1998 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

The bulk of the 1986 reports (as of 2007) for 1998 are indeed bizarre stories of contact and abduction, some touching in the sexual aspects and of possible human hybridization. Among these there are some “common” close encounters cases of the early 70’s and 60’s type. Brazil and the territories of the former Soviet Union dominated in high strangeness cases, however there were numerous cases in Puerto Rico, Australia and the USA. Activity seemed to have picked up in the summer in Spain and Italy which also produced a few fascinating cases. However Abduction like tales seemed to be still the focus. Following is a list of the known reports with encounters with otherworldly entities for 1998.

Location. Near St. Louis Missouri
Date: 1998
Time: night
The witness woke up from a night’s sleep to find herself in a marble like autopsy table. The area she was in had a gray mist with non-directional lighting coming through. She thought she was in a walled enclosure and when she looked down at her feet she noticed what she took to be a very startled alien. This was a being about the size of an 8-year old child, very thin in build with long arms and legs, gray in color and lacking any sort of clothing. It had very large completely black, elongated eyes, with a pointed chin and large head. The entity had a very large forehead with a complete lack of hair over its body, the being appeared surprised that the witness was awake and came around up to her face and telepathically told her to fall back to sleep but before she did so she felt that there were others off to her left which were observing these proceedings

HC addition # 3308
Source: Bob Buck
Type: G?
Comments: Actually more like a bedroom visitation by a gray type being, very prevalent during the later part of the 90’s.

Location. Maldives Islands, exact location not given
Date: 1998
Time: night
Ibrahim Ismail and several other local youths were out fishing in one of the lagoons when they spotted what they thought was another “man” standing about a hundred feet away from them. The group immediately knew that the “man” was not a human. As it got darker and colder the witnesses stood in frozen stupor as they watched the silhouette of a giant man-like figure approaching their position. They estimated that the “monster” was at least 10 ft tall. The group was finally able to move and ran towards the shore as fast as they could move. As they looked back they could see that the eyes of the giant were large, bright and glowing. When the group reached the shore, they saw the giant arrive also but it suddenly disappeared. A month later another man was also fishing in the area when he saw a similar figure suddenly come out of the water and walk on the water; it also had large glowing eyes.

HC addendum
Source: World of The Strange
Type: E
Comments: Attributed to have been a “Jinn” or the equivalent to a “demon” or an elemental.

Location. Rostov-on-Don, RussiaDate: 1998
Time: night
A young girl named Anastasia Stepanova suddenly woke up in the middle of the night feeling great fear. She felt as she was being observed and saw a gray figure about 1.20m in height standing at the edge of the bed, staring at her. She felt a feeling of aversion against the creature and almost felt sick. She could not move a muscle as the creature inched slowly towards her, getting closer and closer. Soon the creature was upon her and she felt its cold rigid body, she then felt penetrated by the entity. She apparently lost consciousness. Soon after the incident she became ill and began suffering symptoms of pregnancy. Visiting her doctor he was surprised that she was indeed pregnant and that the embryo was developing considerably more rapid than usual. It had begun to stir in a week. Soon Anastasia refused to visit the doctor anymore. Later one night she woke up again feeling paralyzed, her bed was surrounded by several short ugly entit
ies. She lost consciousness and in the morning woke up realizing that her child was gone. Soon Anastasia went to visit a very well known and respected gynecologist, Victor Kozlov, who examined her and was astounded to find strange bright spots in the walls of her womb. She suffered from abortion-like symptoms soon after the incident. One night she had a very vivid “dream” in which she saw a 1-year old child with strange pink-gray skin, elongated eyes on a wide face. It seemed to be playing with animals similar to the terrestrial pig and hen. To this day Anastasia is convinced that the little boy was her child.

HC addendum
Source: X-Libri UFO, Russia
Type: E or G?
Comments: An obvious alien-human hybrid. Apparently the aliens wanted the mother to see her child. We have to wonder what is the purpose of some of our alien visitors in creating a totally hybrid race of people.

Location. Boonah, Queensland, Australia
Date: 1998
Time: night
The witness (involved in other encounters) was coming outside to go to the toilet when she saw a woman with blond hair sitting close by. She had never seen her before in her life. The woman put her hand out and grabbed the witness’s hand as she walked by. As she did so she said to the witness, “I’ve been waiting for you, you should have been here three times before and you didn’t turn up.” This was true as the witness had been going to leave the Gold Coast three times before but didn’t. Then the woman told the witness about her life from when she was a little girl. The woman then said, “Tell your children to move to the other side of the range as there is going to be a tidal wave and it’s going to wipe out the whole of the coast.”

HC addendum
Source: UFO Research Queensland, Australia
Type: E
Comments: Another dire warning of a future disaster yet to come.

Location. Near Kiev, Ukraine
Date: 1998
Time: night
Alla, a local woman was in her bed submerged in dark thoughts, her husband and her three children were alcoholics. She saw no future and had on that night decided to commit suicide. Suddenly someone knocked on her front door. She could only say, “Who is there? The time is late”. But she did not have time to react as two strange entities suddenly appeared amid the room. The figures were generally humanoid in appearance with very black claw-like hands with long nails. Evidently the entities knew exactly what their purpose was. They then said politely, but firmly, “Don’t do what you are planning, is better that you come with us.” Where? For what? And who are you, Alla replied. Her guests explained that they lived in a planet with “shape shifting beings” that can change their shape and density at will “It is difficult for those being to perform physical tasks, that’s why at times they ask humans for help”. Their species also lacked female of their kind, and were having trouble in continuing their species. It was difficult for their women to give birth and that’s why they invited terrestrial females to their planet. At this point, Alla half got up, intending to put her shoes on, but the strangers stopped her, saying, “No footwear is needed.” Her next memory was in appearing in a large room, evidently onboard of a big spacecraft. She saw about three compartments onboard and in one she noticed about 20 human males of different ages, the second compartment was empty, and in the third room she saw two adult women that were talking to each other. In apparent bewilderment one of them was saying to the other, “I can’t understand, whether I am still in this world, or already dead and in heaven?” Surprised, Alla wondered why the aliens needed those elderly women. At this moment the door opened and the aliens appeared, accompanied by a younger human woman. “Hello” she said to everyone. One of the “captive” men then said, “Here is one more prisoner”. Moments later the young woman explained to Alla that she had met the strange entities as she left a dance hall, at which time they proposed sex to her. After getting over her shock, she agreed, since her life was full of marital and family problems anyway. The aliens then performed medical checks on both women and also performed some type of “IQ” test, that including remembering chemical formulas. They aliens were evidently testing their mental capabilities. The aliens spoke with the captives in the Russian and Ukrainian languages, but communicated among themselves in a strange “sing-song” language. Apparently Alla did not passed any of the tests given to her by the aliens, so she was apparently returned back to her home. But apparently the other female taken from outside the dance hall remained with the aliens. While speaking with the other earth woman onboard the spacecraft, Alla noticed five small globe-shaped spheres, resembling ball lighting and seemingly behaving like intelligent beings. They positioned themselves in a row. The alien commander then proceeded to tell them something, which Alla understood as, “My dear, you returned! Well go to your place.” Alla then saw six small containers on the control panel resembling ordinary wine glasses; the spheres obeyed and placed themselves inside those containers, changing into the shape of a mushroom.

HC addendum
Source: Leonid Terentyev, “UFO Captives”, the Secret Doctrine
# 7, April 2004, quoting Tatyana Nuraliyeva
Type: G
Comments: Very bizarre abduction incident, again the hybrid theme is touched upon here by these somewhat different aliens. Different types of aliens have used before the “dying planet or race” excuse, during a myriad of encounters.

Location. Perm, Russia
Date: 1998
Time: night
11-year old Diana (involved in a previous encounter) was standing on her balcony when she noticed a bright orange globe floating in the sky. The image of alien woman, longhaired with large black eyes appeared on the globe. This time around the alien woman looked disappointed. The alien woman stretched her hand out and said, “The time has come. Good or evil?” Diana saw a bright beam of light emanating from the palm of the alien woman. Diana wanted to touch it but was blinded by the bright light and the vision then disappeared. At that very moment she remembered her previous contact of 1991. During the encounter Diana had the ability to communicate with telepathy with the alien woman, and asked only one question, “Who are you?” She received always the same reply, “You know, who am I”.

HC addendum
Source: “NLO” Magazine Saint Petersburg # 47 November 17 2003
Type: A or F?
Comments: Maybe Diana is one of them, and she could not remember her purpose on earth.

Location. Pinetown, Durban, South Africa
Date: 1998
Time: night
While asleep the witness woke up and heard a distinct deep humming noise which vibrated her bedroom windows. She was unable to move and was paralyzed from head to toe. She moved his eyes towards the window and saw a tall man standing inside the bedroom by the window. The figure was about 6.5ft to 7ft in height, with a bald head and wearing a black coat, the figure looked human but did not speak but communicated telepathically with the witness telling her not to be afraid. The humming sound began to move through her body as he tried to scream but could not. The tall man-like figure then parted the curtains and the witness saw huge lights on what appeared to be the underside of a spacecraft, suddenly there were large flashes of light and her hand, which she had been trying to desperately move to wake her husband was suddenly released from the paralysis, she then grabbed her husband, but by that time the lights and the tall man-like figure were already gone. The witness was terrified after the encounter and apparently encountered a similar figure in 2002.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.etcontact.net/newsite
Type: C?

Location. Penetang, Ontario, Canada
Date: 1998
Time: night
The witness who slept on a mattress on the floor in his bedroom of a two room ground floor apartment woke up in the middle of the night with a visitor beside his “bed”. He was looking into the eyes of a being that seemed ancient and youthful at the same time. The eyes seemed to be normal eyes. The room was dark, and the being was wearing a “Jedi-like” cowl—a dark brown or gray monk-like robe. The witness thought, “Let’s get on with it”. He recalled being resigned, and not about to enjoy it. When he awoke the next morning he remembered a lot of the event. Traveling in a craft replete with technology, they went somewhere. He recalled being free to observe inside the craft but he couldn’t recall more than one area. He didn’t recall being restrained and didn’t recall a negative emotional state, other than his own initial resignation. He couldn’t recall the being communicating with him, although he got the impression that he was answering questions. The witness seemed to have forgotten the rest of the event. (Witness has been involved in other encounters).

HC addendum
Source: HBCCUFO.com/An experience in Penetang, Ontario
Type: G

Location. Puszcza Kozienicka near Radom, Poland
Date: 1998
Time: night
Two people who were probably stealing wood in the forest reported seeing an unidentified creature (no description given). Three dead goats were found at the scene. The goats apparently bled to death from round incisions under their lower jaws. Other sources indicate that other animals had been killed in similar circumstances around the same time. Other people saw men dressed like commandos or anti-terrorist police take the corpse of a strange creature away. Others further indicated that a living creature had [as1] been captured and transported to an institute in Warsaw.

HC addendum
Source: “Wydarzenia niesamowite” Magazine 1998 per woe_vp@pl.com
Type: H?

[as1] Shades of Varginha Brazil 1996

Location. Houston, Texas
Date: 1998
Time: night
Pamela Stonebrook, the famous jazz singer, whose first recorded abduction is dated 1994 (but she had earlier abductions, suppressed in her memory since her childhood) reported that she later had sexual contacts with a reptilian entity. The sex was very unlike any sex with any human man. On that night she was sleeping when suddenly she awoke and found that she was having sex with someone beautiful “like a Greek God”. The man was tall, blond, light haired with a beautiful face. At first she thought that it was just a dream. But the sex was so furious that she closed her eyes and enjoyed the all-submerging feelings. And when she opened her eyes next she didn’t see the beautiful blond slender man but before her she instead saw a reptilian entity with scaly skin. And that moment she understood that the alien visitor was able to camouflage its appearance. Afraid of the alien’s real appearance, she cowered back. But then she heard a telepathic message from her “partner” “With me you are safe. We have been together forever, we love each other”. Maybe they had been together forever indeed but Pamela only remembered the encounters since 1998. Pamela described her reptilian lover as very sensitive and very intelligent, his body resembled that of the body of a snake, solid, but smooth, greenish or yellow-green in color. The eyes of the reptilian were larger than human eyes and she noticed different tints in the alien’s eyes—golden, red and brown. The alien’s eyes reminded her of a cat’s eyes, with vertical pupils, but very beautiful. His neck was massive and on the top of his head he had a “crest” and two openings and a small bulge for a nose. Pamela finally was able to talk to her family and friends about her encounters and said, “Frankly speaking, I don’t care a rap if anyone would laugh at my story, because I myself could react the same way—before it happened to me.”

HC addendum
Source: “A Personal Experience; The True story of a Jazz Singer and her Extraterrestrial
Contact” Pamela Stonebrook, Discovery Channel “Most Amazing UFO Stories”
Broadcast January 22 2006 quoted by Svetlana Anina in: “Three years in love with a reptilian” “NLO” Saint Petersburg, Russia February 27 2006
Type: E?

Location. Colopo, Chile
Date: 1998
Time: late night
At a water tank storage area a security guard watched a huge brightly illuminated wheel-shaped craft hovering low over the area. The 45-year old witness became frightened grabbed some clothing and ran to the road and rode his vehicle into nearby Tocopilla, there, still stunned he entered a church, where he began to meditate. While inside the temple he was approached by a tall Nordic-appearing man that sat next to him and asked him, “Why did you run away, we were not going to hurt you.”? The witness became concerned since he had not told anyone about his previous encounter. Frightened, the witness stood up and without saying a word to the stranger walked out of the church. According to the witness the last words he heard the tall stranger say was, “We will see you again”.

HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Type: D?

Location. Saginaw, Michigan
Date: 1998
Time: late night
A man named Jeff had returned to Central Michigan University as a student and the night after the final exams he woke up to find someone or something forcibly turning his head to its side. The next thing he knew he saw a large preying-mantis type creature bending down over him. He sensed that the strange being wanted him to calm down even as it stuck a needle-like object into his ear. “It wanted me to relax” Jeff says. Jeff fought the encounter to no avail, waking up the next morning with strained neck muscles and an eye he could barely see with. He remembered another more benign encounter in 1994 when a small gray alien creature woke him up from his sleep so he could escape a fire raging in his apartment.

HC addendum
Source: Justin Engel, Saginaw News 3-8-2004
Type: E
Comments: Praying mantis type creatures began to be seen more frequently in the late 90’s.

Location. Sandviken, Gavleborgs, Sweden
Date: 1998
Time: late night
The witness was in her bed when she suddenly felt as if someone was touching her body and woke up. Several beings stood around the bed and these appeared to have been performing “tests” on her. The humanoids had large heads, large black slanted eyes, slim bodies and long dangling arms. Later the witness found several bruises on her body and remembers having found bruises before without any apparent explanation.

HC addendum
Source: Michael Sjoberg and Gudrun Andersson, UFO Sweden
Type: E

Location. Merrill, Wisconsin
Date: 1998
Time: late night
The witness who lived alone in a 2 bedroom apartment was suddenly awoken not by a noise (or one that she could remember) and was looking at 2 small beings in cloaks that covered their heads and only left shadows where the face should have been. She looked behind them to see a taller one. The taller one was a little slumped over due to the fact it was taller than the ceiling allowed. What surprised her was that the first thing she said was “not again”. She was on her right side laying down when she made a fist and proceeded to strike one of the smaller entities. She drew her arm back to hit one of the small ones but it suddenly held up its hands to stop her which it did. She came within an inch of its hand but could move any further, it felt as she was pushing down on an opposing “magnet”. Her next memory was of being led (she could not remember if her legs were moving) to a disk shaped object that was leaning against her bedroom wall. She then leaned into the disk shape object and found that the material she was leaning into was very soft. She sank into it. The material was black in color. The disk then lifted her into a laying position and proceeded to float toward the bedroom wall that leads outside. She thought or spoke out loud that there was no way that she could go through the wall. But she apparently went through it, it did not hurt but she could feel going through it. When they were outside she felt that someone was definitely going to see what was happening. The disk then floated up and she became very sleepy, she fought it but her eyes closed. The air was blowing on her face and she knew that she was going up. Her next memory was of waking up in a room that was all white. No straight edges anywhere, on the walls the floor doors and window were all rounded edges. She got up but does not remember what the bed looked like. She walked towards some curtains that were blowing in the wind and the closer she got to the curtains she realized that it was some kind of balcony. She walked outside and was amazed at the beauty of it all. The sky was pink, a beautiful pink and there were white clouds. The more she looked at the sky the more she realized that the clouds were not like the ones on earth. It almost appeared that they were “simulated” to look like clouds. She noticed that there were ripples in the pink sky, just like when you drop an object in water and get the ripple effect. She looked down and saw a huge lake also pink in color and rippling. She looked back up and thought, “Oh I see there is a dome over us and is reflecting the water.” As soon as she thought this a small being touched her hand and she became sleepy again. Her next memory was of waking up in the morning with a big chunk of her sheet in her mouth.

HC addendum
Source: direct from the witness, masseyswife@msn.com
Type: G

Location. Tula, Russia
Date: 1998
Time: unknown
Local resident Igor Vitalievich Arshinnikov was reportedly abducted on board a UFO, medically examined and implanted by humanoid entities, but his memory about this event was totally erased. However, he found a strange opens car on his hand, resembling a common pimple (blackhead) with a black dot in the middle. A year after the abduction the pimple had grown to about 1cm in diameter, and had become hard, and it then became inflamed with pain. The witness then pulled out (using pincers) a flat elongated object from inside the wound, the size of an orange seed. The man took the strange find to his brother Evgeniy Denisov who owned a microscope. Looking through the microscope Denisov noticed that the surface of the object was rough and homogenous. The object resembled molten metal or ceramic, he attempted to scratch the object using a scalpel but the surface was extremely hard just like a diamond. Immediately after being extracted from the skin the “implant” had been charcoal black but in a couple of days it had become red in color. The object was defiantly not a simple metallic splinter and the witness had not noticed any wound or scratch in the area before. Igor pointed out that soon after he removed the object from his body he began to feel better; he no longer had back pain or nightmares at night. He was possibly abducted again in 2005 but again his memory was totally erased.

