2000 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

A large concentration in Chile with numerous encounters with humanoids and a bizarre Chupacabra type being. Also from Argentina encounters with dwarfs and other paranormal entities were reported. Chile remained the main focus of encounters.

Location. Harford, Maryland
Date: 2000
Time: 0500A
Donald Kessler was returning home from a friend’s house he was on a usually busy highway but at that time it was Saturday and appeared totally deserted. After passing the I95 exit he saw a 7 or 8 ft tall creature step out of the median strip and step out into the witness path. I had dark curly hair, a flat featureless face, little beady black eyes, no nose and a large row of pointy teeth in his grinning mouth. It was dressed in a brown work-shirt, pants and black boots. It turned his head looked at Kessler and then disappeared. The witness reported that he nearly skidded off the road after hitting his breaks. Apparently the witness saw the same or similar creature a couple of years later.

HC addendum
Source: http://paranormal.about.com
Type: E

Location. Washington, exact location not given
Date: 2000
Time: afternoon
Several teenagers were four wheeling in the woods, when they were stuck and having problems getting out. When working at getting out, an elf-like person came out of the woods and looked at them. The elf had a bow and arrow, pointed hat and pointed ears. There were six witnesses. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: The Elusive Little People
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 5
Comments: Previously unknown native species? Or something totally different?

Location. Lorca, Murcia, Spain
Date: 2000
Time: night
Two hunters were in isolated area when they became separated. One of them then sees a shiny disc-shaped object descend from the sky and land nearby. He hid behind some bushes and watched the object on the ground for several minutes; it then ascended at high speed and disappeared. Later he found the other hunter who reported encountering several short child-like figures that bounded about and yelled in a strange high-pitch language. The figures wore tight-fitting silvery outfits.

HC addendum
Source: Antonio Perez, Ovni Murcia
Type: C

Location. Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: 2000
Time: late night
The witness was lying on his bed when he suddenly felt his body stiffened and he was unable to move and unable to speak. Soon a medium sized figure appeared in the room. It had small shiny eyes, and a “viscous” skin. The witness heard a voice in his head that told him not be afraid that he had come from the planet “Saturn”; at the same time that was said the humanoid emitted an “ironic” laugh. The creature then touched the witness hand and he felt extreme fear at that point. He was finally able to move and ran to the wall to turn the light switch on, but the creature had vanished. The next day he found a small burn on his hand.

HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Type: E

Location. Selva Lacandona, Veracruz, Mexico
Date: 2000
Time: evening
A group of rural teachers coming back from the jungle area reported seeing lights on a nearby ravine. Upon investigating they came upon a landed disc-shaped “spacecraft”. Several human-like figures stood near the object. As the witnesses approached these communicated telepathically with them. Telling them among many other things that they were “shape-shifters” in nature and were able to assume any living form necessary. They also predicted many coming events, including that a third world war was on its way and that they would do their best in order to prevent it. They also mentioned that “God” was a very advanced extraterrestrial of the highest level and would intervene in any case of a potential earth destroying global conflict.

HC addendum
Source: El Durmiente De Orizaba, Mexico
Type: C

Location. Charbury, England
Date: January 2000
Time: afternoon
Bus driver Greg Gilbert and passenger Sarah Cooper saw a reddish brown creature that walked upright crossing the road ahead of the vehicle. The creature walked upright on its hind legs, somehow resembling a bear. Another witness stated he had seen it standing by the roadside.

HC addition # 3947
Source: World of the Strange
Type: E
Comments: Appears to be a report of a hairy bipedal Bigfoot type creature en Europe.

Location. Cerro Ventana, Vieques Island, Puerto Rico
Date: January 2000
Time: late evening
Two days after security guards stationed at a local radar site spotted a large luminous disc shaped object with a dome on top descend into the woods; another security guard performing his rounds heard sounds coming from the nearby brush. He also heard what appeared to be a low mumbling sound. Then out of the brush a strange creature appeared. It was about 4 ft tall, thin, with long arms, with a head slightly larger than normal and large black oval shaped eyes. The figure appeared to be encased in a soft greenish glow. The figure walked toward the radar site and walked under some high-tension wires then disappeared into the brush again.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Vieques Poligono
Del Tercer Tipo
Type: D
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Location was a highly controversial and political Hotpoint because of the US Navy maneuvers conducted in the area for years. The US Navy left the island in the middle of 2003.

Location. Charmwood, Zimbabwe
Date: January 2000
Time: late evening
Marko Batau was walking from Chawarura Shopping Center and as he approached the Hunyani River, he saw what appeared to be a white woman basking in the sun and sitting on a rock, half immersed in a pool of water. The woman was naked and Marko was surprised at this. Then he noticed that what he initially thought to be her leg, drawn up on the rock, was actually a scaled fish tail. The woman did not notice him at first, until he deliberately made a noise while walking on the gravel to get closer, and in an instant she disappeared into the water. A few days later, his curiosity aroused, Marko took the same route home. To his amazement, the woman was there, basking on the rock again. But not only that: this time there was laundry laid out on some stones to dry, with some draped over the bushes nearby. Unfortunately, in his astonishment and perhaps some fear, he did not see what type of washing it was, whether clothing or merely pieces of cloth. Again Marko drew nearer to get a closer view. Suddenly, the woman became aware of him and looked at him as though admonishing him. The next thing, she had disappeared in the water. The following week, Marko deliberately took this rather isolated shortcut home. Immediately when he reached the pool on the river, he saw the same creature there. Only this time, she was holding a baby in her arms and giving it a bath. Still puzzled by what he was seeing, Marko tried to draw closer to verify what he was seeing, but the moment the woman heard his footsteps on the gravel, she and the baby disappeared into the water together.

HC addendum
Source: Cynthia Hind, Fate November 2000
Type: E?
Comments: Reports of Mermaid-like creatures are periodically reported from different areas worldwide.

Location. St Petersburg, Russia
Date: January 2000
Time: late evening
A woman traveling in a railroad car between two metro stations suddenly noted that all normal sound around her ceased, and the light inside the car became dimmer. After looking around she noticed that the passengers were all sitting motionless in unnatural poses, their heads sharply turned to different sides. Stunned she sees a giant humanoid figure apparently examining the passengers. The humanoid had shiny red eyes, and a violet colored face. His mouth is just like a narrow slot. As the train pulled up to the “Leninist prospectus” (Housing complex) station the humanoid vanished and everything seemed to return back to normal.

HC addendum
Source: Mikhail Gershteyn, Russia
Type: E

Location. Decorah, Iowa
Date: January 2000
Time: late night
The witness reported encountering on three occasions fast moving figures that came into his house. They gave off a strong odor and apparently were wearing “surgical gloves.” The witness suffered from heavy nosebleeds after each visit. The beings communicated telepathically and told the witness they came from an underwater base, possibly in the “lost city of Atlantis.” The incidents took place between January and April.

HC addition # 3776
Source: UFORC
Type: E
Comments: It seems that these humanoids whoever they were provided the witness was some misinformation.

Location. Near Gallup, New Mexico
Date: January 2000
Time: late night
The witness was fishing at Bluewater Lake and as he sat on a chair by the water’s edge he heard something that sounded like a dog trotting nearby, the trotting stopped and he could not see anything by the light of the fire. He picked up his flashlight and began scanning the grounds nearby. About 35 ft away he spotted something in the light beam. It was sitting on its hind legs with its back to the witness but as soon as he hit it with the flashlight beam it slowly turned its head and looked over its right shoulder directly at him. The creature looked like a wolf but was very mangy and large; it opened its mouth very wide; much wider that the witness had ever seen a dog or wolf open its mouth. Saliva was dripping from its bottom jaw and its eyes were kind of glowing red. The witness pulled out his firearm but did not fire at the creature, which remained totally silent as it stared at him. The creature then scurried into the dark and disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Guardian Tales
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 5
Comments: Some type of Chupacabra type creature or some other type of animal like humanoid. Or maybe a shape shifter?

Location. Off the coast of Hawaii
Date: January 2000
Time: unknown
The USS GG 67 Shiloh (A Ticonderoga class missile cruiser) was patrolling the Pacific Ocean when its radar detected a UFO and visually. The object was disc-shaped resembling two deep saucers placed together, somewhat like a smooth image of the planet Saturn. The disk approached the Shiloh and began circling the ship. This alarmed the command staff and personnel. The order was given to use weapons against the object and several AA-class missiles were shot at the alien craft. The disk was apparently struck and it plummeted to the waters close to the ship. A rescue team transported the disk onboard the Shiloh. The disk was about 8.5 meters in diameter. A slit-like door was opened on the top part of the disk. Inside a crew of two aliens was found. 1 was dead either as a result of the impact or an explosion, the second was taken alive. The UFO was then placed on the helicopter pod of the Shiloh and transported to a top-secret location in the continental USA. Both humanoids were similar to the so-called grays but not exactly. They were about 1.5 to 1.6 meters in height, with large hairless heads, small noses, and large black eyes with eye-covering lids, small ears, long muscular necks, very high cheekbones and gray-greenish skin tone. An autopsy of the dead alien was conducted onboard the Shiloh by a team of Naval doctors. The second entity died in captivity approximately one month after the crash, he did not submit any information to the authorities. It is believe that the disc was shot down because it had already some technical malfunction onboard and could not defend itself.

HC addendum
Source: Colonel Vitaliy Shelepov “Operation Concealment”, Anton Anfalov
Lenura Azizova quoting Anonymous US Naval officer.
Type: H

Location. Near Morgantown, Indiana
Date: January 1 2000
Time: evening
Two witnesses driving from Indianapolis to Morgantown sighted a triangular shaped object for several minutes in the distance. As they drew closer they saw parked alongside the road and watched a black Cadillac hearse and a man dressed in black standing by the car and arms crossed over his chest looking up at the object. Concerned they drove away from the area.

HC addendum
Source: Jerry L Sievers, Indiana Mufon
Type: E or C?

Location. Mission, British Columbia, Canada
Date: January 2 2000
Time: 0115A
While walking to an outside commode located behind his trailer home, the witness saw a silver disc shaped object hovering outside his bedroom window. It was described as bigger than a panel van. It was stationary and was silent. It had dull white lights around its perimeter. Through a large vertical window in the craft, the witness saw a man wearing coveralls looking back at him. The man had a slight grin on his face, but was normal looking. The interior of the craft was pinkish. There was a sudden flash and the craft disappeared. Later around 0130A, the son of the witness saw a flash in the sky.

HC addition # 3664
Source: UFO BC
Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: It makes me wonder why the humanoid was grinning at. Human type occupant onboard UFO.

Location. Stockbridge Georgia
Date: January 3 2000
Time: 0415A
The 16-year old witness awoke to see a being standing next to her bed. The being (undescribed) seemed surprised as she awoke and was holding one of her legs. She suddenly received a visual image in her mind of a craft with five beings in the backyard. 3 days before her mother and brother had seen beings in their rooms also. (Involved in other encounters?).

HC addition # 3564
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Florissant, Missouri
Date: January 5 2000
Time: 0200A
Traveling southbound on Hwy 67 towards Hazelwood the witness noticed that a Florissant police officer had a motorist pulled over to the right side of the roadway. Upon closer examination the witness noticed the officer walking back to his cruiser and saw him looking towards the sky near a grocery store. The witness looked towards that direction and saw a huge black rectangle with large windows on the side. The interior of the object was lit up well enough so the witness could tell that the mass of the object was very large. The witness would estimate the object to be as wide as a five lane highway or at least 100 yards wide. Witness also remembered seeing some extremely bright neon or bluish color lights on the exterior of the object. The object passed about 200 feet off the ground nearly directly over the “Schnucks” store and flew over hwy 67 and out of sight. The object made no sound as it flew overhead. As it passed the witness noticed movement inside of the back windows of the object and apparently saw someone move from the interior portion of the craft to look out the window. The witness immediate impression was that it was some sort of military stealth blimp. The witness remembered seeing other colored lights on the exterior of the craft but can’t be certain of the configuration as a result of the distraction by the movement inside the window.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A

Location. Jacksonville, Florida
Date: January 13 2000
Time: late night
The witness suddenly woke up late at night to find herself being dropped onto her bed by a non-human entity. Close to her face she saw a huge head on a thin body. At the same time she felt a puff of breath coming from the entity’s open mouth. She sensed that the being was surprised that she had awakened. Terrified, she somehow went back to sleep.

HC addition # 3441
Source: South Florida Skyscan
Type: E

Location. Columbia, Kentucky
Date: January 17 2000
Time: 0430A
The witness suddenly woke up with a start and noticed a very bright light coming through the window. It was red, green, but mostly white. It hurt his eyes. He also heard a loud pulsating sound. Looking at the window he saw the outline of a figure the size of a little boy, it was gone in an instant. The terrified witness covered his head with a blanket and began to pray. After ten minutes the sound and the lights were gone. Others in the area had seen low flying objects over their farms around the same time.

HC addition # 3612
Source: NUFORC
Type: D

Location. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Date: January 24 2000
Time: 0030A
The witnesses were sitting in the house and glanced out the window, and saw a dark figure jumping behind trees, with no distinguishable features, the entire body was dark, and its body fluctuated in and out of transparency. The witnesses have apparently seen this and multiple other figures in separate occasions, in different locations.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Database.com
Type: E

Location. San Francisco, California
Date: January 30 2000
Time: 2315
The witness was hauling up a line of crab traps off Farlon Island with his dog onboard his 25-foot boat. While leaning over the side the dog began barking furiously. The witness looked up and saw a huge triangular shaped object hovering above him, totally silent. Then a beam of white light hit the witness and he fell backwards onto the sole of the cabin. The grabbed a Rugger 10-22 rifle loaded with a 100 round magazine and started firing at the bottom part of the object. The witness was apparently able to shoot out the light. While grabbing a second clip, he saw a hatch open up on the bottom side of the object and two persons leaned down and yelled “Stop shooting at us you idiot.” He also heard a hissing sound resembling air escaping from a flat tire. The object then moved off to the south. A helicopter then appeared and hovered over the boat. The chopper was flat black in color, and it was silent with no markings on it. As the chopper hovered a flash of light was directed towards the boat. He last saw the triangle gaining altitude and disappear towards the south. The helicopter was last seen heading towards the Golden Gate Bridge.

HC addition # addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: A government black project aircraft? Or an alien craft piloted by human type creatures.

Location. Trapa Trapa, Neuquen, Argentina
Date: early February 2000
Time: night
A local Indian, Amandina Manquepi, encountered in an isolated area a diminutive figure with a large head that moved quickly over the hills bounding away like a rabbit. The figure was encased in a yellowish glow that turned bluish as it disappeared from sight.

HC addition # 3539
Source: Gaceta OVNI
Type: E

Location. Edgewater, Western Australia
Date: February 2000
Time: 0100A
Aaron was looking northwest when he noticed a bright light approaching that stopped and hovered as if watching him. Two helicopters and a light plane appeared and chased the light, which headed west, rose rapidly and faded out or disappeared. It was surrounded by a blue aura. The following night Aaron woke up for a drink. Through the kitchen window he saw what appeared to be a black “man” standing in the garden. No clothes were seen. Aaron felt a ringing sensation in his head and was overcome by fear. He fled to his mother’s room for sanctuary. Following this experience, he compulsively draws elaborate geometric patterns; talks in a strange tongue; has flying dreams and sleep paralysis; and has a raised psychic awareness.

HC addendum
Source: Brian Richards, Australia
Type: D?

Location. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Date: February 2000
Time: afternoon
Amado Marquez was doing his routine skywatch on the roof of his home when he noticed a dark object that was approaching and began videotaping it. Looking through his viewfinder, he received a big surprise. Marquez described what he caught on video as a “little man” flying horizontally in a standing position with the legs opened all the time. Marquez added that he never saw a parachute, wings or anything alike—just the dark flying man with legs opened.

HC addendum
Source: “Mysterious Flying Humanoids” Santiago Yturria
Type: E

Location. Detroit Michigan
Date: February 4 2000
Time: 2342
The 19-year old witness found himself in a metallic room with lights all around the walls. He could see three small chairs in the middle of the room. He kept hearing voices in his head that he could not understand. He briefly saw a very small humanoid with large bright yellow eyes, and four fingers in each hand. No other information.

HC Addendum
Source: UFO Watch
Type: G?

Location. Priolo, Siragusa, Italy
Date: February 2 2000
Time: 0800A
Several persons in this neighborhood reported seeing what appeared to be a flying silvery colored humanoid figure, suspended very high in the air, over the area. From far away the object resembled a silver bullet. At 2200 on the same date other witnesses saw a fast moving very bright diamond shaped craft in the same area.

