1997 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Ephesians 6:12
The new millennium was approaching; the so-called “Chupacabra” epidemic was ebbing. But it was not gone; it swept through Brazil and parts of the America Northwest like wildfire with numerous high strangeness reports describing bizarre creatures. 1997 ushered in a sort of normalcy. High strangeness reports still trickled in, but nothing compared to the madness of 1995 and 1996. There was a noticeable slow down of reports picking up again towards the end of the year ending with a sort of “Bang” taken into account the Kenwick Australia report. 1997 ushered in 1998, which was even calmer and kind of boring. But it was like a calm before the storm of 2000, which suddenly shot up with bizarre encounters, especially from South America and more specifically Chile.
Location. Near Botafuegos, Spain
Date: 1997
Time: 0500A
J L was driving his motorcycle near the town when he observed a dark human-like silhouette standing by the side of the road. The figure was very tall, at least 2.5 meters in height. Once he drove by the figure he stopped his motorcycle, and concerned looked back at the figure. As he stared at the figure it suddenly vanished in plain sight. He then drove away, but the figure appeared one more time at the side of the road, but this time he kept on driving and did not stop.
HC addendum
Source: Manuel Benitez, Jose Antonio Caravaca
Type: E
Location. Llangennith, Wales
Date: 1997
Time: 0630A
A young surfer was on his way to the beach and was driving slowly so he would not disturb the villagers, when, cresting a hill, he almost hit a mysterious young woman who seemed to be covered from head to foot in diaphanous white material. She was apparently oblivious of the witness and he lost sight of her.
HC addendum
Source: Paul Deveraux, Haunted Land
Type: E Phantom hitchhiker?
Location. Braganca Paulista, Brazil
Date: 1997
Time: night
In a remote jungle area several children reported seeing a non-human, non-animal creature covered with dark hair. At times, it seemed to hover just above the ground moving very fast and stirring the leaves under its path.
HC addendum
Source: Varginha Diary
Type: E
Location. China, exact location not given
Date: 1997
Time: night
The witness (involved in other encounters) recalls that he was sleeping in his bed facing the wall when he woke up to the sound of rustling in the room. He opened his eyes, turned around, and saw the silhouette of a small figure in the doorway. It was very small, with a disproportionately large head and long arms. As he watched, the visitor stepped back and walked away down the hallway. The witness felt very calm, despite this intrusion.
HC addendum
Source: Chris Rutkowski, Abductions & Aliens
What’s really going on?
Type: E
Location. Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Date: 1997
Time: night
Paul Ford and his wife encountered a strange figure on the road. As they got nearer they could see it was a man in a long cloak. “Then I realized it had no face and it was just hovering above the road.” Ford recalled. They beat a hasty retreat from the area.
HC addendum
Source: Paul Devereux, Haunted Land
Type: E
Location. White Sands, New Mexico
Date: 1997
Time: night
Reported authentic UFO crash at the White Sands range that was documented by an amateur film shot accidentally from behind a fence. The film clearly shows a brightly lit disc-shaped object that descends at high speed, stops and then tries to pull up and while doing that explodes into hundreds of small shiny particles. The craft was likely piloted. The remains were likely retrieved by the US military.
HC addendum
Source: Anton A. Anfalov list
Type: H
Location. Santander, Spain
Date: 1997
Time: night
After reporting seeing strange maneuvering lights over the area, Saretta MacPheterson was sitting alone on a beach staring out into the sea. There were few other people around when suddenly a tall thin man-like figure approached her. He seemed to be wearing a plastic coverall suit. He had an expressionless face, gray in color. The stranger sat next to Saretta who noticed that the figure had four fingered hands. The being told her that she should not marry; scared Saretta sat up and ran home. Months later after getting married, Saretta was found murdered in her flat, apparently strangled with a towel. Neighbors reported seeing a strange tall thin pale figure loitering around the apartment complex around the same time. The night of her funeral several attendants reported seeing a luminous object hovering over the area.
HC addendum
Source: Testigo Ovni # 5, 1998
Time: D? Or F?
Location. Near Togliatti, Russia
Date: 1997
Time: night
Two men, M. Yumtsov and P. Stepashin were traveling by car in the area when they suddenly saw a bright light descending directly over them. Both men seem to loose consciousness. Soon Yumtsov regained consciousness and saw his partner apparently sleeping leaning against the door. He was surprised to see his speedometer reading 80km per hour; he felt no sensation of movement. In front of the car hovered a luminous sphere. He watched as several diffused figures descended from the sphere on what appeared to be bright threads. One of the figures floated up to the front windshield of the car and began to make hand signals, as if suggesting Yumtsov to open the door. The witness wanted to open the door but suddenly became very frightened and remained still. The figure appeared not to have a face; instead of eyes or a mouth it had slight indentations. When the witness refused to open the door, the humanoid apparently became terribly angered and emitted a shrill whistling scream, almost bursting out Yumtsov’s eardrums. The figure approached the windshield further and somehow managed to insert several silvery threads into the car. The threads grabbed on to the sleeping Stepashin’s arm and encircled and then began to pull him. Terrified Yumtsov suddenly applied the brakes this somehow caused the bizarre figure at the windshield to float back and retrieve the silvery threads thus releasing Stepashin. The luminous sphere then also disappeared. At this point Stepashin woke up not knowing what had occurred; he did find several bruises around his wrists. Also several dents were found on the car’s hood. The two men were so terrified that they remained parked on the side of the road the rest of the night.
HC addendum
Source: Igor Tsarev “Secret Authority” # 21
Type: B or G attempt?
Location. North Western district, Queensland, Australia
Date: 1997
Time: 2045
Four people traveling in a vehicle reported they saw a very tall humanoid in a silver suit that stepped out at the side of the road. They apparently kept driving.
HC addendum
Source: Glennys MacKay
Type: E
Location. Evington, Virginia
Date: 1997
Time: night
On a dark night Kyle Keatts was wandering about in the woods near his home when something caught his eye near the chicken coop, which was near a barbed wired fence, and beyond that for several miles were some cows and other farm animals. He remembered seeing two red eyes that stuck out from out of the darkness near the ground, he then approached it in order to obtain a better look. He remembered looking at the protruding, oval-shaped eyes, which appeared to have a black slit through them, like a cat’s eyes. It looked back at the Keatts and he perceived a sense of danger and became frightened, and ran towards his house yelling for his father to come out. His father ran out and saw what appeared to be a 3-4 foot tall animal running upright on its legs, and its legs looked like that of a kangaroo, but it did not hop, it just ran very fast. In the light of the light pole they saw that the creature was black with scaly-looking skin with what looked like spikes running down its back. A neighbor had reported that an unknown predator had slaughtered 10-15 of her chickens.
HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales, May 2004
Type: E
Location. Carina, Brisbane, Australia
Date: 1997
Time: night
While working in a shopping center the witness (involved in other encounters) she noticed a woman who had a certain air about her and as she watched her she seemed to be gliding along above the floor. The woman came to her desk and she noticed that this woman’s irises were a pale gray color and her pupils were elongated from top to bottom rather than the usual round shape. She couldn’t keep her own eyes off the woman’s eyes and felt quite mesmerized by watching her. She knew she was asked a question but can’t remember what it was or what she answered. She thought to herself “what planet are you from”? And with that the woman quickly moved off and disappeared. She described the strange woman as having un-styled hair that was just to her ears, fairly straight and a mousy brown color. She wore a cardigan done up to the top button and the dress seemed to just hang on her. She didn’t seem to be dressed for the times but more like in her grandmother’s days. She carried an old fashioned handbag over her arm. The witness has experienced strange dreams in which she has found herself getting out of a ship and meeting a young man about 20 years old with tight curly hair, plaid trousers and a very tight-fitting jumper. She accompanied the young man on a dinghy like boat into a floating craft, on the top of the craft there was a gray type alien that appeared to be steering it. He wore a tight-fitting gray suit with an emblem on one side. She saw a craft with transparent walls and people walking inside, she thought these people were “workers”.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Research Queensland, Australia
Type: E or F?
Location. Pico Del Toro, Zacatecas, Mexico
Date: January 1997
Time: unknown
A local farmer, Gonzalez Cabrillo, reportedly encountered a landed UFO and its occupants who he communicated with. They were described as human like & dark complexioned with generally human like features. They allegedly told the witness that they came from the planet “Ummo”. Many other sightings were made in the area around the same time, including the sighting of a flight of 10 cross-shaped objects that flew at 20,000 feet overhead.
HC addition # 2467
Source: Colonel Steven Wilson (Retired)
Type: G
Location. West Dade County Florida
Date: January 1997
Time: early evening
Beth C. was driving south on Krome Avenue and was attempting to drink water from a plastic cup she was holding in her lap, when suddenly a large van forced her off the road. She suddenly saw a hand reaching across the seat and taking the cup. She then saw besides her on the front seat two alien beings, one about 3-1/2 feet tall, the other much smaller. They were described as tan colored with smooth skin, large heads, & large dark oval eyes. She asked who they were, and the larger alien told her that he was “Rasheed” & that she was being watched. He then touched her forehead and she apparently blacked out. She does not recall anything else from the experience.
HC addition # 2652
Source: South Florida Skyscan February 1997
Type: E
Location. Prague, Czech Republic
Date: January 1997
Time: night
Blanka Slemendova saw a shiny white human like figure standing on what appeared to be a “rainbow” in the sky. She felt telepathic communication from the figure. Involved in further encounters.
HC addendum
Source: Direct from witness
Type: E or F?
Location. Mt. Nathan, Queensland, Australia
Date: January 1997
Time: late night
The same woman involved in other previous encounters, followed her husband down to the bottom dam and saw him talking to a very tall person dressed in a gray body suit, the figure then turned and disappeared as it got near a fence. One other night she woke up to see a tall figure in her room. No other information.
HC addition # 2744
Source: Glennys Mackay, Keith Basterfield
Type: E
Location. Vladivostok, Russia
Date: January 1 1997
Time: 1900
During a terrific and uncommon thunderstorm, the worst ever recorded in the region, there was numerous radio, and television interference along with the mass appearance of what the locals called “flying lighting” and balls of fire that maneuvered in between buildings. A local family also attempted to film the ball lighting but the video camera also malfunctioned. At 1900 it was reported that while several families attempted to watch television the program suddenly became grainy and then a clear image of a man appeared. He was dressed in a bright suit, and read what appeared to be a message on a sheet of paper. However the audio defective and whatever little was heard was in an unknown language.
HC addendum
Source: Anomaly Newspaper, Russia
Type: E or F?
Comments: Did this terrific storm somehow cause a temporary slip into a parallel reality in which the witnesses saw an alien television newscast?
Location. Campina Grande do Sul, Brazil
Date: January 2 1997
Time: afternoon
A woman was waiting for a bus when she heard loud roars resembling those of a lion. Moments later she heard what sounded like “heavy steps on water.” She then saw flying right above the street what she described as a dark round form. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado
Type: C?
Location. Seattle, Washington
Date: January 4 1997
Time: afternoon
The night before the witness was sleeping in a hotel room when at about 0300A something awakened her. She then saw a brilliant white ball floating and moving outside the room balcony sliding door. It was about the size of a grapefruit, it then came in through the sliding glass door to the room, it came right up to the witness face, and she ran into the bathroom & locked herself inside. The next day at Seattle’s Sea-Tac airport, she encountered a tall young male dressed in a strange army fatigues that had unusually clear and radiant skin. He wore a green beret and had reddish blond hair. He had sort of a pleasant blank expression on his face. The whole time the witness saw him; he was standing in the “at ease” position. The witness eventually lost sight of the young man. She was convinced that he was somehow connected with the strange ball of light seen at the hotel.
HC addition # 3365
Source: NUFORC
Type: D?
Location. Ille et Vilaine, Chantepie, France
Date: January 5 1997
Time: 0200A
B C, a 57-year old farmer was awakened by a noise like an explosion and a strident whistle. His wife continues to sleep. He rises, and goes to the kitchen to get something to eat. Suddenly there is a bright flash outside. He looks out his French windows and sees lights in the middle of a field resembling headlights. He grabs a shotgun and goes outside. He runs towards the light and attempts to shout but no sound comes out of his mouth. He hits an invisible force field. He is unable to move. He then sees two small beings emerge from the luminous form. The figures appeared to be viscous and transparent and pass close to him, seemingly unaware of his presence. The figures walked towards the nearby barn. At the same time the witness feels a prickling sensation on his body and begins to sweat. The small figures walked by him again and disappear into the luminous form again, which shoots up vertically at incredible speed. B C is now able to move and walks to the kitchen still sweating, there appears to have been some missing time. His wife is still sleeping.
HC addendum
Source: Sentinel News # 6, July-August 1997
Type: B
Location. Florida, exact location not given
Date: January 7 1997
Time: late night
Ryan Chapman and two other witnesses were staying in a cabin at an undisclosed location when they saw strange flashing lights in the sky. Feeling apprehensive the witnesses decided to make a perimeter check of the area. Suddenly one of them screamed and they saw a large disc-shaped craft hovering over the cabin. One of the witnesses loaded a gun and began firing at the craft, when nothing happened they ran to the cabin. On the way there their path was blocked by several short thin gray skinned humanoids that appeared to be carrying long needle-like implements. The creatures grabbed the witnesses who attempted to run but were overpowered. Ryan felt pain on the back of his neck as he fell to the ground and blacked out. The next day after coming to, they found strange marks on their chins, wrists & behind the ears. A scorched area was found on the roof & walls of the cabin.
HC addition # 2572
Source: Internet Sightings page
Type: C or G?
Location. Ixtapalapa Mexico
Date: January 8 1997
Time: late night
The 53-year old witness suddenly woke up and was unable to move as she saw 3 short dwarf-like creatures cavorting around in her room. After 10 minutes the little figure disappeared in a blue flash of light.
HC addendum
Source: Contacto Ovni
Type: E
Location. Bloemfontein, South Africa
Date: January 14 1997
Time: 0830A
Several watched a gray spherical object with red and yellow flashing lights descend low over their heads nearly knocking them down. It had many lighted windows and inside one of them a gray face with large dark eyes could be seen staring down at the witnesses. The craft apparently then left the area.
HC addition # 2648
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: A
Location. Delta British Columbia, Canada
Date: January 17 1997
Time: 0200A
Two 12-year old boys, Peter & Steven, had silently sneaked out of their homes as their parents slept, & had gone to a nearby storage yard to play for awhile. Soon they headed home taking a short cut through a large equipment yard, sliding underneath the chain link fence. Halfway through the lot they noticed a very large shiny white box on the ground. As they passed it hey heard a “thump” like noise. Right after that came a “popping” sound. They moved on to see a series of lights, red, blue, green reflecting from some nearby equipment. Unable to determine their source they crossed the yard, at this point reaching a dark area of the property. They then heard a lengthy high-pitched modulating screech that made their hair stand up. Whirling around they saw, three small “pink figures” walking rapidly between some items of equipment, quickly becoming lost from view. The being had no sign of a buttocks cleavage, nor visible evidence of knee joints or fingers. During the whole encounter it was very warm. At this point a maroon van suddenly roared around the corner and came to a skidding halt near the boys. Its headlights illuminated the boys & its bald headed driver remained inside the van. Very frightened at this point the boys ran out of the property vaulting over the chain link fence. They felt extremely thirsty upon arriving home.
HC addition # 2751
Source: Graham Conway
Type: C
Location. Essex, England
Date: January 19 1997
Time: night
Four days after encountering a UFO William Shearer had come home from work, and was trying to get some sleep, his wife and daughter had stepped out. He came downstairs for a drink, and thought he heard a faint knock on the door. As Shearer approached the door he could see the outline of a tall man through the glass. Shearer opened the door and was faced with a strange sight. The man was around 6’4″, and dressed in a dark gray suit and full-length coat. He wore a brilliant white shirt and a red tie, and was holding a brimmed hat. Another similarly dressed man was standing behind Shearer’s wife car, and appeared to be looking up and down the road, as if to see if anyone was coming. The tall man said, “Can I speak to you please?” His voice was very deep, and seemed to be coming from his chest rather than his mouth. At this stage the man’s gaze was lowered to the floor so Shearer could not see his face. Thinking they were Jehovah’s Witnesses, Shearer replied, “No, I am not dressed”. The man persisted, and asked again to speak to Shearer who again declined and asked him to come back later. When the man lifted his head and looked straight at Shearer his first impression was that the man was very ill, as he looked deathly pale. In contrast his lips seemed to tinged red, as if he were wearing lipstick. The stranger insisted in coming in, but Shearer held his ground. The two strangers kept looking at each other, either nodding or gesturing in some way. The men then walked towards their car, which was black and according to Shearer it looked like something straight out of a gangster movie, yet it looked brand new. Shearer noticed that the men walked awkwardly and appeared to have no facial hair. He also received a later visit.
HC addition # 2966
Source: Andrew Lunn, ISUR
Type: E
Location. Camuy Puerto Rico
Date: January 21 1997
Time: 0130A
Juan Hernandez was driving his car near town when he saw a bright star-like object suddenly descend over the area. He stopped his car near a local bridge in order to obtain a better view of the object. The bright blue light approached his position changing into a turquoise tint. The witness then saw a ship behind the lights. He described it as a huge triangular shaped craft, with a transparent cupola on top. Inside the cupola he could see a tall humanoid figure looking down on him. The figure appeared thin, with a large bulb-shaped head; he also noticed that it had large dark eyes. While looking at the craft a bright beam of light suddenly illuminated him. At that moment he felt a great sense of peace. The craft was silent and it had blinking multi-colored lights. The craft then began to move slowly away. He got inside his vehicle and attempted to follow the object, but his path was blocked by what appeared to be a military vehicle. Several men wearing black military outfits warned him not to follow the object or something might “happen” to him. The craft was soon lost from sight, and the men & military vehicle left the area.
HC addition # 2693
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 13
Type: A
Location. North Berwick, East Lothian Scotland
Date: February 1997
Time: early morning
The witness, Angie, suddenly woke up with a start and realized that the only part of her body she could move was her eyes. Disbelievingly she stared into the gloom of her bedroom at a small hunched figure, about 3 ft tall that stood by her bed. The witness was terrified and could not move. As she continued to stare at the creature it moved suddenly emitting a strong smell of “burnt cardboard or paper.” It leant over her and as it did so the witness hear telepathically in her head mechanical sounding words “Gran says do it in the morning.” With that the small entity vanished, leaving a heavy odor of burnt paper in the room, and Angie discovered she could move normally again. After having slept like a log for several hours, she woke refreshed, recalling the strange event with great clarity. She was in no doubt about the meaning of those cryptic words. Her much beloved grandmother had died just two weeks previously, and Angie’s grief had prevented her from applying from her “dream job”, as nanny for a family in Edinburgh. She felt as though her grandmother had sent her a message.
HC addendum
Source: Lynn Picknett, The Mammoth Book of UFOs
Type: E?
Location. Near Idaho Falls, Idaho
Date: February 1997
Time: 1500
On the desert near this city Suzanne H was driving when a 3 1/2 ft off-greenish creature weighing about 100 pounds, ran in front of her car only ten ft away. It had two arms and two legs, though it was moving so fast she did not get a good look at the hands and feet. It had five, two-foot long spines on its back, and had strange compound eyes like a fly. It ran very fast with a funny gait, and was out of sight in mere seconds. She guessed it was traveling 70 mph. It did not have any wings.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 68
Type: E
Location. California, exact location not given
Date: February 1997
Time: night
The witness woke facing inwards on her bed; she heard voices calling her name. Some words were mumbled but she could hear the others very clearly. She then realized she could not move. Soon she found out she was able to roll over on her back. She saw a short man (human in appearance) with dark hair and a short beard. She only saw him from the waist up. He looked at her and glided towards the long window that was about 2 ft from her head. A bright white light was gleaming into the window. When the man got to the window he looked at her and said “You should be used to this by now”, she does not remember anything else.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Experiencer Support
Type: E
Location. Colebrook, New Hampshire
Date: February 1997
Time: after midnight
12 undescribed “aliens” who sat at her table, took notes, and whispered among themselves in an unintelligible language, apparently visited a local 73-year old woman. The beings apparently did not leave until about 0330A, despite her polite requests. At the same time of this encounter there was an almost unprecedented wave of UFO sightings in the area.
HC addition # 2560
Source: Peter Geremia, Mufon
Type: D
Location. Santiago, Chile
Date: February 1 1997
Time: 0100A
While Claudia Fuentes sister felt a warm rush of air enter her room, Claudia left the house and suddenly found herself waking down a long hallway in which she was met by several humanoids, described as having long arms, wrinkled mouths and four fingered hands. The humanoids led her to a place resembling a hospital, removed her lower part of her garments, and placed her on a stretcher. Although Claudia was not aware that she was pregnant, as six-foot tall creature extracted a fetus through her vagina, placed it inside a square jar filled with a bubbling fluid, and walked away with it. Claudia also reported seeing other creatures with similar features but measuring only 3-feet in height. She has not doubt that she spent well over three days in that place, although only 3 hours elapsed in normal time. When she regained consciousness, she found herself lying in the middle of the town square, where some witnesses claimed seeing a sudden burst of light. There she was found in a semi-conscious state, frightened, weeping and with wet hair.
