1974 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTS Compiled by Albert Rosales

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

1974 Humanoid Reports. 1974 was almost a repeat of the incredible events of 1973, but more in a worldwide level and not concentrated in one area or region. High Strangeness was achieving new heights. All different type of encounters were reported including then a new trend that was soon to be called CE4’s, or abductions. In Spain there was the repeated encounters with landed objects and entities by a young truck driver, in the US the not to well known and bizarre Higdon abduction and more bizarre encounters with strange Bigfoot like creatures somehow related to UFOs or paranormal in nature. Nixon had resigned but something else besides Gerald Ford had taken over. Sit back and hold on to your Lazy Boy, 1974 was a wild ride. Following is a list of known entity encounters for 1974.
Location. Hedgerley, Buckinghamshire, England
Date: 1974
Time: unknown
Walking back home from school one day, the 10-year old witness, his mother and twin brother observed a silver saucer shaped object hovering above their home which they estimated to have been about 12-feet across and at an approximate height of 40 feet. They could see two silver clad figures on top of the object. Their mother panicked and pushed both boys to the ground. They then heard a humming noise and then the object quickly disappeared from sight.

HC addendum
Source: Bufora investigations
Type: A

Location. Elizabeth South Australia
Date: 1974
Time: unknown
A young girl and a friend remembered seeing a UFO at close range, a period of missing time ensued. Later she recalled feeling a buzzing sound in her head and finding herself in a room of some kind. She then saw a face on a small pointed head, with pointed ears. She also remembered seeing someone walking towards her surrounded in a silver glow. Apparently some type of mental apparatus was used on her. No other information.

HC addition # 2028
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: G

Location. Bugarach, near Rennes-le-Chateau, France
Date: 1974
Time: daytime
The day after members of a family named Bettex spotted a huge fiery sphere descend and apparently land on the side of a nearby mountain, they were visited by three tall blond haired men wearing black monk-like habits that threatened them to remain silent and not to mention to anyone what they had seen. Both husband and wife remained as if paralyzed by the front door as the three unorthodox visitors walked away to a nearby vehicle. Scorched ground traces were found and the alleged landing site. Soon after the incident Mr. Bettex died of a mysterious disease.

HC addendum
Source: Manuel Figueroa
Type: D

Location. Carolina Puerto Rico
Date: 1974
Time: afternoon
The witness, Doña Melin was one afternoon cooking dinner alone @ home when she heard somebody calling her name. Walking out the front porch there she encountered three tall, white skinned men, with large blue green eyes, fine chiseled features, with long blond white hair. They wore tight fitting blue outfits with gold trimmed emblems on the left hand side, the emblems contained what appeared to be a W and H and an A. They also wore a large wide belt with an oval shaped buckle that emitted a white light. Apprehensive the witness told the men to wait until she turned off the oven. The men then communicated by using telepathy. They told her to be calm, that they were happy to see her. The men promised to return then walked away and slowly disappeared from sight.

HC addition # 3313
Source: Boletin UFO PR Vol. 1 # 3
Type: E

Location. Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Date: 1974
Time: night
One evening, while baby-sitting the witness suddenly felt a cold, creepy chill come over her, accompanied by a sense of urgency to check on the baby. The nursery was dimly lit by a small night-light. She entered the room hesitantly. A shadowy figure caught her eye. She saw a “gnome like” man, dancing in the corner near the crib. He was about as tall as a two-year-old child and was dressed in Old World clothing; knee length britches, suspenders or a vest, over a loose fitting shirt. He had longish hair, a mustache, and a beard, and was unkempt. Never taking her eyes off the queer creature, she walked slowly to the crib, and picked up the sleeping baby and cautiously backed out the door. Others had seen strange shadowy figures running about the house. Other phenomenon was also reported.

HC addition # 3008
Source: Sharon Jarvis, Dark Zones
Type: E

Location. West Yorkshire, England, exact location not given
Date: 1974
Time: night
A being about six to seven-foot tall appeared next to the witness as he was lying in bed. The being wore a one-piece suit with a high collar. The witness had an intense feeling of great joy during the encounter. The being greeted him and disappeared.

HC addition # 1793
Source: Nigel Watson, Portraits of Alien Encounters
Type: E

Location. San Antonio Texas
Date: 1974
Time: night
The witness and a friend were driving on Loop 410 at the Valley Hi Exit when they saw an object hovering above them. The witness could only remember seeing three gray figures looking down at them. The middle one was a bit taller than the other two. He suffered from nightmares soon after the incident and claims he reported the incident to the Air Force the next day.

HC addition # 2816
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & The World
Type: A

Location. Canberra Australia
Date: 1974
Time: night
Two young women, hearing a “strange noise,” were compelled to go outdoors to their car. They found the car out of their control and were driven to a remote site, accompanied by a brilliant light source. The car stopped and they heard a weird chant began from behind the car, and could see vague, human like forms. They suddenly became extremely frightened and one girl, for reasons not clear, got out of the car. When she tried to get back in, she was unable to because of the presence of a viscous, web-like substance over the car door. They finally made their way to a local police station; returning to the site with officers, they found nothing and were escorted home. On the same night police patrols in the area reported strange lights in the sky and one patrol car encountered a massive procession of snails on the road, headed in the direction of the young ladies strange encounter. The girls experienced a repeat of their earlier experience after the police left and their fear was replaced by a feeling of guilt, as though they had “betrayed a trust” by reporting the incident to police. One girl suffered physical effects following the experiences, developing a speech impediment, and losing her ability to write. The effects were not permanent.

Humcat 1974-65
Source: Bill Chalker, & Keith Basterfield
Type: C?

Location. Crozon, Bretagne, France
Date: 1974
Time: night
The young witness was camping with his family at an old military field in the area and one night was told by his mother to go empty the trash and the nearby dump. He did, but had to return in order to retrieve the trash container. As he looked for the bin he noticed a strange humanoid-animal figure standing nearby and staring at him. The creature was about 4-foot tall, reddish brown in color, with thin arms, small shoulders, and enormous and bulging eyes resembling two large black marbles. When the creature saw the witness, it dived towards the bottom of the garbage pit. In turn the witness ran away screaming from the area. Apparently he was made fun of after the encounter.

HC addendum
Source: GREPI list
Type: E

Don’t fear the Reaper…

Location. Yonkers New York
Date: 1974
Time: night
A man identified only as A. L. was sitting in his Yonkers apartment while his three children slept in their rooms. His wife was in their bathroom. Suddenly he happened to glance to his right, and was startled to see a black hooded figure holding a scythe, its face a luminous white skull. It was staring at him as it glided slowly backward and disappeared through the door. Fearing the Reaper had come for someone, A. L. banged on the bathroom door. When he got no response, he entered and found his wife lying next to an empty bottle of pills. With the assistance of his sister and husband, who lived nearby, he was able to revive his wife and take her to a hospital.

HC addendum
Source: Mark Chorvinsky
Type: E

Location. Balaton Hungary
Date: 1974
Time: night
The witness suddenly woke up in her bedroom to see two strange humanoids standing in the room. One stood at the head of the bed, the other one to one side of it. Both were described as about 1.40 meters tall, gray colored, baldheaded and with large black eyes. They had apparently entered the bedroom through an open window. She only remembered the incident in 1991.

HC addendum
Source: CUN Europe
Type: E

Location. Los Angeles California
Date: 1974
Time: late night
The witness had been sleeping when she was suddenly awakened by several small shadow like creatures who pulled her from her bed and began pushing her down the hallway. She attempted to resist but was unable to get away. The creatures persisted and told her that they “did not have much time.” At this point another voice from an unknown source interrupted and said, “No it’s not time.” She does not remember anything else until she woke up the next morning. Her daughter remembered hearing strange voices coming from her room during the night.

HC addition # 2084
Source: Duane Bedell, Heartland UFO Journal # 33
Type: G?

Location. Rio Tinto Portugal
Date: 1974
Time: 2015
The 14-year old witness was in his backyard with a couple of family members when he heard a loud noise followed by a power outage. He ran outside and saw a Saturn shaped object 50 meters away. It was 6.5 meters in diameter and 4 to 5 meters in height. It radiated light beams of several colors and its top was transparent allowing the witness to see 4 or 5 entities. These were wearing dark frogman suits; helmets covered their heads. They were about 5 feet tall of humanoid appearance. During the observation the witness felt paralyzed and lost sense of time. When the object took off his faculties returned and the electrical power was restored.

HC addition # 2828
Source: Mario Neves, PORTUCAT
Type: A

Location. Near Delhi, India
Date: 1974
Time: 2300
Pranav Piyush was alone in his farm with he saw two triangle-shaped objects in the sky. They appeared to land beyond view of the witness and soon two tall human-like figures approached him. They conversed with the witness (in his native language?) and explained to him that the earth had been struck 65 million years ago by a comet and the survivors had managed to fly to Jupiter where they developed a new civilization. They then warned Piyush that another comet was going to strike the earth. Terrified the witness fell faint and saw the two figures walked back towards the direction where the triangles had vanished. As they moved away they appeared to change into inhuman figures.

HC addendum
Source: Astronaut forum section, posted 12-14-98
Type: C

Location. Near Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Date: 1974
Time: 0100A
Alex Franz and his wife were on their way to Mexico City when Mr. Franz began to feel extremely sleepy and pulled off to the side of the road in order to rest. His wife remained awake as he dozed off. Suddenly Mr. Franz was awakened by the sounds of his wife groaning and crying. Upon opening his eyes he saw a bright light that illuminated the cab and appeared to come from above. He attempted to assist his wife as he noticed that she held the vehicle door tightly close, so hard in fact that her nails were bleeding. The light was of a neon type and did not bother the eyes. At this point Mr. Franz managed to see a humanoid figure quickly moving away from the vehicle, moving towards the light, which was about 8 meters away from the vehicle. The figure seemed to blend in with the light and soon the light shot up into the sky and disappeared. When his wife came to, she told Alex to quickly leave the location because “some little men” had wanted to abduct them. When he was able to start the vehicle again, they noticed that 5 hours had gone by, which they had no recollection of.

HC addendum
Source: Lucy Pla, Ovni Net, Puerto Rico
Type: G?

Location. Victoriaville, Quebec, Canada
Date: 1974
Time: early morning
Jean Guy Moude was walking through a forested area when he suddenly lost consciousness and then woke up to see several large shiny “yellow eyes” looking down on him as he appeared to be lying on a “bed” of some sorts. He was apparently given a medical examination by several aliens wearing dark diving suits. Onboard he saw several instrument panels and other gadgets, which he made drawings off. He was later levitated back to the ground through an opened hatch along with some of the aliens. Then he saw several of the humanoids entering the hovering UFO through an opening on the bottom; they appeared to have climbed up via a type of metallic cable. The craft had several portholes around its perimeter.

HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse Project Becassine quoting Bourbeau
Type: G

Location. Near Ceballos Chihuahua Mexico
Date: early 1974
Time: before sunset
A clergyman camping in an isolated and mysterious area called “La Zona Del Silencio” was preparing his tent when he heard a buzzing and saw a bright glowing object descending from the sky. The witness wanted to run but could not move as the object drew closer and hovered briefly above the desert floor. The object’s light changed from a whitish blue to a red orange. Moments later the object dimmed and the outline of a metallic disc shaped object came into view. The witness stood paralyzed as three tripod legs extracted out of the lower part of the object, the object then landed. Seconds later a door appeared in the side of the craft and a stairway descended to the ground. Four figures then stepped out. They were described as humanoid about five-foot tall. Their bodies were encased in a shiny metallic suit totally seamless. They were of stocky build with almond shaped eyes, a sharp nose, leathery skin, and a tanned complexion. The beings approached the witness in very quick movements and communicated with the witness in English asking him several questions mostly about his business in the area. They also mentioned a “God.” The witness was then invited onboard the object and shown a large interior with several control panels and a device was placed on his head. Later he was released and the object retracted its tripod, started glowing, and then took off emitting a loud humming sound.

HC addition # 1601
Source: Warren Smith, Ancient Mysteries of The Mexican And Mayan Pyramids
Type: G

Location. Jumonville Summit, Pennsylvania
Date: 1974
Time: night
Approximately 13 witnesses chased a large Bigfoot creature in their cars; it looked inside the vehicle at them and then hid behind a large stone. It seemed to move almost instantaneously from one side of the car to the other. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Bigfoot Casebook, Janet & Colin Bord
Type: E

Location. Komi Region, Ukraine
Date: 1974
Time: night
The flight of a large luminous sphere shaped object was seen as it traveled along the line of the Donets River and Gorlovka soon after north of Donets the object exploded illuminating the terrain in a radius of several km. Local residents began to locate fragments, some near the Vashka River. The local militia retrieved some of the fragments.

HC addendum
Source: Anton “Cade” Belousov, Soviet X Files List And A E Burenina UFO center Moscow
Type: H

Location. Wichita Falls, Texas
Date: 1974
Time: night
Just north of Fort Worth a “cake tin” shaped UFO crashed for unknown reasons. It was vertical with several visible vertical rims. 3 humanoids were onboard, including one that was alive but which died soon. The craft was moved to a military base in Texas—either Fort Hood or Fort Bliss and later to the S4 facility.

HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov UFO crash list
High Strangeness Index: 9
Reliability of Source: 10

Location. Bremen, Germany
Date: 1974
Time: late night
Franc Wolf was lying in bed unable to sleep when suddenly a beam of light came in through the window, shining in the center of the room. At the end of the beam a cloud seemed to form, from which gradually the shape of an old man-like figure emerged. The figure resembled what an ancient “Greek” would look like clad in a white tunic like those the classical Romans used to wear. His hair and beard were white. The figure floated in the center of the room staring at Wolf, who could suddenly no longer move. The figure suddenly disappeared as if switched off. And the beam of light gradually yielded back out the window. At this point Wolf was able to move and ran to the window to see a disc-shaped craft quickly departing the area.

HC addendum
Source: Greyhunter UFO Site, Germany
Type: C?

Location. Kent Washington
Date: January 1974
Time: 0100A
A couple was driving home after dropping off some friends, when they spotted a hovering cigar shaped craft with distinct window shapes along its width. It was hovering about 30 feet above the ground. As they drove along they momentarily lost sight of the craft but as they came to a stop sign they saw the object again. This time they saw the nose of the object and what appeared to be a wide windscreen emitting a phosphorous green light with the figure of a humanoid in the middle. The wife screamed at her husband to drive off and he took off. That was their last memory of the event. Her next memory was of arriving home totally calm, having lost 12 hours of time. Apparently no hypnotic regression was attempted.

HC addition # 3959
Source: NUFORC
Type: A?

Location. Clifton Bore, South Australia
Date: January 1974
Time: afternoon
Ben a 38-year-old man was out searching for fossils in the remote Sturts Stony Desert, with a female companion. Ben told the woman to stay near the car, because she was unfamiliar with the area, while he searched wider afield. When he was about 2 kilometers from the car, he was suddenly approached by two beings that were only about one meter in height. They were human looking in many respects, with short hair, but with elongated heads at the rear. The length of their arms seemed much shorter than usual. Their faces were normal but they spoke in a rapid, unintelligible fashion. They were wearing silver suits. They beckoned him to follow, and they came to a silver colored craft shaped like a “hot dog roll,” about eight meters long and two meters high. Ben could not understand how he had not seen this object before. The beings beckoned him to enter and he bent down to do so. While small from the outside, inside the craft was vast. Apparently inside of the object, space meant nothing. There were many other similar beings inside, apparently female. Ben was offered a drink. Frightened to refuse, he drank it and passed out. When he regained consciousness he was lying on the floor of the craft. The two beings were still with him. He gained a sense of having being rejected for some purpose, and felt ignored. He was very disturbed by what he saw next. Two Caucasian-looking girls, apparently human, dressed normally, perhaps aged about nine and 12, were in something like a cage. They seemed to be in a trance. Presently, the open doorway appeared again and he stepped out. He found himself on the desert ground again and simply walked away. Back at the car with his companion, he discovered an hour and a half had gone by. He was very unsettled by this bizarre experience.

HC addition # 2027
Source: Bill Chalker, The Oz Files
Type: G

Location. Milan, Italy
Date: January 1974
Time: afternoon
Anna Mazzanti and a friend were walking home near the local airport when they spotted a disc-shaped craft hovering very close to the ground at about 700 to 800 meters away. As both women attempted to approach the craft shot away at incredible speed and disappeared. The next day Ms Mazzanti began receiving bizarre “telepathic messages” from an entity that identified itself as being an extraterrestrial and that his name was “Vras”. After the telepathic messages, Mazzanti would suffer from terrible headaches and while receiving the messages she would go into a trance-like state. She saw another luminous object the night of November 24 1974 and felt like she had been taken onboard the craft in an “astral state”. She did not see any occupants but did see numerous apparatus & consoles inside a round room surrounded by a large viewing window through which she could see what appeared to be stars.

HC addendum
Source: Revista Ovni Portugal, December 1978
Type: F

Location. Near Antofagasta, Chile
Date: January 1974
Time: night
A group of Chilean artists, including Tito Fernandez, Katy Chavez, and Gloria Benavidez & Jorge Cruz reported their vehicle being followed by two huge lighted objects along a lonely stretch of road. Tito Fernandez remembers also seeing a 2-meter tall luminous man-like figure apparently within one of the lights. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Ovnis en Chile
Type: A?

Location. Santa Ana California
Date: January 6 1974
Time: early morning
Martin W Barry, a Marine sergeant, was making his usual early morning 5 mile run in a park, in a driving rain, when he came up with a 7-foot tall, bulky figure standing in a slumped forward posture, long arms dangling nearly to the ground. Behind it, hovering only a few feet off the ground was an orange pulsating flying saucer. The creature’s head, with large eyes, accounted for more than half of its height, and its legs were “squashed” and “stubby.” It waddled up to Barry and struck him on the chest, felling him into a pool of water then waddled away and climbed aboard the UFO, which rose into the sky. Others reportedly saw UFOs over Santa Ana that day.

Humcat 1974-63
Source: Andrew Gallagher, Ideal’s UFO Magazine # 1
Type: B

Location. Near Warneton Belgium
Date: January 7 1974
Time: 2040
Driving toward Warneton, along the French-Belgian border, the witness experiences the failure of lights, engine, and radio. He saw a landed object 150 meters away in a field to his right; the UFO was shaped like a WWI British helmet, was 7 to 10 meters wide and stood on three legs, and had patches of orange luminescence on top with a white light underneath. Two beings were seen coming from the direction of the object, walking slowly and stiffly toward the car. The shorter entity wore an outfit with horizontal rings around the torso and a round helmet with a large, circular face plate showing a pear shaped, grayish head with no hair, round “marble like” eyes, a rudimentary nose, and a slit like lipless mouth. He held an object like a short thick ruler with a pointed tip, aimed at the car. The taller entity wore a cubical helmet transparent in form, showing a face identical with the other’s but with a small rectangular box under the chin. His suit was dull metallic gray of a one-piece coverall type, including gloves and heavy, pointed boots. He wore a black belt with a luminous disc in front and a diagonal “Sam Browne” strap from belt to shoulder, with a vertical row of “buttons” on each side of the chest. Both beings had long arms. The interior of the helmets appeared to be illuminated. A third entity was seen standing guard near the object. The two beings approached to within 4 meters of the car and the taller was seen opening and closing his mouth. The witness felt a slight shock on the back of his head and heard, simultaneously, a low pitched, modulated sound. The two suddenly wheeled around and walked quickly back to the object, which now pulsated an electric blue color on top. The three beings boarded, the legs withdrew, and the object rose slightly, hovered, then ascended rapidly at a 60 degree angle. A car was then seen approaching, whose driver said he had seen the object and its occupants. As the primary witness drove off, he continued to get poor reception on the car radio. Duration was about 20 minutes.

Humcat 1974-1
Source: Jean Marie Bigorne, Lumeires Dans Le Nuit
Type: B

Location. Springfield, Ohio
Date: January 8 1974
Time: 0313A
Leaving his job, the witness experienced failure of car lights and motor; then multicolored blinking lights descended just yards in front of his car, followed by the appearance of a blinding white oval of light approximately 6 feet in diameter, apparently showing the interior of a UFO. He could see five small occupants within; seated on high backed chairs and wearing bright colored robes and each had long brown hair that reached the floor. They appeared to be 3 to 4 foot tall, and the witness could not recall their facial features. The object brightly illuminated the surroundings and car interior. After 5 minutes, the interior light was extinguished and the object ascended rapidly with another display of colored, flashing lights. A maintenance man on the premises had noticed a failure of his “pager” radio four times between 1900 & 2200, earlier that evening although no UFOs were seen.

Humcat 1974-2
Source: Leonard Stringfield for Cufos
Type: A

Location. Zafferana Etna Italy
Date: January 8 1974
Time: afternoon
The witness was working alone in a small room in her house when she felt a strong rush of wind, she turned around and confronted a very bright light, within the light she was able to see a tall man wearing a tight fitting coverall with gold colored boots. He had short light hair, light skin and large almond shape eyes. The witness was not frightened and said she felt a sense of joy and peace. The man smiled and suddenly vanished in a flash of light.

HC addition # 559
Source: Angel Franchetto, Los Extraterrestres Y Nuestro Futuro
Type: E

Location. Mar Del Plata Argentina
Date: January 15 1974
Time: midnight
Two students walking along the beach sighted a small white light moving towards the coast from the sea. It seemed to divide into three lights. They walked to the nearest pier to catch a better look of the lights and began walking along the pier when suddenly two more lights became visible on their right side. Now the witnesses could see that the lights were five beings that were walking gracefully in the water. The seawater reached their chests. These beings were dressed in diving suits and their heads were covered with helmets with a mask and a tube going into their backs. The beings walked out of the water and onto the road apparently leaving the area.

HC addition # 242
Source: Fabio Picasso, Strange Magazine # 8
Type: E

Location. Llandrillo Wales
Date: January 23 1974
Time: 2030
The entire village heard a terrific explosion preceded by the violent shaking of the ground. Going outside people saw blue and orange lights floating in a circle around Cader Mountain, east of the village. Police and RAF personnel were in the area almost immediately and cordoned off access to the supposed crash site on a barren hilltop. A nurse on he way to the crash site after being telephoned by police headquarters was on her way up the mountain with her daughters when she saw something sitting on the ground ahead of her. It seemed to be intact and it was very large, circular and glowing orange. The nurse and her daughters were within a few hundred feet when police and military forces showed up and clearly told her to leave the area. Researcher Tony Dodd, was reportedly approached by a retired military man using the name of “Robert Prescott” that told him that he and some others had been assigned to transport two crates from the crash site at a place called Porton Down military personnel opened the crates and the Prescott saw two humanoid figures about 5 to 6 ft tall, very thin, almost skeletal in nature with a covering skin. Other units supposedly transported live aliens from he “crash” site.

HC addition # 3925
Source: CSETI, Nicholas Redfern “Cosmic Crashes”
Type: H

Location. Indiana County Pennsylvania
Date: late January 1974
Time: late night
The witness was driving home in a secluded area when he saw a huge silent triangular shaped craft approaching at tree top level, the object had three blinking lights. She seemed to have suffered a memory lapse as she arrived home quite late that night. Later under hypnosis she remembered two little men taking her by the arms onboard the object. They dragged her inside the object and sat her on a chair. She then remembers seeing a screen with a skull on it. The beings were described as four-foot tall with gray green skin, large heads and slits for mouths, she could not recall any ears or eyes. There was a third more human like being who seemed to be in charge and appeared kindly.

