UFO related Radio and TV Programmes
Additions and corrections can be sent submitted via an Online Submission.
Please note that many stations broadcast on the Internet and it is worth looking at the entries for countries other than your own.
Canada – United Kingdom – USA
‘Strange Days…Indeed’
Station: Internet
Host: Errol Bruce-Knapp
Details: UFO-related discussion with guests and pre-recorded clips
Web: SDI – The Program (archives)
The ‘X’ Zone Radio & TV Show
Station: TalkStar Radio Network
Frequency: AM / FM Stations, Satellites Galaxy 4R, Telstar 7, Agilia 2, G3
Country: International
Day/Time: 10 pm – 2 am Eastern
Presenter: Rob McConnell
REL-MAR McConnell Media Company
586 Rexford Drive
Canada, L8W 3G9
Phone/Fax: 905-575-5916
Investigating the world of the paranormal and the science of parapsychology since 1993.
The Rob Simone Talk Show
Station: Resonance
Frequency: 104.4FM (London) & Internet
Time: Online Sun 4pm & Tues 10pm (PST) or in London on 104.4 FM Sun @ Midnight
Presenter: Rob Simone
A weekly talk show with the most interesting people on the planet. Alternative information, unexplained phenomena and much more, which affect our cities, our lives and our world.
Listen to this fascinating program ONLINE, from anywhere in the world, via www.resonancefm.com. (Time, day and length of programme seems to differ on Rob’s website to those on Resonance104.4fm site).
Host Rob Simone has been described as the “Art Bell of the U.K.”
“Rob’s 2-hour broadcast is an enlightening, entertaining, thought-provoking and often mind-blowing experience.” -Open Mind Magazine
E-mail: robsimonetalks@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.robsimone.com
Web: http://resonancefm.com/
Cosmic Connection Television
I- N- T- E- R- N- E- T
The Cosmic Connection has been on television in the Portland market since 1993. We have strived to share with our audience the behind the scenes events that occur to an abductee or a first time witness to the ufo phenomenon. Due to advancing technology we are making changes to better serve you the viewer and listener.
Sample selected past programs from the safety of your home.
Our Internet Radio Broadcasts every Sunday @ 4 pm PST
Check out our past interviews and topic programs on both sites
Your UFO connection 24 hours a day
You really don’t want to miss this !
( missing time not included !
Eye to the Sky – The UFO Synopsis
Station: Eye2theSky radio
Frequency: Internet via Paltalk & Live 365
Day/Time: Saturday 7:00pm – 9:00pm EST
Presenter: Dee Andrew
Location: Glendale, Arizona
With personal insights from almost 40 years of ufology research, Dee Andrew focuses on the deeper aspects of the UFO topic.
The information shared and discussed on air each week will cover the facts and the truths of what ufology research is all about.
The shows main goals are to inform and, to educate people regarding the UFO topic.
Web: http://www.eye2thesky.net
The Fringe Radio Show
Station: KTKK AM630
Frequency: 630.00 & Internet
Day/Time: Saturday 6:00pm – 9:00pm (MST)and Monday – Friday 12:00am – 2:00am
Presenter: Pat Daniels
KTKK AM630 – K-Talk
Attn: Fringe Radio Show
10348 South Redwood Road
South Jordan
UT 84095-9339
Phone: 801-254-5855
Fax: 801-253-9085
Programme Information: KTKK AM630 present’s “Fringe Radio” to you every Saturday Evening 6:00pm – 8:00pm and from January 2013 Monday thru Friday Evening from Midnight till 2:00am, with outstanding Paranormal, Outer World, and Legend Seeking talk radio, while providing you with “Fringe” News, Events, and Beyond.
Our radio show covers a wide spectrum of “Fringe Paranormal ” genres such as Ghost Hunting, Haunted Entities, Dark Matter, and Mediums. We will address Urban Legends, UFO’s, and Alien Abductions. We will discuss Science Fiction, and Today’s Realities conceived and developed by Science Fiction of the past. Each show is unique and our hosts will bring on the top researchers in their respective fields.
While listening to shows you can explore the features of our site – Paranormal Event Listings, Guest Bloggers, Videos, and Authors. You will be able to tune in and listen via Land Radio, Live – Internet Streaming, or via your Smart Phone.
Web: http://www.thefringeradioshow.com
Inception Radio Network
Station: IRN
Frequency: Via Internet, Live 365, IRN iPhone & Android APPs, and Call-To-Listen #: (832) 280-0830
Transmission Times: Monday – Sunday (24 hours)
Phone: (888) 919-2355
Inception Radio Network is devoted to delivering the best in audio quality and content delivery of all that encompasses the UFO, Paranormal, Conspiracy, and Cryptozoology field through our copious radio talk shows.
