2001 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

“The dark ages may return on the gleaming wings
Of science. Beware, I say, Time may be short.”

Winston Churchill, March 1946

2001, the beginning of the millennium brought forth new riddles and more enigmas. A bizarre creature reported still creating havoc, later another bizarre entity attacking humans in India. While there was talk of human cloning and stem cell research, more bizarre incidents were being reported all over the globe. There was talk of war in Israel and Macedonia. Will humanity look deep inside and realize that we are just dust in the wind, that there is something more wonderful and fantastic around us. Remember “there is none so blind as those who will not see.” Following is the first humanoid encounters reported in the new millennium.

Location. Russell Park, New York
Date: 2001
Time: night
After seeing UFOs in a park the witness experienced a period of missing time. Later he was able to recall the incident fully. He saw a noiseless alien craft come down and land. He saw a ramp open as if inviting him inside. He went up the ramp ducking as he went in. The floor of the ramp felt strange on the bottom of his feet. Almost like a skin more than a metal ramp. Inside it was dimly lit, his cousin that had accompanied him was nowhere in sight. Inside he saw huge octagonal metallic walls or doors, about 9 feet high. The inside of the craft appeared to be larger than the outside of the craft. Each wall had a large symbol that looked like a different complex pattern burned into it. He began to receive messages in his head and turned to see three gray skinned humanoids with large heads and child like bodies sitting around some sort of biological hi tech computer device. They wore tight fitting diver suits; they did not look up at the witness. He asked questions in his mind and received quick answers. He was informed that they were advanced bipedal animals with the soul or spirit of demons with great scientific knowledge that people on Earth could not begin to understand. The frightened witness began experiencing heart palpitations, shallow breathing, and tunnel vision. He began to pray. The craft was surprisingly simple and the floor had an interesting structure and design similar to cutting an orange in half and seeing those lines coming out from the center of a single focused point. There were no windows. He asked them how they navigate through space and survive. He was told that they use their minds for navigational purposes. It took three humanoids to properly fly and navigate this craft for interstellar travel. He also saw the top of a cylinder that was like looking at an advanced 3-d computer monitor with images stacked over images, like a hologram. The screen was round like a computer monitor that was laid face up. He saw star charts or lines connecting constellations and it had an alien font or hieroglyphic data on the outer rim of this device. They told the witness that they made it work by placing their hands on what he could only describe as a control panel. The humanoids had two fingers with an opposable thumb.

HC addendum
Source: Filer’s Files # 21, 2001
Type: G

Location. Santa Clarita, California
Date: 2001
Time: 2000
Two witnesses were walking near a section of the street where the street lamps had burned out. They suddenly heard a weird rasping-screeching sound. They had been carrying a flashlight and pointed it at the source of the sound. There they saw a strange creature that looked like it was about to spring. It had red eyes, and when it turned and fled the witnesses noticed that it had two powerful hind-legs. They then heard rustling sounds coming from the trees and fled the area.

HC addendum
Source: Chupacabra page
Type: E

Location. La Mancha, Spain
Date: 2001
Time: night
During several days a young girl experiences several night visitations by unknown entities one of them witnesses by her parents. Days later, in broad daylight at her school playing field, two strange humanoid figures appear and communicate telepathically with the young girl. The girl’s parents sequester her and refused to divulge further information.

HC addendum
Source: Revista Investigacion-La intervencion Extraterrestre
Type: E?

Location. Reno, Nevada
Date: 2001
Time: night
For several months the witness reported seeing black helicopters, egg shaped objects, triangles, cigar shaped craft, chevron shaped, teardrop, etc. They flew over the area like a swarm of bees, mostly in the middle of the night. One night an entity appeared in their home, it stood next to the refrigerator, looked at the witness son and then walked past him came over to the witness and entered her body. (There is no description of the alien).

HC addendum
Source: Mystical Universe
Type: E or F?

Location. Jaboatao, Brazil
Date: 2001
Time: night
The witness, Tarcisio Bantas Cancado was at home conducting some chores when he suddenly went into a dream like state. He remembered floating through a long dark tunnel and entering a luminous compartment, which had an oval shaped table in the center that appeared to be the source of the light. In front of the front of the table stood four human like figures whose bodies seemed to emit a white light, fluorescent in appearance. The witness could not see any facial details only a protuberance resembling a nose; he could not see eyes or mouths, ears or hair. He began to feel that the beings did not represent any danger to him. He was then encouraged to ask what they wanted of him. He was told that they were from a place, which he understood it to be called “Shiraqueanos” They were apparently in some kind of mission and was told that he was not unable to return to his home, however if he did not agree on this conditions he would be let go and another person would be found. Moments later everything became dark and he woke up scared back in his home.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Genesis Brazil
Type: G or F?

Location. Burnaby British Columbia, Canada
Date: January 2001
Time: daytime
Two peculiar strangers again visited the witness to a previous UFO encounter. These two were different from the others. They were at least six-feet tall, very bony, with head, hands and feet out of proportion to the rest of the body. They wore gray suits that seemed to be “oily”, had black ties and hats plus wrap around sunglasses that they never took off. When questioned about the glasses they remarked that they could see perfectly well. Their ears stood out from their heads and their skin was pale white, whereas their fingernails were gray in color. They never removed the hats during their visit. And throughout the whole time only one of them spoke. When asked for ID’s they displayed “silver” cases that contained a photo an unusual symbol, plus their names in small print. Upon entering the kitchen they asked the witness to please unplug the microwave, they also told him to turn the computer off. The two Persian cats were going crazy dashing around the room, and trying to get out of the window, which was closed. Each man carried a briefcase with an inverted L shaped handle. The man that did all the talking asked to see the witness unusual watch, he then removed from his briefcase four small containers, each had a different colored top. Opening two he proceeded to pour the contents over the watch. He told the concerned witness that no harm would come to the watch. He was given $250 for the watch and told that they would give him the rest later. He told them that he was moving soon, to this they replied “We know, don’t worry, we can find you if we want to.” They soon departed without the common courtesies, staring blankly at the witness as he extended his hand. Once again the witness hurried to the bedroom window only to find, as before, no sign of either man departing, nor cold any vehicle be heard leaving. After the visit the witness felt drained, had a severe headache that lasted for two days and a rash on his arms, face and chest.

HC addendum
Source: Graham Conway UFO BC
Type: E

Location. Cerro Del Hierro, Sevilla Spain
Date: January 2001
Time: 1700
A family of four that included a 19-year old daughter and a 13-year-old son had gone out to picnic in a rugged abandoned strip mine area. As they walked towards the nearby edge of the mining gorge, after parking their vehicle, they noticed a bright flash of light from behind a nearby hill, and then there was a loud sound resembling exploding firecrackers. The 13-year old boy hopped on his bicycle and began approaching the area. Being dangerous terrain, his father prevented him from going any further. Again the loud exploding sounds were heard. The family then arrived at the edge of the strip-mining gorge and soon noticed two strangely dress figures at the bottom of the gorge, who appeared to be digging or surveying the terrain. As they watched the two figures another bright flash of light emanated from behind a path directly above the figures. As the witnesses approached the edge of the gorge, the two figures suddenly turned around and stared at them. The family then noticed that the figures were wearing dull gray colored coveralls. They seemed to be wearing some sort of masks that prevented the witnesses from seeing any facial features. But the girl thought that their heads were somewhat larger than normal. Apparently startled by the sudden intrusion of the family, the two figures began to leave the area using very quick and inhuman movements, one of them traversing a distance of 300 meters in a matter of seconds. The other figure, using several vertical jumps of more than 30 meters each, climbed the rocky wall of the gorge. The two figures were now level with the witnesses, and standing across the gorge about 600 yards away. At this point the bright flashes behind the path increased in intensity and in numbers. The father then approached the edge of the gorge and saw more flashes at the bottom of the gorge. Suddenly two more similarly garbed beings appeared, these seem to glide about 50 cm above the ground and were carrying something very bright in their hands. These two new figures stopped briefly and looked at the witnesses, then followed the path, which the other two humanoids had taken. Their bodies appear to give off bright flashes of light. Suddenly one of the figures, again using very quick movements, glided back down the bottom of the gorge and seem to search for something, in seconds it returned back to join the others. At this point the family became hysterical, the mother feeling an intense pressure in her eardrums. The two younger members were screaming hysterically and all felt drained of energy. Suddenly a metallic gray oval shaped craft appeared behind the 4 humanoids, and descended to about a meter from the ground. The four humanoids then disappeared into the object in an unknown manner, since no opening was seen. The family thought that the object must have been larger inside as to what appeared to be in the outside. The craft then suddenly flashed and shot away at angle disappearing at tremendous speed.

HC addendum
Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista &
Rafael Cabello Herrero
Type: B

Location. La Mina, El Yunque, Puerto Rico
Date: January 2001
Time: 1900
Roberto Hernandez and other family members were camping in an isolated area of the mountain and were exploring some old abandoned mines when they heard loud grunting sounds coming from an undetermined source. Going outside the mine to look they perceived a strange humming sound in the air and saw mysterious flashes of light overhead. The lights flew over and in front of the witnesses at very high speed. Later, walking back to their camping site their path was illuminated by beams of light that seemed to originate from the top of the trees. They also heard the sound of footsteps among the brush, apparently from several “persons” moving about. Later while in their tents they were unable to sleep. Soon they noticed the presence of numerous large black rats with large red luminous eyes that came out of nowhere. They were about 25 of these bizarre “rats” that seemed to frolic around the campgrounds totally unafraid. Suddenly the witnesses noticed a bright sphere of light that was “bouncing” up and down from car to car as if inspecting them. (The cars were at the nearby parking area.) At this time they also heard the loud grunting sounds again (similar to the ones they had heard before). Afraid, most of the family members closed themselves inside their tents except for Mr. Hernandez that remained guarding the tents with a flashlight. At this point the rats began climbing the tent ropes apparently in an attempt to get inside. Suddenly the sphere of light that had been hovering above the vehicles began approaching Mr. Hernandez, expanding as it did so; it suddenly transformed itself into a tall luminous human-like figure that floated just above the ground. The feet were not visible as that part of the body had apparently not materialized completely. The figure was that of a tall man wearing a long gray tunic with an unknown type of design around the chest area. The man seemed to have a luminous diadem on his head. The very had very fine chiseled features and long brown hair. As he approached the tents he stopped, looked at the rats and made a quick “wave” like gesture with his right hand, suddenly the rats scattered in all directions and vanished. The man then stared at the witness that perceived a mental message telling him to relax and to go to sleep that they were going to be safe. A sort of stupor overcame Hernandez and he went to sleep. Moments later his wife, Iris Mendez, and daughter Ivelisse that were still in their tents noticed the presence of a very tall figure silhouetted behind the tent. Both women then began floating in mid-air; Mrs Mendez rose up to the ceiling then fell back down slowly. The silhouetted figure remained standing outside. Ivelisse felt some type of mental communication and felt a sense of calm, suddenly her body rose up again and she lost consciousness. Mrs Mendez then apparently also went to sleep.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Milenio X # 7
Type: E

Location. Northern Virginia
Date: January 2001
Time: 0300A
Several family members living in a remote location heard strange screams or yells coming from the woods resembling that of a woman crying out in pain, terrified they called the police and went out to investigate. The police searched the area with high-powered lights but could not find anything. Some time later they heard the screams again and again the police was summoned and again nothing was found. Next time they decided not to call the police again. Days later the dogs were heard barking in the backyard, a female witness points the flashlight out back and sees looking back at her 2 huge red eyes. She focuses the light on them but can’t make out the figure. She yelled out for the additional family members but the eyes disappeared. She vaguely sees a dark figure run into the woods. A couple of months later around 0300A the main witness taking a stroll near the horse trailer when he saw a huge figure, with gray fur and black patches, the hair seemed to be wiry. The terrified witness froze in place and fixed the flashlight on the creature, which moved behind the trailer and vanished. Day’s later neighbors saw a similar creature in their backyard.

HC addendum
Source: VGHRS (Virginia Ghost Hunters Research)
Type: E

Location. Brazlandia, Brasilia, Brazil
Date: January 2 2001
Time: 0200A
The witness, Carlos Airton Machado was returning home from a party from a nearby area when he saw a strange light ahead of him. Thinking it was a car he approached it and noticed that it was an oval shaped object about 4 meters in diameter. He attempted to get closer but the heat emitted from the object preventing him in doing so. At this point he noticed 3 short figures standing next to the object. Thinking they were children he yelled at them. The figures suddenly entered the object through an opening and it rose up at high speed emitting a loud whistling sound. The witness suffered from headaches and irritated eyes for the next four days.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, Brazil
Type: B

Location. Winlock, Washington
Date: January 5 2001
Time: 2320
A 16-year old witness found himself surrounded by numerous flashing lights. Soon everything became dark and he found himself tied to a table with an intense light shining above him. Around him were several entities, described as roughly human, with large ears, small mouths, and with dark red/purple skin tone. The beings wore dark cloak-like outfits. His next conscious memory was of being at home 4 hours later.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Lafayette, Tennessee
Date: January 6 2001
Time: early morning
In his farm Jackson Spivey was alerted by his neighbor that his horse had gotten out and was in the field with the cows. He got his horse put it back on his lot and started walking the fence to see if he could find where the animal had gotten out. As he neared the end of the property, his horse, which had been following him starts running toward a small stream where he notices a hole in the fence, which she runs through. At this point he notices some kind of creature limping up out of the stream. It had thin white hair, a head like a wolf, and legs like a man. It also appears to have an injury to its right leg. It limped off on one leg and disappeared into the woods.

HC addendum
Source: Bill Beaty’s Weird Science
Type: E

Location. Calama Chile
Date: January 19 2001
Time: late night
The owner of a house in the O’Higgins neighborhood was awakened by the ruckus of the chickens she kept in a cage in her backyard. When she went out to check the problem, four creatures confronted her. The creatures were apparently trying to open the birdcage, and were working in unison. The beings were about 4-feet tall and hairy in appearance. Two of the creatures worked to open the cage while the other tow stood and watch. Overcoming her fear she grabbed a club and tried to scatter the creatures away. But these simply ignored her, and ran by her so quickly that they seemed to be gliding. She felt a rush of air as they went by. She screamed for her husband, but as he ran out of the house he could find any trace of the creatures. They had apparently vanished into thin air. Inside the chicken cage they found six dead chickens and a dead rooster, all left apparently bloodless. The three guard dogs in the house were apparently oblivious to the presence of the four intruders in the backyard.

HC addition # 3653
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 4
Type: E

Location. St Petersburg Florida
Date: January 21 2001
Time: 0530A
While walking down a street the witness noticed something that appeared in his peripheral vision. Something was glowing to his right, and about 30 feet in the air. As soon as his vision focused on the object, the glowing orange yellow fire transformed into a ball shaped object about the size of a basketball. This quick change took place after a small explosion. There was no shockwave or noise. The ball then transformed itself into rings that emerged simultaneously. The rings were 3 or more feet in size and they kept their shape as they flashed and strobe. These rings then formed into a perfectly circular disk about 4 ft across. He had a full frontal view of the disk. It hovered stationary at the roof area of the house and was perfectly circular. He saw shadowy figures inside the object that appeared to be 2 feet long and narrow. The sides of these shadowy figures were wavy. The object hovered for a few seconds then vanished at very high speed into the sky.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A

Location. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Date: January 24 2001
Time: unknown
The witness was sitting around in the house when he glanced out the window and spotted a dark man-like figure jumping behind some trees. It had no distinguishable features, its entire body was dark, and its body fluctuated in and out of transparency. Apparently this humanoid had been seen before by the witness.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Sightings Database, January 2001
Type: E

Location. Near Chicago Illinois
Date: January 24 2001
Time: 1400
The witness was on a highway west of town when he happened to look up in to the sky, when he saw a form going through the sky; it was shaped like a human, from the head to middle torso. It had a giant angel like face. It quickly disappeared from sight.

