1991 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net
Location. Not given
Date: 1991
Time: 0300A
The witness was woken up by a very bright white light shining down on the backyard. She sat up in bed and was able to see the light shining through the curtains. Passing in front of the window were shadows of thin figures, with large heads, they were small and moved very fast. She tried to wake her two sleeping dogs but they would not budge, they seemed to be unconscious. Scared she dragged one of the dogs and hid inside the closet. Soon she came out of the closet and suddenly a rush of information entered her head, she saw pictures and glowing symbols, triangles, circles, and other objects. Then a short pale, thin creature, with large black eyes appeared in front of her, and communicated with her telepathically. She heard him said, “Two worlds shall meet and become one. Two planes shall meet. Heaven and Earth shall meet etc.” While the being communicated with her she saw an image of two flat glowing grids, that rotated slowly in space, then became locked together to form one plane. Then she saw the Earth from space and it was covered with glowing rings. Suddenly she woke up with a feeling of elation and exhilaration.
HC addition # 3913
Source: CAUS
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: This case obviously contains some sort of prophetic message, but somehow it seems to kind of trite in content.
Location. North Lauderdale, Florida
Date: 1991
Time: 0300A
The witness woke up in the middle of the night to see a bright light in the living room. The witness leaned over his wife to see a being about 4-½ foot tall standing at a counter with its back to the witness. The witness then heard a voice in his mind, that told him to go back to sleep. He laid back for a moment then got up again and again saw the being in the position and again heard the voice again telling him to go back to sleep. He then went to sleep. The being wore a grayish blue cloak like outfit.
HC addition # 3199
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain
Date: 1991
Time: 0300A
Researcher Joseph Guijarro was at the house of a local nurse, Judith, who had been involved in several possible abduction episodes. That night while him and Judith spoke suddenly her pet dog stood to attention and the TV set’s volume control began increasing and decreasing of its own accord. When everything appeared to be calming down they heard the sound of chanting. Somewhat scared they decided to go to their respective rooms. Later Guijarro reported having heard all manner of creaking and squealing sounds. Around 0300A, the dog began to howl and steps could be heard on the staircase. Guijarro was then stunned to see the outline of a short creature with a large head that walked by his bedroom’s doorway. His reaction was also surprising; he took a deep breath and fell asleep.
HC addendum
Source: Joseph Guijarro
Type: E
Location. Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Date: 1991
Time: afternoon
Lucy Santiago was walking home after school when she suddenly felt a strange sensation like if time was standing still and everything seem to slow down. Looking around she saw her friends talking and walking as if in slow motion. Suddenly she heard a loud shrieking sound in the sky, looking up she saw a hole open in the sky where she could see the most beautiful blue sky she had ever seen. Out of the hole a bizarre winged creature then flew out, it shrieked loudly again then disappeared from sight. Everything then returned to normal.
HC addition # 3211
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 17
Type: E
Location. Southeast of Kadima Israel
Date: 1991
Time: afternoon
According to sources an 11-year old boy of Yemenite origin disappeared for half a day while walking home from school. When he finally returned to his hysterical parents late at night, he was unable to remember why he was late and had no recollection of the previous hours. Two weeks later he remembered that he had been abducted by “giants” and taken into their lair. There he was medically examined and a small device was surgically inserted into his left arm near the wrist. He was later supposedly taken to a clinic where a small device was removed from his arm.
HC addendum
Source: Barry Chamish, Return of The Giants
Type: G
Location. Red Rock, Wigan, England
Date: 1991
Time: evening
Bill Eatock was driving along a country road when suddenly he drove into a peculiar fog bank and heard a high-pitched whistle. He came out of the fog with his left ear bleeding and the left side of his face burning. He felt sick as he drove back home. Later he was able to remember being onboard an object in a dazed condition. He was in a room that seemed “messy” and massive. There he saw several small large headed gray creatures and a tall human-like “controller” who seemed to be in charge. The tall human communicated by using telepathy. He also saw other persons that were also apparently abducted.
HC addition # 3829
Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data
Page, UFO Watch
Type: G
Location. New South Wales, Australia
Date: 1991
Time: night
The 63-year old woman was lying in bed in a rural area, when suddenly a being appeared. In a blink of an eye she found herself in a large, blue colored room. Bright light seemed to be coming through the ceiling. Gravity seemed normal. 4 beings were visible. They were described as 180cm tall. Each had small, oval shaped heads, and were intelligent looking. The eyes were almond shaped, tapering upwards at the end. They had small mouths, thin lips with a small nose. The skin was pale, pearly, and soft to touch. On the hands she noticed 4 long, slender fingers but was unsure if there was a thumb or not. Small boots covered the small feet. They wore a jump suit, blue gray in color, and there were no zips, markings, or insignia on them. They moved in a graceful almost gliding like manner. She was on a transparent, glass like table, with no sensation of cold or heat. She saw a total of 3 tables in the area. A being examined her using thin pencil-like torches, with a light on one end. These were held against different parts of her body. 2 of the beings communicated with her telepathically. One was male the other female. She has no recollection leaving the room but next found herself back in her own bed.
HC addition # 2726
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: G
Location. Off Puerto Real Puerto Rico
Date: 1991
Time: night
A grandmother fishing with her two nephews one evening spotted a large brilliant object, which hovered, over her boat for some three minutes. The woman saw silhouetted figures moving around inside the spherical device, which disappeared momentarily, leaving her confused and frightened.
HC addition # 2855
Source: Scott Corrales
Type: A
Location. Petropavlovsk, Russia
Date: 1991
Time: night
An unusually loud chirring noise that reminded them of crickets awakened the Ivanitzky family. This happened more than once. On the tenth day they discovered a strange creature under the bed, resembling either a dog or a huge mouse. After slippers were thrown at the creature, it twitched and grew in size, becoming almost three times as big. Unexpectedly it cast out from its nose a very long trunk, which it used to try to grab the legs of the family members. The family then began hitting the creature with whatever they could lay their hands on, and the children sprayed it with household chemicals. The creature then rolled over to a far corner and lay there still. The creature had very short bluish hair, two three fingered paws and strong wings, about a meter and a half in wingspan, resembling a bat’s wing. The creature’s muzzle looked like a human face cast in plaster, an almost flat clear face with small forehead, very large eyes and a tiny lipless mouth. Instead of a nose it had a triangular hole. Mr. Ivanitzky fearful that he had killed a State protected animal threw it out into a ditch. Soon the creature disappeared from the ditch.
HC addition # 3029
Source: Paul Stonehill, Fate November 1992
Type: E or H?
Location. Glinik, Poland
Date: 1991
Time: night
A woman suddenly woke up to see a little figure standing at the foot of the bed. She was almost paralyzed and could not shout to get the attention of her family. The figure suddenly vanished. Around the same time locals reported seeing strange shiny humanoids in the fields around a hill called Lysa Gora.
HC addendum
Source: Arkadiusz Miazga, MCBUFOIZA
Type: E
Location. Manuel Urbano, Acre, Brazil
Date: 1991
Time: night
Local Indians reported being attacked by a huge hairy humanoid with sharp claws and fangs, which they called the Mapinguary. Several men were reportedly killed and eaten by the beast. A scientist, Alceu Ranzi from the Federal University of Acre organized a search expedition but was unable to find anything.
HC addendum
Source: Pablo Villarrubia Mauso
Type: E
Location. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Date: 1991
Time: night
A man walking along the Milwaukee River south of East Capitol Drive, heard a noise, turned around, and saw two large heads with huge yellow cat eyes. They were in the water, in an instant they disappeared. Terrified he ran away from the area. Around the same time a security guard was awakened around 0300A when someone shook his trailer real hard. He went outside and thought he saw something go into the river. Police could not find anything.
HC addendum
Source: UFO2 Wisconsin
Type: E
Location. Windwhistle Hill, England
Date: 1991
Time: night
Three witnesses reported seeing a very tall humanoid figure wearing a silvery suit that was looking in through their farmhouse window. It disappeared suddenly. Several days later they saw a large disc shaped object over the area. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Bufora Files
Type: D
Location. Middletown, Butler County, Ohio
Date: 1991
Time: night
Several young men exploring an abandoned barn in an undeveloped area encountered a bizarre, large featherless bird-like creature. It stood like a bird would but was about 6 ft four inches tall. Its skin appeared like leather. As they entered the barn, the “bird” turned to look at them, moving only its head. They all ran leaving their bicycles behind.
HC addendum
Source: GCBRO
Type: E
Location. Tartu, Estonia
Date: 1991
Time: night
A young boy named Raido was watching television in the living room when he saw a figure with large eyes looking at him through the window. It disappeared after a moment. Raido went to the kitchen and told his grandmother what had happened. His grandmother did not believe him. Strangely after she had put the children to sleep she wanted to go back into the living room to turn off the TV set, but she somehow constantly walked past the door and couldn’t get through. She tried several times but still could not do it. Later when everybody else was sleeping the humanoid with large eyes reappeared in front of Raido’s bed and woke him up. He asked Raido if he wanted to travel with them on board their UFO ship. Raido said yes, and after they went out through the refrigerator he saw two UFOs in front of the house. A bearded man called him to come to the ship. There were four aliens altogether, one of them was a woman with long hair. They wore glittering clothes. One ship was small and round and the other ship was larger and boat-shaped. The aliens apparently drew some marks on the boy’s body.
HC addendum
Source: Mare Koiva, Estonia
Type: G
Location. Moscow region, Russia
Date: 1991
Time: early morning
8-year old Liuba was with her brother sitting before the television waiting for the early morning cast of cartoons. Suddenly the girl felt that an enormous shining hand protruded from the wall behind them and rested on her head. Then she felt herself lifted into the air. A narrow dark tunnel opened up, and she began to “fly”. It was a pleasant and easy flight. She noticed unusual trees around—perfectly bare, sleek, with no bark. They were all studded with gold coins, and the gold was transparent—very strange and beautiful. She flew towards a bright yellow light. Suddenly she felt the presence of someone invisible near her. She heard a strong voice say, “The light that you see before is my father’s eyes. This is paradise. But only the dead can see it”. That was the explanation of the unseen “guide”. Liuba said, “But I am not dead, am I?” She then looked back and at the end of the tunnel she saw her room and herself sitting on the sofa besides her brother. Meanwhile the flight continued and she approached the circle of yellow light. She wanted to enter it but an invisible power pushed her back. “Is that all?” asked the girl. The voice answered, “Yes that’s all. Do you want me to heal people through you? They have miserably forgotten me.” “Yes I do” answered the girl and suddenly found herself in the room sitting on the sofa. Her frightened brother was shaking her by the shoulders. He yelled, “What happened? You were not moving or breathing—as if dead!” After this incident the young girl did apparently gained the power to heal others.
HC addendum
Source: Newspaper, “Russkiy Sever” October 13 1993
Type: F
Location. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Canada
Date: 1991
Time: 2300
The witness had gone to bed with her husband when all of the sudden in a dream like state she found herself in a white room. She could not see the sides and appeared to have tunnel vision. She was strapped down on a table and was struggling. She looked over to her side and saw a little girl or being staring at her from behind a window. The little girl being stared at her moving her head from side to side. She felt mental communication from an unseen entity telling her that the little girl was hers and they wanted her to name her. The little girl was very thin, her hair was pearly white, and it looked as if it was all at different length, and scant in some places. She wore an opalescent outfit, just draped over her body. Her arms and legs were thin. Her facial features were small except for her eyes, which were big and blue in color. She wanted to hold her but all of the sudden woke up. She felt very sad and began to cry.
HC addition # 2348
Source: Michel Deschamps, The Canadian Ufologist Vol. 1 # 4
Type: G?
Location. Queens New York
Date: 1991
Time: late night
Eddie Sosa was walking through the hallway in his apartment when he suddenly became paralyzed and was totally unable to move. A tall robed man-like entity then appeared. This entity somehow resembled the bearded biblical “Moses.” He told the witness that he could not be taken in physical form today but he would carry his “psychic” body or soul with him. Sosa remembers being taken in his spiritual form into a large silvery spherical craft. Inside, the Moses-like entity explained how the craft worked but he was unable to remember. He was eventually returned to his body.
HC addition # 2079
Source: Personal Interview
Type: G
Location. Pidan Region, Russia
Date: 1991
Time: late night
Hunter, A I Kurentsevym was sitting by a bonfire in the taiga when he suddenly felt an uncommon fear. Looking up, he saw flying over a nearby boulder an enormous dark humanoid figure, which resembled a man. In an apparent attempt to avoid a collision with the boulder the creature flew over the hunter totally ignoring his presence. The witness noticed that it had membranous wings, similar to a bat. The same or similar creature was again seen in the area in 1992, it reportedly had a human face with enormous bright eyes, underdeveloped feet and wings more than two meters in width.
HC addendum
Source: SKYZONE Russia
Type: E
Location. Moscow, Russia
Date: 1991
Time: late night
Tatiana Veselova, who was 5 months pregnant at the time, experienced a very vivid “dream” in which she was lying naked on a table, in a round bare room. A number of figures wearing overalls stand around her, they appeared to have huge oval shaped heads and large slanted eyes. Somebody in pure Russian accent asks her if she was against artificial conception. She did not answer and her next memory was of seeing a large syringe being lifted over her belly. Her next memory was of waking up at home. Four months later she had a normal son, similar to the father. However each time she breast-fed him Tatiana experienced episodes of faintness. She felt as if her energy was being sucked out along with the breast milk. These episodes became less common as the baby grew older and only occurred in times when the child during moments of tenderness got very close to his mother. He was apparently capable of draining his mother’s energy every time he was in close contact with her.
HC addendum
Source: X-UFO Russia
Type: G or F?
Location. Kiev Ukraine
Date: 1991
Time: midnight
Natalia Urbano was in her bedroom with her 9-year old son sleeping next to her. The door was open into the dark hallway. Suddenly in the dim light of the lamp, she saw balls of fire rolling past her along the carpet. She thought it was “ball lighting” and could see they were coming from the direction of the hallway. She looked at the doorway and saw a man of the most common appearance, in a gray well-tailored suit, necktie, and glasses. He was the one launching all the fireballs. The stranger grinned at her and said, “Well, so, let’s go!” She yelled that she was not ready yet. “Ok” he shrugged, “then I’ll take him,” pointing at her 9-year old son. Some part of her in some inexplicable way knew that leaving with the man would be irreversible. So she pressed her son tightly to the bed and shouted, “No! I won’t let him go! Not without me!” At that very moment she saw herself outside her body. Her body was stretched out on the bed and from it here was another her rising up and holding on to her son. The man shrugged again, “Ok,” he said, “next time.” Suddenly everything was back to normal and the man had disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times
Type: E?
Location. Near Nerekhty, Kostroma, Russia
Date: January 1991
Time: late evening
On December 17 1990 the witness Filaret Yakolevich saw a clear red somewhat flattened sphere, it descended at the edge of the woods, approximately one km from his house. The next day he responded to the scene in order to investigate the landing site. He found three oval indentations on the ground. In between these tracks she found 25cm holes, and burned dry weeds all around. From the holes small streams of water flowed out. Soon after this incident Yakolevich began to suffer strange incidents in and around his home. His watch dog seemed to be on edge at all times, doors, kitchen cabinets, refrigerator doors seemed to open on their own accord. A young woman guest in his house heard footsteps in her room as if someone invisible had been walking through. On the above date, Yakolevich had gone out in search for his dog and he ended up visiting the landing place of the UFO. As he stood around in the area he suddenly received a telepathic message in the left side of his brain (!). He heard a distinctly audible voice with a metallic timbre that said, “we —the sixth expedition from the fourth planet of the eleventh star of the constellation of Pleiades. We investigate the second, third, fourth and sixth planets of your star. Other expeditions investigate other planets.” The witness then asked why they did not study the planet Jupiter, the answer was, and “that Jupiter contained a parasitic type of life, that liquidated another expedition.” He did not receive any additional information.
HC addendum
Source: X-Libri UFO, Russia
Type: F
Location. Cidra, Puerto Rico
Date: January 1991
Time: night
The witness, an elderly woman named Gloria, was alone at home late one night when there was a knock at the door. Thinking it was one of the neighbors she opened the door. As she did she was stunned as half a dozen little men (not described) came into the house one after the other. One of them spoke to her in Spanish and told her to drink something from a vial, that they were going to give her a check up. At one point she became unconscious and last recalled hearing the little man assure her that she would pass it the first thing in the morning. Even more perplexing was that while her exchange with the “leader” of the little men went on, his cohorts were giving her house a thorough cleaning.
HC addition # 2931
Source: Scott Corrales, Fate August 1992
Type: E
Location. Los Angeles, California
Date: January 1991
Time: late night
The witness suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and was unable to move, see, or speak. She sensed a presence in the room, which apparently moved from the foot of her bed to the side. She felt the being lift up a lock of her hair and cut it off. The presence that seemed to be about 4-feet tall then probed her vagina with a pencil-like instrument. Moments later the being left.
HC addition # 1775
Source: Preston Dennett, UFO Universe, fall 1994
Type: E
Location. Leicester, England
Date: January 1991
Time: late night
The witness suddenly woke up in the middle of the night to see a blinding globe of light hovering next to his wardrobe in the bedroom. The light was very bright and the witness was barely able to see a small humanoid figure cavorting around the bottom of his bed. Apparently the witness experienced this event on several nights in a row.