We operate under a cutting-edge real-time and on-demand content based delivery model. The contents produced under this network are available through various platforms including; real-time live streaming (options – embedded website player, Winamp, RealPlayer, Quicktime, Live 365, and WinMedia), MP3 podcast downloads, call-to-listen phone lines, personalized iPhone & Android APPs, and iTunes delivery all in 128k CD quality.
I.R.N. also prides itself in delivering audio and video content from live conferences and symposiums, on-site paranormal investigations, and special exclusive radio features including skits and roundtable discussions.
Our staff and radio talk show personalities are the authority to bringing the best quality service deliverables to an audience. We are a tight knit group with an extensive background in the field of UFOlogy, Paranormal, Conspiracy, and Cryptozoology. We have members who are heads and directors of the largest UFO/Paranormal organizations in the business and are accomplished authors, researchers, professionals, and broadcasters.
Web: http://www.inceptionradionetwork.com
The Jerry Pippin Show – UFO-Files Program
Station: KBIX
Frequency: 1490AM
Internet: WarpRadio Internet via Windows Media Player
Time: Every Friday, 10:00 PM to Midnight, Central Time
Presenters: Jerry Pippin and Larry Dicken
Jerry Pippin Productions
P.O. Box 800
OK 74446
177 Sandcastle Key
NJ 07094
Phone: 918-687-1490 or 201-864-1750
The UFO-Files program is produced by Larry Dicken. The first hour features a special guest, interviewed by Jerry Pippin, which include leaders in the fields of UFO and Abduction research as well as UFO eyewitnesses and abductees. During the second hour, Larry Dicken reports and provides knowledgable interpretations of the latest weekly sighting reports provided by MUFON’s George Filer. See the show Web site for Weekly program schedules and our guide to past guests. Jerry has some 40 years of broadcasting and entertainment experience. And, Larry has made a 50 year avocation of UFO and abduction studies. Tune in for great shows each Friday Night.
E-mail: jerry@jerrypippin.com
Web: http://www.jerrypippin.com
Journeys with Rebecca
Presenter: Rebecca Jernigan
Station: CHRS, Positive Radio Network, Reality Radio Network
Frequency: Web Access
Time: See website for times
Journeys with Rebecca
KS 66215
Phone: 1-888-958-2768
Paranormal, UFO’s, Spirituality & Discovery. Intelligent, Educational, Entertaining Talk Radio.
E-mail: rebecca@journeyswithrebecca.com
Web: www.journeyswithrebecca.com
Myth or Reality
Station: KXNT, Las Vegas
Frequency: 100.5FM, 840AM and the Internet
Times: Saturdays from 6.00pm – 7:00pm Pacific Time
Hosted by Allan Palmer, Museum Director & CEO of the National Atomic Testing Museum
Allan will be hosting the “Myth or Reality” radio series with special guests exploring the unexpected and the unexplained phenomena much of what occurs in our back yard here in the Nevada Desert. It’s your opportunity to discover what is really happening just beyond your reach. Join in and contribute by calling 733- K.X.N.T
Listen live at: http://betaplayer.radio.com/player/kxnt-newsradio
Web: http://www.kxnt.com
The Rob Simone Talk Show
Station: Resonance
Frequency: 104.4FM (London) & Internet
Time: Online Sun 4pm & Tues 10pm (PST) or in London on 104.4 FM Sun @ Midnight
Presenter: Rob Simone
A weekly talk show with the most interesting people on the planet. Alternative information, unexplained phenomena and much more, which affect our cities, our lives and our world.
Listen to this fascinating program ONLINE, from anywhere in the world, via www.resonancefm.com. (Time, day and length of programme seems to differ on Rob’s website to those on Resonance104.4fm site).
Host Rob Simone has been described as the “Art Bell of the U.K.”
“Rob’s 2-hour broadcast is an enlightening, entertaining, thought-provoking and often mind-blowing experience.” -Open Mind Magazine
E-mail: robsimonetalks@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.robsimone.com
Web: http://resonancefm.com/
Talk Radio of Pahrump, Nevada
Station: KPAH
Frequency: 1400AM and the Internet
Times: Sundays starting at 3.00pm Pacific Time Zone
P.O. Box 5303
Nevada 89041
We’re near the back door to Area 51 and talk about it! UFO shows are a combination of live and taped and include: “UFOs & E.T. Experiences”, 3pm; “Cosmic Connection”, 4pm; “The Borderland”, 7pm. Other talk shows are heard 24 hours a day. E-mail us to get on our mailing list to receive program notes on our next “All UFO Weekend”!
E-mail: kpah@pahrumpradio.com
Web: http://www.pahrumpradio.com
UFO Undercover Radio
Station: UFO Paranormal Radio Network
Frequency: Internet via Paltalk & Live 365
Time: Wednesday 7:00pm – 9:00pm CST
Presenter: Joe Montaldo
2218 Division St.
We have the best ufologists come on and talk about their research.