HC addition # 3602
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Villa San Rafael, Chile
Date: January 24 2001
Time: night
Several local residents reported “aircraft noises” passing overhead, and then going out they spotted a strange creature measuring about 20″ in height, humped and with leaden hair color. While looking for traces of the animal they found several balls of strange gray hair. Footprints have also been found. Several dogs have been killed in the area. The strange predatory creature apparently generates some type of energy that effects human beings and animals alike, apparently incapacitating them.

HC addition # 3928
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 5
Type: E

Location. West Virginia, exact location not given
Date: January 25 2001
Time: morning
The witness woke up from a sound sleep to see what looked like a hooded figure all in black, standing in the doorway of the bedroom with its arms outstretched. The terrified witness hid beneath the covers and did not see the figure depart. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Haunted Hike.com
Type: E

Location. Vitora da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil
Date: January 25 2001
Time: evening
After dinner, the witness, Mauro Diniz Brumana went to his backyard to pick up some fruit from his grove. While climbing on a mango tree he noticed a very strong red light. Thinking it was a car or a fire he descended the tree and walked over to investigate the source of the light. Climbing over the neighbor’s backyard wall he noticed a huge disc shaped object, around 10 meters in diameter, with bright red lights around the edge and a cupola on top that appeared to have landed on the neighbor’s field. Near the object stood two humanoid about 1.20 meters in height wearing tight-fitting metallic outfits. Unable to move, he stood watching the scene for 10 minutes. After that, the humanoids boarded the object, which took off at high speed. The next day he called the police and they found scorched ground areas on the ground, where the object had landed.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET
Type: B

Location. Camatari, Bahia, Brazil
Date: January 27 2001
Time: day
An angler casting his nets into the river pulled ashore a strange looking artifact. The artifact was described as resembling a small “android” about 6 inches in length. The unusual “doll” was translucent and changed color from blue to red as the holder touched it with his hand. The color changes happened repeatedly as the object was held in different positions. They detected on the skin a liquid like transpiration. The local military police reportedly took custody of the android, and is reported being currently studied by specialists.

HC addition # 3921
Source: UFO Roundup, Vol.6 # 6
Type: E or H?

Location. La Banda, Calama, Chile
Date: January 28 2001
Time: 0100A
The witness was alone @ home doing some cleaning when she suddenly heard a ruckus coming from the patio area. It sounded like the cats were fighting with something or somebody. She went to check and upon lifting the curtain she saw the three cats that appeared to be paralyzed. Sitting about a meter from the animals sat a strange creature that upon noticing the witness jumped over the wall and disappeared into the darkness. The being was described as short, maybe 3-feet tall, with large powerfully built hind legs, and covered with gray-led hair. Before leaving the creature uttered a strange growl that made the windows rattle. The witness also said that her son had seen two similar beings some time back in the same area, one was smaller than the other.

HC addition # 3556
Source: El Dragon Invisible, quoting La Estrella de Loa
Type: E

Location. Calama, Chile
Date: January 29 2001
Time: night
Two boys encountered a strange creature sitting in the interior courtyard of their building. It was about 3-feet, 4 inches tall and jumped effortlessly when one of the boys opened the door. It had spines running down its back, and it was hairy and fray. It did not seem to have a nose or elbows; it had shiny eyes and thick legs at the top and thin at the bottom. It jumped and hid under a pickup truck. The witness names were, Gabriel Herrera and Luis Salvo.

HC addition # 3920
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 6
Type: E

Location. Calama, Chile
Date: late January 2001
Time: night
A witness name Sandra reported seeing a short hairy creature near the Puente Topater sector. It was very hairy and hopped away on two strong legs into the darkness. There were incidents of animal mutilations in the area at the same time.

HC addition # 3892
Source: Calama UFO Center
Type: E

Location. Szamotuly, Poznan, Poland
Date: February 2001
Time: 0400A
A 21-year old woman woke up in her bedroom to find three strange creatures standing close to her bed. They communicated with here telepathically. They told her that she was one of them and had a special mission to do on earth. The humanoids were small and thin. They wore dark gray suits, and had small thin heads. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Marcin Mizera, Robert Lesniakiewicz
Type: E

Location. Norfolk, England
Date: February 2001
Time: 2000
CK was at his computer when he sensed something, glancing to his left; he saw a dark winged humanoid in his room. CK was abruptly brought back to “reality” by the phone ringing, and remembers wondering who would be calling, after hanging up he noticed it was already 2045. He does not recall how this entity left. He apparently sighted this entity twice in a space of one week.

HC addendum
Source: APRA
Type: E

Location. Rosario, Argentina
Date: February 2001
Time: night
In a dream like state, M, found herself floating up into the air. Suddenly she found herself in a brightly lit room resembling a surgical area. Several “presences” were there, attempting to perform various medical examinations on her. She was totally awake and was lying on some type of cot that appeared to be floating in mid-air. One of the beings, apparently a woman approached her and at the same time the others began to prepare for a gynecological examination. At this point she felt a needle stuck in the middle of her spine and somehow knew that it was some type anesthetic. At that same very same moment she began to feel scared and wanted to leave the room desperately. She then observed a woman that was approaching her cot, wearing a silvery gown-like garment. Incredibly the witness noticed that the woman was an exact replica of her (clone?), but much more prettier, and younger, but it was still “her”. At this point she began to resist their control and sensed that the beings did not know what to do with her and were surprised at her stubborn behavior. She passed out and soon she was back on her bed with no further recollection of events.

HC addendum
Source: Horacio Roberto, Nuevos Tiempos Argentina
Type: G

Location. Kingston Springs, Tennessee
Date: February 9 2001
Time: 0500A
The witness was just preparing to go to bed, when he heard a very loud noise over the house. Thinking it was a low helicopter he looked out the window and saw a blinding light. The noise was deafening and all of the sudden it stopped. Later in the early morning the witness was suddenly awaken by a presence getting into bed with him. He felt the heat next to his body, and he was totally unable to move. Moments later the blanket started to slowly come off his shoulders, he still could not move. His next memory was of waking up and it was daylight. No other memories.

HC addition # 3607
Source: NUFORC
Type: C?

Location. Villa Frontera Chile
Date: February 9 2001
Time: 2130
George Calderon and several friends were at a local camping ground and were preparing a barbecue dinner when they noticed on a nearby field a group of white tunic clad figures, including what appeared to be children, gathering under the moonlight. At this point the air became filled with bell like sounds and a huge luminous red round object descended over the white clad figures, which appeared to be holding their hands and chanting in an unknown language. It seemed to the witness that every time the bell sound was heard the object descended lower over the group. A little frightened the witnesses retired back into their tents and went to sleep. The next day, they checked the area directly below where the object was seen to hover and they found a large circular imprint on the ground and within that, four smaller circles.

HC addition # 3651
Source: La Estrella de Loa Newspaper
Type: C

Location. Portland, Oregon
Date: February 9 2001
Time: night
The witness woke up with a small circular scar between his left shoulder blade and spine that bled when touched. Hypnotic regression led to memories of being between two gray beings in his house and of being with doctors in a medical setting with “prototype” gray beings in view. On April 2 he woke with his solid brass house key bent. Hypnotic regression recovered memories of a gray being asking him if he wanted to go for a walk and being transported into the air and to a small craft by his house. A small dent in the interior of the bend of the key corresponded to a sharp point in the door lock. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: BBC North East Wales, “Your say”
Type: G

Location. McKinney, Texas
Date: February 10 2001
Time: 0045A
Ronnie Rhodes saw a hovering bright semi triangular shaped craft from a distance. He attempted to film the object, but was paralyzed. Out of nowhere a 3-foot tall creature, with a bulb shaped head appeared. Its skin was light green brown in color and appeared shiny or wet, it had large black glossy eyes. Is hands had three fingers and did not appear to have any joins or muscles. The creature approached the witness and touched his hand, turned around and walked away. The witness then apparently passed out, he woke up a short time later near a field, 17 miles from his home.

HC addition # 3802
Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
Type: C

Location. Near San Salvador, El Salvador
Date: February 13 2001
Time: 2200
Christian Sanchez and his brother were walking outside their home one night and were standing across from an embankment talking. Suddenly they began hearing footsteps from the area below embankment by some trees. At first they ignored it thinking it was some type of animal but the footsteps seem to come closer to their position. Suddenly a dog began to howl and the two brothers saw on top of the treetops the figure of a woman dressed in all white that appeared to be walking right on the treetops. It had its arms extended in front and her white flowing dress emitted flashes of bright white light. Terrified they fled the area. The next day both suffered from aching joints and a high fever.

HC addendum
Source: Kruela Ciberanika, relatos
Type: E

Location. El Mirador, Angol, Chile
Date: February 16 2001
Time: 2215
Three friends, including Ingrid Amalia Sperberg and Patricio Vallejos Tapia had parked in the outskirts of the city at a popular sight seeing spot in order to see the nearby lights of Angol. They exited the vehicle and walked to the nearby viewing area. There they saw a bright white light rising vertically about 150 meters away. The light then hovered close to the ground and seemed to open up like a fan, exhibiting orange, yellow, red and finally a light violet color. It illuminated everything 40 meters around. As the light began moving, one of the witnesses became frightened and walked back to the car. The interior lighting of the vehicle seemed to be inoperative. The light then seem to close upon itself transforming into a small white sphere, it then disappeared behind some nearby hills. At this point two of the witnesses began hearing a loud “bell” like sound that repeated itself with certain frequency. As the witnesses, one inside the vehicle, two outside, pondered what they were witnessing, one of them heard a sound similar to something metallic being dragged on the ground. Looking in the direction of the sound, they saw two short dark colored figures about 4-feet tall, approaching a nearby metal fence door. According to the witnesses the beings resembled dark shadowy forms, and no facial features could be seen. Interestingly the figures seemed to be “crawling” or dragging themselves on the ground. The metallic sound could still be heard, and one of the figures seemed to be carrying two metallic staffs. The two figures stopped at the entrance to the fence, and then one of them passed through the gate and after a few moments went back outside. Both figures now began dragging themselves away from the area. One of the witnesses then went to the car and was able to turn on the high beams in order to get a better look at the beings, but these had already disappeared. Two of the witnesses reported that the beings seemed to communicate with each other by using a bizarre high-pitched unintelligible murmur. During the encounter they noticed a peculiar odor in the area resembling burnt cable. Also they felt a sort of heat wave as the figures approached their location.

HC addition # 3654
Source: TOC Chile
Type: C

Location. Tambunan, Keningan, Malaysia
Date: February 18 2001
Time: night
Yabi Gistubod, had been reported missing and was later found sitting in a bush in a stupor. They gave him a medical check up, and he was found to be in good health. He told family members that he had encountered a strange man with a square body, who he believed was an alien. The man wanted him to go to a strange place. The night before he disappeared, he was wearing white and seemed to be floating just above the ground, according to his wife who touched his shirt and saw it turned black. Yabi then passed out. He vanished again on the 20th and was found 11 days later walking towards his home. He had his eyes closed and was communicating in sign language. According to his wife, Yabi became invisible the second night he vanished right before her eyes.

HC addition # 3631
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 10
Type: G

Location. Pilligar Scrub, near Coonaburrabran, NSW Australia
Date: February 19 2001
Time: 0230A
A 38-year old long distance truck driver, Paul Ryan had stopped in the middle of the night at a rest stop and had gotten up late at night in order to use the toilet and have a smoke. Still very sleepy he noticed a bright light over to his left over a nearby hill. He thought it was just a truck with unusually bright lights and went back to sleep. Sometime later he suddenly woke up unable to move, it felt as if something was covering his whole body, the more he attempted to move the tighter the covering became. He remembered floating up and then falling sleep again. Later he woke up again, he could not open his eyes but there appeared to have been something over his eyes that enable him to see, diagrams, star charts and some sort of strange writing as well as strange symbols. He also felt something or somebody probing his stomach and head area. In his mind he heard somebody say, “If we give him any more we could kill him.” He managed to open his eyes and noticed what appeared to be a transparent plastic bubble that was apparently wrapped around him. At this point he noticed about several humanoids standing very close to him, staring at him. He described them as about 4ft 4 inches tall, with gray-green leathery skin, large black eyes and small mouths with long skinny flat noses. They wore some sort of uniform, which he could not see any additional details of. He was in some sort of room lying on some type of examination table. There was one humanoid on his left that had long skinny fingers. Their bodies were thin, looking somewhat emaciated. The one to his left appeared to be a female that was apparently in charge of the “operation”. Terrified the witness managed to jump up and brake through the plastic bubble covering and grab one of the humanoids by its throat. Several of the other humanoids came running towards him and grabbed him, he could hear telepathic messages telling him that he would not be harm. He began to feel groggy and soon fell asleep again. His next memory was of waking up in the truck’s cab and seeing a bright diamond shaped craft with red, green and blue lights flying away from the area. He heard another telepathic message telling him to go back to sleep, which he apparently did.

HC addendum
Source: BUFOD UFO Reports
Type: G

Location. Zenica, Bosnia
Date: February 19 2001
Time: evening
A bizarre individual that said his name was “Mirsad” visited local UFO investigator Rudolf Bosnjak, at home. The stranger spoke in a slow monotone and appeared to be in a trance like state. He spoke about the recent sightings of a strange “Chupacabra” type creature seen in the area, and gave Bosnjak a photograph of a supposed body of one of the creatures. Bosnjak claimed that during the episode he received mental images and messages possibly from the stranger, who suddenly left and disappeared. No other information.

HC addition, addendum
Source: OVNI Net informa
Type: E

Location. Sedalia, Missouri
Date: February 19 2001
Time: 2130
The witness was parked at a rest area northeast of town watching an airplane performing touch and go exercises. After awhile he spotted a dark object moving from the southeast towards the northwest rapidly. The object seemed to be a dark winged form or entity and appeared to be less than 1000 feet high, it quickly disappeared from sight. The witness states that he had seen a similar winged figure a couple of years ago over the same city.

HC addition # 3600
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Braganca Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: February 22 2001
Time: afternoon
During a heavy hailstorm shower, several locals, including Osnar Ferreira Neto, reported seeing a round object about 10 meters in diameter flying slowly over the region. It approached the ground several times, and then rose up at high speed. Several of the witnesses reported seeing forms or figures moving inside the object.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET
Type: A

Location. Near Chilca, Peru
Date: February 24 2001
Time: unknown
In a desert area, Ricardo Gonzalez reported encountering a landed disc shaped craft and communicating with its human like occupants. He was reportedly given a trip to the moon and was informed that the extraterrestrials had had bases there for over 10,000 years. The extraterrestrials also spoke of our moon landings and claimed that actually the Germans were the first that had attempted such endeavors. They also supposedly predicted the coming conflict and war against terrorism.

HC addendum
Source: Cristian Riffo, Ovni Terra
Type: G

Location. Labranza, Chile
Date: February 25 2001
Time: 0100A
Juan Achurra and several of his family members were watching television when they heard a loud engine like sound coming from outside. Stepping out they saw what appeared to be lighting on the ground that was silent and illuminated the area like daytime. They approached the area and saw an object about 40 meters in length, resembling two plates put together with circular lights around its edge. The object was apparently on the ground. Two figures emerged from the object. These were short and silvery in appearance. Moving in a stiff robot like manner they approached to within 2 meters of the house. They appeared to be carrying something resembling flashlights. Some of the family members ran into the house frightened. A circular area of flattened grass was found.

HC addition, addendum
Source: Raul Gajardo Leopold, CEFAA
Type: B

Location. Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico
Date: February 28 2001
Time: 0317A
Two police officers on patrol near the thermoelectric plant saw, a strange reptilian creature walking on the beach. It wore a black suit and had glowing red eyes. Scared, the two officers drove away from the area and did not see the creature depart.

HC addition # 3652
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 11, quoting UTRENE
Type: E

Location. Ahmedabad, India
Date: February 28 2001
Time: 1905
Several boys riding their bicycles on their way to the temple saw hiding behind some bushes, 2 short very pale white figures. The little figures had onion shaped heads, with large black sparkling eyes. One of the witnesses became ill after seeing the creatures and had to be hospitalized. An independent witness, a local fruit peddler, saw several similar beings in a field. Some of the boys found small footsteps on the soft ground.