HC addition # 876
Source: D G Smith, FSR Vol. 37 # 3
Type: E
Location. Honolulu, Hawaii
Date: January 1991
Time: night
38-year old Nicole had gone to the bathroom, when she looked out the window. She then saw a round object with a dome like structure on top. It suddenly landed on a hill, one hundred meters away from the house. Something like a porthole opened. A flashing white light appeared and a figure emerged. The figure seemed to descend down an invisible stairway. However it stopped after two steps. The witness felt that she had been detected. She panicked and ran into the bathroom and hid under the covers. She did not see the figure or object depart.
HC addition # 3866
Source: UFO Abductions in Germany
And Switzerland
Type: B
Location. Trnava, Slovakia
Date: January 3 1991
Time: 1900
A 74-year old woman was watching television when suddenly the TV set went out and three men and two women appeared standing just outside her window. They were dressed in silvery close-fitting outfits and appeared very handsome and beautiful. She heard a voice telling her to come outside but she refused. At this point the humanoids rose up and vanished into the sky. Her daughter also saw the beings.
HC addendum
Source: Dr Milos Jesensky
Type: E
Location. Czestochowa, Poland
Date: January 18 1991
Time: 2100
Previously at 1530 the witness had been standing at a bus stop when she felt compelled to look up, she then saw a sphere shaped object floating over the roof of a nearby building. The object traveled southwards and accelerated out of sight behind some houses. Later the witness was at home when she heard some noises coming from her balcony. She looked out and saw two man-like figures standing outside. She felt no fear and invited them inside, but these remained motionless. They were of average height; one wore a whitish silvery suit and the other a cloak-like outfit with some type of headgear. After seven minutes the figures disappeared.
HC addition # 872
Source: Bronislaw Rzepecki, FSR Vol. 38 # 1
Type: D
Location. Ronneburg, Germany
Date: January 19 1991
Time: 2105
A 38-year old woman was walking along the main street that was totally deserted, when she saw an approaching light overhead, as it got closer she could see that it was a large disc-shaped object with a transparent dome on top. The object emitted a loud humming sound as it briefly hovered over the road. She could see three very tall human-like figures apparently operating some controls inside the dome. She waved at the figures and they waved back. They seemed to be wearing scaly silvery metallic uniforms with belts that had a peculiar insignia on the buckles, resembling three overlapping leaves. The object soon shot away at incredible speed.
HC addition # 49
Source: Michael Hesemann, Etcon Intl.
Ulrich Magin
Type: A
Location. Oroshaza Hungary
Date: January 26 1991
Time: 0115A
On January 13, frontier guard Istvan Balogh woke up in his bedroom to hear a loud booming voice that repeated 3 times “We will meet soon.” The voice had a metallic quality to it. On the above date he was returning from the movies, and had stepped out to the terrace when he saw a gray disc shaped object, 4 meters in height, and 2 meters in width. As he stared at the object a bright beam of light struck him. He then found himself onboard the disc. Inside he was in a room with a window about 1 meter in diameter. He was then approached by two human-like figures with 3 digit hands and green skin, wearing black uniforms. They communicated telepathically telling the witness they had come from a world at a distance of 15 million light years from earth. But they were able to travel via dimensional portals. He remembers seeing an illuminated crater (apparently on the moon) and a pyramid. He was eventually returned home at 0200A. He told his story at the hospital. Later he was fired from his job as a frontier guard.
HC addendum
Source: CUN Milan
Type: G
Location. Davgyztau Uzbekistan
Date: early February 1991
Time: unknown
Three local teenagers spotted several metallic robot-like creatures described as resembling truncated pyramids covered with metallic scales. They had what appeared to be wings on their sides and moved about making huge leaps. In the field where the creatures were seen investigators detected a powerful magnetic current. No other information.
HC addition # 937
Source: UFONS # 260
Type: E
Location. Near Searchlight, Arizona
Date: February 1991
Time: 0100A
James J Youlton was driving his mother and brother to Las Vegas. In an isolated stretch of highway, while his mother slept in the backseat, James and his brother spotted a strange man on the side of the road. As they got closer, the stranger started waving hands around strangely. They noticed that he was wearing what appeared to be a red, plaid shirt and blue jeans. He also appeared to be wearing some sort of mask, as his entire head was white and had no discernible features. The same went for his hands, which looked like he had solid white gloves on that didn’t separate fingers or thumbs. Youlton decided not to stop and kept driving. About 5 minutes further down the road, both his brother and him saw what looked at first glance to be a meteor falling off to the right side of the road. As they watched something strange happened, as it got close to the ground, it fell down in front of a small mountain just ahead of them and took a strange “bounce” as it hit the ground. As they passed by the mountain a minute later, a brightly glowing, blob shaped ball of pale blue light came up the direction of the impact. It hovered in front of their car as they traveled around 65 mph. As they stared at the object, it suddenly moved very fast, back down the road where the witnesses had come from.
HC addendum
Source: I was Abducted.com
Type: D?
Location. Near Riga Latvia
Date: February 1991
Time: night
The witness awoke on night in her bedroom and saw a “woman” in white standing in the room. She accompanied this woman to a forest clearing. It was a cold night however the witness felt no discomfort. They both reached the clearing and an object descended from the sky. Somehow she found herself inside the object and could now see shiny glass-like walls inside. She saw six human-like white robed figures and vaguely remembers talking to an unknown entity. She then found herself back at the clearing alone.
HC addition # 721
Source: Richard F Haines, Joint USA-CIS
Aerial Anomaly Federation
Type: G
Location. Komarno, Slovakia
Date: February 1991
Time: night
A woman encountered in her bedroom a short humanoid figure with a large hairless head and huge dark slanted eyes. It appeared to be encased in a soft glow. This creature was similar in appearance to the ones reported in 1990 at other locations.
HC addendum
Source: Dr Milos Jesensky
Type: E
Location. Near Tucson, Arizona
Date: February 16 1991
Time: 0200A
The witness suddenly awoke and went outside her home to see a huge metallic cylinder-shaped craft hovering over the area. It had a pink pulsating light on its front and a blue light at the rear. She could also see a large door. She suddenly found herself inside the object where she saw different types of equipment illuminated by a brilliant blue glow. Inside the craft she encountered three types of humanoids, one was human-like that appeared to be in charge, several small gray humanoids with pear-shaped heads and huge black oval-shaped eyes, and a third type of being described as tall and reptilian in appearance, with green scaly skin and huge golden-colored eyes.
HC addition # 1212
Source: Gem G Cox, Enigma # 57
Type: G
Location. El Yunque Puerto Rico
Date: late February 1991
Time: 0300A
Three couples, including two current police officers hand driven up to the mountain and had parked at a rest stop. They were standing next to their cars talking when they noticed two little men coming down the road ahead of them. The beings were about 4-foot tall, very thin, with long thin arms and legs, they had large heads and large black protruding eyes and their skin was light gray in color. They wore dark green outfits that covered everything except their faces and hands. The beings walked passed the witnesses speaking among themselves in a peculiar language. They suddenly stopped, did an about face and walked back the same way they had come. At this point two of the men, who were armed, took out their weapons and attempted to follow the beings, but these seem to notice, stopped looked at the witnesses then shuffled into the brush at a brisk pace soon disappearing from sight.
HC addition # 383
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 46
Type: E
Location. El Yunque Puerto Rico
Date: late February 1991
Time: 1930
Freddie Gonzalez, his wife and their young child were taking a drive around the rainforest area on Route 191, after cruising the area the road took a turn and the pair inadvertently took a detour deep into the forest. After a while they came up to a camouflage gate deeper into the forest and after inspecting it they decided to drive through it. As they drove on the path in the woods they noticed that it was well lit by blue light bulbs on each side of the road. Thy drove through some hills for about 2 miles when the road abruptly ended. At its end there was a large metal gate and a building like structure on the other side of it. At that moment two six-foot tall man-like figures appeared and ordered the pair to stop and asked who they were. The men wore tight-fitting black one-piece suits, resembling diver’s outfits, a wide black belt, black gloves, and large black boots with gold-colored metallic straps. They also wore large dark oval shaped helmets with dark visors. Their faces were not visible. In eerie metallic-electronic sounding voices the strangers ordered the witnesses to step out of the car. The child remained sleeping in the back seat. One of the men took a long thin metallic tube with a mirror like tip and seemed to examine the vehicle. The figures asked the witnesses how they got there and then looked at the sleeping child inside. They then held a short conversation in a grave guttural language resembling German. One of the “men” then left the area and a blue pickup truck now arrived at the scene. Two men wearing blue coveralls were in the vehicle and spoke in Spanish to the witnesses, again asking them how they got there. The men then looked at the child and commented something in a low tone of voice to the strange figure in black that remained on the scene. At that moment Freddie noticed a glint of light coming from what appeared to be a rectangular shaped hollowed out area in the nearby wooded slope of a hill. There appeared to be several huge glass like doors and inside there was a disc shaped object, that was encircled in rectangular shaped windows and was 30 ft in diameter, it appeared metallic & aluminum in color. Thinking that he was seeing something he was not supposed to see, he quickly averted his gaze. The men did not appear to notice that Freddie had seen anything. The men in the blue pickup then ordered the couple and their child to follow them out of the area in their vehicle. They were quickly escorted out onto the main road.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Vieques Poligono Del Tercer Tipo
Type: E or C?
Location. Near Pine Mountain, Georgia
Date: February 28 1991
Time: 0100A
On February 27 a woman and her teenage son were driving on GA 190 when she spotted yellow lights through the trees. Pulling over, they both got out of the car and watched the lights grow larger until they cleared the trees and passed one hundred ft directly overhead and at less than five miles per hour. The UFO was a dark triangle, 70 to 100 ft to a side with three round, non-blinking yellow lights, each five to ten ft in diameter. It disappeared over a ridge. Three hours later the woman awoke to sounds of someone crawling beneath her porch, where she was asleep, and into the crawl space under he home. Then a “female electronic voice” from the house called her neighbor’s name. Attempting to stand up, she found herself frozen. She recalls saying out loud, “God is their father also,” and then she fell asleep until morning. The woman crawled under her porch to find numerous shoe prints, a single odd handprint, and “drag marks” impressed in moist clay.
HC addendum
Source: Jim Miles, Weird Georgia
Type: F
Location. Tenay, France
Date: end of February 1991
Time: 0545A
Nadia, a 21-year old student was walking on a path next to the local cemetery when she saw standing about 100 meters away a humanoid figure about 1.60m in height. The figure had a large head and what appeared to be a bizarre beak-like protrusion on its face and its body appeared to be covered in bristle like hair, it also had large black eyes and long thin arms. The figures noticed the witness and appeared surprised, it then scampered into the woods and was lost from sight.
HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: E
Location. Near Ulan Bator, Mongolia
Date: Spring 1991
Time: unknown
While local nomads reported seeing flights of disc-shaped objects over the region a woman near the capital reportedly encountered a landed disc along with several human-like beings that emerged from the craft communicating with her by using telepathy. She was then given a ride in the object and flown over the capital. No other information.
HC addition # 1597
Source: Fortean Times # 61
Type: G
Location. Not given
Date: Spring 1991
Time: 0200A
The witness suddenly awoke to find the bedroom illuminated by a greenish golden glow. The glow seemed to be everywhere and had no definite source. The witness tried to turn but was unable to move. He then felt a presence at the door. Although he could not turn to look, he had the impression the figure was about 5’10” tall, very slim and wearing a long white, hooded robe. The witness then heard words in “his head.” Telling him that his kids were all right, that he did not want to “see this.” After that, he went back to sleep and woke the next morning thinking it was a vivid dream. The next day his youngest son told him that he was awakened in the middle of the night and “floated” down the hallway and into the living room, which turned into a bright, oval room where he found a small being looking down at him. He described the being as a typical “gray” with a large head, and black oval shaped eyes. He could not remember anything else.
HC addition # 3877
Source: CAUS
Type: E & G
Location. Kuwait border with Iraq
Date: about March 1991
Time: afternoon
On the northern border area a sheep farmer tending his flock in an isolated desert area suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the sky and was startled to see a large circular shaped craft descend and land nearby. The craft was surrounded by a blue halo. A group of about 13 four-foot tall beings emerged from the object and approached the witness. The beings were described as pale green in color, apparently naked with huge heads and large black almond shaped eyes. Their bodies were very thin and their hands and feet were webbed. The beings communicated with the witness by using telepathy and assured him that he would not be harmed. The witness who always carried his price camera with him was apparently allowed to snap several photos. Moments later the beings re-entered the object, which emitted a bright blue flash and shot away at high speed. (Whereabouts of alleged photos unknown)
HC addition # 1686
Source: Quest Intl. UFO Magazine, Vol. 12 # 3
Type: B
Location. Ohio, exact location not given
Date: March 1991
Time: 2030
The witness was out in his backyard playing basketball alone when, as he got ready to go back into the house he noticed a rounded face peeking at him with huge eyes and a tremendously large head. The “thing” was peeking at him from behind a tree in his backyard. It suddenly stepped out from behind the tree and the witness noticed that it was a short humanoid wearing a shimmering silvery suit. It suddenly glowed and vanished into thin air.
HC addendum
Source: Unsolved Mysteries.com
Type: E
Location. Near Nerekhty, Kostroma, Russia
Date: March 8 1991
Time: night
As Filaret Yakolevich (involved in previous encounters) sat on his sofa when he heard a strange bell-like sound at the front door. He approached the door and opened it and encountered two humanoids standing on the threshold. One was about 2 meters in height, the second approximately 1.80m in height, possibly a female but at this point the witness could not tell. Both humanoids were dressed in bright green suits. On their heads they wore transparent helmets. He could see very large wide eyes behind the helmet. He felt no fear as the strangers invited Filaret to go with them. They walked out of the court and the witness mentioned that he was not dressed properly for the cold weather. They told him not to worry that they would create a comfort zone around him. The humanoids then stood one on each side of the witness and he began to feel very comfortable warmth. Then in very rapid movements as if flying they reached the edge of the woods, there he saw a UFO resembling a flattened sphere of light gray color with a violet sheen. There were no windows or hatchways visible. From below a semi transparent pipe went into the earth. But it was not a support since the craft appeared to hover about 15cm from the snowy ground. In some manner all three entered this pipe and were instantly pulled inside the UFO. Inside he found himself in a room 10 x 12 meters in diameter, and about 4.5 meters in height. All angles were rounded. Two doors were seen, and an escalator leading upwards apparently into another room. He was surprised that the inside the UFO was considerably larger than it appeared to be from outside. Aboard the ship he saw eight additional extraterrestrials. Outwardly they appeared practically equal. Their eyes were golden in color. All wore transparent mask-like helmets. Their hair was short & dark in some of them and light brown in others. He could hear the conversation between the aliens even though their lips remained tightly closed. The aliens answered some of the questions posed to them by the witness. They explained to the witness that their biological structure was completely different from humans. They did not have heart or lungs, or a digestive system. Their basic organ was some kind of “energy”, based organ located where humans had their liver. It resembled a mineral grainy mass. They told the witness that they had visited other areas on earth including Argentina and the Russian town of Nalchik. Furthermore Filaret learned that the UFO did not require fuel. They somehow were able to dominate gravity and use null space and zero channels to travel. At this point Filaret expressed his desired to visit their planet and he was told to sit down on a chair very close to a screen. On the screen, which was about 50 x 80 cm in size he saw surprising pictures, he saw other planets and constellations. He then saw what he was told was their planet of origin. He saw beautiful scenes containing enormous trees, without leaves. On the branches were located beautiful houses, multicolored and cube-shaped. Below this huge “trees” grew normal earth sized trees. The air inside the craft smelled like sweet mint, which made him feel very comfortable.
HC addendum
Source: X-Libri UFO, Russia
Type: G
Location. Near Serra de Maresias Brazil
Date: March 16 1991
Time: 0200A
Trucker Carlos Alberto de Jesus, 38, was traveling on Route BR101 one night when he came upon a landed luminous oval shaped craft on the side of the road. Moments later the truck engine stalled, and a second sports vehicle also stopped behind the truck. Seconds later two humanoid figures, small in size about 1.20 m in height emerged from the object. They wore a one-piece light colored outfit with a diver’s helmet with transparent visors. They had what appeared to be tubes connecting from their backs to the helmet. Behind the visors, De Jesus could see shiny cat-like eyes. The humanoids stared at the trucker and then turned around and floated towards the landed object. The object then projected a cone of brilliant light that enveloped the two humanoids, and they then disappeared. The object then rose up, rotated and shot away at incredible speed. At this time the truck engine re-started and the witness drove away.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Avolio, Grupo Vega
Type: B
Location. Los Angeles, California
Date: March 20 1991
Time: 0400A
The witness woke up and felt paralyzed; he was surrounded by several figures, and heard a loud, clear voice that said “we met you when you were younger.” He asked them who they were and they disappeared. No other information.
HC addition # 3891
Source: CAUS
Type: E
Location. Moscow, Russia
Date: March 23 1991
Time: 0200A
Tatiana Hikolaevna Tarasov noticed a strange glow emanating from the window of her apartment. Looking out the window she saw a small green sphere similar to a globe hovering outside. On the sphere she saw what appeared to be the Maltese cross imprinted on it (!). As she watched, the sphere began to revolve at high speed and suddenly a small figure appeared in the room with Tatiana. She described it as a humanoid about 120-130 cm in height, very slender, & dressed in a tight-fitting one-piece bright suit. The head was somewhat small and sharpened at the top. Tatiana ran to the bedroom where her husband slept but the entity also appeared there. As the dog attempted to approach the figure it pointed a finger at it and it stopped on its tracks. Tatiana ran to the kitchen and was confronted by two additional and similar humanoids and heard a commanding voice “inviting” her to go with them. At this point Tatiana apparently lost consciousness and does not remember what occurred next. She was examined by doctors the next day and found to be in good health.
