1988 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTS Compiled by Albert Rosales

1988 Humanoid visitations: “Lizardman arrives”. Also “missing time” still in focus.

1988 Preview to 1989.

Location. Mt. Orab Ohio
Date: 1988
Time: unknown
On a property owned by an Indian there is a report of a UFO crash and supposedly three “female” aliens were recovered from the wreckage. The Federal government then purchased the farm property. The object was then put on a flatbed with military tank like tire threads and wheeled off. No other information.

HC addition # 2799
Source: CSETI Crash list
Type: H

Location. Giza, Egypt
Date: 1988
Time: unknown
French Egyptologist Louis Caparat reportedly “discovered a secret room in the Great Pyramid of Cheops.” A dead alien humanoid “was found in a crystalline transparent case. At first the alien (not described) appeared to be hibernating,” or in a state of suspended animation. Caparat reportedly “also found a papyrus text” which described the pharaoh meeting with the alien, who told him that some day his space traveling species would arrive from the stars. The alien supposedly suggested the design of the pyramid and persuaded the Egyptians to build it as his resting place. Caparat reportedly sent a message to a colleague in Spain, Francisco de Braga, a biologist, inviting him to come to Egypt, to take blood, cell, tissue, and DNA samples from the dead alien. But when de Braga arrived in Cairo, he was detained by the Egyptian Ministry of State Security and put on a plane back to Madrid. According to Rose El-Yussuf, the dead alien was taken to a laboratory at an undisclosed location by Egyptian military intelligence. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Wisam Mohammed & Alfredo Lissoni
Type: H?

Location. Perth Western Australia
Date: 1988
Time: early morning
Two children reported hearing a knocking on the French windows of their house. They told their parents they saw 2-3 little people, about 3 inches tall, tapping on the window. On the brick paved courtyard were 2 black, triangular craft, also very diminutive. The parents went to investigate but found nothing. Both children independently drew what they had seen and their drawings matched.

HC addition # 2713
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: C

Location. Several miles of the coast of Florida, Atlantic Ocean
Date: 1988
Time: afternoon
Professional scuba diver Robert Froster was diving alone looking for mysterious undersea formations, when he noticed a disturbance in the water. When he turned to look, he saw a vague, shadowy figure slashing toward him. All around him the water had begun to churn wildly, and clouds of sediment were swirling. As the creature rushed toward him, it appeared to undulate, rather than glide. When the fast moving form got to within 20 yards of him, he noticed something odd about it. Appendages like arms, seemed to be reaching out toward him, and the end of each arm appeared to be sharply talon hands. He then saw the creature in full view. He saw an unmistakable pair of breasts, long flowing hair, smooth skin, and scaled tail from the waist down. It appeared to be half woman, half fish. Froster said, “I’ve never seen such evil hate in the eyes of any human or animal before.” Before the creature could reach him, Froster shot up toward the surface and was able to scamper over the side of his craft to safety. He never saw the creature again.

HC addition # 2861
Source: E Randall Floyd, Great Southern Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Adelaide South Australia
Date: 1988
Time: night
The witness had been in bed one night when she found herself in a white space. Three very tall entities were present with her. These wore some type of gown-like outfits. She was not afraid as the beings emitted a “beautiful feeling.” She apparently had a discussion with them and woke up the next morning unable to recall the contents of that conversation.

HC addition # 2035
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: G?

Location. Barbacena Brazil
Date: 1988
Time: night
Jose Tadeu Alves reportedly encountered four very short humanoids with large heads that emitted a strange buzzing sound. They reportedly communicated via telepathy. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro
Type: E?

Location. Wittlich, Germany
Date: 1988
Time: night
A group of police officers walking near a local candle lit shrine outside of the Morbach munitions base noticed that the candle was out, they made a few jokes and returned to their posts. Later that night, alarms started going off at the base’s perimeter fence. Investigating, several men saw a huge animal standing on its hind legs. The creature was wolf-like and seven to eight feet tall, it jumped a twelve-foot security fence after taking three long leaping steps. A guard dog was brought to the scene of the sighting to track the animal, but it “went nuts” and wouldn’t follow.

HC addendum
Source: Lone Wolf’s Den
Type: E

Location. Laguna Cartagena, Puerto Rico
Date: 1988
Time: night
A witness reported seeing two humanoids “in what appeared to be uniforms” guiding a large, hairy simian creature. The trio “disappeared into the ground.” Around the same time there were reported cattle mutilations in the area.

HC addendum
Source: Scott Corrales, Inexplicata issue # 10
Type: E

Location. Naperville, Illinois
Date: 1988
Time: night
14-year old Tim B, was on his way home through a large dark field he had walked over a hill and had reached some nearby railroad tracks when he saw standing on them something that paralyzed him with fear. He saw—looking directly at his eyes a creature that stood about 20 ft away. He described the creature as bald, with huge eyes, about 3-4 ft tall with claw-like hands. He saw no other features. Terrified he ran from the area and did not see the creature leave.

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal Story Archive, December 2002
Type: E

Location. Huelva Spain
Date: 1988
Time: late night
An eight-year old girl suddenly woke up in her bedroom to see a tall dark skin entity, wearing a white robe and a crucifix hanging from its neck, standing at the foot of her bed. The being smiled at the girl, then disappeared.

HC addition # 2604
Source: Pedro P Canto, Visitantes de Dormitorio
Type: E

Location. Norfolk England
Date: 1988
Time: late night
24-year old Rachel Jones remembers seeing a white light outside her bedroom window. When she awoke the next morning she found a painful hole in her navel, which oozed clear liquid. Later under hypnotic regression Rachel recalled that a large gray being, wearing a skullcap, and a blue suit, operated on her in a darkly lit room. He had no facial features other than eyes and a nose like a bulldog. She felt she was part of a biological experiment. No other information.

HC addition # 2830
Source: UFO BBS
Type: G

Location. Cadgwith, Cornwall, England
Date: 1988
Time: late night
The witness had been staying at a local cottage when one windy and rainy night she was unable to sleep. She was thinking of going downstairs for a while when she looked down the hall and there, at the end of the hall, to the right of the toilet, stood a black figure. It looked like it had a hooded robe on. She just stared, frozen in bed. All of the sudden, the figure lifted slowly from the floor and extended its arms out on either side and proceeded to swiftly float right towards the witness. The terrified witness turned around and dove under the covers. She could hear a rustling sound right above her head. But before she knew it there was dead silence. She waited at least 15 minutes before coming out from under the covers, when she did this the figure had vanished.

HC addendum
Source: Pancake Perspectives issue # 17
Type: E

Location. French Alps region, France
Date: 1988
Time: late night
The 9-year old witness was sick with a very high temperature and was lying in bed with her mom sleeping on the bed next to her. She was still awake when she suddenly saw a fairly attractive adult woman, dressed in black with long black hair standing on the right hand side of her bed looking at her, grinning in an evil sort of way. The weird thing apart from the fact that there was a strange woman in their house in the middle of the night was that she appeared to have “vampire” teeth or fangs. Terrified the witness attempted to wake her mom. She shook her shoulder saying, “Mom there’s a vampire in the room.” Her mother moaned and fell back to sleep. The witness then shut her eyes and hid under the covers. She eventually fell asleep and does not remember seeing the strange woman leave. Many years later she spoke to a friend that lived in the same neighborhood back then and she described encountering the same black clad woman in her bedroom also, standing by her bed.

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal about Com July 2003 stories
Type: E

Location. Palm Beach, Queensland Australia
Date: early 1988
Time: early morning
A woman woke up to find her husband, in a frenetic state, resembling a heart attack. He was gasping for breath, his temperature was high and he was shaking. He kept saying, “They wanted him to go with them.” He claimed he saw someone or something looking at him from the window. He had felt uneasy at first then he saw faces at the window, which were calling him. He panicked as he saw three or four faces present at the window, their bedroom being on the second floor. The faces were human in form but one made a bad impression on him. He told the “faces” that was not going to go with them; he then began to feel stifled and felt as if they were somehow “pulling” at his emotions. The next thing he knew his wife was calming him down. He became very ill soon after the incident but recovered.

HC addition # 2674
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: E

Location. Near Mossoro Rio Grande do Norte Brazil
Date: early 1988
Time: 2030
Antonio Fernandes Duarte was driving to his thirteen hundred acre farm during a light rain and as he was entering his property he saw a huge ball of light off to his left about 40 meters away. It was an oval shaped object on the ground with a large light and resting on three legs. The witness stopped and noticed that the craft was dull, silvery metallic and about the size of a car, about three meters high. The legs were about two meters long. He was able to see three very small men standing in the door, which was like a window hinged at the top, and two were on the ground. There was an accordion like cable coming out of their backs. One wore amber colored jumpsuit; the other wore orange and the third grayish-green. He stood at the door of the object. They seemed to be about four-feet tall, well proportioned with somewhat largish heads. There faces appeared flat and their skin seemed to be grayish in color. They appeared not to notice the witness and seemed to be distracted. One was going down on the ground and then he would go back into the ship. He would do this by jumping and floating to the ground and float back up again. A cable connected him. During the whole time the object emitted a beeping sound. As the witness watch there was a sudden flash of light, and everything disappeared. He felt his body completely numb after the flash of light.

HC addition # 2592
Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone
Type: B

Location. Barrio De La Serena, Mar Del Plata, Argentina
Date: early January 1988
Time: 0100A
Two young men were returning home late one night when they spotted a bright light approaching form the direction of a nearby wooded area. The light began performing circular movements and zigzagging at high speed. After a minute they stopped looking at the light, suddenly they both were engulfed in a bright flash of light from an unknown source, a mist of multicolored smoke began forming around them. Suddenly they saw a short brown furry looking figure with two large red eyes staring at them. It appeared to float just above the ground. The figure approached and began staring at one of the witnesses, after what seemed to be a few minutes the multicolored mist began forming again it covered the figure and it vanished. They both now saw a hovering silvery oval shaped craft with a row of square windows nearby, inside the windows they could see several moving dark human like figures. The object then shot away towards the wooded area emitting a bright flash of light. The two witnesses reported a 4-hour period of missing time.

HC addition # 374
Source: Richard Heiden, quoting Cuarta Dimension # 188
Type: C?

Location. Near Washington DC
Date: January 1988
Time: 0200A
Two young women students had just left a party and were driving through an unfamiliar area of the city when they suddenly came upon what appeared to be a six-car pile up in the middle of the intersection. There were six wrecked vehicles but there was not anybody in sight. No emergency vehicles, no flashing lights or police. They felt uneasy and drove by slowly arriving home later than usual. After being bothered by this strange episode both women decided to use hypnosis in order to find any hidden information. Apparently one of the women was abducted while the other remained in a state of suspended animation in the vehicle. Several short gray humanoids took one of the women into a hovering object and medically examined her then returned her back to the vehicle. She was then told that she would only remember a six-car pile up.

HC addition # 2349
Source: Budd Hopkins, IUR Vol. 15 # 5
Type: G

Location. Near Pasadena California
Date: January 1988
Time: late night
The witness was awakened in the middle of the night by a short gray skin humanoid standing next to her bed. The being began probing the witness torso with various types of instruments. A brown circular spot was found in the witness backyard the next morning. A month before the witness had seen a bright beam of light coming down from above shining in her backyard.

HC addition # 1768
Source: Ann Druffel, IUR Vol. 14 # 3
Type: E

Location. Ballykerron Ireland
Date: January 1988
Time: sundown
Two young girls were playing near a frozen lake when they noticed a two-foot tall man 50 feet away. He was wearing a pointed hat and appeared to be picking at the ice. They stared at the little man and he suddenly noticed them and just disappeared in plain sight.

HC addition # 681
Source: Scott S Smith, Fate March 1993
Type: E

Location. Brentwood California
Date: January 1988
Time: late night
The witness was reading in bed with her boyfriend sleeping next to her when she noticed the figure of a small “man” standing on the right side of the bed, by her boyfriend. The being was 4-foot tall with grayish tan skin that was very rough textured. He had a large head with a pointed chin and large dark slanted eyes. The witness attempted to scream but found herself totally paralyzed. She also felt a tingling sensation through her body. The being reached across the bed over her boyfriend and attempted to touch her. His hand had four fingers with webbing in between them and long fingernails. In her mind she heard the words “Do not worry I wont hurt you, I just want to examine you.” Just before the being touched her, the boyfriend jostled and tossed in bed, this apparently startled the little being that then jumped back and disappeared in a white flash of light.

