1995 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net
“Troublesome Things”
1995 signaled the beginning of a very bizarre year filled with high strangeness events that began in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico around March. The dawn of the so-called “Chupacabra” was at hand. Beginning with sightings of a small alien appearing creature in the Island and the start of bizarre animal mutilations and attacks. Pretty soon reports included several South American countries and the US mainland. Whatever the creature was sightings of a similar or related creature have continuously been reported up to 2004, with events now recently concentrated in Chile and Argentina. 1995 was a little noticed landmark year, it herald forth the incredible year of 1996 were the situation became even more bizarre and somewhat out of hand. In the US Chupacabra type creatures were reported widely in 1996 & 1997, with possibly some isolated reports in 2000-2001. In Brazil starting in 1996 with the Varginha episodes, strange creatures began appearing in the countryside, it was a completely new ball game, a completely new humanoid. There are some who think that it simply went away but they would be surprised to read the events of Chile in 2000 and 2001.
Location. Honolulu, Hawaii
Date: 1995
Time: 0400A
Ruth Trimble woke up in the early hours of the morning and saw in the kitchen, a 3-1/2 feet tall gray humanoid, apparently playing with her cat (!). The figure then noticed her and seemed surprised, he quickly jumped out the glass-sliding window and immediately disappeared from sight.
HC addition # 3873
Source: CAUS
Type: E
Location. Sudak, Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine
Date: 1995
Time: 1000A
A local resident, Georgiy, went to an embankment on the Black Sea for a breath of sea air. With a goblet of beer with him he stepped down to the sand and watched the horizon. It was a calm and beautiful day. Suddenly someone sneaked up to him from behind and puts a rubber mask on his head, Georgiy struggles and grabs the mask under his chin and pulled it off, thinking it was some kind of stupid prank. But in the next second he found himself amid a huge hall, he could neither see the sea or beach or sky. There were huge screens on the walls, multitudes of various control panels with buttons and chairs in front of them. When he looked down, he saw that he was holding a rubber mask resembling that of blue reptilian “monster”, skin like a lizard, covered with warts. Suddenly a door opened in the wall and three “monsters” entered the room. These resembled very much the face on the mask he was holding. They were tall, about 2 meters in height, blue in color, all covered entirely by warts, they were nude and were “awful” in appearance. One of them approached Georgiy and put his hand on his shoulder (the alien had three huge curved clawed fingers on his hand) and said in a low hoarse voice. “Homo Sapiens” Georgiy could see huge yellow fangs in his opened mouth. After that, seized by a terrific panic Georgiy began to scream, he jerked back, threw the mask on the floor and ran away. He entered a corridor and passed numerous oval doors, different screens and instruments. Overwhelmed by fear he ran into another room and there he was confronted by another blue reptilian humanoid. The humanoid opened his huge arms on his sides and said, “Where are you running to”? After that he pressed something on the wall and Georgiy saw what he called an “abyss”, endless space everywhere. He could see stars and beautiful scenes in space. He was trembling with fear when one of the blue reptilians approached him took his hand and said, “Do not be afraid”. He then accompanied the witness to the next room. In that room he saw hundreds of reptilian humanoids standing in ranks. All were standing shoulder to shoulder and all were looking at the witness. Suddenly they moved aside and the witness saw a beautiful woman with light hair, sleeping on a small sofa, she was totally naked. He saw her for several seconds and after that the blue reptilians close ranks again and she disappeared from sight. The alien then accompanied Georgiy to a screen. There were stars on the screen. The reptilian pointed with his claw at one of the stars and said, “Earth”. After that he embraced the witness with his powerful three-fingered hands and said, “Stay with us. We have no time and death.” Terrified Georgiy could only say that he wanted to go back home, that his mother was waiting for him and begged them to let him go. The alien then said, “Well then is there anything you want to know?” Georgiy could only think of one thing at that point, “How long will my mother live”? The alien answered, “As much as your age now”. After that the star on the screen began to approach very fast and began to resemble the globe of earth, he could see clouds. Suddenly Georgiy realized that he was standing near his house, but only in the opposite direction from where he had originally left. He had been gone for 5 hours. He noticed a peculiar detail; the coins in his pocket began to glow with a yellowish light when he took them out. This light disappeared in the morning.
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov quoting B V Ustinov in “The Secret Doctrine”
Nr. 9 2002
Type: G
Comments: Interesting report involving possible reptilians abducting a human. Who was the woman he reportedly saw sleeping on the sofa?
Location. Wedowee, Alabama
Date: 1995
Time: 1900
While riding in a van to join another group for a bingo game several church members were passing by a local poultry plant when they noticed a light on top of the building. They soon realized it was some type of flying vehicle as it began flying in their direction. The object described as resembling a “light bulb” followed their van as low as 12 feet over the road, sometimes moving within 50 feet. Two of the witnesses were able to make out a shadowy humanoid shape in the middle of the object, moving inside. As they drove under an overpass they found that the light was still with them. Some of the frightened passengers tried to duck and hide. Just before reaching the intersection of I-20, the object took up into the sky at a steep angle, trailing a trail or streak. The next day two of the witnesses complained of hurting, teary eyes, and dark circles down to their cheeks. The main witness claims her eyes were both brown before the incident, but she now has one blue and one green.
HC addition # 3222
Source: Walter T Sheets in Mufon Journal # 362
Type: A
Comments: Interesting effect in reference to the eye color and know of other similar incidents in the literature, some of those included in my summaries.
Location. El Yunque, Puerto Rico
Date: 1995
Time: night
The witness, who was involved in a Navy Seal rescue operation in the area in order to find two missing Navy seals, saw in the deep forest, using his flash light, two Navy seals emerge from the forest bringing with them a much smaller figure who’s head was covered with a poncho. No other information.
HC addition # 2805
Source: Macrihanish Document
Type: E or H
Comments: It brings to mind the retrieval operation in Varginha Brazil a year later.
Location. Between Kinyara & Kitanosie, Uganda
Date: 1995
Time: night
The anonymous witness whilst walking home on a road through the sugar cane fields, abruptly stopped by the side of the road by an unfinished air strip and turned to his left and there stood a huge red colored winged creature with glowing blond curly hair and what seemed to be a halo effect surrounding his head. The sugarcane at the time had been left uncut for many years and stood about 16 ft tall. The “angel” was about 12 ft tall and the most beautiful creature that he had ever seen, the being appeared to have an additional set of ribs that were below his normal ribs unlike a human being, at waist level his legs were fur like and it stood upon hooves instead of feet. They stood about 60 ft apart and just looked at each other for about 5minutes. The being exuded a very bright light from its body and his head, which gave a halo effect. The witness thrust his hand towards the being as a gesture of contact and at this point heard a message of a religious nature and of future warning for humanity, all in his mind. After the message the “Red Angel” turned and his wings unfurled and trailed behind his body as he returned back into the sugar cane. The witness continued to walk towards home. About 150 yards further up the road the “Red Angel” appeared again standing amongst the cane. The witness turned and faced him again, this time standing about 30 ft away, the being’s face, although white was glistening black as if in shadow. Soon the bizarre humanoid disappeared into the sugarcane field again.
HC addendum
Source: Direct from witness
Type: E
Comments: This bizarre creature would fall in the realm of the angel lore. The hooves are an intriguing fact, are we talking about a demonic type creature or an angel?
Location. Parana Argentina
Date: 1995
Time: night
On several occasions a young child reported encountering a gnome-like creature in the kitchen area. It seemed to appear from under the kitchen table. The gnome was described as human like, wrinkled skin that smiled at the witness spoke to him in an unknown language and caressed his face. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Argentina Misteriosa
Type: E
Location. Brisbane, Australia
Date: 1995
Time: late night
The witness suddenly found herself in a place with a “lots of empty rooms”, resembling a doctor’s waiting area. She felt peaceful without emotions or thoughts. Some female entities came to her, they appeared not to have any sexual organs, they were hairless and their skin was “spongy looking” and of a creamy texture. She felt these female beings had “beautiful bodies”. These beings walked her through a wall into a room; there were two other beings in that room. She lay on a table and felt paralyzed and heard a loud noise. Then she saw lights and felt pressure on her abdomen. She felt frightened and made the sign of the cross with her tongue and suddenly found herself back in her bedroom.
HC addition # 3151
Source: UFOICQ
Type: G
Location. Arizona, exact location not given
Date: 1995
Time: late night
A humanoid female being leaning over the bed awakened Elizabeth London at night. It was apparently given her an injection on her left arm. When she asked the humanoid what she was doing, she was told telepathically that when she had come to visit them last time she had brought germs indigenous to Earth. Soon she was rendered unconscious, and then she found herself in a medical facility with a contraption on her head that resembled a beekeepers hat. It was metallic on top with a very lightweight metallic mesh covering her face and neck. Somewhere in another room, she was being monitored as to the chemical analysis of oxygen as it was exhaled from her lungs through the metallic mesh of the “hat”. She attempted to remove the hat but the female being came through the door of the room, and told her she must keep the hat on until her lungs were regulated.
HC addition # 3804
Source: CAUS
Type: G
Location. Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England
Date: 1995
Time: late night
A local man told investigators that he had been abducted from his car by small gray aliens and subjected to an intimate medical examination onboard their craft. The abductee, a well-connected and successful businessperson, contacted the group seeking help. He described the creatures that carried out the act as being small, gangly humanoids about 4 ft tall with gray skin. They had narrow shoulders and long, thin extremities with three fingers on each hand. Facially their foreheads were wide and domed, set above a pointed chin, but no nose, only a slit for a mouth and wide black eyes.
HC addendum
Source: Cheltenham Psychic Research Group, UK
Type: G
Location. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Date: 1995
Time: late night
In a dream-like state at the house that he shared with his girlfriend the witness saw himself in a surgical operation being performed on a being that was sitting in a chair in a sparse room with one or two men in dark suits looking on. The operation consisted of three thick tubes or cables that had been inserted into the back of the head of the being in a horizontal line. The being’s skull was exposed so you could clearly see “brain matter” where the cables were inserted. The strange thing about this dream was that although he was looking on, the being in the chair was himself. The next event occurred about 4months later when the witness and his girlfriend were lying in bed close to midnight when he felt an electrical type jolt in the back of his head on the left side, which was followed immediately by another in the middle and then the right side of the back of his head. By then he had opened his eyes and started to look towards the ceiling and wall in front of him, where he noticed there a ripping or shimmering in the air towards the wall in front of him. The more he focused, the clearer it seemed until I could make out one and then another silhouette of the same type of being from the original dream-like experience, either walking towards or away from him. Soon he was able to sit up and everything suddenly returned to normal. He described the beings as having upturned football shaped heads, about 4-5 ft tall with spindly arms and legs.
HC addendum
Source: Mystical Universe
Type: G or E?
Location. Sedona Arizona
Date: 1995
Time: late night
A middle-aged couple, William and Rose Shelhart was driving outside of Sedona when they spotted a bright light in the sky following them. It soon became apparent that the light was playing a game of cat and mouse with them as it chased them down the road and eventually landed in a field next to them. That was the last thing they consciously remembered. Their next memory was arriving at a hotel in Sedona, several hours too late. Realizing they had missing time, they later sought out a hypnotist and recalled an incredible onboard UFO experience. They recalled being taken on board the craft and examined by nearly human looking uniformed extraterrestrials. While William’s recall was negligible, Rose was able to recall most of what happened, including an actual conversation that she had with the aliens. According to Rose, they were invited onboard and treated with kindness and respect. “They were just saying that they were here to help us. They told me that William was in another room receiving additional messages.” Rose asked where they came from. The aliens gave a typically enigmatic and evasive answer, replying, “We are from a place you don’t know about yet.” When asked about their purpose for coming here, their response was decidedly positive. “They said they are helping certain people here because they will help humanity.” Rose was unable to obtain any further useful information. She and her husband continue to have sightings and encounters, and William reports that he was healed of carpel tunnel syndrome as a result of his interaction with the aliens.
HC addendum
Source: Preston Dennett
Type: G
Location. Mariyskoye, near Kaliningrad, Russia
Date: 1995
Time: unknown
A UFO crashed into a forest outside the village of Mariyskoye, located about 8-10 km southeast of the city of Kaliningrad. The craft was almost intact and crashed into an isolated area of woods and bogs in the area close to a military reservation. It was seized and placed on the territory belonging to the 1rst Guards Separate Communication Regiment. The alien spacecraft was already opened when the military found it. When the army seized the disk it was already empty of its occupants. According to the first hand testimony of a soldier, V Verkhorubov, who accidentally caught a glance of the disk while in a surface hangar, the craft was dome-shaped and about 8-10 meters in diameter, with a vertical slit-like opening on one side. He was soon spotted standing near the disc by officers and was told to stay back since there was radiation present. Immediately after that all the soldiers in his unit were locked in their barracks. The object was dismantled into 6 segments and the segments were eventually moved by sea on a military transport cargo ship to the Russian port of Saint Petersburg and from there to the island of Novaya Zemlya and into a top-secret installation inside a mountain named “Lednik”.
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov, Larissa Chora, Irena Volyk quoting
Direct testimony from Verkhorubov
Type: H
Location. Stourbridge, West Midlands, England
Date: January-April 1995
Three times during between January & April the witness, John Sewell, woke up in an extreme panic unable to move, with the feeling that something was slowly pulling the bedclothes off. Each time he suddenly found himself able to move, but drenched in sweat and shivering with cold and fear. On two occasions he looked at the alarm clock and remembered the exact time. On the fourth occasion he forced himself to look up, the effort caused a painful strain of the neck muscles. At the foot of the bed, he could see a figure, which appeared to be that of a tall man, apparently wearing a cloak. He couldn’t make out any features, but there seemed to be a soft green glow, silhouetting the figure from behind. Terrified, the witness shouted obscenities and the figure vanished, disappearing into a central point like an old TV going off. At this point he could move fully, and once more checking the time, found it to be 0200A again.
HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times Site
Type: E
Location. Capivari, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: January 1995
Time: 0200A
During a rash of strange animal mutilations in a farm area, a group of farmers decided to arm themselves and mount night watch for the supposed predators. The first night several of the men where on guard duty in a makeshift wooden shack when all of the sudden there was a tremendous uproar among the animals in some nearby pens. Soon after that the men began hearing heavy footfalls and heavy breathing around the shack as if some type of creature was circling the building. At one point whoever it was attempted to push the door open and flung itself against the door. Gathering up enough courage some of the men looked out the window and saw a bizarre standing about 30 meters away holding itself up against a tree. It was described as about 1.80 meters in height and covered entirely in black hair. When the creature noticed that it was being watched it suddenly ran towards the shack on four legs, and violently flung itself against the door. The creature then fled into the woods emitting a very loud scream. Later on several men noticed what appeared to be several vultures circling a certain area of the woods. Upon investigating the reason why these birds were circling the area they were stunned to discover the carcass of a totally unknown hairless creature. Around the thorax area it had what appeared to be three holes from what appeared to have been a heavy caliber weapon. The body also appeared to have several blunt traumas. Upon turning the body over they discovered that the vegetation around it was browned as if exposed to very high heat. Apparently the creature was left in the same spot by the men and is unknown what became of it.
HC addendum
Source: CEPEX
Type: E & H?
Location. Pitahaya, Puerto Rico
Date: January 1995
Time: afternoon
The witness, a retired military officer, was exploring the thick wooded areas of the local rain forest when he came upon a strange creature that seemed to be inspecting a t very close range the leaves of a nearby plant. The creature was described as three foot tall, with a large egg-shaped head, large oval shaped eyes, positioned vertically on his face, and very thin arms. The humanoid’s skin was beige-brown in color. It appeared to be naked, and its body was totally covered with brown & black spots that seemed to interlace which each other. The creature looked inventively at the plant, moving his hands slowly up and down “as if feeling something from the plant.” It suddenly became aware of the witness presence, and quickly turned his head, looking directly at the witness. The witness began walking slowly towards the creature, which remained standing motionless. The witness was briefly distracted & turned his head, whereupon when he looked back the creature had vanished.
HC addition # 2123
Source: Jorge Martin in Evidencia OVNI # 6
Type: E
Translation by Albert S Rosales
Location. Fayetteville, Georgia
Date: January 1995
Time: late night
After her husband had gone to work the witness suddenly awoke and noticed two small humanoid beings sitting on her husband’s side of the bed. The witness stated that the beings were huddled together as if to hide from her, and appeared to have been afraid. One appeared to be a male, and the other a female, both about the size of a 5-7 year old child. One had short dark hair, and blue round eyes & both had beige skin, slightly crinkled or dry & round faces. Both entities wore light to medium tone garments. She attempted to touch them to see if they were real, but could not lift her arm to do so, she attempted to rise from bed but fell back down. She looked away from the beings, and then looked back and they were gone.
HC addition # 2673
Source: Tom Sheets, Mufon
Type: E
Location. Brancepeth Durham, England
Date: January 2 1995
Time: midnight
A woman driving on the A690 roadway suddenly notices that her car began to slow down. Then she sees what she describes as a “small leprechaun-sized man, yellow in color with almond shaped eyes” appearing to climb the grass verge at the side of the road with a “puppet-like action.” The lady slowed her car to walking pace where she was only yards away from the figure and observed it walking sideways up the grass verge for a couple of minutes.
HC addition # 2369
Source: UFONS # 311 & Bufora
Type: E
Comments: I wonder if some force field emitted by this bizarre humanoid caused the car to slow down.
Location. Manantiales, Victoria, Argentina
Date: January 7 1995
Time: 0130A
Four witnesses, Alberto Brunetti, Silvia Perez Simondini, Andrea Perez and Macarena Garcia noticed some lights in a nearby wooded area and grabbing some powerful flashlights decided to investigate. They drove up in a vehicle and approached on foot. Illuminating the area they noticed movement and lights and realized the lights were on two human-like figures that were moving in a bizarre fashion as if goose stepping in a straight line. The two figures, that moved in a strange synchronized fashion seemed to be attached at the waist, the lower part was more visible than the upper section. One appeared to be wearing blue pants the other brown pants. One of the witnesses reported seeing what appeared to be human like facial features. The upper section of their bodies appeared to be luminous. The witnesses then boarded their vehicle again and drove away from the area using a dirt road. Soon they saw green and white laser type lights in the woods that appeared to be directed at them.
HC addendum
Source: Proyecto CATENT Argentina
Type: E?
Location. St. Foca, Pordenone Italy
Date: January 7 1995
Time: afternoon
A local woman was returning from a friend’s house when she noticed, approaching from nearby a strange figure that moved in a rocking motion, seemingly floating above the ground. It was about 1 meter 1/2 in height, wearing gray colored coveralls and gloves, its face covered by a sort of balaclava helmet with two large diving scuba tanks on its back. She immediately tried to protect herself with her arm thinking that she was going to be attacked. As the humanoid approached she was able to notice, that it had two small black shiny eyes. It stared at the witness, emitting a strange mumbling sound, which the witness thought it was an attempt to communicate. Suddenly the figure rose up from the ground emitting a noise like a swarm of bees and was quickly lost from sight among the nearby fields.
HC addendum
Source: CUN
Type: E
Location. Via Anchiteta, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: January 7 1995 Time: night
A glowing disc shaped craft landed on a roadway. A meter tall figure was briefly seen standing next to the object. The humanoid had a large head and large black eyes. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: C
Location. Marion New York
Date: January 8 1995
Time: 0330A
A young girl reported seeing a bright light streaming through her bedroom window. When looking out she saw a four-foot tall humanoid figure & strange bright lights in the yard. No other information.
HC addition # 2339
Source: NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center)
Type: C
Location. Feira De Santana Brazil
Date: January 12 1995
Time: evening
A Mr. BPL saw a small metallic saucer crash in a lake. A port opened and two creatures emerged. One was about one meter tall with a large baldhead and big eyes and the other was a bit larger and hairy except for the hands and face. BPL used a long stick to pull them to shore, and then took them to his house. A report from an anonymous soldier of the 35th infantry battalion said he was part of a team that went to the farmhouse and carried the creatures out. The hairy one protested. One solider made the sign of the cross and said, “These are animals from another world.” Then Naval Intelligence officers arrived in a car and took control of the event. The saucer, being very light was put on a truck. Then a helicopter arrived and took the two humanoids. Another soldier confirmed the incident.
HC addendum
Source: Donald Ware, Filer’s Files # 21-2001
Type: H
Location. Bourgata, Israel
Date: January 12 1995
Time: night
Hannah Somech “felt” the presence of a giant humanoid watching over her bed and she ran the 100 yards from her house to her mother’s where, “I held my mother’s hands all night.” The next morning they saw the circles from Hannah’s house to her daughter’s bedroom window.