HC addition # 931
Source: UFONS # 244
Type: G

Location. Bedfordshire England, exact location not given
Date: February 1974
Time: 0030A
An anonymous witness was with a friend at home when, at 2230, he suddenly left the house on an impulse. At a nearby power station he saw two men. “He turned around quickly, but they both disappeared.” Two hours later, he again experienced the instruction to go out and this time he saw 5-7 humanoid figures that “walked in a very strange way, some even crawling on all fours.” The witness dog reacted nervously, jumping up on him. One figure looked straight at him, and an object on it began to glow, and the eyes glowed a brilliant red. It touched the object and a brilliant beam of light shone from it. A whistle like sound was heard and the witness fled. The following evening, the witness persuaded his friend to accompany him to the site. He immediately saw the beings, but the friend could only see a vague shape.

Humcat 1974-3
Source: Bufora Journal Vol. 4 # 7
Type: E

Location. Near Renton Washington
Date: February 1974
Time: 0100A
The witness, her husband and her infant son were driving home from a friend’s house after an evening of cards; they were on their way to the city of Covington, a 20-minute drive. Her husband was driving; their son was sleeping in the backseat. She was leaning against the passenger seat window, it was a very cold and clear crisp night, and the stars were incredibly bright and clear. After about 10 minutes they drove by an old farmhouse that had a line of trees as a windbreak along the driveway. When they got past the line of trees, they saw, hovering about ten feet off the ground next to the farmhouse, a UFO. It was a 30 ft long, metallic gray, cigar-shaped object, with a line or seams on its full length half way up with airliner-like windows in a row down its length above this line. There were no running lights at all. From the side it was completely dark. The object then began following the witnesses, it seemed to pace them keeping up to their exact speed. As it came closer to the car the witness leaned out the window and looked up. The UFO was about 30 ft above them and she could see that its surface was dull and non-reflective, she could not see any lights or light fixtures. When they stopped at the next stop sign the UFO kept going and went up over the nearby hill. A few minutes later as they were coming up the next stop sign, she saw it coming down the hill towards them. It was about 10 ft off the ground and moving quite slowly. At the front was a windscreen that covered the entire upper half of the vehicle. Behind the windscreen was a dark, humanoid figure standing there as if at the controls, backlit by a fluorescent green light. Terrified she yelled at her husband to get out of there. They made a left hand turn and traveled about 50 yards up the hill and their memory seemed to end at this juncture. Her memory resumed when they were coming up on the stop sign to cross Highway 18. She was now calmed. Soon the witnesses realized that the normally 20-minute long drive had taken 2 hours and 18 minutes. Strangely the witnesses did not discuss the incident until about 16 years later. (Is not clear if a hypnotic regression was attempted on the witnesses).

HC addendum
Source: Fate Magazine January 1974
Time: A or G?

Location. Kent England
Date: February 1974
Time: morning
The witness was driving back home after dropping off her children at school and as she was approaching her house she saw two short child-like figure standing in front of her garden. The figures wore identical bright yellow hooded coats. They appeared to be shuffling their feet playfully and then they crossed the metal fence and disappeared from sight towards the backyard. Curious the witness followed them there but was surprised to find that they had totally vanished with nowhere to go in the backyard.

HC addition # 774
Source: Letter in FSR Vol. 34 # 3
Type: E

Location. Los Leones, Herrera, Panama
Date: February 1974
Time: morning
One morning three youngsters had gone to a local stream to do some laundry when suddenly a strange woman appeared, she was dressed in a brilliant blue outfit. She approached the children and one of them, a girl, ran away crying. The woman was described as tall, white skinned with black hair and wearing golden sandals, she suddenly vanished in plain sight. Several days later the children returned to the site and were not seen again for four days, when they suddenly appeared sound and safe. They told the adults that they had fallen asleep by a rock and later the beautiful woman in blue had again appeared to them, but this time she was accompanied by another woman and two men, also dressed in brilliant blue. The children were given fruit and candy and according to them “were taken up to the sky and walked among the clouds.” Later encounters were also reported.

HC addition # 278
Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto Ovni en Puerto Rico Santo Domingo, Y Cuba
Type: G

Location. Near Chalou sur Saone France
Date: February 1974
Time: 1500
Four police officers encountered several short men like humanoids in a wooded area. The beings ran into a landed saucer shaped object and entered it through an open hatch. The object quickly took off at high speed.

HC addition # 2414
Source: Figeut/Ruchon Ovni Dossier
Type: B

Location. Eucasssines, Belgium
Date: February 1974
Time: afternoon
Gas station attendant Domenica Delaufe stepped outside for a moment and was confronted by an incredible sight. Over a nearby field not more than 20 meters away hovered a transparent egg shaped craft ringed in multicolored lights with four larger principal lights at each end. It was silent and it had no apparent means of propulsion. It hovered about 1 meter from the ground. Even more incredible, inside the object the witness was surprised to see a naked giant human like figure about 3-meters in height apparently reclining on a brown “couch” like device. It did not move and just stared ahead. It had human like features with short dark hair. At this point three other witnesses came out of the station and saw the object and its occupant, 1 was Laurent Lejeune and two young men, Bernard & Jean Claude. Soon the object glided silently away and disappeared into the distance. There did not appear to be any instruments or devices inside the object except for the “couch” like device.

HC addendum
Source: Roger Lorthioir, Belgium
Type: A

Location. Near Pascagoula, Mississippi
Date: February 1974
Time: evening
While squirrel hunting, Charles Hickson had knelt down beside a tree to eat a sandwich. Through the bush, he says, he could see part of a metallic craft apparently on the ground. Suddenly he heard a voice. “It was like a radio signal or something inside my head.” “They said, ‘Tell people we mean you no harm. You have endured. You have been chosen. There is no need for fear. Your world needs help. We will help before it’s too late. You are not prepared to understand. We will return again soon.” Hickson picked up his gun and went straight home. The same voice with the same message, came to him again a month later in his backyard.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Updates, quoting The Clarion Ledger
Type: F

Location. Grasstree Hill Tasmania Australia
Date: February 1974
Time: 2100
Two small children saw a disc shaped object hovering near the roadway. Several figures could be seen at some lighted windows. A third witness arrived only to see the object with bright lights pulling away over a nearby hill.

HC addition # 42
Source: Keith Roberts from Tufoic
Type: A

Location. Ipaucu, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: February 1974
Time: 2315
Lucia and Edison were leaving a local cinema late at night when Edison remembered that he needed to fill up the car. Lucia reminded him that there was a gas station operating all night on the Raposo Tavares Highway. As they turned back through the side street, a mud road that in those days ran parallel to the Raposo Tavares Highway they instinctively looked right and noticed that a new road had been opened in the direction of the wall circling the town cemetery. To the right of this road there were some tall eucalyptus trees. The couple suddenly felt confused at seeing a row of large, older model cars, shining brightly as if they were brand new. To the left of these strange vehicles, some people could be seen walking about. It was dark and they only saw their outline in the half-light. Edison believed that perhaps there was some kind of spiritual (Umbanda) rites being held, but Lucia informed him that such things never happened in this region of Brazil. Curios they returned on the same road but nothing more was to be seen. The road was deserted, in less than five minutes all those cars had vanished. Their car had now stopped facing the cemetery wall. Facing the wall, Edison put on the brake, stopped the engine and used the hand brake at the same time stretched his right arm along the back of Lucia’s seat and leaned over, about to say something—at that precise moment the car started to lift up from the ground for the first time. It was as if it had gone forward about 30 cm and drew up its nose, with the two front wheels up from the ground. The car dropped down, hitting down hard on the road. Stunned the couple looked back thinking there was a car behind them, trying to push them forward. Then for the second time, the car lifted its front wheels and thinking that someone was playing a prank, Lucia opened the door so as to catch him. But the car lifted up for the third time just as she was opening the door. She immediately felt indescribably cold. She looked around but could not see anything. She slammed the door closed and felt an intense cold, as if a super frozen sponge had been sucking the base of her neck at the nape, depriving her of all energy. She turned towards Edison and saw his hair standing on end. He was deathly pale and with a great effort stammering as he did so, he said: “Let’ssss…go. Terrified, Lucia could not speak. Edison backed up quickly and hit the road going down towards the center of town. As they drove along the side of the cemetery Lucia saw someone or something in silvery white over the ground to her right. It looked like someone dressed in white with “black light” shining upon it. It was fluorescent, and about 1.30 meters high. It was wearing a kind of hat or helmet and a cape. She did not see a face or remember seeing any hands or feet. It was dark. She panicked as Edison started shouting to her not to look sideways. She had the feeling that the figure wanted to stick to their car. But strangely, the thing, or being seemed friendly as if wanting to say hello. When the witnesses arrived home a time discrepancy of about 30 minutes was noted, also their car’s electrical system had been ruined. Hypnosis failed to overcome the blockage of memory.

HC addendum
Source: Irene Granchi, UFOs and Abductions in Brazil
Type: E or G?

Location. Blacksod County Mayo Ireland
Date: early February 1974
Time: 2000
An 80-year old retired farmer was awakened sometimes after 2000 by a brilliant white light shining in his bedroom. Suddenly he saw “a man in white robes” standing in the room, possibly surrounded by several smaller figures. He became alarmed and the figures faded away. Going to the window, the man saw a white glowing object with windows and large wheels that lit up the area. It resembled a caravan, and he could see small figures inside it. At that moment it began ascending slowly in an easterly direction and with absolutely no noise disappeared into the clouds. The man had retired early because of a power failure in the area.

Humcat 1974-66
Source: G Toms, FSR Vol. 20 # 5
Type: E & A

Location. Shores Community Tennessee
Date: February 4 1974
Time: 1800
David Swanner was watching TV when reception was disrupted. Outside, hovering 6 feet over a garden, he saw a UFO shaped like a wooden shoe with a translucent bubble on top, emitting a buzzing sound. It glowed a soft white, had a large un-lit light on front and two dim lights at rear. The heads and shoulders of two humanoids occupants could be seen inside the dome. The buzzing stopped, the UFO made a turn and silently departed.

Humcat 1974-4
Source: Stanley Ingram, The Pulaski Citizen
Type: A

Location. El Desemboque Sonora Mexico
Date: February 5 1974
Time: 2100
A man and his 13-year old son were camping in a remote area when a beeping sound awakened them. It lasted apparently all night. Later under hypnosis the witness remembered waking up in a panic as four to five figures walked around their truck, one being looked in. He next recalled standing in the desert with a being holding each of his elbows. He felt calm as they walked towards a bright light up ahead. They then came upon a huge object resting on 4 legs within the light. He walked up a stairway and into the object. The son remembered various scenes apparently from inside the craft. The beings were described as humanoid with a blurry appearance, long heads, large eyes, and gray skin and about four-foot tall. One of them wore tight red pants. In a blue-lighted room the witness was shown a star map and images of a city being destroyed by nuclear explosions.

HC addition # 466
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
Type: G

Location. Near Uniontown Pennsylvania
Date: February 6 1974
Time: night
A woman living in a mobile home park thought she heard some dogs prowling outside. She grabbed her shotgun and went to investigate. A seven-foot tall hair covered ape like creature standing about 6 feet away suddenly confronted her. The creature raised both its hands as if to attack, then the witness fired directly at the creature’s mid section, the creature then disappeared in a flash of light. The witness ran back inside and phoned a family member that lived nearby. The man ran outside armed with a gun and as he approached the first witness trailer he saw four or five tall dark hairy figures with fire red eyes that glowed. He fired two shots at them without any apparent effect, he then ran inside the woman’s trailer, and both of them were able to see a bright red flashing light in the woods nearby.

HC addition # 255
Source: Preston Dennett, Mufon Journal # 299
Type: C?

Location. Chilca Desert Peru
Date: February 7 1974
Time: 2100
After being contacted by telepathy and told to respond to a certain spot for a possible contact, the main witness and a group of his friends were sitting on the ground in a deserted area when a huge silvery light appeared from behind a hill illuminating the group. Soon they were able to see a metallic hamburger shaped craft with lighted windows on top. Figures could be seen moving behind the window. The craft emitted a tremendous heat. Most of the members of the group were extremely frightened and the main witness was told by telepathy that they were not yet ready for a contact. The craft then shot away at great speed towards the ocean.

HC addition # 1889
Source: Joseph Randazzo, Witness ET, The Contactee Manuscript
Type: A

Location. Shores Community Tennessee
Date: February 9 1974
Time: unknown
David Swanner was now invited by two “men” to ride in a UFO. In a few moments they passed over San Francisco, then the Hawaiian Islands; the round trip took 45 minutes. The purpose of their presence; to warn of possible destruction of Solar System by atomic bombs. Their appearance; 4-5 foot tall, with long, pointed chins, small eyes, ears, and nose, and with tall foreheads. Their lifespan; 125-175 years. The witness was instructed to inform the public. He claims to possess proof, which “cannot now be revealed.”

Humcat 1974-5
Source: Stanley Ingram, The Pulaski Citizen
Type: G

Location. Hoshimachi Japan
Date: February 12 1974
Time: 2110
Soon after hundreds of people watched bright orange colored lights maneuvering over the area at high speed, a woman was walking near the edge of the village near a rice paddy when suddenly she saw a dim orange object appear and hover nearby, wobbling slightly close to the ground. Beneath the object on the ground stood two figures that began walking around slowly. The figures appeared bulky and had short thick legs. Suddenly the witness felt someone behind her, turning around she saw a third creature standing near her. The figure had a long semi human face and stubby arms and legs; it reached out and touched the witness, then it began moving towards the other two creatures and the hovering object. The bright orange object descended and seemed to cover all three creatures, it then climbed away at high speed and disappeared.

HC addition # 1067
Source: Robert F Dorr, Saga 1975 UFO Annual
Type: C

Location. Croydon London England
Date: February 13 1974
Time: 2000
Stephen Jenkins was meditating at the foot of his staircase when he saw a “visionary figure” at the head of the stairs; a dark blue or black figure, “white eyed, fanged, and wearing what looked like a Tibetan gold crown.” Around the figure was a clearly defined “tall, rectangular, box-like area” or frame. No other information.

Humcat 1974-61
Source: Stephen Jenkins, The Undiscovered Country
Type: E

Location. Sauvagny, Allier, France
Date: February 22 1974
Time: 2255
2 witnesses, J Michel Lartigaud and his wife Marie Therese were in their car on Route N694 when they see a light up ahead on the road. Michel feels a very strong cold wind and at 50meters to their right they see a 3-meter size disc-shaped object with a vertical cylinder of light shining down from the bottom of the disc to the ground where there is a luminous circle of light, 6 meters in width, pink brown in color. The upper part of the object shines with an intense white non-radiating light. At this point the witnesses sees black shapes, in the shape of arches or piping that give the impression of being living beings (?). The woman feels terrified and they flee the area. The location of the sighting was the only place on the road without fog that night.

HC addendum
Source: Ouranos # 11, Jean Figuet
Type: A?

Location. Playa Santa Catalina Uruguay
Date: February 23 1974
Time: night
The main witness and a friend had gone fishing that night and were now sleeping on the beach, when suddenly the main witness was awakened by a loud buzzing sound that kept getting louder. He attempted to wake his friend but was unable to. He then noticed a large object that emitted multi colored beams of light hovering above the beach area. As the witness attempted to run from the beach he was grabbed by two three-foot tall beings, these were described as having large slanted eyes and large hairless pear shaped heads. They wore luminous greenish outfits and both had an object hanging on their chests resembling a large clock. The beings spoke to the witness in Spanish and managed to calm him down. He was then taken inside the object where she saw three other similar beings that were sitting on a large control console. The witness was apparently taken for a ride and was able to see what appeared to be planet “Earth” through a large square window.

HC addition # 1118
Source: Julio Victor Ramirez, El Vocero, Puerto Rico
Type: G

Location. Origny en Thierache France
Date: February 28 1974
Time: 0530A
The witness was motorcycling to work at Hirson early in the morning when he found himself face to face with two “cosmonauts” standing in the road. The motorcycle was stopped suddenly and held firmly by the entities. They were dressed in dark coveralls with square helmets; it was too dark to see their features through the helmets. They wore shoulder length gauntlets, and one being gestured to the other, who brought out from a bag on his back a small piece of substance resembling chocolate; this he presented to the witness, urging him by gestures to eat it. The witness did so, to his own surprise; it had not noticeable flavor. They then moved off and let him pass. About 100 feet to the right side of the road he had seen a large, dark circular mass about 6 feet high, sitting directly upon the ground, where traces of crushed grass were later found.

Humcat 1974-6
Source: Jean Marie Bigorne, LDLN # 139
Type: C

Cloning in 1974?

Location. Rio De Janeiro Brazil
Date: February 28 1974
Time: 1930
The witness was alone at home standing in the kitchen when he was suddenly somehow transported to another location. He found himself in a square room with no doors or windows. A loud voice that seems to emanate from a box like device in the corner of the room told him to remain calm. A door then appeared on the wall across from him, the door opened and a large oval shaped dark “apparatus” emerged. The object came towards him and a yellow light that came down from the top illuminated him. Suddenly from out of the oval shaped machine walked out a figure that was the exact replica of the witness. This double spoke to the witness and told him that he did not intend to harm anybody. This being then disappeared through a wall. A large TV like screen then appeared. The witness could see the actions of his double through this screen and was directed to assist him by the voice. He was finally released and the aliens apparently recalled his double. The aliens told the witness that they were here to help humanity.

HC addition # 829
Source: Irene Granchi, FSR Vol. 32 # 3
Type: G

Location. Lexington Massachusetts
Date: Spring 1974
Time: morning
Jane Frances T Woodruff and a friend were walking to their high school when they both happened to glance to their left at a small patch of weeds where a figure about 10 inches tall was sitting with his knees drawn up to his chin and showing them his right profile. Both yelled out in surprised at the same time. The figure disappeared. They both described the little man as wearing green clothes, with a long thin curved golden pipe between his lips and a flopped over conical cap.

HC addendum
Source: Janet Bord, Faeries, Real Encounters with The Little People
Type: E

Location. Edwards Air Force Base, California
Date: Spring 1974
Time: night
Security police officer, Sgt. Michael House, was on patrol on the outskirts of the powerful communications site known as MARS station, which maintains radio contact with other military installations around the globe. A nearby microwave tower, looming like a lonely sentinel in the darkness stood surrounded by a wooded fence posted with signs advising that explosive devices, electrically operated or magnetically charged, would detonate within a certain radius. Sgt. House was patrolling the area of the abandoned sled track, when he saw something at 200-300 to his left. He saw two large blue eyes, larger than anything he had ever seen before. Their diameter had to be about 4 inches apart and seven feet off the ground. He stopped the truck and sat there watching them, it was too dark to see anybody or shape to the thing. The blue glows then proceeded toward his truck at a right angle, for about 100 yards then stopped. The hair in the back of House’s neck bristle as the “eyes” began circling and again moving closer to the vehicle. A rank smell like something rotten permeated the air. The thing moved closer again, now coming within 50 yards of the truck, but still its shape could not be discerned through the brush in the desert. At that moment the truck radio advised Sgt. House that he should precede directly back to the main base and he quickly left the area. He returned 3 hours later but there was no trace of the “blue eyes.” Rain washed out the possibility of locating any tracks the following day. House recalled that the eyes movement was extremely fast and that they didn’t bob up and down.

HC addition # 3052
Source: Bobbie Ann Slate
Type: E

Location. Kingfield district Woking Surrey, England
Date: March 1974
Time: 0245A
The 4-year old witness and his mother awoke to hear an intense clicking sound. They could see a UFO hovering above the lawn, but were paralyzed. The grandmother, who also saw the UFO, was not paralyzed; she got up & started to go downstairs, where she saw several faceless entities wandering about the living room. They were like those described by the boy in his previous encounter, except that one was dressed in white clothes. They carried little black boxes that emitted flashes of light. They suddenly vanished. Meanwhile, the boy and his mother had seen the UFO “fade away” while a car passed, then rematerialize before finally vanishing.

Humcat 1974-12
Source: C C Warren for Contact UK
Type: C

Location. Near Nogaro France
Date: March 1974
Time: 0300A
The anonymous witness, about 22 years old, was returning home after seeing his fiancée, when his car stopped of its own accord. Then he saw a humanoid being, perhaps 3 ft tall, with very large feet and “arms so long that I could not tell whether he had hands.” Green in color, which pointed ears on top of his head, the being had its back turned to him. It went over to the ditch and stepped into it. Then it looked with “very black eyes,” at the witness, who “felt something like a wave inside my head,” and, in fear, looked away. Shortly afterwards the car’s motor started up again. The witness went to a doctor for a neurological examination, which found him to be normal.

Humcat 1974-64
Source: Depeche Du Midi
Type: E

Location. Marechal Mallet, Parana, Brazil
Date: March 1974
Time: night
Farmer Romeo Nelson Ramaniv was walking alone in a rural area when he suddenly felt a heavy weight fall on his shoulders, at the same time he heard strange voices that seemed to come from a radio. Two short humanoids wearing dark coveralls then appeared one on each side of him; these had round shiny red-yellowish eyes. Seconds later they disappeared into the brush. Minutes later Romeo saw something that resembled a white sheet slowly approaching him on a nearby path. He suddenly lost consciousness and woke up later at the same location.

HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: E

Location. Vesta Community Virginia
Date: March 1 1974
Time: 2000
Three observers saw a nearby hillside lit up by a bright yellow light; a red luminous object was seen ascending from the site. The object, about the size of a Volkswagen, hovered at approximately 300 feet above the hill and went through a series of right angle turns, then headed south toward Stuart. Billy Wayne Plasters and Richard N Clifton drove to the landing site by truck and observed the silhouette of a “big, tall, heavy set man” approach from a lighted area. They called out and got no answer; frightened, they jumped in their truck and fled. The light on the hillside disappeared a few minutes later. Next day, patches of charred vegetation were found at the site, covering a large area. Others in the vicinity reported seeing strange lights on the same night, and hearing unexplained noises.

Humcat 1974-7
Source: Nancy Lindsay, The Stuart Enterprise
Type: C

Location. Near Millington, Tennessee
Date: March 1 1974
Time: afternoon
A woman and her invalid husband were sitting on their front porch enjoying the spring weather. Then some things in the sky caught their attention. They were five saucer-shaped objects about two feet in diameter moving slowly and low in the sky. They leisurely floated in over a field across the road from the couple’s house and settled down in the midst of a herd of cows about five hundred yards away. Only one of the cows paid any attention to the small discs. It seemed to be offended by the intrusion and kept turning and walking toward one of the mini UFOs. Each time it did, the object would simply rise up, pass over the cow and settle down on the other side. The woman’s husband became upset. He got his rifle and started hobbling toward the field. The woman saw one of the objects fly very close to her husband’s head and then joined the others as they flew away. By that time her husband had reached the fence and was standing still. His hands were down at his sides, the rifle clutched in one of them. When she got to him, he was icy cold and shivering. All he could say was that one of the objects had “flashed” him with a bright light. She helped him back up to the house and he went inside and lay down on a daybed. He stayed there the rest of the day and said nothing more. The next morning the woman looked out and saw the cow lying dead next to a pond. Two weeks later her husband died. The doctor said it had been a heart attack.