HC addition # 1297
Source: Barry Taff, UFO Magazine Vol. 4 # 1
Type: E

Location. Kharkov, Ukraine
Date: January 1988
Time: late night
Irina Subbotina had fallen into a lethargic sleep next to her husband when she was suddenly awakened by a circle of light in the bedroom in front of the bed near the ceiling. Within the circle of light she saw a dark haired man in profile that suddenly turned and looked at her. He stares at her intently, apparently examining her. Then two more figures appear within the circle, one a bearded man, the second a child wearing “old time” clothing. Curiously the child appears to be swinging on an invisible swing. Terrified, Irina attempted to shout but could not utter a word. Suddenly the vision disappears and she felt a small hand grabbing her wrist she also sees what appears to be an invisible body moving under the covers near her. She was suddenly able to pull her hand and began to cry. Everything then disappeared. She would have a further “encounter” in the summer.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Ukraine
Type: E?

Location. Gulf Breeze Florida
Date: January 12 1988
Time: 1725
Ed Walters was in his pickup truck on US 98 when an object appeared ahead of him shining a white beam of light through the windshield partially paralyzing his forearms and hands. He stopped the truck to the side of the road. He now felt numb and his arms were stinging. The object approached quickly and now hovered 3-feet above the roadway. The witness was able to grab his shotgun and exited the truck attempting to crawl under it. At this point the object brightened and it came closer. The witness was again hit on the back of his legs by a white beam of light. The object now began rotating and a blue beam of light appeared under it. The beam apparently deposited five small beings on the roadway, all wore some type of shield like coverings had large black oval shaped eyes and carried glowing rods. The beings now walked towards the witness, who then managed to crawl back into the truck and was somehow able to start it, he then drove quickly away from the area at high speed.

HC addition # 359
Source: Donald Ware, Walter Andrus, and Charles Flannigan Mufon Journal # 239
Type: B

Location. Near Broken Hill New South Wales, Australia
Date: January 31 1988
Time: night
A tall humanoid figure in a silvery outfit approached a truck driver in his truck. He was unable to move during the encounter. No other information.

HC addition # 991
Source: Tasmanian UFO Report 1989
Type: E?

Location. Lancashire, England (exact location not given)
Date: February 13 1988
Time: 0230A
A woman was apparently abducted from her home by several short entities wearing silvery suits then taken up a ramp into a landed craft. There she was placed on a table and examined by these beings who had leathery skin and smelt like cinnamon. Later she awoke back home with a terrible soreness around her genitals. Strange puncture wounds were also found on her arms.

HC addition # 2296
Source: Jenny Randles, Star Children
Type: G

Location. Greensburg Pennsylvania
Date: February 14 1988
Time: 0150A
The witness observed a large delta shaped craft hovering at 20 feet altitude. Through several windows, humanoid figures could be seen inside. It emitted a dull light that extended towards the ground.

HC addition # 2501
Source: Mufon Journal # 274
Type: A

Location. Acqui Italy
Date: February 16 1988
Time: 2010
Several witnesses riding onboard a car saw a landed disc shaped craft on the side of the road and standing next to it a 2-meter tall humanoid-like creature. It wore a shimmering metallic outfit. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: CUN Type: C

Location. Bentwaters England
Date: February 18 1988
Time: 2130
Two men exploring a wooded area near an Air Force base watched several UFOs and mysterious lights maneuvering over the area and on the ground. They saw star-like objects overhead, green fireballs flying through the forest, an object that had white front lights and red tail lights rise up diagonally and blink out as it reached the top of the trees. They also observed several large pulsating disc shaped objects that appeared to change size and color. A huge floodlight was soon shining out of the forest floor aimed at the sky. There was also an object on the ground at the far end of the field, which had three rectangular dark orange windows. Several human like figures appeared to be moving in front or inside the windows. Two security patrols from the nearby base were apparently seen nearby, also observing the events.

HC addition # 1293
Source: Terry Ecker, UFO Magazine Vol. 6 # 2
Type: A or C?

Location. Castelvecchio, Italy
Date: February 25 1988
Time: night
Marino Gigli was traveling on a road when he noticed a huge black humanoid shape standing on the side of the road. The figure was over 2 meters in height and had huge broad shoulders. It then began to move quickly above the ground, without touching its surface and disappeared from sight behind some nearby hedges. The witness did not stop and continued to drive on.

HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: E

Location. Glenrock, Wyoming
Date: February 27 1988
Time: 0245A
A large number of people in this town were awakened by a series of nine knocks in three groups of three and on their cars, on the sides or roofs of their houses, or on their doors. The three part series of three dull thuds was reported by many residents who believed it was made by direct physical contact on the outside of their dwellings. One resident heard the knocks and on her way downstairs she heard three more knocks. The lower floor of her house was “bathed in a bright orange golden glow.” Another resident was awakened by very loud knocking and went to the door and looked up into the sky. “I saw the stars,” she reported, “but there was a very bright haze. Then I saw shadows running against the garage.” Her dogs would not chase these shadows. One resident saw a light in the sky, described as red & green in color. The entire town was covered with a dense fog that hovered approximately ten feet off the ground. In the space of 15 minutes the Glenrock Police department got almost fifty prowler and disturbance calls. All through the town, seemingly on the sides of houses, roofs, gates, etc, came the mechanical rapping, knocking sound: three sets of three knocks. Other residents saw something hovering above the trailer park on the north end of town and rumor has it that photos were taken. Others reported a sound like a big truck downshifting combined with a nut with a sledgehammer hitting the side of the house. There were reports that police cars would not start and one woman said she thought she saw small children in aluminum suits running through her back yard on that night. Another witness, Mrs Eager, who runs a local beauty shop, was disturbed by the sounds of three knocks on her front door. She found her collie dog transfixed before the front door, making no noise.

HC addendum
Source: Whitley Strieber, Breakthrough, The Next Step
Type: C or E?

Location. Comerio Puerto Rico
Date: Spring 1988
Time: unknown
Several local residents reportedly watched a large lighted disc shaped object land in an isolated area. Several “persons” were seen to emerge from the object. No other information.

HC addition # 1012
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 18
Type: B

Location. Boynton Canyon Arizona
Date: Spring 1988
Time: unknown
A well-known mountain climber reportedly was followed for a considerable distance in the canyon area by a small three-foot tall creature (not described) that was not human in appearance. No other information.

HC addition # 1606
Source: Tom Dongo, The Mysteries of Sedona
Type: E

Location. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Date: Spring 1988
Time: night
An unusual object that flew into his apartment confronted the witness, it was about 2 ft in diameter and made a rather loud humming noise, it flew in a perpetual left-to-right motion. Soon after this incident he was confronted by a being, which he described as looking like a supreme “military” commander, Olympic athlete and a genius scientist, all in one. He had short almost wavy white hair, trimmed around the ears and neck, red eyes, and was wearing what appeared to be a white almost fluorescent silk or satin t-shirt, with “army type” shorts with four fluorescent insignias running down the right thigh. He also wore fluorescent sneakers on which matched one of the colors of the bottom insignia. He reported numerous encounters with the above individual and was apparently taken into other “realms”. He remembers seeing what appeared to be spaceships. On another occasion the witness saw what appeared to be 6winged creatures suddenly appear in the sky and move swiftly upwards in a “triple helical” fashion and after performing 2 loops they suddenly vanished. On another occasion he witnesses what the Jews have historically referred to as the Ark of the Covenant flying in the skies over where he lived. The appearance of the box like object was amber gold in color. Upon the top edges were two winged creatures whose wings slowly and surely moved in and out with only the tips of their wings touching each other. After this incident he remembers facing the being with the white hair and red eyes. He smiled and spoke some words about the earth’s future…namely that global warming will destroy earth’s civilization, the atmosphere is running out of oxygen, that negative extraterrestrials have the world under control, and there may be a nuclear holocaust but before it happens, the negative intelligences will “land”. Since the above incidents he has had numerous “dreams” in which he has seen different types of aliens apparently working together.

HC addendum
Source: Direct from witness
Type: G or F?

Location. Stavropol, Russia
Date: Spring 1988
Time: midnight
Irina Obraztsovoy had returned home alone after going out for a walk with her husband as she sat in the living room the windows suddenly and noiselessly open. Several figures then entered the room. These are dressed in tight-fitting turquoise form fitting suits. She could not tell if the figures are feminine or masculine since they appeared to be very similar to each other. Some of the figures walked by the witness and enter her bedroom. The witness is unable to speak and notices a sepulchral silence about. The witness is then somehow floated to her bed where she sits down. From her vantage point she is able to see the strangers walk into the kitchen where they are three bottles of “tonic” belonging to her husband on top of the counter. The strangers touch the bottles and they disappear in plain sight. Soon the witness is then forced to go outside and follow the strangers to a nearby spring where a bluish colored disc shaped hovered just above the ground. She notices no windows and from an opening a ladder is lowered to the ground. She pleads with the aliens not to take her and they tell her to go home. She finds herself back home just about the time her husband returns. The bottles of tonic are never found, and the window is locked, without any signs of entry.

HC addendum
Source: Stavropol Meridian 7-24-2002
Type: C or G attempt

Location. Moorhead Minnesota
Date: March 1988
Time: early morning
The witness had returned to Hoyum Hall, the girl’s dorm at Concordia College, from an early morning jog and was taking a shower. She soon noticed a shadow blocking the bathroom lights. Turning around she saw a strange figure hovering above the shower door. The creature was described as greenish, scaly, and reptilian in appearance. The witness screamed and it apparently disappeared.

HC addition # 3549
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 2
Type: E

Location. Rio Piedras Puerto Rico
Date: March 1988
Time: late night
The main witness was at home watching television with her husband when she suddenly heard a loud vibrating buzzing sound. She then noticed that her husband had fallen asleep next to her. Two short figures then appeared in the room; these had large black oval shaped eyes, and large heads, gray skin, and were very thin with long arms and fingers. By using telepathy the beings assured the witness that she would not be hurt, she felt them grabbing at her then she lost consciousness. Next thing she remembered was being in a small-enclosed silvery oval shaped room, illuminated by a brilliant white light. She was lying on a metallic table and was surrounded by the humanoids. A strange tubular instrument that was passed all over her body examined her. One of the beings then introduced a long silvery rod with a light on the tip into her vaginal tract. She feels that they took some ovary samples from her. She lost consciousness again then found herself back at home in her bed.

HC addition # 1190
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 36
Type: G

Location. Seattle, Washington
Date: March 1988
Time: late night
The witness woke up late at night to a very bright light coming from the basement door that was in line with her bedroom door. In a groggy state the witness woke up her boyfriend who got up and closed the door. Soon he fell asleep and the witness was stunned to see three little beings standing by her bedside. She wanted to scream but could not utter a sound, she also felt paralyzed. The being closest to her looked down at her with large staring eyes, somehow the being conveyed to the witness that she would not be hurt, it never moved its small lips, apparently using telepathy. Another being was standing at her feet touching and examining her toes. At this point the witness’s memory becomes foggy and there is no more recollection.

HC addendum
Source: Missing from my files
Type: E

Location. Near General Belgrano Argentina
Date: March 3 1988
Time: 2030
The brothers Farisano were returning home from a soccer championship when they noticed some strange lights above a nearby bridge. As they approached the lights their vehicle engine suddenly stalls, they attempted to re-start it without any positive results. They remained in their truck observing the lights. They could now see that the lights were on a spherical object, with a large red light on the top, and several white lights in a row on the bottom section. The object appeared to hovering close to the ground and inside the transparent mid-section the witnesses could see a shadow like figure moving about. The object was silent and it suddenly moved slowly out of sight, at that moment the truck engine re-started and then the witness drove home.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Horacio Cosso, ONIFE
Type: A

Location. Near Croton Falls, New York
Date: March 13 1998
Time: 2200
The witness was driving home alone on a dark road surrounded by woods and a large reservoir when he noticed several bright white lights off to the left just above the reservoir. The witness continued on slowly until he stopped his car by a clearing. He then watched the lights approached and realized that they were connected to some type of very dark structure. As the object passed over his car he looked up to see a huge triangular shaped object. The object had only lights in the front and the underside appeared to have sections that receded inward, inside this area he could see white flashes of light. Suddenly the next thing he knew was he was back in the car and driving away from the area. Later after several restless nights the witness was hypnotized and was able to recall that as the object passed directly over the vehicle he was somehow levitated into the object. Inside he found himself lying on a table in a dark room. He was surrounded by several short gray beings with large round dark eyes. One of the beings was moving some type of instrument around his head. Another being inserted an object up the witness nostril. Later he was escorted by one of the beings to a “control panel.” He was then let go and has the feeling that the beings will one day return.