HC addition # 3110
Source: Scott Corrales, UFO Files # 1
Type: G
Location. Grove City, Pennsylvania
Date: February 6 1997
Time: 0315A
The witness suddenly woke up at 0300A and heard a buzzing sound coming apparently from outside. The sound got louder & louder until it seemed to be inside the room. The witness then sat up and looked around the room. He then noticed six small gray figures and felt something touching his leg and arms. He apparently passed out and woke up at 0600A unable to remember anything. Suffered from nosebleeds after the incident.
HC addition # 3136
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Near Coober Pedy, South Australia
Date: February 6 1997
Time: 1841
While driving along the highway the witnesses saw a light suddenly appear in front of them. Thinking it was a truck they drove towards it. Upon getting closer to the light, it was so bright and blinding that they had to slow down. Half the road was closed off and suddenly they saw a man that appeared to be alone in the middle of nowhere sweeping the road. The witnesses drove up to the man and explained that they could not see the road due to the light. The man hardly showed his face, but what they could see was a very high forehead and very wide set eyes. He was about 7-feet tall and of stocky build. He did not want to talk to the witnesses and made very attempt to get them to drive on. As they drove on the light slowly disappeared. 30 minutes later a light with bright yellow high beams briefly followed the vehicle.
HC addition # 3321
Source: NUFORC
Type: C?
Location. Brotas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: February 8 1997
Time: night
While investigating a peculiar mutilation of a sheep, which was found with some holes in the skull and completely drained of blood, local military police heard some peculiar noises coming from a field near the farmer’s house. While conducting a search of the area one officer reported seeing a tall dark humanoid shape in a sugar cane field. He called for assistance. Later while searching the area the officers found a strange greenish liquid on the ground among the stalks. Strange unmarked helicopters were also seen in the same area the next morning. (At the site of a goat mutilation in Miami, in 1996, which I went to, a greenish ooze came out of the round holes around the dead animal’s neck, there was no blood present, AR).
HC addition # 2466
Source: Joao Pereira Torres
Type: E
Location. Near Klamath Falls, Oregon
Date: February 10 1997
Time: 2200
Ann S was heading towards Klamath Falls when she suddenly heard a thump and thought it may have been a flat tire. Ann grabbed a flashlight and checked the tires, which were OK, and then got back into the car. She said there was a funny smell, and she looked out the window, seeing something moving towards her. Thinking it to be a person with bad intentions she locked the doors and prepared to start the engine, and whatever it was kept coming. She shined her flashlight out the window, and saw what she described as a “weirdo” creature. It had large red eyes that reflected the light when the flashlight hit them. The creature then covered its eyes with its arms crossed, and screeched. It appeared to rub its eyes as if to get its sight back. She noted that the creature was about 4 ft tall, green, scaly, and had claws on its four fingered hands. She honked the horn, which caused the creature to run away, she then noticed that it had several long green “spines” which hung off its back.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 64
Type: E
Location. Llano section, Santiago, Chile
Date: February 13 1997
Time: 2330
Marta Aguilar Montoya and her two small children were asleep in the bedroom when suddenly she heard a crackling noise. Turning to look towards the TV set in the room she noticed a small figure, about 4-feet 8 inches tall, wearing a tight fitting suit and a helmet. The helmet had a visor and the being also wore a backpack connected to the helmet by two hoses, one over each shoulder. Afraid she took her two children to her bed and just watched. The being stared at the trio but never made a move towards them. After several minutes the being turned to face the bedroom wall, again there was a loud crackling sound and then the beings disappeared through the wall, leaving only his silhouette on the wall, which disappeared after 2 minutes.
HC addition # 2465
Source: Luis Sanchez
Type: E
Location. Lago de Rapel, Chile
Date: February 16 1997
Time: 0430A
Two youths, aged 16 and 14, were returning home when they suddenly found themselves being followed by a brilliant object. Upon arriving home they ran inside and could still see the object quietly hovering outside. They then woke up their father who thought they were joking. All three looked out the window and noticed that the object was now on the ground and next to it stood a being 4-feet 8 inches tall with a large bald head and wearing a bluish suit. All three witnesses became scared and hid until the object and its apparent occupant left the area.
HC addition # 2464
Source: Luis Sanchez
Type: C
Location. St. Albans, Victoria, Australia
Date: February 19 1997
Time: 0310A
The witness was returning home by car when he noticed something unusual in his headlights in the distance on the right hand side of the road, on a footpath about 80 meters away. It resembled the figures of two children playing on the footpath, which was very unusual given the time. As the witness approached it became obvious that what the witness thought were children were not. There were two featureless, long, hunched, stick-like figures about 4 ft tall in height. They had long skinny arms stretching to the ground, long skinny legs and a very skinny body, which looked no wider than 20cm in diameter. They had no facial features and appeared to be wearing a dark one-piece body suit, black in color, which covered their whole bodies including their heads. As the car of the witness closed in to about 15 meters, the witness noticed that they appeared to become frightened upon seeing the vehicle. At that instant they scurried across in front of the car at great speed. The witness became scared realizing that what he had seen had been totally alien in nature. He accelerated looking into the rearview mirror noticing that the figures had crossed into the front yard of a house on the opposite side of the street. Shaken, the witness sped home and spent a sleepless night pondering over what had occurred. The next day the witness returned to the area to check around but noted nothing untoward.
HC addendum
Source: Letter to VUFORS in “The Australian UFO Bulletin”
September 1997
Type: E
Location. Paradeseca, Orense, Spain
Date: February 20 1997
Time: 1600
Local farmer Heliodoro Nunez was tending his sheep in an isolated pasture, when suddenly his dog began to bark. Looking back he saw three 10-foot tall entities wearing strange conical headgear. The beings appeared shiny and seemed to change colors at all times. Upon seeing these he began to pray. Apparently he did not see the entities depart. Others saw strange lights over the pasture.
HC addition # 2631
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 2 # 18
Type: D
Location. Brigantine, New Jersey
Date: February 24 1997
Time: 0100A
A 50-year old grandmother was sleeping with her grandchildren in a room and had left several lights on to comfort them. She awoke suddenly and noticed that the lights were turned off. Her eyes slowly accustomed to the dark and she felt a presence in the room. She then saw two short figures standing near her bed. She attempted to contact them, by using telepathy, pleading to go with them if they left the children alone. The beings did not answer her plea. She was then startled as one of the beings moved aggressively and grabbed her. She jumped up and punched the being on the face, his skin felt like hard plastic, she struggled further grabbing the figure by the throat, the neck appeared horribly wrinkled. The being was about 5-feet tall and thin. She then bit the being; she said it felt like biting a cold piece of ham. After a few minutes of struggling the being dropped to the floor. At this time a third figure appeared in the room, then the two standing aliens moved towards her. One brushed against her face and grabbed her wrist; this one seemed stronger than the first. She then suddenly passed out. Upon regaining consciousness the figures were gone. The children had been apparently unharmed. She suffered from a severe headache afterwards and found three puncture wounds on her neck.
HC addition # 2672
Source: New Jersey Mufon
Type: E
Location. Near Aldershot, England
Date: February 25 1997
Time: around noon
Two witnesses driving towards Aldershot had taken a short cut down Claycart Road, when they suddenly caught sight of a figure running through the trees on the left side of the road. The figure was running incredibly fast. As they drew level they could see that it was dressed in a tight white fitted suit and appeared man-like. It then darted right in front of the car and ran across the road and disappeared behind a hump on the side of the road.
HC addition # 2878
Source: Alien Encounters Magazine Nov. 1997
Type: E
Location. Near Lee New Hampshire
Date: February 26 1997
Time: 0450A
The male witness was driving to work when he sees four gold sized balls of white light zigzag in unison over some nearby power lines. They then hovered about 50 feet from the ground looking a little blurry. The witness continues east on the road and 10 minutes later sees the same lights over a bog. At this point he begins to hear voices inside his head. The witness, now having stomach pains, hears the voices warned him about studying UFOs. (!) He then asks several questions, which the voices answer. Soon as he came upon some large pine trees there was a blinding orange flash & he felt the vehicle rise up, he apparently then blacks out. An hour later he wakes up in his vehicle.
HC addition # 2800
Source: ISUR
Type: F?
Location. Sacile, Pordenone, Italy
Date: February 27 1997
Time: 1700
Riccardo, while fishing alone by the River Livenza suddenly felt a presence behind him, turning around he saw a bizarre humanoid figure somewhat similar to a man. The humanoid was about 1.30 meters in height with an oval shaped head lacking a mouth, nose or ears. It had two large black oval shaped eyes covered with some form of retina similar to cobweb. Riccardo approached the humanoid and touched its skin. The humanoid’s body was covered in a fine gray fur similar to that of an “astrakhan” rug. Its arms were disproportionately long as compared to the rest of the body and its hands were dark gray in color with three long pointy digits that ended in pink colored tips. Its feet were identical to the hands. The humanoid lacked elbows or knees and no sexual organs were apparent. It slowly approached Riccardo touching his forehead with one of its hands. At this point Riccardo felt as he had gone into some kind of psychic or telepathic contact with the humanoid. Suddenly a strange mist began to form around them and out of a mist a metallic landed object appeared. Riccardo was then taken inside the craft and shown around for about five minutes and then was deposited back on the riverside.
HC addendum
Source: Moreno Tambellini, SHADO
Type: G
Location. Alloa, Scotland
Date: March 1997
Time: 0525A
Geraldine McNeill was out walking her dog on the sloping ground above Lornshill Academy on the outskirts of the city when her black Labrador started whining with fear and stopped. The dog simply refused to go any further. Looking around Geraldine spotted a strong beam of light shining through a row of trees directly ahead of her. It seemed to be pulsating “on a regular rhythm” and at the same time changing color from pale cream through to yellow to deep yellow, and back to cream again. Ms McNeill estimated that the light beam was about 30 ft across. Clearly, a large object must be at the source of the glow. Baffled and concerned, Geraldine decided to call the police and walked over to a nearby phone box. A couple of police officers arrived shortly and Mrs McNeill suggested meeting, at the back of the Academy so they could get the best view of the strange light. However by the time they met up the pulsating light had disappeared and all that could be seen was a pinpoint of light to the right of the original. The two police officers went to investigate as Geraldine watched anxiously. She saw them reach the spot where the light source had been situated and then walk about waving their torches in every direction. After a few minutes they gave up the search and returned down the slope. It was at this point that Ms McNeill noticed a very strange occurrence. At the spot at the top of the slope where the police had been standing seconds before were two odd figures, walking methodically backwards and forwards. When the police officers came back to McNeill they told her that it had only been a burning long, but that they would arrange for a firefighter to arrive. As they spoke the two figures were still clearly visible at the edge of the trees. She pointed out the figures to the two officers. The two young officers seemed taken aback by this and quickly departed, stating that they would have to write up their report. (!) Apparently the two officers had not seen the strange figures.
HC addendum
Source: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland
Type: C?
Location. Faiano, Salerno, Italy
Date: March 1997
Time: night
A local woman reported seeing a short creature about 1.20 meters in height that ran around the foot or her bed in her bedroom for several consecutive nights. Since it moved so fast no specific features were discernible. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Ovni Domus, Italy
Type: E
Location. Magog, Quebec, Canada
Date: March 7 1997
Time: evening
A witness encountered a humming silver disc-shaped object on the ground. Three short beings only 30 cm tall were seen next to the object. The beings wore silvery-white inflated suits, with round helmets and appeared to be collecting items from the ground around the object. Ground traces and electro-magnetic effects were reported. No other information.
HC addition # 3221
Source: Canadian UFO Survey 1997
Type: C?
Location. Cote St. Luc, Quebec, Canada
Date: March 10 1997
Time: 0103A
David Roth and a friend were walking on Centennial Park when suddenly they heard a loud, almost unbearable whirling sound directly above them. As they looked up they were engulfed in a bright white beam of light and were unable to move. They then saw directly above them, no more than 50 feet away, a large silver-disc shaped object with several multi-colored lights around its perimeter and a large light source in the middle of the base emitting a beam. The light and whirling sound increased its intensity and both then apparently lost consciousness. They woke up the next morning in the middle of a field in the park. Their clothes were singed and burns covered their entire bodies. His friend had a strange circular scar on her temple and suffered from amnesia for several days. David’s fingernails on his left hand had fallen off and have not yet grown back. His friend feels like she is being followed and watched, and along with several other friends have seen odd figures moving around her house on several evenings.
HC addition # 2857
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: G?
Location. Bogota Colombia
Date: March 10 1997
Time: 0300A
After dropping of his girlfriend at her house, Juan Sudarsky was walking home alone. Suddenly he felt very cold. He then saw a purple light drop from the sky, at the same time hearing a loud high-pitched screeching sound, he also felt dizzy. He fell to his knees sweating profusely. Then an orange beam of light suddenly appeared next to him. Several bizarre medium sized creatures then appeared out of the beam. They were described as having only one eye and with large antennae that radiated an odd blue light. They had a strange orifice where their mouth should have been. The creatures emitted intermittent screeches of varying frequencies. The witness apparently understood them in his mind. The creatures then formed a circle around Sudarsky. One of them approached and touched his forehead. He then heard a mental message in perfect Spanish, telling him to guard the planet against pollution, that theirs was almost totally ruined, that there were only 50 of them left. Soon they flew back into the purple light via the orange beam of light. Before leaving, their leader showed Sudarsky a strange communicating device.
HC addition # 2844
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: B
Location. Near Portland New South Wales, Australia
Date: March 12 1997
Time: 2130
On a property outside of Portland, two children (11 & 9) saw a large ball of silver blue light hovering about a meter above a paddock about 30 meters away from the house. The grass beneath the object was “moving and swirling.” The children saw details on the object including something like a “door” and possible appendages. Their mother verified the presence of the object, but she seemed “mesmerized” and kept talking on the phone with a friend, with the children still outside. After 30 minutes the phone cut out. She loaded a gun and went outside, walked around the house to ensure there were no intruders, virtually ignoring the UFO, which was still present. She felt inexplicably tired and just walked passed the children back into the house and lay down and seemingly “blacked out.” She apparently woke up around midnight, showered and went to be, “as if she were in a trance,” without checking on the kids. She woke up in the morning feeling terrified, and found both of the children sleeping peacefully in their beds. She went outside and verified at the spot where the object had been hovering “a strange 12 ft diameter of swirled grass. It was discolored, a strange purple color with brown areas which appeared to be burned or affected by intense heat.” During the next few months there was unusual activity of “unmarked helicopters” in the area. The children began to recollect further details. One of them had 3 strange red spots on a foot. The girl had an unusual “scar” on the back of the neck that could not be accounted for. She also saw a strange “person” outside her window. Under hypnotic regression an apparent abduction milieu was developed, particularly involving the children. No details on that.
HC addendum
Source: Project 1947, Australian UFO Physical trace Cases
Type: G
Location. Uintah County, Utah
Date: March 12 1997
Time: late night
At an isolated ranch in Northeastern Utah barking dogs alerted a team of investigators to something lurking in a tree near the ranch house. Tom Gorman grabbed a hunting rifle and took off in his truck toward the tree. Two NIDS staffers followed in another vehicle. Up in the tree branches, they could make out a huge set of yellowish, reptilian eyes. The head of this “animal” had to be three feet wide, they guessed. At the bottom of the tree there was something else. Gorman described it as huge and hairy, with massively muscled front legs and a dog-like head. Gorman who is a crack shot, fired at both figures from a distance of 40 yards. The creature on the ground seemed to vanish. The thing in the tree apparently fell to the ground because Gorman heard it as it landed heavily in the patches of snow below. All three men ran through the pasture and scrub brush, chasing what they thought was a wounded animal, but they never found the animal and saw no blood either. A professional tracker failed to locate anything. At the bottom of the tree, they found and photographed a weird footprint, or rather, a claw print. The print left in the snow was from something large. It had three digits with what they guessed were sharp claws on the end. After analysis, and incredibly, the print closely resembled that of a velociraptor, an extinct dinosaur made famous in the Jurassic Park films.
HC addendum
Source: Las Vegas Mercury & NIDS
Type: E
Location. Faiano, Campania, Italy
Date: March 17 1997
Time: 1715
Giovanni Domenico and his son observed a strange flying figure of humanoid form approaching from a nearby mountain at about 10-12 meters from the ground. They observed the figure for about 10 minutes. They describe it as small and ungainly in appearance, about 1.20 meters in height and was flying at a low rate of speed. It had a large hairless head, disproportional to the rest of its body, which was dark gray in color. Its eyes were large and green in color and the nose was small and a little bit protruding. Its body was thin and delicate and appeared to be wearing a form fitting dark blue suit. The humanoid seemed to be scanning the fields by turning its head slowly to the right and left. The witness noticed something suspended just above the humanoid’s head that rotated like the rotor blades of a helicopter. The strange humanoid disappeared into the distance and was probably seen by other witnesses in the area.
HC addendum
Source: Moreno Tambellini, SHADO
Type: E
Location. La Escala, Girona Spain
Date: March 19 1997
Time: 0405A
Two police officers patrolling the area of Torroella de Montgrit spotted a huge yellow light up ahead, as they approached, the light became dark orange in color and in the center of it, a 4 meter tall dark human like shadowy figure could be seen. One of the officers exited the vehicle and attempted to photograph the spectacle but the light then dimmed, became oval in shape and everything vanished. Upon investigating the site the next day they found a flattened circled of grass on the ground.
HC addendum
Source: Iker Jimenez, Enigmas Sin Resolver
Type: A
Location. Nottingham, New Hampshire
Date: March 19 1997
Time: 0505A
A male witness driving on Rt. 4, saw several golf sized balls of light that flew & zig zag near his car mirror only a yard away. He then heard a voice in his head that told him to turn around and drive west. At the same time the lights continued next to his car, blinking rapidly as they moved. The witness refused to cooperate and feels the lights and voice became “upset”. He was then told to turn “now” and saw four balls of light hovering over the hood of the car. Suddenly he lost control of the car and it increased speed heading west then turning north on Priest Road. He heard the voice again telling him to stop. He stopped the vehicle under some power lines. There he saw only 2 feet off the ground a hovering smooth cylinder shaped craft, the size of a small bus. He was then told to stop investigating UFOs, and was then told about other personal family matters. The object came closer and he felt a strong energy field. The craft then suddenly rose above the power lines then shot away at high speed.
HC addition # 2797
Source: ISUR
Type: F
Location. Phoenix City, Alabama
Date: March 29 1997
Time: 2000
The witness had gone out about a mile from his house to film the Hale Bopp comet when he saw a bright square shaped light hovering overhead. It started getting very cold and the witness noticed an odor resembling ether. He kept filming the object. Soon he went home and was told that he had been gone for 4 hours. He thought he had been away for only 45 minutes. He was also told that an unknown bright craft had flown at low altitude over the house. Later when he checked the video he claimed that he had captured the object and strange beings on the film. No other information.
HC addition # 3613
Source: NUFORC
Type: C or G?
[Removed by request]
Location. Roldan, Argentina
Date: early April 1997
Time: evening
Two sisters were walking near route AO 12 facing a silo factory, when they were startled by the appearance of a diminutive creature, entirely covered in hair and with shiny eyes. The younger of the sisters felt compelled to go towards the entity as if something were overcoming her will. Her older sister shouted at her and seized her arm to keep her from going any closer. The two sisters said that the creature made no hostile gestures upon seeing them, aside from the strange power of attracting one of them. At a given moment the creature made a surprising jump and landed on the other side of the road (over 12 meters), losing itself in the soybean fields. The younger sister suffered a nervous breakdown and was sent to a local hospital. Days later another witness, was in her country home late at night when she felt a strange compulsion to open the door and go outside. She then saw a strange creature; she would later refer to as “a bear” staring fixedly at her at a distance of 20 meters. The witness reported feeling “mesmerized” by the entity and only emerged from the trance when her husband called her insistently from within the home. According to the witness the being resembled a dog walking on all fours, standing on its rear extremities during the encounter. The face resembled that of a “small bear.”
HC addition # 3183
Source: Guillermo Aldunati
Type: E
Location. Oakville, Washington
Date: April 1997
Time: various
Three years after a powerful rainstorm hit the area leaving behind a mysterious gelatinous substance on the ground, and at least one witness, Sunny Barcliff, saw several unmarked black helicopters flying low over the area, these helicopters were being followed by a large triangular shaped craft, that was completely silent and glowed all around its periphery, four strangers, dressed in dark suits visited the town and asked about the “gel shower” incident. A local police officer, Jon Lubben, ran the license plate of their vehicles. They belonged to someone living in Fort Hood, Texas, possibly belonging to an Army intelligence unit.
HC addition # 2981
Source: Erickson Paranormal Project
Type: E (Men in black?)
Location. Near Trevo do Atuva Brazil
Date: April 1997
Time: 0130A
Carlos Freitas was driving his tow truck near this city when he spotted a strange humanoid that appeared to be eating the carcass of a dog on the side of the road. He described the creature as about 1.20meters in height, covered in black hair, a large head, and large reddish eyes. It had long dangling arms ending in three claws. When the creature noticed the vehicle’s headlights in ran into the thick brush and vanished.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado, Ojos de Dragon
Type: E
Location. Deer Island, Oregon
Date: April 1997
Time: afternoon
A witness saw a bizarre creature that ran in front of his car on the road. The 8-foot creature had a dome shaped head, and the eyes reflected in the headlights of the car. It appeared to be an albino; white fur and pink skin. It was very hairy, and they could see a flat nose and the eyes were close together.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 67
Type: E
Location. New York City, New York
Date: April 1997
Time: night
Model Christie Moller was on her way home walking along Park Avenue accompanied by a bodyguard and a private detective when from out of the shadows a short troll like little man, with greenish hair, hurled himself at her grabbing her. Terrified she began screaming, before her bodyguard and the detective could react, the little man had disappeared into a darkened alley. According to Moller this is not the first time she had seen such entity.
