1955 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

1955 Humanoid Reports. After the great French-European humanoid wave, 1955 shifted to the US where incredible events were reported. Concentrated in Ohio and the famous Kelly Kentucky farm assault, humanoid reports in some way were simpler and much more cut and dry but things got weirder around August 1955. We were never the same after that.
Following is a list of Humanoid encounters for 1955.

The Kentucky Goblins arrive….

Location. Homer Alaska
Date: 1955
Time: night
3-year old Mark Fritz reported encountering a strange being in his bedroom. The being was wearing a black cloak and pulled it open so the witness would not be scared. The witness recalled that the face was human-like and it made him feel at ease. The alien claim he was from a group that was called the “Nodnuls.” No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Art Bell, Shadow People
Type: E

Location. Lakewood Colorado
Date: 1955
Time: unknown
Lloyd Arnold, 49, was in his home in Lakewood when he had an out of body experience in which he was taken aboard a UFO and examined by five occupants of normal height and appearance, although they had darker than normal skin. One spoke English, the other a tongue he has never heard. He recalls acceleration “like a jet, but more severe,” when he was flown to a place where the humanoids where gathered. “Call it a dream or hallucination, if you will. It was vivid and real. I was fully conscious and knew that I could stop it if I choose…but I have an immunity to fear.” His first UFO sighting was in 1913, and he has had many other sightings and experiences.

Humcat 1955-27
Source: Humcat quoting, Newspaper source
Type: F?

Location. Adelaide South Australia
Date: 1955
Time: unknown
A 10-year old girl recalled under hypnosis having been inside a disc shaped object and speaking with three men onboard the craft. The men apparently gave her a ride to a planet with an advanced society. No other information.

HC addition # 147
Source: Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic & Pony Godic
IUR Vol. 14 # 4
Type: G

Location. Chita region, East Siberia, Russia
Date: 1955
Time: unknown
A group of scientists conducting research in the area accidentally stumbled upon a network of cell-like hollows, similar to honeycombs, but of a huge size, about 2.5m in diameter consisting of a total length of cells of about 500meters. In one of those cells the strange mummified body of a humanoid creature was found. The body of the entity was about 1.5m in height, with a disproportionably large, pumpkin-shaped head, short legs and six fingered hands. The finding soon caused interest in the regional Chita Department of the KGB. Once that happened all traces of the mysterious entity vanished, apparently the KGB had taken the body and shipped it to a classified laboratory. But later news came from nearby China from the Bayna-Kara-Ula region where similar entities had been discovered, reportedly descendants of a short dwarf-type gray yellowish alien entities that had crashed in the area in ancient times. Apparently the body of the entity was a kind of human-alien hybrid, identical to the type found in China.

HC addendum
Source: Sergey Kozhushko in: “Mysteries of Siberian Caves”
“Tayny XX Veka” (Mysteries of the 20th Century) # 22 July 2005
Type: H?

Location. Goodhurst Kent England
Date: 1955
Time: 0330A
The witness was staying at the local village school and was sleeping in one of the rooms by herself. She suddenly awoke feeling a terrible coldness in the room. She then saw a strange figure crouching to the left of her bed. It was small and had two large staring eyes and appeared to be encased in a soft glow. It stared at the witness with an obscene and malevolent gaze. Eventually the room became warmer and the creature disappeared.

HC addition # 170
Source: Graham J MacEwan, Mystery Animals of Britain
& Ireland
Type: E

Location. Eucla South Australia
Date: 1955
Time: daytime
Three men noticed a shiny object falling to the ground five km away in a deserted area. After searching for an hour they came upon some jagged shiny wreckage and saw a moving figure nearby. As the figure approached they could see that it was semi human in form and somewhat frog-like. It wore a loose fitting green cloak that hanged down below its knees. It had a curved horn on each side of the head and its hands and feet were armor plated. The creature then began swaying and wriggling back and forth and it then disintegrated right before the three men.

HC addition # 1158
Source: Mark Moravec, Psiufo Phenomena
Type: H?

Location, Zula, Ocotlan, Mexico
Date: 1955
Time: daytime
Several young witnesses reported encountering a strange little man as they played in the backyard. They claimed that the being had human features and wore a form-fitting suit that covered his body completely except for his face. The first one who saw the little man was a 6-year old boy, who at first thought it was a doll and attempted to touch the humanoid, but when he approached the figure, this one stepped back. This alarmed the youngster who ran to his house and told his mother what he had seen. His mother did not believe him, but the boy insisted and dragged her outside. Once outside she almost ran into the strange humanoid and noticed that he had large lid-less protruding eyes that reminded her of a fly. Terrified, she fainted right away. Upon hearing the commotion outside other family members ran out to see what the problem was. Upon coming to her senses the woman noticed that the humanoid had now boarded a sort of floating platform that he seemed to control with a pair of pedals and a horizontal instrument panel on the top. The object seemed to move in short bursts or jumps and vaulted over a nearby fence, it then rose into the air and entered a large hovering metallic disc-shaped object that shot away at high speed quickly disappearing from sight.

HC addendum
Source: Luis Ramirez Reyes, “Contacto: Mexico”
Type: B
Translated by Albert S Rosales

Location. Near Jacksonville Florida
Date: 1955
Time: late afternoon
The witness and 2 other children were walking along a dirt road when they saw a flash and remembered a dark man, but only after hypnosis did she recall being taken aboard a craft and having knowledge taken out of her head by the beings. They told her they would return and that she was chosen. They also examined the other children.

HC addition # 2229
Source: Dr James Harder & Dr Art Winkler
Type: G

Location. Moab Utah
Date: 1955
Time: late afternoon
The young witness (involved in previous encounters) was playing in his backyard alone while his mother washed clothes on the back porch. She went inside to the kitchen for 4 minutes and came back out to see the witness missing. They searched for him all over the neighborhood and found him an hour later crying and inside a coal box on the back of the house. Asked how he got there, the witness could only remember that several “little men” (not described) had carried him there. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Experiencer Support
Type: G?

Location. Chillicothe, Ohio
Date: 1955
Time: night
The witness remembers floating out of his bedroom window, which was on the second floor, and rising up into a hovering disc shaped object. Inside several short gray creatures with huge black eyes, apparently performed several very “unpleasant” procedures on the witness.

HC addition # 3890
Source: CAUS
Type: G

Location. Porto Alegre, Brazil
Date: 1955
Time: night
The witness was awakened by the sounds of her dog howling. Opening the window to look she was stunned to see a horrifying creature that frightened her. She described it as a bipedal black hairy creature, resembling a wolf. It was looking straight at her making a threatening growling sound. It seemed to drag itself as it walked away into the brush disappearing from sight.

HC addendum
Source: Luis Santos, Fenomeno Brazil
Type: E

Location. Glasgow, Scotland
Date: 1955
Time: night
Seven-year-old William was in bed one night recovering from a minor mishap. His father was working nightshift and his mother was sound asleep in bed. William looked across the room because some movement had attracted his attention. Standing next to a table he saw a figure with another one standing behind the first. They were not very tall and the one closest to him stared without blinking through round, quite large eyes, right at him. William noticed long snake-like things on the tops of their heads. He thought they were snakes because they were wriggling and moving. Both figures were doing something at the table with one still staring directly at William while the other one moved around. William now observed another figure over by the window, which also seemed to be staring at him. This third figure looked exactly like the other two. Then in a type of voice that he’d never heard before, one of the figures said “go to sleep little boy.” The eyes and the voice seemed almost hypnotic to William and he gradually fell asleep. At no time did he ever felt frightened by these figures.

HC addendum
Source: Phillip Mantle
Type: E

Location: Cedarville, Ohio
Date: 1955
Time: night
On several occasions the main witness and his family reported seeing a hovering disc-shaped object hovering above some nearby railroad tracks. One night the witness remembering hearing a loud sound and an alarm go off. He then saw a tall “spaceman” wearing a dark gray suit and helmet with big blue eyes, which look like they were smiling at him. The witness was not afraid and the figure suddenly vanished.

HC addendum
Source: Mystical Universe, Alien UFO sightings
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 5
Comments: Early bedroom visitation by human-like alien.