HC addendum
Source: Barry Chamish, Return of The Giants
Type: E
Location. Kadima, Israel
Date: January 13 1995
Time: unknown
Ufologist Zvi Bighest took several photographs of mysterious circles found on the ground along with shards of a shiny material found to be pure silicon. Some shards weighted over a pound. When the shots were developed, several tall bald, round faced figures could be seen standing at a distance, apparently observing the proceedings.
HC addendum
Source: Barry Chamish, FSR Vol. 41 # 1
Type: D
Location. Boynton Beach, Florida
Date: January 17 1995
Time: 0510A
The witness was at the corner of Congress & Gateway when she saw on the side of the road a seven-foot tall brownish being with long stringy arms and legs, an elongated head, & dark eyes. At the same time a transparent craft, shaped like a multi-sided crystal form with two other beings inside, “tumbled” across the road about 60 feet in front of the car. The witness slammed on her brakes and turns to see the object and humanoid gone.
HC addition # 2821
Source: Skyscan August 97
Type: C & A
Location. Olympia, Washington
Date: January 30 1995
Time: 2000
A young girl reported seeing several reptilian or lizard type humanoids with bright red eyes standing outside her bedroom window. Her father went to investigate but did not see anything. No other information.
HC addition # 2340
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Near Chiquihuitillo Mexico
Date: February 1995
Time: 2000
Rafael Garcia Arias was driving his truck near Lake Chapala when he saw a flash of light emerge from the nearby mountains and disappear into the distance. Immediately next to him, in the passenger seat, a small man about 30 cm in height appeared. Surprised he asked the little man where he was from and was told “From Lake Chapala.” The little man then said that they had a base at the depths of the lake. The witness reportedly then saw a vision of a submerged “city” encased in a glass like case. He was told that they were descendants of a crashed UFO that went down in the area thousands of years ago.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso
Type: E & F
Location. Near Dallas Texas
Date: February 2 1995
Time: 0300A
The witness suddenly woke up and found herself staring at a short thin white being. She was lying on her right side and its face was only slightly higher than hers. It was about 3 or 4 feet tall. Next she saw movement out of the corner of her left eye, she looked and saw its hand lifting slowly off her shoulder. Its hand had three very long, white, slender fingers with rather bulbous tips on the ends. The creature was very white and frail looking. Its abdomen was sunken and hollow looking which made its chest seem to protrude all the more. The being moved slowly toward the top of her head. She suddenly felt that the being was “scanning” her mind. A cold paralysis or “electric” sensation spread throughout her body as she heard the being whisper something. Her next memory was of seeing the being standing by the hallway staring at her. She then went back to sleep.
HC addition # 2978
Source: Amy Lynn
Type: E
Location. La Cañada, Avila, Spain
Date: February 9 1995
Time: 2155
A local 28-year old security guard was preparing his guard dog’s meal. The dog, that was tied to a large tonnage truck suddenly began to bark furiously and started looking toward some nearby railroad tracks. The witness looked around but did not see anything unusual; he gave the dog its food and went back into the guard shack. 15 seconds later the dog began barking again. Stepping out, the witness was confronted with a bizarre shiny white figure about 1.50 meters in height that floated silently in a horizontal position just above the ground. At the same time the guard dog’s food plate began to vibrate and “jump around.” The figure, which was wearing a flowing tunic and a conical hat that concealed its facial features advanced slowly towards the witness. The terrified witness noticed that the bizarre humanoid resembled a woman with long hair that carried something in one hand an object resembling a thick bar or baton. Terrified, he ran from the area and obtained additional witnesses. Upon returning to the site with the others they found bizarre symbols apparently traced on the ground with a sharp instrument. One of the symbols resembled a six-pointed star and others were “STN”, “BEL” and the letter “U”. Superstitious locals as attributed these symbols as “demonic” in nature.
HC addendum
Source: Iker Jimenez, Encuentros La Historia de Los Ovni En España
Type: E
Location. Near Vancouver, Washington
Date: February 10 1995
Time: 0630A
The main witness, Evan Canoose and two friends had been camping in the area of Larch Mountain Honor camp. The day in question Canoose was alone when he saw a strange creature about 30-40 feet away, but it had an “out of focus” quality. He and the creature stared at each other for 45 seconds, and he described the creature as red-orange, like an orangutan, built large, wide in the chest and waist, and having a black flat face and black chest markings. It occasionally moved its right arm and hand to and fro. There was no smell or noises heard. Evan estimated the height of the creature at 6’4″ based on where it stood next to a tree. Feeling uneasy, Canoose returned to his car and did not see the “blurry” creature leave. He did not tell his companions about the encounter until the trip home.
HC addendum
Source: Peter Byrne, The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 44
Type: E
Location. Near San Antonia Oeste, Argentina
Date: February 11 1995
Time: 0400A
Four witnesses had gone on a fishing expedition and had stopped at the side of the road after being overcome by sleep. They woke up with brief memories of being visited by several short hairless beings wearing luminous white suits that apparently examined them. The primary witness felt pain in her left arm. They also realized that their vehicle was parked at a different location miles away. Under hypnosis one of the younger witnesses remembers the little men being accompanied by a tall heavy set being, with large eyes, a baldhead, long arms, wearing a gray outfit. This one apparently directed the little men. Another member of the group remembered being floated out of the vehicle into a dark place. The primary witness also remembered several tall female-like beings performing some type of operation on her left arm. Locals reported seeing luminous objects in the sky around the same time.
HC addition # 3206
Source: CIFO Argentina
Type: G
Location. Hanret, Hainaut Province, Belgium
Date: February 21 1995
Time: 2000
Veronique V (involved in previous incidents) had gone outside with a car mechanic in order to fetch her car, which had broken down. Once outside both saw a strange light in the sky. The mechanic thought it was a plane and towed the car, while Veronique remained outside and sees the light descending towards her house. Without any rational reason she begins to panic and rushes inside her house, switches off the lights and turns on the television. At the same time her dogs began howling in the backyard and her smaller Yorkshire terrier begins to growl as if a stranger was in the house. After a while Veronique goes upstairs and looks out the window. She then notices that the room appears to be without walls (?) and she could see a hovering triangular-shaped object that shines a beam of white light towards her. On the triangle’s apex she could see different colored lights. The white beam of light lasts for about 10 seconds. The object then begins to circle the house and Veronique experiences some kind of attraction towards the object, but she fights against it. Suddenly everything disappears and everything returns to normal.
HC addendum
Source: Gerard Grede, Daniel Bukens, SOBEPS
Type: F or G?
Abduction attempt?
Location. Rivas, near Managua, Nicaragua
Date: February 23 1995
Time: 2100
Four boys, including 6-year-old Royllin Reyes Martinez, had been watching television at home, when an engine like noise and a strong light coming from the sky distracted them. They all went outside and saw what appeared to be a “helicopter” landing at the nearby “Gaspar Cracia Laviana Town Sports Center.” They all rode their bicycles to the site to see what it was. As they approached they all could see a very bright craft that had landed on the ground, Royllin attempted to approach but could not due to the intense head. Then three of the children briefly saw two short “robot like creatures”, next to the object. The beings were “talking with a sound similar to insects” and had what appeared to be antennas and were very strange in appearance. Finally the craft and beings left, leaving the young witnesses in a near state of shock.
HC addition # 2134
Source: Aubrey Lewallen in National UFO News May/June 1995
Type: C
Location. Near Tillamook, Oregon
Date: Spring 1995
Time: night
James (21), his brother Greg (19) and about a dozen other friends were partying out in the forest in an area called Brown’s Camp. James and Greg were partying away from the group on the top of a hill that was overlooking a rock quarry. Just as they were standing they noticed lights of some kind of craft that was silently cruising over the trees down the valley. They went inside their pickup truck and watched the craft speed over them and stop at about 20 ft above them. Now nobody but James remembers this part. A red beam of light shot out from the bottom of the craft hitting first the other two and then James. He said that his brother and friend became motionless as he still trying to fight it. They were definitely taken somewhere other than where they were. When they first got back to camp nobody would believe them. As the night went on other groups of people would disappear only to mysteriously reappear later even denying that they were even gone. Although it was at least midnight they could hear motorcycles and four wheelers screaming through the forests in total darkness. A blue fog descended on the camp. Then a black triangular shaped craft descended near the camp but behind a wall that was made of a single row of trees and blue mist. It just stayed there as if observing them but no one thought anything about it. About this time a man came out of the darkness and told Greg and a couple of others that everything was all right and that they would be OK. Then he walked off into the darkness again. They thought that he might have been wearing a military type of uniform. Some others remembered seeing beings that looked like typical “grays” but instead of black eyes they had bright orange eyes. Some remember seeing a being that was taller and more “praying mantis type.” It was definitely the one in charge. Some people remembered seeing little creatures resembling the fuzzy Ewoks in Star Wars. These creatures would disappear into tree stumps (hidden portal?). As the group left the camp they kept running into strangers on motorcycles and four-wheelers speeding around the forest in the dark with their lights off.
HC addendum
Source: UFO MAN, Portland UFO Stories
Type: G?
Location. Near Aloha Oregon
Date: Spring 1995
Time: night
Driving along a lonely stretch of road James saw what he believed to be UFOs following him. One night James heard a voice in his head that told him to go to a certain street not too far from where he lived. This street is on a big hill that is just south of 185th and SW Farmington Road. When he got there he parked in the cul-de-sac, which had some houses around it. His girlfriend waited in his truck. Over in the shadows of the trees he could see someone standing there. He went over to the trees. There he saw up close a being, which he described as looking more bug-like than anything else. It was about 5 ft tall and had orange eyes. He said it had a fluorescent yellow mane of hair but not really hair. Off to each side were two more identical beings but a little shorter and no yellow manes. And off sitting in the trees were the small Ewoks type creatures. He carried a conversation with the creature using mental telepathy. He “heard” what the creature was saying through pictures in his mind and then he would speak back to it. He had taken a bible with him and asked the creature if it was true or not. The being said something to the effect “Yes there is a God.” James said that someone came out of their house about 75 ft away but acted as if they couldn’t see James and all the weird creatures. James was later involved in a couple of more strange incidents.
HC addendum
Source: UFO MAN, Portland UFO Stories
Type: E
Location. Afula, Israel
Date: March 1995
Time: unknown
Four astonished young women watched an oversized hairy hovering & floating head in their apartment garden for twenty minutes before the appearance of a seven ft giant in the adjacent parking lot sent them scurrying in terror. All witnesses felt the giant was a female.
HC addendum
Source: Barry Chamish, FSR Vol. 41 # 1
Type: E
Location. Chernihivarea, Ukraine
Date: March 1995
Time: unknown
A local farmer, Nazar Kopov reported experiencing an abduction that “changed his life forever”. More precisely he claimed to have had numerous abductions throughout the years, and close communication with human-looking entities. He was reportedly enriched with numerous data about different subjects, including terrestrial politics, ecology, etc. As a result he became a vehement supporter of the “green” ecology movement. No other data is available.
HC addendum
Source: Yaroslav V Sochka, UFODOS, Anton Anfalov
Type: G
Location. Allende, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Date: March 1995
Time: around dawn
Four families had gone in a hunting trip on the grounds of a local ranch when several of the young members found a strange gelatinous substance and what appeared to be strips of flesh strewn about in the fields. Terrified they went back into the ranch house; on their way there they saw more fleshy strips and green gelatinous substance near the house. During the night an unknown creature kept scratching at the door. To scared to look outside the group remained hidden inside. At dawn one of the men saw a strange 5-foot tall figure quickly leaving the area. Their vehicles were also found covered in green jelly-like substance. Dead mutilated livestock was also found at the site.
HC addition # 2949
Source: Marco A Reynoso
Type: E
Location. Near Phillip Island, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Date: March 1995
Time: night
After a group of people had observed unusual lights shining into the room, one of them went outside. Some type of “energy” hit her and her friends caught her. An out of body experience happened, during which she found herself confronted by 5 small beings with large eyes, approximately just over one meter in height. One of them spoke to her telepathically. Next thing she was back in her body.
HC addition # 2729
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: F
Location. Morningstar Alabama
Date: March 1995
Time: night
Going out to investigate a commotion in the rabbit pen, Rosie Rainer encountered several dead and strangely mutilated animals. She saw, running quickly away from the area a tall dark hairy creature with long clawed hands, it disappeared swiftly into the woods. She only saw the back of the creature.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E
Location. Togliatti, Russia
Date: March 1995
Time: night
Svetlana Koltsov unexpectedly felt sick and filled with nausea and a feeling of vertigo. She was diagnosed as being pregnant, which was incredibly to her since she was a virgin. Her stomach grew increasingly bigger as the weeks went by and one Svetlana was at home watching television when suddenly her small room became engulfed in a bright light. The bright light, struck Svetlana directly on her eyes. She then found on a table and for some reason she could not move. Next to the table stood several man-like figures, human in appearance and wearing gray-blue clothing. She soon lost consciousness and found herself sitting before her television set again. On the eighth month of her pregnancy the same situation repeated itself, again she found herself lying on a table, while several men studied her. It felt as if the embryo was then extracted from her womb. She wanted to cry but for some strange reason could not. She saw her child being placed into a transparent container, filled with some clear liquid. One of the men then approached her and told her, “Everything is fine. You gave—we took.” She is currently being treated by a psychologist and is fearful that the “aliens” will someday return for her.
HC addendum
Source: X-Libri UFO Russia
Type: G
Location. Near Skrunda, Latvia
Date: March 2 1995
Time: unknown
After being shot at by another UFO a craft reportedly crashed into a forest 100km southeast of Riga. The craft was almost intact and crashed into an isolated area of woods and bogs in the area close to a military reservation and was recovered by a Russian military communications unit possibly working at the Skrunda radar station. According to a 1rst hand eyewitness, soldier, V Verkhorubov who accidentally caught a glance of the disk while it was in a surface hangar. The craft was a dome-shaped disk about 7-8 meters in diameter, with a vertical slit opening on one side. His commanding officer noticed him near the disk, watching closely many details of the disk. Suddenly his commanding officer yelled at him, “Radiation, get away”! After that all the soldiers of the unit were locked back again in the barracks. The disk was already opened when the military found it. Three dead humanoids were found onboard, all killed by the hard impact, including 2 bio-robots and another conscious alien. The three dead aliens were of the gray type, their skin was green-grayish, they were dwarf-like with big hairless heads, huge eyes, Asiatic looking faces, hands with four webbed fingers and hoofed feet. The bodies were extracted from the disk and moved expeditiously by a military airplane from a nearby Latvian military aerodrome to Moscow by a special recovery team. The bodies were transported in cryogenic containers. Inscriptions found inside the disk resembled Sanskrit. The disk was moved to a surface hangar in a military industrial complex in Korolyov, in the vicinity of Moscow just north of it. There it was dismantled into 6 segments. The segments of the disk were then eventually moved to the island of Novaya Zemlya, a top-secret military installation build inside a mountain code-named “Glacier”. The autopsy of the alien bodies and their preservation was performed in an isolated top-secret underground bunker located under building on the territory of a military biomedical research center east of Solnechnogorsk.
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov list, quoting Lev Melnikov, Larissa Chora, and clairvoyant
Lenura Azizova
Type: H
Location. Tonbridge, England
Date: March 3 1995
Time: 0200A
A Mr. Ruby was awoken by the sound of his dog barking frantically in his bedroom. He could hear noises coming from the downstairs kitchen, as if chairs were being moved about. He got out of bed to investigate, thinking that a burglary was taking place. He armed himself with an old military police truncheon before proceeding to walk carefully downstairs. He was more concerned about his little dog, which had run down the stairs ahead of him. When he got to the kitchen he turned the light on and was confronted by a figure about five feet tall, wearing what seemed to be an all in one silver suit. His dog was barking at the figure but would not approach it. At first the witness assumed that it was a teenage boy who had broken into the house wearing some kind of costume. As he moved towards the figure with the truncheon raised, it did not retreat it just suddenly vanished into thin air before the witness eyes. He was able to remember that there was no sign of eyes, nose, or mouth visible through the suit. He then noticed that the battery-operated clock on the kitchen wall had stopped at 150A.
HC addendum
Source: Tony Dodd, UFO Magazine, England
Type: E
Location. Ammon, Idaho
Date: March 10 1995
Time: 0545A
Witnesses observed a circular metallic object with lights hovering over the area. One of the witnesses reported receiving a telepathic message from the craft. No other information.
HC addition # 2357
Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter June 1996
Type: F
Location. Petange, Luxembourg
Date: March 12 1995
Time: 2205
Three witnesses watched a large green sphere on the ground. 3 humanoids wearing silvery coveralls were seen walking around and in front of the sphere. After a while the scene vanished. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Raoul Fischer, La Circulaire 4-1995
Type: C
Location. Joshua Tree National Monument, California
Date: March 14 1995
Time: 1130A
Charles Little and his fiancée watched two hovering objects one in front of the car the other behind it. They apparently blacked out, and came to, two hours later. At a later date under hypnosis, Little remembered being inside a rounded object with several rooms, a main control room with large windows and an examination room with a small table. They encountered three types of humanoids, short grays with huge black oval shaped eyes, tall reptilian creatures, and short hooded humanoids. After the abduction, Little found a mark on his upper thigh and nodules behind the ears. Four years later his fiancée died of esophageal cancer. Little believes it was somehow related to the incident.
HC addition # 3824
Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: G
Location. Tres Lagos, Matto Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Date: March 14 1995
Time: night
Near this community a werewolf-like creature attacked a well-known soccer player as he left a family reunion. According to Dourado de Paula and two individuals who witnessed the attack, the creature stood six and a half feet tall, was entirely black in color, and had red eyes and a pointed tail. De Paula managed to drive the monster off with a stone after it had nearly succeeded in seizing him.
HC addendum
Source: Brad Steiger, Out of The Dark
Type: E
Location. Saltos Cabra Puerto Rico
Date: middle of March 1995
Time: night
Two anonymous police officers responding to a call in reference to some lambs found mutilated at a local ranch, saw standing on the side of the road, a strange 4 foot tall creature, described as humanoid in shape, orange-yellow in color. The officers did not see any facial features since it was dark. In a quick sudden move the creature ran to its left and into the thick brush disappearing from sight. When one of the officers attempted to follow the creature he was overcome by a sudden headache & severe dizziness & had to be assisted by his companion.
HC addition # 2111
Source: Jorge Martin in Evidencia OVNI # 6
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: This case appears to have been the beginning of the so-called Chupacabra epidemic. Also the January 1995 Pitahaya case was significant. The dizziness experienced by the witness is very significant also since it appears that the humanoid exerted some type of “control” over the witnesses, indicating the very interesting display of intelligence by the bizarre creature.
Location. Ramat Hasharon, Israel
Date: mid March 1995
Time: night
A young woman watched a giant male figure wearing a tight-fitting silvery metallic outfit in her garden. Plaster casts were taken of huge footprints left on the scene. These show similarities to other prints found at previous locations.
HC addendum
Source: Barry Chamish, FSR Vol. 41 # 1
Type: E
Location. Near Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Date: March 16 1995
Time: 0130A
An eight-year old boy told his mother that in the middle of the night, he woke up to see an alien enter his room through his second story townhouse window. The humanoid was between 2 1/2 and 4-1/2 ft tall, with pointed ears, slanted almond eyes, and three fingers on each hand. The alien somehow took him out of his bedroom through the window, and out to a flying saucer that was hovering outside. The object was “dovetail shape” and gray in color. Upon entering the ship, the boy noticed “pinky, orange cushioned walls that smelled similar to paint.” They communicated telepathically. They assured the boy that he would be all right, he was surprised to notice that they all wore “five fingered” medical gloves and necklaces with star-shaped emblems. He was then placed on a table. Some sort of instrument was placed on his chest while “medical tests” were performed on him. One alien placed a hand over his eyes and he fell asleep. He woke briefly as the aliens bumped him into something. He was then returned to his room through the window. Several scab-like scars, square in shape were found on his chest.
HC addendum
Source: Christ Rutkowski, Abductions & Aliens
What’s really going on
Type: G
Location. Miami Beach, Florida
Date: March 16 1995
Time: 2230
Two women driving on Collins Avenue near 71st. Street noticed several lighted disc-shaped objects hovering over the ocean. One was apparently larger than the others. The larger craft then approached their vehicle. At this point they were able to see a dome with lighted window-like openings. Inside one of the windows a humanoid figure could be seen standing apparently looking out. They could also see red and white lights around the disc’s perimeter. The craft then rejoined the other objects hovering over the ocean. The witnesses then drove away.