HC addendum
Source: Svetlana Yeliseeva in: “Taynaya Doctrina” (Secret Doctrine)
Newspaper, Simferopol, Crimea Ukraine # 10 2005
Type: G

Location. Zaporozhye, Ukraine
Date: 1998
Time: various
A young Tatar-Muslim woman named Aihsa reported entering into a series of contacts with aliens from an extraterrestrial civilization from the Big Bear constellation (Ursa Major). At one time a man-like humanoid entity entered her bedroom and communicated with the witness via telepathy. The alien was tall, about 1.8m to 1.9m in height, and was dressed in a dark overall, his face was tanned, and he had large slanted eyes, a long straight nose and a slightly protruding chin. He hand five long narrow fingers. The alien said that his name was “IMA” and spoke about numerous different subjects: God, evil, and about the 5 laws of the Universe. Sometimes he spoke in Russian and at times bright, living images were transmitted directly into her mind like a cinema. She always saw “IMA” in front of her as if it were a holographic image, she was told: “What you before your eyes, its not entirely me” He added, “Information transmitted to you can be so exact to a degree that you will be able to almost touch it.” At one point they argued as to the nature of the aliens, Aisha stated that they were neither Gods nor demons and she then received the following answer, “Aisha were are not Gods or demons. We are not from some unnaturally developed civilization. We are the same people as you are, but based on a different genetic base. So that qualitatively makes us people, men, but not in principle. We are not spirits we belong to the SAINA race”. The aliens told Aisha that they were inhabitants of a huge star system called “O-NAVAIL”. Their star was located in the Great Bear Constellation. They call their star system IR-SHIIR. Their planet is called NIASU which literally means, “The dwelling place”. And the center of their entire system (which is a union of 5 different planetary systems in different constellations) is a spiritual entity called TRON. TRON is the collective mind of all the representatives of the system. Aisha later learned that IMA was subordinated to his alien “boss” which is a female by the name of KILAMANS. IMA was supposed to take her place in this difficult system (Earth?) and have a career here. Aisha made an astral journey to the alien planet NIASU which she found quite interesting. Everything in the planet was surrounded by stern solemnity, tranquility and as seemed to her, aristocratism. The light there was dim (cloud cover?) but the ultraviolet rays were powerful like in the hottest deserts on Earth. Their cities had many trees and plants, and they build their homes in the immediate vicinity of the water reservoirs, which was cooler than the rest of the planet. At one point Aisha asked IMA if they had created the Earth and IMA answered, “We didn’t create anything, everything is the will of the Universe, but we have kept your planet under control since the moment of its birth”. IMA also added that temporarily they had established a base in the area of the Kerch Peninsula (probably under the Sea of Azov). They are “the 5th unit of a galactic star fleet”. IMA is the captain of a flagship named “The floating Butterfly”. They are engaged in guarding and studying the Universe and provide communications within. For some time now they have had responsibility over the human civilization, which was imposed to them as “curators” of Earth. On another occasion Aisha was contacted by an alien named LOESU which she considered to be the ideal of inner beauty and perfection. He was tall, dark skinned, with huge slanted eyes, no hair (his head was covered with something resembling a hood) a long nose, wide mouth and broad lips. He had very long and thin fingers. LOESU also had a very muscular chest, which Aisha saw since he wore something resembling a partially opened shirt. When asked by local journalists why she had been chosen for contact, Aisha answered that the aliens did not have the right to communicate with any human. They have to follow definite criteria to choose the person they were to contact. The “Contactee” must have the abilities that can play the role in expanding humanity’s mind. The person must have the aptitude for comprehending the existence of other civilizations and to promote others to realize the fact. They told her that they would be transmitting information to her and that she “should write it down or draw it”. The aliens told her that they had been preparing her for the final contact and had decided that she met all the requirements they insisted upon. They only asked her to pass the information on to others since they wanted to study their reaction. They also told Aisha that this was needed more by humans than by them, in fact they pointed out that “human souls were the smallest particles of the whole universal soul.” That humans had lost their communication with space and must somehow restore it. At one time IMA told Aisha that evil exists only in the mind and that we had the ability to throw it out with our thoughts. That meant that humans must change their attitudes. Only by understanding their role in the Universe can humans re-establish their connection with the Creator. The Creator will then help humans cleanse themselves from evil. But only the humans had the choice to destroy of save themselves. None of the alien races were able to interfere in this.According to IMA the five basic laws of the Universe were: 1. The priority of Energy. 2. Creation. 3. Non-comparison. 4. Compatibility. 5. Eternity.

HC addendum
Source: Elena Petriv in: “Mriya” Zaporozhye, August 3-10 2000 and
Dr. Anton A. Anfalov PhD.
Type: G & F

Location. Zarinsk, Altay region, West Siberia, Russia
Date: 1998
Time: night
Marina, a local resident, awoke in the middle of the night and decided to go to the balcony. There was a full moon outside which illuminated the environs very clearly. When Marina attempted to remove her blanket she suddenly saw a strange man sitting on her bed. She was momentarily afraid and then found herself in a strange torpid state. However her mental abilities remained distinct and unaffected. Marina stared at the stranger with the curiosity of a child. She mainly remembered the stranger’s eyes which were filled with “unearthly aloofness” Marina appeared unable to describe the other features of the stranger. “Did you fall from the moon?” she asked the stranger, but he did not answer. Then she felt herself becoming unconscious. She awoke in the morning thinking it had all been a strange dream. However the next night she awoke in the middle of the night again and felt her hands become torpid, she attempted to lift her arms and the next moment her body zoomed up into the air. She slowly floats in the room, feeling a pleasant weightlessness, looking around at everything in the room, realizing that this was really happening to her. She then felt someone touching the comforter that covered her body. She then realized that she was not floating by herself, in fact someone else appeared to be “carrying” her, they floated from room to room, to the corridor and then towards the kitchen window. Remembering that she lived in the 5th floor, Marina began to feverishly pray. Apparently the next moment she was returned back to her bed, she could not remember anything else. The strange man then began visiting her almost every night. He would pull Marina out of bed, “teaching” her to walk through walls and to feel free while levitating in the air. One night she managed to switch on the light as the stranger was in the room in an attempt to get a better look at the stranger. The man was wearing a huge mask-like visor on his face, he had light hair and was of athletic built and was wearing a black tight-fitting coverall. Soon, after teaching Marina “the necessary skills” the mysterious alien “teacher” did not return. Apparently from that day on Marina was able to levitate independently.

HC addendum
Source: “Atlayskaya Pravda” Newspaper, 1999 # 144-145
Type: E
Comments: Unorthodox bedroom visitation

Location. Boraceia, Brazil
Date: January 1998
Time: 0100A
After seeing a strange illuminated object hovering over a field, two of the witnesses armed with a flashlight and a gun went to the field to investigate. On their way there two pet dogs joined them. The dogs began barking towards the direction of the water and the witness shone the flashlight in that direction. The light illuminated a strange creature about 2 meters tall. The creature’s head was oval shaped. Its arms were curved and reached all the way down to the knees; it had long legs and had a small nose. The witnesses heard a sort of murmur-type sound coming from the creature. Around the tall creature there were several smaller similar looking ones that emitted incomprehensible sounds. At this point the tall creature began moving in the direction of the witness, who terrified fired a shot at the creature that suddenly vanished in plain sight, apparently along with the other smaller creatures.

HC addendum
Source: Osmar de Freitas, GEONI
Type: C?
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: The bizarre humanoid appeared to have been accompanied by several shorter similar creatures. The question must be asked; did the shots hurt the tall humanoid? How did it vanished, and where to?

Location. Warsaw, Poland
Date: beginning of January 1998
Time: evening
A local 8-year old girl reported experiencing many unusual encounters. Her parents were also witnesses of many of the events. At the beginning of January Ania saw a strange short, gray entity sitting on a cabinet. The entity turned its head toward her and then disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: K. Bzowski, Poland
Type: E

Location. Barreiras de Jacuruna, Bahia, Brazil
Date: January 1998
Time: night
The witness was lying in his bed fully awake, when he suddenly became totally unable to open his eyes or to move, and felt the presence of “somebody” in the room. And then he felt a sensation of something touching his head, and he felt what seemed to be a needle entering the rear part of his cranium, just behind one ear. Then slowly he felt the instruments following a precise trajectory inside his head and descending until it reached the dental arch. He never felt any pain. Shortly afterwards he felt the needle being withdrawn. Soon he was able to open his eyes and move his body again. Two nights later, glancing out of a window, the witness saw a gray figure which was walking away past the house and which was watching him as it went. The following night another witness was sitting on her bed attending to her 2-month-old baby, when she too felt the presence of “someone” behind her. At first she thought it was her husband but to her horror, she perceived two long whitish hands extended towards the infant. Terrified she shouted at her husband, who came at once. And then both of them saw something like a “faint, indistinct, light colored stain” moving away towards the door.

HC addendum
Source: Alberto Romero FSR Vol. 45 # 2
Type: E

Location. Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date: January 1998
Time: late night
The 22-year old witness woke up to see a tall thin gray figure with large light eyes standing by the bed looking at him. It smiled mischievously at him then disappeared through the bedroom wall.

HC addition # 2871
Source: Personal Communication
Type: E

Location. Not given
Date: early January 1998
Time: night
The witness was taking a walk in the woods a mile from his house when he was suddenly blinded by a huge white light about 50 meters above the ground and about 100 meters away, the light descended and he saw in the middle of the brightness an outline of a figure. It looked human, but the head was rounded at the top and narrow toward the chin. The head appeared too big for its body, the figure advanced toward him and when he was running 20 yards away the witness began to run in the opposite direction. Suddenly he felt a sharp sting inside his head and he blacked out. Soon he woke up in a bright room on what felt like a metal table. Soon three grayish figures were leaning over him, he was unable to move or speak. He then felt a sharp prick on his arm and blacked out again. When he woke up he found himself lying on his bed. He found a painful welt on his arm.

HC addendum
Source: Unsolved Mysteries.com
Type: G

Location. Huelo, Hawaii
Date: January 1 1998
Time: 0400A
The two witnesses who previously had seen moving lights above some nearby fields were sleeping when the felt some type of “knock” in his head (telepathic communication?). He woke up and looked out the window to see a multicolored UFO emitting multicolored lights towards the witnesses’ location. He woke up his friend and both then saw a figure standing at the end of the bed. Terrified they hid under the covers and a few moments later looked to the see that the figure had vanished, however the craft remained outside, a little further off, until about sunrise. The figure was described as tall, with a huge head, with large staring eyes.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: C?
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 5
Comments: The creature appears to have been a crewmember onboard the UFO that hovered outside the witness’s home. A more detailed description of the humanoid would have been necessary.

Location. Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Date: January 3 1998
Time: unknown
In an undisclosed section of the city a metallic delta-shaped craft landed and a number of Cyclopes-like humanoids exited it. The humanoids took a pet parrot from the yard of one of the witnesses and then took off. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: UFOCAT, quoting Cynthia Hind, UFO Afri News July 1998
Type: B

Location. Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico
Date: January 5 1998
Time: 2130
Julia Romero Buenfil was on her way home with her young daughter on Calle de los Censos avenue when suddenly she saw the figure of a man emerge from a wooded field next to the avenue. The stranger then walked in the direction of Julia and at the same moment she felt strange as if time had been suspended around her, she wanted to reach home but was not making any progress and was unable to utter a word. The strange man was very tall, at least 1.90m in height, with very white skin, wearing a green-colored military pair of trousers, and an orange jacket that seemed to exude “energy”. The man’s eyes were the most peculiar, which were very black and protruding, she didn’t notice any feet since the stranger appeared to be levitating just above the ground. Terrified she was finally able to move and grabbing her daughter quickly ran into her house, once her daughter was inside, she immediately ran outside in search for the stranger. She suffered from a high fever for three days after the incident. She further described the stranger as having elongated very white chiseled facial features; she could not see any hair since it was apparently covered by a hood, also of a very bright orange in color. He was very thin and seemed to float just above the ground. Later she learned that on the same date her nephew, Gerardo Sanchez spotted a very luminous disc-shaped object hovering over the area.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.eldurmientedeorizaba.com/contactojulia.htm
Type: E
Comments: Translated by Albert S Rosales

Location. Phillipstoun, Scotland
Date: January 8 1998
Time: late night
A woman went to her son’s bedroom to check on her 3-year old who kept crying. She went to check on the fourth occasion and was shocked to find her son glowing green in color on all exposed parts of his body. He was also making a loud “buzzing” and “clicking” sound. She sat with him trying to calm him down he went into a deeper color of green and then returned to normal. He then told his mom that he had a strange “dream” of monsters in his bedroom with aged wrinkled faces that had apparently come into his bedroom.

HC addition # 3882
Source: UFO Scotland
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: I could only conjecture as to what could have caused the little boy to glow green in color and emit a buzzing sound, but apparently he was indeed visited by unknown creatures that night in his bedroom. As of recently I have located a similar Russia case from 1990, the “victim” or witness in this case was an adult male, and whom’s body seemed to glow and then become transparent and almost disappear in plain sight of several other witnesses.

Location. Haravilliers, Val d’Oise, France
Date: January 10 1998
Time: 0730A
A total of 7 witnesses including the main witness M D were driving to a hunting expedition in two cars: a Peugeot 306 driven by M D and a Lancia with J M being the only occupant and his dog. The meeting place was a location called “La Guibarderie” near the little hamlet of “Le Ruel” not far from Haravilliers. Independently, M K was on his way to the meeting place in his Mercedes. The weather conditions were exceptionally clear and many stars were visible. As the two cars approached the parking area at the hunting preserve, their occupants see through their windshield a bright illumination in the sky in the horizon. Soon a huge black round object (30 to 45 m in diameter) comes towards them, slowly gliding only about 20 meters above the ground. The first thing M D notices are a series of large projectors disposed on 6 to 7 light ramps, like those of a stadium. Measuring 5 x 3 m, each ramp bears, red, green and yellow spotlights. The beams do not light up the surrounding area. They resemble those of a Christmas tree decoration. Inexplicably, M D does not stop the car and the Peugeot continues to approach the location where the object is hovering. M D feels compelled to lower the glass on the driver’s seat side to get a better look. As the car passes just beneath the object, a bit on the left side, he can see a dull gray platform with a brighter octagonal contraption in the center (about 15 m) resembling a screw with a middle round aperture (diameter 6 m) punched with 8 regularly disposed exhaust type portholes about 1m in diameter. Next, a beam of light comes down to the ground, and then the 4 Peugeot occupants see three green, red and yellow beams converging on the parked Mercedes. There follows a gap of 3 minutes during which, nobody remembers what occurred, and the five witnesses find themselves 1200m father from their original position without M D remembering having driven the distance. The object is no longer in sight. The two cars then meet in the parking lot and the Mercedes driver confirms that he had been also bathed in the light-beams that poured down on the Mercedes. The three cars then resumed their journey to the meeting place, everybody feeling a bit dazed. The six friends did not mention the incident to the other 25 hunters in the party. On January 15 M D begins to suffer from acute conjunctivitis, which led him to consult an eye doctor. Around April 20 M D’s memory begins to return little by little. He recalls having been levitated into the hovering UFO through the central hole. Inside he was confronted by a humanoid figure about 1.20m in height, completely covered in a diving suit, his face was hidden behind a metallic cylindrical dull-black helmet. This helmet was about 42-43 cm high and about 32-33 cm in width. It had a curved top, two round holes were the eyes should have been and a wide horizontal double row of “piano keys” resembling a row of straight white teeth, making it look like a mouth, which remained closed at all times. This gave the mask a somewhat shamanic and sinister appearance. At one point the entity said something like “Tobro”, which M D assumed could be the name of his place of origin. Although he only remembers having seen this one creature, he had the impression that there were other unseen entities in the object. He was placed on a table but does not remember having been subjected to a physical examination. A pale white-beige light that seemed to emanate from all directions illuminated the room. A strange putrid odor permeated the room. M D thinks that an implant was inserted into his body. Later it was revealed that a gamekeeper located not far from where the men were to meet testified having heard “the sound of heavy engines, not unlike that of a Boeing 747” a few minutes later he saw a big round dark object emitting three colored beams of light.

HC addendum
Source: Franck Boitte, Franck Marie BIDU, Gerard Deforge
Type: G

Location. Barnegat New Jersey
Date: January 11 1998
Time: night
One juvenile sighted a disc-shaped flying object hovering over the house; it had alternating green & yellow lights around its rim. On top there was a glass dome and a pilot-like figure apparently wearing some type of helmet could be seen inside. Frightened he ran inside the house and could still see the disc hovering outside. A strange symbol was also seen on the side of the disc. It also had an antenna on top and other markings on the bottom right under the rim lights.

HC addition # 3154
Source: Mufon UFO Reports
Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: A rare type A, modern day humanoid report. More than 50% of modern day cases are either abductions or encounters with solitary humanoids, in bedrooms and other venues.

Location. Lajas, Puerto Rico
Date: January 14 1998
Time: 0530A
An employee at a cow ranch that belonged to the University of Puerto Rico, Carlos David Vargas Montalvo was doing his usual morning chores of rounding up the cows from the feeding lot. Like usual and without any apparent fright the animals responded to his call and lined up, except for what he thought was one white cow that remained back in the field without moving. Curious he called the “cow” again but again there was no response, he decided to walk over thinking that the animal could be hurt or sick. As he approached the white form on the ground he kept calling it, when suddenly the supposed cow began to twist and turn on the ground and took out two huge white wings, at this point the stunned Montalvo realized that it was not a cow but a bizarre winged bird-like creature, totally white in color. Stunned the witness watch ed the creature rise up on his wings and disappeared quickly towards the nearby Laguna Cartagena. A heart patient, Montalvo was in shock for the next several hours.

HC addendum
Source: Wilson Sosa, Terra Clubs Ovni
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Another flying creature report from Puerto Rico. This is almost a unique description of a flying “humanoid”. There is however maybe 2 more cases on record describing white colored flying creatures.

Location. Atlantic City, New Jersey
Date: January 15 1998
Time: night
A fifty-year-old grandmother and government employee was abducted on this night. She was in great terror and in fear of her life during the abduction. No other details given.

HC addition # 3130
Source: George Filer
Type: G
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Is imperative to obtain additional information on this report. I have not seen any other supporting evidence on this report.

Location. Caloocan City, Philippines
Date: 3rd week of January 1998
Time: night
A local couple reported that their week old baby boy, Dave Nagawang, was killed by an “aswang” (a mythical winged creature). Dave, his parents and neighbors said, was found dead early in the morning with blood in his mouth and on the walls near his bed. Rumors circulated that an aswang killed the boy. Neighbors reported hearing something bigger than a cat walking on the roof, and of the sounds of wings flapping overhead, of a strange bird-like chirping at night: “ik-ik-ik. Subsequent sightings of the aswang or some say is flying counterpart the mana-nanggal were reported in Marikina, Pasig and Navotas. So far, the aswang has allegedly claimed the lives of an old man and an old woman, and a middle-aged widow. The creature is believed to be malevolent and preys particularly on women, babies and young children. Is reported to be “dog-like” with
wings, and glowing red eyes.

HC addendum
Source: Filipino newspaper sources
Type: E?
Comments: Is this a Chupacabra type of creature?

Location. Nursery Woods, Cumbria, England
Date: January 25 1998
Time: 1645
A man was walking his dog in a wooded area when he heard some snapping branches. Thinking it was a deer he stopped and looked around. Looking through the trees he noticed a large creature covered in a sort of ginger brown hair that seemed to be drinking from a pond about 150 meters into the woods. The creature appeared to stare at the witness, when it stood upright, the witness estimated to be about 6’6” in height. The witness quickly left the area. There was no reaction by the dog reported.

HC addendum
Source: Cumbria Creature Chronicles
Type: E
Comments: Have we here a Bigfoot type creature in England? Apparently there have been scattered reports some with possible UFO connections.

Location. Maipu, Chile
Date: January 31 1998
Time: evening
Several witnesses observed over the roofs of this city several man-like figures descending from the sky seemingly without parachutes. Motorists on the motorway saw the figures enveloped in clouds fly towards the northwest and disappear.

HC addendum
Source: RR0 France
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: These flying aliens appeared to have been of the human variety. Similar cases exist in the US, Georgia (former Russian republic of), France, Russia, Italy, etc.

Location. Belas Knap, Cotswolds, England
Date: February 1998
Time: afternoon
Paula Copestake, her husband Phillip, and 8-year-old son Edward were visiting the Neolithic site in a crisp clear afternoon. While Mr. Copestake was busying himself taking photographs of the forecourt area, Paula Copestake climbed to the top of the mound in order to take in the panoramic view and to enjoy the solitude. She was therefore disappointed to see a group of people moving towards the site from the northwest, across and adjacent field. At first sight there seemed to be about five people, one smaller in front and the others in two pairs, walking quickly towards Belas Knap along the field boundary which forms part of the Cotswold Way. They faced forward and were all dressed alike in dark, grayish black clothes with pale, oval, translucent faces beneath pointed hoods. They were only a few hundred yards away. Her son briefly distracted her, and when she looked back again she was startled by the emergence of more figures in the group. She told her husband that “hundreds” of people were coming and she impatiently told him to hurry because there seemed to be at least a dozen of them walking purposefully towards their location. They seemed to emerge from the dark shadows of the overhanging evergreen trees and bushes along the boundary between the two nearby fields. Every figure was hooded and they still followed the smaller figure at the front. She assumed that the lead figure must have been a child of about 12 because he was half the height of the others. She could not see any part of their bodies below knee level so she thought they must have been walking through long pale dead grass that obscured their lower limbs. They walked closely along the hedge line in silence, never turning to their companions but all walking at a vigorous pace, so she was surprised to see that they appeared to be in the same position as before in the field. They did not appear to have made any progress in reaching the long barrow, despite their fairly rapid pace. They appeared to walk down a slope and up again as if going down into a ditch and up the other side. Annoyed at the intrusion the witness took one final look at them and then deliberately turned her back and walked to the other end of the mound. Disturbingly, they had seemed to be even further away than ever although still moving as purposefully toward them. She then joined her son and husband who had finished his activities as he climbed up to mound to look he was surprised to see no one at all.