Location. Near Prague, Czechoslovakia
Date: 1955
Time: night
The lone male witness, R, is sleeping and suddenly wakes up to see a woman with beautiful blue eyes staring at him. She speaks to him in a musical voice, before disappearing she tells him that they will someday meet again. Two years later he sees her again in Nottingham England along with a bright light and two men who speak to him in the same musical voice. They mention a UFO crash (no details) and awake him while “singing” to him.

HC addendum
Source: NUFON 177, October 1997
Type: E

Location. Sao Martinho de Bilene, Mozambique
Date: 1955
Time: night
Several witnesses including indigenous personal and Portuguese colonials reported the landing of luminous oval-shaped objects in a local field. Several human like occupants wearing silvery luminous outfits would exit the crafts and collect soil, plant and other samples from the surrounding area. According to the source this episode was repeated on numerous occasions.

HC addendum
Source: Fernando da Silva Martins http://www.ufo.com
Type: B
Comments: Date is approximate

Location. Del Rio, Texas
Date: 1955
Time: night
A young witness reported seeing a creature about 4 to 5ft in height outside his house. The creature was dark gray in color and had gray thin legs and arms. It had a very big head with large eyes and no hair. The witness was terrorized and speechless. Around the same time other locals had witnessed several UFOs flying over Laughlin Air Force Base 6 miles east of Del Rio.

HC addendum
Source: MUFON UFO Reports
Type: D?

Location. San Francisco, California
Date: 1955
Time: late night
While lying on her bed Mrs. Evelyn McKeever observed a beautiful entity described as female of medium height, with abundant blond hair and wearing a white Grecian style dress. It walked through the closed door of the bedroom, crossed the room, and walked out through the opposite wall. At the time that the figure was visible, the witness felt an odd sensation throughout her body. Her heart beat violently and she felt shock waves passed through her. She got up and looked out the window and saw a large glowing orange cigar-shaped object maneuvering high over the area.

HC addition # 2443
Source: Evelyn McKeever, UFO Magazine Vol. 15 # 1
Type: D?
Comments: The similarity to the Prague case is astounding and there is also a resemblance to the Cedarville case. Each of these cases was recorded at totally different times.

Location. New Zealand, exact location not given
Date: 1955
Time: late night
A woman was asleep in her home when a light suddenly awakened her behind her window. She was then apparently taken up in a beam of light, which went through the window. She was then met by about 10 short beings. These had large egg shaped heads with large dark almond shaped eyes. They had slit mouth and nose and very small ears. They wore silver suits and gloves on four fingered hands. They seemed to move around in quick and short movements. They communicated by using telepathy assuring her that they meant no harm. She was then examined on a table inside a circular room. The table resembled a slab of marble and it warmed quickly making her feel comfortable. The beings stood around her and a light from above shone on her. Something was done to her throat.

HC addition # 2017
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: G

Location. Giant Rock California
Date: January 1955
Time: unknown
Kelvin Rowe reportedly encountered “The Lady of Pluto” that was accompanied by a “Space Brother.” Rowe as “mettlesome and lovely” described the female alien. She stood 5-feet three inches tall, wore a blouse, jacket and slacks “in contrasting tones of a beautiful, pansy blue similar to royal blues, and a shade of red-wine in a scintillating, deep intensity.” He was told that she was the earthly equivalent of a captain on a spacecraft. Rowe supposedly met her again soon after this encounter.

HC addendum
Source: Jerome Clark, Extraordinary Encounters
Type: E?

Location. Camaqua, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Date: January 1 1955
Time: 0005A
5 witnesses, Joao Rodel, (owner of a factory called Importadora Auto-Globo) his wife, his 2 children and an employee were fishing at a local lagoon when suddenly a disc-shaped object about 30 meters in diameter descended and hovered at about 200 meters in altitude. The disc then descends to about a meter from the ground. It brightly illuminates its surroundings and the grass seems agitated under it. A figure is then seen within the light on the cupola, is about 1.80m in height. The light then disappears and only a cylindrical shaped light remains about 80m in height and 50cm in diameter. Soon the humanoid appears again. He is carrying some kind of flashlight and seems to look down at the ground, apparently looking at the water on both sides of the UFO. He then re-enters the UFO through the vertical beam of light. Soon after, the disc emits an oblique beam of light towards the sky and then a small sphere (1.50m in diameter) exits the disc and hovers over the water. A few minutes later a second sphere goes out. These two spheres then approached the witnesses who become frightened and leave the area.

HC addendum
Source: Jader Pereira and Carrion 1968
Type: B

Location. Near Heilbronn, Germany
Date: February 1955
Time: night
At the fifteenth century Wildenstein Castle, Maximilian, Baron Hofer von Lobenstein had gone out one night to let the dogs out when he saw about ten feet away, lit up from behind by a small blue flame, a little man with a beard. He hopped around the Baron, but suddenly disappeared in plain sight. The Baroness saw the little man too, on a different occasion. It was about noon when she saw a two-foot tall man in a yellow vest and peaked cap, which turned a somersault in one of the castle rooms.

HC addendum
Source: Janet Bord, Faeries, Real Encounters with The Little People
Type: E

Location. Mountain View Missouri
Date: February 1 1955
Time: noon
Three saucers that Buck Nelson had previously seen returned; one of them circled low over his house and spoke to him in English with a PA system. He asked questions by telepathy, and answered theirs by gestures. After assuring them of his friendliness, he was told they would land in the future, and would take him to their home planet, Venus. He could see the men in the craft, big boned and muscular.

Humcat 1955-1
Source: FSR Vol. 1 # 2
Type: A

Location. Near Ceret Pyrenees Orientales France
Date: February 4 1955
Time: 1925
Mme Porta, coming back from work on a “mobylette,” saw in the middle of a roadside vineyard four blue green lights of horizontal rectangular shape with rounded corners, arranged in an arc and seeming to be 5 ft above the ground. 50 yards farther on, two fairly tall men were standing motionless in a roadside ditch; she could see no details.

Humcat 1955-28
Source: R Vidal LDLN # 100
Type: C

Location. Adelaide Australia
Date: February 9 1955
Time: unknown
The 10-year old witness who was at the being treated by means of hypnosis found herself suddenly inside a flying saucer. Three men onboard lay on gravity couches as the craft approached a planet, then entered a hole in a mountain, and approached a city. She explored various buildings and saw a place where saucers were made, also were the beings eaten. The sun smaller than on Earth, but the moon was larger and the constellations the same. She had to wear a helmet to go outside, since the air was not breathable. The craft had three globes beneath it, while the beings were both male and female and had black hair. The men wore overalls and the women short dresses. The beings spoke in a language of their own but communicated with her by telepathy.

HC addition # 2263
Source: H S W Chibbett, FSR Special Issue # 3
Type: F?

Location. Broadlands Hampshire England
Date: February 23 1955
Time: 0830A
The witness was cycling to work when he encountered a large hovering object over a nearby field. The object was silvery metallic and shaped like a huge top. It had a row of portholes around the middle. The witness approached the object and dismounted from his bicycle. As he watched, a shaft descended from the center of the object and with it a man that appeared to be standing on a platform. He wore a dark overall and a close fitting helmet. The witness then noticed a bluish flash from one of the portholes and he suddenly fell over, unable to move. The shaft then retracted into the object, which then rose silently away. The witness was then able to move again but felt quite dizzy afterwards.

HC addition # 857
Source: Timothy Good, Above Top Secret
The Worldwide UFO Cover-up
Type: B

Location. Broadlands Hampshire England
Date: February 24 1955
Time: morning
The witness was cycling along the same lane when he spotted the same “man” he saw onboard the object the day before, standing on the roadway. He wore a blue coverall and with a friendly expression signaled the witness to stop. He grabbed the witness by his hand and apparently using mental telepathy invited him onboard an object that hovered above a nearby, secluded field. Inside the witness sat on a chair in a small compartment that had a triangular shaped window. He was asked if he wanted to take a trip, he indicated that he would want to see the pyramids of Egypt again. A few moments later he looked out the triangular shaped window and was able to see them. He was then taken back to the same field and then he returned home.