HC addendum
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Type: E
Location. Bilki, Irshavskeyeo region, Ukraine
Date: March 25 1991
Time: night
A witness walking in a field witnessed the landing of a fiery spherical object that illuminated the area around him like daytime. As the craft landed the witness fell down to his knees terrified. A square hatchway became visible and from inside the witness could hear a conversation in an incomprehensible language. Slowly the sphere began to rise and eventually disappeared from sight at high speed.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Ukraine
Type: F?
Location. St. Petersburg Russia
Date: March 29 1991
Time: 1950
The witness was sitting along in the kitchen of his flat, when he suddenly heard a mechanical voice say, “Come with us.” He said that he would not go then got up and walked towards the corridor feeling a strong presence in the room. In the corridor he was confronted by two tall human-like figures dressed in black, at that point he lost consciousness. He later woke up sitting in a train dazed and confused and finally made it back home at 2300, his memory almost totally gone.
HC addition # 665
Source: Nikolai Lebedev, “Alien Update”
Type: G?
Location. Gardendale, Alabama
Date: March 31 1991
Time: late night
Leah Haley was on her computer when suddenly her power cut off. Soon after that, her phone rang. She answered it and heard heavy breathing, an eerie feeling then swept over her, feeling tired she went to bed. The next day she recalled that while lying in bed some type of powerful force like a magnet had pulled her out of bed and sped her through the air. She then found herself inside an object that was apparently whirling around. When the object stopped whirling she found herself in a room that was elaborately decorated with antiques. A large eyed chalked-colored creature entered the room and led her into another room making her lie down. Her vision became fuzzy as several other creatures performed gynecological-type procedures on her. At one point the pain became excruciating causing her to yell out. She soon lost consciousness and the next thing she knew she was back home.
HC addition # 2070
Source: Leah A Haley, Published articles
Type: G
Location. Santa Juanita, Puerto Rico
Date: March 31 1991
Time: after midnight
On the same night that a neighbor discovered several of his goats mutilated and another man saw a large circular craft with many bright lights around its edge hovering over the area, the witness heard noises from outside his home and heard one of his dogs shrieking in apparent pain. The witness rushed outside and was confronted by two 4-foot tall humanoids in the patio area. The beings were gray in color, with large heads and huge black eyes. Upon seeing him the beings ran rapidly and disappeared into the brush. Searching for his dogs he found one dead in a bizarre manner, the animal appeared to be empty inside as if everything had been sucked out somehow. All internal organs were missing; the witness soon disposed of the dog’s body at a local dumpsite.
HC addition # 1188
Source: Jorge Martin, The Ufologist Vol.2 # 2
Type: D
Location. Not given
Date: late March 1991
Time: night
The witness, who was recovering from major surgery, suddenly woke up and felt paralyzed. To the right of his bed stood a bigheaded entity; resembling one he had seen before. It appeared to be doing something to the witness head. He felt a loud buzzing sound between his ears; the sound was so loud that it hurt. He eventually drifted back to sleep.
HC addition # 2273
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate April 1995
Type: E
Location. Edwards Air Force Base, California
Date: April 1991
Time: unknown
A construction contractor working at underground installation 30 stories deep was walking down a hall with another man when some doors opened unexpectedly. They then caught sight of a figure at least 9-feet tall wearing a lab jacket and talking to two human engineers. The figure was humanoid with long arms almost down to his knees, a large head with huge black slanted eyes and greenish skin. Security personnel then ushered both witnesses out.
HC addition 1183
Source: Elaine Douglass, Right To Know Forum, Sep/Oct 92
Type: E
Location. Playa Del Taurito, Gran Canaria Spain
Date: April 1991
Time: 0130A
Eight soldiers stationed at the local Air Force Base of Gando, including Jose Andres Maxias Soler, were aroused from their sleep by officers who took them by helicopter to a nearby beach. They were told that military radar had picked up some unknown aircraft in the area that apparently descended on the beach. As the soldiers descended from the helicopter to the each, strange lights were seeing circling overhead. As the men landed on the beach they encountered 10 to 15 dark shadowy figures. As the men approached to within 25 meters from the figures they were given the order to fire. There appeared to be no effect on the figures, as the bullets seem to go right through them. These then would disappear at will and appear in another section of the beach. At one point an attack dog the soldiers had brought with them ran terrified from the area. A similar encounter was reported in the same place two weeks later, involving similar shadowy black figures. Shots were reportedly fired again and again without apparent effect.
HC addition # 3041
Source: Angel Brionos, Bruno Cardenosa
Type: C
Location. New Brunswick, Canada (exact location not given)
Date: April 1991
Time: 2030
In a windy & rainy night the witness’s 6-year-old son and 10month old daughter were in the living room watching TV. This was in the top floor of a 3-story apartment with a huge window overlooking a cow pasture. Her son suddenly started screaming and the witness ran to see what was going on. She then saw something going over the building at very close range. It was a well-rounded, triangular shaped, black “machine.” It apparently came very close, as the witness was able to see raindrops on it. The object had a ridge around it with red lights, blue lights along the bottom, and a round dark spot in the center. As it went over the building, 2 red lights, 1 on each side, blinked off and on 4 times. 4 beeping sounds accompanied this. After getting a better look the witness noticed a dark bulge hanging out the bottom, and 3 small rounded windows that were dimly lit with yellowish light. Through a pair of binoculars the witness was able to see movement like a shadow behind the middle window. Soon after this incident the witness phone began to behave strangely, ringing at all hours, when she answered it, it was just loud static. The fire alarm system also went haywire in the building.
HC addendum
Source: Mystical Universe
Type: A
Location. Tenjo Colombia
Date: April 2 1991
Time: 0400A
A local peasant saw a large metallic cylinder shaped craft land nearby as he rode his donkey on his way to work. A blinding light enveloped him and he felt being lifted and taken onboard the object. Inside his head he heard assuring words telling him that he was not going to be hurt. He then met four, 4-foot tall humanoids that appeared to be covered in a perpetual mist. The object then entered a huge “mother-ship” type craft. He was then examined on a table and cured of kidney stones. Also a small microchip was surgically placed in his left shoulder. He was later deposited back on earth at a place almost 600 miles from his home.
HC addition # 1019
Source: Louis E Mejia, Earth Station Foundation
Type: G
Location. Puerto de Alisas, Spain
Date: April 4 1991
Time: late night
Jose Saiz was traveling alone on an isolated road and as he was rounding a curve he saw what he thought at first to be a sheet floating in the air on the side of the road. It now floated on the center of the road and the witness slowed down and turned on the high beams. Suddenly he was stunned to realize that it was not a “sheet” but a man-like figure. It was moving towards the witness, moving its arms very slowly as if it were swimming. Little by little it moved off to the right and feet first, descended to the ground. The now terrified witness could see that it was a tall man wearing something resembling a dark flowing tunic. It moved in strange leaps and bounds as the witness noticed that it had a very pale face with a pointed chin. As the witness drove by the figure he looked more closely and was able to see more details. It had a long bony pale face, somewhat resembling that of a corpse. Its whole face and body appeared to be illuminated by a dim glow, bluish reddish in color. It had long straight hair almost white in color and was shoulder length. Its hands and feet were long, bony and strong looking. He was apparently barefooted. The humanoid was easily over 2 meters in height and wore something on his forehead resembling a diadem or tiara. The humanoid facial expression was that of extreme resigned sadness and fear. This scared the witness who as he drove by the figure saw it bend down in an almost mechanical fashion. The witness attempted to accelerate the car but it had inexplicably lost power. The vehicle suddenly accelerated and the witness left the bizarre being behind. The witness had the impression that he humanoid remained on the road as if waiting for something or someone.
HC addendum
Source: Iker Jimenez, Enigmas sin Resolver II
Type: E
Location. Monte De Las Cruces, Mexico
Date: April 22 1991
Time: night
Three witnesses reported seeing a large fireball-like object land on top of a local hill. Two short man-like figures were seen next to the object and reportedly signaled to the witnesses with a powerful red beam of light. No other information.
HC addition # 1999
Source: Dr. Rafael Lara Palmeros, Samizdat Winter 94 Vol. 2 # 3
Type: C
Location. Winnipeg British Columbia, Canada
Date: April 29 1991
Time: evening
After the mysterious appearance and disappearance of hieroglyphics like symbols on Lorne Goldfader’s skin, he stepped outside his residence to go to a nearby grocery store. He was then startled to see two individuals with the oddest appearance, walking very quickly on the street past his home. Both were male and appeared to be in their mid to late twenties, wearing identical pinstripe suits. The clothing looked as if it had just come from the factory and had never been worn. The shoes looked black, new, shiny and unused. They both had Chicago-style hats on. As a matter of fact they both could have been mistaken for Al Capone’s gangsters, except that they were both 6 ½ to 7 ft tall and one had an extended protruding forehead, which was unmistakable to the witness as being of alien construction. One of them, the individual with normal features, looked at him very surprised as if he had caught them off guard. In that instant, Goldfader became very drowsy and actually heard two voices, very clear and simultaneously in his mind, saying: “Do not move, do not approach us. You are not supposed to see this. We are trying to stop activity you do not understand. Do not interfere. Le us pass. The activity you are experiencing is direct contact by others, which we do not want.” He could not bring himself to approach them. When he gazed into his eyes he saw an absolute lack of all human feeling and emotion. Goldfader felt that both humanoids were biological constructs. They walked stiff legged, without bending their knees. Their faces were very pale and they looked anorexic. Their walk was purposeful, deliberate, and robotic.
HC addendum
Source: Chris A Rutkowski, Abductions & Aliens,
What’s really going on?
Type: E
Location. Olivares, Puerto Rico
Date: May 1991
Time: unknown
A woman walking alone in a wooded path near her home was apparently accosted and attacked by several small gray-colored humanoids that were intent in trying to abduct her. She managed to fight them off and run home. Luckily the beings did not follow her there.
HC addition # 663
Source: Jorge Martin, Alien Update
Type: E
Location. Bukit Tunggal, Tarengganu, Malaysia
Date: May 1991
Time: unknown
Vague report indicating someone capturing a strange two-inch tall humanoid. No other information. What happened to the tiny humanoid?
HC addition # 3431
Source: Ahmad Jamaludin
Type: H?
Location. Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Date: May 1991
Time: 1635
The 18-year old witness was out fishing at a beachfront location on the grounds of Ramey military base when he began hearing noises coming from behind some bushes near his location. It sounded like tiny feet running back and forth. He went to investigate and came upon a 4-foot tall humanoid, described as very thin with a large head and large black oval shaped eyes, it was gray skinned and had long skinny arms. The being stared at the witness, who began hearing a message in his head, telling him not to be afraid, “that he had been chosen to tell humanity of the coming catastrophes.” The witness ran away from the area but looked back to see the small being run over an embankment and out of sight. Moments later a large circular shiny object rose from the same area and shot away at high speed.
HC addition # 437
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma 52 & 53
Type: C
Location. Kuala Tarengganu, Malaysia
Date: May 12 1991
Time: 1500
Two students reported seeing several small humanoid figures wearing red clothing standing near the drain in the school compound. Teachers searched the area but bailed to locate anything. The next day several 6-inch tall beings were again seen in the same area.
HC addition # 1492
Source: Nexus New Times, Vol. 2 # 4
Type: E
Location. Kuala Tarengganu, Malaysia
Date: May 13 1991
Time: 1500
Several children were playing in a playground at the site of a local primary school when one of them approached a fence and saw what appeared to be “hundreds” of tiny figures wearing red clothing, coming out of a hole near a drain. He attempted to grab one of the tiny creatures but was “stabbed” on his hand.
HC addition # 1491
Source: Nexus New Times, Vol. 2 # 19
Type: E
Location. Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Date: May 13 1991
Time: evening
Another student, Hafiza Zakaria, 8-years old, also claimed to have encountered the tiny entities. She reported to her teacher that she saw the beings with another friend. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin
Type: E
Location. Mini Mini Puerto Rico
Date: May 14 1991
Time: afternoon
Two young men playing in an isolated field encountered a small circular silvery metallic object on the ground. It was very shiny and had a small dome-like sphere on its top. The boys approached the object and began touching it. Suddenly a small hatch opened on the bottom of the craft and a long thin green arm came out grabbing one of the boys by his leg. As the boy struggled to get away a second thin arm emerged and grabbed him by his arm. The boy grabbed a piece of wood and began striking one of the creature’s arms. He managed to cut off one of the fingers and the creature let go. The finger fell to the ground oozing a green liquid. The witnesses attempted to retrieve the severed finger but dropped it during the panic. They both fled but later returned to find both the object and its occupant gone.
HC addition # 1202
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 42
Type: A?
Location. Mini Mini Puerto Rico
Date: May 14 1991
Time: night
An adult witness was looking out his bedroom window when he briefly saw a short green skinned figure with large pointy ears, a pear-shaped head, and large red oval shaped eyes. The figure quickly scurried away into the brush.
HC addition # 1204
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 42
Type: E
Location. Lancaster California
Date: May 14 1991
Time: 2300
The witness was suddenly awakened by three 4-½ foot tall gray colored humanoids with large black slanted eyes that began lifting her from the bed. She began to struggle with the beings, when she noticed a tall human in the living room all dressed in black and holding a device resembling a small TV set. She broke loose from the grays and yelled for her husband to wake up. They now both ran to the kitchen after hearing their dog barking in the backyard. They then saw a man wearing an Air Force blue uniform lying prone on a projecting part of the roof near a ladder. A K-9 sentry dog that appeared ready to attack the witness’s dog now on the ground below, accompanied the three grays. Overhead a number or red lights hovered. The witness yelled, “Do not kill my dog”! Her next recollection was standing alone in the yard next to the generator shack. A large craft with revolving red lights hovered above her and a thick fog was coming out of some ports around the object. She next remembered waking up and sitting on her bed at 0350A. She was later hypnotically regressed and recalled being taken to an underground facility but would not elaborate.
HC addition # 739
Source: Bill Hamilton, Mufon UFO Journal # 286
Type: G?
Location. Mini Mini Puerto Rico
Date: May 15 1991
Time: afternoon
On the grounds of the local elementary school a short green humanoid with red oval-shaped eyes, and huge pointy ears, apparently approached and attempted to communicate with one of the kindergarten class children. It spoke to the child in a strange “chatter-type” language and it ran quickly into the brush as some of the other children approached.
HC addition # 1205
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 42
Type: E
Location. Mini Mini Puerto Rico
Date: May 15 1991
Time: 1530
Near the same spot of a previous encounter, two boys were playing near the woods when they heard a noise and saw a strange being emerged from the woods. The being was described as short and bright green in color, with an oval shaped head, large almond shaped eyes and huge pointed ears. It was thin with very long arms with three digit hands. The being stood looking at the witnesses emitting a strange “chatter” like noise. The witnesses threw fruits at it then chased it, but it ran quickly and disappeared down a drain aqueduct. At one point the being grabbed one of the boys by the foot making him fall.
HC addition # 1203
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 42
Type: E
Location. Bukit Tunggal, Terengganu, Malaysia
Date: middle of May 1991
Time: daytime
Around the same time as the school events, at another location several kilometers away, an unidentified man caught a tiny entity measuring only 2 inches tall. The entity, seen by a schoolteacher, was described as human-like. It was kept in a bottle. When the teacher saw it, she said it was still alive. However, she does not want to disclose the identity of the person who caught it for some unknown reason.
HC addendum
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin
Type: H?
Location. St. Osyth, Essex, England
Date: May 18 1991
Time: 2340
Just offshore, 3 anglers saw a cigar shaped object hovering low over the water. The object had six windows along its edge and several man-like figures could be seen moving inside and looking out.
HC addition # 2368
Source: Tim Good, UFO Report 1992
Type: A
Location. Barrio Las 700, Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Date: last week of May 1991
Time: night
The witness had gone to the seashore to inspect some fish traps and was approaching the water when he noticed three short figures bending over the water’s edge, apparently inspecting something on the ground. Suddenly the three beings turned and looked at the witness emitting a bright red light from their eyes. The beings had thin bodies; large round heads and appeared identical to each other. The witness who had been walking with his bicycle then attempted to flee the area falling several times as he attempted to mount his bicycle. He felt some type of mental communication from the beings who urged him to stay. He was finally able to peddle away from the area.
HC addition # 1780
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 1
Type: E
Location. Near Brewster, New York
Date: May 27 1991
Time: night
Four witnesses, including Harold Egeln, had gone to Upper Magnetic Mine Road near the Titicus Reservoir when they soon heard a “pinging” sound. Shortly after three of the four felt an odd electric-like tingling in their hands. A shaft of subtle whitish light was seen on the road, which Egeln entered, finding it freezing in the cone of light although it was in the mid 70’s that night. Other odd effects were observed and the woman (Cherry) and older man (Sam) returned to his car as Egeln and the younger man (Rodney) stayed outside on the road, with the car behind them. Soon they saw a subtle white outline on the road about 50 feet ahead of them, it was a saucer shape with a cupola on top. Inside the effect, dark conical forms of various sizes appeared one by one. When the light faded, the tubular forms hurried across the road, huddling together very fast, assuming shapes that looked like hooded robes. As they moved down the road, as scream came from the car, and the two guys ran there. Cherry had seen three “little grays” moving in lockstep towards the back of the car, only to disappear when she screamed. Harold and Rodney then returned to the site as Cherry and Sam stayed in the car. As a car drove up the road, the hooded shadows slanted towards the ground, only to reappear in a procession in the trees after the car passed. The procession moved to a huge outcropping of rock, where the forms vanished as they entered the rock. That was succeeded by swirling shapes, like a hurricane or whirlpool galaxy in the air, and subtle symbol-like images in front of the rock outcropping. After about 10 minutes the shadowy forms emerged, settling across the road from Harold and Rodney. Harold felt compelled to cross the road, and as he did, he felt what he described as “a wall of emotions,” that he passed through, composed of all ranges of positive and negative emotions. When he came to where the forms were, he no longer saw them, as if he had walked into a hologram while Rodney watching this still saw the forms around Harold. Harold felt subtle energies throughout his body, up his spine, and felt as if he were undergoing G-force accelerations. Shortly thereafter the experience ended.