HC addendum
Source: Paul Deveraux, Haunted Land
Type: E
Comments: One can only guess what this procession of beings from God knows where was doing in the beautiful English countryside.

Location. Mount Blanca, Colorado
Date: February 1998
Time: evening
A recent attack by covert forces with a deadly Saran-like nerve gas on an “alien” spaceport under the Mount Blanca mastiff ended in disaster when the gas overcame the attacking forces and a quarter of the personnel involved had to be medically evacuated. Around 30 people from the CSETI group saw several flying objects nearby at the same time Greer and Sheri Adamiak, went up the trail alone, and remote viewed several entities inside the mountain. When they came back down the trail to get the rest of the group they all saw Greer disappear in a “gold light” which seemed to be coming from above them. Then a semi-circle of a dozen alien elders all different size, surrounded Greer who seemed to then disappear. The aliens then communicated with Greer. They told him that they were under attack in the mountain by covert military forces. The experience lasted for about 20 minutes.

HC addition # 3169
Source: Dr. Steven Green, CSETI
Type: G?

Location. Marche Region Italy
Date: February 1998
Time: night
An anonymous man claimed he heard a strong explosion near his house and after a few minutes he saw some strange creatures walking around in his garden. One was a “typical” gray alien, the 2nd a smaller beige colored version and the third an even smaller hybrid type alien. He took his camera and went out to see what was going on. The man thought the creatures were some type of strange animals and took several photos. He then noticed that one of the entities was on the ground and had a huge cut on the upper part of his head and appeared to be in distress, a second humanoid was helping it. After taking some photos the witness ran home because he was scared. During the next day he saw many black helicopters flying around the zone, he then decided to go see what had happened. Deep in the forest he saw a strange object crashed on the ground and a lot of people surrounding it. Some of the people were wearing strange military uniforms. According to the witness when the people saw the witness they fired guns against him, fortunately he was able to make a quick escape.

HC addendum
Source: Fabrizio Monaco, CISETI
Type: H?
Comments: As far as I am aware there has not been any additional information forthcoming on this intriguing case.

Location. Sorocaba, Brazil
Date: February 1998
Time: night
Celio Lima Batista was on his way home late one night and was walking along a desolate field, when he noticed some lights and figures behind him. Thinking he was going to be robbed he turned around to face his followers and was confronted by a huge, 2-meter tall figure, with large fiery eyes, a huge head, and pincer like hands. He lunged at the creature and took several swings at it, but they all seemed to miss. Tired he stepped back stunned. Suddenly the huge creature lunged at him, beating him senseless. He was later found unconscious and was taken to a nearby hospital where several large bruises were found on his back and was treated for a wound on one of his fingers.

HC addition # 3896
Source: Marco Antonio Reynoso, Fundacion COSMOS
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: I wonder if the creature acted in self-defense or did it mean to injure the unfortunate witness. The alien description somewhat resembles the description of the aliens reported by Zanfretta from Italy in 1978-1980.

Location. Near Sioux City, Iowa
Date: February 1998
Time: night
Frank, (involved in other encounters) woke up late at night to see a blond female in a “zippered blue” gown-like item of apparel standing in the doorway of his bedroom, with a light behind her. Wondering if he was awake, he deliberately looked around his bedroom to see if everything was in its place. It was. And then he blacked out. The next morning when he awoke, he was tired, exhausted, and physically drained.

HC addendum
Source: Beverly Trout, Mufon UFO Journal # 364
Type: E

Location. Dallas, Texas
Date: February 1998
Time: 2300
After attempting a late business meeting, Beverly Bailey found herself alone in a downtown office building in a huge parking garage eight stories up. As she spotted her car about 40 ft away she noticed “something” that ran extremely fast and disappeared behind some cars near her vehicle. She described the “something” as a bizarre creature somewhat resembling “Uncle Fester” (!) in the television show, The Addams Family. It was wearing all black as it scurried away on all fours. As it scurried by it gave a creepy laugh of some sort. She watched it run down the aisle behind the cars for about five seconds then she turned and ran back towards the doors and into the lobby. She did not hear any other sound from the creature and did not see it again.

HC addendum
Source: Strange Magazine # 22
Type: E

High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: From what convoluted, terrifying, parallel universe did this critter sneak out from? Was someone playing a strange cosmic joke on the witness?

Location. Freemantle, Western Australia
Date: February 1 1998
Time: 0230A
Rowena Judd was asleep when she suddenly woke up to see a humanoid figure standing at the bedroom door. The figure seemed to be dark in color and had a shining light around it. But no facial features could be seen. It apparently disappeared. Two weeks later a beam of light came out of the sky after a loud zipping noise and illuminated the Judd house.

HC addition # 3022
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 3 # 9
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: very brief bedroom visitation. The witness appears to be a repeater.

Location. Near San Francisco, California
Date: February 6 1998
Time: late night
A family of 3 remembered hearing noises during the night and waking up thinking somebody was in the house. Later they remembered seeing lights. In the morning they all woke up with bloody noses. Their young son remembered seeing a tall, over 6-foot, green colored being in his bedroom, which apparently communicated with him. No other information.

HC addition # 2989
Source: UFO Network
Type: E

Location. La Platina, Pelequen, Colchagua, Chile
Date: February 7 1998
Time: evening
As more than a dozen men worked at a local vineyard located at the edge of the road they suddenly noticed a strange object approaching in their direction from a northern-south trajectory. The craft flew at a low altitude, witnesses described the object as resembling a large beach ball which changed colors, and most witnesses described the object as shaped like a globe. One of the witnesses 22-year old Rosita Nuñez described the object as being gray and globe shaped as it flew silently over the witness’s heads. It flew over a small eucalyptus grove and landed on the side of a mountain, at about 800 meters from the astounded witnesses. The object landed in front of at least 20 witnesses. After the object landed the witnesses saw that it appeared to be somewhat hexagonal in shape as a door opened on the craft. As the door on the object opened heavy smoke seemed to come out from it and at the same time a figure dressed in all black jumped out of the craft. The humanoid was described as human-like dressed in all black wearing a tight-fitting black helmet. The creature raised its arms and remained standing next to the smoking object. Two minutes later there was an explosion without any sound, and the witnesses saw multicolored lights and a bright flame rose up into the air, which suddenly turned off. The explosion apparently emanated extreme heat as the surrounding vegetation, including trees and brush immediately caught fire. The flames achieved a very strong and high level and the fate of the humanoid and the object remained unknown as no trace of either one was found at the site.

HC addendum
Source: Juan Humberto Benitez & Rosa Abarca in:
Revelacion Año 3 # 27
Type: B or H?
Translated by Albert S. Rosales

Location. Yukon, Canadian County, Oklahoma
Date: February 13 1998
Time: 2025
The two witnesses were walking along a wooded area on a dead end street when they heard the crunching of twigs and dried leaves. Looking in the direction of the noise both were stunned to see something that at first they thought was a Great Dane, although the head was shaped like a horse head, more like a camel. It was at first on all fours, but it suddenly stood up and walked perfectly on hind legs. The witnesses then noticed what appeared to be small wings on its back. Frightened the witnesses left the area. When one of the witnesses was shown a picture of the Jersey Devil he agreed it looked like what he had seen.

HC addendum
Source: GCBRO (Gulf coast bigfoot research organization)
Type: E

Location. Drente The Netherlands
Date: February 14 1998
Time: 0145A
The two witnesses had parked in an open field, when suddenly there was a flashing blue light over a field and they both saw an object resembling a “stealth fighter” with more rounded wings, hovering above a nearby road. The craft descended vertically and landed. Several figures came out of the object. These had long arms and small “heads.” They looked around briefly then went back inside the object. The object then rose straight up and in a few seconds it was gone. Others in the area reported seeing a bright light over the area around the same time.

HC addition # 2979
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: B

Location. Los Cerrillos, Maipu, Chile
Date: February 14 1998
Time: daytime
Numerous local witnesses watched seven bizarre human-like figures that glided over the area at an undetermined altitude, all gliding towards the same location and at the same time, separated only by a very short distance. They resembled parachutists and seemed to be operating some unseen apparatus above them. The 7 human-like figures quickly disappeared from sight in the distance. A resident of the area supposedly took a video of the group. Apparently no one ever saw them land.

HC addendum
Source: Revista TOC, Chile
Type: E
Comments: Same or similar humanoids were seen in the same area in January 31.

Location. West Carrolton, Ohio
Date: February 27 1998
Time: late night
The witness was walking through her trailer park with her dogs when she saw a bright light hovering above the park; within the light she saw the face and eyes of a being. Frightened she ran to her trailer and called nearby Wright Patterson Air Force Base. She was given a number of a local Ufologist.

HC addition # 3153
Source: Kenny Young
Type: A

Location. Near Bataysk, Rostov region, North Caucasus, Russia
Date: end of February 1998
Time: about 2200
A local woman and member of the town’s administration, N.G., was walking her dog and while walking near a strip of forest, she let her dog loose so he could run in the trees and the fresh snow. Suddenly N. G. felt the presence of someone behind her back and some force compelled to turn around. She then saw at about 150-200m away a large foggy globe, white in color, about 8-9meters in diameter. The globe was moving at an altitude of about 40-50meters from the ground. Inside the globe the witness could see saw several smaller sized globes. A feeling of fear and discomfort seemed to increase with each passing second, for a long time she stood in a sort of stupor watching the object, she could not remember how long. And her dog who before had been frolicking in the snow and trees, was now hiding between her legs and whining loudly, the barking of other dogs could be heard from afar. Apparently this sound alarmed the apparent alien guests since the globe began to slowly rise upwards and then vanished. Several seconds after the UFO had vanished another very interesting event took place. N.G. briefly glanced at a nearby snowy field and saw a large black “car”. The “car” was very beautiful, long, with a sleek streamlined aerodynamic shape, similar to a foreign limousine. It was dark but the woman distinctly saw two passengers inside the “car”. They were dressed in black, and not in suits, but in something that reminded her of “spacesuits”. At that moment N.G. felt a very strong fear and for a few seconds she covered her eyes with her hands. When she opened her eyes again, she saw a bright flash of light and the strange modern looking “foreign car” had vanished without a trace. Despite the distance N.G. ran home very quickly and terribly scared. She could not sleep and had to take a sleeping pill. In the morning she told her neighbor and together they went to the location of the event. There they found the distinct tracks of automobile tires imprinted in the snow, but there were not traces which indicated how the car had arrived or left the location, as if the car had simply zoomed up into the air and flew away. There were no other traces. Since the incident N.G. has had the feeling of being watched, she also saw “things” connected to UFOs on several occasions. (No more specifics on that).

HC addendum
Source: “ENIO” Investigation group in “Cross of Centaurs” newspaper
Rostov-on-Don # 4, 2000 Type: A?

Location. Moscow Region, Russia
Date: Spring 1998
Time: 1100A
The witness was outside his dacha working on his vegetable garden when suddenly out of nowhere a very tall man-like figure wearing a black tight-fitting overall appeared. The witness however felt no fear. After looking at the stranger he heard a telepathic message in the form of a question, “How is your health”? Anything wrong?” The witness answered to the assigned questions and began to attentively scrutinize the facial features of the stranger. They appeared to be normal, human like and well proportioned. Then the black silhouette began to brighten and became transparent and then vanished.

HC addendum
Source: Vasily Kosinov, “They are among us”
Type: E

Location. Las Palmas, Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Date: March 1998
Time: 0500A
Felix Polanco had gone to work in a field at a construction site and had boarded the excavating equipment when as he turned the engine on, he saw a short gray thin figure run from behind the machine and quickly disappear into a nearby wooded area. The figure was described as about 3-feet tall, with long thin arms & fingers with a large pear shaped head that ended in a pointy chin. The being did not appear to be wearing any clothing and was totally gray in color & smooth.

HC addition # 3206
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 17
Type: E

Location. Gurzuf, near Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: March 1998
Time: 0900A-1000A
The main witness, a local female resident and accountant was in a bus together with several other passengers on their way to the bank in the town of Yalta when she noticed that as the bus passed under a high bridge overpass near the river and before turning into the highway, there was a strange object or “construction” nearby on the slope of the road (this in midday in the presence of dozens of witnesses). The weird “building” or structure was bizarre in nature, rhomb-shaped, seemingly made out of rusty metal. The structure itself consisted of several interconnected triangle-shaped surfaces. Near the weird building she saw three tall men apparently doing something near the structure. It appeared that the three men were very “worried” about something and were in much of a hurry. All three were dressed in tight-fitting black suits resembling those of diver suits. In appearance they were pleasant looking, very tall, about 1.9 to 2.0 meters, their faces resembled that of normal men, though the witness had very little time to observe other details. The most amazing detail of all was that the rest of the passengers on the bus (about 15-20) as well as the driver, absolutely did not pay any attention to the strange structure of the 3 tall men on the side of the road, and when the bus passed by none of the other passengers commented or talked about it. The rest of the passengers appeared to have been under some kind of hypnotic control. At first she thought that the men had been only just common workers but on her way back from Yalta she stopped at the location where she had seen the strange building and the men and was surprised that the place was now “empty”. The witness added that both her and her husband had seen UFOs previously.

HC addendum
Source: Dr. Anton A. Anfalov direct from witness
Type: C

Location. Timmins, Ontario, Canada
Date: March 1998
Time: late night
The witness was sleeping together with her young daughter when she suddenly woke up and looked to her right to see a little figure standing by the bed. The figure was approximately the size of a ten-year old child, little silver star-like lights emanated from it. The witness slid to the end of the end, towards where her daughter was, then something made her look around. She noticed that the figure was not moving from one spot to another, but there were 3 of them. The witness gazed back to the one closest to her daughter and felt a sense of love emanating from the short humanoid and suddenly was not afraid any more. Then she woke her daughter and the three figures disappeared. Late on in July the witness had gone to visit an uncle in Cambridge Ontario and again woke up one night to see an identical figure in the bedroom, sliding towards her and in an apparent panic communicating telepathically to her, “Where is she?” The witness thought it as strange that the “aliens” did not know where her daughter was (apparently the person they were asking for). She began to feel fear and screamed, the figure then disappeared, along with two other figures she had now noticed in the room.

HC addendum
Source: Mystical Universe, Unexplained
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of source: 5
Comments: Bedroom visitation, telepathic contact apparently with the same aliens, which showed an interest in the witness’s daughter.

Location. Near Voronezh, Russia
Date: March 4 1998
Time: night
According to local communication and media local inhabitants observed the fall of an unknown object trailing a plume of smoke. It apparently crashed in the area of Arkchangelsk & Bershev. A large-scale search and rescue operation was launched involving several police and government units. A crashed UFO and dead humanoids were reportedly found and transported to a secure area. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov quoting media sources
Type: H Source is requesting additional information on this case. Recent information received by the source indicates that what crashed there could had been most likely a cruise missile or other type of missile accidentally launched from a military aircraft that had inexplicably changed its flight path. Obviously the military did not want to assume responsibility for such an irresponsible act. There is a military proving range in the region.

Location. Rho, Lombardy, Italy
Date: March 8 1998
Time: afternoon
A farmer saw a white object in the shape of an upside down pear hovering above a field. He called his wife and both watched the object for about half an hour. During the episode a hatch slid open and an occupant emerged. He was described as only about 40 inches tall, with two huge black eyes. The being floated in the air close to the object for about 10 minutes, then re-entered the object which suddenly rose vertically and left at high speed.

HC addition # 3122
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 3 # 13
Type: B

Location. Thuringen, Germany
Date: March 28 1998
Time: night
The witness, not knowing how, suddenly found himself sitting on a comfortable chair or couch. The room was extremely illuminated and as he looked up he saw six strange figures looking down on him. He could only see the facial features of one of the creatures, which appeared “dwarf-like” it appeared to have normal eyes, ears, nose and neck. The back of its head appeared to have a large curved bump-like protrusion. The couch appeared to be free-floating on the floor in front of a large screen display. It showed what appeared to be a space scene with the highest quality colors he had ever seen. Linguistic communication with the humanoids was made with a kind of “language computer” the voice was clearly understandable, slow and in flowing German. The figures left the room and the witness was left alone to ask questions. On the screen there appeared a view of the solar system. He was shown what appeared to be a huge floating space station around the moon and numerous small flying objects. He was instructed to push several buttons, which enable him to hear detailed technical explanations. The aliens told the witness that they came from a planet (name not understood), which could be probably be seen by the humans with today’s radio telescopes, however it was millions of light years away. They pointed out however that distance was insignificant for them since they use “9 dimensions” to travel. They also mentioned that there were countless of inhabited planets with intelligent life in the universe. He was told that many of the alien’s races were genetically mixed with humans. The whole time there he saw free floating images of what appeared to be sites in ancient temples in South America during festive periods, which appeared to be 7,000 years before Christ. He also saw ancient locomotive engines, circa 1890. However he was not shown future images. Soon he was submitted to different physical examinations. Soon he was suffering from a terrific headache and at that point a figure wearing a tight-fitting dark green coverall approached him. It had extremely thin legs, large lash-less staring eyes; it was totally silent and emotionless. The witness was given a type of pill in a spoon; within minutes the headache was gone. Soon after that he was apparently shown what appeared to have been a hologram, which displayed 3-dimensional images off the human body. A round black hole appeared in which the witness inserted his hand, as he did the image of the hand seemed to divide itself into 9 separate images. After that, still in front of the white wall, an image of larger dark hole was shown, in which the light appeared to be absorbed. Soon three-dimensional images of what appeared to be a computer screen with instructions in English appeared in front of the white wall. Feeling very exhausted the witness was given additional pills. Many of the formulas displayed on the white wall were unintelligible and he could not understand many of it. He was apparently shown formulas and images having to do with gravity and anti-gravity devices. He was eventually released by the aliens into his bedroom.

HC addendum
Source: Greyhunter UFO site, Germany
Type: G

Location. Milan, Italy
Date: April 1998
Time: night
A woman living in the Via Astura reported encountering a luminous human like figure surrounded by a bluish phosphorescent halo. It stood in her bedroom briefly and then vanished.

HC addendum
Source: CUN Milano
Type: E

Location. Perth, Western Australia
Date: April 1998
Time: 0500A
Natalia Ashton woke up to find a bizarre transparent figure with huge, yellow eyes looking at her. This being turned and moved to the bedroom door and transformed into an old figure. She woke up her husband, Shane, who, afraid opened the curtains and the being disappeared. (The main witness has been involved in other incidents)

HC addendum
Source: Natalia Ashton Journal of Alternative Realities Vol. 9 # 1 2001
Type: E

Location. Rural area Northern Ireland
Date: April 4 1998
Time: 0330A
The witness had gone to bed and his next recollection was of “them” bringing him back. He remembers going to the kitchen to get a cup of water feeling very sleepy and unsure of what was around him. He then walked to the living room to sleep there. He attempted to turn on the light switch but it would not work. He looked up at the light and then down and realized that he was surrounded by several short humanoid figures. He shouted for help and ran for the door but ran straight into the wall falling to the floor. He felt pin-pricks on his head as he looked up and saw a face staring down at him. He was terrified as he saw large black eyes looking down at him. The witness kept shouting for help but apparently no one could hear him. He heard the alien talk to another one, but could not understand the language. He described the intruders as about 5 ft tall with very long three fingered arms. Their skin was gray/brown in color. After that he woke still shouting for help. It was already 0600A but he did not wake up on the floor, he was on the sofa now. He could not remember being taken only being brought back.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.azuredoor.freeserve.co.uk
Type: G
Comments: There is no mention of any hypnotic regression being performed.