HC addition # 858
Source: Desmond Leslie, FSR Vol. 26 # 5
Type: G

Location. Connecticut (exact location not given)
Date: February/March 1955
Time: late night
The 3-year old witness remembers sitting on the edge of the bed. There was a pulsating green glow coming in through the window of the bedroom. Everything was very silent. Very calm, almost in a detached state he heard footsteps coming up the back steps and the back door open. The footsteps approach his bedroom and the door is flung open. Moments later a blond haired man and woman enter the bedroom. They are wearing a one-piece suit that reminds the witness of his pajamas with the feet built into them. The color is dull silver. The humanoids are the size of his parents; the woman is somewhat smaller than the man. They stand there looking at the witness as he sits on the bed staring at them. They approached to within 3 ft of the witness and say hello and then call him by his name. They spoke in an accent just like the local New Englanders. The witness asks who they were and he is told that they are his friends. The woman adds that he does not remember them but that one day he will. The woman tells him that they had come to visit from time to time to help him learn “big things”, they seemed to be speaking in terms understandable to a 3-year old. The witness wants to know why but he is told that they cannot tell him yet. They tell him that is time to leave and that it was time for him to go back to sleep. They tell him not to look at the light outside. He lies down and covers up and the man leading the way, they turn around and open the door walking out and closing the door behind them. He hears them walk out the back door. The witness then hears a kind of hum and a bright green light momentarily shines through the window. He gets sleepy and falls asleep. (The witness was to have further encounters, all the memories of the encounters came back to him unexpectedly in 1989).

HC addendum
Source: UFOs in the Gulf Breeze-Pensacola Area:
Contact Since 1955
Type: E

Location. Near La Roca Spain
Date: March 1955
Time: unknown
Pedro Corella, an architect, was out driving when his car stalled. While checking the engine, he saw a “gyroscope-shaped” object in a field 750 ft away; on top of it were 2 short humanoid beings. An instant later, it rose up & disappeared at an angle of 45 degrees. A farmer is said to have seen it at closer range. Traces were found.

Humcat 1955-2
Source: Antonio Ribera
Type: A

Location. France, exact location not given
Date: March 1955
Time: evening?
The witness, a painter, was occupied painting the landscape when he noticed a circular silvery machine slowly coming down in a vertical descent into a nearby clearing. The object was about 8 to 10 m in diameter, topped by a dome, and was about 50 meters from the witness. A type of door opened slowly and a person wearing a gray brown combination suit and a helmet descended to the ground. After taking a closer look at the being the witness noticed that it was a woman, of great beauty, with fair wicks of hair exceeding the lower edges and the sides of the helmet. She was smiling and remained 5 to 6 meters from the object. The woman then collected a certain number of small stones, which she aligned, two by two on the ground between her and the witness. There were 10 stone pairs. She pointed her index finger towards the witness, and then the to first stone pair. She indicated to the other stone pairs and pointed to herself and then to various points of the horizon. The witness understood that this meant that she has established contacts with 10 other people. The witness expressed his desire to visit the object, but she answered in incomprehensible words and the witness understood that she promised to return three days later. The witness return later and again encountered the landed object and its female occupant. This time he was given tangible proof of the encounter in the form of a 45 cm cylinder shaped metallic object that weighted about 2.5 kg. As he held the object it transformed itself into a kind of opalescent matter. He was supposedly able to see great distances when he looked through the object. A later visit to the site by the investigator and the witness caused the witness to become sick and leave the area. He was later supposedly harassed by mysterious strangers dressed in black and soon after disappeared, his whereabouts unknown.

HC addendum
Source: Jimmy Guieu, “Blackout of the Flying Saucers”
Type: G? Contact case, direct interference.

Location. Hong Kong, China
Date: March 1955
Time: evening
Doors were barred in Hong Kong as the police searched for a hairy beast, said by terrified residents to be a shaggy animal over 6 ft tall. One man, a village gardener named Law Chiu had fought it and lived. The thing attacked him about 50 yards from the family temple. It was covered with long, shaggy gray hair. It stood upright when it came at him. He punched it in the stomach but the creature fell on him and they grappled for some time. The creature then went away, loping on all fours. Some time after that a woman saw a strange animal galloping past her vegetable garden on four legs, and as proof she exhibited large triangular footprints in the soft earth. They were unlike those made by a man or ape.

HC addendum
Source: The Saucerian Review, A report on Flying Saucers
January 1956
Type: E

Location. Mountain View Missouri
Date: March 5 1955
Time: unknown
The “spacemen” come to see Buck Nelson in his house. They arrived naked, but after shaking hands put on purplish blue overalls with low necks and short sleeves. The “spacemen” called on Buck Nelson briefly at night, on March 22, and told him they had tried to approach earlier but had been “worried by a jet.”

Humcat 1955-3
Source: FSR Vol. 1 # 2
Type: D

Location. Paris, Illinois
Date: March 9 1955
Time: afternoon
Eugene Metcalfe reported that he was watching a jet fighter shoot across the sky, when suddenly a gigantic object “shaped like a call bell” descended over it. This object literally swallowed up the fast moving jet “as easy as a hawk would a chicken” and then disappeared upwards with its prey. A fighter and its pilot were reported missing in the region that same day.

HC addendum
Source: John A Keel, Our Haunted Planet
Type: G Anecdotal story, but apparently a permanent abduction.

Location. Karachi, Pakistan
Date: March 20 1955
Time: afternoon
Several witnesses onboard a British aircraft approaching the city at 3,000 feet spotted a strange orangey-bronze colored sphere hovering over the area. Among the witnesses was John Parker a British air force man. After the craft landed the men headed towards Karachi on a convoy of vehicles and again spotted the same or similar object hovering low over the city. This time the object resembled a disc, and apparently was hovering directly over the city. The military personnel on the convoy estimated the object to be hovering at about 300-400 ft above the ground. As the convoy turned a corner they encountered thousands of people massed ahead of them, most had knelt to the ground with their hands clasped, as if praying, only they were looking straight up at the disc. The crowd impeded the convoy of buses to continue so the men, including Parker disembarked and joined the crowd in staring at the object. There was no panic among the crowd. Carefully stepping over and around people, who were either knelt or crouched, Frank and some of the other men eventually came to a stop some 60 yards from the underside of the disc. They estimated the disc to have been at least 150ft across and two to three stories high. The craft was now hovering about 125ft off the ground, and the men saw what they could only describe as perfectly aligned rivets on the object. It appeared to be made out of a bronze colored metal, complete with catwalks, ladders, portholes and aerials. At the underside they saw a large black hole. They also saw what looked like fans and Parker counted eight rotors, and every few seconds there would be a “whooshing” sound and that created sparks and an array of laser-like effects. Whenever this occurred, the entire craft would swing to the left and right and then come back again. This happened several times leading Parker to believe that the craft was experiencing engine problems. Every now and then the craft ejected smoke towards the ground and this gave off a strong smell of oil, but curiously, this never reached the ground, it just seemed to evaporate. The craft made a constant noise not dissimilar to jet engine propulsion, but nothing as loud. Parker got the impression that he could see people, or the shapes of people on the other side of the windows, but he couldn’t be sure. At the top of the saucer they could see a translucent dome, which was lit from the inside and gave off a pinkish red light. There were red, green and blue flashing lights outside the dome. Another curious observation was that the craft looked heavily stained, as if it had traveled some distance in order to collect all this muck and dust. Incredibly after observing the craft for some time, Parker and his friends left the square and went for a drink, they did not see the object depart.

HC addendum
Source: Graham W. Birdsall, UFO Magazine, May/June 1999
Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: They are other reports on record of apparently metallic “nuts & bolt” craft, which appeared “stained” or “ancient” in appearance. The large number of witnesses could be a “record” in CE3 events.

Location. Rivoli Italy
Date: Spring 1955
Time: afternoon
A woman taking a walk along a lane turned a corner and was confronted by a landed metallic disc shaped object. It had a large window like opening at the front. Inside stood three men like figures. One was described as resembling “Jesus Christ” with long black hair and the other two were described as blond-haired. The beings made friendly gestures towards the witness before the object took off at high speed.

HC addition # 1529
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat
Type: A

Location. Detroit, Michigan
Date: April 1955
Time: unknown
Leo Childers reported being taken onboard a spacecraft and traveling to Mars, which he found to be a “dead planet”, whereas the Moon contained cities, which were raised and lowered within the craters. The alien leader, Commander Marcosan piloted the craft on this occasion and an 8-foot (2.4m) tall crewmember, which held Childers out of the cabin window when he became sick (?). This was when they were traveling at 250,000 miles per hour. That didn’t put him off, however and he claims a total of twenty-one space journeys, possibly a record.