HC addendum
Source: S.P.A.C.E.—Search Project for Aspects of Close Encounters
Type: B or F?
Location. Rural Maine, exact location not given
Date: Summer 1991
Time: 0200A
The witness had gone to bed late at night when he suddenly heard what could best be described as “tones” in his head. It was as if he was wearing headphones, the notes seemed to move from ear to ear. As the tempo of the sounds increased, they were joined by, not so much a voice, but a feeling that said – “Relax, Don’t be afraid. Go with it.” Suddenly it felt as he had stuck his head out a car window that was accelerating from 0 – 300 in just a few seconds. Then everything stopped. He floated in total silence, looking through what seemed like a filter at the Earth many miles below. Next, he was in a very old place. In design, much like a university or cathedral. There were “monks” there, tall beings in long hooded cloaks whose faces were hidden from the witness. He followed one of them outside where he sat beside a small river surrounded by very fine sand. The tall humanoid showed him a book with pages that moved. As he sat there he was overcome with the most amazing sense of awe. It was as though everything suddenly became clear, and he knew what life was really about. Suddenly things shifted once again. He was standing on top of cliff. The cliff was a dusty yellow/orange color. The ground below was torn up, dead trees pushed up from broken dirt and rocks. He then looked down at himself, wearing what appeared to be very primitive armor. Standing beside him was an old man in similar garb. Without speaking in words, the witness knew that the old man was telling the witness “the people in this area are sick.” There were some horse-like animals with them. When he mounted one, it flew. All of this ended with a loud rushing sound. He was once again in his bedroom. He was not able to speak of the incident for a long time afterwards.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Casebook, Forums
Type: G?
Location. Vicuna, Chile
Date: Summer 1991
Time: 0500A
Two men were sleeping on an isolated hillside when C J suddenly woke up feeling a presence around him. He looked up and saw a tall luminous figure approaching their position. The figure was about 1.90 meters in height, thin, with wide shoulders and completely hairless. It was coming directly at the witness, quickly gliding just above the ground. C J woke up his friend M C that also saw the luminous figure. The figure suddenly stopped two meters from the witnesses, turned in a 45 degree angle, then glided up to the mountain at very high speed, quickly disappearing from sight. The next day both men observed a silvery sphere hovering above the mountain, the sphere emitted a bright intermittent flash of light. It suddenly rose up and disappeared from sight.
HC addendum
Source: Proyecto Orion 2000
Type: D
Location. Near Incerlik, Turkey
Date: Summer 1991
Time: night
A member of the US military reported encountering an entity wearing a coiled metallic outfit, in some ways resembling that of the famous “Michelin Man.” No other information.
HC addition # 3609
Source: NUFORC
Type: E?
Location. Near Glinik Poland
Date: Summer 1991
Time: night
Two young boys returning home on a motorcycle reported seeing a gigantic human-like figure standing at the side of the road. The figure seemed to be wearing a silvery metallic suit. The witness drove away from the area in terror. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Arkadiusz Miazga MCBUFOIZA
Type: E
Location. Molins De Rey, Spain
Date: Summer 1991
Time: late night
A strong luminescence coming from the kitchen area woke up young Jose Maria, who still very sleepy, went to investigate what was going on. He was confronted by a very short figure with a large head and huge dark deep eyes. Terrified he attempted to scream but could not utter a word. He was also unable to move and realized that several other similar figures were present and had apparently taken over his will apparently forcing him to accompany them towards a bright light. At this point his memory became hazy and he could only remember walking through metallic corridors, seeing what appeared to be surgical instruments, monitors and being pinched in the arm by a very sharp needle like instrument. His next memory was of waking up in the morning feeling very tired and finding a strange puncture mark on his arm.
HC addendum
Source: Josep Guijarro
Type: G?
Location. Wellington, Somerset, England
Date: Summer 1991
Time: night
Graham Holland suddenly became engulfed in a green mist while working on the dockside at Dover harbor. He felt drained, as if his life and all his knowledge were being probed. In turn he was apparently given information on other civilizations. He did not eat for seven days after the encounter. Later one night he recalled waking up to find himself on an operating table, in a surgery with three or four beings about 3 ft tall probing him. The humanoids used pen-like devices to check his air, skin and internal organs. Two larger human-like creatures, about 6 ft tall were ordering around the small beings. Graham believes that the “aliens” are benevolent and hailed from another dimension.
HC addendum
Source: Far Shores UK Abductions
Type: G
Location. Near Yuma, Arizona
Date: June 1991
Time: 0200A
Two 18-year old men were driving in an isolated road outside of Yuma when they saw in the desert about a half a mile away a UFO with changing colored lights that moved very quickly around the craft. They pulled over to watch for about 3-5 minutes and started to leave keeping the object in view at all times. Suddenly their next memory was of driving in the exact same place, but at 0800A. They were both in a very calm state and did not even talked about what they had seen.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G?
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Hypnotic regression would have been imperative in this case. As far as I know it has never been attempted.
Location. Las Carolinas, Puerto Rico
Date: June 1991
Time: 0400A
One night in a dream like state the 18-year old witness saw in the corner of his room a strange figure. It was a man, all dressed in black, with a black shroud obscuring his face. The figure apparently appeared on consecutive nights. Each night the man will become more aggressive towards the witness, one night it came over to the bed picked up the witness leg and slam them down again. One night the witness woke up when suddenly the strange figure appeared again. He stopped next to his bed, looked at him, and slammed both his legs against the bed. Then the figure vanished. The next night the witness took a small statue of the Virgin Mary with him to bed. Later he heard metallic noises above him that lasted for about a minute. Then he heard the sounds of bells ringing. After this incident the strange figure did not return again.
HC addition # 3968
Source: Strange but True
Corrine Kenner, Craig Miller
Type: E
Location. Hamburg, Germany
Date: June 1991
Time: daytime
Saskia von Essen was in a grocery store looking for some food purchases when suddenly she realized that a tall blond “man” had his gaze fixed upon her. He did not just look at her. His eyes were fixed on her as if he were looking “into” her. She felt as if he knew her deepest thoughts and knew all of her emotions and everything that she had experience during her entire life. At first she felt fear as she noticed certain things about the tall blond that seemed abnormal. He did not move like a normal human being. He appeared to move in a robotic fashion. His eyes looked and looked at her, she wanted to run away but she was unable to move. He continued to stare at her and after some minutes her fear changed to a different emotion, described as peaceful and loving. Soon she received several messages inside her head, telling her that he knew her and that he would never harm her. Suddenly a young woman spoke to her and she looked away from the blond man briefly, when she looked back he was gone. She further described the man as having blond curly hair and large round staring eyes.
HC addendum
Source: Saskia Von Essen, UFO Casebook Forum
Type: E
Location. Yucca Valley, California
Date: June 1991
Time: 1800
In the desert, a witness reported encountering a landed disc shaped object and its occupants. The vessel was round, plain with no identifying marks, a drab silver gray color and about 40 ft in diameter. Inside there were three hi-backed brown (leather in appearance) chairs with padded armrests, placed back to back like a triangle in the center of the ship. The occupants were human like wearing short sleeved plain cotton white shirts, with what appeared to be “Fire Dept” badges on them, black cotton pants with a single denim stripe outside of each pant leg, low cut plain black shoes and black caps with the word “Police” printed in white on the front (?). The men told him that their vessel allowed the occupants to mentally link for activation and operation of the vessel, there was no great array of controls. Their vessels could easily travel faster than the light speed. The three occupants appeared to be normal intelligent men with much knowledge and expertise as to their positions. The witness was with the men for three days, and was able to travel onboard the ship. He was later deposited back in the desert where the encounter had originally taken place.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G
Location. Near Queretaro, Mexico
Date: June 1991
Time: night
Eduardo Martinez was driving on the road near the city when his vehicle engine and headlights suddenly quit. He stepped out his car and was approached by two men, wearing dark blue coveralls that had dark eyes, black hair, and wrinkled skin. The humanoids communicated via telepathy and told Martinez they were a peaceful race and did not wish to alter things on earth. Among other things the humanoids told Martinez, was that they have been visiting the earth since 1971 and had at different times taken earthlings up into their spaceships. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso
Type: C?
Location. Hinesville Georgia
Date: June 1991
Time: night
A teenage girl was sitting in the front porch of her house when something made her look over to some very large trees in the neighbors yard. She was stunned to see a beautiful woman, wearing a beautiful flowing white gown, with flowing black hair and very pale skin. She seemed to be glowing. The strange figure was gliding over the treetops. The strangest part of the figure is that she appeared to have no eyes. The woman was staring straight at the witness who became terrified and began screaming for he family. When the others arrived the bizarre figure had vanished.
HC addendum
Source: Castle of Spirits
Type: E
Location. Near La Parguera Puerto Rico
Date: June 1991
Time: 2224
A family of five was driving slowly along a rural road when suddenly they experienced vehicle trouble; they were unable to re-start the vehicle. They then decided to stay in the car overnight. Moments later they saw numerous military jeeps heading at high speed to a nearby remote radar station. Twenty minutes later they all saw a huge multi-colored light hovering next to the radar aerial. The light suddenly descended over their vehicle and they could now see it was a huge disc-shaped craft. The frightened witnesses now saw a little humanoid jump on top of the hood of the car, it was short and thin with a large egg shaped head, with large bright red eyes that had a point of light in the center and had long arms with long thin fingers. It also had gray-white skin and wore a gray white skintight outfit. The witnesses suddenly heard a telepathic message telling them “to calm down and not to resist.” Suddenly they all felt a sudden calm and lost all will to resist. Two more similar beings then appeared and one of them took the youngest child, telling him that it was a special baby and that it had a special task in the future. The witnesses now got out of the car and were hit by a beam of light from the hovering disc; they all suddenly found themselves inside the object. They were all taken to a huge room resembling a laboratory and told to lie down on metallic tables. Several examinations and tests were performed on them. At one point a taller more human looking being appeared and told the witnesses of future events and coming world changes. Before releasing them, the humanoids told the witnesses that one day they were going to return and take their youngest son.
HC addition # 283
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 58
Type: G
Location. Malmo, Sweden
Date: June 1991
Time: night
The witness, who had encountered several short gray figures months before suddenly found himself sitting in some sort of chair in complete darkness. Terrified, his gaze was focused on the display directly in front of him. It consisted of differently colored luminescent triangular outlines, isosceles triangles that moved as if mounted by their short side on a curved conveyor belt that rose up in an arc towards him with it’s end terminating just before his seat. They would move, one at a time in rapid succession straight towards him then snap down so he seemed to pass through the outlines center before it disappeared. Just as one was disappearing another would race towards him and in the short time his memory lasted it happened many times. Their colors varied: blue, yellow, pink, violet and all had a luminous neon quality about them. They stood out sharply against the darkness and behind them spewed forth some sort of vapor illuminated by spheres of flickering luminous light shooting upwards into the darkness, randomly changing color and sometimes breaking into beams, which would flash towards him, and into his eyes. But this experience had a quality about it that set it apart from the others in it’s own unique way and made it even uglier, it was accompanied by music. It was utterly devoid of feeling and played so loud that he could feel the sound waves pulsing on his skin much like when you stand near a large speaker playing at volume. It had a fast and aggressive bass beat, and changed tempo regularly but never slowed. There was also a constant staccato, clattering beat in the background, which was equally offensive to the ear. The witness also saw triangular shaped images floating in front of him.
HC addendum
Source: Weird 9.com
Type: G?
Location. Uintah Basin Utah
Date: June 1991
Time: late night
The witness suddenly woke up from a sound sleep and felt someone holding her hand very gently. She opened her eyes and saw a huge hairy humanoid sitting besides her on her bed holding her hand. The witness screamed then the tall hairy creature ran down a hallway and into the family room and vanished.
HC addition # 1650
Source: James L Thompson, Aliens and UFOS
Type: E
Location. Centerville Indiana
Date: June 8 1991
Time: night
The 29-year old witness was standing in his backyard when suddenly he saw a bright light and was then transported into a triangular shaped object and into a triangular room. Inside the room two 7-foot tall entities with flat features and slanted eyes apparently made contact with him via telepathy. They applied a pen-sized black object to his right arm, which left marks, visible weeks later. They then put a small silver box near the witness right temple causing him to lose consciousness. He awoke later in his bed feeling very ill. Ground traces were reportedly found.
HC addition # 193
Source: Don Worley, Mufon Journal # 298
Type: G
Location. Gainesville, Florida
Date: June 15 1991
Time: 1800
The two witnesses had gone into the woods outside the Gainesville Job Corps Center. As they were walking towards a campsite, one of the men stopped and claimed he had seen two werewolf-like beings float by, the other witness did not see this since he had been looking down at the time. They continued walking, when they spotted an object on the ground. It was roughly saucer-shaped and it was silent. They advanced slowly towards the object when it suddenly disappeared. As the witnesses moved on, an uncontrollable fear suddenly took hold of them and they began running away from the area. One of the men looked over his shoulder to see a tall, dark; large headed being wearing a dark robe with its hand folded in front of it. The witnesses did not stop and did not return to the area.
HC addition # 3189
Source: NUFORC
Type: C
Location. Lake Kaakonlampi, Hakkila, Finland
Date: June 21 1991
Time: 1700
A 46-year old man and his brother were fishing on a boat on a small lake. After awhile his brother noticed a shiny gray “vessel” to the north of them about 500-700 meters away. It was 7 meters high, and its contours were a bit unclear as it was shining some a bright beam of light. No other lights were visible. Two beings wearing shiny gray suits stood on the object. The witness then pointed the object out to his brother. They thought that somebody had somehow managed to bring a “big boat” into this small lake. After observing it for 2-5 minutes they continue to fish for some 5 minutes and when they again looked at the object it had completely disappeared without a trace. Astonished they looked around for it and could not find anything.
HC addendum
Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland
Type: C
Location. Virginia Beach, Virginia
Date: June 21 1991
Time: night
The witness was sleeping when he gradually attained a level of consciousness and found himself staring at a small, flickering light that was about a foot away from his face and attached to the edge of a table upon which he was lying. He was in a semi-prone position in which he remembered being placed by his osteopath years ago. Slowly, he became aware of what seemed to be a slender probe that had been pushed up inside his penis and was gently vibrating against his prostate. It dawned on him that he was receiving some type of radiation therapy, presumably for prostate cancer. The session lasted for five or ten minutes. Because it was so dark, he could only barely see a figure that was humanoid in shape, but quite homely, almost misshapen in appearance. The witness heard the figure conveyed the message, “It was a small tumor.” The witness has been involved in other encounters.
HC addendum
Source: Alien Healing Session
Type: G?
Location. Moscow, Russia
Date: June 27 1991
Time: 2100
The witness was riding his bicycle from his “dacha” when he saw hovering above road 4 disc-shaped objects, hovering at about 10-12 meters above the road. Seconds later the objects began to move and one of them approached the witness who saw a lighted area on one of the discs and inside a “greenish” humanoid face, which seemed to flattened and then increase in volume. It soon disappeared and the objects gained altitude and disappeared over the forest.
HC addendum
Source: N Subbotin, UFOZONE Russia
Type: A
Location. Monte Grande, Puerto Rico
Date: end of June 1991
Time: 2230
The witness had gone outside for a moment, when she felt compelled to look behind her and up. She then saw two hovering egg-shaped objects right above the house. One was bright silvery in color and was emitting a golden light from inside. The other object was totally black. From an opening on the bright silvery object a short thin figure was seen to emerge and walk on a beam of gold-orange light towards the black object. It seemed to enter the black egg-shaped craft, and then both objects abruptly vanished. The being was described as about 4-foot tall, very thin with a large head. It had large black slanted eyes and pale gray skin. It wore a tight-fitting silvery outfit that covered him up to his neck.
HC addition # 1189
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 47
Type: B
Location. Sacramento, California
Date: mid 1991
Time: night
During a spate of poltergeist and other phenomena at a local residence one of the investigators saw an entity called “The Black Guardian” by members of the household. He described the entity as about 7-feet tall and wearing a black hooded robe. The only features on its face were its eyes, which were almond, shaped, and glowed a faint red. 3 other people who had seen it confirmed this description.
HC addition # 2907
Source: Dean Ogden, Fate May 1993
Type: E
Location. Adjuntas, Puerto Rico
Date: middle of 1991
Time: late night
During a period of intense UFO activity in the region, the witness was visited in her bedroom at home by a short gray-blue skinned humanoid with a large head and black oval-shaped eyes. He wore a white outfit. The entity communicated via telepathy with the witness and told her that he knew her daughter was sick in the hospital with kidney problems. He then gave her some medicinal herbs that are commonly used in the island and instructed her to have her daughter drink them.
