2008 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTS Compiled by Albert Rosales

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

We have come to the year 2008, perhaps my last year of my compilations? Already a few interesting stories have been found.

Location. Lajas, Puerto Rico
Date: 2008
Time: various
A young child reportedly goes to the nearby forest to speak from a “being” from the “moon”. He has apparently done this on several occasions since he was 3 years of age. There is no additional information and the case is still under investigation.

HC addendum
Source: Andrew Alvarez & Ovni Net.com
Type: G?

Location. La Mesa, New Mexico
Date: 2008
Time: 0136a
The witness was lying in his room listening to music when he heard a loud crash. He thought that it was his dog getting out, so he went to the window and he was there in the corner looking at the roof. The witness began to wonder what was up there, so he went outside and looked on the roof and what he saw scared the living hell out of him. He saw what looked like a human hunched over….eating an animal. The creature was only about 3 feet tall. He stared at it, too afraid to move. Then all of the sudden it turned around and the horrifying noise it made still gives the witness chills. He would say it sounded like the vampires from ’30 days of nigh’ mixed with the Bigfoot sound he had heard on television. Finally his fear kicked in and he ran into his house as fast as he could, screaming and locked the door. He heard it leap from the roof and he doesn’t know where it went.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—-July 2009
Type: E

Location. Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
Date: January 2008
Time: 2000-2100
The witness, L. Davis, (involved in other encounters) reported encountering a medium height dull darkish gray creature glide from the lounge to the bathroom in her mother’s house. She saw only its side and only from the mid chest up and only for a moment. She said that it was not a “friendly” being and began to become aggressive once it had been spotted. It continually made its presence felt at times and remained in the house for about 3 days and then it was gone. The witness claims she had been 5 months pregnant at the time but the baby or fetus disappeared. She remembers having a very odd “dream” where she gave birth in an open paddock on a medical table during the day. There were many strange human-like people around. They took the baby girl away for some time and then let the witness nurse her and then took her away again. She didn’t realize that there was something wrong until a few days later.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.iwasabducted.com/ufoboard
Type: E & G?

Location. Barrio Cortes, Manati, Puerto Rico
Date: early January 2008
Time: night
The witness, Hector, was outside his home talking on the cellphone when he heard what sounded like very loud footsteps in the nearby jungle area; the branches seemed to be cracking under the weight of whoever was walking about. Hector then went inside his home and found a flashlight to see who was walking around in the brush. To his surprise he saw two large green eyes and each time he shone the light at the eyes the creature that belonged to the eyes would hide behind a tree. Immediately he ran in the house to obtain additional witnesses, including his grandfather who was armed with a metal bar for protection. At one point the grandfather attempted to strike the creature with the metal bar but this one ran away very fast. Hector was able to describe the creature as human like but huge in size. The creature disappeared into the thick brush and was not seen again that night; however two days later his cousin saw the same or similar creature in the brush, which frightened him a lot. Soon they burned the brush around their house in order to scare the creature away, and it was not seen again.

HC addendum
Source: Andrew Alvarez Chardon & Lucy Guzman http://www.ovni.net
Type: E

Location. Granada Hills, California
Date: January 2008
Time: late night
The witness remembers waking up dehydrated, all sore and exhausted, feeling emotionally drained but with no memory or recollection of what had happened. However less than a month later he had his first flashback:
He remembers waking up and instead of being in his bedroom, he found himself in a clear glass cylinder, totally submerged in some kind of warm fluid, thicker than water, thinner than oil. To his surprise he was able to breathe this warm fluid without discomfort. He could also open his eyes without a problem. The solution was clear, of a greenish color and the container was softly lit. He remembers, still fully submerged in this solution that he slowly began to recall the abduction that had taken him away from his bedroom, minutes, maybe hours before. Then he made the connection with the place he was now in and real fear took hold of him. He remembers desperately trying to get out of the container but he could not move a muscle except for his eyelids. Finally and all at once, by sheer force of will he was able to regain movement of his limbs. He jumped out of the glass container faster than a spring. Apparently what he had been breathing while submerged was very different than air because he felt an urgent need to take a big breath of air as soon as he came out.
He was naked and dripping this fluid/solution that was sort of a slimy gel. The place was dark, very steamy with a strange unpleasant smell. To his horror, he saw a row of glass containers, some of them giving off a green-yellowish glow, almost bright in comparison with the poorly lit cave-like room he was in. He panicked and yelling and screaming like a madman, he began to run towards a window of light that he saw at the end of a corridor. The place was huge. The best way to describe it was like some sort of huge, dark, steamy greenhouse cave, very organic in nature. Screaming and running towards the white light, he passed many other containers, all identical to the one he had been in. His impression was that there were a few lit up, probably with people inside, and the rest of them were empty.
Just a few steps before he reached the lighted area, still screaming at the top of his voice, two humanoids came to him from the opposite direction. One of them touched him on the shoulder and he passed out immediately. He doesn’t recall how tall they were but he believes the one that touched him either on his shoulder or on his side was about his height, 5’8”, but he could have been taller. For about a month, he kept having flashbacks of finding himself in this glass cylinder, breathing liquid fluid instead of air. And then, once he regained mobility, trying to run away from the place. After having this first flashback, he knew that something was not right, but he decided to try not to think about it. However, only a month later he experienced his second flashback. He remembered walking up and finding himself this time lying on a table, flat on his back. He believes these beings had already been working on his head for a while and now they were doing some kind of a procedure—first inside one of his eyes and then inside his nose. As he was just regaining consciousness, his memories of them working on his head are pretty fuzzy. However, the recollections became much clearer when the creatures began to work near and on his genitals. He couldn’t see what they were doing, since he could only move his head with great difficulty sideways and not the rest of his body. Whatever they were doing, the procedure was extremely uncomfortable and he was begging them to stop. There were a total of three beings in the room. One was taller than the other two. The taller one seemed to be in charge and the two little ones acted like robots, sometimes moving together across the room to work on a counter top straight across from where he was lying, and then coming back to the table to keep working on him. The taller one meanwhile, throughout the procedure, would try to console him by mentally telling him in prefect Spanish that it wouldn’t take much longer, asking him to be patient, reassuring him that they were almost done. All these messages were placed directly into his brain. As far as he can remember, none of them ever uttered a single word or sound. He believes he ended up blacking out one more time, before they were through with whatever they were doing to him.
Two months after having this second flashback recollection, he was able to fully bring back to his mind the very frightening memories of the beginning of his abduction. Only then he became more certain that what he had gone through had probably not being just a dream. At one point during the night, he woke from sleep to find the room dimly lit with a greenish-bluish fluorescent glow. The room is very small and immediately he saw by the foot of the bed and surrounded by a greenish fog, three, maybe four small beings, gray in color, with big almond shaped eyes and short in stature. The smell in the room was unpleasant with an unidentifiable bad odor but definitely coming from a living being. He believes he was able to sit up in bed, but he doesn’t recall being able to perform any other movement after that. In spite of his amazement of what he was seeing, he knew he was not dreaming and that these beings standing next to his bed were real. He remembers just repeating to himself over and over, maybe audible but probably just in his mind: “They are real, oh God they are real”.
He feels that the most frightening part of the abduction, even more than being examined, was waking up and finding these creatures standing at the foot of his bed. This flashback, the beginning of the abduction, was the last one to clearly come to his mind and it still frightens him the most. He doesn’t remember if they ‘prepared’ him for the trip, but he began to feel much disoriented. He felt a buzzing sensation, like an electric current going through his body. Previously he had felt the same electricity in the room and on the outside of his skin, but now it was inside him as well. Then he remembers floating upward and incredibly being able to go through the ceiling and roof of his house. He has a very fuzzy memory of seeing, while ascending, some beautiful, colorful lights and not feeling scared anymore. Then his next recollection is being submerged in the warm fluid that he has already described.
He also has some flashbacks of additional events during the abduction. He does not know if the events he will now refer to happened immediately after the physical examination. His impression is that they did.
He was shown a series of slides. He complained that they were coming too fast but he was told that the speed was right. Apparently, they were not mistaken because, when the show was over, he felt that he had gained a tremendous insight on many issues. He felt as if he had been in a dream his whole life and that just now he was waking up and gaining a clear understanding of the world around him. He does not recall the reason or reasons he felt so enlightened after seeing these slides. Above all considering that some of the images shown were just disasters taking place on Earth, like volcanoes erupting, earthquakes and big nuclear explosions. In the same room he was able to see his whole life projected into images, extremely fast. I had the feeling that everything inside his brain, past memories, sensations, experiences, was also being watched and recorded by some kind of a device linked to him through the chair he was sitting on. He was taken into a small room to meet the hybrids. His memory here is very fuzzy. However, he remembers being introduced to a kid who was related to him and apparently the product of the procedures done to him during his physical examination. The boy looked sick, very pale and with thin blue veins all over his face and body. In spite of his sickly appearance and not looking entirely human, the witness felt immediately a strong connection to him, and he knew as soon as he looked into his eyes that they were closely related, like father and son. They talked for a while, himself doing most of the talking, probably also using telepathy but he is not quite sure. When he was finally told that it was time to leave, they both cried with tears. The separation was very difficult.
He remembers walking in a desert under a strong sun. He felt weird because he was naked. It was some kind of a test experiment. He was either not understanding the instructions or not paying attention. He felt that they were disappointed with his performance. The witness had a last recollection/flashback a few weeks ago:
After floating upwards and going out through the ceiling and roof of his house, he was taken inside a park, three blocks from his place. There, he (and two short gray beings) had to wait on a hiking trail for transport. It was cold and he remembers starting to shiver from the temperature, having only a thin t-shirt and boxers on. He then received a telepathic message from one of these little beings that he/she understood how cold he was but it was now just a matter of another minute or two to be picked up. While waiting he did not feel scared just very cold. Then he saw some bright colorful lights moving up above them and he began to ascend towards them. He doesn’t know if any of these creatures used the same method to reach the craft since while going up he was just staring at the lights coming ever closer and closer and not paying attention to the ground or the whereabouts of his little companions.