HC addition # 3636
Source: Paranigma Chile
Type: E
Location. Not given
Date: April 1997
Time: night
The witness was with her 14-year old son in the kitchen when they saw a flash of white light that entered the house through a large bay window and flooded the entire area. It was suddenly gone. Another beam of light was now seen entering through the living room window. Her terrified son pleaded with her not to go outside. There was apparently a memory loss. Later after finding a scar on her arm, she was able to recall being strapped into a bucket seat with her son sitting to her right. Her son was thrashing about screaming, while a tall gray hooded figure was drawing fluid from her arm. The figure was at least 7-feet tall, very thin, with long thin arms and fingers, two of them and one thumb. It had large black eyes void of emotion. He had no hair and his head widen at the top with crevices running long ways from top to bottom. He had no nose, just two holes, and a slit for a mouth that never once opened. She could not recall anything else. But possibly involved in other incidents.
HC addition # 3931
Source: CAUS
Type: G
Location. Praia de Leste, Parana, Brazil
Date: April 1997
Time: night
The main witness was in a field with some family members playing cards when an object shaped like a bus appeared overhead. The craft was silent and well lit. Soon the witness and her family heard a very strong buzzing sound from an indirect source. The main witness felt compelled to follow the object to an unknown empty field nearby. The object then landed in front of her. Three strange beings exited the craft. These were described as having large red deep-set eyes, heads disproportionately large for their bodies. Their skin appeared to be wrinkled and greenish in color. One of the humanoids communicated telepathically with her telling her: “You are not happy here, leave this place. We will take you with us!” In a panic she attempted to fight off the humanoids and lost consciousness. The next morning she was found wandering the fields, disoriented and confused. Five strange bruises were found next to her right eye.
HC addendum
Source: Jackson Camargo, GEPUC
Type: B or G?
Location. Vernonia, Oregon
Date: April 4 1997
Time: 2300
In the morning a farmer found one of his animal’s dead, and another missing. The dead cow had been mutilated by Satanists, he thought, as the eyes were cut out, there were fang marks on the neck, and it was drained of blood. There were no footprints visible in the damp ground. That same night he went looking for his missing cow. The vehicle had two powerful search lights that illuminated a creature only 25-30 ft away…it turned and hissed at him, and he noticed that it had reptilian looking eyes, like a snake, only they didn’t reflect the light, like humans. Badly shaken, he said the small gargoyle like green creature was only about four feet high, and had wings on its back, which it didn’t unfurl. After about 15 seconds or so, it ran rapidly into the trees.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 67
Type: E
Location. Not given
Date: April 11 1997
Time: 0545A
The witness had been sitting at the table getting ready to go to work when suddenly in a vision like trance he found himself standing next to a mountain, in a desert type surrounding. He then saw what appeared to be white bubbles floating toward him. He then heard a noise behind him and saw other people standing with him. As the globes approached he could see what looked like humans inside of them. The globes were almost transparent, and glowed with a white light. There were eight of them, but only seven had people in them, the eighth was empty but much larger. As the globes came to the ground, they disappeared and the beings that were in them were suddenly standing in front of the group. There were 3 women and 4 men; they glowed with light all around them. The witness and some of the others kneeled down and asked the beings who they were. He received the answer “We are Messengers of God.” A lengthily conversation about religion and dire future events for the human race ensued.
HC addition # 2859
Source: Starfriends
Type: G?
Location. Bridgeton, New Jersey
Date: April 15 1997
Time: night
The main witness reported seeing red and white lights flashing outside her home. She remembers seeing a hundred white lights moving in unison like a swarm of bees each carrying its own light in formation. She then experienced three hours of missing time. She remembered seeing a man inside a plastic like column filled with liquid and blue electricity flowing through it. She woke up violently ill with a scar on her face. At the same time her next-door neighbor woke up with terrible facial burns. He had no recollection of anything.
HC addition # 3131
Source: New Jersey Mufon
Type: G?
Location. Western Montana, exact location not given
Date: middle of April 1997
Time: night
A witness was driving through a heavily wooded area at night when all of a sudden, the car started rocking, and from the top of the car, an ugly gray face peered down and looked in the front window…it was pressing so hard against the windshield that it cracked it. Trying to get in, it rammed the car repeatedly with its shoulder and did some $500 worth of damage. It left heavy scratches as it tried to get in as the car careened along at 80 mph. Suddenly; it flew straight up, keeping up with its wings. It had red glowing eyes, was four feet tall, and was brown and gray. It glided along rather than pump the 5-foot long wings like a bird.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 68
Type: E
Location. Near Sydney, Australia
Date: mid April 1997
Time: daylight
A bizarre green colored chupacabra type creature was seen to run down a kangaroo that had been hopping furiously. It broke the kangaroo’s neck and sucked its blood. The sighting was during daylight hours.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter
Type: E
Location. Avila, Spain
Date: April 17 1997
Time: late night
In a rural area, farmer, Emilia Carballaz had gone out into a field in order to satisfy a physiological need. At the field she suddenly heard noises coming from behind her. Turning around she was terrified to see a beast-like form, resembling a bipedal animal, dark and hairy. It somewhat resembled a large two legged dog, with huge kangaroo-like hind legs. It had hairy human-like facial features and emitted loud grunting sounds. The bizarre humanoid advanced towards her and tore off her clothes using extremely sharp claws. The witness was paralyzed with fear and could only scream in terror. The creature apparently, sexually assaulted her. She apparently passed out during the assault and soon woke up to see the creature standing over her. It suddenly ran away using great leaps and bounds and disappeared from sight. Soon after that she saw a luminous object take off from a nearby field and disappear into the sky. It was reported that Mrs. Carballaz became pregnant as a result of the assault.
HC addendum
Source: Testigo Ovni # 2, August 1998
Type: E
Location. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Date: April 19 1997
Time: 2309
Michael Chrostowski was alone in his apartment when he heard a loud noise coming from outside and his apartment started shaking. Looking out he saw a “humongous,” hovering craft. Through a lighted aperture he could see a short humanoid with large oriental looking eyes looking down at him. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: A
Location. Carlinville, Illinois
Date: April 20 1997
Time: 0200A
The 4-year old witness (was able to recall?) remembers something waking him up in the middle of the night, a strange feeling, which he didn’t like. He then noticed a light outside, and first assumed it was aircraft. But then he looked outside and saw a very large light, larger than the moon. Its colors constantly shifted, changing hues every second. Surrounding it were dozens of smaller lights. Through the window he was able to see a strange, “grotesque shape”—the large light was the center of the craft and along with the other lights were a few that were smaller than the large one but bigger than the smaller ones, that outlined the craft. The craft itself seemed teardrop-shaped, yet sprouting from random parts of the craft were long tentacle-like protrusions and they seemed to be coming dangerously close to the ground. The craft had a pointed end. Squinting to see better the witness was able to see miniscule humanoids inside the craft, but before he could see more details, a flash of light broke the calm, and it was the last thing he remembers. He came back to on his bed nearly an hour later, but did not recall falling asleep. A week later, however, stranger markings began appearing on him. They resembled needle marks—only much bigger and much redder. His IQ nearly doubled after the incident, perplexing his doctors. (The witness has experienced other UFO sightings).
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A or G?
Location. Bezhetsk, Tver region, Russia
Date: April 23 1997
Time: evening
A local resident named Igor Utkin was in his apartment when he saw a column of blue light penetrating from somewhere in the ceiling and stretching down to the floor like a stalactite. Soon the beam reached the floor and seemed to become solid. A male humanoid and two female humanoids then descended out of the beam of light. One of the women was apparently the leader of the group. She approached the witness to within a couple of feet and began telepathic communication with him. The witness reported that she was about 1.7meters in height, with an elongated face, medium sized round dark eyes, and eyebrows that were outlined by narrow arcs, her head was hairless. She wore a tall hat on her head shaped like those wore by Catholic Bishops. Here skin was dense green in color, not shiny. The dress of the alien woman reminded the witness of those old style dresses wore by women, long light-green in color, with a red cloak and a tall light red collar. The claret-colored hat had a yellow “feather” on the front section. Within the feather he saw something crystal-like resembling a diamond. The alien woman was holding a stick shaped like a scepter with a double tip in her right hand. The alien female telepathically informed Igor that her name was Zuri, and that she was from the planet Galeya. She then invited the witness to leave the earth with them in order to decrease his “sufferings”. Igor declined, saying that his relatives would suffer without him. The woman then said that they could cause this to happen in a way that no one would notice and will not even suspect, because they had the ability to incarnate another soul into his body that would replace his departing soul the existence of his body on earth will continue as a bio-robot. Utkin still refused. The contact lasted for about 5 minutes and then the humanoids re-entered the blue beam or energy channel and quickly zoomed up. After that the beam of light vanished. The alien woman reportedly appeared to the witness again the next day (April 24 1997, evening), but quickly vanished.
HC addendum
Source: Pavel Hiylov and Anton A. Anfalov
Type: E
Comments: I wonder if there have been instances in which witnesses have agreed to travel or leave with the aliens, I suspect so because there has been reports of deaths of humans which have left notes or information behind detailing their contacts with aliens and the fact that they could only travel with then in astral form or with their “souls” or spirits. I suspect that in those instances something has gone wrong, since the body of the human was supposed to remain behind as a cyborg or bio-robot.
Location. Portland, Oregon
Date: April 25 1997
Time: night
John and Marcia spotted a Chupacabra near the intersection of Skyline Road and Cornelius Pass Road. The three foot green creature ran across the road, it had a triangle shaped head with multi-faceted eyes. Long spines were coming from its back.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter, # 68
Type: E
Location. Itupeva, Brazil
Date: April 26 1997
Time: night
A bright disc shaped craft was seen landing on a field. Four short humanoid figures exited the craft and walked around the craft briefly, then re-entered the craft, which took off at high speed. A round circular burned area was found on the ground.
HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: B
Location. Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: April 27 1997
Time: 2350
Manicurist Maria Vega was returning home from her sister’s house. As she crossed an empty field to reach her house, she ran into a “horrible monster” described as an enormous, swift moving ape that went on all fours and had large red eyes. Despite of its simian appearance, Maria likened it to a colossal dog that reeked of carrion. It towered over the woman when it stood before her on two legs. Apparent confirmation to Maria’s sighting came from Irene Rodrigues do Mata, who would also describe the entity as a giant dog. A local night watchman, Luis Carlos, claimed having seen the aberration five times during the same night. He claimed that the creature had killed two cows. Dead dogs had also been found in the area.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Machado, CIPEX
Type: E
Location. Near Longview Texas
Date: April 28 1997
Time: 2200
The witness was traveling on a business trip when he had a flat tire. A truck driver stopped to assist when they became aware of an object about 100 yards away. There appeared to be figures in white clothing moving inside the craft. The object was circular and emitted an occasional flash of light. The truck driver walked over to the object in order to obtain a closer look when he suddenly ran back in fear yelling that they had to leave the location fast. Both got into the truck and began speeding away. The object silently passed over the truck and quickly flew out of sight.
HC addition # 3121
Source: Mark Harman in, UFO Times # 1
Type: A
Location. Codroipo, Italy
Date: April 28 1997
Time: 0100A
Mr. Pietro Quartararo was on his way to a friend’s house after some physical therapy when he saw a bright red cone shaped light hovering over the road ahead. The witness remembers apparently being struck by a beam of light and feeling lightheaded and of floating in the air. Seconds later the witness woke up in an oval-shaped room with two windows and several doors. Everything in the room was dark and shadowy. Suddenly three giant humanoid figures approached the witness. He was then carried by them and placed on a large table. There he was covered in a strange gooey, smelly substance and examined several times by the humanoids. The humanoids were over 3 meters in height and moved in quick burst of speed, their skin appeared to be green-brown in color. Their teeth were sharp and fang-like and their hands had only three digits. The feet were long and ended in spur-like protrusions. Soon he found himself in his friend’s house feeling extremely cold. He reported the experience to the police.
HC addendum
Source: CUN
Type: G
Location. Sumare, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: April 29 1997
Time: 0500A
A Mr. Alirio was headed for work when he encountered a bizarre creature described as looking like a very large dog with a slender body. It also had glowing red eyes. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Machado, CIPEX
Type: E
Location. Olhos D’Agua, Brazil
Date: early May 1997
Time: 1500
A local inhabitant was collecting fruit at the plantation when he spotted a short strange hairy creature with large red eyes running among some small trees, it moved in quick bounding motions not unlike those of a kangaroo. The witness ran in its direction but it was already gone by the time he reached the area.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado, Ojos del Dragon
Type: E
Location. Near Campinas, Brazil
Date: early May 1997
Time: night
During a spate of bizarre animal mutilations in the area a woman in a rural area reported seeing a six-foot six-inch tall creature, very thin, with small forearms and long claws and of a dark gray color. No other information.
HC addition # 2637
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 2 # 20
Type: E
Location. Mairinque, near Sao Roque, Brazil
Date: May 1997
Time: night
A lone witness reported seeing a strange creature described as covered with dark hair, the size of a normal human being, similar to a kangaroo but heavier. Its forearms were short as compared to the longer and thicker legs in which it walked. It had five clawed digits on each leg. Several long fang-like teeth protruded from its mouth. The creature made a five to six meter long jump and disappeared into the rain forest.
HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta” quoting Antonio de Padua
Faroni, Brazil
Type: E
Location. Ness Tziona, Israel
Date: May 1997
Time: night
On several occasions the witness was lying on her bed and in a dream like state saw the presence of tall longhaired humanoids, with a stunted nose and giant nostrils, that would come into her room. At times she felt a smothering, heavy feeling in the atmosphere, and a very strong horrid stench would cover the house. For several days afterwards the house experienced electrical blackouts whose cause was never determined. She was also visited by short, bald headed skinny humanoids with huge eyes. Other strange events were reported including unexplained noises and strange circular marks on the ground that exuded a putrid smell.
HC addition # 3910
Source: Barry Chamish
Type: E
Location. El Morado Natural Reserve, Chile
Date: May 1997
Time: night
Electronic technician Claudio Pasten was camping in an isolated area when he was reportedly abducted by bizarre luminous beings with transparent glowing faces. He was transported to different otherworldly locations. He remembering traveling inside an object surrounded by numerous luminous balls of light the size of ping-pong balls. The craft seemed to run in “light” energy. He was supposedly given numerous messages some of a divine nature. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Ovnis Terra
Type: G
Location. Near Poznan, Poland
Date: May 1997
Time: night
Locals watched several bright spheres of light hovering above some trees and maneuvering low over the ground. The next day 20 more spheres were seen in the area. At one point a fire brigade vehicle responded to the seen suspecting a possible fire. One of the spheres approached the vehicle suddenly and then disappeared behind some trees. At this point the vehicle’s electrical system began to smolder and smoke. At the same time the radio station suddenly began playing a mysterious melodic music when they changed stations the same music was on. Suddenly everything around the vehicle “changed” and they saw what appeared to be a “screen” with multicolored spheres of light approaching the vehicle. Also near the screen and the sphere several humanoid figures approached the vehicle, the humanoids were described as tall, with bright eyes and wearing black flowing smocks. As the humanoids came closer to the vehicle and man on a motorcycle appeared apparently not noticing the figures or lights and seemed to drive right over the figures (a hologram?). Another vehicle approached but the driver apparently saw the figures and lights and drove away from the area.
HC addendum
Source: Tomasz Wierzawski, UFO Raport
Type: C?
Location. Kadima, Israel
Date: May 2 1997
Time: late night
Chani Salomon woke up feeling a strange presence in the room. She tried to rise from bed but was unable to move. Suddenly she noticed a very shiny object about 60 cm in diameter hovering over the floor very close to her. She felt an unusual an uncomfortable feeling coming from the object, very intrusive in nature. The main discomfort centered on her heart, she felt an indescribable pain in that area. Chani tried to cry out but was still unable to. Desperate she began reciting the sacred Hebrew prayer “Shma Ysrael” over an over again. The bright object eventually disappeared. Days later when she was on the beach she felt a strange sensation in between her eyes on her forehead and saw the people around her in a strange “incandescent & translucent” light.
HC addendum
Source: Barry Chamish
Type: F?
Location. Campina Grande do Sul, Brazil
Date: May 4 1997
Time: afternoon
Three young boys were flying a kite in a field when the kite string became entangled on some nearby trees. When they came over to the site where the kite had come down they noticed a dead chicken nearby, which they did not find strange, thinking it had been used in some type of sacrifice or ritual. At that same moment they noticed on a nearby ravine a strange thick trunk shaped cloud that was slowly descending. Afraid the boys began running away from the area, but two of them looked back and noticed inside the “cloud” what appeared to be a brown human shaped figure. They were not able to notice any features and their eyes began to sting, at the same time they saw the cloud descend into the ravine. Seconds later they began hearing what sounded like the terrified screams of a man, at this point the boys ran panic stricken to their nearby houses.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado
Type: A?
Location. Enterprise, Oregon
Date: May 6 1997
Time: 1300
Ana Lisa reported seeing a bizarre creature described as five feet, no body hair, two arms and legs, a cone shaped head, and a light orange color. She could not see any mouth or nose, and it moved funny—bent arms and knees and bent it’s back, it was very thin, had three fingers on a hand, glowing yellow eyes, resembling a goblin and a troll with long fingernails and it didn’t make any noise. She didn’t notice any sex organs on the creature and there was no smell that she noticed. She had a good view from the car as the creature walked, not ran, only 20 feet away. She stopped the car to watch but did not follow. Ann Lisa said it looked disoriented, hesitated several times, didn’t seem to know where it was going, but it seemed to be looking for something.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 72
Type: E
Location. Near Ft Bragg, California
Date: May 7 1997
Time: afternoon
It was reported that a Bigfoot type creature in the woods attacked a group of Mexican loggers. It came screaming out of the brush and the Mexicans thought it wanted their lunch, but it threw all the food back at them. Screaming and roaring it attacked with no mercy. It threw several Mexicans over the bank and broke arms and legs. One Mexican ran for help and found a Georgia Pacific helicopter and pilot. They both went back to find the wounded Mexicans, and saw the creature running up a skid road. The pilot thought it weighed at least 500 to 800 pounds, and was approximately 8 ft tall. Several large tracks were found.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter, # 67
Type: E
Location. Grimaldi-Ventimiglia Italy
Date: May 7 1997
Time: night
A student traveling on an isolated road reported seeing a tall hairy creature with a gorilla-like body and a human-like head, standing on the side of the road. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: CUN Genova
Type: E
Location. Gilroy California
Date: May 9 1997
Time: 2245
Several witnesses were driving outside the Junior College and had parked on a dead end road for a rest stop. As one of them was coming back from relieving himself, the others inside the car pointed to a glowing humanoid figure standing near the car. He jumped into the car and they all quickly drove away from the area. No other information.
HC addition # 2633
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: E
Location. Sheggia, Umbria, Italy
Date: May 11 1997
Time: morning
Oddo Brunamonti was cutting some brush in a field when he noticed a strange figure among some nearby trees. At first he thought it could have been a horse until upon closer inspection he noticed that it was some type of creature standing erect. Scared he ran into his vehicle and then returned to the area along a road close to the woods. At this point the creature stepped out of the woods and the witness noticed that it was about 1.60 meters in height and completely covered in reddish-brown hair. The creature then executed a tremendous jump landing in the middle of the road, about two meters away from the car. At this point the humanoid raised his arms and emitted a deafening scream, opening its huge mouth. Inside the red colored mouth the terrified witness saw a row of powerful pointy fangs. The horrified witness maneuvered his vehicle around the creature, revving the car engine at high speed. The sound of the engine apparently spooked the creature, which performing another incredible jump disappeared into the woods. Before the creature disappeared the witness looked back to see a pair of powerful and clawed hands on the creature. The next morning another witness heard strange wailing sounds coming from the same patch of wooded area. Soon numerous domestic pets and animals were found strangely mutilated in the area. Others reported unusual military helicopter activity and still others reported seeing a UFO over the same location.
HC addendum
Source: Moreno Tambellini, SHADO
Type: E?
Location. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Date: May 14 1997
Time: 0300A
The witness, Matias Pakula, was looking out his bedroom window when he spotted a cigar shaped object hovering 300 ft in the air and about 20 ft away. Through windows he saw what he described as “beautiful beings” inside. After about 5 minutes the object shot away at high speed.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: A
Location. Loma Colorada, Naucalpan, Mexico
Date: middle of May 1997
Time: 0600A
Leonardo Benavides Diaz was with his family when they heard a commotion from outside. Going out they saw a crowd looking up at a bright orange light that was flying over the area towards the north. Some days later as Diaz was jogging near his home in the early morning hours when he was overcome by a strange feeling of “something not being right.” Turning around he saw standing among some nearby trees a strange being about half a meter in height staring at him. Diaz felt a strange chill in his body and also felt great fear. The figure was man-like and wooden in appearance and stared at the witness from about 13 meters away. Feeling terrified the witness ran from the area and obtained additional witnesses but upon returning the strange little figure was gone.