HC addition # 1198
Source: Edwin Plaza, Jorge Martin, Luis J Marrero, Enigma # 43
Type: D
Location. Near Brewster, New York
Date: July 1991
Time: late evening
The main witness had been receiving telepathic messages from an unknown source that invited him to come to a certain location. Along with two of his friends he went to the isolated wooded area for the prearranged meeting. As they walked down a dark road they began noticing peculiar cool spots and a tingling sensation in their feet. Moments later as the main witness walked ahead he was suddenly illuminated by a six foot circular shaft of blue light from above. As the other two watched he appeared to become transparent and his skeleton became briefly visible. Moments later as all three walked down the road they noticed about a dozen beings about 5-foot tall and wearing dark hooded monk-like outfits moving towards them. The beings had glowing red eyes and were moving silently towards them. The witnesses then ran to their vehicle. The beings approached to within 10 feet of the car and turned sharply walking through some brush and disappearing into a rocky outcropping. Moments later the witnesses observed several red glowing eyes traveling down the other side of the road, however no forms seemed to be attached to them. At this point the witnesses decided to leave the area. (Notice similarity to previous case in May).
HC addition # 1233
Source: Anastasia Wietrzychowski, UFO Universe spring 1994
Type: C?
Location. Granollers, Spain
Date: July 1991
Time: late evening
Driving along an isolated road three witnesses onboard a vehicle watched several bright moving lights ahead and soon came upon a huge landed object that was blocking the road. One of the witnesses perceives telepathic communication from two “individuals” onboard the craft. She is then invited onboard the object. At this point there is a memory lapse. There appears to have been additional witnesses. The main witness and her little sister suffer from nightmares of being medically examined onboard a UFO by extraterrestrials.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Norge, September 6 1994
Type: G
Location. Los Angeles, California
Date: July 1991
Time: night
Melinda Leslie and two friends were driving through the Los Angeles forest when all three experienced a 2-hour long abduction into a metallic craft piloted by gray-type aliens. Once on board they were undressed, examined, separated and given separate messages. Melinda was able to recall the entire event consciously. As she was laid out and examined, she hammered the aliens with questions, none of which they answered. She saw here friend sitting in a chair with a bizarre looking headset on him and she screamed out, “What are you doing to him?” One of the aliens replied, “It’s all right, we’re giving him information. It’s all right. We’re educating him.” Melinda continued to let out a stream of questions, however she was rarely answered, and then, only in an evasive manner. At one point the three friends were separated and placed into different rooms. Melinda found herself in a room with a dozen grays. One stepped up to her and said, “Now, we’re going to do something. Don’t be afraid, but this is very important that we do this. We’re going to put this over your head.” What followed was a bizarre procedure. A device placed over her head immobilized Melinda. The aliens stood in a circle around Melinda and pushed her back and forth like a punching clown. Melinda felt she was going to fall, but each time she was caught and pushed again. Finally, she relaxed. At this point, they stopped and removed the device. One of the aliens said, “You needed to learn that…you needed to learn to trust us.” Meanwhile, Melinda’s friend, James was receiving a different message. The aliens came over to him and they showed him a device, different items. They told him how to make a UFO detector, and they gave him the information. When sightings happen, they told him he had a mission to document them.
HC addendum
Source: Preston Dennett
Type: G
Location. Puerto Rico, exact location not given
Date: July 1991
Time: 2120
The witness had gone to bed but was having problems falling sleep, feeling edgy and apprehensive. He then felt a presence in his room and opened his eyes, standing next to him were two short thin humanoids, described as having somewhat disfigured facial features, two small holes for a nose and wide thin lips. Both beings stared intently at the witness. The witness became frightened and attempted to move but was now completely paralyzed. The beings then communicated by using telepathy, assuring the witness that he was not going to be harmed. One of the beings then proceeded to examine the witness body form head to toe, gently touching many parts of the body. The witness noticed that the beings hands were very thin with only three fingers and a thin yellow membrane in between them. One of the beings then touched the witness forehead and he suddenly felt very lethargic and lost consciousness. Later he awoke to find himself lying naked on a hard transparent table. The witness felt calm and was able to look around; he noticed some type of smoke or vapor rising slowly from the floor. Moments later two short thin beings appeared and again examined him. He was then dressed in a thin close fitting transparent outfit and was rendered unconscious again. Later he woke up in a different room, this time standing but unable to move. The same smoke that continued to rise from the floor covered the room. Suddenly a very tall being wearing a long dark flowing robe appeared. The robe covered him from feet to neck. The being then walked backwards towards the witness, apparently in an attempt to conceal his face for some unknown reason. He stood next to the witness and performed a complete brain scan on him, without communicating with him. The witness was then taken to another room where he met a tall human-like being with light skin, blond hair, bright blue eyes and wearing a white outfit and tall white boots. The being was friendly and communicated in a more open manner with the witness. The witness was eventually released and taken back to his bed by the two short humanoids.
HC addition # 1971
Source: Alfredo Colon Torres, Enigma # 72
Type: G
Location. Brooklyn Heights New York
Date: July 3 1991
Time: 2100
The witness was standing on a street corner waiting for the light to change when he got the sudden urge to look up to his right. A sudden bizarre stillness came over the area at the same time. He then saw a brightly lit oval shaped object descend from the sky and hover above a nearby building. There were other witnesses in the area who were seen looking up at the object. The craft had four large rectangular-shaped openings. Several human-like figures both male and female could be seen looking out from the openings. The object was smooth with a small dome on top. There were two beings behind each glass panel, one male, and one female. All appeared to emit a certain radiance. One of the male beings seemed to be holding a round red-lighted device in his right hand. The male beings were described as taller than the females with long blond shoulder length hair. Some of the beings had blue eyes and others green eyes. All had high cheekbones and had a light tanned complexion. All wore close-fitting emerald colored outfits with what appeared to be glittering crystals imbedded in them. The craft tilted down as the beings looked down at the witness. The craft then drifted slowly away disappearing behind some trees. The witness apparently perceived some type of mental communication from the beings.
HC addition # 1654
Source: Emil C Rodriguez, Unsolved UFO Sightings Summer 1994
Type: A
Location. Near Springfield Missouri
Date: July 21 1991
Time: 0200A
Three young teenage girls had stayed up late to watch a TV program and had gone into the backyard to play on a trampoline when they noticed a white oval-shaped light moving rapidly from the side of the house into a corner of the backyard near a large tree. One of the girls now noticed a strange humanoid figure standing near the trampoline. It was described as completely white in color, about 4½ feet tall with thin long arms and a huge pear-shaped head with two large black almond-shaped eyes. The girls then ran back into the house and attempted to tell and older cousin of the incident, but the cousin ignored them and went back to sleep. The girls then re-entered the den and continued watching television. Moments later their cat began acting strangely and the television screen went blank. At this point all three then saw the same humanoid looking at them through a window. The humanoid moved its head in a jerking mechanical manner. The girls then ran to the basement where they stayed for the remainder of the night.
HC addition # 726
Source: Duane & Susan Bedell, Mufon UFO Journal # 282
Type: E
Location. Near La Tigra, Argentina
Date: July 21 1991
Time: early morning
A lone truck driver was driving at 50 mph near the location when suddenly two very tall figures, one man and the other a woman, descended from the sky at high speed and landed on the truck’s hood. The beings were described as blond haired, very pale with long hair and wearing tight-fitting white outfits. The beings remained sitting on the hood until the truck approached the outskirts of town, there they suddenly disappeared. Tracks were said to have been found on the hood of the truck.
HC addition # 2
Source: Rick Heiden
Type: E
Location. Buluhan, near Kota Bahru, Kelantan, Malaysia
Date: July 22 1991
Time: 1800
Two school children, Yusof Mohamad and Mohamad both 11-years of age found a tiny being about 2.5 inches tall between some stones in their school compound. Yusof immediately grabbed the tiny creature and put it on his hands. However, his friend was afraid of it and asked Yusof to let it go. The boys described the creature as resembling a man except that the body had white stripes. They were unsure whether the stripes were its clothes or part of its body.
HC addendum
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin
Type: E
Location. Near Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
Date: July 25 1991
Time: 2100
The same couple involved in an earlier case was driving in the same area, this time accompanied by their youngest daughter, when their vehicle engine suddenly stalled along a sugar cane field. They exited the vehicle and then heard some footsteps coming from the nearby brush. A human-like figure walked out of the brush and approached them. He was described as about 5-foot 9 inches tall, with long blond shoulder length hair, rosy skin, and hazel colored eyes. He wore a white uniform with a wide belt and hanging from his neck was a large round metallic medallion with a bearded face printed on it. He wore tall white boots and was very well built. The being then easily climbed over a wire fence and told the witnesses to “stop.” At this point the witnesses felt a strange calm over them and were floated over the fence. They then followed the being through the sugar cane field. There they came upon a silvery metallic triangular-shaped object hovering four feet above the ground. They were all floated into the object and inside the man told them that the beings that they encountered previously were evil and were here to depopulate the earth. The witnesses were then floated out of the object and taken to their vehicle, which promptly started. They quickly drove away from the area.
HC addition # 284
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 58
Type: G
Location. Near Baku Azerbaijan
Date: early August 1991
Time: unknown
Students from a local military academy encountered a strange creature near the city. It was described as huge, covered with black hair, and with one large red “eye” in the center of its face, just like a Cyclops. No other information.
HC addition # 1590
Source: Fortean Times # 63
Type: E
Location. Mediterranean Ocean, exact location not given
Date: August 1991
Time: 1400
Onboard the Russian vessel “Yuri Levitan” seaman V V Petukhov had just finished his chores when a strange feeling overwhelmed him, he felt like if he went above decks he would see a “UFO”. Doing just that he did noticed 7 silvery disks hovering high in the sky partly camouflaging themselves among the clouds. The objects were totally silvery metallic in nature and one was hovering closer than the others appeared to be about 50 to 70 meters in diameter. He ran to fetch other sailors but strangely could not find anyone around. He came back up and still saw the discs that now appeared to revolving. On the lower object he thought he could see some panels and figures and he waved at them. After awhile, Petukhov using mental thoughts told the discs that he must go in order to complete further tasks onboard the vessel. He thought he received a mental message from the lower disk that it was time for them to go also. He left and did not see the objects depart.
HC addendum
Source: V G Azhazha, “Another Life”
Type: A or F?
Location. Olivares, Puerto Rico
Date: August 1991
Time: evening
An eighty-year-old man was returning home late one night and was entering his front porch area when he was suddenly confronted and surrounded by five small gray-colored humanoids. He grabbed a stick and began to fight them off as they attempted to approach him. A taller entity of the same type now appeared and apparently communicated with the other five creatures, they then all jumped through an open window in the porch and fled running towards the nearby woods.
HC addition # 662
Source: Jorge Martin, Alien Update
Type: E
Location. Missouri, exact location not given
Date: August 1991
Time: night
The witness was in bed sleeping when she suddenly began floating out of her bedroom towards a light and through the wall. She felt being pulled by a strong force with a quick movement. She then encountered a strange reptilian being described as five-foot nine inches tall with a green body that appeared scaly and rough. He had pea-green eyes with pupils slanted like a cat, black and yellow in color. The being lacked hair, had a small mouth, thin arms, duck-like hands with brown webbing in between four long fingers with sharp nails on the ends. The witness felt electricity going through her hands apparently after the being touched her. She was then told that they needed human beings to make their race stronger because it was dying out.
HC addition # 1364
Source: Linda Moulton Howe
“Glimpses of other Realities” Vol. I Type: G
Location. Cala Tuent, Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain
Date: August 1991
Time: night
Several witnesses vacationing in the island had gone to visit a popular tourist spot when they spotted a large sphere of light floating above the water nearby. Inside the sphere they could see a small figure. It was hard to distinguish its features because of the light; they could only describe it as “small and shiny”. The small figure was seen to walk within the sphere as it floated above the water moving back and forth like a pendulum. Two of the witnesses, 30-year old Jose and 26-year Ana were so “inspired” by the sight that they soon married.
HC addendum
Source: Ovnics, Palma de Mallorca
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 5
Location. Newcastle Australia
Date: August 1991
Time: 2300
The young witness was in bed when suddenly large flashes of light surrounded the house and the room began to glow. He shut his eyes but he could still see the glow. He felt someone calling him inside his mind. Looking to his left he was able to see through the wall and saw his brother saying, “the angels had come.” The next morning his sister reported seeing a ball of light on the horizon that same night. It beamed a light on her and she felt “scientific” information being transmitted to her.
HC addition # 2838
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico and The World
Type: F
Location. Gatchinskeyeo, Leningrad, Russia
Date: August 5 1991
Time: morning
A group of ten officers working at a state farm had their attention riveted to a bizarre cloud formation that appeared over their location. As they watched, the outline of a human face gradually became visible; they could see a nose, mouth, small beard and eyes. According to the witnesses the eyes were incredibly expressive and some of the witnesses claimed that the face resembled that of Jesus as seen on religious icons. The face was visible for about 3 minutes then it gradually began to fade from sight.
HC addendum
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Type: F?
Location. Litmanova, Slovakia
Date: August 5 1991
Time: 1800
Staying alone in a cabin on a hill, Katka Ceselkova, Ivetka Kocrcakova and Mikulas Ceselka heard a crackling sound in the forest near where they had made a bonfire. The sound was first soft and then it intensified. Afraid they went inside their hut. They closed the door and heard the sound of someone rattling something made out of tin. Soon the noises became louder. After awhile they heard a strong knocking on the door as if someone had thrown a piece of wood from the high rocky hill. At this point all three began to pray in earnest. They began praying to the Virgin Mother and soon a glow appeared in the middle of the room. At this point their fear was gone. As they saw on the bed they saw within the glow an entity they identified as the Blessed Mother. The figure appeared to sit on a bench and listen to the girls. They all then ran out of the hut and began running home. “The Blessed Mother” followed them, staying two steps behind them (did she glide?). They turned around and saw her reached a roadside cross where she knelt and prayed. Then she went behind the girls and began to gradually disappear. At home one of the girls saw “The Blessed Mother” in front of her uncle’s house. She was silent and was dressed in a white dress, a blue cloak, and a blue transparent veil and on her head she wore a crown and in her hand she held a rosary. Scared the girls ran inside the house. There were other encounters with this entity.
HC addendum
Source: Catholic Apparitions of Jesus and Mary
Type: E or F?
Location. Indianapolis Indiana
Date: August 8 1991
Time: 1500
Under a pouring rain, the witness and her son noticed a strange figure that was apparently standing under the falling cascade of water from a rain gutter. The water seemed to outline its humanoid shaped body that included a baldhead. Apparently the being was invisible and could only be seen while the water fell on him. After a few minutes it left.
HC addition # 1444
Source: Debbie Tomey, Strange Magazine # 13
Type: E
Location. Maguayo, Puerto Rico
Date: August 13 1991
Time: 0200A
The witness was awakened by strange noises next to her balcony, she got up and then heard a strange mumbling and gibberish sounds, she opened her Venetian blinds and saw two small 4-foot tall beings standing by her plants and apparently examining them. The beings hard large egg-shaped heads were skinny and gray in color, they appeared to be naked, and had large black elongated eyes on a flat face with two small holes for a nose. They had long skinny arms land left without noticing the witness, taking with several leaves and branches. They disappeared towards the nearby lagoon.
HC addition # 659
Source: Jorge Martin, Alien Update
Type: E
Location. Near Victoria Argentina
Date: August 13 1991
Time: 2200
Four men staying at a local guest house were alerted by two maneuvering lights, one yellow the other red, that moved up and down then in a triangular pattern. One of the lights then descended on the road near the guesthouse. Two dark human-like figures then appeared and seemed to float above the ground moving around back and forth. They were human-like with slightly larger heads. Suddenly the light shut off and a white bowl-shaped object could be seen. Some of the witnesses were not able to see the figures completely and only saw their arms and legs.
HC addition # 1466
Source: Dr. Roberto Banchs, Cuadernos De Ufologia Vol. 15 # 2, 1993
Type: C
Location. Nova Dedina, Slovakia
Date: August 16 1991
Time: 2210
Two witnesses watched the landing of 3 UFOs, 1 resembling a ball of fire the other two cigar shaped. Two tall human-like creatures exited the objects and walked around the garden. They apparently performed some repairs of the fiery round object and then entered the cigar-shaped objects, which promptly took off at high speed.
HC addendum
Source: Dr Milos Jesensky
Type: B
Location. Victoria, Argentina
Date: August 17 1991
Time: night
Several students at the local Escuela Hogar San Martin located in a wooded area along with two staff members observed a large luminous object descend on a field about 200 meters from the school. Curious the group of witnesses approached the area to within 40 meters of the object and saw a large object on the ground. They all then saw three humanoid figures descend from the object and glide around without touching the ground; they floated a few centimeters above it. It was impossible to see any features on the humanoids because of the intense light emitted by the object. The noise of a nearby approaching truck seemed to have startled the humanoids, which re-entered the object, and this one disappeared. The next day upon inspecting the grounds a large ground trace resembling the imprint of a horseshoe was found on the ground, also the grass appeared to have been scorched. (Note the proximity in dates of case # 87).