HC addendum
Source: Bob Pratt
Type: F?

Location. Sassari, Sardinia Italy
Date: March 2 1974
Time: 2110
Four young men were in the area watching the sky when Antonello F noticed near the woods, about 300 meters away at a small clearing some lights. One was white and large while 4 or 5 others were rectangular in shape, and arranged in a horizontal position. First they thought it was an automobile, but then the lights dimmed and they were able to see a strange humanoid figure moving in front of the light, in hurried movements. Only his back was seen. Later, on his way home one of the witnesses, Salavatore, saw an object that emitted a bright white light flying low over the road.

HC addendum
Source: ATU Sardinia, Italy
Type: C

Location. Montmorency, France
Date: March 4 1974
Time: 0540A
Investigating noises coming from a parking lot, six police officers were confronted by a massive dark humanoid figure or silhouette standing at the edge of the parking lot. When the officers approached, the figure disappeared quickly into a nearby acacia grove. No traces were found.

HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: E

Location. Grayslake Illinois
Date: March 12 1974
Time: 0100A
Keith McDonald and his family were watching at least 3 UFOs from their window in the living room when everyone but Keith became extremely tired and went off to bed. Keith experienced a time lapse of several hours. Under hypnosis he remembered the entrance into the house of three small entities, with large eyes, long arms, & pointed ears that were making mumbling sounds. No other information.

Humcat 1974-67
Source: Douwe Bosga, Jerry Clark, Mimi Hynek & Ron Owen
Type: C or G?

Location. Gerena Sevilla Spain
Date: March 14 1974
Time: 2330
Antonia Diez Ramos and her husband, Manuel Valderas Fuentes, both anglers, saw in the yard of their house an ovoid object two meters long by one meter wide. Its edges emitted a strong red color, and the center was transparent. Two forms were distinguished inside. After a while, the object began to maneuver, rising up and disappearing.

Humcat 1974-68
Source: Capt. Jose Tomas Ramirez y Barbero
Type: A

Location. Erblunga Corsica France
Date: March 15 1974
Time: 0145A
The witness and his fiancée were in a parked car on a sunken road when he looked up and saw on the bank, only 10 ft from the car, the silhouettes of 3 persons with long arms, bending forward. They appeared “smooth;” no clothing was seen. The witness at once backed up and got out of the road; then his fiancée called his attention to a triangular luminous object which was just taking off from a place about 400 ft from the sunken road. It had a brilliant yellow base area separated by a black band from an orange point area; the point was directed diagonally downwards. Once it was in the air, it suddenly disappeared. The car’s radio went out as the object took off. A search the next day found no traces.

Humcat 1974-69
Source: Gilles Morel, LDLN # 157
Type: C
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Early report of a triangular-shaped object with entities. Also apparent interference with the car radio reported.

Location. Metairie, Louisiana
Date: March 15 1974
Time: 0600A
The witness was sleeping in a van after visiting a friend when he suddenly woke up to see a silver disc-shaped object hovering above a house across the street. It made no noise at all. His next memory was of getting out of the van. Later he had vague memories of sitting on some type of cold silver chair and several “people” standing around him. He remembered that the aliens told him not to be afraid that someday they would be back. He could not recall anything else.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G

Location. Near Sanlucar de Barrameda Spain
Date: March 17 1974
Time: 0330A
Cristobal Munoz Romero, a driver for the President of the Cadiz City Council, was driving through a foggy area 5 km, from the Rota Naval Airbase when he saw a metallic white light above and to the right of his car; it advanced to within 10 meters of the road when, seconds later, he saw the silhouette of a human like being more than 2 meters tall next to the road. The being appeared to wear a diving suit from which projected a bright, cylindrical, solid like beam of light from the front part of the collar. The light could lengthen and shrink. As the car passed by the entity, the engine began to fail and the automobile was “shaking like a leaf” in a very strong wind. The witness sped up and, in fear, quickly left the site.

Humcat 1974-8
Source: J V Ballester Olmos
Type: C

Location. Lewisburg Tennessee
Date: March 20 1974
Time: 1500
Becky Ingram, 14, heard “voices” in her head several times since March 9. On the above date, instead of taking the school bus home, she compulsively walked out onto the center of the school football field and suddenly found herself inside a brightly lit room—she had seen nothing on the field—as a ramp/door closed behind her. She was confronted by two small humanoid entities, shorter in height than she was. They had blond, short cropped hair and were later identified as Alton & Tombo. Becky was instructed to lie on a hospital like bed where she was examined by a glove like implement that was passed over her. She was taken for an hour’s trip “to Australia,” and then returned, feeling weak and sleepy. For several weeks after this incident she was extremely fatigued and suffered headaches and other physical symptoms. She had two more experiences in the next four months.

Humcat 1974-82
Source: Stanley Ingram & Don Worley
Type: G

Location. Near Valdehijaderos Spain
Date: March 21 1974
Time: 0215A
Truck driver Maximiliano Iglesias Sanchez, 21, was driving to Algunilla when he encountered a blinding white light on the road; at 200 meters distance, his lights and diesel engine went out. The UFO, now only faintly luminous, was wider than the road, metallic, without visible openings, and standing on three half-meter legs. Another object, non-luminous and to the right, hovered about 16 meters above the ground. Two beings appeared in front of the landed object gesturing with their arms; one went around the side of the object and returned, and then both figures vanished to the right and the object ascended with a humming sound. The figures were human like, 6 feet tall, wearing close fitting coverall type garments of metallic hue and they walked and moved normally. The witness was unable to see any facial features. After he passed the site he looked back and saw that one object had re-landed on the road.

Humcat 1974-9
Source: Pere Redon, Joan Crexells & Vicente Rico Gil et al.
Type: C

Location. Valdehijaderos-Horcajo Spain
Date: March 21 1974
Time: 2330
Mr. Sanchez had a second encounter less than 24 hours later near the same site. Driving the same truck, he found 3 “ships” on the ground, and again his motor and lights malfunctioned. As before there were no openings in the UFO but he saw four “men” approaching him on the road. He got out and ran, and the figures pursued him; after running nearly 2 km., he threw himself into an irrigation ditch and hid as the 4 men searched the area, but they did not see him. After awhile he returned to his truck; the 3 objects were still there, but his engine would not start. When he closed the cab door the figures re-appeared, gesturing to each other; they went around the object and disappeared and it rose slowly with a humming or whistling sound. The truck then started normally. After passing the site, the witness saw that the 3rd object had again landed and he stopped and returned on foot; hidden about 9 meters distance, he saw the figures digging at the roadside with a T-shaped implement and a large horseshoe shaped tool. He could still make out no facial features. After 3 minutes he left. A few days later UFO investigators found radioactive traces and 3 12 meters circles of crushed down grass in the area. Civil guard officers also found traces.

Humcat 1974-10
Source: Pere Redon, Joan Crexells & Vicente Rico Gil, et al.
Type: C

Location. Lindholmen Sweden
Date: March 23 1974
Time: 0020A
A middle-aged man named Vallentuna was on his way home when, at a crossroads, he was compelled to take an alternate route. Suddenly a brilliant light blinded him. He threw himself into the snow but something lifted him up to a height of 30-45 feet. He then found himself at home with no recollection of how he got there. Under hypnosis he recalled seeing 4 “transparent” beings that grabbed him; he was apparently studied by these beings inside a UFO, and suffered severe shock after the incident. There may have been a second similar abduction to another middle-aged man about the same time, although information does not make clear whether they are one and the same case.

Humcat 1974-11
Source: Carl Axen Jonzon & Joe Brill
Type: G

Location. Gustavslund, Stockholm, Sweden
Date: March 23 1974
Time: night
A young man, known as “Anders” was walking along a dark path when he heard a voice in his head instructing him to cross the road. At the same time a blinding light knocked him to the ground, where he lay unconscious, coming to on his own doorsteps. His baffled wife, disturbed by his condition and a mysterious burn on the side of his face, sent him to the local Danderyds Hospital where hypnotic therapist Dr Ture Arvidsson put him into a hypnotic trance and regressed him to the time of the incident. He discovered how a beam of light had floated him up into the air, while tall hooded figures touched his head with an unknown device, saying that they would meet again in the future

HC addendum
Source: Lynn Picknett, The Mammoth Book of UFOs
Type: G

Location. Benavente Zamora Spain
Date: March 28 1974
Time: 1700
Guillermo Rodriguez Riesco, 47-year-old restaurant owner, was fishing in the Esla River near Moreruela Monastery when his two hunting dogs warned him that something strange was going on. He turned and saw, about 150-200 meters to the east, a dull white, plastic, hump-backed robot 2 meters tall with a round head, a neck and no arms, sliding or rolling along silently, the lower portion of the body hidden by the grass. When he sicked his dogs on it, the robot glided away up a hill. The sighting lasted 5 to 10 minutes. The witness got his cousin, a high ranking military man, who was fishing nearby, and when they inspected the site found possible traces, consisting of a set of tracks 4-5 cm wide running through the thicket a distance of 100 to 150 meters. They ended abruptly. It was estimated a body of some 80-100 kg in weight made them. The witness was dazed for 5 days afterward.

Humcat 1974-13
Source: Jose Torrez Ramirez & Vicente Juan Ballester Olmos
Type: E

Location. Valensole Basses Alpes France
Date: March 31 1974
Time: 2000
The principal witness, his wife, his son, and a lady of 80 all saw a sort of little “car” with wide windows strongly lit by a blue-green light, within which indefinite forms could be seen moving. Above the “car” was 7 vertical red lights. The object seemed to be on the ground. From the house of his wife’s parents, at 2030, he saw it again, and was able in his car, then on foot, to come within 500-800 yards of it.

Humcat 1974-62
Source: C Lavigne, LDLN # 153
Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Valensole is of course known for the famous July 1965 encounter, but there have been many others after that one.

Location. Near Findlay Ohio
Date: April 1974
Time: 0215A
After seeing a mysterious orange object maneuvering over the area, Frank & Kathy had turned off the road and entered a local restaurant, there they were approached by a strange individual, who rushed up to them & asked “What did you see up in the sky?” They described the man as about 5’4″ tall, about 140 lbs, with fingers twice as long as normal. The man’s voice seemed to slow down as he repeated the same question. Frank then asked the stranger how did he know about the incident, suddenly the man’s eyes bugged out about three inches and he opened his mouth, “wider than normal” & repeated several times “I live by visions.” Frank & Kathy then got up and attempted to leave, the man then yelled at them but they ignored him. After driving for a couple of miles the witnesses saw two headlight like lights that flew over their vehicle and got behind them. They then felt a force coming from behind them, turning around they saw a large orange sphere coming up behind the car. The headlight like lights appeared next to the orange sphere along with a little man on a little black object, that kept moving back and forth. The little man was described as having a funny shaped head. The witnesses then drove on by the object apparently striking it. Then the object began following them again, they could still see the little dark man like figure going back & forth on the object. After they arrived home the object departed and did not reappear again.

HC addition # 3223
Source: Jim Keith, Casebook of The Men in Black
Type: E & A?

Location. Timmins Ontario Canada
Date: April 1974
Time: 0515A
A woman looking out her kitchen window saw a red light descend from the sky. The light was a reddish disc shaped object, which moved closer, and stopped, a hatch opened and a figure emerged and moved towards the top of the craft. After about two minutes the craft moved to the south and disappeared.

HC addition # 12
Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters Quoting Mitch Leblanc
Type: A

Location. Arras Pas de Calais France
Date: April 1974
Time: evening
A second hand report describes how an unidentified man of “high social standing” had gone out into his garden one evening. High walls surround the garden. At the far end he saw an egg shaped object of approximately two meters length, luminous white in color, resting horizontally upon the ground. Stupefied, he suddenly observed two very small beings of about 1.5 ft tall moving about the object with a mechanical gait, suggesting robots. He summoned his sister and his wife who, confronted by the sight, screamed and ran back to the house, taking the gentleman with them. Next morning he examined the site and found very small footprints near the spot where the object had rested, moving away in one direction only, toward the foot of the garden wall, where they stopped. Some vegetation near the landing site was seared.

Humcat 1974-83
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Type: C

Location. Aguada Puerto Rico
Date: April 1974
Time: 2100
In a beach area the witness came upon a landed twenty-foot object, surrounded by a bluish white light. Several human like figures wearing dark scuba divers outfits approached the witness, these were human like except that they had shorter necks. They told the witness of coming catastrophes and invited him onboard, but he declined the invitation. No other information.

HC addition # 276
Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto Ovni en Puerto Rico Santo Domingo Y Cuba
Type: C

Location. Ivano-Frankovsk, Ukraine
Date: April 4 1974
Time: early morning
A young cashier was on her way to work one early morning, unexpectedly she hears a high-pitched peeping sound from above her. Looking up she sees hovering at approximately 3 meters above her a black disc shaped object. Somehow she was pulled up into the craft and subjected to a prolonged examination by entities not described the source. According to the witness various devices were used on her. She was finally released in a field close to her home. According to reports, an unexpected after effect was reported by the witness, who was at the time 23-years of age and married: After returning and being examined by her own doctors it was found that somehow the witness was now a virgin again (!).

HC addendum
Source: Max Zhibinov “Flying basins in the Steppes of the Ukraine”
Type: G

Location. Kitami City Hokkaido Japan
Date: April 6 1974
Time: 0300A
Yoshiro Fujiwara, a vegetable farmer, reported that in the early morning he went out to see why his dog was barking and encountered a creature “like a starfish” about 3 foot high. When it extended an arm, the observer was sucked up from the ground into a UFO hovering overhead at about twice the height of a telephone pole. He lost consciousness, and came to find himself being held down by two of the creatures inside the object. He described them as having a toad like skin and said there was a foul odor. He was told not to be afraid but struggled; the craft came down to the ground, the door opened and he escaped. On that same evening, he developed telepathic “contact” with the “spacemen,” writing in the “space language.” He was able to bent metal spoons. On the evening of April 8 he, again was visited by the UFO and was taken twice around the earth and once around the moon; he was later found semi conscious on the ground. A further contact was reported on April 15.

Humcat 1974-14
Source: Jun Ichi Takanashi & Dick Hall
Type: G

Location. Bardstown Kentucky
Date: April 7 1974
Time: night
A boy in his late teens had compulsively gone out for a late night drive, when a normal looking man appeared next to his vehicle. He asked the startled teen if he remembered him, which he did not. Then suddenly the teen was inside a large room, with his car. He was welcomed onboard by the “man” who proceeded to show him around the craft. The man looked like a normal earthling and wore a shirt and blue jeans. After the tour he told the teen to get back into his vehicle. The boy did so and suddenly found himself back on the road.

HC addition # 2141
Source: Don Elkins & Carla Rueckert, Secrets of The UFO
Type: G
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: Very unusual report appears to have been some type of “staged” event.

Location. Near Whitehouse Ohio
Date: about April 10 1974
Time: 0015A
The witness left work just after midnight and was driving toward Waterville on Rte. 64 when his motor and lights died. He got out of the car and noticed a car behind him stop; the driver, normally dressed and gray haired approached and offered the witness “proof” by dematerializing a rock with a small, hand held implement; he told the witness to “save” his marriage, and promised subsequent “contacts.”

Humcat 1974-15
Source: Earl Neff & Larry Moyes
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Note the similarity to the previous case in Bardstown Kentucky.

Location. Near Santa Clara de Olimar Argentina
Date: April 11 1974
Time: 0230A
Virginia Varela was awakened by a sound; looking out the window, she saw “an indefinite figure which seemed to be covered by a light colored garment; it immediately disappeared.” It left footprints of shod feet. Later on she noticed a light, and heard noises; after that, she saw 2 shining points moving together across the sky. On the 2 following nights there were also indications that someone was about the house, and the hum of a motor was heard; the cows panicked, and one was found dead.

Humcat 1974-72
Source: Prof. Wellington Perrone for OTIFE
Type: D

Location. 14 km from Tandil Argentina
Date: April 14 1974
Time: pre-dawn
On the same morning of the Acevedo CEII encounter in Tandil, in the very early hours of the morning, two men from Olavarria saw at a point some 14 kilometers from Tandil, a being of short stature on the side of the road, who appeared to them to have no face. Then the automobile was illuminated on the inside with a bright, white light.

Humcat 1974-16
Source: OTIFE Tandil Argentina
Type: D

Location. Casale Montferrato Italy
Date: April 16 1974
Time: 0100A
Mauro Bellingeri and his wife had just arrived home when a luminous object in the sky dived at them, stopping to hover over their house about 40 feet up. The witnesses could see a round cabin 30 feet wide and 6 feet high containing 3 or 4 seated, helmeted persons, and a rim with red, green, and yellow lights that revolved around the cabin. There was no sound. After several minutes 4 or 5 jets of flame were emitted from its underside, and the outer rim began to turn more rapidly, with a whistling sound. The object then took off with a strong air blast that nearly knocked down the witness.

Humcat 1974-17
Source: R Franco from CUN
Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: This is the now classic Italian CE3, which no explanation has ever proven valid.

Location. Altamont New York
Date: April 19 1974
Time: 2000
Ruth Currie and her daughter, Laurie, observed a brightly lit object on the road a few hundred feet from their home; neighborhood dogs were making a fuss. Going closer, they saw an oval craft with windows around the top from which came a golden light; indistinct, “egg shaped” figures were seen moving through the windows. A neighbor, Rose Curtis, was summoned to confirm their sighting; then Mr. Curtis, but the latter only saw the object rising. The following day, a large burned area, 60’ in diameter, was found.

Humcat 1974-18
Source: Ernie Jahn for Nicap, & Ben Jamison for Mufon
Type: A

Location. La Baume d’Hostun, Drome, France
Date: April 21 1974
Time: 0100A
2 witnesses, J Louis Rimet and Annie Ruchon coming back from a dance in their vehicle on State Road D125. As they traveled along they spotted a luminous trapezoidal shape landing on a field about 500 meters away. A kind of ladder is seen on the left side of the object. Several bright glows, white & yellow in color are seen on the object, one revolving. 3 humanoid shapes are seen moving inside the object, possibly in a cabin. The witnesses feel being watched. Others saw a luminous white shape in the same field.

HC addendum
Source: Jean Figuet, GESAG # 39, Ouranos # 12
Type: A

Location. Near Julio de Mesquita Brazil
Date: April 26 1974
Time: unknown
The witness failed to return from a short trip. Five or six days later he was found rain soaked and covered with ticks on a thousand foot high hill near Colatina n the state of Espiritu Santo, 900 km from his home. He said that a light appeared just before he crossed a bridge, and in fact his car was found there. Under hypnosis he revealed that he was taken aboard a UFO and examined, but he resisted giving any details except that a tall, fair haired and blue-eyed young man was one of the aliens. He had given a ride to this same individual on the night of his first encounter.

HC addition # 2230
Source: Gordon Creighton, FSR Vol. 21 # 3 & 4
Type: G

Location. Altamont New York
Date: April 30 1974
Time: 2200
A young girl looking out a window of a nursing home where her mother worked, saw what looked like a car parked on a road hillside. She notified her mother who also looked out the window. They thought it might have been an accident aft first since they saw red lights. There appeared to be a golden glow coming from the object. The two women left the building to get a closer look. Neighborhood dogs and horses were making noises. As they got closer they could see a huge oval shaped object resting on the roadway. It had a rounded window on top emanating the golden glow. The red lights were coming from the front and back of the object. They then noticed a figure moving about in the craft. Another employee of the nursing home and the woman’s husband also witnessed the object as he came to pick them up. The object rose up into the sky and disappeared quickly into the dark sky.

HC addendum
Source: Celestial Passengers, M Sachs
Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: I am not sure if this is a duplicate of the previous event (April 19) or a totally different case. Both narratives are similar but there are some differences.

Location. Bulloo River Queensland Australia
Date: May 1974
Time: unknown
A prospector at an isolated campground watched a hovering cigar shaped object near the ground. Through a window on its side he was able to see a normal looking woman and at a cockpit section a man operating controls. No other information.

HC addition # 248
Source: Keith Basterfield, Mufon Journal # 130
Type: A

Location. Ramstein AFB, Germany
Date: May 1974
Time: unknown
A disc-shaped spacecraft was seen hovering at a low altitude over the base. It was reportedly shot down by a US surface to air missile, and crashed nearby. The disk was seriously damaged in one section. It was moved to the US and then to the Nellis Air Force range. Apparently there were dead humanoids inside apparently killed by the explosion and impact. These were typical gray dwarf-like aliens with tiny dystrophic-looking bodies, big pear-shaped heads, dark almond-shaped eyes, and four fingered hands with claws. More precisely the object resembled two flat plates joint together, the upper plate higher than the lower one, 10 meters in diameter. The top and lower sections were flat. In the lower section the disk had a cylinder-shaped central prop that moved from inside to the outside the disk, it was encircled by a band beneath segmented by squares. The origin of the crash disk was later established as a standard reconnaissance vehicle from the Zeta-Reticuli-2 system.

HC addendum
Source: Phillip J Corso, The Day after Roswell and Anton Anfalov
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 9

Location. Cove, Hampshire, England
Date: May 1974
Time: 0615A
Mrs. E S was walking her dogs in the garden early in the morning. She glanced up and observed a gray or silver object stationary in the sky “not very high up.” It was discoid in shape with a row of square windows around its circumference, which emitted a reddish glow. The witness “felt” there to be “movement and shadows” within. No sound was to be heard as the object slowly moved in a circular fashion. The witness became scared, collected the dogs, went in and bolted the door and did not see how the object departed.

HC addendum
Source: Andy Collins, Bufora Journal Vol. 8 # 1
Type: A

Location. Near Paraipaba Ceara Brazil
Date: May 1974
Time: midnight
Two men, Manoel P Juca & Pedro had been fishing along the Atlantic coast and were walking to another location when Manoel looked back over his shoulder and saw, forty yards away, three men standing near what appeared to be a jeep near the water. Both men were frightened. They ducked down and watched. The strangers were dressed in dark clothing and apparently did not see them. Five times the three dark clad men hurried side by side into the ocean and just as quickly returned to the jeep like object. They were wet and seemed to be measuring something with a rope. They said nothing and no sounds were heard. After about three minutes, the three climbed into the “jeep” and disappeared into the ocean.