HC addition # 2073
Source: Mary Margaret Zimmer, Mufon
Type: A
Location. Franklin Georgia
Date: March 19 1995
Time: night
The witness was lying in bed with her husband looking out the window when she saw a figure suddenly pop up. The entity was described as short, “gremlin” like, yellow-brownish in color, large round eyes & pointed ears. She told her husband but he looked up and the creature was gone. Apparently by means of some mind control, the witness told her husband “They did not like him” that “They want us to go to sleep.” The husband got up and went over the window and saw nothing. The being apparently had some type of headgear on, and was about 3/2 feet tall. Also right before seeing it, she saw a small white light on their bedroom ceiling. She felt calm during the encounter and thought she was under some type of control.
HC addition # 2643
Source: John C Thompson
Type: E
Location. Orocovis, Puerto Rico
Date: March 26 1995
Time: 0600A
Jaime Torres, was standing watch in a ranch area, looking out for reported “UFOs” in the vicinity when he noticed, perched up on a branch of a large tree, a short humanoid creature, with a large hairless head. It had two large slanted eyes, a small mouth, and a pointed chin. The creature had long thin arms ending in four thin long “fingers” or claws. Its legs were a little thicker but also had four claw-like appendages. The witness also noticed that the creature’s skin was apparently of different colors, that included gray (on the facial area), maroon, yellow, and purple. As Torres watched, the creature made a strange gesture, slightly turning its head to the side & at the same time emitting a low buzzing sound. At that moment Torres felt a sensation of sleepiness & dizziness. He was able to overcome the feeling in time to see the creature jump from the tree and run into the woods.
HC addition # 2112
Source: Jorge Martin in Evidencia OVNI # 6
Type: E
Location. Orocovis, Puerto Rico
Date: March 28 1995
Time: 1700
At the same time that the investigator was in the area, searching a wooded section, another man saw a four-foot creature that had climbed up halfway a trunk of a tree. The creature was described as having smooth gray skin, no hair, and a round head, with a dark face, a thick torso, and thick short “legs”. It also had long thin arms ending in four thin long fingers. The creature suddenly ran into the brush and vanished.
HC addition # 2113
Source: Jorge Martin in Evidencia OVNI # 6
Type: E
Location. Saltos Coli, Puerto Rico
Date: March 30 1995
Time: 2225
Margarita Torres had been watering some plants with a hose in her backyard, when she noticed, standing some 75 feet away, a short 3-foot tall creature. The entity had a large round head, it was thin, with long thin arms, and it also had large black eyes. Its skin was gray in color. The being had stepped out of the woods and was now walking up a nearby hill. The witness stood transfixed unable to move an inch. As the being moved away, Mrs. Torres was suddenly able to move again, and ran to get her husband. Both now went to look for the creature and found it hunched over looking at a nearby bull in a pasture. The bull had apparently noticed its presence and was acting nervously. As the couple neared the creature, Margarita began screaming hysterically, causing the creature to run very fast into the woods and vanish.
HC addition # 2114
Source: Jorge Martin in Evidencia OVNI # 6
Type: E
Location. South Dade County, Florida
Date: early April 1995
Time: afternoon
The witness had been driving on US 1 when he noticed at a fairly high altitude what appeared to be a silvery cigar shaped object that suddenly came out of the clouds & accelerated at high speed quickly disappearing from sight. A few moments later a jet aircraft appeared and seemed to follow the same path as to that of the object. Later that afternoon as the witness & his family arrived to their home, after doing some grocery shopping, both himself & his wife, and their young 4 year old son, noticed, as they entered their home, a tall man-like figure who seemed to have been wearing a brown monk-like habit. The figure stood in the living room briefly, and then vanished.
HC addition # 2093
Source: Personal Investigation
Type: D
Location. Saltos Cabra, Orocovis, Puerto Rico
Date: early April 1995
Time: night
A local police officer saw something like a large bird flying in the dark sky over the area. It had a long neck, and what appeared to be an elongated snout instead of a beak, and wings that didn’t appear to have feathers but something more like the mobile appendages or false “wings” of a manta ray-fish. The officer claims he had seen the creature flying over the area frequently.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, FSR Vol. 45 # 1
Type: E
Location. York, England
Date: April 1995
Time: 1245A
Mrs. D. J. Singleton was driving by herself late at night & had just crossed the river Aire & was halfway to the Liverpool canal bridge when suddenly the hairs on the back of her neck stood up & she was overcome with terror. Having then crossed the bridge she saw standing on a curb a 7 foot tall “shaggy shape” about 4 feet wide. It was covered from head to foot in long dark hair; it had no visible face or limbs. The moment she saw the creature she turned away and got the feeling that if she looked directly at the “thing” she would die. Mrs. Singleton accelerated past it and glanced in her rear view mirror to see it shuffle off the curb and into the road where the car had just been. She quickly drove away at high speed.
HC addition # 2577
Source: Fortean Times # 97
Type: E
Location. Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Date: April 1995
Time: evening
Maria Bone and her younger sister were walking along a local park when they noticed a small child-like creature that appeared to be chasing a similar smaller creature at an incredible rate of speed. Upon noticing the witnesses the taller creature ran behind a tree and began making strange sounds apparently directed towards Maria. According to Maria the creature had a long neck, was gray in color and was about 4-1/2 ft tall. Its face resembled that of a bird with large black reptilian eyes. She observed the creature for about 15 minutes until it disappeared into the woods. The creature’s back resembled that of a normal human being. She informed the police about the incident but she was ignored. Mrs. Bone holds the opinion that the earth is going through changes of an evolutionary nature creating new species and creatures.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E
Location. Sogea, Zanzibar
Date: April 1995
Time: night
There were numerous reports of encounters with dwarf-like creatures with a Cyclops eye, small pointed ears, bat wings, and talons that attacked persons while sleeping. One supposedly attacked a peasant farmer Mjaka Hamad, who was dragged from his bed while he fought and screamed. He apparently got away.
HC addition # 2335
Source: Fortean Times May 1996
Type: E
Location. Near Brisbane Australia
Date: April 1995
Time: night
Natalia Ashton saw a bright orange flash or flame in the sky. At first she thought it was a helicopter but it was totally silent and it did not seemed to be flying very high. She could also see an illuminated human figure, which she assumed was the pilot. It disappeared in about three seconds. Minutes later she saw an orange light like a star flickering from one place to another. Other witnesses reported seeing the flickering orange lights over the area.
HC addendum
Source: Natalia Ashton, Journal of Alternative Realities Vol. 9 # 1 2001
Type: A
Location. Orocovis, Puerto Rico
Date: April 2 1995
Time: 1800
A group of about 15 persons, including children and adults had gathered on top of a wooded hill for a night of camping. While the children played, Mrs. Ana Torres & another woman noticed something standing next to a tree. Ana threw some stones at it, and it began moving. They then noticed that it was a short, 3-foot tall humanoid, gray in color. Afraid, the two women began screaming and calling the others. Other witnesses arrived including Mr. Ramon Colon, who saw the creature hiding behind a tree and making a loud hissing sound, that sounded “like a mocking gesture” to Colon. At one point one of the children’s soccer ball fell near the creature & as the children attempted to retrieve it, they found themselves face to face with it. One of the children, Jose Angel Cruz grabbed a stick and attempted to strike the creature but could no longer see it, the other children were able to see it and attempted to point out its location to Jose, but all he could see was a bright light in front of him. The creature emitted a hissing sound and the boy fainted, it then ran into the woods and disappeared. This time the creature’s eyes were described as con shaped and luminous white in color. As the police arrived they found strange tracks, and as one of the officers attempted to enter the woods in order to investigate, he was overcome by a strong headache & malaise and was unable to go on.
HC addition # 2115
Source: Jorge Martin in Evidencia OVNI # 6
Type: E
Location. Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany
Date: April 3 1995
Time: 0300A
The witness was alone in his room when several short gray entities appeared. Terrified he experienced telepathic contact with them and managed to blurt out “I love you, I love you!” The entities disappeared and three minutes later he found himself sitting outside his body as it lay on the bed. Suddenly from the base of his spine, poured forth a stream of the most beautiful golden light he had ever seen. The witness believes that it was a “soul” the grays had injected into his body. After that he experienced a happiness that he had rarely known in his life.
HC addition # 2936
Source: Andrew Brough, Australia
Type: E
Location. La Vega, Orocovis, Puerto Rico
Date: April 3 1995
Time: afternoon
Several children playing in an elementary school field noticed a short 4-foot creature standing next to a nearby tree. The creature was gray colored with a large oval head & huge dark eyes, it seemed to be distracted, looking intently at the passing vehicles on the nearby road. It moved its head rapidly from side to side. The frightened children quickly left the area, later when they returned the creature had left.
HC addition # 2117
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 6
Type: E
Location. Near Orocovis, Puerto Rico
Date: April 3 1995
Time: night
A young man driving on state road 155 on the outskirts of town was surprised to see a strange creature standing in the middle of the road. The creature was described as gray in color, about 4-foot tall, with a large oval shaped head, with large black eyes. Stunned, he stepped on the gas in order to get away from the area, but in an incredible development the short gray creature ran twice around the moving vehicle at terrific speed. Frightened the witness increased its speed and drove away from the area, thinking he had hit the creature with the car, he looked back and saw it still standing in the middle of the road. It then ran quickly into the woods and disappeared.
HC addition # 2116
Source: Jorge Martin in Evidencia OVNI # 6
Type: E
Location. Col De Vence, France
Date: April 5 1995
Time: 0100A
Witnesses watched a large sphere that emitted a bright blue beam of light, hovering about 300 meters away. Several shadowy figures could be seen moving inside the sphere.
HC addition # 2370
Source: Banque OVNI # 95
Type: A
Location. Rio Grande, El Yunque, Puerto Rico
Date: April 5 1995
Time: night
Several Park Rangers at the National Forest witnessed the crash of what appeared to have been an aircraft; they immediately set off to take a look at the object. When they arrived they found an object burning and humanoid bodies lying on the ground. The Park Rangers recovered the alien bodies and took them to their station. There one of the rangers took several pictures of one of the bodies, while it was lying on a stretcher. The humanoid was described as 4 1/2 to 5 foot tall, grayish skin with a rose tone. He had only four fingers and toes on each extremity, his arms reached down to his knees. His head was huge, he had eyes that looked big, and round, his mouth and nose were in proportion to that of humans. The body showed signs of first and second degree burns. The military supposedly came and collected the humanoids as well as the remains of the object and took them to the Roosevelt Roads Naval Station.
HC addition # 3619
Source: NUFORC
Type: H
Location. Coamo, Puerto Rico
Date: April 5 1995
Time: 2100
A young couple had just arrived at the home of the girl when as they were exiting the car, they heard sounds of footsteps coming from the nearby brush on the other side of the street. The witnesses looked in the direction of the noise and saw a short “horrible” creature with luminous white eyes. After the encounter the young man suffered from trembling and profuse sweating.
HC addition # 2118
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 6
Type: E
Location. Barrio Saltos, Puerto Rico
Date: April 5 1995
Time: 2200
16-year-old Doneris was looking out her second story bedroom window when she felt a strong impulse to look towards a certain spot, directly across the street, next to some bamboo plants. There she saw a short 4-foot creature, with dark gray skin, a large round head, and two luminous cone-shaped eyes that gave off a white-yellow glow. The creature was crouching down next to the bamboo, looking directly at Doneris almost with a hypnotic gaze. The creature moved its head slowly from side to side. The witness was finally able to call out for her mother, and then the creature vanished. Doneris also suffered from trembling and sweating.
HC addition # 2119
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 6
Type: E
Location. Adelaide, South Australia
Date: April 15 1995
Time: 0245A
The witness awoke to see two figures near the bed. One was at the end of the bed, the other near the window. The witness tried to move but was paralyzed. They seemed to read his thoughts. The entity near the window seemed to be transparent. They both disappeared through the wall-window area, the windows were locked, and the figures were about 1-1.3meters in height, with dark brown skin. They had strange markings resembling wrinkles on them. They wore blue to gray metallic suits and had large dark eyes and heads.
HC addendum
Source: Australian International Flying Saucer Research
Society Magazine
Type: E
Location. Morovis, Puerto Rico
Date: middle of April 1995
Time: near midnight
In an area where animal mutilations were being reported, a young mother, Idalia Maldonado, had gone to the kitchen to get her baby’s pacifier when she noticed a strange creature looking at her outside the kitchen window. The creature was short and appeared dark in color, it had a large round head, and two huge dark almond-shaped eyes, the eyes had slit-like pupils like those of a cat that gave off a yellowish-golden luminescence. For a few moments the witness was unable to move. She was finally able to call out for her husband and the creature then left. The creature had appeared short in stature, but the witness pointed out that the window was pretty high up from the floor and assumed that the creature had somehow been “floating” outside the window.
HC addition # 2120
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 6
Type: E
Location. Oslo Norway
Date: April 18 1995
Time: late night
The witness woke up in the middle of the night and was startled to see her bed surrounded by four short humanoid figures. The figures were man-like and wore white robes resembling those of a “Ku Klux Klan” member. The top of their heads was square and flat and they all had large slanted eyes, but human like in appearance. They seemed to be working on the witness leg and had placed some type of metallic apparatus on it, which caused some discomfort to the witness. There was apparent telepathic communication with the humanoids. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Norge
Type: E
Location. Naranjito, Puerto Rico
Date: April 23 1995
Time: afternoon
A local resident, Reynaldo Ortega saw a gigantic bird like creature standing on the roof of his house. Ortega had gone to look for a small goat on his property, since the epidemic of animal mutilations was ongoing. Ortega described the winged oddity as a creature between three and four feet tall, with the body and dense dark plumage of an eagle, a thick neck, and piercing red eyes. The nightmarish raptor had an even more peculiar characteristic; it had a wolf-like muzzle instead of a beak. The creature somehow resembled the mythological “griffin”. The creature apparently ignored Ortega and flew away. There had been animal mutilations in the area around the same time.
HC addition # 3273
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabra & other Mysteries
Type: E
Location. Porto Reconati, Italy
Date: May 1995
Time: morning
A farmer encountered in his field a very small humanoid figure, violet in color, with black hair, that smiled at him and then disappeared among the shrubbery. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: CISU, Notizie UFO # 49
Type: E
Location. Spokane, Washington
Date: April 29 1995
Time: night
Two witnesses reported seeing bright lights apparently on the ground near a river. A strange undescribed “creature” or humanoid was seen standing near the lights. No other information.
HC addition # 2094
Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter October 1995
Type: C
Location. Salisbury, Adelaide, South Australia
Date: May 1995
Time: night
A 20-year-old male awoke one night to find himself paralyzed. The next thing he felt was a feeling of movement into a dark place. In this place there were vague shapes around him, and he lashed out with his feet. A shape seemed to stumble backwards. He lost consciousness, coming too later in a well-lit environment with pain in his left kidney. Finally at 0400A he awoke in his own bed.
HC addition # 2730
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: G
Location. Near Sholow Arizona
Date: May 1995
Time: night
Several motorists on state Road 60 including Chris Riell spotted a bizarre and fantastic creature on the side of the road. It was standing erect on the side of the road and two huge hind legs. It had huge red glowing eyes and stood on the side of the road apparently in an effort to avoid being struck by a vehicle. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E
Location. Dayton, Ohio
Date: May 5 1995
Time: 1000A
The witness was asleep in bed when something startled her awake. She opened her eyes and about 5 ft in front of her stood a humanoid figure. The creature had a large head, with small black eyes. Eyes that stared at the witness with extreme “coldness”. It had large ears and no obvious reproductive organs. The body seemed to consist of small veins, and larger ones, with nothing solid beneath them. It was brownish in color, possibly “cloaking” itself. There was also a small, white spinning object about 2 ft from the witness. It was producing lost of light, but somehow it was contained. The light flash, and then everything vanished.
HC addendum
Source: EBE All web
Type: E
Location. Chalchitepec, Tepoztlan, Mexico
Date: May 5 1995
Time: 1700
Javier Tapia and his two daughters had gone into a wooded area in order to obtain some firewood. While collecting the wood, Mr. Tapia suddenly noticed a strange man staring at them from only a few meters away. Tapia was surprised since in spite of the dry conditions he had not heard the man approaching. The figure was very tall and thin and moved very quickly about without making any noise. He approached the witness and said he was “surveying” the area. And then he quickly disappeared down a wooded hill. The witness described the man as hairless and wearing “normal clothing.” Around the same time, strange lights had been seen descending into the wooded area.
HC addendum
Source: Roberto Contreras Esparza
Type: D
Location. Near Beaverton Oregon
Date: May 7 1995
Time: 0230A
A lady driving in the area reported seeing “pink sky” she then saw a triangular-shaped UFO hovering over a field behind her house. The craft was gray, tile-like on the outside, with lights on the corner. Two of them were orange and the third was an orange-red color, and a beam of white light that followed the contours of the craft connected all three lights. Later, many more triangular craft were seen over the field behind her house. Large white box-shaped objects and “people” were observed to be working in the field.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter
Type: C
Location. Near Glasgow Scotland
Date: May 7 1995
Time: night
Igor Terzic was driving his vehicle when an object began hovering over it. Suddenly he found himself parked on the middle of the road, where a truck almost hit him. Later under hypnosis he recalled being taken inside the object. There he saw two kinds of humanoids of both genders. One type was tall with a large head shaped like an upside down pear with huge eyes & no mouth. The others were similar but smaller. He then heard a voice in his head, telling him he was going to be all right. He thinks he was experimented with. He recalled the beings drilling a hole in his head at one point.
HC addition # 2843
Source: Scottish UFO
Type: G
Location. Columbia, Missouri
Date: May 10 1995
Time: 0300A
Hearing a loud beeping sound an unidentified witness observed a short humanoid figure standing outside the glass sliding doors. No other description or information.
HC addition # 2090
Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter September 1995
Type: E
Location. Sutty County North Carolina
Date: May 10 1995
Time: evening
Two unidentified persons reported encountering four to five strange “dwarf-like” humanoids in a wooded area, near a roadway. No associated object was reported. No other information.
HC addition # 2095
Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter October 1995
Type: E
Location. San Juan Puerto Rico
Date: May 11 1995
Time: night
A police officer and other people standing at a bust stop in San Juan reported a gargoyle like creature. Armed with his nightstick, the officer wrestled bravely with the five foot tall creature outside the building that houses the water & sewer utility. The winged entity had allegedly been devouring a rat before squaring off with the officer. It flew straight into the air snatching the Billy club out of the officer’s hands with its talons.
HC addition # 3261
Source: Scott Corrales Fate October 1998
Type: E
Location. Barranquitas, Puerto Rico
Date: May 15 1995
Time: night
The witness, Dolores Torres, had gone out to his backyard to cut down some banana plants when suddenly everything around him became illuminated. The ground and the plants were then illuminated with multi-colored lights of blue, yellow, red, & white. Looking for the origin of the lights, the witness looked up and saw a transparent cylindrical object, about 14 inches long & 3 inches wide that was suspended in the air, apparently held up by a dark cable that originated from somewhere in the sky. The multi-colored flashes of light were coming from the cylinder. At the same time the witness could hear a loud buzzing sound. Moments later the witness saw a large dark “form” that was floating or flying down toward him. As it hovered over him, the witness could see that it was a humanoid figure apparently enclosed in a dark “wing-shaped” outfit. The being had a human-like face, gray in color with huge eyes that were apparently closed. It also wore what seemed to be a tight-fitting helmet or cap. As the figure attempted to approach the witness, this one began swinging at it with a machete. Finally the being, and the luminous cylinder glided away. The witness had a nervous breakdown and had to be hospitalized.
HC addition # 2124
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 6
Type: C?
Location. Barrio Palo Hincado, Puerto Rico
Date: middle of May 1995
Time: evening
An elderly sugar cane cutter, hard at work in the fields, suffered a heart attack after fending off an attack by a monstrous, winged creature in broad daylight. The creature apparently assaulted him from behind. No other information.
HC addition # 3272
Source: Scott Corrales Chupacabra & other Mysteries
Type: E
Location. Near Pasiano Italy
Date: May 19 1995
Time: 2315
A professional stopped his car to watch a metallic top shaped craft with a transparent section hovering over the road. Inside he was able to see up to 25 apparently naked humanoids standing around. These were about 4-foot tall with large elongated heads, topped with short-cropped dark hair. The humanoids appeared to be smiling and had normal looking eyes and noses, and large pointed ears. They had long dangling arms with large hands. The craft took off after a few minutes. That same evening witnesses watched moving lights in the sky in the same area.