HC addition # 3865
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Northern Mexico, exact location not given
Date: Spring 2001
Time: late afternoon
16-year old Jose and three friends had gone fishing at a lake about 3 miles from their home. On the way to the lake, they chatted about everyday things after a couple of hours they reached the lake. Unfortunately the wind was still blowing strongly, and the dark lake rolled with violent waves that lashed the rocky shore ferociously. After walking around for about an hour looking a spot they finally found a perfect spot when a gust of wind struck them so violently that Jose and another of the boys were knocked from their feet. Jose’s head struck a boulder behind him and he clearly felt the back of his head getting wet. He reached back and touched it, and was surprised to find no blood. He asked one of his friends if he could blood, but he answered that Jose wasn’t. No trace of blood could be found. Strangely the back of his head still felt wet. Later they caught some fish and ate their lunch. The wind made it impossible to start a fire. As the sun began hiding behind the gray, desolate clouds and the mountains they decided to head for home. They packed their gear and began the 3-mile hike back home. Jose’s head still felt wet and he was not feeling well and despite Jose’s request they decided to take a shorter more remote road instead of the longer visible road. They continued and came to a small hill. They climbed it and saw, at the bottom of the hill on the other side, a man. He was lying on the ground, motionless. Fearing the worst, the boys rushed over to see how he was. He appeared to be dead, and his body even began to emit a repulsive odor. He looked old, about five feet tall and was dressed formally. They speculated that he had been murdered and his body placed there. It was then that Jose felt someone touching the back of his head and a strong gust of wind blew. The old man suddenly opened his eyes. They looked orange or red orange, and they seemed to cry blood. He blinked two times and opened his mouth, filling the cold air with an unworldly stench. The back of Jose’s head seemed wet now, even wetter than before, but he still could not feel any blood. Jose and his friends began to run from the area. It now began to rain and it was very cold. They boys kept running confused and frightened. One of the boys shouted, “It’s coming this way!” Jose turned around and saw the blazing eyes of the little man “floating” at them like headlights. Jose tripped and fell again, but his friends kept running. Terrified he curled up on the ground, closed his eyes and began grabbing stones. He felt the strong wind and rain hit his back. He gathered enough strength to look and saw nothing. Meanwhile his friends had stopped about 100 meters ahead, had turned and were shouting at him in a panic. He stood up and just as he lifted his head, his eyes met the staring red eyes of the old man. Jose now was paralyzed and stood there gazing at the strange figure. His eyes then appeared to look to the side, as if pointing at something. The little man pointed to Jose’s right and he began slowly walking in that direction. His eyes now seemed more normal in appearance. Jose walked after this “man” for some minutes. He stopped and pointed at the lake. He looked back at Jose, just as the rain was stopping and the wind settled to a breeze. Jose felt an arm touch his back, then pushed him so hard that he fell and then fainted. When Jose woke up, he was in the hospital with second-degree burns. The pain was intolerable and the doctors could not explain how he had been burned. He was told that a hunter had found him on the mountain more than eight miles from the lake. The hunter claimed he had seen a metal disc in the air, hovering and then disappearing over the horizon. Then he found Jose, who had signs of strange cuts, as if from knives, and he had a wound on his chest, as if he had undergone surgery. His friends claimed they ran off when they saw the shiny eyes and then a mirror-like reflection of shiny metal on the lakeshore. Their parents ignored them when they told them what had happened.

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal about.com Library
Type: E or G?

Location. Vimodrone, Milan, Italy
Date: Spring 2001
Time: early evening
Three young teens, David, Daniele and Luca were out in a forested area on a school outing. As they explored the area they were stunned to see a strange sight behind a large tree trunk. About 20 meters away they spotted several small man like figures wearing strange green and pink outfits. The figures appeared to be moving around a square shaped object about a meter in height. The strange cube shaped object appeared to be metallic and the strange gnome like creatures appeared to be moving in and out of it. The three young witnesses suddenly became scared and left the area and did not see the departure of the little figures or the strange cubical object.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Italia
Type: B

Location. Powys, Wales
Date: early March 2001
Time: 1800
A British naturalist and some colleagues were conducting some research in the area after being notified by a local of “something” strange that was seen earlier on the year. As they stood at the edge of some woods by a quarry they suddenly spied an extraordinary entity. Measuring 2.5 ft or son in length, it resembled a serpentine dragon with four short limbs, but its head was shaped very like that of a sea horse, and it was airborne—undulating and wriggling as it flew about 10 ft above the surface of the quarry in a wide circle. They were unable to recall seeing any wings, but it had a long tail that terminated in a pair of horizontal, whale like flukes. The entity was green in color and shimmered somewhat, but appeared solid, not translucent or ethereal, and they watched it for 3-4 minutes, at a distance of approximately 50 ft, before it finally vanished into one of the numerous caves and large crevices pitting the quarry. The naturalist had the distinct impression while watching it that this creature was deliberately seeking to keep them at bay, warning them off from approaching further into its territory.

HC addendum
Source: Karl P N Shuker, Strange Magazine 22
Type: E

Location. Hacienda Heights, California
Date: March 2001
Time: afternoon
The witness was helping his brother put up a new roof and was lying on his back on the roof. As he looked up, he saw a fantastic winged entity. It was something like a bird but it was transparent. Like when you see one-celled animals through a microscope. You could see the outline and the insides like a jellyfish. It was somewhat shaped like a Pterodactyl. It eventually flew out of sight.

HC addendum
Source: Karl P N Shuker, Strange Magazine 22
Type: E

Location. Near Calama Chile
Date: March 2001
Time: evening
A 14-year-old boy walking in an area about 500 meters from his home, on a hilly area, noticed something resembling a large egg, white in color and with two, apparently human like eyebrows (!) on the front area. As he attempted to grab the “egg”, he suddenly felt drained of energy, and fell a strange chill throughout his body and also fear, then an invisible barrier with the texture of glass seemed to enclose the bizarre “egg, extremely frightened, the boy quickly left the area.

HC addendum
Source: Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center
Type: E?

Location. Estancia, Sergipe, Brazil
Date: March 1 2001
Time: evening
Yolanda Lourenco saw an object shaped like a Volkswagen beetle hovering above a nearby tree. It had three bright lights on the front. The object was light yellow in color and appeared transparent. Inside she was able to see a shadowy figure moving about.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET
Type: A

Location. Zonhoven, The Netherlands
Date: March 5 2001
Time: 2230
A 15-year old boy watched a black car sized object land on a nearby field. Several figures exited the object and appeared to collect grass and sand from the ground. Upon being noticed the figures quickly scurried into the object, which then took off at high speed and disappeared from sight.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: B

Location. Roanoke, Virginia
Date: March 13 2001
Time: midnight
The witness was asleep in bed with her husband when a very bright light awoke her. He half opened her eyes and saw a white light coming in through the window covering her side of the bed only. She pushed her husband over and attempted to go back to sleep. Suddenly her next memory was being in her neighbor’s yard looking up toward the sky. She saw two men wearing boxer shorts and her neighbor wearing her nightgown all standing around and looking up to the sky. Her next memory she found herself being forced back up to the sky. She saw a bright star-like light descending overhead which soon became a black triangular shaped craft; in its center there was a bright round light that flashed yellow, green, and red. Her next memory was of walking down a hall, she was aware of people around her but every time she looked in their direction all she could see was fog. She came upon a rounded window about the size of a car window and looking out the window she could the see the planet earth come into view. Soon she was in a room surrounded by foggy figures and sitting on a metal table. She remembered begging the aliens to take her with them. Her next memory was of waking up in the morning next to her husband. She later spoke to her neighbor who told her that she had a dream last night about a “ship” picking her up.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G

Location. Angol, Chile
Date: March 16 2001
Time: night
At the local scenic lookout of Las Pinas, five persons saw three two-meter tall figures of humanoid appearance and with red lights on their hands. The beings were standing behind some vegetation, and appeared to be talking among themselves. They suddenly turned around and disappeared. Around the same time 20 other witnesses saw two huge balls of light roaming over the hills before vanishing from sight.

HC addition # 3966
Source: Filer Files April 24
Type: D

Location. East Lansing, Michigan
Date: March 18 2001
Time: night
Two students, Jack Wright and Janice Stryker were crossing their college campus after leaving a party when a bright shaft of light suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blocked their path. It resembled a hologram of an elevator shaft. Before they could react they were sucked into the shaft and transported into a hovering craft. Veronica’s next recollection was of lying naked, seemingly floating in mid-air. Strange beings, described as short with gray skin, elongated heads, large black eyes and no hair were moving around her. She noticed Jack lying next to her and also being probed by the aliens. Wright recalls being naked and the strange beings shining a bright light into his eyes. He was being poked and prodded. The beings touched his genitals and he felt something being inserted through the head of his penis. He was unable to move as the beings apparently pulled something out of his anus. Veronica was being treated the same way next to him. He recalled seeing flat discs about the size of saucers being balanced on Belmont’s breasts. Once they were in place, wrapped around her breasts they were vacuum molded and appear to inflate. One of the beings inserted a three-fingered hand into her vagina. At this point several more beings entered the room and appeared to observe the procedures. According to both witnesses their bodies were positioned in a way that they were pushed and forced to perform intercourse. Belmont remembered seeing an instrument she dubbed a “light wand” being passed over her entire body form head to toe. Several aliens then arrived and continued to examine her vagina. Suddenly both witnesses found themselves standing in the same spot, fully clothed. Both were disoriented and confused, they embraced and walked back to Belmont’s apartment.

HC addendum
Source: CERC, Maine
Type: G

Location. France, exact location not given
Date: March 18 2001
Time: early morning
The 15-year old witness was leaving his home to go to school when he noticed in a field directly across from his house an odd silhouette resembling a human like figure dressed completely in black. As he stood and watch the figure seemed to disappear in plain sight. There was also a strange silence in the area.

HC addendum
Source: GREPI
Type: E

Location. Palmas, Tocantis, Brazil
Date: March 22 2001
Time: 1800
Vinicius Da Silva and Marta Rosenthal were returning home from a day of fishing in the River Tocantis when they felt a bump in one of the tires. Thinking he had a flat Vinicius stopped the vehicle and went to check. He could not find anything wrong with the tire but suddenly heard Marta screaming and saw her pointing to the right side of the road. There, only a few meters away, hovering over the water was a metallic object with small windows along its edge. Standing outside the object on a ledge was a humanoid figure of about 1.30 meters in height. The figure was holding something resembling a hose and was apparently sucking water from the river and into the craft. After about two minutes the humanoid pulled up the hose from the river and re-entered the object. The craft then became very fright and shot away horizontally into the sky.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, Brazil
Type: B

Location. Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Date: April 2001
Time: unknown
Several campers encountered strange humanoids in a forest clearing. A photograph was supposedly taken. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: UFOROM
Type: E Would like more information on this case. According to Brian Vike he had no details on it.

Location. Lake Delton, Wisconsin
Date: April 2001
Time: night
On April 4 at about 0130A a family was woke up by a small balloon-like object that flew around inside the house. They followed it outside and saw numerous lighted objects flying over the area. The husband using binoculars saw different shaped craft including discs and football shaped objects. Some of the objects displayed purple and blue lights. Around the same time their young son reported encountering a 10-foot tall blue humanoid in the room that abducted him. They boy said that the tall blue humanoid instructed him to keep the curtains and the shade open to his bedroom window. He was able to see an object in the yard with two white lights. He also recalled seeing the whole family abducted and allowed to watch as they were apparently examined by the humanoids. No other information.

HC addition # 3963
Source: NUFORC
Type: G

Location. Santa Barbara, Chile
Date: April 2001
Time: night
In a farm a man heard his fierce bloodhound barking, stepping out he saw a tall figure approach. The figure appeared to be wearing a hood. The witness attempted to approach the figure but at this point his dog let out a loud yelp and hid. At this point the tall figure also disappeared. He described as about 1.90 meters in height, with a flat yellowish face, robotic in appearance.

HC addendum
Source: Raul Gajardo
Type: E

Location. Portland, Oregon
Date: April 2 2001
Time: late night
The witness woke up to see his solid brass house key bent. Hypnotic regression revealed that a gray-type being had visited him in his bedroom and asked him to go for a walk. Soon he was transported into the air and to a small craft. His next recollection was of being in his doorstep feeling very angry. (Witness involved in previous encounters).

HC addendum
Source: BBC North East Wales, Your Say
Type: G

Location. Calama, Chile
Date: April 5 2001
Time: 0020A
Mr. A.J.A. had stepped out of his home to smoke a cigarette in his front yard when he suddenly noticed a figure approaching from his right. At first he thought it was a large owl but as it flew directly in front of him he saw that it was a bizarre creature. As the creature flew close to a nearby light pole the witness noticed that it was a humanoid figure with a very large head, which was wingless and flew at in an even level flight, totally noiselessly. The body was about 1 meter 4cm in length. It appeared to be covered in dark green “matted down” hair. It had a pear shaped head but the witness could not see any eyes. It had long thin arms. As the creature flew in front of the witness about 10 meters away, he felt a cold chill and illogic panic. The creature flew by the light pole and executed a 90-degree turn quickly disappearing from sight. The lights streetlights went out as the creature flew by, they came back on later.

HC addendum
Source: Calama UFO Center
Type: E Bizarre Chupacabra type creature report with apparent psychological and physical effects.

Location. Calama, Chile
Date: April 8 2001
Time: 0105A
Two boys, 13 and 14 years old were waling back to the village of San Rafael reported seeing in a wooded area two large bright green slanted staring eyes. Suddenly a large dark form jumped up, about 6 meters, and flew over their heads pushing them back with a powerful cold wind. One of the boys was carrying a cellular phone and noticed how it appeared to turn itself on and dial the number 1 several times, they also noticed that the nearby street lamp seem to dim. Minutes later a larger dark form, about 15 meters from them also flew up, landing on top of a nearby truck, while the other dark form landed on the roof of a nearby house then both quickly disappeared from sight.

HC addendum
Source: Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center
Type: E

Location. Villa Covadonga, Chile
Date: April 8 2001
Time: 2200
Freddy Villalobos, his cousin Christopher Huanca Valenzuela and a group of friends had just finished a soccer match in a nearby field, when they saw a strange bird. It was about 70 cm in length. It landed on top of a public light pole. The light fixture dimmed as the creature landed on it; it was to a point where it was almost completely out. The witnesses were able to see that it had round reddish yellow eyes. The creature emitted short squeaking sounds. One of the witnesses turned on the truck headlights in order to obtain a better look and the bird reacted immediately, covering its head with its wings, as the light apparently bothered it. It seemed to be floating on top of the light fixture rather than having its feet on top of it. Suddenly, it opened up its wings for a brief moment and they saw its head; they described it as horrible. It resembled the head of an old man with a long nose and a triangular shaped mouth. Scared, the kids began throwing rocks at it. It shortly flew away and disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo, Miami UFO Center
Type: E There seemed to have been a myriad of bizarre creatures on the loose in Chile during this time.

Location. Vicosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: April 10 2001
Time: 0200A
Julia Da Silva was standing by a window of her house that gave her a view of a nearby wooded area when she noticed a strange light in the sky. The light suddenly descended about 500 meters into the forest. Using a pair of binoculars, Julia was able to see a very bright object apparently on the ground in a clearing of the forest. She was able to see several short shadowy figures running to and fro around the object. After about 3 minutes the object lifted up from the ground, circled around the forest and shot away towards Belo Horizonte, there independent witnesses saw a luminous object cavorting overhead.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti
Type: C

Location. Calama Chile
Date: April 10 2001
Time: 1900
The director of a local school noticed a group of children starting at a nearby tree. All were silent and were not moving a muscle and appeared to be fascinated by something. As he approached the group he noticed a bizarre bird-like creature, about 1.80 meters in height that was flying slowly around the tree at about 4 meters from the ground. This “bird” was totally black in color and somewhat resembled a Great Dane dog with wings. It seemed to move in slow motion, and would briefly hide inside the tree branches and then exit again. The director obtained a flashlight from his office and illuminated the creature that seemed to resent the light. It had large bright white eyes. After a few minutes it seemed to disappear in plain sight.