HC addition # 2596
Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone
Type: B

Location. El Yunque, Puerto Rico
Date: May 1974
Time: midnight
Federico Alvarez led a group of college students to El Yunque in an effort to see if there was any truth to the stories being circulated about the mountain rainforest’s black reputation. Driving up to the peak in a car with its headlights off, the band of investigators had an early taste of the supernatural: a shadowy silhouette dashed across the darkened road ahead of their vehicle. No details could be made out of the figure, aside from the fact that “it was very tall.” Four of the students seated in the back seat, opened the doors, and charged out in hot pursuit, charging through the dark woods. Alvarez stopped the vehicle and joined the chase, realizing that he and his peers were running along a “path” that appeared to have been previously cleared through the vegetation. The trail led to a large stone landing or “lookout point” from which the lights of San Juan could be seen in the distance. No trace of the mysterious shadow could be found. The students decide to make for the Yokah Observation tower—a three story, turret-like structure that affords the excellent view of the surrounding countryside and the neighboring peaks. The incident with the elusive shadow had visibly disturbed some members of the expedition, causing nerves to fray. The possibility that they too might become the victims of a siege by unknown and inhuman forces was now all too real. The students devised an ingenious “tripwire” consisting of aluminum cans, which they strategically placed at the bottom of the stairway leading to the observation tower’s top. Early in the morning the cans began to rattle. Hesitantly, the students descended from the tower’s observation deck to witness an unsettling sight: the cans were moving around of their own accord, motivated by an invisible force. Some group members felt that things had gone far enough, and wanted to leave the site immediately, yet they were prevailed upon to remain for what promised to be another long night. Later on in the morning a massive, oval shape craft, some 300 ft in diameter appeared from the gap between two adjacent peaks. It remained motionless for five minutes and in full view of the students before vanishing behind one of the mountains.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin
Type: D?

Location. Villa Velha Espirito Santo Brazil
Date: May 1 1974
Time: 2330
Samuel Faria, 27, was returning home from the center of Vila Velha when he saw on the street corner a “little man” no more than 3 ft 3″ tall, clad in clothing of “astronaut type.” Faria approached to within 30 ft of him; the little man then pointed a flashlight like instrument at him, and shot a beam of light into his eyes that temporarily blinded him. Although blinded, Faria ran for his uncle’s house, only 60 ft away, and succeeded in reaching it. The little man wore no helmet, and had muscular arms. In February 1973 Faria had seen a ring shaped luminous UFO hovering low over his uncle’s garden, and on March 11 of that year, returning from the bathhouse in the garden, he had been seized by something that left “claw marks” on his upper arms; these marks remained for 8 months.

Humcat 1974-84
Source: Marcos Alexandre Fundao, SBEDV
Type: E

Location. Pisgah Ridge Tennessee
Date: May 5 1974
Time: 1900
Becky Ingram, driving alone on a country road, heard her nickname called (“Tomboy”) and was telepathically directed to a field where she saw a 100-foot, football shaped UFO on the ground. In an open door, with a ramp on the ground, stood Alton and Tombo, who invited her on board. She greeted them with a handshake and entered, where she saw five or six more humanoids seated around a table, eating. She declined an invitation to join them. They spoke in an incomprehensible tongue. She declined an invitation of another ride explaining that her family was expecting her. She noticed this time that Alton & Tombo walked without bending their knees.

Humcat 1974-85
Source: Stanley Ingram & Don Worley
Type: G

Location. Coatesville Pennsylvania
Date: May 7 1974
Time: 2100
Margaret K Roffe, nurse’s aide at the local Veteran’s Hospital, was walking from one building to another when she saw a disc descend and land on the roof of building # 1. Four legs emerged and a ramp came out of the bottom down which three entities climbed backwards. They were less than five feet in height and had long heads, and arms with clawed hands; their legs were short and their skin gray, and their heads were bald. They spoke amongst themselves in high, squeaky voices. The scene was well lit by an illuminated dome on the roof of the building. When the entities noticed the witness, they re-entered the object. The object took off slowly over nearby trees, which were agitated violently. The legs withdrew into the object as it took off.

Humcat 1974-19
Source: George Fawcett
Type: B

Location. Near Mount Vernon Indiana
Date: May 9 1974
Time: late night
The main witness and six other persons were returning home late at night on highway 57 when they all spotted a large object hovering close to the ground. The object approached and hovered above the vehicle giving off heat. All the occupants onboard the vehicle except for the main witness became sick and passed out. The main witness then felt as if he was moving upwards and also passed out. He next became aware of a bright white light around him and several figures looking down on him. The beings called him by his name then he passed out again. The beings were described as five-foot tall, of light skin, huge almond shaped eyes and a small lower jaw. They were apparently also very strong. The witness reported that his aging process had allegedly slowed down after the abduction.

HC addition # 1844
Source: Francis L Ridge, Regional Encounters, The FC Files
Type: G

Location. Chingford Essex England
Date: May 11 1974
Time: 2045
Near dusk, Barry King and Ian Vinten observed through binoculars, at a distance of about one half mile, a figure resembling a woman with long blond (or white) hair wearing a long, black dress, with a featureless face. The figure stood perfectly still for 10 minutes, when a second black gowned figure was seen moving among nearby trees. The first figure had then disappeared, and the second disappeared from view. The first figure then re-appeared 50 yards away from the original position and stood motionless once again for 10 minutes, and then vanished from sight.

Humcat 1974-20
Source: Barry King for Bufora
Type: E

Location. Chingford Essex England
Date: May 11 1974
Time: 2135
Upon returning to the site, the two witnesses again saw through binoculars two more figures, this time dressed in white; one was motionless, the other “darting about making very quick movements,” but showing no leg movements, as if gliding rather than running. At this point a red lighted UFO was seen rising slowly over the treetops in the same direction; after 5 minutes it moved off, passing almost directly over the witnesses, making a “weird throbbing, similar to a ship’s sonar.” It had a central white light and two blinking lights near the edge, as well as a vertically revolving bluish light around the center. It displayed a central red light and two blinking white lights as it moved off.

Humcat 1974-21
Source: Barry King for Bufora
Type: C

Location. Hampton Beach New Hampshire
Date: May 20 1974
Time: 0030A
A young man of 20, was swimming at midnight when he saw a disc shaped object approach from the ocean; it landed on the beach about 80 yards away and had a dome above and below & central rim, and was about 50 feet in diameter. It stood on four legs and had several lights on the main body of the object, gave off heat and emitted a humming or pulsating sound. A hatch folded down and a ramp slid out; a motor like noise was now audible. A 6-foot tall occupant emerged on the ramp, dressed in a head to foot kind of light colored coverall; two hoses ran from the jaw area to the back of the head, with one hose running down the back. The figure stepped briefly out on the sand and then re-entered the object, which ascended and moved off in the direction from which it came. The witness searched the landing site and found a “deep, rose colored pasted and thick liquid” in four deep landing marks; also a spot of red where the hatch had opened. Traces had been obliterated by the tide the following morning.

Humcat 1974-22
Source: John Oswald
Type: B

Location. Sewickley Pennsylvania
Date: May 23 1974
Time: 1800
An anonymous motorcyclist, coasting onto a road, observed a figure about 7-foot tall entirely covered by a “stainless steel colored” uniform, wrinkled except over the head, which was shaped like a “vertical football” and covered “skin tight,” obscuring the facial features. Upon noticing the witness, the entity “half squatted” for several seconds, then took three large steps and vanished into the woods. Three footprints were later found at the site.

Humcat 1974-23
Source: Stan Gordon, Skylook # 81
Type: E

Location. Near Mitchell Caverns California
Date: May 26 1974
Time: pre-dawn
Joseph Susedik, asleep in his camper (with his wife and two small children), was awakened by a humming sound and a pulsating light reflected on the inside of the camper. He tried to call his wife and children but was immobilized. He saw “pinwheels of odd shaped colored lights,” red, orange, yellow and blue green, but could not recall any further details. He awoke two hours later than usual in the morning, eyes bloodshot, and body aching. He had vague impressions of having been inside an object, but could not recall any specific details. He had observed a UFO earlier that evening, with other members of his family. After this incident, he claims to have become a prolific inventor. Later under hypnosis the witness recalled being inside a UFO and described a row of gyroscopes along an inner wall—“pinwheels” of light energized the gyroscopes to form an “artificial gravity field.” He described a crew of 8 men, 7 of whom wore maroon “foil type uniforms, one a “pale blue, soft” uniform. One of his examiners looked at his eyes through a magnifying glass. He also saw a “nebulae in various colors to show concentrations of metals and minerals,” a color close up of Saturn on a coil edged screen, and 3 “black reclining type high backed seats” at the control panel.

Humcat 1974-24
Source: Idabel Epperson & William McCall
Type: G

Location. Les Nourradons, Var, France
Date: May 26 1974
Time: 2200
Mr. A Rias, a stonemason, is listening to his radio in his small cabin in the middle of a field. Suddenly there is static on the radio. The witness then arms himself with a gun and goes out to see a being running on the field and a bright beam of light is shone on him. He enters the cabin and closes the door. He then hears knocks on the door and the cabin is shaken. His dog trembles, apparently terrified. Going out he sees an object resembling a shuttle or a racecar prototype moving low over a field with two beings inside. Five other humanoids walk nearby, moving with heavy steps. The beings are wearing khaki uniforms, large belts and a kind of mask on their faces. One being points a glass tube at the witness and a luminous beam of light strikes him. He is then paralyzed along with his dog. Soon the beings and the UFO go towards a forested area and vanish. The day after he sees red lights on the field, which fly away as he approaches. The witness suffers from shock and stays in bed for two days. His dog appears to suffer some discomfort for several days.

HC addendum
Source: Herve Laronde “Et’s or time travelers”, ADEPS # 10
Type: A & C

We will change the Earth…

Location. Near Umvuma Rhodesia
Date: May 31 1974
Time: 0230A
The witness and his wife were driving from Salisbury, Rhodesia to Durban, South Africa. About 6 miles south Umvuma, Rhodesia, the couple observed a figure along the road believed at first to be a police officer; the figure had a box in his hand, and the uniform was “metallic” and shiny. Almost immediately afterward a light was observed in the distance. An object appeared to pace the car for a major portion of the remainder of the journey, during which some strange and inexplicable phenomena as well as out of the ordinary psychological effects was experienced. Under deep hypnosis, the witness recalled, “a form was beamed straight to the back seat and sat there during the entire journey.” He was told that if he looked, he would see only what he wanted to see, but he did not look. But he could “see, through the beams,” the interior of the UFO, which had 3 floors, which he described in detail, and the beings in it, which had “the same basic form as humans, with large trunks, necks, hairless heads, two arms and two legs,” but who had no reproductive organs. They came from “outer galaxies,” or from “12 planets of the Milky Way.” They traveled “by time” and “will change the earth;” and there were “thousands” of them amongst us now. Among the strange effects was the couple’s impression of driving through a landscape that neither recognized, although they had traveled their planned route before; the face that during a major portion of the trip Peter had no control over the movement of their car; and the strange fact that by the time thy reached Beit Bridge, into South Africa, at 0700A, the car had used but a fraction of the petrol it would normally take to travel that distance.

Humcat 1974-25
Source: Carl Van Vlierden for FSR & Mufon
Type: G

Location. Near Denver Colorado
Date: Summer 1974
Time: 0130A
The witnesses were lost while driving in a remote area an unknown force pulled the car forwards and they lost consciousness. Under hypnosis they recalled seeing several beings that approached the vehicle from a nearby field where a bright object rested. Both remembered touching a black box and finding themselves on a table onboard the object. They were unable to move as the beings questioned them by telepathy. Asking about sex and emotions. One of the witnesses found himself behind a glass wall observing his sister being questioned. Upon returning one of the witnesses scuffled with the beings over surrendering a black box that he was carrying. They were both eventually escorted back to the car.

HC addition # 486
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions the Measure Of A Mystery
Type: G

We come from a dying sun…

Location. Near Los Angeles California
Date: Summer 1974
Time: unknown
In a desert area a couple had pulled off the road because of engine trouble. They then saw a glowing object overhead, when it left the vehicle started again. Later the vehicle stopped again and both apparently went to sleep. They both remembered walking out of the car as if guided by an external force; they felt very calm as they approached a glowing white cylindrical shaped object with rounded ends. They found themselves inside the craft in a large misty empty room. Three luminous human like beings appeared and communicated via telepathy informing the witnesses that they could separate from their physical bodies at will. The witnesses also saw images of a planet with shimmering rocks but no vegetation and cities of shiny metal. The beings told the witnesses they were in search for a new world since their Sun was dying.

HC addition # 460
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
Type: G

Location. Transylvania region Romania
Date: Summer 1974
Time: unknown
It was reported that at an unknown date, several locals encountered a landed disc shaped object, and communicated with its occupants who were described as tall, human like and with long blond hair. One of them supposedly handed over a small box containing some 64 gold foils. Unknown writing and various signs were engraved on the foils. The secret police or Securitate became aware of the incident and confiscated the gold foils. The terrified witnesses were silenced and a few died of strange circumstances.

HC addition # 2491
Source: Gabor Tarcali
Type: G?

Location. Lyon France
Date: Summer 1974
Time: daytime
The witness was standing in the street gazing at a shop when she suddenly became aware of a “man” standing next to her. She moved along but the man followed her. The man was very tall and wore strange clothing with large boots. He had fair hair and blue eyes and spoke in an unknown language resembling German. For a moment he stood and looked at the witness, half smiled then walked away taking tremendous strides.

HC addition # 1792
Source: Nigel Watson, Portraits of Alien Encounters
Type: E

Location. Rosswell British Columbia Canada
Date: Summer 1974
Time: afternoon
In an isolated farm a family that included eight children watched two large hair covered humanoids 100 yards behind the house. One appeared to be an adult, the other a youngster about half the height. They were going to a smaller jackpine to another picking up needle tips and eating them. Days later a large silvery object shaped like a cigar without wings, flew low and slow over the same path the hair covered creatures had taken.

HC addendum
Source: HBCC British Columbia
Type: D?

Location. Santa Ana California
Date: Summer 1974
Time: afternoon
A group of children watched a huge blimp shaped craft that swooped down over them and followed them home. They saw a figure onboard the object that was looking down at them.

HC addition # 1108
Source: Peter Guttilla & B Ann Slate Saga UFO Report June 1977
Type: A

Location. Madrid, Iowa
Date: Summer 1974
Time: early evening
Three men, Sidney Phipps, Paul Talk and Ron Weaver were sitting in their car on a bridge just west of town when they saw what appeared to be a glowing man-like figure across a field on another bridge. The figure glowed from top to bottom with a pure white light unlike any the men had ever seen. It appeared to have seen the men and started to cross the road coming towards them. Interestingly, the men got out of their vehicle and began walking towards it. The strange glowing figure then started calling to them in a high pitched modulated tone that the men could not understand, it was terribly loud. The men started yelling back at it and continued moving in the direction of the humanoid. The figure suddenly stopped, turned and ran under the bridge. By the time the men reached the area where it had run off into they saw a large glowing ball flying away from the area at high speed. It shot towards the southwest and disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: BUFOD UFO Reports
Type: C

Location. Near Petrozavodsk Russia
Date: Summer 1974
Time: 2100
Soldier V G Kharichev had just finished his daily duties and was walking along a path next to an airfield accompanied by some of the other soldiers. Suddenly they saw on the path ahead of them three running figures. Right away the men noticed that the figures were out of the ordinary, they were over 2 meters in height, dressed in tight-fitting white clothing that covered their bodies totally and even stranger appeared to be moving in “slow motion” like in the movies. The figures were about 30-40 meters from the witnesses who had stopped in their tracks. The figures then slowly turned around and disappeared into a nearby field. Disconcerted, the soldiers ran back to the barracks and reported the incident to their commanding officer.

HC addendum
Source: NLO Narod, Russia
Type: E

Location. Parfondeval, France
Date: Summer 1974
Time: 2200
At a place called “Le Garde de Dieu” (The Garden of God) in the outskirts of the village 13-year old Jean Noel S observes what appeared to be lights in the garden. The cows and the dogs in the area began to howl. Suddenly a luminous phenomenon was seen descending in the northern horizon, emitting a strident whistling sound. Jean runs to get his parents and a neighbor. All then observed a luminous object very close to the ground in the field. The object emitted blue & yellow flashing lights lighting the form of the object, which resembles that of a spinning top emitting a turbine-like noise. The cries of the area animals could still be heard, the father then shines a flashlight towards the object and two bizarre silhouettes are observed, resembling upright potato sacks, which moved quickly above the ground. Illuminated by the beam of the flashlight the forms scatter into the field where the cows now appeared to be unperturbed. The forms then pass within a few meters of the witnesses who panicked and take refuge in the house. The father and the neighbor are encouraged to investigate and as they walked along the road they observe the two strange forms apparently entering an opened air vent. Very anxious the men return to the house. As the woman panic the men explore and search the house for any intruders but fail to find anything. The luminous object then rises silently from the field and flies over the garden and quickly disappears from sight. The next morning the witnesses explore the cow pasture and find a circular area of 3meters in diameter that appears to have been pressed down.

HC addendum
Source: Raoul Robe, CNEGU January 2002
Type: C

Location. Saint Nizier en Moucherotte, Isere, France
Date: Summer 1974
Time: night
2 witnesses, J F Granier and C H Granier were in their vehicle when they spotted a humanoid figure about 1.60m in height standing on the side of the road. Its face is entirely smooth and the body resembles that of the commercial “Michelin man”. Its arms appeared to be spread wide; it turns and disappears into the brush. Later that night a third witness sees the same or similar being at the same location. She stops the car and the being approaches and scratches the window, then disappears with a big leap into the bushes.

HC addendum
Source: INFO Ovni “Les Humanoides”
Type: E

Location. Near Propriano, Corsica, France
Date: Summer 1974
Time: night
A 60-year old woman sees a tall hairy silhouette standing near her home. It has long arms and suddenly runs away making long jumps and disappears into the bushes.

HC addendum
Source: J P Chambraud, La Corse base d’Ovni
Type: E

Location. Near Cannonville Georgia
Date: June 1974
Time: early evening
The witness was driving home after dropping off a friend and was going under the I-85 over pass near Hogg Mountain Road when he heard a “whirling” sound. Emerging from the overpass he saw above him a large circular object with red lights spinning around its perimeter. The object was about 150 feet in size, and traveled basically the same direction he was driving. It was less than 100 feet off the ground, and was initially moving slow. Then it turned slightly to the east and went up over the tree line at a very high rate of speed. It was soon lost from sight. The witness then saw an entity dressed in silver standing on the road on the same side of the road where the object had been. As the witness turned on the bright lights the silver suited entity began running ahead of the witness car. Attempting to get ahead of the being, the witness noticed that the humanoid had short 10-12 inch antennas on each side of the top its head & was dressed in a wetsuit type, toe to head silver suit. Around the waist was a belt and what the witness thought was a holster. The entity incredibly ran at speeds over 65 mph. Suddenly the entity darted off into some bushes and disappeared from sight. The witness never slowed down and continued driving.

HC addition # 2647
Source: John C Thompson
Type: C

Location. Lvov Region, Ukraine
Date: beginning of June 1974
Time: daytime
The witness, a captain of the Soviet Army, Alexander Alexandrov was taking part in military exercises, which included parachute jumps from helicopters. They had taken off from the Kalinov military airfield in a MI-8 helicopter. After he jumped his main parachute did not open and the automatic device that opened the auxiliary became entangled and failed to function. He continued to tumble upside down towards the ground. Terrified he could see the ground approaching, plants and several field mice running away, he also saw several persons running towards the possible impact area. Suddenly he felt a sharp jerk suddenly halting in mid-air and saw darkness around him, there was a burst of light and he felt zooming up. In a dazed state he looked around and noticed two huge hands grabbing hold parts of his parachute in mid-air, he could also see a dark face, with large dark intelligent looking eyes. It was a giant man-shaped alien figure hovering in mid-air next to him. The entity wore a transparent globe-shaped helmet; its lips were tightly closed. The humanoid possessed huge wide shoulders and hands and wore a transparent cloak on his back, which he could see the sky through it. The witness and the giant alien faced each other. The alien had a penetrating glance; his eyes were huge and glowing, somehow giving him a solemn appearance. Alexandrov could see that the alien had tight sleeves on his wrists that gradually turned into a tight-fitting coverall covering his entire body. The entity also had a triangular shaped device, metallic looking, located on the overall close to his neck, it had blinking lights of different tints. The alien moved his hand along Alexandrov’s back from his spine to his neck, he received a clear impression of the alien grabbing the remaining tangled parts of his parachute and pulling on it, incredibly the parachute dome opened and Alexander descended, falling gently on the ground. The alien waved his hand and said something in an unknown language that sounded like “Pa-Pa” and vanished into a nearby cloud. On the ground Alexander could see a bright light moving away. At this point other military personnel and onlookers rushed to his location. They asked in amazement what was that huge figure that tore from him and flew into the cloud. Some in the group saw a huge triangular craft moving away from Alexandrov, others stated that whatever it was it was rhomboidal.

HC addendum
Source: “Unknown World” Kharkov Ukraine # 28 2001 Anton Anfalov
Type: E

Location. Cypress Bowl, British Columbia, Canada
Date: July 1974
Time: evening
Two men working at a re-fueling construction site when they noticed what they thought was a “tent” placed on an elevated surface overlooking a parking lot. The tent appeared to be illuminated from the interior. As this was in no way unusual the two men began to attend to the night’s work. As the men moved one of the diesel trucks towards the gate entrance they were surprised to see that the vehicles light reflected off the tent. Very surprised and puzzled when the realized that the supposed tent was an apparent metallic object they temporarily ceased their re-fuelling activities drove down to the entrance gate and parked. Exiting the truck one picked up a tire iron, the other a thick piece of wood. However the men weren’t able to explain why they did that as no discussion took place. They both cautiously climbed up the sloping and uneven rock surface towards the “tent” that had attracted their attention. When they got to within 25 -30 ft of the object several things suddenly happened. Just as they became aware that they were looking at a craft of some kind. It was about 15 ft in diameter, 8 ft high, flat on top and had a dome and appeared to be about 4 ft off the ground. It was totally silent. What also held their attention was a black ball that moved around the interior of the dome at a dizzying speed. The two men also had the impression that “people” were walking around inside the craft. As they attempted to take all this in, and at the same time seek a rational explanation, they were suddenly startled by a loud foghorn type sound that halted them in their tracks and clearly implanted the instruction to “stop” in their minds. Without any exchange of conversation they both immediately dropped the weapons they had been carrying turned around and calmly walked back to the diesel truck. The foghorn continued to sound loudly every 4 seconds but they still had no accompanying sense of fear. Only upon re-entering the truck did an acute sense of fear overcome them, whereupon they voiced an unanimous “let’s get out of here” and promptly drove back down the mountain to their base without stopping at the obligatory additional sites to complete the night’s work

HC addendum
Source: Graham Conway, UFO BC, April 2003
Type: A or F?

Location. Near Courthezon France
Date: June 1974
Time: late evening
Pierre Monnet (involved in a previous encounter) reported seeing two extraterrestrials he had met in the previous encounter (in 1951). The two tall blond men were riding what he described as a strange vehicle resembling a Renault 16 with a brilliant metallic gray color with a strange license plate in which, Monnet was able to make out the letters “WW”.