HC addition # 2496
Source: Dario Bortolini ITUFOR Vol. 2 # 2
Type: A
Location. Temecula, California
Date: May 29 1995
Time: 1500
The witness reported seeing two strange creatures walking in a field. The creatures were tall, one green the other black. Their heads were oval shaped but only a little bigger than humans. They were apparently also very bony. No other information.
HC addition # 2651
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: E
Location. Lake St. Martin, Manitoba, Canada
Date: Summer 1995
Time: daytime
Several children playing near some haystacks in a pasture were approached by several humanoids described as 3 feet tall, with green, oval shaped, slanted eyes. They had pointed ears and dark spikes of hair standing upright on their heads. Their hands were long with “skinny fingers”, nails like claws and hair on their wrists. The humanoids made no hostile moves at first, and then one of them grabbed the wrist of a little girl. Screaming she broke free, then all the children ran home thoroughly frightened.
HC addition # 2476
Source: UFOROM
Type: E
Location. Near Lexington Kentucky
Date: Summer 1995
Time: afternoon
In a farm area a man looked outside to see his young kids playing on a field and standing near them, two short man-like figures that appeared to be wearing white smocks. Startled he yelled at his children who apparently had not seen the intruders. The two little men then ran up a hill and behind some farm buildings and were lost from sight. A search failed to find anything.
HC addendum
Source: Haunted Stories of the South
Type: E
Location. Canovanas, Puerto Rico
Date: Summer 1995
Time: 1845
Daniel Perez heard a moaning sound and went to his window to investigate. He saw nothing unusual and was about to close the window when he heard a buzzing sound. Then he saw a creature that appeared to be flying. It descended and landed on a large rock 20 feet away. It appeared to stand about 3 feet normally and five feet when standing erect. It had long powerful hind legs, short forelegs with tiny hands, large slanted eyes, and a little belly. From the top of its head to the base of where a tail would be was a row of fins, which moved in the direction it, was headed. It sprang back into the sky, clearing the trees without touching them. The next day he saw the same or similar creature flying back the other direction. Perez said that the creature’s skin was the color of a squirrel, but covered with something other than normal fur-something that caused a strange sensation.
HC addition # 3275
Source: Scott Corrales Chupacabra & other Mysteries
Type: E
Location. Near Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire England
Date: Summer 1995
Time: evening
Three witnesses were on their way back from visiting the famous Neolithic Rollright Stones site when the driver explained in hush tones that a strange light was following the car. The light appeared to be moving across the adjacent fields as well as the road. After a mile on the right side of the road, while turning a corner was a large classic shape flying saucer hovering low down above some hedges. One of the witnesses remembered seeing at least six circular blinking lights emanating from the craft but most extraordinary of all saw two humanoid figures, at least 7′-8′ tall, hovering above the ground next to the ship. The terrified driver slammed his foot on the accelerator and left the area.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Gossip, reports
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 5
Location. Near Kiev, Ukraine
Date: Summer 1995
Time: evening
A local man was returning from an outlying village on foot, about a 15 km walk when he stopped to rest under a birch tree. He sat down smoking a cigarette and looking at the night sky. Suddenly a bright red star caught his attention. It was very large and at first he thought it was the planet Mars. Suddenly the “star” began to grow in size right in front of his eyes. Soon the supposed star turned into a large cylinder or barrel-shaped object, bright red hot in color. A bright beam of light from the object suddenly surrounded the witness. The strange beam enveloped his body penetrating every cell and next a feeling of unearthly love filled him. It was a feeling of complete bliss or ecstasy. He now felt weightless and felt as if he was floating, overwhelmed he almost burst into tears. Suddenly he found himself amid an incredibly white room with columns resembling marble. He looked around but could not see anyone. The room was oval-shaped, the columns were positioned in a circle and he was directly in the center. His attention was drawn to patterns drawn on the columns; these resembled unknown ornaments or plants. For some reason he thought they were lilies, and imagined how the ornament would look with lilies intertwined in it. To his amazement, lilies suddenly appeared intertwined in the pattern. He then heard a loud male voice, “Not too bad” from behind him. He turned around and noticed a male and a woman standing there. They wore ancient style robes, the man in a white one and the woman in a violet-colored one. Both were tall and very beautiful in appearance. “They are Gods,” the witness thought. The humanoids apparently read his mind, and both man and woman smiled and he heard, “We are the same Gods as you”. The alien man pointed at the intricate pattern of lilies and said, “You can also become a God if that is what you really want”. He then pointed to the floor and the columns disappeared; now a huge “hatch” appeared on the floor. The witness came closer and looked down into it. There he noticed crowds of people walking, men and women. The people appeared confused and walked aimlessly. They were holding children and walking without direction. (This was obviously an alien hologram made especially for the witness to watch). Suddenly the witness felt an urge to help the hapless crowd and yelled at them, “You are walking in the wrong direction, look up, you hear me, look up”! There was no reaction from the crowd. “We are also not heard,” said the alien man. The witness looked up and the columns had returned, and he noticed two men with long beards wearing white clothing seating on benches along the oval wall. The witness then heard the man’s voice say, “You can become one of them. Purify yourself” But the witness said that he had to return. After that was said both bearded men got up from their bench and walked to the center of the room. The next moment a huge book appeared out of nowhere on a pedestal in the middle of the room, the bearded men opened the book somewhere in the middle of the book and one of them began reading in a strange language. The witness listened attentively to the unknown words, but could not understand anything that was said, and later he could not remember anything that was said. After that the witness then found himself sitting under the birch tree again, and the red star above him blinking as if saying goodbye, it disappeared into the night sky.
HC addendum
Source: Bogdan Duma “Interesnaya Gazeta” # 4 1998
Type: G
Location. Cambridge, Wisconsin
Date: Summer 1995
Time: night
Billy Dee was apparently abducted again. He recalls being in a dream like state and encountering several strange looking humanoids. One of them injected a strange looking syringe into Dee’s upper right thigh. He felt extreme pain, but the needle was held firmly in. Finally the humanoids leave and Dee finds himself sitting on the edge of his bed, holding his painful leg. All of the sudden he sees multi-colored lights shoot across the open bedroom door. He realizes the lights area a reflection from the living room window, apparently coming from outside. Looking out he sees multi-colored lights racing past the house, and hears a low rumbling sound.
HC addendum
Source: Parascope
Type: G?
Location. El Yunque, Puerto Rico
Date: Summer 1995
Time: night
Frank Bourness and a friend had gone camping in the area. Later as they waited for the bus in the visitor’s center next to state Road 191 they suddenly heard loud grunting noises coming from behind them. Turning around they were startled to see a formidable creature standing about 15 ft from their location. The creature seemed to have been attacking a dog. It had huge luminous eyes, and it was about 10 ft tall “resembling Godzilla except that it was covered with hair” and with huge hind legs. Bourness and his friend threw rocks at the creature and this one just grunted at them. Terrified they ran inside the empty visitor center and locked themselves inside. Through an open window they heard the loud grunting noises for a short while. Later they could find no sign of the creature or the dog.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E
Location. Near Barstow California
Date: Summer 1995
Time: after midnight
Five young men had gone to the Mojave Desert to shoot their rifles and camp for the night. Three of their number had gone to bed while the remaining two stayed up talking and working by portable light on a dirt bike. Soon they heard a strange humming sound and their portable light went out. Looking up, in the light of the full moon, they spotted a large black circular object slowly moving over their camp. Spellbound they followed the craft hoping to make out more details. After about an hour, they lost sight of it over a hill. They headed back to camp but lost their way. After wandering about for nearly an hour, they came upon an old State Park dumpster in the middle of the area used for dirt bikes. Then from within the masonry wall surrounding the dumpsters, they heard loud crashing sounds like if someone was tossing garbage around. One of the men came around the opening in the all, intent on asking directions from whoever was there. He saw a tall blond man, clean shaven and wearing a preppy golf shirt and dress slacks, both stained with motor oil and food grease, wildly tossing garbage around as he searched for something in the dumpster. The camper asked the blond man if he knew how to get back to town, the man responded that he was not from around the area, that maybe the government knew. The campers asked the man what he was doing out in the middle of nowhere dressed as he was, but he ignored them, held up a bullet riddle radiator, and asked them what they thought of it. Concerned the two campers moved back from the stranger. They then looked around for a car but saw nothing. Just then a helicopter flew over the hillside and shot a blinding light down on the group. Though the two campers do not recall the man leaving the dumpster, they turned to talk to him and the preppy was gone. An instant later the helicopter veered off in the direction of a glowing green light that was steadily rising in the sky. Neither camper remembered anything after that. They woke up leaning against the masonry wall sometime after 0600A.
HC addendum
Source: Encounters On-Line
Type: C or D?
Location. Canovanas, Puerto Rico
Date: June 1995
Time: 0230A
The witness was arriving home late and had parked the car. As he attempted to open the patio gate he heard a loud “squeaking” sound. Turning around he saw something moving from across from where the sound had originated. He now saw a strange creature, with long legs, a small head, and large bright eyes that was running at full speed towards him. He closed the gate him and the creature crashed at full speed against it. He ran inside his home and woke the rest of the family. He did not see the creature but could still hear the loud “squeaking” or hissing sound.
HC addition 3620
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Near Boscobel, Wisconsin
Date: June 1995
Time: daytime
Daniel Klemsrud was walking with a girlfriend in a wooded area near town when they suddenly were turned around and lost. Although it had been in a clear and sunny day, it now suddenly seemed as though the sky was dark and cloudy, and consequently the wooded area in which they were walking became shadowy, murky, as if night were about to fall. A heavy mist also appeared that made it extremely difficult to stay on the trail. Suddenly from all around them they could hear the sounds of giggling, like small children laughing and playing. The laughter was almost musical. Klemsrud walked toward a clump of bushes that were shaking as if they were sheltering some little eavesdroppers. As he pulled back the branches, he caught a glimpse of two smallish, yet perfectly proportioned, men in greenish jumpsuits scurrying into a hole. They were only about three feet in height and he saw a shiny buckle on the boot of one of them as he dove into what appeared to be a tunnel. That was when he noticed that they were standing at the base of a rather large mound of earth that was completely barren of vegetation. Responding to an inner message, Daniel reached in his pocket and found some loose change. The moment he tossed the coins into the opening of the mound, the sky became clear, the dark mist lifted, and he could now easily see the path he had missed just minutes before.
HC addendum
Source: Brad Steiger, Out Of The Dark
Type: E
Location. Portland Oregon
Date: June 1995
Time: night
The two main witnesses had attended a friend’s birthday party. The moment they arrived they noticed a strange man sitting on the sofa. He was tall, largely built, approximately 250 lbs. He had short very black hair, pale skin; his eyes in some lights were dark brown, sometimes greenish. His face was also as heavily muscled as his body. His clothing was of a black, shimmering material. He appeared to be accompanied by an attractive, older woman of about 80 years of age. She had long white hair and was wearing new age jewelry. He arose from the couch only once during the course of the party to speak with someone briefly. Many people in the party felt a strong presence and magnetism coming from the stranger. One of the main witnesses felt that the man was studying her, that he was pretty much studying everyone there. A curious feature was noted about the strange man, that unless you faced him directly, you could not understand a word he was saying, even if you were even at a slight angle to him, all you could make out would be unintelligible nonsense. Another strange thing, was that the witness was sure she was introduced to this man she could not recall the name he gave her.
HC addition # 2984
Source: Elizabeth Mack
Type: E
Location. Portland Oregon
Date: June 1995
Time: morning
The day after the two main witnesses had met a peculiar stranger at a party, their son was out playing in the backyard when he saw a tall, large man, with muscles in his face, wearing shiny black clothes that appeared halfway across the neighbor’s yard to the west of the house, apparently out of thin air. He walked up to the gate and shook it a few times. Then after staring at the child until the child became very uneasy, the man turned and started walking away the same direction he had come from, and then once again disappeared in plain sight.
HC addition # 2985
Source: Elizabeth Mack
Type: E
Location. Cervigao, Cantabria, Spain
Date: June 1995
Time: afternoon
A local rancher, 60 year old Melchor Prieto Dorsal was riding his horse on the way to feed the cattle when he noticed a strange object floating about 100 meters away, which he thought was a balloon. As he got to within 5 meters of the object, he realized that it was some kind of floating humanoid, about 3 feet tall, with a large head, with small eyes, a barely visible nose, & ears & a very short neck. Dorsal looked at the creature for a few minutes when it suddenly flew over his head. He tried grabbing at the creature but his horse panicked, knocking him down. He left the area in an attempt to obtain additional witnesses, but upon returning the creature had disappeared.
HC addition # 2761
Source: Papers D’Ovnis # 23-24
Type: E
Location. Wolcott, Vermont
Date: June 1995
Time: late night
The 56-year-old witness woke up to see two short figures standing at the foot of his bed. He felt absolute terror. Suddenly the figures vanished. A pea-sized lump in the fold of skin on the back of his neck also mysteriously disappeared.
HC addition # 2347
Source: Don E Pollard in Fate Magazine July 1996
Type: E
Location. Wichita, Kansas
Date: June 12 1995
Time: unknown
Undocumented report of a lone witness encountering several strange undescribed humanoids. There is no associated craft reported. No other information.
HC addition # 2170
Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter February 1996
Type: E
Location. Almendra De Aliste, Zamora, Spain
Date: June 15 1995
Time: 0715A
While numerous locals observed mysterious lights maneuvering low over fields, Maria Corcero and Rodrigo Martin stood next to a field observing a series of lights that formed a straight line. As they walked back to their house they had the impression that the lights seemed to possess intelligence of their own. As both stood just inside the entrance to their home they watched dumbfounded as the lights appeared to fuse together and form into a heavy set humanoid body made out of pure light. The figure formed itself only down to a little bit below the waist. It had a wide torso and a small elongated head and long thin arms. Before running into their home both witnesses observed the figure dissolve into a mass of light and disappear.
HC addendum
Source: Iker Jimenez, Encuentros Historia de Los Ovni En España
type: E?
Location. Greenville, South Carolina
Date: late June 1995
Time: 1800
Driving on Clemson Avenue on his way home the witness noticed a strange object standing by the roadside. The object appeared to be a human-like form, grayish in color, and stood no more than 3 ft high. It had a teardrop shaped head, with large dark eyes, no nose, and a small mouth. The figure had no discernable hair anywhere on its body and no type of genitalia. It appeared to be naked and the body seemed skinny in proportion to the head. There were no ears, a very short neck, and comparatively short arms, with hands and fingers, at least four per hand, very long and skinny, with the tips of the fingers extending to its knees. Curios as to what he had seen the witness put the car in reverse and backed up a few feet. The figure was still there, staring at the witness. The stood motionless and did not move. Scared, the witness drove straight home. Later he searched the area but could not find anything.
HC addendum
Source: Unsolved Mysteries.com
Type: E
Location. Sale, Victoria, Australia
Date: July 1995
Time: 0300A
Several blue lights were seen hovering over the area. One of the witnesses reportedly encountered strange beings inside the house at the same time. No other information.
HC addition 2455
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: D
Location. Valencia, Spain
Date: July 1995
Time: morning
Francisco Manez had fallen asleep in his sofa and in a dream like state he saw himself sitting on the sofa. Suddenly he began hearing footsteps all around him and then saw several small figures surrounding him. At this point he felt paralyzed and was unable to move. The beings were short, thin, with large heads, large black oval shaped eyes, and thick gray colored skin, with long dangling arms. One of the beings had what appeared to be a utility belt around its waist with several items hanging from it. This being approached the witness and took out what appeared to be a small handcuff from the belt, he then proceeded to cuff the witness thumbs, he felt pressure being applied. At this point his memory of the event ended. Later he woke up in the sofa and found that he had strange marks at the base of his thumbs, these were red and circled his thumbs. A photograph was taken of the marks.
HC addition # 3662
Source: Bitacora
Type: E
Location. Siletz, Oregon
Date: July 4 1995
Time: 2100
Several persons camping at a place called “moonshine park” when one of them shined her flashlight into the river and noticed a man shaped figure with two arms, two legs but with claws with 3 fingers on each claw. It was floating on the river by the rocks. It reached shore and began moving away from the witnesses very slowly. At one point it looked up at the witnesses revealing large oval shaped eyes on a bullet shaped head. Its eyes reflected back the light from the flashlight like a cat’s eye would. Its body seemed to have been covered in with short brown hair, with wisps of hair on the top of its head. Frightened, the witnesses went back to camp.
HC addendum
Source: Archive X
Type: E
Location. Versailles Missouri
Date: July 9 1995
Time: 2300
Near this location, two Air Force officers and a dozen other witnesses saw five very large UFOs—a triangular craft and four discs, each as long as a football field—hovering over an empty field. On the ground were 20 to 25 extraterrestrials moving about. Three different races were present; some short ones with purplish skin and large ears, another type described as luminous energy beings, and a third group of tall humanoids in jumpsuits. No other information.
HC addition # 2139
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Type: C
Location. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Date: July 13 1995
Time: 0100A
The witness woke up to see two strange short humanoids standing at the foot of his bed. He feels unable to move and is pinned down. But somehow he is able to touch one of the beings. No other information.
HC addition # 2371
Source: UFOROM
Type: E
Location. Carmen De Patagones, Argentina
Date: July 14 1995
Time: unknown
A 65-year-old rancher, Oscar Zavaleta, was walking alone on a pasture when suddenly he became sleepy and a strange fog engulfed him. He felt being swept away and saw through what seemed to be a net, a humanoid face of unknown sex, which had long copper colored hair. He eventually found himself at another location. No other information.
HC addition # 2456
Source: Tasmanian UFO Report 1996, quoting newspaper source
Type: G?
Location. Sowerby Bridge, England
Date: July 15 1995
Time: 2240
Four witnesses, 2 men & 2 women were out in the backyard attending a barbecue when suddenly one of them noticed a very large disc shaped craft hovering approximately 20 feet above the garden. A door on the underside of the craft opened and a powerful shaft of light shone down onto the garden, at this point all the witnesses described a feeling of light headed & confusion. All sound around them stopped and everything seem to be going in slow motion. They suddenly recovered and watched the craft ascend and disappear into the distance. They all realized that they had suffered about an hour of missing time. They all experience adverse psychical reactions such as nausea. They also reported that four cider glasses that had been on the table in the garden had mysteriously disappeared, never to be found. Later under hypnosis the witnesses recalled that when the shaft of light shone on the ground 3-4 short humanoid figures with pale complexions and huge black oval shaped eyes appeared, they also wore black cloak-like outfits that covered half of their faces. The witnesses were eventually dragged into the hovering object via the shaft of light. The creatures made strange animal-like grunting noises among themselves apparently communicating. Inside the witnesses were taken into a large room were dozens of short cloaked beings observed them. Two of the witnesses were independently examined with a long silvery rod-like instrument, which caused extreme discomfort. One of the witnesses recalled being taken into a massive object apparently a mother ship where he saw additional details including drawings of what appeared to be planets on the walls. They were eventually released.
HC addition # 2447
Source: Tony Dodd in UFO Magazine Vol. 15 # 1
Type: G
Location. Varpasalo, Raakkyla, Finland
Date: July 19 or 20 1995
Time: 1500
An old farmer’s wife went out to see if there were any strawberries at a familiar spot in the forest. Walking towards it she heard three faint shot-like noises, but ignored them. When she came closer to the spot she noticed something blue in the forest. When she came closer she saw something resembling a giant blue “umbrella”, which rose and then descended about half a meter. She heard two “sigh” like noises when the “umbrella” descended to some 20cm above the ground. Under the blue surface of the object some kind of ribbing could be seen, hence the image of an umbrella. To her astonishment she now saw that a man was standing stooped over about a meter from the blue object. He seemed to be picking something up and throwing it into his vessel, which made a “ping” like noise every time he threw something inside. She assumed the man was collecting pieces of ore, as there were many mines in the area. The man was clad in a dark green overall with possibly a broad belt. Once he stood up and then stooped back down again. After observing the man for some 5-15 minutes she felt a compulsive urge to leave, so that she would not disturb the man’s work. She went home, (the men and the object were still there when she left) and on her way looked around for any cars in the forest but did not see any. When she got home her daughter in law noticed that something had happened to her, and after they discussed the event they decide to go to the site two hours later. When they came to the spot a faint impression could be seen on the ground. During the next several months the elderly witness often felt a compulsion to visit the site and could see the ground vegetation withering away, turning almost black at the end. UFO investigators visited the site the following spring and found five black spots still visible on the ground. The area on the ground was still lifeless as of 1996.