Join us on Paltalk or listen on Live 365 every Wednesday at 8:00 pm (EST) for the most comprenhensive and informative talk radio show dealing with UFO’s and the alien abduction phenomenon.
As an abduction researcher for over 23 years, Joe Montaldo is uniquely qualified to bring you live interviews with some of the most well known researchers in ufology.
UFO Undercover also brings you some of the most revealing and current research being done on alien abductions and alien contact.
With audience particpation through our “virtual auditorium” chat room on Paltalk and, audience call in questions at 1 877 786 0562, UFO Undercover brings a total listening experience to internet radio.
Web: www.ufoundercover.com
Un-X News Radio
Time: 6:00pm CST Friday
Presenter: Margie Kay
PO Box 1166
MO 64051
Phone: 816-833-1602
Fax: 816-461-2818
Covering all things unexplained including UFOs, alien encounters, crop circles, ley lines, psychic phenomena, remote viewing, orbs, ghosts, paranormal hot spots, and more. With international guests such as Stanton Friedman, Kathleen Marden Grant Cameron, Nick Redfern, and Greg Little.
Margie Kay is author of Gateway to the Dead, a Ghost Hunter’s Field guide; Haunted Independence; The Kansas City UFO Flap, and more. She is an actor, professional musician, and documentary film producer.
Kay is an internationally known remote viewer, having worked on over 45 missing person cases for law enforcement agencies and private investigators. Kay has the ability to see inside the human body to provide intuitive medical diagnosis with amazing accuracy. Visit www.margiekay.com for more information.
Web: www.unxnews.com
The X Zone Radio Show & TV Show
Station: Via satellite and the Internet
Time: Monday – Friday from 10 pm – 2 am EST
Presenter: Rob McConnell
The ‘X’ Zone is a late-night internationally syndicated radio / television / satellite internet talk show which deals with a variety of topics, but usually ones that relate to the world of the paranormal and the science of parapsychology. It was created by Canadian broadcaster Rob McConnell and first aired in 1993, airs five nights a week, Monday thru Friday, 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Eastern Time and is distributed internationally by the `X`Zone Broadcast Network. It is hosted by the shows’ creator and executive producer, Rob McConnell.
The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show is a Division of REL-MAR McCONNELL MEDIA COMPANY and is located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The ‘X’ Zone Radio & TV Show is the ONLY Canadian radio show that is syndicated to a truly international listening and viewing audience via conventional professional broadcast and satellite means, not only the internet.
The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show is the only Canadian radio program which is syndicated on an international basis outside of Canada and has an international audience.
In December 2006, The ‘X’ Zone TV Show began a simulcast broadcast on the internet of The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show. In March 2007, The ‘X’ Radio Show and The ‘X’ Zone TV were placed under the new Broadcast Division of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company, XZBN – ‘X’ Zone Broadcasting Network, which also produces and owns The ‘X’ Zone Music Channel, The ‘X’ Zone Travel Channel and The ‘X’ Zone Discovery Channel. The ‘X’ Zone Radio & TV Show and The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper deals in all topics from within the world of the paranormal and the science of parapsychology and is full of personal stories related by callers. The show deals with paranormal subjects including the occult, remote viewing, hauntings, shadow people, precognition, reincarnation, forbidden knowledge, conspiracy theories, UFOs, UFO crashes, alien abduction, psychic phenomena, near-death experience, angels, exorcism, end-time prophecies, shamanism, herbalism, mind over matter, psychic surgery, crystals, Atlantis, Kirlian photography, lost tribes and civilizations, 666: the Number of the Beast, 11:11 in numerology, fairies, PSI, ESP, astrology, Chinese astrology, sacred geometry, palmistry, time travel, cosmology, the Apocalypse, Nostradamus, dreams and dream interpretation, Tarot cards, Ouija boards, life after death, the Dead Sea scrolls, Wicca, the Michigan Triangle, the Bermuda Triangle, vile vortices, séances, spiritualists, the Dalai Lama, Raelians, paranormal hoaxes and frauds, zombies, past life regression, Electronic Voice Phenomena, crop circles, cryptozoology and science fiction literature, among many other paranormal and parapsychology topics.
During the show, listeners from around the world call to share their views, experiences, and ask questions to the shows nightly guests. They now watch, listen and chat during the live broadcast at www.xzonetv.com.
The ‘X’ Zone was created in 1993 by veteran Canadian broadcaster Rob McConnell. McConnell hosts the program every weeknight from his broadcast studio in the City of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. McConnell is an experienced interviewer, researcher, author, journalist and publisher
Web: http://www.xzoneradiotv.com