HC addition # 3783
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 10
Type: D

Location. Miami Florida
Date: February 6 2000
Time: late night
The witness woke up to hear a screaming like sound, similar to a jet engine. She was totally paralyzed and her eyes were closed. But she was able to “see” a being approaching her and two other unclothed beings about four-feet tall by the door of the room. Enraged she attempted to scream. When she was finally able to move her mouth the beings simply dematerialized in front of her. She felt that these beings lacked any mercy or pity and had been programmed to perform their duties.

HC addition # 3442
Source: South Florida Skyscan
Type: E

Location. Near Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Date: February 19 2000
Time: night
Three pre-teen girls at a sleep over reported seeing a large luminous triangular shaped object descending on a nearby field. Later three short humanoid figures were seeing moving near the object. No other information.

HC addition # 3540
Source: Berne Bennett, Mufon
Type: C
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Would like to obtain additional information on this intriguing case.

Location. Gayndah, Queensland, Australia
Date: February 28 2000
Time: unknown
A “jongari” was photographed near this town. Two local men spotted a strange bear-like animal, which some aboriginal people associate with legends of small, hairy people who inhabited the continent before Europeans settled there, and snapped two blurry pictures of a distant figure in a tree grove. Other witnesses have described the animal as 3 ft high and bipedal. (There are no native bears in Australia).

HC addendum
Source: Seekers of the Unknown
Type: E

Location. Newton New Jersey
Date: Spring 2000
Time: afternoon
A young boy reported seeing a “green man” walking through the Glen of his family backyard. He reported that the figure was tall and somewhat translucent, as though made more of energy than matter.

HC addendum
Source: Life Spirit Center
Type: E

Location. La Pampa, Argentina
Date: March 2000
Time: afternoon
Several witnesses working at a local marble mine saw large truck-sized object sitting on the ground nearby. Near the object stood two, 2 meter tall, human like figures wearing tight fitting white colored outfits. The figures began moving around the field in quick jumps and bounds. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: CEUFO
Type: C

Location. Colonia Agricola Oriental, Mexico City, Mexico
Date: March 2000
Time: evening
While doing his regular skywatch on the roof of his home, respected skywatcher Salvador Guerrero encountered something so bizarre, it has opened an entirely new chapter in the history of Mexican UFO Research. At first, Salvador thought the object could be a dark UFO high in the sky, so he started videotaping as usual. When he pressed the camera’s zoom, he couldn’t believe what he saw through the viewfinder. It was a dark, solid object which was almost static in the sky, spinning slowly on its axis…featuring what looked to be a human form with ‘arms’ and ‘legs’ perfectly visible—giving the impression that “he” or “it” was floating freely in the air. Needless to say, Salvador was shocked. The dark humanoid figure was floating at a high altitude but Salvador’s years of experience in skywatching allowed him to track this dark object in the sky and he was able to make an excellent recording of the incredibly mysterious experience. The dark humanoid creature remained stationary in the same spot for several minutes, spinning slowly with arms and legs ‘outstretched’ all the time. The object then began to move, disappearing behind a building.

HC addendum
Source: “Mysterious Flying Humanoids” Santiago Yturria 2005
Type: E

Location. Las Cascadas, Chile
Date: March 2000
Time: night
For several nights in a row witnesses at a local residence spotted large red blinking lights land on a nearby field. Soon after tall man like figures, bald headed, wearing white tunics and dark goggles approach the house and look inside, and they then ran back to the field without making any noise. Their bodies appear to emit electric discharges as they move.

HC addendum
Source: Caroline Uribe Assef, Diario Llanquille Chile
Type: C?

Location. Gershoj, Denmark
Date: March 6 2000
Time: noon
The witness was outside working on his garden when he looked up to see a “black” beam of light focusing on a grassy area in a nearby field. He walked towards the light and 80 meters from it he could smell something burning, he then looked up and saw a white light from which the black beam seem to come from. Looking at the ground again he noticed several “objects” that appeared to be searching for something on the ground. The objects looked more like small robots with mechanical claw-like hands, with oval-shaped bodies and all looked identical to each other. After about 4 minutes suddenly the black beam and the robots disappeared. The witness looked up and now noticed that the white light was now blue and after about 1 minute the blue light flew away at incredible speed.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: C

Location. Traralgon, Victoria, Australia
Date: March 11 2000
Time: 2010
Shaun Boer saw a bright star like object that was moving very fast. It turned at a 45-degree angle and faded. Later he remembered being in a round room with a high ceiling. There were several pillars coming down the side of the walls. The “room” seemed to be dirty. In the middle of the room there was a sort of table, resembling a half cylinder, made out of what appeared to be corrugating iron. He encountered two types of creatures, some short, with black blue skin, perfectly round eyes that wore coveralls with hoods. The others were gray with large black almond shaped eyes. Later he found a triangle shaped scar on his upper arm.

HC addition # 3825
Source: UFO Abductions Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Manila Philippines
Date: March 12 2000
Time: 1800
Three employees of the San Miguel Corporation were walking to their car in the parking lot when they noticed a strange glow emanating from a large tree to their left. It was a pale blue, rather relaxing light. Thinking that it was some sort of decorative lighting, they ignored it and kept walking. Then they heard a low grumbling noise that sounded like: “Anong balita, Anong balita.” Looking back they caught a glimpse of a naked, human like creature with white hair and glowing rings imbedded in its wrists like shiny cufflinks. It leapt away with incredible speed and with a blur disappeared into the bushes.

HC addendum
Source: Mystical Universe
Type: C?
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: Very bizarre humanoid. There have been other reports describing apparently naked humanoids.

Location. Cajon del Maipo, Chile
Date: middle of March 2000
Time: 0100A
Four men were out camping in an isolated area, when they suddenly began to feel very hot inside the tent. Going out they saw a colossal luminous object approaching overhead. Frightened they ran towards their vehicle as the craft descended to less than 50 meters above them. Before they ran to the car they all saw a luminous man-shaped figure standing near the tent. The panicked witnesses apparently quickly fled the scene.

HC addition # 3526
Source: AION 2000, Chile
Type: C

Location. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Date: March 18 2000
Time: 1106A
The 36-year old witness had been suffering from headaches and nausea and was out for a walk in a field when he saw flashing lights and everything turned dark. He briefly remembered seeing a humanoid with an oval shaped head, black eyes, and light colored skin. He later woke up and found strange scars but they disappeared soon. No other information.

HC addition # 3823
Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Tetney Lock, England
Date: March 19 2000
Time: 0930A
40-year old Elaine King was lying in bed when she suddenly found herself in a metallic corridor of some sort. In a room she encountered two types of beings who communicated with her by using telepathy. She entered a room where she saw a human male lying on a table; the room had white mesh metallic walls, with curved white supports. There appeared to be some wires coming from the ceiling into the man’s body. In that room she communicated with a female being that wore a robe, and had wig-like hair. The other humanoids were about 5-feet tall, totally bald. The female being was taller and strongly build. Back in the corridor Elaine became weaker and weaker and almost collapsed. Soon the witness found herself back in her bed and only eleven and half minutes had passed.

HC addition # 3481
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 18
Type: G

Location. Mt Pocono Pennsylvania
Date: March 20 2000
Time: 2245
The witness, Tom H, was in the bedroom watching TV when he heard a light knocking at the back door, he got up from the couch and as he got closer to the door he noticed a 6 to 7 feet tall figure with bright green colored diamond shaped eyes and very wide apart, staring at him through his back door window. When the witness went to obtain a closer look the being moved to its left then moved at very high speed into the woods.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC, Also direct information from witness
Type: E

Location. Dublin, Ireland
Date: March 21 2000
Time: night
A man reported seeing an object then somehow being transported inside; he could only recall being examined by several small “blue” humanoids, which at one point apparently took one of his eyeballs out of his socket, then put it back in. No other information.

HC addition # 3851
Source: Conor McLaughlin, Belfast UFO Network
Type: G
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: If necessary to obtain additional information on this intriguing case. I attempted to communicate with the source but was unsuccessful.

Location. West Belfast, Country Antrim, Northern Ireland
Date: March 23 2000
Time: late night
An Ulster man claims that a UFO lifted his car off the ground and he experienced six hours of “missing time” as a result. John H, employed at a factory in West Belfast was on his way home from work. He had pulled into a petrol station to fill up the tank and noticed to his right a large light in the sky. It had the shape of an egg. Concerned he drove away from the petrol station without paying. The object followed John on a road that lead to Dublin, which surprised him since he did not want to go to Dublin. Without knowing why, he stopped the car on a hillside road that leads to a farming area northbound on the M-3. The car, it seemed was lifting off the ground. John felt it but for some reason he felt confused and was not sure what was really happening. His next memory was of driving on the Donegal Road on his way home. There was a six-hour period of missing time. As far as I know no hypnotic regression has been attempted.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 14, April 2000
Type: G?
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Hypnotic regression is imperative in this case. As far as I know it has not been accomplished.

Location. Calama, Chile
Date: April 2000
Time: night
A witness riding his bicycle was passing by the local Lion’s Club building, when he heard a groan and stopped to see what had happened. On the side of the building, he saw a dead dog in the grass, and next to it, a pair of large shining eyes. The eyes were so shiny that the witness could not make out any detail of the creature’s body. Suddenly the creature lifted the dead dog with its hands, and in the wink of an eye was only 10 meters away from the witness, after being 50 meters away a second before. Shocked the witness quickly pedaled away stunned as to the manner that the creature moved.

HC addition # 3970
Source: Calama UFO Center
Type: E

Location. Near Naunton, England
Date: April 2000
Time: night
A security guard was driving to work in an isolated stretch of road when a figure all in white appeared in front of the car out of nowhere. According to the witness it looked like a monk and was six feet tall. Unable to brake, the man drove right through the figure. When he stopped and went to look, there was nothing to be seen. He reported the incident to the police.

HC addendum
Source: Paul Deveraux, Haunted Land
Type: E

Location. Ohio, exact location not given
Date: April 2000
Time: night
A man claimed he was abducted by beings different than those described by other investigators. He said they conducted anal probes and described the aliens as 6 to seven feet tall, with small eyes and pointed heads. He reported a distinctive odor and that these aliens spoke a language. They made a sound like “Meekmok” hence that is the name he gave them. He was much traumatized from his experiences. Currently he wears an especially design helmet that somehow helps prevent abductions (!).

HC addendum
Source: Stop Abductions.com, Stories
Type: G

Location. Fremont, Iowa
Date: April 2 2000
Time: 0200A
The witness woke up to find his now ex-wife very quiet in her sleep. She was a very heavy breather due to her past smoking habit. He reached over to shake her to see if she would start breathing and suddenly a gargoyle-type creature arose out of her body and stood up beside the bed. It looked at the witness and then proceeded to walk through the wall.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E?
The witness has apparently been involved in other type of phenomena and is heavily involved in the “Celestine Prophecy” conundrum.

Location. Near Lahore, Pakistan
Date: April 4 2000
Time: 1510
12-year old Hamza Khan was out in a field trip with friends and teachers photographing local sites and nature. Apparently he became separated from the rest of the group and then heard a voice and immediately saw a large brown-colored saucer-shaped craft descend towards the ground. In rapid succession an opening became visible and a white figure or creature came out. He attempted to photograph the event but then ran to his teachers and told them what he had seen, returning to the site with the adults and others the object and the white creature were already gone. Is unknown if anything was visible on the photos.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.etcontact.net/newsite
Type: B

Location. Hot Springs, Arkansas
Date: April 9 2000
Time: 0430A
A motorist saw an enormous, pinkish metallic cigar-shaped UFO 100 feet above the road. It stopped in front of the car. He blacked out. When he came to he smelled an odor of something burning. He recalls a high pitched buzzing sound, and has recollections of an examination table. His back was bruised.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Magazine (USA) July 2000
Type: G
Unexplored abduction event

Location. Cairo Egypt
Date: April 14 2000
Time: 0300A
The 14-year old witness was at home awake when he suddenly felt very heavy and could not move. Apparently he soon found himself onboard a bizarre object that did not appeared to be metallic or any type of material he had ever seen. Inside he encountered a strange humanoid that appeared to be amphibian since it had what seemed to be gills covered with transparent sacs, inside these there seemed to be some sort of liquid circulating. The creature did not appear to have any eyes but it could easily find his way around. It was also apparently telepathic in nature. The witness soon found himself back home. He reported that his nails glowed in the dark for five hours after the apparent abduction.

HC addition # 3822
Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Blackwater, County Wexford, Ireland
Date: mid April 2000
Type: 1900
Noel Duggan accompanied by his girlfriend and a fried, Martin Egan, were enjoying a drink in his mobile home, when they were suddenly joined by an odd looking little man with strange pointy ears. It sat on the mattress had appeared out of nowhere and argued with Duggan and Egan about nonsensical matters. It was described as having curly hair with an aged face. After a short time the strange visitor put his hands over the girlfriend’s head in a peculiar way and said, “It’s not her fault” and vanished in plain sight.

HC addition # 3402
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 23
Type: E

Location. Ballwin, Missouri
Date: April 15 2000
Time: 0130A
Alan S. was sleeping when all of the sudden he woke up and looked to his right. There standing close to his bed was a very strange creature. It was lime green, glowing and it looked like it had a light green aura around the body. It had two arms and two legs. It had bright red glowing eyes and the skin looked scaly like a reptile. It was about 5-feet tall. The witness remained motionless in bed until the entity vanished. There was no attempt of communication.

HC addition # 3404
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 16
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Rare report of a bedroom visitation by a reptilian type entity.

Location. Frias Argentina
Date: April 17 2000
Time: night
A police officer traveling home along the Plazoleta Alfonso de la Vega noticed a short humanoid figure that he mistook for a child. As he approached the figure reprimanding it at the same time, he received a menacing look from fiery red eyes. The shocked police officer realized that it was something other than a child and gripped with fear quickly walked away from the area. Other local residents reported seeing the same or similar being.

HC addition # 3402
Source: Fabio Picasso, Argentina
Type: E

Location. Randfontein, Gauteng, South Africa
Date: April 18 2000
Time: 1800
The witness mother and himself were driving to the local pharmacy when suddenly he saw a very bright light right next to the car; he tapped his mother on the shoulder to get her attention. The light was disc-shaped and stayed with the car for a few minutes until they decided to stop underneath a streetlight to look at it. The light suddenly shot away at incredible speed, one moment it was there the next it was gone. Around the same time two teenage boys had been walking in the street, possibly the previous night, when they spotted a strange “creature” (not described) following them. It seemed to walk on four legs and it moved very fast. Both boys ran with the creature closely behind them, they noticed that it seemed to shy away from the streetlights. Once they noticed this they stood still under a streetlight while the creature waited in the dark for a while, it then disappeared. When the boys got home they told the parent what happened. The next morning one of the teenagers was reported missing from his home, a search was conducted but to this date his whereabouts remain unknown.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: D or G? Permanent abduction?

Location. Prat de Calama, Chile
Date: April 24 2000
Time: 0300A
Eight young locals looking for the reputed blood predator in the local hills saw a strange short creature apparently covered with hair make a prodigious leap then run into a nearby cave, near the River Loa.

HC addition # 3647
Source: Rodrigo Cuadra Salazar
Type: E

Location. Tocopilla, Chile
Date: April 26 2000
Time: 0200A
Several locals living on the slopes of a hill saw a strange entity quickly climbing up the side of the hill at incredible speed. It moved up on practical vertical cliffs using reptilian like movements, it seemed to expand as if possessing dark wing-like membranes on its back that apparently propelled it up the cliffs. Once it reached the summit, the witnesses began hearing strange growling and screeching sounds coming from the area.

HC addition # 3644
Source: Paranigma Chile
Type: E

Location. Near Tucapel Chile
Date: April 29 2000
Time: 2000
Farm worker Jose Ismael Pino was looking for a loose wild bull when he came upon a four-foot tall creature, simian in appearance, with long clawed arms, enormous fangs protruding from its mouth, as well as a pair of wings. Scared he ran to fetch some dogs that attacked the creature. One of the dogs came back with a bloodstained neck.

HC addition # 3397
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 19
Type: E

Location. Ohio, exact location not given
Date: May 2000
Time: morning
A woman working on her garden one Sunday morning when all of a sudden a strange little man appeared about 200 ft away. Having poor eyesight, the woman edged closer for a better look, what she saw was a bizarre little man with long pointed ears, a shaggy hair-dew, beaver-like teeth and wearing something that looked like bib overalls. The little man ignored her and instead began to dig on the ground and take soil samples, which he put into a strange container. The woman tried to speak to the creature, which startled it, and it ran off into the woods. The woman followed in pursuit to a nearby clearing, there she saw a tiny disk shaped object, which took off into the sky quickly disappearing from sight.

HC addendum
Source: Unsolved Mysteries.com
Type: C
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 5
Comments: Date is arbitrary. This type of gnome like alien was commonly reported during the 1954 French humanoid wave. Rare nowadays.