HC addendum
Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland
Type: C
Location. Vilhena, Brazil
Date: July 22 1995
Time: unknown
Vilson Ribeiro reported encountering several short man-like figures that conducted him to a landed disc shaped object. The beings apparently communicated with the witness. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: G
Location. Alwernia, Poland
Date: July 23 1995
At 2215 several teenagers noticed a strange shinning trapezoid shaped object, which made a ring or ellipse while rotating above rooftops of neighbor houses on the north. Later at 0130A, the same phenomenon was seen by other witnesses and reported that it had shone bright beams of light towards the ground. At 0020A, Josef B suddenly felt the strange urge to go outside his house. He came out and in the front of his home he noticed a bright object on the ground and three small men like silhouettes that were moving slowly toward him. He stood in a stupor and could not move. Suddenly each figure raised a hand and “sparks” seemed to come from them. At the same time Josef heard a telepathic message, “Come with us” it said. The figures stopped and gazed at him. Terrified he declined the invitation, saying that he had to pay his debts tomorrow. He turned around and notified his mother. His mother woke up and saw the alien figures standing about 50 meters from the house. They then walked towards the UFO and vanished as they approached it. The UFO then rose about 10 meters flew towards the west, then towards the east and finally toward the north, where it disappeared. Before the UFO vanished, it covered itself with shiny sparks and the witness received another message. “We will return.” The object was hemispherical in shape, about 6 meters in diameter and 2 meters in height. The figures were about 1.3 m tall and walked like normal humans.
HC addendum
Source: Prof Bronislaw Rzepecki (GBNOL, Krakow)
Type: C
Location. Alwernia, Poland
Date: July 24 1995
Time: 2100
The next night, Josef B had spent the evening at the “Wlodarza” motel where he had two beers; he then decided to walk back home. On Rozana Street he suddenly heard a woman’s voice, “Mr. B, please stop, we want to talk to you.” He turned around and noticed a thin, human like silhouette. Josef said, “If you want to talk, please come closer.” “No we can’t show ourselves,” the figure said. Suddenly above the street where the “woman” stood he noticed a large ball of light, 1.5 bigger than the moon. Meanwhile the humanoid figure disappeared into the darkness. Frightened he ran home, but not before the ball of light illuminated him with a bright beam of light. The ball of light then disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Prof Bronislaw Rzepecki (GBNOL, Krakow)
Type: C?
Location. Taize France
Date: July 25 1995
Time: unknown
The witness was at a summer camp and was hiding in some woods when he heard a strange humming sound and went to see where it came from. It grew louder and suddenly a bright light was shining down on him. His next memory was of lying on the ground with his nose bleeding and red marks on his upper forehead. He felt dizzy and tried to stand but could not. He watched small shadowy silhouettes run around in the vicinity. He woke up the next morning in the field and did not tell the rest of the campers where he had been.
HC addendum
Source: EBE On-Line
Type: G?
Location. Near Vaskelovo, Russia
Date: July 30 1995
Time: 1100A
Igor K a technician from Petrograd was walking in the forest when he suddenly became very disoriented. Igor knew the area quite well, yet he kept “walking in circles.” A feeling came to him that a strange dusk had descended. Finally Igor came to a clearing in the forest. He noticed a giant silver-furred man at a distance. The three meter high creature made a few steps toward Igor, but then disappeared behind trees. Later investigation revealed that some dried out trees nearby had a strange type of damage to their bark.
HC addendum
Source: Paul Stonehill
Type: E
Location. Canovanas, Puerto Rico
Date: early August 1995
Time: night
A female witness observed a strange humanoid creature, described as about 4 to five tall, hairy, with small hands that had claw like protrusions, powerful hind legs, and it seemed to have some type of spiny crest running along its back, it had a pear shaped head, with large reddish or luminous oval shaped eyes, it appeared to jump or fly and then entered a round luminous object that was hovering over the witness car.
HC addition # 2185
Source: Jorge Martin UFO Magazine Vol. 14 # 6
Type: B
Location. Sierra Sky Ranch, California
Date: August 1995
Time: 0200A
Three men had been camping in the area and had gone up a windy road when they suddenly heard a strange rustling in the trees, and the rattling of the bushes. One of the men got out his flashlight, and noticed standing next to a tree, a man made out of bark. It was as big around as he was, had long limbs with greenery growing out of them, and was about 20 ft tall. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter
Type: E
Location. Dorado, Puerto Rico
Date: August 1995
Time: night
Local residents reported seeing disc-shaped objects descend and drop off several bizarre Chupacabra-like creatures accompanied by two taller beings. They allegedly descended from the objects in single file formation. Others reported that when the creatures approached nearby lagoons, the waters bubbled strangely. No other information.
HC addition # 3274
Source: Scott Corrales Chupacabra & other Mysteries
Type: B
Location. Perth Scotland
Date: August 1995
Time: night
The witness, Karen, was doing some late studying in the back room of her flat, which doubled as her daughter’s bedroom. She remembers seeing a bright light coming in through the window. In the light she recalls catching sight of a dog-faced entity. When she “came to” an hour had passed. The coffee she had been drinking had gone cold. Karen had no conscious memory of being abducted, but naturally fears that such an event might have taken place. (Witness has been involved in other encounters).
HC addendum
Source: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland
Type: E or G?
Location. White Rock, British Columbia, Canada
Date: August 1995
Time: night
A large saucer type spaceship that was apparently hovering above his roof suddenly awakened the witness; the strange thing was that he could not see the ceiling. It seemed that the object was right inside the bedroom, an impossibility since the craft appeared to be 3-4 times larger than the roof. The witness heard a soft humming sound and he saw a lot of panels and designs of sort under the ship, gray in color. From the ship a clear male voice asked in a humorous tone, “What is your new number?” The moment he finished the last digit of his phone number the craft vanished. The witness believes that it was the craft’s way of saying that they were watching him.
HC addendum
Source: Gord Heath UFO BC
Type: F
Location. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Date: August 1995
Time: late night
The 13-year old witness was sleeping with the bathroom light on. She was suddenly quite awake and had propped herself up on one elbow glancing to one side she was stunned to see a being about 3-1/2 ft tall, about the height of an 7-year old child, it had large almond shaped eyes with no pupils, dark, possibly black. It had five fingers and five toes, ears a tiny nose and small lips. It had skin similar to that of a rhino, very dark gray in color. It was very thin with a head slightly larger than a human; it had spindly arms & legs and a protruding belly. Fear prevented the witness from screaming and her side started to hurt, it began to throb and burn. The witness hid under the covers for about 30 minutes and when she looked again the alien was gone.
HC addendum
Source: Enigma’s Paranormal Reports
Type: E
Location. Cordoba, Argentina
Date: August 3 1995
Time: 2245
The witness was coming back from his girlfriend’s house when as he passed in front of a local school, he saw a luminous oval shaped craft apparently lift up from the grounds of the school, climb up to tree top level and began to follow his vehicle. The craft followed the witness vehicle for several blocks, sometimes descending and ascending and at times performing zigzag maneuvers. At one point the object remained stationary above some trees and the witness began driving away when he felt “heat waves” or gusts, hit the back of his legs. He looked behind and noticed that the object had now continued following him. He then noticed a kind of orange light that floated over his body in an up and down motion. At the same time he felt a powerful heat wave, even though it was in the middle of an intense cold wave. The craft then hovered above a nearby tree only five meters away and dimmed its lights. At that time the witness noticed that it was oval in shape with an opaque or acrylic cabin on top, inside he could see a crouching shadowy figure. As another vehicle approached, the object left. The witness then arrived home, later than usual. His eyes were red and irritated, and he was extremely sweaty and felt extremely thirsty, drinking a large amount of water and fruit juice in a matter of minutes.
HC addition 3583
Type: A
Location. Wallington New Jersey
Date: August 11 1995
Time: 2230
A man named Brzinski was working the late shift at a coat-hanger factory and at the time was alone in an isle when he heard some peculiar sounds coming from behind some hanger racks. The sound resembled a fast, choppy, garbled speech. As he looked between the rows of hangers he saw three distinct creatures. When they realized that he saw them they seemed surprised. They then apparently stopped talking. One was a few inches taller than the other two and they were all dressed identically. The shorter ones were about 4 1/2 feet tall. They wore something resembling a scuba or wet suit, tight fitting, flexible and elastic like suit that even appeared to cover their hands and fingers. They appeared to have some type of facial covering also. The creatures had 3 fingers on each hand. One resembled a thumb and the other two were longer and located closer together like fingers. Brzinski said that the taller one seemed to be explaining to the other two something to do with one of the automated coat hanger making machines. They seemed very interested in it for some reason. It was very dark and it was very difficult to make out any facial features, partially due to the covering. When they realized he saw them, the shorter ones ran away very quickly, in a peculiar shuffling manner almost with difficulty. The factory windows and doors were all open that night. The taller humanoid remained behind. It opened its hand and as it did, the uniform that also covered its hand caught a little bit of the factory light and seemed to have a silver color to it. When it opened its hand, it emitted a strange robotic sound. As it opened its hand, in the center of its palm was a small ball that seemed to be emitting an extremely bright laser-like light. The laser light beamed out and struck the witness in his eyes, almost knocking him back a bit with its force. It stung like needles and hurt its eyes, causing him to close them. When he opened them, the creature was gone. The entire incident lasted about 1 minute.
HC addition # 2371
Source: Debra Kenna ISCNI & Tom Briggs
Type: E
Location. Campo Rico, Puerto Rico
Date: 2nd week of August 1995
Time: 1600
Madeline Tolentino was at her home with her mother when she noticed someone had driven up in front and so she went to the window to see who it was. She saw a neighbor standing by the passenger side of his car speaking to a woman inside. Suddenly the man stiffened, a startled look on his face as he started backing away from something. Madeline then saw he was staring at a creature, which was walking down the sidewalk towards him. The creature stopped right in front of her window, its progress blocked by the man’s car, which was parked on the sidewalk. The creature was no more than 6 feet away. It was described as 3 to 4 feet tall, covered in a coarse dark brown-black hair, wearing no clothing. She did not notice genitalia. Its arms, which it kept pulled up close to its body, were long and thin, ending in three long claws. It had what appeared to be a long comb of feathers or spikes down its back. It also had several bare circular patches on its skin, which were purple in color and looked as if they were burn marks. Its jaw was prominent, it had a slit for a mouth and two holes for a nose, small ears, and large slanted eyes, which were gray in color, lacking the whites. The eyes were moist or gelatin like. When it moved its head, it seemed to be in slow jerky mechanical motions. The upper body was thin and its lower body was thick and strong. The startled neighbor jumped into his car and took off in a panic. Madeline then screamed for her mother. The creature then ran across the street, its feet moving so fast that it appeared they did not touch the ground. It then headed to a nearby small field of grass. Madeline’s mother, Isabel Maldonado, and a mechanic from a nearby shop followed the creature to the field. They could see that the spikes on its back resembled those of a prehistoric lizard, and when it opened its mouth it hand four fangs. The mechanic lunged at the creature in an attempt to capture it (!). But the creature bolted and when it reached a 6-foot fence, it jumped over like a kangaroo and scurried away.
HC addition # 2806
Source: Chat Deetken, Jorge Martin
Type: E
Location. La Piramide, Campo Rico, Puerto Rico
Date: mid August 1995
Time: 1500
Six witnesses spotted a strange 5-foot tall creature walking down a street. They attempted to chase it but it fled from them at incredible speed, quickly disappearing into a wooded area.
HC addition # 2301
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 8 Type: E
Location. Grand Haven, Michigan
Date: August 15 1995
Time: 2105
The witness was lying in bed in his bedroom when he saw flashing lights that changed from blue and to white. Four little creatures approximately 3-4 ft tall then appeared around the bed, two were around his legs and the other two up around his waist area. The creatures seemed to be doing some type of procedure on the witness. He then passed out and saw flashing lights again, and then the lights vanished.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E or G?
Location. Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Colorado
Date: August 15 1995
Time: night
A local Vietnam vet claims to having seen a large boomerang-shaped object appear from the north and hover over his high-mountain property. He claims to be missing “40 minutes” of time and that his trailer and truck were moved “6 inches” (based on the altered location of the building and truck tracks) during the alleged experience. He claims he had a 4-inch rectal welt after regaining consciousness. He further asserts that he has lost 20 lbs in two weeks and that his “pet black bear” is now missing. The man claims that strange sightings have been occurring since the middle of June 1995, and that he has discovered “piles of carcasses” up slope from his 9,000-foot elevation land. He claims the carcasses have been in various stages of decay, and that they are comprised of mostly cattle, but also horse, fox, raccoon and “every type of animal” found in the area. He also said that two weeks before, he found “tiny 4-toed human tracks” around the perimeter of the area his trailer sits. He has noted attendant military activity as well. Often, after sightings, he notices unusually heavy military aerial activity, and is convinced the government is involved. After one sighting episode where he was able to photograph the craft, the next day while he was gone, somebody ransacked his trailer, and took all his film and camera equipment.
HC addendum
Source: Tim Edwards, Christopher O’Brien, San Luis Valley
Event Log
Type: G?
Location. Buena Park, California
Date: August 15 1995
Time: midnight
The witness woke up to briefly see an extremely bright light out in the patio. It appeared to be hovering about 3-4 feet from the ground. Later that night he was still very shaken when he saw a humanoid figure, with a very large head and about 4 ft tall. The figure had an amazingly smooth stride, almost like it was walking on air. It seemed to move above the ground in the patio area just outside the blinds. Everything suddenly vanished.
HC addition # 3188
Source: NUFORC
Type: C
Location. Boa Vista do Tupim, Brazil
Date: August 16 1995 Time: night
A 1-meter tall humanoid, wearing a green tight fitting coverall, with a luminous circle on the chest area and a transparent helmet was seen by a witness. The humanoid had its armed raised up into the sky and was looking up into space.
HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: E
Location. Puebla Mexico
Date: August 16 1995
Time: night
Farmer Victor Morales encountered a bizarre creature that bit him on the arm. The creature was described as half female, half fish, with wings and a long tail. The farmer had confronted the bizarre creature as it apparently attacked his farm animals.
HC addendum
Source: Ruben Manrique
Type: E
Location. Bahia De Quino, Mexico
Date: August 17 1995
Time: 2300
Three teenagers, including Marcos Sevilla were walking in an isolated area near some hills and had sat down to talk on a sandy stretch when suddenly all normal sounds in the area ceased. The atmosphere around the trio became heavy and oppressive, soon several small figures with huge glowing green eyes surrounded the boys, which became terrified and ran quickly from the area. Looking back they saw three huge orange colored objects hovering over the area. Each object had three bright circular lights in their center areas and was silent.
HC addendum
Source: Contacto Ovni
Type: C
Location. Cedro Arriba, Naranjito Puerto Rico
Date: August 23 1995
Time: 0200A
Mr. Reynaldo Ortega Cotto saw a monstrous bird-like creature standing on the tin roof of his house. He had gone out to have a look at a little goat that he had in his garden, for he had just heard a loud noise “like the flapping of wings” and had noticed some pigeons, in evident terror darting into holes, seemingly trying to escape form something or other. He rushed out, since he knew some of his neighbors had lost a lot of goats—all left mutilated and bloodless and with certain organs missing and removed through tiny clean-cut holes. He described the creature as some 3 ft or 4 ft high, with wings and body like those of an eagle, with a thick black plumage, and a long thick neck. It had great big “very penetrating eyes.” But instead of a beak, it had a sort of long snout like that of a wolf. When it saw him, it made a movement as though to take off, and he was able to see that, below, it had feet like those of a kangaroo, but with feathers as far as half way down and, on its feet, claws like the claws of an eagle. Furthermore it had some small “legs” or “arms” coming out from the upper part of its breast, with claws at their tips.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, FSR Vol. 45 # 1
Type: E
Location. Near Liege, Belgium
Date: August 24 1995
Time: 2240
19-year old Patrick Webel was driving his bicycle when he suffered a punctured tire and decides to return back home. He takes an isolated short cut through a wooded area called “Their a Liege” to his house. Suddenly as he is walking he feels an unseen presence brush by him. Turning around he sees a brilliant white humanoid shape standing only about 20 cm away, the glowing figure slowly turns green in color starting at the top of its head. Patrick was now able to better distinguish the humanoid form, which is about 2 meters in height and is encased in a bright glow. The head seems to be too large for its body and he sees what appear to be two large eyes. Terrified he runs home. When he came home his parents said they smelled something burning. Upon closer examination they found that Patrick’s “walkman” and the battery had melted down. Later accompanied by a friend he returns to the site of the encounter. Both see the evolutions of strange red lights, a greenish humanoid silhouette and notice a strange wind that makes the brush move. He suffered from nightmares soon after the incident.
HC addendum
Source: RR0, France, Godelieve Van Overmeire Catalog
Type: E
Location. Piracicaba, Brazil
Date: August 26 1995
Time: night
A witness encountered three 50 cm tall humanoids wearying white coveralls and helmets with antennas. One carried a pen-like instrument, which he pointed towards the witness who fled in his motorcycle. While he looked back he saw the humanoids walking towards a landed luminous round object.
HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: C
Location. Vasilkov, Kiev region, Ukraine
Date: late August 1995
Time: evening
Marina, a local student at Kiev’s T G Shevchenko University, was staying at a home at the northern end of town and one day was drawing pictures in the verandah when she suddenly felt as if she had come under a state of hypnosis (mind control?). Someone then opened the closed verandah door. When Marina turned around to look she saw two male humanoid figures. One was about 2 to 2.5 meters in height reaching the ceiling; the second was about 1.5m in height. Both were dressed in turquoise or blue shiny coveralls. They had large eyes without pupils. The tall humanoid wore a small cap on his head; the smaller alien was absolutely hairless, wearing a tight-fitting skullcap. Extremely fearful, Marina was unable to utter a word. The strangers could obviously read her mind, so they began to answer her questions by using telepathy. She heard a voice in her head, “You want to see our ship? It is beyond the forest”. The smaller alien stretched his hand toward her, his hand was very thin and delicate, fearful Marina retreated back and sat on the chair. Then the two humanoids walked out the closed verandah doors. After they left, Marina regained control of her senses, she felt an unusual energy within her body. She decided to follow the aliens. She went outside but could not see the aliens anywhere. But she remembered that they had mentioned that their ship was beyond the forest and she then follow the only narrow road into the forest. She hurried down the path and at about 500 meters into the pine forest she noticed flashes of light and when she passed by a small copse she came over a large gully and in the gully she saw the spaceship. She described it as a large disc-shaped object, resting on a tripod-leg landing gear. The craft had round windows that gave off a black and white light from a television set. The tall alien was standing close to the disk. As she watched, no one noticed her. She stared at the scene as if hypnotized or charmed. In about 5 minutes the lights on the craft dimmed and it became dark. Suddenly, Marina felt an immense fear, an uncommon fear apparently generated by the aliens themselves (for protection?). In a state of horror she rushed home. The next morning she visited the landing place and noticed an area of matted down grass but did not dare descend into the gully. After the incident Marina began drawing pictures of space or alien themes, however she was never able to duplicate the alien object that she witnessed.
HC addendum
Source: “Interesnaya Gazeta” D-Block # 8 1997
Type: C
Location. Culpepper, Virginia
Date: September 1995
Time: 0200A
The young witness was sleeping in his bedroom when he rolled over in bed onto his left side. He opened his eyes and saw an alien looking down on him. The alien had smoke (black) colored skin, had shiny black reflective eyes and it was tall and slender. The witness immediately froze upon looking at the alien, feeling no control over his body. He could not even move or speak. The alien then lifted his hand and the witness saw a bright flash of light that lasted for about a second. He then found himself inside what appeared to be a UFO. The room was very bright and he could see three other aliens with him. He was lying on a hard bed, which was made out of some type of smooth stone. He watched one of the aliens insert a needle that had 3 smaller needles around it, inside his right bicep. He did not feel any pain but felt the coldness of the needle. After the injection one of the aliens came over to him lifted his hand up and a bright flash filled the witness eyes. He then found himself back in his house on his bed. He went to the kitchen turned the lights on and saw what appeared to be red dots on his bicep where the aliens had injected him.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G
Location. Tanjung Sepat, Selangor, Malaysia
Date: September 1995
Time: 0730A
Rosli Kadir, 36, claimed that he had encountered a small green being in his plantation. The incident occurred early in the morning when the witness was attending to his oil palm trees. While bending down to pick up the leaves of the oil palm, he suddenly caught sight of a green creature about 2.5 feet tall staring at him, just about 20 ft away. He was so shocked by the sight that he left whatever he was doing and immediately ran away. He told his friend about the presence of the green creature. When they returned to the site, the strange being was gone. Rosli described the being as greenish in color appeared to be without clothes and the body was covered with scales. The head of the being appeared normal as compared to its body. It was bald headed and had a pair of large pointed ears. The eyes were described as reddish and a bit slanted at the sides. The nose and mouth were small.