Location. Georgia, exact location not given
Date: April 5 1998
Time: 1900
Seven persons were camping in a wooded and isolated area when they saw flashes of light off into the distance; they went out looking to investigate and came upon a clearing. Over this clearing they saw 4 UFOs hovering. Three of them then landed while one remained hovering. After they had landed one alien figure came out of each of the crafts. They were smallish but were humanoid in appearance. They were white in color and only about 3 ft tall and they had huge “creepy” eyes. They all stood in a ring of light that the fourth UFO hovering overhead had created with a beam of light. Suddenly the humanoids began dancing or doing a jig on the beam of light (?). They didn’t seem to notice the witnesses as they watched astonished not knowing what to say or do, no one became frightened though. When the humanoids noticed the witnesses they disappeared in plain sight and as they did the witnesses heard a sort of creepy lingering laugh. The crafts also vanished and at the scene all that remained was a ring of burnt grass where the light beam had been.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: B
Comments: As bizarre as this case seems to be remember a similar story from Tennessee in 1952.

Location. Bustuchin, Romania
Date: April 7 1998
Time: evening
Hearing noises outside his house, 60-year old farmer Gheorghe Cucaila stepped out and saw a tall man-like figure resembling a “manikin” standing on a nearby field. It stood still for a moment and then it rose up into the air without any means of propulsion. It quickly disappeared from sight into the distance.

HC addendum
Source: Romanian UFO Network
Type: E

Location. Minot North Dakota
Date: April 13 1998
Time: unknown
39-year old Antonio McCoy found himself inside a round whitish, blue room. Apparently he was lying down on something. A figure wearing a bluish shiny suit approached him. The being was carrying something resembling a “tine tuning fork” and was attempting to place it on the witness torso area. The witness attempted to resist but an invisible force kept him still. He experienced severe headaches after the incident and reported seeing strange black helicopters flying around his neighborhood.

HC addition # 3831
Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Las Candelarias ranch, Sancti Spiritus, Las Villas, Cuba
Date: April 17 1998
Time: 0310A
Damaso Rosales is awakened by lights which approach his location from the southeast. As they got closer he could see that it was an object with multicolored flashing lights and silent which began to descend near his house which was located on a hill located about 1km from town. As he approached to within 5 meters from the object he could see that it was egg-shaped, silvery in color. Immediately he began to hear a very “soft and sweet melody” as the object began to cover itself in a sort of thick mist, covering the lower section of the object completely thus Rosales was unable to see if the object was resting on the ground. Suddenly a bright beam of light from the object illuminated Rosales and paralyzed him. Everything then became dark and Rosales felt “people” around him that touched him and apparently measured his body and arms. Later the light turned on again, as he could still hear the soft melody. Slowly the object then began to rise from the ground and then at high speed disappeared towards the north. While he was close to the object he also heard a humming sound, like that of a “sophisticated engine”. He estimated the object’s diameter as that of 25-30meters. It was found that the grass at the scene of the landing “was different” than from other places.

HC addendum
Source: Gabriel Mesa & Marcos Rodriguez in Revista Signos # 45, Cuba pages 154-155
From Orestes Collado Girbau orestes100350@yahoo.es
Type: G?
Comments: The witness was to have further contacts.

Location. Gamboa da Bica, Bahia, Brazil
Date: April 20 1998 Time: 1930
At least 20 witnesses watched a UFO on the ground less than 50 meters from the River Jacuruna. At first it was nothing but a weak light, it began to grow in size and then when about 60cm in diameter it began shooting out colored beams of light in different directions. A few minutes later a second light appeared, much larger and fluorescent than the first one, there appeared to be small colored images floating around its vicinity. Seconds later some of the witnesses noticed a humanoid figure about 1.80m in height standing close to the lights and at the riverside. One of the witnesses attempted to approach the location and ran away terrified as additional figures now appeared next to the first one by the river’s edge. The figures approached the witness followed by the hovering colored balls of light. The lights then flew to the other side of the river and shone circular beams of light on the surface of the river as if searching for something. Moments later the larger light dimmed taking the form of a luminous tube, it then disappeared, and the other light also disappeared at this point.

HC addendum
Source: Alberto Romero, Portal UFO-Genesis
Type: C

Location. Aurora Ceara, Brazil
Date: April 27 1998
Time: 2000
The main witness, Ursulina and her husband were in bed sleeping when they heard a noise resembling that of someone attempting to open the door in the rear of the house. The cat was also acting very agitated. Her husband, Francisco, went to investigate while Ursulina remained behind in bed praying. Soon she heard a sound resembling a radio being tuned and then a bright blue light invaded the room. Looking towards the door of the bedroom she saw a strange creature standing there. She described the entity as being about 1.50 meters in height, with a huge head not in proportion to the rest of the body, wide shoulders, and very thin waist, long dangling arms. It had huge black eyes, a small lipless mouth; it was also hairless and had little “bumps” where the nose should have been. She described the clothing as a brown tight-fitting coverall, with belts and boots. The entity stared intently at Ursulina. Despite her terror she managed to ask the entity what it wanted. She heard an unintelligible reply and then screamed for her husband. At that same instant the creature ran out the door and disappeared down the corridor. Her husband apparently was able to see the figure run from the bedroom.

HC addendum
Source: Painel OVNI
Type: E

Location. Not given
Date: May 1998
Time: late night
The witness was getting ready to go to sleep when she saw what appeared to be a figure at her bedroom door. Frightened she attempted to go to sleep and then she heard a really loud buzzing sound that seemed to increase in intensity. She began to pray, but to no avail. Her next memory was of floating in the air above the bed. She then blacked out. She woke up lying on a very cold steel bed, she was totally naked. The air was very damp and there was a sort of fog around the room. She then saw a figure coming towards her. She described it as humanoid, very tall, no hair and a white glow around him. She then began hearing words in her mind apparently from the humanoid that told her they were here to help. Another figure then came over and touched her arm. A glowing metallic object now descended over her, at the same time one of the figures told her not to worry that they were giving her information that one day would be useful. The object touched her right between the eyes. She then saw many different things, like numbers, symbols, shapes, events, etc. She then passed out. Later she woke up and realized she was able to move, she began to explore the room and saw a dim light nearby, she approached it, and it was what appeared to be a porthole. It was round with numerous symbols around it. Very geometric but somewhat different. She looked out the porthole and saw the planet Earth floating in space. At this time one of the humanoids appeared floating nearby and told her not to be afraid that it was time to go home. She was taken back to the steel table. Her next memory was of lying on her bed totally naked.

HC addition # 3880
Source: CAUS Type: G

Location. North Wales exact location not given
Date: May 1998
Time: late night
The witness remembers waking up on a black dentist-like chair with a woman standing over him. She looked very human and if he were to describe her she looked like a “perfect human”. She had jet-black hair in what the witness described as a “bun”. She was wearing an all in one black suit and she also seemed to have a black collar as well. The material was similar to PVC and shiny. He doesn’t remember if there were any markings or patterns on the suit but the witness does remember that she had black lipstick on. The woman disappeared into a room that was behind the “dentist’s chair” to the right of the witness. The chair seemed to be situated away from the front part of the room in an open but separate part of the room. The room seemed to have carpet, brown in color. His next memory was of being sat next to 4 or 5 people, they were all men. The men were different from the women and they had blond hair and were wearing light blue suits. There were about 4 or 5 of them and four of the men looked identical, again very human like in appearance. But one of the men looked different but he like the others was wearing the same clothing and had the same hair color. Again their clothing seemed to be one-piece. However the witness seems to recall that they had a yellow V-shape on the front going from one shoulder down to the chest and back up to the other shoulder. The line seemed to be an inch thick. These men sat in front of what appeared to be machinery with orange flashing lights. Only one of the men spoke to him, the others seemed to be busy. The one that spoke to the witness was the one that was different from the others. The controls seemed to be in front of what appeared to be windows and he remembered the room being a half circle. There were windows next to each other right across the room outside was black. One of the blond men spoke to the witness orally, but he could not reply, the man appeared to be able to read the witness thoughts. He could not recall most of the conversation but remembered thinking about Australia for some unknown reason. His next memory was of looking through the windows at a coastline, but he was viewing it from the sea. Then the woman that he had previously met seemed to appear again from another room, and said that the men should not talk to him and that it was time for him to leave. His next memory was of sitting on his bed looking out the window for some strange reason. After a week after this experience he developed an infection in the roof of his mouth, it finally developed into a cyst that’s still there today.

HC addendum
Source: The UFO Casebook and Alien Newsletter Issue # 50
Type: G

Location. Between Barni & Magreglio, Lecco, Italy
Date: May 1 1998
Time: unknown
Three young men testing a new motor scooter in a field next to a wooded area were frightened by a huge hair-covered humanoid figure that approached their location. The creature was apparently frightened away by the sound of the motor. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.alfredolissoni.com
Type: E

Location. Mullica Hill, New Jersey
Date: May 7 1998
Time: night
A 10-year old girl and her 8-year old brother spotted a large object hovering above their house. The children claimed the craft was lighted and bigger than the house. They also saw an alien figure floating next to the object, the entity apparently stared at the children who became afraid and ran into the house yelling for their dad. They ran back out to see the object float away. They did not see the entity again.

HC addition # 3148
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 3 # 20
Type: C

Location. Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Date: May 13 1998
Time: daytime
A day after several witnesses reported seeing a triangular shaped craft hovering over the Gulf of Mexico, just offshore, south of town, the same witnesses reported seeing men in frogmen suits in the water, in the same area where the lights from the object had been shining down. There was also unusual military aircraft activity in the area.

HC addition # 3805
Source: CAUS
Type: D

Location. North Conway Lake, New Hampshire
Date: May 13 1998
Time: around noon
Dr Gary Lincoff and his wife were boating on the lake near the North Conway mines. They had paddled into a deep hidden canyon, entering between huge boulders, which formed a narrow gateway. Later they pulled the boat up onto the narrow beach and sat down for lunch. Soon they felt the air vibrate strongly like an explosion’s aftershock. Dr Lincoff climbed up the boulder in order to check the area. After reaching the top, which was, split and he could look out through a sharp cleft in the rock. Two large, shiny round craft floated on the water just beyond the narrow entrance to the cove. Stunned he scrambled down and got his wife. Both climbed to the well-hidden perspective. Both craft were fifty ft to sixty ft wide and about 20 ft thick. Round, black-edged ports covered the rim at a distance of very four feet. On the topsides, hatch covers were open and moving slowly around its surface were spindly creatures that moved in unison like robots. On both ships over their heads from a central position was a slowly rotating hoop-shaped object. When the hoop reached a point directly opposite the husband and wife it stopped. So did the creatures, they stared toward the couple’s hiding place and remained motionless. Sure that the creatures had spotted them they ducked down. They hid until a deer approached the edge of the lake to drink. They then went up for another look and noticed that the hoop was rotating once more, operated by a creature standing below it, which wore a small, scarlet head covering. All were small and wore close fitting dark suits and blue helmets. One creature placed a shiny green hose in the water, drawing in water and at the same time discharging something from another hose. Again the hoop stopped and all the figures froze. They stared toward the couple on the rock. Husband and wife ducked down, moments later they inched up for another look. Two hours later, dazed, and confused the couple ambled back to their boat unable to account for those two hours.

HC addendum
Source: IRAAP Encounters
Type: C or G?

Location. Near Petrozavodsk, Russia
Date: Summer 1998
Time: morning
Farmer Igor Nikolayevich Petukhov was working on the fields when suddenly his attention was drawn to a gradually increasing metallic sound. Looking around him he saw at about 40 meters away a bluish luminous “strip” hovering in the air. The object then slowly moved behind the nearby storage shed causing a degree of uneasiness on Igor. The witness then put down his tools and walked towards a nearby barn in order to hide from the strange object. However several seconds later something flew towards Igor from behind the storage shed. To Igor’s surprise it was a very small humanoid figure about 25-30cm in height. At first Igor attempted to run away but he could not move his body as it felt as it was being held to down. The small humanoid entity hovered at about 3 meters from Igor. The small humanoid figure was proportional in nature and was dressed in tight-fitting coveralls. It wore a black cap on its head. Its head was small, about five cm in diameter, black eyes, and a slit-like mouth and a hardly distinguishable nose. During the entire speechless encounter the small figure hovered in front of Igor using up and down motions. According to Igor as soon as the small figure flew over his head his fear vanished completely replaced now by curiosity. After about 15 minutes the small figure unexpectedly flew away. Next day as he worked in the garden, Igor Nikolayevich saw two small figures, similar to the one he had seen the day before. The same taciturn mutual observation was repeated. On the third day Igor again saw hovering above the porch a small figure that appeared to be looking around, giving Igor the impression that “the little fellow” was looking for him. As soon as the small humanoid saw Igor it flew up to his head and 10 minutes later disappeared. After the described events Igor Nikolayevich began to notice changes in his body, which were officially confirmed by relatives and his doctor. After his contacts, he no longer suffered from chronic heart disease.

HC addendum
Source: Aleksey Popov, “Strange Visitors in Karelia”
Type: C?

Location. Near Accra, Ghana
Date: Summer 1998
Time: afternoon
After a day of collecting fruits in the fields 13-year old Kwane Afram, was returning home alone with several other boys. At one point Kwane wandered ahead of the rest and upon rounding a curve he came upon 3 gigantic man-like beings blocking his path. Frightened he hid in the forest. He never returned home. A thorough search by family and friends failed to locate the boy. After consulting the local “Witch Doctor” the parents were told that he would appear in four days. In fact he did turned up and told authorities about the 3 giants and that one of them had found him and taken him to a village of tiny elf-like creatures where he was held captive and was forced to help in domestic chores and other matters.

HC addition # 3380
Source: Año Cero 7-99
Type: G?
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: This case appears to have been a journey into some type of parallel Universe or world. My feeling is that there are more of these around than we will ever know.

Location. Cuchi Corral, Argentina
Date: Summer 1998
Time: evening
A group of hunters on their way to a wildlife preserve located about 40km from this village were driving through a road surrounded by woods when suddenly a bizarre creature jumped out of the woods ahead of their vehicle. The stunned witnesses described the creature as similar to a man with a face resembling that of a kangaroo or dog. It wore a ridiculous ill-fitting great coat with very short sleeves (!). It had a pair of short arms at chest level just like a kangaroo but without the characteristic tail. Upon seeing the witnesses and their vehicle it took a tremendous 2-meter leap and disappeared over a nearby wire fence quickly disappearing from sight into the thick brush. The hunters reported that on that same night they saw a huge light, bigger than the full moon, yellow-white in color flying over the area and while it flew overhead seemed too disturbed the animals greatly.

HC addendum
Source: Planeta UFO Lists, Argentina
Type: D?
Comments: Just follow the white rabbit!!!!!!

Location. Arkhangelsk region, Russia
Date: summer 1998
Time: evening
Four men were driving a car in a local road. Despite being in the evening it was still light out. The road was about 4 meters wide and was asphalt, surrounded by fields and tall canes on both sides. The road was straight and there was excellent visibility. Unexpectedly at approximately 15-20meters in front of the car a strange creature was seen running across the road. The creature looked bird-like, but very strange, it was visibly huge. The entity had long legs, about one meter long, dark feathers, and a relatively small body. Unfortunately the witnesses were unable to see any additional details, but discerned that the strange “bird” was similar to an ostrich, but huge. They stopped the car but realized that it was useless to look for the strange entity amid the dense cane fields. Later one of the witnesses while reading a book on dinosaurs found a picture that depicted almost exactly what he and his friends had seen, it resembled an ancient dinosaur.

HC addendum
Source: Denis Kashin, Arkhangelsk in: “Anomalous News” newspaper
Saint Petersburg Russia # 47 2001
Type: E

Location. Glinik, Poland
Date: summer 1998
Time: 2200-2300
The witness, 50-year old Kazimierz K. was walking home through a field when he noticed a brilliant figure about 30 meters away. Concerned he rushed towards the figure and when he was about 8 meters away from it he saw a young, short haired man dressed in a “black coat” or a long black robe. The man was approximately 180cm tall and made the witness hair stand on end. His face looked like a human face without any abnormal features. Unfortunately, Kazimierz was not able to discern any more details on the humanoid. The witness noticed that the bright light he had originally seen apparently emanated from the stranger. The entity then said, “Come with me”. The frightened witness thought that the entity was “Jesus Christ” and replied, “Jesus my Lord I don’t want to go anywhere”. After a few seconds the entity rose up slowly into the air and at the same time Kazimierz felt a strong wind blowing and noticed that the entity wore black shoes. The entity eventually vanished into the distance. The witness had never heard of UFOs before.

HC addendum
Source: direct from woe_@vp.pl quoting Arkadiusz Miazga “Close encounters in Glinik” Type: E

Location. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Date: summer 1998
Time: night
The witness reports being in a strange dream-like state and seeing large gray triangular-shaped crafts shooting at fleeing people, his nephew had the same exact dream. In another occasion he found himself in an unknown realm where 2 beings appeared in front of him. They resembled his two sisters in their faces but it looked grotesque, like a mask. For some reason he immediately knew they were from “Cassiopeia” He saw a star map and was give 3-digit coordinates. He was also told of future coming events. He was shown a map of the Earth and warned of coming floods. The communication was not verbal. He recalls seeing a black space full of stars, a constellation, which he somehow knew it was Cassiopeia. Then he saw the Earth rotating slowly in the blackness of space. After the dream he felt a strong urge to prepare a “survival rucksack” with sleeping bag, tent, warm clothes, food supply, etc, which he always keeps at hand.

HC addendum
Source: direct from ludmil@kpacota.com
Type: F?

Location. Fremont, North Carolina
Date: June 1998
Time: 0100A-0200A
The main witness, his older brother and two friends were out camping late one night when they noticed on a nearby field a light, like a motion light, suddenly come on. They did not think much of it but soon after that they all began to see the shadow or silhouette of a human-like figure. It looked human but they could not see any details. It then began to walk in front of and out of the light and sometimes in and out of it a few times. The witnesses approached the field and as they did so the figure stopped in the middle of the light, but the witnesses could not tell if the figure was facing them or not. The figure then looked right and then left and then very quickly turned its head to the front again. At this point the witnesses became frightened and began running from the area. Three of the witnesses looked back and noticed that the figure ran briefly towards them. The next day the witnesses searched the area for clues but did not find anything. The field where the figure was seen was an isolated one and there were no floodlights in the area.

HC addendum
Source: Direct From the witness
Type: E?

Location. Fort Wayne, Indiana
Date: June 1998
Time: 1953
The witness was lying in bed when he noticed a strange light coming from outside the window. Thinking nothing of it he went back to sleep. As he was lying on his bed asleep he was suddenly startled by a noise coming from inside his room. As he sat up he noticed 4 strange looking creatures around the bed. They had large heads and black oval shaped eyes. Scared, he noticed what appeared to be a tray filled with what appeared to be surgical instruments that he had never seen before. He was told not to be afraid that he was not going to be hurt. The witness was unable to move during the ordeal. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: EBE All web
Type: E

Location. Puerto Esther, Argentina
Date: June 1988
Time: night
Around the same time that several men reported seeing a large luminous white sphere maneuvering over the area and taking several photos a young 8-year old boy cycling alone on his way home reported being ambushed and beaten (!) by several short gray colored beings with large black slanted eyes. He reportedly sustained several bruises.

HC addendum
Source: Juan Carlos Gauna, Argentina
Type: D or E?
Comments: Explicit aggressive behavior on the part of humanoids.

Location. London, England
Date: June 1998
Time: 2355
Driving along a quiet road due to the time of night the witness became aware that there was something looming behind his car. As he realized this something happened to his car. He felt as if he had been flung through the air a great distance wiping out 8-parked cars along the way, and landing upside down and pointing in the opposite direction from which he had been heading. Somehow he was removed from his seatbelt and through a broken car window and placed some meters away from the almost squashed car. He had flashbacks of being carried to that spot by a creature that was not from earth. (No description given). There was telepathic communication and a great feeling of compassion from the creature. The witness states that there was also something else that it is an important indicator as to when there are other creatures similar to what he had encountered, but would not reveal it for now (!). Following the incident he experienced vivid dreams and some sleepwalking. He saw other creatures on another occasion on one of these sleep-walking incidents. They communicated telepathically again. The witness feels that he is constantly being watched.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G?
Comments: This vague case reminds me of two other previous similar incidents, one in 1954 occurring in Britain, and a second one occurring in 1969 in France. Apparently the two witnesses in these two incidents were also “rescued” by otherworldly denizens.