HC addendum
Source: rlibe1000@yahoo.com
Type: G

Location. Warnham, England
Date: January 3 2008
Time: 0230am
The witness (involved in a previous encounter) had retired to bed after 1230am after watching a late film on TV. She soon fell asleep, but was awakened by a dragging sound outside of the building (block of flats). As she listened trying to decipher the sound, she turned onto her back to free her right ear so she could hear better, but still couldn’t make head or tail of the sound. She thought she’d climb out of bed and take a peep out of the window to her left so she opened her eyes—and at the foot of the bed, on the left hand corner was the most awesome sight of a glowing young lady wearing a bright white shiny gown. She stood looking at the witness with what she could only describe as pure and clear eyes. A bright white silvery glow radiated from her very essence and extended to a few inches around her, and yet it was confined to her being and didn’t light up the bedroom. This was quite unexpected and surprised the witness. They both stared at each other and no words were exchanged by either of them, not verbally or telepathically, so the witness was wondering what was going on. As they looked at each other the witness could still hear the sound outside which had awakened her and thought that the two were connected. This strange vision lasted for about 30-60 seconds and then just vanished. She laid in bed for a couple of minutes trying to make sense of what had just happened, then decided to see what was causing the sound outside. She climbed out of bed and looked outside through the bedroom window. A Coca Cola can have been blown about on the tarred drive by a fairly strong wind, causing the sound, the noise ceased when the can hit a curb. The witness then went back to sleep.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—May 2008
Type: E
Comments: Apparitional entity?

Location. Seattle, Washington
Date: January 3 2008
Time: 1500
A husband and wife had been falling asleep on the sofa bed in their living room when the husband woke up and looked at the VCR which read 1441. There was an odd buzzing noise and a strange light pattern on the ceiling above them. He then heard scuffling sounds in the kitchen behind his head and became intensely afraid. Just as he was about to investigate, three distinct figures with huge heads and small bodies “glided” into the room. The room was dark but he could plainly see that they were not human. There is a light from the street that comes in enough to where he was able to make out a face. The creatures were wearing dark coveralls that were tight and showed off their skinny bodies. They also wore masks of some kind and he could see as far as faces was their huge black eyes surrounded by patches of light skin in the eye slits of the masks. Their beltlines were about level with the bed so he guessed they were about 4’ tall. The witness was convinced that he was not asleep or dreaming. He was immediately terrified out of his mind and tried to scream but could not even move. One of the creatures stood at the foot of the bed and the other two were on his side. His wife remained sleeping. The creatures were making strange noises as if breathing through ventilators; he could also hear mechanical sounds. Almost immediately he was lifted into the air a foot or two from the bed, as if by magic. He could still feel the skin of his wife’s shoulder under his hand and the blanket on top of them as well as open space and cool air below. He sensed movement all around and the room seemed to wobble and spatially distort. He attempted to kick at them but could not move, so he tried to lean from side to side in the air. He called out mentally for God and Jesus Christ to save him and instantly he was back on the bed and the beings and the strange glow were gone. The witness is convinced that divine intervention saved him from the creatures.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Between Tamworth & Armidale, New South Wales, Australia
Date: January 4 2008 Time: 2130
The witness, a student, was returning home from Katoomba with his mother, his sister and a young niece and while driving along, no other cars, a triangle of three red dots appeared overhead and started to move over the sky from east to west and then it started to vibrate and it then flashed blue and was gone. Before it did this he took a photo on his camera phone. Two days later a man in dark clothing (most noticeable of which was a long black trench coat, even though it was summer, and a “Che Guevara” beret) came up to the witness in the street claiming to be from an organization called “Black Stone” and demanded he had over his phone; when he refused he looked into his eyes and the witness could not move, he reached into his pocket and took his phone. As he walked away the witness found that he was able to move. The triangle shaped craft was estimated to have been a bit bigger than a modern passenger plane.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.auforn.com/2008_JAN.htm
Type: E?

Location. Texas, exact location not given
Date: January 5 2008
Time: 0600am
The witness woke up at 0600am because he had to be at his son’s house at 700am to take his dogs to the vet. He remembers feeling a bit shaken about what he had just “dreamed”. He had never experienced it before. He dreamt that he was standing on the bottom of the ocean with 2 men who looked like normal human men. He couldn’t figure out why he could still breathe air normally as he was on land. The men also breathe normally. He didn’t feel the water or any other pressure surrounding his body and was somewhat afraid because he knew that he needed scuba gear to go into the ocean. However the men made him feel safe, they hold him (in his mind) that they were 4,700ft below the ocean on the floor. It was dark except for the light that came from the immediate area where the men and the witness were. One of the men handed him an almost perfect circle that was light green with an indentation in the center. It had a blue ring that hugged the circle or almost circle because it had a straight end to it, resembling the round weights used on a bench press bar. The man told him, “This is argon. Take this to your scientist. It will provide energy to light cities for 1000 years. The use of argon for energy will save the planet’s resources”. He took the circle in his hands and began to go up but became afraid and let it go saying to the man, “if I go up to fast I’ll get the bends”. He said to the witness, ‘Don’t be afraid, you will go to the surface slowly”. When he surface he saw a city with a lot of industrial buildings. It was difficult to describe it because he felt displaced. The surface of the water was dark. He saw himself taking the object to a scientist who asked him “Where did you get this”. He woke up at this point.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: F?

Already a crash?

Location. Pavlodar region, Kazakhstan
Date: January 5 2008
Time: early morning
An unidentified flying object might have fallen in the Belaya River in the May district in the Pavlodar region, northern Kazakhstan. A source with the regional emergency situations department told Interfax referring to an eye witness. The chief of the local police department saw a shining flying object falling in the river in the early hours, the source said, adding that the policeman “reported about it to higher authorities.” According to the emergency situations department, divers examined a 15 meter air hole in the ice and officers of the local sanitary and epidemic office took water samples. “Divers plunged four times, but no objects were found. Water samples are normal,” the department said. A local Ufologist, Lyubov Rybalko stated that it was possible that a UFO had splashed down in the Belaya River and then left.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.interfax.ru
Type; H?

Location. Orlando, Florida
Date: January 5 2008
Time: 1045am
Two witness watched “a non human figure” crossing a road and walk ‘through’ cars on Frontage Road at the Orlando Intl Airport at the end of the runway. No other information available yet.

HC addendum
Source: WWPRC
Type: E

Location. Illinois (exact location not given)
Date: January 6 2008
Time: 0200am
The witness arrived home from work early in the morning and as he stepped out from his struck, he caught a glimpse of a light that was in the northern sky above the tree line. It seemed to be at a distance so didn’t pay much attention to it. As he walked to the front door of his home, the source of the light was not so far away. It was actually just above the trees. He stepped onto his porch and the light then slowly moved to within ten feet of the porch and about ten feet from the ground. There was no noise and he did not feel threatened in any way. The light just hovered there. As he stood for about 2 minutes just looking at it, the object then began to emit a strange sound. It was a low tone and it was as if the object “was playing music to me”. It went from a low tone to a high tone, then back to the low tone. As the witness stood there trying to figure out what the object was it began to change color as the tone it emitted also began to change in pitch and length. The object “played” the “music” for a period of time as the witness stood listening. He raised his hand and tried to feel it there was any heat coming from it, the object then emitted two bright glows of a light blue light and then became silent. It hovered for a few seconds and then it darted into the night sky at a high rate of speed.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: F?

Location. Malta, Illinois
Date: January 7 2008
Time: late night
The witness (involved in other sightings) woke up feeling a sharp stabbing pain in her finger. A figure about five feet, three inches tall was standing right next to her. The entity had a syringe like implement and needle and was taking blood from the finger. It was light enough in her room that she could completely see all that the entity was doing. The entity was gray in color, with a large head and large black eyes, and his mouth was wide open, breathing. It had black gums and no teeth and the first thing the witness noticed was the awful smell of the entity’s breath. After taking the syringe full of blood, he quickly walked away from her and right through the closed window. The witness says she was not paralyzed during the encounter. A few nights before this encounter she had found herself levitating above her bed and before has had strange needle marks on her stomach and arms.