HC addendum
Source: Pierre Monnet 1978
Type: A or E

Location. Wissant Pas de Calais France
Date: June 6 1974
Time: daytime
A student, D.X, had taken his parents camper out to the Dunes where could study quietly for his end of term exams. Taking a break from his studies, he strolled along the beach near Cap Blanc Nez. Topping a dune, he was surprised to see, at its base, a cube shaped object, about 3 meters per side and aluminum in color, sitting on a slender, black tripod landing gear. No other features on the object were apparent. The ground at the site was marshy and muddy. Standing next to the object were two human like beings a little over 4 ft tall, wearing one piece suits of a shiny, gray-white color, almost a metallic sheen to them; a slight fold or crease ran from the neck to the stomach. They wore tall narrow helmets on their heads with faceplates that showed about three quarters of their faces. Their eyes were very large, their noses long and thin. Their hands were covered by what appeared to be inflated mittens. The witness did not notice their feet. One was about ten meters to his right, the other to his left. The one on the right circled around the object and had no sooner rejoined the second when a third entity appeared. He was much taller than the other two, at least two meters in height (6’6), and he came from behind the object, around the left side, and stood near the first two. Unlike the smaller beings, he wore no helmet. His features were human, and he had long blond hair. One of the smaller beings then made sounds coming from deep within his throat, which seemed to have a hypnotic effect upon the witness. At that point, the witness is unable to recall what happened next, as he appears to have “blacked out.” When he came back to his senses, everything had disappeared. He was troubled about not being able to recall what had happened to him. He could find no traces of the object and the three beings at the site.

Humcat 1974-86
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Type: C

Location. Warneton Belgium
Date: June 6 1974
Time: 2040
This encounter took place at the same site as that of the January 7 case, and at the same hour, although now occurring before sunset. It was the first time the witness had driven past the spot since the earlier incident. The observer saw the same two entities by the roadside; the car cassette player went out and the engine sputtered. He stopped the car beside them. Again he felt the same slight shock at the back of his head and heard a modulated sound—then the beings instantly vanished. He had looked for the UFO, but had seen nothing.

Humcat 1974-26
Source: Jean Marie Bigorne
Type: E

Location. Metcalf Illinois
Date: June 6 1974
Time: around midnight
The witness was alone in his house and was lying in bed when he heard noises coming from the front porch area. Suddenly he saw three large headed figures come around the side of the house, stepping up to the porch and entering the house. The beings then stood in front of the witness bed gazing at him. The beings approached even closer and began to hop up and down as if excited about something. Eventually the beings took the witness outside. There he met a different alien that appeared more wrinkled and somehow older. The being communicated by using telepathy assuring the witness that he would not be harmed. He was then led to a nearby bean field and into a landed object with a pyramid shaped entrance. Inside he saw a huge circular room, lighted by a brilliant white light, and was then made to lie down on a cot where he was given a thorough examination including his sexual organs. That same night a neighbor had seen a huge fireball like object lift up from the bean field.

HC addition # 1845
Source: Francis L Ridge, Regional Encounters The FC Files
Type: G

Location. Lake George near Goulbourne New South Wales, Australia
Date: June 7-8 1974
Time: 2300
The witness, an elderly farmer, noticed an elongated luminous object in the sky which ejected a “falling star” that approached within two miles of him and hovered half a mile up, appearing as a red luminous sphere. Later, this sphere appeared to land behind trees several miles away. At 0300A the witness went out with his dog and walked toward the apparent landing site. He heard a number of dogs barking, and a voice yelling, “shut up!” which stopped them. He sat down and waited until 0600A, and then went to the site and found “an area of burnt vegetation for a distance of 200 yards.” When the witness was subsequently hospitalized for paranoid schizophrenia, he was able to recall further details; he had approached to within 300 yards of the landed object and observed it through binoculars. Three of four “men” 8-foot tall or taller, wearing glowing “silver” suits that covered them up to their necks, came from behind the object and “floated” to the ground. He could see no facial features. Then a chute emerged from the object, and down it came a number of cylindrical metal “packing cases.” Next about 40 head of black cattle came down the chute and were driven away by normal looking men, with dogs.

Humcat 1974-27
Source: Bill Chalker & Keith Basterfield
Type: B

Location. Fort Devens Massachusetts
Date: June 9 1974
Time: late evening
The witness was walking back to his barracks located within the military base when as he stood by the flagpole he noticed a bright light approaching above the nearby church. As the light approached the witness was able to see an oval shaped craft with revolving colored lights on its bottom. As the object neared he was able to see three figures onboard the craft. One stood up in the center while the other two sat on each side. The figures seemed to be operating some equipment and were wearing uniforms with emblems. The witness heard a brief telepathic message then apparently passed out waking up the next morning at home.

HC addition # 1253
Source: Letter from witness, UFO Universe Nov. 1988
Type: A?

Location. Kentucky, exact location not given
Date: June 10 1974
Time: morning
The young witness was attracted by something outside the home and upon investigating spotted a small silent hovering craft. The object had a transparent dome on top and had spinning flashing lights on the bottom. Inside the dome he saw two undescribed beings that were staring intently at the witness with large glaring eyes. The beings seemed to be moving in slow motion. The frightened witness ran into the neighbor’s house to get additional witnesses but when they came out the object had disappeared.

HC addition # 3333
Source: NUFORC
Type: A

Location. Medellin Badajoz Spain
Date: June 14 1974
Time: 0430A
Santiago Pulido Romero was driving to his father’s farm when he saw a bright light, then a pot-shaped object flying rapidly at a low altitude; the object approached and paced Romero, about 70 meters to the right. When his headlights were turned on, the UFO would approach, and when they were extinguished, it receded. The object hovered above the farmhouse he entered, lighting the area “like daytime.” It rotated as it hovered, with a slight back and forth, pendulum motion; no sound was heard. About 10 meters thick, the UFO was surmounted with a conical turret, which emitted a brilliant yellow light. Inside the turret were “3 men more than 2 meters tall, moving stiffly, with something like helmets on their heads.” The object was in view for more than an hour and a half and was seen by others; it departed as the sun rose.

Humcat 1974-28
Source: J M Amilibia & Joe Brill
Type: A

Location. Mount Dahjar, Himalayas Tibet
Date: June 15 1974
Time: afternoon
Tibetan mountain climber, Keo Wha Unan, was inspecting a rock formation on the upper slopes and as he emerged from a cave he spotted a silvery disc shaped craft hovering behind a crest of some nearby high rocks. It was shiny silvery smooth. Gathered around the object were 3 humanoid figures that appeared to be collecting snow, ice, and rocks. After 5 minutes they climbed onboard the object by means of a ladder like device. The object then began emitting a loud humming sound and rose at very high speed disappearing behind some cloud cover.

HC addition # 2629
Source: UFO Roundup, Quoting UFO Update # 5
Type: B

Location. Manzalvos, Spain
Date: June 15 1974
Time: 2300
Dolores, Maria, and Isabel were walking along a darkened street on a dark and cold night. Suddenly at about 300 meters away they saw descending slowly from the sky, in total silence, two bright red blinking lights. These lights remained suspended a few feet above the ground near some woods. Moments later the red lights disappeared and in the area that had originally separated them, a bright yellow rectangular late became visible. Soon after two dark man-like figures appeared, one on each opposite side of the bright yellow rectangle. These figures began to walk slowly towards each other; they passed each other and proceeded to go in opposite directions, “in movement similar to soldiers on guard duty.” These figures walked back and forth for several minutes. Soon the yellow rectangle began to diminish in size, until it completely disappeared. Again the two red blinking lights appeared and rose up disappearing at high speed into the night. Two days later a local woman had gone to retrieve several laundered blankets from the lines and was stunned to discovered that all had been bizarrely marked and painted in strange black symbols, some resembling numbers other strange animals. She was unable to wash this “stains” off. The source feels that there is some type of implicit connection to the earlier UFO sighting.

HC addendum
Source: Marcelino Requejo
Type: C

Location. Cote-d’Or France
Date: June 19 1974
Time: evening
Three men were chatting alongside a highway after one had just made some purchases. They suddenly observed a luminous object flying slowly in the distance, descending toward a hilltop. One of the men left the others and drove off in his car toward the direction in which the object had settled. He was able to approach the site to within a few hundred meters, and saw a luminous white, hemispherical object, wider than it was tall, with two large red lights on its surface. The terrain was rough, and he was unable to see the base of the object. While he observed through binoculars, he saw two heavyset beings moving in front of the white luminous object; they were dressed in heavy coiled outfits that made them resemble the “Michelin Tire Man.” They appeared to have round helmets on their heads. He was unable to see legs or feet. At that moment he heard some shots; thinking that someone was firing a gun at him, he hastily retreated to his car and drove away. The shots were actually fired by a “notorious poacher” who was parked in his mobile home less than a km from the landing site. No police action, it seems, was instituted against the man. The primary witness, highly regarded in the area, did not want his name associated with the incident. There had been other reports of objects seen in the vicinity of the same hill both prior to and after the June 74 encounter.

Humcat 1974-87
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Type: C

Location. Near Pommard, France
Date: June 19 1974
Time: 2130
Gerald observes the passage of two luminous spheres over the area. One then hovers above the bell tower while the second one appears to land on a nearby field while it changed colors. Observing the landed object with a pair of binoculars he sees that is oval in shape and bluish in color. Two beings walk in front of the object, walking very stiffly and wearing what appeared to be large helmets. After six minutes the lights die out. The next day the witness and a friend explore the field and find some areas on the ground that appeared to have been excavated.

HC addendum
Source: Raoul Robe, Regional Catalogue
Type: C

Location. St. Cyrille de Wendover Quebec Canada
Date: June 25 1974
Time: 0115A
Mr. & Mrs L. had just returned from a vacation; hearing a “bum-bum-bum” noise, Mr. L looked outside their trailer home and saw a reddish UFO hovering just above the ground; he went to wake his wife and on hearing a buzzing, saw a humanoid being about 15 feet from the window. Both went into the living room, where they saw outside 3 more ‘stiff moving” beings, 6’ tall like ‘robots,” examining an unoccupied nearby trailer. During the next 3 hours, the couple saw at one time as many as 15 of these entities, lined up parallel to an adjacent creek; they held this formation more than 5 minutes, then all moved at once. The object was domed, with red and white lights at the top, and encircled about the base with orange lights; it cast yellow beams of light onto the ground. The figures were described as having brightly red glowing horizontal bars, like toasters elements, across their torsos, and displayed no visible facial features. They appeared to “float” above the ground rather than walk; no footprints were later found, but investigators discovered and photographed 3 sets of tripod imprints, presumably left by the UFO, on the far side of the creek. Grass in these areas was swept in “nest” fashion; after mowing, this grass was said to grow twice as high as grass nearby. Several flat pieces of a “strange substance of white color” similar to plastic were found where the “robots” had been seen.

Humcat 1974-29
Source: Wido Hoville, Jean Roy, Marc LeDuc & P Blaquiere
Type: C

Location. Corbin Beach Vashon Island Washington
Date: June 25 1974
Time: 0200A
Mrs Ken Crosby, rising from bed, noticed a glow outside their home and called her husband. Using binoculars, they observed a cylindrical object, dark in silhouette but displaying 3 bright white lights on one side and 2 red lights underneath. A bright beam of light from the object played on the beach. The object traveled south and turned east during the 2-3 minutes it was in view. Through binoculars, Crosby could see an antenna on the 30-foot object, as well as the silhouette of a humanoid figure inside.

Humcat 1974-30
Source: George Fawcett
Type: A

Location. Villorba Italy
Date: June 25 1974
Time: 0300A
D P had gone to the kitchen in order to obtain a glass of water when he heard footsteps coming from the terrace area. He switched on the lights and was surprised to see his cat in an obvious defense pose and her hair standing on end, at the same time he noticed a strong “sweet” smell in the air. Walking out with a flashlight he illuminated about six meters away “as small thin humanoid” wearing a luminous tight-fitting coverall. It had two narrow slits in the area where the eyes would have been. The frightened witness walked back to the door as he watched stunned as the figure moved up as if on “an invisible escalator” and disappeared above a nearby tall acacia tree. The witness suffered from various physical ailments for a week after the encounter.

HC addendum
Source: CUN
Type: E

Location. Tandil Argentina
Date: June 25 1974
Time: 2345
Three men, all train dispatchers, were in the office of the railroad at Tandil when they saw at the window a “strange being with white skin, a silvery helmet which seemed fastened onto his head, and dark goggles.” The face was phosphorescent and ha a little beard that oscillated as if were alive. The being had a silvery breastplate; from its sides came flashes of colored light in the form of a “Z.” After a short time it began to sink down and disappeared below the window frame, leaving red, yellow and green flashes of light. When the witnesses ran outside there was no one there. At the site were found saucer-like circular imprints a half-inch deep.

Humcat 1974-31
Source: Jorge Bruno of OTIFE
Type: E

Location. Tandil Argentina
Date: June 26 1974
Time: midnight
Two young motorcyclists were cycling near the train dispatcher’s office when their bikes were suddenly turned and halted by some unknown force, throwing the riders to the ground and injuring one slightly in the knee. They saw a figure at 5 meters distance that resembled the entity described by the 3 dispatchers completely, although they knew nothing of the previous report. After viewing the figure for several seconds, it “seemed to explode without a sound” and vanished in the air. No UFO was seen and they did not report the incident until a month later, when it came to the attention of the UFO investigators.

Humcat 1974-32
Source: Jorge Bruno for OTIFE
Type: E

Location. Tandil Argentina
Date: June 27 1974
Time: night
Near the local train station a witness watched a lighted object land nearby. A short figure described as wearing a helmet with a visor and with very pale skin, large staring eyes and abundant beard briefly approached the witness. It suddenly disappeared as the landed object became dark. The witness suffered a nervous breakdown.

HC addition # 1321
Source: Hector P Anganuzzi, Historia De Los Platos Voladores en Argentina
Type: C

Location. Putre, Chile
Date: June 27 1974
Time: 0300A
Young Bolivian student Lucio Quevedo Lazarte was sleeping in his room when a noise coming from the living room woke him up. Going to investigate he was confronted by a man with very short white hair, wearing a tight-fitting shiny black outfit that ended in a closed turtleneck. On his arm he wore a bracelet and his hands were enclosed in dark gloves. He also wore a strange metallic belt with several sphere and rhomboid shaped object clinging from it. Lucio at first thought that the stranger was a thief and begged him not to steel the curtains. The entity answered him by saying: “I could changed that what you call a curtain for something of more value.” At that moment the humanoid took out of his belt one of the rhomboid shaped objects and placed it in front of Lucio’s face, at this time Lucio lost consciousness. Later he woke up from a kind of trance and the stranger had already gone. He went back to bed and covered himself completely even though he was unable to sleep after that.

HC addendum
Source: Cristian Riffo
Type: E

Location. Putre, Chile
Date: June 28 1974
Time: 1500
The next day, Lucio woke up in his bed stiff, pale and unable to move. A local police doctor attended to him and concluded that he had some type of virulent disease. He woke up around noon, seemingly returning to normal. Around 1500 he suddenly got up from bed and climbed up on top of a bunk and proceeded to jump out the window. His brother Julio saw him and ran quickly to assist him, but to his surprised he could not find Lucio anywhere, not a trace of him. The police was called and they searched for him throughout the afternoon. Around 2100 a scream was heard: “He is here!” Everyone ran to the location and found student Donato Perez on the ground with Lucio lying directly on top of him. Donato explained that he saw Lucio being accompanied by two men that upon seeing him dropped him to floor and vanished. Lucio’s clothing was dirty, and his shoes stained with grayish volcanic sand. During a medical examination it was discovered that his fingertips had triangular shaped scars on them. A couple of days later he was able to recall what happened and remembered that as he fell out of the window two short humanoids grabbed him and took him flying to the nearby Taapaca Volcano. There they entered a landed object and inside he saw additional humanoids (not described). Later the same 2 short humanoids took him back and that’s when Donato saw him arriving. In the area around the Volcano investigators found several ground traces.

HC addendum
Source: Cristian Riffo
Type: G

Location. Glenrowan Victoria Australia
Date: July 1974
Time: unknown
A man watched an object hovering above a local lake. The object had a transparent dome on top and inside the dome he was able to see several four-foot tall men wearing silvery clothing. The object then followed the witness vehicle for several minutes before leaving.

HC addition # 850
Source: George D Fawcett, Saga UFO Report Spring 1975
Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: According to Australian Ufologist Keith Basterfield he has not been able to find any additional information on this case. The location is named after a famous (or infamous) Australian brigand that roamed the area during colonial times.

Location. Near Draguignan France
Date: July 1974
Time: 0100A
On a road 4 witnesses in a car suddenly saw a being standing on the side of the road. His size is above average and does not appear to have any facial features, his head is the color of clay and apparently deformed. He was wearing a gray-blue vest. The being then proceeds to empty from a container what appears to be oil, provoking a fire. The car continues on and 30km later they come upon a brush fire on the side of the road. At some distance, two beings walk into the middle of the road, in a stiff pace, without reacting to the vehicle headlights. The witnesses drive away from the area.

HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: E

Location. Near Bogota Colombia
Date: July 1974
Time: 0500A
Following a telepathic summons Enrique Castillo met a landed craft supposedly piloted by Venusians. He described them as rather tall, very much alike, but very human like. They told Castillo that they belonged to the same stellar organization as the Pleidians, only that these were more advanced in many fields. Castillo had taken along a tape recorder, with which he captured what he claims was the whistling noise of the craft as it approached the landing site.

HC addendum
Source: Timothy Good, Unearthly Disclosure
Type: G

Location. Windsor, Ontario Canada
Date: July 1974
Time: afternoon
Several juveniles walking along an isolated path came upon a fence and behind it they saw three to four bizarre creatures resembling giant spiders, yellow and black in color with 4 thin hanging legs, about 18″ to 24″ long. The creatures move slowly towards the juveniles, which apparently panicked and ran home. But one of them does not remember how he got home.

HC addition # 3615
Source: NUFORC Type: E?

Location. Near West Palm Beach Florida
Date: July 1974
Time: evening
Donna Howard Johnson and her husband were driving on highway 441 when they noticed a large light very low on the horizon. The light kept up with the vehicle for several miles. The light was now at tree top level and the witnesses could now see that it was a disc shaped object. They stopped the car to watch. Around the center of the craft were alternative blue and white lights. The craft hovered in total silence for about ten minutes, then from the bottom center of the craft a figure resembling an astronaut was let down to the ground on a thin silver light or luminous rope. The figure was wearing a silvery suit. After the being was let down to the ground, the craft slowly headed directly toward the witnesses’ vehicle. The craft was dull silver gray in color and flew silently above the car. After the craft crossed the highway it changed back into a large light. It then zig zagged several times then became a star like speck and shot straight up quickly disappearing from sight.

HC addition # 3492
Source: CAUS
Type: B

Location. Near Alzada Montana
Date: July 1974
Time: night
Two witnesses had gone out looking for Indian caves near their cabin in a very isolated area. Towards the evening they heard weird metallic “clatter” like sounds. Thinking the noises were coming from the cabin they went to the cabin to investigate, it was getting dark at that point. Soon they saw lights flashing on the other side of the ravine. They decided to go through the trees and investigate the source. In a clearing they came upon several metallic “drum like” objects on the ground & what appeared to be sandbags or body bags lined up next to them. Frightened they ran back to the car to leave. In the car they saw what appeared to be large tear shaped shiny eyes, gold in color, that were floating around inside the vehicle. They then ran in the direction of an old house about 2 miles away, as they neared a haystack they saw a weird furry animal, which they called a “monkey spider,” about 3 1/2 foot tall, 2 1/2 foot wide with 6 legs. It was jumping up and down on the haystack. They ran back to the cabin and shut themselves in. They looked out the window towards where the lights where, across the ravine, & noticed that they were blinking on & off. The furry “animal” was now crouched right underneath the edge of the cabin window. Then they saw about 20 small men wearing white coveralls. These were about 3 to 4 foot tall. They started coming down the edge of the ravine, from the direction of the lights. They approached in a single file, marching through the trees & 2-foot tall grass. The little men approached the cabin t the edge of the tree line, 2 of them crouched down and crawled closer to the cabin. The witnesses went outside in order to get closer to the men, and perhaps communicate. Over in the trees they saw the eyes like the ones in the car, moving around within the foliage. All the time both witnesses could still hear the metallic “clatter.” One of the witnesses attempted to get close to little men, but these moved back & did not communicate with her. Then both witnesses decided to go back inside the cabin. Later during the night, small “train like” objects flew around the cabin above the ground. They carried small flashing lights on them & emitted a whooshing sound. Later, sometime during the night, they saw in the distance down a valley what appeared to have been a bright star. At times a bright light would come out of it. Later on they saw red lights flashing on the side of the bright light. At times the light would shine a beam of light toward the ground. By morning they heard a whooshing sound, ran back out and everything was gone. Looking around the cabin they found areas of flattened grass. The grass was trampled all around the cabin. At no time did the witnesses notice any facial features on the little men. The little men had walked normally, but would always stay near the tree line.

HC addition # 2757
Source: Wanda Sudrala, Mysteries of the Western Plains
Type: C?

Location. Yakima, Washington
Date: July 1974
Time: night
A young man left a group of friends to meditate near a stream alone. During this meditative state, he claimed to receive communication from a Bigfoot. A hypnotist regressed the percipient to the time of his first encounter involving amnesia of 1-3/4 hours. He related seeing something big visible from the middle up to the top and which put a hand on his shoulder. The creature (later described as dark brown with friendly eyes and unmoving mouth) communicated with his mind that he wanted to get away from hunters, that he had a leader, and that he was willing to share fruit. The percipient saw a bunch of creatures looking down on him and he was mentally told that they were here before we were and that we are ruining their planet. The percipient declined any subsequent hypnotic regression sessions because it was “too much of a hassle”.

HC addendum
Source: Paul & Bob Bartholomew, William Brann and Bruce Hallenbeck, Monsters of the Northwoods
Type: E & F

Location. Jerez De La Frontera Cadiz Spain
Date: July 1974
Time: 2330
A young man and his girlfriend watched a silent round orange light passing slowly low over the area. It crossed the main highway then landed on top of a nearby hill. The man took his girlfriend home then drove his motorcycle to the hill. Climbing to the top, there he encounters two other men that had seen a circular object with a transparent cupola on top, with two moving shadows inside. The main witness now saw the object ascend and fly towards another nearby hill. He follows the object with his motorcycle but loses sight of it. He then becomes confused and notices a strange silence in the area. He then sees a large moving truck and follows it, after rounding a curve he realizes that the truck had disappeared into thin air. He turns on his high beams and sees a bright orange object with a crystal like cupola on the ground on the side of the road. The witness signals the object several times with his lights but gets no response. He then drives towards the lighted object but it suddenly vanishes, in its place he sees two large silent automobiles approaching slowly, he approaches the vehicles and sees 2 men and a woman in the first car and a man in the second. . They are all tall and blond, Nordic in appearance. They asked the witness several questions then drive off. The witness suffered a nervous breakdown soon after the incident. (The witness felt that the Nordic appearing people in the vehicles were somehow connected with the UFOs)

HC addition # 82
Source: Ballester Olmos & Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia De Los Encuentros cercanos con Ovnis
Type: A & C?

Location. Cowra New South Wales, Australia
Date: July 1974
Time: midnight
A blazing blue light blinded a young man, driving at about midnight, as he came over the crest of a hill. The light seemed to illuminate the entire countryside. The driver braked suddenly fearing a collision. The next thing he remembered was seeing the light move away from his car to a point 100m away in an adjacent field, where it converged into a beam about 15m across and 30m high. The beam shone down onto the ground whereupon apparent contact the grass seemed to be burning. The display remained there for about 2 minutes and then it disappeared. No trace of the phenomenon could be found. Next day the driver returned and confirmed the presence of an almost perfect circle of burnt grass about 15m in diameter.

