2007 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTS Compiled by Albert Rosales

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

Will 2007 be my final year of compilations before I start to work on my books (yes several of them) I have yet to decide. I appreciate your comments and reports, keep them coming. Contact me at garuda79@att.net

Location. Baltimore Maryland
Date: January 2007
Time: night
The witness was in her room watching television as her son played across the room and as she was enjoying her movie, a black figure without a face appeared in front of her, pushed her down, and held her in place for ten minutes. During this time period, while she couldn’t move any part of her body but her eyes, she saw something running back and forth to her bedroom door, chuckling as she struggled to get whatever it was off of her. She said that whatever it was laughing at her came in the form of her eldest son, who is eight. Right away she knew it was not him. As soon as the shadow figure released her, she ran to her son’s room where he was sound asleep. She also says that her baby son never seemed to notice what was going on.

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal Florida Forum
Type: E
Comments: Obviously some sort of negative entities.

Location. North Devon, England
Date: January 2007
Time: night
The witness, whose bedroom window faced toward a huge cornfield which had a large wood surrounding it and the house, was dozing off in and out of sleep when he noticed that his room was brightly lit up. He had his cell phone with him so he decided to send his mother a text message to urgently come up to his room. She did come in and asked what was wrong. Shaken, he asked her if she had seen a light in his room and she said no, and to go back to sleep that it had been probably a dream. He then managed to go to sleep for about two hours or so until he awoke to a cold hand touching his face. He wasn’t really that scared because he was still in a daze. He opened his eyes and was shocked at what he saw. It was a human-alien creature kneeling down staring at him with two huge black eyes. It was grinning at him and was continually opening its mouth slightly and then slowly closing it. It had wispy bits of hair and it skin looked as if it had been burnt in a fire. He tried to scream but could not do anything. For about 2-3 minutes this went on and it then slowly stood up and casually walked away past his bed in a human-like manner. It was weird because there was no light and there was no smell. The witness was not exactly sure how he managed to see it because his room was pitch black. He never slept in that room again and has not seen the creature again.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—June 2007
Type: E
Comments: Visitation from a hybrid?

Location. Summerfield, North Carolina
Date: early January 2007
Time: 0100A-0300A
The witness (involved in other experiences) was sleeping in the guest room at her boyfriend’s house and is not sure if she was wide awake when she saw a tall “gray-type” alien entering the room. The moon was out and she was able to see the being in the dark. She is not sure how the being entered the room, but she feels that it may have come in through the window. The being seemed non-threatening and proceeded to gaze and stroke the witness’s face, her next memory is of waking up at 0700A, terrified she ran into her boyfriend’s room. She found it extremely difficult to sleep the rest of the week.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com/forum
Type: E

Location. Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina
Date: first days of January 2007
Time: 0230A
The witness, a 31-year old female was in her home in a neighborhood located on the southern outskirts of Santa Rosa. She was lying in bed with her 12-year old son. There is a window at the foot of the bed, facing west, measuring 1m wide by 0.80m tall, located one meter above floor level. She was sleeping on her left side with her legs outstretched facing south. Half awake at this point, she was alarmed to see a person walking past the window, which was open and let through the moonlight. It was an intensely warm night. Feigning sleep and remaining in the position she was in—that is to say, she did not left her head from the pillow—she reached for her cell phone, which she always keeps near her headboard. Now, looking more clearly at the window, she noticed two very tall, lean creatures that were looking lack at her from outside her house. At that moment a reddish purple light flooded the room and she was unable to move. Suddenly in a matter of two seconds—very quickly, the first of the two beings lifted its legs one by one and stepped into the room, followed by its companion. One of the beings stood beside her and the other by her son, performing a lying of hands on the boy, who was sound asleep. The witness feels that this last entity was female. Meanwhile, the red light, which had no visible source, dimmed and went out. Only moonlight poured into the room. The female like entity now stood at the foot of the bed, and the other entity, which the witness felt to be male despite the absence of any genitals, stood behind the witness who felt that two “little tubes” or straws were arranged symmetrically on her back, above the kidneys. These objects began boring into her back “like two drills” making a spiral motion. These drilling objects moved from her back to the front of her body, towards her ovaries. Feeling intense pain, she was only able to shrink into a fetal position. Gradually, these elements, after what seemed to her like a very long time, began slowing down. The intense pain lessened. At this point the entity standing behind her placed its hand over her right breast. She noticed that the creature’s hand had grayish green skin with very long fingers, delicate phalanges and very thick joints, like those of a frog. The entity began rubbing its hairless head slowly from the witness’s right shoulder down to her hip. She still could not move. To this day she finds remarkable that the entity closed its eyes as it did this. No manner of communication occurred, but she sensed a sort of infatuation toward her. Like the caress of a retreating lover, a sensation of tenderness issued from the being. After this, the two beings—the male first, then the female—left the room. Her mobility was restored after some minutes, seeing no apparent lights or noises. Only the moonlight continued to stream into the room. She got up, shut the window and looked around the house as she shouted for her son to wake up, as he remained “deeply asleep”. At no time did she touch her son. Meanwhile, she continued trying to contact her mother over the cell phone. The device was inoperative, had no signal and not even the emergency call mode was working. Later she went into the bathroom and her son noticed that she had strange marks on her body, a scratch or rash under her shoulders and above her kidneys. She had a pain in her internal genital region which went away the next day.

HC addendum
Date: Salvatore V. Carta, La Pampa Argentina
Type: E

“Alien Parachutist?”
Location. Miami Lakes, Florida
Date: January 1 2007
Time: 1630
On a clear and beautiful sunny day while outside barbecuing the witnesses looked up to see a round black object with a silvery lining floating above their house. It floated for about 10-15 minutes and then slowly went up into the clouds and disappeared. Five minutes later another object appeared, this one was first round and silver, but suddenly changed into a tube shape, gold in color, it then went back to being round and silver with four round spinning objects around its circumference. The object kept changing back and forth and sat there for about 10 minutes. Neither one of the objects ever made a sound. Suddenly several military jets began going over the house and the object floated up and disappeared in plain sight. Soon after that the witnesses spotted a black object dropping straight down from the sky into a field across the street. It came down really fast and sort of resembled the figure of a man parachuting, but without an actual parachute. It looked like a tall black figure with two legs, but the upper body was indistinct. The witness then apparently lost sight of the figure. Military jets continued to fly around for about half an hour and then left.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: C?

Location. West Alexander, Ohio
Date: January 2 2007
Time: 0700A
The main witness (mother) who lived in an isolated horse farm was driving her daughters to the entrance to the farm to wait for the school bus. The 17yr old daughter sat on the backseat, but inclined between the two front seats in order to participate in the conversation while the 16yr old daughter sat on the front passenger seat. The radio was on. Upon arriving to the main road the mother stopped the car but the left the radio on. Suddenly the rear of the car began to bounce up and down at least 4-5 times, this lasted about 6 seconds. A very loud noise was heard, described as a very intense “vacuum type” sound that was definitely deafening. While the car was bouncing up and down the witnesses heard a noise resembling a metal plate being violently twisted to produce a sound resembling “thunder”. This singular appeared to emanate from the rear bumper and then from the backseat itself. The 16-year old girl sitting at the front passenger seat reported seeing an “arm” that was banging on the window behind the driver’s seat. Terrified the mother turned off the radio and pushed on the brakes and turned on the car in the hope of seeing anything with the reddish brake lights, however none of them see anything behind the car. At this point the mother drove the car forward and turned around. As she did this she claims to have seen two huge “yellow-cinnamon phosphorescent eyes at about 100ft away in between some pine trees. She thought the eyes were at an above average height from the ground and were staring directly at the vehicle (a Toyota) without blinking. Later upon examining the vehicle no damage was found. The wild deer and geese who had disappeared from the area on the night of the first returned 2 days later after the incident.

HC addendum
Source: Alan Zerla Ohio MUFON State Director In: Arcana Mundi July 2 2007
Type: E
Comments: A very frightening experience indeed. If we are dealing with a Bigfoot type creature here, then is definitely not a “flesh and blood” one.

Location. Berlin area, Germany
Date: January 2 2007
Time: unknown
A man had stepped outside his home to smoke a cigarette when a strange entity dressed like a “monk” and levitating about 6meters above the ground approached him. The witness then a telepathic message “We will find you, wherever you area” then the entity rose into the air and disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: http://afdp_ufologie.diseutforum.com
Type; E

Location. Freetown, Massachusetts
Date: January 3 2007
Time: midnight
The witness (involved in other encounters) had lain down in bed around midnight when suddenly she got the now familiar uneasy feeling. Very scared he tucked himself tightly under the covers. He had his window opened a crack because his room got really hot. Suddenly the shade started making a noise as if wind was coming through briskly. He was terrified and ran to the window and slammed it closed, then jumped back under the covers and hid. Suddenly he snapped up as if awoken, his legs were tingling and going numb, he could now hear the familiar steady buzzing sound, like a generator sounds in the distance. His room began to fill with a pale blue/white light, and what appeared to be vapors of the same color. He could no longer move a muscle except for his eyeballs and was terrified. He then closed his eyes tightly in fear and started to feel the familiar touches on his bed and blankets. He then reopened his eyes to find 2 hooded beings to his left by the bedroom door, another at his right shoulder and one at the end of his bed. He panicked; his heart felt like it was going to explode. Somehow he managed to move and was able to grab the being on his right by the throat. When he touched the being he heard in his mind, “watch out for the mother”. It was then that he let go and actually made it for the door, fighting the paralysis and trying to scream. He opened the bedroom door to find one waiting on the other side. That’s when they swarmed him. He felt pain like an electrocution. The next thing he felt were touches all over his body and the feeling of being lifted up. Then he awoke in bed with the buzzing numbness feeling taking longer than usual to fade from his body.

HC addendum
Source: http://aliensthetruth.com
Type: E?

Location. Fairlee, Vermont
Date: January 3 2007
Time: midnight
The witness reported seeing a long wing-shaped craft in the sky with two lights on each side. As soon as he looked up it began to fly “backwards” and then flew in his direction. Five minutes later it had arrived at the witness’s location and it was now low enough for the witness to see the wingspan but he could not detect any aircraft outline. It emitted a strange sound resembling a very low one-propeller airplane. It then briefly hovered near the witness and then took off in the opposite direction going over the mountains. His normally active dogs failed to react to the object. That same night as the witness was getting ready to take out the dogs he saw the figure of a man on the porch and as soon as he opened the door the figure left quickly, silently, the witness only heard the brush rustling in the field.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: D?

Location. New Orleans, Louisiana
Date: 2nd week of January 2007
Time: 2130
The witness, a defense contractor, had stepped outside his work place to smoke a cigarette when he started to get a beeping sensation in his ear. His first thought was that he was listening to a forklift and he tried to ignore it. Right after that an overwhelming fear came over him and he started looking around. He looked up and saw a gray being hovering about 20feet in the air. The being was wearing a dark cloak, almost like a long trench coat. He couldn’t see its body but could see its head. The rest of it was just this cloak floating up in the air. The witness began to panic since he didn’t know what to do. His first feeling was that “he couldn’t run or hide”. Suddenly the strange humanoid floated up and disappeared. He described the being as about 4 to 4.5 feet tall; wearing what resembled a dark monk’s cloak. Its head was clearly bigger that the rest of it. It had large black almond shaped eyes, kind of slanted, he didn’t see a nose and it had a slit for a mouth. Before the creature departed the witness heard this telepathic message in his mind, “We can find you whenever we want to.”

HC addendum
Source: http://www.earthfiles.com/news
Type: E
Comments: The witness had been apparently involved in other encounters.

Location. Area of Cape Fear River Wilderness, North Carolina
Date: January 8 2007
Time: night
In a somewhat confused sequence of events, Chris Bledsoe, his 17-year old son, and three friends, Donnie Akerman, David McDonald and a man named Gene were hunting in this isolated area and had set up a fire by the river for the night. Chris at one point was walking along a nearby road or trail when he heard loud scurrying sounds from both sides of the trail. Somewhat unnerved and discarding the possibility that it could have been deer, Bledsoe ended up in a large field near the main road when he suddenly saw 3 large orange spheres moving down towards the ground and then stop to hover just above the trees, less than a mile from his location. He watched for about 10 to 15 minutes and then joined the other men by the river. Aft first Chris could not locate his son and ran frantically into the woods looking for him. Suddenly his son came stumbling out of the woods saying that he had seen some strange beings, he seemed terrified and very serious. Around the same time the other men saw what appeared to be 6-8 “stars” fly from different parts in the sky and converge in a group and then all of the sudden three of the objects flew side by side and flew over their heads and landed or went out of sight on the other side of the river about 400 yards away. All three lights were round bright white and blinding and about 100 yards in diameter. This terrified the group and they all decided to go home. Most left their fishing gear behind and jumped into Bledsoe’s truck. When they made it up the top of a hill Chris slammed on the brakes and was shocked to see a brilliant white egg-shaped object with a tail with long spikes all around the middle of the front section hovering 20 feet over the main road, about 200 yards from them. It looked like the spiked area was making slow revolutions. As the men stared in fear the object seemed to rise up and shot off just over the trees out of sight. Chris, the driver, then dropped his friends at their homes (all lived generally in the same area). Chris and his son finally got home (he lived on 6 acres of land) and about 4 hours after arriving there was a noise around the house which sounded like a prop jet flying at tree top level right over the house. He ran out but could see nothing. Within 30 to 45 minutes all his dogs in the kennel were barking frantically, in a manner which usually meant that there was something there that was not supposed to be. His Chesapeake Bay retriever was also barking and looking towards the kennel area. His son was scared but he convinced him to come with to see why the dogs were so stirred up. When he opened the door his retriever took off, running just behind the kennels. She stood there with her hairs standing up barking at something in the bushes behind the kennel. The dog then took off again after whatever it was, followed closely by Chris and his son. They ran down the roads that lead to the kennel to the backyard and the very rear of his property trying to cut off whatever the dog was chasing. When Chris arrived at the Blue Berry Hedge Row at the rear of the property the dog had stopped and was barking in a panic. Chris stopped also staring dumbfounded at a 4 foot tall creature that was also staring at him. The creature looked as if it had a clear glass like covering around it and appeared to have a faint glow of red and “black”. He could not see the face what it looked like it had a pair of goggles and a black or dark covering over the lower part of its face sort of like a mask. The whole body appeared to glow. It then disappeared just as the dog and Chris’s son got right up on it. His son then explained to Chris that it had been the same kind of creature he encountered during the hunting trip earlier.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: D

Location. Mesa, Arizona
Date: middle of January 2007
Time: sunset
The witness was walking home at night because his car had broken down. She tried to call his wife with his cell phone but she didn’t answer. As he walked he saw two abandoned buildings that had been in that condition since he was a child. He was walking between them and it was already quite dark. Strangely as soon as he got between the buildings it was freezing and then he saw right in front of him near a wall, a “shadow”. It was the figure of a man, but it was all black, like a living shadow. It had two fiery-yellow glowing eyes. It looked at the witness who could not scream and the only thing that came out of his mouth was, “Who are you?” He stood there for several seconds and then it answered. It was like a “dark whisper” it said, ‘Dark eyes” or “Dark ice” she witness could not be sure. A car passed behind him and the lights of the car lit up the alley in front of him. As soon as the light hit the shadow, it was still a dark black shadow, but when the lights faded it was gone, the witness then felt warm again.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—August 2007
Type: E

Location. Freetown, Massachusetts
Date: January 20 2007
Time: night
The witness (involved in previous encounters) was again lying in bed when the usual sensation begins and his room is filled again with blue white light and vapors (smoke?). This time he wanted to see how they came in. He could feel a presence and concentrated on the energy. It was at this time that he noticed that they were “in” the energy somehow, waiting in the shadows, sneaking around. They noticed that he saw them and would quickly move out of his vision disappearing back into the energy field as if trying to remain invisible to him. He was on to them and chased them around the room with his mind and his eyes, soon to find out they frown on this. Suddenly the same being, he grabbed by the throat last time came out of nowhere and hit him on the right side of his head. Then after an extra “juicing of energy, he was being lifted again. This time when he awoke in bed he was not neatly and nicely tucked in. He was naked above the covers upside down as if tossed back to bed. He could remember a field of long yellow grass, with ships every where, dropping and picking up people. There is an abandoned farmhouse in the distance, boarded up, and the porch collapsing. He saw a little boy being lifted and grabbed his leg but could not hang on to him.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.aliensthetruth.com
Type: G

Location. Kannapolis, North Carolina
Date: January 20 2007
Time: 2031
The witnesses spotted two rectangular-shaped objects that had a reddish light resembling a spotlight. The objects were totally silent and flew at about 200m in the air. While the witnesses watched seven more similar objects appeared and seconds later they saw a human-like figure wearing what appeared to be a long black coat hovering near the objects.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: C

Location. Hampton, Virginia
Date: January 22 2007
Time: night
The witness was at his computer chatting with a friend when he noticed a figure to his left; it was gray/brown/black about 2 and a half to 3 feet tall, slightly round body and a narrow head with two pointed ears on top. He saw it only for a few moments and then it disappeared. On January 26 or 27 he saw an object resembling the full moon and later heard a strange sound of high winds around his house, later he heard another sound resembling high pitched bells or chimes. His family pets were also acting weird. The witness also experienced strange dreams and possible telepathic messages. On another night he saw orbs of light floating in his room and was overcome by a strong feeling of gravity. (Sleep paralysis?).

HC addendum
Source: webmaster@ufoinfo.com
Type: E?

Location. Blacktown, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Date: January 27 2007
Time: 2054
At around 2200, Tyson and his brother Brett were traveling near the M7 motorway network connecting to Blacktown, a suburb of Sydney. As they looked skyward, they saw an object that was white/blue and star like hovering above the motorway. After stopping to observe it for some 10 seconds of hovering, this object then “shot off straight upwards and disappeared.” On the above date the brothers were playing football in their back yard when the ball went over the back fence. This is in the vicinity of the first sighting. Having scaled the fence to look for it amongst the gardens of their neighbor’s hen house Brett was alarmed by the sight of a strange, small figure standing by the chicken house doors. He described his exit as instantaneous, leaping the fence back home and racing inside. Brett had enough of a look to describe a small creature with large almond like eyes. Brett noted that his watch had stopped at 2054.

HC addendum
Source: Dominic McNamara AUFORN NSW
Type: D

Location. Svartbytrasket, Boden, Sweden
Date: January 30 2007
Time: night
The witness (involved in other encounters and strange virtual dreams) claimed he was contacted by two extraterrestrial females about 20-25 years of age. He awoke that night because someone had turned on the light of his dinner table and he saw a girl sitting in front of the dinner table and another girl approaching him to shake hands. The woman at the dinner table also arose to shake hands. They had a conversation with the witness but he does not remember what it was about. He then went into a deep sleep and later when he woke up the dinner table light was still on. The women had long black hair, tanned skin and beautiful facial features.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.algonet.se/~hermesat/first.htm
Type: E

Location. Tavares, Florida
Date: February 2007
Time: 0500A
The witness (involved in a previous encounter) was in bed when he suddenly felt paralyzed and saw glowing swirling lights of various colors across his bedroom window that emitted a whirling sound, and then his room turned bluish and about 3 human-like figures wearing bluish spandex appeared in front of his bed. The witness claims he heard them speak in a “creepy” voice. He covered himself with the comforter and began to pray, the figures disappeared 15 seconds later. The witness has the feeling that the aliens were trying to convey a message that “they are real”.