HC addendum
Source: http://ufocasebook.conforums.com/index
Type: E

Location. Near Brownwood, Texas
Date: January 8 2008
Time: night
The witness was outside at night when she saw an object flying over her sort of flittering about in the night sky. She thought it was a craft, but realized quickly as it came closer to her that it was a foot wide. It shot around really fast and made lots of sharp, nearly right angle turns moving very fast. Then it got right over her head and flew down toward her head in a spiral or like a slinky when stretched out. She reached up and grabbed it just before it touched her head and it collapsed or rather “scrunched” in her hands. It felt like a fabric—it was a material, but it was sort of prickly, but it didn’t hurt her hands. It seemed alive, but not alive. It was under intelligent control, she believes, but it was not alive in the sense that a bird would be alive. The next thing she knew there is a small, green box-shaped craft with a being inside. She went inside the craft—it was just large enough for two people. Suddenly, it “flipped” and she felt a jerking sensation and they were airborne. She saw two satellites fairly close up in orbit. They looked just like the ones we have in orbit around Earth—they were ours. The craft then flipped or jerked again and moved really quickly and the two satellites were somewhat farther away. They apparently had moved a fairly long distance in a matter of a second. The next memory she has is of being inside something with large white room: another, larger craft. There were two tall humanoids about 6’5” and 7’ tall. They looked somewhat human so she surmised they were hybrids. They had light tan skin and had eyes similar to ours, but they were squinting a bit, like we would in bright sunlight. They had bulging skulls like she has seen before and right below the ridge on their foreheads was a second set of eyes that looked vestigial. They were there, but looked like they were no longer of any use as organs for sight. A being said to her telepathically. “He has redundant sets of eyes.” As she looked across the way—about five feet from her—that’s when she saw the being she described above. She then looked at the being that was talking to her and realized he also had redundant sets of eyes and looked almost exactly like the being standing apart from her. The witness points out that there were other people with her at the time of the abduction however they did not “see” what took place, seemingly unaware of what they were actually looking at.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.alienjigsaw.com/Articles/Stephenville.html
Type: G
Comments: No information is give as to how the witness was returned home.

Location. Suurbraak, near Swellendam, Western Cape, South Africa
Date: January 10 2008
Time: 2330
A group of friends enjoying a ‘braai’ on the banks of the Buffelsjags River have reported spotting a legendary mermaid-like creature, known locally as the Kaaiman. Local resident Daniel Cupido said he and a group of friends were relaxing next to the river last weekend when he heard something which sounded like someone “bashing on a wall.” Cupido walked toward the sound. At a nearby low water bridge, he said he saw a figure, “like that of a white woman with long black hair thrashing about in the water”. Thinking to save her, he waded toward her, but said he stopped in his tracks when he noticed a reddish shine in her eyes. The sight sent “shivers” down his spine, yet he was pulled forward as if hypnotized. He called for his child, Deidrian, 13 and his nephew, Werner Plaatjies, 11, to help him, breaking his trance. He then shouted to his friends to take a look as well. Martin Olckers said he saw a female figure swimming, first on one side of the low water bridge, then on the other, and then standing on the bridge before diving back into the black water. He said the figure made the “strangest sound” like a woman crying. His mother, Dina, said the figure sounded so sorrowful, “my heart could take it no more”. Her husband Martinus said their parents had warned them about the Kaaiman but they never believed it existed. Some people believe that the Kaaiman is responsible for drownings.

HC addendum
Source: Aldo Pekeur Herald Correspondent January 15 2008 http://www.theherald.co.za/herald/news/n02_15012008.htm
Type: E
Comments: Mermaid like creatures have been reported in South Africa before.

Location. Gig Harbor, Washington
Date: January 11 2008
Time: various
A couple who lives in a wooded area saw a light across the yard; there are no neighbors or street lights, so they watched it. They watch the light do a variety of movements and break into 2 up to 4 lights and back into one again. They went outside to investigate, they did not find anything. Walking back into the house, they both suddenly heard a loud sharp electronic sounding screech which went on for 40 or so seconds. The sound stopped for 30 seconds and then suddenly started on the opposite side of the property 100 yards away. This sound bounced back and forth 3-4 times until it stopped. Their 3 year old daughter said she encounter “a yellow man” in her room and talks about it often.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC Type: E

Location. Cleveland, Ohio
Date: January 12 2008
Time: unknown
A man and a female friend were traveling through town when the woman suddenly told him to stop the car. The woman, named Alisha, had always been a sort of “medium for spirits”. Shocked the man watched as she stared blankly for about 30 seconds until she told him to hold her hand. As he held her hand he felt in a sort of “dream-like world”. He looked at a nearby tree and saw a small blue child-like figure “falling” down from the tree. The figure stood up and began moving his hand in a circle and pointed at the man. The witness could feel a burning sensation on his forehead. Suddenly as he snapped out of the dream-like state, he felt a small bump on his forehead. A couple of weeks later he found a “Y” shaped vein that was popping out of his forehead, it eventually became a “V” shaped vein and apparently is still on the witness’s forehead.

HC addendum
Source: Above Top Secret UFO Forums
Type: E or F?

Location. Berlin, Germany
Date: January 12 2008
Time: 0100am-0130am
The witness was on his way home, the sky was clear and starry. He then saw a strange object with red lights hovering in the air, at about 1,000 above the rooftops. The witness stopped to stare but feeling extremely cold he decided to walk on home. There was no one around. Suddenly a “girl” appeared behind him, she apparently appeared out of nowhere. He felt a strong fear, a strong illogical fear. He turned around and saw the “girl” about 2-2.5 feet behind him. She stared at the witness with a strange smile on her face. Scared he turned around and began to walk faster. The female figure then began to walk behind him also at a fast pace. Strangely she didn’t make any sound as she walked. The witness felt isolated, there were no cars, no pedestrians, and he was totally alone with the strange “girl”. He walked across the street and looked behind to see the girl standing motionless like a robot. She seemed to cast a shadow much larger than her body. She had blond hair almost white in color and she had very white skin and seemed about 17-years of age. She stood motionless without moving an eyelash, a strong wind was blowing and her hair did not move. She stood there like a stone statue. The witness waited for about 10 minutes but she did not move. Terrified the witness ran home.