HC addendum
Source: Bill Chalker, “A catalogue of Australian Physical Traces cases”
Type: G?
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Another possible unexplored abduction event.

Location. Near Belem Brazil
Date: early July 1974
Time: night
Jose Uchoa, living 48 km from Belem, was accosted by 2 beings “dressed in strange reddish luminous gear” that asked him whether he would like to see a flying saucer. “Shocked at first, the farmhand accepted the invitation and was told to walk along the Belem-Brasilia highway the next day at a given time. But when he did so, he was “struck down by a violent blow” as the object passed by; found unconscious by the road, he had to be hospitalized.

Humcat 1974-33
Source: Charles Bowen, Saga UFO Report Vol. 2 # 5
Type: D?

Location. Oakland Nebraska
Date: July 4 1974
Time: unknown
A father and his two sons observed “a medium sized dog with a monkey face” and a curved monkey like tail leap across the country road near Oakland. No other information.

HC addition # 2896
Source: Jerome Clark & Loren Coleman Creatures of the Goblin World
Type: E

Location. Acaya Pacte Peru
Date: July 5 1974
Time: early afternoon
Charles Silva had been taking a nap next to the local mineral baths when the roar of a motorcycle engine suddenly awakened him. He looked up to see a beautiful short dark haired woman sitting on top of a “Harley Davidson.” While conversing with her mostly about religion and current events he saw coming from behind a chain of mountains three round metallic disc shaped objects. The objects hovered silently above a nearby field holding a triangular formation. Meanwhile his strange female companion ignored the whole episode. Suddenly the objects became red hot in color, emitted an explosion, and disappeared. Eventually he was told by the woman that her name was “Rama” and that she was from a distant planet and was here on a mission.

HC addition # 1890
Source: Joseph Randazzo, Witness ET The Contactee Manuscript
Type: C?

Location. Bahia Blanca Argentina
Date: July 9 1974
Time: unknown
Fashion model Elisa Medina saw a being about 2 meters tall, “all covered with brilliant scales, like a great iridescent fish.” It was just “standing like a statue” watching her; “then it went away.” The being’s luminescence hurt her eyes, and later she found it had burned her eyelashes so that she was forced to wear false ones.

Humcat 1974-34
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source
Type: E

Location. Sainte Rosalie, Quebec, Canada
Date: July 13 1974
Time: 1045
A Mr. Senechal was riding his motorcycle near the Hyamaska River when he suddenly experienced total engine failure he stopped the motorcycle and noticed a large domed saucer-shaped craft hovering about 8 above the river at about 400 ft away. On the banks of the river stood a being about 12 ft in height, apparently human in appearance. When the witness approached he received a telepathic message from the being its contents mainly to do with the state of the world. The witness noticed a boater nearby that seemed oblivious of what was going on around him. The object was about 60 ft in diameter, metallic in appearance and encased in a green halo, it oscillated slowly, it also emitted a low whistle and it seemed to jerk up and down. Suddenly a truck drove by in front of the witness briefly blocking the scene, when the truck left, the object and the humanoid had disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Marc Leduc, CASUFO
Type: C

Location. Spain, exact location not given
Date: July 15 1974
Time: unknown
Another UFO reportedly crashed with several humanoids (not described) inside. The craft was seized by Spanish military and government sources and later traded to the US. Possibly moved to the S4 facility.

HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov UFO Crash list
High Strangeness Index: 9
Reliability of Source: 10

Location. Near Bancroft Ontario Canada
Date: July 15 1974
Time: 2200
Mrs Moira J, a schoolteacher vacationing in Ontario, was at a lodge near Bancroft, by a lake. She had retired early and was reading in bed when she was overcome by intense vertigo, tried to get up to go to the bathroom and fell unconscious on the bed. When she came to, she discovered two strange figures standing at the foot of her bed. The room lights were out but the scene was lit by an unknown source on the floor to the sides of the figures. From foot to neck they were “wrapped” like mummies, but heavy set in the chests. There followed an exchange of information by telepathic means that lasted for perhaps half an hour; among the information was their disclosure that their home planet had an atmosphere twice as rich in oxygen as ours, that they had a monogamous social system and had no need for money, and that our planet was currently under the close scrutiny of about 50 alien civilizations with others that were less intensely interested in us. At the conclusion of the meeting, they left by the door to her room. She noticed that the lights were out in the hall before again losing consciousness. When she came top, she found that only 40 minutes had elapsed. Just prior to retiring, the witness had seen from her room window, a horizontal row of multi colored lights hovering motionless over the far side of the lake.

Humcat 1974-35
Source: Budd Hopkins, Jerry Stoehrer & Ted Bloecher
Type: C?

Location. Avon Lake Ohio
Date: July 17 1974
Time: night
Mrs Jackie Booth, mother of 3 children, had several UFO sightings in March & April; at the end of June, a curios and unexplained condition affected her eyes; light beams were emitted for a two hour period. In early July, traces as though from a landed UFO were found on the lawn. On the night of July 17, she was awakened and went to the front door where she saw two strange figures standing; about 5-foot tall, they had large heads that were flat on top, glowing eyes set wide apart, a slit like mouth, and had a grayish colored skin. Their arms were long, but she could not recall any details below the waist. They entered the house and appeared interested in Mrs Booth’s electric organ. She tried to talk to them, but they communicated with her telepathically, and she could “fell my thoughts leave my head.” They wanted her to play the organ, so she sat down and played scales; when she looked up, they had vanished. She went to bed convinced it had been a dream. Under hypnosis, she recalled additional details. None of her family had awakened during the incident. Other strange incidents occurred subsequently.

Humcat 1974-37
Source: Allen Benz for Apro
Type: D

Location. Mariemont Ohio
Date: July 26 1974
Time: 0115A
Mrs Patricia N and her 3 daughters, were driving around their neighborhood while waiting for the gas company to ‘fix” a strong odor of gas reported by at least 15 area residents. While driving south on Homewood Avenue they noticed a strange figure walking toward them on the sidewalk; he was 5-foot tall and walked with a forward lunge, arms swinging from side to side. He wore no shirt; the witness thought the chest was hairy, the girls did not; he wore dark trousers with no visible bottoms, extending to “pig like” feet, or hooves—definitely not normal feet. He walked with a distinct “clicking” sound. His head was bald on top there was hair on the lower part of his face; they could see no facial features. The women turned around at the end of the street and drove back but the figure had vanished. The odor was gone when they got back home, although the technicians had been unable to find any gas leaks.

Humcat 1974-38
Source: Leonard Stringfield
Type: E

Location. Genqing Gansu Province China
Date: July 29 1974
Time: 2100
The witness was walking through a vegetable garden when he encountered a tall heavyset “man” wearing all black standing right in front of him. No facial features could be seen but the entity’s body appeared to be faintly luminous. The witness shouted twice at the figure but received no response. The figure then became brighter and ran into some nearby tall grass. The witness searched for the being but failed to locate it.

HC addition # 802
Source: Gordon Creighton FSR Vol. 28 # 6
Type: E

Location. Salford, Lancashire, England
Date: August 1974
Time: 0300A
The 9-year old witness woke up in the middle of the night to see a humanoid figure wearing all black standing in his room. As he stared at the figure, there was a sudden explosion of light and he blacked out. A period of missing time was reported.

HC addendum
Source: NUFON # 161
Type: E possible unexplored abduction event.

Location. La Pampa, Argentina
Date: August 1974
Time: night
The owner of a local ranch and a helper one night noticed some bright lights coming from the field where the cattle were grazing. Upon investigating they found a gigantic object on the ground and numerous “persons” or figures coming in and out of it. They waited for the object to leave and later found two dead mutilated animals which precise surgical cuts on their bodies.

HC addendum
Source: CEUFO, Argentina
Type: B

Location. Canet Plage Pyrenees Orientales France
Date: August 1 1974
Time: 0230A
Joseline Rassin, 28, had a premonition that she would soon see a flying saucer. At 0230A she went out with her baby to walk around their trailer, which was parked beside the beach. She saw an orange-luminous UFO approach to hover 2.5 ft above the sand, about 40 ft away. She re-entered the trailer and woke her sister in law, Josette. The 2 young women watched the UFO for nearly 3 hours. It was about 15 ft long by 5-6 ft high, and had 2 portholes facing the trailer, which were side by side according to Joseline, one above the other according to Josette. After “a long time” the UFO turned on its axis so that the portholes faced the road. A little before its departure, a “shadow” passed between the trailer and the UFO. It was of small stature according to Joseline, of normal stature according to Josette, and was “bell shaped,” wider at the bottom than at the top. After the UFO left, Joseline looked for traces in the sand, but could find none.

Humcat 1974-88
Source: Mille Thevenin & Ivan Lebatut, LDLN # 146
Type: C

Location. Maracaibo Venezuela
Date: August 5 1974
Time: night
Two peasants were returning home shortly after dusk when they were blinded by an object in the sky that was “round and flattened at the sides, and of a silvery color.” They found themselves unable to move as the object landed, and two “men” emerged who were more than 6.5 foot tall, wearing “lead colored clothing like the skin of sardines.” They wore blue goggles and had dark belts. They approached the witnesses slowly; making gestures, while from the machine came a whistling sound. Then two other UFOs descended “and took the first UFO and its occupants in tow.” The witnesses were then able to move again, and took to their heels.

Humcat 1974-39
Source: FSR Vol. 20 # 6
Type: B

Location. Weisbaden Germany
Date: August 8 1974
Time: 1800
Two police officers where in their vehicle when they saw a bright flickering light coming down from the sky. They stopped their car to watch. The light approached and now they could see that it was a disc shaped object. The object hovered above a meadow and then slowly descended. The craft was silvery in color and had a dome on top; it emitted a green light from a rotating rim around it. A humming sound could also be heard. The two men using a pair of binoculars saw a hatch open under the object and a humanoid figure climb out. The figure briefly inspected the hull of the object with a bright light, reentered and the object took off.

HC addition # 231
Source: Ulrich Magin
Type: B

Location. Dagenham Essex England
Date: August 10 1974
Time: 0215A
At approximately 0130A, Barry King, watching for meteors from his bedroom window, observed a small red light in the north moving east to west. It stopped above a school and bobbed up and down, then disappeared. At 0215A he suddenly saw a figure standing at the end of his backyard, about a dozen yards from the house. It was “a tallish figure of a girl or woman” with long blondish hair, dressed in a long black robe. The figure stood still and King turned his flashlight on it so he could see the figure’s face. There were no observable features in the flashlight beam, and King, “petrified” stole away from the window. When he again looked out, the figure had vanished. It was similar to the figure seen in May by the witness.

Humcat 1974-89
Source: Bufora Journal Vol. 4 # 4 & Watsup Journal Winter 1975
Type: D?

Location. Franklin New Hampshire
Date: mid August 1974
Time: 0100A
At 2130, Dave & Phyllis Knecht saw a large white light moving in the sky. When he turned the porch lights on & off several times, the UFO made a U-turn and headed toward the house; then, when they thought it was going to crash into the house, it shot away again. At 2330 they saw 2 white and one blue & green lights, which maneuvered for 20 minutes, after which one of them, hovered over a nearby dairy farm. At 0100A when they last went out, it was still there; then they both heard peculiar footsteps, sounding “like the sound you would get if you break fresh lettuce for a salad,” or “walking with boots filled with water.” Dave pushed Phyllis into the house. Looking over his shoulder, he saw a grayish-white figure across the road; it was short (about 5 ft tall) and “had limbs.” Frightened, he turned on all the lights of the house. Phyllis heard the “weird” footsteps again, but saw nothing.

Humcat 1974-90
Source: Peter R Geremia
Type: C?

Location. Bouxieres aux Dames, France
Date: August 15 1974
Time: 2130
In a local wood called “La Pelouse” several youngsters were sitting around on the grass conversing when suddenly a strange white “character” of a solid mass in appearance and between 1.20 to 1.50 meters in height appears behind the group and from behind a large oak tree. Its head is cubic in shape and completely featureless, it moves in a straight line using mechanical movements. The witnesses panic and flee towards the nearby village. A little later a couple walking near the woods notice a strange white silhouette standing at the edge of “La Pelouse”. The young couple attempt to leave and encounters additional witnesses, with a total of 9 people now present the white silhouette reappears again this time much further away and moves away from sight into the interior of the woods.

HC addendum
Source: Raoul Robe, Regional Catalogue
Type: E

Location. Malesherbes France
Date: August 16 1974
Time: 0340A
Several observers saw a huge hovering cigar shaped craft over the area. Then two small domed saucer shaped objects were seen descending towards the ground. Later the witnesses reported seeing strange figures and hearing loud noises in the area near their location.

HC addition # 2413
Source: Figeut/Ruchon, Ovni Dossier
Type: C

Location. Near Derry New Hampshire
Date: August 20 1974
Time: 2130
Driving on Route 43, Joe R, saw an object through his windshield moving from east to west, approximately 300 yards distant, and “big as a house.” It was white in color, fuzzy and bright as the sun, and was followed by several smaller objects. It moved into trees along the highway between Exits 4 & 5; he pulled off the road, got out, and began looking for the object. Some time later, he suddenly spotted two small “mummy like” figures in the woods 40 yards distant. Alarmed, he got in his car and drove away. The entire incident was of one-hour duration, although the figures were only seen briefly.

Humcat 1974-40
Source: John Oswald & Bill Haylock
Type: C?

Location. Alto Da Boa Vista Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Date: August 24 or 31 1974
Time: afternoon
Regina Conceicao Correa Da Silva & 4 other girls were standing by the front yard gate of a house when they noticed something shiny approaching along the Estrada Da Vista Chinesa. It proved to be 2 golden clad men, 5’4″ tall, wearing golden spacesuits with round space helmets, which were floating down the road 20″ above the ground, walking toward the observers with stiff strides. The sun was behind them and their faces could not be seen. The material of their suits & boots looked like a “scaly” gold lame. The girls ran into the house.

Humcat 1974-70
Source: Irene Granchi
Type: E

Location. Near Lexington Alabama
Date: August 24 1974
Time: 2230
A couple and their 10-year old daughter were driving down a long grade when their lights went out and their motor stalled; the husband braked the car to a stop and the lights came back on. At that time they saw, immediately to the right along the road ” between the front door and the front of the hood,” a figure standing by the road; about the size of a man, to the wife “it didn’t look like a man, it was just something blue.” They both experienced a tingling sensation “all over, like being shocked by an electric mixer or something.” They drove on, but the husband wanted to go back to see what it was; his wife loudly demurred.

Humcat 1974-41
Source: Stanley Ingram
Type: E

Location. Feignies France
Date: August 26 1974
Time: 2100
M Moret and his wife saw a round black object in the sky, outlined by a faint white luminous corona, about 200 yards away; it slowly descended, to hover 60 ft above the ground. The ball split vertically into 2 “half moons,” one of which moved away & was lost to sight, while the other remained. A sort of veil was drawn across it, and 2 “cosmonauts” clad from head to foot in whitish gray metallic material, wearing large helmets, were then seen moving in it. The witness watched them for 40 minutes, during which time the UFO remained stationary. The diameter of the original ball was about 25 feet, and the Ufonauts were estimated as five-foot tall.

Humcat 1974-36
Source: Jean Marie Bigorne, LDLN # 151
Type: A

Location. Near Callahan Florida
Date: August 26 1974
Time: 2100
While driving on a date from Jacksonville to Callahan, Lydia Stalnaker, with an unidentified male companion, observed a bright flashing light moving above the trees to the right of the road. Her companion decided to try and follow the light to a point where it disappeared behind the trees. As they approached the site, Lydia felt cold and began to shake, asking that they turn back. He proceeded and a feeling as if something were smothering her made it difficult for Lydia to breath, making her fearful. The next thing then knew, they were on another road, headed back to Jacksonville, and it was about midnight. They could not account for the missing 3 hours. During the next few days, Lydia was ill, suffering from various physiological afflictions, including severe headaches. These passed in time, but she found herself becoming more and more emotionally unstable, until it began to affect her business and her personal life. In the spring of 1975 she sought professional assistance, which included using hypnosis as part of her treatment. Under hypnosis, she told what had allegedly taken place during the missing 3 hours. They had encountered the landed UFO and she had been compelled to go aboard the object. On board, she was strapped to a table, which was adjacent, at the head, to another table; upon which was a second woman was lying. Both their heads were enclosed in some sort of machinery, or device, and the tables began to spin. She passed out, and when she came to, the tables were slowing down, and she felt something warm pass through the top of her head into her body. The device was removed and she was told that the other woman, who was named, Antron, had been transferred into her body, and that she was to act as Antron’s host body for a specific period of time. The aliens appeared to be pleased with the results, and helped her off the table. She was assisted back to the car where she found her friend unconscious. The next thing they knew, they were driving back into Jacksonville. Her companion that evening disappeared shortly after the incident, and she had not been able to locate him since them.

Humcat 1974-91
Source: Dr James Harder & Dr Evelyn Brunson
Type: G

Location. Weeki Wachi Springs Florida
Date: August 27 1974
Time: evening
On August 25, the witness and her husband saw a UFO over their goat farm; two days later, the object returned. Running down the driveway to meet it, the witness saw the object descend to about 15 or 20 feet; it played a circle of bright light around her. The object was cigar shaped with a transparent bottom, through which the witness said she saw one man and two women; one of the two women was the same one who had visited her earlier, and she smiled at the witness. The object took off rapidly as the witness daughter approached. By morning, the witness was suffering from severe physical symptoms and was hospitalized; she was bleeding from the kidneys and was seriously dehydrated; she dropped from 130 pounds to 90 in a matter of weeks. Under X-ray, she said, her insides were “glowing.” She was also found to have a “crease” or ‘dent’ in her skull that was not here prior to her “contact.” She claimed to have become increasingly “psychic” after her experiences.

Humcat 1974-42
Source: Larry Moyers
Type: A

Location. Navegantes Beach Brazil
Date: August 31 1974
Time: night
Antonio De Azevedo, an angler, was on the beach with his wife when they saw a discoid object with varicolored lights land close beside them. It was shaped like “two plates with the rims stuck together.” The vivid lights temporarily “paralyzed” the observers. From the object emerged “3 strange short beings wearing greenish spacesuits;” their faces “seemed to reflect the green color of their clothes.” Conversing in a strange language, they quickly “examined” the angler and his wife, then seized the latter and took her into the object, which took off at incredible speed.

Humcat 1974-43
Source: Gordon Creighton, FSR Vol. 21 # 2
Type: B & G?

Location. Oslo, near Ris, Norway
Date: Late Summer 1974
Time: evening
A woman was working in a field when she spotted a metallic oval shaped craft descending close to her. She could hear what sounded like some unknown type of music emanating from the object as it landed only about 3 meters from the witness. As the craft landed a door opened and three 2-meter tall men with long blond hair and wearing dark tight-fitting blue flight suits emerge. Using friendly gestures, the strangers invite the witness onboard the craft. Afraid, she refuses and runs away from the area and does not see the object and strangers depart. It took several years before the witness was able to speak about her experience. She has a good reputation in town.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Norge Nytt 3-1980
Type: B

Location. Moorlands, Newfoundland, Canada
Date: Fall 1974
Time: 2200
The witness was driving through isolated area when suddenly the car and everything around him began to glow with a pulsating blue light. The radio also went completely dead. He stopped the car and opened the car door. He saw hanging in the sky, not making a sound, what appeared to be a cone-shaped object. Blue and red lights were flashing around the top and a spiraling blue light was descending from the bottom section. A very peaceful and relaxed feeling came over the witness as the object made a sharp turn and disappeared over a nearby hill. He sat looking towards the hill when a pulsating little light appeared in the sky behind it. He felt drawn towards it and left the car walking towards it. As he got closer, the blue lights became brighter and as he looked over the top of the hill he saw a cone shaped object standing on four legs, which seemed to be adjusted to the contours of the ground. The blue and red lights had stopped flashing, but the spiraling blue light was now coming from what appeared to be a window around the top of the object, which was enormous in size. Three more objects were off to one side; one of them began to move toward the witness, and when it got close it looked like a very tall man wrapped in tin foil and with something black over his head. At this point the witness felt frightened, but was unable to move, as his eyes seemed drawn toward a black crest on the being’s chest. When the figure got to within a few feet, he noticed that the crest was sort of a large metallic triangle with a black snake on it. His next memory was of being seated in the car, driving under the overpass. Just then the radio announcer gave the time as 0330A. There was a 3-hour discrepancy in time.

HC addendum
Source: NUFO
Type: C or G?

Location. Massachusetts, exact location not given
Date: September 1974
Time: afternoon
The witness and her older sister were alone at home baking tollhouse cookies in the kitchen. They were leaning up against the counter and they could look out the glass patio door to their backyard. Suddenly some movement in the backyard caught their attention. They saw something flying over the neighbor’s fence to their left. It floated up over the fence, across the yard, and over the fence to their neighbors. They described it as a little man-like figure riding on what appeared to be a miniature motorcycle. He appeared to have been dressed in black, and looked human. They ran outside to peek over the fence and did not see the figure anymore.

HC addendum
Source: Open Sesame.com, Male Fairies
Type: E

Location. Near Duxbury Massachusetts
Date: September 1974
Time: early morning
Late in August, while driving on her early morning paper route, the witness observed a red pulsating object at treetop level. When two beams of light emerged from its base to play across a nearby cranberry bog, her car engine “fluttered” and the car radio emitted much static. On either this occasion, or the following, the car interior became extremely hot and witness felt nauseated. Shortly after the above while driving in the same area as her previous sighting, the witness heard a voice “inside her head” telling her to run left at the next intersection, which she did. Then her car radio went out and the motor died. She saw four humanoid figures, each standing upon a “small surface vehicle” resembling a Roto Tiller, darting up and down the road a few inches above the surface. One figure approached her and requested her, telepathically, to open the car door; when she did not, all four doors flew open at once. The humanoids, after inspecting the interior of the craft, requested the witness to make certain arm movements, then to bend her head forward. Looking at the back of her head, one being said, “Yes, you are different,” and touched the spot with something that left 5 small puncture marks. He then “told” her that there were thousands of ships that have been visiting earth for many years and many people who have been examined by the occupants, voluntarily or otherwise. They come from a planet whose name resembled “Omius” or “Omnigus;” there was a “mother ship” at that time in Scituate Harbor. In reply to her own questions, the examiner said that she was not permitted to touch them or to board one of their ships, but he promised that she would see a ship subsequently; she was advised that she would suffer headaches for some weeks, which proved to be true; he also said that she would “not like to look upon their faces.” They departed and she arrived home an hour and a half later than usual. The figures were 4-5 feet tall, with small heads in transparent helmets, through which she was able to see only “small, beady, very shiny eyes.” The spokesman had two stripes on the upper part of his arm; the other 3 had stripes that were longer on their sides, just above their waists. The leader had a buckle on his belt upon which was a wavy line. She was extremely upset by this encounter, and told only her husband, who gave details to the investigator. On the night following this encounter, the witness again experienced E-M effects in her car as a large, disc shaped object with multi-colored lights descended; 3 landing legs extended from the bottom, which passed barely inches from the windshield of the car; an insignia was observed “resembling mathematical symbols.” After hovering briefly, the object shot straight up and vanished. The witness refused to cooperate in any investigation.