HC addendum
Source: Janet & Colin Bord, “Life beyond Planet Earth?”
Type: G

Location. Foret De Chize France
Date: April 1955
Time: 0900A
The witness saw a landed disc shaped object with a high dome on top in a forest area. Several humanoids wearing pointy headgear were seen moving next or near the object. No other information.

HC addition # 2404
Source: Figeut/Ruchon Ovni Dossiers
Type: C

Location. Colorado (exact location not given)
Date: April 16 1955
Time: 1630
The five year old witness was out in the fields in order to bring the cows home for his father to milk, as his brothers and grandfather fed the rest of the livestock. Suddenly near the farm a very large object white in color and oval-shaped landed on the road in front of him. The witness could feel warmth coming from the silent object. Somehow the witness did not feel any fear and approached the object, touching it. It felt cool to the touch, despite the heat. His next memory was of seeing two “people” come towards him and stand in front of him, one of the figures who was wearing a blue shirt and white pants extended his hand out to the witness and then led him to a doorway on the side of the landed object. His next memory was of standing in the road with his cowboy boots in his hands and his grandfather running to him asking where have he been, it was already 0130A in the morning 9 hours later. He tried to tell his grandfather what had occurred but his grandparent told him to keep quiet about the whole thing. Later his grandfather told him that while searching for him he had seen a flash and then saw a bright object lift up and take off at high speed, when he ran to the location he found him standing on the road holding his boots. The witness only has brief memory flashes of what occurred inside. No details are given.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: G?
Comments: Apparently there was no hypnotic regression performed on the witness.

Location. Dinan France
Date: May 1955
Time: 0015A
On closing the gate to the courtyard of his residence, M Droguet was temporarily blinded by a beam of bluish green light, and paralyzed, either by the beam or by fear. Then he saw an enormous object hovering 5 ft above the courtyard. Near it were 2 short men wearing metallic one-piece gray overalls, and bulky helmets; they somewhat resembled the Michelin “tire man” trademark. On the abdomen they had black boxes with wires attached. One seemed to be picking up pebbles. They walked with difficulty. After a few minutes they entered an opening in the under part of the craft by means of a ladder; the vessel rose vertically without sound, its outer part rotating, and its light then went out.

Humcat 1955-4
Source: J Cresson, FSR Case Histories 10/70
Type: B

Location. Branch Hill, Ohio
Date: May 25 1955
Time: 0330A
Robert Hunicutt was driving home at 0330A when his headlights illuminated 3 short figures standing beside the road. The one closest to him was holding something like a rod or chain above his head, and sparks were passing along this. As Hunicutt got out of the car, this one bent down and seemed to “tie it around his ankles.” The beings were about 3.5 ft tall and gray, with very wide lipless mouths, & corrugations rather than hair on their heads; their chests were lopsided, with a very prominent bulge on the right side. They seemed to be wearing garments only below the waist. Hunicutt watched them at 20 ft distance for 4 or 5 minutes before he drove away to wake up the local police chief. He noted a strong odor “like fresh cut alfalfa, with a trace of almonds.”

Humcat 1955-5
Source: Ted Bloecher & Leonard Stringfield
Type: E

Location. New York City, New York
Date: Summer 1955
Time: 0300A
The 15-year old witness was having difficulty in falling asleep when suddenly she heard heavy footsteps approaching her room, somebody entered the room and then she saw a very tall human like figure standing by her bed, piercing shafts of light came from its eyes that almost had a hypnotic effect on the witness. He asked the witness to follow him, they both entered the dining room where a gray mist extended from the floor to the ceiling, the witness grabbed the man’s hand and entered the mist. Inside they were suddenly in a metallic room that felt like an elevator, they both then entered a corridor, then a room filled with bright pink light, there were numerous instruments and multi colored lights about. There were eight to nine more persons seated at various control panels, they were all very tall and had black hair. She saw a screen where an image of the earth could be seen. Then she was led to another room where she ate a meal consisting of fruits only. She was eventually taken back to the metallic “elevator” where she felt a downward motion; she walked through the gray mist again and was back in her apartment.

HC addition # 202
Source: Barbara Hudson, Unsolved UFO Sightings # 1
Type: G

Location. Near Coudes France
Date: Summer 1955
Time: 1500
D. L. V. then a boy, was beneath the chateau of Buron with several other boys when they saw, no more than 30 yards away, 2 beings about 3 ft tall, wearing bright shiny “diver’s suits” and enormous helmets about 18” wide. These helmets had flat circular rims, like World War I helmets. No features were visible. Near the dwarfs was a square metallic box without a lid, and they were taking stones from a dry broken dry stone wall and putting them in this box. Their movements were very slow, as though under a heavy weight. The boys watched for about 2 minutes before running away. No UFO was seen.

Humcat 1955-12
Source: R Eraud, FSR Vol. 4 # 6
Type: E

Location. Belhaven Terrace, Scotland
Date: Summer 1955
Time: afternoon
Emma Roberts, 8, was cooking potatoes over a small fire with her sister and a group of older children. Suddenly Emma became aware of strange entities or “beings” as she describes them. She found she couldn’t take her eyes off them. Her sister was frightened by the appearance of these “visitors” and Emma told her to run home. Emma on the other hand was fascinated by the sight and continued to watch, wondering all the time who or what these people might be. The two entities she had first spotted were now joined by several more. All of them seemed focused on the ground and completely ignored the children. Emma now recalled that they were floating rather than walking and that all these beings looked identical. They were tall, thin, very pale skinned, wearing long, floating, and plain white garments with white caps. Emma was particularly struck by their eyes, which were noticeably deep and penetrating, within distinctly pointed faces. All at once, as if a spell had been broken, one of the entities turned towards Emma, almost as if he had “tuned in” to her presence. He moved up the slope towards her, looking not at her but through her. All the visitors then turned and followed the first. Emma then turned and ran.

HC addendum
Source: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland
Type: E

Location. Near Karhula Finland
Date: Summer 1955
Time: 2130-2200
On a road between Karhula and Huruksela near Kotka a young man was driving his first car, a Russian Moskvits, when in a straightaway in the middle of the forest he noticed how three creatures resembling bears of penguins ran from the woods to the road some 100 meters away. When he drove closer, the creatures began to gesture for him to stop, which he almost did. The creatures at once ran to his car and tried to open the doors, which luckily were locked. The young man was terrified when he saw that their faces resembled that of Chinese or Eskimos. Their hands were covered by dark coveralls they wore. Scared, he gesture to the creatures that he would drive to the side of the road a little bit farther on and stop. When the creatures let go of his car so that he could drive to the side of the road, he accelerated his vehicle at high speed. The creatures seemed angry, and gesturing with their hands ran some tens of meters after his car in a clumsy fashion. Soon, accompanied by friends the driver returned to the spot but here was nothing to see. Later he found out that others in that area had found that there was a place where the ground vegetation was all burnt in a round area some 7-8 meters in diameter.

HC addendum
Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland
Type: E

Location. Dallas Texas
Date: Summer 1955
Time: late night
Mrs J. D. then a 12-year old girl looked out her bedroom window and saw a small humanoid (about the size of a 10-year old boy) in a tight silvery costume. They looked at each other for about 5 minutes, his eyes, perhaps slightly larger than normal, were “friendly.” Then he walked away and went out of sight.

Humcat 1955-29
Source: Larry Sessions for Cufos
Type: E

Location. Muros La Coruña Spain
Date: June 1955
Time: 0100A
A sailor walked up to the deck of his ship and encountered a strange short humanoid resembling a gorilla. The being had a very wide chest and huge arms, small legs and was wearing plastic coveralls and a hood. He held an unknown object in his hands. A green blue light then paralyzed the witness for some time, before the being left. No other information.

HC addition # 1333
Source: Vicente Ballester Olmos, A Catalogue of 200
Type I UFO Events in Spain & Portugal
Type: E

Location. Sinopoli, Sicily, Italy
Date: June 1955
Time: late night
A group of about 18 family members had gathered around the deathbed of an elderly grandmother, who was quickly fading. A dim light illuminated the room. Suddenly those present were horrified to see a huge hand suddenly become outlined on the wall and start to descend towards the dying woman. While most of the family members ran out of the room in a panic, the young grandson, Rocco, flung a chair at the “demonic” hand. Suddenly out of the wall a “monster” figure emerged and disappeared out the balcony, in front of the terrified remaining witnesses. The woman died the next morning.