HC addendum
Source: John Hayes webmaster@ufoinfo.com
Type: E

Location. Dubno, Rovno region, Ukraine
Date: January 12 2008
Time: 0200am
34-year old Marshall arts instructor Vladimir Voronezhskiy and his wife 29-year old Olga, at the time on maternity leave were at home with their one and a half year old son Arthur and their daughters 9-year old Vanessa and 8-year old Angelica were at home early in the evening when Olga asked their daughters to go to a nearby shop. While returning home, both saw an unusual object in the sky, rushed home and told their family that they had seen a “flying star”. Olga told them that most likely it had been a satellite or a plane, but the girls objected and explained that the object had been round with strange white, yellow and red flashing lights around its perimeter. Both girls then drew a picture of what they had seen, and despite the fact that they went to different rooms to sketch both drawings were quite similar. The girls then insisted that their parents go outside to look at the sky and when Olga and Vladimir did around 2100 all they saw was a distant hovering object which was very high in the sky over the nearby river. It seemed to move and change shapes. Olga managed to take a photo of the object with her cell phone, the photo only shows a yellow spot or elongated strip with a black background. They finally went back inside, had supper and went to bed. Around 0200am Vladimir suddenly awoke and saw that the whole room was lit by a whitish-violet light; everything in the room was lighted. He began to wake his wife Olga, telling her that something was illuminating the house but she mumbled something, half asleep and told him that he was just dreaming so both then continued sleeping. However the strange light had not only awoken Vladimir but their youngest daughter Angelica. A strong orange colored light shone on her face irritating her eyes, the light penetrated the room through a space between the blinds, illuminating the room like daylight, scared she ran to wake her mother. Olga woke up and pushed her sleeping husband and in a panic voice told him to look up. He looked up and was amazed to see that the ceiling of the room had apparently disappeared or had become totally transparent. Right over them, instead of the ceiling they could see open sky and a huge disk-shaped craft hovering right above. Agitated, Vladimir and his wife Olga ran outside their house wearing only their nightgowns. At about 100 meters from the house both could see the hovering disc shaped craft which emitted a strong white-violet luminosity. Terrified, both Olga and Vladimir were unable to move. Everything around them was reflecting the weird light from the UFO. And then Vladimir saw Olga ascending into the air, zooming up in a spiral motion, suddenly able to move he tried to grab her legs, but felt that he had no control over his body. Meanwhile Olga sensed being taken upwards and during that time she couldn’t move her arms or legs and she was nauseous. She was terrified and in apparent shock of what was happening to her. Suddenly both Olga and Vladimir appeared inside a white room without any furniture. The walls of the room were transparent, like glass. Moments later both witnesses saw 12 “living entities”. The humanoids were short—not taller than their oldest daughter Vanessa—all about 1.20m in height. They had three fingers on each hand, large heads with smooth gray skin. Vladimir didn’t notice any mouths, noses or ears on the entities. Visibly they wore a kind of completely sealed tight fitting coverall with masks and hoods that covered their bodies completely. The only detail visible on their faces were large black pupil-less eyes. The shape of their eyes was unusual “unlike the popular image often shown in the films about aliens from space” remarked Vladimir. The entities had no visible legs, and were moving around like “caterpillars”. The impression was that instead of legs, the humanoids had numerous tiny suckers under their long tight fitting suit and gave the impression that they floated. Only one of the aliens was taller from the rest, more than 2 meters in height and stood behind the other small humanoids. He wore a long loose fitting overall and his face was not visible at all.
The short entities approached Olga first, grabbed her moving her to another section of the room placing her in a deep armchair which remotely resembled a gynecologist’s chair. Once Vladimir saw the aliens taking his wife, he was suddenly able to move and rushed towards Olga, in an attempt to free and defend her, but he suddenly stumbled upon what appeared to be an “invisible wall” or force field. Soon two of the small humanoids approached him. Terrified he asked them, “What’s going on guys?” They answered him telepathically, “Nothing terrible, soon you will be back home” “I am not satisfied with that” answered Vladimir angrily and began pushing the humanoids back, but at that moment two other entities came floating grabbed his arms and legs. However, being a professional wrestler and Marshall arts expert, Vladimir used several methods of Ushu wrestling to free himself. Incredibly he would kick off the entities from him and they would immediately return at him like a boomerang grabbing him again. The aliens asked him why he resisted, their words sounding straight inside his mind. The aliens would stare straight into his eyes each time they “spoke” to Vladimir; they were neither aggressive nor irritated. The voice inside his head according to Vladimir had no accent or timbre and apparently the aliens spoke in the Ukrainian language and sometimes used the so-called “surzhik” (a mixture of Ukrainian and Russian). Soon the aliens inserted four metallic rods into his chest area apparently paralyzing him completely. From that moment on he was not able to move at all. He could only stand there helplessly and watch the aliens “experiment” on his wife Olga.
The humanoids gestured to Olga to lie down, and looking around she didn’t see or noticed any surgical instrument of any kind around her, but somehow the entities without her noticing had cut performed an incision on her stomach. She sensed the smell of her inner organs, it was an unpleasant feeling. The shocked Olga could see her internal organs, but incredibly felt no pain, quite the contrary only tranquility and relaxation. The aliens seemed to be taking samples from her body and organs and apparently were now using different instruments to study the organs inside her stomach. Olga had never seen such strange instruments before, she was only able to describe one that looked like a pair of pincers and had three clamps. The alien “doctors” also had three fingers on their hands. After the strange procedures the aliens closed and sewed up her stomach. How have they done this, Olga could not understand, apparently they had used some type of advanced bio-molecular technology, not even a scar remained. Before the abduction Olga had been bothered by stomach pains, and after the abduction she never suffered them again. During the “operation” the aliens talked to her, their voices sounding straight inside her head, they lacked mouths. The humanoids attempted to calm her, asking her how she felt and if she felt any pain. They told her, “We wouldn’t do you any harm; we just want to look”. Olga noticed that they always communicated in a very polite manner.
Apparently the aliens were more interested in communicating with Olga’s husband Vladimir. They explained to him, “The female is the entity in a stage less developed than the male entity”. (!). According to Vladimir the aliens also subjected him to some medical experiments. They pushed an object resembling a pistol inside his head. While they did this he felt no pain. When the medical “tests” were over the aliens accompanied Vladimir alone to another separate room to talk to the 2 meter tall humanoid. The smaller humanoids respectfully called the taller humanoid by a word that Vladimir loosely translated as the “Professor”. While communicating with Vladimir if the aliens could not make him understand by the use of words they would in turn use symbols or images that would appear in Vladimir’s mind. For example they explained to Vladimir that their society was like a huge ant colony with everyone of the collective with a strictly defined social role. After Vladimir was brought in front of the “Professor” he asked the entity why they have taken him and his wife. “Why do you need us?” asked Vladimir. The tall humanoid answered “It has to be done” and promised an “excursion” throughout the galaxy as a compensation for the “medical suffering”.
Vladimir remembered that both Olga and he were then placed on large armchairs and that everything around them was transparent, so they could easily see the stars and planets around them. For example the sun looked like a diffused bright spot of light and Earth seemed like a tennis ball. Then he saw a bright blinding flash of light and experienced the feeling of nausea. In the next moment he saw that the spacecraft was now hovering above an unknown planet. After arriving there they stood up and were accompanied to another room, a kind of air lock or dock where the aliens placed them inside smaller craft—sort of cigar shaped “space boats” or modules to travel to the planet. They then separated from the mothership, entered the atmosphere and flew for a short period of time above the surface of the planet. Vladimir noticed what appeared to be holes or open pits on the surface of the planet. It appeared that the dwellers of this planet lived underground, like moles (or ants?), and their strict subsurface society reminded him of a giant hive. The “Professor” told Vladimir that this place was called by humans “Andromeda Nebula” (not clear). From what the tall alien told Vladimir, he understood that the aliens didn’t eat or drink in the usual manner that humans did, but absorb the necessary elements by a more sophisticated universal way. Their mode of life is totally underground. The humans or earthlings were a subject of interest to them because terrestrial people have feelings and emotions that the aliens do not possess. The tall alien also said that humans and cows were brought to earth from another planet.
After returning to the mothership there was another flash of light and more feeling of nausea and they then appeared at another location. Again over another unknown and different planet, at this point Vladimir asked how were they able to travel so fast, the tall alien answered that they could not overpass the speed of light so they traveled by tearing space (?) (Worm holes?). Vladimir admitted he wasn’t able to comprehend the concept. After this one of the smaller humanoids said, “now this human knows too much”, that they couldn’t let him return home, that he was must stay with them or be eliminated. After hearing that telepathically Vladimir became angry and told them that he was not afraid of them that if they would try to kill him he will resist. After that the aliens communicated in a more respectful manner (?). Then according to Vladimir the alien abductors proposed that entered into sexual contact with a female humanoid of their species which had now appeared in the room. This alien woman had an awful appearance, according to Vladimir. She had a bald head, covered with tight fitting gray greenish skin. The aliens then asked Vladimir, “Where must they place her sexual organs?” (!) “How comfortable would you feel to have sex with her, in such or other position?” This situation became amusing to Vladimir who said, “Sorry guys I cannot have sexual relations with such an alien looking female” The aliens then accompanied their woman to a small round platform, where a column of light unexpectedly appeared. The next moment the alien woman walked out of the platform, now with a quite different shape, she now looked like a very beautiful earth woman. However Vladimir couldn’t see her body, something like a white bed sheet had been place over her body area. But her face was very attractive with beautiful dark hair, exactly to Vladimir’s taste. Vladimir realized that the aliens had penetrated deep into his thoughts and had materialized the ideal image of a woman for him. Vladimir enjoyed his new sexual partner’s company, however upon seeing this Olga reacted with extreme jealousy and became hysterical, screaming for the aliens to stop procedure immediately. The aliens apparently became confused and said, “You humans always mate together sexually, just like that….so what’s the matter? Olga answered, “No! We don’t just mate. We have feelings and emotions!” Upon seeing his wife’s reactions, Vladimir restrained himself from additional contact.
Both witnesses understood that having such feelings was the central interest of the aliens. The 2 meter tall aliens said, “We do not understand you, why haven’t you, intelligent animals, destroyed yourselves yet? How can you survive with your emotions?” The tall alien then added that their principal task was to teach earthlings about extraterrestrial technology. He said that there was a “space war” going on at this time in the Universe” and he said, “The entity that you call God, has implanted much information into Earth and into the waters of it. Those who are against God want that information destroyed. If the Earth is going to be destroyed, the son of God would arrive to Earth again and will restore everything living it”. (!) This is literally what the tall alien told Vladimir. Vladimir also asked the “Professor” about death, and according to the professor the aliens didn’t fear death because it does not exist, that it was only a transition into a different form of existence. According to Vladimir during the whole contact experience “nothing amazed him” since he had not time to think about it at the time. Through the transparent surface of the cabin the witnesses could see planet Earth approaching and felt that their spacecraft was slowing down. The couple was then returned back to earth the very same way they were abducted, first in the smaller module and then the large disc-shaped craft and then through the roof of their home inside a beam of light. Before returning the witnesses the humanoids promised to return in two years (2010).
At 1100am the next morning Vladimir and his wife Olga awoke not speaking about what had occurred. Olga decided that she was probably going crazy or that it had just been a wild dream or nightmare. Incredibly Vladimir had exactly the same thoughts in his head. Finally they talked bout what had occurred and after analyzing the mutual identical memories they understood, that what had happened had not been a dream but reality. Vladimir phoned his friend in Kiev and was put in contact with researcher Yuriy Stepanov who hypnotically regressed Vladimir in February 2008. At this point Vladimir remembered additional details of his captivity with the aliens. He drew a picture of the disk-shaped craft which had abducted them, with multicolored lights around its circumference, with a dome on top and emitting a large column of violet white light which projected from its center. He also drew sketches of the humanoids. He remembered that while in space the object (spacecraft) had been surrounded by a field (layer) of plasma, he understood that this field was able to make the object invisible to the human eye and prevented it from being detected by radars. The whole family requested extensive medical tests on them to see if the aliens had left behind any implants and to try to find any traces of surgery. Both feel well and by some mysterious manner Vladimir lost his gray hairs and his physical powers of endurance increased after the abduction. Olga was also cured of her chronic colitis and she also gained the ability to make a drunken man sober by placing the palm of her hand on the man’s forehead for 2-3 minutes. However the family soon became the subject of mockeries and sneers by neighbors and strangers and some accused the family of being “drunks”.
According to researcher Stepanov quoting the Department of Inner Affairs of Ukraine, about 4,000 people go missing in the Ukraine every year and according to his opinion some of these have been taken by UFOs and more than likely willingly.