HC addition # 3434
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin
Type: E
Location. Tanjung Sepat Laut, Selangor, Malaysia
Date: September 1995
Time: daytime
Crowds gathered at the village and apparently reported seeing a UFO as large as a soccer pitch land. Two, two-foot tall humanoids with long ears and red eyes briefly emerged from the object. No other information.
HC addition # 2748
Source: Marcus Day in, Aliens: Encounters with Unexplained
Type: B
Location. La Sierra, Aibonito, Puerto Rico
Date: September 1995
Time: noon
7-year old Luisito Martinez had climbed on a tree branch of a tamarind tree when suddenly something jumped up from the ground and landed sitting next to him on the branch. He described it as a hairy creature with large red eyes that stared at him. It a sharp crest on its back and a thin long sharp tube protruded from its mouth. It had two thin three fingered hands, each with a long claw at the end. The creature gently grabbed Luisito’s right wrist. Scared he slapped the creature’s hand, which let go immediately. Luisito then lost his balance and fell to the ground, remaining there staring at the fantastic creature, which suddenly jumped down to the ground landing next to the witness among the brush. At this point Luisito noticed that behind the creature on a clearing near the tree was a rotating multi-colored spherical object. According to Luisito it was spherical composed of four stripes, purple, red, yellow and a blue one that appear to open up. In the center of the opening the witness could see numerous other similar creatures that appeared to be engaged in hurried activity. While the creature, close to Luisito appeared to beckon to him with its clawed hand. Luisito was convinced that the creatures wanted him to go with them. The multi-colored sphere emitted a very loud engine sound, resembling that of a lawn mower. The creature again approached the witness and grabbed his wrist, again in a very gentle manner and again Luisito slapped the creature’s hand back. At this point the creature ran and entered the multi-colored luminous sphere, which jumped up over the tree and then took off in an angle towards the north. His mother found Luisito standing by the tamarind tree looking up into the sky as if in a trance.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, La Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: B
Translated by Albert S Rosales
Location. Tbilissi, Georgia (Russia)
Date: September 1995
Time: evening
The main witness and some friend had gone a local botanical park and mentally called down a UFO that had apparently been hovering overhead in an invisible state. After the UFO landed it materialized. It was about 8-10 meters in diameter and was egg shaped. After landing a door appeared. It opened up but they could not see anybody inside, only three armchairs and what appeared to be computer equipment. The main witness received telepathic communication from the unseen aliens. He asked if he could go with them but was told that only in the “astral plane”. He was asked if he wanted to see New York City, he said yes but his friends became scared and did not allowed him to go inside the craft. They then ran away from the park.
HC addendum
Source: GUFOA
Type: F
Location. San Francisco, California
Date: September 1995
Time: night
Harry Fletscher was strolling through the streets of China town. As he turned into one of the small alleys, he saw, at the end of the street, a hopping fireball. Slowly he drew closer, and he could make out a human-like form, made entirely from light, which suddenly raced toward him with great speed. Fletscher dove to one side, feeling, as he did this, a sharp pain in his right arm, and then he lost consciousness. Two days later Fletscher awoke in the hospital, with a concussion, various broken ribs and other bones and a deep laceration of his upper right arm.
HC addendum
Source: UFO, Richard Brunswick Photo Collection
Type: E
Location. Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Date: September 1995
Time: late night
The witness was sleeping in the master bedroom when she was awakened to see an entity in the form of a humanoid male floating to the right side of the foot of the bed. She was then told, in a non-verbal manner, that his name was “Marcus”, and he was there for her. She felt that she had a very close relationship with him. She described the entity as being tall, approximately human in appearance, but with a cat-like face. He appeared to be dressed in a manner that suggested to her a military officer from an earlier time period, with an apparent breastplate arranged in a chevron design. The entity held his hands out to her, palms up, and she instinctively knew to put her hands in his. She then rose up, and he pulled her in closer to him. At that point she felt that they were within a ball of light, and as if they were “dancing”. She could not recall any sounds, and was not sure whether or not they were still within the room, but felt that there was not enough space within the room, to have “danced” in the manner which they presently were. The “dance” was more like a complete spiritual union than physical motion to music. At one point when this interaction was concluded, she knew that “Marcus” had to go. She then apparently found herself back on her bed.
HC addition # 3175
Source: Chad Lewis, Craig Lang, Minnesota Mufon
Type: E
Location. Campo Rico, Puerto Rico
Date: September 1995
Time: midnight
Police officer Jose Collazo was awakened by his car alarm going off. Arming himself with a pistol he ran out and saw a strange 5-foot tall creature that appeared to be attacking his pet Chow-Chow dog. The creature appeared to be trying to bit the dog that was attempting to defend itself. The creature suddenly stood up and looked at the witness who felt threatened and fired his gun at the creature. The creature then seemed to curl up and bounced against a wall, then ran away from the area at very high speed. No trace was found of the creature after a search.
HC addition # 2302
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 8
Type: E
Location. Ashland New Hampshire
Date: September 6 1995
Time: 2302
The witness fell asleep on a chair when he was suddenly lifted into a globular object, flown over a city where he saw people looking up at him. Then he flew above what appeared to be an African savannah and muddy river, the craft then apparently goes up into orbit. He was then placed into a transparent tub or tank filled with breathable fluid by two short gray humanoids while a third one watched. He was surprisingly calm as the humanoids apparently took notes. After a few minutes he was allowed to walk to a window or screen. A metallic cylinder of great size begins to fill the view in the left of the window. There are white and blue lights running the entire length of it. Later before being returned he saw four species of beings in one place together. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G
Location. Near Carabusino, Spain
Date: September 7 1995
Time: late evening
Businessman Pedro de Medina was driving on his way to town when he noticed a huge shadowy figure standing at the edge of the road by a very steep embankment. As he approached the figure he noticed that it appeared to be a gigantic entity wearing very dark clothing. Suddenly and somewhat hunched over the tall entity began crossing the road in front of the witness vehicle. In a kind of slow-motion trot it only took the entity two steps to cross the road ahead of the astounded witness. As the entity crossed to the other side of the road it seemed to vanish in plain sight of De Medina, who kept on driving and did not stop.
HC addendum
Source: Iker Jimenez, “El Paraiso Maldito”, (Cursed Paradise)
Type: E
Location. Campo Rico, Canovanas, Puerto Rico
Date: September 7 1995
Time: night
Misael Negron observed a strange creature standing on his second story balcony for about 10 minutes. He described the creature as about 5-feet tall, dark skin, a round head with pointy chin, with large red eyes, no ears and what appeared to be two long fangs coming out of its mouth. It had a thin neck, thin arms with three fingered hands that had sharp claws. It had two large strong legs and on the ridge of his back it had what appeared to be a sharp crest, that seemed to be phosphorescent and change colors from green to blue, to red, orange, green and violet. The creature seemed to be inspecting the neighborhood from the balcony, upon being discovered by the witness it looked into the window then left.
HC addition # 2299
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 8
Type: E
Location. Campo Rico, Canovanas, Puerto Rico
Date: September 8 1995
Time: night
Angel David Negron encountered a strange creature crouching next to a mutilated goat in his back yard. The creature upon being discovered jumped up and landed in front of the witness, who it then chased up a window. It then ran quickly into the woods and disappeared. The dead goat had apparently being drained of blood and the internal organs were missing. The creature emitted a loud buzzing sound as it ran away from the area.
HC addition # 2300
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 8
Type: E
Location. Rocchetta Sant Antonio, Italy
Date: September 11 1995
Time: 1745
A 20-year-old woman was taking her sheep to a pasture in a valley, when she noticed something shiny standing nearby. She got closer to the object and it suddenly turned towards her. She could now see that it was a small smiling humanoid wearing a brown coverall within a sort of transparent “space suit.” It stood about 50cm tall and appeared to have no arms or a nose. It had a silver half sphere with an antenna on top, on its shoulders. She stared at the figure for about 5 minutes then began walking back home. The small being apparently began following her. The witness panicked and she called out to a neighbor, who attempted to approach the small being. This one then began to trot quickly away, then it took off into the air emitting a noise like a motorcycle motor. Two others saw the flying humanoid over a field.
HC addition # 2653
Source: Italian UFO Reporter
Type: E
Location. Knock Forest, Bathgate Hills, Scotland
Date: September 11 1995
Time: evening
David Colman was driving down a country road with his wife & three children when he saw what appeared to be a distinctly humanoid figure running down a forest path at what seemed to be almost 70 mph. When the creature realized that it was being observed it turned on the witnesses and snarled. It was described as about six feet tall with a human like face and appeared to be angry. The witness and his family drove away from the area.
HC addition # 2336
Source: Fortean Times May 1996
Type: E
Location. Northford, Connecticut
Date: September 12 1995
Time: 1020A
While walking in the area near the All Saints Cemetery in Middletown Rd a woman heard a “static” sound, which directed her attention to an object resting on the ground. She described the object as “helmet shaped” and said that her first thought was that someone had fallen from a bicycle or motorcycle, but soon realized that the object was much too large to be a bicycle or motorcycle helmet. She continued walking until she had approached within 30 or 40 ft of the object. She described it as red metallic about 2 ft wide and 2 ft high, with a large concentration of white lights constantly blinking. She said she watched the lights blink for an estimated ten minutes, before she became alarmed at hearing the words, “oops, we goofed”, twice. She was certain she heard those words spoken inside her head. After becoming alarmed, she quickly moved off in the direction of a nearby monument, and, once there, became curious and returned to the sighting spot on the lawn. When she arrived the object was gone. Her trip to and back from the monument would have taken about 4 minutes. Another woman had seen about 15 years ago over the same Cemetery a large metallic bowl-shaped object flying directly overhead several hundred feet up.
HC addition # 2803
Source: Connecticut Mufon
Type: F
Location. San Isidro de Canovanas, Puerto Rico
Date: September 15 1995
Time: 0200A
Edwin Lopez was driving on state road 65 and was approaching an intersection where there was a traffic signal. As he was slowing down to make a left turn he suddenly saw a figure run out from the side of the road. At first he thought it was a dog, but he realized that it was about 3-feet tall, covered with dark hair. It ran in a bent over position but as it approached the vehicle it straightened up and ran away at very high speed performing 2 incredible leaps as it crossed the highway. As it reached the other side of the road it made another tremendous leap into the wooded area quickly disappearing from sight.
HC addition # 2566
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 10
Type: E
Location. Leribe, Lesotho
Date: September 15 1995
Time: 2220
A local farmer, Peter Lachasa, contacted local authorities reporting that he found a very strange looking craft on his farm near the Madibamatso River. He and other witnesses had seen the object previously crash near the foothills. Later, authorities found a large round disk on the ground. The object was dull gray in color. No windows or portholes were seen. It did not appear to have any external damage. There was a severe fire after the crash. It was reported that three live occupants from the craft were rescued. No other information.
HC addition # 2777
Source: Joachim Koch, Hans Juergen Kyborg
Type: H
Location. Springfield, Missouri
Date: September 15 1995
Time: late night
The witness was awakened in the middle of the night by a bright light coming from her daughter’s bedroom. Her right arm was paralyzed and she had to pull it with her left arm to turn over to see why the light was on. She had to struggle to roll her eyes down from the top of her eye sockets and saw then saw the same creature’s profile (of one seen in 1987) with its arms extended over her daughter’s bed. Angry, she sat up. The creature then turned and looked at her in a threatening manner, with the same huge blue eyes and the witness then passed out in her pillow. As she fell onto her pillow she saw the creature vanish. It turned into a vertical line of light within the bright light and it was gone.
HC addendum
Source: Nancy J Graham, World of The Strange
Type: E
Location. Campo Rico, Puerto Rico
Date: mid September 1995
Time: 0730A
Daniel Perez heard a very loud buzzing sound coming from outside his home, when he looked out he saw a strange creature descend and perch itself on two large legs on top of a large rock in his yard. It then appeared to gain some impulse and jumped up disappearing over a nearby avocado tree. The beings seemed to have small wing-like protrusions on his back, which he used to propel himself at very high speed.
HC addition # 2304
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 8
Type: E
Location. Pozo, Campo Rico, Puerto Rico
Date: September 16 1995
Time: midnight
While tropical storm Marilyn was buffeting the area, a local resident saw a strange 5-foot creature with red glowing eyes. He fired at the being several times but this one seemed to sprout small wings and fly away from the area.
HC addition # 2303
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 8
Type: E
Location. Anones Naranjito Puerto Rico
Date: September 22 1995
Time: 1730
Rosa Jimenez was out in a field gathering her cows when she noticed a short child-like figure crouching behind some nearby weeds. The being had a large head, with a wide forehead. It had beautiful slanted eyes, with red pupils, a flattened nose with rosy cheeks and small pointed ears. It had a thin mouth and a pointed chin. The being’s skin tone seemed to change from gray to gold-beige in color. His hair was light in color and seemed to be sticking straight up. The beings wore a light tunic that covered him from his neck down to his feet. The being stared at the witness and smiled at her, he then slightly turned his head and ran into to the woods. A week later she saw the same being hiding behind a tree trunk. She spoke to him but did not receive an answer.
HC addition # 2308
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 8
Type: E
Location. Santa Barbara D’Oeste, Brazil
Date: September 24 1995
Time: midnight
Edson Roberto Marcelo, 29 years of age, was traveling on a road near this city when he noticed a very bright light on the side of the road. A beam of light then suddenly illuminated his car and Edson felt a heat wave invading his body and then blacked out. When he came to he found himself several kilometers from where he had seen the light, and 40 minutes had apparently transpired. Very shaken and with his eyes irritated he then drove to the house of a friend. The next day he found several strange found marks on his wrists and his ears were buzzing. Upon inspecting his vehicle he noticed that parts of the steering wheel had apparently melted. Later he vaguely remembered being inside “something” with smooth walls and lying on top of a table. There he was apparently given a telepathic command instructing him to forget the whole episode.
HC addendum
Source: CEPEX, UFO Genesis Brazil
Type: G
Location. Grimsby, South Humberside England
Date: September 27 1995
Time: 0300A
The witness, 35-year-old Paul Gilman, woke up when he heard something in the room. He then saw bounding towards him from behind an armchair, a small goblin like creature, about three and a half feet tall, it ran with a scamper. Gilman tried to move but was paralyzed. The being reached another man that was sleeping in the room and bent down over him. It then noticed the witness and looked up with an expression of surprise. It then backed away and disappeared behind the same chair. It was described as having long thin arms, large pointed ears and huge round eyes set in a triangular head. The witness was able to move as soon as the creature disappeared.
HC addition # 3454
Source: Peter Hough & Moyshe Kalman, The Truth About UFO Abductions.
Type: E
Location. Quartz Hill, California
Date: September 28 1995
Time: midnight
The witness suddenly woke up and felt an urge to go to the window. As she stood by the window she suddenly heard a sound like thunder, and she looked up to the sky and saw a blinking light descending rapidly at incredible speed. In a second it stopped just a few feet from the ground, it hovered displaying blinking round yellow lights. She described the craft as shaped like the planet Saturn with a shiny halo. Suddenly the lights went off and she could hear a humming sound, then nothing. The object then landed in a deserted field across from the house on top of a small hill. She then noticed several little men approaching her window, this wore what appeared to be scuba like outfits, dark blue in color, and they stared at her with interest. Incredibly she then realized that the glass of the window had been somehow removed. The little men closest to her then jumped through the open window and approached her. She could clearly see his eyes, which were hazel-green in color. The little being stared at intently, he then asked her if she was “D V” she replied in the affirmative. In a quick motion the little man put his hand on her shoulders and then the others joined in, touching her arms, and holding her as if they were trying to prevent her from running away. As they lay their hands on her she felt an intense cold inside of her. At this point she apparently passed out. She was apparently carried through the open window and dragged over the ground, in her semi-awake state she could her them talking among themselves in an unknown language. She was taken up the hill towards the landed craft. She could see a square opening with a light inside. She was taken up a stair like protrusion as another being waited for them at the door; before she was apparently dragged inside the door a greenish kind of light smoke enveloped her and knocked her out completely. She woke up later lying down. She heard metallic noises and unknown language around her. She managed to open her eyes and noticed that the room was round and very clean looking. A soft yellow light illuminated the room. The greenish smoke was still dense and it was hard for her to breathe. She felt a burning sensation inside her nostrils and she had a headache. She heard noises and talking on the other side and turned around to see several of the beings operating computer consoles, sitting on what appeared to be chairs. In front of them he could a square window and the stars shining on the other side. Suddenly one of the beings turned to look at her and yelled something at the others. Soon several beings came running towards where she was, some wore white doctor-like gowns. The beings were very similar to humans, except for their size. The beings seemed worried because she was awake, they then touched her and she lost consciousness again. Her next memory was of waking up on her bed.
HC addendum
Source: Pancake Perspectives UFO Wisconsin
Type: G
Location. Weston Massachusetts
Date: September/October 1995
Time: 0615A
While driving to work on the tree-canopied (Deer Path Lane) and as he drove over a slightly ridged slope in the road the witness thought a man in a hang glider was about to smash to smash into his car. He abruptly stopped the car and to his absolute astonishment he realized that it was a giant eagle-like bird with black eagle like wings and some white colors, with a head resembling that of an eagle. He described the wingspan as large as an interstate road sign—at least 20 feet wide and with the body the size of an adult human. From its enormous size the witness estimated its weight to be about 175-200 lbs. The creature majestically and effortlessly lumbered and floated up above the car softly and gently, moving it’s wings for lift of flight up through the middle of the roadway so it’s wings would not be obstructed by the tree canopy branches lining the confines of the roadway. The witness describes the creature he saw as resembling a prehistoric “Argentavis Magnifcens” a giant bird-like creature that lived more than a million years ago.
HC addendum
Source: Paranormal about Com July 2003 stories
Type: E
Location. Near Obendorf, Germany
Date: October 1995
Time: evening
Two young girls riding their horses on a field noticed some multicolored circus like lights coming from a nearby glade. Upon investigating they encountered a landed silvery disc shaped object with an egg shaped cupola on top. Next to the object, to the right stood a man like figure wearing a silvery outfit and what appeared to be an oversized raincoat. At this point the horses became frightened and stopped. Soon the craft rose up and hovered 5 meters from the ground and then shot away at incredible speed. Farmers in the area apparently saw the object flying away.
HC addendum
Source: Mufon-Ces
Type: B
Location. Surrey Heath, England
Date: October 1995
Time: night
Children playing in a field near a local school reported encountering a bizarre figure in the playground area. The figure was described as tall, man-like, dark in color, with red eyes and wearing some type suit with “badges” on it and boots, a black belt and gloves. Some of the children report that he has black hair and sometimes has approached and pointing at them, has said, “He wanted them.” Other children report that he was carrying something resembling a “flute.” No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Martin Jeffrey
Type: E
Location. Rio Lajas, Dorado, Puerto Rico
Date: October 1995
Time: night
On various occasions the Mojica & Cartagena family that lived isolated ranches have seen different types of humanoid creatures in the area. One creature was described as short human-like, with a child like body, with gray-blue skin, a head slightly larger than normal, with pointed ears, & sparse hair, with large almond shaped eyes & a very small nose. This creature seemed to have a slight smile & was wearing a very tight fitting gray colored outfit that covered him completely up to the neck. Another type of beings seen was described as about six feet tall with very similar features to the small child like creature, wearing the same type of outfit. This one has been seen in conjunction with the “Chupacabra” type creatures that he seems to be “keeping an eye on”. On one occasion the witnesses saw 14 Chupacabra type creatures of different sizes walking single file up the side of a hill. Others in the area have seen unknown aircraft and lights over the fields.
HC addition # 2570
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 10
Type: D
Location. Canovanas, Puerto Rico
Date: October 1 1995
Time: night
A police officer saw and shot a strange humanoid creature, described as a “Chupacabra” it fled into the woods at high speed. The creature reportedly jumped over a fence, and landed on top of a banana plant, crushing it. Blood was found on top of the plant and on the fence. A local veterinary doctor analyzed the blood. It was disclosed that its composition was anomalous. No other information.