HC addendum
Source: CUN
Type: E

Location. Petare Venezuela
Date: June 10 1955
Time: 2000
A family sees an oval shaped craft trailing black smoke descend and land on a hillside. Several figures are then seen moving around the object. No other information.

HC addition # 2403
Source: Loren Gross, UFOs A History 1955
Type: C

Location. Vestra Norrland Sweden
Date: July 1955
Time: 0600A
Three lumberjacks were out in a wooded area busy cutting trees when they suddenly heard a loud crashing sound. They then saw a cigar shaped craft flying very low between the trees, this object then apparently crashed into a clearing next to a river. There was no sound only a gigantic flash of light in the vicinity. Seconds later came a vacuum type wave that made all the witnesses tumble forward. Everything then seemed eerily silent. All three men went to the crash site but found no debris or fire. But close by they found a small man that was surrounded by a white light, he was apparently injured. One of the men touched the being and received an electrical shock. The small man then opened his eyes and spoke to the men, telling them that he was dying and to be calm. He was described as very well built with broad shoulders and normal features; he had yellowish skin with very light hair, small hands with slender fingers. He wore a reddish metallic uniform, which was skintight; he also wore a broad silvery belt with a very large buckle, which shone slightly in a light blue shade. In the center it had the initials “U V.” He spoke for two hours before he died. He was put into a bag that smelled like sulfur, the bag had been provided by the humanoid, and thrown into the river where he apparently disintegrated.

HC addition # 208
Source: John La Fontaine, UFO Universe
Type: H?

Location. Loveland Ohio
Date: July 1955
Time: evening
Carlos Flannigan, driving a truck over a bridge, noticed a terrible smell, and saw 4 “more or less human looking” figures 3 ft tall “moving about oddly” on the river bank beneath the bridge. He reported it to the local police headquarters.

Humcat 1955-7
Source: Ted Bloecher
Type: E

Location. Loveland Heights Ohio
Date: July 1955
Time: night
Mrs Emily Magnone and her husband, awakened by their dog’s barking, smelt a strong odor “like swamp.” Their next-door neighbor went out to investigate & saw, 15 ft away, a 3-foot little man “entirely covered with twigs or foliage.” Whenever she turned on the porch light the little man disappeared, but would reappear in the same place when it was turned off.

Humcat 1955-8
Source: Ted Bloecher
Type: E

Location. Baltimore, Maryland
Date: July 1955
Time: 2200
The main witness, John and a friend Barry Brock both teenagers at the time were reclining on the lawn discussing the infinity of space and the stars when, without warning they were “sucked” up by some type of powerful energy into a room or enclosure that had a huge window through which they were looking at what appeared to be a dense star cluster. John’s intuition led him to believe that they were at a great distance from the planet Earth and that frightened him. His next recollection was commenting to his friend how bright and clear the stars were and Barry agreeing. His next recollection was of Barry screaming and a strong energy pulling them through space back to the place on the lawn where they had originally been. They were both now in a standing position and simultaneously both screamed and ran into the center of the street. Barry grabbed the sides of his head with his hands and began to jump and down screaming that he had lost his mind. The witness only had brief recollections of the event years later but at one point was able to recall seeing a very tall being with large black wraparound eyes walking slowly up to him and his friend Barry screaming nearby.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.etcontact/newsite
Type: G

Location. Near Stockton Georgia
Date: July 3 1955
Time: 0330A
Mrs Margaret Symmonds, 52, was driving at 0330A when her headlights picked up 4 figures huddled in the middle of the road. As she approached, she saw that they were 4 humanoid beings less than 4 ft tall, with very large heads & short legs, wearing slouch hats & grayish capes. One had something like a stick & seemed as if digging in the road. Only then one closest to her looked at her as she drove by, swerving to avoid them; he held his claw-like hands over his head. She saw that he had enormous “saucer like” eyes with no visible pupils, who reflected a reddish light, and a long hooked nose like a carrot. The skin was dark and rough looking. She screamed and woke up her husband.

Humcat 1955-9
Source: Ted Bloecher & Leonard Stringfield
Type: E

Location. Kolomenskoye, south of Moscow, Russia
Date: July 10 1955
Time: unknown
A local district militia officer, P. N. Karpov was on patrol when he suddenly encountered a huge 2.5m to 3 meter tall hairy humanoid near the banks of the River Moskva. The frightened policeman grabbed his gun and opened fire on the hairy giant. But the gigantic hairy figure escaped inside the bushes and disappeared into thin air. The militiaman then inspected the bushes but did not find any trace of the entity. After 1955 the village of Kolomenskoye became part of the growing metropolis of Moscow and its fruit gardens and wooded area substantially decreased. Other reports indicated that the hairy giant entities have been in the area for hundreds of years, reportedly able to slip in into our reality from other dimensions.

HC addendum
Source: Vadim A Chernobrov, “Encyclopedia of Mysterious Places in Russia”
First World Guidebook of Anomalous Zones, Mysterious and Wonderful Places
Quoting Evgeniy Ivanov book, Moscow 2004
Type: E

Location. Meopham Kent England
Date: July 17 1955
Time: dusk
A man had taken his dog out for a walk through some fields when he suddenly began to feel uneasy, “as if being watched.” The hairs of his dog were standing straight up. He looked up and saw a very large hovering cigar shaped object with large rounded windows, almost directly overhead. The windows were brightly lit and he was able to see several humanoid figures that were apparently looking down at him. The object followed the witness silently as he ran with his dog across the fields and to his house. The witness hid inside his home and last saw the object hovering over some nearby buildings.

HC addition # 838
Source: Mrs M Fry Contact, In FSR Vol. 27 # 5
Type: A

Location. Edison Georgia
Date: July 20 1955
Time: afternoon
Tant King, a farmhand, saw a “hairy little gray man without clothes” emerged from a nearby wood and walk along a fence. This being was visible for 25 minutes before it returned to the woods.

Humcat 1955-10
Source: Ted Bloecher
Type: E

Location. Edison Georgia
Date: July 24 1955
Time: afternoon
Mrs Alberta Donnell saw a shaggy being about 4 ft tall, “mole colored,” approach her house from the pasture. The next day her daughter saw it walking in another part of the same field. 2 days later, fresh tracks & partly eaten citron melons were found.

Humcat 1955-11
Source: Ted Bloecher
Type: E

Location. Near Niagara Falls New York
Date: Late July 1955
Time: 2000
Two families picnicking on the shore of Lake Erie watched a large silvery object rise out of the water and approach them using pendulum like movements. They all ran to their cars to leave but the vehicles would not start. The object got to within 30 feet of the witnesses and they were all able to see four humanoids with white heads and wearing black robes, inside the object. The object then flew back over the lake, rose vertically, and left.

HC addition # 1326
Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle
Type: A

Location. Chazy Landing New York
Date: August 1955
Time: 0300A
Seeing a fire like glow in the woods, James F Roddy approached by car within a few hundred feet by using back roads; “It was off in a clearing, glowing like a batch of 200 watt bulbs.” The he heard heavy footsteps running, and “somebody walloped the back of my car—it seemed as if he had put his hands on the rear end and vaulted all the way over. It had to be a very heavy person to rock my car that way.” The then footsteps ran on toward the shining object. Scared, Roddy quickly drove back to the main road, where he saw a bluish-green light that rose jerkily from the woods, then glowed bluish white & moved away at high speed.

Humcat 1955-13
Source: C R Roseberry, Albany Times-Union
Type: C?