HC addition # 1273
Source: Phillip J Imbrogno, UFO Universe Fall 1989
Type: G

Location. Near Saltsburg Pennsylvania
Date: March 18 1988
Time: 2230
A man had left his friend’s house en route home when he suddenly found himself entering a small grocery store, disoriented, hungry, and thirsty. He then noted a 2-hour time lapse. He could only recall seeing a red star-like object that flew over his car. His car then stalled in an isolated area. Later under hypnosis the witness recalled that as he got out of the car he was approached by a four-foot tall humanoid creature with large eyes, an elongated head, pointed ears and pincer like hands. It wore a bluish gray robe with a fringed bottom. It displayed some type of insignia on the chest area. The witness was then placed in a jar-like object and then taken inside a large cigar shaped craft. Inside the craft the witness was apparently examined by several similar beings.

HC addition # 900
Source: Stan Gordon, PASU Data Exchange # 8
Type: G

Location. Near Richland Center, Wisconsin
Date: March 20 1988
Time: 1813
John Salter and his son were driving on a four lane highway when suddenly the driver remembers making a sharp turn into a timbered secluded road. They recalled parking their pickup truck and exiting the vehicle. Several small humanoid figures then appeared, some climbing on top of the truck rear bumper and looking in. The beings were about 4-foot tall with thin bodies and large heads, with huge semi slanted dark eyes. A taller figure now appeared; he was strongly built, almost human in appearance, possibly a hybrid. All are wearing tight fitting light colored outfits. Three of the small humanoids gather around the witnesses watching them in apparent fascination. Both witnesses recall following the humanoids to where a disc shaped craft rested. All communication was telepathic in nature. The main witness recalls a bright glowing white light and a blue glowing panel. An implant is apparently placed up the witness nostril and he also remembers being injected into the thyroid area and upper and central chest area. The tall figure now leads both witnesses back to the truck; he carries a bright light with him. Before leaving he tells the witness that they will someday meet again.

HC addition # 1225
Source: John R Salter JR, Private paper
Type: G

Location. Tetbury England
Date: March 24 1988
Time: 2215
A Mr. R was looking through his kitchen window when he saw a light crossing a field some 300 yards away. It seemed to traverse the field, as if scanning or searching for something at about 10 ft off the ground. The witness decided to go outside to the rear of his garden but could find no trace of the light. Then, suddenly, a glow coming form directly above surrounded him. He cried, out, and soon heard a tiny, unnatural voice that spoke to him and answered several questions. Among the things that the “tiny voice” said was “You are gaining knowledge so fast and getting to the very basis of the structure of matter and you could cause untold harm if you don’t know what you are doing.” (Another unheeded warning?) (DNA Cloning?)

HC addition # 2149
Source: Northern UFO News # 141
Type: F

Location. Birmingham England
Date: March 30 1988
Time: 0525A
Two women (mother & daughter) were walking to work at a local mill and had taken a shortcut down some nearby alleys when they suddenly heard a distant humming sound, unusual for that time of day. Suddenly a light shone down on them from above. They both stopped to see a light over them getting larger and larger as it approached. They both became dizzy and disoriented. Their next recollection was arriving late for work and still very dizzy. Later under hypnosis one of the women remembered moving towards a light and then finding themselves in a white room surrounded by windows and lying naked on a table with a cloth over her legs. The other woman was in a table next to her. Several short thin humanoids now appeared, they have tiny ears, huge black eyes and have three very long fingers, and they are not wearing any clothing and have white skin. At one point the little humanoids inserted a long glass tube into the witness navel. They also pull her hair. Later they place a cup shaped device on her head. She is then taken to a wall where a large screen appears. One of the short humanoids pushes some buttons and various geometric symbols appear on the screen, later scenes of war and destruction appear. At this point the witness notices other beings in the room. These are described as very tall, and human like with long blond hair, blue eyes and wearing a silver suit with a blue “badge” on the left side of the chest area. The badge is a circle with a triangle next to it and two zigzag lines next to the triangle. Her next memory is of finding herself back in the alley along with her daughter who looked dazed. Her daughter also recalled a similar scenario under hypnosis and also remembered seeing her mother standing next to a tall beautiful blond woman in a silver suit and blue badge.

HC addition # 1995
Source: Tony Dodd, Quest UFO Magazine September/October 1994
Type: G

Location. Las Carolinas Argentina
Date: April 4 1988
Time: 1630
The witness was taking a walk in a wooded area near his home when he sat down to rest. He then heard a loud humming sound, looked around, and could not determine the source. Suddenly a bright light temporarily blinded him and he felt something taking control of him. Then 7 metes away a large multi colored sphere appeared, inside he could see three 5-foot tall humanoids, with long thin faces, large slanted eyes and wearing bright green outfits. The witness began to receive telepathic messages from the entities; he was told that they “had come to visit their mother Earth.” All three beings carried a small gadget that seemed to be a communicator. There were several sudden flashes of multicolored lights, and then he heard the beings telling him telepathically to shut his eyes. He complied, then a bright light enveloped him and his surroundings and the beings vanished. The witness suffered from mild eye irritation after the incident.

HC addition # 301
Source: El Liberal May 1988, Richard Heiden
Type: A

Location. Quantock Hills, Somerset England
Date: May 1988
Time: daytime
The witness had been out taking photographs of the countryside when he noticed a large object approaching and making a low noise. The craft flew directly over his head at very low altitude. The craft was shaped like a saucer with stacked decks and protruding wings. It was an extremely complex structure. A humanoid figure was seen standing on the rim of the craft. The witness took several photographs but as the craft left it emitted a strong heat wave that destroyed the negatives. The witness developed very serious ill aftereffects after the incident.

HC addition # 1020
Source: Ken Phillips, Judith Jaafar, Northern UFO News # 162
Type: A

Location. Near Leningrad Russia
Date: May 1988
Time: 0943A
A man out skateboarding alone noticed a metallic oval shaped craft approaching him at high speed. The witness ran in a panic but the object caught up to him and landed nearby on a tripod like apparatus. The witness became curious and walked towards the object, he could see that it was an egg shaped craft with two antennae like protrusions in the front and a flashing red light on top. As the witness tried to walk away several short strangely dressed humanoids grabbed him, they dragged him inside the object as the witness screamed. Inside he found himself lying naked on a small table, surrounded by the humanoids that spoke in an unknown language. The witness attempted to steal an “object” in order to prove the incident but it became very hot and heavy and he had to drop it. He was finally released. He glanced at his watch and noticed that only 5 minutes had gone by, but to him it had felt like 2 hours inside the object.

HC addition # 80
Source: Antonio Huneeus, IF Bulletin Vol. 1 # 3
Type: G

Location. Gulf Breeze, Florida
Date: May 1 1988
Time: 0120A
Ed Walters found himself walking along a dirt path in a dark wooded area. He soon sees a hovering lighted object overhead and attempts to photograph it. Soon he is surrounded by several figures that grab him from behind. The creatures seem to move in short bursts of speed. He remembers falling down and then being surrounded by at least 20 creatures. Each one equipped with a silver rod like object and covered with a box type suit. He was unable to move. The creatures pick him up and move him. He noticed that their hands felt rough, like snakeskin. A burning spiral of pain twisted down his spine like an electrical shock. Suddenly he was able to move again. The creatures then scattered around him. He felt a voice in his head that constantly talked to him, calling him by the name of “Zehaas.” He rolled on the sand and tried to grab the nearest creature but missed. He then rushed the creatures, which had now formed a circle around him. He began to struggle, but one of the creatures rushed forward and touched him on the shoulder with one of the silver rods, causing a white flash. He was then hit repeatedly with the silver rods, at times causing pain. He continues to struggle and fell backwards on top of one of the creatures; he then noticed that the creature wore a helmet. The creature began to struggle and a sour smell, like mildew filled Walters nostrils. Finally the struggle ended and Walters became unconscious. Upon waking up he found himself in a round hazy room, where he was then apparently examined.

HC addition # 2584
Source: Ed Walters, UFO Abductions in Gulf Breeze
Type: G

Location. Near Cabo Rojo Puerto Rico
Date: May 10 1988
Time: 0430A
Amaury Rivera was driving back home alone after work amidst a thick fog. He was going slowly when he suddenly heard the sound of someone running alongside of his vehicle. He turned his head and saw a short humanoid with a large white head and large dark oval shaped eyes. The witness panicked and stopped the car, he then saw another similar being approaching form the other side of the car, and then he blacked out. He later woke up still inside the car in a huge dark metallic room alongside about 10 other vehicles. Another short being then approached the witness and touched him on his forehead, he then blacked out again. He soon woke up in a large square room accompanied by about 20 other humans that apparently had also been abducted. They were all sitting. Two short gray thin humanoids, with large heads, huge black eyes, and long arms stood watching the group. A tall man like being now appeared, he had light skin and shoulder length black hair, muscular and wearing a black outfit with boots. He approached the group giving the impression that he was the leader and spoke of many things and especially of many things yet to come. Many of these, Rivera refuses to talk about. Moments later Rivera blacked out again and later wakes up in his car and back on the road. He was crying uncontrollably then sees a huge circular metallic disc overhead. Several military jets appeared to be circling the object. Rivera remembers he had a camera in the car and is able to take some very clear pictures of the object and the jets before they all leave.

HC addition # 745
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 41
Type: G

Location. Mugnano, Italy
Date: May 11 1988
Time: unknown
Three youngsters reported being followed by two strange humanoids that moved in strange jump-like movements and wore fluorescent outfits along a street.

HC addendum
Source: UFO CUN
Type: E

Location. Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: May 13 1988
Time: night
Painter Maria Adilia Germana Hohagen reported seeing numerous “extraterrestrial” craft flying over the area. On the above date she heard a voice in her head telling her to return to her home. She did, and from a balcony she observed an object with multicolored lights that emitted several metallic spheres. During a hypnotic regression the witness remembered being abducted and medically examined by several human like 2-meter tall humanoids. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Pablo Villarrubia, Mario Rangel
Type: G

Location. San Francisco California
Date: May 16 1988
Time: evening
The witness was instructed via telepathy to go back to her hotel room. Inside she felt strongly that she was being watched, and then she suddenly became extremely emotional and curled on the bed crying. White beams of light suddenly began emanating from her mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. A female being suddenly appeared, she was described as having pleasant facial features, a very angular face with large dark eyes and whitish gray glowing skin. This being comforted the witness and told her that “they” were our “creators.” The being communicated by using telepathy. The witness was also able to see two men dressed in white “biblical” robes. These appeared to be monitoring her vital signs. All throughout the incident the female being calmed the witness by explaining to her the purpose of the contacts.

HC addition # 1086
Source: Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger, “Starborn”
Type: E?

Location. Beirut Lebanon
Date: May 18 1988
Time: evening
A man named Hemrod Levins was enroute to his home after work when there was a sudden bombing attack. Suddenly everything became quite around him and he saw himself floating away from the Earth. He thought he had died when he suddenly heard a voice speaking his language and found himself inside a metallic compartment. Nearby there was a wheel-like object that was spinning at very high speed. The voice seemed to originate from inside of it. The voice spoke to the witness; among many things it talked about, were eternal life, black holes, and the fact that they needed ozone for their survival. Soon there was silence and the witness suddenly found himself back in the balcony of his home unhurt.

HC addition # 2167
Source: Carlos Canet, Santeria Y Palo Mayombe # 79
Type: F?

Location. Townshend Vermont
Date: May 20 1988
Time: late night
His dog wanting to go out awakened the witness, who was sleeping with his wife. When he took the dog out he noticed a blue light shining through the kitchen window. He went out and saw a glowing object hovering over a field near his house. Later he walked back inside the house. Under hypnosis he recalled several short beings with large heads and eyes, entering his bedroom. The beings lift him and his wife and floated them towards a bright light. They were taken in front of a large hovering object that glowed a bright blue from its bottom. It was silent and there was a strong smell of ozone in the air. They were both taken inside the object and medically examined by the beings. Later they both floated across the lawn, into their house and through the unopened front door.

HC addition # 1135
Source: Raymond E Fowler, Mufon Journal # 300
Type: G

Location. Little North River, near Aberdeen Washington
Date: Summer 1988
Time: afternoon
A 12-year old boy, fishing for crayfish on a small creek, having arrived at the site by motorcycle, looked up to see a white “sasquatch” with a ‘pot” belly, bloodshot blue eyes, a pink complexion, a wide, flat pink nose, and buckteeth hunkering and looking at him from the opposite bank, approximately 20′ or less away. He thought at first that it was an “alien”. He described the hair as mostly white, very white from the chin down to the chest and belly, gray on the head, shoulders, arms and back and gray from the knees on down. He estimated its height to be over 6′. As the witness attempted to flee the area, the creature also departed down the creek bed, showing a pronounced limp. Later on the boy and his father found footprints in the area.