HC addendum
Source: Roberto S Contreras
Type: D
Location. Near Clines Corner New Mexico
Date: middle of May 1997
Time: daytime
A silvery disc shaped craft with a dome on top descended on a cattle field besides the I-40 highway. Motorists in both directions stopped and got out of their vehicles to see the craft. To their amazement, three reptilian like humanoids emerged from the object and walked about nonchalantly, ignoring the crowd of onlookers. The creatures were about five ft tall and had light blue skin with dark hues and tones. The reptilians had three long, claw like fingers and toes and yellow eyes with a black, catlike split in the center. Supposedly some in the crowd photographed the events. A state trooper came along and ordered everyone back to their vehicles. The humanoids went back inside their craft and left the area northwest bound, at a slow rate of speed.
HC addendum
Source: C L Turnage, Sexual Encounters with
Type: B
Location. Near Everglades National Park, Florida
Date: May 15 1997
Time: night
The witness was in his RV camping when his dog, a German shepherd wanted out that night, and shortly after he heard a single “yelp” from the dog. He took his light, one of those million candlepower jobs, and went out, flooding the area with light. He saw a strange creature, with eyes that glowed green in and out of the light. It was almost yellow, three feet tall, about 100 pounds, bipedal, five 2-1/2 foot spines on its back and it was sucking blood out of the dog. It looked at him, then let out a screech, and ran off when the witness yelled at it, concerned about his pet. The dog’s neck was broken, twisted to the back, and had two fang marks, and appeared to be drained of blood. He heard another scream from the distance, and hurriedly put the dogs body in his small RV bathtub, and put ice on it, and got out of there, heading to a local vet. The vet said he knew of no animal that would do that, confirming that the shepherd had been drained of blood, but admitted he had heard of other cases that were similar.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 68
Type: E
Location. Redmond Oregon
Date: May 15 1997
Time: 2000
A man and his wife were at the Redmond lava caves near the airport when they heard a howl out of one of the caves during the early evening. Suddenly an immense creature came from one of the caves only 50-60 ft from them. It just walked out of the cave, and then walked quickly away, apparently not noticing the couple. It left 22-inch tracks in the sand, and was really ugly, they said. The 8 ft creature was sandy colored with a peaked head, very broad shoulders, and no hair on the face, hands or feet.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 67
Type: E
(New Addition)
Location. Santa Monica, California
Date: May 17 1997
Time: 1600-1700
The witness had just picked up her daughter from school and was on her way to pick up her son from nursery school, she was going west bound on Santa Monica boulevard driving her husband’s work truck. As she neared the intersection she suddenly heard “voices” (which sounded as if they were originating from a military radio) that emphatically said, “We are one”. She dismissed it as her daughter did not react. The light turned red and they stopped one car behind the limit line, then her daughter (about 8 at the time) said to her, “Mom, this man’s smoke is bothering me.” She turned to the passenger side to see whether her window was open and then closed it, when the “man” in the car whose smoke was bothering her daughter slowly inched his vehicle along side hers. He was driving a late model SUV, possibly a Land cruiser. The first thing that immediately struck her about him was his hand. He had fingers just like ours, but his were perfected , long and even, with square tips at the ends. He was nonchalantly dangling his cigarette out the window and when he saw that he capture her attention he gently moved his wrist. A very elegant well made watch dropped from below his long sleeve. She remembers things slowing down and looked at him as he slowly turned from profile to fully looking at her in the face. It was sometime during these observations that she then heard the “voices” again, they said, “We are taking our nonsmoking campaign overseas.” Immediately she surmised that the man cold not have been born or come from anywhere here on Earth. His head was about 50% larger than a human’s and it was very perfectly round. His eyes were normal in size and slightly almond shaped, they were a light color, and the witness couldn’t recall the color. His hair was “amazing.” It was very limp, light blond as to be nearly colorless and he was wearing it in a Dutch boy haircut. He had a well shaped mouth, thin lips, and a small nose. H e smirked at her when he saw that she had reacted to again hearing the voices, but at no time did she feel threatened by him. He does remember becoming annoyed that this display was taking place in front of her daughter. Then her daughter asked, “Mom what is he doing?” The light somehow had changed to green allowing only the one car in front o them to cross the intersection and he then moved his vehicle into the lane in front of them. She did not have time to react and her foot continued on the brake while she wondered why the traffic was not moving, how the light had changed so fast back to red and why no one was honking their horns. She then heard the voices again, “Now step out of the car and let her take a good look at you.” His driver side door slowly opened and she saw on long, spindly leg come out of the car and a very flat heeled black shoed foot deliberately gets lowered to the ground. He then pulled to a standing position facing forward (his back to the witness) and held his stance there for a drawn out moment. She noticed that she was very well dressed, black shirt, black pants, and black shoes. His shirt was tucked in smoothly and had hung beautifully on his lithe long frame. The man was at least 6’5” as his height matched the top of the vehicle. The fabric of his clothing was very well made lustrous silk, the shirt had buttons but the collar was unbuttoned. The pants were belt-less and she noticed that his torso and legs were in proportion as were his arms. His neck was impossibly thin and the back of his head seemed to teeter on it. He had very narrow hips; however his chest and torso appeared normal width with respect to his height. He had very little in the buttocks area. He slowly turned to face the witness then he moved forward toward her. As he approached she noticed that his gait was abnormal, almost as though it was mechanical, she likened it to someone “not being used to gravity”. As he approached the witness and her daughter, the witne ss felt her daughter tense up, and she remembers being especially quite. She listened carefully to see whether he would communicate with her directly, he did not. He also remembered thinking that the stranger was an “angel”. She could tell that he was definitely a male, his pants close fitting, outlining his male form against his leg. He made his way to the back of the vehicle opened the hatch and searched for something, pulling out two small bottles of Evian. He then looked directly at the witnesses and held them up with this one hand, smiled and quickly climbed back into the vehicle. The timing was such that the light turned green immediately as he got and drove ahead of the witnesses for some time. She could not follow him since she had her daughter with her.
HC addendum
Source: The witness wrote about her experiences in a book titled: “Maxie Time” 2000.
Type: E
Comments: Bizarre MIB experience?
Location. Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: May 17 1997
Time: night
A man named Anisio Cacheta encountered a huge simian-canine combination like creature that was apparently followed by a horde of normal appearing dogs (!). It had more of a simian appearance and had spine-like formations running down the length of its body. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Machado, CIPEX
Type: E
Location. Ponte A Mensola Italy
Date: May 18 1997
Time: 1030A
In a hilly area east of Florence a local merchant watched a tall human-like figure suddenly descend slowly from the sky onto a nearby field. The figure was about 1.60 meters in height, human like and totally covered in a black tight-fitting diver’s suit. It wore a red belt around its waist and a black helmet with wide dark goggles. It landed on a vertical position on the high grass. A few minutes later it rose up, again slowly and vertically and disappeared from sight. Others in the area saw bright red lights flying in a zigzag fashion over the area.
HC addendum
Source: Federico Rosati, CUN
Type: D?
Location. Bloomington Indiana
Date: May 19 1997
Time: 0015A
Local Ufologist John Tosti & two other men saw several bright objects hovering over a local power plant. Tosti decided to drive to isolated Snoddy Road and attempted to signal the objects by using a flashlight. Two of the objects descended to his position. As one object approached his vehicle, the engine and electrical system sputtered. Tosti was able to make out a disc-shaped metallic object, with a round small dome and even a smaller dome on top. A blue glow emanated from the bottom of the craft. Around the middle of the craft was a row of square window, showing a yellow to amber ambient light within. Inside the craft he saw the silhouettes of several individuals with large heads. He attempted to communicate by waving his arms, but was apparently ignored. Two smaller bright spherical objects emerged from the disc, which then shot up at very high speed, joining the other objects in the sky. The objects then left the area.
HC addition # 2630
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 2 # 22
Type: A
Location. Barrio Alvorada, Brazil
Date: May 20 1997
Time: 1830
Jerry Vislau was rounding up some cattle when one of the animals got loose and ran to the fields. He chased the animal, which abruptly stopped next to a tree. As he approached the cow a large hairy animal suddenly jumped in front of him from a nearby tree. At first he thought it could have been a monkey, but on closer scrutiny he noticed that the creature was about 2 meters in height and completely covered with dark hair. He could not see its facial features to clearly but did notice two large white fangs and black slanted eyes. It appeared to be very strong and it had long black sharp nails on its hands. The witness became a little bit concerned as he noticed that the creature was moving its hands (claws) and making a strange “trac trac” noise. He ran back home and along with his wife decided to go into town and report what he had seen. They soon heard a soon similar to a loud bark and looking behind them noticed that the creature was quickly approaching them. The creature stopped and left as the witnesses approached a lighted area near the town.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado
Type: E
Location. Ganiushkino, Kurmangazinsky area, Atyrau region, Kazakhstan
Date: May 27 1997
Time: daytime
The witness, Gulmira Askarovna Zhumasheva had gone with her sister to swim at a local river when the spotted a strange creature walking along its banks. It was described as short, with long arms, and body covered with yellow fur. When the creature noticed the witnesses it uttered a strange sound, resembling that of a child. There was no noticeable smell from the creature and it moved away from the area crawling in all fours. Both women were in shock after the incident.
HC addendum
Source: Vadim Chernobrov, “Cosmopoisk”, (Cosmosearch)
And Chronicles of NLO (UFO) Visits, Moscow 2003
Type: E
Location. Barrio Mameyes de Utuado, Puerto Rico
Date: late May 1997
Time: 2100
Miguel Calderon was driving in his Jeep in an isolated road when about 100 feet away, he saw two child like figures wearing silvery clothing standing in the middle of the roadway. The figures were about 3-feet tall, and the silvery outfits were tight fitting, ending in turtlenecks. Their skin was pale-yellow in color and both had large black slanted eyes. One of the figures lifted its right hand and the Jeep suddenly stalled, and its lights dimmed. The stunned witness watched as the short being lowered its hand and both then suddenly lifted up into the sky without any apparent means of propulsion and disappeared into the darkness. At this point the witness was able to re-start its Jeep. The witness also noticed that the beings wore silvery gloves.
HC addition # 3369
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 21
Type: E
Location. Near Kotovo, Volgograd region, Russia
Date: end of May 1997
Time: evening
Ruslan Gryankin and two other local youths were cycling in an area outside of town. About 30km from town they turned into a forest track and 5km later found an appealing meadow in which they decided to camp. They kindled a bonfire, baking potatoes, which they ate and soon went for a walk in the forest. About 100 meters from the meadow, they suddenly noticed a strange entity lying on the ground, either dead or mortally wounded. The approached to within 5 meters of the entity, not daring to come any closer, they described the entity as having a general humanoid shape, but its height was no more than one meter, with brownish-green skin, and a large head somewhat shaped like a pumpkin (gourd). The entity was missing one leg, apparently torn off by some kind of mishap or explosion. They boys stared at the entity for about a minute and then ran away in fear, quickly cycling back home on their bicycles. Ruslan and his father returned to the site the next day, armed with a camera. As they exited the forest they suddenly saw a flash of light over the area where the boys saw the entity, there was no sign of the dead or wounded entity. No crash object or suspicious debris was ever located.
HC addendum
Source: “NLO” Magazine, Saint Petersburg # 23 June 7 1999
Type: H?
Location. Finnish Bay, Saint Petersburg region, Russia
Date: Summer 1997
Time: daytime
Officer-submariner, Nikolay M. an amateur diver had been diving in shallow water in the bay when he spotted a strange elongated object, shaped like a cucumber. Thinking that it was part of the wreckage of an old vessel, Nikolay tied a rope around the object and tried to pull it to the surface. However he was not successful and decided to attach some slings to the strange “cucumber” and connect it to his automobile bumper to pull the thing out of the bay. He came to the surface and obtained the necessary equipment in order to perform that task. He brought a pneumatic drill with him for the purpose to drill holes on the object and attach the slings. Nikolay descended to the bottom again and attempted to drill the holes on the object. Suddenly a stream of dark liquid resembling oil spewed out of the object hitting him on the face. But instead of switching off the drill Nikolay increased its air pressure in an attempt to make the hole deeper. He heard a loud crunch within the “cucumber” and noticed a blood like substance in the water. The object suddenly then split in half revealing a large cavity inside, from it a large dull bubble floated out. At this moment Nikolay encountered a strange entity, apparently human-like with unnaturally white skin and what appeared to be a wound on his back caused by the drill, the wound appeared to be bleeding. The entity’s face was distorted by pain and anger. The entity looked at Nikolay with an immovable hypnotic glance, soundlessly opening and closing his mouth. The witness attempted to push away the cucumber-shaped object along with the strange entity, but the entity succeeded in grabbing his hand. The humanoid had clawed fingers, very sharp, which tore into his sleeve and cutting him deeply. Struggling, Nikolay used the drill with his free hand and stabbed the entity directly into the chest. After that Nikolay apparently lost consciousness. He was pulled out of the water and saved but he had lost part of his hand. No traces of the strange humanoid or object were found. Apparently the cucumber-shaped object had been some type of alien “cocoon” which the witness had accidentally stumbled upon.
HC addendum
Source: “Sekretnye Isslendovaniya” “Secret Researchers” # 12 1999
Type: B?
Location. Penza Province, Russia
Date: Summer 1997
Time: 2340
Local resident, Nina Alekseevna had gone into the forest with another woman, her neighbor, to rest and gather some berries. After completing their task the women intended to return home when suddenly they could no longer move and felt as if some “mysterious force” was preventing them from doing so. The sky turned dark-violet in color and apparently able to move again both women were seized by fear and rushed home. As they passed by a nearby gully, they saw a bright flash in the sky. They looked up and unexpectedly a huge disc-shaped object appeared from behind the treetops at an altitude of about 50 meters. The disk was dark and totally silent. It slowly floated above the startled women. Both screamed simultaneously, “UFO”! And became fearful once again, and quickly ran home. In the village they immediately informed the other locals and a crowd of people rushed to the edge of the forest. But it was already very dark and nothing could be seen at first. Closer to midnight the dogs started howling, looking in the direction of the dark forest. Looking into the darkness, soon the locals noticed silhouettes of humanoid entities coming out of the forest. The distance from the figures was about 300 meters and no details could be yet seen on them. The bravest among the villagers, among them, Nina Alekseevna, someone took a rifle with him. The strange silhouettes continued to approach the villagers, about 150 meters from the group the figures stopped. The dogs were still howling and the villagers also stopped their approach. Now they could clearly see the aliens and described as seeing three of them, dressed in white tight-fitting suits, about 2 meters in height, slender, proportionally built and unearthly beautiful in appearance. However, the villagers did not approach the strangers, after watching the aliens for about 5 minutes the group decided to go home. Immediately after the incident a strange Jell-O-like mass began forming on the leaves of trees in the mornings. After being touched, it melted, apparently as a result of the heat emanated by the human body. It also evaporated under the sunrays.
HC addendum
Source: Sergey Volkov President of “Logos” “Penza Association of
Untraditional Researchers” in “NLO” Magazine Saint Petersburg # 44
October 30 2000
Type: D
Location. Coxsackie, New York
Date: Summer 1997
Time: 0200A
Lisa Dawn Messana was going to bed late that night when suddenly she was surrounded by about 5-10 “alien” faces somehow resembling 3-D, superimposed portraits with barely traceable human features. All she could remember seeing were the faces, no bodies. Her next memory was of lying in bed. She does not recall actually laying down but her next recall was of lying in bed on her right side. Her boyfriend was sleeping soundly no more than 2 inches from her. She could not move, or speak. All she could move were her eyes and she glanced around and was able to see her dog, Mucker who apparently noticed her moving her eyes and started coming down the hallway from the living room. Her dog was very loyal to her so the next move was very unusual. He stopped about 5 ft from the bedroom and would not come any further. Her next memory was of waking up around 0600A-0700A feeling very sick, like she drank a ton of water. When she took out her dog for the morning walk the animal suddenly threw up on the deck. A couple of months later feeling ill she visited doctors who discovered strange bruise marks on both her arms. She also suffered from severe headaches. During this time her dog Mucker (a Boxer) seriously attacked 4 or 5 of the family members (sending one to the hospital) for no known reason. Her cat also came home paralyzed in her hindquarter during this period of time. No known reason was found for that either. Recently the witness has bee suffering from unexplained nosebleeds.
HC addendum
Source: Direct from Witness
Type: E or G?
Location. Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Date: Summer 1997
Time: night
A 27-year old woman named Tatyana, the sister of a well known Russian UFO researcher Pavel Hailov was sleeping in her room. Suddenly she woke up and saw a bright white light above her, emanating from a powerful stream from an unknown source. She soon found herself paralyzed lying on some dense couch unable to move. A bright beam of light was piercing her chest area, causing terrible pain. She felt the stream of light going out her back area. She had to close her eyes as a result of the blinding light and the extreme pain. She then heard voices in her head speaking to each other, “Everything is normal, but it is early”, they said. The voices came from several dark silhouettes that she could barely see through the slits of her almost totally closed eyes; on the background of the figures there as a blinding white light. She then lost consciousness and the rest of the events were apparently erased from her memory. She woke up in the morning on her bed.
HC addendum
Source: Pavel Hailov, and Anton A. Anfalov
Type: G
Location. Near Miri, Sarawak Province, Malaysia
Date: June 1997
Time: unknown
A group of students and teachers camping in the area near the Pantu Waterfall reported baffling encounters with green or orange lights, the apparition of a man in a green plaid shirt, an invisible presence walking beside them on the paths and a frightening “dark shape” that followed them by leaping from tree to tree.
HC addendum
Source: The International Directory of Haunted Places
Dennis William Hauck
Type: E
Location. Gulf Breeze Florida
Date: June 1997
Time: 0315A
A couple staying at a local motel had been out most of the night looking for UFOs at a local hot spot and were now resting. Suddenly the wife woke up with a strange metallic taste in her mouth. The husband nudged her and pointed out two figures standing by the window. One of the figures was holding a small black box in its right hand and was pointing it at the couple. They sensed that the box was used to put them in a trance like state. The figures were described as about 6-feet tall, slender built, and were wearing robes. No facial features could be seen.
HC addition # 3876
Source: CAUS
Type: E
Location. Santa Rosa, Argentina
Date: June 1997
Time: 0600A
The witness and his wife were walking back to their homes along a wooded path when his wife went on ahead. She arrived home and waited for the witness who never arrives. He is later found wandering on a field about a mile away at a place called Monte Pardo. He does not remember how he got there. His only memory is of seeing two very tall men wearing silvery outfits who silently stared at him. He walked away and did not see the two tall men depart.
HC addition # 3462
Source: Gustavo Cia, El Fuego del Dragon # 3, November 1998
Type: E?
Location. Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii
Date: June 1997
Time: night
Ruth Trimble and a friend had gone out camping at the foot of the volcano and were sleeping in her tent when she noticed a host of light colored beings approaching her. She then lost all conscious memory till next morning; finding her socks totally soaked and two puncture wounds on her left leg.
HC addition # 3874
Source: CAUS
Type: G?
Location. Cubatao, Brazil
Date: June 1997
Time: 2100
During a dance at a local club, security guard Rogerio Lascoski noticed a figure that suddenly appeared in the dance floor (no one saw the stranger come in). The figure moved in bizarre synchronized movements in the middle of the dance floor. It was described as very a very thin humanoid and appeared to be dragging its feet when it moved. As Rogerio approached the figure he noticed that it wore a beige colored outfit that seemed to wrap around its body. It resembled a very dark woman, about 1.5 meters in height, large dark eyes, with no whites and a small nose. Thinking that it was some type of vagrant Rogerio threatened to call the police but the stranger ignored him. The visitor then walked out followed by the witness that heard a phrase in his mind to the effect of “I come from God.” The figure then walked to a nearby curve at the end of the street and was joined by two more similar figures. They stood one on each side of the first one then walked into the darkness again using strange synchronized movements. At the club, a lot of those present expressed their concern and disbelief as to the strange visitor. Incredibly some of those present did not see the figure at all.
HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Type: E
Comments: Have we here a break dancing alien?
Location. Virginia, exact location not given
Date: June 1997 Time: 2350
Late at night the witness was walking through the woods. He stopped at a clearing for a breather when he noticed a strange shaped craft overhead, which he assumed it to be an experimental craft of the military. It then descended lower and hovered over some nearby trees across from him, at this point the witness noticed that it was a saucer shaped craft. Through lighted windows he could see beings that looked like children with large heads peering at him. The witness attempted to run but suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun around to face a little man with big black eyes and gray skin. Paralyzed with fear he head the being speak to him in apparent English. He was told that he had “to find the others.” His next recollection is of waking up in his bed.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A & C
Location. Near Los Angeles, California
Date: June 1997
Time: night
Phillip H Krapf awoke in the middle of the night and found himself encased in a luminous shaft of light, then involuntarily beamed aboard an alien spacecraft. Within a matter of seconds, he was standing before the strangest creatures he had ever seen, though not so different from depictions of alien beings that others have given. They were just over five feet tall, with dark, narrow eyes, nearly imperceptible noses, no visible body hair, and skin tones from grayish white to slightly tan. They were wearing satiny robes of varying muted colors. They spoke to Krapf in English even though their thin lips didn’t move. During the whole experience the witness felt at peace and fully alert. These aliens called themselves “The Verdants”, and claimed they come from a planet some 14 million light-years from Earth (the name of their planet apparently translates into “Verdant” in English, which the witness interpreted to mean something akin to “garden planet). They said that they had been recruiting hundreds of humans to serve as liaisons for an impending summit conference between representatives of the two species. Krapf spent most of his waking hours on the ship being briefed by the Verdants in orientation sessions. During his stay, he had a personal tour guide and attendant who went by the name of Gina. The other key figure among the Verdants with whom he had contact was using the name “Gus”. These names were adopted for his benefit because he was incapable of addressing them by their real names in their native tongue. He learned in the orientation sessions that the Verdants have been space explorers for millions of years. Apparently they belonged to a handful of other advanced species to form the Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. Currently the group has a total of 27,000 species or members in their files. The Verdants also said that they had colonized a great number of formerly uninhabited planets making them more habitable or more hospitable.