HC addendum
Source: “Facts” newspaper Kiev Ukraine June 20 2008 www.ufostation.net & “Parallel nui Svit” (The Parallel World) TV program STB channel June 2008
Type: G

Location. Buffalo, New York
Date: January 12 2008
Time: night
The witness remembers seeing a 9-foot tall very white female figure standing by the door of the pool room watching the kids playing. The lights also seemed to flicker at the same time. The figure reminded the witness of a very tall “angel”. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: WWPRC
Type: E

Location. West of Homestead, Florida
Date: January 13 2008
Time: 1630
A couple was driving in far western Dade County in the rural areas where strawberries and tomatoes are grown. They were looking at the last field, a 4 or 5 acre patch of planted strawberries, with a small house and barn towards the back, and beyond that the Everglades. They pulled to the side of the road to observe a bright light that was approaching silently from the WNW. It was very bright. It finally came to a stop and hovered over the farm house. With a sharp hissing noise, a beam of light shone directly on the roof of the house for a few seconds, and then disappeared. At this point, once their eyes had adjusted to the intense glare, they could see black spots (maybe windows?) along the widest point of the oval. Suddenly there was a strange distortion developing in the sky over the house as the object became darker and appeared to shrink in on itself. It was a kind of swirling distortion that appeared to increase in size and seemed even to distort the sunlight and clouds as it did, and the object became even darker and smaller. Then there was an audible, low pitched popping sound, almost like one can make by pulling a finger out of one’s puckered mouth and the object disappeared altogether. The distortion effect subsided, and then disappeared after a few seconds more. They then approached the house by passing through the gate and going up the driveway, and detected a strong smell of ozone, like from a strong electrical gadget, as well as an organic kind of repugnant odor. They looked up at one of the windows and saw a grayish reptilian being staring at them. Terrified they made a U-turn right through a flower field and left the area.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.skyscan.org/BHill.htm
Type: D?

Location. Perez Zeledon, Punta Arenas, Costa Rica
Date: January 13 2008
Time: night
The witness, Richard Sandi, (involved in other encounters) was sleeping when he suddenly realized that he was floating apparently out of his body in his “astral self”. He found himself floating towards the ceiling thinking that “his time had come” and to relax. Once outside the house he was met by a woman human in appearance but not quite. He felt no fear as the woman introduced herself as “Mentric” and told him that she came from another planet whose name the witness could not remember. She told him that they knew that this is what he wanted to do and that she was going to show him “things”. He suddenly felt himself floating alongside the woman inside of what he thought was some kind of “bubble” the whole time he felt a strange sensation. He was shown scenes of humans at bars, discos at other places as the woman pointed out how humans did not really care about the planet or about themselves. At one point the woman told the witness that she was going to take him to see her friends, but he apparently blacked out and does not remember anything else. He saw himself lying on the bed and felt his astral body floating down and rejoining his sleeping body on the bed. The next day the witness took several photos of t he Golf of San Jose and upon developing the photos he found a huge object in one of the photos which he had not seen while taking the pictures.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.enigma-tico.com/contactoenperez.html
Type: F?

Location. Bristol, Tennessee
Date: January 14 2008
Time: 1535
The witness was at home sitting on a chair watching TV sitting in a spot which he could see outside through a window. He glanced outside and something caught his eye. It was a giant black bird which he had never seen before. The bird was black with some pink or light orange near its tail section. At first he saw it fly past the space that he was able to see through the window, seeing it for about one second. It was flying pretty fast, about 25 miles per hour. When he saw the “bird” he immediately knew that he had never seen another of this species before, so he turned his head to the right to look out of the other window in the room, where he aw the bird fly past the space viewable through that window, apparently on the same flight path. He estimated the wing span to be between eight and ten feet and he thinks it was about 100ft from where he was sitting. The direction from which the bird came leads to a pond about a half mile walk from the house

HC addendum
Source: WWPRC
Type: E

Location. Near Boulder City, Nevada
Date: January 15 2008
Time: afternoon
The witness was driving north on US-93 just south of the Hoover Dam when he witnessed a cloud with a light inside of it. He stopped the car and began video taping the strange sight. As he sat watching trying to figure out where the light was coming from he noticed a blue light hovering behind his car. He turned and looked and saw that the light changed its location or perspective every time he moved his head. He got into the vehicle and began to drive frantically. He called friends and told them of the situation and also called 911 but was told that there were no troopers available in the area. The blue lights followed him to Hoover Dam. At a Homeland Security check point he explained to the agent what was going on and was told to move on. After passing through Hoover Dam he saw that the cloud with the light in it was on top of the hillside. Near town he stopped at a light and saw that the cloud was on top of the next mountain. He stepped out of his car and while talking to his mother on his cellphone, he noticed that the lights had reappeared behind his car accompanied by two small “ships”. There appeared to be beings or figures at a large window moving around and watching him. At this time his camera went dead. He got back into the car and headed towards Las Vegas. Approaching the 75 exit his rear passenger side tire blew out. Waiting for the police to arrive he noticed that there was a cloud directly above the car. The cloud seemed to be pulsating, and waiting for him to exit the car. However the police arrived he changed the tire and drove to his hotel. While in his room he began watching the video and suddenly he heard voices that he had not previously experienced. He felt as if he was not alone. He left the room and claims he was contacted by the FAA and then made contact with MUFON representatives.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: A & F?

Location. St Louis, Missouri
Date: January 15 2008
Time: 2300
The witness was walking his dog on his late night jog when all of the sudden he saw a large circular object overhead. He ignored it at first and just kept walking when it suddenly swooped down and landed about ½ mile in front of the witness. The witness kept walking and got up to it. The object was about 50 yards across. The witness claims he was just going to walk by it when he was suddenly “sucked in”. Undescribed beings reportedly “probed” the witness and his dogs with “sticks” and red probes. He then apparently blacked out. His next memory was of walking back home, the object gone. It was now only 2305 but it had seemed like hours to the witness.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G

Location. Svartbytrasket, Boden, Sweden
Date: January 18 2008
Time: 0130am
In a dream-like state, the witness (involved in other encounters) claims he saw five female faces, the first a human one, the following three more extraterrestrial in appearance and the last one was more alien looking than the rest, it was a thin face, with a marked nose with a long horizontal U-shaped mouth. However the witness thought that she was beautiful and wanted to meet her.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.algonet.se/~hermesat/first.htm
Type: F?

Location. Near Chattanooga, Tennessee
Date: January 20 2008
Time: 0500am-0600am
The witness woke up to see a black figure standing next to his bed, about 5foot 5inches tall. The witness was apparently able to see through the black figure, which was human in shape. He could not see any real features, like a face, but it had legs, arms, hands, neck and a head. It touched the witness but he is not sure where. Several seconds later the witness fell back to sleep and did not see the figure depart.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E

Location. Near Norrtalje Sweden
Date: January 20 2008
Time: 1800
47 year old Honduran immigrant ‘Miguel’ is driving about five km east of Norrtalje on the south side of Norrtalje Bay. Suddenly a very bright light appears and it lights up the road and the woods beside it. The light is a combination of yellow-white-blue and is moving quickly. Miguel wonders if it could be a helicopter. He stops the car and get out but by then the light had already disappeared. Miguel climbs into the car again and when he sits down he hears a voice in his head ordering him to drive. It is not like a normal voice, but some form of telepathic communication. The voice tells Miguel where to drive to and after a few miles he arrives at a place near Norrtalje Bay and parks there. After standing for a few minutes outside his car Miguel hears a loud humming sound resembling that of a generator. He looks up and sees a saucer-shaped object with a light in the middle. The color of the craft is aluminum-silver. Afraid he shouts, “It’s not possible—God help me!”
At this point a beam of light comes from the base of the craft towards the ground. Inside the beam there is a creature that begins to approach the car. The creature stops at about 8-10 meters away while the beam is withdrawn into the craft. Miguel wants to run away or jump back into the car, but he is somehow paralyzed. The being is now closer to Miguel and he sees that it has large dark slanting eyes, on a large head with a high forehead; it has long thin arms with four fingers on each. It also has some kind of protrusion of the middle of its forehead. Miguel does not see any ears, and only two small holes for a nose. The creature is hairless, lacks sexual organs and is completely naked. The feet resemble that of a duck.
At this point the being says in perfect Spanish and in a man’s voice, “Do not be afraid I will not hurt you” and places his hand on Miguel’s shoulder. The hand feels very hard and heavy. The following conversation then ensues:
Miguel: Oh, my God, who are you? Are you God or an angel?
Creature: We are not Gods or angels. My name is Horo and I’m from Reticulum 4, a planet very far from Earth. For a long time you have been selected to get to know us. Some of your ancestors had contact with us and now is the time to send a message to humanity. You will have to reach around the world and then spread it further. There are already people who are prepared to help you and with their help you can get the message across.
Miguel then asks if he can touch the creature, “Horo” says yes and Miguel touches the creature’s arm. It feels a bit hot and hard like boneless meat. Miguel then asks if he can ride in their craft, but the answer is no. The creature explains that they will be in contact in the future to protect and assist in various ways. After an approximately 20 minute conversation the creature orders Miguel to return to the same place the day after at 1500. The craft, which had not been seen during the conversation suddenly, appears again shooting the light beam to the ground. The creature then floats up into the craft, the craft then disappears at lighting speed. When Miguel gets home he feels very upset and is unable to sleep that night.