Typical alien scenario.

Location. Waretown New Jersey
Date: May 2000
Time: night
Two girls woke up in their bedroom to see a ball of light floating around their room. They ran downstairs screaming as they saw the ball of light transform itself into three short gray colored figures. After the incident the younger girl began suffering from severe headaches.

HC addition # 3849
Source: New Jersey Mufon
Type: E

Location. Laguna Redonda, Concepcion Chile
Date: May 3 2000
Time: 0130A
The barking of five stray puppies shed had picked up some time earlier suddenly awakened Professor Liliana Romero Castillo. The puppies were living in the courtyard with her fierce mastiff. She looked through the window to see the back of what appeared to be an immense man, standing more than 6-feet 8 inches tall. The shoulder blades were split, as if he had wings. He appeared to be hunched over as if choking somebody. After attempting to wake up her husband without success, she looked out the window again but the tall winged creature was gone. The next day some of the children found a dead dog in the alleyway. It appeared to have puncture marks on the throat area.

HC addition # 3398
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 19
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: This creature appears to have been a “Mothman” type entity. Recently that type of creature has been reported in Chile several times.

Location. Orlando, Florida
Date: May 3 2000
Time: 0254A
55-year old Rene Ruiz found himself inside a huge object, surrounded by blinding lights. He saw something resembling an X-ray machine. He also encountered several 6-foot tall humanoids, with large oval shaped heads, gray in color. There as also one humanoid that was different, described as short with a huge head and light blue in color. After awhile Ruiz found himself back home, his body turned as sickly tinge of yellow and he vomited continuously.

HC addition # 3828
Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Maria Elena, Chile
Date: May 6 2000
Time: 0500A
Three men that had been driving a refrigerated truck had stopped at a local truck stop in order to obtain some rest. As the driver turned off the truck’s engine and lights, they all noticed that the truck seem to tilt slightly to the right, and its lights began blinking on and off. Stunned they now saw behind the right side passenger window a strange figure, described as having abundant hair; an elongated oval shaped head, with several protruding fangs in his mouth, and with large yellowish slanted eyes. It also had large pointy ears and what appeared to be pig-like whiskers. The creature remained a few moments at the window, then left. The terrified witnesses quickly drove away from the area. Strange marks were found on the truck’s cabin.

HC addition # 3651
Source: La Estrella de Loa, Newspaper
Type: E

Location. Santa Elena de Codao, Chile
Date: May 7 2000
Time: 2300
33-year old, G Alejandro Canales was returning back to his home after guarding his rabbit pens. As he took a short cut through an unlit alley he felt something fall on his back. He struggled with the “thing” and managed to shine a flashlight on it. He was stunned to see a short simian looking creature, with large pointy fangs, black fingernails, large golden luminous eyes, and dark leathery wings on its back. He also felt a strong musty odor during the encounter. The creature quickly scurried away disappearing into the darkness. Others found the witness in a state of shock upon hearing his screams. Deep scratches were found on Canales body.

HC addition # 3483
Source: OVNIS Chile
Type: E

Location. Near Calama, Chile
Date: May 8 2000
Time: unknown
According to various sources, Chilean military units in an area near the desert captured three strange creatures, reported to be blood predators or the unfortunately named “Chupacabra.” On May 12 at 0627A a Boeing 767 arrived from Miami at Arturo Merino Benitez Airport. It was flight number 501, later a Boeing 767 from Air Lan also arrived at the airport. These supposedly brought special containers clearly marked NASA. Both aircraft then left enroute to Calama at 0800A. The captured creatures were then transferred to special flights that left towards an unknown destination.

HC addition # 3638
Source: Patricio Borlone Rojas, Paranigma Chile
Type: H

Location. Near Calama Chile
Date: May 10 2000
Time: night
A soldier stationed near the city reported seeing a strange creature that was able to make incredible leaps and bounds at times seemingly suspended in mid-air. He described the entity as about 1.20m tall, kind of hairy, and sort of hunchbacked. A patrol was supposedly sent after it. Supposedly the patrol found some strange “eggs” that they brought back to the barracks. Later another patrol reportedly killed two of the creatures and captured a third. It is said that NASA personnel retrieved all three creatures.

HC addition # 3639
Source: Paranigma Chile
Type: E

Location. Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
Date: May 12 2000
Time: evening
The witness, a cab driver, had picked up a fare going to an address out of the city limits and when he arrived at the destination, she paid, shook his hand, and that is when the witness noticed a strange symbol etched on the back of her hand. At that moment, he saw flashes of a huge hangar filled with various UFOs, he also saw his lady passenger speaking to him and to a much older man, resembling a priest or preacher. When she let go of his hand he felt very weak, after 5 seconds he suddenly realized the strange woman had vanished. He suffered from migraines after the incident.

HC addendum
Source: GREPI
Type: E

Location. Sierra Gorda, Calama, Chile
Date: May 14 2000
Time: 0500A
Several security guards posted at the entrance to La Minera El Tesoro spotted several moving figures in the nearby brush. Upon shining their flashlight at the creatures they could tell that they were simian in appearance and moved using incredible leaps and bounds at very high speed. One of the creatures stood up on two legs and it measured about 1.60m in height. It had large glowing yellow eyes and its body was covered with thick hair. The next day the men found a dead dog, which was missing all its organs.

HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Type: E

Location. Miami Florida
Date: May 14 2000
Time: 1107A
June (involved in other encounters) awoke from a weird dream in which in it there were mountains, hills, trees, streams and on the ground below her (she was flying) there stood five or six groups of people, 25 to 30 people in all. All of them seemed to be whispering things, just out of her hearing. As she soared over their heads they would look quietly up at her and then resume their whispering. These people looked normal in every way, right down to their shoes. Suddenly she awoke and was instantly aware of a kind of silver mesh net undulating throughout her entire bedroom and just above her body. It reminded her somewhat of a fish net drying in the breeze, only horizontally or like a sail on a mast puffing in and out. She closed her eyes tightly to dispel what she thought had to be a dream. But when she opened them again six or 7 seconds later, it (the net) was still there. It remained where it was for at least 30 seconds more, then it began to scrunch up and it sort of oozed down her hallway toward the living room, disappearing as it passed by the kitchen. She instantly thought of “dimensions in time and space.” She doesn’t know why but she felt like she had been enclosed inside the “net” and taken somewhere strange.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.skyscan.org/june1b.htm
Type: G or F?

Location. Baquedano, Chile
Date: May 14 2000
Time: 1930
Municipal employee Luis Alberto Calivar spotted a very strong white light hovering in the sky to the west of his house, which suddenly disappeared. He remained outside hoping that the light would return. Several neighborhood children soon joined him. Suddenly the light reappeared, this time it seemed to be elongated in shape, emitting a bright yellow light at one end and a bright white light in the middle, while on the other end a soft reddish glow. The strange object rotated from left to right and then descended and flying towards the horizon. At this time a small figure suddenly ran across the street in front of the witnesses, leaving behind a cloud of dust. Neighborhood dogs began to howl around the same time.

HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Type: D?

Location. Independence Missouri
Date: May 17 2000
Time: 0300A
In a dream like state a local woman remembered seeing a bright light overhead, through her bedroom skylight. She remembered lying down on a table and a figure was at her head on the right side over her shoulder, and another figure was at her feet on her fight side. They seemed to be pulling and tugging at something that felt like a rope going through her body from her right shoulder to her right hip area. She felt very uncomfortable and her chest was hurting. She suddenly woke up and noticed a bright light shining in the skylight, and what appeared to at first to be a plane that was traveling south to North. The object had a tail with a red flashing light and two wings with red and green lights on the ends. The wings were very thin, and right next to the tail, unlike a normal airplane. The body of the object was long with a squared off nose. The strange craft had two very bright large white lights underneath it at the front, shining directly towards the ground. Apparently no noise was heard.

HC addition # 3785
Source: Missouri Mufon
Type: C? Or G

Location. Sorrento, British Columbia Canada
Date: May 18 2000
Time: 2230
The witness was walking his dog along Mackenzie Road when he noticed an orange/red glow just at the end of the road. He shone his flashlight at it and an object started to rise. The object was described as spherical, only about 1.5 feet to 2 feet across, and about 1 foot to 1.5 feet high. The orange glow was a band around the middle extending to the outside edges of the sphere. The sphere appeared to have two black or dark half moons on the top and bottom. There were two connecting sections between the top and the bottom. The craft rose quickly at a sharp angle. When it was almost past the witness he shone the flashlight at it but it disappeared. As the witness arrived home his dog barked continuously and ran back and forth, the witness looked around but did not see anything. Two days later the witness was to remember that when he first shone the flashlight at the sphere, he saw a pair of green eyes, set fairly far apart and below the sphere. Then he remembered seeing a dark figure that appeared to be crawling away from the glowing sphere. It seemed to be on its knees and elbows and appeared to have difficulty moving, almost dragging the feet area. The head was above the arms but the witness did not have its light on it and did not see any features.

HC addition # 3665
Source: UFO BC
Type: C

Location. Tocopilla, Chile
Date: May 26 2000
Time: night
Local residents heard strange howling and screeching noises in the area, at the same time that several domesticated rabbits were found dead and completely bloodless. Another resident in Magallanes street saw a strange humanoid, with large bright yellowish eyes, that seemed to have a kind of hypnotic affect on him. Another resident saw a similar being standing on top of some rocks.

HC addition # 3642
Source: Paranigma Chile
Type: E

Location. Los Arenales, Sierra Gorda, Chile
Date: late May 2000
Time: night
A young couple was parked in an isolated area making out, when suddenly a humanoid figure, covered with hair and with large luminous reddish yellowish eyes appeared in front of the vehicle. The young woman then received an apparently telepathic message from the creature, telling her to open the car door and step outside. She was about ready to open to door when she suddenly realized what she was doing. The panicked couple attempted to start the vehicle in order to leave, but could no move their legs. Finally they were able to move and drove away from the area.

HC addition # 3646
Source: Paranigma Chile
Type: E

Location. Tocopilla, Chile
Date: May 30 2000
Time: 0200A
Local residents living next to the Tocopilla hills were suddenly awaken by strange loud noises. At first they thought it was a person climbing the hill, but after observing it in greater detail, they realized that, whatever they were seeing, not only was not human; it was something they have never seen before. It was a creature that was climbing the hill very rapidly despite the seventy to eighty degrees steep. They described the being as very agile and fast, making reptilian like movements like a small lizard. The creature appeared to be much bigger than a condor, brown in color, with bright red eyes and what appeared to be feathers throughout its body. It emitted loud quack like noises that were heard every night for a couple of weeks, causing dogs to bark and howl at night.

HC addendum
Source: Dr. Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo, Miami UFO Center
Type: E

Location. Baquedano Chile
Date: May 30 2000
Time: 0600A
37-year old Evelyn Esbry woke up early in the morning in order to use the toilet facilities located outside in the terrace. On her way there she heard sounds coming from the patio area. Suddenly an entity jumped on her back, paralyzed with fear she turned around to see a bizarre hairy creature, with a large nozzle, about 4-feet tall, and with large luminous orange, oval shaped eyes. Terrified, Evelyn fainted and did not see the creature depart. She suffered from shock and was treated at the local hospital for deep scratches. The victim told local paramedics that the creature seemed to communicate with her, using telepathy telling her not to scream.

HC addition # 3645
Source: Paranigma Chile
Type: E

Location. Quillota, Chile
Date: May 31 2000
Time: midnight
A local villager heard a loud commotion on the roof of his house. Upon investigating he was confronted by a strange creature that was standing on the roof. He described it as looking like a centaur without a nose, about 90 cm in height. The creature then jumped to a nearby ravine and vanished. The next day the body of a completely bloodless dog was found.

HC addition # 3639
Source: Paranigma Chile
Type: E

Location. Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: Summer 2000
Time: 0500A
A female witness, G. Pogorelova was sleeping in her loggia (cabin) during the summer heat when suddenly she awoke feeling a hairy hand touching the fingers of her right palm. She felt that the hand touching her had only four fingers, two on top and two beneath. Immediately she opened her eyes and since the room was strangely illuminated she saw an alien figure standing near her sofa, holding her hand. The entity had its right hand stretched forward. The witness jerked her hand back and jumped up. The entity then stepped back. The entity was generally shaped like a brown bear, standing on two hind legs, with its two hands stretched towards her. However his figure was slender, with a head much similar to a dog with the same nose. Its whole body was covered with long (approximately 6-7 cm) fur, in small curls. She was able to see the entity clearly. The entity stood close to her for about 10 seconds and then it began to fade away beginning with its head and soon vanished. The witness then went back to sleep.

HC addendum
Source: “The Secret Doctrine” Newspaper, Simferopol # 12, 2002
Type: E

Location. Svetloye, Kaliningrad region, Russia
Date: Summer 2000
Time: evening
A man named Vasiliy was returning from a day of fishing accompanied by several friends and was passing by a local purification plant for the tinned-fish food factory when suddenly the fishermen saw a silvery disk at about 50 meters from them. The disk was resting on the ground on three metallic leg-like structures and had blinking red-pink lights spaced around its circumference. Several meters from the disk three entities appeared to be taking soil samples. One of the aliens who was apparently the leader was about 2 meters in height and was standing apart from the other two, which were much shorter than he was and were actually collecting the samples. The humanoids were bending down in ways utterly impossible for normal humans; their bodies appear to be much flexible. At first Vasiliy’s dog rushed towards the landed disk but several meters from the object it stopped and began to whine and whimper wildly, running away in fear. At this point Vasiliy and his friends became scared so they hurried home following the dog. After this incident, Vasiliy began to see the same or similar UFO very often, a silver disc encircled with red-pinkish lights and usually during the summer and late at night. The UFOs seemed to be inspecting the sewage facilities and other areas apparently monitoring the ecological impact in the area.

HC addendum
Source: Denis Rozhnov, “Komsomolskaya Pravda in Kaliningrad”
February 27 2004 # 37.
Type: C

Location. Safonovo, Smolensk region, Russia
Date: Summer 2000
Time: 2330
Valentina Lychkova had returned home late one night when suddenly from somewhere on top a beam of luminous light shone on her. The area around her became unnaturally dense; she could not move her arms or legs. She suddenly perceived something dense penetrate her inside, filling her completely. At first the feeling was awful but then it changed into bliss. But she could neither shout nor laugh. Soon the beam of light disappeared into the darkness and the atmosphere around her became normal, she was again able to move.

HC addendum
Source: SKYZONE, Russia
Type: F?

Location. Near Peredovoye, Baidarskaya valley, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: June-July 2000
Time: evening
A security guard at the “Atlantica” tourist camp observed a strange humanoid on the banks of Lake Mulovskoye northeast of the village. The entity was reported to have been gray in color or wearing a grayish tight-fitting overall. Facial details could not be clearly seen, because of the distance. The entity appeared to have been examining something on the banks of the lake. Other observations of similar entities have been frequently reported in this area.

HC addendum
Source: Anton A. Anfalov, Ukraine, an@crimea.com
Type: E
Comments: Baidarskaya valley is known as the “Ukrainian UFO valley”. According to the source he believes in the possibility of an alien underground installation below the Ai-Petri plateau.

Location. Baquedano, Chile
Date: June 2000
Time: night
Upon hearing the frenetic barking of his dogs, security guard (involved in a previous encounter) Luis Alberto Calivar armed himself with a flashlight and a knife and went outside to investigate, as he did the dogs suddenly became very still. Soon his lights illuminated a dark greenish form that ran very quickly climbing up a Wasintonia palm. As he shone the flashlight at the figure he felt his arm become “cold” and the knife and watch dropped out of his hand, at the same time the dogs stood very quiet and still. A feeling of numbness overcame his body and he ran back inside his security shack, he was followed by the dogs that hid under the room and began to shake in fear. He could only describe the creature as having large flopping ears, fluid in nature, apparently without a bone structure (!), it gave the appearance of being a flexible mass that moved around like a Kangaroo. It moved silently and was about 1.30m in height. When he first spotted the creature it seemed to have been crouching down, behind a bush. It seemed to twist its body around and never looked straight at the witness, which never dropped his flashlight. Incredibly despite the reactions the witness felt no fear and did not notice any odors coming from the creature. The encounter lasted about 5 minutes and the creature was about 9 meters away from the witness. He further described the creature as having greenish hairs about 5 to 6cm in length. Soon after the encounter Calivar had too see a doctor and lost about 20 pounds.

HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Type: E

Location. Miami Florida
Date: June 2000
Time: night
A local man involved in other encounters reported that a strange ape-like creature had appeared in his room and had told him, apparently by using telepathy, that the tall blond Nordic humanoids were now only visiting South America, and had huge triangular shaped ships that hovered over the Earth at very high altitude.