HC addendum
Source: Phillip H Krapf, The Challenge of Contact
Type: G
Location. Forest of Sevre, France
Date: June 1997
Time: night
On a road next to the wooded area two friends saw standing on the side of the road a tall female figure wearing a long white luminous robe. They stopped their vehicle to see the figure cross the road floating just above the ground and disappearing into the other side of the road into the wooded area.
HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 346
Type: E
Location. Joao Pessoa, Brazil
Date: June 2 1997
Time: night
Ramilson Cerqueira and Arthur Vasconcelos encountered in a wooded path a humanoid figure of about 1.40m in height, it had an oval-shaped head with a light colored fan-like crest on the back of it, glowing red eyes and long dangling arms ending in chicken like claws. The creature ran into the woods and disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: E
Location. Near Redmond Washington
Date: June 5 1997
Time: night
A Mr. Hassan saw a hovering saucer shaped object about 1/2 away that glowed a white color. He had the headlights of his car on it also, so with the lights from the UFO, he could clearly see it abducting cattle. The cows appeared to be stunned…still upright, and they floated into the object. He also noticed “little monsters” 50-60 pound humanoids with large heads, and grayish white skin. They had dark black eyes, no whites. The witness became scared and drove off. No one else appeared to be around.
HC addendum
Source: Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter, # 68
Type: C
Location. La Houssaye-en-Brie, France
Date: June 5 1997
Time: 02300A
Nathalie, a young French woman, was sitting in her car with a companion when both saw in the sky an object that resembled a wheel “without its rim,” it was made of 12 projecting lights revolving counter clockwise. The observation lasted almost 2 hours, and after that they both went to sleep. They seemed to be unable to move during the sighting. Later, under hypnotic regression, Nathalie remembered being lifted through a conical light beam and into a hovering craft. Aboard she was submitted to various medical tests, and apparently implanted. She saw another woman also subjected to the same treatment. She described her abductors as being “very tall”, about 2 meters in height, assisted by a smaller “woman”, some of them looked like humans, some not. In another room, she saw 4 beings sitting on chairs in front of glass panels. Some of the beings were courteous, and others looked rather irritated at her, for whatever reason. The beings appeared to be well built, with huge strong shoulders. Their heads were larger than humans and oval in shape, with large black slit like eyes. A very curious detail (never before or after reported!) was that they had what appeared to be a plume of hair, tight up like a ponytail, that suck straight up from the top of their baldheads. They wore tight fitting two piece gray colored outfits with belts. In the room she saw windows in front of a corridor, the floor was luminous, apparently made out of glass. She also saw a lozenge shaped table, black in color in the middle of the room.
HC addendum
Type: G
Location. Campina Grande do Sul, Brazil
Date: June 7 1997
Time: 1500
It was reported that police, military personnel, and American scientists had captured a strange creature using fishing net. The creature was placed in a metal cage, but attempted to escape by moving rapidly back & forth inside of it. It was shot at with several tranquilizer bullets without any apparent effect. A police sniper then shot the creature dead. The scientists present placed the creature in a special box, which was sealed hermetically; it was later placed in a refrigerated truck, which then drove on the nearby city of Londrina. The creature was described as bipedal, about 1.70 meters in height, large protruding reddish eyes. It had pointed ears, which slanted upwards, a flat nose, a small mouth with two protruding canines or fangs. It had what appeared to be “scales” on its sides and a greenish crest that started on the head and ended in the tailbone area. It had three sharp claw pointed forwards in the feet area, and one small one pointed backwards. In the hands it had three very sharp claws.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado
Type: H?
Location. Gartenroth, Germany
Date: June 9 1997
Time: night
On a road near this village a witness encountered a large object hovering about 300-400 meters above the ground. It was approximately 16 meters in height, resembling a triangle with a base. When the witness drove closer to the object it shifted and became longer. She felt no fear and a feeling of euphoria came over her. Spontaneously she began to pray. The object radiated a sharp, white light at one end. Incredibly, the witness reported that as she observed the object she suddenly heard a voice in her head of a former friend who had taken his life in 1975, which told her “come visit me, please come”! She was surprised since she had not really thought about her friend in more than 20 years. While she drove on she had a strong internal obligation to drive to the grave of her former colleague. Near the city of Kronach she could not longer resist the inner urge to visit the grave of her friend and drove like a “fury” to the cemetery in Thonberg. In a trance-like state she went directly to the grave. When she stood at the grave she again heard the voice of her dead friend in her head that seemed to be please that she had visited. Afterwards she seemed to relax and drove home.
HC addendum
Source: Greyhunter UFO site, Germany
Type: F? Bizarre circumstances here, it reminds me of the December 1975 case in the Yakima area of Washington in which a dead friend actually materialized inside the witness vehicle during the encounter.
Location. Johnson City, Tennessee
Date: June 18 1997
Time: 0100A
The witness and his cousin were out in a hunting expedition and were sitting on the side of a wall of a rather large hollow which consisted of very thick underbrush and lots of evergreen and a larger valley leading to first, a clearing and then on to some ancient Indian graveyards. All of the sudden they heard the brush in the hollow bellow them rattling and they could tell that whatever was making the sounds was rather large. The main witness was armed with a Ruger 10-22 rifle with approximately 150 rounds of ammo ready to go. Under his night vision scope he could see what appeared to be a man, but upon further inspection he realized that the “man” was a creature about 7-8 ft tall approximately 450 lbs. It was covered with thick black fur. It was slimmer that the popular Bigfoot image, almost skinny. And it had a neck. Also protruding on either side of its head were long tapered “horns” also black in color. On the top of the head also protruded a horn pointing straight up. All horns were approximately 5-6 inch in length and were the same dark color as the creature. The terrified witness emptied a 25 round clip into the creature and then retreated into a nearby cabin about 65 ft away. The next morning they could not find anything except for lots of spent shell casings and bullet holes on a walnut tree. He thought he had struck the creature several times. Nearby animals traps had been sprung and all the bait extracted. On a nearby ridge the witnesses located a series of tunnels made up of brush and various sizes of tree limbs, vines and leaves. They thought it could have been “the lair of the beast.” Afraid they returned home.
HC addendum
Source: GCBRO Weird Stories
Type: E
Location. San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico
Date: June 20 1997
Time: 0100A
The witness was driving back home from work when she noticed a strange figure standing on top of the gate of the local cemetery. The figure was human shaped, dark in color and had large red glowing eyes. The witness shone the headlights at the figure and it jumped from the gate on top of the vehicle apparently cracking a windshield. The witness reported seeing three long sharp nails on the creature’s hands, large oval red eyes, and lots of hair. The creature then ran away from the area.
HC addition # 3363
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Jinki, Latvia
Date: June 20 1997
Time: midnight
Aleksandr Khvostikov was looking out the window of his dacha towards the northwester section of the sky when he saw flying in the sky a large man-shaped figure, followed by a second then a third similar figure. The figures were bright white in color and descended towards the ground in a 45-degree angle. Upon landing on a field near a wooded area the witness could see that the figures were three very tall (at least 4 meters) humanoids, wearing what appeared to be very bright clothing. Soon after landing, the figures moved quickly away into the nearby forest and were quickly lost from sight. Others have seen luminous sphere repeatedly flying over the region.
HC addendum
Source: UFO LATS, Latvia
Type: E or D?
Location. Orlando, Florida
Date: June 22 1997
Time: 0100A
The witness was walking by a brick wall about 5’4″ in height when he saw two bizarre figures standing behind it. These were yellow in color with large black eyes and pointed ears. The witness felt they were very intelligent, insect like and were watching. Two other witnesses saw the creatures. The witness did not stop and kept on walking and did not see the creatures depart.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Dunkinsville, Ohio
Date: June 26 1997
Time: 0100A
The witness was watching television when she heard her dogs barking outside. When she turned the porch light on, she observed a strange “creature” along side the pond in her front yard about 30 feet away. The creature was about 3-4 feet tall, gray in color. It had large dark eyes and rounded ears extended above the head. It had long arms and a short tail. It was emitting a gurgling sound. The creature appeared to have hair or fur all over its body. It looked at the witness for a few seconds then headed towards a tent on the southern part of the pond. It kind of “skipped” when it moved and appeared to walk on his hind legs while using the “knuckles” on its front arms on the ground. When it reached the tent it again looked at the witness, at this time the dogs starting chasing after it, but the witness called them back. The creature was last seen moving along a barbwire fence. Shortly afterwards the witness heard a screeching sound from that direction.
HC addition # 2796
Source: Ron Schaffner
Type: E
Location. Puerto Rico, exact location not given
Date: June 26 1997
Time: 0300A
The witness, “Belen” suddenly woke up suffering from an attack of tachi-cardia, her legs were also numb, and they felt as if they were swollen. In a while she was able to move. Her left ear was bothering and she had a nosebleed. She went to the bathroom and suddenly had a “flashback” of events that preceded her waking up. She remembered lying on a floating stainless steel table. She saw three little men around her. They wore white coveralls with a red star-like insignia on their chests. One stood on her left the other on her right side and the other one at her feet. They were all thin and small. They seemed to be doing something to her but she felt no pain and was unafraid. A strange beam of light emanated from the eyes of the little man that stood in front of her. They told her he was “measuring the degree of vision.”
HC addendum
Source: Lucy Guzman Pla
Type: G
Location. Thossey Dans L’Ain, France
Date: July 1997
Time: evening
A woman working alone in a camping ground cafeteria saw five strange men walk into the restaurant. They sat down and ordered drinks and began speaking to the woman. They told her that they had come from another planet and that they spoke all languages. Since she spoke four languages, she asked them questions in all four, each time they answered correctly. They also spoke to her in other “strange” idioms, and without revealing their origin, they had their drinks and left. Around the same time and in the same area 3 witnesses had seen a landed UFO. No other information on the second case.
HC addendum
Source: GREPI
Type: E or D?
Location. Near Klamath Falls, Oregon
Date: July 1997
Time: afternoon
A farmer encountered a bizarre Chupacabra type creature in a field and shot at it with a 30-30 shotgun. It let out a high-pitched scream, and ran off without leaving any blood trail. It had been attacking the farmer’s cat when he shot it. The cat survived being bitten. It was described as three feet tall, yellow in color, with long spines on its back 1-1/2 ft long, glowing red eyes. The creature was ten ft away when it was shot and it immediately dropped the cat and ran off.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 69
Type: E
Location. Fayetteville, North Carolina
Date: July 1997
Time: night
The main witness and a friend spotted a large low altitude low speed triangular shaped object. It had a red light on each corner and it made absolutely no sound. It seemed to drift over the area at about 100 or 200 feet above the tree line. They followed it around for about 30mintes until it disappeared into the distance. Later the main witness was in his bed late at night when he suddenly woke up to see a strange humanoid figure staring at him from the window. The figure had a white luminous pearly white body, with a diamond shaped bulbous head; it lacked any nasal openings or mouth. The witness got the impression that he was looking at some sort of mask because it was very smooth. The eyes were a glassy black, but they were not slanted in nature. They were flat on the top and bottom, rounded on the inside edges and wrapped around the sides of the head like sunglasses, or more accurately like a dragonfly’s eyes. Terrified, the witness threw his head under the blanket, too scared to move a muscle or make any sounds. He left the room soon and stayed up all night clutching a butcher knife.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: D
Location. Zakopane, Poland
Date: July 1997
Time: after 2300
The witness, Alicja L was sleeping at a friend’s house and was having difficulty falling asleep, meanwhile her friend slept soundly next to her. She began hearing strange noises coming from a corridor of the house. Soon it became strangely silent, a very odd type of silence the witness had difficulty describing. Still she was not able to sleep, she became extremely nervous and began to pray. She suddenly felt uncontrollable panic and could not move her body. She then noticed a foggy silhouette of a strange creature, standing close to her body. The figure was about 170cm in height, with a small bulb-like head, with thin body, arms and legs. The witness felt the creature touching her. She cannot say how long the experience lasted by she felt very frightened. She felt tired and took a deep breath; at this point the creature seemed to have disappeared. It was 0400A; she fell asleep soon and suffered from different nightmares. The next morning she received a call from her mother who had been very uneasy and concerned about her. Somehow her mother felt like she had been in extreme danger.
HC addendum
Source: Robert Lesniakiewicz quoting Nieznany Swiat Magazine
Type: E
Comments: Frightening bedroom visitation.
Location. Near Los Sauces, Chile
Date: July 1997
Time: late night
Milk truck driver Hector Acevedo was driving on his way to an early delivery, at his previous stop locals had told him that they had been seeing mysterious lighted objects shooting over the area at high speed, but he did give that information much thought. But suddenly as he reached a curve on the road a large circular object flying at a very low altitude confronted him. He estimated the object to have been about 15 meters in diameter. The object then hovered above the witness truck, which had by now slowed down inexplicably. A beam of light suddenly enveloped Acevedo and seemed to drain his energy. The car seemed to move on its own accord, since Acevedo could not even control the steering wheel. The light of the object was reddish in color and in the center it seemed to have a purplish tone. However the beam of light that enveloped Acevedo was very bright white in color. At this point the witness seems to have lost track of time and does not remember how the object left, it seemed to have lasted about 10 minutes. He reached Los Sauces at 2300. Apparently he has not gone hypnotic regression.
HC addendum
Source: Erick Bellido, Ovnis Terra, Chile
Type: G?
Location. Barranco de Badajoz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Date: July 1 1997
Time: night
Photographer Teyo Bermejo and several others heard a strong flapping of wings overhead. Teyo grabbed his camera and took several photographs, which revealed what appeared to have been a winged “energy” and luminous being flying over the area.
HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Type: E
Location. Fort Benning, Georgia
Date: July 1 1997
Time: midnight
The witness woke up in the middle of the night to see two strange looking creatures standing at the foot of the bed. They were described as tall, gray in color, with large heads, apparently not wearing any clothing. The beings apparently communicated by using telepathy and approached the witness. One of them apparently had sexual intercourse with the witness. His wife slept through out the whole episode. No other information.
HC addition # 3362
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Tblisi, Georgia (Formerly USSR)
Date: July 3 1997
Time: late night
The witness woke up in the middle of night to see two figures dressed in black standing next to his bed. They seemed to be wearing polished visors, and no facial features could be seen. They began communication with the witness with telepathy. He saw in his mind a quadrangular picture and a spiral. They told him, he had been implanted with such equipment. A device they were going to use to be able to contact him in the future. They also said that it was so small that nothing could detect it. The next day he felt an itch on his stomach. He was surprised to find the numbers “2725” neatly edged on his stomach.
HC addition # 3818
Source: GUFOA
Type: E
Location. Divino Amore, Rome, Italy
Date: July 4 1997
Time: 0430A
The witness was in his bedroom when he saw a short humanoid about 90 cm in height, with a large round head and moving in an awkward fashion as it ran in front of the bed and disappeared towards the kitchen. He followed the creature to see it disappeared into a hole under the kitchen. The family tried looking for it but could not find it. Moments later a loud sound was heard coming from within the floors of the house. A light blue stain appeared on the walls next to the stairs accompanied by a strange plastic like substance. Other family members saw in another room a bright sphere of light that flew over the floor and disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: CUN Roma
Type: E or C?
Location. Jardim Brazil
Date: July 4 1997
Time: night
Rogerio Roche Grance, a 22 year old forester was attacked by a large, foul smelling creature, “with big hairs scattered all over its body,” while walking along an unlit stretch of road. Grance was treated at a hospital for wounds to his left arm caused by the creature’s claws. Reportedly the Brazilian Army asked that anybody who had been attacked should first present themselves at army barracks before giving any interviews to the media.
HC addendum
Source: Timothy Good, Unearthly Disclosure
Type: E
Location. Near Irati, Brazil
Date: July 4 1997
Time: night
Jaime Flores & Lauri Alves both employees for a local communications company were repairing a micro ditch on the side of the road when they noticed a strange bipedal creature staring at them from some nearby woods. The creature had large reddish eyes, and long arms that ended in sharp claws. As both men stared back at the creature they felt strangely attracted to it. And if not because they also felt scared they would have gone over to where the creature was.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado
Type: E
Location. Milan, Italy
Date: July 12 1997
Time: late evening
A 14-year old boy walking on a field heard a low rumbling sound, apparently coming from a nearby wood. Curious he walked over to the trees and noticed a dog that was eating some discarded meat. Suddenly the dog perked up its ears and ran away from the area as if scared of something. The witness then noticed standing nearby a one-meter tall, thin, greenish colored figure, standing to its back to the witness. It apparently heard the witness and turned around revealing two large black staring eyes. Terrified the witness ran away from the area.
HC addendum
Source: Misteri UFO Archive
Type: E
Location. South Armagh, Ireland
Date: July 13 1997
Time: late night
SAS troops on an ambush patrol against IRA gunmen, were stunned to see four small gray humanoids walk up from behind a hillside and cross their path. The soldiers and the gray entities stared at each other for a few minutes, and then the gray figures vanished. Minutes later the soldiers saw a flash of light in the sky. The soldiers then abandoned their stakeout.
HC addition # 2627
Source: United Kingdom UFO Network # 78
Type: D?
Location. Bezhetsk, Tver region, Russia
Date: middle of July 1997
Time: 2200
Five local residents, including a young man named M. Ryapolov, were fishing in a pond between a grove of birches and some cottages with private garden plots near Kashinskaya and Zarechnaya Streets when suddenly they saw a fiery red-yellowish globe flying in the sky. The globe then descended in an inclined trajectory and began to hover low over the ground at an altitude of about one meter. The globe-shaped object appeared approximately to be 3 meters in diameter. The distance from the witnesses and the object was about 40 meters. The globe was smooth, with what appeared to be a horizontal belt consisting of a row of spikes or thorns (each one about 10cm in diameter and 25cm long) were circling its middle section on its even smooth surface. A rectangular shaped door was opened in the lower section of the globe downwards creating a ladder, which was installed in the inner surface of the door. Two humanoids easily stepped out of the globe. Each entity was about 1.9 to 2 meters in height. They were dressed in dull gray black cloth-like tunics, but tighter fitting than those priests wear. The aliens had protruding noses, small ears, and hairless heads. Their skin was light, with round bulging eyes. One alien had red-yellow eyes, the second, lackluster bluish eyes. Both aliens had just slits instead of lips. At first the humanoids moved about as if they were “skating”, but then moved about like normal humans. They walked towards a cottage, several of the witnesses attempted to get closer but Ryapolov dissuaded from doing that. Meanwhile the humanoids were returning from the cottage and were carrying an elderly woman with them. The woman was screaming, “Help me, save me!” and was attempting to resist. When the aliens finally brought her to the craft, she stopped resisting and lost consciousness. The humanoids had been carrying her in a strange matter, elbows pointed to the front. During the ascent into the door of the craft the woman slipped out of one of the humanoid’s hands, but they quickly picked her up and moved her inside the spacecraft. The door immediately closed after that, and the globe-shaped craft zoomed into the sky. After that the witnesses approached the landing site but could not step into as they suddenly experienced cramps, convulsions in their bodies and extremities as if shocked by electricity. This situation was repeated on each attempt within 5 meters of the landing site. It appeared to have a protective field or barrier around it. The humanoids left clear boot prints on the soil.
HC addendum
Source: Pavel Hailov, and Anton A. Anfalov
Type: B and G?
Comments: There is no information as to what happened to the unfortunate elderly female apparently abducted by the humanoids.
Location. Arad, Israel
Date: July 22 1997
Time: 0100A
Several local residents including 23-year old student Tal Igur reported seeing a flying silvery figure over the area. The figure appeared to have a frozen, silver face with torso and arms. Others saw an object that was emitting flashes of light towards the ground.
HC addendum
Source: Barry Chamish, Return of The Giants
Type: D?
Location. Los Angeles, California
Date: July 23 1997
Time: 1330
The witness was walking on busy Wiltshire Blvd, when she looked up, and saw hovering between two buildings a large metallic hat shaped object, with several portholes around its rim. It was completely silent. As the witness stared at the object she felt some type of mental communication from it. Several nights later in a dream like state she remembered being in a round room with windows around it. She could see the skyline of West Los Angeles. She was apparently there with her sister and two nieces. Each of them had an instructor or guide. Her instructor was a very handsome man, with shoulder length blonde hair, about 32 years old, with a bare chest. He was loving, gentle, and kind. He had beautiful skin and smelled wonderful. Apparently she was taught many different things, one of them was that there was no such thing as time that it was a concept that earthlings only believe in and had grown accustomed to it. She remembers going up in the room in a spinning motion. They looked down and could see the San Bernardino Mountains.