Location. Fredericksburg, Virginia
Date: August 1955
Time: 1500
5-year old Tom Bricken remembers playing in the kitchen of his house with his toy soldiers when he heard the back door slam. He assumed that it was one of his family members and heard someone walk into the kitchen. Soon he felt someone staring at him and when he turned around he saw what he could only describe as a robot or a “machine-man” figure. His next memory was of being taken from the kitchen and put in a sleep-like state. Several short aliens with large hairless heads, completely black eyes, no white in them then carried him, but later upon looking at them closely he was able to see a pupil. It was later communicated to him that they had evolved in such manner because they hailed from a planet with two suns. They also had small ears; small mouths, and wore dark blue overall uniforms with silvery boots. He was carried outside across the driveway where he noticed the shadow of the neighbor’s house on his house and then taken to the backyard where he saw a hovering craft. A pole of some sort came from the dome of the craft and was making contact with the power lines of the neighbor’s house. He thought that they were somehow “borrowing” electricity. Suddenly a tripod-landing gear appeared and the craft landed. He noticed that the landing gear formed a perfect triangle. He was then taken onboard and examined and then taken to a sort of waiting room where he met a different alien, almost human-like with round black eyes, an environmental suit with a transparent helmet, what appeared to be a breathing apparatus, an antenna-like protrusion on the right side of the helmet and some type of equipment strapped on the chest area with red straps. In that room he saw another person, which he thought could had been his sister being examined. Soon he was brought to the control room where the commander, one of the short hairless humanoids, but wearing a light gold or peach suit transmitted some type of report into a console of what had transpired. Soon he was brought back into the house where he seemed to snap out of a trance-like state standing in the kitchen and staring at the wall. He further described the inside of the object as having curved walls, dimly lit with black lighting, a room that resembled a doctor’s office, he also recalled seeing what appeared to have been an oscilloscope in the control room. The next day the neighbor found strange markings on the ground in the backyard.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Watch Site
Type: G

Location. Tlahualilo, Durango, Mexico
Date: August 1955
Time: afternoon
Several laborers were returning to their ranch on horseback and as they neared a cross roads near Huaca Mountain noticed a strange figure moving rapidly among the nearby brush, the figure was moving as fast as a horse but the terrified witnesses noticed that it was clearly not a horse. The figure jumped a barbwire fence about 100meters from the witnesses and at this point the witnesses were able to see it in more detail. They described it as about 1.50m in height, long goat-like legs, on its head it had two horn-like protrusions, and its face was covered with thick beard. One of the men suffered a nervous shock and fell from his horse. The bizarre satyr-like creature was quickly lost from sight among the brush.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.planetaoculto.com
Type: E
Comments: translation by Albert S. Rosales

Location. Near Cheltenham, England
Date: August 1955
Time: evening
The witness, his wife and two friends were all sitting in their car outside an inn near Cheltenham, when an object appeared over treetops about half a mile away. It traveled towards them, then, making a near right-angled turn, vanished behind trees. The sharply-defined appearance of the object did not change as it turned, and this resembled a row of lighted shop windows through which outlines of “objects” could be seen. From each end of the UFO blue green rays were visible and a noise was heard described as a mixture of electric motor and landing jet. Its speed was estimated as fairly fast—about that of an airliner at touchdown. The total length of the observation was about 15 minutes.

HC addendum
Source: Norman Oliver, Bufora Journal Vol. 7 # 2
Type: A?

Location. Cazeres Haute Garonne France
Date: August 1955
Time: 2200
Mme De Jean, 60, went to close her bedroom window and saw in a meadow across the road “2 objects resembling egg shells, with multicolored lights of great beauty, and beside these objects two beings of very small stature (3 ft tall) with baldheads.” She called her husband to look; he took his gun and went to notify the nearest neighbors, but when his dog began to bark the objects rapidly flew off, and the neighbors saw only two large reddish “stars.” At the site were found two rings, 6 to 10 ft in diameter and 10 ft apart, of elongated drops of metal “resembling melted aluminum,” the size of the fingernail of the little finger. After the next rain, grass grew everywhere except inside these circles.

Humcat 1955-30
Source: Roger Gayral, LDLN # 158
Type: C

Location. Near Eagle Pass, Texas
Date: August 1955
Time: midnight
Dan Martin was driving north of town and had just passed the Nueces River when he suddenly felt his legs and arms become numb. He quickly pulled off to the side of the road, fearing he was having a heart attack. As son as he stopped the car he heard a noise from behind the vehicle. He then saw a cigar shaped object come from behind his car and stop across the road from him. It was hovering 8 feet above the ground. At this point Martin felt compelled to get out of his car and walk across the road. As he came around the rear end of the object he encountered a medium size humanoid female wearing a tight fitting silvery outfit. He apparently had a brief conversation with the woman and then got back into his car. He then watched the object take off at a very sharp angle, easily clearing the nearby treetops. The object was silent and it a matter of seconds it was gone.

HC addition # 3956
Source: NUFORC, quoting DAP O’Day Press
Type: C
Comments: It is interesting to note that female type aliens were reported on several occasions in 1955.

Location. Bronwood Georgia
Date: August 1 1955
Time: unknown
Joseph Whaley, 20, while cutting roadside grass, saw a 6-foot “gorilla” coming towards him, covered with shaggy gray hair and with tusk like teeth; it grunted like a pig. Whaley struck it with his scythe and then ran to this jeep, but it pursued him & clawed him, ripping his shirt & scratching his shoulder. It moved “in a lumbering & slow moving” manner.

Humcat 1955-14
Source: Ted Bloecher
Type: E

Location. Bradford England
Date: August 16 1955
Time: 0430A
Ernest Suddards, a lorry driver, and his 13-year old son were driving home when their headlights illuminated a strange being in the street and moving toward them. 4 ft tall, it was dressed in a skintight black garment covering even the head, with a shiny perforated disc on the chest. It was moving forward by jumping, the feet remaining together; then it turned up a passageway and was lost to view. Around the same time a silvery bullet shaped craft had been seen low over the area.

Humcat 1955-16
Source: Jack Ibson, FSR Autumn 1955
Type: D

Location. Dogtown, near Evansville Indiana
Date: August 21 1955
Time: afternoon
Mrs. Darwin Johnson was swimming with her friend Mrs. Chris Lamble in the Ohio River about fifteen feet from shore when suddenly something grabbed her from under the surface. It felt like the “hand” had huge claws and “furry” palms. It came up from behind her, grabbed her left leg, gripped her knee and pulled her under. She kicked and fought herself free. It pulled her under again. Although both women could not see the thing, they were screaming and yelling to scare it away. Finally, Mrs. Johnson lunged for Mrs. Lamble’s inner tube, and the loud “thump” apparently scared it away, as if released its grip. Back on shore Mrs. Johnson received treatment for her scratches and marks on her legs. According to Fortean investigator Terry Colvin Mrs. Johnson had a palm-print shaped green stain below her knee that could not be removed for several days. Interestingly Colvin learned that an individual who identified himself as an Air Force colonel visited the Johnson couple. He took voluminous notes and warned them not to talk further about the incident.

Humcat 1955-15
Source: Humcat quoting, Newspaper source & UPI
Type: C?

Location. Kelly near Hopkinsville Kentucky
Date: August 21 1955
Time: 2000
Billy Ray Taylor a guest at a farm family, the Suttons, after nightfall saw a light apparently land near their house; then a luminous little entity, 3.5 ft tall, approached from a field. It had a large round head with enormous wide set yellow glowing eyes, prominent ears, and no nose, and it held its long arms, which ended in clawed hands, above its head. Its body was silvery & luminescent, wearing no clothes. The men fired a shotgun and a 22-caliber rifle at it at 20 feet distance; there was a sound as though a metal bucket had been hit, and the creature was knocked over, but rose again & scurried off. Another appeared at the window & was fired at. When they went out, an entity on the roof reached down to touch one of the men’s hair; the other shot it, & knocked it over the roof. One in a tree was fired at, & floated down; another, coming around the house, was knocked over by a point black 12 gauge shotgun blast, but got up again & ran off. They ran on all fours, the legs stiff & inflexible, but always approached the house with raised hands. The slit like mouth never opened. After repeated approaches by these beings over a 3-hour period, the family drove to Hopkinsville to summon the police.

Humcat 1955-17
Source: Isabel L Davis for CSI & Bed Ledwith
Type: C?
High Strangeness Index: 9
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: One of the classics of Ufology, important is the description of the humanoids, not your typical “grays” more like green gnome-like entities.

Location. Kelly near Hopkinsville Kentucky
Date: August 22 1955
Time: 0200A
After the police had searched the Sutton farm with no results & left at 0200A, the little “men” returned, at least one putting its “little clawed hands” up on the window screen. Again they were fired at without apparent effect. The last was seen half an hour before sunrise. No traces could be found the next day.

Humcat 1955-18
Source: Isabel L Davis for CSI & Bud Ledwith
Type: C?

Location. Winton Woods Ohio
Date: August 25 1955
Time: 2245
4 teenagers said they had seen in their car’s headlights a little man 3 or 4 feet tall, with large yellow eyes, a dark face, and a glowing body. The being wore “an odd garment” and they saw a “claw like hand.” The driver, 18-year old Bill Wallace, drove away in a state of terror & notified the police.