HC addendum
Source: direct from DIASSS@aol.com
Type: E

Location. Indianapolis, Indiana
Date: February 2007
Time: night
The witness, his girlfriend and a couple friends were out bar hopping on a Friday night in the Broad Ripple district when he ran out of cash and had to run to the ATM at the bank down the block. After withdrawing some cash from the ATM he turned around and saw that across the street was a man leaning against the telephone pole on the corner. He was dressed well, in a black suit with an open collar maroon shirt. He was tall, maybe 6’4” and was white with short jet black hair. He couldn’t be sure of the distance, but was convinced that the stranger’s eyes were completely jet-black. The scariest part was that the stranger was staring across this crowded intersection at the witness with an incredibly smug look on his face. The witness, an Iraq war vet, was suddenly filled with “abject terror”. The stranger’s appearance was absolutely impeccable and he was just standing there, like he knew something the witness didn’t and as if it were something the witness “wasn’t going to like”. He didn’t want to hang around any longer than necessary so he took off at a quick pace back toward the club where his friends were. After several yards, he allowed himself a glance backward and saw that the stranger was following him across the street. He reminded himself that nothing could happen with people all around, but he didn’t really believe it. He reached the club, but there was a line in front of the bouncer who checking IDs. The witness stood there shaking with fear as he saw the man pause on the other side of the street, look both ways, then calmly begin crossing toward the witness. Every move he made was precise and deliberate. The witness somehow knew that when the man got to him something horrible was going to happen, and it was only with great effort that he managed to maintain his composure. Just then another man walked up to the witness from the other direction. He was in his late 20s or early 30s, wearing jeans, sneakers, a baseball cap, and a hooded sweatshirt from a local university. He touched the witness on the shoulder and immediately the witness felt calmer. Then he said, “Don’t worry. You’re all right. We have everything under control.” The witness glanced back at the man in the suit and he had paused in the middle of the street. It was amazing that he wasn’t run over. The sweatshirt man turned away from the witness to face the man in the suit. It was clear to the witness that it was some kind of showdown. After a moment the man in the suit sneered at them, in frustration, it seemed. Then turned around, and walked away. The sweatshirt man turned back to the witness with a reassuring smile, patted his shoulder and walked on. Back inside the club his girlfriend immediately noticed something was wrong, but before she could say anything, his other friend said, “Did your friend find you?” The witness replied “Who?” His friend explained that he had run into a guy that had been looking for him and described the sweatshirt man.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales, April 2007
Type: E
Comments: The witness truly believes that he had been targeted by something evil, but something (a guardian angel?) had protected him.

Location. Freetown, Massachusetts
Date: February 2 2007
Time: night
The witness (involved in two previous encounters) was now sure that “they” were coming again for her. She was waiting for them this time. She was now lying in bed speaking out loud, “Come on guys, can we please just get this over with? I know you are here, the energy fills my room.” She tells them that he is really going to try not to be scared. But she cant help her natural reaction to fear. She then asks them please not to hurt her this time, that she will cooperate and try not to panic. Her legs begin to get numb and the twitching starts all over her body. She breathes deeply and tells herself over and over again not to panic. The numbness climbs up her spine and the pulsating vapors move her body with every pulse. She closes her eyes and she is lifted again. She remembers being on the ship this time in and out of consciousness. She then sees the machine that is sending out the pulses and vapors. She was surrounded, cocooned if you will, in something green. She could see someone else getting wrapped up the same way. She could also see a cow on the ship, a small cow not fully grown, and a human like creature messing with it, not sure doing what. She remembers many beings scurrying around doing what seemed to be a hundred different things, all very quickly as if pressed for time. She could remember three persons “cocooned” in the green color material. That’s when the “aliens” realize that she is watching. She then feels a very painful burning pain on her right butt cheek. The burning travels throughout her body. She then wakes up again tossed into bed, the clock read 333am. Her left nostril was throbbing, her left ovary, the only one she has left seemed to be in pain. Her right ring finger had a painful numbness that traveled up her whole arm. She also has a sore raspy throat, gassy feeling in her stomach and right eye pain.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.aliensthetruth.com
Type: G

Location. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Date: February 4 2007
Time: 1240
Jessica Walker, her 5-year old son, her mother, and her husband Misael Calderon were spending a day at the local Mayaguez Zoo. The youngster had been given a school assignment and had to photograph the animals. At the elephant section the young boy videotaped several elephants and the surrounding area. Upon arriving home they were watching the video and were stunned to see in an area where there was a monkey and some chickens they saw a strange creature which they considered not to be “of this world”. They replayed the video several time and saw the same alien-type creature. They had not seen anything out of the ordinary while videotaping but did notice that the chimpanzee and the chickens were acting strangely. While videotaping the area Jessica’s mother felt uneasy and her hairs stood up on end, she left the area immediately saying that “something was not right”.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.andrewalvarez.net & http://www.ovni.net
Type: E
Comments: As of yet the video has not been published and there is no additional description of the creature.

Location. Loma Linda, California
Date: February 11 2007
Time: afternoon
The witness (Carolina) was driving home in the South Hills area when she noticed a strange sight in the sky. She saw a man-sized “something” in the sky. It was speeding along and turning in a geometric spiral downward into a housing area. She did a double take, and parked her car to get a better look. At first she thought it was a kite. Then she thought that it was a “bunch of helium balloons”. But the lower it got the more it looked like a man with a jet pack on, or at least some kind of wings on his back. She realized that it was not a kite as it moved in such a way and at such a rate of speed, that it had no earthly tether. Nor was it suspended from anything. It got to be about 100 feet off the ground, when she noticed a few people across the street looking at it too. It finally did settle somewhere in the neighborhood, a few streets away. One of the other witnesses mentioned to Carolina that whatever it was “it looked like Mothman”.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—March 2007
Type: E

Location. Bad Kreuznach, Germany
Date: February 11 2007
Time: night
The witness remembers being in bed when suddenly he awoke to feel numerous “hands” touching and caressing him. It felt just like someone “you love very much” was touching you. He suddenly felt fear since he was alone. He saw nobody in his room but felt the presence of many ‘invisible creatures”. These invisible creatures touched the witness’s ears and head in a loving and caring way. Five minutes later the experience ended. But later that same night he saw a strange white diffuse light in the room and within the light he could see the outline of four or five creatures “dancing and playing around in the room”. He could not distinguish the creature’s features within the strange glow.

HC addendum
Source: direct from witness fexed@gmx.de
Type: E

Location. Cave Creek, Phoenix, Arizona
Date: February 14 2007
Time: daytime
Three schools in this north Phoenix suburb were in lockdown for about 45 minutes after a student at Desert Arroyo Middle School reported seeing what seemed like a person dressed as Batman run across campus, jump a fence and disappear into the desert. The student described the “Batman” as 6 feet 3 inches tall and possibly male. A police search of the area turned up no one.

HC addendum
Source: Florida Paranormal lists (February 18 2007)
Type: E?
Comments: According to later news reports the witness confessed to police that it was a hoax (was he forced to do it?).

Location. Curico, Chile
Date: February 16 2007
Time: night
Samuel Saavedra told reporters that he heard a loud noise, “as if something had jumped off the large wall surrounding the house.” Saavedra said he saw a creature that was approximately 1.20meters in height, furry, and with a round bald head. The creature had large eyes and an intense stare and gave Saavedra a “defiant glare”. Saavedra said he called the police and then went to spend the night at his mother’s house, being so scared that he refused to return home for 48 hours. That same night something attacked a henhouse in San Antonio leaving every chicken dead, without blood and with a mysterious orifice on their spines. One of owner’s daughters who did not want to identify herself said that she heard dogs barking wildly that night, but did not see anything abnormal after rising several times throughout the night. Flor Vazquez, 73, the owner, told police that she found strange footprints on her patio with only three toes, two facing forward and one backward.

HC addendum
Source: El Mercurio Newspaper, Santiago Chile
Type: E

Location. Reno, Nevada
Date: February 17 2007
Time: 2123
The witness was in the car with his girlfriend as she was driving them to her house. When they were about 30ft from the house, when they drove right by what appeared to be a brilliant white light in the shape of a human form. The witness who was casually looking out the window saw it immediately and looked back to at it but it disappeared in seconds. He adds that he is sure that whatever they had seen followed them to the house. During the 10 minutes he was there he had a sort of gripping and chilling fear running through his body. After he left and was about 5 miles away from the scene the fear left him and he returned to normal.

HC addendum
Source: Worldwide Paranormal Reporting Center (WWPRC)
Type: E
Comments: Apparitional entity?

Location. Ponce, Puerto Rico
Date: February 22 2007
Time: 1500
Doris Rodriguez (involved in previous encounters with strange entities) was shopping with her husband at the local Plaza del Caribe mall. Once inside the mall Doris noticed a strange figure walk in front of them. Doris noticed that the figure had an extremely white almost translucent skin and they both stared at each other briefly. At this same moment Doris began to shake and experience a bout of tachycardia, feeling very uncomfortable. She was not able to make out the color of the stranger’s eyes. Doris was convinced that she had seen the stranger before. She continued on with her husband until they arrived at an ATM machine close to the store, when Doris felt that someone was staring fixedly at her, but did not want to turn around. She finally moved to one side and saw the same figure that she had seen previously staring at her, when the man noticed her, he looked down, but strangely Doris continued to feel the “staring”, this happened several times. Doris now noticed that the stranger wore common clothing, a black cap, and a black polo shirt and was now wearing dark sunglasses. When Doris turned around again to tell her husband for some strange reason she was not able to speak. When Doris now looked back at the figure she noticed that it was now accompanied by two more almost identical figures with the same bizarre skin tone, white and translucent. The new figures also wore normal clothing and dark sunglasses. The figures then walked away and were joined by Doris thought was a store security guard. At this point she felt upset and had a terrific headache. Doris then walked with her husband in front of the 1-2-3 store where she was to meet her sister, but for a while she stood in front of the store unable to move. While standing there Doris saw another strange pair, a man and a woman that appeared to be talking about location of several stores, however the woman spoke with an accent and had difficult speaking and her skin was gray in color, not brown or light, but totally gray. She seemed to have difficult in moving her right arm, and had dark brown shoulder length curly hair. Doris did not see her face. The strange pair eventually left.

HC addendum
Source: Lucy Guzman www.ovni.net
Type: E

Location. Aguada, Puerto Rico
Date: February 25 2007
Time: 0400a
The witness (involved in previous encounters) was in her bedroom which faced the front of the house. She looked through the window and observed a disc-shaped craft, similar to the one her daughter and her had seen previously, hovering motionless about 40 meters from the house and about 40 meters from the ground. The craft was about 30 feet in diameter. It was low and so close that she was able to observe curious extraterrestrials watching her and the house through viewing ports surrounding the craft. They were silhouetting through the bright greenish blue background and appeared very inquisitive, looking out the windows and passing a long rod to one another. Her immediate reaction at the moment was that I may have been a telescope or some other device. Unlike the others she’d seen and heard, this craft was hovering silently. The whole event probably lasted about a minute. She ran to her husband’s bedroom and woke him up. He immediately grabbed the camcorder next to his bed, unfortunately by the time they got to the window the UFO was nowhere in sight.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.uforc.com/tele/ace/PuertoRico/Aguado-PR_2005.htm
Type: A

Location. La Sentinelle, France
Date: spring 2007
Time: daytime
The witness was driving on his way to work on a road surrounded by forest. Visibility was good and it was a beautiful sunny day. Suddenly the witness saw a shadow covering the road ahead and knowing that there hadn’t been a cloud in the sky he looked up to see. Up in the sky he saw a bizarre creature. It resembled a humanoid with wings; however it seemed to have a misty appearance. The creature suddenly disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, the sky became radiant sky. The witness could only compare the creature to a “gargoyle”. Two days after the encounter the witness was almost involved in a serious car accident, but was suddenly able to brake in time, he believes that whatever he saw had “warned” him of the potential accident.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.wirenot.net/X/Articles/2008/
Type: E

Location. Gyanja area, Azerbaijan
Date: spring 2007
Time: daytime
A local woman had gone into a local field and reportedly disappeared; relatives immediately instituted a search and notified the local police. However nothing was found. After three days she reportedly returned home in a state of confusion, not remembering where she had been for the last 3 days, However the amnesia gradually began to pass and she was able to remember being on some type of shiny table surrounded by several “anthropomorphic” figures that she was not able to describe due to the glare of the light. Unfortunately she could not remember anything else. It is known that prior to her “abduction” the woman was suffering from a rare form of cancer and had been treated by doctors in Russia and Germany. In the autumn of that same year the woman returned to see her doctors and it was found that she was now totally cancer-free, apparently the woman had been healed somehow even though she cannot remember how this happened.

HC addendum
Source: http://anomalia.kulichki.net/ quoting Vitaly Antonov
Type: G
Comments: Cure claim

Location. Stephenville, Texas
Date: March 2 2007
Time: 0156am
The witnesses were sleeping in their ranch house when they went outside because there was a very bright light shining outside that was lighting up their room. When the 3 of them walked outside, the saw a craft and then a flash of light, the next thing they knew they were in a white room with 2 aliens that had large black plate like eyes and had 4 limbs like normal humans. The aliens were wearing suits that changed colors all the time. The witnesses could not tell if they were standing or floating in midair. One alien came up to one of the witnesses and put a mask on and then proceeded to insert a needle into the witness’s left arm. The witness felt a piece of metal travel up his arm and then he fainted. Apparently the same thing occurred to the other 2 witnesses (all three brothers). Their next memory was of finding themselves lying on the porch in front of the house. They spoke about what happened for a few minutes and then never spoke about it again.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G

Location. Near Indianapolis, Indiana
Date: March 2 2007
Time: 0530A
The witness had just gotten off work early and was traveling down 200 N. One of his co-workers was traveling in front of him, a good 300ft or so, when he noticed that he had swerved rather fast, so the witness expected a deer to come running out, but that was not the case. What he saw was a black furred animal on two legs walking all hunched over…he quickly tried avoiding it, but he believes he clipped it with his back end. He stopped not sure what had just happened and started looking in his driver’s side mirror. He didn’t see anything for a few seconds, but then something stood up right behind his Explorer. Terrified the witness drove off and met his friend who had turned around. The witness rolled down his window and could see the fear on his friend’s eyes, who confirmed that he had seen the same creature. His friend went back to see it and heard it howling. The witness looked through the windshield and saw the creature trying to stand up on 2 legs again, but kept falling over; it eventually got on all 4’s and ran off into the woods. The two men then got out of their vehicles to look around but did not see anything however they noticed a large fat mouse/gerbil looking rodent on the side of the road which was not afraid of them at all. They picked it up and put it off in the grass.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com
Type: E

Location. Between Katowice and Chorzowa, Poland
Date: March 3 2007
Time: 0330A
Two witnesses returning home by car on the A4 road reported seeing two strange looking creatures moving about on the side of the road. The witnesses stopped their vehicle to watch and remembered seeing two other cars, also stopped. The humanoids were unusually thin and small and had huge slanted luminous blue eyes. They moved around in an unusual and stealthy manner like “Ninja warriors” according to two of the witnesses. The figures apparently disappeared into the brush and the two witnesses departed. They did not see the other two vehicles leave.

HC addendum
Source: Tomek wie3@wp.pl quoting “Nautilus Foundation”
Type: E

Location. Atlanta, Georgia
Date: March 4 2007
Time: 0200A
The witnesses were staying at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in downtown Atlanta on the 17th floor when they looked out one of the windows and spotted appeared to be a cloaked person soaring off the top of a building below them. A third witness came to the window and attempted to take a photo but it did not come out because of the glare. The figure “was moving like an acrobat in midair—it look like it had arms and legs and was holding onto a jetpack, though there was no loud noise and no fumigation…” It eventually disappeared from sight.

HC addendum
Source: http://ufocasebook.conforums.com
Type: E

Location. Near Taganrog, Rostov region, Russia
Date: March 8-9 2007
Time: 0300am
According to Victor Rogozhkin numerous citizens living on the shores of the Sea of Azov woke up in the middle of the night to a powerful roaring sound of the engine of a huge flat bed truck apparently transporting a UFO that had crashed the night before into the Sea of Azov. Armed troops had surrounded the area and had not allowed anybody access to the area. However there had been enough accidental spectators to the event. The UFO crash had reportedly occurred on March 8, probably at night. Several witnesses saw how a UFO had smashed into the waters, creating a huge splash disappearing under the waves. Military personnel were soon involved, numerous vessels and patrol boats from the Taganrog area presumably equipped with divers were sent to the area. The object had fallen not to far from the shore, so this enabled an easy recovery which was done at night. When the disabled object was detected under the water and a special quick reaction team was sent by aircraft from Ramenskoye airbase in Moscow to the Taganrog or Rostov aerodrome within hours. Fully armed military men immediately arrived in the area securing a perimeter around crash area and also guarded the road on which the object was transported. (There is no additional information or description of the craft).

HC addendum
Source: Victor Rogozhkin from the group “ENIO” Rostov-on-Don in Rostov newspaper “The Crossroads of the Centaurs” (Perekryestok Kentavra) # 5 2007
Type: H?
Comments: According to researcher Mikhail B. Gershtein, he believes the story could be a false rumor. However investigation is continuing.

Location. Puebla, Mexico
Date: March 15 2007
Time: 0225A
An anonymous lady was woken up by the ferocious barking of her dog. She got up to investigate what the problem was and stepped out into a clear star-filled night and a shiny moon. Suddenly she spotted a light larger than the moon that remained hovering over a certain spot. Suddenly her dog began barking in the direction of the nearby coffee plants and when the witness turned to look she spotted a short humanoid figure about 1-1/2 meters in height running towards the hovering light at high speed, the only details she could see on the figure is that it appeared to have large eyes and no hair. The short figure disappeared into the hovering circular light, immediately after that the light shot away at incredible speed leaving behind a luminous trail. At no time did the witness hear any sound coming from the object.

HC addendum
Source: direct from Lucy Guzman lucy@ovni.net
Type: B

Location. Semibalki, Azov area, Rostov-on-Don region, Russia
Date: about March 20 2007
Time: daytime
After a powerful storm in the Sea of Azov fishermen from the village of Semibalki pulled from their nets a strange 2-meter tall creature, similar to a shark, but not a shark (there are no sharks in the Sea of Azov). The men had never seen such a creature in their lives. The strange entity emitted strange squeaking sounds and rotated its eyes. The unusual catch was filmed using a mobile phone. Its strange head, smooth scaly body and its long tail are clearly seen. The body is very shiny; apparently covered by something greasy or waxy. The weight of the strange creature was about 100kilograms. However to the dismay of scientists and UFO researchers alike the fishermen of the village were not afraid of the strange “fish” and ate it (!). They claimed it was very tasty. Ocean life experts who saw the film claim that the animal was very similar to a sturgeon, albeit a “mutated” one. Andrey Grodovoi head of the “Service of anomalous phenomena” from the town of Azov commented that the creature was possibly a “mermaid”. Legends about mermaids in the Sea of Azov abound but this has never been confirmed.