HC addendum
Source: Ramon Pereyra, Victoriense.com
Type: B
Location. West Carleton Township, Ontario, Canada
Date: August 17 1991
Time: late night
As other witnesses watched mysterious red lights coming from a wooded marshy area and a large white disc-shaped craft with a cone-shaped central dome descend over a field and then blink out. The main witness noticed her dog’s unusual behavior and stepped out of her house to check the area, she then noticed a bright array of red lights through the trees across the street. As she continued to watch a huge object covered in multi-colored lights descended suddenly almost in front of her. The witness retreated closer to her house and watched as the object hovered. Two figures with glowing yellow-white skin emerged from the craft. These then opened a panel on the side of the object that exposed a tremendous amount of white light. As the beings attempted to close the panel everything seemed to go into slow motion and the witness blacked out. Here next recollection was waking up to the sound of a helicopter hovering low over the house. Two weeks later the witness was able to recall that she had boarded the object and had conversed via telepathy with its occupants.
HC addition # 1110
Source: Bob Oechsler, Intl. UFO Library Magazine, December 1993
Type: G
Location. Barrio Quebrada De San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico
Date: August 27 1991 Time: late afternoon
The witness was walking by himself on an isolated field when a round dark object descended over him. The witness felt being lifted up into the craft. He found himself inside a metallic room, apparently inside the object. He was then placed in a metallic chair that molded itself around his body preventing him from moving. He was then surrounded by four to five humanoids described as six-foot tall, with large heads, small noses, thin mouths and lips, long dangling arms and gray-yellow skin. They mentally told the witness that they were here on a crossbreeding project between their race and our race and that it was vital for the survival of humanity. He was also warned of coming catastrophic earth changes.
HC addition # 384
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 46
Type: G
Location. Maguayo, Puerto Rico
Date: August 27 1991
Time: late night
The witness was awakened by strange noises from outside, she went to the window to look and saw two short thin gray-colored beings that were “mumbling” to each other. They heard the witness as she tried to open the window and both then ran quickly down the street and disappeared towards the nearby lagoon.
HC addition # 660
Source: Jorge Martin, Alien Update
Type: E
Location. Shaitan Mazar, Kyrgizstan
Date: August 28 1991
Time: 0442A
A huge dirigible shaped object first attracted the attention of the military when it appeared on the radar screens of the Mangishlak Peninsula, flying from west to east at 960 km per hour and at an altitude of 6600 meters. Thinking that the object might have been launched from Kapustin Yar, Mangishlak personnel contacted the Cosmodrome. Kapustin denied any knowledge of the object, although they confirmed its appearance on radar. The object failed to respond to attempts at communication on any frequency, and since it was flying near a restricted area, two MIG-29 fighter jets that were already on patrol were directed to intercept it. In addition a third jet was scrambled from Air station 7. The MIG pilots were directed to intercept the object, to identify it if possible, to try to make contact with it, and to force it to land at the nearest Air station. If the object failed to cooperate, they were directed to shoot it down. The Migs intercepted the object over the western shore of the Aral Sea at 0512A. The pilots observed the object both visually and on their radar screens, and they described it as dirigible shaped, 600 meters long by 110 meters wide, with very little surface detail except for two round “portholes” near the front, and some sort of strange green markings near the rear. The object did not make any hostile moves or react in any way to the presence of the jets. When all attempts at contacting the object failed, the squadron leader proposed positioning the jets on either side of the object at a distance of about 800 meters and gently but firmly directing it to the Air Station. If necessary the jets were to fire warning shots to encourage the object to cooperate. When the jets were in position around the object, however, it soon became apparent that, within 800 meters of it, the weapons systems of the Migs shut down for no apparent reason. Worse yet, at a distance of 600 meters from the object, the engines of the Migs began to malfunction. The object began to make zigzag evasive maneuvers and to increase its speed from 960 kms per hour to 6800k kms per hour. These maneuvers were verified by radar at Baikonur, Alma-Alta and Bishkek. The jets backed off as it became apparent that their plan to force the object to land was not going to succeed, and the object proceeded east through Alma-Alta airspace at a slightly lower altitude of 4500 meters. Radar dispatchers at Alma-Alta fearing a collision with a conventional aircraft issued a general alert for air traffic to avoid the area. At 0527A the object disappeared from radar in the area of Lake Issyk-Kul near the border of Kazakhstan. A month later reports began to trickle back to Bishkek that a huge UFO had been seen to crash into the Tien Shan Mountains, 100 km east of Przhevalsk near a peak known as Pik Pobeda (Peak of Victory). The actual site lay in a gorge known as “Shaitan Mazar” or “Grave of the Devil”, near the Saris Dzas River. A search party led by Michael Eltchin was immediately dispatched but were unable to reach the site due to heavy snowfall. In June 1992 a second expedition was mounted, consisting of three groups of volunteers having both a scientific background and mountain climbing experience. The expedition arrived on site on 6-12-1992 and set up a base camp 2.5 km NNW from the actual crash site. The path of the object was noted to be such that it had slid 1700 meters after hitting the ground. It then exploded from within its center, blasting it into almost two equal parts and bending its internal structure outwards from the center of the explosion. Decks and interior features were visible inside the object through the gap made by the blast. The expedition immediately noticed several unusual effects when they began to examine the object. They could not photograph the object because some sort of radiation exposed all film and ruined all videotape. Whenever a member of the party got closer than 800 meters to the object, he began to feel unusual anxiety, depression and exhaustion. Within this 800 meter range, the men’s hair stood on end. Instruments showed an unusually high amount of static electricity in the air. Compasses and magnetometers refused to function properly in the area of the object. Measurement devices registered no magnetic fields at all within an elliptically shaped area centered on the object and measuring 2230 meters long and 1700 meters wide. Even naturally occurring magnetic rocks showed no magnetic field within this ellipse. All clocks and wristwatches stopped at a distance of 600 meters from the object. Anyone who approached the object began to suffer from some sort of radiation burns at a distance of 500 meters. The expedition soon had to abandon the site, but planned to return in the future.
HC addendum
Source: Nikolay Subbotin, RUFORS
Type: H
Location. Torres De Elorz, Navarra, Spain
Date: August 29 1991
Time: 2230
31-year old night watchman Marcos Ibanez Ibarrola was driving his Renault 4 truck on his way to work when he saw over a nearby water tower a flashing orange light that was approaching his direction. The object approached quickly and struck the vehicle’s hood, causing the truck to stop and completely disabling its electrical system. The object resembled a large truck tire encircled in several red and orange lights. On the top it had a glass dome and it emitted a loud revving sound. The witness quickly exited his truck and ran to the embankment. At this point he saw within the glass dome, the figure of a short heavy set humanoid. It had a large head and glowing slanted eyes. At the same time that another truck approached, the object rose vertically quickly disappearing from sight. Scratch marks and an oily thick and foul smelling liquid was found on the truck’s hood.
HC addition # 2367
Source: LDLN # 309 and Iker Jimenez, Encuentros, La Historia de Los
Ovni en España
Type: A
Location. Central Georgia
Date: August 31 1991
Time: near midnight
The witness was camping out with his family on a river and while trying to go to sleep, he heard a noise, like an animal outside. He went to check what was making the noise. On opening the flap of the tent, he saw a nine-foot humanoid staring at him. Standing only four feet away, the giant humanoid was dressed in a white robe like garment, and apparently had no arms. He wore no shoes or boots and had large feet. Yelling, he awoke his wife who came outside, she was then frozen in place. He was then “towed” by the floating humanoid to a clearing near the river where a white silvery sphere hovered about 20-30 feet from the ground. A large sliding door opened on the side and the humanoid towed the witness into the craft. Inside he was initially taken into a wide 35-50 foot long hallway. Then into a control center with bright flashing lights and consoles. There he saw about 10-20 other humanoids of the same size and clothed as the first one. The inside of the chamber was also so bright that resembled daylight. He was then taken into another room with a long black table inside. Laying him on the table, 8-10 humanoids looked at him. They examined him but did nothing to him. After a few minutes the same humanoid that brought him inside, took him back outside. He sat next to his wife, who became mobile again. They then watched “jet fires” from the bottom of the object, and it then shot away at a high rate of speed. The craft apparently left a 200-yard circle of burned grass on the ground. One of the interesting facets of this incident was that the inside of the UFO was much too large, as to what was seen from outside. (See the Lymington case of October)
HC addition # 2645
Source: John C Thompson
Type: G
Location. Cuesta Blanca, Puerto Rico
Date: late August 1991
Time: 1130A
A man riding his dirt-bike along an irrigation canal fell into a water filled hole as the engine of his dirt-bike sputtered and died, as he tried to re-start the bike he noticed a strange being standby by a nearby canal. The being was short, about 3-foot tall, with a large pear-shaped with large black oval-shaped eyes; it was crouching over a log next to a tree. Its skin was whitish pale, resembling that of a salamander. For a few moments the being and the witness stared at each other, then the being ran and jumped into the water and apparently swam away under the surface and did not come up again.
HC addition # 661
Source: Jorge Martin, Alien Update
Type: E
Location. Cutthroat Bridge, England
Date: Autumn 1991
Time: 1530
The Johnson family was driving along Manchester Road, past Ladybower Reservoir and as they neared the bridge, Mike, the driver, slammed on the brakes as the car ahead of them had suddenly stopped. They lowered the car window and looked up the road to see on the hillside on the left a large looming figure walk towards the road and began to cross. Slowly, the 8 ft tall man like figure slumbered across the road. They described the creature as covered in long brown hair, shaggy in appearance. Its eyes looked normal but he walked different, like he was crouching. Another car came to a halt and pressed the horn. Suddenly the creature became alert and jumped over a wall (a 10 ft drop) and ran up through the woods. It was last seen running up the hill and disappearing from sight.
HC addendum
Source: Mystery Magazine.com
Type: E
Location. Near East Troy, Wisconsin
Date: Fall 1991
Time: night
A motorist saw a large hairy coyote-ape like creature standing on all fours on the side of the road; the hairy figure stared at the witness then trotted off into the cornfield and out of sight.
HC addition # 601
Source: Linda S Godfrey, Strange Magazine #11
Type: E
Location. Berlin, Germany
Date: Fall 1991
Time: night
The witness remembered that one night several “persons” came into her room and carried her downstairs, she was then taken into a brightly lit room and placed on a table. She recalled the entities as being humanoid of average height. They wore long white robes that covered their arms; no facial features could be seen. They took her into a landed lens-shaped object via a ramp and placed her on a table. The entities spoke to each other in an unknown language and brought some equipment to the bed and then began probing the witness. She felt something touch the back of her head, which gave her a pleasant electrical shock. At the same time she felt an icy cold penetrate her body and then passed out.
HC addition # 888
Source: Illobrand von Ludwiger, Mufon 1993 Symposium Proceedings
Type: G
Location. Palm Springs, California
Date: Fall 1991
Time: late night
For 3 nights in a row the witness young baby daughter had woken up screaming hysterically. As him and his wife ran into the room the child would point frantically towards the window. On the fourth night the witness was ready and ran immediately into the bedroom with a loaded gun, as he looked at the window he was stunned to see a short figure with a round head and huge eyes staring at him. The figure turned and ran. The figure hurdled over some bushes into the street at incredible speed then into a street, and under a streetlight it suddenly dematerialized in full view of the witness.
HC addition # 3806
Source: CAUS
Type: E
Location. Sedona, Arizona
Date: September 1991
Time: noon
The witness was alone at home when she suddenly felt very tired and had to lie down in her bed. Moments later she saw a man standing at the end of her bed, the bedroom walls them seemed to dissolve. The man was described as of average height, with slightly slanted eyes and wearing an unusual type of three-piece suit. The witness felt that the being was friendly and felt no fear. Suddenly numerous little beings then appeared all around the taller being. The witness then felt a severe pain on both sides of her groin. She attempted to gain control and asked the taller entity if they were form the “light” side? She received no answer. After much mental struggle the witness was able to command the entities to leave.
HC addition # 1395
Source: Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger
Montezuma’s Serpent & other true supernatural tales of the Southwest
Type: E
Location. Near Sedona, Arizona
Date: September 1991
Time: afternoon
A man named Victor was hiking in an isolated canyon when he stumbled upon some white trucks and men in white suits. One flat bed truck carried a wingless craft on its bed. Victor felt hat he was being observed. He had his video camera at the ready and scanned the scene below his position when he thought he heard a noise in the bushes behind him. When he turned to look, he saw a creature peering back at him, and then duck out of sight. This creature looked like a typically gray alien. On another hiking expedition into the canyons, he had become lost. He was walking in one place in daylight, then he found himself in an unknown location and it was suddenly night.
HC addendum
Source: Christopher Montgomery, UFO Resource Center
Type: E?
Location. Moca Puerto Rico
Date: September 1991
Time: evening
A group of about eight persons had gathered at the house of a local psychic when suddenly they all saw a flash of light and a tall figure suddenly appeared. It was a man wearing a tight-fitting silvery outfit with a metallic helmet and a long silver cape. He looked intently at the group and they all received a mental message asking them “if they were ready for the message”? He then walked out the door bending down a little as he walked under the threshold, he then threw a small golden disc into the air that flew in circles for some moments before disappearing. The small disc emitted a loud hum. The caped figure then left.
HC addition # 432
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 52 & 53
Type: E
Location. Ashland Kentucky
Date: September 1991
Time: night
The two witnesses had gone out one night in order to investigate a supposed haunted bridge in an isolated hilly area. As they looked around the area they heard rustling sounds coming from the woods about 50 yards away. They thought it was a deer so they decided to walk to a nearby abandoned barn to see what was in it. Suddenly there was a loud deafening scream-roar-growl noise and they head what sounded like heavy footsteps coming from the field adjacent to them. They then saw, running towards them, on what appeared to be somewhat all fours, a massive creature with long shaggy hair. It stopped about 15 feet away and stood up and it had to have been at least 16 feet tall. They ran to their car and the creature apparently chased them. As they got to their car another vehicle was coming down the road, apparently scaring the creature away. They came back the next day and found some rather weird looking tracks or footprints in the field.
HC addition # 2972
Source: Ron Schaffner
Type: E
Location. Northern California, exact location not given
Date: September 1991
Time: night
Joe and Carmen were out in a camping trip in an area surrounded by several large boulders. As they drove back to the site from a nearby town they saw a huge object apparently sitting among the boulders. Neither approached the object, which had large lighted windows. Carmen saw several alien type figures; one had a “glowing wand or stick, green in color” of some kind. In a strange reaction to the sighting both went into their sleeping bags and went to sleep. They did not see the object depart.
HC addendum
Source: The pumpkin-orange Orb
Type: A
Location. Canonsburg Pennsylvania
Date: September 1991
Time: 2300
Two researchers from the group PASU were out on a stakeout for any signs of strange activity. They both had flashlights and communicated with each other with radio headsets. Soon they saw two pairs of green eyes staring at them from the darkness. Later they heard heavy footfalls crashing through the woods and sounds of metallic ringing coming form some nearby railroad tracks. Two figures then appeared, these were described as “flat black” in color with long swinging arms, about 6-foot tall and 150 pounds. They both ran across the two-witness line of sight moving in an erratic manner and disappeared from sight.
HC addition # 1268
Source: Keith Bastianini, PASU, Fate 2-94
Type: E
Location. Tiger Valley, Khanmin near Maolin, China
Date: September 16 1991
Time: 0600A
Lin Khaoshen watched an enormous green cloud descend over the terrace of his farmhouse. He could see a dark object hidden within the cloud; he could hear loud clanking noises coming from inside the object in the cloud. As he stood staring at the sight, he suddenly felt numb from head to toe and was totally unable to move. The green cloud dissipated immediately after it landed revealing a huge monolithic object shiny like an eggplant. On the upper section of the craft a slot-like opening appeared and several figures, at least 8, appeared. These were described as over 2 meters in height. At the same time a pencil thin beam of green light shone on the witness. Suddenly his entire body became transparent, he could clearly see his lungs, heart and stomach. The beam of light then apparently sucked him into the enormous object. He floated inside within the green beam of light. At this point he seems to have lost all sense of time and could not remember what occurred inside the craft. When the gigantic object was gone it left a tiny 10cm circle of depressed soil on the terrace. The witness and the investigators could not explain how could such a gigantic object had landed in the comparably small terrace and leave such as small imprint on the ground.
HC addendum
Source: UFO LAB Russia
Type: G
Location. Etowah Tennessee
Date: September 20 1991
Time: 0100A
The witness was traveling on Interstate 75 when she and others in the vehicle looked towards the east and saw an oval shaped transparent object fly straight up from the ground. After going up, the object continued to pace their vehicle as it flew north alongside I-75. At one point, the object scripted an “L” with a smoke tail behind it. When the object was at its closest, about 100 yards away, the witnesses could see several figures inside it, moving their arms and hands very rapidly. The object changed directions at times, and turned abruptly and glowed. They lost sight of it north of Chattanooga. Two elderly witnesses in the car experienced severe health problems soon after the sighting, and died within a year and a half. If not known if there was any connection to the sighting and their health difficulties.
HC addition # 2914
Source: John C Thompson, ISUR
Type: A
Location. Cerro La Matanza, Argentina
Date: September 21 1991
Time: night
Several persons were inspecting an area of recent UFO encounters, when one of them heard soft footsteps in the woods nearby. They heard additional footsteps and one of them shone a lantern towards the wooded area. There they saw a one-meter tall figure, milky white in color with a large head, hide behind a tree. The being then, apparently annoyed by the light ran away, quickly followed by the witnesses. The being then joined several similar humanoids, which ran, towards an abandoned house near a local lagoon. The beings seem to emit a phosphorescent white light and were apparently naked resembling large “babies.”
