Round table” for researchers who are interested in unexplored phenomena (1997),
* we were the first public Ufologies organisation who addressed V.V.Putin (at that time – the President of the Russian Federation) – with the request to publish non-secret documents of research projects “Grid”, “Horizon” and “the Galaxy”, the main objective of them was exploring UFO (2002),
* offered the concept of software development for Ufologies researches (2003),
* developed the concept of scientific tourism and ufo-tourist geopark “Molebsky abnormal zone” (2008)

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