HC addendum
Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda Ukraine newspaper March 2007 # 39, www.kp.kiev.ua
Type: H?
Comments: To me it looks like some kind of mutated stingray. However many have pointed out that this is only a “guitar fish”. (Definitely no alien here, I am just including it for the record). http://www.fark.ru/media/video/prikols6/i1645

Location. Not given
Date: March 12 2007
Time: 1243A
The witness had just finished working out in his den when he heard a noise coming from his backyard, which startled him “to the bone”. He has two Chow dogs and not for a second he thought it was them. The noise sounded like a pig when it squeals and a barking dog when it’s hurt and the spooky sound of a hyena. This lasted for more than 30 seconds after his workout. Trembling and shaking he grabbed a barbell, opened the backdoor to his den very slowly as the eerie sound persisted. At first he saw his dogs running in circles, looking in an upright like position, as if something was flying over real low. He saw nothing, but just before he could close the door, a huge-looking creature flew right over his dogs about four feet hitting his fence with its legs or something really hard, making a sound of something extremely heavy being thrown against it. The witness described the bizarre creature as having “a silly ridiculous looking body” and small wings for the size of its body. The head resembled that of a horse or a mule. It hardly flapped its so-called wings and was way up in the air in no time. The witness woke up his wife who did not see the creature but heard the eerie sound.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales, April 2007
Type: E
Comments: Modern day Jersey Devil? I would like to know the location of this incident.

Location. Near Buulo Burde, Somalia
Date: March 21 2007
Time: unknown
A mysterious device looking like a satellite or a UFO has been spotted near Buulo Burde town in southern Somalia. Villagers report that the device fell five days ago in an area which lies forty kilometers north of Buulo Burde. The device is occupying an area of one hundred meters square as villagers who spotted this device confirmed to Shabelle Radio. “In the evening of last Wednesday, a large device flew over our heads and moments later, we heard a loud sound, BAM” said Ilyas Ali, a villager who lives nearby where this large device has fallen. Ilyas spoke of the device, saying that in the daylight it glitters and at nighttime it turns lights and “speaks in a strange language which cannot be understood by the villagers.” The impact of the unidentified device killed a camel which was grazing nearby. Because of the remoteness of the area it fell, news of the device is emerging gradually now despite the fact that fell five days ago.

HC addendum
Source: Shabelle Media Network Somalia
Type: H?
Comments: Awaiting further information on this interesting story.

Location. Galveston, Texas
Date: March 21 2007
Time: 0300A
Mr. Harry White was awakened by noises coming from outside his opened window, he sat up in bed, and he was very alert since his cat had been keeping him awake all night. He could see most of his yard which he scanned (he possesses exceptional night vision) suddenly his eyes landed on an “object” that seemed out of place and moved with blinding speed behind a small metal building. It had been totally dark in his room but this figure that was light colored and perhaps 3ft tall, seemed to know that the witness noticed it. Perhaps 5 minutes later the proximity lights came on and he herd noises on the roof. His room is located next to an attic over the garage. He then heard what he could only describe as breathing for about 5-10minutes and when he put his ear to the wall something was scraped down the wall. Strangely he was not afraid at the time but gets really scared when he thinks about it now. In the morning he searched the backyard with his Mag-light which immediately went dead. He further described the figure as having a head a torso and being the size of a small child. He states that he had never seen anything move with the speed that he witnessed that night. He has trouble recalling the sequence of events and thinks that he could not account for as much as an hour between the time he heard the scratching noise on the wall and actually walking outside to investigate.

HC addendum
Source: direct from Harry White whitewood41@yahoo.com
Type: E?

Location. Covilha, Cova da Beira, Portugal
Date: March 26 2007
Time: 0300A
A municipal waste department worker was out on his rounds collecting garbage in an industrial area and was approaching a container when he noticed a strange dark human like figure with a strange head walking near the container. The figure seemed to be about 1.50m in height and thin. It seemed to notice the witness which by now was standing still observing the strange figure, and suddenly ran off at incredible speed, covering a distance of 10meters in 2 seconds. It disappeared into a darkened nearby field. The witness did not investigate.

HC addendum
Source: A.P.O. Portugal Forums
Type: E

Location. Tennessee, exact location not given
Date: March 29 2007
Time: 0100A
The witness was awakened by a light coming into his bedroom window. He stepped out his back door to see what could have possibly been making the light and a blinding whitish green light came towards him. He has a vague memory beyond that that point but woke up naked in some woods next to his house. When he got back inside his house it was 0600A. He had lost 6 hours and had no recollection of what had happened. He experienced severe rectal bleeding after the incident and feels very nauseated. He feels attracted to circular objects and finds himself repeating the word “obtuse” over and over again, without noticing and even in his sleep. A couple of days later he began to remember the ordeal. He recalled being drawn to the light and stepping forward. It seems that he fell into a trance and was pulled into this blinding light and he remembers entering a large room with many beings inside. They were all staring at him and making strange sounds that sounded like humans moaning during an orgasm. They placed him in a container which quickly filled with a green liquid, however somehow he was still able to breathe, even when fully submerged. The beings resembled little elves with human-like features but little bodies. Their eyes looked like about the size of an orange.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: G

Location. Near Superga, Turin, Italy
Date: March 31 2007
Time: 2030
A man and his young daughter were traveling to Turin when they spotted what appeared to be an 80cm tall luminous whitish humanoid with large black eyes standing on a nearby hill. The man stopped his vehicle and aimed the headlights at the being that appeared to be more scared than they were and scurried behind a nearby tree no more than 5meters from the witness’s vehicle. The man thought of driving away but curious aimed the headlights at the tree and attempted to approach the strange being. However as he did the being emitted a terrifying howling sound, which the witness could not identify as either human or animal. It was a terrifying sound that he has never heard before. Now thoroughly spooked he got into his vehicle and drove away with his daughter without looking back.

HC addendum
Source: UFOLOGIA.NET, Italy
Type: E

Location. Envaco, Provincia Limon, Costa Rica
Date: April 2007
Time: 0250am
The witness had taken his usual coffee brake from work and had gone to his car parked in the garage at about 50 meters from the factory building. As he attempted to rest he suddenly felt a heavy sleep come over him as he couldn’t open his eyes even though he tried, in this half sleep state he was suddenly grabbed by three human-like figures, wearing white suits with very white skin and somewhat longer than average necks, their faces were bony and they had large eyes. The men held his head up as they told him not to be afraid, that it ‘wasn’t what he thought’. The witness felt confused and was unsure what was happening but he felt no pain as he was apparently transported to another location where he found himself sitting on what resembled an ‘orthodontist’s chair. While he sat on the ‘chair’ the men spoke to him, but he could only remember that they told him that ‘humans did not believe and never saw the sky’. He remembers seeing a spaceship hovering above the radio tower on the factory roof. At that very moment he heard the call from the loudspeaker calling the workers back from the coffee brake. The witness then saw himself falling down through ‘a black hole’ and finding himself sitting in his car feeling totally confused. As he walked back to the factory he recalls the ‘strange dream’ and looks up at the radio tower, right above the tower he sees a large saucer shaped craft with small green lights on the bottom and a large red light that seemed to change in tone, he saw a total of three lights. His immediate reaction was of waving at the craft and once he did this the craft seemed to move from one side to the other, like saying “yes we see you”. He then heard a strange ‘electric generator’ type sound as the craft began to move away at high speed, he attempted to bring the object to the attention of a co-worker standing 50 meters away, but the craft disappeared behind the clouds. A couple of months later again during his coffee brake he was resting in his car again half asleep when he saw a sort of black hole surround him, he then found himself sitting on the same chair this time feeling very afraid. His next memory was of waking up back in his car with a bloody pinprick on his left hand, he doesn’t remember anything else. On a third occasion the witness woke up thirsty and went to the kitchen to drink some water from the faucet, looking out the window he was then startled to see the same object hovering outside, immediately he went into a hypnotic type state in which he saw what appeared to be catastrophes including a volcano exploding and a rain of fiery rocks, he also saw a vision of a fleet of UFOs flying over the area, his last memory was of someone telling that they “would be back”.

HC addendum
Source: Personal interview with witness requiring anonymity
Type: G & F?

Location. Huntingdon, West Virginia
Date: April 3 2007
Time: 2130
The main witness (involved in previous craft encounters in March) had arrived home and shortly after a large electrical storm moved into the area that evening. The power began to dim down as if there was a drain on the grid. The lights also flickered and the bigger appliances were turned off. When all the power finally went out and it was pitch black he went outside to sit on the porch (had a feeling). He was shaking his rechargeable flash light and flicked his flashlight just to see if it worked and three glowing orange, gold orbs (beach ball sized) flashed back at him from across the street and railroad tracks from a tall tree. He was shocked and deliberately pointed the flashlight at the tree and flashed the lights 3 times. The lights then turned on and off, flashing back at him in sequential order. He yelled for his girlfriend to come out and see this but she didn’t respond. He then flashed his light three more times at the tree where he had just seen the lights and they responded in the same manner. The top one blinked on then out, the second one in the middle and then the one near the bottom left. It became very quite and no traffic passed on his street and across the railroad tracks he saw what looked like a swirling whirlpool of cloud, water and lighting bolts. It glided to his front steps just under his awning. It had the movements of a Frisbee as it glided and staggered (like in a crosswind) from over the tracks, the street and then to his steps. He was standing but couldn’t move as he gazed down at this whirlpool or vortex. Then, slowly a glowing purple skinned female rose up, head first, from inside the whirlpool. She had large eyes that were a bright violet hue and she had a glowing yellowish orange diamond on her forehead. He could see all of her from the waist up. She extended her arms and opened her mouth and then started spinning around the witness like a ballerina doing pirouettes. All the time he was excited but not fearful. He could only move his eyes. He remembers a flash of light and crack of thunder and she simply was gone. His girlfriend then came outside and seemed out of sorts like if she had been drunk (he was very agitated with her). He attempted to repeat the interaction with the orbs and his flashlight for his girlfriend but nothing happened.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.uforc.com/ace/Huntington-WV_040307.htm
Type: E?

Location. Pan de Azucar, Chile
Date: April 7 2007
Time: various
At eight o’clock in the morning on April 7, the witness, A.R. discovered twenty nine dead chickens in a coop on the property. The bewildered farmhand noticed that the birds gave the appearance of having been “crushed” by something, and one of them displayed a hole in its back that reached down into its entrails. The hen looked completely bloodless and all of the carcasses displayed certain orderliness about them. Neither the owners nor neighbors could find an explanation to this event. On a dirt road not farm from the original “attacks” some witnesses reportedly saw “something like a black trash bag” falling off the roof of a house. Upon closer inspection, it looked like a “dark spot” that moved, jumped, and then took to the air as the incredulous witnesses approached. The bizarre entity measured approximately a meter and a half, according to their estimates and the swiftness of its flight was amazing. The witnesses to this creature remain deeply shaken by their experience.

HC addendum
Source: Raul Nuñez and Ivan Voreved in: Inexplicata—The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Type: E

Location. Ponce, Puerto Rico
Date: April 7 2007
Time: 1920
A man S. I., who requests total anonymity, reported that his son had told him that while shopping with friends at the Caribe Plaza they observed in front of the American Eagle store three strange “persons”, very short in stature, bizarre features and very pale yellowish skin. The strangers stared fixedly at the boys with large slanted eyes. They also had mouths and tiny pointy noses. When the three figures moved, they seemed to do so in strange synchronized movements. They briefly followed the boys and then inexplicably vanished. The boys further noted that the persons seemed to be wearing “blondish wigs”. They were all very scared after the incident and felt “threatened” by the strangers.

HC addendum
Source: lucy@ovni.net
Type: E
Comments: Translated by Albert S. Rosales

Location. Macachin Aerodrome, La Pampa, Argentina
Date: April 13 2007
Time: noon
A photograph is taken of an entity near an airplane parked at the Macachin Aerodrome. Entity is nearly 80 centimeters tall; image was enlarged and subjected to analysis, revealing such details as parts of the body, consisting of head (with frontal eyes), upper extremities (arms or wings), torso and lower extremities. The photo was taken by Fabian Romano, a photographer of that locality under optimal lighting conditions (noon) using a Minolta digital camera with 135mm and a 1/1000 speed. The image was only noticed when scrutinized on a computer.

HC addendum
Source: http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/
Type: E

Location. Hatillo, Puerto Rico
Date: April 21 2007
Time: 1300
Several witnesses, including a Ms. Gonzalez and a Mrs. Perez (both fictitious names) reported seeing two “strange characters” at the Centro Comercial Plaza del Norte shopping plaza. One witness saw the strangers at the entrance to the Marianne store and described them as very tall in height with extremely white skin, strangely their facial features were difficult to discern. Immediately she enter the store and made one of the employees accompany her outside, but once outside the strangers had disappeared. The witnesses further described the strange beings as having long hair and with strange facial “profiles” difficult to describe.

HC addendum
Source: Andrew Alvarez puertoricotopsecret@yahoo.com and Lucy Guzman http://www.ovni.net
Type: E
Translation by Albert S Rosales

Location. Hatillo, Puerto Rico
Date: April 22 2007
Time: 1300
At the Centro Comercial Plaza del Norte a Ms. Bujosa noticed two strange “men” sitting in front of the Marriane store. She thought they were a bit strange but continued on shopping. She estimated their height as about 6’4” tall. They had very pale features, and appeared to have “dark ears” and eyes completely black in color and long straight white hair. They both wore loose fitting cream-colored tunics. A few moments later she came back and they were both gone.

HC addendum
Source: Http://www.puertoricotopsecret.net and Lucy Guzman http://www.ovni.net
Type: E

Location. Hatillo, Puerto Rico
Date: April 22 2007
Time: 1400
A computer engineer and his wife were on their way to shop at a women’s clothing store in the Centro Comercial Plaza del Norte. As they arrived at the entrance to the store, they observed, sitting one on each side of the main entrance and in “Yoga”-like postures, two strange characters or entities which made the hair on their heads stand up on end. The two “characters” were males, very tall, with extremely pale skin, almost the color of paper, expressionless facial features and long completely white straight hair. They both wore a sort of cream-colored tunic, similar to a chef’s robe. Their skin appeared unnatural almost like those of wax figures, their facial features were also unnatural appearing somewhat “flattened”. The two witnesses were so taken aback that they had to stop in order to stare at the strangers. At this point the strangers seemed to notice the witnesses and appeared somewhat surprise and afraid. One of them briefly looked at the other one as if saying, “They spotted us”. The witnesses thought that the strange pair belonged to some type of religious “sect” and immediately walked inside the store where they spoke to one of the employees and made sure that the two strangers were not part of some type of product promotion. The employee, accompanied by the two witnesses quickly walked out the store but the two strangers had already vanished. According to the witnesses only about 20 seconds had transpired. According to the employee about ‘30’ other customers had inquired as two the nature of the two strangers sitting at the entrance to the store and had described almost the exact same features. The witnesses further described the strangers as having completely unnatural skin tone almost translucent in nature like those of “shrimp”. Their face was human like with large expressionless eyes and somewhat “flattened” cheeks. The witnesses also remarked that at the same time that they had seen the strangers there had been other customers entering the store and these had apparently ignored the strangers or “had not seen them at all”

HC addendum
Source: Andrew Alvarez puertoricotopsecret@yahoo.com, Lucy Guzman http://www.ovni.net
Type: E

Location. Northern India (exact location not given)
Date: April 25 2007
Time: 0200A
The witness was returning home from work when suddenly the road in front of him ‘disappeared’. There was a huge bus-like object with no wheels hovering over the road, blocking it. The witness then flashed the high beams at it in order to get a better look. The object then split in two and there was a bright flash of light—brighter than anything he had ever seen. For a moment it seemed almost like daytime. A creature descended from the object and looked at the witness. Terrified he turned the car’s headlights off, but he kept the engine running so that he could escape in the event of an attack. But the creature seemed to ignore him. It looked like a human but was about 7-8ft tall and quite bulky and hairy like a bear. The head was slightly bigger than that of an average human. It was carrying an instrument that looked like a crystal cube with a handle. It raised the instrument and waved it around briefly. And then it took out a box like object and put the instrument in it. It then approached the witness’s car and as it neared the vehicle the witness felt heat and a ‘force of high magnitude’. When it was around a yard away from him the witness fainted due to the intense pressure like G-force that he was feeling. He regained consciousness after about 10 minutes and then the creature and the object were gone. It left a hole of about 1-foot in depth and 10-12 feet in diameter on the road where it had been hovering. The witness then rushed home and was unable to sleep the whole day. The next day while going to the office he stopped at the spot and noticed that strangely, the road had been repaired.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: B

Location. Fremont, California
Date: April 26 2007
Time: 0645A
The witness was riding his bicycle early in the morning on the Alameda Creek trail and as he came to the end of the trail about 300 yards to where it meets the San Francisco Bay, he saw two figures and a large object out of the corner of his eye to his right about 200 yards away. This startled him causing him to veer into thick gravel and look away from the figures as he tried to regain control. He quickly came to a stop and looked to his right just as the figures which appeared to be looking at him turned away and began walking as they suddenly became translucent and faded away. Immediately afterwards the large object which was about 50ft in length also became translucent and faded away. All of this occurred in about 5 seconds. He tried to focus to see if he could see them again but he did not. He then began to look around him and sensed a presence near him. This spooked him so he quickly got back on his bicycle and began to peddle away towards the bay. He stopped about half way and began looking around again, but saw or sensed nothing. He then went to the end of the trail and waited there probably 15 minutes and was spooked again by what sounded like footsteps on the gravel. He then got back on his bicycle and took the longer more difficult route along the dikes towards the Dumbarton Bridge instead of going back in the same direction that he had originally came.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: C

Location. Near Cwm Llinau, Wales
Date: April 27 2007
Time: 2120
Colin Grethe was on the A470 heading towards Machynlleth when he noticed up ahead a group of bright lights, to the side and above the road. There was an orange light on either side of the road, which at first; he took to be street lamps. To the other side of the orange lights were bright white lights and to the center there were bright white lights above and below the level of the other lights. At first he was confused as to what it was, and then he realized he could see what looked like the image of a wingspan of an airplane. The shape extending right across the road and a short length either side. He now estimated the width to approximately 50 feet in total. The bright white lights were at the tip of each wing and it highlighted a small vertical construction a few feet from each tip, between the white and the orange light. This seemed to give it the appearance of an old aircraft, ye the whole wingspan itself seemed made of a smooth shiny material. There was a bright white light at the center, just below the wingspan, and also a glowing dome of white above the wingspan, similar to a cockpit, in which he could see the top half of two figures. His immediate thought was that it was an aircraft, the whole image coming slowly towards him but was clearly getting lower. The white lights on the wing began rocking up and down, appearing as if the aircraft was having difficulty in remaining straight and about to ditch onto the road before him. He believed that if it was to land on the road then it would surely be right in front of him or on top of him, but either way he would not be able to avoid a certain crash and he feared for his life. Those brief moments as it came closer seemed like an eternity, almost happening in slow motion. He checked his rear view mirror but there was no vehicle behind him. There was no place for him to steer the car off the road so he wondered whether his best option was to brake or just to keep on going and hope to avoid a crash. He gasped a huge sigh of relief as the aircraft passed over him, mightily relieved that a “crash” was avoided after all. Strangely as the aircraft passed over the car he cannot remember any particular noise, not did he remember seeing any form of tail on the aircraft. Colin then thought that the aircraft had somehow ditched into a field beyond where he could see in the darkness, so he grabbed his cellphone and dialed the emergency number. Later the police confirmed to the witness that there had been no known aircraft in the area and later that night he contacted the Ministry of Defense at RAF Cosford but they told him that there were no aircraft in the area at 2120 and they had no received any incident report.