HC addition # 599
Source: Fabio Picasso, Strange Magazine # 11
Type: D
Location. Dubrovka, Russia
Date: September 29 1991
Time: 1000A
Aleksey Komarov was riding his motorcycle along a country road and as he was rounding a curb he spotted a tall totally black figure with long dangling hands, longer than its legs. The figure appeared to float just above the ground on the side of the road. He describes the humanoid’s color as “blacker than soot”. The humanoid made some moves towards the witness but then ran the other away at incredible speed, its feet not touching the ground. The stunned witness watched from his motorcycle as the humanoid disappeared from sight.
HC addendum
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Type: E
Location. Edinburgh, Scotland
Date: October 1991
Time: early morning
George Niedzwiedz remembers lying face down on his bed and being woke up by someone in the room standing at the back of the bed just to his right, it was touching the witness shoulder with some kind of instrument. It brought on a tingling sensation. He also heard some words in his mind saying “he wont be taking part of this one.” The object was described as being small, cone shaped with a light at the tip. He remembers watching his wife leave the room without being able to prevent it. He felt that he was being deliberately being restrained in bed. He received the impression that the entity was “old or like a grandfather.” Later the witness and his wife had a brief recollection of “beings” entering the room. These were small and wrinkly dressed in dark capes or cloaks. He felt that he had being picked up and carried out of the room.
HC addition # 3128
Source: BUFORA
Type: G?
Location. Buzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Date: October 1991
Time: Night
A witness encountered a landed object and three different humanoids standing nearby. One a tall woman with long blond hair, wearing a tight-fitting bluish coverall, an even taller male humanoid with dark hair and wearing a green coverall and a short helmeted robotic figure. One of the humanoids handed over a hand written note to the witness before leaving. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: C
Location. Stavropol, North Caucasus, Russia
Date: October 1991
Time: night
The witness, Mrs. L B was living in a forth floor apartment was suddenly awakened at night. She noticed that the TV screen was shining. On the TV screen then appeared a strange bald headed, slender humanoid, with large eyes. The picture was black and white. The stranger began to ask her questions and she meekly answered. She felt no fear. When the screen dimmed she fell in a deep sleep. Her husband had disconnected the TV from the socket the night before.
HC addendum
Source: Vladimir G Azazha PhD
Type: E
Location. Loch Raven, Maryland
Date: October 1991
Time: night
Witnesses reported seeing a luminescent winged creature flying over the area, as it approached the witnesses’ location it suddenly turned into a glowing ball and disappeared. (The Baltimore Sun apparently published a report of the incident)
HC addendum
Source: Rip Lyttle, The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 42
Type: E
Location. Near Sedona, Arizona
Date: October 1991
Time: night
The witness, Tom, saw a small humanoid in a brown suit dash across the field near some juniper trees. The dogs gave chase, barking and running after the entity. As it neared the fence line, it seemed to vanish into thin air, and the dogs quite suddenly gave up the chase.
HC addendum
Source: Chris Montgomery, UFO Resource Center
Type: E
Location. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Date: October 1991
Time: midnight
A man walking along the Milwaukee River south of East Capitol Drive heard a noise, turning around he saw two reptilian like heads with large yellow cat-like eyes, apparently coming out of the water. They suddenly disappeared. He then saw them again and got out of there fast. Around the same time a security guard was watching over a construction site at the end of East Chambers Street east of Humboldt Blvd. One night he reported that a trailer was damaged with what looked like claw like marks. Another guard reported that one night around 0300A, someone hit or shook the trailer real hard. He went outside and thought he saw something jump into the river.
HC addendum
Source: W Files
Type: E
Location. Cherepovets, Russia
Date: October 2 1991
Time: 1800
Local resident Mikhail Bogolyubov was passing by school number 38 when his attention was focused on an uncommonly large “star” hovering above the building. There was a sudden green flash of light from below the “star” and the light began to spiral towards the ground. Around the same time in another sector, teachers at school number 17 saw a large hovering disc shaped object above the cinema area. Meanwhile a schoolboy from the third grade spotted a short red “dwarf” running along the buildings, dragging what appeared to be a metallic object on one hand. After seeing the boy, the humanoid stopped and waved at him, using extraordinary long hands, it then ran up the wall and disappeared. Other students supposedly saw a similar humanoid and the next morning the disc shaped object was seen again above the buildings and some humanoid figures standing on top of a wall were also described.
HC addendum
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Type: C
Location. Martinka, Hungary
Date: October 3 1991
Time: 1800-1930
The witness was out doing some chores when she noticed a hovering bright pink disc-shaped object northwest of her position and close to the ground. She watched for a few minutes then continued her work. Later at 1930 she entered her house through the back door and the electricity suddenly went out, then she saw in front of the counter a luminous pink-silver figure with arm-like extensions. She ran away to locate her husband, but when they both returned to the room the figure was gone. A half hour later a glowing figure was seen approaching the house gate, it was described as short and moving his legs in a strange fashion, his hands did not move and his head was bent down. The witness went to confront the figure but was frightened of his non-human appearance, she ran again to get her husband, but again the figure had vanished when they returned. By this time the object was still hovering in the same location, it finally moved slowly away towards the west changing into a multi-colored light it then vanished.
HC addition # 628
Source: Gabor Tarcali, HUFON
Type: C
Location. Herakov, Bulgaria
Date: October 3 1991
Time: evening
The mysterious appearance of a red dust like substance in a local kindergarten prompted researchers to visit the location, who came upon a thick layer of a substance similar to red pepper triturated brick. Despite the attempts to clear the dust, it constantly materialized itself inside the closed premises. The researchers confusion became apparent when the analysis of the chemist Traycho Dobrev from a local laboratory showed that the substance was organic in nature, resembling aniline paint. Doctor Borislav Mednikarov found the presence of oval spores, which resisted sulfuric acid and temperatures over 700c. Infrared spectrum pictures also revealed that there was a vertical energizing column passing through the house. The medium, Robert Yovchev found an energizing geyser, which according to him, was an artificial break to a parallel world into which the reddish particles rushed from as abnormal spontaneously generated forms of life. Those who stayed at the whose perceived a feeling of unnaturalness and even sinister. The landlord, Dimitar Dimitrov stated that he heard soft murmuring voices, in spite the door of the house being locked. When he touched the dust for the first time, he soon experiences a strange vision. He was in the house surrounded by three man-like giants dressed in black leather trousers and black silk shirts, their faces thin and in a way flat. They wanted to take him to outer space and force him to memorize some ideograms. A local teacher, Roumyana Boukova also touched the strange red dust and had nightmares connected with abduction by aliens.
HC addendum
Source: Miroslav Minchev, Bulgaria
Type: G or F?
Location. Omsk, West Siberia, Russia
Date: October 14 1991
Time: 1800
After visiting a friend, local boy, Zheniya X, was returning home and decided to walk through a field of a local kindergarten. As he crossed the field he heard a loud whistle from behind him, turning around he saw two globes, one white and the other red. Frightened he began running away, but after taking several steps, he felt a slight knock on his back and stopped. The white globe, several meters in diameter, was now hovering over the child, an entity in tight fitting overalls emerged from the object. The entity had three eyes, four fingers on its hands. A strange glow surrounded the entity. The alien approached the boy, took his hand and calmed him, he them accompanied the boy to the globe, and both were “sucked” into the craft. Inside, the boy noticed a screen and an armchair in which he was sat down, the alien then touched his face with an unknown object and he lost consciousness. When he awakened the aliens started a conversation with him. They told him that they would use sounds and that he could answer them telepathically. Of the conversation, the boy remembers nothing. Only bits & pieces of the conversation remained in his mind, information indicating that the aliens “flew using light speed” and that their crafts could change shapes. After that the aliens invited the boy for a ride and he agreed. The globe ascended, made a small circle over the city and Zheniya was let out near the Central City club. Before leaving the aliens told him that they would meet again on Sunday and to bring bread and water this time. The boy then ran home and told his parents about what had transpired. However his parents did not believe him, and kept him at home on Sunday, as the boy grew very anxious, looking out his bedroom window continuously. After that, the boy woke up several times in the middle of the night and looked out the window into the darkness. Hypnotic regression was not attempted in this case, but in the coming days the boy began imparting religious messages stating that the main message from the aliens was that: “Your country has made a mistake by diverting out from the church, and now is a favorable time to correct this mistake.”
HC addendum
Source: A Novikov, “Flight over the City”, Yaroslavl UFO Research Group
Anton Anfalov
Type: G
Location. Forest of Haye, near Champigneulles, France
Date: October 15 1991
Time: 1630
Five witnesses saw a large brilliant silvery sphere descend towards the ground and hover silently at about one meter from the ground. A green light was seen shining from inside the object. A shadowy figure was seen moving back and forth in front of the object.
HC addendum
Source: Raoul Robe, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: C
Location. Komarno, Slovakia
Date: October 22 1991
Time: 0445A
Two witnesses saw a humanoid figure wearing a silvery spacesuit in their room. It came out of the children’s room. It was about 1.5 meters in height with a huge head, thin arms, and legs. One witness switched on the light and the humanoid vanished in a swirl of smoke.
HC addendum
Source: Dr Milos Jesensky
Type: E
Location. Lymington Hampshire, England
Date: October 24 1991
Time: night
The main witness and a friend were attracted to a field by a hypnotic whirring sound. A strange object hovered over the field. The craft had several metallic leg-like protrusions with a rim and multicolored flashing lights. It also had a dome with a light on top. The whole object seemed silvery-metallic. The main witness approached the object and banged on it with his fists several times. Suddenly standing next to the object were three seven-foot tall beings that were very thin with pale complexions and normal facial features but with almond shaped cat-like eyes. All three wore tight-fitting one-piece outfits. One of the beings looked at the witness who suddenly felt light-headed and began loosing his balance, he was somehow drawn inside the object. Inside he found himself floating just above the floor. The floor of the object sloped down at an angle and was covered with symbolic tiles. In the center there was a pole and on the ceiling a spinning multi-colored light. The object somehow seemed larger inside that what it looked from outside, it seemed to be without end inside. The witness mind was apparently probed while inside the craft and he felt unable to resist. The next thing he knew he was at home in his bed.
HC addition # 1562
Source: Steve Gerrard, Southampton UFO Group
Type: G
Location. Near Ponce Puerto Rico
Date: October 27 1991
Time: 0400A
Six men were out camping in a farm area near a creek when one of them heard a noise outside. When he went to check he was confronted by two short humanoids, described as having oval-shaped heads, small noses and large protruding eyes. The beings were apparently looking over the cooked remains of a rabbit in a large pot. The beings quickly disappeared into the woods.
HC addition # 1018
Source: Julio Victor Ramirez, “El Vocero”
Type: E
Location. Moca Di Dunai, Slovakia
Date: October 28 1991
Time: 2340
The witness reported being attacked in his home by a huge man like figure that attempted to grab him. He described the figure as man-like over 2 meters in height, and very strongly built. The witness managed to escape out into his neighbor’s garden. His wife heard his screams but did not see the humanoid.
HC addendum
Source: Dr Milos Jesensky
Type: E
Location. Near Delavan, Wisconsin
Date: October 31 1991
Time: 2030
A lone witness was driving on a rural road when she felt a bump on the front right tire and drove off the pavement. She stopped the car and stepped out. Suddenly from out of the foggy darkness, a large hairy figure emerged and charged up the road towards her. The frightened witness could see that the creature had a very wide chest and was covered with long brown hair. The witness ran back into her car and accelerated away as the creature ran behind the vehicle, jumped on it, and slid off. The same witness returned later with a second person and encountered a similar or the same creature.
HC addition # 174
Source: Scarlett Sankey, Strange Magazine # 10
Type: E
Location. Near Prohladnyi, Russia
Date: November 1991
Time: unknown
A Russian military fighter aircraft shot down a UFO. The UFO crashed near this small town, north of Kabardino-Balkar Republic. The UFO and its undescribed occupants were transported to Zhitkur. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Chronology of UFO Crashes in The Former Soviet Union
Type: H
Location. Near Warrington, England
Date: November 1990
Time: 0200A
Returning from the movies, three witnesses were driving under a heavy rain when they approached a roundabout when the driver noticed something unusual—a white Toyota Saloon was parked up right in the middle of the roundabout, actually on the grass center. Thinking that it had been stolen or abandoned, he slowed the car. Now all three men noticed that there were two strange-looking occupants. Both of them had huge heads, one which looked like a giant upright raisin, no obvious features, and one whose head in profile was shaped like the African continent, with a protruding dome to the back of the head. Both seemed to have had dark glasses on and were looking directly ahead. Both heads seemed to be very dark and leathery in texture. As it was late, dark and raining heavily, the witnesses were unsure about what they had seen, so they circled the roundabout 2 more times to get a better look. Indeed the two strangers had massive, misshapen heads and seemed to be wearing dark glasses. They didn’t look like they were in trouble, so the witnesses drove off and did not return.
HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times
Type: E?
Location. Devon England
Date: November 1991
Time: 0330A
A family experienced numerous “paranormal” and other events in their home, usually at night. They heard footsteps and other noises. One night the wife woke up with something pushing against her chest. She could not see anything. Another night she woke up and saw what appeared to be four “people” in her room. They were apparently transparent and were wearing what appeared to be “old fashioned clothing.” Incredibly, standing further back from them was what the witness described as a tall “gray” creature, similar to the oft-reported “Grays” of certain UFO incidents.
HC addition # 3791
Source: Malcolm Robinson, SPI
Type: E
Location. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: November 1991
Time: afternoon
The witness (an adult single mother) was sitting alone in her terrace relaxing when she suddenly found herself transported into a circular room where she was met by a very tall blond male figure with “incredibly” blue eyes wearing a white tunic like garment. In the chest area she could see what appeared to be a six-pointed star, encircled by a blue ring with gold-colored stars. The man took the witness by her hand and took her into a room where she saw a circular table and two elderly appearing men wearing white tunics sitting around it. She was told to sit on a chair at the end of table and was handed over a manuscript for her to read. Soon she found herself back in her terrace without any memory of what she had read. (Involved in other experiences).
HC addendum
Source: Ciudad Futura.com
Type: G?
Location. Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Date: November 1991
Time: night
An anonymous witness watched from his vehicle a wolf-like creature crossing the road in front of him in a bipedal fashion. No other information.
HC addition # 176
Source: Scarlett Sankey, Strange Magazine # 10
Type: E
Location. Pidan region, Russia
Date: November 1991
Time: night
Tourist camping in an isolated area watched a dark winged man-like figure gliding over their tents. The creature flew over a nearby brook and then landed in a thicket. It stood there and observed the witnesses who did not approached. Later the creature disappeared into the woods.
HC addition # 1281
Source: Paul Stonehill, Fate, November 1992
Type: E
Location. Uver-Hanngaiskij, Mongolia
Date: November 1991
Time: evening
Two eight-year old girls were walking home when they saw something resembling a dense “cloud” descend towards the ground in front of them and land. Both girls felt a sort of vertigo and the feeling of floating. However, they recuperated and ran home terrified. The next day both girls found the strange cloud this time on the ground and a humanoid figure was seen to come out of it. The humanoid was holding something resembling a “musical instrument” which he apparently used to communicate telepathically with the two girls. The humanoid was about 2 meters in height, with large pointed ears, large feet and digit-less hands. The girls were invited onboard the cloud, which now had turned into a large disc-shaped craft with circular shaped windows around its perimeter. They were apparently given a short ride onboard the object and then deposited back in the same location.
HC addendum
Source: Gianni Favero, Revista Di Informazione Ufologica # 12
Type: G
Location. Kyrola, Jarvenpaa, Finland
Date: November 1991
Time: 2100
A 29-year old female was watching television sitting on an armchair in her living room. Suddenly a strong wind-like force began to circle her, beginning at her feet. She attempted to stand up but was not able to do so. She was paralyzed. With her mouth opened, her head rose up. She could not close her mouth or turn her head. She could see in front of her on the left side a holographic picture of a small creature half a meter in height, lying on a bed, it had one hand under its jaw and was kicking its feet nervously. She could do nothing but watch the creature and feel angry. After about 10 minutes she was shown a large star map, and when that image faded she send a message in her mind that she did not want to go to the humanoid’s place of origin and that she was terrified. The humanoid now moved to a sitting position and a long tube of white light reaching some 50 meters outside the window appeared in front of him. The image of the humanoid then faded three times, after which only fuzzy lines remained. She was not able to see the face, hands or feet of the humanoid.
HC addendum
Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland
Type: E
Location. Sverdlovsk, Russia
Date: November 1991
Time: night
Someone pushing down hard on him suddenly awakened 42-year old Victor K at night. After opening his eyes he was surprised to see a man dressed in white clothing standing before him. As Victor attempted to rise from the bed he found himself totally paralyzed and unable to speak. Mentally he asked the stranger the following question: “Who are you”? Suddenly the stranger turned to him and Victor was stunned to see that instead of a face he had what appeared to be a “plate” or flat screen on his face. And then Victor saw unknown images and pictures running through the screen. Somehow Victor understood that this was the means to communicate with the stranger. Victor then asked, where are you from? Reciprocal picture appeared on the facial screen of a volumetric image of our galaxy from a different point of view, in successive pulsations it presented several celestial bodies. Victor then asked, “What will happen to the earth? Reciprocal picture: Large apple tree, under it an anthill. Apple tree grows; it becomes large and moves aside the anthill. On the spot where the anthill grew now he sees hundreds of dead ants. Victor then asks, “How can we save the Earth? Interestingly instead of a picture he received a telepathic answer, “Stop the unrestricted use of energy and the use of “atoms”, energy on earth is obtained irrationally. The tenth planet of your solar system perished because of this reason. Victor then asked, what is the time difference between you and us? Reciprocal picture: A quiet calm creek and a stormy waterfall then the numbers, one year and ten minutes. Victor then asked, how do you moved in space? A voice answered, “We do not move, we are everywhere all the time”. Victor then asked, are the UFOs your ships? He then receives a curious answer, “No those are terrestrial in nature, and we don’t use them”. Victor, Why did you contact me? He heard a voice, “We want to make you our representative on Earth”. Victor then added, Why precisely me? Voice answered, “You possess sequential thinking. We need a representative since we expend to much energy during terrestrial materialization.” Victor was then shown what he understood was a very ancient book. Some of the pages were black. And suddenly he understood that it was the bible and some of the information within was incorrect. The stranger then promised Victor that he would return in six months and then noiselessly dissolved into thin air. Victor was then able to rise from bed and walked over to the kitchen where he felt as he was running a fever and fell exhausted to the floor and slept until the next morning. Six months later Victor suffered from unexplained seizures, headaches and strange markings were found on his body. Several items except for the bible unexplainably caught fire in his house and were completely reduced to ashes.