HC addendum
Source: Norka of Ohio
Type: E

Location. Lake Elsinore California
Date: Summer 1988
Time: late night
The witness had gotten up to look out her window when she saw several maneuvering star-like lights. The lights came closer to the witness location that then began feeling a tingling sensation. She felt as if she was being pulled out of her body. She began screaming and attempted to wake her husband, at this point she began losing consciousness. Her next recollection was in being in some type of compound with several one-story buildings, huge yellow lights shone over the area. Several tall humanoid female aliens appeared to be in charge of the location. At one point a little girl that appeared to be a human-alien hybrid approached her. The girl briefly spoke to her. She woke up the next morning in her bed next to her husband.

HC addition # 1718
Source: Linda Biafore letter, UFO & Paranormal Perceptions summer 1994
Type: G

Location. El Yunque, Puerto Rico
Date: Summer 1988
Time: 0300A
The witness, who was participating in a survivalist camping trip was returning down to the camp site late at night when he saw about 60 feet away a cluster of multi colored lights floating over the ground. Suddenly the lights floated behind a rock. There was a sudden flash then a tall man stepped from behind the rock. The man was about six-foot two inches tall with long blond-whitish hair, he wore a white outfit. At this point the witness felt paralyzed and could not move and began crying. The being walked towards him and told him to stop crying that he was here in a peace mission. The being then knelt down and began drawing symbols on the ground, resembling a circle with a triangle inside and a human figure within the triangle. The being then walked away and disappeared behind the rock. At this point the witness was able to move again.

HC addition # 433
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 52 & 53
Type: E

Location. Ingen Norway
Date: Summer 1988
Time: 1700
An observer saw a hovering metallic oval shaped object encircled with bright blinking lights. It hovered silently at about rooftop level. A bright rectangular window could be seen. On top of the object there appeared to be an opening, and a slightly luminous humanoid figure with a round head or helmet was seen looking out. It saw the witness and apparently waved at her. After a few moments the craft flew away.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Norge
Type: A

Location. Glenmalur Valley Ireland
Date: Summer 1988
Time: evening
The main witness and a friend who were staying in an isolated country area with their families had gone out for a walk and a cigarette. Some distance down the road both men stopped dead in their tracks when they looked into a field besides the road. With the faint light of some nearby farmhouses they could make out a large, dark disc sitting in the field, quite close to the gate beside them. Both men became terrified as lights began to flash all over the object; they ran back to their home. The next evening several others joined the two men for a walk past the same field. As they neared the field, they all noticed a small figure in overalls at the top of a telephone pole, examining the apparatus closely. They all walked by and suddenly stopped, realizing the diminutive stature of the stranger and the fact that it was a holiday and they were miles from any telephone office or depot. They all turned around but the small man had already vanished, and could not be seen either hiding in the hedge or crossing the open field.

HC addition # 3126
Source: Irish UFO ET Paranormal Research Association
Type: D

Location. Wellington Ohio
Date: Summer 1988
Time: late night
The witness, who lived at the edge of a wooded area, remembered waking up late one night feeling groggy. He tried to get out of bed but could not move at all. He was frightened and tried to yell, but no sound came out. At his feet he saw two short wide figures. They seemed to be little men wearing hoods. He attempted to scream again but nothing came out. He then looked to his left and saw a taller figure with big black eyes. It seemed to stretch it neck towards him and smile or open his mouth. The witness closed his eyes and tried to scream. At that same moment, he seemed to snap out of his stupor. He opened his eyes and sat up. The creatures were gone, but terrified he sprang up and ran to his parent’s room.

HC addition # 3856
Source: UFOs and Aliens Among us
Type: E

Location. Delaware, exact location not given
Date: Summer 1988
Time: late night
The witness was lying in bed staring at the ceiling when she suddenly heard a voice in her head telling her not to worry that she would be okay. “That she was not strong enough.” She then fell asleep. Hours later she woke up and realized that she was floating near the ceiling, next thing she knew she was standing in a very bright room. Then she lay on a metal table while several beings stood around her looking down on her. The beings were described as light gray in color with huge dark eyes, hairless and with tapering heads. Suddenly she found herself back in her bedroom, still floating, she then crashed back into her bed.

HC addition # 1989
Source: Carl Nagaitis, Phillip Mantle, Without Consent
Type: G

Location. Kharkov, Ukraine
Date: Summer 1988
Time: late night
Irina Subbotina (involved in a previous encounter in January) was alone at her home and retired for the day when she felt a presence in her house. Going to the living room she noticed that the balcony door was opened and next to the balcony there was a table with five identical men sitting around it. The men were tall, resembling ancient Vikings, with long blond-white hair and beards, naked torsos and wearing animal skin slacks. They wore some type of bandana on their hair. Upon seeing her four of the men rose and approached her. They took her by her hand then carried her towards the balcony. Terrified she was unable to move but was suddenly able to emit a loud yell, at that moment the men disappeared and she was placed gently on the floor.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Ukraine
Type: E

Location. Sierra Bermeja Puerto Rico
Date: June 1988 Time: late night
The witness was trying to fall asleep but could not because of the heat. He went to the living room and then saw a flash of light outside and heard a loud buzzing sound. Moments later there was a knock at the window, he opened the window and saw three small humanoids, described as 4-foot tall, with large pear shaped heads, pale gray skin, big black slanted eyes and a slit for a mouth. They had acne like bumps on their skin and their arms were longer than normal, all were dressed in tight fitting sandy colored one-piece suits. Two of them took the witness by his hand and walked him to a nearby landed disc shaped craft with a dome with windows on top and multicolored lights around the rim. There was an opening on its underside from which a long stairway came down, he was invited inside where he saw more little humanoids and many panels and machines with multi colored lights. He was introduced to a taller more human looking being, that was dressed in white and told the witness that he was the leader. The witness was then taken to an underground facility on a nearby mountain where he saw numerous barrack style structures and many other craft. He was eventually taken back home and was told that someday they will see him again.

HC addition # 664
Source: Jorge Martin, Alien Update
Type: G

Location. Near Spalding South Australia
Date: June 1988
Time: late night
The witness who lives in a remote farm saw a red light descend and hover above some nearby trees. Later the witness was in the house when he was alerted by the dogs going berserk. Going out the back door he saw a round shiny silvery object on the ground below a clump of trees supported by several metallic struts. He ran into the house and found a flashlight but it would not work. He then slumped into a lounge chair and waited, suddenly he heard footsteps that sounded as if someone was walking on plastic. The lights of the house suddenly flickered on and the witness saw a blurred figure in the hallway. He then went to the front door and saw the dogs barking at something behind some trees. He then apparently blacked out. Ground traces were found on the ground by the clump of trees.

HC addition # 882
Source: John Clamp, FSR Vol. 36 # 3
Type: C?

Location. Near Narbonne, France
Date: June 3 1988
Time: 2235
A man riding his moped between two villages slowed down when he saw standing on the side of the road two pairs of short one meter tall humanoids with slightly larger than normal egg shaped heads and large almond shaped eyes. The beings wore blue one-piece outfits with helmets and appeared to be talking among themselves in an unknown language. Moments later all four of them walked into the bushes and disappeared from sight.

HC addition # 1729
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: E

Location. Bridger Teton National Forest Idaho
Date: June 11 1988
Time: 1945
The witness was riding her pony accompanied by her dog in a wooded area when her last memory was passing an abandoned campsite. Her next recollection was sitting on the horse with her dog besides her but at a completely different location on the other side of the forest near a swamp. Later after finding her way back to her campsite she recalled being taken onboard a large oblong shaped craft along with her horse and dog. Inside she was met by very tall beings with a beautiful green skin; there were seven of them. They had long narrow heads with wispy reddish hair on top that stood straight up. They had long pointed chins, small delicate noses, no mouths or ears and tiny dark slanted eyes. They communicated by using telepathy. They all wore plain long white robes with three quarter length sleeves that came up to just below the elbow; they also wore dark colored boots without laces. The witness recalled being seated in a white round fitted chair next to a stainless steel table. She saw various instruments and other rooms including two where her dog and pony were being examined. The beings apparently argued among themselves if the witness should be used for “breeding” purposes. She was eventually released.

HC addition # 1699
Source: Alice Bryant, Linda Seebach Healing Shattered Reality
Type: G

Location. Scape Ore Swamp South Carolina
Date: 3rd week of June 1988
Time: unknown
Two men drawing water from an artesian well by a bridge leading to the swamp reported seeing a huge scaly humanoid creature jump out of the woods and run towards them. It reportedly had large glowing red eyes.

HC addition # 1130
Source: Mark Opsasnick, Mark Chorvinsky
Type: E

Location. Scape Ore Swamp South Carolina
Date: June 20 1988
Time: 0200A
The witness had stopped on Brownstown Road to change a flat tire when suddenly a seven foot tall, green colored, scaly creature with glowing red eyes began running towards him on two legs from an adjacent field about 30 yards away. The witness jumped into the car and sped away but the creature caught up with him, grabbed the door handle, and then jumped on the roof of the car. The witness was able to see that the creature had three fingers on each hand and long black fingernails.

HC addition # 1131
Source: Mark Opsasnick, Mark Chorvinsky, Strange Magazine # 3
Type: E

Location. Brownstown South Carolina
Date: June 22 1988
Time: night
Joseph Thomas heard noises outside his house and upon investigating, saw a tall green scaly humanoid, or a “Lizardman” standing by his 1974 Ford LTD. The creature had glowing red eyes.

HC addition # 2909
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate June 1990
Type: E

Location. Redmond Washington
Date: June 24 1988
Time: 0200A
Four girls that had been at a slumber party reunion were looking out the window in the hope of finding a lost dog when they sighted a domed disc shaped craft hovering over the area. It had white and red lights and faint green lights around its rim. The object eventually descended down behind some tall evergreen trees and possibly into a clearing at the old Nike missile base. Some time later two of the girls noticed a shadowy figure on top of the stairs leading to the kitchen. They ran and hid in their sleeping bags. Later when they pulled their sleeping bags they saw a greenish humanoid face with red glowing eyes looking at them. One reported that it had pointy ears and bushy eyebrows. It suddenly faded away. Moments later the two girls saw some multicolored lights in the kitchen area.

HC addition # 1021
Source: UFO Information Service
Type: C?

Location. Roundhay Park Leeds England
Date: June 30 1988
Time: 2230
A man was walking through the park when he was suddenly confronted by a purple glow, he then felt lifted up from the ground, his body went numb, and he felt dizzy. Some human-like figures that appeared to have long hair approached the witness who then blacked out. He was found the next morning by a jogger in the park, that noticed a purple glow and went to investigate and found the witness unconscious on the ground. No other information.

HC addition # 944
Source: UFONS # 231
Type: G?

Location. Elora Ontario Canada
Date: July 1988
Time: 0350A
The witness was in her house and was just coming downstairs after going to the bathroom when she noticed a short 3-foot tall figure standing by the patio window. She dozed off for a few moments but was woken up by a throbbing sound and could not move. She then was taken up into a small craft by two short beings. She was later transported to a larger “mother ship.” There she was examined on a long skinny bed by five beings, one taller than the others. These beings were dark and she could not see any facial features. She also remembers seeing a large hangar type room where several small-domed disc shaped objects sat. Next to each object stood a short being. She was eventually floated back to her basement.

HC addition # 1148
Source: Bonnie Wheeler, Cambridge UFO Research Ontario Canada
Type: G

Location. Cheadle, Cheshire England
Date: July 1988
Time: 2000
Several teenagers that were practicing the martial arts at an old abandoned mansion spotted several small black dwarf-like beings that appeared to stare at them from the nearby trees. The beings had bright shiny eyes and wore dark loose fitting garments. The beings apparently had the ability to grow in size to nearly twice their size. During the encounters the witnesses curiously felt no fear.

HC addition # 1420
Source: Jenny Randles, “Mind Monsters”
Type: E

Location. Aegna Island, Tallinn, Estonia
Date: July 1 1988
Time: 2330
Two young witnesses saw an approaching disc shaped object in the sky, soon the object stopped over he harbor. Frightened the boys hid in their summerhouse. Soon curiosity took over and both went outside again. They saw that the silvery object emitted colorful rays of light in three different directions and was hovering now 20 to 30 meters in the air. A hat shaped object bout 3 meters in diameter now emerged from the bottom of the larger object and descended, landing next to a rock. In the glowing light a small emerald green colored humanoid with a helmet like headgear and a black box-like instrument in its hand could now be seen. It seemed to hop from stone to stone in the shallow water. The humanoid then stopped and placed the black box in the water. After retrieving the black box, the humanoid sort of slid backwards and re-entered the small hat shaped craft, which quickly rose and entered the larger hovering object. This object then flew away at incredible speed. For about a week after the incident both boys were troubled with headaches and general malaise, which soon disappeared.