Location. Puerto Rico, exact location not given
Date: June 8 1998
Time: after midnight
The witness, Belen, found herself seated on a stainless steel table that floated in mid-air. To her left stood two short gray figures wearing white coveralls. They just stood there looking at her, seemingly waiting for something. In front of her at her feet stood a tall, human like figure, with black hair, large eyes, fine chiseled facial features and very thick eyebrows. She felt relaxed, and unafraid. She asked the human like figure what were they doing, his answer was, and “We are preparing you.” She asked him not to leave any marks on her body this time, but she was told that it was necessary, that next time no scars or marks will be left behind. She then lay back on the table and saw two “tubes” descend from the ceiling. The tubes were also metallic and emitted beams of light towards her stomach area. At this point she apparently fell asleep.

HC addendum
Source: Lucy Guzman Pla
Type: G

Location. Lynch Mountain, Kentucky
Date: June 9 1998
Time: 0620A
Several witnesses in a vehicle watched a tall glowing figure, without a neck and a large head, large on top and small at the bottom. It glided through a guardrail towards the vehicle, as it passed by, the vehicle shook very hard. No other information.

HC addition # 3569
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Interesting case I could speculate that some type of “force field” surrounding the luminous creature caused the vehicle to shake uncontrollably.

Location. Deception Bay, Queensland Australia
Date: June 10 1998
Time: 2215
Mrs. G, aged 44, was about ready to go to sleep when she thought she heard the TV set on. She could also see some type of soft flashing light on the corridor, she then went to investigate. At the end of the corridor she was surprised to see a very tall “man.” The tall entity was standing in the doorway and was dressed in some kind of long jacket, beige in color. The entity had long arms but its face could not be seen because of the light coming from behind him. She attempted to scream but could not and suddenly found herself standing in a different position. She heard a voice say “come on, time to got to bed now.” She went back to bed.

HC addition # 3155
Source: Robert Frola & Diane Harrison UFOICQ
Type: E

Location. Miami Florida
Date: June 13 1998
Time: night
A Mrs. Kinston was in her backyard with her dog when she heard a loud whistle and felt a strong rush of wind. Moments later a metallic disc shaped craft descended at about 10 meters above the ground and a bizarre creature described as a cross between a reptile and a human suddenly materialized on the ground under the UFO. Terrified she attempted to run but the humanoid stared at her with bright shiny eyes that caused her chills and paralyzed her. She could not move or scream. The humanoid began to look around and collecting items from the ground and putting them in a sort of backpack. At this point her dog “Teeny” ran out the house towards the humanoid described as reptilian with greenish scaly skin. Terrified Mrs. Kinston watched the creature grab her dog and swallow him whole (!). Moments later the creature re-entered the craft and it took off. (I have not been able to locate such a witness)

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET, quoting UFO BBS
Type: B

Location. Near Leander, Texas
Date: June 14 1998
Time: 2030
A father and son were parked on an isolated road on a hill conducting a “UFO watch” when they were surprised two bright lights in the sky which quickly approached their location. According to the father the lights flew at a steady pace one flying towards the southwest and the other towards the south. “The lights were to low to be satellites” remarked the men. Minutes later a bright flash of blue light illuminated the valley and the area around where the two men were located. Moments later both men then heard a bizarre “scream” like sound coming from a wooded area at the end of the valley. The men were convinced that the screams were not from any known wild animal and were somewhat “human” in nature.

HC addendum
Source: Scott Corrales “Screams in the night” WEB IIEE
Type: C??

Location. Chamberlain, South Dakota
Date: mid June 1998
Time: 2330
Brenda Jo Lytle was working as a house parent at a school for girls; the six girls in her charge had showered and were in bed listening to their radios. She was setting herself down for sleep when she sensed there was something unexplainable in her bedroom. She felt the rustle of air passing over her face and could feel the flutter of many wings. The breeze was moist and cool and felt very relaxing, the air outdoors was nearly 98 degrees, even at the late hour. The central air was on but the air inside her room felt like it was electrically charged. And the color was luminous green. It hovered over her bed, and only came down above her face. She reached up and her hands went straight through and she could not feel her fingers on the other side. She sat up and turned on the light and there was nothing there. As soon as the lights were off, the apparition appeared again, the same as before. This stayed this way for 45 minutes and then it disappeared. (This same thing has happened to the witness two more times in different places, the same way).

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales, February 2006
Type: E?

Location. Austin Texas
Date: June 18 1998
Time: night
After a powerful storm and twister passed over the area the two witnesses were out surveying the damage. As they drove along an isolated road they came upon a hovering saucer shaped object. As they approached the object on foot two humanoids (undescribed) suddenly confronted them. The humanoids asked them what had just happened, that they wanted to know what the twisting funnel was. The witnesses explained the nature of tornados to the aliens and their next memory was of lying on the ground and seeing the object shoot away at high speed.

HC addendum
Source: EBE On-line
Type: C or G?

Location. Ulldemolins, Terragona Spain
Date: June 21 1998
Time: midnight
A man named Augustin was walking his dogs along an isolated field when he noticed a bright light to his left. The bright while rotating light approached and disappeared towards the nearby road, apparently landing. The witness could hear a moderate humming. Suddenly the light went dark and two humanoids became visible both walking on the road in the direction of the witness. The beings wore fluorescent helmets and boots and tight fitting silvery outfits, no other details were visible. The dogs were barking in a panicked state. Terrified the witness and his dogs ran towards the opposite direction not looking back at the humanoids. The night before another local had seen a potent white light hovering over the house.

HC addition # 3340
Source: Josep Guijarro, Karma-7 # 295
Type: C
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Nowadays rare report describing the landing of some type of craft and related humanoids.

Location. Near Quebec City, Quebec Canada
Date: June 22 1998
Time: late night
The witness and two friends were camping outside the city when he got up in order to relieve himself. He soon noticed a strange shiny object in the middle of the woods, curious he walked towards it. He suddenly felt a sharp pain all over and fell, face down on the ground. Paralyzed he felt drawn towards the object, suddenly everything went dark. He later woke up inside a room unable to move. Strange shapes approached him with some sort of utensils in their hands. He saw them cutting up his arm and placing a small metallic object under his skin, with numbers scribbled all over its surface, he then black out again. His friends found him later lying on a field unconscious. He spent two days in a hospital in an apparent coma.

HC addendum
Source: GREPI
Type: G

Location. Near Ames, Iowa
Date: June 23 1998
Time: 1730
The witness (involved in other encounters) was traveling just inside the Iowa border in a section of the highway surrounded by woods when she saw a small “man” dressed all in a shiny gray outfit with a gray helmet that had a split, large black eyes-shaped visor slowly wave to her from the edge of the tree line between the north and south bound lanes as she drove past. The little figure seemed to have not acknowledged any other cars except hers. She was compelled to wave back. The little man appeared to have been sitting on a small “motor bike” which looked out of proportion somehow. She drove on and did not stop.

HC addendum
Source: Su Walker
Type: E

Location. Austin, Texas
Date: June 24 1998
Time: late night
The witness suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and sat up in bed. She looked out her window and saw a bright white light hovering amongst the trees. Frightened she hid on the floor and covered herself with a blanket. But the light grew brighter and brighter. She could not breathe and removed the blanket only to find four beings at her side. They were all pale in color, almost translucent. They were all the same size, about 4 ft or so. The witness felt spindly hands grab her and pick her up. There were two beings on either side of her. She was then levitated and was able to see her husband sleeping as if nothing was happening. The witness began to struggle and managed to hit one of the beings. She was suddenly alone, standing at the same spot where it has had begun. She looked down and found a strange looking white object in her hands. Overcome with terror she went outside and threw the object in the dumpster. Her next memory was of waking up in a depressed state and afraid.

HC addendum
Source: UFOs and Aliens Among us
Type: E?

Location. Cassopolis, Michigan
Date: June 27 1998
Time: 2345
Teenager Marisa Pearsall remembered being on a metal table. She was not afraid and was surrounded by bright lights. She saw three humanoids around her. They were about 4-feet tall and gave off a white light, hence no additional features could be discerned. One of the humanoids approached her and held out two fingers forming the peace sign. The witness reports several anomalous scars on her body were found.

HC addition # 3835
Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Between Petro-Svistunovo & Orlovskoye, Zaporozhye region, Ukraine
Date: early July 1998
Time: night
A group of fishermen and their families including Sergey Kalinichenko were camped out on the banks of the River Dnepr. One late night, Sergey and his oldest daughter, Tatyana spotted a pulsating light between the trees. The pulsating light was located somewhere on the right side of the wooded area; it seemed to pulsate at intervals of about 5-10 seconds. They observed the light for quite a long time and others in the camp also woke up to see the light. 30-40 minutes later the witnesses noticed several humanoid figures moving in between the trees. The humanoids were dressed in white overalls and were moving in a strange manner, apparently floating just above the ground. In total the witnesses counted 4 humanoids. The witnesses debated as to what the figures were, some thought they were hunters and went back to sleep. However about an hour later Sergey was awakened by his daughter Tatyana and younger daughter Irina. The witnesses again saw the strange pulsating light in the trees. The male campers were awakened, and armed themselves with axes and sticks and rushed towards the pulsating light. As they approached the light grew dimmer until it was totally dark. When the men reached the clearing where the light was emanating from they saw a strange triangular shape craft flying from east to west at an altitude of a five story building. The triangular craft was sharply positioned downward, and multicolored lights flashed on the top section. The craft was moving slowly and disappeared behind some trees. The men then returned to the camp. The same or similar object was seen again on July 10 1998 at 2330.

HC addendum
Source: Zaporozhye UFO Research group
Type: D
Comments: This area is considered an anomalous zone called “The Varvarovka” anomalous area.

Location. Queensland, Australia, exact location not given
Date: July 1998
Time: 0300A
The witness suddenly woke up, keenly alert. The room was filled with a very bright flashing light that was coming from outside the bedroom window. The curtain was closed and yet the light filled the room. A tall, thin male being walked straight through the wall or the window and stood at the end of the witness bed. The witness felt mental communication from the being as he stared at the creature. Then a very white female gray type being entered the bedroom through the wall. Frightened the witness rolled to his right and grabbed his hunting knife he kept under the pillow. He turned around and saw the white female being retreat through the wall with a scared look on her face. The tall thin male being and the white light also disappeared. Later that night the witness felt telepathic communication from a female voice.

HC addition # 3390
Source: Glennys Mackay, Queensland UFO Network
Type: E

Location. Near Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil
Date: July 1998
Time: afternoon
Two explorers reported entering a tunnel in an isolated area and spending five days in a subterranean city of more or less 50 inhabitants. During the tour the men were provided with fruits grown hydroponically underground. The men also claimed to have entered another tunnel in Rincano and discovered a staircase underground leading to four different levels. In another case a mountain guide in nearby Joinville said that many times luminous flying discs have been seen around the opening of the tunnel and that he had heard a chorus of men and women singing underground near the tunnel entrance. Then he encountered a group of subterraneans who were standing near the tunnel. They were white with red beards and long hair, very muscular. As he approached them they fled. Another explorer claims he encountered a beautiful young woman in a tunnel who did not appeared more than 20-years old. She spoke to him Portuguese and said she was more than 2,500 years old. Another man encountered a similar tunnel in the Serra do Mar mountains, and sampled a mysterious fruit from an orchid. He also saw several “subterraneans” talking to each other in high-pitched voices in an unknown language.

HC addition # 3152
Source: SOCEX Brazil
Type: E?

Location. Oregon, exact location not given
Date: July 1998
Time: night
As the witness laid down to rest, she suddenly found herself transported to an underground kingdom. The ruler a huge reptilian-like creature was standing in front of her and initiated a conversation. He told her that originally the reptilian race had been the dinosaurs. Among other things she said was that she could call him “King Leo.”

HC addendum
Source: Jerome Clark, Extraordinary Encounters
Type: G
Comments: It is interesting to note that the two previous cases both describe underground otherworldly realms, from quite different locations.

Location. Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Date: July 1998
Time: late night
The witness (involved in a previous encounter along with her young daughter) was sleeping upstairs at an uncle’s house when suddenly she awoke to see a strange figure, the same identical figure from the previous encounter (short with shiny star-like lights on its body) slid towards her and at the same time communicating, telepathically, asking the witness where her daughter was. The amused witness replied that her daughter was back home, that they should know, since they were “aliens” at this point the figure vanished. Her daughter did not report any unusual incidents that same night.

HC addendum
Source: Mystical Universe
Type: E

Location. Aguas de Pau, San Miguel, Azores Islands
Date: July 8 1998
Time: morning
During a peregrination to the shrine of Aguas de Pau a nun announced that she had been “contacted” by a ‘beautiful maiden” dressed in a beautiful flowing white dress. The maiden spoke of the chaotic situation facing the planet. Immediately after the encounter dozens saw a bizarre luminous oval-shaped phenomenon that seemed to cover the sun, it occurred repeatedly giving the strange effect of the sun appearing to “blink” intermittently, however with virtually no luminosity, somehow eclipsing the rays of the sun. This phenomenon lasted for about 6 minutes; one of the witnesses included the local parish priest and was filmed by a local resident.

HC addendum
Source: Apovni, Portugal
Type: E or F?
Comments: Shades of Fatima.

Location. Ames, Iowa
Date: July 10 1998
Time: late night
The witness suddenly woke up in the middle of the night to see a 7 plus foot tall alien individual enter her bedroom, stooping to get through the bathroom doorway. He had very long thin limbs, a large head, slanted dark almond eyes. He was also very pale, almost creamy in color. He took two steps to reach the end of the king size bed. He reached out and gently strokes the witness husband’s leg that was exposed. His very gentle touch seemed to impart knowledge or information as well as check on something. As the humanoid attempted to touch the witness, she sat up in bed and demanded to know very loudly what was he doing there. The tall humanoid seemed stunned that she was aware of him and immediately turned and bolted to his left, straight out of the room through her bedroom wall next to the large bedroom window.

HC addendum
Source: Su Walker
Type: E

Location. Puerto Rico, exact location not given
Date: July 11 1998
Time: after midnight
The witness was sleeping when she suddenly heard a masculine voice that woke her up. She then began to float towards the ceiling. A tall human like figure with black hair (previously encountered) accompanied her, holding her by the hand. Somehow they went through the ceiling and she saw something resembling a “cloud” floating overhead. They entered this “cloud” and she found herself in a large room with windows and bench-like seats all around it. The room was dull silver in color and there wasn’t anybody else present. The man then took into a semi-dark room and told her to wait there. The room suddenly became hot and then cold in a matter of seconds. The man then returned and they exited the room. She was able to look out one of the windows and saw a view resembling that of “Alaska” (snow covered mountains). She also saw a sea that had something like a waterspout in the middle and within the waterspout she could see, trees, rivers, vegetation, etc. She was then taken to a wall and a door suddenly appeared, she entered the door and found herself in a metallic room with a metallic “table” floating in the mid-air. In the room where three of the short gray creatures, this time wearing the white coveralls with a red star-like insignia on their chests. Another tall human was present; he wore a tight-fitting light blue metallic coverall, with a silvery belt with a buckle with what appeared to be glistening quartz like stone. He wore gloves, but his shoes seemed to be part of the one-piece metallic uniform. Only his face was visible on his body. She remembered encountering this man before. He told her that they were going to remove a cyst from her body, and promised not to leave any scars. She then apparently fell asleep and woke up later on her bed.

HC addendum
Source: Lucy Guzman Pla
Type: G

Location. Lake Worth Florida
Date: July 12 1998
Time: evening
A female security guard spotted a strange “alien” entity standing on the corner of Dixie Highway and Lucern Road. The entity had pasty white skin, reddish blond hair, and black button eyes. His nose was small, his lips were very thin, and his eyes were black in color with almost no white area. He had neither eyelashes nor other facial nor body hair, his head was unusually large, while his ears were very small. He moved very slowly with short little steps and was apparently wearing normal human clothing. The next evening the same or similar entity appeared outside the security guard work place over 12 miles away. In a soft voice he said, “Could I come in and sit down and talk with you?” Terrified she said no. When a third party approached the entity it mysteriously disappeared. The police was notified. The witness further describes the being as about 30 years of age, at least 6 ft tall, with a large head, pasty white skin, and flat black eyes with almost no whites, small nose, and mouth, and ears, slow body movement and precise speech. There was an unreadable logo on his shirt. Her feeling of fear in his presence was intense.

HC addition # 3156
Source: UFO Magazine Volume 14 # 1, Miami Skyscan Mach 2000
Type: E

Location. Juruaia, Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: July 14 1998
Time: 2245
Local rancher, J. S. C. had been noticing that some of his hogs were turning up missing. One night as he stood watch he heard sounds coming from behind the bush and a bright yellow light came shining through. Thinking that it was a tractor he went to investigate. There a disc shaped object on the ground confronted him. Next to the craft he saw a small humanoid that appeared to be collecting vegetation from the ground and putting it inside a luminous blue sphere. The witness hid behind a tree and observed the scene. The small humanoid had a huge head in comparison to the rest of its body, a dark thin body, and long thin arms with three fingered hands. The craft was disc shaped and emitted a strong heat wave. Suddenly a bright beam of blue light shone on the witness temporarily blinding him. After about six minutes he was able to see again but the figure and the object were now gone.

HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Type: C

Location. Valentin Letelier Chile
Date: July 16 1998
Time: night
Several locals had reported encountering a strange little creature about 50 cm in height, with abundant hair walking around the local plaza at night. Two of the witnesses have reported talking to the dwarf-like being, which spoke in a gruff like voice and told one of the witnesses that he was hungry.

HC addition # 3637
Source: Paranigma Chile
Type: E

Location. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Date: July 17 1998
Time: 0300A
A man named Peter suddenly woke up feeling keenly alert. The bedroom was filled with a very bright flashing light that was coming from outside of the bedroom window. The curtains were closed yet the light filled the room. Moments later a tall thin male being walked straight through the wall or the window and stood at the end of the bed. As the witness stared at him, the being said, “Hello old friend.” The witness laid there on his back staring at the being for a few seconds and then a very white female gray type being entered the bedroom through the wall on his left-hand side. The witness looked at her and thought about getting his hunting knife from under the pillow, which he kept there in a scabbard. He rolled over to his right and pulled the knife out. He turned back to the female being and noticed that she had a scared look on her face and immediately retreated back through the wall. The tall male figure had by now also left the room and the flashing light went out. Peter laid there for a few minutes hanging onto the knife and straining his ears and eyes trying to figure out what was going to happen next. Peter reports that he was apparently “scanned” for the next 3 hours right up to 0600A by something that felt like mild static electricity. Sometimes over his waist area or his torso or from the top of his head down to his feet. During this time he heard a female voice talking to him. She spoke gently and continually without stopping to take a breath or to start a new sentence, so the witness thought that she was communicating to him telepathically. At no time did he felt scared but did feel concerned. In the morning he could not remember what the female was saying to him. During that time he also heard sounds like groups of little feet running on his roof. He thought that if they came in he would attack them and the running stopped. At exactly 0600A he heard a male voice say, “Good…good.” The scanning ceased and all appeared normal again, the witness then drifted off to sleep. His computer wouldn’t work the next day.

HC addendum
Source: Glennys Mackay QUFON
Type: E

Location. Ames, Iowa
Date: July 18 1998
Time: late night
The witness recalls seeing two 4 ft tall small gray beings, (classic grays, no clothing) enter her room and with a very large (2.5”) needle, inject her right calf, right down to the bone. It hurt a lot but somehow her scream was stifled. Her next memory was of the beings gone and seeing a small spot the size of a quarter on her right calf that ached down deep to the bone. It continued to hurt very strongly for the next several days.