HC addendum
Source: Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Like a stated previously this sort of creature and others were apparently very busy and widespread in the area.

Location. Welland Ontario, Canada
Date: April 10 2001
Time: 2045
The main witness was walking home with a friend when he pointed to a light shining on the shore of a nearby canal. She looked and noticed a sort of flashlight beam bouncing on the rocks. She then looked in the water and noticed a pinkish figure or head. It turned and saw the witnesses. The figure seemed to have deep sunken eyes. As soon s it saw them it dipped under the water and did not come out again. During the whole incident there was a bright light over the canal that was moving in a circular pattern at very high speed. The object disappeared, came back after 30 seconds then disappeared again.

HC addition # 3961
Source: NUFORC
Type: C Amphibian humanoid?

Location. Las Piñas, Chile
Date: April 16 2001
Time: night
Several witnesses observed two tall yellow humanoid figures that approached their location at very high speed over the ground. This situation caused panic among the witnesses who ran away from the area.

HC addendum
Source: Raul Gajardo Leopold
Type: E This is possibly a duplicate case of a previous encounter.

Location. Red Mountain Pass, Utah
Date: April 21 2001
Time: afternoon
Two witnesses scouting for deer near the Strawberry Reservoir Area when they smelled a strong odor resembling raw sewage. After awhile the smell sort of dissipated and they kept walking on the trail. As they rounded a bend there was a tremendous crash, like thunder, in the forest off to their right. Twigs and branches breaking and something huge running at a high speed preceded it. Later they heard more sounds and a sound resembling a “grunt.” One of the witnesses thought he saw a shadow or an outline of a “person” walking from tree to tree. He estimated it to be from 5 to 6 ft tall and bipedal.

HC addendum
Source: Utah UFO Hunters
Type: E

Location. Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada
Date: April 23 2001
Time: late night
The witness awoke to a noise outside his door and saw a blue glow in the room. He then heard a loud buzzing sound, then his body went all tingly and numb and an immense feeling of fear came over him. He could not move or speak. The he noticed 2 small shadowy figures that were almost dancing around his bed, while he was trying to move. He managed to blurt out “Get out” and the figures and the light vanished.

HC addition, addendum
Source: UFO BC
Type: E?

Location. Near Uruguiana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Date: late April 2001
Time: night
A strange creature described as about 5-feet tall and 9 inches tall, resembling a hairy gorilla, with anthropoid features and coarse black fur, killed 2 sheep and 25 chickens at a ranch near this location. Locals called the beast a Mapinguary.

HC addition # 3967
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 17
Type: E

Location. Georgia, exact location not given
Date: April 28 2001
Time: 0045A
The witnesses were on their way back from a fishing trip when they pulled off to the side of the road. Soon they saw an odd shape hovering over some nearby trees. They all stood watching for a while loosing track of time. When they got back to the car, 45 minutes had passed. They described the object as about 80 feet in diameter, with a row of lighted ports; it had a raised center area on the top with an outline of a hatch. On the side of the hatch there was a window and in it they saw a figure moving about inside. No features could be discerned. The next thing they remembered was going back to the car.

HC addition, addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A or G? An unexplored abduction event?

Location. Dolby Forest, Yorkshire, England
Date: May 2001
Time: mid afternoon
On a beautiful sunny day John Peterson, his wife Jean, and their two children, Peter 9-years old and Laura 7 years old were picnicking in an isolated area among the trees. As they prepared the table with food and drinks the children were busy playing nearby, John and his wife became aware of two figures approaching them from across the field. As the figures got closer they saw a man and woman who both appeared to be naked. John and Jean were furious and John unable to contain himself shouted to them to cover themselves up in the presence of the children. The two figures did not acknowledge the man shouting at them and did not alter their pace, but walked past the front of the two angry parents about 30 ft away. At this time John and Jean realized that the two figures were not normal people; they looked strange and almost transparent. John shouted to his wife, “I must get a picture of this” and ran to the nearby car where he hurriedly grabbed his camera. He ran back just in time to see the two figures walk into the open side of a derelict barn. John ran into the barn, camera in hand, but was startled to find that there was no sign of the couple, but to his amazement he saw a perfect picture of them etched onto the wall of the barn. He immediately took some photographs and then the family hastily left the area because his wife and children were terrified. Strange occurrences have been reported in the forest before, including animal mutilations.

HC addendum
Source: Tony Dodd
Type: E

Location. Limache Chile
Date: May 2001
Time: night
The 18-year old witness was in his parked car waiting for his brother when he felt compelled to look to his left. Looking, he was startled to see a 1-meter tall figure that was walking away from his position. The strange figure seemed to be transparent and left behind a dim luminous trail. The figure disappeared round a corner and the witness’s two dogs chased after it but both returned in a state of confusion. Moments after the encounter the witness suffered from a severe rash on his hands.

HC addendum
Source: Lo Inexplicable
Type: E Still another type of humanoid or creature in Chile.

Location. Anand Vihar, India
Date: May 1 2001
Time: night
A bizarre hairy creature was sighted in this village. Hundreds of people with weapons searched for hours to kill, but nothing was found. On the same night three workers were woken and attacked by the “masked man”, who reportedly threatened to kill them in the Bhojpuri language.

HC addendum
Source: Mystery Magazine.com
Type: E

Location. Rosario, Argentina
Date: May 2 2001
Time: 0200A
M suddenly found herself being lifted up in a vertical position in what appeared to be some kind of whirlwind. She floated up moving her arms and able to look around. She is attracted to a powerful light that seems to emanate from a hole in the sky. She notices that three humanoids floating next to her accompany her into the hole. As she looked down she could see the roof of the house, then the house become smaller and then the city of Rosario itself. As she continued to rise up into the sky she fell asleep again. An intense cold wave woke her up and she heard what sounded like a metallic hatch closing. She noticed that she had entered this location through a hexagonal shaped opening. Everything was dark around her but as her eyesight adjusted to the light she noticed that she was in an immense room with about 20 floating cots all with a human figure on them. The room was extremely cold and she received the impression that she did not want to be there. To her right she noticed her 45-year old sister sleeping on one of the cots she also remembered seeing a black skinned man lying about 4 cots away. All the people lying on the cots appeared to be in a state of animated suspension. All the time in the background she could hear a low steady snoring sound that seemed to be part of some type of mind control procedure. At that point she began to hear what appeared to be low “voices” that spoke very quickly among themselves. Almost at the same time three humanoids approached her, these were about 1.60 meters in height, very thin, with elongated heads, cat-like eyes, two small holes for noses, hairless, the eyes glowed a blue-gray color. They had three large fingers that appeared to be connected by a membrane and separate finger on the other end. Their bodies were of a beige-pale color and appeared very flexible or gelatinous. They possessed small mouths and what appeared to be a small protuberance on top of their heads. She sensed there were both females and males present but could not see any sexual features. At this point she sensed desperation from the beings as if their time was short and they were unable to reproduce. One of the beings seemed to measure her cranium with a thin tube about 30 cm in length that emitted a beam of light from the tip. As the tube or bar was passed over her head she felt a slight sensation of warmth. She also sensed that the aliens had somehow chosen planet earth for a reproduction staging area, acquiring the necessary materials, which were human bodies of both genders. She could hear other thoughts or speech in her mind and felt that the beings talked about her and about her knowledge. At this point another one of the beings seemed to measure her face from ear to ear at the same time telling her via telepathy that everything was going to be fine. The witness sensed that the aliens needed human bodies as some kind of breeding “container” for their own purposes of survival. Soon the witness became terrified as the three humanoids approached her in an attempt to touch her. She asks them if they are spiritual beings and they answer yes, but she feels it was only an attempt to manipulate her mind. One of the humanoids attempts to touch her breasts but she pushes his arm aside and notices that it has a gummy texture with no bone structure. She learned that the beings were looking for humans that would be good “sperm carriers” or Sementhalers. She also learned that these beings were able to manipulate light in a way that they could use it as a solid matter. On her descend back to her home she remembers seeing images of famous persons flashing around her, including John F Kennedy, Adolph Hitler, Judy Garland, etc. She woke up in her bed with her concerned husband attempting to calm her down.

HC addendum
Source: Horacio Roberto, Nuevos Tiempos, Argentina
Type: G

Location. Villa San Rafael, Chile
Date: May 4 2001
Time: 1900
A village resident stepped out to his patio to find his two dogs barking at a very strange creature. The animal was very small; it measured no more than 40cm tall. He described the creature as very shy, the dogs tried to bite it, but it defended itself with loud screeches, also by opening its mouth, which showed two long teeth in the upper part of the mouth and two smaller ones on the lower jaw. It also stretched out a long tongue of about 25 cm of length. The tongue had two tips very similar to the tongue of a snake. The inside of the mouth was dark green in color. The creature had very little hair, as if it was a newborn. He was not able to determine if it was a male or female, but he saw a small scrotum that appeared to be filled with liquid. The small creature had a strong scent, resembling that of sewage. The creature was fighting for its life and was completely filled with panic. As one of the dogs tried to bite its leg, it was able to defend itself by raising its paws to avoid the fatal bite. Shortly afterwards the small creature began to violently jump from side to side, almost hurting itself by hitting a metallic fruit container on the kitchen sink. Suddenly when seeing that the patio-kitchen door was open, the little creature rushed to the patio, the witness attempted to close the door but it was to late. He was only able to grab its leg and pull some hair from it. He then saw it running away towards a neighbor’s house until he lost sight of it. The witness mother says that a couple of days earlier the same or similar being was spotted on the roof of the laundry room in the back, and that she saw it jump on a mesh that they use for shading, which collapsed notably when the creature landed on top of it. She thought that the creature was walking with a certain level of disorientation and clumsiness. A quantity of hair was recovered from the mesh.

HC addition, addendum
Source: Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center
Type: E

Location. Formosa do Oeste, Parana, Brazil
Date: May 4 2001
Time: night
Edson Machado de Souza reported to police encountering a landed metallic round object encircled in blue, green, and yellow lights. Next to the object stood an undescribed humanoid. He could also see three other humanoids inside the object that appeared to be looking out some round windows.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET
Type: C & A

Location. Calama, Chile
Date: May 5 2001
Time: 1100A
On the day following his encounter with a bizarre creature, a local farmer saw three strange looking but very well dressed men that showed up as he spoke to a friend who had also seen the creature. They stood some 30 meters away from a group of acquaintances who were busy sharing a side of flame-roasted beef. They approached the farmer and informed him that they were police officers and were going to arrest him. Surprised he asked why, since he had not done anything wrong. They told him he could not discuss what he saw the day before with anybody. He asked the strangers to show some badges but they refused. He described the men as being almost 2 meters tall, very thin and closely resembling one another, especially in their bearing and constitution. They wore sunglasses that concealed their eyes. One of them had eyes that reminded the witness of “Spiderman.” They always kept their left hands in their pockets. They surveyed the entire area, and never once did they call out to one another. All three wore a type of glove, which left their ring and smallest fingers exposed, with the rest of the fingers occupying a single space. Their shirt cuffs covered part of this “pseudo-mitten” over which they wore a thin, shiny metal bracelet. He also described a ‘prosthetic” covering the nail of the smallest finger, and a ring placed at the tip of the ring finger. Their Spanish was very strange, sloppy as if they were drunk. They spoke a language among themselves that the farmer was unable to understand, he was sure that it was not English. After they left the witnesses realized that the men had not moved their mouths to speak. The farmer further noticed that the group leader wore a hat “similar to a bullfighter’s” which barely covered one of his ears, in which he could see a “V” shaped cut and a darker shade of color. He also recalled the following details: a very sharp vocal tone, short blond hair, broad forehead, high cheekbones, straight nose, thin neck, small mouth (except for the leader, who had thick lips and was wearing a safari-type jacket), a mechanized walk, similar gestures, line eyebrows, black ties and tie clips the same color as the stones on their rings. One of the men engaged in roasting the side of beef remarked: “They approached us at one point and looked us up and down, but said nothing at all. They appeared to walk and spin on the tips of their feet. They gave the impression of weighing less than a normal person.” They did not accept any water from the witnesses and threatened the farmer once again. They boarded an ivory-lead colored pickup truck which made no noise whatsoever and vanished after a certain distance.

HC addition, addendum
Source: Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center
Type: E

Location. Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Date: May 7 2001
Time: 2210
A witness reported seeing a huge black triangular shaped craft flying overhead. He reportedly heard a “message” in his head. Also some “missing time” was reported. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: F or G? Another possible unexplored abduction event.

Location. Cerro Uritorco, Argentina
Date: May 9 2001
Time: night
The night before, the witnessed experienced unexplained and severe pain on the tip of her fingers, and later while meditating with a guide and others at the Cerro she felt a strong feminine presence among the group. The night in question while meditating alone in front of her cabin a tall female figure suddenly appeared about 20 meters from the cabin on a field. The woman was of striking appearance, wearing a dark tunic, with large beautiful eyes and long brown hair. The female figure began moving towards the witness, who scared, begged her to stop. The figure smiled and disappeared. After the encounter, the witness reported that her nails grew at an unusual rate and were very thick.

HC addendum
Source: Ciudad Futura.com, Encuentros en Uritorco
Type: E or F?

Location. New Delhi, India
Date: May 10 2001
Time: night
Vineet Sharma, 18, and his family were sleeping outside on the veranda of their grandmother’s house when a strange creature leaped onto the veranda. It jumped up and punched the grandmother on the stomach. Two of the younger family members ran to their grandmother’s assistance and the strange monkey-like creature scratched them on their hands and faces. Then it jumped across the courtyard to the roof of a neighbor and attacked the residents of that house. The creature was described as about four and a half feet tall, with the face of rhesus monkey, well-developed shoulders, and two eyes with bright light emanating from them.

HC addition, addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 21
Type: E

Location. Dadri area, India
Date: May 11 2001
Time: 0230A
Dr. Saroj Bala Sharma and other villagers began patrolling the area after another sighting of the “monkey man.” Soon after she caught sight of the creature which she describes as around 4 and a half ft tall and jumping like a monkey. “He looked like a black shadow with monkey like face with red lights emitting from his eyes.”

HC addendum
Source: Mystery Magazine.com
Type: E

Location. Rosario, Argentina
Date: May 11 2001
Time: 0300A
M suddenly finds herself standing in front of an alien on the ground not inside a ship. This place is apparently located between the cities of Roldan and Funes in a field near some trees. The beings tells her that the “vibrations” emitted by the concrete of the cities is very harmful for them that is why this location was chosen. Then she sees numerous images of cities and locations in Argentina and Brazil that appear in front of her in a sort of holographic screen. Soon her and the being sat on the ground next to a eucalyptus tree, despite the cold night, M fell very comfortable. She was told by this being that various civilizations were visiting the earth. She was also told that there had been a titanic explosion in an area of the Universe that created hundreds of asteroids that destroyed several planets. Many of the survivors were now migrating to different points. She was told that some of the “visitors” lived and had extensive underground installations in several locations on earth. The alien explained that they were following a “Universal Cosmic Plan” here on Earth that the humans were not following to well. They were here on a mission and they were not going to be deterred. (Involved in previous encounters).

HC addendum
Source: Horacio Roberto, Nuevos Tiempos Argentina
Type: G

Location. New Delhi, India
Date: May 11 2000
Time: night
Several residents were chasing a strange ape like creature that appeared to be have “wires sticking out” of its head and temples on Grand Trunk Road near the Samtel factory. When a powerful flashlight suddenly blinded them. Then they saw three persons getting away in a Maruti car. The men were carrying large sacks filled with equipment. They waved at the villagers as they drove away.

HC addition, addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 21
Type: E

Location. Chhaprola, New Delhi, India
Date: May 11 2001
Time: night
An ape like creature covered with fur but with human facial features confronted several local villagers. It screeched at the witnesses and jumped around. Later near the Samtel factory Ganesh Jha Paraparam and his relatives came face to face with the monkey-like creature that suddenly jumped 20 feet from a crouching position and caught the branches of the trees. It soon lost itself in the thick foliage. Another witness in Islamnagar area, Shamir Begun saw the monkey-man walking on her rooftop. Nearby another resident reported “two” creatures jumped on him and scratched his face.