HC addition # 3445
Source: Erkki Alo Kirde, and Igor Volke, Estonian UFO Network
Type: B

Location. Middletown, New York
Date: July 5 1988
Time: 2230
Whitley Strieber was laying in bed at his cabin when he saw a small figure wearing coal black clothes rimmed in white, like white piping, standing in the door of the bedroom. He had just turned off the light and was settling in the bed when he happened to glance at the door. The little man came rushing into the room. It looked like an attack and the feeling of menace was simply horrible. At that instant Strieber experienced towering anger and fear. He leaped out of bed, picked up the night table beside the bed, and hurled it across the room with all his might. The lamp shattered, the table shattered and the figure disappeared. At this point his wife woke up but she nothing.

HC addendum
Source: The Communion Letter, summer 1989
Type: E

Location. New York, exact location not given
Date: July 6 1988
Time: late night
A relative of Whitley Strieber was awakened at a very late hour by the sound of a helicopter hovering over his house. This woke him right up because he has never heard a helicopter over his house, and certainly not at that late hour. It was a singular and disturbing experience; especially since lights playing around the outside of the house accompanied it. He sat up and was astonished to see a small figure moving stealthily at the foot of the bed. This sent a blast of fear and rage through him and he hurled a Fender electric guitar at it with all his might. This is a fairly heavy instrument with a solid wood body, and it slammed against a standing plant at the foot of the bed with considerable force. He had the impression that something had darted out the window. He went to sleep fitfully, until morning. He raised the blinds as usual and was astonished to find that the top pane of his bedroom window had been cut in a neat circle, as if by a glasscutter.

HC addendum
Source: The Communion Letter Summer 1989
Type: E

Location. Sydney Australia
Date: July 12 1988
Time: night
The witness was lying in bed when he suddenly felt something grab his ankles. A strange numbness, tingling, and churning sensation crawled up through his body right up to his head. He felt paralyzed; he could not move any part of his body except for his eyes. He tried to call out to his family but could not force the words out. All of the suddenly he looked to his right and saw three or four figures wearing dark robes with hoods on their head. Their faces were very wrinkled and shiny black in color. They were only bout three to four-feet in height. The beings then communicated telepathically telling the witness not to worry that he would not be harmed. As he move his eyes and looked to the left side he noticed two other beings that looked different from the others. These two were thin, tall with black eyes and a narrow chin. They were golden yellow in color. The one closest to his head communicated telepathically, telling him not to worry. As the witness looked at the beings dark eyes he noticed a long needle like flexible crystal blue tube. The being then pointed the needle to the top left side of his head and inserted it. At that point he blacked out. When he came to he jumped out of bed and walked to the TV room where he found his dad and brother both sleeping. When woken up both seemed dazed and confused.

HC addition # 3118
Source: Bill Chalker, The OZ Files
Type: E

Location. Waterbury, Connecticut
Date: July 14 1988
Time: 0200A-0300A
The witness, Jane, woke up out of a deep sleep feeling her heart pounding. She like there was someone in the room, but all she saw was a dim light in the farm corner. Then all of a sudden several hands grabbed her from around the bed. She closed her eyes and tried to scream but could not move or say anything, nothing came out of her mouth. She then found herself lying on a table and there were four little men in hoods and loose clothing standing around her. They were talking with each other, but she could not understand what they were saying since it sounded like gibberish. She could not see their hands but she felt them all around her. Their faces looked like a light blue with all wrinkles that made them look like those “wrinkled dogs”. Then all of the sudden they all just stepped aside and this man came in. He was tall and had white skin and no hair. He had large round eyes and was very slim. He came over to the table and talked to her in English. He said he was surprised that she was so scared because the last time he met her he thought he made it clear that he would return to ask a favor. He then raised his hand in gesture and a woman walked into the room. She looked very human and a little too perfect. She had a bundle in her hand and walked over to the witness. It was a baby, but it didn’t look quite human. The tall being, who was some type of well respected leader, told her that he wanted her to take the baby and care for it because they need the love of a mother and this was an emotion that they didn’t understand and weren’t capable of. She told the man that she couldn’t because she already had a child and it was hard enough raising one alone. He moved his head up and down as if agreeing with her and passed his hands across her eyes. She then blacked out and found herself in her bedroom and it was daylight.

HC addendum
Source: Dr. J Allen Hynek, Philip J Imbrogno, Bob Pratt Night Siege, The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, Expanded Edition.
Type: G

Location. Near Bishopville South Carolina
Date: July 15 1988
Time: unknown
A man contacted the local sheriff’s office and said he had run over a huge green scaly creature “with an alligator face” on Brownstown Road. Police searched the area but nothing was found.

HC addition # 2908
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate June 1990
Type: E

Location. Near Johannesburg South Africa
Date: July 19 1988
Time: 0530A
Two women were driving back home after staying up late when they noticed a bright light over the area. The light then descended at tremendous speed and overtook their vehicle. At that point both women heard a “click” type sound. Next thing they recalled was going up a ramp into an object. Two humanoids were assisting them into the craft. As soon as they entered a white mist-like burning vapor, with a lemon flavor, enveloped them. Inside the object they met six humanoids, four men and two women. They were described as four-foot eight inches tall, with very suntanned texture skin, oriental eyes, and no hair. They all wore one-piece tight fitting dark outfits with collars. One of the women greeted the witnesses in a high singsong voice and told them that they were from the Pleiades star cluster. The object inside was white and sparkles. The witnesses were in a room with portholes and a high metal table in the middle. Both women were eventually examined on the table where various medical tests were performed. Before being released they were given several predictions on upcoming future events including a worldwide cataclysm.

HC addition # 1056
Source: Cynthia Hind, Mufon Symposium Proceedings 1993
Type: G

Location. Oregon, exact location not given
Date: July 23 1988
Time: night
Katharina Wilson was taken aboard a UFO where she saw several people including members of her own family. Several of them were then taken to a large area that appeared to be some sort of a zoo. In large glass cages, Katharina saw a variety of animals, none that she had seen before. She saw two gorillas like beings and a large cat. The hairy beings were very tall, and appeared to have been sleeping. She was surprised to see that one of the hairy beings had fallen asleep holding a newspaper. The enclosure had furniture, including a desk, chairs, and books. The cat like creature had white and orange spots and was about 3-feet tall. At another glass enclosure she saw an animal resembling a cross between a lion and a reptile, it was lying on its back apparently sleeping. No description on the abductors is mentioned.

HC addition # 2798
Source: Preston Dennett
Type: G

Location. Bishopville South Carolina
Date: July 24 1988
Time: 0300A
Teenagers Rodney Nolf and Shane Stokes and their dates reported that a seven-foot tall creature with glowing red eyes dashed in front of their car across US-15, leaped over a six-foot fence, and rambled off into the woods.

HC addition # 2910
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate June 1990
Type: E

Location. Tennessee, exact location not given
Date: July 24 1988
Time: night
The witness suddenly found herself outside of her home in the dark; she was paralyzed as a group of beings stood in front of her. The beings were short, hairless, white, and frail looking with huge cat-like eyes. She was carried to a nearby wooded area. The witness panicked and became hysterical. One of the beings then injected something in her left forearm. She then passed out and woke up in the morning at home. She could not recall anything else about the incident.

HC addition # 1679
Source: Karla Turner PhD, “Taken”
Type: G

Location. Near Logroño Spain
Date: July 29 1988
Time: 0300A
After a night of traveling the main witness had stopped at a truck stop to rest, there was only one other vehicle there, a French owned truck. Later a strong light and a humming sound woke him up. He looked out and the light dimmed. The French truck driver came over to his vehicle and pointed at a strange dark object on the ground from where the light had originally shone. They both walked toward the object but were prevented from getting any closer by a strange invisible barrier that felt like some type of gelatinous substance. Suddenly one side of the object became illuminated and two huge figures became visible next to the object. These were almost 3 meters tall and almost as wide. Both were identical to each other, robot-like and metallic green in color. They moved slowly sideways and in unison, a low humming sound could be heard. No other features were noted. The figures suddenly disappeared behind the dark object. The object then became luminous, lifted up and left the area at high speed.

HC addition # 642
Source: J J Benitez, La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column)
Type: C

Location. Near Vyatsky, Kama region, Russia
Date: beginning of August 1988
Time: 0300A
A brigade of soldiers was in the area engaged in fishing and foraging when one night the brigade commander suddenly awoke feeling uneasy. After walking out of the camp and approaching the area where the launch was at the edge of the lake he felt someone looking at him and turned to see at about 50 meters away the silhouette of a giant figure about 2.8 meters in height with long dangling arms, a round head and no discernible neck. The witness felt terrified and was unable to move a muscle; he attempted to pull out his pistol but was unable to. The figure finally disappeared from sight. In the weeks that followed other men reported seeing a brilliant yellow sphere hovering above the forest.

HC addendum
Source: UFOZONE, Russia
Type: D

Location. Butler, Pennsylvania
Date: August 1988
Time: early morning
On a Sunday morning the witness was traveling on the road alone and had pulled up to a red light and was waiting for the light to change. As he did he saw a black limo pull up directly besides his car. As he looked over to the limo he noticed that the back window started to come down. He then saw two figures in the back seat. He then noticed that the limo started to pull forward although the light hadn’t changed. He then saw one of the figures come closer to the back window that was down. As he did, the witness noticed that his skin was very pale in color and had a green cast to it. He was also wearing a black hat, suit and sunglasses. He then took off his glasses and the witness saw the strangest eyes he had ever seen. They looked reptilian in nature. The stranger then motioned for the witness to follow him. Terrified the witness drove quickly ahead of the limo and when he looked back he realized the limo was quickly approaching. He accelerated and then looked back again to see that the limo had now mysteriously disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: David Icke Reptilian Research Network
Type: E

Location. Cottonwood, Arizona
Date: August 1988
Time: 1600
The witness was sitting outside her home on a metal fold up chair smoking a cigarette when she heard a low thrumming sound that seemed to vibrate above her and inside of her. And then she saw three ships moving towards her in a V formation, as the ships came over her she could see that they were metallic black and segmented. As the ships hovered directly over her some sort of energy beam was sent down and enveloped her and immobilized her. She then saw two little blue beings beam down, one on her right the other on her left. They were very short, blue and she could vaguely see through them. The little beings did not communicate and just stood there, looking at the witness who felt total love and compassion coming from them. After about 30 seconds the little blue beings vanished and she felt a distinct change of vibration. The energy around her then disappeared and she was able to move again. She thought of the experience as totally positive.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Resource Center
Type: C

Location. Miami Florida
Date: August 1988
Time: 2000
A couple watched from their living room window a tall humanoid figure that was entirely dressed in black, standing in front of their house. The figure was strongly built and was wearing a hood-like outfit over his head. The figure began walking slowly south and the husband jumped into his truck and began following it. The dark figure suddenly ran and turned the corner into a dead end street. The witness quickly drove behind it, thinking that it was now cornered but as he turned into the street the figure was nowhere in sight. It had nowhere to go but it had simply vanished.

HC addition # 1214
Source: Personal Investigation
Type: E

Location. Northern Minnesota, exact location not given
Date: August 1988
Time: night
The witness was in a wooded area when she watched a luminous object approach and hover above some nearby pine trees. The witness stood mesmerized as she began to hear her name being called over and over again. The next thing she remembers was being taken inside the object by several “little men” that wore one-piece jumpsuits with a belt around the waist. On the belt buckles they had a symbol resembling a “snake with wings.” She was then sat down on a reclining chair and examined. Apparently the ufonauts were angry with her because she had tied her fallopian tubes.

HC addition # 1087
Source: Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger “Starborn”
Type: G

Location. Tennessee exact location not given
Date: August 1988
Time: night
The witness woke up in her bedroom and was confronted by two short gray beings. She was paralyzed but felt calm by staring at their large hypnotic eyes. She was floated through the house and outside towards a large hovering silvery disc with revolving red, green, and yellow lights. She attempted to touch the object but one of the gray beings prevented her from doing so, telling her that it would be dangerous. An opening on the craft appeared and a tall blond handsome young man came out, he wore a tan jumpsuit. The witness was then somehow teleported inside the object. She was then placed in a black chair where the blond man “scanned” her visually apparently inducing a sensation of orgasm. The craft apparently began to move and through an oval shaped opening the witness saw what appeared to be stars. Four short gray beings then entered the room and gave the blond man a case. The blond man removed a glowing green sphere from the case and floated the witness to a nearby table, and then he placed the sphere on the witness stomach and moves it around in a circular fashion. She was told that she had been altered a little (genetically?) to fulfill a special purpose in the future.