Humcat 1974-46
Source: John Giambrone
Type: D

Location. Guatemala City, Guatemala
Date: September 1974
Time: 0830A
A woman living in Guatemala City heard her doorbell ring, and opened the door to see two ‘men” in silvery helmets and uniforms. They were of medium-dark complexion, 5’10”, or 5’11” tall. She then remembered nothing until 1100A, when she found herself doing housework. Then her sister came to tell her that a UFO had been seen in San Lucas, 20 minutes away. After this experience she had headaches nearly everyday for some months.

Humcat 1974-45
Source: Dr Allen Hynek Type: D?

Location. Gibsonia Pennsylvania
Date: September 1974
Time: evening
A young couple were driving down a back road when they saw a tall figure of human shaped, dressed in a silvery, metallic suit; he stood by the road and as the couple approached he raised his hands, in which he held a cube shaped device. A beam seemed to emanate from the device and the car lights and engine failed. An hour and a half later a similar incident occurred nearby to a man in a truck.

Humcat 1974-44
Source: Stan Gordon, Skylook # 89
Type: E

Location. Near Hobbs, New Mexico
Date: September 1974
Time: afternoon
A huge disc-shaped object suddenly descended over a tract of farmland and stopped to hover about five hundred feet over a barn. A farmer was in his pickup driving toward his home nearby when he glimpsed the object and stuck his head out the window for a better look. Also watching the strange object in amazement were his wife, his daughter and a neighbor. Suddenly, before their eyes, the pickup truck with the farmer in it was lifted vertically from the ground and vanished into the underbelly of the disc. Hysterically, the farmer’s wife called the police. (According to the source the farmer was never found and the case was kept confidential by the local authorities).

HC addendum
Source: Leonard H Stringfield, Situation Red The UFO Siege
Type: G Permanent abduction?

Location. Michigan, exact location not given
Date: September 1974
Time: late night
The witness was sleeping in his bedroom when he suddenly found himself floating with his left hand extended. He could see the outline of several short gray figures standing in front of him. The witness felt in a jovial mood but he suddenly became angry and attempted to grab one of the short beings; but he became paralyzed and could not move. A being with large black slanted eyes and a blue gray complexion walked up to him and stared at him. He then found himself lying on a table and surrounded by several female type beings that appeared to be wearing surgical caps. The beings seemed to be doing several things to him. One recollection was of sitting on a hard steel stool and complaining about it. Two beings then walked into the room and told him that he was to be returned home. He was led to a circular hallway and some type of hatch opened up. He was then told to jump, that he would be safe. The witness jumped and he felt cushioned and then something picked him up, straightened him, and dropped him down through his roof. He was laid back in bed and remembers seeing a vivid white light coming through the roof, he could hear a whirring sound and could see a little being going up the light kicking his legs rapidly. The being eventually went up into a gray hovering object. This being wore a tight fitting metallic outfit with a collar and black boots. He was heavy set with a broad forehead and rounded head. The eyes were round with colored irises, darker on the outer edge. He had prominent nostrils on a pug nose and long arms down to his knees.

HC addition # 1269
Source: William Curtis, UFO Vol. 4 # 3
Type: G

Location. Near Inguri River Caucasus Russia
Date: September 6 1974
Time: 1800
A group of scientific workers were in a mountainous area near the river when they noticed a landed object among some bushes. The object was described as a sphere on top of a disc and sitting on three legs. One witness attempted to approach the object but encountered some type of force field that rendered him unconscious for several hours. Others threw stones and sticks at the object without any apparent effect. The next morning the witnesses encountered five more similar objects on the ground. Suddenly a 2-meter tall humanoid appeared out of nowhere and entered one of the objects, which took off at high speed; the other objects also took off. Soil samples taken from the site indicated an increase in radiation.

HC addition # 561
Source: Felix Y Zigel, UFO landings in the USSR And other countries.
Type: B

Location. Sioux City Iowa
Date: September 8 1974
Time: 0330A
A 16-year old youth was awakened in his basement room by a loud noise like a sonic boom. A few minutes later he saw a bright purple light flashing outside his basement window, lighting up the interior of his room. Neighborhood dogs were carrying on, although the usually chirruping crickets in the basement were now silent. About 3 minutes after the purple light was seen, a bright white light the size and shape of a baseball passed in front of the window, and the young heard a “scratching” sound on the screen door to the yard, and the purple and white lights again shone in the window. Shortly after, hearing a “tapping” nose outside, the witness got up and looked out the window and saw, standing between two garbage cans, a 3-foot tall figure carrying a purple light like a flashlight. He yelled and dashed upstairs, just as “an enormous gust of wind” hit the house. The strange sounds had awakened two girls in the house, and the following morning a dark scorched mark 3 feet in diameter was found on the concrete patio.

Humcat 1974-47
Source: Dr Lawrence Lacey for Mufon
Type: C or E?

Location. Piedmont, Oklahoma
Date: September 14 1974
Time: 0300A
The 8-year old witness woke up in the middle of the night to grab a snack. The east-facing window of the house had the curtains open. As he looked out the window he saw an orange light, which grew in size or came closer to the witness. After about 5 seconds it stopped and the light shut off, revealing a saucer shaped craft hovering about 150 feet away at house level. It was a “classic” inverted saucer shape with a dome on top with a bluish glow around it. As it hovered, a periscope like apparatus came out from underneath and it pointed at the witness. The witness was stunned to see a yellowish eye in the viewfinder staring at the witness. As soon as the witness saw it, it disappeared. The witness then fled into his room and hid under the bed, he did not see the object depart.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A?

Location. Fontainebleau Seine et Marne France
Date: mid September 1974
Time: night
A group of campers in the forest at Fontainebleau noticed a very strong light nearby. Investigating, they were suddenly confronted by a luminous being, staring at them. They turned to flee but a group of creatures of varying heights, between 50 cm and two meters, blocked their way. The beings were all luminous and they did not touch the ground. After a moment of staring at the campers, they suddenly vanished.

Humcat 1974-71
Source: Joel Mesnard, & Jean Marie Bigorne
Type: E

Location. Riec Sur Belon France
Date: September 19 1974
Time: 0045A
Younic Le Bihan, 20, awakened his parents to observe a UFO hovering outside their house; the family used binoculars to examine it. The object resembled a boat; lights like portholes emitted a very bright light that changed from orange to green, and on each side of the base was a red light. The object, 30 feet wide and 22 feet high, hovered about 2 feet above the ground. Then the lights were extinguished, and the family saw a star-like light that quickly disappeared. Younic then observed 3 heavy set humanoid figures about 5 1/2 foot tall “waddling” toward them; the beings were dressed in metallic suits, & seemed to float above the ground, their faces were not visible. The family fled from the house in fear.

Humcat 1974-48
Source: J L Brochard & Pascal Gireaudot
Type: C

Location. Huntsville, Ontario, Canada
Date: September 21 1974
Time: unknown
Oscar Magocsi, a Hungarian immigrant, claimed he encountered a landed disc shaped object and coming in contact with its occupants, who were human like in appearance. He claimed to have been onboard the craft flying over Lake Ontario, taken by his friends, “The Psycheans” and then transported to other worlds. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Updates September 2002
Type: G

Location. Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France
Date: September 29 1974
Time: 0030A
A witness named Sorba reported seeing several strange humanoids at the local “Parc de la Gaudiniere”. He described the beings as robot-like, bumpy looking skin, without faces. They moved about heavily swinging their arms. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 195
Type: E

Location. Cincinnati Ohio
Date: October 1974
Time: unknown
An anonymous teenage boy, observed at close range a UFO with portholes in his high school yard, hovering at treetop level. He was frightened by the incident and that night, in bed, he reportedly experienced, in a dream like or trance state, a visitation by a non-human entity with an oval shaped head and oval eyes, wrinkled skin and no nose, and a slit for a mouth. The being related that he would take the youth away, and that he should not be afraid. A year later, the youth had another sighting at close range, became extremely upset and fled home, claiming a UFO was after him. He was later found safe.

Humcat 1974-49
Source: Leonard Stringfield
Type: D

Location. Marietta, Georgia
Date: October 1974
Time: 0730A
The young witness was on his way to the school bus stop; as he neared a piece of open land he noticed a bizarre object or figure hovering silently over a neighbor’s field. It was a black, round, man sized object, featureless except for a single light in the middle of the circle, and two thin “leg” like protrusions, antennae like, hanging down from each side of the sphere. As he started at the object the light on its middle went out. It then backed silently backwards and upwards, across a field, and then disappeared behind some nearby pine trees.

HC addition # 3565
Source: NUFORC
Type: E?

Location. Saugus California
Date: October 1974
Time: night
Two teenage boys reported seeing a large hairy seven-foot tall creature running through a ranch area carrying a pig under its arm. The creature was reported to have been wearing a glowing blue belt. Numerous reports of UFOs were also made in the area around the same time.

HC addition # 1105
Source: Peter Guttilla and B Ann Slate Saga UFO Report 1977
Type: D or E?

Location. Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil
Date: October 5 1974
Time: unknown
A witness came upon a humanoid at least 2 meters in height, with a strong squared jaw, large eyes, and wearing a gray uniform. The humanoid spoke the following words “Halasalu Colcha” which the meaning is unknown to this date. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira Ovni
Type: E?

Location. Chilca Peru
Date: October 7 1974
Time: night
After being summoned telepathically to a remote desert spot, the witness saw a luminous disc shaped object land nearby on four legs like protrusions. A door opened and a very tall blond man wearing a silvery outfit came out. The being communicated via telepathy with the witness. No other information.

HC addition # 282
Source: Lisa Rome, UFO Universe June/July 1991 Quoting Sixto Paz Wells
Type: B

Location. Padang Geroda Pahang Malaysia
Date: October 8 1974
Time: daytime
Two schoolboys were sitting behind their school near the bushes when suddenly they saw a brown tiny man like creature with what appeared to be two “feelers” on his head. It carried a steel like rod on its hand and had what appeared to be a pistol hanging from its waist. One of the boys briefly grabbed the figure but it escaped and disappeared into the undergrowth near a drain. Three other students also saw a similar entity.

HC addition # 1461
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A Summary of UFO and Related events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Type: E

Location. Kuantan Pahang Malaysia
Date: October 9 1974
Time: daytime
A woman was exiting a bus when she accidentally kicked a tiny man like figure resembling a puppet. The figure moved and joined two other similar figures. The woman picked one of them up and was startled when the figure started laughing. She let it go and along with the other two disappeared among the crowds waiting for the buses. The three entities were described as human like with slightly larger heads, brown in color and with hairy legs. They held their hands as they scurried away. Later another witness found a tiny figure clinging at her leg as she waited for the bus. The entity was grinning at the woman disclosing its shiny white teeth. The woman screamed and kicked the entity under a moving bus it then vanished.

HC addition # 1462
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A Summary of UFO and Related events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Type: E

Location. Bicester Oxfordshire England
Date: October 9 1974
Time: 2100
K B and another boy, both 13, came to the office of the Ministry of Defense Police in Bicester to say that they had been followed from Ambrosden to Lower Arncott (1/4 mile) by a “thing” like a large hunched man, and by a bright light in the sky. K B had to be given treatment for shock.

Humcat 1974-74
Source: Awareness Winter 1975
Type: C?

Location. Avon Lake, Ohio
Date: October 12 1974
Time: night
Jackie Booth (involved in other encounters) had a very disturbing experience. She remembers getting out of bed, but then a mental block seems to prevent total recall. Hypnosis revealed a few scattered details, she said, like the image of an alien face, like one of those she had encountered in the earlier living room incident. “It was so severe and so traumatic that while I was locked in this fetal position I even wet and urinated all over the floor and everything,” she said. “I was locked in this position and could not move.” According to the hypnosis, she had received painful electric shocks for over 10 minutes.

HC addendum
Source: Mysterious America
Type: G?

Location. British Columbia & Yukon Canada
Date: October 18-22 1974
Time: 2150
Edmona Toews & Nuria Hanson were driving home to Anchorage, Alaska by the Alcan Highway, and were on Steamboat Mountain when they saw a bright light across the valley. Another light appeared above it & descended with an oscillating movement, becoming 3 times the size of the full moon before shooting back up again. The light on the mountainside was seen to be hat shaped with a row of yellow luminescent portholes; they estimated it as 90 ft in diameter. They parked and watched for 45 minutes as the grounded object became orange luminescent and moved about 100-150 ft, while the aerial object 3 times approached it & then zoomed back into the sky. Not long after they had started north again, Edmona noticed that the car was driving itself—her efforts to guide it or to accelerate were fruitless, and the car proceeded at 25 mph. During this period it apparently used no gasoline. Noticing a shadow on the road ahead of them, they rolled down the windows and looked up, to see a fluffy white cloud 20-30 ft above the car, casting a shadow from a light source above it. This was evidently what was controlling the car. When they arrived at Muncho Lake Lodge, 100 miles beyond where they had seen the UFOs, they found it closed, but a dark haired, bearded young man walked up and asked for a ride to the next lodge, 80 miles further on. He seemed lightly dressed as the temperature was near zero. As the back seat was full of luggage, he said he would sit on Nuria’s lap. He gave his name as “Gordon.” They started north again, and Nuria noticed that the young man was weightless. He then sat between the 2 front seats, but Edmona observed that he actually sat in the air, with his rear and several inches above the surface. A moving light, below treetop level, was again seen. The young man asked them if they believed in flying saucers, and also questioned them about angels. When they arrived at Fireside Inn about 0400A, Gordon got out and simply disappeared. There was fresh snow on the ground, and there were no tracks on it. It was not until they had driven all the next day, and had arrived at Watson Lake, that the strangeness of what had happened finally penetrated to them. Edmona realized that “Gordon” had resembled her husband Jim, whose middle name is Gordon. On the next day they noticed that snow was falling everywhere except in front of the car, where the road was dry. They looked up and saw that the cloud was again above them. It stayed with them also on the 21st, and after dark a light paced the car. Just before they arrived at Edmona’s home in Anchorage, the light blinked on & off 3 times, described a huge arc, and departed.

Humcat 1974-93
Source: Joseph J Brewer
Type: C or E?

Location. Nantes Loire Atlantique France
Date: October 19 1974
Time: 2030
Two students of the “Centre de Reeducation Professionelle de la Guadiniere,” heard that “an old man of the Centre” had seen something land in the Parc de la Guadiniere. They went out and “saw in the park an object of rounded form with 6 feet like tubes of glass, not touching the ground, and saw beings in the form of shadows.” They took a photo, which showed nothing. Cited, as confirmation is a 10-year old child’s statement that “at 2200 he saw the tops of the trees of violet color, which corresponds to the statement of the witnesses.”

Humcat 1974-75
Source: M Thiery, LDLN # 114
Type: A

Location. Senghor Senegal
Date: October 21 1974
Time: 2030
Police inspector Felice Ravolo and his wife observed three objects descend and hover over trees just beyond their backyard. One, a cone shaped UFO the size of a large airplane, descended silently 100 feet distant, as the primary witness approached with drawn revolver. At one end of the cone he could see a dark area, possibly a door or port. There was no sound; he could hear no crickets or other natural night sounds. He suddenly saw a figure on the ground beneath the object, behind a picket fence; the being was human in shape, taller and thinner than normal, and appeared to be covered with short, wire-brush like hair. The entity loped slowly across the ground in the direction of the witness, who fired a warning shot; the figure then turned and with 20 foot strides, headed back toward the object, which then descended and engulfed the figure in one of its leaps. The witness fired again as the object ascended rapidly.

Humcat 1974-50
Source: Dr Richard A Egan & Ronald Drucker
Type: B

Location. National Medicine Bow Park, Wyoming
Date: October 25 1974
Time: 1600
Hunting elk in the northern part of the Park, Carl Higdon fired at one but saw the bullet leave his rifle “in slow motion” and fall to the ground 50 feet away. Feeling a “tingling” sensation, he turned and saw a strange being more than 6-foot tall standing in shade nearby; the figure was dressed in a tight fitting black jumpsuit that covered him from neck to feet. He had coarse hair, like bristles, standing straight up from his head; two antennas like rods extended from his head as well. He had small eyes, no eyebrows, and no chin—his head just “narrowed” into his neck. He was bow-legged; the witness could see no hands, but his arms were long and ended in rod-like appendages that were used to manipulate things. He wore a wide belt; at the buckle were a 6-pointed star and a “mysterious yellow emblem.” The being approached and asked Higdon if he was hungry, and tossed him a packet of pills which Higdon swallowed without conscious volition. The being then pointed an arm at the witness, who immediately found himself within a transparent, cubical “craft” in company with the five elk, and two additional humanoids. He was told they were en route to their home planet, some 163,000 light years away. They put a helmet “with a wire sticking out” on his head and “shortly thereafter” arrived at the apparent destination, where Higdon could see a tall tower “similar to the rotating restaurant atop the Seattle Space Needle.” Intense light irritated his eyes and made them water; he was told our sun had the same effect upon them. He was escorted into a large building and placed before a screen like device for the purpose of a physical examination. Following this he was led back to the “traveling cube,” through whose transparent walls he was shocked to see, standing in a group, three human adults and two young teenage children. The return trip commenced and the next thing he knew was that he was back in Medicine Bow Park, cold, disoriented and in a state of near hysteria. About 1830 he stumbled upon his truck, now three miles from where it had been parked, and stranded in a mud hole. He sent a call for help over his CB radio, but it wasn’t until nearly midnight that Sheriff Ogburn and Deputy Sheriff Tierney found him and towed out his truck. He was in a state of panic, shouting, “They took my elk!” and he was taken to a hospital, very near nervous exhaustion and suffering from intense eye irritation. In the hospital, X-rays subsequently showed the apparently miraculous disappearance of old TB scars on his lungs. On the same night of his recovery, before he was found, Higdon’s wife, and Mr. & Mrs Don James observed red-green white flashing lights moving back and forth over the area being searched. Under time regression hypnosis, Higdon recalled additional details about his voyage, including the presence of a group of humans on the alien planet, the name of his captor (Ausso One), and the reason the aliens were visiting earth; “to hunt and fish for food.”

Humcat 1974-51
Source: Rick Kenyon, Robert Nantkes, Dr Leo Sprinkle & Frank Bourke
Type: G

“We are here always”

Location. Aveley Essex England
Date: October 27 1974
Time: 2210
John Avis, 29, his wife Elaine, 25, and 3 children, were driving home to Aveley, traveling southward along Hacton Lane and the Aveley Road when they saw an oval pale blue light to their left. This light traveled with them, and presently crossed the road in front of them, about 500 yards away. About a mile further on, they suddenly came upon a bank of thick green mist covering the entire road, 8-9 ft high. At this moment the car radio started crackling and smoking, and John pulled out its wires. The car’s headlights went out, and they entered the mist. In the mist “it was very light,” and they felt very cold; there was a dead silence. After what seemed like a second or two, there was a jolt, and the mist was gone; the car was now half a mile further along the road. Elaine’s first impressions were not until it had traveled another half mile. One of the children was still awake, and the other two still asleep. When they reached home, they found that the time was not about 2200, as it should have been, but about 0100A. Three hours had somehow been lost. After this, numerous odd things happened to the family, among them a nervous breakdown before Christmas that forced John to give up his job; also, John, Elaine, and two of the children all gave up eating meat, and John and Elaine gave up drinking alcohol. John, a heavy smoker, gave up smoking completely. There have been disappearances of articles in the house, a loud droning noise frequently heard after midnight, and clicking noises heard in the living room and bedroom, with other phenomena. The telephone acted peculiarly, etc. On one occasion one of the children claimed he saw a “man” standing beside his bed dressed “like a clown.” John had seen a UFO on a highway in 1968, which had made the lights and engines of several cars fail, causing a collision to occur; also, just before or just after the green mist incident, he had seen by daylight a large cylindrical silver object pacing an aircraft. John had “odd dreams” from which he could remember being operated on, “or something similar,” by “gnomes;” Elaine could remember a dream in which she was lying on an operating table, with a person of small stature in a white coat standing beside her. Later Elaine remembered John, herself and one of the children standing beside a car in a large room with curved walls. Walking around machinery were men in gray one-piece suits. Inside another room, containing the operating table, was “a small ugly looking person.” Later while John was under hypnosis he remembered that as the car entered the mist, he found himself in a big room where tall “peaceful” beings, in one-piece colorless suits, told him not to worry about the children. They had pink eyes and communicated by telepathy. They put him on a table and ran a “honeycombed” bar like instrument, 10″ by 30″, over his body. He asked where they came from; they showed him “a map but not a map”, and gave an explanation of which he could remember only “Phobos.” They travel, he was told; almost instantaneously;” they explained how, but he could not understand. A small being was present; it had fur like covering and made chirping sounds; it served the tall beings. In a second hypnotic session, John remembered that when the car entered the mist, a white beam cut through it, and lifted the car. The next thing he knew was that they were in a very large room. Here an “examiner,” “smaller than us,” with big eyes and a mouth “not like ours”, examined him. The tall beings had no visible mouths. Their propulsion system used a magnetic “vortex.” He encountered only 3 of these beings, and only one communicated with him. When asked the reason for the being’s visit to Earth, he replied, “No visit, they are here always.” Asked where they came from, he said, “There was no need for them to say,” and that they have no need to return home; “they have more than one base,” he said. After being brought out of hypnosis, he said that at this point he felt prevented from saying anything more.

Humcat 1974-94
Source: Andrew Collins, FSR Vol. 23 # 6
Type: G

Location. Elma New York
Date: October 31 1974
Time: late night
The witness had stayed up that night watching out for Halloween pranksters when he felt a compulsion to go to his backyard. He stumbled over a low garden fence and then saw coming over some nearby treetops a huge man like figure with a 9 to 10 ft wingspan, it had a large ugly head, leathery skin, glowing eyes; a long neck and a “turtle” like face. It glided silently towards the witness then suddenly veered off towards the woods disappearing from sight.

HC addition # 771
Source: Brent Raynes, UFO Perceptions # 24
Type: E

Location. Edwards Air Force Base, California
Date: winter 1974
Time: midnight
Air patrol Sgt Jones was on patrol and was parked in the area of the Rocket Propulsion Laboratory. The moon was up when suddenly Jones noticed a shape moving across the skyline of a nearby hill. While he couldn’t estimate it’s height, the trunk area or girth was described as “immense.” Sgt Jones quickly grabbed his radio and called for help. As Jones looked back again to the hill, two large luminescent green blue orbs, “like eyes” were moving towards him. They kind of floated and were moving on an easy glide. Car lights appeared down the road and the air police officer lost no time in getting out of his truck and went to meet the vehicle. This vehicle had responded to the area in response to a report about strange lights being observed in the hills. Unusual marks were found on the ground.

HC addition # 3053
Source: Bobbie Ann Slate
Type: C or E?

Location. Bald Mountain Washington
Date: November 1974 Time: unknown
While hunting in the area, Paul Smith was scanning a bluff with a pair of binoculars when a bizarre creature came into view. He described it as roughly horse shaped, but with 4 long tentacles in place of legs, and a head shaped like a football, with an antenna like prong sticking up form the top end. It was surrounded by a greenish glow. Even though armed with a rifle he was too scared to shoot at it. Several days previously an unknown object was seen to “crash” in the area.