HC addition # 3949
Source: Miami Skyscan
Type: E

Location. Near Stockbridge, Georgia
Date: June 2000
Time: 2100
A woman was standing on her front porch, shaking out a rug when she suddenly noticed an object hovering over some woods by the neighbor’s fence line. She stepped back inside her house and called her husband but continued to watch. The object was saucer shaped, similar to the ones she had seen on the television. It was emitting a blue light from its bottom and that the blue light turned into a little creature that ran into the woods and disappeared. Her husband also saw the object. They phoned the police but they refused to come to the scene.

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal about Com June 2003
Type: B
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: Date is arbitrary. The blue light morphing into a humanoid is interesting and it has been reported frequently.

Location. Pordenone region Italy
Date: June 4 2000
Time: 2030
The father of the main witness had earlier noticed some crop circle formations in a nearby wheat field. He took several photos. Later on that same day 12-year old Christian was outside his home when he felt a shiver and then heard a loud whistle. A hole appeared in the clouds above and a ray of light shone down on a nearby wooded shelf. A being with black oval eyes then appeared, he had gray skin, long feet, hands with three fingers and was wearing a yellow and red overalls. The being communicated with the witness via telepathy. The being then apparently followed the witness along a street, then climbed a ladder. The being then pointed to the nearby field, waved at the witness and disappeared in the field. The witness then felt the shiver again and the clouds appeared to close again. Mysterious helicopters were seen in the area during the same time period.

HC addition # 3396
Source: CISU
Type: E

Location. Villa Nonguen, Concepcion Chile
Date: June 7 2000 Time: 0400A
Julio Reyes and wife Carmen Andrade were awaken by noises coming from the backyard, which contained a hen house and a garden. Looking out they saw bizarre humanoid flapping a pair of large wings. The creature was described as white in color. It ran towards the rear of the house. The guard dog refused to follow it out. Several hens were found dead and strange footprints were also located.

HC addition # 3917
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 24
Type: E

Location. Devils Swamp, Louisiana
Date: June 8 2000
Time: 0630A
41-year old Roger Mixon was out hunting in an isolated and aptly named area when he came across a bizarre dark-purple color object the size of an 18-wheeler and shaped like a bat wing sitting on the ground. He could see a drawbridge type door that was opened and nearby saw three creatures attempting to capture an alligator. The beings wore what appeared to be crowns of gold had human-like faces and had long hair and sharp teeth like those of lions. They had breastplates resembling cast iron. One of the most bizarre features was the 4 wing-like protrusions and scorpion-like tail that each creature had. They did not see Mixon at first but when one spotted him he fired his 12-gauge shotgun hitting one in the chest knocking him down, but the creature quickly was on his feet again and apparently fired back with some type of implement that dangled from his waist. A beam like light struck the witness on his wrist leaving a scar. According to the witness he has lost most of the use of that arm as a result of the incident. He fired once more and the humanoids then rose up in the air and flew back inside the object. The door closed and it took off at lighting speed. The witness never hunted in those woods again.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Watch, UFO Reports
Type: B

Location. Antofagasta Chile
Date: June 9 2000
Time: night
The witness woke up after the cat started making noises. He looked out the window and saw a strange creature attacking the feline. The creature, described as resembling an ape with humanoid features and with very large eyes moved away quickly in a zig zagging manner. The witness found his cat dead and deep claw like scratches on his vehicle.

HC addition # 3918
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 24
Type: E

Location. Cali Colombia
Date: June 10 2000
Time: 1515
In a hill near this city the 21-year old witness spotted a small object hovering close to the ground, about 150 meters away. It made a soft engine sound. He saw a humanoid with antenna like protuberances on it head enter the object, which then took off toward the south.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Database
Type: B

Location. La Cruz, Chile
Date: June 11 2000
Time: 2045
The witness was alone at her home when she heard loud noises on the roof. She went out and noticed that two dogs were looking up at the roof. She approached and looked; there she saw a strange creature, ape like, brown in color, and with shiny eyes. Frightened she ran inside and grabbed her children, and then ran outside where she again saw the creature that apparently briefly followed her. She suffered a nervous breakdown as a result of the encounter.

HC addition # 3640
Source: Paranigma Chile
Type: E

Location. Antofagasta Chile
Date: June 13 2000
Time: night
A local homemaker reported being attacked and scratched on the face by a strange creature that jumped at her from out of the darkness. In the same area several animals were found dead, all with holes in their throat area and apparently bloodless.

HC addition # 3643
Source: Paranigma Chile
Type: E

Location. Tocopilla, Chile
Date: June 18 2000
Time: midnight
A group of young people was on the beach sitting by a bonfire. Suddenly, a large creature came out of the water. They were all astonished as they saw the strange being getting closer. The creature approached one of them making several guttural sounds, as if was trying to communicate with the young man. Moments later, it placed its right hand on the young man’s left shoulder, leaving a green stain on his sweater, which they described as the same color as marine algae. The Bigfoot-like creature soon left, as it got back in the water and disappeared in the dark. The eyewitnesses, whom they preferred to remain anonymous, described the creature as 8 feet tall, with long dark furry hair, long arms with hands below the knees, big round eyes, with a long nose and mouth shaped like an animal muzzle.

HC addendum
Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo, Miami UFO Center
Type: E

Location. El Escurial, Extremadura, Spain
Date: June 20 2000
Time: 0600A
Farmer, Samuel Cosme was laboring in his tomato field when he noticed something in one of the nearby shallow trenches. Thinking it was an animal he approached it in an attempt to trap it. When he got to about 15 meters from the figure he noticed that it was not really a dog that it was some sort of small humanoid. It was yellowish in color, with a large head, very short arms, and huge shiny black eyes. Too scared he did not notice any clothing. He ran to the house to obtain additional witnesses. Returning to the tomato patch with his two sons they also saw it. The humanoid was floating over the tomato patch. They drove by the field and the humanoid stared at them intently, at the same time making a strange noise resembling a propeller. The witness then drove to the nearby town to obtain further witnesses but upon returning the strange floating figure had vanished.

HC addition # 3611
Source: Bitacora 2-01
Type: E

Location. Concepcion del Bermejo, Argentina
Date: June 22 2000
Time: unknown
A strange creature described as half wolf and half human chased 11-year old Marcelino Gomez, who escaped from it by hopping onto a flatbed truck. Immediately his relatives rushed to his rescue. They cornered the creature in the house and beat it senseless with sticks, bricks, and garden hoses. Thinking it was dead, they left it tied up to a tree. But the creature recovered consciousness and escaped. An hour later it was seen near a gas station. Others in the region had also seen the creature.

HC addition # 3400
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 2
Type: E

Location. Tacoma, Washington
Date: June 23 2000
Time: 1830
Chris Martinez reportedly was taken inside an object by several six-foot tall humanoids with bluish hazy skin that illuminated the area around them for about 3 feet. They carried with them a small container with a red liquid inside. Inside the object it was pale white, and misty. There were several strange black cabinets that appeared to be transparent. The cabinet’s contained assorted items from around the witness house, one of them appeared to have some type of living creature (not described). An odor resembling burning hair permeated the room. The humanoids motioned for Martinez to sit on something resembling a block of concrete, but when he sat on it, it felt soft like a pillow. Suddenly he felt a whoosh of air and became light headed. His ears popped for about 10 minutes. One of the humanoids approached him with a metal syringe and jabbed it into the witness skin. At that point he felt an adrenaline rush. After awhile he could her humming sounds emanating from the humanoid’s stomach section. He though they might have been communicating with each other. He was given something resembling food he bit into it and passed out. He woke up later in a wooded area near his house.

HC addition # 3800
Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Huntington Beach, California
Date: June 23 2000
Time: midnight
The witness was walking on the beach on a pitch-black night when suddenly he heard a loud humming sound. Terrified he felt the humming sound vibrating inside him. Then he noticed several tall dark figures standing ahead of him. His last recollection was of turning around and running away from the area. He could vaguely recalled talking to a human-looking entity that spoke to him very smartly. He has no further memory.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E or G?

Location. Las Piscinas, Argentina
Date: June 24 2000
Time: night
Jorge C Cariaga was exiting his car when he saw a strange creature climbing over a nearby fence. The creature was described as ape like and large. It also gave off a nauseating odor similar to a decomposing animal. Before fleeing the creature uttered a horrifying scream. Numerous animal mutilations had been reported in that region during the time of the encounter.

HC addition # 3399
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 28
Type: E

Location. Maria Elena, Chile
Date: June 28 2000
Time: evening
Several witnesses including investigator Jaime Ferrer were leaving a local restaurant through the back door when they all saw a strange looking bird-like creature in the sky. It was flying at an altitude of about 40 meters directly above the group. It was gray in color and it passed by so rapidly that they did not have time to take a photograph of it. Its body was shape like a duck, but it was at least five times bigger. It had a long neck and the strangest thing about it was that if it would have been compared to an ordinary bird, this one had a much larger body in relation to its wings. Nevertheless, it seemed to fly like an ordinary bird; it glided smoothly and it flapped its wings every so often to gain momentum.

HC addendum
Source: Dr. Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo, Miami UFO Center
Type: E

Location. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Date: July 2000
Time: unknown
Gerardo Valenzuela had an unusual sighting of a dark tall body with humanoid characteristics descending slowly over the valley. Gerardo took a great video and the mysterious humanoid creature is seen descending until it disappears behind a hill. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: “Mysterious Flying Humanoids” Santiago Yturria
Type: E

Location. Near Prescott Arizona
Date: July 2000
Time: 0200A
Joshua Dantz was on his way home after visiting relatives in New Mexico and found deserted highway when he noticed bright floodlights lit up the road ahead of him. Assuming this must be some kind of construction work, he proceeded into the area but could not ascertain the source of the lights. Nearly blinded, he slowed to about 30 mph or so when a dark figure he described as child-like appeared just ahead of him in the road. The figure slammed into his car, but it happened so fast that Josh could not see whom it was he hit. He then skidded to a stop and got out, believing he had struck a pedestrian. The “pedestrian” turned out to be a classic gray, but did not seem to be damaged from its impact with the vehicle. Josh recalls staring at the being for an unknown amount of time, almost captivated by the gray’s eyes. He was overcome by a sense of fear and turned to run when he was confronted by several more grays no more than a few feet from him. How they got that close without him noticing, Josh cannot explain, citing only that he was tired and the sudden rush of adrenaline made him even more exhausted when it left the body. Overwhelmed with fear, Josh blacked out. When he woke up, it was daylight and he was laying in the back seat of his car. Six hours had gone by since the “accident”, and based on the burn marks Josh found on his legs he believes he was abducted by the grays after he had passed out.

HC addendum
Source: Encounters On-Line
Type: E or G?

Location. Buenavista, Argentina
Date: July 2000
Time: 1400
After hearing noises and strange voices coming from the kitchen area 10-year old Marisol Diaz went to investigate and was confronted by several short figures both males and females, resembling “little dwarfs”. They had human-like features, with large eyes, pinkish colored skin, wearing white shimmering clothing, boots and the men wore some type of headgear, the tallest of the figures, apparently a male appeared to be bearded. The female entity had long blond hair and the shorter figures (children?) wore short pants and shoes. They seemed to have been examining some cleaning detergent and other kitchen items. They spoke in an unknown language that somehow the little girl was able to understand. They seemed to be commenting on the toxic make up of the cleaning detergent. Upon noticing the little girl the little group quickly exited out the rear patio. There an adult witness who apparently saw more similar figures on top of a nearby tree saw them. In the same area there had been reports of low flying multicolored lights and other phenomena.

HC addendum
Source: Patricio Parente, Gaceta Ovni
Type: E or D?

Location. Rodnikovoye, Baidarskaya Valley, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: July 2000
Time: late evening
A UFO reportedly landed near the local Chernorechenskoye River (Black River) water reservoir northwest of the village within a guarded area close to the water. It emitted a blinding white light that illuminated everything around it. Local residents were afraid to approach the location. One or two tall humanoid figures were seen moving near the object.

HC addendum
Source: Anton A. Anfalov, Ukraine, an@crimea.com
Type: C
Comments: Baidarskaya valley is known as the “Ukrainian UFO valley” with numerous encounters and observations on record.

Location. Catamarca, Argentina
Date: July 2000
Time: night
Around the same time that a police officer encountered a short bizarre being at the police station, two security guards were confronted by a short gnome like entity. Both men were lifted up into the air and dropped down by an unseen force as the being stared at them. It then disappeared. (Related to the taxi driver case, or the same one?)

HC addition # 3633
Source: Paranigma Chile
Type: E

Location. Hopton, Norfolk, England
Date: July 2000
Time: night
While CK was walking along the beach to a nearby known “ley” line, he became very quickly disoriented and dizzy, complete with headache and nausea, to the point where his eyesight became blurred. He moved away from the Cliffside to the water’s edge—as he did he glanced up the cliff, and saw a dark figure on the cliff top, inside the perimeter fencing of a local MOD base. Since he had the blurred vision he could not be sure, but the figure seemed to have no “structure” and was more of a dark silhouette. He glanced away briefly and as he glanced back the figure was gone.

HC addendum
Source: APRA
Type: E

Location. Near Athena Oregon
Date: July 2000
Time: night
Two young men driving back home one night saw a strange creature suddenly stand up along the ditch in the road and slowly walk out into a field. The creature walked on two legs, like a human, but had a shell, protective back, like a turtle, or a porcupine. It had claws that were easily visible, even in the darkness of the night. There were also reports of another bizarre half horse-half man creature in the area.

HC addendum
Source: Loy Lawhorn Paranormal Story Archive
Type: E

Location. Arkansas, exact location not given
Date: July 2000
Time: night
In a farm area the witness suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, unable to move, apparently stuck to the bed. He then saw three gray figures standing around him, two short ones and a tall one. His next memory was of lying on a big long silver table with the humanoids around him, he was looking at one of the walls that had symbols of some sort on them. (Witness has been involved in previous encounters).

HC addendum
Source: UFO Resource Center
Type: G

Location. Fastov area, Kiev region, Ukraine
Date: July 2000
Time: night
A man and his young daughter were walking on a field near the village when they heard the sound of a distant aircraft approaching. They looked up and saw nothing, but soon there appeared an illuminated large cigar-shaped object almost upon them. The craft hovered silently at the height of a 10-story house. It was dark on the edges but illuminated in the middle from what appeared to be openings. Inside the openings they could see moving weak shadows as if someone moved inside. Frightened the witnesses ran home and stopped briefly to see the object shoot away at incredible speed.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Ukraine
Type: A

Location. Llanca, Costa Brava, Spain
Date: July 2000
Time: midnight
A 22-year old Belgian tourist and his girlfriend were taking a walk along the beach when they suddenly noticed a strange red glowing light at about 200 meters ahead behind a very large rock on the beach. They both stopped and looked at the light, wondering what it could be. Suddenly they saw flashes, like that of a camera but more intense. The flashes stopped and they saw a strange and agile black figure that jumped easily on a very high rock. There was total silence. It briefly stopped to look at the witnesses and then it jumped of to the other side of the rock with smooth movements. The red light then went out. Then it turned back on again, and brightened and dimmed several times, it pulsed several times and then turned off. The main witness attempted to approach the light but suddenly saw a white light bouncing towards them. It appeared to be hemispherical with rings around it. Terrified both ran as fast as they could and did not look back.

HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times
Type: C or E?

Location. Banda de Varela, Argentina
Date: July 4 2000
Time: night
A 70-year old woman reported encountering a bizarre dwarf-like creature hidden among bushes in the local plaza. It had sparking red eyes and it was short wearing a large hat and “dirty clothing.” The terrified woman ran home.

HC addendum
Source: Pablo Villarubia, Año Cero
Type: E

Location. Banda de Varela, Argentina
Date: July 5 2000
Time: 0100A
Corporal Miguel Aguero was alone at the police station and was performing a routine walk through the vacant cellblocks and had returned to his office when he heard something come through the double doors behind him. Turning around he was confronted by a terrifying being. Almost in shock he asked the entity what he wanted for which he received the following reply, “I have come for thee on Satan’s behalf”. Later in the hospital he described the entity as very short with red glowing eyes, a deformed face with warts. It was wearing “filthy” black pants and a green shirt. Its eyes were described as red and bulging. Corporal Aguero apparently fainted and did not see the creature depart.