HC addition # 1680
Source: Karla Turner, PhD. “Taken”
Type: G

Location. Outside Prohladnyi, Russia
Date: August 10 1988
Time: 1100A
Soviet radar military units in the north Caucasus detected an unidentified target in the area near the town of Prohladnyi in Kabardino-Balkar Republic. The object did not respond to all attempts of communication and was labeled as hostile. Air defense systems including surface to air missile batteries and Mig-25 Foxbat interceptors from Rostov and Krymsk were alerted and ordered to intercept and identify the UFO. The UFO was approaching from the south, just like a foreign military airplane or missile and the order was given to arm and use the weapons. A surface to air missile was launched that struck and downed the object over the Caucasian mountains. Search and rescue teams onboard a M1-8 Hip helicopter was dispatched and found the disk in the mountainous area near a ravine outside of Nizhniy Chegem. The object appeared lenticular in shape, resembling a cockleshell, 6.9 meters long and 3.0 meters high and had smashed into the rocky surface at tremendous speed creating a long gash on the ground. That together with the impact of the missile had damaged the disk extensively causing its original shape to be substantially deformed. The crash site was cordoned off and a special research team equipped with protection suits and dosimeters was dispatched to the scene. Radiation was detected coming from the crashed vehicle and precaution procedures were conducted, though some of the military personnel received high doses of radiation. The helicopter was used to evacuate the object and deliver it to Mozdok Air Base, which housed nuclear warheads and TU-95 Bear strategic bombers at that time. A team of military specialists arrived from Moscow and performed a preliminary examination of the downed vehicle. These included different branches of the military and several scientists from different branches. These included KGB and GRU who were used to cover up the operation. Upon examination of the object a partially opened door (like an elevator moving outside the hull) was discovered, and entry into the object was gained. The research team entered the object dressed in protective suits with oxygen containers. Inside the cabin together with simple smooth controls panels and other equipment, 3 aliens were found, lying on the cabin floor, 2 were dead and the third was giving obvious signs of life. The two dead aliens had apparently being killed on impact by falling equipment. The live alien had apparently been trying to leave the object and had opened the door, but did not succeed because of several wounds to its body and its state of disorientation. Unfortunately, medical attempts to save the entity failed and the surviving being died in a short period of time after it was extracted out of the wreckage. The beings were dwarfs, about 1.0-1.2 meters high, with white-grayish skin that appeared to be an outer covering, while the real skin under it was bluish-greenish and looked more like reptilian like in structure. The entities had large hairless heads, almost round large black eyes and (established during an autopsy) covered by eyelids. The hands had three webbed fingers. Further preservation of the dead aliens was secured in glassy containers in a top-secret underground bunker, isolated amid the forests under a building in the military biomedical research center east of Solnechnogorsk. From Mozdok the damaged disc was delivered to the territory of Kapustin Yar central range and placed into an underground bunker west of Ahryomkin. It is still there at present.

HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov, Lenura Azizova and Alexander Mosolov
Type: H

Location. Elliot Lee County, South Carolina
Date: August 12 1988
Time: unknown
A local man told police that he had seen something “not human”, green and scaly running across a field by SC road 527. No other information.

HC addition # 2911
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate June 1990
Type: E

Location. Hubei, Jiulongshan, China
Date: August 13 1988
Time: 1620
In a reforestation center 62-year old forester Huang Yongsheng had gone out to check on his herd of deer during a violent thunderstorm. As he opens the door he sees a dark shape (like dark lead), hovering 1 meter above the trees, at 120 meters away, it appears to be vibrating gently. The UFO lands in a clearing and begins to shine brightly, it then begins to swing back & forth, now the witness could see that the craft was shaped like a reversed bowl. Then two blood red beams of light come out of the object. One strikes the witness and at the same time his wife comes out and promptly faints. The beam become smaller and levitates the witness towards the object, which by now had become transparent and is about 5 meters in diameter. Inside the object he sees, 2 thin humanoids, with gray skin, mouse-like faces (?), pointed ears, very small beady eyes, pointed chins and very long arms. They have no visible noses or mouths. Both are wearing gray suits. The first one sat in front holding a lever. He has a calm demeanor almost euphoric in nature. The second humanoid seems to be operating a small box. He is apparently making the witness levitate. At this point Huang sees a screen in front of him and hears a voice in his head, the voice talks about cosmological concerns and the witness, who is illiterate, does not comprehend what is being told to him. He then sees pictures of planetary landscapes. Before returning to the ground he is told that they will return on August 20 and will give him an “initiation” lesson. When he returns back home, his wife is in bed and he realizes that he has been gone for two days. During the encounter the witness felt no fear and was completely at ease. For Huang it felt that only minutes had passed. On August 20 Huang journeys to the meeting point but is rebuffed by the aliens who tell him that he had broken his promise not to tell anyone.

HC addendum
Source: Liu Xiaoqiang, CURO, Francois Couten “Les Ovnis en Chine” Circulaire CIGU # 42
Type: G

Location. Putnam County, New York
Date: August 13 1988
Time: night
On Upper Magnetic Mine Road, Harold Egeln and a friend were looking around when Harold’s friend decided to meditate. Harold walked away and looked towards the nearby reservoir, he noticed what looked like large and glowing slanted green eyes in large, hairless heads, floating through the woods many yards out. There were five. He could not see their bodies, only their heads. Calling out to his friend, she saw them too and they stopped moving. Harold aimed his large flashlight, at which moment the immediate scenery changed, with branches in front them that were not there a split moment before. A barking black dog was getting closer to them, so they ran into their rented car. They rested there for over an hour only seeing a “parade” of raccoons crossing the road in front of them.

HC addendum
Source: S.P.A.C.E. Search Project for Aspects of Close Encounters
Type: E

Location. Ruby Arizona
Date: August 14 1988
Time: 1330
Date: The witness had driven to an isolated area near this location, which is an old abandoned mining town and was engaged in taking pictures of ancient ruins when he suddenly heard a loud swishing sound followed by what resembled a sonic boom. Looking up he saw nothing, thinking it had been a low flying jet he walked down a dry wash and as he rounded a rock outcropping he saw a short “man” standing a short distance away at the edge of the wash. The figure looked directly at him and the witness quickly snapped a picture of the man, then the figure turned and ran quickly up the brush-covered hill. The witness gave chase but the little man quickly disappeared over the summit. The figure was described as short with light gray skin, large bulging eyes, a small thin mouth, and a rather large hairless head, it had small nostrils and a very long and broad chin. It had a slender built and his fingers appeared slightly longer than average. It wore a dark metallic loose fitting garment. The witness described the expression on the humanoid’s face as “pleasant.”

HC addition # 956
Source: UFONS # 234
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: Unfortunately I have never seen this alleged photograph and I have not heard any further information about this intriguing if true case.

Location. Lee County South Carolina
Date: August 15 1988
Time: 1930
A local woman informed officials that she had seen a humanoid, resembling a green scaly creature standing in front of her door. No other information.

HC addition # 2912
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate June 1990
Type: E

Location. Near Nome Alaska
Date: August 24 1988
Time: 0300A
Several teenagers were driving on the Beltz Road outside of town when some of them noticed a strange glow in the car’s rearview mirror. They turned around and drove towards the direction of the glow. As they got closer they noticed that within the greenish glow stood a short muscular little man with glowing red eyes. The little man began running very fast on the road and the witnesses began chasing it. The car passed by the little man and it seemed to veer into the center of the road apparently being run over by the car. No sound of impact was heard, as the entity seemed to flatten out and vanish. Frightened the witnesses drove back into town and collected more witnesses. Upon returning, the short figure was seen standing on the side of the road. The figure then began to change colors from green to silver. At one point several of the witnesses chased the figure on foot, but it stopped and turned and began chasing the witnesses who ran back into their vehicle and left.

HC addition # 906
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate Vol. 43 # 11
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: As far as I know this was the beginning of a spate of bizarre visitations by small “holographic” humanoids in this isolated outpost.

Location. Mar Del Plata, Argentina
Date: August 25 1988
Time: afternoon
Several independent witnesses, mostly juveniles reported seeing small green humanoid figures in the area. Omar Amur reported seeing a figure about 60 cm tall standing next to his window. Other students reported seeing two “dwarfs” in the school bathroom that ran away upon being seen. Another youngster reported seeing two dwarfs, one red the other green next to abandoned wood house. They were about 60 cm in height, they appeared to be looking at the house. Another child saw two little men walking in a field that appeared to be talking among themselves. Another student saw a little men in the bathroom, green colored with little horns on its head and blue fingernails.

HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso
Type: E

Location. San Diego California
Date: August 25 1988
Time: 0130A
Gerardo Vazquez was walking along an isolated area of the city when he noticed a strange maneuvering light over the area. The light quickly shot away, flaring up like an explosion. Vazquez then felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and felt something behind him. Turning around at first he did not see anything but then saw about 100 feet away a hovering craft. The craft was a round disc about 40 feet in diameter, it had a squared off top with a row of windows around it, the windows appeared very thick but he noticed a dim yellow light coming from inside. There was also a row of lights around the middle of the craft and it had 4 round bubbles like objects protruding from the bottom. The object hovered about 6 feet from the ground, it appeared to have some type of cloaking effect around it, since part of it appeared to be transparent or invisible. Vazquez grabbed a rock and approached the object, but then noticed several dark humanoid shapes suddenly appear at the object’s windows. At that point the object seem to emit some type of heat wave or ripple effect and begun to turn invisible. It then disappeared, apparently shooting up into the clouds at high speed.

HC addition # 2793
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico and The World
Type: A

Location. Nome Alaska
Date: August 25 1988
Time: 0230A
Several witnesses in a three-car contingent spotted a glowing green colored little man that stood in the middle of the roadway. One of the vehicles reportedly ran over the little man but without any apparent effect. Quoting one of the witnesses “It ran through him.” This entity resembled others seen in the area. (The entity was sometimes compared by some of the witnesses to a holographic image.)

HC addition # 907
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate Vol. 43 # 11
Type: E

Location. Near Nome Alaska
Date: August 26 1988
Time: 0230A
Another group of witnesses encountered three glowing green little men on the roadway. One of the entities changed color from greenish to silver, one remained green, and the third changed colors to black. A blue-green glow was seen to remain around all three of the little men. The entities apparently changed colors three times during the encounter.

HC addition # 908
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate Vol. 43 # 11
Type: E

Location. Near Nome Alaska
Date: August 26 1988
Time: 0230
That same night a number of people gathered on the Beltz Road just outside of town sighted three glowing little men standing on the side of the road. One was silver in color, one black and the other blue-green in color. They all had a green glow around them.

HC addition # 909
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate Vol. 43 # 11
Type: E

Location. Nome Alaska
Date: August 27 1988
Time: 0200A
Several witnesses gathered on the Beltz Road saw two little glowing green men with red eyes that “seemed to dance in the middle of the road.” Witnesses who approached the entities reportedly heard a whistling or hissing sound.

HC addition # 910
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate Vol. 43 # 11
Type: E

Location. Near Trilport France
Date: August 28 1988
Time: night
Two witnesses driving along the outskirts of town came to a sudden stop when they noticed a bright light ahead on the roadway. They then noticed a bright white dome-shaped light apparently on the ground. In front of the light stood a huge 3-meter tall dark humanoid figure, which apparently lacked arms and was not moving. The witnesses noted an eerie total silence. They then apparently drove away from the area. Ground traces were reportedly found the next day.

HC addition # 1728
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: C

Location. Near Scape Ore Swamp, South Carolina
Date: August 28 1988
Time: night
An Army Colonel driving on McDuffy Road saw a creature described as a small bipedal “dinosaur” run across the road in front of his car. No other information.

HC addition # 2913
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate June 1990
Type: E

Location. The Netherlands, exact location not given
Date: August 29 1988
Time: 1630
The witness was outside weeding her garden when she suddenly had the feeling that someone was standing behind her. She looked around and saw a figure standing about one meter away. The figure had a penetrating gaze, was very tall, and was wearing a shining white garment. The figure stood there for a few moments and the suddenly vanished.

HC addition # 1867
Source: Dr. HC Moolenburgh, Meetings with Angels
Type: E

Location. Hamilton Ontario Canada
Date: early Fall 1988
Time: 2300
A couple was walking home after having dinner at a friend’s home when they saw a small light resembling a car headlight flying towards them. Both became extremely frightened and hid between two houses nearby. Next thing they knew they were sitting in their apartment, sitting straight up, facing the balcony door. Later they recalled that as they were hiding in between the two houses they ran towards a bridge near a small “village” resembling a German storybook village. They both saw standing next to the bridge railing a seven-foot tall dark human like figure that stood staring at them with an amused look. He seemed to have a very long face. Then they remembered running some more and then appearing back at the apartment.