HC addendum
Source: Su Walker
Type: E

Location. Palau, Italy
Date: July 20 1998
Time: evening
Two young men walking in a wooded area reported seeing the large head of a gray type humanoid with large dark oval shaped eyes, staring at them from an opening in the woods. At the same time they noticed a cigar shaped craft hovering over the woods. Two hours later in the same woods witnesses saw four men-like figures totally dressed in black that appeared to be looking or searching for something.

HC addendum
Source: CUN Milano
Type: D

Location. East Midlands, Derbyshire, England
Date: July 20 1998
Time: late night
A 15-year old girl woke up in the middle of the night to see three very small “people” standing around her bed. No other information. The father of the witness refused to cooperate with the investigator.

HC addendum
Source: Omar Fowler, FSR Vol. 43 # 3
Type: E

Location. East London, England
Date: July 23 1998
Time: 0300A
The witness woke up early one morning to see a dark anorexic figure, with a large head, peering at him. He felt that there were other figures around the bed, but he couldn’t move. Without trying to panic, he gritted his teeth and managed to blurt out “Hello,” with this the figure moved away and disappeared through the wall.

HC addendum
Source: Omar Fowler, FSR Vol. 43 # 3
Type: E

Location. Near Tindouf, Algeria
Date: July 28 1998
Time: 0100A
The witness was in the Army at the time and stationed at about 5km from the town of Tindouf in the Algerian Sahara. He was with a comrade when they suddenly spotted a light coming towards them, at first both men were concerned since they had gone into town without permission and thought that somebody was looking for them. They thus hid behind a sand hillock while the light descended to within 4.5meters from their location. The light display appeared to them like that of a “science fiction movie”, imposing and beautiful. The light or object was about 9meters in diameter and was hovering at about 1.50m from the ground, it had a light on the front and one on the back both different from the rest of the lights, which seemed to project a square beam or a square section. It also had a light on top and another one below both described as “beautiful”. The craft also had “windows”
with “darker” lights and they did not hear any engine noise, only a sound compared to that of a simple ventilator. The two men then fled the main witness looking back when he was at a distance of about 30meters form the UFO. He then saw the object stop in front of a landfill and saw a small thin figure emerge from it, he could not see it well, but it had a small bump on its head. He then fled again running as fast as he could. The witness specified that there was a full moon and that the visibility was thus good.

HC addendum
Source: Patrick Gross http://ufologie.net
Type: B

Location. Vieste, Puglia, Italy
Date: August 1998
Time: 0200A
Six friends were walking along the waterfront after attending a party watched a luminous object in a descending trajectory. It continued on a horizontal flight and then descended vertically over a small nearby islet. The object hovered changing colors from blue to yellow and then red. 30 minutes later one of the witnesses confronted a strange figure standing behind the automobile. He described it as a black humanoid, lacking eyes, nose, or mouth. It had long arms ending in a point. He did not see hands or feet. The figure suddenly ran away in the opposite direction of the witness at very high speed.

HC addendum
Source: CISU Puglia
Type: C?

Location. Near Brainard, Minnesota
Date: August 1998
Time: evening
Axel S. was in his car driving on his way to his cabin on the Pequot Lakes when out of his window he noticed a large black, brown shape. He looked again and gave out a little yelp when he realized that it was a very large bird-like creature. It looked almost like the mythical “Mothman” except that it’s red eyes where on a vulture like head and neck and appeared very wide. The witness was overcome with an incredible fear and had trouble getting to sleep that night. The creature was perched on a large tree about 17ft off the ground nad was over 4 ft wide and 6ft tall (wings tucked in). The red eyes weren’t as prominent as those reported with the “Mothman”.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.guardianteales.freewebspace.com
Type: E

Location. Highbridge, Bronx, New York
Date: August 1998
Time: midnight
A teenage boy claimed he came upon a grisly scene while walking home around midnight: a classic chupacabra type entity apparently sucking blood from a dog on the corner of Grand Concourse and 172nd Street. As the witness watched from behind a mailbox, the creature reportedly proceeded to spread a pair of wings and fly away.

HC addendum
Source: Phillip L Rife, America’s Nightmare Monsters
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: Latter day Chupacabra type creature report in a heavily populated urban area. There appears to be numerous anomalous creatures of all types running loose in different cities.

Location. Szyelkino, Kazantip peninsula, Sea of Azov, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: August 1998
Time: evening
Traffic police captain, Vasiliy had been fishing for bullhead at a small bay near Tatarskaya bay on a Sunday evening and satisfied with his catch, he began collecting his fishing gear, intending to prepare some fish soup, at that same moment he saw a strange creature at a distance of 30-40 meters away, straight across from him, coming out of the waters of the Sea of Azov. The creature was humanoid in appearance, looking evidently like a woman. Her body was completely white and he estimated her age to be around 30 years old. She had huge inhuman blue eyes on an incredibly beautiful face. She stared intently at the witness. The strange woman was not walking but rather floating over the surface of the water and her arms were stretched forward. Vasiliy crossed himself, but the female figure did not vanish. She had long black hair falling down below her waist. The woman raised her arms and said in a tender voice, “Vasya, come to me, I have everything in here” The witness felt paralyzed, unable to move any part of his body. Like hypnotized and under total control, his body began slowly approaching the strange woman. When the distance from her was only several meters, Vasiliy finally snapped out of his stupor and reacted fiercely, screaming obscenities at the woman, who slowly turned around and disappeared under the surface of the water, Vasiliy then regained control of his body and he was able to move on his own accord. Terribly frightened he ran home not remembering how he got there. Upon arriving home he realized that he had left his fishing rod and catch behind. He never told anybody about what occurred until 2004.

HC addendum
Source: Vladimir Zheleznyak in: “Secrets & Mysteries of the Crimea” 2004 Type: E

Location. Sabana Grande, Venezuela
Date: August 1998
Time: night
In an isolated jungle region a woman accompanied by a friend and a couple, who were the owners of the local springs were taking a night splash in the warm waters when her friend noticed movement in the nearby jungle. The witness looked and did not see anything at first, but then she looked again and saw a meter tall figure with long dangling arms staring at the group. The being seemed to have a sarcastic smile on his face. At this point her friend also noticed the being that walked into the forest and vanished. The spring’s owner told her that these beings were common around these parts and they were called forest gnomes or elves.

HC addition # 3554
Source: Contacto # 8 Type: E

Location. Kuusamo, Finland
Date: August 1 1998
Time: 2330
Two couples were in their summer cottage chatting and waiting for the bath in the sauna. The owner of the cottage, Pekka, went to the terrace to smoke a cigarette. Suddenly he noticed a man who he at first thought was his guest, Teemu, come to his left side. He was a little surprised since the door had made no sound whatsoever, but ignored it. Pekka began to talk to Teemu about events in the cottage last winter and wonder why did Teemu did not say anything and just smiled. He then noticed that the other man was not Teemu, but only someone that resembled him. Pekka said, “But you are not Teemu” The man just smiled and walked to his right side. Pekka now noticed that there were three other persons in the cottage sitting in the living room talking. He was going to ask the man a question, but this one answered before he did, apparently reading his mind. The stranger said, “You know very well who I am, Pekka.” The man now seemed to be having difficulty in keeping his disguised appearance. His jaw fell down wax-like, but he manages to reconstitute himself after some facial “gymnastic”. When his jaw fell down his mouth was very thin and the jaw pointed. Pekka now began to think that the man was not from this planet and began to feel uneasy. He kept asking the man who he was, to which the stranger answered, “You are one of us Pekka. You are chosen”. Pekka began to walk indoor and asked, “Why me”? To which the stranger answered, “You are a good man”. Once at the door Pekka asked, “How long did the journey last?” The stranger said 11 months. Pekka resisted the urge to get closer to stranger and walked inside. The others noticed right away that something had occurred but Pekka did not tell them about the incident until the next morning. In spite of what the stranger had said Pekka did not recognize him and he had never been interested in UFOs. He was badly shaken after the experience.

HC addendum
Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland
Type: E

Location. Le Cernois, Jura, France
Date: August 4 1998
Time: 2345
Julien Tehoryk & Fabian Mussillon, 13 and 14 years old as well as Fabien’s father were vacationing in an isolated area at the foot of the Jura Mountains. That night Julien and Fabian could were unable to go to sleep in their room located in the basement of the chalet. Looking out a window they suddenly saw three egg-shaped heads. They seemed to pass by the window as if floating without making any noise, since the ground below was mostly gravel and pieces of logs. The young boys noticed the profiles of the heads, which appeared to be flat, without a nose, but large noticeable ears. The heads kept passing back and forth in front of the window. Julien looked out and said “good morning” and the heads suddenly stopped. At this point the boys panicked and ran out of the room. As they ran out they heard noises behind them as if something was striking the ceramic. They came back later but nothing was now visible. Later they called their father and he went outside to see a white light shaped like a circle that was spinning, left to right in a circular motion. The light was at some woods about 20 meters away. He then closed the curtains, stayed awhile with the kids, and then went back to bed.

HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 350
Type: C?

Location. Claut, Pordenone, Italy
Date: August 8 1998
Time: 0530A
Five witnesses spotted a UFO and a flying humanoid over a soccer field. Two farmers, the groundskeeper, and a pair of tourists watched the flying humanoid overhead and rejoin the hovering object. The craft then shot straight up into the sky. One of the farmers, Angelo F, was having breakfast when he saw an object of many colors. Angelo the groundskeeper saw the object as it flew overhead and hovered over the field. The witnesses described the humanoid as having a large head and a small body “like a puppet.” It was about 4-feet tall, wearing what appeared to be V-shaped body armor equipped with a luminous backpack.

HC addition # 3132
Source: Antonio Chiumento
Type: B

Location. Near Massape, Ceara Brazil
Date: August 12 1998
Time: evening
Five local youths reported seeing a huge object land near the Mondubim lagoon. Three humanoids resembling robots exited the object and proceeded to collect shrubs and rocks. The youths fled the area and notified some nearby military units, however they failed to locate anything. Later one, one of the witnesses Joao Lira decided to return to the scene and saw the same object on the ground. As he approached it, he suddenly felt dizzy and passed out. He was found 3 hours later next to the lagoon, shirtless, sweating and with partial amnesia.

HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Type: B & G?
Comments: A possible unexplored abduction event.

Location. Deshler, Ohio
Date: August 15 1998
Time: unknown
The witnesses were on a country road when they saw silvery flash overhead. All of the sudden a huge metallic rectangular shaped craft became visible. It had several windows and inside those, several figures could be seen moving around. There was another flash and the craft disappeared. One witness suggested that the craft must have been using some type of “cloaking” device.

HC addition # 3591
Source: NUFORC
Type: A

Location. Rijeka, Croatia
Date: August 16 1998
Time: 2400-0300A
An elderly woman reported being visited at night by several little green beings that poked her in the middle of her chest area with some type of instrument, a small circular wound was clearly evident for a few days and was photographed. No further description of the humanoids is available.

HC addendum
Source: DUAP Polaris
Type: E or G?

Location. Citta Di Castello, Italy
Date: August 21 1998
Time: afternoon
In the outskirts of the city witnesses spotted a small humanoid in a field. It was crouched down like an old woman gathering weeds. When it failed to respond to shouts from the witnesses they approached to about 200 meters from it. Suddenly a silvery cylinder shaped object appeared and hovered about 2 meters above the small figure. The small humanoid then levitated into the craft, which then quickly accelerated out of sight.

HC addition # 3133
Source: UFO Roundup September 16 1998
Type: B

Location. Mazagon, Extremadura, SpainDate: August 24 1998
Time: 2030
Luis Cuesta Trinidad and a woman friend were camping near the water’s edge on the beach when they noticed a strange figure coming out of the water nearby. The figure came out and began moving its arms in a strange fashion. It was standing with his back to then witnesses when it suddenly turned around to look at them. When the figure noticed the flashlight carried by Luis it took off running in a strange fashion, apparently not bending its knees. Its head was hairless, but his body was covered with ample hair, it had round slightly oriental eyes, orange in color. It was almost 2 meters in height, with long dangling arms and legs that were apparently deformed. It was very pale in color, its head was shaped like an inverted pear, it had no nose, and they could not see a mouth. It was totally silent. The witnesses felt nervous during the incident.

HC addition # 3836
Source: OVNIS En Extremadura, El Dragon Invisible
Type: E

Location. Near Naunton, England
Date: August 26 1998
Time: 2200
Hospital anesthetist Guy Routh was driving along the road when his headlights illuminated a woman in a cream-colored dress standing on the verge. He slowed in case she was in trouble, and she smiled at him and gave a slight wave. He stopped to make sure she was all right, but she had vanished when he looked back. A smell of wood smoke suddenly filled his car, and he got out to find the smell was not perceptible outside. He looked around for the woman in the pale dress but she was nowhere in sight.

HC addendum
Source: Paul Deveraux, Haunted Land
Type: E

Location. Near Mt. Rainier, Washington
Date: August 28 1998
Time: 0330A
The witness woke up in the middle of the night to hear a humming sound and a bright light coming in through the window that filled her apartment located on the 3rd floor of her building. She remembered saying “Oh they’re here” for some reason she seemed to have been talking to somebody else in the room. When she awoke she was paralyzed and was unable to move her body. She turned her eyes to her left and there stood a small being dressed in a foiled, silvery suit with a scaly look to it. The being was very short but she could not see his face. She noticed the being’s gloved hand moved to his belt. The terrified witness began praying and apparently passed out. She woke up later and lying in a peculiar position in bed. That same morning she suffered from excessive vaginal discharges. Electrical appliances and equipment at work malfunctioned when she was around them.

HC addendum
Source: I was abducted.com
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: Again the aliens appeared to have performed some type of intrusive gynecological procedure on the witness.

Location. Warsaw, Poland
Date: autumn 1998
Time: evening
The S. family was living with their two children in the vicinity of the “Old Town” in Warsaw. Their 10-year old daughter Ania occupied a room with her mother. One evening Ania found strange marks on her skin. That evening look usual she had gone to bed while her mom was in the other room. She couldn’t sleep and felt powerlessness as a strange energy levitated her from the bed. Suddenly she woke up in a strange room she had never seen. She was lying on a bed, unable to move a muscle. A black figure was standing next to her. It was definitely not a human since it had no face, and resembled a black “mannequin”. He grabbed her hand and it became itchy. Everything was quite around her and she wasn’t able to utter a word. Suddenly she heard in her head a voice that said, “Don’t be afraid of us, we wont harm you. We are looking after you, we need you.” The girl then suddenly felt the strange energy again and was floating in midair but suddenly noticed that she was now lying on her own bed. She thought that it had only been a dream but her hand was still itchy and when she turned the light on she found two quite fresh small wounds on her finger. She wasn’t bleeding.

HC addendum
Source: K. Bzowski “Dziecko I Ufonauci” (Children and Ufonauts)
Type: G

Location. Turkey (exact location not given)
Date: September 1998
Time: late night
Cagri Meric was trying to sleep at night after a very busy day. It was a very hot night. As he lay on the bed he suddenly felt something wrong with his throat. Moreover, he also felt a strange coldness in the air. Soon he was unable to move in his bed and became totally paralyzed, he could not talk either. He began to have difficulty breathing as the condition in his throat deteriorated. When he opened his eyes he saw a horrible shapeless form standing in his room which terrified him. The strange form then moved towards his brother’s room and disappeared. The witness apparently returned to normal after that occurred.

HC addendum
Source: Murat Aksoy, UFO Turkey quoting Benim Hikayem website
Type: E
Comments: Apparitional entity?

Location. Pisac, Peru
Date: September 1998
Time: unknown
The strangely mutilated bodies of two people were reported anonymously to the police or PNP, who found the two unidentified men with “all of their muscles exposed and not a single gram of fat left in them. In other words, Liposuction from hell. Local Indians and others attributed the bizarre deaths to a predatory humanoid known for centuries throughout the Andes as the “pishtaco” or “lik’ichiri”. The local Indians, the Aguaruna, believe that these creatures are “half-gringos” or pale in color, live in caves, and suck the body fat from their victims, as well as sometimes abduct and raise people like livestock for their flesh and blood.

HC addendum
Source: Michael Mott, Entities, Electromagnetism & EMP’s
Type: E or G?

Location. Near Brasilia, Brazil
Date: September 1998
Time: evening
The main witness was flying in a plane with his wife and mother in law to a place called Alto Paraiso. As the plane was gathering speed to take off, he noticed a small flying saucer off the left wing, it was very light blue in color and about two meters in diameter. The witness claims that he did not see this through the window, but via his inner clairvoyant vision. It held steady, “glued” a few meters off the wing. The witness promptly let it out of his attention. He spotted it again ten minutes later, but this time it was in the aisle of the plane about three meters in front of him. He nudged his wife and mother in law and started to point vaguely at the craft, but before he could say anything they both acknowledge the presence of the craft. Three little beings about a half-meter tall came out of the craft and wandered around the plane and then about 20 minutes later the mother ship came in and the whole plane was embedded inside of it, perfectly locked on. The plane then became awash with the little beings, doing different things with different people. One stood on the witness lap and placed a very high “technology energy jacket” around his upper body and then made adjustments to it. During the last 20 minutes of the flight the witness head dropped and he went into a very deep inner space, conscious but totally in the void. He came out of this as the plane started to land. Later the witness learned that in an area around Alto Paraiso there was an alien base composed of three small domed buildings, one for living, one for working and one for storage.

HC addendum
Source: Soul Healer, Et and Star Being encounters in the Highlands of Brazil Type: F

Location. Praia do Frances, Alagoas, Brazil
Date: September 1998
Time: evening
Several locals observed a strange creature that was coming in from the sea. As the witnesses approached, the creature ran towards a nearby wood, 400 meters away, taking tremendous strides. Soon after, from the same wood a beam of light was directed to the sky then disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Type: E or C?
Comments: Unfortunately there is no additional description of the creature.

Location. Chipoleti, ArgentinaDate: September 1998
Time: 2130
A young woman named Alicia was traveling in a bus on the 131 route, listening to music from an FM station on her Walkman. There were only a few other passengers on the bus. At one point the station’s musical programming changed suddenly, rather than a soft instrumental music, a sort of choral music performed in a foreign language made itself heard. Alicia tried changing stations, but could not. Her fingers were paralyzed, as well as the rest of her body; a light or white fog began to encase her body. Her bus surroundings vanished. She was then transported toward a luminous point in space, which gradually turned into a luminous spaceship. Inside the vessel, Alicia reportedly saw a large headed dwarfish creature that took her hands and began touching certain points of her body. The creature softly felt her abdomen. Soon after, still enveloped in the strange fog and listening to the same music, she felt herself transported back to the bus and was able to see the familiar surroundings again. Upon arriving home the strange music still issued from the Walkman and later from the home stereo. She and her mother listened to the strange music, which was accompanied by an unpleasant sound. A few seconds later the original frequency was suddenly restored. The witness suffered from nightmares after this bizarre incident.

HC addition # 3809
Source: Guillermo Aldunati ORTK
Type: G or F?

Location. Hull, East Yorkshire, England
Date: September 1998
Time: night
Late one night the witness woke up feeling paralyzed and with the feeling he was being pulled from bed. He was able to move his head and his eyes and looking to his right he saw a 7 ft pitch-black hooded figure that resembled a monk looking down on him. Somehow he felt frightened but not concerned and he went back to sleep.

HC addendum
Source: Mystery Magazine.com
Type: E

Location. San Bartolomeo de Imperia, Milan, Italy
Date: September 1998
Time: night
Late one night, the witness, Annamaria woke up suddenly feeling a heavy blow on her left arm, and felt a presence apparently “swinging” back and forth over her. She opened her eyes, laying on her side and perceived a hairy “mass” moving back and forth above her. Immediately thinking that a cat had somehow invaded her bedroom she raised her arm and switched the bedroom light on, however the hairy entity had completely disappeared and she could not find any source of entry for the supposed “feline”. Several nights later she again was suddenly awoken this time by several little men wearing white shiny outfits that attempted to pull her from her from bed by grabbing her feet, a strong white light accompanied the little beings. The witness apparently passed out.