HC addition # 3401
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 28
Type: E

Location. Near McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey
Date: July 5 2000
Time: 1600
A man named Robert Taylor, 22, remembers being abducted inside a very misty room surrounded by a green aura. There were soft “chairs” and a long table in the center of the room. He met several aliens described as about 6 ft tall, with very long thin arms and legs. The humanoids emitted a strange humming sound. He suffered from bizarre physiological aftereffects soon after the incident. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Banda de Varela, Argentina
Date: July 11 2000
Time: 0330A
Two taxi drivers, Walter Ortega and Luis Rodolfo Aguero were working the late shift at their station. Around 0330A, Luis was sleeping and Walter went outside upon hearing some noises. Armed with a metal bar he searched around in the darkness. Suddenly an unseen forced picked him up and threw him back about 2 meters on the ground. At the same time he noticed a figure dressed in what appeared to be a long dark coat sitting on a nearby fence. He described the figure of being of short stature, wearing a large black hat, its face hidden in shadows. Terrified he ran to wake up his partner and called the police who searched the area but failed to locate anything.

HC addendum
Source: Pablo Villarrubia, Año Cero
Type: E

Location. Manooth, Ontario, Canada
Date: July 12 2000
Time: late night
The 14-year old witness had gone to bed late at his summer cottage when he woke up to find his bedroom door open and someone walking in the living room. Soon a figure came to his bedroom door and entered followed by two more. The figures were basically humanoid, gray in color, with large black oval shaped eyes, and one was taller than the others and was holding a glowing blue rod, which apparently paralyzed the witness. He telepathically told the witness, that they were going to cure an infection that was brought to Earth by another alien race. They inserted a long tube down the witness esophagus and through it injected a liquid that apparently went straight to the small intestine. He now was able to move and was told to follow them. Outside he was taken inside a landed disc shaped object, there he was apparently scanned and examined. Later he was brought back to his room.

HC addition # 3614
Source: NUFORC
Type: G

Location. Near Puerto Cuatro Chile
Date: July 13 2000
Time: 0130A
A woman and her friend, a professor had just left the Lions Club dinner and was driving south of the city when they spotted “two strange yellow lights” on the road ahead. The driver flashed her high beams at the two intense yellow lights a short distance away. The witnesses began to slow down since the “yellow light” remained stationary. They then saw a figure standing about three feet away from their front bumper. The figure was described as large, lacking ears, covered with extremely long gray hair, particularly around the neck, with two immense slanted yellow eyes. The driver and the creature exchanged looks for about 10 seconds, after which the car drove along the left lane. The creature followed the vehicle’s departure with its head, and was apparently capable of making 180-degree turns. Terrified the witnesses drove away, seeing the yellow light again as it lit up the entire road before disappearing.

HC addition # 3784
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 31
Type: E

Location. Rennes, France
Date: July 14 2000
Time: night
The witness had just returned to her house when she saw a disc shaped object encircled in with bright lights descend overhead and land in the garden. Two figures came out of the object. They had oval shaped heads, bulging eyes, and large “cauliflower like” ears that stuck out the side of their heads. The humanoids were wearing red colored combination suits. They spoke to the witness and she fell to the ground and went into a deep sleep. When she woke up the beings and the object were gone.

HC addendum
Source: GREPI
Type: B

Location. Columbus Nebraska
Date: July 16 2000
Time: 2340
The 17-year old witness reported encountering a large glowing ball shaped object on a field. The object had small protrusions at the bottom. Stunned and unable to move he stood watching the object when a five-feet tall gray colored humanoid with huge pitch black eyes that seemed to sink into his head approached him. The being stared at him and seemed to analyze him. It had small holes for ears, no nose, and a small slit for a mouth that never changed position. After about 5 minutes or so the figure and the object disappeared. The witness remained paralyzed an additional 10 to 15 minutes.

HC addition # 3795
Source: UFO Abductions Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: C

Location. Carreña de Cabrales, Asturias, Spain
Date: July 25 2000
Time: evening
Juli Garcia Gonell and one of his students had left a local camping ground for a walk. As they drove near the local cemetery they heard some noises coming from the nearby brushes, curious they stood and stared in the direction of the noises but did not see anything. However they remained on the scene looking around and listening to more sounds and at the same time intrigued as to who could be moving in the steep ridge. As they were getting ready to leave both men noticed on the trail a strange figure that seemed to be walking away from them. They shone their flashlight at the strange form, which seemed to run away from them, both men noticed that the figure was huge and dark and appeared to have two large slanted eyes. Both men were extremely surprised to how widely separate the eyes were, indicating a large face; the figure disappeared into the darkness.

HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Type: E

Location. Near Firsanovka, Moscow region, Russia
Date: July 25 2000
Time: 1900
The witness, Ignatiy Aleksandrovich Srartsev and 2 of his friends were out in a wooded field when they heard a strong whistling sound coming from behind the trees. They then noticed a round object ringed with portholes. The UFO hovered over them and emitted some kind of laser beam like ray. The ray hit one of the men, who seemed to “vaporize” in plain sight of the other two men. Only his clothes remained. 3 minutes later he again appeared, in front of his stunned friends completely naked. He said that he had been abducted by “leshies” (Russian wood goblins). But the other two men quickly pointed out to him that it had been a UFO. The men then quickly left the area. The man’s memory was completely gone. He could only vaguely remember that some strange gray colored beings had been sticking needles into his body.

HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov, Ukraine
Type: G

Location. Bairoa, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico
Date: July 31 2000
Time: 0500A
The witness was awakened upon hearing noises coming the neighbor’s backyard. It resembled the noise of something falling on the ground. The dog began barking unceasingly. She decided to get up and look out the window, after parting some items of clothing hanging on the window she looked out and was startled to see a strange creature standing with its back to her at a distance of about 15 feet. It was described as white with wrinkled skin, an egg shaped head, large elongated white eyes with black centers, elongated ears, arms, and legs. It appeared to be unclothed. Its hands were in a praying position and its body and head jerked around as if it had no control over them. After a few minutes of watching the witness made a sudden noise. This cause the creature to half turn around and gaze upon her. This apparently caused the witness to involuntarily close her eyes and step back. She rubbed her eyes repeatedly and was able to open them again. Frightened she called additional witnesses but by the time they arrived the creature was gone. Two days after seeing the creature, the witness noticed a green light illuminating her room; no one was able to see the source of the light.

HC addition # 3480
Source: Lucy Guzman, Inexplicata
Type: E

Location. Blue Mountains, Australia
Date: August 2000
Time: 0200A
In an isolated area known as the “Blue Labyrinth” Sue O’Connor woke from a disturbing dream which was accompanied by a weird “electric” feeling, looked up at the window behind their bed and saw a large animal staring back at her. The creature had a human-sized head, which looked disproportionately small as it was set low into a pair of absolutely huge shoulders. As it was illuminated by a streetlight and a full moon; Sue could see the creature had a slim nose, a very wide mouth and a rounded clump of tan colored hair on top of its head. Soon Sue and her husband Jerry experienced six similar sightings, always preceded by the strange “electric” dreams, cold chills and fear. To look through the bedroom window the creature must have been over eight feet tall. A strange fact was that the visits always occurred just before or during Sue’s monthly periods.

HC addendum
Source: Tony Healy “High Strangeness in Yowie Reports”
Type: E

Location. Calama, Chile
Date: August 2000
Time: 0300A
Felipe an employee at a local disco reported that one night there was a loud pounding on the outside door, in the back of the building. Thinking that it was a robbery attempt, he armed himself with a club, opened the door, and was confronted by an upright four-foot tall creature with glowing yellow eyes. The creature breathed out a strong substance, which stunned Felipe, who then saw the being silently glide away. Around the same time other local residents reported seeing metallic bell shaped craft flying over the area.

HC addition # 3517
Source: Dr. Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo
Type: D

Location. Colchester, Utah
Date: August 2000
Time: afternoon
The witness was having a BBQ in the garden when suddenly the sky went pitch black. They all looked up at the sky in surprise. Everyone gasped as they saw several, skinny, bony, black creatures with wings flying at a rapid pace over the city. Around the same time another witness was parked in her driveway when she saw about five weird skinny, black creatures with round, big eyes. She screamed as they kept trying to get in. One of the weird creatures had broken the window and had bitten into her arm. After an hour the creatures gave up and left. When she got out of the car her arm was covered in blood. The police told her that it must have been a pack of dogs.

HC addendum
Source: Ghost Source.com, True Encounters Archive
Type: E

Location. Mt. Crawford, South Australia
Date: August 2000
Time: late night
16-year old J Pettina and some friends were camping in an isolated area filming for a web page they were working on. It was getting dark and Pettina decided to go for a walk. It got darker and darker when he realized he was lost. Soon he heard footsteps about 10 meters behind him. He turned and saw in the distance a figure dressed in black clothing, as it got closer, it started whispering. It was a male voice. It said he was going to take the witness back to its lair in the mountains and eat his flesh (!) and see what his body was made of. The terrified witness was frozen to the spot and wanted to run but could not. As it came closer the witness could see that its face was red and that it had a long nose. His eyebrows were thick and he talked without moving his lips. Then he heard his friends scream out his name, he turned to see where they were for a split second, and when he looked back the strange creature was gone. The witness rushed back to his friends and told them what had happened but he was not believed. That night he was awoken by footsteps again. He did not want to move. He curled up in a ball and closed his eyes tight. The whispering started again and the witness heard it say that he would return when he was alone. None of his friends heard it.

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal Story Archive, August 2002
Type: E

Location. Chicago, Illinois
Date: August 2000
Time: late night
Adrian D woke up and needed to use the bathroom. He turned on his bedroom light as not to step on anything. After opening the door he turned on another light, and looked up. Something wearing green was standing on the other side of the room with his back to the witness. It was wearing a weird helmet and looked definitely human. It left a cloud of grayish purple dust when it suddenly disappeared in plain sight.

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal Story Archive, August 2002
Type: E

Location. Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina
Date: August 2 2000
Time: 1845
The witness had gone outside to empty the trash and was returning back to the house when she noticed something floating over the ground above some nearby laurel bushes. It appeared to be an amorphous transparent figure with large bright yellowish almond shaped eyes. The figure floated towards a nearby tree knocking itself against it, a branch was seen to fall down. At the same time it seemed to disappear and the witness heard a loud humming sound. There seemed to be an invisible energy in the air. The frightened witness ran inside the house and summoned her husband but the figure had already vanished. In the following days the witness suffered from headaches and heard metallic voices calling her name.

HC addendum
Source: Proyecto CATENT, Buenos Aires
Type: E

Location. Uniontown, Pennsylvania
Date: August 3 2000
Time: 2200
Five witnesses observed what they described as an alien “glide” across a field. The witnesses described the being as about 5 feet tall with long slender extremities. It carried a brown “staff” about 5 feet long. It was observed for about a minute from a distance of about 250 feet. No apparent disturbances to the area around the being were reported. The creature appeared to glide about 6 inches above the ground, according to the witnesses. Weather conditions were cool and clear with no wind. No sounds were reported and witnesses commented on it seeming abnormally quiet at the time. Crickets and other normal background noises were absent. The witnesses lost sight of the being when they drove a short distance up the road to an area which they thought would offer a better view, only about 75 to 100 ft from where the being was seen. A small knoll obstructed their view as they drove. When they got to the closer location, the being was gone. The witnesses returned home after the encounter. They reported no serious effects from their sighting, although three of them did claim to be very tired the next day.

HC addition # 3469
Source: Stan Gordon, PASU, J Brown
Type: E

Location. Falkirk, Scotland
Date: August 10 2000
Time: 0010A
Scott Jarvie was walking home after visiting his girlfriend when he suddenly became drowsy and very sleepy. He suddenly found himself inside a very bright place but “dark” at the same time, it was hard to describe. Inside he briefly met a short humanoid, with sunken green eyes, sandy colored skin, and no mouth. It had short stubby fingers on one hand. A most peculiar feature was that it had a hole where the neck area joined the spine. Jarvie has no other memories.

HC addition # 3799
Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Oklahoma, exact location not given
Date: August 11 2000
Time: 0445A
A man had run out of gas and had started walking towards some nearby lights. As he was walking, a car drove around him, pulling ahead of him quite a distance and stopped. A man exited the vehicle and looked at him. He described the man as having glowing green eyes. Then he looked behind him and saw two other men. One on each side. One had green glowing eyes also and the other had eyes that glowed like diamonds. The men did not say anything, but the witness felt they were telling him to trust them. He felt an electrical current going through his body and was unable to move. His memory ends about this time. He was later found unconscious by a police officer in the middle of the road, apparently unharmed.

HC addition # 3623
Source: NUFORC
Type: E?

Location. Pokrovka, Russia
Date: August 15 2000
Time: 0440A
In this village west of Moscow several campers observed a small disc shaped object fall to earth in a field east of the hamlet emitting a humming sound resembling that of an electric engine the sound of a hard impact was also heard. The disk was shiny and smoke was observed at the place of impact. It was about 3.5 m in diameter, with a big dome and a dark “belt” on the rim. It had a flat finish with gradual rising dome. One part of the object was damage as a result of the impact. In about 15-20 minutes a military team was observed arriving in a truck. The military quickly loaded the disk on the truck covered it with a tarpaulin and drove away. The military had apparently tracked the object on radar. It was established later that the disk was transported to a military base near Moscow where a team of experts examined it. The team succeeded in opening the disk and the bodies of two small humanoids were found inside the alien craft. Both aliens were dead, obviously killed by the hard impact. They were of the typical “gray” type, dwarf like, with large hairless heads, huge black eyes, webbed fingers and hoofed feet. The beings were taken out of the disk; autopsied and hidden in a top secret underground facility north of Moscow near Solnechnogorsk.

HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov list, Larissa Chora, and Lenura Azizova
Type: H

Location. Carozzo, La Spezia, Italy
Date: August 17 2000
Time: afternoon
Several witnesses spotted a flying humanoid careening through the clear blue sky over the area. It was described as resembling the “Batman” character, including boots and a cape. It flew very fast away from the area.

HC addition # 3909
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 38
Type: E

Location. Millis Massachusetts
Date: August 17 2000
Time: night
Two witnesses reportedly saw a silhouette or a figure in the window. Behind it there was a very bright white light. The dog became frightened during the incident and their satellite TV scrambled and showed square symbols. A circular area of matted down grass was found in the yard.

HC addition # 3929
Source: UFOs in Massachusetts
Type: C

Location. Pichoy, Chile
Date: August 19 2000
Time: 1000
Ten hens, including a rooster fell victims to a strange creature that roamed at will inside a chicken pen in a farmer’s house. One of the hens was found decapitated and all showed signs of having bitten and sucked completely dry of blood. The incident occurred in the house of a farm couple, Alejandro Rivas and Leonor Zuñiga. Leonor reported hearing noises and seeing a strange creature, which she described as small with a round hairless head, small shiny eyes, long fang-like teeth and large mouth. However she did not see any legs, hair or feathers on the creature. It was shiny yellow in color. As she open the gate to the chicken pen some of the animals managed to fly out obviously terrified. At that moment she noticed the bizarre creature, which seemed to rear up on a corner and emit a huffing sound as if preparing to attack the witness. However it disappeared through a hole in the pen and towards a nearby swampy area near the river, only a few meters from the farmhouse. The terrified witness reported that she had never seen such an animal in the farm before.

HC addendum
Source: Revista Investigacion, “El Chupacabra, en Pichoy?
Type: E

Location. Miami Florida
Date: August 22 2000
Time: 0130A
The night after the witness had seen a green fireball moving horizontally over the area, she was sitting on her couch watching TV when she heard a bumping noise on the porch. Looking out through the vertical blinds, she saw a whitish shape of a head with large dark eyes. Immediately she ran out, but the creature had already disappeared. She felt “drained” after the encounter.

HC addition # 3518
Source: Miami Skyscan
Type: D

Location. Malpaisillo, Nicaragua
Date: August 25 2000
Time: night
After six weeks of mysterious sheep slayings in the region, rancher Jorge Luis Talavera shot and wounded a yellow furred creature that made rapid movements near the sheep pen. The creature disappeared into the brush. Days later a security guard found the decomposed body of a strange creature near the ranch. It appeared to be some type of hybrid creature, thin and tall, large eye sockets, over sized fangs and with several protuberances on the upper vertebrae, shaped like a crocodile’s crest, it also had very small ears. Others had reported similar creatures in the nearby cordillera, one with white or silver fur, and two with black fur. The remains were taken to a local University forensic lab in Leon state, where the decomposed body was apparently switched with that of a normal domesticated dog. The controversy still lingers.

HC addition # 3908
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 38
Type: E or H?

Location. Bakersfield, California
Date: August 30 2000
Time: 0003A
Gary Lowery was awakened by the sound of his bedroom closet doors creaking. As he looked towards the door, he was able to observe a “silver colored object” which slowly retracted. He then noticed a cone shaped beam causing the closet doors to become transparent and he was able to see into the closet where the light was shining. Shortly thereafter, a “purple bubbling object” began to form. He looked away to see if he was hallucinating but when he looked back it was still there and getting progressively larger. He then saw “a bright white blue structure” forming which resembled the number 7. Gary further noted that when he awoke later that morning he noticed that an implant which had been in his body for 3 years was now gone. The nine-year-old daughter of Gary Lowery reported encountering strange creatures in her bedroom for the past two years. She also found marks on her chest. Lowery found under his bed a slipper white powder that was “gross” in nature. He also found claw-like prints, possible footprints and an unusual tube and also a watch with a strange substance on it.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Resource Center
Type: E?