HC addition # 3585
Source: NUFORC
Type: G
Location. Moscow Region, Russia
Date: July 26 1997
Time: 2200
The chief of a local children’s health camp, Anatoly Ivanovich K sat exhausted in the porch of the office building after another long fruitless search for his 5-year old son already missing for over 24 hours in the nearby impenetrable forest. Filled with painful thought he rose and retreated to his bedroom. Laying in bed awake the room was suddenly filled with an unexpected bright light from an unknown source. After looking around he could not locate the origin of the light. As he sat down back in bed he felt a presence next to him, after turning his head to the right he saw a bluish circle of light and within it a short gnome-like figure. Stupefied the camp chief watched the fairy tale like character, which he described as resembling an old man with a long white beard, wearing a red sash and a broad white belt with a red cap. The bizarre creature was distinctively visible within the bluish light. The old man smiled politely and greeted the witness and then said, “Your son will arrive tomorrow”. Then he beckoned to the witness with a miniature finger and rapidly walked towards the forest, at all times encased in an eerie bluish light. Despite his atheism Anatoly involuntarily crossed himself and almost unconsciously followed the old gnome-like creature into the forest. After entering the forest he found himself in an impenetrable darkness lit only by the glow around the short gnome. He followed the creature for about half an hour until they reached an impenetrable thicket. The witness, who knew the area very well, felt disoriented and confused, he did not recognize his surroundings. At this point the short gnome had already vanished. The witness was found dazed and shoeless wandering near the office building by camp associates. He had no memory of where he had spend half of the night. Happily his son did show up to the camp the next day, apparently unharmed.
HC addendum
Source: Vasiliy Kosinov, Russia
Type: E or G?
Location. Grimaldi-Ventimiglia, Italy
Date: July 27 1997
Time: 0200A
A police officer out on patrol saw walking along a road a huge hairy man-like figure that ran across the street in front of his vehicle in a bipedal fashion. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: CUN Genova
Type: E
Location. Ceduna, South Australia
Date: July 28 1997
Time: unknown
An elderly water diviner “Alan” set up a “psychic” style alphabet Ouija board. Via this medium he was told to go to a particular location in the bush near Ceduna, which he did. At this location he was told that an alien would meet him and take him away in his flying saucer. He traveled to the location, but the alien told him “he was too good a man” and decided not to take him. Alan believed the alien’s intentions were “not good.”
HC addendum
Source: UFORSA
Type: F
Comments: Maybe there is an undeclared war against those humans with “psychic” abilities by some of our alien visitors, for the purpose of domination.
Location. Ochopee Florida
Date: July 28 1997
Time: 2130
After numerous reports of encounters with tall hairy bipeds in the area, one of the witnesses, Dave Shealy, who had collected hair samples and taken plaster casts of prints, was sitting in his trailer when heard a knock at the door. Answering he was confronted by two tall men wearing “English style felt hats” and sunglasses. They entered the trailer and produced badges, but Shealy could not see the agency on them, and began asking questions about the recent sightings regarding the hairy humanoids. They requested to see the hair samples and plaster casts. As soon as he brought the hair samples one of them took it and said they were going to have it analyzed and left. The next day around 0300A about 8 large helicopters that were circling over the nearby Turner River Swamp awakened him.
HC addition # 2654
Source: Rick Grootveldt & Newspaper reports
Type: E
Location. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Date: July 30 1997
Time: 0015A
A local young man named Igor V. Kolomiets (involved in other encounters) encountered a strange humanoid figure that suddenly appeared in his bedroom out of thin air. The alien was very tall and was dressed in a black or gray loose-fitting overall. Facial details could not be discerned because it wore a hood or cowl that covered his head completely, and the room was also very dark. But Igor could see a greenish aura emanating from the alien’s body. The alien also radiated fear and the witness was immediately paralyzed, but was able to retain the ability to speak. The witness had been subconsciously ready for the contact and asked the visitor who he was and where he was from. Igor then heard inside his head in a cold, chilly and emotionless voice, “I am a representative of a civilization from the Canum Venaticorum constellation”. Igor was not frightened and began to ask additional questions, he asked, “How old is your civilization?” “Two million years. We are ahead of your civilization by 1000 years” Igor then asked, “Are you part of the Black League” (Apparently a group of negative civilizations from the Constellation Orion and others). The answer was a resounding yes. “What do you want from humans” asked Igor. He answered “We need vital space”. “What do you want from Irina?” (Igor’s friend who had also experienced contacts with a similar entity). The alien answered, “She is a powerful medium. We want her. We will take her soon”. (According to Igor’s claims Irina is actually a reincarnated alien being, by the name of Inzeada). Next the alien stopped answering questions and began speaking in a monologue, “Your civilization disturbs and hampers us. We did not find Irina by accident; we “pushed” her to you, because we are searching for control of you.” The alien paused a minute and then said, “Don’t interfere in the alien or UFO business, or death will await you. You will belong to my race”. After hearing this Igor became upset and yelled at the alien to “go to hell and get out”. At the end the alien transmitted a message in his brain, which the witness wrote in a piece of paper in the morning. It was purportedly a message from his “Government” directly to the witness.
HC addendum
Source: Anton A. Anfalov
Type: E
Location. Glinik, Poland
Date: August 1997
Time: 0010A
Zdzislaw Komorek was walking back to the village among some low hills on a warm cloudless night when he suddenly noticed a strange human like figure which seemed to be made out of bright light, at a distance of 50 meters away. The figure was about 1.5 meters in height, white in color and with a large head and human like hands. However, Komorek was unable to see any facial features. The figure was gliding silently above the ground. Terrified the witness quickly left the area, and noticed that the figure was following him always keeping a distance of about 50 meters. At one point he looked back and the figure had mysteriously vanished.
HC addendum
Source: Arkadiusz Miazga, MCBUFOIZA
Type: E
Location. Quebec, Canada, exact location not given
Date: August 1997
Time: late night
The witness was in the bedroom when he saw a green humanoid head come out of the wall. It stared at the witness who felt a very icy feeling. No other information.
HC addition # 3220
Source: Canadian UFO Survey 1997
Type: E
Location. Wilkowa Poland
Date: August 1997
Time: night
Asia X, 27 years old, was lying in bed when she suddenly saw through a window opposite to her bed a large yellow ball hovering in mid-air. Suddenly, a beam of yellow light hit the witness who felt paralyzed. She was not able to scream or move. During the time that she was unable to move “she felt as if something or someone was trying to remove her soul from her body.” After about 2-3 minutes she suddenly noticed two figures in the room. One figure had a large oval shaped head and had big oval slanted black eyes stood by her bed. It was very thin and was not wearing any clothing. Its skin color was similar to a human. The other similar figure hovered above her. It was somewhat shorter than the other humanoid and wore something similar to a dark cloak. One of the figures spoke in Polish to the other one, “I don’t want her to know “something” about her female anatomy.” “She was chosen” the other humanoid spoke. Her next memory was of waking up and the figures were gone.
HC addendum
Source: Arkadiusz Miazga, MCBUFOIZA
Type: E or C?
Location. Guidonia Montecello, Rome, Italy
Date: August 1997
Time: night
A married couple, consisting of a 40-year old man and a 37-year old woman suddenly felt a constant and nagging “sound” in their heads. It resembled an incomprehensible language that just rambled on. The sound became louder and almost intolerable, causing them extreme difficulty in moving around, they both managed to stumble over to the window and look outside. They soon noticed two luminous objects oscillating in the sky above them, always maintaining the same position. The light from the objects remained the same and illuminated the area like daytime. At this point they saw at the end of a nearby alley a tall human like figure that was shouting in the same strange language in the direction of the objects. Then the couple briefly stepped back from the window and upon returning to the window everything appeared normal and the figure and objects were gone. The strange murmuring in their heads had also stopped.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Italia
Type: C?
Location. Between Poyarkino & Kozlovka, Penza Province, Russia
Date: August 1997
Time: 2100
Several local truck drivers carrying agricultural products between villages repeatedly observed a strange humanoid figure dressed in a coverall. The encountering was almost occurring on a regular basis and around the same place. Several trucks approached the humanoid to within 70-80 meters, and after that the drivers were stunned to see the humanoid slowly fade away in plain sight of them. Details on the entity’s facial features could not be seen because it was dark and the distance from the witnesses. This area is known for the numerous observations of oval and disc-shaped objects.
HC addendum
Source: Sergey Volkov, President of Logos, Penza Association of Untraditional
Researchers in “NLO” Magazine Saint Petersburg # 44 October 30 2000
Type: E
Location. Brooksville, Florida
Date: August 1997
Time: midnight
Two witnesses encountered a dark being with glowing red eyes that approached their beds as they slept. One witness was frightened and hid under the covers; he then heard a telepathic message. The other witness reported that the being approached and scratched him with a blade like instrument. He saw the being walked away then apparently stumble, he then went to sleep. One of the witnesses woke up the next morning with deep scratches on his chest.
HC addition # 2792
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & The World
Type: E
Location. Near Amado, Arizona
Date: first week of August 1997
Time: late afternoon
A man driving down a narrow desolated two-lane road was going through an area of eight to ten foot embankments on both sides of the road. Suddenly something leaped from the top of the embankment on the left side and landed in the middle of the road about 30 yards ahead of the vehicle. Its legs were scrambling to get a grip and it then leaped or flew to the top of the embankment on the right side of the road. Then it disappeared. The creature was described as about four feet tall and bipedal. Its legs were large and muscular with big thighs. Its feet were round, but the witness did not see if they were clawed or hoofed. It had a narrow waist area with a much larger round chest. It had two slims arms with claws for hands with bat type wings that went from underneath the arms to about the waist area. Its neck was skinny, but the witness did not get to see its head as the sun glare blocked his view. The color of the creature was deep brown with a dark green tone under the wings. It was leathery with no fur and it had no spikes or anything from its spine noticeable.
HC addition # 2801
Source: Nick Wyatt
Type: E
Location. Bocaiuva do Sul, Brazil
Date: August 3 1997
Time: night
Edsom da Silva heard some shots coming from a nearby wooded area and ran over to investigate. Hiding behind a tree and carrying a bright lantern he pointed the light at a nearby “form” on the ground. He saw it was a strange creature with two huge reddish eyes, and a bizarre crest on its back. Frightened he ran from the area and did not see the creature depart.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Albert Machado
Type: E
Location. San Luis Potosi Mexico
Date: August 5 1997
Time: 0045A
Taxi driver Ramon Velazquez Luna had just dropped off a fare and was on the Villa de Reyes highway when he began to see white-orange lights following him. The lights suddenly turned off and then appeared this time in front of the vehicle. The lights then disappeared into a nearby field. Approaching the village of Chirimoya he noticed what appeared to be a “power plant” well lighted on the side of the road. Confused he stopped the vehicle and noticed that the lights were oval shaped and mercurial in nature. Suddenly a fog-like smoke approached the vehicle causing the witness to become frightened and drive away. Nearby as he drove away he saw “a strange vehicle” on the side of the road and several huge dark humanoid figures that appeared to have no heads milling around it. The figures seemed to be signaling Luna to stop his vehicle. Finally after arriving at his destination Luna noticed that there was almost 3 hours that he could not account for.
HC addendum
Source: Ruben Manrique, Contacto Ovni
Type: C or G?
Location. Monte Alto, Brazil
Date: August 7 1997
Time: 0300A
Upon hearing his dog barking the witness looked out the kitchen window from where he observed a 2-meter tall creature completely covered in black hair. The creature stood about 3 meters from the window. It was struggling with the dogs and was trying to push them away. A few minutes later it turned around and headed to some nearby trees. The witness noticed that as it moved it seemed to do so in a slow “wobbly” fashion almost as if intoxicated. The witness found strange prints on the ground.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado
Type: E
Location. Near Sioux City Iowa
Date: August 7 1997
Time: 2130
A 22-year old man and an 11-year old relative were driving home when the younger one spotted a triangular shaped object in the sky. The craft was about 500 feet away at about 200 feet altitude and seemed to be moving parallel to the road. It appeared to be about 60 feet in length. As the witness drove through a heavily wooded area of hills, deep ravines and winding roads, the craft crossed the road just behind their vehicle and disappeared toward the west. When they turned onto the road leading to their farmhouse, a “strange animal” bumped into the car’s passenger door. It was described as something resembling a snarling hyena, with big red lights in place of eyes and huge teeth offset a short, pointed nose and small ears. The fur was tan, striped, and spotted with black; it had taut, bulging muscles all over its body. Arriving home the witnesses and other family members watched a larger triangular shaped craft moving very slowly at about 300 feet altitude. Then it hovered for 15 minutes before leaving. Since the sighting, the younger boy has had repeated dreams featuring “large heads with no faces”, he felt lots of hands touching him, and he couldn’t move, and he was being carried and laid on a “couch”. The previous night the Sioux City police dept received numerous calls about a hairy Bigfoot type creature in the area of 17th street in the city’s Northside section. On September 19 the man again saw a similar or same creature. The Family has been involved in numerous other bizarre phenomena and other encounters.
HC addition # 2813
Source: Beverly Trout Mufon Iowa
Type: C? Or G?
Location: Villa Grove, Saguache County, Colorado
Date: August 8 1997
Time: 1100A
A Texas tourist sees a black unmarked Blazer “skidding up” to a store where he was getting gas. Two camouflage-clad individuals “stared” at him and one took off his “wrap around shades” revealing “he had no eyelids.” No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Christopher O’Brien, San Luis Event Log
Type: E?
Location. Smerwick, County Kerry, Ireland
Date: August 9 1997
Time: 1600
Kathleen O’Shea was walking during a dark rainy day, when it began to pour, as she ran for shelter, a giant black bat-like creature few up in front of her. She screamed and fell forward. When she opened her eyes the creature was gone.
HC addition # 3936
Source: Doc Shiels in: Blather
Type: E
Location. West Palm Beach, Florida
Date: August 15 1997
Time: 2000
June (involved in other encounters) had been visiting a friend and upon leaving noticed a “heavy” darkness. The streetlights seemed diffused and dimmer than normal. As June continued to drive, the streetlights seemed even dimmer. As she approached the traffic light by the railroad crossing on the corner of A1A and Park Ave. in Lake Park three cars stopped at the intersection as though the light were red on both sides. While waiting for the traffic signal, June looked down Park Ave. and saw what appeared to be a tunnel. The streetlights were only pinpricks of light. After a long time the light turned green and June proceeded into the “eye” of the tunnel. The road seemed black and she could not see the street or even the instrument panel on her car. She down shifted and drove slowly. The 15-minute drive from her friend’s house took 45 minutes. June arrived home badly frightened. Later June was hypnotically regressed to the time she was at the intersection where she waited for the light to turn green. June recalled seeing a bright light all around her she was not able to move and did not know where she was. She then found herself in a room with “shadows” all around her, across the room she sees little people looking at her. One is touching her all over. This being was holding something bright—shiny in his hand, about a foot long. It resembled a rod with a light on the end. He puts it in her body as she yells to her to stop; she is still unable to move. There is a very disagreeable odor in the room. The small creature resembles an insect, something like a praying mantis. The room is very cold and has a very bad odor. The being with the rod is further described as about 4 ft tall, with four fingers that he wiggled slowly. He had antennae as well as a beak-like protrusion on his face. The bed in which she was lying on was low and close to the floor. The room was described as curved and platinum in color but with a greenish light that came from the walls, ceiling and floor. She did not remember being hurt by the being. June further remembered that as she drove through the “tunnel” she remembered opening the car door to try to see the centerline on the street, but did not see it. She took her foot off the clutch. She remembered that the car didn’t sway as it normally did and she didn’t feel the road beneath her. The streetlights were dim and tiny. She also had a hard time breathing.
HC addendum
Source: Miami Skyscan March 10 2000
Type: G
Location. Rutherfordton, North Carolina
Date: August 16 1997
Time: midnight
Three men reported that as they stood out in a mountainous area admiring the night sky they watched a glowing green cigar shaped object descend and land on a nearby field. As curiosity overcame fear they walked towards the landing zone. As they approached an opening became visible on the craft and two 6 ft tall creatures, grayish-blue in color and wearing what appeared to be armor-like suits stepped out. At this point two of the men ran away but the third was caught by the creatures and was taken onboard the object. Inside the object he was put into what appeared to be a “cage”. The creatures apparently used telepathy in order to communicate amongst each other but somehow the witness was able to hear their thoughts, as they could hear his. The aliens told the witness that if the humans attempted to capture or injured their kind in any way, they would be forced to retaliate. Upon being asked about their point of origin they told the witness that they came from “beyond 300 million light years away”. Asked how could they travel so far they pointed out that they used the speed of gravity, which was faster then light. After awhile the witness reported that something apparently went terrible wrong onboard the object and that it crash-landed in the mountains outside Lake Lure. At this point he lost consciousness. He woke up about an hour later without finding any signs of wreckage or other visible proof of what had occurred.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G?
Location. Serra Do Mar, Brazil
Date: August 17 1997
Time: night
Night watchman, Miguel Goncalves was looking after construction equipment at a work site, when he was startled by the sudden appearance of a ghostly female figure with long dark hair and skin standing about 10 meters away. The figure was about 1.65m in height, with a small round face, long black hair and wearing a loose fitting brown outfit that was tight-fitting around her waist. The guard challenged her and then asked where she came from; the woman simply pointed at the full moon and slowly faded away.
HC addendum
Source: Scott Corrales, Fate December 2001
Type: E
Location. Gull Lake, Manitoba, Canada
Date: August 20 1997
Time: unknown
Several witnesses claimed they saw a green luminous craft crash into the woods. Upon investigating they saw a huge hairy man-like figure apparently standing guard next to a crashed object. The witnesses then apparently left the area. No other information.
HC addition # 3219
Source: UFOROM
Type: H or C?
Location. Near Red Wing, Colorado
Date: August 22 or 23 1997
Time: unknown
Witnesses reported a C-131 transport plane dropping a “huge box” just north of the Atlantic Richfield CO2 plant in Huerfano County. Several locals set off to investigate. Several of them then saw two men wearing “jet-packs” on their backs flying up and down, around and between Sheep and Little Sheep Mountain, apparently looking for something. Other witnesses saw a craft that had the appearance of a large clear bubble. From the bottom of the bubble sparks were being emitted with a “clattering sound.” A witness evidently fired a gun at the strange object as it passed overhead, and later that evening he was confronted and then accosted by three men (not described). The men wrestled him to the ground and one of them grabbed his neck and he was immediately rendered unconscious.
HC addition # 2870
Source: Christopher O’Brien
Type: D?
Location. Mesita, Colorado
Date: August 22 1997
Time: night
After watching a huge golden colored light hovering over the area, witness Thomas Peay claimed to have then experienced three concurrent nights of lucid dreams featuring “aliens” and being taken out through the window and into a small object then taken into a larger object. The aliens are not described.
HC addition # 2870
Source: Christopher O’Brien
Type: G?
Location. Vegas de Diuca, Chile
Date: August 23 1997
Time: afternoon
Several locals, including Jose Estrada & Nicolasa Estrada witnessed near a local hill a small robotic figure that moved in quick jerky jumps, it seemed to be reddish yellow in color. It would take quick short flights over the fields then fall down and land. It seemed to have a rounded head with a hole like eye on the center. It had a “tail” like protrusion on its rear and two antennas like protrusions on top. Two of the witnesses, one armed with a shotgun approached to within 10 meters of the figures. Around the same time other locals reported seeing slow moving lights low over the area.
HC addition # 3903
Source: UFOPR
Type: D
Location. Uintah County, Utah
Date: August 28 1997
Time: 0200A
In the middle of his isolated ranch in Northeastern Utah, Tom Gorman saw a dull white light appearing out of nowhere, researcher Chad Deetken also saw the light. Gorman and Deetken were out in the pasture as part of an ongoing effort to document unusual activity on the property. Both men watched intently as the light grew brighter. It was as if someone had opened a window or doorway. Gorman grabbed his night vision binoculars to get a better look but could hardly believe what he was seeing. The dull light began to resemble a bright portal, and at one end of the portal, a large, black humanoid figure seemed to be struggling to crawl through the tunnel of light. After a few minutes, the humanoid figure wriggled out of the light and took off into the darkness. As it did, the window of light snapped shut, as if someone had flicked the “off” switch. Deetken had the presence of mind to snap a few photos of the event but would later learn that the film had recorded little of what the two men had witnessed.
HC addendum
Source: Las Vegas Mercury, NIDS
Type: B?
Location. Moscow region, Russia
Date: August 31 1997
Time: 0400A
Valentina Belyayev Ustyuzhanka awoke in the middle of the night with a severe thirst. As she entered the kitchen she found it flooded by a very strong light. Looking out the window he saw hovering directly opposite to the house a very luminous sphere and inside a circular section of the sphere was the very clear image of a man’s face. The man appeared to be about 60 years of age with a high forehead, wrinkled skin and a “wise” countenance. He appeared to be looking around, sideways, upwards and downwards. The sphere seemed to be revolving slowly. Very excited Valentina rushed to the bedroom to wake his husband. Her husband did not believe her and remained in bed, when she ran to the kitchen she looked out and the sphere was gradually fading away.