HC addendum
Source: Alfredo Lissoni, Italy
Type: E

Location. Bothell, Washington
Date: September 6 1998
Time: 0200A
The witness suddenly awoke to see two strange beings bathed in white light standing in the bedroom. One was slightly taller than the other (about 3 ½ feet tall) and both had large dark round eyes and appeared to have rough scaly skin. The startled witness began screaming and swinging a pillow at the beings. His wife suddenly woke up and the beings apparently stepped back and vanished.

HC addition # 3135
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Metz neighborhood, Athens Greece
Date: September 14 1998
Time: little before sunset
Two women were sitting on the balcony of the house of one of them, at Markou Mousourou Street, opposite to Ardittos hill. They saw a small blackish object in the sky, about 1 km away. At first they thought it was a helicopter but there was no sound. When the object approached, they saw it was a humanoid figure in a standing position, (horizontal). Getting closer, the flying humanoid turned its body once to nearby Zappeio park and then in the opposite direction, without changing speed or posture. It started to coming down and seemed to land somewhere inside the forest on Ardittos hill. They thought that the flying creature was wearing something like an “astronaut suit” because from time to time the sunset light gleamed on it. After the landing, the figure made some small mechanical “hops” ascending the hill until it reached a point just before the top, when it stopp
ed. When hopping, it was not bending its arms or legs. Ten minutes later the creature transformed itself into a “bright spot” and then vanished. During the incident, there was a strong wind blowing but the movement of the creature’s flight was steady.

HC addendum
Source: Thanassis Vembos
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Modern day report of an apparent flying humanoid, the creature appeared to have been able morph itself into a bright “sphere” or spot in order to leave the area.

Location. Torriglia, Italy
Date: September 18 1998
Time: 2100
Several witnesses watched a luminous blue oval shaped light apparently on the ground on Mt. Prela for about an hour. In front of the light a small child-like figure was seen walking back & forth as if inspecting the area.

HC addendum
Source: CUN Genova
Type: C

Location. Extension Forest Hills, Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Date: September 21 1998
Time: 2000
The night that Hurricane Georges struck this island, the witness, Iris Rodriguez was outside her home doing some wash when the winds began to pick up strength. She went back inside her house and soon as she looked outside her window she noticed a bright sphere of light making triangular movements in the sky. Suddenly the sphere descended lower and hovered above a neighbor’s home. Moments later in the center of the red light a bright white oval shaped hole appeared. Then a figure became visible inside the white light. The figure seemed to move back & forth apparently looking out. The witness described the figure as tall, thin, and man-like. It wore a tight-fitting gray colored outfit and his skin appeared to be also gray or pale. As the wind became stronger the witness lost interest in the object and its occupant and eventually lost sight of it. That same night others saw speeding red balls of light over different areas of the island.

HC addition # 3157
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 18
Type: A

Location. Jardines de Caparra, Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Date: September 21 1998
Time: night
During Hurricane Georges a man named Gerardo Becerra Mendez encountered what he thought was a “Chupacabra”. The witness had stepped outside to secure his garbage cans during the storm when, from behind a tree, there came a strange creature, “small, hunchbacked, with a sort of snout, leaping along with great agility, on two legs, with thick dark hair, round dark eyes, weak looking but powerful legs, long ears, and very pointed teeth”. He described it, in brief as “part fox, part bat, and part kangaroo”. The creature passed very close to him and eyed him as though with fear. Then in leapt away and vanished in bushes.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin in: Evidencia Ovni # 19, 1998
Type: E

Location. Cannock Chase Woods, England
Date: September 24 1998
Time: 0030A
Four men traveling in a car towards Cannock saw a huge man-like figure standing on the roadway. It was described as about 6’8” in height, thick legs, very strong looking, with a darkish brown coat of hair. It stood and stared at the vehicle seemingly unafraid. It then walked into the woods and vanished.

HC addendum
Source: GCBRO
Type: E

Location. Near Battleboro, Vermont
Date: September 25 1998
Time: 2000
Two women driving north on Interstate 95 noticed several bright headlights approaching from behind. Three or four cars sped by the witnesses, who were doing about 70 mph. As these cars, which appeared to be traveling together, passed them, the headlights of one illuminated the car directly in front. The witnesses then saw in the back seat of the front car a lone entity sitting erect. It looked tall with a huge head on a spindly neck. Its color was pasty and it looked like a lot of veins covered the head. These cars drove at such high rate of speed that the witness could not catch up with them.

HC addition # 3914
Source: Sandra Black, Mufon
Type: E

Location. Sunrise Beach, Texas
Date: September 25 1998
Time: 0440A
The witness was driving his truck along his paper route, when as he rounded a corner he saw a disc-shaped craft with green and orange lights hovering about 25 or 30 feet above the ground. He also briefly saw a four-foot eight-inch tall figure apparently standing on the object that quickly disappeared from sight. The truck started to slow down then there was a very bright flash of light, which apparently blinded the witness momentarily, when he was able to focus again the object had disappeared.

HC addition # 3228
Source: NUFORC
Type: A

Location. Goose Neck Canyon, Utah
Date: September 28 1998
Time: 1130A
On the Arizona border the main witness, his brother and a friend were in this scenic state run lookout, a very remote location and they were the only ones there. When all of the sudden they were startled by a huge “roar” “rumbling” or something from their left. They looked and saw a huge black aircraft with no markings at all. It was so low to the ground they could see the pilot and he looked down at them. The main witness claims that it was much larger than a normal stealth fighter. The shape was triangular with a bit of a nose. Although it was moving fast they only saw it for 3-4 seconds. The main witness is convinced that the aircraft was indeed an “Aurora” prototype.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.area51zone.com/sightings
Type: A?

Location. Cupey, Puerto Rico
Date: late September 1998
Time: afternoon
Several days after seeing bright blinking lights hovering over the area, Richard Blanco Peck and his family were driving on state road 177 when they saw an old Volvo stop on the side of the road and a very tall muscular man with abundant white hair exit the vehicle and apparently began making repairs under the hood. He wore black pants, and a white shirt. They drove by the vehicle and turned into the Las Americas highway. Soon they were startled to see the same old Volvo and the tall white haired individual driving a short distance ahead of their vehicle. They could not explain how he managed to get ahead of their vehicle. Soon he was lost from sight.

HC addition # 3159
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 18
Type: D?

Location. Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Date: late September 1998
Time: afternoon
Soon after seeing several maneuvering bright spheres over the area, Lolin Chiriboga and her husband were at a local electronics store when two strange men walked in. These were described as very tall, muscular, with broad shoulders. Both wearing white shirts, and pants, short white boots. They both had very white hair, and light pink skin. Startled by their appearance Mrs. Chiriboga thought to herself that these men were foreign. At that very moment one of then men looked at her, then she mentioned to her husband that she thought they might be extraterrestrials. Then men then walked out. Upon asking the store attendant about the two men, they were stunned when he said he had not seen anyone enter the store.

HC addition # 3158
Source: Jorge Martin, OVNI # 18
Type: D

Location. Sarny area, Rovno region, Ukraine
Date: October 1998
Time: unknown
Forestry wardens in the Sarny area discovered huge humanoid footprints near a remote unpopulated lake amid the dense forests. The footprints appeared to have been left by giant entities, measuring 80cm long and 26cm wide. The distance between them was about 1.5 meters. Authorities took the incident very serious and the next day the local authorities and journalists arrived at the lake and was established that the footprints originated from the lake and led into the forest. But no one dared to examine the dense forest, so the delegations went home. Local residents stated that they had never encountered huge animals in the area, much less humanoid in shape. Journalists collected the testimonies, evidence and took video clips and the information was sent to the National Academy of Science of Ukraine in the city of Kiev. Local
militia guarded the lake for some time.

HC addendum
Source: “NLO” Magazine Saint Petersburg # 4, January 26 1999
Type: E?
Comments: Source indicates that the footprints do not match any “mundane” (?) Bigfoot or Sasquatch prints and might be of an alien nature. (This might be the only case in my files dealing with just footprints).

Location. Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
Date: October 1998
Time: 0545A
The witness, “Mr. Osagui” was waiting to go and start the early shift and was getting some rest in his vehicle which he parked near a local bridge. On this day he had arrived earlier than usual. While sitting in the car he suddenly felt a presence accompanied by a slight vibration which felt like static electricity. He began to sweat profusely and felt immense heat, even though the car air conditioner was on. He attempted to sit up and straighten up but realized that he was totally paralyzed. However he was able to look to his right and was stunned to see a strange figure looking directly at him and motioning with its right hand for the witness to either approach or exit the vehicle. The witness then went into a panic and attempted to move again and was suddenly able to sit up in the vehicle at the same moment the humanoid entity shot up into the sky at incredible speed and disappeared from sight. As soon as the humanoid was gone the witness began to feel the air conditioner in the car again. He described the humanoid as about 5ft in height, pale gray in color, dark red slanted eyes, and very long extremities. The humanoid also lacked any nose cavities and had long skinny fingers which ended in rounded balls. The experience lasted about 5 minutes.

HC addendum
Source: Lucy Pla lucy@ovni.net
Type: E

Location. Near Astrakhan, Russia
Date: October 1998
Time: afternoon
Michael Trachtengerts was riding his motorcycle in an isolated area called Surikov’s ravine when he noticed what appeared to be the figure of a man over 7 ft tall in a wooded area. It disappeared quickly into the woods, the witness dismounted his motorcycle and ran into the woods and soon heard branches breaking behind him. Looking back he saw a large crouching figure staring at him with large black eyes filled with “emptiness”. The figure was gray-brown in color. As he stared at the enigmatic figure it suddenly disappeared in plain sight. The witness ran towards where the creature had been and found nothing.

HC addendum
Source: Bobbie Short
Type: E

Location. England, exact location not given
Date: October 1998
Time: evening
While relaxing and meditating, Geoff Evans (involved in other encounters) suddenly found himself in two places at the same time. He was still conscious of his physical body, but his awareness was somewhere else. He was being escorted by two “grays”, one on either side of him, into a circular room. There was a balcony around the circular shaped floor and, sitting in the balcony, were what appeared to be an assortment of different types of beings. Some didn’t seem physical in the sense we know it, and some seemed fluorescent or seemed to emit light, but they all appeared humanoid. The impression that he had at the time was that a few were human. Then vivid memories from his past came to him and he had the feeling that these beings were also witnessing his memories. He felt like an open book in their presence and felt a bit embarrassed. He did not want to be there and tried to feel connected to his physical body but he could not move. Then he felt understanding and compassion from them and did not feel as he was being judged. Soon he found himself connected again to his physical body. Like many other encounters, it seemed very real at the time and it was only later that Evans questioned if it had really happened.

HC addendum
Source: Geoff Evans, Journal of Alternative Realities # 9
Type: G or F?

Location. Mariano Escobedo, Veracruz, Mexico
Date: October 1998
Time: evening
45-year old Lina Lozano Villa was alone at home after her husband and children had gone out when suddenly she felt extremely tired and fell into a stupor. In a state of lethargy she climbed into bed. Moments later she heard somebody enter the bedroom, locked the door and sit at the foot of her bed. She opened her eyes and noticed a figure extending a hand out to her, automatically she extended her hand also, but she wasn’t able to touch the hand since her hand stopped 3 or 4 centimeters from the figure’s hand. Her next memory was of standing outside a landed domed disc-shaped UFO, a hatch opened on the left side of the dome and the enigmatic figure invited her onboard, inside there was another alien who communicated telepathically with Lina and told her he was going to show her “their city”, at this point the witness realized that the alien’s mouth did not move when she heard the words and it became obvious that all the communication was mental. Surprised she asked the alien how was he able to talk without moving his mouth and was told that they did not need their mouths to speak. He then motioned to her to follow him, she sat on the lone armchair located at the end of an empty hall. The room was illuminated by an unseen source of light and as she sat down she had the sensation of riding up in an elevator at high speed, she did not where the two aliens had gone. After an unknown amount of time, the tall alien appeared out of nowhere and motioned her to follow him. The hatchway opened and at that point she noticed the other alien standing next to her. Walking outside she came to an area completely illuminated by white light. The alien asked her to go on, but she refused, afraid that she might fall. He assured her that would not, and took her by her hand, she felt as she was walking in mid-air. Soon she was at a location standing on a rock, not on a normal rock but on what appeared to be a metallic rock formation, metallic-gray in color. Pointing with his hand he told Lina, “Here is my city”. She then saw an incredible sight, what appeared to have been a huge city within a “crater” encased in a transparent dome. She could not see sky, clouds, or a sun, only a white light. As she contemplated the scene she asked the alien why they have brought her to see their city. The alien answered but she could not remember what he told her. And then the alien said, “You will remember some things and others you will not”. At this point using to fingers the alien touched Lina’s forehead and her next memory was of waking up in the morning on her bed, which was neatly made up. She described the aliens as very tall, light skinned, small slanted eyes, very small mouths, lacking eyebrows or eyelashes, their eyes were of an undefined color. She felt at peace with the aliens, and felt that the aliens were friendly and wanted to make contact but were afraid of how humans would react, they seemed fragile in nature. She noticed that the humanoids wore tight-fitting gloves that somehow seemed to adjust and opened up to the movement of the fingers, she could not understand how it was possible.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.eldurmientedeorizaba.com
Type: G
Translation by Albert S Rosales

Location. Sierra De Luquillo, Puerto Rico
Date: October 1998
Time: 2200
Ismael Roman and two friends had gone out fishing at an isolated spot when two of the men left to go further up river and left Roman behind. As he sat at the edge of the river waiting for the fish to bite, he heard a splash as if someone had thrown something in the water, he looked around and did not see anything, he heard another and noticed something brown run and hide behind a nearby rock. He then waited for the figure to come out from behind the rock. As it did he noticed that it was a short, thin frail figure, brown in color with a pear shaped head, no hair, large black eyes that seemed to turn green when it blinked. It had no ears, no clothing, a long thin neck, and narrow shoulders. It ran into the brush and out of sight. The witness thought that the creature was friendly and possibly wanted to play.

HC addition # 3938
Source: Edwin Fontanez UFO PR
Type: E

Location. Serra do Espinhaco, Baldim, Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: October 1 1998
Time: 0700A
Spelunker Leandro da Silva and two friends from the city of Sete Lagoas were exploring a cavern and had penetrated deep within the chasm when one of the men, Marcelo Uchoa spotted a strange “ugly creature” the size of a man, frightened, Marcelo screamed, Leandro looked and also saw the creature and also screamed. The screams apparently frightened the creature that ran even deeper within the cavern disappearing in a crevice on the wall. At that moment Leandro was able to take two photographs with his digital flash-less camera. According to Ufologist Lydia Ribeiro, the creature was similar to the Chupacabra which was widely reported in Brazil during that that year in the sate of Sao Paolo. On October 13 another Ufologist Vittorio Paccacini and visited the cave accompanied by the witnesses and two other men. 110 meters within the cave the men began to hear strange sounds coming from somewhere below them which they could not identify, it sounded like something dragging itself on the ground. By now thoroughly spooked Leandro screamed and dropped the lantern screaming that something was coming towards them. The panicked men ran out the cave, Paccacini armed with a gun covered their exit. The men cancelled a third expedition when none of them felt comfortable going into the cave.

HC addition # 3305
Source: http://www.perspectivas.com.mx
Type: E

Location. Winter Park, Florida
Date: October 8 1998
Time: 0500A
The evening before, June (involved in other encounters) had sensed a presence of someone outside, but saw no one. The next morning as she entered her car she felt a slight resistance against her feet, which were on the accelerator and the clutch. She said, “like stepping on an inner tube.” At the same time she heard a sound similar to a balloon being rubbed. This continued for several seconds, but when she shone her flashlight on the floor of the car, she saw nothing. As she continued to drive, she heard a rustling noise “like someone playing with paper” in the back seat, but dismissed it as imagination. As she made a sharp left turn, she heard a thump in the back seat as though someone had hit his/her head against the right rear window. When June looked into her rearview mirror she saw the left eye of a gray type being looking back at her. She then slammed on the brakes, got out and opened the left rear door, but she could see nothing. Badly shaken she drove the rest of the way without incident.

HC addendum
Source: Miami Skyscan
Type: E

Location. Vernal Utah
Date: October 19 1998
Time: 0034A
Several men were out elk hunting in an isolated area when they saw what appeared to be a plane crashing. They exited the truck and proceeded over the ridge to investigate. As they neared the area they saw two more craft apparently hovering over the area. On the ground they saw what appeared to be some “people” gathering around. No other information.

HC addition # 3192
Source: NUFORC
Type: C?

Location. Near Asuncion, Paraguay
Date: October 22 1998
Time: late night
Closing his rural store a man named Jesus is about ready to walk home when suddenly all around him is illuminated by a vivid white light, frightened he runs to the back of the store and attempts to open the door. He is not successful and runs towards a nearby shed about 50 meters away. After a few steps he feels something descend from above and looking up he is terrified to see an enormous object, from which hung three huge hook-like protrusions on ropes. On a fourth rope descended a bluish humanoid figure that moved quickly towards him. It grabbed the witness, which quickly fought back. Jesus was able to grab the strange bluish creature by its neck and began to squeeze. Suddenly the creature began to shake violently. Seeing this unexpected reaction Jesus loosens his grip and the figure instantly slips up and with an elusive motion hangs one of the hooks on Jesus belt. The hook rose up and the witness hung helplessly in mid-air. The UFO began moving away gently pulling the rope with the witness hanging at the end. When Jesus arrived next to an opened hatchway he pushed himself away with his feet from the object and slid down the rope fortunately landing on some bushes and suffering only minor injuries. His sister Rosalita witnessed the whole event from nearby.

HC addendum
Source: UFO 2000 LM Moscow Corp.
Type: B & G

Location. Grand Mere, Quebec, Canada
Date: October 24 1998
Time: 2030
A woman reported seeing two entities that were wearing white astronaut-like outfits with some kind of helmets on their heads. One of the beings was leaning over and seemed to be picking up something from the ground. The other stood nearby. When the beings walked they seemed to float just above the ground. Their size and appearance were similar to humans. About 75 feet behind them, there was a thick brown fog made up of different bright colors with a bright glow about 27 feet in diameter. She watched them for 5 minutes before leaving the window. When she returned the entities had disappeared and the strange fog was moving away. Investigators found ground traces and footprints.

HC addition # 3379
Source: Skyopen # 62
Type: C

Location. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Date: October 25 1998
Time: 0500A
The 12-year old witness suddenly woke up without any apparent reason. The room was well lit by a light from an unknown source. He looked at the foot of his bed and an odd figure was standing there. The figure was hard to see because of the light, but it looked as if its hands were covering up his face. The witness attempted to look closer but suddenly fell asleep. He woke up the next morning sleeping in the sofa.

HC addition # 3899
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Marina Del Rey, California
Date: October 26 1998
Time: 0030A
The witness had just gone to bed when a bright light entered the room. The light dimmed and through the partially closed vertical blinds a light entered the room and circles it. Through the vertical blinds a shadow then appeared. The shadow or figure had an elongated head, sort of football shaped, a long thin neck and a thick body. The light apparently shone from behind the figure, which seemed to be moving. When the witness looked outside the light and figure had vanished and the car alarms were going off. Then he heard a low level humming sound that lasted for a few moments.

HC addition # 3586
Source: NUFORC
Type: C?

Location. LaGrange, Georgia
Date: October 29 1998
Time: 2145
A man was alone in his house when he noticed a “girl” about four feet in height but featureless and dark, standing less than twenty feet away. In the two seconds that they stared at each other, he noted she wore a flowing dress nearly the color of the face, and her shoulder length hair seemed to flow into her clothing. The apparition then floated away and disappeared. Two hours later the man spotted “a blue cast” shining under his daughter’s bedroom door. He rushed in, but the light had vanished. The man and his wife had heard phantom footsteps walking about the house and unintelligible conversation for four months before these incidents.

HC addendum
Source: Jim Miles, Weird Georgia
Type: E

Location. Baca Grande, San Luis Valley, Colorado
Date: October 30 1998
Time: evening
A woman reported some type of small “objects” hitting the house. She looked out a window and saw several 4-feet tall hooded figures running around her yard. Later she also reported seeing something resembling a “hairy pig” running past the house. Other phenomena were also reported.