HC addition # 1152
Source: Bonnie Wheeler, Cambridge UFO Research Ontario Canada
Type: G?

Location. Portland Oregon
Date: Fall 1988
Time: afternoon
The two witnesses were traveling north on 82 avenue between Powell and Division streets, when they neared a repair shop and noticed a man in his mid 20’s, blond hair, approximately 6’5″ tall, walking through the front parking lot of the shop. A few seconds later they saw three large, black, four-door sedans sporting strange white insignias on the sides. Appearing from three different directions at once they converged on the tall blond man simultaneously. When the cars came to a stop, two men from each car emerged at the same time. The men were short, with pale skin and dark hair, they each wore black suits. They surrounded the tall blond man and two of the group then escorted the man to the lead vehicle and got into the back seat with him. All of them then returned to their cars at that point and if on cue they all drove away at once heading south. The cars were soon lost from sight. (MIB abduction?)

HC addition # 2983
Source: John Erickson
Type: E?

Location. Ostamark Sweden
Date: September 1988
Time: afternoon
80-year old farmer Gottfried Johansson was harvesting a field when several human-like little men that blocked his path suddenly surrounded him. The police investigated the case and found out that a “UFO” had also been see over the area. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: UFO CUN Europa
Type: D

Location. L’Herault, France
Date: September 1988
Time: 1500
A tall very pretty fair woman who was accompanied by a tall male character wearing dark clothing confronted Mrs. Marilyn Hollinger. The two strangers drove a very large and beautiful “car”, metallic gray in color that apparently did not make any noise when it drove away.

HC addendum
Source: Joel Mesnard
Type: A or E?

Location. Itacuruca Brazil
Date: September 2 1988
Time: nightfall
The witness noticed several small flickering lights in the woods near his house. He felt compelled to investigate, he then heard a sound like chirping grasshoppers and suddenly found himself surrounded by five little men that wore light beige uniforms with a thick vest and boots. All carried wand-like instruments that emitted lights from the tips. The beings were white skin with thin arms, dark green eyes and short ash blond hair. The apparent leader of the group took him very gently by the arm and led him to a nearby cave. The cave was large and had a brightly lit chamber and there was a long rectangular white stone on which he was made to lie. They apparently healed the witness from a wound on his leg caused by an accident a few days prior. He was also given some sweet fruit to eat. The witness finally left the cave and went home. He reportedly felt light headed and confused for the next several days.

HC addition # 777
Source: Irene Granchi, FSR Vol. 35 # 4
Type: G

Location. Atoka Oklahoma
Date: September 4 1988
Time: 2300
In a farm area a woman reported seeing a lighted circular object on the ground, which she mistook at first to be a helicopter, but it was completely silent. Several undescribed “persons” appear to be coming in and out of the object. The police was notified and apparently officers saw the object also. No other information.

HC addition # 2493
Source: UFONS unknown #
Type: B

Location. Near Ilkley Moor England
Date: September 4 1988
Time: 2330
The witness had been hitchhiking in an isolated area and was standing next to a signpost by the roadway when he became aware of a white light that appeared and disappeared in pulses. As he stared at the light the road sign opposite went out, he then heard a rustling sound and turned to see the bushes shaking violently as if in a strong wind. Standing only a few feet away was a four-foot tall figure that resembled a goblin with long dangling arms. The frightened witness threw a lighted cigarette at the figure then ran onto the road and out onto traffic. The figure did not follow him.

HC addition # 1503
Source: Steve Gerrard, Northern UFO news # 157
Type: C?

Location. Bridgend England
Date: September 10 1988
Time: 2100
A man and a woman were walking across a bridge over a motorway when they saw what appeared to be a star descending in a diagonal pattern. As it grew closer, they could see that it was semi-circular in profile and had windows with silhouettes of figures in them. It hovered motionless for about 7 to 8 minutes and was about 300 yards from them. One of the witnesses motioned to the craft to come closer but it shook from side to side three times as if to say “no.” It then flew towards the horizon quickly disappearing from sight.

HC addition # 3900
Source: NUFORC
Type: A

Location. Niva, Denmark
Date: September 28 1988
Time: 2330
On a rainy evening the witness was driving her car through the town of Niva when suddenly she saw in the headlights of the car two small olive-green beings, about 50-55 cm in height, in the gutter’s grating where the water ran into. They both gestured with small arms to each other. Their heads were almost egg shaped, but very pointed towards the chin. She could not see any nose or mouth. The humanoids wore overalls, which were grooved, similar to plastic and covered them completely. She became unexplainably frightened and drove home quickly. She further described the beings as, heads “a little bit to large,” wide shoulders, very slim hips, slim elbows and knees. The feet were pointed and the hands had only one “finger.”

HC addendum
Source: SUFOI
Type: E

Location. Tehachapi Mountains California
Date: October 1988
Time: 0200A
A couple that had driven to a plateau on the south side of the mountain saw a large flashing orb of light rise from the ground and fly slowly up into the sky. They then experienced two hours of missing time. Later under hypnosis the man recalled being taken into an underground facility that was occupied by “human” military personnel and short gray humanoids. The gray humanoids apparently examined his wife. No other information.

HC addition # 1917
Source: William Hamilton, “Alien Magic”
Type: G

Location. Near Natchez, Mississippi
Date: October 1988
Time: 1700
The witness was riding his three-wheel ATC on a deer hunting expedition along the Mississippi River when the engine suddenly stalled. He then noticed two of his friends up ahead pointing at the sky, looking up he saw a huge object about 400 yards away moving in a westerly direction moving very slow. It emitted a powerful humming sound and it had red, white, amber, green and bright blue lights. There was also a long object attached to it that tapered at the end to a u-shaped fork. This fork moved up and down and had electricity arcing from tip to tip. He also saw numerous other antennas on other protruding objects on the saucer shaped object. On the upper middle section there seemed to be lots of windows with amber lights coming from inside. On several occasions he seemed to remember seeing a couple sets of large eyes looking down at him. He felt as though he received a telepathic message but could not remember its contents. It disappeared out of sight towards the west behind some trees.

HC addendum
Source: Southwest Mississippi UFO sightings
Type: A & F?

Location. Stara Jarzabka, Poland
Date: October 1988
Time: 1900
A man observed a large cigar shaped metallic object, which had apparently landed on a field. A hatch opened and a ladder was lowered to the ground. A humanoid figure (not described) then appeared, stood briefly outside then craft, and then re-entered it. The hatch closed and the object flew away emitting a strange sound.

HC addition # 1230
Source: Grupa Badan Nol, Poland
Type: B

Location. Near Palmas, Brazil
Date: October 1988
Time: night
Jose Tadeu Alves was driving on his way to town when he saw a 6 meters long bright disc shaped object rapidly approaching in his direction. He stopped the vehicle as the object landed nearby. Four human like beings exited the object and invited Alves inside the object. He could not remember what happened inside the object since he apparently fell asleep once inside. Later he was returned back to the same location.

HC addendum
Type: G

Location. Cheadle Cheshire England
Date: October 1988
Time: night
A girl sleeping on a bench in the ground of an old abandoned mansion woke up to see a strange dark form hovering in mid air directly above her. The witness was unable to move as a hand stretched out towards her from the hovering form. She suddenly regained her senses and ran away from the area without looking back.

HC addition # 1421
Source: Jenny Randles, “Mind Monsters”
Type: E

Location. Monterrey Mexico
Date: October 1988
Time: 2130
Security guard Antonio Aguirre was standing duty in his guard shack at the local university when he noticed a strange fog forming about 30 meters away around the area of a nearby pond. Suddenly in that same location there was a sort of “whirlwind” From inside the whirlwind two figures emerged. These figures moved slowly around the pond. The figures appeared to be at least 2 meters in height from the witness vantage point, emitted a bright white being of light from the palms of their left hands. Aguirre decided to leave his post and go investigate the figures. He notified another guard via radio then headed towards the figures. As the two strangers noticed the witness they stopped and one stood on in front of the other and then walked towards the witness. As they came to about 10 meters away, the witness noticed that the beings were over 2 meters in height, maybe 2.30meters; they wore thick gloves, from which the beams of light seemed to originate. They wore very tight fitting black clothing. Strangely their facial features appeared to be obscured by a smoke like veil so were the legs. The frightened witness walked backwards to the guard gate never taking his eyes off the two humanoids. He watched as the humanoids walked back to the pond and disappeared back into the whirlwind, and then the whirlwind and fog disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Jeronimo Flores Cavazos
Type: E

Location. New York City, New York
Date: October 1988
Time: late night
The witness was abducted from a friend’s apartment. His memory of the event was virtually non-existent. The only indications that something had happened were a time lapse and some scratches, marks and bruises on his body. Later he was able to recall being taken onboard a craft. He was given a standard medical examination, and sperm was extracted. While in the “medical room”, he saw other operations occurring. He observed one animal injected with a needle, which extracted fluid from the animal’s body. He also saw a nude woman lying perfectly still on a table. She apparently had a large surgical incision down the center of her chest. Unable to move he watched several gray type aliens insert their hands inside the woman’s chest cavity. He also noticed that the woman’s leg were spread eagle with clamps around her ankles, and a long tube-like instrument was inserted in her vagina. He had the impression that the examination of the woman and the animal were all part of a related experiment involving reproduction. At one point the witness saw another gray humanoid approach the woman with a hand held object with a light on it. The humanoid pointed a laser-like beam of light at the incision on the chest and healed the cut.

HC addition # 2544
Source: Preston Dennett, “UFO Healing”
Type: G

Location. Cheadle, Cheshire England
Date: October 1988
Time: late night
A security guard patrolling the grounds of an old mansion was confronted by several small figures wearing black and green loose fitting uniforms, which quickly vanished as if they had melted into the night. No other information.

HC addition # 1422
Source: Jenny Randles, “Mind Monsters”
Type: E

Location. Illinois-Wisconsin Border
Date: October 1988
Time: 2300
The 15-year old witness and his father were on a hunting expedition in an isolated area and were following a blood trail of a deer they had shot. They were in the middle of a field walking towards the tree line when he noticed a purplish glowing craft in the air above the middle of the woods, moving slowly to the right. It quickly shot away from sight. Later while the witness slept in the back of the truck he woke up to find several large headed, large black eyed gray figures looking at him through the windows of the truck. The eyes felt piercing, as the figures surrounded the car. He tried to wake up his dad, but his father was soundly asleep. Something made him open the back of the truck to get out. His memory gets a little fuzzy here but he remembers the figures reaching out and touching his hands. There appeared to be short and tall figures around him. His next recollection was of waking up in the truck again.

HC addendum
Source: Mystical Universe website
Type: D or G?

Location. Marseille, France
Date: October 3 1988
Time: 0825A
Two witnesses walking along a path noticed up in the sky a flying human-like figure wearing a brilliant silvery outfit with flashes of red. It seemed to propel itself without any apparent or visible means. It rose up as if carried by the wind and vanished.

HC addition # 1727
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: E

Location. Wood Village, Oregon
Date: October 20 1988
Time: unknown
A local artist, Michael Patterson saw an “aluminum-colored disk that was about 30 ft in diameter and was hovering 20 feet over his home.” The craft never moved at more than three miles an hour and was surrounded by green and red flashing lights. Before it moved away Patterson was given a psychic (telepathic?) message. It told him not to be afraid. The object then left.

HC addendum
Source: Chris Bader, Strange Northwest
Type: F

Location. Adelaide South Australia
Date: October 24 1988
Time: night
The witness woke up to see a group of short human-like beings standing at the foot of his bed. Three or four stood back while one approached. This being was short, with a large head and large glowing white eyes. No other information.

HC addition # 2034
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: E

Location. Pergamino Argentina
Date: October 28 1988
Time: 1230
Four young men walking along a road suddenly sighted five or six little green men. The beings had no hair and only one eye each. Their hands had three fingers only. These beings walked in a strange fashion as if joined together in a block. The beings also made growling noises. Strange tracks were found at the scene.

HC addition # 240
Source: Fabio Picasso, Strange Magazine # 9
Type: E

Location. El Dique Los Alzanes, Argentina
Date: winter 1988
Time: daytime
During a spate of wild fires in the area and on numerous occasions local firefighters sighted a strange man-like figure that did not answer their calls and moved at very high speed never letting anyone approach him. This being ran at very high speed among the burning foliage and was able to make prodigious jumps and athletic feats. No footprints were ever found.