Location. Wysoka, Poland
Date: September 2000
Time: evening
Several children sitting around a campfire noticed a shiny object descend behind some nearby trees. Soon a huge human like figure at least 3 meters in height appeared and began to approach the children. Terrified the children ran away from the area. The UFO and the giant humanoid later disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Robert K Lesniakiewicz
Type: C

Location. Pitrufquen, Argentina
Date: September 2000
Time: night
Independent witnesses, mostly young children have reported encountering a very short man like creature near a cave close to the city, described as resembling a little man with wizened features, hairy pig-like ears and shining eyes. It seemed to be wearing something resembling a cape or blanket on his back. The strange creature reportedly behaves violently towards animals but does not harm humans. Several bloodless chickens and hens have been found in the area. There were several adult witnesses also. Unconfirmed reports stated that the little imp lifted up a car near the cave and attacked some dogs.

HC addition # 3871
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 9
Type: E

Location. West Midlands, England
Date: September 2000
Time: night
On the night in question 35-year old Diane was laying in bed with her husband asleep at her side and the two children were asleep in the next bedroom. Diane was unable to sleep and was looking at the stars through the bedroom window when she suddenly noticed one of the stars was moving. As she watched the star was getting larger and larger and seemed to be moving towards the house. By this time Diane was becoming alarmed and woke her husband and called him to the window. They both observed a large matt black craft hovering above the back garden. They recalled what appeared to be pipes all over the craft. As they looked in amazement they saw two small figures scurrying up the garden path towards the house. They were huddled together as if in deep conversation. Diane and Peter were terrified and Diane grabbed a small penknife that was on her bedside table and they both ran out onto the landing to protect their two little girls and as they did so they saw some of the creatures in the downstairs hallway. At this they became hysterical and ended up in the bathroom with the door shut. Diane and her husband could hear them moving about outside the door. Fearing for their children Diane opened the bathroom door with the intention of stabbing one of them and was startled to see one of the creatures standing on the doorway looking at her. She suddenly heard something talking to her in her head, the voice said, “Why are you afraid, you know you have nothing to fear.” Suddenly Diane lunged forward with the knife and as she did so the creature produced a thin silver gray rod with a light on the tip and pointed it at her stomach and as it did so she doubled up in excruciating pain and passed out. The next morning the couple remembered waking up the next morning suffering severe stomach pains. Diane was sick and spent several days in bed recovering. The penknife disappeared and has never been seen again. The couple described the aliens as being small like children but with very ugly wrinkled brown faces as if they were very old and they were wearing cloaks with hoods, like monks habits. Diane has also suffered from nosebleeds for many years.

HC addendum
Source: Tony Dodd, UFO Zone
Type: C or G?

Location. Not given
Date: September 2 2000
Time: 0230A
The witness woke up to see four little hooded figures come into his room and take him onboard an object. He found himself lying on a table surrounded by three medium tall gray humanoids with large black eyes. He could not move his body. The room was small and the ceiling was low. The hooded figures left the room and one of the gray humanoids stuck a needle in his head, his gums then his neck. He looked up and saw a reptilian like figure looking down on him. Suddenly it was over and he found himself back on his bed. He felt very weak and had a headache for the next five days.

HC addition # 3857
Source: UFOs and Aliens Among Us
Type: G

Location. Hooper, Colorado
Date: September 3 2000
Time: 0130A
A person observed a bright light over the UFO watchtower (?) in this locality. Later four individuals in a tent at the site observed crafts and heard noises. One craft looked like a roulette wheel shape that hovered above the tent. Another object was described as 30 ft wide by 5 ft deep. A deep sounding noise was heard around the tent and two of the tents occupants heard strange “voices” or chattering coming from around the tent.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: F?

Location. Santa Cruz, Manila, Philippines
Date: September 6 2000
Time: 1330
Three days after a witness filmed a strange object over the area, 31-year old Gloria Siboa was walking on her way home when she was approached by four women wearing black nun’s habits, that obscured their facial features. They seemed to be lost and asked Gloria for directions. They failed to understand her directions and invited her to board their van and accompany them to their destination. The witness felt unwilling to resist and boarded the van. As soon as she boarded the van one of the women covered her nose and mouth with a drug-laced handkerchief knocking her out. Three days later, Siboa woke up still onboard the van that was headed to an unknown destination, she was still blindfolded. She jumped out screaming for police. She could not explain where she had been for the last 3 days. Her abductors took her wallet and ID.

HC addition # 3937
Source: Missing from my files
Type: G

Location. Yuma Arizona
Date: September 7 2000
Time: 0130A
Two women sitting outside talking saw what appeared to be small airplane-like objects flying over the area. Suddenly a circle of light descended from the sky towards them and transformed itself into a human form, with large black slanted eyes. Moments later it retreated back and changed into several small circling lights and then disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E?

Location. Malpaisillo, Nicaragua
Date: September 12 2000 Time: night
Workers standing guard at a local ranch reportedly spotted a short white furred creature, with fangs that was prowling around the sheep pen. This is the same location where a large humanoid creature was shot and killed by a local rancher. Reputedly a “Chupacabra.”

HC addition # 3907
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. # 5 # 37
Type: E

Location. Palm Bay Florida
Date: September 18 2000
Time: night
15-year old Scott Caniford remembers finding himself in an unknown possibly underground location, surrounded by five gigantic, almost 11-feet tall brown colored humanoids. He remembered going through many different tunnels, always accompanied by the giant brown figures. He does not remember how he got back home. After the incident he found four small red dots on each corner of both of his hands. Also assorted items like remote controls, forks, papers, began sticking to Scott’s hands.

HC addition # 3820
Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Chatfield, Texas
Date: September 21 2000
Time: 1930
The witness was driving home and was already late for a birthday party when she noticed a large disc-shaped craft iridescent white in color and emitting a long neon purple from underneath. She suddenly felt being drawn from her car, and she pulled the car to the side of the road. She got out of the car and it was the last thing she remembered. She had vague memories of lying on a table and felt that her body was examined in detail. Later she found herself next to the car and drove home. Hypnotic regression has not been attempted.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Again hypnotic regression would be imperative in this case.

Location. Near Sevilla, Spain
Date: September 23 2000
Time: 0325A
Rosa Lopez was on her way home late one night when her vehicle seems to enter a strange fog on the roadway. As she drove out of the fog she was stunned to see that it was almost 0500A already, it seemed only minutes had passed by. Later under hypnotic regression the witness reported encountering a huge metallic object on the road, the vehicle then stalled and stopped. Several short figures with large heads and huge eyes now surrounded the vehicle. She felt helpless and weak as the humanoids carried her into the object. She was questioned and put through what she thought was a “brain scanning” device. She was then taken back to her car, and she drove away apparently still under the control of the humanoids. She seemed to snap out of it when she got home.

HC addition # 3935
Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista, Rafael Cabello Herrero
Type: G

Location. Alabama, exact location not given
Date: September 29 2000
Time: night
After hearing a sound resembling “humming electrical lines” and seeing movement the witness saw six glowing entities standing on top of a garage roof. It resembled a singing choir. A photograph was taken of the scene. No more information.

HC addition # 3489
Source: Filer Files # 3-2001
Type: E

Location. Between Simferopol & Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: Beginning of October 2000
Time: late evening
The witness, Mrs. Danilova, director of a local business firm along with her husband were in their car returning to Simferopol when suddenly then noticed a landed UFO on the side of the road nearby. Both witnesses could also see several alien figures (not described) that emerged from the object and began approaching the witness’s vehicle. Seized by fear, and the fear of abduction, both witnesses were in a state of shock but were apparently able to drive away. The witnesses refused to talk any further about the incident.

HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov personal investigation
Type: B

Location. Sierra Gorda, Calama, Chile
Date: October 2000
Time: 1700
Three men standing at the front gate of the Mina El Tesoro spotted what appeared to be a pair of glowing eyes at about 30 meters away. They noticed 3 forms, one large and two small, about 1 meter in height. They were somewhat simian in appearance and bounded away towards the nearby ridge. The same guards had seen similar creatures back in May.

HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Type: E

Location. Cranham, Gloucestershire, England
Date: October 2000
Time: 2100
A group of friends decided to go out for a walk around the village, it was very dark but they had two flashlights with them. After about 30 minutes into their excursion over fields and hedges, and along dirt tracks, they found what seemed to be a bridleway. As they set out along it, one of the two torches ran low on battery power, with only one light it was difficult to see where they were walking. Suddenly two of the people at the head of the line fell in a deep hole, the others dragged one out, but the other one remained injured at the bottom of the hole. The hole was adjacent to a cottage with large iron gates. And as they looked up, they all saw a hazy silhouette of a figure standing just behind the iron gates staring directly at them. They yelled at the figure, asking for help. But when they looked back at it again the figure had disappeared. They finally managed to get their injured friend out of the hole and dress his wounds.

HC addendum
Source: Paul Deveraux, Haunted Land
Type: E
Comments: This entity seems to be more like an “apparitional” type.

Location. Maryland, exact location not given
Date: October 2000
Time: night
Mary C and a friend were driving down a street and it was getting dark. As they were reaching the end of the street, Mary noticed a pair of “glowing” eyes. At first she thought it was just a dog or cat. The eyes were staring out of a hollowed out tree trunk that had been that way for many years. As they approached the tree, whatever it was began to hop across the street like a kangaroo. But it was not a kangaroo. It had back legs like a kangaroo and small forelegs and it had a snout resembling an anteater and very red eyes gleaming in the light. As it crossed the street, it stared at the car, probably in fear. It was hairy like a rat and it stood about three to four ft tall as it hopped. The creature was seen on two nights.

HC addendum
Source: Loy Lawhorn Paranormal Story Archive
Type: E

Location. Jimboomba, Queensland, Australia
Date: October 2000
Time: 0230A
A man reported encountering a short humanoid figure wearing a tight fitting silvery suit on the grounds of his property. Two days later he found an elliptical ring of burnt grass on his property. Two days prior his son had heard someone walking on the gravel outside the house. The burn mark had a major axis of about 9 ft and a minor axis of about 7 ft and was about 6 inches wide. The man lives on a five-acre property.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Research Queensland
Type: E

Location. Mexico City, Mexico
Date: October 1 2000
Time: unknown
A commercial airline pilot from Aero-California who wanted to omit his name to avoid problems in his work reported the sighting of a “little flying man” who was flying at the same altitude of the plane before landing. According to the pilot this “flying man” had a kind of backpack in his back and was flying freely. The pilot added he saw perfectly well arms and legs.

HC addendum
Source: “Mysterious Flying Humanoids” Santiago Yturria
Type: E

Location. Iquique, Chile
Date: October 7 2000
Time: 2230
42-year old janitor Jesus Barrientos had gone up to the roof to arrange some boxes. The area was well lit. As he turned halfway around he saw what appeared to have been some sort of bird on top of a doorway. Thinking that it was a bat he tried to shoo the animal away, but as he approached it, he realized that it was a strange animal with an elongated face, bulging eyes, sharp teeth and it was making squealing sounds like a puppy. Terrified and unable to move, Barrientos noticed that the creature had long ears, was black in color, was about 1 meter in length, and had large bat-like wings. The witness broke into a run and at the same time the creature flew off into the night.

HC addition # 3527
Source: El Mercurio 10-08-00
Type: E

Location. Roque Saenz Pena, Argentina
Date: October 6 2000
Time: afternoon
Several local school children from the Hipolito Yrigoyen neighborhood reported encountering three short humanoids that had apparently climbed a tree; one was green, one yellow, and the other red. They seemed to be trying to hide their faces, and were hugging the tree branches. The juveniles left the scene.

HC addition # 3557
Source: UFOPR Boletin
Type: E

Location. Near Trout Lake, Washington
Date: October 13 2000
Time: 2200
James Gilliland and a female guest were cleaning up brush and burning areas to reduce the danger of forest fires at the self-mastery Earth Institute when they noticed a large flash of white light. At first Gilliland did not react but heard the female guest yelling out. Right after the white flash appeared an orange glow became evident and within the glow the torso of a moving humanoid figure. No other features could be seen. It suddenly blinked out. Other guests at the site had seen bright lights of unknown origin in the sky.

HC addition # 3403
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 # 42
Type: C

Location. Sevilla, Spain
Date: October 14 2000
Time: night
Joaquin Aranda was out hunting in a field near his ranch when he spotted on top of a nearby hill, a luminous figure that as it walked, emitted flashes of bright light. Aranda then told his dog to go towards the strange figure. The animal walked a few paces then ran away into the brush. Lacking options and a little frightened the witness fired a shot into the air. Instead of being intimidated the luminous figure began walking towards the witness. At this point Aranda fired towards the figure that ignored the shot and apparently was not harmed and kept approaching him. Frightened Aranda dropped the rifle and fled from the area. Returning to the scene the next day accompanied by his sons, Aranda found the rifle propped up against a tree, and no tracks or footprints around it.

HC addition # 3932
Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista, Rafael Cabello Herrero
Type: E

Location. Near Alanis, Sevilla, Spain
Date: October 14 2000
Time: night
Diego Garrido was driving on the C-421 motorway near the city when as he rounded a curve he noticed a very luminous figure that appeared to be walking along the embankment. As Garrido drove by, the figure lunged towards the car, causing the witness to slam on the brakes. He noticed that the figure had amorphous facial features, with two concaved cavities where the eyes would have been and a small dot in the area of the nose. Terrified the witness accelerated and left the area at high speed.

HC addition # 3933
Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista, Rafael Cabello Herrero
Type: E

Location. Del Valle Texas
Date: October 15 2000
Time: 0230A
The witness was awakened by a loud noise that seemed to be approaching the house and getting louder as if in a vertical descent from the sky. For some unknown reason the witness laid in bed terrified and shaking but unable to move. Suddenly she turned her heard and saw several figures in the room; two were holding her shoulders, one on each side. She suddenly became warm and she stood straight up. She then was floated over the floor and out the front door accompanied by a bright white light. The beings were short, with large black eyes and long dangling arms. They had large heads. Her next memory was being back in her bedroom at 0430A. Again she heard the loud noise but this time it appeared to be leaving the area. She also noticed a strong odor in the room but it went away after a few moments.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G?

Location. Martins Ferry, Ohio
Date: October 15 2000
Time: 2300
The witness was sleeping when he was suddenly jolted awake by the sounds of the window being pried open, when his eyes came into focus he saw two figures already inside the room and a third coming in. The figures appeared to be slightly luminous. The terrified witness could not speak, and began to sway back and forth on his bed. One of the figures then became dark and apparently approached the witness. He now felt hands around his mouth and was lifted up. He then became unconscious. He could not remember anything else of the incident. The next day neighbor’s mentioned something about seeing an object on the ground on a nearby field.

HC addition # 3590
Source: NUFORC
Type: C?

Location. Near Carmona, Spain
Date: October 18 2000
Time: night
Alvaro Rodriguez driving near the village spotted a luminous man like figure that appeared to just come out of a drainage hole on the side of the road. Its body was emitting bright flashes of light. The figure apparently noticed the car then went back into the drain. The witness stopped his car hoping that the figure would come out again, but it never did. He then drove away.

HC addition # 3934
Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista, Rafael Cabello Herrero
Type: E

Location. Chiu Chiu, Atacama Chile
Date: October 19 2000
Time: 2200
Fresia Berlina Vega was playing with 10-year old Valentina the daughter of a local schoolteacher on the school grounds when they saw in the sky a bright star-like light suddenly appear. The light suddenly descended towards the witness emitting bright-multicolored flashes of light. Within the light the two witnesses could see a huge round object that hovered outside the school perimeter at a low altitude. Suddenly a thunder clap-like noise was heard and a bright beam of light emerged from the object illuminating both witnesses. Fresia felt a cold wave envelope her body. The beam of light then retreated back into the object and another thunderclap was heard. The object then remained above the witnesses for a few more moments in which Fresia again felt a definite change of temperature, she felt as if her head seemed to swell up. In a moment she was looking directly at the object in a state of total relaxation. She felt a prickling sensation invade her entire body. Meanwhile Valentina felt the same presence and complained of a headache and discomfort in her nose, later she was to suffer from insomnia. While under the beam of light Fresia had the distinct impression that a photograph had been taken of her. As the object moved away towards the nearby cemetery both witnesses felt a slight tremor in the earth. Fresia reported some beneficial aftereffects after the encounter, a persistent back pain went away, but she also experienced irregularities with her menstrual cycle. She felt more relax and at ease and monetary problems seem to have gone away. She would have peculiar “dreams” in which, several short human-like figures, dark in color and with large heads would approach her and ask her how she was feeling. They reassure her that things were going to improve in her life. She further described the beings as about 1.50m in height, wearing thick soled boots. She is convinced that she will see them again some day.