HC addition, addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 21
Type: E

Location. Ghaziabad, India
Date: May 11 2001
Time: night
A bizarre monkey-man like creature jumped onto a rooftop in this city and began biting and scratching people who had been sleeping on the roof. While fleeing the black furred creature, one man slipped on the gutter and fell off the roof. He plummeted to his death four stories below.

HC addition, addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 21
Type: E

Location. Dadei Town, India
Date: May 12 2001
Time: 0100A
A masked humanoid reportedly entered the house of a homeopath in sector 22. He attacked Dr. M P Singh’s wife and sister, injuring them in the shoulder and ankle respectively. Singh’s wife described it as dressed in white, seemingly covered in bandages like a mummy. “Only the large frightening eyes were visible.”

HC addendum
Source: Mystery Magazine.com
Type: E

Location. Chhapraula, India
Date: May 12 2001
Time: night
Ganesh Jha claimed he came face to face with the “huge man-monkey”, and saw him jump 20 ft in the air. He said, “We were taking an evening walk when we walked into this huge man-monkey.” The monster sprang up 20 ft from a crouching position and grabbed the branches of a tree and vanished before the witness had a chance to scream.

HC addendum
Source: Mystery Magazine.com
Type: E

Location. Shilton Warwickshire England
Date: May 12 2001
Time: night
A man saw a strange cross-shaped object over the village; he then felt a strange burning sensation in his eyes. As he stood there a blond, white clothed figure approached and touched his face, then disappeared. The witness then collapsed on the floor in shock.

HC addendum
Source: UK Abductions Page
Type: C?

Location. Noida, India
Date: May 14 2001
Time: night
Several witnesses reported encountering a man-like figure “painted all in silver” and about 4 ft 6 inches tall, that attacked them. Others described him as masked and dressed in black.

HC addendum
Source: Mystery Magazine.com
Type: E

Location. Edinburgh, Scotland
Date: middle of May 2001
Time: daytime
In broad daylight Paul McDonald reported seeing three small “gray figures” sitting inside a glass bubble, which sat on top of metallic rim. The craft flew low over the area. Another two friends were in bed, one woke up to see her boyfriend astrally projecting his body by sitting up—and there—his features appeared like a mask on a 3.5 foot tall gray being. The witness screamed and the gray screamed too and her boyfriend returned to normal.

HC addendum
Source: Andrew Hennessey in Et Reality News
Type: A & F?

Location. Ghaziabad, India
Date: May 15 2001
Time: night
A local resident named Chander struggle with a man-like furred creature “for about 10 minutes” before it jumped down from the balcony. Chander described the creature as four and a half feet tall, with a body shaped like a monkey but with human like legs. It lifted Chander over its head and threw him into some trash barrels.

HC addition, addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 21
Type: E

Location. Ashok Nagar, India
Date: May 15 2001
Time: 0230A
A 20-year-old homemaker, Soman, who was six months pregnant, was on her veranda at her apartment house when suddenly a strange monkey like creature swung down from the roof and attacked sleeping members of her family. Soman stumbled while fleeing down the stairs and then tumbled all the way to the first floor. She died at the hospital a few hours later.

HC addition, addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 21
Type: E

Location. Olds, Alberta, Canada
Date: May 16 2001
Time: 0212A
Hearing noises the witness saw in an alley behind his house a short figure that was glowing”lavender” color. It was wearing what resembled a “potato sack”. It had large black eyes. Soon the lights of his house went out and he found himself paralyzed in bed and floated outside into the alley. He had vague memories of being inside a place with blue walls and without windows. He saw a door that appeared to be guarded by a figure. There was a table in the middle of the room.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Watch
Type: G?

Location. Northeast Delhi, India
Date: May 16 2001
Time: night
An 18-year old man reported being attacked in his home by a brown furred creature, which when he hit it with a water bottle, “flew out” of the verandah hit the building opposite and disappeared. Later that same night, four people in Bhajanpura were attacked by a shadowy figure with “red and blue bulbs on his body.” The panic claimed the third fatality that night when a 19 year old jumped to his death from the roof of his house in northwest Delhi.

HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times, August 2001
Type: E

Location. Ghaziabad, India
Date: May 18 2001
Time: night
A railway worker and a homeless man were both killed within six hours of one another in this city. Both men were found with punctures of 2-3 inches deep and 5-6 inches long in their skulls and abrasions to other parts of their bodies. Witnesses in both cases reported seeing “a shadow” attacking each of the men.

HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times, August 2001
Type: E

Location. San Luis del Palmar, Corrientes, Argentina
Date: May 19 2001
Time: 0200A
Martin Velazquez was awakened by the barking of his dog, he opened a window to the rear patio area, which was lighted. He then observed all his dogs gathered on a corner barking and looking at a bizarre creature standing nearby. It was described as hairy, larger than a dog, with a disproportionably “small” head as compared to its body. The creature seemed to propel itself by using its elbows and disappeared quickly into a nearby field. Other dogs in the neighborhood were also barking.

HC addendum
Source: FECOVNI, Argentina
Type: E

Location. Rodolp Mountain, Bulgaria
Date: May 20 2001
Time: night
A local villager reported encountering in a dream-like state five human-like figures wearing yellow-metallic clothing. They told the villager to go to an area near the village. When he went there he found an unusual skull and a small elliptical metal object. The skull reportedly weighed 250 grams and has six holes in it. It also had no mouth hole. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 7 # 4
Type: E or H?

Location. Glenwood Alabama
Date: May 24 2001
Time: 0100A
The witness was unable to sleep and got up and looked out the window. He saw approximately 10 objects, hovering, and changing shape & color. The objects emitted blinding beams of light, blue in color. The witness quickly got back into bed but still could not sleep because of the bright beams of light coming in through the windows. Soon he felt a presence in the room; he looked up and saw approximately 4 “beings” in the room. He tried to scream but could not, tried to move but was paralyzed. He woke up the next morning and remembered some of the events that occurred. He remembered seeing a beam of light and floating out the window towards the objects floating in the air. His next memory was of lying on a cold, metal like surface with several “aliens” looking down on him. He was still paralyzed as the beings apparently probed his body.

HC addendum
Source: Mystical Universe
Type: G

Location. Heber Arizona
Date: May 26 2001
Time: 2230
29-year old Chris Magras remembers lying on a very cold steel table. He was unable to move his body or his head; he could only shift his eyes. Everything around him was shiny and almost blinding. He remembered seeing several short figures moving around. He also heard a continuous hum. The figures were about 4-feet ½ in height, slender built with huge heads, no hair and were apparently naked. The witness suffered from vivid dreams after the incident. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Watch
Type: G

Location. Assam, India
Date: May 27 2001
Time: various
Villagers in the area were reportedly terrorized by a wolf-like. More than a dozen people claimed they were attacked by it. The creature was alleged to make itself invisible before its attacks. And it was said to vanish when trapped in a ray of light.

HC addendum
Source: Strange Magazine On-Line, quoting Indian
News sources
Type: E

Location. Palawan, Philippines
Date: Summer 2001
Time: evening
Daniel Carter and several other witnesses were hiking in a thick jungle area and had taken a little rest in a clearing. Soon they began hearing strange grunts, at first they thought it was a wild boar but the grunts became high-pitched almost like a long soft scream. About 5 to 7 minutes after these sounds there was an abrupt rustling of leaves and snapping of branches and suddenly a strange creature appeared. It was about five to six feet tall and very slim. It had the same shape and appearance of some kind of ape but it was clearly not a mammal. It had dark reddish/brownish skin that appeared very bumpy. Its eyes were small and black, very close together. The mouth stuck out and the teeth were very visible. It stood there about 20 seconds then dashed away with amazing speed. Locals reported seeing the same type of creature before.

HC addendum
Source: Cryptozoology.com
Type: E Rare report of humanoid creature reported in the Philippines.

Location. Mawnan, Cornwall, England
Date: Summer 2001
Time: 2030
The witness was collecting brass rubbings from churches in the area when his work on a particular brass rubbing took him past the daylight hours. To his surprise around 2030 he saw a large feathered creature of owl type shape and proportions. But this “owl” which was a tawny brown color, was standing almost 5 ft tall. He grabbed for his camera but by the time he had taken it out of his rucksack the “owl” had fled into a heavily wooded area. The “owl-man” made no audible sounds, but was no more than 20 ft away plainly visible.

HC addendum
Source: Cryptozoology.com
Type: E

Location. Calama, Chile
Date: June 2001
Time: 2300
A month after an unknown predator attacked and killed several farm animals; a woman saw a strange creature walking on two legs. It seemed to be about a meter in height, covered with black hair. The witness felt extreme fear and cold chills ran down her back. Around the same time two other witness saw something they described as a round ball of leaden color hair running at high speed above the ground leaving behind a gray smoky trail.

HC addendum
Source: Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center
Type: E

Location. Not given
Date: June 2001
Time: night
The witness was lying in bed trying to get some sleep when she noticed what appeared to be a figure standing by her bedroom door. A terrible feeling overcame her originating in her stomach area. She rolled over and tried to get some sleep. As she lay there she heard a sort of buzzing sound. Her next memory was of floating in mid-air about a foot above the bed. She then blacked out. Later she woke up lying on a steel table. It was very cold and the air around her was damp, cold and there was a sort of fog around the room. She then saw a figure come toward her. She tried to scream but could not. The figure came straight to her face. She described it as humanoid, quite tall with no hair on his body. He had a sort of white glow around him. He communicated via telepathy and told her that they were here to help her. She then saw another being come over and touch her on the arm. She was unable to move at all. She then saw an object come toward her face. It appeared to be some type of metal object, like a rod, but it glowed. It glowed a bright white. One of the figures looked at her and said, “Don’t worry, I will not hurt you. I am giving you information. Knowledge to get through the coming days” It touched her between the eyes and she saw many different things. Numbers, letters, symbols, shapes, pictures, events and much more. She then passed out. Later she woke up still lying on the strange metal table. She was naked and tried to find her clothes and then saw what appeared to be a light, very dim. She walked up to it and noticed that it looked like a porthole. It was round, but had strange symbols around it. The symbols were very geometric in shape, but somewhat different in style, nothing like is normally seen. As she looked through the porthole she saw a huge blue ball that apparently was the planet Earth as seen from out of space. Terrified she started running back to the table and then saw one of the figures come out of nowhere. He came directly toward her, sort of floating in mid-air. He told her telepathically to calm down and that she must go back and remember what she was shown. The next thing she knew she was in her bed totally naked. She staggered toward the bathroom and looked in the mirror and noticed what appeared to be a bright red mark on her forehead right where one of the beings had put a rod.

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal About.com, July 2002 Archives
Type: G

Location. Calama, Chile
Date: June 2001
Time: late night
A 4-year old girl looked out her bedroom window two see two large red eyes staring at her. Terrified she ran yelling for her mother, who was surprised to see that half of the child’s hair was standing up as if surrounded by a current of static electricity.

HC addendum
Source: Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center
Type: E

Location. Narli, Turkey
Date: June 1 2001
Time: 0715A
Three villagers on their way to their farm suddenly experienced total engine failure. They then saw a strange figure standing about 10 meters away from the vehicle. It was about 70 cm in height. The humanoid was described as robotic in appearance wearing a shiny silvery outfit, yellow colored torso, and red boots. It had a large rounded head, with small slit like eyes. Frightened the villagers exited the vehicle and began throwing stones at the creature. The humanoid then suddenly rose up to a height of 20 meters then shot away towards a nearby water tank and disappeared from sight. Other villagers had seen mysterious lights over the area. (Reported to have been a balloon, but not actually confirmed as such).

HC addition, addendum
Source: Project Pulsar, Turkey
Type: D

Location. Adiyaman, Turkey
Date: June 5 2001
Time: unknown
In a field, several farmers reported “small figures with large heads and red feet”. According to local officials. “We take these reports very serious. We informed the Ministry of Interior Affairs.”

HC addendum
Source: Michael Hessemann, Halik Isik
Type: E Would like additional information on this case.

Location. Eej Hairhan, Altai Region, Mongolia
Date: June 8 2001
Time: afternoon
Professor T Tuvshinjargal and two other companions were traveling by car in an isolated road when upon rounding a huge hairy creature rushed the car. Stunned the driver stopped thinking it had run over some wild animal. But upon looking up they saw a huge hairy humanoid that seemed to be balancing himself like a gorilla. The witnesses yelled at the creature that apparently startled ran into the woods using terrific leaps and bounds. Earlier that year in the nearby city of Barnaul several airline crews spotted a huge object that seemed to be hovering above the airport preventing the landing of any of the aircraft.

HC addendum
Source: Año Cero, October 2001
Type: E? Rare attack by a Bigfoot type creature.

Location. Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Date: June 11 2001
Time: night
Two young brothers were out walking their dog when they saw a round metallic object descend and land at the end of their driveway. It was 8 ft long and 5 ft wide. A door opened and two 4 ft tall green colored humanoids stepped out. Using some type of implement or “laser gun” they shot the dog on the leg burning a hole in it. The witness took the dog and ran from the area. Apparently they did not see the humanoids or object depart. The dog reportedly recovered.

HC addendum
Source: Unsolved Mysteries.com
Type: B Dubious report.

Location. Fort Collins Colorado
Date: June 15 2001
Time: 0300A
The witness woke up feeling a horrible feeling of tightness all around him. He turned to wake his wife and saw 3 big eyed white headed and bodied figures looking down on him. He then attempted to shake his wife awake but was unable to. He then blacked out and came to on the floor. The next morning a strange triangular shaped mark was found on the witness back.

HC addendum
Source: Mystical Universe
Type: E

Location. Galatia, Saline County, Illinois
Date: June 20 2001
Time: 2225
The witness was sitting in his truck when he felt that something was watching him from the woods. A nearby dog was gong rabid, barking like crazy. He pulled out of the drive way and looked out the window to see behind a nearby gate a bizarre looking werewolf like creature with glowing yellow eyes. He drove past, and stopped the truck to look back. The werewolf creature jumped over the fence and started running towards the truck. Terrified the witness drove away from the area. The creature was about 6’5″ in height, with yellow glowing eyes, black and gray hair, a long snout, and long fangs. It stood up like a man. Another witness saw a large creature run across the road early one morning. Mutilated deer, dogs, and other animals have been found in the area.

HC addendum
Source: GCBRO
Type: E

Location. Patras, Peloponnese, Greece
Date: June 24 2001
Time: 0150A
Mr. G P a professor in the University of Patras was watching television at night at his home. His wife and small son were asleep in their rooms. His daughter was away. When he turned the TV set off he noticed that the kitchen light was on. He went to turn it off, and then felt a cold chill, like there was a cold wind blowing. Turning back, he came face to face with a tall (1.90 m) and lank humanoid that was wearing something like a tight-fitting blue overall with “wave-like” patterns. Its face was very vague human characteristics, having bumps where facial features should have been. The witness thought the creature somehow resembled a “computer graphic.” The creature began moving in great leaps, “like the leaps of the hurdles athletes” but in “slow motion,” like “a dancer with his toes not touching the ground.” It went out of the kitchen and entered the lavatory (the door was open). The witness chased it but the lavatory was empty. Then he saw it again, coming out of his daughter’s room and disappearing into the kitchen. Then, for a third time, the creature came out from the lavatory and vanished into the living room. After that, it was not seen again. The witness was in shock after the experience and did not hear any sound, or felt any odor during the incident. He could not say if the sense of cold persisted during the entire incident because he was very stimulated to notice it. He had the impression that the creature was “running away from something,” or “hunted by something and wanted to avoid any contact.” The closest distance between the witness and the humanoid was 2 meters. He also had the impression that the creature was “something solid, moving in an ethereal way.”

HC addendum
Source: Thanassis Vembos
Type: E

Location. Montecristo, near Tocopilla Chile
Date: June 24 2001
Time: 0200A
Four members of a family traveling along an isolated road reported encountering a horrific two meter tall creature with huge powerful hind legs, huge wings on his back and an animal like head that flew alongside their vehicle at speeds of up to 100 km per hour. The creature then accelerated and flew past their vehicle and out of sight. The terrified witnesses drove straight to the police station in a state of shock.