HC addition # 2195
Source: Alejandro Cesar Agostinelli, Año Cero 1992
Type: E

Location. St Paul, Minnesota
Date: November 1988
Time: late night
The witness woke up when the alarm clock went off; she sat up, sprung forward and then fell backwards again. She could not move at all and was only able to think. She finally managed to move a foot, then her leg and finally sat up on the edge of the bed. Things felt like they were out of sync, like a wave moving. She got up and walked toward the bathroom, looked to the right into the dining room and saw a black figure; it was as if reflected no light at all. She then went into the bathroom. She then peeked out and the figure was gone. The figure had been so black that it had no discernible features. The head appeared rounder than humans. It also seemed bigger but not grossly. The height of the black figure was about 4 ft 8 inches to 5 ft tall; it was a little shorter than the witness’s mom. (Witness involved in other encounters).

HC addendum
Source: Minnesota Mufon
Type: E

Location. Carnaubinha, Ceara, Brazil
Date: November 2 1988
Time: late night
Joana Ferreira and he daughter, Elisvalda, ten, left their home carrying baskets of vegetables to meet another woman on a nearby road. Suddenly they saw a fiery ball of fire in the sky. The object then disappeared behind a nearby school. They continued on and came upon a small stream, as they stood by the stream waiting for the other woman the object suddenly descended over a tree then meters from them and stayed there. The object made a loud scratching noise. Everything around them was lit up like daytime. Suddenly they saw two men that looked exactly alike standing near a tree. The men were about 4-feet tall. They wore silvery outfits that glowed, reflecting the light. The beings stood three meters away from the witnesses, they seemed to be making a strange “tsk, tsk, tsk” like noise. Joana was so terrified that she could not move, her daughter had to drag her away from the spot. Joana, who was five months pregnant at the time, went to the hospital with headaches and fever and soon miscarried.

HC addition # 2590
Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone
Type: C

Location. Knox Indiana
Date: November 8 1988
Time: late night
The 12-year old witness had gotten up to get a drink of water when a flash of multicolored light attracted his attention to the yard. He turned the lights on and walked over to the large picture window in the living room. Looking out he saw a large diamond-shaped object resting on the lawn. It had flashing multi colored lights around its edge and appeared to be made out of a copper like metal. An escalator like device now appeared from the object’s left rear edge and slid down to the ground. A small humanoid now appeared and walked down the escalator and disappeared behind the object. Moments later the being re-appeared and began walking towards the house. The humanoid was described as 5-foot 3 inches tall with normal arms with what appeared to be claws and strange “double feet.” The being wore a belt and a buckle and appeared to have some type of symbols across its chest. It had a large nose, large square mouth, and huge dark brown eyes. The skin was lizard like green with scales and wrinkled. The witness became frightened as the being approached, suddenly the neighbor’s dog began barking, and the being stopped turned its head around and looked directly at the witness. The next thing the witness remembered was seeing the object lift off silently and disappear into the sky. Ground traces were reportedly found the next day.

HC addition # 727
Source: Michael J Rigg, Mufon Journal # 262
Type: B?

Location. Houston, Texas
Date: November 8 1988
Time: late night
Laura Liccketto was very tired and was lying on her waterbed on the right side of the bed. Some time had passed, though she does not know exactly how much of a time lapse occurred from the time she went to bed to the beginning of her experience. Somehow she was now on the far left side of her bed. She had no memory of how she had moved to the left side. She then saw an “alien” standing next to her bed about one yard from her eyes. The only parts of the humanoid that she could clearly see was his chin chest, very thin upper arms, neck, and face. There was a glow of light in the bedroom, enabling her to see the alien’s gray, mottled skin, and large, black, almond shaped eyes. He was only about 37 inches tall and had no hair. She could not move and could only think of how “ugly” the alien was. The figure suddenly disappeared in plain sight. The witness has experienced other strange episodes in her home.

HC addendum
Source: Beyond The Illusion, Aliens and Abduction Reports
Type: E

Location. St. Ephrem de Tring, Quebec, Canada
Date: November 18 1988
Time: 1650
Driving on Route 108 an anonymous couple watched a bizarre humanoid figure about 1.30m in height cross the road in front of their vehicle, just before that occurred they had seen a golden glow on the right hand side of the road coming from an unknown source. The figure appeared to have legs, but no arms were visible. It had an oval shaped head with two huge glowing eyes. The humanoid form stood in front of the vehicle and then disappeared into a small floating “cloud” that had appeared on the side of the road. The small cloud suddenly evaporated in front of the witnesses.

HC addendum
Source: Marc LeDuc CASUFO, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: B? Or E

Location. Arizona, exact location not given
Date: November 20 1988
Time: afternoon
The witness who previously had been in mental contact with a being of “light” that identified himself as “Bren” had taken a walk in an isolated area and was sitting on top of a rock when she suddenly heard a whirring sound. She could not see anything and the sound receded but then came back louder than ever. Looking up she saw a very bright whirling light with a peak on top. She was drawn into it and all of her senses went numb. She then entered a brighter area and came face to face with two bright human-like beings. The beings had thin features and brown hair and were very human in appearance. Other glowing beings now appeared and began soothing her and caressing her telling her not to be afraid.

HC addition # 1700
Source: Alice Bryant, Linda Seebach “Healing Shattered Reality”
Type: G

Location. Near Hunge Sweden
Date: November 24 1988
Time: 2100
One observer saw a six-foot tall humanoid figure wearing a tight-fitting diver’s suit and a helmet. It suddenly vanished into thin air as the witness approaches it. No other information.

HC addition # 2374
Source: AFU Newsletter # 34
Type: E

Location. Holbury Hampshire England
Date: November 28 1988
Time: 2320
20-year old Maxine Watkins was alone walking to her home along a lonely avenue when she noticed the branches of the trees lining the road moving furiously as if in a strong wind. The frightened witness began quickly walking away from the area. Suddenly a pulsating light appeared, it seemed to originate from a round or oval object from behind the trees. The object then came over the witness and shot a beam of bright light at her. She suddenly found herself in a strange room facing a bald-headed man wearing a flowing black cape with a high collar. The man was holding both his hands outstretched and cupped in them was an orb with a cross attached. The witness could see two other beings one of either side of the caped man. She was then floated to a table where her legs were clamped and she was unable to move. The beings attempted to reassure her by telepathy, but it had little effect. She remembers her captors pulling down a complicated apparatus and placing it over her head. Next thing she knew she was a crumpled heap on the pavements about 100 yards from where she first saw the pulsating light. Suffering from a severe headache and eye irritation she was able to see the bright oval object shoot up into the sky and vanish.

HC addition # 1983
Source: Carl Nagaitis, Phillip Mantle “Without Consent”
Type: G

Location. Montauk Point, Long Island New York
Date: Winter 1988
Time: night
Several witnesses were out walking in the woods one night when they noticed a jumble of multicolored lights shining through the trees. Curious they moved towards it and parted the branches. They then saw a creature at least 3 meters in height meandering around a field. They could only make out its shape not its features, since it was covered or made out of some kind of orange and yellow neon fluid. There were no eye sockets or mouth that they could see. Suddenly the creature stopped in its tracks, as if detecting something. It then let out a wail that sounded like a combination of air raid siren and grating metal. The bizarre creature then headed towards the witnesses and “they ran like hell from the area.” As they ran away from the area they noticed that as the creature passed by several power poles they seemed to spark up.

HC addendum
Source: The Unexplained
Type: E

Location. Dalnegorsk, Russia
Date: early December 1988
Time: evening
After her children had gone off to a local store the female was alone at home when the doorbell rang. When she opened the door, two figures somewhat resembling her children but wearing silvery scaly overalls entered the house. The terrified witness stepped back and watched the strangers approached the window and suddenly disappear in plain sight. After the incident the television set acted strangely sometimes displaying black and white screens and refusing to operate.

HC addendum
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Type: E

Location. Outside Mexico City, Mexico
Date: December 1988
Time: early morning
A man named “Pedro” and a friend had gone to play an early morning game of tennis at the clay courts facing a large auto assembly plant on the outskirts of the city. While waiting for other colleagues to join them, the two men suddenly felt that “the sun was rising behind them.” Turning around they were astonished to see a descending circular vehicle that radiated formidable amounts of white light, illuminating the entire area. The saucer shaped craft touched down on a nearby field. Pedro and his companion forced themselves to remain and see what further incredible developments would occur. Their courage and patience was rewarded as they saw two creatures, clad in tight fitting gray outfits and standing about four ft tall. Pedro indicated that their heads were of normal proportions, with small mouths and noses and slanted eyes. After some 20 minutes the short humanoids returned to their craft, which rose into the air and disappeared. Later Pedro was gripped by unexplained seizures and was taken to a medical facility. Later a psychiatrist sent him to a mental health facility. Thanks to the other witness he was later released from the facility.

HC addendum
Source: Luis Ramirez Reyes
Type: B

Location. Honolulu Hawaii
Date: December 1988
Time: 1400
Norma Joiner was vacuuming her living room when she began to feel very sleepy. She then decided to take a nap on the couch. She seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep right away but somehow felt a presence in the room with her. In a sort of altered state she “saw’ herself asleep and at the same time she was wide awake. She heard a sound and turned her head to see a small dog playing with her 2 birds on the floor. The dog seemed friendly and his tail was wagging. She then heard “voices” and saw two persons standing in back of the dog, talking to each other. They were dressed in brown robes with hoods that came forward and covered their faces. They began to glide over the carpet past the couch. Joiner tried to get their attention but she could not make a sound. The dog followed them as they glided right through the front door. She was “awake” immediately and got a very strong sense that they had been there, the birds were still on the floor.

HC addition # 3850
Source: Aliens and UFOs among us
Type: E

Location. Rio Piedras Puerto Rico
Date: December 1988
Time: 2215
The witness was lying in bed watching TV with her husband when she suddenly felt a strong buzzing sound in her head. Her husband fell asleep and the witness now saw several small bright balls of light enter through her window. The balls seemed to chase her around her bedroom. She suddenly found herself in an arid rocky place near the ocean. On a field nearby she saw a silvery circular object with a dome on top. Two short humanoids now approached the witness. These were about 4-foot tall, with large egg shaped heads and huge black almond shaped eyes. Their skin was gray white and they had long thin arms and fingers. As the beings approached, the witness could now see that one of them had a “bundle” in his arms. The “bundle” turned out to be a semi human baby. It was more human than alien and appeared to be a beautiful girl with grayish skin and a lightly larger head than normal. They would not let the witness touch the baby. The witness felt a sense of happiness from the humanoids as a result of them having the baby. The witness feels that the baby was indeed a copy of herself.

HC addition # 1193
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 37
Type: G

Location. Torre Orsaia, Salerno, Italy
Date: December 1988
Time: night
A farmer spotted in a field a huge 2-meter tall greenish scaly humanoid, with serpent like eyes that ran towards him. Terrified the witness fled the area and notified local police. The same or similar creature was seen at various locations in the area.

HC addendum
Source: Ovni Domus, Italy
Type: E

Location. Lomagna, Como, Italy
Date: December 1988
Time: late night
A security guard patrolling a road in the area spotted a tall scaly greenish creature standing on the side of the road. As he approached it, the creature quickly scurried away and disappeared into some woods. No other information. (Apparently a scaly reptilian creature was also on the loose in Italy as well as in South Carolina).

HC addendum
Source: Ovni Domus, Italy
Type: E

Location. Chatsworth California
Date: December 26 1988
Time: lat night
The witness was sleeping with a friend when some time in the middle of the night, she awoke, puzzled, because she was lying on her side, since she always slept on her back. The alarm clock then started ticking unusually loud almost making the bed vibrate. She tried to get up and yell at her friend but she could not move at all. As she struggled to move something with long fingernails grabbed her ankle, making it hurt. She attempted to scream but still could not; suddenly whatever was holding her ankle released it. She was finally able to move then saw a small ghostly white figure that appeared to shrink and then fly out the window. She noticed a bright light coming in through the window and when she looked outside she was a luminous round object lift up and disappeared into the sky.

HC # 2202
Source: Preston Dennett, UFO Universe Spring 1992
Type: C

Location. Dibich, Bulgaria
Date: December 27 1988
Time: evening
84-year old Dochka Chaprazova and her 11-year old granddaughter were surprised by a series of vigorous blows on the walls and furniture of their house. During this period of bizarre poltergeist like phenomena, the mother named Stefanka encountered a tall figure standing on their porch. It resembled “something like a very tall black clothed man, with his head, as if cone-shaped touching the ceiling”. The “phantom” stood at the same spot for a few seconds before vanishing in plain sight of the witness.

HC addendum
Source: Miroslav Minchev, Bulgaria
Type: E or F?

Total Cases: 144

Addendums will be included as they become available.

Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

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