HC addendum
Source: Colin Grethe http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales
Type: A

Location. Kivakka Mountain, Karelia, Russia
Date: May 2007
Time: dusk
A man named Alexei Popov was vacationing in this beautiful and remote area and one day decided to visit the Paanajarvi National Park area with a friend, Vitaly Zabivalov. They had climbed Kivakka Mountain in order to take photographs of its beautiful scenery. At one point while Vitaly was taking photos they both suddenly felt the need to look behind him, they do not know why, They then saw a strange machine lying on the snow not more than 10 to 12 meters away, it was silvery gray in color, the shape reminiscent to a round loaf of bread. They could not hear any sounds. A luminous violet beam of light suddenly appeared, Vitaly was terrified but Alexei felt no fear just curiosity, he instinctively continued to photograph the surroundings including the object, he took about a dozen shots. Later while developing the film, all the photos of the craft were blank, the others were quite clear and visible. The object was very smooth, without seams, no visible doors or windows; it had a flat smooth surface with a diameter of about five to six meters. Suddenly at the top of the object an opening became visible, opening up like a ‘blooming’ flower. Out this opening two humanoids then appear, both are tall, about 2 meters in height, very slender, fine noses, beautiful eyes and wearing very close-fitting silvery shiny coveralls. All of this took place in complete silence. Then Alexei heard a sound, more precisely a ‘musical tone’. Soon the sound became clearer and he heard the phrase “Do not be afraid”. The sound or ‘voice’ seemed to emanate from one of the humanoids. Alexei remembers that they spoke to him but he does not remember what they said. This lasted for about ten minutes, and then the aliens returned to the object and the opening closed, the craft then disappeared instantly, Alexei looked up and saw the object high above the forest, and then it disappeared. Vitaly was in shock for about 5 minutes. Both men then decided to investigate the landing site and noticed that the snow was very loose and fairly deep, but at the landing site it was hard as concrete and very smooth.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.oko-planet.net
Type: B

Location. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Date: May 2007
Time: around midnight
The witness was at home putting her baby to sleep when she felt a very strong urge to go into the patio. Once in the patio she was confronted by a strange creature reptilian in appearance. The creature was light green in color and had several round protrusions on its head. The witness felt afraid when the creature suddenly spoke, ‘Don’t be afraid I came to tell you something”. At this moment the witness apparently blacked out. She later remembered that where the creature stood there was light all around “like daytime”. The creature never opened its mouth, it apparently spoke through telepathy.

HC addendum
Source: http://enigma900.blogspot.com
Type: E
Comments: No hypnotic regression has been performed.

Location. Los Toldos, Salta, Argentina
Date: May 1 2007
Time: unknown
The witness, Mapuche Cacique (Lonko) Martin Antiman (involved in other encounters) was again contacted by the human-like extraterrestrials and asked why he had stopped spreading the word about his contacts with a higher civilization. He was also told that “they” have always been around watching, and have the power to control our actions and everything that occurs on the Earth. They also added that they have been around since the days of “Adam and Eve” and after the Great Flood. They were around at the time of the prophets and the time of the Apostles of Christ. Their purpose is to perfect our spiritual life. The witness believes that soon they will be known all over the Earth, but we must be “prepared”.

HC addendum
Source: www.visionovni.com.ar
Type: G or F?

Location. Piugos da Pena, near Lugo, Galicia, Spain
Date: May 7 2007
Time: 1500
Juan M.L. and Bernardo D.G. were traveling in their car toward a sawmill located near the city. Apparently they were barely one kilometer from their destination at a location known as Piugos da Pena and had just left behind a well known automotive dealership when the witnesses noticed a dense fog that appeared to emerge from their vehicle. They pulled over on the shoulder to see what was going on. The smoke vanished. Only seconds after continuing their journey, they realized that they were in a completely different location from the one they had been before. “We had no idea where we were,” said Juan. “We were only meters away from the sawmill and we suddenly found ourselves next to a road sign that read: “Santa Eulalia de Boveda”. So completely astonished, we decided to continue driving to Santa Eulalia to see if we could get to the sawmill from there.” In the wink of an eye, they had traversed the 6 kilometers that separate the environs of the sawmill and the detour to Santa Eulalia de Boveda. While they looked for the way back, both men witnessed an odd phenomenon: the Sun appeared to be right in the middle of a gigantic, smoky triangle.

HC addendum
Source: Marcelino Requejo in Inexplicata—The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Type: G?
Comments: It appears to have been some type of teleportation event or perhaps an unexplored abduction? Is difficult to say, there was no missing time mentioned, but sometimes space and time are manipulated by the intelligences involved.

Location. Zalma, Missouri
Date: May 7 2007
Time: 2100
18-year old Ralph Carnahan was sitting on his family’s porch talking to his girlfriend on the telephone when he saw strange lights. Right in front of Ralph was a pair of bright lights in the sky; one light was red and one was white. The other pair off to his side, both were white in color. He called his mother and her boyfriend outside. However they didn’t think the lights were out of the ordinary, so they went back in the house. Ralph waited and the lights moved closer. The pair that was in front of Ralph began hovering above a nearby tree in the front yard. Then the light moved off, but it left something behind. Illuminated by the glare of a nearby streetlight Ralph saw a brownish-green creature with large eyes sitting in the tree. He ran to the house and called his mother and her boyfriend outside again. When they got close to the tree the creature seemed to blend with the foliage. His mother and her boyfriend then went back inside the house. Ralph walked to the porch where his mother’s dog was tied; the dog soon started growling toward a bridge over the nearby Huzzah Creek. Ralph looked down the creek by the bridge and saw a green “spaceship” hovering as high as the street light. He walked down to the bridge and checked it out. He could see it hovering in the dark. He ran back to the house and resumed talking to his girlfriend in the front porch. The figure in the tree was staring straight at him, so Ralph threw a coffee cup at it causing it to move. He saw it jumping on to the grass below. He went back inside the house and things in the house began to move on their own. Ralph was convinced that the aliens were now in the house. Ralph claims the aliens were transparent and he could barely see them. At 0500am he saw a tall alien looking through the glass on the top of the door. The figure was red with black markings on its face. He woke up his 16-year old sister but the strange figure had disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: T Peter Park tpeterpark@erols.com
Type: C

Location. Hatillo, Puerto Rico
Date: May 10 2007
Time: 1430
Cindia Medina was walking through the Wal-Mart parking lot at the Centro Comercial Plaza del Norte when suddenly she spotted two strange figures, very tall and pale, that were walking very fast. As they passed next to her she was able to see additional details. They were not albinos but were defiantly very pale, very tall, about 6’4” in height. They were almost identical to each other and it was hard two determine their sex. They were wearing the same clothing and were exactly alike except for the hair. One was bald at the front but had long shiny blond hair on the back, and the other one had long white hair. Both were wearing cream-colored shirts, cream pants and carrying backpacks. As they passed by her she noticed that they knew she was staring at them and they both exchanged brief glances between them, but kept going. Being extremely curious to see if they were both men or one male and one female she looked back at them and noticed that the stranger with the long white hair appeared to have a bit of a “curve” around the hips, thus the witness deduced that it was a female. The witness estimated their age to have been between 45yrs to 50yrs. She suffered from strange dreams after the encounter.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.puertoricotopsecret.net & http://www.ovni.net
Type: E
Comments: I could only ask as to who are these bizarre entities that have visited this particular shopping center in Puerto Rico so frequently, eccentric tourists?, interdimensional travelers?, visitors from the future?, I don’t know.

Location. Hatillo Puerto Rico
Date: May 10 2007
Time: 1500
Again at the Wal-Mart parking lot a witness involved in a similar experience at the Plaza del Norte shopping center had felt a “strange urge” to visit the mall and as she looked for a parking spot she noticed two similar strange “personages”. However she insists that they were similar to the ones she saw before but not the same ones. This time both strangers stopped to stare at her intently, totally expressionless. This time she felt a sense of calm and “good feeling” as she stared at them. Once she turned around again in her car they had already vanished. She felt that she had encountered “angels”.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.puertoricotopsecret.net & http://www.ovni.net
Type: E
Comments: Note that this incident took place at the same location and only 30minutes later after the previous one.

Location. Pico Rivera, California
Date: May 11 2007
Time: 1030A
This morning the witness, James Michael Gomez, was suddenly awakened with such an intense fear that he almost screamed. It was the same feeling you get when you wake up from a bad dream, only that he wasn’t dreaming, and he felt like he was awakened because he was in some kind of danger and his body somehow could sense it. His bed is pushed into the corner of his room and there is a window along the side, and he sleeps parallel to the window. The window is about 5 ft from the floor and is 2 ft x 4ft. After he nearly screamed, he instantly jerked his head to the right (where the window is located). Looking at him through the open blinds was a strange figure that was over five foot seven in height. Whatever it was outside looking in was able to look right in and stood to about the halfway mark of the window. It appeared to be wearing a gold glittery type of robe and a hood-mask type covering on its head resembling that of a ‘KKK’ hood, it was slightly pointy and it went to the shoulders. Gomez froze for a second, he knew he was really awake and it wasn’t a dream. The figure’s outfit looked like a Halloween outfit. The eyes looked like you brush glue over the hood in the shape of an eye and sprinkle gold and silver glitter over it. The witness turned his head forward to see out the other window and when he quickly looked back to the window where the ‘thing’ was at it was gone. He then jumped up and even though he was really scared and his heard was pounding, he ran out of his room and into the den to look out into the backyard. He didn’t see anything but was too scared to go outside to check the backyard at this point. He didn’t go back to sleep he tried to watch television in the living room to attempt to forget about it.

HC addendum
Source: direct from JamesMichael@grid-magazine.org
Type: E

Location. Near Wloclawek, Poland
Date: May 20 2007
Time: 1700
On this date a group of young people, three men and one woman were grilling near their cottage in a wooded area close to Wloclawek. The cottage is fenced and the fence touched the forest in its northern section. The forest separates the cottage from the Vistula River. The area is surrounded by other cottages and gardens. One of the men was lying on a blanket on the grass at about 5meters from the others, at the same time the young woman was filming the event with the video camera in her mobile phone. In one brief instance the image of her friend lying on the blanket appeared on the video, which lasted about 1.5 sec. Minutes later while reviewing the video something bizarre caught her eye. Next to the body of the man on the blanket something seemed to suddenly materialize, it seemed to be a humanoid figure about 70 to 80cm in height which seemed to bend down and touched the man with a sort of wand or rod. No one knows what happened later since the frame moved towards the right and away from the scene. After a while a dog that had been with them and had acted normally went to the location where the many was lying and acted nervously. It growled in the direction where the strange figure had appeared from. At that moment the others present did not connect the dog’s behavior with the strange figure on the video. The woman filming and the others had not seen anything out of the ordinary. Several days later three red spots appeared on the man’s knee, they were placed in the shape of a triangle. According to the man it seemed to hurt like a snake bite. However he stated that he had not felt anything at the time.

HC addendum
Source: Stanislaw Barski, Poland
Type: E
Translated by Robert K. Lesniakiewicz (CBZA)

Video of event:

Larger Video of event in Flash format:

This text will be replaced


Location. Manchester, England
Date: May 25 2007
Time: night
The main witness “Sting” Madison was taking a stroll with his girlfriend along some open fields and was looking at the hill ahead of them when he saw a figure at the top. The figure was oddly shaped, with a large head, and amazingly tall (around 8ft from where he could see) and it also appeared to be naked. At first he thought it was a homeless person and being a bit reckless approached it. But it began moving backwards as the witness climbed up the hill. As he reached the summit of the hill, the figure was standing about 10ft from him. The witness barely moved as the creature eyed him up and down, taking in his appearance. It then suddenly took off at great speed down the other side of the hill. The witness’ girlfriend was terrified and they decided to get off the fields as quick as possible. When they got home the witness noticed that it was already 0300am which was odd since he had left the house at 2300 and thinks that they were only out for one hour or two. The next morning after waking up he was looking towards the fields when he saw something shaped like a pyramid taking off. The object appeared to be made out of metal and had an iron gray color to it. The witness cannot explain the lost time and claims his girlfriend has been experiencing dreams of things (no specifics) that may have happened that night.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.iwasabducted.com/ufoboard/reports891.htm
Type: E, D or G?
Comments: There is no mention of any hypnotic regression but it could be an unexplored abduction event.

Location. Near Cala, Huelva, Spain
Date: summer 2007
Time: 0230am
A couple traveling on the National highway at the outskirts of Cala noticed on the rearview mirror what appeared to be the lights of an approaching vehicle, but soon realized that it was something different, since the lights were round and much more brighter and appeared to be traveling at about 1.50-1.60m above the ground. The lights approached quickly and stopped at about a meter from the vehicle. The lights were so bright that the witnesses could not look at the rearview mirror directly. Upon reaching a curve the driver attempted to accelerate but the lights turned with him but stopped and did not continue to follow. The witness slowed down and looked back but did not see the lights or object anymore. The witnesses continued on and in moments spotted a very tall figure about 2.20m to 2.30 in height, very thin and all dressed in red, including red boots and a red visor which covered the stranger’s face down to its mouth. The strange figure seemed to be climbing the ditch in a very peculiar manner since it didn’t appear to be moving its arms and seemed to sliding upwards on the ground. It moved past the witnesses completely ignoring them. The witnesses continued to drive and looking behind them they no longer were able to see the strange figure.

HC addendum
Source: http://alaluzdelasvelas.iespana.es/ovnisenespana/
Type: D

Location. Near Red Mesa Chapter House Community, Utah
Date: summer 2007
Time: 1800
A 19-year old Navajo Indian Native was driving back from Farmington New Mexico. The sun had just set, however he was enjoying the pleasant light the sun still emits after falling below the western horizon while he had just made the turn west from County Rd 21. As he continued on in his small Ford Ranger, there were minor twists and turns on the road, but he still could see miles and miles away since the local area has a semi-desert climate, so only brush and small hills are the only thing preventing him from seeing 30 to 50 miles out. After completing a wide turn, he found himself on a straightaway on the country road, which has a small incline down into a dip, then eventually rises again to another hill. He then noticed a black figure walking on the right–hand shoulder of the road about 2 or 3 minutes ahead of him. It was nothing new to him, since everyone was accustomed to seeing hitchhikers, runners, and sometimes kids running, and playing beside the Navajo Nation highways. But as neared this individual, it seemed apparent that this was no ordinary person. In fact, he was very, very, skinny and very, very tall, as he got closer he noticed that this individual was wearing clothes that were entirely black, however he felt no fear and slowed his truck down and peered out to see the man as he slowly passed him. At this point the strange individual came to a halt, but was still facing forward. Finally as the vehicle was gradually moved forward in a position that the witness could see the frontal part of the figure, he was horrified to see that the stranger dressed in black had no face. No eyes, no mouth, no nose structure at all. Shocked, the witness drove forward very fast and then stopped. Finally composing himself he drove back where he had last seen the faceless figure standing only a few moments before, but it had vanished; only footprints remained on the sand. At this point an overpowering fear overtook him and he drove away as quickly as possible, ending up parked in front of his grandfather’s house, where he had to be forcibly dragged out of the truck.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—April 2009
Type: E

Location. Thompson, Connecticut
Date: summer 2007
Time: night
The witness was in her truck at the town’s little league baseball field when she saw two grayish glowing humanoid figure walking along the fence toward her truck about 20 feet away from her. She put the truck in reverse and left the area. She further described the figures as human-like but with longer arms, no clothing and glowing grayish-white, one was tall the other shorter.

HC addendum
Source: mjessypiex@aim.com
Type: E
Comments: According to the witnesses the same or similar humanoids have now been seen in April 2009 in the same area.

Location. Mount Cresco, Pennsylvania
Date: summer 2007
Time: night
An ex-air force man saw a tall winged dark figure with hug red eyes standing a wooden deck in his backyard. The strange creature was staring at the witness and apparently was able to exert some sort of mind control on the witness, who was not able to move or shout. The creature appeared to show some interest on the witness’s young daughter who was sitting on a carrier next to him. After some inner struggle the witness was finally able to break free from the creature’s control and took his daughter away from the creature’s line of sight. When he returned the creature was already gone.

HC addendum
Source: direct from Gladys Gonzalez
Type: E

Location. Blair County, Pennsylvania
Date: June 2007
Time: unknown
A 15-year old boy saw a thin white creature a few times in his backyard. He described it as a “tall, thin figure with an odd gait and unusual bends in its limbs (but otherwise humanoid)”. The boy’s father had also made some strange sightings of white blob-like creatures on the property.

HC addendum
Source: Patty Wilson, ‘Totally Bizarre Pennsylvania’
Type: E

Location. Florala, Alabama
Date: June 2007
Time: night
The witness who was involved in a previous close encounter reported having a very lucid or vivid “dream” in which he was onboard a craft and was able to see the road, ground, telephone poles, lines, trees, etc from a window that was what he believed to be the control center of the craft. He was standing at a console along with a being (not described) which was a visitor from another planet. He asked the being how did they maneuver the craft and it showed him a panel with square controls and he was allowed to turn the one he pointed out. To his surprise they made an abrupt right angle turn but he felt no motion whatsoever inside the craft. He then asked what they used for propulsion and he was shown a clear tank filled with some type of clear fluid which bubbled from the center upwards. There was two other beings (not described) standing on either side of this unit. The unit appeared to be maybe two feet tall and one foot in diameter. The witness was sitting on some type of table, but he could not see any support for the table top, it just sort of hovered. This was the last thing he could remember about the “dream”.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: F?