HC addendum
Source: Hakan Blomqvist UFO News # 4, 2008 quoting Tobias Lindgren Http://sites.google.com/site/ufologist52/Home
Type: B

Location. Copper Canyon near Denton, Texas
Date: January 21 2008
Time: 0145am
After a late night movie and after dropping off a friend, the witness, Bob, decided to take a deserted country road back to his place, which served as a shortcut. Bob drove on Copper Canyon Rd and as he drove over a railroad crossing at a sharp bend in the road, something otherworldly suddenly appeared from behind a tree to his left. Slamming on his brakes, Bob was stunned as a thin, gaunt, hairless, long arm, long legged creature, suddenly was caught in the high beams of his headlights. Less than 20 feet away, this weird, 5 foot tall, slumped forward, long fingered entity darted smoothly across the road, alarmingly in 2 seconds flat. However the real shocker came when it stopped under the yellow light of a streetlamp looming overhead, then turned, glancing in his direction. Like the eyes of a cat, yellow light reflected back at Bob as he tried fighting off the fear of the unknown. He stared wide eyed and shaken as the unexplained nocturnal visitor silently turned and resumed fast, gracefully sliding strides, thankfully away to his right. Bob’s mind whirled as he watched it quickly squeeze through the partially open gate of a driveway and within moment the thing vanished into a line of woods on the far side of a field to the southeast. Bob drove home in a state of shock but later being something of a hand graphic artist he successfully reproduced a detailed illustration of the being. Earlier that evening around midnight, two witnesses spotted a glowing amber colored chevron shaped object zooming through the sky. The UFO appeared to be only about 1000 feet up and moved like a stone skipping across the surface of water.

HC addendum
Source: DAPS http://www.dapsghost.com
Type: E or D?

Location. Near Norrtalje, Sweden
Date: January 21 2008
Time: 1500
The next day, “Miguel” (involved in the previous encounter on January 20) returns to the agreed location. Once outside his vehicle he sees the disc shaped object come out of the waters of Norrtalje Bay and hover close to the shore. Three creatures exit the craft and approach Miguel; they seem to be able to glide over the water. The tow new creatures introduce themselves as Ziros and Andrak. Andrak is slightly shorter than the other two. Miguel learns that the creatures have been visiting Earth from Reticuli 4 for several thousand years, but live here on Earth in secret bases in the sea and the mountains. They want to help us and assist researchers in different ways. Earlier they had helped Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. He was told that something very ‘important’ will happen in medicine and physics in 2012. After 2020 there will be open contact with the space people. We must prepare ourselves. They have been aware of Miguel and had contact with his relatives a long time ago. They had also contacted several others in Canada. Miguel was also informed that there are other alien groups visiting Earth from different planets. Some of them come here to kill animals and experiment with humans. The conversation with the three creatures continued for a long time. They talked about the situation on Earth, about their work, both in antiquity and today, about life on other planets, life and death, God and many other topics. After the contact the creatures returned back into their craft which then disappeared under the waters. Apparently Miguel had a camera during the second contact but was unable to use it. Miguel claims further telepathic contacts. Soon after Miguel drops out of sight and moves to the United States, apparently to Washington DC.

HC addendum
Source: Hakan Blomqvist UFO News No. 4, 2009 quoting Tobias Lindgren
Type: B

Location. Maize, Kansas
Date: January 28 2008
Time: 2315
The main witness was in his backyard with his son to take the dog out. He was sitting there looking up at the stars (the sky was clear and no wind) a typical thing for him to do when all of the sudden thee was this dark thing flying over their heads. His 10 year old son looked up and saw the same thing. It was moving at a slow steady pace. It was dark out so there was just enough light to make out the outline of this object. It looked more like some kind of creature and not an inanimate craft. It was hard to judge the distance in height, but it appeared to definitely be above the tree line but lower than an airplane. It was probably 20-30feet in length and 15 feet wide. Around the time of the sighting, an airplane did go by on the other side of the house; it was flying kind of low as it was coming in to land. It had all its lights on and he would say this thing was probably as high as that plane. It was dark in color, kind of an ashy blackish brown color. It didn’t appear to have wings, and was sort of lumpy around the edges, kind of like a blob. Its belly looked to be very smooth and flat, sort of like the belly of a stingray. It had no lights, no sound; it was totally silent and was gliding very smoothly through the sky. It had what he described as a tail although it just looked a little narrower than the body of it. They were able to watch it for about 3-5 minutes before it was out of view. It reminded the witness of some kind of creature from the ocean, like a whale.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E?
Comments: Some type of atmospheric form of life?

Location. Laguna Del Monte, La Plata, Argentina
Date: January 29-30 2008
Time: late night
Nelson R. Polanco, his sister Rosana Rocha and a mutual friend Nora, experienced several strange events during the night as they watched strange man-shaped figures apparently floating over the water and also bright flashes of light, at one point a small luminous white sphere approached Rosana as she cowered in fear.

HC addendum
Source: Luis Burgos in Lista Planeta UFO
Type: C?
Comments: Attempting to obtain additional information on these events

Location. Guanajuato, Mexico
Date: end of January 2008
Time: late night
A woman suddenly woke up in the middle of the night to see two strange figures in her bedroom. One of the figures was a gray alien type being, shorter than most abductees tell in their accounts; the other was a much taller being, and human like wearing a hood and some sort of robe like a monk would wear. She said she was not frightened, and was wide awake and was suffering from insomnia. She didn’t want to move to wake her husband since she thought it could elicit some sort of response from the “aliens”. She said she kept trying to send them “mental messages” since that is what she recalled from other accounts she had heard, that they could possibly be telepathic. She said once she felt she could move and turn to wake her husband; they disappeared into some sort of smoggy, foggy, swirling vortex cloud. A few days later her husband was awakened by a small high pitched, screechy sound. It was not loud but it woke him. When he opened his eyes, he saw the section of their bedroom where they sleep, engulfed in a pale, almost pastel blue light. It was totally engulfing the room. It was like a wall of light that sectioned off the rest of the bedroom where they had their dresser and computer. It was distinct and separated one half of the room from the part they were in. He immediately thought of his wife and turned around to grab her since he thought she could have been taken. But his hand caught her shoulder which immediately reassured him. He could not wake her. The blue light was then “sucked out” through the ceiling and it reminded him of a toilet being flushed. It spun in a vortex and it made no sound.

HC addendum
Source: Doug Bower in: http://kevinsmithshow.com/mystory
Type: E

Location. Silay City, Philippines
Date: late January/early February 2008
Time: various
Many local citizens had become insomniacs for almost a week, vigilant of the “Aswang” attacks in the area. According to local newspaper articles, some residents reported a new type of ‘Aswang” wandering the cities at night, describing it as a cross between a frog and a human. The creature was know as “oko” and was observed on the roofs throughout the city.

HC addendum
Source: http://thecabinet.com/darkdestinations
Type: E
Comments: Reptilian?

Location. Michigan (exact location not given)
Date: February 2008
Time: 0330am
The witness was staying in a suite at a casino with her brother and his wife, herself and her children, ages 8 and 9. She suddenly awoke around 0330am to the sensation of a pressure on her side, kind of pushing her down. She thought that it might be one of her daughters pushing her down. She raised her arm out to try to push off whatever was on top of her and felt something substantial, but definitely not either one of her kids. At that point she began to feel frightened. She was lying down on her side so she turned her head to her right shoulder to get a glimpse of what was on top of her. She saw a large, dark funnel of no substantial shape. She heard a mocking laugh. She struggled to no avail. She decided to let the entity know that they should get off of her in the name of Jesus Christ. The funnel suddenly hit the ceiling and disappeared. She laid there very frightened hoping that it had been a dream. She decided to switch sides on the bed, and didn’t wake up anybody. She attempted to go back to sleep when she felt hands all over the front of her, pushing and pulling. She knew that she was sleeping as the second “attack” began as the sensations began to wake her up. She began to cry out, and this woke his sister in law. She said she looked over at her in bed and saw that she had a dark figure over her with its “arms” wrapped around her. Her brother heard her cry, turned on the light and asked her if she was okay. She said that she wasn’t and her sister in law told him what she had seen. They stayed in the room one more night and the only thing that happened was one of her daughter’s was crying in her sleep and she could not see nothing bothering her.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—June 2008
Type: E?