HC addendum
Source: John Michael Greer, “Monsters”
Type: D

Location. Hantay, La Bassee, Nord, France
Date: November 1974
Time: 0730A
About 10 witnesses, schoolgirls ranging from 13 to 14 year of age were waiting for their bus at the entrance of the village. Suddenly a red luminous point comes down from the sky and lands about 200-250 meters away. They describe the object as a disc about 7-10 meters in diameter and 3-5 meters high. A few minutes later 4 human figures appear from behind the UFO, they appeared to be normal sized. All wear white luminous outfits. They moved briefly around the UFO and then approach the witnesses. At this point the bus arrives and the witnesses board it. The beings then enter the UFO, which goes up at very high speed. The witnesses experienced unaccountable fear after the incident. A circle of burnt grass was found at the site.

HC addendum
Source: Dominique Caudron, GESAG 71
Type: B

Location. Aisne France
Date: November 1974
Time: 1400
Two young men were driving through a small village in Aisne to meet friends when they found they had to turn around to go in another direction. Just before passing the last house in the village, they slowed for a turn and were stopped by the sight of five small figures, taken at first for females, in the courtyard of the nearby house. Three were in the rear, to the left, in front of a wooded door; a fourth was walking slowly along the wall of the house touching it with both hands; the fifth stood in the center of the courtyard, not more than 3 meters from the witnesses, one of the men, in the passenger’s seat, had rolled down his window and found himself almost face to face with this figure. All five were similar in appearance. They were a little over 4 ft tall; complexions were yellowish white; and they were clothed in long loose hanging dresses that reached the ground, covering their feet. These were blue, with multicolored circles in them. Each being had long, straight hair that fell to the waist. Their eyes were outstanding; extremely large and dark with no whites showing, lacking lashes, eyelids, or eyebrows. These tended to bulge out. Their noses were slight and their mouths just a slit. When first discovered, the figures did not appear to noticed the two men; then the figure nearest them turned and stared at them, as did the others, none of them moving, and all with slight smiles fixed on their faces. The men, who were petrified with fear, were at first unable to move; after an estimated two minutes they quickly turned and drove from the scene, badly shaken. Two days lager they reported the incident to the local gendarmes. While their descriptions suggested “little women,” the men referred to the beings in the masculine. A third and independent witness is alleged to have seen the little beings from nearby.

Humcat 1974-92
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Type: E

Location. White Meadow Lake New Jersey
Date: November 1974
Time: evening
A middle aged man, Solomon R, was driving along Route 15 from Route 80 when his headlights illuminated an immense humanoid figure standing by the side of the road. It was not facing the road and the witness could see that it was unlike any normal animal he’d ever seen. It was greenish in color and covered with scales; as the witness drove by the figure turned its head to the left so he was able to see its head in profile; the face was reptilian, with bulging frog-like eyes and a broad, lipless mouth. The driver proceeded without stopping to investigate.

Humcat 1974-76
Source: Louis Wiedmann for Vestigia
Type: E

Location. Toronto Ontario Canada
Date: November 1974
Time: 2000
The witness was home alone when he felt a very powerful urge to look out the patio door. He saw a bright white maneuvering light that suddenly made a sharp turn and headed towards him. The light seemed to fly over him as the witness became dazed and confused. Later under hypnosis the witness was able to remember that two beings (not described) descended in a light beam towards his balcony, grabbing the witness and apparently floating him up into the hovering object. Inside, the beings performed a number of tests on the witness taking skin samples and bone marrow.

HC addition # 1432
Source: Stan Mickus, Extraordinary Experiences by John Robert Colombo
Type: G

Location. Texas Canyon California
Date: November 1974
Time: 2300
Six teenagers driving through an isolated canyon noticed a cloud of dust on the road ahead of them. As they approached the spot they were confronted by three weird creatures described as tall, hairy, with dog like faces and glowing eyes. As the witnesses drove by the beings these threw stones and dirt at the vehicle and screamed in a monkey like chatter. As the witnesses drove away they could see more approaching figures with glowing eyes. Later a mysterious airplane with a bright white light was seen circling the area.

HC addition # 1106
Source: Peter Guttilla, B Ann Slate, Saga UFO Report June 1977
Type: E

Location. Near Badajoz Spain
Date: November 8 1974
Time: night
Jose Maria Cravero and another aviator had observed a UFO at close range on November 5 in the vicinity of Talavera Air Base. Three days later, Mr. Cravero returned to the site and observed a strange, evasive entity on the road outside Badajoz; he got out of his car to approach and the being departed without speaking. The witness described the entity as wearing a dark brown jacket, black trousers, and a kind of “Roman helmet” on his head. Cravero saw no nose and the eyes appeared to be slanted. The body was tall and slender but he observed no details about the arms or legs. Cravero was impressed by the furtive nature of the being.

Humcat 1974-52
Source: Gordon Creighton, FSR Vol. 20 # 5
Type: E

Location. Gagliari Italy
Date: November 10 1974
Time: 1815
Two men passing through the local square noticed a cigar shaped object descending from the sky. It passed slowly about 20 meters above a nearby building. It had four, square illuminated portholes that emitted a white light. Inside, five humanoid figures could be seen, always remaining in profile. The craft then disappeared behind a building under construction.

HC addition # 1515
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat
Type: A

Location. Mount Cross Tennessee
Date: November 11 1974
Time: 1730
Billy Joe Lodnar, driving up Mt. Cross for a weekend of hunting, saw a blinking orange cigar shaped object pass over his truck and then turn back toward him. (The UFO, or another, had previously been seen by the pilot of a Marine A-4C Skyhawk flying from Beaufort, South Carolina, who radioed that it was flying “just off his wingtip.”) Lodnar got out of his truck with his rifle in had, and saw the object land in a clearing; he now saw that it was lens shaped with a central dome. He inched his way toward the gully where the object had settled until he was 300 feet away and somewhat above. He saw a door open on the side and a small, stocky humanoid with a large head on a “skeletal” body emerged, walking down a ramp. Its skin was gray and appeared scaly; the eyes were slit-like. As it walked around near the object, Lodnar trained his gun on it, but did not fire. The being re-entered the UFO, where another one appeared in the doorway to pull it inside. Then the object took off silently. In a later investigation on site, broken branches and scorch marks were found.

Humcat 1974-53
Source: Ronald Drucker, Saga UFO Report, fall 1975
Type: B

Location. Near Castelleale Romagna Province Italy
Date: mid November 1974
Time: 1730
The witness was attending to some animals in her farmyard when she noticed that some of the chickens and rabbits were acting strangely, running, and staring upwards. She glanced up and saw on top of the house at roof top height a “man” sitting on a box like object that was swinging back and forth apparently looking for something. The man was described as tall and heavy set wearing a shiny one-piece outfit with green, red, and white markings and large square boots. He wore a helmet with visor that covered his face. He appeared to be dark complexioned. The man sat on the object holding a rod like device rocking slowly to and fro. He then moved slowly towards the east where a vivid white light hovered. The witness saw the light and immediately felt a heat wave from it. The man then flew slowly towards a nearby cemetery followed closely by the bright light. He appeared to circle the area several times before disappearing from sight.

HC addition # 796
Source: Gianfranco Lollino, FSR Vol. 32 # 4
Type: E?

Location. Antigo Wisconsin
Date: November 17 1974
Time: 1330
For several days prior to the weird encounter there were multiple reports of UFO sightings in Antigo. On Saturday night, Nov. 16 Mrs Eunice H, proprietor of a local bar and restaurant, had seen with her family a maneuvering light in the sky. Next afternoon while on duty at the bar, the witness saw a little man of strange appearance, 4 1/2 feet tall, enter the bar with a kind of “bouncing” gait; he motioned to her to come closer and addressed her in rapid English, saying, “You saw a bright light on Friday night.” She corrected him, saying it was Saturday night, but he repeated his assertion four times. He was smiling throughout this rapid-fire discourse, showing “a mouthful of white teeth.” His eye level was no higher than the top of the bar, and he wore dark glasses with inch-wide frames; he had a dark complexion, and shiny black hair. His jacket was loosely woven, “like burlap.” He continued his monologue and said a meteor was supposed to have landed nearby, adding something unclear to the witness about “Medford,” repeating the same name several times. He spoke so fast the witness was unable to follow what he was saying; on perceiving this, he threw his arms into the air and exclaimed, “And the whole world lit up!” He then wheeled about and stalked out of the door. By the time the witness had recovered from her surprise, the stranger had disappeared. She and several patrons in the bar had not heard any car drive away.

Humcat 1974-54
Source: Art Koskela for Mufon & Cufos
Type: D?

Location. Plattonville Louisiana
Date: November 21 1974
Time: 1730
14-year old Lance Edwards was walking home at dusk when he saw two brightly luminous objects flying low over some nearby houses. He pursued them, running down a farm road, and came upon one of them resting on the ground at the edge of a woods. Its brightness dazzled him so that he had to cover his eyes; then, feeling like someone was watching him, he turned and saw a strange figure just behind him. He started to run, but ran right into the figure and was knocked to the ground. He picked himself up and took off, thoroughly frightened. The figure was small, reaching only to Lance’s chest, but was stocky built; it had no neck, and had a “pushed in” nose similar to a Pekinese. The color of its skin was “bluish” like “a bruise.” The youngster reported the encounter immediately to his father, who took him to the sheriff’s office, where a complete report was made.

Humcat 1974-55
Source: Sheriff Frank Theriot
Type: C

Location. Minneapolis Minnesota
Date: November 26 1974
Time: evening
Mike Grivoski, a teenager saw a large orange luminous ball crossing the sky, ran for his Polaroid camera, and took a picture. His father also saw the object, which was as bright as the full moon. The picture, however, showed 5 small lights, each with a dashed trail leading across the picture. That night, Mike was awakened by the noise of someone in his bedroom; he saw a “creature” with heavy brow ridges, jowls, and large pointed ears, taking the picture out of a drawer. When he sat up, the creature dropped the picture & ran out the door.

Humcat 1974-77
Source: Mike Douglas & Kevin Randle
Type: D

Location. Near Dallas Texas
Date: November 27 1974
Time: night
Dora Ellen Afelbaum, driving home in a new car at Thanksgiving, saw a light following her. She stopped the car and rolled down her window, thinking it may be a helicopter, but she heard no noise. The light then moved ahead of her and she saw what appeared to be dogs, then a “human like form,” running toward the light. Suddenly the light, the animals, and the figure vanished. There were others cars on the highway but none stopped, and no one else appeared to have witnessed the incident.

Humcat 1974-78
Source: Letter from witness, Fate February 1977
Type: C?

Location. Rociana Del Condado, Huelva, Spain
Date: November 29 1974
Time: night
At the local “Finca El Condesito” while investigating numerous and strange phenomena in the area, including strange spheres hovering over fields, bizarre voices, strange fleeting figures inside houses etc, investigator Julio Marvizon photographed in infrared camera a strange humanoid head and face that did not correspond to any of those present at the time. The face is shadowy by with large dark eyeholes and a nose.

HC addendum
Source: Iker Jimenez, Encuentros, Historia De Los Ovni en España
Type: E or F?

Location. Grosscourt Oise France
Date: November 30 1974
Time: 1810
After dark, Jacques M. was driving a car following that of Pierre Errecoundo and Maggy Carof, on a saucer hunting expedition. He looked up to see, in the light of his headlights, a man at least 8 ft tall standing by the roadside. This being was all milky white, as if wearing a tight white coverall, and his round head was without hair or features. Panic-stricken, Jacques, drove on past; then, thinking better of it, he turned around and drove back, and returned over the same course; but he saw nothing more of the being. Meanwhile Pierre, noticing that Jacques, was not following him, had gone back to look for him. He saw a white headlight beam and a red light pass, apparently on the road, but silently, and disappearing before reaching the intersection. Then Jacques car showed up. On comparing notes and retracing his path, it was found that Jacques could account for only 8 minutes of the 10-11 minutes he had been absent. He was therefore questioned under hypnosis. He now said that he had got out of the car and watched the being for 3.5 minutes, and had felt that he was benevolent. He said also that there had been a big yellow-white light in the field, which “quickly disappeared.” The being suddenly vanished, after which the witness returned to his car and to his memory.

Humcat 1974-79
Source: Maggy Carof & Jean Luc Rivera
Type: C

Location. Grosscourt Oise France
Date: late November 1974
Time: 0130A
Ms Henault, a house cleaner, was driving her car from Beauvais to Gournay on Route N31. A few km south of Grosscourt she observed, at the side of the road, a human like figure dressed entirely in white, raising his arms as thought he were hitch hiking. Even his feet were white. He was of normal size, and the witness passed quickly by, wondering what someone in “white pajamas” was doing at the roadside at hat hour of the morning.

Humcat 1974-80
Source: Maggy Carof & Jean Luc Rivera
Type: E

Location. Cradle Hill England
Date: December 1974
Time: night
Sally pike, daughter of a retired police officer, was out on a UFO watch at Cradle Hill, near Warminster, when she saw “a tall male figure striding up the road in the moonlight.” The figure was 7-foot tall, and had extremely long, limply hanging arms, and no neck, and was silvery in appearance, although nearly transparent. The locale, on Salisbury Plain has been a popular site for UFO watching, with hundreds of observations since 1964.

Humcat 1974-56
Source: Timothy Green Beckley
Type: D

Location. Cradle Hill England
Date: December 1974
Time: evening
A few days after the previous encounter, the husband of Mrs Pike, Neil Pike, saw in the late twilight, 3 giant figures, whose transparent, upper torsos were the only visible portion of their bodies, he described their heads as “long and slightly pointed.” Pike aimed a flashlight beam at one, which vanished and re-appeared in another spot; frightened, he fled the area. 15 others were said have seen the transparent giants in that locale. No other information.

Humcat 1974-57
Source: Timothy Green Beckley
Type: D

Location. Torres, Brazil
Date: December 1974
Time: night
A witness encountered a short humanoid “doll-like” or “puppet-like” in appearance. He reportedly communicated via telepathy with the humanoid. He also saw a small disc-shaped object and a larger “mother-ship” type craft. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira Ovni
Type: C?

Location. Orland Park, Illinois
Date: December 1974
Time: night
The main witness, his 2-year old daughter and his ex-wife were at the Ford City Mall watching a school group singing songs for the holidays. The mall had several rows of chairs set up for the shoppers to enjoy the show. He noticed his daughter not looking at the show, but she was staring at a little girl sitting about 5 (empty) chairs away. She seemed to be “locked” in a stare with the other girl. He looked at the girl and she was staring at his daughter in the same “locked” way. He then noticed the other girl’s eyes; they were not round but oval, like a cat or a reptile. He then looked at her father. He turned his head slowly and looked at the witness and his eyes were just like the little girl. Shocked, he turned away for a few seconds. When he looked back, both were gone. They were both dressed like everyone there, nothing to make them stand out. He looked around the area to try to find them, with no luck.

HC addendum
Source: Weird Science
Type: E

Location. Near Middlebury, Vermont
Date: December 1974
Time: night
A farmer and his wife suspected a bunch of kids were up to some mischief on their land. They crossed a cornfield to investigate there they came across a landed disc-shaped object. A woman stood in the doorway of the ship signaling for the couple to come on board. Instead, they ran home, and then tried to find someone to confirm what they had seen. When they returned to the field, the ship was gone.

HC addendum
Source: Joseph A Citro, Green Mountain Ghosts, Ghouls & Unsolved Mysteries & William Chapleau MUFON
Type: B
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Unfortunately there is no additional information on this case. I would attempt to obtain further. The date is arbitrary.

Location. Near Moose Jaw Saskatchewan Canada
Date: December 1 1974
Time: 2300
Three persons in a parked car, observed bright lights appearing to be at the edge of a large object. The object hovered at low altitude and moved up & down. On several occasions a light approached their vehicle at high speed and stopped 20 feet away. These lights were quite bright but dimmed upon stopping, then disappeared. The occupants of the vehicle felt quite cold as the lights approached. One of the witnesses saw two man-like figures wearing silvery outfits, with facial covering & helmets with a single antenna, walking outside the car. As the object left the witnesses felt a strong rush of air and something strike their vehicle, at the same time they felt extreme heat.

HC addition # 2745
Source: Mufon Canada, quoting Canadian Military
Type: C

Location. Croydon London England
Date: December 2 1974
Time: 0300A
Stephen Jenkins woke up to hear clearly audible footsteps on the stairs. Two beings then appeared on the landing. Their body texture was “something like closely compressed pulpy leaves.” Their faces were reddish, with yellow eyes with hard black pupils. Around them was a translucent, faintly luminous “box like structure.” In a moment they were gone.

Humcat 1974-73
Source: Stephen Jenkins, The Undiscovered Country
Type: E

Location. Near Frederick Wisconsin
Date: December 2 1974
Time: 2230
Driving home, William Bosak, 69-year-old farmer, noticed something parked in the opposite lane of the road ahead. Slowing down to look, his headlights illuminated an object with a curved, transparent front, behind which could be seen a figure visible from the waist up, with arms upraised over his head, as if in terror. The figure, which seemed to be “a little taller than a tall man,” had a square face with hair “sticking straight out from the sides,” long, narrow ears that stuck straight out, brown furry arms, and fur or hair on his torso. The eyes were large and protruding. Frightened, Bosak sped pas the object, which was surrounded by a kind of fog; as he passed, the car “darkened, as if in shadow,” and the witness heard “a kind of soft whooshing sound.” No traces were visible at the site the following day.

Humcat 1974-58
Source: Dewey Berscheid & Edward E Lightner & Jerry Clark
Type: A

Location. Beaumont Texas
Date: December 15 1974
Time: 0200A
A police officer out on stake out duty watched a brilliant star like object in the horizon. He took his eyes off of it and resumed surveillance. A few minutes later he saw the light descend in a slight arch. He called another officer to his location and both watched as the object neared and actually came close enough to see a pilot in a lighted cockpit and instrument lights reflecting off his helmet and visor. The craft had a huge light on the front, (about 20 ft in diameter) but, there was no light emitted from it. The object was described as diamond shape. The pilot was described as humanoid and when he noticed the witnesses looking at him, the craft shot away in an instant without any sound at all.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC Type: A

Location. Zion Illinois
Date: December 16 1974
Time: 0230A
Nancy Handyside was awakened by the barking of dogs, and heard a moaning sound. She got up to see if the children were all right. As she was about to turn on the hall light she heard a scurrying sound, as rats might make. She saw nothing; the children were sleep and she returned to her bed, turned out the light and lay there listening to the strange sound. After about ten minutes, feeling her dog press against her on the bed, she felt reassured and reached out to pet him. What she saw was not her dog but a grotesque little man leaning against the edge of the bed. She shoved violently with her leg and lost sight of him as he rolled over on the floor. She described him as gray skinned with shiny eyes, large with no pupil. His mouth was a slit and he had a pointed chin. He was no more than three feet high. Her dog had been asleep throughout the entire experience. She sat up and turned on the light, but could see no trace of him.

Humcat 1974-81
Source: Ralph Vaughn
Type: E

Location. Vietnam, just north of the DMZ
Date: December 17 1974
Time: 0130A
A group of heavily armed soldiers had gone out in a search and destroy mission and had gone along a river bank by a heavily wooded area and had reached a clearing, when they began spreading out, their leader sensed something peculiar about the area. There was a strange eerie silence all around with the normal animals sounds totally absent. A scout went ahead and reported finding no tracks of any kind around. The silence continued. Strange fecal deposits were located, then sounds from the nearby brush were heard, several huge figures then came into view just ahead of the soldiers. The figures were almost eight-foot tall and bright yellow in color, as they came closer, large three digit hands with what appeared to be long claws could bee seen on the creatures. They had large eyes, nose slits and flat faces. The figures passed near the men apparently without noticing them. The men then decide to turn back, as they walked into the bushes they began hearing loud crashing noises and realized that the creatures were running behind them. The men all ran towards the river where their boat was located with the creatures in hot pursuit. Several times the men fired their high caliber weapons at the creatures without any apparent effect. At one point one of the men fired several armor piercing rounds at one of the creature’s chest area, this also without any apparent effect. The men finally reached their boat and left the area, before leaving they saw a strong powerful glow on the riverbank as if dozens of the creatures had gathered to watch them leave.

HC addition # 1385
Source: Martin S Caidin, Natural, or Supernatural?
Type: E

Location. Fairfield Ohio
Date: December 22 1974
Time: 2200
Noticing a light shining in her bedroom, 82-year-old Mrs P looked outside and saw a “boat shaped” or oblong object hovering over a neighboring house. The UFO, 50-60 feet wide, had green and white lights around the lower part, and seemed to be rotating. It gently rose and fell above the house for about 20 minutes and then moved to a new position above a nearby church. A white light shone from 3 to 4 square windows around the upper portion; atop was a brightly lit area, in which two small dark, humanoid figures could be seen moving and forth in “cramped positions,” continually gesticulating with their arms. The beings, which ignored the witness, were visible only form the waist up. The object remained over the church nearly a half an hour, rising and falling gently, and then it moved horizontally a short distance and shot upwards at a high speed.

Humcat 1974-59
Source: Geri Wilhelm & Leonard Stringfield Type: A

Location. Colonia Tovar, Venezuela
Date: December 23 1974 Time: 0425A
On a pre-arranged meeting Enrique Castillo traveled to an isolated location by taxi. Soon a craft a craft appeared a few meters above ground level on a ravine “swinging from side to side and projecting a tenuous light downwards.” Around six to seven meters in diameter, it landed about 40 meters away. A tripod slid down, then a ladder and a man stepped to the ground. It was a Cyril; an extraterrestrial Castillo had met before. Castillo was apparently to an underground base in the high Andes. He was also taken to a base manned entirely by human like beings. There he met over a dozen other human Contactees from nineteen different countries.

HC addendum
Source: Timothy Good, Unearthly Disclosure
Type: G

Location. Andes Mountains
Date: December 25 1974
Time: unknown
Enrique Castillo and others supposedly were taken to meet a “master of wisdom” who apparently resided some distance away from the extraterrestrial base in the Andes. As they came out of a tunnel, four shiny craft, about for meters in diameter, could be seen, “suspended” some eight to ten meters above the ground. In due course a man looking like the Jesus as fancifully imagined, dressed in a simple, short sleeve robe and, of course, sandals, appeared out of the tunnel. Smiling, he addressed the assembled gathering. “I am not who you believe I am,” he declaimed. “My name is a thousand names.” The master of wisdom went on to deliver a flowery speech.

HC addendum
Source: Timothy Good, Unearthly Disclosure
Type: G

Location. Lumberton North Carolina
Date: December 29 1974
Time: 2200
Multiple reports of a UFO with bright colored lights came about the same time a family of 4 persons called the County Sheriff’s dispatcher to report seeing a humanoid figure wearing “a silver and black suit with some sort of helmet” in the Forest Acres area; when observed, the figure would jump into bushes and disappear. The callers sounded sober, according to dispatcher Fred Barnes. Four deputies checked the woods around Forest Road and Barker Ten Mile Road but found nothing.

Humcat 1974-60
Source: Lee Spiegel, quoting Newspaper source
Type: D

Total Cases: 237

Addendums to be included as they become available.


Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

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