Location. Berlin, Germany
Date: June 2007
Time: late night
The witness was walking through town late at night and wanted to sit on a bench to rest, suddenly he saw a small bright light flying in front of him. It wasn’t a glowworm it was more like a laser pointer, but not on a surface. It was in front of him. Then a female voice said, “He thinks he is alone” He thought that it was someone speaking to him and then he realized that there was nobody around him, the small light then flew by him. He had been feeling very sad before the incident but now felt a deep sense of happiness. (The witness was experiencing relationship problems at the time)

HC addendum
Source: Robert Dukes viscose15101981@yahoo.de
Type: F Psychological

Location. Recreo, Viña del Mar, Chile
Date: June 1 2007
Time: 0400A
According to Margarita Ugalde, all her family was asleep when a powerful noise shook their slumber. “An animal walked over the roof—it was as thought it had come in flying and suddenly landed there. It sounded strong and dragged its wings, walking quickly and making a thundering noise, as though it were very heavy. It’s just like the last time. The same happened years ago—we heard the same noises on the roof,” explained Margarita Ugalde. The family’s chickens, kept in the backyard, were nervous and making loud crowing sounds, as though something was happening to them. One by one, the birds went quiet. Seven out of ten chickens were killed. Margarita went to the backyard and saw something like a large bird, standing about a meter, with the bearing of a dwarf. It had feathers, wings and left footprints like those of a goat. It appeared to have been looking for food.

HC addendum
Source: Carla Olivares in La Estrella (Newspaper) quoted in Inexplicata—The Journal Of Hispanic Ufology, translated by Scott Corrales
Type: E

Location. Archer, Florida
Date: June 1 2007
Time: evening
The main witness and his family were returning home from dinner when they saw what looked like a dead dog on the side of the road, but it didn’t have any hair, it appeared that the skin was hanging off and it was black in color. Suddenly the thing stood up and started chasing after the jeep. It was very fast. The witnesses were going at 30mph and it was keeping up. The witness does not know how but it passed them it then turned and started running at them. It then took a lunge like it was jumping on the windshield but jumped right over the jeep. The witness looked back to see if he could see it and it was nowhere on the ground and they didn’t hear a thump on the car roof. So he looked up and it looked like it was flying off.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—July 2007
Type: E
Comments: There is no additional description of the creature.

Location. Oregon, exact location not given
Date: June 6 2007
Time: afternoon
The witness claims he was walking on a back trail with his dog when he saw six to ten ‘ships’ fly low overhead. Three of them were inverted ‘Y’ from the back and front. Those ships landed on a clearing while three more flew overhead. These three were black with a blue outline on the hexagon wings. From the front view they looked like an ‘H’ with a ball in the center. The ones that landed where white with white blinking lights, such as an aircraft on earth and a constant blue light on the back, their two wings were folded up on the bottom, making a ‘W’ shape. As they landed they emitted a deep moaning and whining sound like a jet engine. When that happened, 6 ramps, two per ship opened up and then several human-like creatures came out. They wore white with black joint areas, one took off his helmet and he looked very human, he also carried what appeared to be some type of black automatic weapon. There were dozens of ‘aliens’ some were talking and some were unloading boxes. They spoke English, and seemed to be military but not ‘ours’. The witness got a glance inside the only window on the ship closest to him and inside he saw a human wearing a space suit like those of an astronaut and a black helmet. Soon the ships departed and the witness left.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: B
Comments: Black Ops aircraft??

Location. Gilbert, Arizona
Date: June 7 2007
Time: early morning
The witness (Josh M.) was lying in bed ready to fall asleep. He usually felt asleep facing the window, which points north. He was lying facing the window when he had a strange feeling of something behind him. He rolled over and just froze. He saw a ‘shadow’ lying in bed next to him. It was kind of a silhouette of a person, semi-transparent with no features and all black. After what seemed like 30 minutes, but actually couldn’t have been more than 30 seconds, Josh pulled the covers over his head, lay there and drifted off to sleep. The next night he was lying in bed watching “The Tonight Show” and the TV was the only thing giving off light in his room, when he saw it again. The shadow figure was standing behind and to the right of the TV out of the straight light. He stared at it for a good five minutes, waiting for it to make a move, he then blinked and it disappeared. Josh immediately ran out of his room and called his two dogs over. They refused to enter the room. The witness eventually fell asleep but couldn’t shake the feeling that something was watching him.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—July 2007
Type: E
Two encounters in one.

Location. El Pueblo, Tampico, Mexico
Date: June 14 2007
Time: 0100A
Residents of El Pueblo district called the emergency police number as they claimed having seen a very strange animal on the prowl. They described it as a hairy animal that walked on two legs and makes strange noises. They associated it with the fame “Chupacabra”. Members of the metropolitan police were reportedly mobilized after the call and reported to a hill located next to Avenida Cuauhtémoc and Calle Guadalupe where the creature had been seen but found nothing.

HC addendum
Source: www.analuisacid.com quoting “Hoy Tampico” Newspaper Translated by Scott Corrales
Type: E

Location. Suwannee, Georgia
Date: June 15 2007
Time: 0200am
A six year old girl told her mother that she had had a nightmare during the night. She told her mother that she had been in a room with a giant “hornet”, but it wasn’t a hornet but more like a mixture of a cricket and hornet. “Like a praying mantis thing, but taller.” She also said that there were other creatures “shorter, like three and a half feet tall.” These didn’t look like insects but didn’t look like people either. She described them as having very black eyes. She also noticed that the shorter creatures were wearing shoes/boots “like the kind a basketball player wears.” She recalls lying down while they put some sort of tube or instrument in her ears, she also said that it was the reason for the “bad taste in her mouth.” At this point she started to resist and she said she fought off two of them, and then woke up on her bed.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC Type: G
Comments: Unexplored abduction event

Location. Sparks, Maryland
Date: middle of June 2007
Time: 0200am
The witness arose from bed in the middle of the night to check on her daughter who was sleeping in a separate room. She had awoken from a nightmare involving her daughter and felt compelled to check on her daughter. When she walked through the hallway towards her daughter’s room she noticed a bright “egg shaped” light in her office (room containing computer). Inside of the egg shaped light was an entity about 4 feet tall, wearing a red coat and black pants. The entity had a yellow “sallow type” skin. The entity’s head was somewhat large and the eyes were large and were completely filled with “dark pupils.” The entity looked towards the witness and seemed surprised. At that point the entity looked down towards one of its hands that contained a golden object (in the shape of a square). At that time the object began dematerializing and then the entity dematerialized in a matter of seconds. Right after the encounter the witness was quite fearful and jumped into bed with her daughter. Her daughter was quite surprised and did not witness the encounter.

HC addendum
Source: UFOs Northwest
Type: E

Location. Grandora, Saskatchewan, Canada
Date: June 16 2007
Time: 2200-0400A
The three witnesses were out in a field in rural Grandora and were heading back to the house. It was getting dark and was approximately 2200 when the woman noticed a really bright yellow light in the sky (she presumed was a star) and so she pointed it out to the other two witnesses. The yellow light then came down from the sky to approximately 30ft above the ground and approximately 30 to 50 yards away. The light then moved towards the three witnesses and then hovered directly above. The three stood in shock as the light materialized into a metal craft. The underside was rotating and had some lights beneath it. The sound was loud like that of a monster jet plane. At the same time, numerous other lights were about the area. Objects defined by 3 points of light at the ends. Cautiously the three witnesses moved towards a line of trees, fearing they may be taken by whatever was in the craft. The craft hovered, as if observing the three and then continued down the field, almost to the end. The light appeared to be following or chasing a car on the road and then it came back. Hovering up and over a bluff of trees—the top of the trees and then it landed. The craft shone a bright ‘pink’ light that lit up the whole area. The woman said there were approximately 25 lights and objects ‘combing’ the area. So much activity at once. The three were making their way back to their house when they noticed a green light around the house and movement in the yard. Creatures (gnome-like), “very ugly” and wearing what appeared to be straw or bird-nest like hats, were moving around the outside of the house, the car, the shed and everywhere in the yard. Frightened she yelled out for them to leave. Long black shadows ran under the home and about 20-gnome like creatures ran off into the trees. The pup that had been tethered to a leash with a metal clip fastener was suddenly loose. He ran to the three and was completely frightened by what was going on. But the other dogs were not. Inside the home her sister’s bedroom door was opened (which she stated was closed when she left) and her possessions had been moved around. Afraid to go to sleep, they put on a movie. Outside there were flashes of green, purple and white light throughout the night. The sound from the craft could still be heard. Even sounded as if “two of them” flew around the house, the woman said the crafts also made a sound like “distant thunder”. The woman noted that the time of initial sighting to being at 2200. When she arrived inside her home it was 1am.

HC addendum
Source: Barb Campbell, SPPRC Inc. www.spprc.org
Type: D or G?

Location. Saint Damien-de-Brandon, Quebec, Canada
Date: June 24 2007
Time: late night
The witness was camping in a wooded area and had to go outside to satisfy a physiological need, after that he noticed a pale blue light on a nearby trail. Curious he approached the light and saw two tall slender silhouettes (about 7 feet tall). Meanwhile the light in the camp died out and also his flashlight shut off, at the same time he heard a creaking sound. He then shouted at the figures, “Who are you?” After a few seconds one of the figures raised its right arm and a bright blue flash of light blinded the witness, then nothing, and soon the lights of the camp and the flashlight came back on. The next day he went to the place where he had seen the figures and found a scorched circle on the ground and some broken branches. Also that same day he saw a pale blue sphere hovering low over the woods.

HC addendum
Source: GREPI witness testimonies
Type: C or D?

Location. Stewartville, Minnesota
Date: June 27 2007
Time: unknown
Driving outside of town a witness reported seeing a flying creature with a huge wing span about the width of a Ford. (This occurred over a month before the bridge collapse in the I-35W). There is no additional information.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.cryptomundo.com
Type: E?

Location. Near Granite Run, Pennsylvania
Date: June or July 2007
Time: 0130am
The witness was driving through the area when he stopped to get some gas. While pumping the gas, he heard a scratching sound which appeared to be coming from the roof of a nearby building. The man observed a dark shadow which he described as a being which stood from 3 to 4 feet tall, in a hunched position. He was able to observe that it had wings, but not feathers. The wings were above the creature’s head. The witness felt that the creature was observing him, and from what he could see from the shape, it didn’t appear to be that of a bird. The witness left the location for a brief time, and he returned, he heard a whooshing sound and wings flapping, and could see that the creature had flown over to another nearby structure. The man had to be somewhere, and he left the area, still wondering about what he saw. The witness was certain that this was not a bird, owl, or anything he was familiar with.

HC addendum
Source: Rick Fisher www.paranormalpa.com
Type: E

Location. Merlo, San Luis, Argentina
Date: early July 2007
Time: various
Residents of Merlo claim having seen imps near a hundred year old eucalyptus tree. The municipality trimmed the tree because its large branches were jeopardizing motorists traveling along Avenida Del Inca. After work, some residents reportedly saw “little men coming out (of the tree) in single file from that location.” While the trimming operations took place on the avenue, adjacent to a stream, traffic was interrupted and once restored, locals driving through the area, lighting it with their car headlights, claimed to have seen the strange figures. They reportedly saw “some little men coming out of the amputated tree and walking single file toward the library”. Most witnesses did not offer details, but one woman, Cecilia de Gabrele, described their clothing as having a brownish hue. Cecilia added that for many years there have been stories of “imp” sightings in that district. “That’s where Aguaribay Street begins, which has abundant native flora, and many claim having seen tiny beings between the branches and shadows.”

HC addendum
Source: Mario Bracamonte, Proyecto CATENT, Translation S. Corrales IHU
Type: E

Location. Porto Seguro, Bahia, Brazil
Date: July 2007
Time: unknown
A 15-year old American girl supposedly took the above photo of an unknown creature. She was on tour with a group from Michigan. The story behind it is that this little girl was attacked by the creature. How it happened is unclear. Supposedly the creature grabbed her and attempted to hold her and put mud in her face and hair. She said she couldn’t get away from it by pulling so she got a firm hold and tackled it causing it to lose its balance thus allowing her escape. Supposedly there are other witnesses. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/bahia-beast/
Type: E or G?
Comments: Crude abduction attempt?

Location. West Swan, Western Australia
Date: July 2007
Time: night
The witness woke up in the middle of the night and looked across into their living room and saw a very tall and very thin humanoid type being with very long arms and legs but no distinguishable features looking at a statue that they had. This being was made up totally of light yet it had a form that the witness could distinguish. It was an intense bright light although it did not hurt the witness’s eyes and did not radiate and brighten the room. The witness estimated the being to have been at least 7 feet tall. It did not look at the witness but was looking at the statue. The witness husband suddenly walked around the corner and was coming toward the witness and must have missed it by a split second and did not see anything. The witness felt no fear during the encounter and she says she frightens easy.

HC addendum
Source: John Hayes webmaster@ufoinfo.com
Type: E

Location. Ciales, Puerto Rico
Date: July 2007
Time: 2300
The witness, Raul, was on his way to his girlfriend’s house when he saw at the edge of a local sugarcane field a gigantic human-like figure walking over the barb-wire fence. The giant man-like figure was wearing a white hat, had a short beard, a long sleeve shirt and black pants. Terrified the witness stood frozen staring at the figure unable to move. The figure disappeared into an adjacent field. No other information. A similar gigantic man-like figure was seen in the same area on June 2007 around 0400am.

HC addendum
Source: Luz Guzman lucy@ovni.net
Type: E

Location. Oregon coast (exact location not given)
Date: July 1 2007
Time: around midnight
A couple was walking on the beach when they spotted a very bright light that traveled from above them, and then stopped in the horizon where the sea joined the sky. The light did not disappear and then flew in their direction just above sea level. As the light moved closer to the couple just at the seashore the couple was stunned to see a man approach them from the sea. The stranger was totally dry and was wearing dry clothes, not even diver’s suit and the couple could not see a boat floating on the shore. The stranger walked by the couple and one of them said “hello” the man answered but in a strange accent, but when the witness attempted to shake his hand the man said, “Its not necessary” and then continued walking and disappeared into town. Another strange thing that was noticed by the couple was when the stranger man was around the sounds of music that were around them suddenly stopped but when the man left the music returned.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Comments: It comes to mind the incredible events reported in Conil De La Frontera Spain back in 1989-1990

Location. 40 miles west of Wilder, Owyhee County, Idaho
Date: July 9 2007
Time: night
The main witness and her 3 daughters were sleeping in their rural farm house, her 3 daughters range from 2yrs-3yrs and 13 years old. At approximately 1.00am the youngest daughter woke up crying. At 2:00am the 3yr woke up crying. After getting them back to sleep, the fire alarm went off right near the master bedroom. The witness and her husband shut the alarm and fortunately it did not wake up the children. After they all went back to sleep, the witness heard men’s voices (in English) and footsteps coming down the hall. She could not move, she was apparently paralyzed and she just ‘knew” that they were going to grab her arm at any second. She was able to wake her husband up and he checked all around the house, and nothing was found. The dogs did not react either. The next morning when they all got up her husband discovered a very strong smell of ammonia in one area of the kitchen. They were unable to locate the source.

HC addendum
Source: direct from dsc731@cableone.net
Type: E?
Comments: Did the witness and her family experience some kind of visitation? What woke up her daughters? Maybe hypnotic regression can help in this case.

Location. El Cajon, California
Date: July 10 2007
Time: 1900
The witness’s mother and father were talking to him on the porch and his back was to the road facing his parents. He lives in a semi-rural area in between two hills with a road in front also between the two hills. For reasons unknown to him he turned around and looked to the southwest and at about an eighth of a mile down the road he saw a pitch black object against the sky. It was only about 50-60 ft above the road and moving in a deliberate course following the road. When it got closer it was apparent to his parents who had took notice as well, that it was not a conventional or normal object. The shape was hard to describe but it was a bit larger than a large car but no taller than 4-5 feet. The front of the craft came to a sloping point as well as the rear except it stuck out further. The craft made absolutely no noise and did not have any props of signs of propulsion. Ti moved at about 10-15 miles an hour which gave his father and the witness time to run up closer to the craft. When they got with in stone throwing distance of the object the front part of it turned in their direction while continuing its course. That’s when the witness saws a green circle where an eye would go if the front was its head. The thing looked at them when it got close to them. It then turned back and they followed it as far as they could on foot until it turned and went out of sight. (They saw the flying creature one more time).

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E???

Location. Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Date: July 15 2007
Time: 0400A
The main witness was having a friend sleep over and had decided to sleep in the porch due to the heat from inside the house and it was a bit cooler outside anyways. Around 4am they woke up to some gibberish and a sound resembling that of a steel garbage can tipped over. They listened to the sound for nearly 2 minutes before they decided to go see what it was. They grabbed a flashlight and slowly walked over to the ally behind the house. There they saw a creature “the size of 5 pop cans stacked on each other”. When they first saw it, it had its back to them until one of the witnesses took a deep breath and it turned around and started talking “gibberish”. It had hair coming out of its ears, so much hair that it almost touched the ground and it had a bald head with curved ears and an odd looking nose. The creature and the witnesses stared at each other briefly before the creature started to run down the alley. According to the witnesses it ran “almost like it had back pain”. Apparently they did not see it again the rest of the night.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com/forum/showthread.php?p=320897
Type: E

Location. Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Date: July 15 2007
Time: night
At a wildlife preserve outside the city several witnesses have reported seeing a strange very tall human-like creature with huge shiny eyes, and claw like hands and feet. The creature was usually seen in the woods at night and frightened many locals. However the creature was not aggressive and seemed to ignore the locals. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. New Brunswick, Canada (exact location not given)
Date: July 25 2007
Time: 2335
The witness who lives near a store owned by her aunt was washing the dishes when she noticed a car parked at the side of the store, so she decided to go out for a smoke and to see if she recognized the vehicle. As she stood on her patio she was greeted by her pit bull Trixie, who was tied up beside her house and focused on the vehicle. While she stood there she noticed a black shadow shift changing, lingering and coming close to where she was. A tingle of fear went up her spine and she felt her whole head shiver with fear. She watched the shadowy figure go around and when it came back she said, “I see you and know you are there.” Then it stopped for five seconds and continued to hover as if it were restless. She cupped her hand toward the street light to see if there was something above it to produce this shadow, and there was nothing but a clear night sky. She then went back inside her house and told her daughter if she wanted to see a “ghost” and pointed at the shadow. The shadow lingered for an hour and a half more until it approached the pit bull and stood watching the dog, then it was spooked by a truck’s headlight and it appeared as if it expanded its “wings” and flickered and disappeared into the woods. Her daughter also saw the strange winged shadow.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—September 2007
Type: E

Location. Chaparral, New Mexico
Date: early August 2007
Time: between 0200am & 0300am
The witness was outside smoking a cigarette when his dog suddenly began to bark frantically. He looked up and saw a nearby tree swaying back and forth, like in a wind storm. He then heard what he described as a terribly squealing sound and saw a dark winged humanoid shape swooping overhead. The figure appeared to have a tiny head with large fanged teeth and claws on its hands; it had what appeared to be arms and wings at the same time. It appeared to have its front legs up in the air close to its chest. The creature got so close to the ground that it apparently saw the witness’s lighter flickering; it then turned around and landed on the garage roof on a squatting position. It then turned around and looked at the witness, the way an owl tilts its head and made the same sound again. It then took off disappearing into the nearby mountains.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.mysterious-america.net/classicmystery11.html
Type: E

Location. Coquimbo, Chile
Date: August 2007
Time: various
Several young members of a local family reported encountering on several occasions a strange humanoid figure about 1.50m in height. They described the figure as having a huge head and large slanted wrap around eyes. It seems to have the uncanny ability to walk through metallic wire fences and throws objects at distances of about 30meters apparently by using some kind of telekinesis power. The father reported seeing the creature come out of a hole located at about 50meters from the house. The witnesses dog disappeared mysteriously in the area of the hole. Police reported found strange footprints in the area.