Humcat 1955-19
Source: Ted Bloecher for CSI
Type: E

Location. Camp Washington, Ohio
Date: August 26 1955
Time: evening
A child reported went into hysterics after seeing what he described as a “green man” looking into the window of his house. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: UFOCAT, quoting Newspaper clips
Type: E

Location. Cheviot Ohio
Date: August 26 1955
Time: night
Independent witnesses reported seeing a strange little man with claw like hands in the area & in nearby communities. He had large yellow eyes and a glowing body. In some cases he was described as being green in color.

Humcat 1955-20
Source: Ted Bloecher
Type: E

Location. Casa Blanca California
Date: August 29 1955
Time: 1500
8 or 9 children 4 to 15 years old saw “semi transparent” round objects of various colors in the sky; they kept appearing & disappearing with musical “pings.” Adults called to look saw nothing. One object, “as large as 3 houses,” came down to hover 3 feet from the ground. Beside it appeared a transparent being 3.5 ft tall, with red eyes & mouth, and a brilliant disc on its belt. Other objects also landed, one on a housetop. One boy started walking toward one of the vessels and was forcibly restrained; another saw a beckoning arm in mid-air. A creature with four arms appeared, and told 2 boys to climb a tree to be “picked up;” they did so, and a UFO approached with little men riding on its rim. One boy climbed down after a garden hose was turned on him; the other “slid” onto a nearby roof and then walked off it, landing on his head, unhurt, but amnesiac.

Humcat 1955-21
Source: Bob Boden, Mrs Jean Rowlands & Mary Starbuck for BSRA
Type: C?

Location. Mulberry Corners Ohio
Date: August 30 1955
Time: 0145A
David Ankenbrandt was driving home when he saw a bright yellow light descend from the sky; walking to the place it had landed, he found “some kind of aircraft, 50 ft in diameter, with a dome on top.” A beam of green lights paralyzed him, then a man over 6 ft tall, clad in something like a ski suit, emerged and commanded him, in a high pitched voice, to inform the federal government that there must be no more wars. After the pilot re-entered, the paralysis ceased. 48 hours later, Ankenbrandt returned to the spot, and was met by the same UFO pilot, who reiterated his instructions.

Humcat 1955-22
Source: Sgt O D Hill for Project Blue Book &
Allen E Roush
Type: B

Location. Near Vienna Austria
Date: late August 1955
Time: 1500
Josef Wanderka was riding his motorcycle through a wooded area, when he encountered a metallic disc with a door and ramp on the ground on a clearing. The witness felt an impulse to ride into the craft. Inside he found himself in a room lit by a soft uniform light. He also encountered five to six beings. These beings were human like with beautiful child like faces, fair medium hair, and with no visible sex difference. They wore dull gray loose, seamless one-piece overalls and mittens. The beings communicated with the witness in perfect German and seemed concerned about the conditions on earth. They also mentioned that they were from the constellation known as Cassiopeia.

HC addition # 441
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions
The Measure of A Mystery
Type: G

Location. Near Liesingau Obersteiemark Austria
Date: Fall 1955
Time: afternoon
Several children ranging in age from nine to twelve years old encountered a large sphere shaped object on a meadow near their homes. It was near a stream. It had a large transparent bubble on top where several standing figures could be seen. The children ran towards the object but it made a loud roaring sound and shot up into the sky.

HC addition # 199
Source: Ulrich Magin
Type: A

Location. Ohio, exact location not given
Date: Fall 1955
Time: 2000
The witness was walking down a road when he saw a rapidly approaching red ball of light. As the light came closer it turned to a bright white-hot color, as it got even closer it seemed to cool down and turn red again. The witness then began floating up towards the object, which now appeared metallic. There were sudden sparks and the witness passed out. The only thing he was able to remember about being onboard the craft was two pairs of hands touching him and checking his penis. Later he was released and found himself in the middle of the street looking at another object hovering above a nearby storage shed.

HC addition # 1934
Source: Kenneth Ring PhD, The Omega Project
Type: G

Location. Plattsburgh Air Force Base New York
Date: about September 1955
Time: 0400A
A 19-year old youth on night duty at the Air Base saw a blue white flash and an elliptical object on the ground outside. Frightened, he closed the door. Then another door was flung violently open, and a man taller than the 7-foot doorway was seen stooping and looking in. He wore long black boots. The witness fainted; when he recovered, all was gone.

Humcat 1955-23
Source: Edward McShane for FBI
Type: C?

Location. Boisseuges France
Date: September 16 1955
Time: 1800
A young shepherd heard a whistling sound and a dark mass appeared to fall from the sky, with a rush of air that swept him from his feet. The object looked like a machine, with an opening where a stairway became visible. 2 occupants were seen; one had a reddish face, a baldhead, & a row of white very fine teeth. The craft was round, about 11 ft in diameter & 6 ft high, lighted with neon-like light. The occupants gathered some plants & the craft flew away.

Humcat 1955-24
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia
Type: B

Location. Troy New York
Date: late September 1955
Time: early evening
The young witness was playing in a hilly wooded area when he heard a loud whistling sound coming from on top of a hill. Both the witness and a friend went up to investigate but found nothing; they then went to the nearby coal yard and became separated. The witness then walked towards a clearing in the woods and saw two figures standing by a tree, as he came closer to them he realized that they were not human and ran away but suddenly lost all control and was compelled to go where the creatures stood. The figures were short & humanoid in appearance and wore clear plastic helmets with a yellow rim; they also wore a one-piece uniform, red on top and blue pants with a silvery belt and a stripe with the letters “G A F” printed on it. He was then led to a nearby triangular shaped object and taken inside. There he saw numerous monitors and other equipment. He was made to sit in front of a gigantic white screen where he was shown images of other ships and the humanoids constructing them. He was apparently taken to a location resembling a city but was eventually brought back.

HC addition # 207
Source: J. Antonio Huneeus, UFO Universe
Type: G

Location. Peterboro New Hampshire
Date: October 1955
Time: 2000
The 15-year old witness, a student at a local catholic seminary school, was walking back to the classroom after finishing some chores and glanced to a nearby field where he noticed four glowing bluish white oval shaped objects. One was larger that the rest and appeared to be on the ground. Standing next to the larger object were four human-like figures. The witness had the impression that the figures were extremely agitated for some unknown reason. Moments later the figures noticed the witness then he ran towards the school in order to obtain additional witnesses. Others saw the objects flying over the schoolhouse silently disappearing from sight.