HC addendum
Source: Mikhail Gershteyn, X-Libri UFO
Type: A
Location. Orudievo, Moscow Region, Russia
Date: end of August 1997
Time: 0100A-0300A
Moscow resident Mrs. R P Ziborova was visiting her mother in law and had stayed over to sleep in the small village. She was sleeping in the same room as her husband, but in different beds. She remembers standing up around 0100A walking outside and returning around 0300A. She remembers the times clearly since she was wearing a digital watch. She had inexplicably lost two hours of time. The next morning, she discovered a strange scar on her body shaped like the letter “L” about 3 cm in dimensions. It resembled a cattle brand; her skin became reddish around the edges of this scar, resembling a fresh burn. That same night several residents of the village reported numerous UFOs over the area.
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov, quoting “Stamp of the Extraterrestrials” in
Taynaya Vlast Newspaper, Moscow 2000
Type: G?
Location. Near Flint, Michigan
Date: late summer 1997
Time: 0300A
The witness was working in a fabrication shop that made modified parts for snowmobiles. The shop was located in an area that was virtually surrounded by endless miles of farmland. After finishing his shift he decided to drive home with the top down of his convertible. As he came up to a long stretch of road he had to take in order to get home he saw something crawling on all fours coming out of the culvert on the corner of the road. The creature was huge, it was about 2 quarters the size of his car with appeared to be black matted fur that almost looked like a shadow as it moved toward the house that was in the corner. It never dawned on the witness that he had completely stopped his car in order to look at the creature. As the witness stared at it trying to make sense of what it was it suddenly turned its head and looked at him. He then saw two almond-shaped blood red eyes that seemed to illuminate out of the black void as they peered at him. The creature then turned away and slowly moved toward the back of the house where it vanished.
HC addendum
Source: Paranormal about.com, your true tales November 03
Type: E
Location. Moscow Region, Russia
Date: Fall 1997
Time: 1800
The witness was riding a public trolley when he suddenly felt a strong presence around him. Looking around he saw three young women, who stood in a semicircle. All three were dressed in identical black raincoats and black gloves. They are very similar to each other, with identical length black hair that fellow below their elbows. They stood silently staring fixedly ahead. Curious, the witness began to slowly approach the strange trio he touched one of them pulling one of the gloves revealing grayish skin. The women did not react and continue to stare fixedly ahead. When the trolley stopped all three women left the bus and walked into a nearby forest. He briefly lost sight of them but when he looked again they had already vanished.
HC addendum
Source: Vasily Kosinov “They are among us”
Type: E
Location. Port Cartier Park, France
Date: Autumn 1997
Time: midnight
The witness was camping along a river and was reading a book and had decided to go to sleep when suddenly he heard the sound of the zipper to his sleeping bag being opened. He could not move or speak. He felt several hands touching his shoulder and thighs. The hands felt very cold, with long fingers. He felt the presence of three beings; one holding his thigh without any pressure, and one holding his shoulder and another one leaning over his head. He then blacked out waking up the next morning around 0430A.
HC addendum
Source: GREPI
Type: E?
Location. Saki, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: September 1997
Time: 0230A-0300A
A Mrs. Sosedenko, who was very ill at the time, reported seeing the shadow of a cigar-shaped object hovering near the balcony of her apartment. Soon after that a strange man entered her bedroom through the balcony. He was dressed in a tight-fitting gray overall. He seemed to have normal arms and legs and head but his face seemed to be a blank spot. The alien then approached her bed, and the witness whispered, ” I am afraid”. The “man” then stopped and began communicating with the witness telepathically. He said to her, “We will help you, we will cure you, but you would need to come with us”. The witness then asked him if she would be brought back. “No” was his answer. She then refused the help proposed by the alien and told him that she had a deaf daughter, which she could not leave. The alien the proposed to take her daughter also but she again refused telling the alien that her daughter had a large family that she would refuse to leave behind. The alien then went out the balcony disappearing into the hovering cigar shaped craft. Her daughter Viktoria Sosedenko also reported anomalous activity in her flat. Apparently she was also confronted by another alien (no details on that).
HC addendum
Source: Letter by Viktoria Sosedenko in “The Secret Doctrine” Newspaper
Number 20/2002
Type: E & C
Location. Sealza, Italy
Date: September 1997
Time: 0430A
The Swiss music producer involved in a previous encounter again was driving near the same previous location when he came upon three strange hair covered creatures on the road. One had huge eyes and long dark hair and had an elderly appearance. It stared at the witness with its large dark eyes, before disappearing into the woods.
HC addendum
Source: CUN Genova
Type: E
Location. Fife, Scotland
Date: September 1997
Time: night
An anonymous witness was lying in her bed when the head of a dog appeared. (!) The face, which looked solid, floated in mid air directly in front of her wardrobe. For some reasons its mouth was opening and closing although no sound seemed to be coming out. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland
Type: E
Location. Kalmykiya region, North Caucasus, Russia
Date: September 1997
Time: night
The now president of that Russian autonomous region, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, reported that he came upon a huge landed disc-shaped craft the size of a football field, ringed with windows around its circumference. Several human like extraterrestrials wearing tight-fitting yellowish suits exited the craft and invited him onboard. Inside he felt a shortage of air. He was then given a suit to wear on the breast area there was a plate that apparently regulated the oxygen intake, he was shown how to operate that. While inside the craft the other crewmembers ignored Kirsan. They apparently landed on a planet and the aliens brought in some equipment onboard and quickly returned to Earth. He is planning to write about his experience.
HC addendum
Source: “Svoboda” (Freedom) live radio broadcast July 22 2001
Anton Anfalov
Type: G
Location. Cordenons, Fruili, Italy
Date: September 4 1997
Time: 2215
Two young boys, 13-year old Giovanni and 15-year old Alessandro were walking alone on the Via Vittorio when they suddenly noticed a dazzling light emitting intermittent flashes. This flashing was immediately followed by a strange whistling sound. After walking for about 100 meters the two boys noticed a bizarre creature standing next to a light pole. It was described as short and white in color. The creature then moved very rapidly in a strange zigzagging motion disappearing into a nearby wooded area.
HC addendum
Source: Moreno Tambellini, SHADO
Type: E?
Location. Cordenons, Fruili, Italy
Date: September 5 1997
Time: morning
The next day the same two boys along with two other friends entered the wooded area in search for the strange creature. Soon about 50 meters away among some bushes the boys saw a round whitish head, hairless and extremely wrinkled in appearance. Terrified the boys left the area but soon returned to the site armed with a camera and a pair of binoculars. Soon they were overcome by a strange malaise and headache. They again saw the humanoid, which they described as about 90 cm in height, dirty white in color and with very long arms. It had three digit hands that ended in ball shaped tips. Its head was oval shaped devoid of any facial expression, it was pointed at the top and it had a very pointed chin. Its most prominent features were its huge black oval shaped eyes. Its mouth was but a thin line and its nose, two small round holes. Its skin appeared to be gelatinous and was very corrugated. It appeared devoid of any sexual organs. The boys left the scene. The creature was apparently seen on the next day in the same woods, but it scurried away into the brush when a witness approached it and disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Moreno Tambellini, SHADO
Type: E
Location. Illinois, exact location not given
Date: September 7 1997
Time: unknown
A cylinder-shaped craft exploded into small debris over the area. A special recovery team recovered these, mutilated small parts of several alien bodies were found. This craft was possibly shot down by another alien craft or suffered a technical malfunction. The debris and body parts were taken to an unknown location.
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov, quoting Ex-KGB Source, Moscow
Type: H
Location. Marshalltown, Iowa
Date: September 9 1997
Time: 2300
The witness stepped out of her mobile home to get a breath of fresh air on her lattice-enclosed patio. As she did, she saw an object which had either landed or hovered very close to her nearby neighbor’s mobile home roof and was facing her. She could see a large curved window with a thin strip down the middle, and there was a bright spotlight shining from the lower front of the object. No sound was heard. She then noticed a “pilot” with something fitted over his head, like a form fitting mask, which was motionless. She could not distinguish any features. Then, two doors swung open and several small entities exited. She could not see their shapes or how they moved. The bright light was directed at her and she thought she was being watched. Frightened she went back into the house and noticed that the beam of light was now illuminated its interior. The witness continued to watch the object as it moved around the trailer court, occasionally stopping, hovering, and shining its light on various mobile homes.
HC addition # 2904
Source: Beverly Trout, Mufon
Type: A & B
Location. Colonia Revolucion Mexicana, Mexico
Date: September 11 1997
Time: night
Ines Valdivieza and her 6-year old daughter observed a small creature, brown in color with large red eyes, run away from a pigpen area using high bounding motions disappearing into the dark. Five hogs were found dead completely drained of blood with strange scars on their necks.
HC addendum
Source: Pascual Rolando Pacheco Herrera OJIO
Type: E
Location. West Palm Beach, Florida
Date: September 12 1997
Time: 2200
June (involved in previous encounters) had gone to bed early because she kept falling asleep while lying in her couch watching television. She awoke to find a gray humanoid standing over her in her bedroom. She was trying to fight him off by hitting him, but her hand seemed to be swatting thin air. However she could see her hand go right through the alien’s body. She screamed out loud to him telling him to go away. All the time she kept trying to hit the creature, nothing seemed to work. The alien stayed right beside her. Then suddenly another voice came from out of nowhere and it said, “Go away!” This voice sounded like it was spoken in slow motion. It was very deep and masculine voice. Miraculously the being vanished, she was paralyzed from her waist down. Her brain seemed as if it was drugged. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep, but somehow she knew if she did something terrible would happen. Finally after much struggle she was able to move and sat up in bed. It took several more minutes before she could actually get to her feet and stagger into her living room. She stayed up until 0330A.
HC addendum
Source: Miami Skyscan March 2000
Type: E & F?
Location. Meduno Italy
Date: September 21 1997
Time: 0705A
Several bright lights approached the witness who apparently blacked out, but remembered seeing a smiling human like figure standing before her. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: CUN
Type: C?
Location. Rancho Alegre, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: September 21 1997
Time: evening
On September 20 caretaker of the ranch, Jose Rodrigues Correa found that there were 17 missing chickens from the henhouse and also found the body of one of the chickens with a small hole in its throat. The next evening he heard noises coming from the henhouse. Armed with a revolver he went to investigate and caught a glimpse of an obscure shape that seemed to be on two legs, and about 1.3 meters in height. When about 10 ft from it he fired at shot at it. It fell heavily to the ground and he heard it rolling away over the dead leaves.
HC addendum
Source: Professor Hulvio Brant Alexio, FSR Vol. 44 # 4
Type: E
Location. Rancho Alegre, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: September 22 1997
Time: 1500
The next day Correa was working down in the valley when he “got a feeling” that something was going to happen so he went and got his gun. When he was near the henhouse he saw coming out of a nearby ditch, a dark colored creature that stood and stared at him with its arm raised, the palm open. He could only see the creature from the waist upward, the rest of it being hidden by the vegetation around the ditch. Correa was just at the verge on firing at it when a thought came to him, “Maybe if I fire my revolver the thing will make it explode in my face.” During this moment of hesitation he heard the creature dive back into the ditch again. And then he smelt a powerful odor resembling crush garlic mixed with sulfur. Correa promptly searched the entire ditch and scythed away all the vegetation, but found not the slightest trace of the creature. He described the creature as “ugly” with the top of its head flatter. The eyes were bigger than humans, with yellowish spots on them. The face was wrinkled and the skin was dark. The eyes were big and round and unblinking. It had a short goatee of the same shade as its hair, which was reddish brown. The mouth was half closed, and was very wide and a bit squarish. It had two big, broad, very white teeth.
HC addendum
Source: Professor Hulvio Brant Alexio FSR Vol. 44 # 4
Type: E
Location. Near Punta Arenas, Chile
Date: September 22 1997
Time: 2300
Enriquez Bermudez Sosa had parked his car in a wooded area to do some sky watching, when suddenly he heard a skittering noise and saw several small humanoid figures running around his car. The beings were 3-feet 4 inches tall, had long arms, short legs, and big heads. No facial features could be seen. He saw eight in all. The beings surrounded the vehicle for 40 minutes, then vanished into the woods. The witness then drove away at high speed from the area.
HC addition # 2733
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 2 # 38
Type: E
Location. Penuelas, Puerto Rico
Date: September 26 1997
Time: 2200
Ivan Rivero Morales and several other witnesses watched an object flying around a nearby mountaintop for about an hour and then land on the summit. The intensity of its light dwindled to a soft amber glow, which it retained during the duration of its landing. To the witnesses surprise that were watching the object with binoculars and telescopes, a number of tall beings, described as greenish with large oval shaped heads, black eyes, pointed ears and a protruding belly descended from the object and walked around the summit for one hour. After this length of time had elapsed, the beings re-entered the craft and its brilliance increased to previous levels, it then vanished in a matter of seconds.
HC addition # 3184
Source: Federico Alvarez Frank
Type: B
Location. Penuelas, Puerto Rico
Date: September 27 1997
Time: night
Local residents again watched an object land on the summit of a nearby mountain, but this time it was accompanied by another, smaller object. The large object landed on the same spot it had occupied on the previous evening, and its tall greenish occupants descended once more from within. On this occasion, the beings, described again as having protruding bellies, long thin arms, large oval shaped heads, with pointed ears, remained outside for two hours, while the smaller object remained motionless over the location. After two hours both objects rose into the air and vanished from the location. The only means of access to the mountain top its by helicopter.
HC addition # 3185
Source: Federico Alvarez Frank
Type: B
Location. Near Punta Arenas, Chile
Date: September 30 1997
Time: 2330
Dr. Carlos Munoz and Enrique Bermudez were parked in an isolated wooded area and had stepped out of the car when they suddenly heard something moving close to them. They could perceive small shadows nearby. Then they saw about 30 meters away a fluorescent tube like light in a vertical position suspended about 1 meter from the ground. It appeared to be pulsating and was red & white in color. They ran to the car and grabbed the camcorder in a futile attempt to film the object. Both then entered the vehicle and drove away. Suddenly they heard a loud engine sound and a black sports vehicle with tinted windows drove past them at high speed. At the same time their vehicle’s instruments malfunctioned.
HC addition # 2734
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 2 # 38
Type: C?
Location. Not given
Date: October 1997
Time: 0245A
The witness woke up in the middle of the night when suddenly she heard a buzzing sound coming from outside. As she laid there the sound got louder and louder until it was in her bedroom. She sat up but as she did, she instantly fell asleep, but as she was lying down she saw six figures, three on each side of the bed. She described them as about 3-4-feet tall with large heads and very large eyes; they appeared to be grayish green in color. They also had very thin bodies and long fingers. Before she totally went to sleep she felt something touch her leg and arm.
HC addition # 3879
Source: CAUS
Type: E
Location. San Jose, California
Date: October 1997
Time: early morning
Joseph Firmage woke up to see a bizarre man-like being surrounded in a brilliant white light. The being had black hair and a beard. Telepathic communication ensued between the witness and the visitor. At the end of their brief communication the witness expressed the fact that he wanted to “travel in space.” The visitor then stared at him firmly and suddenly a small blue electrical sphere emerged form the visitor and shot towards the witness who upon being struck by the sphere felt an extraordinary sense of ecstasy and pleasure. The being apparently then disappeared. The witness felt as if had received some type of gift.
HC addition # 3381
Source: Enrique De Vicente, Año Cero 7-99
Type: E
Location. Elorrio, Alava, Spain
Date: October 1997
Time: 1600
Ivan Lopez was walking alone in a totally deserted street when he spotted a bizarre tall humanoid figure wearing a luminous suit. As he walked by the figure, he noticed that it had a human face with a cold severe and defiant expression. The then figure turned a corner and glided towards a nearby Potter’s field. He followed it at a safe distance but the figure soon disappeared in plain sight.
HC addendum
Source: Iker Jimenez, Encuentros La Historia de Los Ovni En España
Type: E
Location. Vitoria, Alava, Spain
Date: October 1997
Time: night
Several witnesses reported to the police that they had seen a giant humanoid figure dressed in black, loitering behind a stairwell of a local apartment building. The witnesses reported the figure as somewhat opaque and without any apparent facial features, it walked up and down the stairs very slowly. Police did not find anything.
HC addendum
Source: Iker Jimenez, Encuentros La Historia de Los Ovni En España
Type: E
Location. San Jose de Pinhais, Brazil
Date: October 2 1997
Time: night
The day after loosing several newborn kittens to an unknown predator the witness heard the adult mother cat screaming and a noise resembling somebody bouncing a rubber ball off the wall of the outdoors bathroom where the cat was now. The witness armed herself with a broom and entered the bathroom and found the cat lying limp on the ground, she also felt a presence in the room. Looking around she saw a strange creature of about 1 meter in height, with dark hair and a lighter tinted area on its side. The creature suddenly took a high jump, resembling that of a kangaroo, and bounded over an orange tree then a wire fence. It quickly disappeared from sight.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado
Type: E
Location. Raahe, Finland
Date: October 3 1997
Time: 1600
Osmo Kurkela was walking home from school when he saw a red light in the sky that was coming straight down towards him. It stopped ten meters from the witness then landed. The object was 5 meters long & 10 meters wide. Three human-like beings came out, one of them apparently a woman. Osmo ran home and attempted to hide. Next he recalled being taken from his home and into the object. Apparently sperm samples were taken from the witness.
HC addition # 2840
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: G
Location. Tulkarem, Israel
Date: October 10 1997
Time: afternoon
Muhand Faras, 16, was walking home from school when he came upon a strange man-sized figure, dark green in color, with a strange growth on its face. The figure had two tiny hands with 3 fingers on each with long fingernails. It made a threatening gesture towards Muhand screamed in an unintelligible language then flew up into the sky and vanished.
HC addition # 2732
Source: UFO Roundup, unknown number
Type: E
Location. Tulkarem, Israel
Date: October 10 1997
Time: sundown
Local engineer, Raid A’anam saw a black creature in the sky. He told police investigators, that he saw the outline of the figure and that it was human with two arms and two legs. It flew fast over the area, quickly disappearing from sight.
HC addition # 3774
Source: Israeli UFO Research
Type: E
Location. Duncan, Oklahoma
Date: October 15 1997
Time: 0215A
The witness suddenly woke up in the middle of the night feeling a strange presence in the room. An odd feeling swept through his body forcing him to close his eyelids. His next memory was of being awake at 0515A, with a strange presence still in the room, once again he was forced to close his eyelids. He then woke up in the morning and was able to recall standing naked in an oval shaped metal room with small windows in the top right hand corner. Directly behind him there was a large door where the two oval walls met. In the middle of the room there was an odd looking operating table with two needle devices on robotic arms sticking out of the side. This was apparently the only object in the room. Afraid he began banging on the large door, demanding to be let out. He could hear voices in the background in his head. He was then told by an angry male voice in his head to either lay down on the table or someone he loves would get hurt. He did as he was told. He was asked to lay down in such a manner that his left hand lower back was exposed to the two needles like objects. One of the objects had a clear window on it and he could see, some clear liquid inside. At the base of the needle there was a triangle shaped piece of metal and two rectangle designs on both sides of the objects. He was then told by a more friendly female voice that he will feel no pain but would feel his legs go numb and would feel paralyzed and unable to move. Suddenly the robotic arm moved closer to his back and suddenly plunged into his lower left hand side of his back. He felt the clear liquid being pushed into his body. He then felt paralyzed, after a minute the needle began sucking instead of injecting. It then moved back and the second needle then approached and performed the same operation. He woke up the next morning feeling some pain in his lower back with a triangular shaped imprint on it.
HC addition # 3202
Source: NUFORC
Type: G
Location. Dir Al Awsan, Israel
Date: October 16 1997
Time: night
A young girl, Suha A’anam was standing on her second floor balcony when suddenly an unknown alien figure, (not described) began pulling on her left arm. She screamed hysterically, alerting neighbors to the scene. She was taken to nearby Tulkarem hospital with scratches to her arm. A neighbor told the police that she heard a noise like a helicopter, looked out her window and saw “a whirlpool in the air, spreading ash everywhere” opposite to the witness balcony.
HC addition # 3773
Source: Israeli UFO Research
Type: G? Attempt
Location. Near Huntsville Texas
Date: October 18 1997
Time: midnight
15-year old Joanna Alice Stevenson was awoken in the middle of the night to find several strange beings standing over her bed. They were human like but with large craniums, small mouths, and two slits for a nose. She was terrified, she then looked out her window to see a UFO hovering right outside her window. The strange creatures that were examining her, talked or communicated by using grunts that sounded like some language from another country. Her conscious memory suddenly ended at this point, she could only vaguely remember being poked and probed by the aliens. They took blood samples, then let her go dropping her off on a large field, not far away from her rural home.
HC addendum
Source: I was abducted.com
Type: G
Location. Crofton Maryland
Date: October 19 1997
Time: 0200A
The witness heard a strange noise in the kitchen, thinking it was the cat she went to investigate. At the entrance to the kitchen she encountered several humanoids, described as about 5-foot tall, with pale grayish skin, and large black eyes. As the startled witness watched, the humanoids seemed to inspect the silverware tray, sliding it back & forth. Suddenly one of the humanoids turned and saw the witness who promptly fainted. After a few moments she came to lying on the floor of the kitchen, she looked up and saw three humanoids apparently huddled together. Feeling a surge of terror the witness fainted again, not before seeing a silvery flashing sphere hovering over her.