HC addendum
Source: Ivan Voreved in: http://www.aforteanosla.com.ar
Type: E

Location. Brescia, Italy
Date: August 16 2007
Time: 2345
During the afternoon, the witness, A. B. had attempted to contact “friendly extraterrestrials” telepathically. His desire was serious, the attempt not so much. Nevertheless at some point he had a feeling of having succeeded in transmitting this thought, and kept watching the sky for anything unusual. Nothing unusual happened though. In the evening he grew more anxious and unfortunately his irrational fears went out of control. His brother was still awake and working on the computer when the witness went to bed. As he approached the border between awake and asleep, something appeared in his bedroom. It shook him from his sleep immediately as it created extremely strong vibrations that he could feel all over his body. His first reaction was terror and his first thought was that “they” were here. Despite being awake he did not dare open his eyes and turn his head. It was an object and he could sense, almost see its location in the room somehow. It was a meter to his right and half a meter from the ground. He could distinguish several different frequencies in the vibrations at least 10 different ones. The vibrations created sound which was quite loud to his ears. Seeing his own reaction of being terrified, he thought “Please go away” and it immediately began fading out of existence. After a few seconds, it was completely gone. There was even a cat in the same room that appeared undisturbed unlike the witness. It was a few days before he could sleep normally. He did not mention the episode to his brother.

HC addendum
Source: John Hayes, UFOINFO site
Type: F

Location. Near Streatham, London, England
Date: August 18 2007
Time: unknown
An object or ‘objects’ were seen and one object landed, soon a figure or ‘person’ was seen followed shortly by additional ‘persons’. Other type of unspecified phenomena was also reported. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: http://ufoinfo.com/onthisday/August18.html
Type: B?
Quoting British Ministry of Defense case # 2007-052

Location. Los Angeles area, California
Date: August 25 2007
Time: 0300am
While reading a book on Taoism before bedtime, the witness was surprised that their cockatiel bird began his talking routine just before 0300am while in the total dark with a bed sheet over his cage like usual. He had never done this before. The witness thought that was odd, continued reading, and then got into bed & fell asleep. Just after he fell asleep he was abruptly & consciously aware of a higher pitched noise and a beam of 2 shades of green pulling what felt like only his consciousness, not his body, up and into a dimly lit domed room/place. He said to himself, “Oh no, not again,” then fought it and began to awake, it being hard to move or call his wife’s name out loud. She was asleep upstairs. When he sat up fully awake at 0300am, the hairs on both arms & legs were standing up & he was pretty much in terror. His room was dark as he sat there. He then saw 2 shades of green, what he described as threads of green light everywhere that he looked in the room. He got out of bed, walked all over his 2 story house, didn’t wake anyone up, looked out his front door, calmed down & went back to bed & fell asleep. He didn’t tell his wife or daughter until the evening. A few days later his wife went next door to the neighbor woman about listing their house for sale, as the prior listing expired. She asked his wife if anything weird happened in their house at 0300am on 8/25. His wife said no. The neighbor then told her that at 0300am their home burglar alarm went off, “went crazy” & a wind like a tornado rattled their windows, then the next morning, while washing their backyard patio, as they do every morning, they washed away burnt dust, saying it was not dirt, it was some kind of weird burned dust or particles.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: F or G?

Location. Stafford, Virginia
Date: August 29 2007
Time: 2334
The witness had just let his dogs out in the backyard when they starting going wild. As the older female dog got out the door it immediately ran down the hill as if to attack someone or something. As the witness walked out behind the dog he lit up the area with his handheld spotlight. He then saw what looked to him to be two small, about 4feet tall beings made out of light that was faint but only around the head and hand areas, as if their bodies were being cloaked by a suit or something. The figures then moved quickly about ten feet down the hill and incredibly then seemed to lean or crawl up into an unseen opening or portal. Again as if they were going into a craft that no shape or color. The witness could only describe it as a portal or window like opening, which didn’t emanate any light. The witness could still see that that there was some sort of craft because when it started to move away from the place it was sitting about 2 foot off the ground, it moved the trees as it caused an air turbulence and as it moved you couldn’t see it but you couldn’t see through it or what was behind it, almost like a moving shadow. The witness tried to shine its light on it but it seemed to absorb the light. As it moved away it began to rise up into the sky and then he could make out a shape. Before the small figures entered the craft they looked back at the witness, their eyes glowed softly with a pale blue light, but he could not see any other facial features. The dog stopped barking when the object left. The witness described the shape of the object as spearhead shape about 20ft long and pointed and narrow, wider at the rear.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: C

Location. Between Venus and Mansfield, Texas
Date: fall 2007
Time: around dusk
The witness and her daughter were driving on the FM 157 on their way to Wal-Mart when from her left something in the sky caught her eye. At first she thought it was a trash bag that had gotten caught in a wind current. As she got nearer, it seemed to be descending and she thought of a person stretched out in a glider. Even nearer and still descending, it looked like a human-like form with wings attached. Never once flapping its wings, it glided toward them, so close to the top of their car, it seemed as though it would land on top of their car. Her window was slightly rolled down and she never heard a sound. She suddenly felt the need to roll her window up and dint dare stop the car to see what it was. It looked dark brown or black, somewhere between the texture of a toe sack and leather, kind of raggedy and worn looking. It didn’t have feathers. Once she realized what she was seeing, she immediately thought of the creature from the movie ‘Jeepers Creepers’. Although she didn’t see a face, it did have the body of a human and the wings were somewhat like that of a bat, but not fully extended. She looked in all her rear view mirrors, but it seemed to have just disappeared. She said nothing and her daughter didn’t say anything either, so she thought that she must not have seen it. About two more miles down the road she asked her daughter, “Did you see…?” She immediately cut off her question and said, “Oh my God, yes! What in the hell was that?” She basically had seen the same thing.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—January 2010
Type: E

Location. Gemeni, Mehedinti County, Romania
Date: September 2007
Time: various
Police are investigating after villagers claimed to have seen a Superman like figure flying through the sky. Almost 20 villagers claim the figure was wearing a shiny blue suit, just like Superman’s. Police officers took written statements from all of the witnesses and say they described the figure in the same manner. Local policeman Ion Anuta said: “We talked to people of different ages who are all reliable citizens in our village. They all said they saw this strange creature that flew over their houses in his shiny blue uniform.” Villager Constantin Toader, 41, said: “He looked like Superman and was flying slowly at about 100 yards from the ground in a standing position. He didn’t make any smoke or sound. Just cruising around.”

HC addendum
Source: http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_2517321.html
Type: E

Location. Virginia, exact location not given
Date: September 2007
Time: lat night
The 39-year old witness had just lay down on bed, and was facing the bedroom windows; lying on her right side (there is a streetlight outside which affords a bit of light into the bedroom), she also has a 2 ft black light in the bedroom, which burns constantly. Suddenly she noticed what she thought was her pet dog, Papillon, with its forepaws up on the mattress, appearing to look at her intently. She stared at “him” for awhile and noticed that this figure wasn’t moving which was very uncharacteristic for her pet. She then began examining the shadow a bit more in depth and noted that the shadow was very dark, darker than a normal shadow of animal should have been. The “thing” also did not have her pet’s butterfly ears; it appeared to be more the size and shape of a large house cat. She wanted to reach out to touch it, to see if it was real, but something told her “I dare not do that”. She suddenly became very afraid (the thing was about 6 inches from her face, since she tends to sleep toward the very edge of the mattress). She squeezed her eyes shut for about a minute, and then reopened them to see the thing still there. She kept staring at it, angry and scared, and it began doing a weird motion with its head. Picture a cat moving its head in an “infinity” symbol shape; like a sideways ‘8’. She became very scared at this point; it was almost as if it wanted to hypnotize her. She closed her eyes again for a minute and when she looked again the thing was gone. Whatever it was, she felt it was very ancient, but lower-level spiritually. As strange as this is going to sound, she felt that it was trying to get her out of her physical body to go on a journey that she did not want to take.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.yourghoststories.com
Type: E?
Comments: Paranormal type entity?

Location. Bronx, New York
Date: September 7 2007
Time: night
Late at night in a very vivid dream-like state the witness opened his eyes and realized that he was not in his room anymore. He was in some room that was very bright, glowing with a neon white light. He was unable to tell the depth of the room. It had no windows, or doors and he was lying flat down on some kind of surface. He could not move. He tried to lift his head but his whole body was numb. At that moment several beings appeared, he could not tell from where, but they were already in position next to each other, but standing a little away from where he was lying. There was one being that walked up to the witness and started to lean over him and looked at his face. What he was looking at, the witness did not know, he was horrified. The creature was grayish beige in color with huge slanted eyes. After a few moments of looking at the him, his body started to go down and this tunnel like enclosure was now around him and he saw the alien face descend further away, still looking at him. His next memory was of waking up in his bed, still horrified.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: F or G?

Location. Chaparral, New Mexico
Date: September 14 2007
Time: 05am
A husband and wife were outside their home talking to each other. He was lying on his back of his car looking at stars and about 30-50 ft up in the air, close to his outside light, situated on a pole; he saw a black humanoid winged form go by through the air. “It didn’t have any feathers”, said the witness. And the wingspan was pretty large about 15-ft from side to side. They also reported seeing a bright light maneuvering in the sky, right before the winged figure appeared.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.mysterious-america.net/classicmystery11.html
Type: E.

Location. Anza Borrego State Park, California
Date: September 15 2007
Time: 0300am
Carl Mandeville (pseudonym) and his girlfriend had decided to go on an overnight backpacking adventure. Their destination was Mt. Laguna (unincorporated area of San Diego) however a forest fire in Julian closed off Route 78 therefore they took an alternative route and stumbled upon the Anza Borrego Desert State Park. They arrived at the park at 1700. He had never hiked, or backpacked at the park, therefore Carl went to the visitor center got the information he needed and set on his journey to Culp Valley Campground. Culp Valley campground is approximately 3500 feet in elevation. He pulled into the campground loaded their packs and set off. They only backpacked about 1 mile out due to night settling. They set up a tent about 20 feet north of the trail. At around 0300am the night moon had sunk behind the mountains surrounding the desert, it was pitch black and Jeremy’s girlfriend was sleeping. Unable to sleep Jeremy just stares at the starry sky. Suddenly he heard a man’s voice, he looked into the direction it was coming from and saw a green light being waved back and forth. He immediately thought it was a park ranger. The light was about 50 yards east from his tent. He could tell that whoever it was using the green light to guide somebody on the trail. The green light was coming closer and closer to the tent…probably not directly to the tent but on the trail about 20 feet away. The tent was set up on a small slope looking downward on the trail. The green light disappeared and Carl panicked. Suddenly out of nowhere a massive amount of light lit up the trail 20 feet from where he was. He was terrified, nobody was talking at this point and he didn’t hear footsteps just saw a massive amount of white light. The light was getting closer to the trail next to his tent. He immediately ducked down and laid low in his tent scared. He then peeked out of the tent and saw 12 to 15 humanoid figures that looked like people, but some were extremely tall and the rest were really very short with large bald heads. The tall figures appeared to be wearing white cloak-like outfits and the short figures appeared to be naked. Terrified and his heart pounding Jeremy watched the beings walk very gracefully and slowly, turning their heads from left to right with each footstep. They were all holding metal rod like implements which emitted a powerful white light. They seemed to ignore the tent and walked “peacefully” by the tent. The witness remained laying down and quite as the beings “walked” by the tent. The light eventually faded as the beings continued down the trail and disappeared. Terrified he woke his girlfriend 10 minutes later because he didn’t want the beings to hear them talking. He told the ranger the next day about what had happened and the ranger wrote it down in a report, suspecting it was some type of religious cult.

HC addendum
Source: Confidential per witness
Type: E

Location. Ragusa, Sicily, Italy
Date: September 16 2007
Time: 0430am
73-year old Grazia T. had just come from checking on her son who had just gone to bed when she walked to the balcony and noticed something in the sky to her left. It appeared to be an oblique beam of light. The light descends slowly towards the ground and stops to hover above the front terrace. The beam of light is a luminous sphere that begins to suddenly fluctuate horizontally, emanating an intermittent light which almost reaches the witness. Staring fascinated at the spectacle she then notices inside the sphere a small human-like figure, totally black or wearing a tight-fitting dark outfit, it was humanoid in appearance and it had what appeared to be a rectangular shaped head. The entity seems to move inside the sphere in a strange manner as if “pedaling” some kind of unseen apparatus. The entity then floats out of the sphere in meanders around in mid-air over the terrace for about an hour. It then floats up slowly into the sky and disappears in the distance, at this point the sphere had also floated away.

HC addendum
Source: Salvatore Foresta, CISU Italy
Type: B

Location. Near Clendenin, Pennsylvania
Date: late September or early October 2007
Time: 0800am
A man was driving on a rural two lane roadway outside of town when he had to step hard on his brakes to avoid hitting a giant flying creature in the middle of the road. The giant bird was only a few yards ahead of him, and was feeding on road kill. The witness, an avid hunger, was startled by the size of the creature, which stood at least four feet tall, with its head extending above the roof line of his vehicle. The bird was covered with very dark brown or black feathers. The head seemed dominant, but not over proportioned to its body. The neck seemed long and slightly crooked. The beak was very long and large and its eyes were very dark. But the feature which stood out was the massive wingspan of the bird. The wingspan was easily as wide as the two lane road. The creature had a very muscular upper torso and the wings were as if they were its arms. The wing tips stirred the dust and gravel on both sides of the roadway as it ran to become airborne. The witness later returned to the site and measured the distance across the road from edge to edge, it was 2 1 feet. The witness stated that he was in a slight state of shock as he watched the creature fly off.

HC addendum
Source: Stan Gordon www.stangordonufo.com
Type: E

Location. Youngstown, Florida
Date: October 2 2007
Time: night
On October 1 between 1930 and 2015 the main witness, Thelma Landers, 3 other adults and two teenagers watched several orange white spheres, small glowing discs, red lights and a football field sized aerial triangle that moved at treetop level without a sound. A red beam of light from the triangle struck Thelma in the face, who felt confused and in shock. Her next moment of awareness was when the object was now about a mile away. At the same time she noticed an eerie silence in the area, not even the crickets from the nearby swamp could be heard; she also felt a very strong breeze in her face. The witnesses remarked how the red lights appeared to be trying to get away from the glowing white discs as if engaged in some type of “conflict”. Another interesting fact noted by the witnesses was that as soon as the black triangle was lost from sight 2 military jets appeared and flew in the opposite direction from where the triangle had disappeared to. The next night (October 2) Thelma’s dog woke her and began to growl (very unusual behavior for that animal). She got up and opened the curtain slightly and saw two light colored heads or figures, one in front of the other, apparently standing in the yard near the air conditioning unit. The dog kept growling and staring in the direction of the unit. The next day she found several areas of pressed down dirt near the unit as if something heavy had walked on it.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.earthfiles333.com
Type: D?

Location. Area of Kanaskis and Foothill Mountains, Alberta, Canada
Date: October 2 2007
Time: 1900
The main witness and his friend Jon Ross were hunting and target shooting around Fisher and Gorge Creek and in the mountains they were getting a weird feeling that they were being watched. Out of the corner of his eye he kept seeing movement in the distance in the forest. So they were cautious and decided to head back after it started to get dark, predators come out at night in this area. They started to head back along the plain (about a 450ft open field with dirt marks and a small pond in the middle) and they got a worsening feeling. He had on him a Small bolt action .22LR and a Chinese Made SKS Carbine (7.62x39mm) for larger game and self defense, his friend had a Lee Enfield in .303 British…so they were prepared for anything bad to happen. They started to walk up the trail, and Jon Ross looked back and they thought their eyes were playing tricks on them, but there was something standing straight up in front of the pond…they yelled at it for 2 minutes, it was skinny and lanky, the lighting did not provide help, but they got a good look at it…there were no reflections or trees, or anything that could have made them confused. They warned it 3 times, so Ross fired his rifle at it. To the witnesses surprised the shot did not appear to have any effect on the strange figure, concerned they started to head back home as it got darker. Soon the main witness saw something out of the corner of his eye move, so he lifted his rifle immediately and aimed toward the object he saw which he described as a very thin lanky person get up and run, it was tanned/brownish and had long arms and legs, completely hairless, a round head and blank face. The witness fired three shots at it while it ran away, he did not see it drop, kit kept running, and Jon also aimed and fired a round at it as well, also without any effect. Terrified the men ran to their car roughly 120meters east of their location. They kept hearing ruffling sounds in the forest to their left while they ran and they also heard “chattering” in at least a dozen separate places. They drove out of the area at least 100km an hour. He reported it the next day to the RCMP and wildlife officials and they gave him a list of animals that “run” on two feet that are reported in the gorge area, none fit the description of the strange entity.

HC addendum
Source: http://ufocasebook.conforums.com
Type: E

Location. Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Date: October 7 2007
Time: 1600
A woman was in the bathroom fixing her hair when she heard footsteps on the roof. She asked her brother if their dad was working up there and he said no. Then she looked up to the skylight window on the ceiling and asked, “Then what the heck is that?” Her brother walked in and what he next freaked the daylights out of him. They both saw what can only be described as a black furry hoof of an “animal” scratching at the window. Only the leg was visible. Moments later their mother showed up in the bathroom, but the hoof had disappeared and in its place was a black crow. It was literally seconds ago that the two witnesses had seen the hoof. Their mother had also heard the footsteps on the roof, but assumed that it was one of her children making noises around the house. They went outside to investigate but saw nothing.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—November 2007
Type: E?