HC addition # 1025
Source: Cufos Associate Newsletter Vol. 6 # 2
Type: C

Location. Near Stanley, New Brunswick, Canada
Date: October 3 1955
Time: 0600A
The main witness and his friend had left home early in the morning in order to go hunting for the day. They parked their car at the edge of a field about 400A and leaned back to get some sleep before daylight arrived. At about 0415A, directly in front of them a light appeared. It looked like the cabin of a small two-seater helicopter which was making a very loud noise, not unlike the sounds of engine trouble. The light came over the top of the hill immediately in front of the men, perhaps a hundred or so yards away. They were in a narrow valley, surrounded on their right by woods; behind them slightly to their left was a steep wooded hill. To their left at about 45% toward their front there was a large barn, presumably used by local farmers for hay storage. No other buildings or structures were visible. The lighted noisy vehicle appeared to be quite small. The lighted area of the craft was all they could see, the rest of the vehicle was hidden by darkness. In a few seconds the noise diminished. And then the craft moved very slowly out and over the field to a point just behind the barn, slightly to the right of the barn when looking from the witness’s vantage point. It appeared to be about 150 ft more or less from their car and about 50 to 60 ft from the ground. The craft just sat there for a while, appearing suspended in the air, now completely silent. As the witnesses watched awestruck for about 15 minutes they began to notice that the craft was shaped like two saucers, the top one being inverted and the two saucer edges being separated by a vertical external side which appeared to be about four or five feet high, not unlike the appearance of a hamburger. The lower part appeared rounded and sloping with a flat bottom. Above this bottom section, was a straight sided cylinder with a brushed aluminum or lead-like appearance, the same as all the other external sides. On top of this section was visible an area resembling glass, they were not able to discern if the glass was clear or opaque. It seemed like another 15 or 20 minutes before this windowed area came to life. There came from behind the windows, a series of lights, changing from red, to pink, to yellow, to blue, to green, yellow, to pink to red, all the time rotating around the craft. On top of this rotating lighted area was also another windowed area, separated from the other section by a vertical side of not more than three or four feet in height. These windows were wide panels, perhaps four or five feet in height and perhaps six or seven feet long, each of the panels being separated by a single vertical strip. These windows were definitely opaque, and through which they could discern a lighted area behind the glass panels. The light was what they described as “bright white” not unlike that of a very fluorescent lamp or a halogen lamp. The top of this section was rounded, ending in a flat top. The fourth, or top section, was much rounded being topped with a short round vertical area of perhaps four or five feet in diameter and about a foot and a half to two feet high, topped with a rounded, tapered roof with a flat top of a diameter of about a foot or two at the top. Amazed and wanting to make contact the witnesses decided to flash the car headlights a few times. They did this several times and noticed that the craft’s lighted window panel area dimmed and brightened, possible as a response. Suddenly, silhouettes of three or four beings appeared in the opaque windows. They could see their shapes, but because the glass appeared opaque or frosted, they were unable to tell what the beings actually looked like, but their general appearance was that of humans. Exasperated the men witness continued to flash the headlights of the car in a desperate attempt to establish contact. Suddenly there was an extremely bright flash which caused them to cover their eyes; the flash appeared to come from the exact center of the flat bottom of the craft. After what seemed to be 15 to 20 seconds of extreme blackness, the whole valley lit up. The light was very bright, much brighter than daylight. It was a pure white light very difficult if not impossible to describe. After about 5minutes the light quickly faded into complete darkness. This period of darkness remained for what they guessed to be about 5 minutes or so. The human-like silhouettes were no longer visible. Soon after a bright shiny globe appeared from the exact center of the bottom of the craft, the same spot where the flash of light had appeared. It lowered itself slowly about 15 or 20 ft and then slowly moved to their left, and then rising slightly faster in an arc, to a point above the craft, stopping behind and to the right of the craft. Over the next several minutes several more globes appeared in like manner, finally positioning themselves slightly above and to the side of the craft. These globes remained suspended in the air for well over what seemed to be a half hour or more. Soon each globe returned to the craft following each other in what appeared to be reverse order. The globes were about 2 ft in diameter. Soon the area around the witness began to get lighter as daylight approach and they began to hear a loud, “clank, clank” sound which sounded like someone pounding a steel pipe with a very heavy hammer. This lasted a minute or two. A few seconds later the noise stopped and both men felt a low frequency growling noise which quickly increased in pitch. The rotating colored lights of the object then went out and the craft immediately moved straight up in a vertical plane, until it appeared as only a bright dot in the morning sky, about the size of the head of a small pin. The dot stayed motionless and disappeared when the Sun came up. The main witness never hunted again and the other man never discussed the incident with anyone until he died.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A

Location. Nebraska, exact location not stated
Date: October 7 1955
Time: night
Under hypnosis the young witness recalled being alone in her bedroom when a being appeared floating outside her bedroom window. Using telepathy the being wills her to follow him. The being then floats into a hovering bowl shaped craft nearby. The being is described as less than four-foot tall, wearing a tight white skull cap, with an egg shaped hairless head, waxy grayish complexion, slit like mouth, tiny nose and eyes like two large dark slits. The witness floats towards the object and enters right through a wall. Inside the object it is extremely cold. The being along with several other smaller similar humanoids then placed the witness on a silver table where clamps appear. A blood sample is taken from her and then she is later returned to her room.

HC addition # 527
Source: Jenny Randles, “Abduction”
Type: G

Location. West Hempstead England
Date: October 18 1955
Time: 1610
From a train stopped for a signal, Rev. Pitt-Kethly noticed a “flying platform” sail into view. Reddish brown & gray, the size of a small bus, it was flying a straight course at an altitude of about 120 ft. It bore about 30 immobile helmeted human figures, in khaki uniforms; some of them were seated and staring fixedly forward “like robots.”

Humcat 1955-25
Source: Jonathan M Caplan, FSR 3/69
Type: A

Location. Portela de Pau, Orense, Spain
Date: October 20 1955
Time: late afternoon
Manuel Gonzalez Vazquez and his neighbor Erminda where in a field tending some cattle when they felt a slight tremor that lasted for a few minutes. Moments later they saw an undetermined figure inside “screen-like” image in the sky. The figure had a definite human shape. Seconds later they spotted a second flying figure approaching under the clouds. As the figure approached they could tell that it was a female figure, flying at 3 meters above the ground. It resembled an 18-year old girl, a little over a meter in height. Her hair was gathered up in a bun and was wearing a light turquoise colored cloak. The woman flew by the two witnesses and turned to look at them but did not say anything. It eventually glided away and disappeared from sight.

HC addendum
Source: Gaceta Ovni
Type: E

Location. St. Therese Quebec Canada
Date: Winter 1955
Time: 2330
A young woman and her fiancé observed a “ghost” from the balcony of a home in Ste-Therese. The human looking form was described as 8ft tall, with white glowing skin. A beam of light illuminated the entity as well as the ground besides it.

HC addition # 33
Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants
& Critters
Type: E

Location. Boa Vista dos Ramos, Brazil
Date: November 1955
Time: evening
In an isolated area a witness came upon a tall humanoid figure that appeared to have a mask covering its face. The humanoid pointed a device at the witness emitting a beam of light apparently knocking the witness down. After the encounter, the witness suffered from fever, nausea, uncontrollable trembling, and chills.

HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: E

Location. Caseros, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: November 1955
Time: 2230
After eating dinner one of the witnesses walked up to the terraced roof to relax, suddenly he saw an illuminated disc-shaped object descend low overhead. He called up the other witnesses and all were able to see the hovering disc and what appeared to be an observation deck and inside the illuminated compartment three man-like occupants, with very pale skin and wearing white gloves and coveralls. The figures moved around and one of them seemed to pat another on the back and laugh. Apparently one of the occupants then noticed the witnesses staring at them and then moved some levers on an instrument panel. Soon after this, the craft shot up and incredibly speed and vanished from sight.

HC addendum
Source: Proyecto CATENT, Argentina
Type: A

Location. Rosenheim Germany
Date: middle of November 1955
Time: 1845
The witness saw a very bright light descending from the sky and land nearby, it was a disc shaped object bright pink in color. A door opened and two short men came out and approached the witness, who ran away from the beings but suddenly felt very heavy and could not move. She heard a strange murmuring sound coming from the beings. They were described as very short, wearing silvery uniforms with small buttons and zippers. They also wore boots and mittens. They appeared to have no hair, had pale skin and large blue eyes. They communicated by using friendly gestures. The witness caught a glance of the interior of the craft and saw two round objects and a middle column also a desk and thought she could hear music coming from within.

HC addition # 200
Source: Ulrich Magin
Type: B

Location. Andes Mountains Argentina
Date: December 6 1955
Time: 1700
Italian physicist Narcico Genovese said he was part of an international group of 98 scientists working in a secret underground laboratory in the Andean jungles. At 1700 on the above date, 5 objects like flattened spheres visited their camp, and one landed on their landing field. The UFOs were 23 ft in diameter, with a rotating equatorial band 3 ft wide. 4 Martian humanoids, taller than we are, came out & established friendly relations. A month later 5 UFOs returned, this time with a larger lens shaped object, 230 ft in diameter & 50 ft high. 40 beings emerged, 28 of whom “stayed on Earth to help the scientists perfect their own spaceships.” On October 12 1956, 2 earth built spacecraft carrying humans & Martians traveled to Mars, which they found to be “physically much like the earth, though it’s social & political climate was different.”

Humcat 1955-31
Source: Richard Heiden, quoting newspaper source
Type: G?

Location. Washburn Maine
Date: December 21 1955
Time: 2300
About to go to bed, Mrs Roberta Jacobs saw a red orange glare in the sky, and a golden object came to hover over the barn. It resembled a cup inverted on an elliptical saucer, about the size of a jet plane; the disc rotated at high speed. In the lower part of the dome she could see forms moving. “Like a person walking in front of a light—not one but many things.” She felt nauseated, & felt that they were observing her. The object rapidly departed.

Humcat 1955-26
Source: Project Blue Book Files
Type: A

Total Cases: 90

Addendums will be inserted in chronological order as they become available.

Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

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