HC addition # 2187
Source: Jorge Martin UFO Magazine Vol. 14 # 6
Type: E
Location. Glencoe, Scotland
Date: October 1995
Time: night
Andrew Hennessey was lying in his bunk bed when a gray figure with a large head appeared, approached him and embraced him. The humanoid took him to an underground location and showed him a whole city inside a huge cavern. No other information. (Involved in other encounters).
HC addendum
Source: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland
Type: G?
Location. Crestone, Saguache County, Colorado
Date: October 1995
Time: night
The witness, Michael, suddenly woke up onboard a flying saucer. He was in the forward section of the ship and looking down through a large window. To the right was a panel of raised buttons, they were shaped like diamonds and squares and they were in primary colors. He kept looking around and saw three alien being standing toward the back, they had dome-shaped heads and slanted eyes. They were wearing white robes and they were of different heights. The witness received the distinct impression that the aliens did not want him to look at them. He then decided to look at the controls. “As I looked over to my right at the bank of controls, it was almost as though, hidden to my left behind the wall, there was a plastic covering in the shape of the control panel. It went around (covering the control panel) just slightly faster than my eyes, so, I was looking at a shiny white, curved panel. I imagine they covered the controls as a containment procedure. I thought boy, this is interesting, they’re either handling my mind, or this is really a real phenomenon. So what am I going to do now.” As he looked at the window and thought if the window was able to do anything, there was a flash and the window was suddenly covered in not only letters and numbers but also hieroglyphics in orange color. The witness had the impression that the machinery and the object reacted to his thoughts and somehow he was able to control some of the movements and maneuvers. At about three thousand feet up he was looking down at an angle at some mountains. He sees a ray of light going down, and it lights up this huge gold aura at the base of the ray. The witness suspects that he is being shown the location of a long lost wagonload of gold lost hundreds of years ago. “The ship was interacting with my mind. I asked the beings, ‘so are there any more locations of lost gold? And suddenly another six to eight miles north he was being shown another one’. He remembered being over a particular hill and the object tilting over at an extreme angle and him looking down at this rather large amount of ‘something’ in the ground that emanated a golden aura. The witness then asked the beings about the major canyon treasures (gold) in this area. Very quickly he was suddenly looking down at a mountain full of gold, he noted where it came up close to the surface, where a crevice might be located for a person to find something. The aura around this gold was about a quarter mile out. The aura seemed relative to the amount of gold he was seeing. Suddenly he heard a kind of voice or thought that seemed to come from the back of the ship, which was kind of gravelly, kind of commanding. It said, “That’s enough”. The witness said thank you and woke up in his bed.
HC addendum
Source: Christopher O’Brien
Type: G
Comments: According to the witness there are numerous stories in the area of lost and hidden treasures in inaccessible mountains and hills. What would be the interest of this particular aliens on the gold, are they the long gone Annunaki mentioned in Sitchin’s books, the ones that created the human race originally as a slave race to mine the gold in this planet? According to the witness, he has searched the hills for the gold and so far has been unable to locate anything.
Location. Santa Fe New Mexico
Date: October 1995
Time: 2330
Shona Bear Clark (involved in other encounters) woke up to discover a man standing in her bedroom. He was wearing a white robe with gold roping around the neck area. He had shoulder length blond hair and blue eyes. He told her that they were “giving her back” her memories. He stood there all night as she slept on and off. After this event she began leaving her body on a regular basis.
HC addendum
Source: C L Turnage, Sexual Encounters with
Type: E
Location. Campo Rico, Puerto Rico
Date: October 3 1995
Time: 2100
A strange gray creature, with a large pear shaped head, and huge reddish oval shaped eyes, reputedly to have been the inaptly named “Chupacabra” was seen by several witnesses and apparently it was chased. It jumped over a fence and apparently cut itself since blood was found at the scene. The blood was sent off for analysis. (Not related to the previous case, but very similar)
HC addition # 2186
Source: Jorge Martin UFO Magazine Vol. 14 # 6
Type: E
Location. Los Perez, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
Date: October 7 1995
Time: 1530
Mary Quinones was working in her back yard near her rabbit cages when she felt something heavy apparently fall behind her. When she turned to look in the direction of the noise she came to face a 5-foot tall creature that stared at her with large red glowing eyes. The creature seemed to have some type of membrane in between its fingers and a large membrane that seem to connect it’s under arms with the stomach area. Its whole body appeared to be covered with numerous tiny sharp filaments. The creature also seemed to be able to change skin color like a chameleon. The creature opened its mouth revealing two large fangs and a red interior of the mouth. The witness was able to scream and at that point the creature disappeared into the nearby woods with long quick jumps. In a nearby field the creature apparently attacked a horse, and local residents then chased it into the woods.
HC addition # 2306
Source: Jorge Martin in Evidencia OVNI # 8
Type: E
Location. Sukhonovogovo, Kostroma, Russia
Date: October 13 1995
Time: 1900
Farm worker Nikolai Viktorovich Krayev had been waiting, along with other workers for their bus that normally took them home when it was learned that the bus had broken down. At this point Nikolai decided to go on home on foot. A distance of about seven kilometers. His wife remained behind waiting for the new bus, which finally showed up at 2000. Incredibly Nikolai did not make it home until 0140A that night. He recounted a strange tale involving a bizarre encounter. After walking approximately a third of distance, he saw directly along the road at about 100 to 150 meters away a glowing reddish-blue sphere with the diameter of about 3-3.5m in diameter, vivid blue in color with sparking reddish tints. Nikolai then perceived a telepathic command ordering him to go into the sphere. He then noticed that the sphere had no doors, superstructures, antennas, windows or other protrusions. But somehow he was able to enter the sphere. Inside it was dark and there was no one in evidence. The witness barely remembers what happened inside the sphere, but did recall that many questions were posed to him. He does not know how long he spent inside the sphere but suddenly he found himself outside the sphere standing on a field and the blue sphere flying away. Krayev later recalled that he perceived 5 crewmembers onboard the sphere, even though he never saw anybody. The light inside the sphere was dim and from an unknown source. Conversation was generally between the crewmembers. Regressive hypnosis was attempted on Krayev but he could not provide any additional details. Other inhabitants in the area frequently reported seeing luminous spheres flying through the sky around the same time.
HC addendum
Source: N M Kapralovoy, Nathalie Mikhaylovn, Russia
Type: G
Location. Anones, Naranjito, Puerto Rico
Date: middle of October 1995
Time: evening
Rosa Jimenez was coming back home from a nearby ranch when she noticed a round greenish luminous object slowly descend over the area. The object quickly descended and now she could see that it was an oval shaped craft ringed with large square windows. The craft hovered about 3 feet from the ground. The witness then noticed several figures looking out the window. She saw the short child-like being that she had encountered before and also a tall man-like figure with dark skin, and hair sticking up on his head. He wore a tight fitting silvery outfit. The object hovered for a few more seconds then lifted up and left at high speed. Soon after that the witness saw two bizarre bird-like creatures with oval shaped heads, red eyes and pointed ears. Their beaks were long and thin and their feet ended in black claws.
HC addition # 2309
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 8
Type: A
Location. Near Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico
Date: mid October 1995
Time: night
While experiencing a number of unexplained animal killings in his farm, local farmer Pedro Castro encountered on various occasions a strange creature with luminous eyes that seemed to keep an eye on him every time he went into his yard. The being seemed to move in a peculiar sideways manner, but at all times keeping a fixed gaze on the witness. Every time Castro attempted to approach the creature it ran away at incredible speed, disappearing into the brush. Finally Castro decided to attempt to establish contact with the creature and began speaking softly to it, telling it to approach “that he was not going to hurt it.” His efforts were rewarded one night when the creature approached him moving its head up & down in a strange manner, it also closed and opened its eyes repeatedly. The creature approached to within 5 feet of the witness, who noticed that it had huge oval shaped luminous eyes, but could not see many other details because of the darkness. Once the creature was within 4 feet of the witness, Castro took out a 45-caliber gun and shot at it, at almost point blank range. The creature quickly ran away, seemingly unaffected. Incredibly the creature came back 21 different times that night, only to be shot at on each occasion. At no time did the creature seemed to be affected by the bullets. The creature seemed to have a strange hypnotic effect on the witness with its eyes, at one time it looked at the witness apparently emitting a beam of light from its eyes causing the witness to feel very dizzy and disoriented. Around the same time various neighboring farmers reported seeing strange lights descend over the wooded hills & off finding dead mutilated goats in the area.
HC addition # 2567
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 12
Type: D
Location. Torriente, Matanzas, Cuba
Date: October 15 1995
Time: 0930A
A farmer, Adolfo Serrate, was working on a field when he watched a silvery metallic shell shaped object descend from the sky and land on a nearby vegetable field. From behind a growth of weeds, he observed two small human like figures, one apparently behind a window inside the object, & the other walking around the object. Both figures wore some type of diving suit. The entity outside the object spent several minutes collecting “malanga” roots. Then with his arms full of uprooted plants he re-boarded the object. The object then began giving off a blue fire and white smoke; it then quickly disappeared among the clouds at high speed. The Ministry of the Interior dispatched a team to investigate. At the site they found physical evidence, including footprints, and leaves scorched black by the object’s propulsion system. The material was reportedly turned over to the Cuban Academy of Sciences.
HC addition # 2136
Source: Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo Quoting “The Cuban Academy of Sciences.”
Type: B
Location. Fairbanks, Alaska
Date: October 15 1995
Time: 1430
Three men saw a hovering disc-shaped object in the sky. They stood paralyzed under a bright light when they noticed a being wearing robes looking at them. They all then screamed and ran away. The being had a large head, with big black eyes. The object was more oval in shape with a bright light in the middle that gave off a strange hypnotic metallic shine.
HC addition # 3190
Source: NUFORC
Type: A
Location. Guanica, Puerto Rico
Date: October 20 1995
Time: late night
The 5-year-old witness woke up hearing a noise. He then noticed a shadow next to the door that seemed to be running back and forth. Afraid he hid under the covers, but could still see the shadowy figure. He then got up and saw a short dwarf like figure outside the room, described as thin, with a wide face, with large pointed ears, huge dark eyes, and light gray wrinkled skin. The dwarf made some hand gestures and showed him something resembling a cross and a piece of paper. The witness then looked outside and saw a metallic object with several bright lights hovering close to the ground. A beam of light came out of the object and retracted the dwarf-like creature inside. The object then left.
HC addition # 3900
Source: Jose Martinez Puerto Rico Research Group
Type: B
Location. Guanica, Puerto Rico
Date: October 21 1995
Time: late night
A young boy (involved in the previous encounter) was sleeping when a powerful light entered his bedroom. The brightness of the light woke him up. He then saw a small reddish sphere come in through the window and fall to the floor. When it hit the ground, it transformed itself into a short dwarf-like creature, with long pointed ears, and huge oval shaped eyes. Screaming he ran to the closet. His grandfather who had noticed the bright light in the boy’s room now came inside to see what had happened. Upon entering the room he saw the bizarre creature. He tried to hit the creature with a bat, but the creature suddenly transformed itself into a ball of light and shot out the window. Looking out the window he then saw a landed metallic object on the patio resting on several legs. It had several lighted windows and lights. Suddenly the object shot up into the sky at very high speed.
HC addition # 3901
Source: Jose Martinez, Puerto Rico Research Group
Type: C
Location. Jalapa, Mexico
Date: October 27 1995
Time: 0400A
Residents of the Las Margaritas and Santa Rosa development witnessed a collision between two UFO’s in mid-flight, directly above the Bosques del Recuerdo cemetery. Both objects had been flying at high speed low above the ground. It was reported to resemble an enormous light that divided into three smaller lights, two of which had collided in mid-air. One witness reported being awakened by a loud noise and saw his bedroom fill with light. After the objects had disappeared, three women appearing figures were seen standing in the middle of the cemetery, cab drivers that rushed to the scene could find nothing.
HC addition # 3204
Source: The UFO Phenomenon in Mexico
Type: C or H?
Location. Near Beaver, Ohio
Date: October 28 1995
Time: night
The two witnesses were crossing a valley in an isolated area when both suddenly heard a loud humming sound and became dizzy and disoriented. They then probably lost consciousness. When they came too they found themselves inside a cool lighted “hall”. They were unable to move but were able to move their eyes. They were however only able to see a limited area of their surrounding environment. They could not recognize anything “human” everything seemed very strange. They appeared to be in some kind of metallic tunnel. The walls shone silvery white. On the walls there were numerous small metallic flaps which moved up & down constantly. They also could hear strange hissing noises. Then they lost consciousness again. Her next memory was of lying on a field about 200 meters away from their original position. They have no other memory of the event.
HC addendum
Source: DEGUFO, Germany
Type: G. Hypnotic regression apparently has not been attempted in this case.
Location. Anones, Naranjito, Puerto Rico
Date: late October 1995
Time: night
The witness noticed strange lights outside and upon looking out she saw a strange creature standing or perched on a branch of a nearby tree. The creature was described as having dark skin & hairy, with a large oval shaped head with large red slanted eyes. Two small holes for a nose, & with dark leathery wings on its back. It also had what appeared to be a long a long sharp needle sticking out of its mouth. The creature stared at the witness making a strange buzzing sound.
HC addition # 2310
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 8
Type: E or C?
Location. Cidra, Puerto Rico
Date: early November 1995
Time: unknown
A local mechanic reported seeing a bizarre winged creature perched on a tree branch. The mechanic repeatedly stated that he had never seen anything similar in his life. Mutilated farm animals and pets had been found in the area.
HC addition # 3276
Source: Scott Corrales in Chupacabra & other Mysteries
Type: E
Location. Near Itum Kale, Russia
Date: November 1995
Time: unknown
A UFO exploded in the mountains of the Chechinia Republic, near the small this small village. Chechinian forces gathered the wreckage and all records of the event were said to have been destroyed during the war between Chechinia and Russia.
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov, & Phillip Mantle UFO crash list
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 9
Location. Laguinho, Brazil
Date: November 1995
Time: night
Maria Santana Brasil reported seeing a tall humanoid wearing a silvery outfit with a shiny square-shaped object on its chest. It shone a beam of light on the witness causing her to tremble, and to vomit, she then passed out. Around the same time in Jocoaba Mr. Noeri Travesini was traveling by car along a street when suddenly a short figure about 1.10m in height appeared in front of the car. It had huge shiny red yellow eyes and long thin arms and thin legs. It suddenly disappeared in plain sight.
HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: E & C
Location. Urbanizacion Levittown Puerto Rico
Date: November 1995
Time: 0200A
A family of six was suddenly awakened by the sound of something heavy apparently crashing or landing on top of their wooden roof. A couple of the adult family members went outside to investigate and encountered an average size human figure standing next to a metallic-silvery motorcycle-like apparatus. The figure wore a luminous outfit & its facial features were not clearly distinguishable. As one of the witnesses approached the figure, this one spoke in perfect Spanish, telling the witness not to worry that “he had experienced some technical difficulties” & that everything was all right. Moments later he climbed on top of the motorcycle like object and flew off silently at high speed. Marks were found on top of the wooden roof.
HC addition # 2142
Source: Hank Worbetz & Aida Rivero
Type: A
Location. Fort Buchanan, Caparra, Puerto Rico
Date: November 1995
Time: afternoon
A young reservist working in a secluded section of the base was startled by the sudden appearance of several soldiers carrying a transparent square glass container covered in some type of sheet. As the men placed the container on the floor the sheet fell off and the witness was terrified to see a strange humanoid creature inside of it, apparently dead and frozen. He asked the soldiers what the creature was and was told that it was a dead monkey. However the creature did not resembled a monkey and had an agonizing terrified expression frozen on its face apparently at the time of death. It resembled the widely reported chupacabra type creature. The witness was then threatened by a ranking officer and warned not to mentioned to anybody what he had seen on the base.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, La Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: H?
Location. El Yunque, Puerto Rico
Date: November 1995
Time: night
As they drove home late at night several employees of a local US government facility encountered a giant bat-like creature. The creature descended on the car’s hood, stretched itself over the windshield, and stared with red eyes at the terrified witnesses. At the same time the car engine stalled. Somehow they escaped and made their way to a local restaurant where they related their story.
HC addition # 3240
Source: Jerome Clark The Unexplained
Type: E
Location. Munich, Germany
Date: November 1995
Time: 2300
The witness was lying in bed unable to fall asleep, soon she finally able to sleep. Later she suddenly woke up again and saw before her a hovering oval shaped light about 50cm in width. Next to the light a figure stood watching her. The light moved slowly to her left side, floating in mid-air. Her fear was now gone, she turned around in attempt to wake her husband but when he woke up the light and the figure had disappeared. The figure was described as human, possibly middle age with long brown hair, whether male or female she could not discern. She was only able to see the head and shoulders clearly.
HC addendum
Source: Greyhunter UFO site, Germany
Type: E
Location. San Pablo De las Nazas, Jalisco Mexico
Date: November 1 1995
Time: 2350
Rafael Tapia was returning home on his bicycle and as he neared a neighbor’s house observed not more than 10 meters away a bizarre creature. At first, because of the darkness Tapia thought it was a dog, as he passed to within 3 meters of the creature he realized that it was a very short man-like figure with huge glowing red white eyes. The strange figure turned around and stared at the witness, it then scrambled down a grassy embankment and disappeared from sight. Stunned the witness ran to where the creature had disappeared to, and flung a couple of rocks at its direction. And then he reboarded his bicycle and pedaled home. He reported that the creature wore a type of tight-fitting high collared coverall. Earlier on that same day another witness had seen an elongated metallic object that flew at a low altitude and then descended on a field. Investigators recorded strange magnetic disturbances in the area. On October 27 a house under construction in the area burned down as a result of a powerful heat wave from an unknown source that apparently came from the sky.
HC addendum
Source: Contacto Ovni
Type: D
Location. San Pablo De Las Nazas, Mexico
Date: November 2 1995
Time: night
The day after the previous incident a neighbor reported seeing two similar short humanoids standing on a field about 15 meters away near an abandoned house that had mysteriously burned down under suspicious circumstances.
HC addendum
Source: Contacto Ovni
Type: D
Location. Forest of Givry, France
Date: November 2 1995
Time: 2130
Three young persons were traveling in a car when they spotted a pulsating luminous object over the road; the craft descended revealing a large oval shape form. It then descended lower ahead of the witnesses, causing them to stop the car. In the light of the headlights they saw a tall thin humanoid figure about 1.75m in height. The figure appeared to have a small round pasty white head. The humanoid wore a large black cape and silvery boots. As the witnesses watched and discussed among themselves whether to approach the object it suddenly disappeared along with the figure.
HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 335, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: C
Location. La Grange, Georgia
Date: November 4 1995
Time: late afternoon
The witness wad driving south on Salem road when he topped a hill and saw in the headlights, five “shadow like” figures running in the middle of the road. The shadows were humanoid in shape and initially about 250 feet away. They stood nearly six feet tall, their head appeared to be blocky in appearance & roughly diamond shape. No arms were noted. Upon hitting the brakes the shadow-like entities suddenly disappeared. The dark entities were described as “darker than dark.” Another person is reported to had hit one of the entities with his vehicle & upon impact the entity appeared in the cab of his truck, and then disappeared. The witness described the figure as “darker than dark.”
HC addition # 2625
Source: John C Thompson ISUR
Type: E
Location. Canovanas, Puerto Rico
Date: November 5 1995
Time: night
Luis Angel Guadalupe and Carlos Carrillo observed a creature described as having large ears, oval and luminous eyes which alternated between orange and red, claws, and wings. It was about four to five feet tall. That same evening, 15 peacocks, and a heifer belonging to a Mr. Dominguez were found dead.
HC addition # 3528
Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo
Type: E
Location. Barrio Palmasola, Puerto Rico
Date: November 5 1995
Time: 1930
Two men had been fishing for sunfish in the early evening when they suddenly became aware of a sound in the vegetation behind them. The men then saw a “horrible” devil-like creature emerge from the woods. It had large ears, luminous oval eyes alternating between orange, & red in color, claws and wings. It stood between four and five feet tall. Both men ran away in panic apparently being pursued by the creature flying just above the treetops. Upon reaching his house one of the men grabbed a machete and turned to see the creature perched on a nearby hutch. The creature jumped to the ground, leaving deep prints in the soil, and dashed back into the woods, tearing down the hutch, fences, and other structures in its path.