Location. Maryland (exact location confidential)
Date: October 11 2007
Time: early morning
The 51-year old witness was lying in bed sleeping when he drifted into wakefulness, having that funny feeling that someone was staring at him. The feeling was distinct and real. He opened his eyes a crack. Sitting on his bed, not quite two feet away from him was a tiny person perhaps about 10 inches tall. He quickly shut his eyes, assuming this was some sort of sleep-induced hallucination. He felt curiosity but mostly disbelief. He decided to open his eyes again to get a better look at it, but not too wide, he didn’t want it to know that he was looking at it; he didn’t want to frighten it. He was concerned that it might be afraid of him. He purposely kept his breath slow and even, trying to feign sleep. He opened his eyes just a bit wider this time, got a better look at it, and then quickly shut his eyes again. The little person was still watching him intently, with an expression similar to someone observing an animal in a zoo. It was perhaps 8 to 10 inches tall; this was not easy to estimate as it was sitting. It was in a cross legged position looking directly at the witness. The witness was sure that he was sleep-hallucinating so he decided to pen his eyes wide, and it would be gone. He stopped feigning sleep, he was awake and he opened his eyes all the way. To his amazement it was still there. They looked at each other for a long moment, maybe 5 to 10 seconds. The little person had a very human look, except its eyes were slightly large in proportion to its head size. It had thick brown hair, in a sort of a “bowl” haircut style. It wore a dark brown jacket and dark green trousers. There was something a little bit archaic about the cut of the jacket. It had extra large lapels and a double row of buttons. He could not tell if it was male or female. It was either male with a slightly effeminate facial structure, or female with a slightly masculine facial structure. He was concerned that he would frighten it and wanted it to know that he was a peaceful person and meant it no harm. He wanted to try and engage it in conversation. His curiosity was overwhelming. He opened his eyes for a fourth time but it was gone. The witness actually searched the room for it, for several minutes. According to the witness, “My perception of the technological superiority of the human race was shattered”.

HC addendum
Source: Direct communications from witness via confidential email also in: http://www.alien-ufos.com forum.

Location. Rogers, Arkansas
Date: October 12 2007
Time: 2300
The witness had gone to get his dog from its pen when he saw a bright greenish light in the woods. He got his dog and went to investigate. He remembers approaching the light and seeing an outline of a craft of some sort which was quite large but it was hard to tell what shape it was. His dog began to bark and the witness was suddenly paralyzed and he fell to his knees. Four figures about 7feet tall then came towards him and took him around the arms and took him towards the green light. The witness does not provide any additional information.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
type: G?

Location. Waterford, Michigan
Date: October 15 2007
Time: 2230
The witness (involved in other encounters) was sleeping on the main floor of a 3 floor unit he lived in. He was sleeping on the couch. The blinds in the room give off plenty of light, nearly enough to be daylight indoors. Therefore, even though they were closed, it was plenty light inside. Suddenly while in a deep sleep he woke up from a tap on the shoulder. He jerked quickly and looked around to se who may have done this. He was still in a semi-sleep state, but more like when someone gets up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. He turned his head while still lying down to the right and behind him. He saw a being with a cloak or hooded outfit walking away from him. He had the hood on. The color of the cloak was a strong bright brown color. The being was walking toward the garage door about 4-5 feet away. It was on a bit of a side angle at one point, and the witness saw the side of its face. It had a brownish scaly face, similar to the texture of the extraterrestrial in the movie “ET”. The look of its texture and appearance of skin, not the way it looked. The being then disappeared, while walking toward the garage door, the witness was then wide awake at the time.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Clinton Township, Michigan
Date: October 19 2007
Time: 2114
The main witness and his friend were driving from the mall when they saw a bright big white light. At first he thought it was a blimp but his friend said that it was a UFO. They first saw the UFO when they were about a mile away from it. As they got closer they were shocked as it hovered right above them over the road. It had three bright lights on the bottom in the shape of a triangle. It was saucer shaped, silver, with a small bubble type protrusion on top. It was spinning as it hovered. They pulled over because they wanted to get a better look at the object. There were about six cars behind them and they had also stopped to look. As soon as they pulled out a camera it moved upward behind the clouds. It started to move west so they decided to follow it. Once again they pulled over and attempted to take pictures but every time it would move and hide behind the treetops. They managed to take five pictures with the digital camera and then it vanished behind the treetops. There was a bank parking lot nearby so they decided to pull in and park. As soon as they parked and were about to get out they started hearing strange loud noises. They had never heard anything like it. For some reason, as scared as they were they got out because they wanted to see if they could actually see what was making the noises. It almost seemed like two aliens communicating to one another. They were both just frozen and scared and then all of the sudden the noises started going “crazy” and a dog that was in a nearby backyard where the noises were coming from started barking and it seemed like it was being attacked, so both witnesses jumped in the car and took off. All the photos came out overexposed.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: C?

Location. Arcoverde, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: October 21 2007
Time: 0315am
Awakened by his cat that seemed to be very nervous, the witness, Valmir (involved in other encounters) saw a luminous object hovering low over a nearby hill, a place where he had seen numerous UFOs before. Suddenly without knowing how Valmir finds himself onboard the object, standing at the center of a round room, where he could see two chairs and what appeared to be a control panel, standing by the control panel were two humanoids, from the ceiling emerged a bright yellowish light that illuminated the room very clearly. Valmir felt no fear as the humanoids communicated with him mentally. He described the beings as short, gray in color with large black slanted protruding eyes, he could not see any ears, they had very small noses and slits for a mouth, and they were also completely hairless. The humanoids were both wearing lite colored tight-fitting plastic-like suits. The beings told Valmir that they had not entered into full contact with earthlings because of their aggressive nature, they also pointed out that they only fought back if attacked by earthlights. Valmir noticed that the control panel was filled with numerous lights that seemed to blink on and off. Valmir also noticed that next to each chair there was an object that he felt was a sort of weapon, it was shaped sort of like a “horn” ending in a large circular aperture. Suddenly Valmir found himself in his backyard again next to a guava tree. He felt no aftereffects of the encounter. He further described the object as round with two black domes one on the bottom the other on top, and several rotating lights.

HC addendum
Source: Manoel de Souza e Silva for CUB Brazil
Type: G

Location. League City, Texas
Date: October 27 2007
Time: 0100am
The main witness and his friend were riding around looking for something to do. As they drove around they saw that they had just finished building a new road so they decided to check it out. It was still new and there were no street lights and it went through a large field. They were in the middle of the road when a huge brown and tan object somewhat oval shaped, came flying through the air straight toward them. The driver slammed on the brakes because it didn’t look like it was going to stop and as soon as he did that, the object stopped. The object then just sat there hovering at about 10 to 15 ft from the car. Both witnesses just sat in the car staring at the object. And then at an incredible speed it flew straight up and disappeared. They then drove away not knowing what to do. A few feet down the road they stopped and turned around, they were scared but curious. They then saw the object again, floating just above the road, it then flew straight towards the witness and hovered right on top of them again, it stayed there for about 10 seconds and then it flew away. As they watched the object speeding away a weird looking creature about 5ft tall with a round shape to it, jumped out of the bushes and ran into the road, they had to swerve to miss it. They don’t know where the creature went but it walked on two legs. It seemed to have been naked and of an odd looking brown color. After that they drove home.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: C?

Location. Chicago Heights, Illinois
Date: October 28 2007
Time: 1800
Authorities are expected to resume their search today for a Chicago Heights woman who disappeared involving with a UFO abduction case while jogging late Sunday evening in a forest preserve. A 39-year old woman was on a three and a half mile run through the forest preserve on 26th and Euclid Avenue near Chicago Heights Sunday evening when she disappeared. Police spent all day Monday searching the forest preserve for clues into the UFO abduction disappearance. Around 1900 the mother of three called her sister and a friend on her cell phone before her run. Her last words were, “Hello please call me back, I had seen something this is very important! Please hurry up! This is urgent! The last call was placed to her best friend. Her friend said, “She never just left. Her kids are worried. She has three kids. She has a 5-year old, an 18-year old and a 14-year old. We just want her back”, said her friend. Police say they have traced the signal from that cell phone to somewhere in the forest preserve. At around 1900 a few unidentified callers called into the Chicago Heights police station reported a strange craft hovering over the forest preserve. They said the object was making a loud whizzing sound and had numerous multicolored lights and it was dome-shaped. About 2000 another relative tried to call her but couldn’t reach her. Two hours later family members found her late model sport utility vehicle in a parking lot.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G?
Comments: As of today I have not read or heard any independent information about this case.
Info received recently:

Family frets over woman’s disappearance
By Noah Haglund (Contact)
The Post and Courier
Friday, October 26, 2007

The text messages sent two weeks ago were the last anyone heard from Viridiana Maldonado.
The 22-year-old told her mother she was going out with friends after finishing her waitress job on the night of Oct. 11. Early the next morning, the mother received the text messages in rapid succession: first, that she was downtown and doing OK; then that she was with a male friend drinking; the last one at 2 a.m. said she was on her way to Mexico.
Since then, Maldonado hasn’t returned to care for her young boys, gone back to work or let any family members know where she is.
“She has two kids. Nobody’s going to leave the kids just like that,” said Luis Aguirre, her boss and a family friend.
The messages seemed completely out of character for Maldonado, Aguirre and others said.
She lived with her mother and older sister in North Charleston. Her two children are 2 and 6 years old. Her estranged husband, Jorge Maldonado, is the father of the youngest child, acquaintances said.
Until about two months ago, she had been living with her husband in Washington State, where he was stationed with the Army at Fort Lewis. But the two were having marital difficulties and she returned to Charleston a couple of months ago, acquaintances said.
She had lived in North Charleston before moving out West. The estranged husband came to South Carolina to take the youngest child on Wednesday, police and acquaintances said.
Friends called her “Viri.” Her older sister, Jeny Cuevas, said she got along well with her family and didn’t have any enemies.
Aguirre is worried whether police are putting enough effort in the case. Family friend Mike Diggs said there are rumors about her having been kidnapped.
North Charleston detective David Watson agreed that the circumstances are strange but said he has found no signs of foul play.
“I’m giving it all the time I can,” Watson said.
The detective thinks it unlikely that Maldonado returned to Mexico, her home country.
She and her husband had a history of domestic problems in Washington State and she had an order of protection against him, Watson said. The husband has cooperated with the investigator when the two spoke on the phone.
For now, authorities are asking anyone with information about her to call. Or if Maldonado is OK, Watson said, she should call her family to let them know.

Location. Coquimbo, Chile
Date: October 30 2007
Time: 2345
Cryptozoologist and investigator Ivan Voreved was interviewing a couple and their six children as a result of their previous encounters with a bizarre entity near their home on several occasions (August). As he recorded the conversation one of the young children suddenly ran into the room very upset and said that the creature was now standing in front of their property. Everyone, including Voreved, then ran out. The creature seemed to be crouching down at a distance of 30meters from the house. The observation lasted 15 minutes and the witnesses were able to record many details. Its head was large and elongated like that of a horse. The eyes were reddish and seemed to glow in the dark and appeared to be positioned on the side of the head. They noticed what appeared to be a sort of black crest (like a porcupine) on the creature’s head. The creature’s body was of a dark and white tone and seemed to fluctuate continuously. Its height was about 80cm. Its arms were long with huge claw-like hands; on them they could see large and small claws. Its feet seemed to have a sort of single claw like that of a rooster. It seemed to stare indirectly at the group, sort of a downward glance. They could not see any other details of the face except for the eyes. Immediately after the creature left the children ran crying into the house and Voreved noticed a strange heavy “atmosphere” in the area, somewhat oppressive. Also immediately after the encounter some of the witnesses suffered from dizziness, slurred speech and a sense of confusion. Panic gripped the group. According to Voreved he took several photos with his infrared camera of the creature but none of frames came out. The camera worked normally when the creature left.

HC addendum
Source: Bestiario de lo cotidiano y extraordinario http://zoopedia.blogspot.com
Type: E
Translation by Albert S. Rosales

Location. Grand Haven, Michigan
Date: November 2007
Time: 0410am
The witness had stayed late at work for an extra half shift in which he left work around 0345am.He was driving on a main road fairly close to the West Michigan lake shore, heading in a northward direction. During his drive he noticed the area being illuminated with an orange light. He automatically assumed this was from the sun at first, but soon realized that it very early for the sun to be out. He noticed a strange light becoming brighter and there were some clouds over Grand Haven that were glowing bright orange, there were no other clouds in the sky except the giant ones that were glowing orange. As he was driving closer, he continued to keep his eyes on the clouds. There were eventually three giant glowing orange what appeared to be thrusters, there was also a shape that appeared, he could see the back where the thrusters were and the bottom. The thing looked like “a star destroyer from Star wars” it was huge. The backside where the thrusters were was possibly a mile across, maybe more. The craft was about as far off from the ground as low storm clouds, so not very far. The witness drove within a third of a mile from being under the craft and it just disappeared. The clouds it seemed to be hiding in went with it. The area also turned completely dark again, it had been brightly lit from the thrusters of the craft. It made no sound. After the sighting he continued to drive home. He was already worked up from the giant ship, which was very close to his home. He continued down a back road so he could get home quicker. As he neared his street he saw a pair or red eyes glowing in his headlights. The eyes were at the end of the street where he had to turn. As he neared the creature, it stood up on its legs like human. It was thin, stood taller than the street sign and was black in color. It was standing in the middle of the road and the witness could see it fairly well. The witness planned on turning and hitting the gas to drive past it, however he was distracted by a flash that appeared to be like a camera flash that was in the back seat. He looked in his rearview mirror to see what it was. However there was nothing there. He had only looked in the mirror for a split second then looked back because he had to turn. In that split second the creature had disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: D

Location. Vizag, Andhra Pradesh, India
Date: November 2007
Time: 1500
On two occasions (also January 2006) the witness has seen a human-like being appearing on the beach. It appeared like a person naked or with underwear on, coming out of the water, walking on the beach and suddenly picking up speed and running at super human speed on the beach. On both occasions the main witness had friends with him who also saw the strange being. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: http://ufoinfo.com/sightings/india/0607.shtml
Type: E
Comments: Compare with the earlier case from Oregon

Location. La Pampa, Argentina
Date: November 2007
Time: 1530
A man traveling in his truck on Route 10 (scene of other encounters) suddenly spotted a strange figure on a field on the right side of the road that appeared to have been trying to conceal itself. He stopped his vehicle and exited armed with his digital camera pointing it in the direction of a large tree where he had last seen the strange figure. Moments later he observed a small man no more than 60cm in height, which was running away from the tree. Stunned he watch the small figure disappeared into the wooded area using strange ‘slow movements”, He was apparently able to take a photo of the small humanoid and drove home sharing the image with several friends and family members, unfortunately the memory disc belonging to said camera was accidentally damaged apparently lost. Around the same time on the western side of La Pampa several witnesses observed in the afternoon a bluish sphere which was flying at a very low altitude over the area. A woman was able to video tape the object with her cell phone and claims that she was able to see a strange creature inside the sphere. The video was sent for analysis to the city of Santa Fe and according to the source the results are not in yet.

HC addendum
Source: CEUFO www.ceufo.blogspot.com
Type: E

Location. Bras de Pontho, Reunion Island
Date: November 1 2007
Time: 2230
A man living in this village noticed a bright light in the middle of the night coming from his small garden. Some family members wanted to go out. He told them to not to and took his video camera instead. Apparently he was then able to videotape the landing of a small UFO and its occupants coming down from below after the opening of a door underneath the craft. The video is supposedly still under investigation by the local gendarmerie. The man apparently invited the local population to come to his house and view the video. Investigation of this intriguing case is still ongoing and there is no further information available yet.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.ufosnw.com/sighting_reports/2007
Type: B?

Location. Aguada, Puerto Rico
Date: November 3 2007
Time: 0200a
While in bed, the witness, (involved in other encounters) saw a small bluish green neon light, about the size of a penny, coming from the window, moving through the bedroom in the dark and she was being paralyzed while looking at it. Suddenly her bed was being surrounded by several creatures. Obviously, she was made unconscious because when she opened her eyes she found herself naked in a different cold room and lying face up on a very cold “stainless steel” platform. This platform seemed to be floating on the air without legs or anything supporting it. It was narrow enough that each arm hanged on each side. Still feeling paralyzed but conscious they began injecting her with a long needle or something similar. She begged them with her “thoughts” to please not to do it, but they ignored her. She also felt that they put something metallic, like a round suction cup about 5 inches in diameter, on the right side of her abdomen. It felt like her flesh was being stretched and her inside was being sucked out with a powerful vacuum. She was in excruciating pain when they that, but she was unable to scream or move. About 5 or 6 creatures surrounded the platform, one was taller than the others and the rest were the short grays she had previously seen in her backyard. This time they were not communicating telepathically among themselves because she heard a weird incoherent mumbling sound coming from them. However, she didn’t see their mouths move. She remembers calling them “Marcianos” (Martians in Spanish), however they revealed telepathically, in Spanish, that they don’t like being called Martians, but preferred to be called creatures. When she got up the next morning, she still had pain on the right side of her abdomen, but no mark was visible.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.uforc.com/ace/PuertoRico/Aguado-PR_2005.htm
Type: G

Location. Bunnell, Florida
Date: November 4 2007
Time: 0500am
The witness had approached his normal place to park his truck to go hunting. The area is between his grandparent’s house and his great aunt’s house. He got out of the truck noticing his headlamp needed batteries. He had gotten out his gun and was proceeding to get his hunting clothes and some spare batteries when he heard some dry palm fronds crackling about 50 to 60 yards away. The moon was about half full and he believes it was waxing at the time. He noticed a very tall figure that seemed to look ash gray colored and seemed to be looking straight at him. He was having a difficult time realizing what exactly he was looking at. In just a brief second, the being began moving across in front of him at an amazing stride. The witness realized that this was really occurring to him and quickly grabbed and loaded his gun, not knowing what to expect. The being proceeded across in front of him approximately 35 to 40 yards until it came to the end of the yard. Then, in this amazing stride it stepped over (not jumped) a 6 strand barbwire fence. The fence was about 4 ½ to 5 ft tall. For about 5 seconds the witness thought he was going crazy and started to doubt his eyes. Then all of the sudden, about 150-175 yards away, a flock of sandhill cranes just erupted and went crazy cackling and slapping wings. And then out of nowhere he saw a flash of light that appeared in the shape of an oval about 20 feet long to his left about 50ft away. The flash was almost that of a camera but only on the ground in a specific place to his left. He very quickly decided to get back in his truck and wait until daylight to go hunting. As he calmed down, he realized that the being or creature didn’t have body hair. He never saw the face. It was very slender and with long legs and arms. Later the witness felt very uncomfortable in the deer stand that morning and got out of the woods early that day. He reluctantly decided to talk to his grandparent about what happened in fear for them because they are in their mid eighties. His grandfather told him that he heard something tapping on his window a few days before. They told him to tell the police who referred him to the local game warden. He suggested that the witness go out to the open filed where the being had stepped over the fence and look for tracks. He found the first track which was about 11 inches long four inches wide at the toes, there were only three toes. It was about 3 inches wide at the heel. He found a total of 3 tracks, 1 full track and 2 partials. The stride was about 6 to 7 feet long. He reported it to the game warden that seemed to be uninterested in believing him.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: C?

Location. Jonquiere, Quebec, Canada
Date: November 4 2007
Time: midnight
A couple witnessed a bright light over a shopping center, so they reached for their camera. As the light got brighter it transformed into what seemed to be a transparent upside down bowl shape with visible lines that resembled veins. Underneath this object was what appeared to be a transparent curtain. To the left of the object there was a misty cloud. Within the cloud there appeared to be four beings that did not resemble humans. The color of the object was a light blue and the beings and cloud had black and gray markings. According to the reporter a photo was taken which displays the above scene clearly. (I have not seen such photo).