HC addendum
Source: Guillermo Munoz Diario Las Ultimas Horas, Chile

Location. Munich, Germany
Date: June 24 2001
Time: 2200
The witness (involved in other encounters) was walking on her way home when she came upon a strange figure about 1.80 meters in height and slim, human-like in appearance. The face was partially covered and only human-like eyes could be seen, which were dark and the skin around the eyes appeared to be bronzed. The figure carried a skin cap with hinged earmuffs a scarf around its mouth and nose a heavy coat and large boots. Everything was dark brown and gray in color. Somehow concerned the witness crossed the street in order to avoid contact with the figure, when the figure passed by she immediately turned around to look and it had completely disappeared, there was no alleys or houses around, only a parking lot. Several days later apparently the same witness was in her vehicle when she saw standing on the side of the road a tall man wearing a black hat and suit and eyeglasses, the figure stared intently at the car as a strange sense of isolation crept over the witness, she drove on and the figure vanished.

HC addendum
Source: Greyhunter UFO site, Germany
Type: E

Location. Ann Arbor Michigan
Date: June 27 2001
Time: 0705A
The witness was driving along Scio Church Road with her 11-year-old daughter, when the young girl pointed out what appeared to be a hot air balloon floating in the sky. The witness looked and saw a translucent egg shaped bubble with a smaller dark ball above it floating high above the road. She pulled off to the side of the road in order to obtain a better look. It looked like a silvery white balloon and inside what appeared to be two human shapes were moving about. It seemed to float and drift from side to side they lost sight of it as they drove down Wagner Road and headed north.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A

Location. Volta Redonda, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Date: June 30 2001
Time: 0530A
Adailton Rodrigues was taking a morning walk along Oswaldo Campos street with his dog “Pimpo.” As he walked by one of the tall buildings of one of the city’s factories he noticed a very bright light next to building on the ground. The dog began barking non-stop. Rodrigues did not pay much attention to the light and walked away. Later upon returning to his house he walked by the same location and saw the same light next to the building. This time he decided to approach the area and found an enormous silvery disc shaped object emitting luminous yellow, blue, white, and oranges lights around its edge. Terrified the witness felt his body becoming numb. At this point he was able to see two humanoids about 1.20 meters in height wearing tight-fitting silvery coveralls and helmets. The humanoids appeared to be collecting dirt from the ground. After about 5 minutes the humanoids entered the object through an open door-like opening and the craft then shot up at fantastic speed. The numbness on his body lasted about 3 minutes and then he was able to move again. He suffered from severe headaches the next three days.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, Brazil
Type: B

Location. Chisholm, Minnesota
Date: Late June 2001
Time: night
On June 23 around 1900 a 15-year old son took some pictures of a cloud formation. When the pictures were downloaded into the computer, an anomalous object appeared in two of them. The object was very small in one, but appears disc shaped in the other. Because the object appears to be headed downward at a steep angle, the mother of the family came to believe the object had crashed into the swamp. She also had other reasons for believing something had crashed nearby. First of all, she heard noises for three of four nights afterwards. She described the noises as high-pitched squeaky sounds. Also the mother observed what she called a UFO, which was visible in the eastern sky for several nights, at about the same spot every night. A few days after the pictures were taken, the neighbor’s son witnesses some men pouring something into the swamp. According to the witness, they were dressed in unusual suits. The mother also claims that her children have seen glowing figures approximately four feet tall when camping overnight in the backyard.

HC addendum
Source: Minnesota Mufon
Type: E or D?

Location. West Weber, Utah
Date: July 2001
Time: 0400A
The witness was delivering newspapers as usual and had her son along with her to help out. It was still very dark. After dropping a paper into the box she began to driver forward to the next house and noted a late model white pick up truck coming up behind her. She pulled out onto the side of the road and waited for the truck to pass. She claims that everything seemed to be in slow motion at that point. As the truck passed there did not seem to be a driver. The passenger turned to look into the car. She says it was not a natural movement, it seemed to turn its entire body to watch them as it passed instead of just turning its head. The movement was so unnatural it was like it was wearing a full body scuba suit or a suit of armor that was difficult to move about in. Silhouetted in the street light a few yards up she saw no sign of hair on its head that seemed larger than normal, but at the same time it was darker than the darkness around it. Even as the truck passed under the streetlight the figure was still dark. The truck then turned onto a road that she claimed to be a dead end or a long road with no turn off. All this happened within a time space of about 30 seconds. She dropped a paper into the next box and then hesitantly turned down the same street to find that the truck had disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Kyra Greenleaf in Utah UFO Hunters
Type: A?

Location. Zanzibar, Tanzania
Date: July 2001
Time: night
A bizarre creature, called the Popobawa by locals, reportedly attacked several men as they slept. The creature was described as a Cyclops dwarf with bat-like wings and ears, and sharp talons. It apparently has a nasty habit of sodomizing men while they sleep in their beds. The presence of the often-invisible creature can be detected by an acrid smell or a puff of smoke. Sometimes it is reportedly invisible to everyone except the terrified victim. It is believed to take human form by day, but with pointed fingers.

HC addendum
Source: Davy Russell
Type: E

Location. Near Palmerston Ontario Canada
Date: July 1 2001
Time: evening
A couple riding bikes in a wooded area observed a group of tall humanoid-shaped beings covered with brown hair. They seemed to be holding or carrying unusual devices. The beings fled into the woods upon noticing the witnesses. Around the same time there were numerous reports of low flying glowing orange discs over the area.

HC addendum
Source: Unknown Country & CAUS
Type: D

Location. Paracambi, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Date: July 1 2001
Time: night
Odete Fortini was standing in the verandah of her house when she observed a sphere of light approach and land about 200 meters from her location. As the light dimmed she could see that it was a round object with a cupola on top and several small windows around its edge. On the center of the object a door opened and two humanoids about 1 meter in height stepped out. They seemed to be interested on the vegetation around the object. After a few minutes of investigating the area they re-entered the object, which became bright again and left at high speed.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET
Type: B

Location. Guaraja-Mirim, Para Brazil
Date: July 1 2001
Time: night
8-year old Zeca Borba reported encountering and communicating with a short humanoid with a large head and eyes and bluish skin. The humanoid carried a cane-like object and wore a silvery helmet. After 30 minutes the humanoid boarded a triangular shaped object, which quickly disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET
Type: B

Location. Canatuma, Amazonas, Brazil
Date: July 2 2001
Time: night
Jose Da Silva saw a large disc shaped object with several windows and a small door-like opening in which two 2-meter tall humanoids were seen to enter. Immediately the object began to spin very rapidly and rose slowly. It suddenly emitted a bright flash of light from the top section and disappeared in front of the witness.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET
Type: B

Location. Costa Paradiso, Sardinia, Italy
Date: July 9 2001
Time: 0130A
A young boy was listening to music next to the verandah in his home when he noticed a sort of luminous “window” or portal about 2 meters in height at the end of the garden. Inside he could see an “animated” dark gray figure with large dark eyes, which began moving towards the witness at a slow pace. At this point, the young man, panic stricken, ran into his room and hid under the bed; he did not see the figure depart.

HC addendum
Source: CISU Sardegna
Type: E

Location. Rosario, Argentina
Date: July 9 2001
Time: midnight
M, (involved in other encounters) woke up in the middle of the night feeling extreme thirst and very hot. She then felt very cold as she traveled up into space a hand reached forward and pulled her into a zigzagging tunnel filled with curves and very sinewy. She heard a constant monotonous hum during her trip through the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel there was a bright light. After the light she found herself in a rocky valley surrounded by high, corroded cliffs, she felt very cold in this totally desolate environment, soon she found herself among many different humans from different parts of the planet. Some appeared to have just arrived others were apparently leaving. After walking through a rocky tunnel she found herself inside a beautiful glowing apparently subterranean city. The buildings were apparently constructed of some type of transparent crystal. The place appeared to be empty and she did not see any moving vehicles. At this point she noticed that she and the other humans were wearing some type of type fitting silvery clothing that seemed to adjust to the contours of the body. She saw an underground river that traversed the city. Again the now familiar humanoid figure appeared and told her to relax that everything was going to be fine. He told her that she was a unique specimen and that’s why she had been contacted. He also said that planet earth was in danger of extinction due to the lack of care and love among humans between themselves. The humanoid said that they came from a planet that had been recently discovered by earth scientists. And that their planet was dying and they needed to reproduce with the help of humans (a familiar theme). At this point she noticed other humans apparently in a trance and from different parts of the world, many just stood around and stared. Soon she found herself back in her bedroom.

HC addendum
Source: Horacio Roberto, Nuevos Tiempos, Argentina
Type: G

Location. Near Fergus Ontario Canada
Date: July 20 2001
Time: night
Four teenagers saw a glow in the forest and upon investigation they observed several beings with short, curly dark hair and strange ears, but otherwise human appearing, that seemed to be taking soil samples. They wore white robes. The teens reported their observation to the police, who found a circular hole on the ground four inches in diameter and five feet deep.

HC addendum
Source: Unknown Country & CAUS
Type: E

Location. Mineral Point, Pennsylvania
Date: July 20 2001
Time: 2330
A man was building a fire behind his house near a wooded area when he heard a noise in the woods and shined his flashlight in that direction. In the distance he saw a large dark “animal” which was then down on all fours, and was assumed to be a bear. The animal then looked at him, then stood upright on two legs. It began to move into the woods keeping a good distance from the witness who was now following it. The man could never hit the creature with his light; he could only see a silhouette of its body, which gave the impression of being about 8 to 9 ft tall, furry, and blackish-brown in color. It appeared to be moving on two legs, and they kept quite a distance apart, yet moving at a relatively slow pace. During the time that the man followed the creature, it appeared to be moving in an upright position until he lost sight of it in the thicker woods. After losing sight of the creature the witness backtracked, and looking upward was startled to see something quite strange in the sky. About 500 ft away, he saw a large solid luminous triangular object with no individual lights. He estimated the object to be the size of a two-story house. It appeared to be longer than wide. The object, which was silent, was first observed at approximately 50 ft above the ground in a clearing. It then moved down slowly to about 20 ft, where it disappeared behind a thick part of the woods, and was no longer seen.

HC addendum
Source: Stan Gordon’s Anomalies Zone
Type: C?

Location. Amsterdam, New York
Date: July 23 2001
Time: 2100
After hearing a loud ruckus coming from outside the witness grabbed a broom and stepped out to see what it was. When he opened the door his cat ran in with half its ear torn off and dripping blood. He ran outside and saw at first what he thought were two raccoons tearing apart what appeared to be a cat. As he got closer he realized that the beings were about two and a half feet tall standing on two legs. They had brownish green hair and pointy-heads; they also had claw-like hands with long black nails. The witness shouted at them and both creatures froze and turned to look at him with huge greenish-yellow eyes. After they saw him they ran into the woods, one dragging the dead animal with it. Other families in the area had reported their pet cats missing.

HC addendum
Source: Chupacabra Sightings Page
Type: E

Location. Amasya Turkey
Date: July 23 2001
Time: 2130
The witness, a young mother, was breastfeeding her baby in her fourth floor apartment when she turned her head and saw a strange humanoid in front of the balcony door and curtain. After a few seconds the humanoid suddenly disappeared. She described it as about 1.05 meters in height, with very big jet-black eyes, slanting up. His head was oval shaped and bald. His color was gray, like smoke. No other details were noted because of the witness state of panic and the short duration of the encounter. There were unconfirmed reports of UFO’s seen in the area that night.

HC addendum
Source: TUVPO
Type: D?

Location. Near Gerena, Sevilla, Spain
Date: July 26 2001
Time: 2150
Two anonymous witnesses while driving on the Gerena road saw a luminous figure walking on the side of the road. It seemed to move clumsily about in an attempt to enter the nearby field. The frightened witnesses accelerated away from the area. They described the figure as about 2 meters to 2.15 meters in height, strongly build and robust looking. It emitted a bluish-white light.

HC addendum
Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista &
Rafael Cabello Herrero
Type: E

Location. Acquappesa, Italy
Date: July 27 2001
Time: night
Several witnesses at different locations reported seeing a dog rising up into the air from near the ocean and apparently entering a hovering lighted spherical object. The object had a large lighted window and a tall man-figure could be seen apparently looking out. It then flew away. The dog was apparently taken.

HC addendum
Source: Leonard Da Vinci, Research Group
Type: A & G?

Location. Quedas do Iguacu, Parana, Brazil
Date: July 29 2001
Time: 0300A
An object larger than 10 meters in diameter was seen on the grounds of a local football field. The two witnesses including Rubem Bastos de Brito reported seeing several short bizarre creatures moving around the object. After about 20 minutes the object shot away into the sky.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET
Type: C

Location. Mulini De Viallatori, Padova, Italy
Date: August 2001
Time: evening
An elderly peasant encountered a child-sized creature, about 1.10meters in height in a field. He alerted two other witnesses that described it as resembling a “puppet” that walked in very stiff movements and taking short steps, almost robotic in nature. It approached the witness, who quickly left the area.

HC addendum
Source: CUN Italy
Type: E

Location. Fortin, Veracruz, Mexico
Date: August 2001
Time: evening
Luis Francisco Cortes was walking through a field in his uncle’s coffee plantation when he spotted a strange humanoid moving among the brush. He described the figure as tall, thin, wearing what appeared to be torn clothing and a strange hat. The skin was dark and appeared to be scaly. Cortes and the humanoid briefly stared at each other and then the witness made a hasty retreat. A later search failed to locate the humanoid.

HC addendum
Source: Los Desvelados.com
Type: E

Location. Near Waterville Valley, New Hampshire
Date: August 2001
Time: night
Camping in the White Mountains area the witness was sitting around the campfire while everyone else slept when he suddenly heard a noise. Immediately he grabbed the flashlight and turned to the noise. He claims he saw something illuminated by the light standing at the tree line that haunts him to this day. He saw a being that appeared to be naked, gray in color, resembling a naked person. It was hunched down and was very muscular; its legs were backwards, like a bird. The being quickly turned and bounded off down the hill quickly disappearing from sight.

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal Story Archives, November 2002
Type: E

Location. New York City, New York
Date: August 2001
Time: late night
The witness, who lived in a second story apartment would wake up in the middle of the night and see some very disturbing creatures. He described them as about 3-½ ft tall, and heavy set, walking quickly up and down the hallway. Being very dark he could only see their outlines. He could only compare them to trolls. They never paid any attention to him and seemed to be very busy at some unknown task. Every time the witness attempted to get up he felt paralyzed and unable to speak. A month later he woke up in the middle of the night and saw a taller, dark figure peering at him, leaning its upper body around the doorframe. He was not paralyzed and chased the figure down the hallway toward the top of the stairwell. The dark figure vanished into the outside wall.

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal Story Archives, August 2002
Type: E

Location. Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil
Date: August 1 2001
Time: 0200A
Five students camping in a deserted beach, including Luis Carlos Prima reported seeing a large disc shaped object about 10 meters in diameter land on the beach. The five geography students had been sleeping when a very strong wind suddenly woke them up. The wind was so strong that it began to unearth the tent from the sandy ground. Thinking it was a storm they ran out and confronted a huge disc shaped object with numerous bright lights on its top and windows on the center. Suddenly a small door opened and two short humanoids came out. The object and the humanoids were about 200 meters away from the witnesses. The little men seemed to be collecting ground samples when they became aware of the witnesses presence. They ignored the witnesses and after several minutes reboarded the object, which took off at high speed. Deep ground traces were found at the landing site.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET
Type: B

Location. La Joya, Guanica, Puerto Rico
Date: August 2 2001
Time: 0300A
The same night that Carmelo Sepulveda found one of his rabbits decapitated and another injured one of his neighbors heard the rabbits squealing and lit an outside bulb that faces toward the animal cages. He then went outside to take a look, upon doing so he realized there was something resembling a child standing near one of the cages, but the poor light quality was not enough to let him make out any details. The figure quickly took shelter among Sepulveda’s cages and the rabbit’s squeals were extinguished.