Location. Lewisville, Texas
Date: February 2008
Time: afternoon
The witness, a grocery store employee in the produce department was on the floor making sure everything was stocked and clean, and was walking around when he noticed a man come around the aisle completely by himself. He was wearing regular clothes; nothing was apparently unusual about him, so the witness continued what he was doing. The man just kept walking around the department and looking around the store as he was lost or something. At this point the witness noticed that what was weird about the man was the way he walked. He didn’t walk with a normal stride, but in a way it was almost like a slow motion type walk, yet not so dramatic and obvious as you would picture such a walk, it was hard to explain but it was a weird slow walk. The witness continued to work and had bent down to pick up some trash on the floor, and when he stood up the stranger was a good 10 feet away and was staring straight at him. Completely motionless they stood looking at each other. All of the sudden, the stranger’s eyes turned completely black, no white parts or iris was visible—just completely black—but it only happened for a couple of seconds. Puzzled the witness broke eye contact and continued working, the stranger then just walked away.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—March 2008
Type: E

Location. Svartbytrasket, Boden, Sweden
Date: February 2008
Time: night
The witness (involved in other encounters) was lying in bed with his face turned against the wall when suddenly he felt as if someone was watching him. He turned around and saw an extraterrestrial woman standing next to his bed. She was totally black in color and after about 10 seconds she disappeared into thin air. Suddenly another extraterrestrial female figure also totally black in color appeared in the room. She had a horizontal U-shaped mouth and a non-human face. She also disappeared into thin air in about 5 seconds.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.algonet.se/~hermesat/first.htm
Type: E

Location. Houston, Texas
Date: February 2 2008
Time: 2220
The witness was driving on Interstate 45 in his 04 Dodge pickup truck headed northbound; he took the West Mt Houston exit and got on the road. The road was nearly empty which he thought was very strange. After driving about 8 miles, his truck was completely engulfed in fog. He didn’t where it came from but he didn’t think much about it. The time was 2027. After a few seconds the fog cleared and he was all of a sudden driving down Main Street in Tomball which is a good 15 to 20 miles from where he was when he entered the “fog” and way past his house. Incredibly no time had passed, it was still 2027…the same song that was on the radio was still playing. Somehow he had completely “bypassed” West Mt Houston and Hwy 249. At first he was very confused and pulled into a gas station to turn around and the truck started acting funny as if it didn’t “like” whatever it went through. It wanted to die at traffic lights and just ran rough in general which it has never done in 4 years since he had it. It finally started running normal on the drive back home and has ever since.

HC addendum
Source: http://kevinsmithshow.com/mystory
Type: G
Comments: Unexplored abduction event or time slip?

Location. Not given
Date: February 3 2008
Time: night
The witness had been sleeping in his bed for about an hour when he heard a strange squeaking sound. He opened his eyes and saw a beam of extraordinary light shining through his window; it was color he had never seen before. He got out of bed sand saw 4 tiny little ant things crawling on the floor. They were about 6 inches long and 2 inches high. They had two white spots on their face which she assumed were eyes, and had 8 legs with two extended arms. Their skin color was blue. They all squeaked in unison and started jabbering to each other very quickly. One of them turned towards the witness and it had a green tube mounted on its back. A green beam shot from the tube and he was knocked out. She woke up to find himself strapped to a metal table naked. There were computers and strange devices all around her. There was a strange metallic odor in the room. Two of the creatures were standing on pedestals besides the table and were busy at work on some computer. A large machine came down and obtained sperm from the witness. Afterwards a small bridge from one of the pedestals reached out to the table and one of the creatures walked towards him. It did not seem to notice that he was staring at it. It simply examined his head and squeaked to the other alien. A metal band was placed on his head by a machine and he assumes that he was scanned. After the scanning the creature walked back to the pedestal and they released the straps. The witness sat up on the table and stared at the two aliens who were squeaking at each other. One of them strapped a green tube onto its back and shot the green beam at the witness again, next thing he knew he was waking up in his bed and it was morning.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20231
Type: G?

Location. Caguas, Puerto Rico
Date: February 5 2008
Time: 1730
The witness, a Mr. Gonzalez was just leaving the Sam’s store at the “Caguas Centro” shopping center and was on his way to his vehicle when something caught his attention. He saw something that appeared to be coming in for a landing, behind the Pep Boys store. The figure was totally dark or black in color, had a long neck and was huge. It appeared to Gonzalez that the head was quite small. When Gonzalez attempted to take a photo with his cellphone of the strange creature, it had already disappeared behind the building. He looked around to see if anyone else had seen it but everyone around him had been totally oblivious. Gonzalez waited sometime inside his vehicle in the hope of seeing the creature again but it did not come back.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.ovni.net
Type: E

Location. Orillia, Ontario, Canada
Date: February 8 2008
Time: night
The witnesses were out at night in order to take pictures of their old large tree. However they captured some strange things on film on their Sony digital camera. The last picture they took that night was a face of an alien with open mouth. They have no idea why it looks green. When the photographer took the photo and looked at it briefly on the camera, he thought it was an apparition of a soldier with an army helmet. Then when he uploaded the photo to his computer, he saw what looked like a green alien face with very large eyes and mouth open. It looks like he just caught the right half of its face and torso. He thinks the flashes of many pictures attracted it, and then when it came closer the first smaller flash startled it, it opened its mouth in a “panic”, then the main large flash caught that expression. Another photo was taken the night before by the witness 14-year old daughter and it shows something resembling a skeletal being with its head turned. There is a spine and neck, head, face and either wings or shoulders. In August 2007 the main witness had seen a very large star-like craft flying silently above the same large tree.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E

Location. Not given
Date: February 10 2008
Time: night
The witness (involved in the previous episode) awoke in the middle of the night and saw the same light through his window. This time there were 4 aliens on the floor, however this time they seemed much more organized. They didn’t seem to be interested in him at al, but were examining objects in the room. After a few minutes they all looked up and him and quickly fired the green beam of light again. Later when he woke up he wasn’t on a table but was sitting on a normal bench inside a white hallway. Across the hallway was a window. He looked out and saw that he definitely wasn’t anywhere near Earth’s solar system. There were two stars and two giant gas planets. An artificial female voice that seemed to come from everywhere told him to sit down on the bench and wait for further instructions. Two of the aliens were scampering towards him very quickly. They started squeaking at him. He didn’t know what they were saying but it was obvious they wanted him to come with them. They led him to a dark room where he saw pictures of himself doing normal activities in his house. He turned around and the aliens began squeaking at him again. The female voice then told him that they were collecting information on other intelligent life forms in the galaxy. After a long lecture he was struck with the green beam again and woke up in his bed in the morning.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20231
Type: G?

Location. Edinburgh, Scotland
Date: February 20 2008
Time: 0130am
The witness was walking his dogs through a county park alongside a stream, it was misty but visibility was quite good due to a full moon. About 20 to 30 yards in front of him something shot across the path he was on from the stream and into a clump of trees, it was like a dark shadow and was going at really fast speed. Both of his dogs became frightened and cowered behind him glued to his legs, whining, this alone was very unusual as one of the dogs is a long hair German Shepherd who he had rescued from dog fighters and was very vicious when afraid until now and the other dog is a 7month old Great Dane who thinks everything is a toy. He continued walking in the same direction for about 40 yards when it reappeared about 30 to 40 yards from him but was crossing a large open space so he was able to see more clearly, the dogs were still terrified so he turned around and took them home returning with a camera but the creature was already gone. The creature was described as about 24-30inches tall with the head the size of a grapefruit and round like one, long body, no waist, very skinny arms and legs, gray to black in color. He couldn’t see any eyes and ran in an upright posture but at an unbelievable speed.

HC addendum
Source: http://ufocasebook.conforums.com
Type: E

Location. Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico
Date: February 20 2008
Time: early morning
Two watched in horror a huge black bird-like creature flying over the area and land on top of a nearby building. Terrified the men left. The next day around 0400am they saw the creature again on top of a nearby roof, they thought it was around 3 ½ ft tall. After about 20 minutes it took off making a noise resembling that of a baby crying. The strange “bird” was seen again the next day on the ground. In the same neighborhood a dog that was tied up on a pole was found strangely mutilated with what appeared to have been large claws.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.ovni.net
Type: E

Location. Near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Date: February 23 2008
Time: early morning
A man was driving about 35-40 miles per hour, when a huge bird like thing appeared from above the trees, came down and seemed to hover above his vehicle. The witness pointed out that he is an active hunter and angler, and had never seen anything like this before. He stated that the thing was huge, but wasn’t sure that he could call it a bird. The shadow of the creature covered the entire truck. The driver who had a gun permit, and had the weapon with him, stopped his truck and got out to get a better look at the creature. Whatever it was, had now flown above the trees and was moving away. The witness who has watched many birds in the woods said this thing kind of soared or glided without a flapping motion. The witness admitted that he was quite scared during the observation, and stressed how huge the creature was, and stated, “Like prehistoric almost.” The witness went on to say that he knew what he saw, and if people want to call him crazy that is fine.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.mysterious-america.net/classicmys0708.html
Type: E

Location. Between Gresham & Boring, Oregon
Date: February 27 2008
Time: 1230am
Two witnesses were driving east on Highway 26 towards Mt Hood when suddenly a bizarre creature crossed the highway in 3 strides. The creature was about 10ft maybe even 12 ft tall. It was very thin, very tall and all one color (grayish). It kind of looked like a stick. The witnesses did not stop the vehicle and continued driving.