HC addition # 3193
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. New Jersey, exact location not given
Date: October 24 1997
Time: 0400A
The witness, who for more than a month had been seeing, three dimensionally solid but transparent, boomerang shaped objects flying at very low altitudes over her house and yard, had invited investigator Harold Egeln over to discuss the matter. Around 0330A they retired to bed. Soon her 5-year-old daughter abruptly woke up from a sound sleep, frightened by mysterious knocking sounds she heard in her bedroom. She went to sleep again at 0400A, when the witness heard her scream again. She ran to her bedroom nearly colliding with her, apparently the lights in her bedroom kept turning on and off. As the witness reached for the light switch everything turned deep, dark velvet black, there was an apparent power outage in the neighboring area. At this point Harold had woken up and was looking out the window where they noticed a beam of white light that emanated directly from above the house. After several minutes the witness and her daughter went back to bed. Soon a bright white light appeared in the bedroom window, and she noticed that her daughter was fast asleep. Turning back towards the light she was startled to see a tall, thin grayish yellow being, standing beside the bed. She then heard the following words in her head: “I am Dralov, I come as representative of the Sirian Arcturian Coalition for Interplanetary Defense.” The witness felt her body become very light and saw her sleeping daughter being levitated from her bed. In a trance like state they were escorted toward the hallway. In the living room they met Harold. Soon they left the house with a group of people all seemingly human, who waited in the corner, clearly illuminated by a bright white light from above the house. Someone in the crowd waved at Harold, and the three of them were led around the back of the house to a nearby vacant lot where a blue beam of light enveloped them and transported them up to a large craft that hovered just above the roof top. Onboard the craft Harold was surrounded by a group of small “little gray humanoids” who apparently knew him, and he walked off with them smiling. A tall gray being in a silvery white robe took the witness daughter hand and led her away, The witness stood with Dralov, and he pointed to an arched doorway that suddenly became visible as it opened. Telepathically Dralov told the witness that an Elder would like to see her, before the presentation. The Elder was a short being with large blue eyes and a black robe. He sat near a small, half circle table in a white, domed room and gestured for the witness to sit next to him on a white step like seat that protruded from the wall. The Elder touched the witness on her right hand and she noticed that he had a small thumb and three fingers of nearly equal length. He communicated with her telepathically. She was later taken into a large auditorium type room, in a diamond shaped transparent elevator. In the large room she saw other humans, including one that resembled Whitley Strieber (!). Among other revelations she was told that she was onboard a starship called Ashalum and there were many different races of “extraterrestrials” visiting the Earth and that there was a struggle among certain groups for control.
HC addition # 3958
Type: G
Location. La Grange George
Date: early winter 1997
Time: 0200A
A man reported three silvery dark beings about 4 1/2 feet tall entered his home by coming through his bedroom wall. He suddenly became paralyzed. The entities then took him through his bedroom wall. The entities seemed to have had ceramic like skin with no seams or wrinkles. The witness thought they might have been some type of solid form of energy. Most of his glimpses of the humanoids were distorted “like looking at coins in a deep pool of water.” He was unable to discern any facial features, but the beings were humanoid in shape. They had arms and legs but strangely their hands seemed club-like except when they sometimes showed “webbed” digits. On coming outside into his backyard, he saw the outlines of a huge saucer shaped object. It seemed to be hovering above some nearby trees. A portion of the dark craft hung down immediately behind his house. Behind this portion of the craft a light emerged and in an instant the witness and the entities were inside the craft. The interior of the craft was brilliantly lit, and the witness could see humanoids everywhere. He was put on an examination table. He was able to see dozens of other people on similar tables. Machines with long arms, similar to x-ray machines were moving around the tables. A probe thumped his right front calf. He was then flipped over and something thumped his buttocks. A mechanical arm also grabbed the crown of his head. The beings around him seemed to be speaking in a low unintelligible language. He woke up late the next morning with several painful marks on his body.
HC addition # 3375
Source: John C Thompson ISUR
Type: G
Location. Near Dallas, Texas
Date: November 1997
Time: night
A large egg shaped or oval shaped craft exploded and crashed over the area. It was apparently involved in dogfight with another UFO. The craft broke into two parts and some wreckage and debris was removed (in boxes) by convoy to Grand Prairie NAS. Later the debris was removed to possibly Wright Patterson AFB and some of it was taken to Fort Hood underground laboratory. Nothing is known about the occupants onboard the craft. Both parts of the craft were mirror-like, reflecting everything, the grass, etc.
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov UFO Crash list
High Strangeness Index: 9
Source reliability: 10
Location. Near Peebles Ohio
Date: November 1997
Time: mid day
Two hunters (using bow & arrow) observed what appeared to be a large dark figure “walking or running” across a field. The creature traversed the area at an “astonishing speed.” At other times strange “yelping” sounds have been heard in the area.
HC addition # 2938
Source: Mike Stevens
Type: E
Location. Arizona, desert area
Date: November 1997
Time: night
22-year old Duane Berger and a friend Mark were camping in an isolated area and as daylight faded they had build a campfire and were sitting around eating. Soon they began to hear “terrible screams” that seemed to be coming from an old mine nearby. After a few moments of nervous discussions and assessment of the very eerie situation the two young men decided to investigate the matter. Armed with a tire iron the two friends entered the mineshaft. They had walked a dozen yards when they saw a greenish glow ahead of them. As they got closer they could make out the dark figures of two men in hooded robes. It was clear that they intended to block their progress farther into the mine. But as the two young men drew nearer to the light, they noticed that the two figures were barely five ft in height. They then boldly demanded that the hooded figures release the women or whoever they were hurting. Then a deep, mechanical voice boomed out of the cowled figures in unison and told them, “The women are beyond your help! Leave at once or perish! Leave at once—or you shall join them in the caves.” The robed figures then produced some type of wand-like instruments and directed a yellow light at the two young men that held them both immobile. Next, they aimed a greenish beam against a wall of the mineshaft. The wall of solid rock seemed to melt away, allowing them to walk into the wall and disappear. Within seconds, the wall was once again nothing but hard rock. After a few moments the two men were able to move again and fled the area quickly, knowing that there was nothing they could do to help whoever was being detained in the caves.
HC addendum
Source: Brad Steiger, Out of The Dark
Type: E?
Location. St Phillips, Newfoundland, Canada
Date: November 1997
Time: night
A large solid red saucer shaped object that was seen over the area in 1995 was again seen hovering above some trees. That same night the witness began seeing “moving shadows” in the room. Then one night he woke up to see “a human like figure moving in the room.” It was too dark to see any details other than it was small. Over time the witness found strange cuts, bruises and marks on his body, which were not there before he went to bed. A “raw” smell permeated his nose, which lasted for two weeks.
HC addendum
Source: Haunted Hike.com
Type: D
Location. Maybrook, New York
Date: November 7 1997
Time: night
The young witness woke up to see three strange glowing white bowling pin shaped figures hovering over the floor in front of the bathroom door. For five minutes he watched the glowing figures then hid under the covers. He did not see the creatures depart.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Near Bodfair, Wales
Date: November 10 1997
Time: night
A couple and their children were driving on the Bodfair/Landernog road when they found their car engulfed by a purple triangular craft. The next thing they remember is that the purple craft had gone. They could not account for a considerable amount of time lost. The father was having trouble afterwards with a top molar tooth and he had to go to the dentist. A black unknown object fell out while he was at the dentist—but he had no fillings. The man reported the family’s encounter to the authorities and he was said to have been visited twice by air force personnel, and requested not to speak publicly about the matter. Around the same time and the same area a local businessman saw a huge craft the shape of a “child’s spinning top” while he was driving along the same road. The man said that the craft had a myriad of lit windows, making him believe that the huge object was capable of carrying hundreds of people—or beings.
HC addendum
Source: Margaret Fry
Type: G?
Location. Sodus, New York
Date: November 12 1997
Time: 0003A
The two witnesses saw some lights outside and went out to investigate, they then saw two figures about 6’5″ in height, reptilian in appearance with red and blue lights on their bodies. The figures were picking garbage or something from a nearby neighbor’s dumpster. The humanoids spotted the witness and attempted to chase and grab them. As the figures chased them, they appeared to grow in size. The next day, both witnesses found the dumpster in a mangled state.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Near Wanneroo Western Australia
Date: November 12 1997
Time: 2015
The two witnesses were driving through a very isolated area just past the Yanchep National Park and had the high beams on since it was a very dark & cold night. Suddenly the witnesses had to come to a an abrupt stop when a kangaroo jumped into the street right in front of their vehicle, it then scurried away. As they were getting ready to drive away both heard a pig-like squeal. Curious one the witnesses grabbed a flashlight and went into the brush to investigate. As he got to the edge of the brush about 2 meters from the car he was stunned to see a bizarre creature standing five meters from him next to a gum tree. The witness crouched down to see a creature with two huge red piercing eyes. He then heard the pig like squeal sound again & the creature moved sideways becoming illuminated by the vehicle’s high beams, the witness could now hear his friend yelling at him from inside the car. As the creature emerged from the brush the witness could see that it had a hairy body, a large head & large teeth. The creature gave out very strong sulfur like smell. It kind of half walked, bobbing up and down as if sniffing the air. It had no tail & large pointy ears, a pug-like nose & was about 5-feet tall. It made horrible snorting & squealing sounds. As the witnesses drove away the creature leaped up into the air and into a nearby gum tree.
HC addition # 3140
Source: Sightings Homepage
Type: E
Location. Claudio, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: November 15 1997
Time: 0200A
After finding several of his farm fowl dead under bizarre circumstances, apparently killed by an unknown predator, sometimes completely drained of blood, farmer Romeu Takeda, 54, was standing guard near the henhouse when he spotted a strange hairy figure approximately 1.50 meters in height, that suddenly rose from the ground about three meters away. It had his hairy arms outstretched. Frightened Takeda shot at it with a 28-caliber gun apparently striking it on the stomach area. The entity did not fall or cry out but it staggered to a nearby river about 70 meters away, without running but walking slowly. He described the creature as being covered with short dark brown hair with large round yellow eyes. He did not find any trace of blood or hair on the ground.
HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Type: E
Location. Caladesi Island, Clearwater Beach, Florida
Date: November 17 1997
Time: 0300A
The witness was watching the Leonid meteor shower when he saw 2 glowing amber-colored lights hovering to the west over the Gulf of Mexico. He pointed them out to his friends but they all dismissed them as being just planes. Suddenly one of the craft began to get closer while the second one remained behind. The craft seemed to glide towards where the witness stood. He told his friends about it and they all became scared and all four of them took off running towards the pier. The craft hovered about 500 ft offshore when it sent down some kind of light beam that lit up a boat that was anchored right in front of the witness location. The beam of light was shaped like a cylinder. The craft then hovered above the witness and he tilted his head back looking on in astonishment. He felt mesmerized, and then he felt as he was given a telepathic message or image of the occupants of the craft. In his mind he saw two beings facing each other. They were very tall and dark. His memory of this part of the event is not to clear but he thought that the beings were somehow reptilian in nature, dark green in scaly. After the encounter ended the craft disappeared silently over the area flying over some nearby houses. The witness has been involved in further sightings.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: F
Location. Falconara, Italy
Date: November 19 1997
Time: 1930
A woman walking along a deserted road spotted a bizarre humanoid figure standing still about 3-4 meters from her. She described the figure as about 1.70 meters in height, and very thin. Its head was directly set on the shoulders, completely lacking a neck. The witness could hear that it emitted a strange sound. Approaching the figure she noticed that the sound emanated from a strange round facial orifice that seemed to be moving in an undulating fashion. It wore some type of dark habit with a type of cape hanging from its left side of the body. The stunned witness reported that the figure appeared to be bi-dimensional, “like a photo.” At one point the figure put one hand on his mouth, extracting a strange tiny object. The witness felt dizzy and briefly turned away from the creature, upon looking back the strange humanoid had vanished.
HC addendum
Source: Notizieufo, Italy
Type: E
Location. Near Attica, Indiana
Date: November 22 1997
Time: 0550A
A deer hunter was standing in his tree stand holding a 12 gauge rifled barrel shotgun, when suddenly he heard a deep evil-sounding voice. It sounded like a “demon” taking deep breaths, amplified in comparison to anything he had ever heard. After two deep exhales it started to snort and bellow. He looked in the direction in which the sound was coming from and caught a glimpse of a dark figure about 7 to 9 feet tall, standing upright. As he looked at it through his riflescope it bellowed even louder. The hunter quickly left the area but heard similar sounds 20 minutes later.
HC addition # 3056
Source: BFRO
Type: E
Location. Miami Florida
Date: November 22 1997
Time: 2325
The witness was in bed with her eyes open facing a window with mini-blinds that were 3/4 opened. She saw a fog form outside and rolls into her room. Inside the fog she could see three beings with large eyes, floating above the floor. She also saw a face near her head at about shoulder level. The head was oval shaped, with small shoulders & almond shaped eyes. Suddenly the beings disappeared & the witness got up, went to the bathroom then back to sleep forgetting the entire episode until the next day.
HC addition # 2869
Source: Skyscan January 1998
Type: E
Location. Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Date: November 23 1997
Time: 1920
Two witnesses were standing outside their basement apartment when a black 5-foot tall figure passed about 15 feet before them, “at very high speed” along a concrete driveway after coming out of the bushes of a park. There was no sound or odors. It was dark, and the figure was determined by the way it blocked out the light behind it. One of the witnesses had recently lost 3 cats in the area that had been apparently mutilated.
HC addition # 2753
Source: UFO BC Canada
Type: E
Location. Marca Huasi, near San Pedro de Costa, Peru
Date: December 1997
Time: unknown
During an expedition to the plateau led by guide Jerry Wills, a man saw a woman on the rocks above him and climbed up to join her. As he got closer, he realized she had no legs and was floating in midair. She had long black hair and the face of a cat. The entity snarled at the man and scared him so badly; he had to be immediately evacuated from the area.
HC addendum
Source: The International Directory of Haunted Places
Dennis William Hauck
Type: E
Location. Tempe, Arizona
Date: December 1997
Time: 0630A
The witness, who had been sleeping in her car waiting for her school to open suddenly woke up and looked out to see something resembling a black car, she thought nothing of it and went back to sleep. A few minutes later she woke up again and glanced towards the driver window. There she saw a 4-5 ft tall dark figure. She attempted to reach for a hidden knife but was unable to move. Her body felt numb but she was not afraid. A few minutes later she was able to move but the figure was gone. She has also reported encounters with a cloud like silvery being that turns into billions of white shiny particles and dissipates into nothing upon being seen.
HC addendum
Source: Unsolved Mysteries.com
Type: E?
Location. Perth, Western Australia
Date: December 1997
Time: 2230
A couple walking along Marmion Avenue between the suburbs of Heathridge and Ocean Reef sighted a huge winged creature flying low over the area. The creature could not be written off as a bird as it was bigger than any bird on the planet; it did not flap its wings it just seemed to glide on the air current. It had a ruddy reddish brown leathery skin, a long tail and a wingspan that they estimated at between 30 to 50 ft across. It made no sound and did not flap its wings. The creature appeared to know where it was heading and just flew in the direction from North to South parallel to the coastline about 1/2 mile inland. The creature was huge and according to the witness it remotely resembled a Pterosaur.
HC addendum
Source: Cryptozoology.com, Sightings
Type: E
Location. San Jose, Costa Rica
Date: December 1 1997
Time: 1730
A 35-year old woman was in her home when she suddenly heard a strange murmuring sound and was unable to move, at the same time she experienced a powerful headache. A few moments later 2 humanoids appeared before her, she described them as about 1.20m in height, with large heads and huge slanted black eyes, both wore gray tight-fitting suits. Minutes later she heard a voice in her head that told her not to be afraid that they had met her before and were just returning for a visit. Before disappearing again they promised a return visit. After the encounter the woman suffered from headaches, nausea, and severe stomach pain.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Vilchez Año Cero # 02-0598-91
Type: E
Location. Taos County, New Mexico
Date: December 10 1997
Time: 0630A
Ricardo Alfonso was driving to work to the Taos elementary school when he saw a metallic silvery object hovering over a nearby field. He stopped his truck to investigate. As he got closer he hid behind a bush for a few minutes until the craft disappeared. As he sat there pondering what had happened a bright beam of light illuminated him. Then several “little men” appeared around him, everything then went blank. He awoke later face down in the filed completely naked and bruises on his body.
HC addition # 2481
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: G?
Location. Lubbock, Texas
Date: December 12 1997
Time: 0203A
The two young witnesses had stayed up late studying and had gone to bed late. Suddenly a strange silence and bright flashing lights outside the window awakened them both. Frightened they both felt their covers gently drawn from their beds. One of the girls then saw standing at the foot of her bed a tall thin figure with large black shiny eyes. At this point her memory ends. The other girl then sees the main witness body rise from the bed and into the waiting arms of a tall thin figure. Another figure then appeared and also carried her into his arms. Unlike her friend she was conscious during this part of the incident. Soon she found herself in a different place, lying on a strange surface that was both hot and cold and surrounded by tall thin figures. She felt a sheet over her body but was unable to move, she could only move her eyes but could not see her friend anywhere. But moments later she saw several of the beings carrying her friend’s body out of the room. Looking towards the ceiling she an object descend slowly and silently towards her stomach. It resembled a very large needle. At that point she fainted. She woke up in the morning lying next to her friend on the kitchen floor. They could vaguely remember the incident and fund strange marks on their bodies.
HC addition # 3575
Source: NUFORC
Type: G
Location. Saguache County, Colorado
Date: December 14 1997 Time: 0300A
A witness reported seeing a large triangular shaped craft hovering over a field. It moved slowly over the house then over some grain silos. In then came back over the house and shone a beam of white blue light out of its middle and something like a small figure was taken up into the beam. Lights around its edge flashed in rhythm then it left.
HC addition # 2874
Source: Christopher O’Brien
Type: B
Location. Hart Canyon, New Mexico
Date: December 14 1997
Time: 0230A
The night of before the witness, Noel Chandler, had seen a round glowing UFO over his horse shed and for several nights previous there would be three loud thumps on the house and after checking all around outside, no cause was found. While in bed that night he became aware of a light in his bedroom from an outside source, bluish white, then a figure appeared, no real distinguishing features—real large eyes about the size of horse eyes, a small mouth, and nostrils like small holes. The witness was unable to move or talk. He heard a voice in his mind that told him that “they” were here to collect sperm samples. Soon a tube about 1/2 ” in diameter and six inches long with a ball at the end scanned his body. The tube was placed over his pubic hair just above the penis on the left side. A needle was then inserted; his left testicle was drawn up into his groin. There was no real discomfort or pain. The needle and tube were removed and taken into a floating sphere. Moments later another form came down the light, like floating in a horizontal position. It was a female with funny looking hair on her head. The needle and tube came out of the sphere and she inserted it into her navel. Then, telepathically, the witness was informed that their society was dying because they could not reproduce. They were becoming sterile; they said that by introducing new blood lines and clones, they could possibly regenerate their society. Their gestation period is three to four months. Soon the bluish light started to “close” in at the bottom and they were gone. A strange smell lingered.
HC addendum
Source: Aztec UFO, Oral history.
Type: E or D?
Location. Riachao De Jacuipe, Brazil
Date: December 16 1997
Time: night
A witness saw on a nearby field a bright light that suddenly increased in size as it approached. Using a pair of binoculars the witness saw a humanoid silhouette within the light. Without any features, it was silvery metallic in appearance and emitted an orange beam of light. Everything suddenly disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: E
Location. Lakewood, Colorado
Date: December 24 1997
Time: midnight
The witness had gotten up to obtain a glass of milk and was sitting in bed looking out the window; the moonlight illuminated the whole area. He then saw the figure of man walking directly to his window from the neighbor’s yard. As the man gets closer the witness could see that he was wearing a purple shirt, blue jeans, tennis shoes and had shoulder length blond hair and carried what appeared to be a red book. The witness is stunned as the man appears to walk straight through the fence and he now notices that the man had large black slanted eyes. Afraid the witness ran to the living room and did not see the strange figure depart.
HC addendum
Source: Unsolved Mysteries.com
Type: E
Location. Kenwick, Western Australia
Date: December 31 1997
Time: 2230
A group of eight children, five boys, and three girls aged from 7 to 13, decided to camp out on the family property. Soon one of the boys, Ryan, noticed to the north west, about two kilometers away, flashes of red light streaking up into the sky and back down again. This went on for some time, and due to the unusual nature of the lights, Ryan called out to the other children to have a look. They did watch for some time then went into the tent. About 30 minutes later, Ryan, who had not gone into the tent, was astonished to see a huge illuminated object coming towards him from the direction of the lights. He called out once more for the rest of the children to come out to see. Of the eight children, five saw the object at varying positions in the sky in order of emergence from the tent. The other 3 were either sleep or not interested. As the craft flew directly overhead they could her a swooshing sound. All described the object as huge, with three brilliant yellow lights centrally situated underneath the craft in a triangular shape. And small blue, yellow, red, and white lights all around it. All described it as a “square circle shape” from underneath, and having three metallic, or bright silver landing pods. Ryan, who had the best overall view of the object, described a row of large yellow windows. Behind each window was a humanoid, described as having no hair, no clothing, large eyes, thin arms and legs, and potbellies. Behind each figure Ryan could also see some kind of controls. What appeared to be an orange window above and below the main row of portholes showed no signs of life. As the object passed directly overhead, it stopped over them for a few seconds. Around the landing gear and the lights swirled a white mist or vapor. The object eventually disappeared from sight.
HC addition # 3775
Source: UFORUM in 1998 Journal
Type: A
Additions will be included as they become available.
Total Cases: 227
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.