HC addendum
Source: Jose A Martinez Echevarria, PRRG
Type: E

Location. Near Antofagasta Chile
Date: August 2 2001
Time: 0530A
A very well known local merchant was on his way south towards the city on a desolate road suddenly noticed a strange flying creature approaching his truck at very high speed, apparently in the direction of the sea. As the witness braced for a possible impact the creature suddenly shot up vertically and disappeared from sight. The creature was described as brown in color, bigger than a condor, huge glowing red eyes, and a long pointed snout, horrible in appearance. Others in the region have reported seeing a similar creature.

HC addendum
Source: Chilean newspaper El Loa
Type: E

Location. Rosario, Argentina
Date: August 2 2001
Time: night
That night, the visitors summoned M, and she felt herself traveling through a tunnel of “water” or something that felt very similar to water. She soon found herself in a jungle area that was very hot. Suddenly she found herself in a mansion-type structure all white in color, it gave her the impression of being in a hospital. Inside she found numerous children of both sexes that were apparently living there. The children were barefooted and wore white loose fitting outfits. She also saw human adults that identified themselves as “instructors”. The children resembled humans but with some alien traits, almost like hybrids. The aliens told her that soon they would be leaving the earth due to the coming chaos and cataclysm. She saw an image of a huge explosion and many injured persons.

HC addendum
Source: Horacio Roberto, Nuevos Tiempos, Argentina
Type: G

Location. La Paz, Bolivia
Date: August 4 2001
Time: night
At the local “Hospital del Torax” nurse Wilma Huañapaco was working the night shift in the intensive therapy wing on the first floor when she was suddenly invaded by a strange stupor that paralyzed her body. She was unable to move her arms, legs, or even the eyelids. Using tremendous effort she was finally able to turn around and was confronted by the figure of a tall man, enveloped in a greenish aura and apparently headless. The figure suddenly vanished in plain sight; Wilma remained in a stupor for several more minutes.

HC addendum
Source: Abdel Padilla Vargas, La Prensa, Bolivia
Type: A

Location. San Juan de Aznalfarache, Sevilla, Spain
Date: August 5 2001
Time: 0310A
After coming back from the movies, Nuria Garcia, encountered while laying in bed a strange thin large headed figure that stared at her from a corner of the bedroom. The figure vanished as Garcia rose from her bed. The witness found strange footprints on the wet garden floor the next day.

HC addendum
Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista &
Rafael Cabello Herrero
Type: E

Location. Schouweiler Forest, Luxembourg
Date: August 10 2001
Time: 1500
The witness had driven his car close to the forest in order to take a walk. He was taken several photos of the surrounding trees when he suddenly heard a noise. He turned around but did not see anything. A few seconds later he heard the sound of breaking branches, he looked and saw a dark figure standing a few metes behind him. It was about 2 meters in height, dark haired and very big. He tried to film it but it disappeared quickly into the woods.

HC addendum
Source: Frank Hansen
Type: E

Location. Estancia, Espirito Santo, Brazil
Date: August 10 2001
Time: night
Lourdes do Nascimento reported establishing telepathic contact with a short humanoid with dark skin and large black eyes that exited a small disc-shaped object with small window-like apertures that briefly landed in her farm. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET
Type: B

Location. Coari, Amazonas, Brazil
Date: August 10 2001
Time: night
Oderbal Zaccharias was returning home from a party when his car was chased by a bright red light along a road. He accelerated but the light continued to chase him. At one point the light flew over the car and landed 50 meters from the witness. He could now see that the light was a round object with side windows. From inside the craft two humanoids came out, these wore blue coveralls and silvery helmets. When the humanoids approached the witness’s vehicle he ran out and hid among the bushes. The humanoids looked briefly around the car and then returned to the object, which took off and disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET
Type: B

Location. Sao Joao do Piaui, Brazil
Date: August 11 2001
Time: 0300A
Two young people, Marcos Cesar and Simone Alves Moreira were traveling in their vehicle when they observed on the right side of the road a very bright light. Thinking it was a forest fire they stopped the car. Terrified they watched a large round object, bright golden in color hovering close to the ground. From the object numerous small creatures were coming in and out, right through the sides of the craft, as if the object was of an intangible nature. The little creatures glided over the ground towards some nearby trees and seemed to deposit something and returned back to the object. This incredible spectacle went on for about 20 minutes when suddenly the craft simply disappeared in plain sight. Both witnesses suffered from headaches and malaise for the next two weeks.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET
Type: B

Location. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Date: August 14 2001
Time: 0645A
On a foggy morning the witness saw a large white dog the size of a small pony. It was apparently eating the scarps out in the backyard. The surprised witness banged on the window and the “dog’s” hair spiked up almost 30 centimeters. Then it walked down the side of the house and it disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: AHR Team Australia
Type: E

Location. La Joya, Guanica, Puerto Rico
Date: August 14 2001
Time: late night
The same night that some additional rabbits were found mutilated the neighbors were getting into their van as they headed toward the bakery when they noticed that a red light was reflecting off their vehicle. The female neighbor tried to ascertain its source, and looked toward a quenepa tree, where she saw a shadowy figure looking at her with red eyes. She got into the van and took off without saying a word to her husband until they reached the bakery.

HC addendum
Source: Jose A Martinez Echevarria, PRRG
Type: E

Location. Sevilla Spain
Date: August 19 2001
Time: 2030
Lourdes Santos and her husband were returning home to Sevilla when they were reportedly abducted by undescribed beings. Both were taken to a location where they were submitted to numerous medical tests and examinations. Once they were finished they deposited the couple in their vehicle in front of their home. Her husband does not recall anything of what transpired. Strange circular marks were found at the base of Lourdes’s neck. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista &
Rafael Cabello Herrero
Type: G

Location. Plymouth Lake Wisconsin
Date: August 23 2001
Time: late night
Several young boys were camping in an isolated spot, late at night when they heard a loud buzzing sound. Looking out their tent they saw a silvery disc shaped object, flashing blue, red, green and yellow lights approaching and descending above the water. The object hovered nearby and through an opening several human like figures could be seen, staring at them. One of the men appeared to be operating some controls and had a grin on his face. Seconds later the object shot away at high speed.

HC addendum
Source: W Files, Wisconsin
Type: A

Location. La Joya, Guanica, Puerto Rico
Date: August 28 2001
Time: 2200
A local resident saw a strange short creature attacking some of the penned animals. Three fingered casts were obtained on this occasion. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Jose A Martinez Echevarria, PRRG
Type: E

Location. Calama Chile
Date: August 28 2001
Time: 2230
Mr. Martin T and his wife were returning home in their vehicle after a church meeting and only about 35 meters from the house they were startled to see a strange creature suddenly glide at high speed in front of their vehicle, just above the road. The creature was seen to come out of some shrubbery on the side of the road. Immediately Martin turned on the high beams thinking it was somebody he knew. The creature was of a bizarre nature, it held its arms closely by its side, and it was covered with thick gray-white hair. At the moment when the creature glided in front of the car, both witnesses felt a strong chill and a strange sensation of fear. Later one of his sons reported being paralyzed as he stared at a strange creature with bright red eyes that was standing under a nearby tree.

HC addendum
Source: Calama UFO Center
Type: E

Location. North Hills California
Date: August 29 2001
Time: 0327A
The witness was in a deep sleep when he suddenly woke up feeling paralyzed & afraid. He heard a rumbling sound and mumbling voices. He was then dragged out of bed. He opened his eyes to see several red colored shadowy figures. He could not remember anything else, but his roommate recalls seeing strange red colored figures in the room.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E or G?

Location. Hamolia near Vravrona, Attica, Greece
Date: end of August 2001
Time: 2130
3 men were working in the night shift on a small observation post on top of a small hill, with a good view over South Evoikus Gulf. They were looking out for forest fires. They had parked their vehicle next to an old abandoned heliodrome with a tattered landing platform made of concrete. The witnesses were sitting at a nearby kiosk when suddenly a disk shaped light colored object was seen coming towards them flying low and soundless from a northeast direction. Their mobile phones, radio and the vehicle CB ceased to function all at the same time. When the UFO approached them it was emitting a light sound “like a small electrical motor.” The sound was not heard after the UFO landed or during the rest of the incident. The UFO approached and landed softly on the old concrete platform about 15 meters away. It was shaped like two plates stuck together on their lids was about 3 meters in diameter and seemed to have a whitish or metallic color. It seemed to land on its “belly” and not on landing gears. It was partly hidden by small bushes. After a short while the frightened witnesses watched a door open on the side of the UFO. The opened door formed a ramp leading to the ground. Inside the opening a dim light was observed. After that, three small occupants emerged from the inside one after the other. They were humanoids, 80-90 cm tall, with normal bodies and limbs, resembling small kids. The beings were wearing tight-fitting and seemingly metallic uniforms or suits, like the ones used in scuba diving ending in a “hood” that was covering the head but not the face. The witnesses could not see their faces in the dark, but apparently the humanoids were not wearing a visor, or faceplate. The 3 humanoids preceded one after the other for about 7 meters until they reached the end of the flat area on the top of the hill. They seemed to walk a little bit faster then the normal. Then they seemed to descend on a small path that leads to the seaside and vanish from view. Meanwhile the opening on the UFO remained opened. One of the witnesses attempted to walk towards the UFO but thought better of it. After about 10 minutes the humanoids appeared again on the path and preceded, again, one after the other to enter the UFO. The door closed and the UFO took off softly and silently. It vanished from view southward. The witnesses searched for traces but could not find any. 2 nights later the same group of men saw a huge disc shaped object fling slowly overhead, it emitted a soft whirring sound and again they experienced EM effects on their radios and cell phones.

HC addendum
Source: Thanassis Vembos, Greece
Type: B

Location. Tres Pontas, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: September 1 2001
Time: night
Several witnesses including Jussar Vandri watched a disc shaped object land on a nearby field. It was about 5 meters in diameter and emitted multicolored lights. It landed on a small tripod landing gear. Several of the witnesses reported seeing small humanoids inside the object through transparent windows. After a few minutes the craft left.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET
Type: A

Location. La Joya, Guanica, Puerto Rico
Date: September 2 2001
Time: 0130A
A teenager living on the second story of Mr. Sepulveda’s house saw a strange creature. She was nursing a baby when she heard a rattling in the carport. Looking out she saw a shadow waddling like a penguin at the site, since the smoked glass door allowed her to see if there was someone there. Going out to check she saw a black shadow some 3 to 4 ft tall. She screamed for her mother but the figure had already gone when her mother arrived.

HC addendum
Source: Jose A Martinez Echevarria, PRRG
Type: E

Location. La Joya, Guanica, Puerto Rico
Date: September 5 2001
Time: 1936
Mrs. Gloria Carballo saw in her yard a short large headed creature that upon being seen sped up, leaving a wake of sparks behind it in what appeared to have been a soundless explosion. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Jose A Martinez Echevarria, PRRG
Type: E

Location. Bremerton, Washington
Date: September 6 2001
Time: evening
Lisa Wooley walked into a local bar called “Golden Mum” and sat on the bar feeling a bit distressed as a result of personal situations. She immediately became aware of two persons directly behind her. One was a man of about 43, wearing a bandana, blue sweatshirt, and jeans. The other was a woman around 35 with short dark hair, thin with fairly light skin, wearing a blue skirt and top. She had elfish features and the man looked and acted as if he could have had some military background. For some unknown reason she became interested in their conversation. The woman seemed to be receptive to her observation. Suddenly the conversation switched and she began interpreting the witness thoughts for the man. Whatever the witness thought in her head she would repeat to the man. The woman began “talking” about the witness and felt the witness was a nice person but the man said that her energy level was low. The witness then told them (mentally) that she had been out the night before and that’s why she was tired. The woman seemed to had wanted the witness to go somewhere with them, but the man was opposed to the idea. She said she wanted to take the witness with her, but the man said, “The star base at the North Star wouldn’t be to pleased with the idea. The man seemed to be not too fond of the human race and seemed to have zero tolerance or interest in humans. He said about the humans just being toys or boring creatures. This psychic conversation lasted for about 20 minutes until the strange pair left. The witness felt that towards the end the man was a little more impressed with humans.

HC addendum
Source: UFOs and Aliens Among us
Type: E

Location. Sierra Norte de Sevilla, Spain
Date: September 8 2001
Time: 2330
On the Carretera de Palma Del Rio, 3 witnesses spotted a huge luminous man like figure standing on a field. It was at least 3 & half meters in height, heavy set in appearance and was moving away from the road with considerable agility, using large leaps and bounds. The luminous figure jumped over a fence and then crossed the road in front of the witnesses vehicle, only about 2 meters away from the car. The figure jumped another fence and disappeared into the fields. The witnesses briefly stopped the car but then a bit frightened continued on and left the area.

HC addendum
Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista, &
Rafael Cabello Herrero
Type: E

Location. England, exact location not given
Date: September 9 2001
Time: 0230A
The witness suddenly woke up paralyzed and feeling terrified. There was a shadowy figure moving towards his bed from the right side. The witness was fully awake from the fear. He could see everything in his room and the TV was on. The shadow thing came right up to the bed and leaned over to his face. He heard a loud growling sound, then it just straightened up and moved off and disappeared through the closed window.

HC addendum
Source: Nightwatch 2001
Type: E

Location. Poland, exact location not given
Date: September 15 2001
Time: late night
A young girl name Justine was sleeping in her room when she suddenly woke up with a feeling that someone was staring at her. She looked around and saw a strange man-like figure standing by the window looking at her. The witness attempted to scream but could not say a word and was not able to move either. The witness suddenly felt tired and was approached by the figure that wrapped some type of cloth around her face, she then blacked out and does not remember anything else.

HC addendum
Source: Uforaport Poland
Type: E

Location. Massachusetts, exact location not given
Date: September 25 2001
Time: 0200A
The witness suddenly woke up facing the northeast part of her bedroom when a black tunnel appeared through an old hope chest on the wall. It was large enough so a person could walk through. All of the sudden a human figure made out of light appeared, it appeared to be running desperately through the tunnel towards the witness. The witness sat up quickly in bed. The figure stopped running as it got to her bed. The witness began screaming, waking her husband up who was next to her. As all this was happening her husband could not see anything and was attempting to get information on what was going on from the witness. The figure was described as a woman with blond curly hair, about 5 ft, 5” tall. Attractive with very dark Oriental looking eyes, and a lean face. It had a normal female body; its hands were very feminine and dainty looking with long and slender fingers. It was apparently trying to grab the witness. The witness kept screaming yelling at the figure to leave her alone. The strange figure appeared to be composed of a solid pale white light. The figure reached right into the middle of the bed trying desperately to take hold of the witness, it touched the witness’s hands, but she could not feel anything. It finally stopped reaching for her and gave her a perplexing look. For about a minute or so it just kind of stared at her and faded away.

HC addendum
Source: Angels On-Line, and witness communication
Type: E

Location. South Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Date: September 25 2001
Time: unknown
Eyewitness Mike Felice saw a giant bird-like creature flying over the area. Researcher Stan Gordon and Craig Heinselman noted that local Thunderbird sightings had occurred frequently in Westmoreland County.

HC addendum
Source: Stan Gordon
Type: E

Location. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Date: September 27 2001
Time: 0040A
More than a thousand witnesses reported seeing a cylinder shaped object with windows cruising slowly above the city. Around the same time several other witnesses including Bernardo Vilela watched a similar object land on a beach and saw several humanoids exit the craft. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET
Type: B

Location. Los Cipreses, Chile
Date: early October 2001
Time: night
For a number of nights local residents reported encountering a strange, entity in their midst. It was reported to have been an amorphous “bird” responsible for the deaths of 32 geese, which were mutilated and ex-sanguinated under cover of darkness. Some witnesses claimed having seen the strange creature flying over their properties at night seeking shelter in a cave at the foot of a gorge near Los Cipreses. The cave covered by dense vegetation and located roughly half a mile from town provided an ideal shelter for the predator. Local farmers claimed to have found over 40, clawed prints, which were clearly marked on the soil.