HC addition # 3144
Source: Scott Corrales
Type: E
Location. San Lorenzo Puerto Rico
Date: November 6 1995
Time: night
Unconfirmed reports stating that specially trained government soldiers had captured two strange creatures or “Chupacabras” and are being kept in the US mainland. These creatures are associated with a spate of animal and livestock mutilations in the island and elsewhere.
HC addition # 2183
Source: Jorge Martin UFO Magazine Vol. 14 # 6
Type: H?
Location. Manson Washington
Date: November 8 1995
Time: 1140A
A man reported encountering two humanoid figures in his apartment. These wore “scuba type suits” and had “wrap around” glasses. The beings pointed a flashing object at the witness then disappeared apparently walking right through the wall.
HC addition # 2140
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. West Lothian, Scotland
Date: November 8 1995
Time: night
John S saw “what looked like a new type of ship. It looked like a giant Frisbee. The occupants were like the grays”. Other encounters, however, involved pagan religious figures, including the Zeus and the god of nature, Pan. Their “spirits” came to John and conveyed a variety of messages to him. He had been previously involved in an abduction incident.
HC addendum
Source: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland
Type: G?
Location. Caguas, Puerto Rico
Date: November 9 1995
Time: 1900
Ada Arroyo director of a local nursing home heard a scream similar to those made by a lamb being slaughtered, coming from outside. She went outside the patio and saw a strange hairy figure, grayish in color, covering its body with a pair of wings. It had a flattened, vulpine face, with enormous red eyes. The creature held her gaze with its mesmerizing eyes before taking off into the air, quickly vanishing from sight.
HC addition # 3260
Source: Scott Corrales, Fate October 1998
Type: E
Location. Zacapa, Guatemala
Date. November 11 1995
Time: 0100A
During a spate of bizarre animal killings in the area, Alicia Fajardo encountered a strange winged creature in her property, described as about 4-feet tall, with large bat like wings, huge oval shaped eyes, a large mouth with huge protruding fangs. It was covered with dark hair & possessed a tail & claw-like feet. The creature flew away in a spiral like trajectory emitting a strange humming like sound.
HC addition # 2565
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 12
Location. El Rosario, Puerto Rico
Date: November 11 1995
Time: night
Farmer Elliot Feliciano fired his gun at a large creature that jumped the fence surrounding his home. He described the creature as being about 3 to 4 feet tall, endowed with large eyes, and with what appeared to be wings. Others reported a brilliant, round object flying over the area while a large goat was also found mutilated.
HC addition # 3143
Source: Scott Corrales
Type: D?
Location. Vega Baja, Puerto Rico
Date: November 12 1995
Time: night
Young Oralis Gonzalez and her mother reportedly watched from their balcony a metallic disc shaped object descend and land on their farm. The craft had multi-colored flashing lights. Undescribed occupants exited the craft and approached the house somehow floating up to the balcony and communicating with the young girl, as her mother remained paralyzed with fear. The extraterrestrials allegedly marked the girl’s left arm with a strange “tattoo”: OJO-10-OJO.” The meaning remains unknown. The father attempted to photograph the mark but each time he tried the film was mysteriously exposed. As the humanoids re-entered their craft the mother began screaming. The father ran up to see the UFO rise up and leave at high speed. Several hens were found mutilated at the same location on the same night.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, La Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: B
Location. Gurabo, Puerto Rico
Date: November 14 1995
Time: 2100
Local merchant Adrian Torres Torres reported seeing three white gray figures that appeared to glide over a nearby field where some cattle was grazing. They moved around effortlessly using quick bursts of speed. Torres describes the figures as white in color, one about 6 ft tall or more, thin, the second one about 5 ft tall and the third only about 3-1/2 ft tall. When they stood still they resembled beakless penguins. All three creatures executed a tremendous jump over a concrete fence to a nearby park. Other witnesses arrived to see the creatures that apparently noticed being watched. At this point they rose up into the air and flew away. Several stunned motorists watched the creatures fly over their vehicles as they left the area.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E
Location. Barrio Cain Alto, Puerto Rico
Date: November 16 1995
Time: afternoon
Several local residents heard a commotion coming from the place where the cockfighting roosters were kept. Upon investigating three of the neighbors encountered a bizarre creature, described as grayish and simian, with large almond shaped eyes, an oval face and small hands protruding from its shoulders. They began throwing stones at the creature, which rose to its full height, sprang upward into the air, and flew away in the direction of a nearby hill.
HC addition # 3277
Source: Scott Corrales Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E
Location. Barrio Garrochales, Puerto Rico
Date: November 17 1995
Time: 0230A
Hearing a commotion out in the animal pen a family ran out to find three goats and one dead sheep, the bodies had what appeared to be several round holes. They saw a 3 ft tall dark figure scurry away, jump up and fly into the darkness.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E
Location. Barranquitas, Puerto Rico
Date: November 18 1995
Time: 1920
A huge disc shaped craft with opaque windows hovered right above the antenna of the local radio station Radio Poder according to witness Jose Arriaga and others in the area. Through some unexplained process it apparently caused some very old equipment (1957) inside the station to turn on by itself and began to operate. Apparently some of the equipment was not even plugged in (!). Meanwhile around the same time and near the Radio Poder site, two young boys, Edwin Valdes, & Gumersindo Alicea were playing ball in a field when the ball fell at the edge of some woods. They both went to retrieve the ball and came face to face with a strange creature that stared at the fixedly. They describe it as about 4 ft tall, with a spike like crest on its back and large red oval shaped eyes. Incredibly they felt no fear and reported that the creature remained still for a few moments and then turned around disappearing into the woods. Gumersindo reported that he felt paralyzed during the encounter, apparently caused by some time of “influence” emitted by the creature. At no time did they felt threatened by the creature. An adult witness at a nearby house reported seeing a perfect circle of light on the ground of the playing field. Later that same night, Doris Malave Matos in the same area, reported seeing a creature that walked on two legs, walking erect up a hill and disappearing into a lighted area beyond it.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabra
Type: C or E?
Location. Canaboncito, Puerto Rico
Date: November 23 1995
Time: late night
During a period of bizarre animal mutilations in the area a strange green slimy substance was found on a window of a home where some unknown creature introduced a long, hairy clawed arm into the window of the house and shredded a teddy bear that happened to be within its reach. Before it ran into a heavily wooded area one of the occupants of the house saw a single red eye & the lift side of the intruder’s face.
HC addition # 3141
Source: Scott Corrales
Type: E
Location. Toa Baja, Puerto Rico
Date: November 24 1995
Time: evening
A local resident reported encountering a short, four-foot tall creature, shortly after nearby residents reported seeing a saucer-shaped object crossing the skies. Around the same time several slain heifers were found dead lying in a perfect row in the middle of a lonely road.
HC addition # 3287
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: D
Location. Near Vega Baja, Puerto Rico
Date: November 28 1995
Time: night
Jesus Medina Montes reported that he found half of his herd of steers with several bizarre wounds on their backs. Some of the cows had a viscous slime around their necks. Later that night Irene Mercado & her 9-year old niece reported seeing a creature shaped like a bird that fluttered away while making a loud noise with its mouth.
HC addition # 3288
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E
Location. West Dade County, Florida
Date: late November 1995
Time: afternoon
On several occasions a farm hand at a ranch located in an area known at the East Everglades noticed a large winged bat-like creature with leathery skin and wings fly over a fence several times and hover over a field. During the same time numerous farm animals including mules were found strangely mutilated by its owners in the same area.
HC addition # 2329
Source: Personal Investigation
Type: E
Location. West Dade County, Florida
Date: early December 1995
Time: 0300A
Awaken by the sounds of his barking dogs Rene Revilla Jr. & a farm hand ran out to see three tall blond haired men wearing gray coveralls ride away in what appeared to be 4 wheeled swamp buggy type vehicles. The men were tall & very muscular in appearance. They disappeared towards the west into an area known as the East Everglades. The farm hand fired a shot at the men, bud did not hit them. Soon after they saw a large white light descend over the nearby swamp, two smaller white lights emerged from the bigger object and shot away at high speed. The light hovered over the area for a while. The witness is quite sure that the men were somehow connected with the bright lights.
HC addition # 2328
Source: Personal Investigation
Type: D or C?
Location. Gurabo, Puerto Rico
Date: early December 1995
Time: 0400A
Fearing additional attacks on his rabbits, Jesus Sanchez decided to mount a watch for any intruders. Using a light bulb to temporarily blind a strange creature, he caused it to seek shelter behind a tree. When the light was turned off, the creature raced past him out of the darkness allowing only enough time for a terrified Sanchez to deliver to stiff blows with his machete against the creature’s skin. The blows made a sound like a hollow drum.
HC addition # 3286
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E
Location. Near Salamanca, New York
Date: December 1995
Time: 0800A
The three witnesses were hunting deer in The Southern Tier, when they thought they saw a bear coming out from behind a nearby tree, but the creature ran on two feet, and was making ungodly noises as it ran after the witnesses. It nearly caught up to them as they reached their truck. Before they could leave the creature smashed out the front window of the truck. They described the creature as a mix between a gorilla and a man, and with bright yellow “evil” looking eyes.
HC addition # 2974
Source: Western Bigfoot Society
Type: E
Location. Barrio Valenciano, Puerto Rico
Date: December 1995
Time: 1900
The barking of her dog that was in the high terrace overlooking her backyard alerted Maria De Gomez. Upon investigating she was startled to see an ashen gray creature about 75 pounds and standing some 4 feet tall. It loomed over the defiant dog in silence as if trying to browbeat it into submission. The creature’s eyes were somehow able to light the entire terrace with a clear, whitish light like that of a bulb. The witness eyes met those of the creature and stare it down. The gargoyle-like entity slowly covered its pointed face with its wings then moved away from its position, slinked against a wall it half hid behind a washing machine. Eventually it took a few awkward steps toward the railing surrounding the terrace, jumping on it and flew off into the dark sky. In another occasion Maria had seen two small silver suited gray colored beings hold hands and jump over a fence to escape from a watchdog.
HC addition # 3285
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E
Location. Near Cambalache, Puerto Rico
Date: December 1995
Time: 2100
Mr. Eliezer Rivera accompanied by a second witness were on their way home from church when they both spotted a bizarre creature standing on the side of the road. It was described as being about 4 feet tall, & in a hunched over position. It had short thin curved arms. Under its arms it had what appeared to be a membrane that seemed to connect the arms with its torso. It had three fingered hands with membrane in between the fingers also; it had long sharp claws at the end of its hands. It head was oval shaped & it had large almond shaped eyes that emitted an intense red-orange luminosity. It appeared to be covered with dark coarse hair. As the creature stood there looking at the witness vehicle, Mr. Rivera became curious and exited the vehicle to approach the creature. The creature seemed to make strange sideways movements with its head. The other witness was terrified and begged Rivera to return to the vehicle. As Rivera neared the creature, this one suddenly took out a long very sharp protrusion from its mouth & moved it in & out three times very quickly. This frightened the witness who quickly returned to his vehicle. He noticed that the creature had a strange multi-colored sharp crest that ran from the top of its head down to the small of its back. As the two watched incredulously the creature suddenly shot up into the sky like a bullet quickly disappearing from sight.
HC addition # 2568
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 10
Type: E
Location. Passa Tempo, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: December 1995
Time: night
Lucas Anicodemos Da Silva saw two short humanoid figures on a field that appeared to have a single luminous eye on the center of their heads and what appeared to be traces of normal “eyes” on the sides. Near the humanoids hovered a large bright white light only a few meters from the ground. Terrified the witness fired two shots into the air. At this point the silvery-garbed figures ran towards the hovering light and were apparently absorbed or sucked into it. The light then shot away at high speed.
HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: B
Location. Bairro Camaqua, Ceara, Brazil
Date: December 1995
Time: night
Several boys walking along an empty field spotted what appeared to be a human-like figure standing in the field holding what appeared to be a luminous “pale” in one of his hands. His body emanated luminous flashes of light as it moved around. Terrified the witnesses ran from the area.
HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira Ovni
Type: E
Location. Near Asuncion, Paraguay
Date: December 1995
Time: night
Leoncio, an elderly cattle breeder was on his way home on his moped when suddenly the motor stopped. He stops and checks on the moped in an attempt to find out what is wrong. Suddenly from above a luminous cylinder shaped object descends to about 50 meters above the ground. Suddenly a hatchway is opened on the cylinder and the dumbfounded cattle breeder sees two human-like figures staring down at him. Leoncio suddenly floats up towards the opened hatchway but is able to react fast enough and grabs a small palm tree. Clenching the palm tree a powerful force keeps pulling on him from above. From the object a molten sticky substance resembling rubber falls on the witness in a possible attempt to make him release the palm tree. But he continues to struggle and suddenly the hatchway is slammed shut and the cylinder shaped object shoots up at incredible speed quickly disappearing from sight. For two weeks the aging cattle breeder lay semi-conscious on his bed, its body covered with abrasions and burn blisters. He no longer goes out at night.
HC addendum
Source: UFO 2000 LM Corp. Moscow
Type: A & G attempt
Location. San German, Puerto Rico
Date: December 1 1995
Time: night
While a local farmer found dozens of his rabbits slain and some missing, other local residents reported seeing a strange 3-foot tall being, brownish-gray in color, with slanted eyes and small hands and equipped with what appeared to be wings. It was also apparently responsible for the death of a goat.
HC addition # 3284
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E
Location. Manchester, England
Date: December 4 1995
Time: late night
The witnesses woke up to the sound of their daughter crying hysterically. They tried to move but found themselves paralyzed. At that moment the bedroom curtains lit up brightly and there was a whooshing sound from outside. The husband was able to move and got to look outside the window. He saw a glowing object on the road, and a number of men wearing boiler suits that appeared to be digging up the garden. They eventually checked their daughter’s room and found that she was all right. They then went back to sleep. They then went back to sleep. The next morning there was no evidence of the events witnessed in the garden.
HC addition # 3451
Source: Peter Hough & Moyshe Kalman, The Truth About UFO Abductions.
Type: C?
Location. Sannag Province, near Berbera Somalia
Date: December 5-7 1995
Time: unknown
A UFO was reportedly shot down. The craft however could not be recovered, so it was destroyed on site and all the witnesses killed by covert forces to simulate an ET attack according to a reliable confidential CSETI source. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: CSETI Crash List, Journal of the Anglo-Somali society
Type: H?
Location. Rodovia dos Imigrantes, Brazil
Date: December 9 1995
Time: unknown
On the outskirts of this city a bright UFO was seen on the ground. Next to the object stood a humanoid figure about 1 meter in height, with a large head and dark oval shaped eyes. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: C
Location. Hialeah Gardens, Florida
Date: December 9 1995
Time: 1950
An anonymous man reported seeing in the area behind 9923 W. Okeechobee Rd. a brilliant object descend from the sky and appear to land into a nearby man-made lake, behind an apartment complex. Armed with a flashlight he approached the site and reported seeing two beings in the water with large heads and bright luminous eyes that appeared to be flashing & blinking, they seemed to be swimming in the lake waters. The witness briefly illuminated the creatures with a flashlight, and reported that their eyes seemed to flare up; he then quickly ran away from the area and called the police. It is not known if the police found anything.
HC addition # 2137
Source: Personal Investigation
Type: C
Location. Rennes, France
Date: December 10 1995
Time: early morning
The witness suddenly woke up one early morning feeling totally paralyzed; he is only able to keep his eyes open. He feels the presence of several beings in his room, which is divided with his sister. The beings are standing around in several places in the bedroom. The beings are tall and large, the largest, which is at least 2 meters in height, they all have slim bodies with very long arms and slim legs. Their bodies appeared to be made out of one single “block”, from head to toes, without any visible clothing. He counts at least 10 of these beings in the bedroom. A smaller being (1.60m) stands closer to the witness and seems to be attempting to control his mind. This being is somewhat upset at the witness resistance. The witness turns his head and sees about 4-5 of the humanoids standing around his sister’s bed, the creatures seemed to be doing something to her foot and the witness hears her groan. The witness then directs all his strength in order to break the paralysis and feels it ebbing. The creatures again direct their attention towards him. The room seems to darken and a circle of light becomes visible in the ceiling and inside the circle he sees symbols resembling hieroglyphics. A beam of light now becomes visible and is directed towards the sky. The witness so far has remained conscious during the “intrusion”. The witness has further vague memories of meeting other more human aliens, described as tall, fair and blond and shorter brown haired child like humanoids.
HC addendum
Source: GREPI, Switzerland
Type: E or G?
Location. South Dade County, Florida
Date: December 11 1995
Time: 0100A
The witness awoke to a white haze in his bedroom, it suddenly dissolved, and several dozen small “angel-like” creatures appeared. These were described as about 3 foot tall, with white wing-like protrusions and with little lights. Their faces seemed to be a gray-human combination with the pupils of the eyes larger than a normal human and the faces larger in proportion to the body. The experiences made the witness feel elated.
HC addition # 2171
Source: Skyscan Vol. 3 # 1
Type: E
Location. Urbanizacion Country Club, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
Date: December 13 1995
Time: morning
Carmen Vazquez accompanied by her 5-year old daughter was on her way home when the little girl pointed out something in the sky. Looking up she saw a shiny metallic oval shaped craft flying slowly overhead & disappearing towards the nearby El Yunque Mountain. According to the little girl, the object had numerous windows and inside she was able to see several gray colored figures with huge black eyes looking down on the car.
HC addition # 2571
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 9
Type: A
Location. Zaragoza, Spain
Date: December 14 1995
Time: night
Three members of the Astronomical Society of Zaragoza (one involved in a very similar incident in July 1994) watched a huge winged bird-like creature covered with feathers and scales. It did not seem to move its wings as it glided silently over the area disappearing into the distance. This time the creature did not seem to emanate light.
HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Type: E
Location. Near Guanica, Puerto Rico
Date: December 21 1995
Time: 0300A
44-year old mechanic, Osvaldo Rosado was up late washing a car. As he walked toward the patio of his home to shut off the water where the hose was connected, he was suddenly grabbed from behind. When he tried to fight off the intruder, he was shocked to see a black haired “gorilla” type figure about 7 feet tall, with large luminous red eyes. The creature ran off and Rosado drove himself to a nearby hospital to treat some cuts on his abdomen. In the same area mutilated bloodless chickens had been found.
HC addition # 2781
Source: Linda Moulton Howe
Type: E
Location. Near Harker’s Island North Carolina
Date: late December 1995
Time: 2245
Rex Silverwood was out one cold winter night when he was drawn to the presence of a strange grouping of lights flying slowly, high over the property. The lights seemed to outline no discernible shape; simply 5 irregularly grouped white lights. His wife observed the lights also but went back inside the house. Two of the lights will fly repeatedly over the area back & forth making an odd vibration humming sound, which was difficult to hear. Soon the witness attempted to obtain psychic impressions of the pilot. After about a minute, he received the distinct impression of a non-human intelligence and he tried to convey a friendly mental hello. He was rewarded with a definite feeling of a mutual connection with an alien mind, which acknowledged his mental and physical presence and conveyed a feeling of friendship and a wonderful sense of peace. He lost sight of the craft and watched the second one flying back and forth as he walked further into the darkened field. Suddenly three luminous figures appeared clearly right in front o him in a V-shaped formation. Startled he stopped in his tracks and noticed that he could see right through them, yet they had definite outlines. A fourth figure seemed somewhat hazy but was also visible to the left. They appeared as short humanoid beings with two arms and two legs each, with one large bulbous head graced with two extremely large lidless black eyes and pale gray skin. Small mouths and nose less nostrils were apparently on their pale gray faces. There was no apparent visible clothing. The witness and the beings stood there regarding each other when the being closest to him lifted its arm and pointed into the darkness toward a part of the clearing. He want walking in the direction where the being had indicated, hoping to make contact with them. As he continued to walk he heard the mental command of “Stop there.” He stood there for about 20 seconds then looked around realizing the images (figures) had vanished. He then heard a sound like a high-pitched electronic vibration like he had heard earlier, but louder now, came into his ear. The sound kept getting louder and seemed to come from all around him. The sound abruptly ended and the witness saw what appeared to be the possible source. A huge dark circle silhouetted against the clear sky. On the object’s outer rim he could see a dim circle of red lights. Despite the cold he felt warm and experienced a feeling of well-being. Later back in the house he realized that he could not account for a period of three hours.
HC addendum
Source: The Black Vault Forum
Type: C or G?
Location. Near Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia
Date: late 1995
Time: unknown
Witnesses encountered three short beings with large round heads. No associated object reported. No other information.
HC addition # 3435
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin
Type: E
Total Cases: 230
Addendums will be inserted as they become available.
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.