HC addendum
Source: Svetlana Semenova, X-Libri UFO, Russia
Type: E or F?
Location. Budapest, Hungary
Date: November 5 1991
Time: night
The witness was walking home when three tall hooded figures approached him from a nearby open field. As they passed by him one of them touched him and he was suddenly overcome with a strange feeling. He turned around and the beings had already vanished. Later that same night while relaxing in his apartment the same three beings appeared before him and vanished. He felt a slight itching sensation on his forehead and after checking his face he found a small red spot on his temples.
HC addition # 1994
Source: Unicus Vol. 3 # 3
Type: E
Location. Beit She’ an, Israel
Date: November 6 1991
Time: night
There was a “visitation” of a giant to the home of police chief Yitzchak Mordechai in the north of Israel. This led to a six-hour chase involving 300 soldiers in 19 jeeps all the way to the Jordanian border. The being is said to have stopped at the border fence and disappeared. (Other sources indicate that what was seen was a huge triangular shaped craft).
HC addendum
Source: Jam-packed Bible—Xtra Terrestrials
Type: E? There is some confusion about this incident. It appears that it was a large boomerang shaped craft that was seen, not a giant humanoid, but information is not conclusive.
Location. Budapest Hungary
Date: November 8 1991
Time: night
The same witness as in the previous case was lying in his bed when he got the impression that someone was watching him. Moments later a man wearing a bright suit appeared near him. The alien told him via telepathy that “he needed him because he was not an average man,” he then walked through a wall and disappeared.
HC addition # 1995
Source: Unicus Vol. 3 # 3
Type: E
Location. Daviston, Alabama
Date: November 9 1991
Time: night
The witness was riding around some back roads when he saw a bright light in the trees about 150 yards away. Next he saw the light come out of the trees and then noticed a round, but flattened “cloud” emerged behind the light. The cloud followed the bright light and flew over the witness and his vehicle. The light and cloud lit up the road around the witness. The vehicle engine then went completely dead. The next thing he remembers was traveling further down the same road and noticing behind him the white ball and two clouds this time. Upon reaching home his family noticed that he smelled like “burnt cinnamon.” He also found reddish purple stains on his hands that he could not explain. His vehicle had two 4-5 inches long, and wide, splotches on the front driver’s side. He developed health problems weeks after the incident. The witness also noted a time loss. Later under hypnosis, he recalled that the bright light had been really a saucer shaped vehicle. He had attempted to grab a shotgun, but was prevented by a four-foot tall gray humanoid that took him onboard the object. Onboard his eyes were examined and apparently an implant was taken out from behind one of them. The being that performed the surgery was smaller and brown in color. Later he was taken to an upper floor inside the craft, and there he encountered humans in military style coveralls. One was apparently a flag rank officer. There he passed out while being examined again. On waking up he found himself being helped by a young soldier, athletic appearing with short cropped hair. The next thing he remembers was being escorted back to his vehicle by the “gray” type alien.
HC addition # 2644
Source: John C Thompson
Type: G
Location. Hipodromo de Victoria, Argentina
Date: November 16 1991
Time: 0215A
7 witnesses observed a bright light behind the local airfield. Immediately they began signaling the light with their flashlights. The reaction was immediate, the light began approaching their location. Soon after that a bright glow was seen hovering over a nearby wood, about 100 meters away from the witnesses. The witnesses used a pair of binoculars to look at the object and could see that it was very large. They also saw two short luminous humanoid figures walking back & forth apparently in front of the object. The two figures then seemed to come together and disappeared in front of the object. After 15 minutes the object left.
HC addendum
Source: Silvia Perez Simondini
Type: C
Location. Near Delavan, Wisconsin
Date: November 30 1991
Time: 1000A
A man and his wife driving on highway 11 spotted a strange creature that crossed the road in front of their vehicle. It was described as a large black furry wolf-like creature, which had a terrible unkempt look, it ran on all fours as it quickly ran into the brush.
HC addition # 602
Source: Linda S Godfrey, Strange Magazine # 11
Type: E
Location. Carolina Puerto Rico
Date: late November 1991
Time: 2100
The witness was en route to a store on a roadway along a rural area when he heard some noises coming from the nearby brush. He looked in the direction of the noises and saw two strange looking short creatures. They were 3-foot tall and were wearing a tight fitting silvery outfit that was very shiny. Their heads were large and they had large pointed ears, they also had large bright white eyes. The witness did not notice a mouth or a nose. Both of the creatures were encased in a mild glow. The beings were collecting plant and rock samples and putting them in a small vase-like container. The beings suddenly noticed the witness and ran through the brush, quickly disappearing from sight.
HC addition # 329
Source: Jose Perez, Jorge Martin, Jorge Berrios, Enigma # 49
Type: E
Location. El Cobre Spain
Date: winter 1991
Time: night
Two sentries standing guard duty at an old abandoned prison had been hearing strange noises for several nights resembling doors closing and shutting. One night they heard noises coming from the rear area of some old cellblocks. They obtained a gas lamp and went over to investigate. They approached an old section where they were some paneled windows located. Upon getting closer they noticed a dim light coming from behind the windows. Upon closer investigation the light suddenly became extremely bright, completely illuminating the area. Curiously no light emanated from under the door. Then they both watched stunned as a luminous figure appears behind the window. They follow the luminous figure along the windows and noticed that it appeared humanoid with a large head and torso. It seemed to be very tall, over two & ¼ meters in height. At one point it seemed to stretch out and then suddenly disappeared in plain sight.
HC addendum
Source: Manuel Benitez
Type: E
Location. Garden Grove, California
Date: December 1991
Time: 0130A
Thomas Puzzo (involved in other encounters) suddenly woke up in bed and unable to move. All he could move was his eyelids and eyeballs. Looking to his right he saw a pure white round figured being near his door. His head, arms and body looked rounded. His bottom eyelids were deformed. Standing to his right was a four ft tall off orange colored humanoid, his eyes were large and almond shaped and also of an off orange color, but a lighter shade than his body. He had a very small nose and a small slit mouth. These creatures were standing perfectly still in front of Puzzo’s closet. They stood behind a one-piece foot wide counter (about waist high) that was not part of the witness’s furniture. In front of each creature on the counter was a one half inch in diameter and one foot long stick. The sticks were painted with white enamel. Soon he felt a strange sensation on the back of his head near his ears. Behind each ear on his head was a very thin two-inch long line. These lines created a stress type sensation through the sides of his head that was the source of his immobilization. They seemed to be thinner than a hair. Then he realized that a loud humming or “engine” like sound was coming from the white creature near the door. At this point the witness lost control and began to scream, he was soon able to move his head and as he became more mobile everything disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Thomas Puzzo, Down to Earth, unpublished
Type: E
Location. Bocana, Zihuatanejo, Guerrero Mexico
Date: December 1991
Time: 0300A
Eleven year old Blanca Mares Diaz was playing with some friends at the beach front during a party, while her parents danced at a nearby saloon, when suddenly a tall, blond individual, wearing a maroon shirt, loose fitting black pants, and a pair of sandals appeared in front of them. The stranger sat on a lounge chair and stared at Blanca, he then looked towards the sky and she did too, she then saw an oval shaped craft shooting overhead leaving behind a silvery bluish trail. When she looked back at the stranger he had vanished. After the encounter the young witness has suffered from skin rashes and menstrual irregularities.
HC addition # 3905
Source: Luis Ramirez Reyes
Type: C
Location. Devon, England
Date: December 1991
Time: 0300A
The son of a family involved in numerous strange encounters and paranormal events, remembers that in the early hours of the morning he encountered a very strange being standing in his doorway. He could only described it as looking something like a local cartoon character, “Captain Caveman.” Unnerved he pushed against the figure and it felt as he was pushing against warm jelly, or warm air, but there appeared to be a distinct substance to it. The figure had long scraggly hair and looked decidedly hideous. After a few seconds the presence started to “decompose”, as if to frighten him even more, it then just melted away and it was gone.
HC addition # 3792
Source: Malcolm Robinson, SPI
Type: E
Location. Stavropol. North Caucasus, Russia
Date: December 1991
Time: 0320A
Mrs. L B (involved in a previous encounter in October awakened again and noticed a couple of figures standing by her bed. The figures covered her legs with a blanket and shined a red light on the left side of her belly under the last rib. She rose up a bit from the bed and noticed one of the figures stretching his hand (the color of his skin was gray) and he had two fingered hands (!) and then making a hole into her skin and inserting a tube inside her body after removing it from a pocket on his breast. A greenish dark liquid began moving along inside the tube into a container they held. When the container was filled halfway they shone a violet light into the hole and removed the scar. She felt no pain during the operation. She heard the figures talking among themselves and heard then mentioned something about the pancreas. As the figures moved away the witness noticed that they wore high boots on their legs, gray suits and they long two fingered hands. She did not see their faces; she felt that some type of mental block prevented her from focusing on their faces. Both figures were males and spoke in calm even voices. Near the door to the balcony one of them looked back and in a threatening manner pointed his forefinger at the witness and said, “Don’t eat tonight, it might kill you”! They walked out into the balcony and disappeared. That same night she felt constant pain on her left side and then it became numb. She had a headache in the morning.
HC addendum
Source: Vladimir G Azazha PhD
Type: E
Location. Puerto Rico, exact location not given
Date: December 1991
Time: night
Delia V. reported that shortly after seeing a brilliant craft in the sky, she found herself standing in a metallic chamber occupied by a dozen or so very small, non-human beings, clad in gray. Delia remembers lying on a bed, screaming and crying, telling one of the bizarre figures that she could not give normal birth to the child she was carrying because her other children had been born by cesarean section. When she woke up she saw one of the beings with a child on his arms. Something deep inside her told her that the child was hers, but she was also afraid. She considered the child strange since it appeared to be a hybrid between humans and “extraterrestrials.” She was given the child to hold and was told by the creatures that it could not live among humans because it could not eat human food.
HC addition # 3304
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras and Other Mysteries
Type: G
Location. Purchase New York
Date: December 1991
Time: night
The witness, a young student in his twenties, had come to look at a local standing stone during the night. He was standing near it when vertigo overcame him and caused to fall to the ground against the rock. When he looked up he saw a number of dwarf-like creatures in hooded robes chanting and circling the stone. The noises the humanoids made resembled grunts made by an animal rather than anything a human would make. He lost consciousness and when he woke up the hooded beings were gone and everything had become quiet.
HC addendum
Source: Philip Imbrogno & Marianne Horrigan
Celtic Mysteries in New England
Type: E
Location. Uintah Basin, Utah
Date: December 1 1991
Time: late night
The witness again woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and as she came back to bed and lay down she felt something moving across the bed, she then saw two large hairy hands moving beneath her. She was then lifted from bed by a huge hairy “Bigfoot” type creature that then stepped back a few feet and rose straight up with her, apparently carrying her through floors and ceiling. She closed her eyes and felt rising up. She does not recall what happened and next thing she knew she was being deposited back in her bed. The being again held her hard and apparently became angry when she removed his hand and jumped on top of her but without any apparent harm to her.
HC addition # 1651
Source: James L Thompson, “Aliens and UFOs”
Type: G?
Location. Laboulaye, Cordoba, Argentina
Date: December 1 1991
Time: late night
Three young farm hands were playing cards in a small shack on the farm when a bright light coming from outside caught their attention. Frightened, they looked outside and saw a huge luminous object resting on the ground nearby. About 15 small humanoid figures were seeing walking and moving around near the object. The beings wore helmets with lights on them, resembling miners and seemed to have small capes on their shoulders. The object and humanoids were in the area most of the night. In the morning a circular ground trace was found at the landing site. A dog reacted during the incident.
HC addition # 2764
Source: Carlos Iurchuk, FAO
Type: C
Location. Bekes County, Hungary
Date: December 4 1991
Time: noon
After experiencing persistent vehicle trouble, the witness, a 65-year old farmer was doing some chores in the farm area, when he heard noises coming form pigs in a nearby sty. He went to check and suddenly felt a powerful odor and suffocating head, he passed out. He woke up 45 minutes later sitting in his work chair. He then left the room hearing a buzzing sound in his head and began seeing black rings in front of his eyes. The rings turned into a red sphere, he was then somehow forced to follow it completely loosing his will. He began doing odd chores around the house and as he did everything felt lightweight and every time he touched something he received an electric shock. The red sphere followed him everywhere he went. At 1600 he went to feed the pigs and when he was done he turned around and saw a human-shaped greenish figure standing in front of the door. The figure was described as of normal height and bright green in color. The witness walked to his house noticing that all the domestic animals were agitated. He went to bed and moments later the black rings and the red sphere returned. Later that night the witness went out into the yard and came face to face with the greenish figure. After 4 minutes the being rose into the air, leaving behind a V-shaped trail that became fog-like and disappeared. A booming voice was heard to say 3 times “I will come back!”
HC addition # 331
Source: Gabor Tarcali, Hungarian UFO Network
Type: E?
Location. Catlett, Virginia
Date: December 15 1991
Time: 1930
The witness was driving along an isolated farm road when she caught sight of a pair of low flying bright lights. The witness stopped the car and got out to look at the lights that were now blinking. The next thing she remembered was driving five miles further down the road. She arrived home with one hour of missing time and her ear lobes were bleeding. Later the witness had partial recall of being abducted by short pale beings with hollow eyes and long joint less fingers.
HC addition # 1692
Source: UFONS # 295
Type: G
Location. Parma Italy
Date: December 16 1991
Time: 0910A
University student Manuela B was studying in her bed when she looked out the window saw a bizarre figure floating outside. At first she thought it was a huge bird, but upon closer inspection she realized that it was a large humanoid figure, covered in greenish hair or wearing a greenish form-fitting suit. It had a squat head directly set on its shoulders, with two huge round staring luminous eyes. The figure then began moving in a horizontal flight, slowly turning his head like a robot. It moved up and down, changing positions as if surveying the area. At this point the witness looked out to see if there were other witnesses but did not see anybody around. She looked for her camera but at this time the being had disappeared towards a strange gray colored oblong shaped cloud that emitted several lighting bolts as the figure disappeared into it.
HC addendum
Source: Archivio SUF
Type: B?
Location. Adirondacks region New Jersey
Date: December 21 1991
Time: unknown
The witness recalls being on a hillside with another person and going over to a field to observe a large descending object. The object landed very close to the witness. Three tall human-like figures emerged from the object. They wore one-piece dark colored clothing. They apparently approached the witnesses and took them inside the object. No other details were recalled.
HC addition # 1668
Source: Karla Turner, PhD, “Taken”
Type: G
Location. Iza, Slovakia
Date: December 23 1991
Time: 0230A
The witness was walking back home and he was passing by a local graveyard he noticed something resembling a “tunnel of light” with what appeared to be a large humanoid head inside. He lost consciousness and woke up at 0302A. His clothes were wet.
HC addendum
Source: Dr Milos Jesensky
Type: E?
Location. Mainly Bekes, Hungary
Date: December 26 1991
Time: midnight
The 21-year old witness had heard a very loud voice in his room on the night of 12-4-01, telling him “You will meet us soon.” This was repeated for 11 nights in a row. He could not locate the source of the voice. On the night of the encounter he was returning home from the movies when he caught sight of a hovering shiny gray disc-shaped object over the courtyard. He was suddenly compelled to walk under the object and a beam of light descended on him from the bottom of the craft. He found himself inside the object looking out a window at his courtyard. Two 4-foot and a half tall beings stood in the room with him. The beings were human-like except that they had large heads and eyes. They had long arms ending in three-fingered hands. One of the beings communicated with the witness telling him that they had been watching him for three years and that they travel via inter-dimensional portals. A beam of green light hit the witness on his forehead and after that he only had vague memories of traveling to a moon-like planet and of seeing pyramids from above. He later found himself in his courtyard suffering from a terrible headache and feeling dizzy.
HC addition # 330
Source: Gabor Tarcali, Hungarian UFO Network
Type: G
Location. Near Longwy, France
Date: December 27 1991
Time: evening
Five young witnesses watched a large silvery sphere land on a field very close to their location. Two human like figures with blue eyes wearing gray combination coveralls emerged from the object. One figure was carrying something resembling a transparent cylindrical canister. The humanoid proceeded to walk around the object and collect various plant and soil samples and placing them inside the canister. After awhile the humanoids re-entered the sphere, which then rose up silently and shoot away at high speed. Ground traces were found.
HC addendum
Source: Ecol # 91, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: B
Total cases: 188
Addendums to be included as they become available.
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.