HC addendum
Source: Scott Corrales, Fate December 2001
Type: E

Location. Camden, Maine
Date: October 2001
Time: evening
Stevenson Fisher was walking along a deserted street when suddenly he heard a squeaking noise. Thinking it had been a mouse he looked down and around for one but did not see any. He started to walk again and then heard to sound again. Looking up, past the electrical wires he saw a large winged flying creature, with leathery wings. It swooped across the street and flew over an apartment building, turning to fly parallel past the roof. The astounded witness calculated that the creature must have had a wingspan of 24 ft, perhaps more. It then swooped into the woods behind the buildings and vanished from sight.

HC addendum
Source: Cryptozoology.com
Type: E

Location. Chico, California
Date: October 2001
Time: evening
The witness was walking his dog along Notre Dame Blvd when he happened to look to his left across the street where a row of two story apartment dwellings was located. He then saw a “man” floating down through the air like when someone would if he was attached to a parachute. The only thing was there was no parachute above the figure. He hurried to the rear of the apartment complex and there was no sign of a man or a parachute. It had completely disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Devon, England
Date: October 2001
Time: night
Several friends driving around the area at night next to the beach noticed a black flash zoom across the front of a fence at the end of the car park. Both witnesses saw it simultaneously and it sent a shiver down their spine. The car’s headlights helped to show the object in the light and it was very black and moved very fast. They drove over to where it was but they did not see anything. A few weeks later the main witness was driving in the same area with a different friend. Needing to use the toilet he stopped the car and walked about 10 meters from the car. When he got back to the car his friend told him that he had been watching a black human shaped object moving over the other side of the car park. They then drove away from the area.

HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times
Type: E

Location. Tocopilla, Chile
Date: October 2 2001
Time: 0500A
Two young men walking home one early morning when they encountered a strange creature in the dark. “At first, we thought it was a vulture because of its size and shape.” However they then noticed that it had bright red eyes, when it heard the witnesses it turned its head to see them. Suddenly, it jumped and flew away without making any sound. Scared they ran away from the area.

HC addendum
Source: Dr. Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo, Miami UFO Center
Type: E

Location. Acopiara, Ceara, Brazil
Date: October 4 2001
Time: 0200A
Walking on a street late at night Genivaldo Ariel was approached by a very tall, 1.80 meters, being. He described the humanoid as blond haired, very handsome and with a peaceful air. The humanoid spoke to Ariel in a strange language that he could not understand. The humanoid then waved at the witness and disappeared behind a nearby wall. Minutes later a large disc shaped object climbed up from a field behind the wall and disappeared into the sky.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET
Type: C

Location. Northern Portugal
Date: October 6 2001
Time: late night
Marta was walking home to her village in Northern Portugal when she saw some strange lights flashing in the sky. At first she thought they were aircraft but the lights seemed to get bigger and she could not hear any engine sound. Then she saw a huge “sausage” shaped craft, about 100 metes long and with flashing red and yellow lights. The craft hovered over a field where there were some cows grazing. The lights seemed to startle the cows and suddenly one of the animals began to rise into the air as if the object was picking it up. The cow rose up and disappeared into a hole in the UFO. The object then shot away emitting a “whooshing” sound.

HC addendum
Source: UFO EU
Type: G, Technically not a human abduction but a cattle abduction and a very high strangeness case.

Location. Gundaih, Queensland Australia
Date: October 8 2001
Time: 2330
Keith Rylance telephoned police after he woke to screaming of housemate Petra Heller about 2330. Ms Heller and Mrs Rylance had been watching TV in a caravan annex at the side of the house. Ms Heller reported seeing Amy Rylance, 22, “floating through window carried by a beam of light.” Police Constable Maragna noted that the fly screen covering the window was ripped and the leaves of a bush near the window were wilted at the spot where the light beam was alleged to have picked up the woman. While suspicious police waited for crime scene officers to arrive, Mackay hospital staff telephoned the residence to say Mrs Rylance had been brought in after she was found muddy and confused near a service station. She told police she remembered watching television that night before waking in a strange room where she was confronted by a 1.8 meter tall being, “human like in shape.” The being wore a metallic diver’s suit with a helmet and a mask. She claimed the being told her she would be returned not to far from where she was taken “because the light was wrong.” Her fingernails have reportedly grown considerably after the incident.

HC addendum
Source: Bill Chalker, Diane Harrison, AUFORN
Type: G

Location. La Algaba, Sevilla, Spain
Date: October 10 2001
Time: 1600
Two university students, Sonia & Maria were traveling by car in the area when suddenly in the distance they spotted a strange humanoid about 3 meters in height, very heavy set that appeared to move using very clumsy movements and was dressed in a shiny reflective uniform that emitted flashes of light that did not blind or bother the witnesses eyes. The astounded witnesses were able to calculate its height by comparing to the nearby orange trees, which were about 2.50 meters in height. They drove by the humanoid as it stood with its back to the road. That same night and in the same area witnesses saw bright spheres of light flying over the trees.

HC addendum
Source: Francisco Padron
Type: E or D?

Location. Helix Oregon
Date: October 13 2001
Time: 2200
The witness was returning home on the old Helix Highway when her car stopped, the lights and the engine went dead. She attempted to re-start the vehicle but nothing worked. As she was checking under the hood with a flashlight she noticed a large metallic object with lights approaching the vehicle. It was silent and began to hover over the highway. A hatch that made an eerie squeak opened on the side of the object and the witness was drawn in within a beam of blue light. Inside she saw a short, squat, human like figure, with whitish gray skin that appeared to have liver spots all over it. He made her take off her clothing and lied down on an “operating table.” The humanoid then proceeded to examine her genitalia. Her next memory was of waking up the next morning, fully clothed, and seated in the vehicle.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Alert, UFO Files
Type: G

Location. Calama Chile
Date: October 14 2001
Time: 0400A
A 51-year-old security guard reported hearing strange sounds at a construction site that he was guarding. He described the sounds as similar to hearing children running and playing around. The sounds came from outside the stockpiles of wood. His companion, a pregnant stray dog, suddenly ran towards the back patio, while he listened, the noise seemed to get louder. Thinking there was robbers about; he picked up his flashlight and run towards the door. As soon as he opened the door, the dog ran out barking, ran a few feet then suddenly bounced right back. The animal was apparently terrified and was moaning in apparent pain. The witness then saw a bright oval shaped object floating around near the 55-gallon drums. The object was about 35 ft from the witness. The object moved at about 15 mph. It appeared to be some type of small airship. It did not emit air, noise, or it left a contrail. He felt a strange sensation in his body. Other guards reported seeing strange looking men dressed in gray roaming around the site. They were very elusive, and appeared to be looking for something.

HC addendum
Source: Calama UFO Center
Type: C?

Location. Kirklin, Indiana
Date: October 15 2001
Time: 0530A
16-year old Jeremy Ewing remembers being in his room when there was a cold wind and a strange noise. He then saw numerous bright lights and everything became a blur. He remembers seeing a short alien figure, brown in color but that appeared to glow with a purple light from inside. The day after he suffered from a terrible cold and threw up green bile. He also heard strange noises inside his body. One night he found himself speaking in a strange tongue.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Watch
Type: G?

Location. Sao Lorenco, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: October 22 2001
Time: 0325A
Several anglers in the area reported encountering a short humanoid creature completely covered in brown hair and with large three fingered hands. It is reported that it swims under water and knocks over the canoes with the terrified anglers inside. Groups of 4 to 5 similar beings have been reported together by independent witnesses. It is called “the water baby” in the region.

HC addendum
Source: Arquivo UFO Brazil
Type: E

Location. Corydon, Indiana
Date: October 23 2001
Time: 1415
A student at local elementary reported seeing two cigar shaped objects hovering about 100 yards away above the school-field. On both objects he could little figures going up what appeared to be a staircase and waving. He also noticed unknown black writing on the objects. The objects flew away emitting a slight buzzing sound.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Database.com
Type: A

Location. Near Antofagasta Chile
Date: October 27 2001
Time: 2030
A woman and her daughter were traveling by van from Calama to the coastal city of Antofagasta. As it began to get dark, the daughter suddenly jumped out of her seat and yelled at her mom to look outside. Looking she saw a flock of bizarre looking flying creatures, about 20 of them. It was too dark to distinguish any physical aspects. They resembled shadows and appeared to be oval in shape and grayish in color. They flew very fast and did not appear to fly in a straight pattern; they made wobbling movements in all directions. They appeared to be some type of living creatures. As she tilted her towards the windshield she noticed that they were traveling in a straight line, heading towards Calama. Her daughter noticed that one of the creatures approached the van, and she thought it was looking at her. Terrified the witnesses drove quickly away from the area.

HC addendum
Source: Calama UFO Center
Type: E

Location. Bristol Connecticut
Date: November 5 2001
Time: dawn
A local resident out walking his dog reported seeing a giant, bird-like creature, the size of an ultra light plane, flapping away over a community center in Bristol. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: The Anomalist
Type: E

Location. Osasco, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: November 7 2001
Time: evening
Several motorists including Marcelo Alfonso Silva watched a round object hovering over the SP-109 Road. The craft emitted a very strong yellow light from several windows around its edge. Some of the witnesses reported seeing two helmeted figures that appeared to be moving levers inside the object.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET
Type: A

Location. Rosario, Argentina
Date: November 10 2001
Time: 0300A
The witness woke up flying trough what appeared to be a watery tube or conduit of a flexible nature (involved in other encounters). This tube like structure appeared to be flying through the air, she felt surrounded by a liquid energy. The tube was long and flexible. Under her she could see another human and above her another human. They seemed to be spaced apart only by a few meters. She saw what appeared to be a large city apparently Buenos Aires below her. Soon she was inside a ship in a huge room with walls made out of a material resembling transparent acrylic. The room was of a hexagonal shape. There were over a hundred humans in the room apparently from different parts of the planet. Some were wearing nightgowns others what appeared to be sports clothing. Somehow she knew a reunion was going to take place. Looking at the crystal like walls she saw a young girl looking back at her, the girl resembled her when she was a young girl. She felt a very calm atmosphere surrounding her and her voices in her head. She was able to see the universe through the transparent crystal walls. She was told that great changes were coming in the earth. Mostly to do with great climate changes and war and conflict among humans. She was told of a massive coming pandemic that will destroy more than half of the human race. She was told about the current wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Also she received information stating that many of the current young people that are reported missing are in fact taken by the extraterrestrials in order to complete their mission on earth.

HC addendum
Source: Horacio Roberto, Nuevos Tiempos, Argentina
Type: G

Location. Near Church Fenton, England
Date: November 11 2001
Time: 0550A
Tom Pea was traveling by train between Leeds and York when the conductor announced that it had to stop due to signal failure. As he looked out the window he saw a hovering object about the size of a car, black in color with dim yellow lights around the bottom. In a cockpit like area he could see a figure that was encased in a strange blue glow. Sheep on a nearby field glow a strange blue color as the object hovered.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Sightings in the UK
Type: A

Location. Sumare, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: November 13 2001
Time: night
Flavia Bezerra and her son Jose Max Bezerra were returning home after an anniversary party when they noticed a strange light approaching their vehicle from behind. As the light rapidly approached they thought it could have been a truck but then it suddenly flew over them and stopped about 100 yards ahead. They could now see that within the light there was a round object about 7 meters in diameter, with several bright lights on the bottom and an antenna like protrusion on top. From inside the object 3 humanoids exited. These were described as about 1.30 meters in height, wearing tight fitting green-metallic body suits and with small staring eyes. As the humanoids approached, the vehicle engine suddenly stalled. In a panic both witnesses began to scream. This apparently startled the humanoids, which turned around levitated back to the object. The object then took off and vanished. Three minutes later they were able to re-start the engine and left the scene.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET
Type: B

Location. Itapetinga, Bahia, Brazil
Date: November 20 2001
Time: 0045A
Marcelina Soares was washing the dishes after eating when she noticed a bright green light coming from her backyard. Opening the curtain she saw 5 to 6 silvery figures flying above some nearby trees. Behind the tree was a huge glowing sphere. The sphere emitted a bright yellow light and seemed to rotate within itself. Paralyzed she watched the figures “jump” over the tree and then enter the glowing sphere. The sphere then climbed out of sight and disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET
Type: B

Location. Near Cupira, Pernambuco, Brazil
Date: December 2001
Time: unknown
Some employees at a ranch near this city saw a disc shaped object land on a field and disgorge several “little men” that proceeded to help themselves to some of the guava fruit from nearby trees. There were other reports in the area of low flying cylindrical shaped objects.

HC addendum
Source: Edison Boaventura
Type: B

Location. Lagarto, Sergipe, Brazil
Date: December 1 2001
Time: 2200
Two friends, Tadeu da Silva and Walter Oliveira were fishing at a local lagoon when a huge yellow sphere of light approached their boat and illuminated them with a bright beam of light. The light dimmed and they were able to see several small windows and moving shadows inside the craft. Seconds later the bright beam of yellow light came back on and the craft disappeared into the sky.

HC addendum
Source: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET
Type: A

Location. Maghull, Merseyside, England
Date: December 6 2001
Time: 0232A
For the past several days the witness had been seeing shadowy figures in his room at night and felt paralyzed with fear. On the above date the witness suddenly woke up and slid in the air sideways into his bed with one of the shadowy figures holding his ankles and another holding his side. He then passed out. In the morning he found a large red mark on his foot resembling an infected insect bite. The next day in a dream like state he floated up through the roof, and above the house. Everything around him was lit up with a red light and he could feel something holding under his arms, he soon saw a red circle above him and passed out. Later he awoke back in bed.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Sightings UK
Type: G

Location. El Arahal, Sevilla, Spain
Date: December 23 2001
Time: 2000
Dolores Rodriguez and her son spotted a strange humanoid on the N-333 road. The humanoid was about 2.50 meters in height and very muscular. It had a small head and was encased in a strange luminosity. It stood still observing the nearby woods. They watched the creature for about 40 seconds.

HC addendum
Source: J M Garcia Bautista, Rafael Cabello, Javier Garcia Blanco
Type: E

Location. Woburn, Massachusetts
Date: December 28 2001
Time: 0330A
The witness was in bed attempting to sleep and suffering from a sinus infection when suddenly out of nowhere a strange gray colored figure appeared. He was about six ft tall, long limbs, large head with a sharp chin, no hair. His eyes were also strange; they were human sized, and nothing but whites and the shape of almonds. Also he had a strange tear-shaped object on his forehead, much like the white of his eyes. The eyes also seemed to glow. At the same time the witness felt strange energy vibrations, as in emotions, but they came in different emotions. He also felt a whining sound in his mind. He felt a strange, powerful sense of calm. 5 minutes later he saw a red dot on his pillow, like a laser beam. It was an intense red, and scared him a lot. It did not move. He felt weary and thirsty and a strong headache began setting in. After that he looked to his right on impulse and saw a white cloud stretching from the wall, like it was going through it.

HC addendum
Source: Alien-UFOs.com
Type: E

Location. Castor River, Newfoundland, Canada
Date: December 29 2001
Time: 1300
On a Saturday afternoon, Pius and Derek Tatchell saw a strange aircraft with what seemed like a person (human figure) suspended below it. It flew over the water and seemed to land about a mile and a half offshore. The coast guard conducted a search and rescue operation but nothing was found. No hangliders had been reported missing as of this date.

HC addendum
Source: NUFOR
Type: A?

Location. Cazalla de la Sierra, Spain
Date: December 31 2001
Time: 1800
A man and his wife watched from inside their vehicle in an olive grove near the road, a large metallic cylinder shaped craft about 15 meters in length, resting on the ground on three metallic legs. Next to the craft were three very tall and heavyset figures, wearing tight fitting very white suits of a material resembling Lycra. These appeared to be human-like in appearance and were apparently collecting different items from the ground. Terrified, the woman begged her husband to leave the area, which he did at high speed.

HC addendum
Source: Francisco Padron
Type: C

Total Cases: 190

Addendums will be inserted as they become available.

Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

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