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A?

Location. Near Sedziszow Malopolski, Poland
Date: November 4 or 5 2007
Time: night
A man returning home from work noticed a strange figure standing on the side of the road. The figure appeared to be leaning forward above the road. At first he thought it was a “drunk” but as he approached the figure, he was stunned to see that the figure’s face was covered with hair and its eyes emitted a brilliant red light, it also appeared to have a pair of “horns” on the upper half of its forehead just a “devil”. Terrified the witness did not stop the vehicle and quickly drove away from the area.

HC addendum
Source: Robert K. Lesniakiewicz, CBZA Cracow, Poland quoting Arkadiusz Miazga
Type: E

Location. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Date: November 5 2007
Time: 0030am
A witness watched a large glowing saucer shaped object hovering over his neighbor’s house for five minutes. The object shot out a beam of light towards the ground and the witness saw something (or someone) being pulled inside. The craft then disappeared towards the rear of the house. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: B or G?
Comments: abduction or an alien returning to the craft?

Location. Near Irene, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: November 7 2007
Time: 0130am
Two police officers, Luis Bracamonte, & Osvaldo Orellano, were patrolling this rural area in their trucks near the Felipe Fernandez ranch. At one point they stopped the truck while Orellano exited the vehicle and walked around the area while Bracamonte remained inside the vehicle re-charging his telephone card with his mobile phone. While looking at his phone Bracamonte notices a small light, which was approaching their location at fairly high speed. Suddenly the light became much larger and brighter, now resembling a large “gray truck”. At the same time Bracamonte sees a small figure which at first he thought was a dog, but as he looked more carefully he realized it was a small humanoid figure about 80cm in height, with a large head, large gray prominent eyes, and greenish in color. He then tried to dial Orellano’s cell number, who was patrolling nearby, but all he could get in the receiver was static. He then sees three more humanoid beings exiting the large grayish luminous “vehicle”. Two were similar to the first one he saw while the third was larger and more robust. At the same time he heard Orellano which was apparently watching the same spectacle, yelling in panic. Immediately the four humanoids ran back into the object which took off and quickly disappeared towards the north, leaving behind a white glow which disappeared leaving behind a green glowing mist and strong sulfur like odor. As the craft left it emitted a thunder-clap type sound. Two other police officers, Santiago Walter and Walter Carbajal who were patrolling that same night near the village of Nicolas Descalzi watched a large white light suddenly approach and engulf their vehicle. The engine stopped and their cell phones would not work. Looking up they then both saw a powerful white light which briefly hovered and then disappeared in a flash. Around the same time several residents from the village of Oriente watched a strange glow in the sky in the direction of Irene. And a husband and wife traveling towards Marisol were approached by a white light from behind which also engulfed their vehicle.

HC addendum
Source: Guillermo D. Gimenez—Argentina quoting La Voz del Pueblo http://www.lavozdelpueblo.com.ar/diario/2007-11-10/La_Region/24309.htm
Type: B

Location. Arcoverde, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: November 8 2007
Time: early morning
The witness, Valmir, (involved in previous encounters) had just finished taking a shower and was watering his garden, when suddenly there was a strong light over him and a large diamond-shaped craft appeared, with luminous yellow lights at each end. Suddenly Valmir finds himself lying on a very hard metallic surface. He was surrounded by several tall thin beings, with long dangling arms, with large heads and wearing shiny outfits. The beings proceeded to tie Valmir’s hands and feet on the metallic “bed”. He could see several metallic “shell” shaped chairs in the room. He couldn’t recall any additional details but feels that the experienced lasted about 30 minutes.

HC addendum
Source: Manoel de Souza e Silva for CUB Brazil
Type: G

Location. Petaling Jaya near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Date: November 10 2007
Time: 1500
Mowd Jowhar (involved in a previous encounter) was sleeping in bed after working the night shift when three beings (not described) appeared in his bedroom. The beings seemed to smile at him and “told him to relax and not to worry”. They did not speak and he did not hear the words, apparently he felt mental communication from them. There was no sound or movement outside his apartment. To Mowd it appeared that the whole world had come to a complete stop. He had been listening to music on the computer and it had stopped also, it felt as time had stopped somehow. He was made to lie down and the beings removed his clothes, he then passed out and woke up at 1900. He immediately rushed to work and felt very tired the whole night while he worked. Apparently the humanoids placed a “gray ordinary stone” in his backpack, which he carried to work and one more on his desk. Both seemed very ordinary and he could not see anything special about the two stones.

HC addendum
Source: direct from the witness Mohd Jowhar Meeran Hydruce @ mohdjowhar@gmail.com
Type: E

Location. Cipolleti, Neuquen, Argentina
Date: November 10 2007
Time: late night
The witness had been visiting her aunt in this city and was sleeping when she suddenly woke up startled, feeling a strange presence behind her. At the same time she heard a telepathic man’s voice who spoke to her and she answered, but according to the witness she has no memory of the “conversation”. She sat up in bed and noticed her aunt sleeping peacefully next to her. At this point the figure presses his hand against hers creating a powerful golden glow or light. She could see the silhouette of the visitor, who had now walked towards the door and was encased in an orange glow; it appeared man-like about 1.90m in height. From one of his hands there appeared to be luminous multicolored “filaments” dangling down which seemed to be rotating and emanating light. She felt no fear and did not notice hair or clothing on the figure, but did notice that the figure was robust in build but thin, like a gymnast. The witness has no further recollection of the event.

HC addendum
Source: Silvia Perez Simondini
Type: E

Location. Parma, Ohio
Date: November 11-14 2007
Time: various
A bizarre bluish amorphous entity was caught on a video surveillance camera at a Marathon gas station and seen on several occasions by independent witnesses. At one time it stood still for 30 minutes before speeding off. One other time hovered over a car windshield. Some speculate that it could be an “angel” others point out that the site of the gas station was possibly an old Indian burial ground.

HC addendum
Source: Unknown Country, CNN
Type: E?
Comments: Reputed to have been an “insect” out of focus.

Location. Saranac, Michigan
Date: November 27 2007
Time: night
The witness and her husband were sitting in their living room watching TV when they heard a gunshot next door and then a second. Her husband got dressed and headed over to his neighbor Bob’s house to see if was the bear that they had been seeing lately, when he got there the neighbor was “freaked out” and explained what he saw. Bob’s wife Grace had taken their two dogs out one last time before bed and their oldest dog ran toward the woods like always, but stopped dead in his tracks and cowered. Grace yelled for Bob and he ran outside with his 30-30 rifle, thinking it was the bear again. He walked up to his dog and spotted movement from the corner of his eye. He looked up and saw a dark figure walk across his path into the woods. It was standing upright like a human and was about 6’7”, just outside the right of light from his flood light, and Bob though it was a hunter that had been in the area lately. So he yelled at it, saying something like “Hey who are you?” The figure then walked back across the path on all fours like an animal…and it had red eyes. Bob was transfixed with the eyes; they glowed like the end of a cigarette. He raised his gun and put the sights of the scope on its chest, dead center mass, and noticed it had no fur. He shot once and hit it square in the chest. It didn’t even flinch. He then re-racked the gun, but it misfired. The gun had never done that before, so he racked out the bullet and racked in a new one. It misfired yet again. He looked at the bullet and it didn’t even have a dent from the firing pin. He re-loaded the bullet and looked up. The figure was standing upright again, but farther back in the woods. He aimed and fired and hit it again in the chest. It didn’t flinch again. It just walked off like nothing happened. Bob fired one last time, but missed. They found no tracks or any blood anywhere where Bob had seen the figure.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—December 2007
Type: E

Location. Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
Date: beginning of December 2007
Time: night
The witness (involved in other encounters) who was staying at her grandmother’s house woke up one night to find she had a bruised puncture needle mark in the vein on his left arm. She thought it was strange but brushed it aside as an insect bite. 3 nights later she awoke in a semi-trance state to see and feel two people, a man and a woman, holding her left arm down taking blood. The woman was pinning her arm at above the elbow joint and her forearm. She struggled a bit and heard the woman tell the man in English to “hurry up” she is waking up. In the morning the witness did not remember anything until she saw 2 bruised puncture needle marks. On the third day the marks had vanished.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.iwasabducted.com/ufoboard
Type: E

Location. Hoot Owl, Oklahoma
Date: December 2007
Time: 0200am
The witness was driving home on a very cold night on a very rural country road. It was very late and there were snow flurries in the air. He was concentrating on driving because of a big problem with deer in the area which is why the movement off the side of the highway caught his eye. To the right of the road is a thicket of woods. The witness assumed the movement was caused by some type of animal so he began to slam on the brakes. At the same moment a glowing, emerald green figure flew out of the woods and stopped directly in front of his line of sight, just in front of the hood of the car. He just saw a torso-like figure, green and emitting a strange glow—-like it was its own light source. The figure did seem to have a head but with no features and where the arms and legs should be, the light just seemed to trail off. After a split second this figure flew directly over the car—never touching the car or the road, and not visible anywhere on the rearview mirror. His first thought was, since the figure seemed so human-like was that he had hit a person but then he realized that was not the case. He only told about the experience to his mother.

HC addendum
Source: John Hayes webmaster@ufoinfo.com
Type: E

Location. West of McBride, British Columbia, Canada
Date: December 2007
Time: afternoon
The witness was driving home from Fort Mac Murray to meet up with the rest of the family. It was pretty snowy so he was driving slow when he noticed an “animal” on the shoulder of the road. Thinking it was a moose he came to a stop and couldn’t believe what he saw. At approximately 20 feet in front of his truck was a big black bear sized animal (roughly 400 lbs or so) with a shape similar to that of a huge wolf. It was black with white or silver tips along its back and had hair that the witness guessed would be at least a foot long. It had a 3 to 4 foot long tail that was roughly a foot in diameter and was very fluffy. It had a dark brown, oval, blunt face with rounded ears similar to a bear but had strange teeth clearly visible outside of it’s gums. It had a very pronounced shoulder hump and a swayed back, long legs and stood roughly 4 to 5 feet at the shoulder and was approximately 8 feet long. The feet (and tracks as he later investigated) were sort of a mix between a bear and a wolf and had very large claws—larger than any grizzly he had ever seen and were widely spaced. It moved so slowly across the road to the opposite ditch that the whole process took around 25 minutes.

HC addendum
Source: Brian Vike, HBCC UFO Research
Type: E?

Location. Granisle, British Columbia, Canada
Date: December 2007
Time: night
Two witnesses reported seeing a round sparkling object in the sky. Apparently under the object a dark humanoid figure was also seen. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: 2007 Canadian UFO Survey
Type: C?

Location. Mocorito, Sinaloa, Mexico
Date: December 2 2007
Time: 0500am
The time was early in the morning when an unexpected visitor appeared before Violeta Ortiz Castro. She felt neither fear nor uncertainty. She only recalls having felt an odd sense of peace upon seeing that ‘body” of gelatinous material “the color of honey”. No questions were asked at first. But she later inquired: “What do you seek here with your presence?” That morning Violeta arrived home at 0400am returning from a family celebration. Upon returning, she was about to put on her pajamas, as usual, turning on some music while she fell asleep and also lit a cigarette. She sat on the floor to smoke, on the left hand side of the bed, listening to Vicki Carr’s “Me Recordara” when the strange image appeared less than a meter away from her. Stunned, she asked the visitor the above question. The creature, standing approximately 80cm tall, looked at her fixedly while she asked questions that received no answer. “I’m not afraid of you, because God is with me,” she told it. As it refused to answer, she told it she would take pictures of it. Her cellphone captured the first video. The screen shows a honey-colored image and large eyes. According to Violeta’s description the creature’s feet resembled those of a chicken, and instead of hands, it had something resembling the spines of a fish skeleton. While she never touched it, she said that the creature’s skin looked gelatinous, and that the only reaction she observed from her “visitor” was head movements from one side to the other. Violeta managed to take three videos and five photographs, the last at 0507am, which shows the image fading, as though the entity was being transported away. She was deeply impressed by this experience, but states she felt no fear at any time. “It inspired much peace and tranquility. After it was gone, I felt paralyzed. I didn’t get up, didn’t scream, or made any noise whatsoever.” 40 minutes later, she managed to get up and went to her older sister’s room to tell her what had happened. Her sister was frightened and did not allow her to return to her bedroom. They then tried to get some sleep. That every same, shortly before 2200, Jesus Antonio Gutierrez claims that he saw a UFO when he was in the backyard of a home located on Donato Guerra Street. He explained that it was an object that flew around moving slowly, making shapes similar to the letter ‘V’. When he saw the light, it increased threefold in size, “I felt that they saw me” said Gutierrez. Later other neighbors saw a strange light they ascribed to the UFO.

HC addendum
Source: http://ufoinfo.com/news/mexicoencounter.shtml quoting Inexplicata the Journal of Hispanic Ufology December 17 2007 quoting Ana Luisa Cid and Maria Elizalde reporter for newspaper “Debate” Sinaloa.

Location. Texas, exact location not given
Date: December 3 2007
Time: night
The witness was in bed when he heard a drilling grinding noise. He sat up with his feet on the floor and saw 3 “men” standing in his bedroom wearing dark goggles. He felt no fear and got up and walked over to them and asked what they were doing. There was a “huge hole” on his floor and they were looking down in it. There was a bright light and sounds of people working. One of the men told the witness that they were looking for “fuel for our craft”. After he asked them what he can do to help, the visitor mentioned the word “antimony” and showed him picture of it on a surface (this was done telepathically). It was a solid irregular shaped substance with broken edges looking like sand or granular. He told them he didn’t know what it was and looked over his bed to see if he was alive or dead, when he looked back the men and the hole were gone.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E?

Location. Jefferson, Wisconsin
Date: December 4 2007
Time: 815am
Two adult brothers watched an unknown aerial object over the area. As one of the men yelled at his brother to come and look, two strange figures descended from the hovering object. The humanoids just stood around for a minute and looked at the witnesses and the floated back into the object in the sky. There is no further description of the object but the brothers described the entities as human-like about 7ft tall with yellow eyes and gray skin. The entities had weird lines on the head and chest area and appeared friendly according to the witnesses.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.uforc.com/
Type: B

Location. Juliaca, Peru
Date: December 12 2007
Time: 2230
15-year old Alvaro Apaza Cutipa was out working in a field at night when he noticed something shiny approaching his location, descending the slope of a nearby hill. Looking closely he realizes that is a man-like figure that seemed to have a single eye in the middle of its forehead. The rest of the body appeared to be green but with a glow around it. The witness states that he could hear an undetermined sound and terrified ran away from the area and did not see the humanoid depart.

HC addendum
Source: Luz Guzman lucy@ovni.net
Type: E
Translation by Albert S Rosales

Location. Northern Vermont (exact location not given)
Date: December 13 2007
Time: night
The witness was out in his backyard enjoying a campfire with his boxer Duke and pug Jay-Jay. He was sitting on his hammock playing his acoustic guitar when Duke raised his head and whimpered. He got up on all fours and the witness could see that Jay-Jay’s hair was standing up on the butt end of his back. Next he saw two red eyes sitting on his roof. His jaw dropped and he got a feeling of dread. The eyes were looking straight through him. What terrified the witness more was that he seemed to be getting his thoughts interrupted by some thoughts that were not his. The whole time he was being fed these weird messages like, “Don’t be afraid” or “It’s just me” and the weirdest, ‘Don’t look back.” He laid there watching the figure when it suddenly jumped off the roof and was now near his back door. He was scared to death as the creature slowly crept toward him and his dogs. He grabbed his dogs by their collars and screamed “go away!”. The figure stopped as soon as it stepped into the storm light, activated by movement, it froze in the light and its eyes stopped glowing red. It was a short creature, about 3-4 ft tall. It had a face like man mixed with some sort of monkey. It had a long black tail, but had big hands, long skinny arms and short thick legs. Its body was covered with a short, thick fur and its eyes were now completely black. It stared the witness and his dogs down for a few seconds that felt like an eternity. Then it just bolted across the lawn and hopped over a six foot high wooden fence that surrounded the witness’s entire yard. The night after the incident took place, the witness received some peculiar phone calls from a voice that sounded robotic, that spoke slow was generic and calm, and every time it said a word its pitch would change.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—January 2008
Type: E

Location. Mendocino, California
Date: December 14 2007
Time: afternoon
A few minutes after getting home from Ashland High School, Adrian Rehn heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and it was one of his friends, Alex Nagel, who asked him to come with him. All of the sudden his body began to vibrate and then suddenly he blacked out. The next thing he knew he was seated in a white room. Two of his friends, Wes Overland and Alex were there and said, “We’re not on Earth.” The dome of the room opened and revealed that they were drifting in space. Adrian could clearly see planet Earth from his position and they said that they had been chosen to be bearer of tidings to our race, that there is another people similar to ours that have come to help them. They said they had been on Earth for ten years and that they are some of the few survivors of a planet that’s history started around three million years before our own. They created ships that could sustain them for many years, but also created a super weapon that detonated before most of the planet’s inhabitants could escape. They are very similar to us, though they had been unable to reproduce on our planet, due to bad environmental conditions. They also have a life span around five times longer than ours, though many of them have died as their immune system was unready for some of our diseases. They ask that we help them find a way to reproduce in return for helping aide our politicians from making the same mistakes that cost them their planet. Adrian again blacked out and then found himself in his room when he regained consciousness.

HC addendum
Source: Filer’s Files December 26 2007 quoting Peter Davenport Director http://www.ufocenter.com
Type: G

Location. Azpitia, Peru
Date: December 22 2007
Time: 0100am
Several farmers were awakened by the frenetic barking of the dogs, several other residents also got up thinking that there were cattle rustlers in the area. Once outside the farm house they all saw a very intense sphere shaped light hovering at about 150m from the ground. As the watched the luminous sphere they heard noises coming from the nearby cow pen, as they watched they saw two tall man-like figures at least 2m in height run out of the pen and disappear into the nearby foliage. A strong beam of light from the hovering object illuminated the area where the figures had disappeared to, after a few seconds the object disappeared at high speed towards the west.

HC addendum
Source: Planeta Oculto Forums
Type: C

Location. Wenatchee, Washington
Date: December 27 2007
Time: 2330
A 29-year old local man told policed that a pterodactyl type creature caused him to drive his car into a light pole. Wenatchee police cited the man with first degree negligent driving. A breathalyzer test showed “a minimal amount of alcohol,” said Wenatchee police Sgt. Cherie Smith. Witnesses told police the man was northbound on Wenatchee Avenue and drifted into a southbound lane for less than a block. Oncoming traffic stopped and waited for the man to pass. He then totaled his car on a light pole. When police asked the man what caused the accident, his one word answer was “pterodactyl,” A pterodactyl was a giant winged reptile that lived more than 65 million years ago.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.theblackvault.com
Type: E?

Total cases so far 144, additions will be incorporated as they become available.

Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

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