HC addition # 3137
Source: Christopher O’Brien
Type: E

Location. LaGrange, Georgia
Date: October 30 1998
Time: night
The husband woke up feeling he was suffocating and found an invisible entity sitting on his chest. The foot of the bed also levitated off the floor, and his hair seemed wet. Somehow returning to sleep, he dreamed that the “grim reaper” was standing at the foot of the bed. Both husband and wife have observed “shadow” figures roaming through the house.

HC addendum
Source: Jim Miles, Weird Georgia
Type: E or F?

Location. Sodermalm, Stockholm, Sweden
Date: November 1998
Time: unknown
A man reported being visited and communicating telepathically with a 1 meter tall being, with whitish porous skin. He reported several contacts and feels that the alien being was “preparing” him for something. According to the witness the alien was able to change form into anything at will. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Michael Sjoberg, UFO Sweden
Type: E
Have we here a “shapeshifter”?

Location. Rio de Janeiro, BrazilDate: November 1998
Time: night
The witness was laying down alone in his bed (he was staying with his parents in their villa), he always kept the light on, since he did not sleep in the dark. There was then a light in the bathroom and the door was open. But he did not remember leaving the door open. He looked towards the bathroom and thought “My God, what happened? The door is opened. I did not leave it open. Strange.” And then he blinked his eyes. After he blinked he opened his eyes again, he was standing beside his bed. The room seemed much larger, as if it stretched. He then looked around and saw two beings beside him. They were tall, much taller than he was. They were dressed in a strange glowing jumpsuit. They were two men with red hair, they then hold his hands and he freezes. He then hears a message inside his head, “Don’t worry. We are going to do something and you will relax. This is for your good.” Then he started to move, leaning forward, but floating. He was now floating with his face towards the floor. He could see their legs, and then they said, “We are going to put something in you, then we are going to make you sleep now because it is going to hurt a little bit.” And then he blacked out and woke up the next day with a little pain in his back. He could not sleep for the next month.

HC addendum
Source: Earthfiles.com
Type: E

Location. Near Bologna Italy
Date: November 1 1998
Time: night
A truck driver saw a bright light approach his vehicle suddenly his engine stalled. A period of missing time ensued. A second witness in the area remembered being struck by a beam of light and not accounting for two hours. A third man reported seeing two “gray” beings enter his bedroom and perform some type of operation on one of his wife’s knees, apparently inserting some kind of implant.

HC addendum
Source: CUN On-Line
Type: G or E?

Location. Monte Briton, Puerto Rico
Date: November 7 1998
Time: night
Fifteen persons, including members of a Puerto Rican UFO investigation group were on a night vigil, when one of the group began to feel ill. Seven of the group then accompanied their ill friend down to the nearby road. As they reached the road they were stunned to see seven short gray large headed humanoids staring at them. Terrified one of the group managed to blurt out over the cell phone what they were watching. The humanoids then apparently by using telepathy told the group not to approach any further. At the same time they all became paralyzed and unable to move. After three minutes the beings walked into the woods and disappeared. The group was then able to move again.

HC addition # 3553
Source: Federico Alvarez, UFOSICPR
Type: E

Location. Maybrook New York
Date: November 13 1998
Time: 0130A
The 11-year old witness woke up and saw three bizarre figures in the shape of bowling pins standing in the hallway bout 5 ft from his bedroom doorway. They stood there staring at the witness. The figures glowed a white color, but did not illuminate anything around them. No eyes or mouths could be seen. The witness apparently encountered similar aliens the year before.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Samoryadkovo, Moscow region, Russia
Date: November 13 1998
Time: morning
Anatoliy Dobrenko, watchman at a local children’s sanatorium had gone out for a morning walk 4km from the Savelovskaya railroad tracks. He was surprised to see his dog behaving in a strange manner. After sniffing fresh tracks on the snow, the dog didn’t bark as usual but with his tail in between his legs began retreating from the area. Looking up, Dobrenko spotted the hairy back of a bizarre humanoid entity. The entity was evidently “nude”, without clothing, its body totally covered by dense hair. The humanoid then ran very quickly and vanished behind some trees. Only footprints of huge naked feet remained behind.

HC addendum
Source: Mikhail Burleshin “Taynaya Vlast” (The Secret Power) newspaper
Moscow # 25 2001
Type: E
Comments: Your typical “Bigfoot” type encounter. It’s apparent that the Bigfoot or hairy biped phenomena is worldwide in nature.

Location. Near Helsinki Finland
Date: November 13 1998
Time: 1910
North of the city a witness heard and saw something resembling a bolt of lighting come from the sky. Strange vibrations lasting 5 minutes followed it, and then all became calm and silent. After two minutes, the witnesses heard a very loud noise with nothing in sight, which would cause such a sound. Then the sound diminished before stopping completely. Then from their first floor balcony the witnesses saw 3 strange beings (not described) enter their yard. The beings moved around in all directions. One of them carried a purple blinking light, and another one of the beings apparently climbed up one of the trees, the witness then made some noises and the being on the tree came down and then they all left.

HC addendum
Source: Chucara Quebec Canada
Type: E
Comments: A detailed description of the humanoids is absolutely necessary.

Location. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Date: November 15 1998
Time: midnight
The witness was outside when he heard voices coming from above; looking up he saw 2 cylindrical silvery objects hovering overhead. The objects then moved quickly away. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: F?

Location. Dalekoye, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: November 18 1998
Time: daytime
Four boys from the local “elementary” school, Eldar Islamov, Anton Kireichev, Server Devlyatov, and Alyesha Alyabyev had gone out of the school building to use the toilet. On their way there they heard a strange guttural sound coming from behind them, and looking back they saw a strange humanoid entity climbing over the fence. The entity was approximately 1.7m in height. The boys froze in terror as the entity began approaching them. The alien had a large head, not in proportion to its body, two huge red eyes and a square flat body. Its long arms touched the ground and ended in three clawed black fingers. The legs of the entity were black and straight. The rest of its body was semi-transparent, smoke in color. The boys noticed neither hair, nor mouth, ears nor nose. The boys named the entity “the slug”. The alien approached one of the boys and put its hand on his shoulder. The boy felt neither heaviness nor pain and tried to push it away. The boys noticed that the entity had some type of device with a button attached to its elbow. The alien then pressed the button with its clawed finger and immediately the alien was “sucked” through the wall of the school building. Only the entity’s red eyes could still be seen on the wall. The boy’s skin turned red on the place where the entity had touched him, but he felt no pain or burning sensation. Soon it disappeared and the screaming boys rushed to their classroom. The teacher was unable to calm them and one of the boys stuttered uncontrollably. They feared going to the toilet alone after the incident. A number of UFO observations were reported around the area in 1998.

HC addendum
Source: Galina Neiman, “Krymskaya Pravda”, Anton Anfalov
Type: E

Location. Dalekoye, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: November 20 1998
Time: daytime
Two days later the same boys reported seeing the entity’s red eyes again glittering on top of a tree and one boy saw the entity again looking into the window of the school canteen. A number of UFO observations were reported in the area at the same time.

HC addendum
Source: Galina Neiman “Krymskaya Pravda”, Anton Anfalov
Type: E

Location. Moron de la Frontera AFB, Sevilla, Spain
Date: November 25 1998
Time: 0500A
A soldier was on guard duty near special hangars 1, 5, 6 and 9 accompanied by his German shepherd guard dog when he heard a sort of metallic scraping sound coming from nearby. He let his dog loose to check, then loaded his weapon, and fired two shots into the air. Suddenly from out of some nearby woods a 2-meter tall humanoid figure appeared. Since it was dark the soldier was not able to see any features except that the humanoid had glowing green-colored eyes. The witness challenged the figure but it did not move, he then fired once at it without any apparent effect. He ordered the dog to attack, but as the animal approached the figure it suddenly backed away, howling as if in pain. He then fired at the humanoid again, but it just stood there staring at him. He then walked towards the figure, which suddenly raised one hand up, crouched down, and disappeared into the brush. The witness conducted a search but failed to find anything.

HC addition # 3457
Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista
Type: E

Location. Belgrade, Serbia (former Yugoslavia)
Date: November 26 1998
Time: before 0600A
The witness was staying as a guest in his aunt’s house when he suddenly woke up to see a young woman with red medium length hair standing at the foot of his bed and emitting a brilliant glare. When she noticed that the witness had woken up, she looked at him right in the eyes and shocked he watched her float away through the closed window and disappear. It wore some sort of shiny “pale” dress or outfit.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.forteantimes.com/forum
Type: E

Location. San Fernando Cebu Island, Philippines
Date: November 29 1998
Time: 0300A
The witness noticed a strange small object hovering above a dead tree in a wooded area, there was a sudden flash at the witness, and large balloon shaped object with three illuminated triangular shaped windows became visible. Inside the window he could see the head of a being with bright crystal blue eyes. He heard a loud thundering voice speaking at him in an unknown language, some of it sounded like: “arc-ha-an rha-ehn-raxh ehn.” No other information.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico and The World
Type: A & F?

Location. Ai-Petri Plateau, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: winter 1998
Time: unknown
Nikolay Sevryukov, a hunter from Simferopol, reported that he saw a tall hairy humanoid on the plateau on several occasions. At first he thought it was a bear, but when he came closer he was surprised to see a definitely biped hairy entity that was walking on the mountain slope, crashing through branches and trees. The humanoid was very hairy and robust built, more than 2 meters in height. Evidently the creature sensed the hunter in the distance, jumped back and disappeared in plain sight, as if dissolving into thin air.

HC addendum
Source: Natalia Leskova, special correspondent for “Trud” (Labor)
Moscow June 22 2000
Type: E [as2]

[as2] There is absolutely no place in the Crimean caves and mountains for such kind of wild hairy entity to hide anywhere unless as it appears to be the case that they hail from some kind of parallel dimension or reality.

Location. Near Corona, California
Date: Winter 1998
Time: late morning
The witness was driving a diesel tractor on a dirt road at the edge of the Cleveland National Forest when he sensed a presence above him and, looking up, saw what seemed to have been a very large, leather-winged, sharp beaked Pterosaur. No feathers, bony wings and a somewhat long, narrow tail. It seemed to have a bit of red on its head and dark, dull green on its back as it passed away from him, probably 20 ft above him with a wingspan of 30 feet. It didn’t appear to notice the witness or the noise of the diesel tractor at all. Suddenly all around the “Pterosaur”, the air appeared to become wavy, almost like the effect of ripples in still water. The witness somehow got the impression that it was in another time zone or just didn’t belong in this dimension. As he sat watching on the tractor, the further it flew away, the more it looked like it was dissolving away rather than growing smaller in the distance and still with air waves around it.

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal Story Archive, August 2002
Type: E

Location. Moline Illinois
Date: December 1998
Time: 0100A
The 21-year-old witness was in his apartment and was ready to go to bed. He drifted off to sleep, about 20 minutes later he was awoken by the sound of his front door opening, and then he heard footsteps in the hall. The footsteps were light, but he could still hear them. Then came a sound like whooshing noise, and smoke started coming under his bedroom door, then a light mist, and behind it a bright light. The door opened and he saw a short figure with an oversized oval shaped head. No other details could be seen since the room was filled with bright white light. He witness blinked and when he was finished blinking he was on a cart, with small, brown figures with big eyes and oversized heads, pushing him. The figures did not have mouths, but he kept hearing the words “Don’t worry, we will not hurt you.” The witness then began to scream. The cart suddenly stopped, and there was another bright light, on a pole, like at the dentist. The witness started to scream again but one of the short figures shoved a metal object into his mouth. He tried to close his mouth but was unable to. His mouth was filled with something with the texture of white paste. He could not breath through his mouth and felt something prodding at his stomach. The witness did not feel any pain, just some strange feelings almost “pulling on his skin.” He tried to move but saw that he had restraints on his hands and feet. He let out muffled screams and blinked again, and woke up in his bed. He was sweating profusely and his body ached.

HC addendum
Source: Rob Baner
Type: G

Location. Paraiba, Brazil
Date: December 1998
Time: 0300A
An employee at a local water plant was sleeping in his car apparently waiting for the plant to open when he suddenly woke up to see 10 to 12 short gray colored figures congregating around the car. The figures were between 1.0 to 1.2 m in height and were conversing among themselves in a strange sibilant language that the witness was unable to understand. Suddenly out of nowhere an oval shaped object descended over the figures and emitted a beam of light, which lifted all the figures up into the craft. The craft then disappeared at high speed.

HC addendum
Source: CPBUFO Brazil
Type: B

Location. Molndal, Vastra Gotalands, Sweden
Date: December 1998
Time: 2100
A man reported seeing a red tube-shaped craft hovering in the sky from his living room window. The object descended and hovered at about 20 meters from the observer at about 3 meters altitude. It appeared to be a metallic craft encased in a dull red glow. It appeared to be 5 meters in diameter and 2 meters in height. At a large window-like opening on the craft he reported seeing several man-like figures milling about. The object was silent.

HC addendum
Source: Andes Persian, UFO Sweden 2002
Type: A

Location. Soldini, near Rosario, Argentina
Date: December 1998
Time: 2130
Laborer Maximiliano Poire was working in his field, on his tractor, when he noticed standing 10 meters away two strange figures, with disproportionately large heads, about 1.30 cm in height with very thin torsos and long dangling thin arms that reached to their knees. They also had long thin fingers. The eyes were round and appeared to be green in color. Their skin tone was dark green in color and they seemed to be nude. The creatures then moved into a nearby wooded area and disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Nuevos Tiempos, Argentina
Type: E

Location. Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina
Date: December 6 1998
Time: night
55-year old security guard, Gregorio T.R. was conducting his rounds at the local Computer Learning Institute and was in the bathroom when he saw in the mirror behind him a tall, at least 2 meters in height, silvery humanoid figure. The figure disappeared immediately. He remembers that the on two occasions the computers at the center were found deprogrammed in the morning without any apparent explanation.

HC addendum
Source: Raul Oscar Chaves, “Ciufoslapampa”
Type: E

Location. Manitowoc Wisconsin
Date: December 12 1998
Time: 1645
Teenagers Michael M, and Jerance F, were walking along the Wisconsin Central Railroad tracks in the west end of town, when Mike heard an unearthly scream. “It was a deep roar, screeching deep, and if was a growl.” As they turned, they saw a “large creature rising behind us, maybe 45 yards to the south. Then it moved towards us, and we ran fast, faster than were ever had in our lives.” The creature was described as white, dirty, furred that made a most bizarre sound. They ran terrified from the area.

HC addition # 3262
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 3 # 50
Type: E

Location. Teterboro, New Jersey
Date: December 15 1998
Time: 0530A
A man working at the Teterboro airport felt compelled to go outside, he then noticed a huge wedge-shaped craft ringed with lights flying over the George Washington Bridge. It came out of cloudbank and was flying very low. As the object was leaving the witness heard a message in his ear. “The unsettling “garbled” in the middle East will end. The evil alchemist will die.” (?)

HC addition # 3930
Source: CAUS Type: F

Location. Molieres sur Ceze, France
Date: December 15 1998
Time: 1915
Three witnesses saw a luminous triangular shaped object with yellow, white and red lights hovering over the area. As the craft flew overhead one of the witnesses CF reported receiving “mental vibrations” from the occupants of the object. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: SOS Ovni
Type: F

Location. Stra, Italy
Date: December 19 1998
Time: night
Giuseppe, a local truck driver, was awakened by a roaring noise. Looking out he saw a bright object with several windows and a brilliant glow underneath, which apparently was very close to the ground. The object was over 30 feet in length. He then saw two beings; three-feet tall, walking near the object. They were dressed in gray coveralls and moved with a mechanical motion. The witness was less than 100 feet from the object and after 30 minutes the beings went into the object, which ascended. A circular mark was found on the ground with holes in an equilateral triangle, 13.5 feet on each side. A glassy material was found at the landing site.

HC addition # 3371
Source: Maurizio Verga and Edoardo Russo
Type: B

Location. Colinas Verdes, Cayey, Puerto Rico
Date: December 24 1998
Time: 0500A
Farmer Luis Diaz heard a strange noise coming from the poultry yard behind the house and went to investigate. Upon opening his window he was startled to see a strange creature over his birds. The creature apparently had killed 15 hens, 2 ducks, and a variety of smaller poultry. The dead birds showed perforations on their necks and near the abdomen. The creature was described as having copper colored fur, very long hind legs, short front legs, and a broad body. The nine dogs at the residence did not bark or react during the attack.

HC addition # 3182
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 3 # 52
Type: E

Location. San Juan, La Pampa, Argentina
Date: December 28 1998
Time: night
Security guard Gregorio T.R. (involved in a previous encounter) was this time at a local gasoline and petrol transfer station encountered the same tall silvery humanoid standing by the main electrical control console. The humanoid was apparent caught unawares and turned around clumsily to stare at the witness with penetrating green eyes. On this occasion there is a telepathic dialogue in which the humanoid says, “Do not fear you are not the person chose for contact but we will maintain contact with you as well”. The witness remains mesmerized and in an involuntary movement stands up and places one hand on his chest, realizing that his cardiac rhythm remains normal. He feels no fear. The witness experiences a burning sensation in his eyes for the next 30 days.

HC addendum
Source: Raul Oscar Chaves, “Ciufoslapampa”
Type: E

Location. Legnica, Poland
Date: December 30-31 1998
Time: midnight
A 2-year old girl named Paulina encountered a mysterious figure in her bedroom. She was only 2 but could speak very clearly and was able to remember the event. She reported that a “boy” had appeared in her room. At first her parents thought it was her imagination. But she stated that one night she woke up and saw the “boy” standing in front of her bed. He was staring at her with large dark eyes. She also stated that the stranger wore a pair of “goggles”, he didn’t say a word. The figure had a large hairless head and long extremities. He was holding something resembling a pen with a light at the end. He placed this object to the girl’s head. The being had something on his forehead but she wasn’t able to describe it. His legs appeared bent or deformed. After a while he jumped into a “hole” on the wall and disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: G. Domanski “Nocni Przybysze” & Piotr Ayman Cielebia
Type: E

Location. Cartago, Costa Rica
Date: late 1998
Time: various
A man reported being contacted by a race of intelligent beings for a period of 6 months. He reported that they were very similar to humans with the exception some had only one nostril opening. He also mentioned four races of beings. Some that were pigmy like, others were tall etheric looking giants (7 feet or more). They all had their ancestral specialty, working symbiotically to support the whole community. He was also told that they resided in four specific regions in the Hollow Earth. Near the inner equator, he was shown that gravity was at its lowest there. They could jump as high as 20feet or more, floating gently back to the inner Earth. He noted that none ate the flesh of animals, eating was a minimal occurrence. They apparently did not require the level of food sustenance as humans do. Partly because of their efficiency of how they think. He was also led to believe that their INNER SUN also provided nutrients through the absorption through the retinas. Hollow Earth inhabitants have that spectrum of light available all the time. On the surface we must wait for the sunrise or the sunset to gaze and obtain nutrients. Which explains why over millennia beings become etheric (transparent) their whole body absorbs raw full spectrum light energy; eating “food” is no longer necessary. Food is nothing more than a dense form of light at specific wavelengths. The Sun is full spectrum light. They also revealed that their means of propulsion was through what we call “magnetism” with the exception they utilized it in a way that redefined gravity as we know it. There were other forms of travel ranging in different spectrums of light. Light is far more complex that we could possibly understand at this time in our evolution of science. Our Sun communicates with the Inner Sun and all the Suns in the Universe instantaneously in every moment. Music is a rich part of their culture, the witness described what looked like a guitar with strings, but it wasn’t plucked with a pick or finger, instead it was a shiny sphere when brought into close proximity to the strings, the sound was like that of a hundred crystal bowls playing in unison. (The witness passed away in October 2003 at the age of 64).

HC addendum
Source: Jack Barakitis in: http://ufoexperiences.blogspot.com
Type: G?

Total Cases: 186

Addendums will be included as they become available.

Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

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