HC addition # 3464
Source: Ramon Navia Osorio, Chile
Type: G?

Location. Australia, exact location not given
Date: October 21 2001
Time: 2245
The witness had gone on a fishing trip in an isolated area with a friend. Around dusk he decided to go into the brush in order to obtain some firewood. Soon he heard a low pitch hum and yelled out at his friend that said he could not hear it. All of the sudden it disappeared. After awhile they were cooking and heard some rustling sounds in the brush but they ignored it and went back to fish. Later on they were hungry again and got up to heat the pots, as they got up they noticed a being standing just outside of the bush. It was described as small, about 3-4 feet high, with big black eyes, it had lips and a moving mouth and what the witnesses thought was a “vagina.” Its skin was very light gray, with light brown patches over its head and chest. The being stood there staring at the witnesses who were compelled to just stand there and look back. After a few minutes they heard the humming sound again. They looked back at the humanoid that raised its hand and seemed to smile. It then walked off into the bush and then the humming disappeared again. The witnesses decided to go back to sleep and left in the morning.

HC addendum
Source: Nightwatch 2001
Type: E

Location. Cerro Del Hierro, Sevilla Spain
Date: October
27 2000 Time: 1700
A family of four that included a 19-year old daughter and a 13-year-old son had gone out to picnic in a rugged abandoned strip mine area. As they walked towards the nearby edge of the mining gorge, after parking their vehicle, they noticed a bright flash of light from behind a nearby hill, and then there was a loud sound resembling exploding firecrackers. The 13-year old boy hopped on his bicycle and began approaching the area. Being dangerous terrain, his father prevented him from going any further. Again the loud exploding sounds were heard. The family then arrived at the edge of the strip-mining gorge and soon noticed two strangely dress figures at the bottom of the gorge, which appeared to be digging or surveying the terrain. As they watched the two figures another bright flash of light emanated from behind a path directly above the figures. As the witnesses approached the edge of the gorge, the two figures suddenly turned around and stared at them. The family then noticed that the figures were wearing dull gray colored coveralls. They seemed to be wearing some sort of masks that prevented the witnesses from seeing any facial features. But the girl thought that their heads were somewhat larger than normal. Apparently startled by the sudden intrusion of the family, the two figures began to leave the area using very quick and inhuman movements, one of them traversing a distance of 300 meters in a matter of seconds. The other figure, using several vertical jumps of more than 30 meters each, climbed the rocky wall of the gorge. The two figures were now level with the witnesses and standing across the gorge about 600 yards away. At this point the bright flashes behind the path increased in intensity and in numbers. The father then approached the edge of the gorge and saw more flashes at the bottom of the gorge. Suddenly two more similarly garbed beings appeared, these seem to glide about 50 cm above the ground and were carrying something very bright in their hands. These two new figures stopped briefly and looked at the witnesses, then followed the path, which the other two humanoids had taken. Their bodies appear to give off bright flashes of light. Suddenly one of the figures, again using very quick movements, glided back down the bottom of the gorge and seem to search for something, in seconds it returned back to join the others. At this point the family became hysterical, the mother feeling an intense pressure in her eardrums. The two younger members were screaming hysterically and all felt drained of energy. Suddenly a metallic gray oval shaped craft appeared behind the 4 humanoids, and descended to about a meter from the ground. The four humanoids then disappeared into the object in an unknown manner, since no opening was seen. The family thought that the object must have been larger inside as to what appeared to be in the outside. The craft then suddenly flashed and shot away at angle disappearing at tremendous speed.

HC addendum
Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista &p
Rafael Cabello Herrero
Type: B
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8

Location. Accrington, England
Date: October 28 2000
Time: 0100A
Anthony Walsh was leaving his girlfriend’s house and was walking along Duckworth Street when he heard a moan type sound and saw a flash of light that blinded him. When his vision returned he was inside a capsule shaped craft. Inside he was met by a tall being of a metallic gray hue. It had no ears or mouth, but otherwise humanoid in appearance. It had tiny eyes that seemed to penetrate the witness mind and exploit it. Inside the object it was dull with no decorations. On one side there was a control panel with shiny knobs, which flashed silver gray as he approached them. There were no windows or door seals. There was also a constant vibrating hum in the air. In the center of the capsule the witness saw a large rotating silver cube that seemed to defy gravity. The cube changed colors to red, and then strange symbols became visible. Soon after the incident the witness suffered from severe tooth pains and a strong body odor of an unknown source.

HC addition # 3797
Source: UFO Abductions Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Blue Mountains, Australia
Date: October 31 2000
Time: night
Sue O’Connor encountered and established a telepathic link with what purported to be their regular visitor—a female Yowie. The creature conveyed that it resided in the “Black Dimension” but was a benign “being of light” which was drawn to her and her garden. It conveyed its disapproval of the word “Yowie” and seemed to say it was “of the bunyip race.” Among other things it informed Sue it was immensely old—essentially immortal.

HC addendum
Source: Tony Healey, “High Strangeness in Yowie Reports”
Type: E or F?

Location. Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: end of October 2000
Time: 2230
The witness, Mr. Boris Ustinov was returning home in a taxi from Moscow Square but after passing the Central market and Sevastopolskaya Street a police patrol stopped the taxi. While the driver and the inspector argued Boris decided to sneak away and without being seen he disappeared into a dark alley and into a narrow street. After 15 minutes of walking he began to feel apprehensive and noticed a very long fence along the road. He stopped and was surprised at the total silence around him, he did not hear cars, dogs barking or anything else, and the silence was absolute. Even the air was still; he could only hear the sound of his own breath. He began walking along the strange fence and was surprised to notice another fence on the opposite side of the narrow street made out of what appeared to be unprocessed stones, like the other “fence”. At times he saw low wooded doors, with wrought iron gates. Behind the fence he saw some roofs of unknown buildings. He suddenly realized that there was a total lack of light anywhere, neither electric or candle powered, there were no shadows, and he could only see a star covered sky and felt oppressive silence all around him. He walked in total bewilderment around the area for at least four hours, afraid to knock on any of the doors. When he turned a corner he saw about 2 meters away a small entity, about 40-50cm in height, with pupil-less eyes that gave off a bright red light, whatever it was it resembled a dwarf. Terrified, Boris froze in place. The dwarf stood motionless like a statue. They were facing each other in silence. Apparently the dwarf was also amaze to see him. The dwarf had large ears, a curved nose, wrinkled “old” skin and shiny red eyes. He had an elongated body with small legs and small hands. Suddenly the alien displayed a broad ironical smile, showing a row of curved and “wet” teeth. Horrified Boris ran from the area not going where he was going, running next to the strange stone fence with its intricate network of designs. The whole time he could hear small footsteps behind him. Suddenly he reached the end of the fence into some bushes, having no choice he jumped over the dense wall of black-green bushes. As he did he fell onto the pavement of a street and almost under the wheels of a passing trolley, he could now hear the normal sounds of the city as his hands and legs trembled. He returned in the morning to the area and only found an old abandoned cemetery behind the dense green wall of brush.

HC addendum
Source: “The Secret Doctrine” Simferopol # 8, April 2003,
Anton Anfalov
Type: E or G?
Comments: One must conclude that the witness somehow accidentally slipped into some kind of parallel world and somehow was lucky enough to return.

Location. Erlanger Kentucky
Date: November 2000
Time: 0710A
The young witness was walking to school early one morning when he was overcome by a feeling of dread. Then something caught his eye in a tree across the street. There he could see a tall creature standing on a fairly high branch. It looked like a very skinny man, but was completely pitch black. Its face had only two little red slits for eyes. No mouth or nose or ears. It was hunched over. One hand held the main section of the tree and the other held the creature’s foot. It stared at the witness, who felt paralyzed with fear. Finally he was able to move and left the area quickly. He reported a strange feeling in his chest for the next two days.

HC addendum
Source: Loy Lawhorn, Paranormal Story Archive
Type: E

Location. Laboulaye, Argentina
Date: November 2000
Time: evening
According to some locals a creature described as being a cross between a humanoid and a wolf, has been seen by numerous witnesses. According to some, the creature moves nimbly between the shadows and is responsible for the deaths of small animals, which led them to recall a similar apparition seen last year in the city. A resident named Jesus Peralta saw the creature and described it as looking like a curly dog but of great size with red eyes, walking on all fours and standing on two hind legs to howl. It’s swift and vanishes when one tries to cast a beam of light on it. Peralta claims to have fire twice at it with no apparent effect. Several other witnesses report of having seen it jump over a 2.2 meter barbed wire fence and run a 100 meter block in five seconds—twice as fast as the Olympic athletes who run such a distance.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. # 5 number 47
Type: E

Location. Pueblo Libre, Lima, Peru
Date: November 2000
Time: late night
Independent witnesses reported hearing noises on the roof and upon investigating encountered several humanoid figures wearing shiny tight fitting tunics, with large round heads. The humanoids seemed to float a few inches from the floor. Some of the witnesses contacted the police.

HC addition # 3630
Source: Entidad Biologica Extraterrestre, Lima Peru
Type: E

Location. Southern West Virginia (exact location not given)
Date: November 2000
Time: late night
Two witnesses were parked on an interstate overpass doing some stargazing, hoping to catch a glimpse of a comet apparently in view during the time. They had parked away from the city in order to avoid any glare from lights. Suddenly it felt as if the air was sucked out of the car, and both felt an incredible sense of doom. One of the witnesses looked on his rearview mirror and saw a red hooded figure coming toward the car; it appeared to be coming up to the car at very high speed, apparently gliding over the ground. It appeared to have no face, where a face should have been it was just a blur. The witness started the car and drove away from the area at high speed.

HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times Forum
Type: E
Comments: Little red riding hood gliding over a West Virginia highway?

Location. St Petersburg, Russia
Date: November 9-10 2000
Time: 0200A
The witness, Aleksey Tikhonovich suddenly woke up in the middle of the night feeling an urge to inspect the house, he finds everyone asleep and the house dark. Suddenly he sees a very tall figure standing by his bedroom door. He ran into his bedroom and grabbed a stick he kept next to his headboard; at the same time asking the intruder how did he get in the house. The intruder however remained calmed and told him not to be angry that he believed in the same God, he then applied his right hand on the left side of his breast and said, “I have come in peace”. Aleksey could now see the intruder clearly and he described him as well built human like figure 2 meters in height. He was dressed in a tight-fitting one-piece gray suit that covered him all the way to his hands and neck. He had short hair of a shade difficult to describe, with an expressive face resembling that of a well-known Russian actor (!). The stranger seemed benevolent and curious. Immediately Aleksey relaxed and put the stick down. He then asked the stranger, “Where did you fly from”? “From a distance” was the evasive answer. He then added, “We not only come here, but we go to all the different parts of the earth” “We have been studying humans for a long time” “We see how you have polluted your planet”. A little offended the witness asked the alien if his planet was “cleaner” than the earth. His answer was a resounding yes, since they did not have such “terrible technologies” as the humans did. Growing bolder in his demeanor Aleksey continue to ask questions to the visitor. The visitor told him that in his planet the average lifespan was over a hundred years. He seemed interest in Aleksey everyday life and his method of making ends meet. When Aleksey mentioned that he had served in the Army for 20 years and was receiving a pension the visitor said that they did not have an Army in his planet. Astonished, the witness asked the visitor how did they deal with any criminal element. He received a curious answer, “We exiled them to other planets, there they learn to survive” “We teach our children well from a young age, we do not have homeless children like they have here on earth”. Aleksey was also told that a large council comprised of a group of “specialists” governed them. Aleksey asked the alien how did he learn to speak Russian so well, but received no answer only a curt smile. He then told Aleksey that their main means of communication was through telepathy. At this point Aleksey realized that the stranger had not been moving his lips that he had heard all the conversation in his mind. After 15 minutes the witness asked what type of technology they used to fly their ships, the stranger only said that they used different “measurements” in their technologies. The stranger then walked towards the window and semi-squatted on the floor, Aleksey was briefly distracted and had glanced away, when he looked back the stranger had disappeared. He only saw a fading light outside the window that quickly vanished. He approached the window and looked outside but everything was dark. After the stranger left Aleksey thoroughly inspected the apartment to make sure that his family was sleeping soundly. The next morning he realized that a small “welding torch” had mysteriously disappeared perhaps taken by the stranger. Only then did he tell his family of his strange encounter. For the most part their reaction was restrained. After the encounter Aleksey was ill for five days and remembers the alien telling him that it was going to be so since they had different “bio-fields” that were sometimes harmful to humans. He added that the chemistry of humans “suffocates”.

HC addendum
Source: Gennadi Belimov, X-UFO Russia
Type: E

Location. Belgium, exact location not given
Date: November 13 2000
Time: evening
The witness was driving at moderate speed when he saw a light blue beam of light on the right side of the road. It resembled a laser beam, but strangely the light was in a vertical position, changing its focal point from time to time, once at 30, or 45, of 90 degrees. He pulled over to the side of the road and remained in the vehicle. Then he saw three or four “forms” near the light. He shut his engine, turned the lights off, and rolled down the windows to get a better look. He stepped out of the car and walked up to a fence, from there he could see at about 150 meters away a beautiful blue light with 4 “forms” moving around it. He also heard a “scratching” sound. After about 3 minutes, a blinding beam of light blinded him making his eyes hurt. He was able to see the “forms” inside the object apparently standing on some type of platform like object. The whole thing rose up and made a 45-degree turn taking off at fantastic speed.

HC addendum
Source: GREPI
Type: C & A

Location. Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina
Date: November 29 2000
Time: unknown
A hairy humanoid reportedly attacked an angler in a wooded area and in the nearby village of Holmberg several students saw a hairy humanoid with sharp claws that scared them. No other information.

HC addition # 3649
Source: OVNI COR
Type: E

Location. Oakville, Ontario Canada
Date: November 30 2000
Time: 0900A
The witnesses saw six chevron shaped craft fly and land behind a hill. They went to see and saw eight more arrive. They seemed to be damaged. Four beings, with light brown skin and large oval shaped eyes came out of an object and seemed to inspect the craft. They turned around and saw the witnesses that then heard a loud piercing noise. The witnesses apparently then blacked out. When they came to everything was gone and they discovered several puncture like wounds in their skin. One of the witnesses suffered from dreams after the incident, where she saw similar beings inserting needles into her body.

HC addition # 3621
Source: NUFORC
Type: B

Location. Near Lincoln Nebraska
Date: November 30 2000
Time: 1900
A farmer heard his dogs barking very loudly. He looked outside and noticed a very bright light in his field. He decided to walk over the field with his dogs. The dogs were apparently afraid and refused to go. As he neared the area where the lights were located, they suddenly blacked out. He decided to return home. His dogs acted very violently toward him, apparently not recognizing him. He ran up to the second floor and used his binoculars to search the field. He now could see a lighted disc shaped object. He was able to see what appeared to be lighted windows on the object. He then noticed movement in a thicket near the disc. Suddenly a figure moved quickly from the thicket to the object. Shortly after the object brightened and took off.

HC addition # 3490
Source: Filer Files # 49
Type: C

Location. Laboulaye, Cordoba, Argentina
Date: late November 2000
Time: night
Several locals have reported encountering a strange hairy bipedal humanoid. It apparently moves at great speed and it’s very evasive. One of the witnesses reportedly shot at it several times and it vanished in plain sight.

HC addition # 3648
Source: OVNI COR
Type: E

Location. Donetsk, Ukraine
Date: Winter 2000
Time: after midnight
A local woman, L. Andreeva had gone to bed after midnight and everything appeared normal but her small dog “Rozochka” was behaving strangely, whining constantly and hiding under the bed. Finally the witness switched off the lamp and went to bed, attempting to sleep. After some time as she was about to fall sleep she suddenly felt as if someone was staring at her. She tried to reach the lamp switch but couldn’t even move her hand. She felt completely paralyzed, she attempted to scream but nothing came out. Her dog was whining under the bed and the wind was howling behind the window. The moon was shining very brightly and then she saw a figure in a tight-fitting silvery overall that was leaning over her. Strangely, she felt no fear, only curiosity. She looked at the figure and described it as about 2 meters in height, similar to a human, but with an oval-shaped head and grayish skin. The alien’s slanted eyes attentively looked at her. Instead of a mouth the humanoid had but a slit. Suddenly the alien communicated with her telepathically, he told her not to worry, and to relax, telling her that no harm would come to her, she then lost consciousness. When she opened her eyes again she saw the dawn and nothing had changed in the room. The alien had vanished and her dog was lying next to her bed sleeping. The witness felt rested.

HC addendum
Source: “NNN” Newspaper Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine # 1
Type: E

Location. Colonia Agricola Oriental, Mexico City, Mexico
Date: December 2000
Time: unknown
Salvador Guerrero (involved in a previous encounter in March) along with Juan Flores videotaped another “hombrecito Volador” (little flying man) in the same location. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: “Mysterious Flying Humanoids” Santiago Yturria
Type: E

Location. Los Boldos, Chile
Date: December 2000
Time: 1930
Artidoro Inostroza Seguel was watching television with his wife and son when he briefly stepped out to the porch for a breath of fresh air. He saw about 50 meters away an approaching yellow-reddish light. He then noticed that it was a humanoid figure that was apparently carrying the light. The figure wore a dark divers suit, with a hood. On the chest area it had a white-gray stripe that glowed. The humanoid approached to within 8 meters from the witness, who noticed that it was about 2 meters in height. The guard dog did not show any reaction at all. The witness walked back inside the house. Later his wife saw strange lights from the kitchen window area; Artidoro then fired several warning shots at the lights.

HC addendum
Source: Raul Gajardo Leopold, CEFAA
Type: C?

Location. Not Given
Date: December 2000
Time: 0030A
The witness suddenly woke up in the middle of the night lying on a metallic table, looking into a bright floodlight. In a state of panic the witness attempted to get up, but could not move at all. Soon several figures wearing what appeared to be silvery Hazmat suits entered the room. They came closer to the witness one of them rolling a metal cart forward. There were several bizarre tools on the cart. The apparent leader of the aliens picked up 4 or 5 metal rods with cords on them. One was placed under the witness tongue and others elsewhere including the genitalia. Another one came forward with a rather long hypodermic needle. The witness shut his eyes but these were soon forced open with clips and a black helmet or mask-like implement was strapped on the witness. Before long he found it hard to breathe. He attempted to struggle but his arms were pinned down. His last memory before blacking out was of seeing another figure coming towards him holding some type of tool. Next he woke up back on his bed.

HC addendum
Source: Unsolved Mysteries.com
Type: G?

Location. Aracena, Spain
Date: December 2000
Time: evening
Margarita Lopetegui was sitting on a field near a local castle when she saw an object shaped like an upside down plate approaching her position, it was about 8 to 9 meters in diameter. Suddenly a beam of light emerged from the object and covered the witness, in an instant she found herself onboard the object. The interior was very bright and she could see a table and an elderly being wearing a white gown standing next to it. Three other beings suddenly appear all wearing silvery tight-fitting outfits; they carried what resembled a stretcher. They had human-like faces and assisted the witness on to the stretcher. At this point she saw clouds of a vapor like substance that emerged from different locations inside the object she then lost consciousness. Soon she woke up again and she was assisted by the same three beings from the stretcher. She exited down a solid ramp made out of light. The ramp then disintegrated and the object left.

HC addendum
Source: Revista 12, Spain
Type: G

Location. Butaco Valley, Chile
Date: December 2000
Time: night
During a period of heavy UFO activity in the area, Maria Concha Rivas and her husband reported seeing a giant humanoid figure, reddish in color and about 10-feet tall standing by a nearby river. Frightened they did not stick around and went back inside the house. They did not see the humanoid depart.

HC addition # 3632
Source: UFO Roundup December 2000
Type: D?

Location. Near Columbia Missouri
Date: December 2000
Time: night
An avid bow-hunter had recently found 3 deer carcasses completely drained of blood and was out on another night hunting expedition when he again found a dead deer with two bleeding wounds abut 2 inches apart in the neck area. As he began his trek back to the truck he heard a sound in the brush behind him. As he continued to walk, he soon realized that whatever it was it was following him. He turned around to see the brush move on the hillside and he was able to make out a dark shape moving quickly against the snow. The witness turned the flashlight on the direction and was stunned to see, a creature about 3 ft tall, baboon-like, with thick, matted, dark hair. Its face was baboon-like and the eyes were a little larger than those of a human being. The creature ran up the hill as the witness moved rapidly towards his truck, he could make out its shape about 15 yards away from him. The witness fired his bow at apparently hitting it, it then ran away.

HC addendum
Source: Chupacabra Page
Type: E

Location. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Date: December 1 2000
Time: 1000A
Several days after witnessing two low flying objects over the area, on two separate night. (One of the objects was described as huge, making a rumbling like noise; it had a V-shaped tail with two rows of round and oblong windows and was black, gray, and silver in color.) And after receiving a suspicious phone call from someone claiming to be a General from the Canadian armed forces, two strange men appeared at the door of the witness residence. They produced wallets, one black, one brown, containing photo ID that stated they were from the Canadian Air Defense. They asked to come inside. The witness extended his hand, but was ignored. Moving into the house took them through the kitchen area, but they stopped upon seeing the microwave. After some questioning, the witness lowered a portion of a counter and they carefully slid through the extra space. Sitting down they produced a small silver colored tape recorder and inserted a small disc, between a nickel and a quarter in size. On entering the house one of the men had noticed an unusual walking stick in the hallway, to which he remarked that the head of the stick’s carving, painted red, reminded him of primates back home. The two men were olive skinned and appeared to have slanted eyes. Each wore glasses with thick rims. They wore gray suits with black shirts, one had a white tie, and the other was buttoned up to the neck. The one with the tie had a clip that contained a red “stone” that flickered. The other had a ruby ring surrounded with diamonds. His watch was square but without apparent hands, instead being encircled with buttons that periodically illuminated from white to green to mauve. The strap appeared to be molded into the skin and was a solid steel band. The belt on his pants was of metallic strips with a square buckle. Both had very large feet, estimated to be 14″. Each carried a brief case that was heavy and cold. When sitting down they never relaxed into their chairs but retained a stiff back the whole time. Not once during their stay in the house did they speak to each other. The witness two cats were extremely agitated the whole time during the visitors stay. Also the owner’s dog that lived upstairs barked during the whole episode. The men noticed that the witness was wearing a very unusual watch and one of them touched his arm. The touch felt very cold and clammy. They questioned the witness about his sightings, and one of them appeared to be taken short hand notes. When they questioned him they looked into his eyes and seemed to “pierce his brain”. As they were leaving they again carefully avoided the microwave. Outside in the yard they spent about 30 minutes scouring the ground with a Geiger counter. As they rounded the corner of the house the witness went from the kitchen to the bedroom, which gave him a clearer view of the driveway and the road. Despite the very short period of time it took him to achieve this, the two men were not in sight, nor was a car leaving, or no car door could be heard slamming, they had vanished. Later they witness discovered that on the windowsill, only six inches behind where one of the men had been sitting, was a Windex bottle and was partially melted as if heat had been applied to it. Alongside was a cassette warped in a similar manner. The witness suffered from a severe migraine type headache after the two men left, his eyes also felt gritty and teary, and his face now appeared sunburned. He also suffered from strange dreams, one that was of lying prone on a table in a round room with a bright light above him then sensing being touched.

HC addition # 3770
Source: Graham Conway, UFO BC
Type: E

Location. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Date: December 3 2000
Time: noon
Going outside his house the witness saw the same two men he had seen before (see previous case) in the driveway. Both were dressed in white coveralls. One was carrying a Geiger counter, the other a 12 to 16 inch parabolic dish in his hand, pointing to the sky, plus earphones and a microphone that was attached. He appeared to be searching the sky. The wires all led into a black box at his waist. At one point he had what looked like a camera, although not video, aimed at a tree over which the UFO had been originally seen. During the time they were together neither was seen speaking to each other. Nor was any car seen which they might have arrived in.

HC addition # 3771
Source: Graham Conway, UFO BC
Type: E

Location. Colonia Lolenco, Chile
Date: December 8 2000
Time: 0250A
Retired civil guard Luis Arturo Bayer Garcia, 52 year of age was riding his motorcycle along an isolated area when he saw standing on the side of the road a tall, thin, figure, almost 2 meters in height. He was not able to see any facial features, only a gray-yellow texture. It seemed to be wearing a two-piece outfit and was totally motionless. The witness accelerated away from the area at high speed.

HC addition, addendum
Source: Raul Gajardo Leopold, CEFAA
Type: E

Location. Calama, Chile
Date: December 8 2000
Time: 0400A
A Mr. Vega woke up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep because of the heat. Suddenly he heard a loud thump on the roof of the adjacent patio, and then he heard the sounds of strange movements from outside. He went to investigate the sounds that seemed to come from an area where a 6-meter tall antenna was located. From his position he could hear loud scratching and “swaying” sounds apparently coming from the antenna cable. Still looking out the window Mr. Vega saw floating on top of a nearby metal sheet roof a strange black simian like figure, it floated quickly over the roof then was lost from sight in the direction of a neighbor’s yard. The creature exhibited “swimming” motions in mid-air, moving its arms and legs rapidly. Mr. Vega noticed what appeared to be an “energy” glow on top of the creature that seemed to accompany it leaving behind a luminous track. The witness also recalled that the moment he opened the window he was hit by a “cold wave” that practically froze his nose and ears, just minutes before he had been sweating as a result of the heat. He was also overcome by a feeling of fright, but armed with a stick stepped out into the patio. While in the patio he suffered from cold shivers and spasms, he also noticed two guard dogs that were cowered and whimpering on a corner. The next day he found some damage to the antenna and surrounding plants and also to a chain-link fence.

HC addendum
Source: Calama UFO Center
Type: E

Location. Colonia la Presa, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Date: December 11 2000
Time: 0815A
Several students at the local Valentin Gomez Farias School were sent to the yard by their teacher in order to collect some wood. As they reach the location, they reported being showered by numerous stones and then accosted by several small man-like figures wearing caps that seemed to be in an angry mood. One of the students, Rafael Ortega, reported being struck on the face by a board wielded by one of the little men. One of the teachers also reported seeing one of the small humanoid running through the yard.

HC addition, addendum
Source: Martin R Medina, OJIO
Type: E

Location. Iturama, Brazil
Date: December 13 2000
Time: 2200
Joao Joaquim Da Silva, 50, his wife Rosa 43, a cousin, granddaughter and another woman were traveling by car on their way back to town when they spotted red and yellow lights on what appeared to be a square-shaped object flying over the road. A small round light appeared to detach itself from the object and fly away. Joao decided to pull off to the side of the road to see what was going on. Suddenly they saw the object descending behind some nearby trees, it had rotating red and yellow lights. Joao then heard a loud cracking sound and felt a loud buzzing in his head, immediately he felt paralyzed as a buzzing sound permeated the area. The little girl began screaming saying that she could see several figures approaching the car. One of the women saw a white face figure, lacking a nose and with large black oval shaped eyes. At the same time Joao experienced a terrible headache and felt himself being levitated and feeling as if he was somehow “shrinking” in size. Soon he floated back to the car. Then all saw what they described as a beautiful hovering oval shaped craft, apparently metallic and only about 12 meters away. A strong heat wave enveloped the group. The witnesses then left the area. Later on the different family members remember seeing several short humanoids onboard the object. The little girl remembered the little humanoids doing something to her feet. In a strange twist the witnesses also recalled seeing a strange symbol on the object and on the heads of several of the humanoids that when described it seemed to resemble the famous (or infamous) UMMO logo (!).

Source: Osni Nielsen, UFO Genesis Brazil
Type: G

Location. Colonia la Presa, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Date: December 18 2000
Time: morning
Again several students at the Farias School reported seeing several little men all wearing different colored outfits in the yard of the school. This time the little men climbed up on top of each other and seem to form a human pyramid. Then they seemed to fusion themselves into one small figure all dressed in black. The little figure dressed in black appeared to have been the leader. No other information.

HC addition, addendum
Source: Martin R. Medina, OJIO
Type: E

Location. Tampa, Florida
Date: December 19 2000
Time: 2100
Autumn Dreesan had gone out to empty the trash and as she walked back from the curb she heard a noise above her. It was a very high-pitched whistle, she could barely hear. Her dog, which had accompanied her, turned his head from side to side. The noise grew louder and she looked up. She saw a bright circular light floating near the moon. Her dog ran back into the house. The noise suddenly stopped, then fiver very strange humanoids appeared in a circle around her. They were about four and a half feet tall, pure white in color, had no hair, and had very large red oval shaped eyes, no mouth, and two slits for noses and no ears that she could see. Their heads were egg shaped. She stood frozen with fear. Two of them grabbed her arms, and two of them grabbed her legs. The last one held his left palm up to the sky, and her neighborhood dissolved into an odd round room with a dentist-like chair in the middle of it. Similar beings lined the wall of the room. She was led to the chair and was forced to sit in it with her arms at her side and her legs together. Suddenly, her arms, chest, forehead, and legs were chained to the chair. The chair tilted back, flat like a table. There was some light in the room, but she could not see the source of it. Five humanoids then leaned over her; her clothes were somehow removed by one of the humanoids. He left with her clothes then came back with a table with multiple syringes, some were empty, and some were filled with different colored liquids. Then one of the humanoids took a blood sample from her using a syringe. Then in the exact spot on her arm they injected a thick looking blue liquid. Immediately her whole body went numb, but she was still awake, but everything was blurry. One of the beings now leaned over her right foot. She then felt a painful jabbing and then something being stuck. She became numb again. He then put his warm white fingers on her forehead and she felt calm and relaxed. She then heard a soft beautiful voice that somehow terrified her. The voice told her not to be afraid, that they hurt most others, but that she was special. That she was essential to their plans. They said the Earth was the most under evolved planet in the universe. That there was a superior race in the galaxy very far away that was planning to take over Earth, turning humanity into slaves. This was going to happen soon, and that they could only take one member of her family and that she had been chosen. She was then told that she must go. The room then dissolved into the curb, with her standing there holding a trash bag. She had been gone for three hours she found her dog back on her bed trembling with fear. The next day she found a strange wound on her foot.

HC addition # 3855
Source: UFOS and Aliens among us, E-mail info
Type: G

Location. Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
Date: December 27 2000
Time: 1600
A man appeared at the door of the previous UFO and “Man in black” witness. He stated that he had come to see his unusual watch. He stated that his name was Mr. Smith and showed some ID. He wore a dark charcoal suit, white shirt, and black tie. He also wore a black fedora. His feet were very large, “size 13, or 14”, like the witness previous visitors. His shoes were black and shiny, with no signs of dirt on them at all. He was about 4-feet 8 inches to 5-feet tall, very thin, and very pale skinned with very long fingers. He also wore black wrap around glasses with silver frames. The witness extended his hand but was ignored (again). Upon entering the house the visitor commented upon the carved walking stick in the hallway. He also asked the witness to turn the microwave off before he walked in front of it. Sitting down at the kitchen table he produced a small silver tape recorder, claiming it could record up to 80 hours or more. Using a pick like tool from his breast pocket he examined the witness watch. He opened a black briefcase, removed some paper, a silver pencil with a red top, and a pen like flash light that emitted a mauve, pencil thin beam, which scanned the interior of the watch with. He took a small digital type camera and with it he took several pictures of the watch. During the whole of his visit he spoke very little, and his speech seemed slurred. Again the cats were agitated during the stranger’s visit. He again expressed interest in the watch and the witness asked 500$ for it, but he replied that he had to check with his colleagues. The stranger also expressed interest in a computer saying that it had very minimal power. The stranger departed without saying good-bye. The witness went immediately to the window but could not see any sign of the visitor or any car in the vicinity, he had simply vanished. A plastic hair blower nozzle was found melted and a ruler in a drawer close to where the visitor had been sitting was bent into a slight S curve. Again the witness suffered from a severe headache and an eruptive nosebleed.

HC addition # 3772
Source: Graham Conway, UFO BC
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Very impressive in depth description of a modern day “Man in black” I can only venture to guess what part of the UFO and entity spectrum they form a part of.

Location. Kingsville, Texas
Date: December 31 2000
Time: 0400A
The witness suddenly awoke and heard a low frequency buzz or vibration. He sensed that the house was tilting at an angle and braced himself thinking that it was an earthquake. As the tried to brace himself he realized that he was totally immobilized, could not move any limb or his head. At that time he looked to his right toward the skylight and saw a beam of blue light that he sensed was searching and had found him. To his left he also saw a light coming from the window. Now he felt in a semi-awake state, and realized he was being examined in bed. Looking around he could make out a small dark figure on his left, above his head to his right. Suddenly directly in front of him about 10 feet away, he saw what appeared to be a holographic figure. He asked them what they wanted, but received no response. He sensed that they were intent in examining him. It suddenly stopped and the blue light then gradually went away from the skylight and the window.

HC addition # 3516
Source: Filer’s Files # 5, 2001
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Unorthodox bedroom visitation. The holographic figure is an interesting ingredient in this event.

Total Cases: 191

Addendums will be included as they become available.

Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

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