HC addendum
Source: UFOs Northwest
Type: E

Location. Montezuma district, Mexico City, Mexico
Date: February 28 2008
Time: 0650am
Local resident Daniel Sanchez Rosales recorded an unidentified flying object that he describes as having humanoid characteristics. The video was taken not far from Mexico City International Airport. The first one to see the flying humanoid was his nephew, Erik, as he left home for his middle school. It was then that he woke his uncle Daniel and they observed the phenomenon first through binoculars. During this observation, the witnesses described it as “a flying humanoid” resembling an astronaut. The witnesses claimed that it was facing them and it seemed to be surveying its surroundings. The recording has 12 minute duration; as if we add to this the observation time with the binoculars, then the whole sighting lasted about 15 minutes. At a given point in the video the object or alleged humanoid makes descending movements, then remains static for a while, and subsequently rises again. This ascending and descending is not common with balloons. Twice during the recording the dog’s reaction can be heard. They appear to be keening and expressing fear.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.analuisacid.com/28febr.htm
Type: E
My Videos\RealPlayer Downloads\THE UFO CASEBOOK- UFO Magazine Issue # 306, Issue date, 05-12-08.flv

Location. Coogee, Sydney, Australia
Date: February 29 2008
Time: 0400am
At this seaside suburb a man walking down a street, observed a flash of light. In that direction he saw a large spherical shaped object sitting on the street T intersection. He could see a little man in a window at the top of the object. The witness became frightened, retreating behind a larger electrical signal box. The being appeared to move a lever, and a “shutter” came down over the window area, and the object took off at tremendous speed at about a 45 degree angle. The bitumen road surface appeared to have a white circle effect left behind and at least one nearby tree appeared to have been burnt. The witness reported noticing heat coming from the object. The duration of the incident was about 5 minutes. The road surface was repaired soon after by local council road maintenance crew as the road is a very busy route mainly during the day.

HC addendum
Source: http://theozfiles.blogspot.com
Type: A

Location. Borne Sulinowo, Poland
Date: March 2008 Time: afternoon
A 71-year old woman from Szczecinek had gone with her husband to visit the former Soviet military complex. While her husband explored the nearby woods the woman went to explore an abandoned building. While there she suddenly felt ill and saw a strange figure that was floating in midair. The figure was transparent with a white outline that gave the woman the indication that the being was “male” in nature. The figure was about 2m tall with no visible features. The being hovered about 10meters directly over the woman who stood in place paralyzed with fear. Soon she was able to move and began to walk toward her car. As she did the being appeared to follow her, remaining at the same height the whole time. While she approached the car the being passed directly by her and disappeared into the woods. Her husband didn’t see the entity.

HC addendum
Source: Piotr Cielebia woe_@vp.pl NPL Poland
Type: E

Location. Gardnerville, Nevada
Date: March 1 2008
Time: 2300
The witness had just turned off the lights to go to sleep. Her border Collie-Australian shepherd started barking. She thought maybe it was a raccoon or skunk in her backyard. She has 30 ducks, three hens, and a goat, all in her backyard. So the dogs were quacking also. When she went to the living room and flipped on the outside deck light, she looked first back where the ducks were and all of a sudden there stood a strange creature on her second step coming up the deck. Her dog was going crazy and looking in the direction where it stood about four feet away. She stared at it, trying to make out what it was. It stared back at her as well. It had black eyes a real thin face and it looked very old. It had black and silver long hair going down its back and she couldn’t see its legs. It looked like some type of creature. Then after it stared at the witness for about 30 seconds, it moved back and it leapt backwards, like a kangaroo. The whole time it was looking at her as it hopped over to her northern fence, it then disappeared. The witness was not frightened but she did not go outside because she didn’t know what it was. The witness thought that what she had seen was an “intelligent being”.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—May 2008
Type: E

Location. Aubrey, Texas
Date: March 2 2008 Time: 0245am
The witness had left his home to do contract service work at a commercial building which he typically did during the very earliest morning hours. It was cold and raining, also quite windy. He had turned on a residential street to get out to the main highway. About 100 yards ahead his headlights illuminated an approximately 5’ tall, all gray-white being with very long arms that hung down, which was moving very rapidly across the road along a cross street. It moved very fast and did not turn its head towards the witness. He had the impression that it did not have any clothing, as it seemed uniformly glossy, wet from the rain from top to bottom. It badly alarmed the witness and it took only 6 or 7 seconds for his work van to travel to where it had just been. He stopped at the intersection and looked in the direction it had gone, but didn’t see anything. It had not stayed on the road, and the witness got out of there in a hurry.

HC addendum
Source: John Hayes webmaster@ufoinfo.com
Type: E

Location. Guemes, Salta, Argentina
Date: March 6 2008
Time: late night
Several youngsters fishing along the edge of a creek near a local cemetery in the San Isidro area heard noises coming from the nearby brush and then saw a small gnome like entity running amidst the brush jumping up and down. Terrified they ran from the area, but not before one of them was able to videotape the strange figure with his cellphone. Reportedly last year security personnel at the nearby Ferrocarril Belgrano train station spotted a similar being.

HC addendum
Source: Carlos Gimenez, Planeta UFO List quoting newspaper “El Tribuno”
Type: E
Comments: Apparently there is some confusion as to the authenticity of the video and how many videos were taken.

Location. Near Orellana, Peru
Date: March 7 2008
Time: night
Crewmembers onboard two fishing vessels fishing on the waters of the Amazon near Iquitos reported seeing what they thought or appeared to be a huge and lighted phantom vessel. The men stopped what they were doing and thought they could hear laughing and singing, like in a party, coming from inside the enigmatic vessel. The language appeared to be foreign. The witness who were onboard the vessels, “El Veloz” and “El Solterito” reported that the craft (whatever it was) suddenly disappeared amidst a meter and a half wave.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.trome.com
Type: F?
Comments: Phantom ship or a futuristic tourist vessel checking out the backwaters of the Amazon?

Location. Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia, Canada
Date: March 18 2008
Time: late night
The witness (involved in other encounters) was having a very unusual dream, she was dreaming about her experience a year earlier. She was then suddenly startled awake by some commotion outside. She got up and looked outside the window and noticed some raccoons congregated at the end of the driveway, and the green bin on its side, with its contents all over the driveway. She thought about cleaning in it up but decided to wait for the morning. She got back in bed to go back to sleep and was still somewhat conscious when something happened. All of the sudden her entire body became stiff, her legs felt locked together and she felt completely cold. Her eyes were open but she had gone to bed with her cap on and it had come down over her eyes. She could only see out of a small corner by the end of her nose. But instantly she got the same, extremely vivid feeling of awareness and the coinciding feeling of being observed as the night that she had witnessed the object. She remembers trying to squirm and move her hands and she wound up rolling out of bed and onto the floor in her efforts. Out of her peripheral vision she could see and hear something rustling around the room. She tried to speak, but she couldn’t even breathe, but managed to choke out “who are you? What are you?” Everything went completely quiet after that, she didn’t hear anything at all, but she felt a response in her mind that she couldn’t understand. Her mind felt completely frozen or numb. Then all of the sudden she just stood up and took off her hat, turned on the lights and looked around and there was nothing. She didn’t even try to go back to bed afterwards, her mind was swimming, and everything was really hazy and really dark. Again she got sick and vomited out the window. That’s when she noticed her green bin was now upright, in its place and totally undisturbed. In was also abnormally quiet outside, no sound of traffic, wildlife, rustling of trees, etc.

HC addendum
Source: Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research
Type: E or G?

Location. Festus, Missouri
Date: March 20 2008
Time: 2300
The witness was lying in bed, which is a top bunk, but she still got a clear view of the television, her sister’s dresser and the computer desk. Her room has shelves nailed up on three walls of the bedroom, filled with different glass figures of dragons, wizards and fairies. She was just lying on her bed and she couldn’t go to sleep. The room was fairly dark, so she could see the glass figures. She rolled over on her left side trying to get in a comfortable position. She laid there for a minute until she heard something wheeze for a second and then stop. The sound was kind of far away, but yet close enough to startle her, so she rolled over on her other side and hung half her body over the railing of her bed. As far as she could see her sister was fast asleep, so she tried to get comfortable again. After a little while she fell asleep. She slept for half an hour, until she woke up to a noise in her room that was coming from one of the shelves. It sounded like one of the figures had been bumped slightly, but the shelves were up too high to get bumped. Puzzled she heard something gasp that sounded closer than before, so she hung half of her body over the railing again to see if her sister was asleep. She was still sleeping, so she got back onto the bed and put the covers over her head. After a little while she fell asleep again. But she woke up again to the same noise as before, after sleeping restlessly for 30 minutes. She heard something wheeze for about 2 seconds, but this time it was really close. She leaned over the railing again and after a minute looked over to the right side of her bed towards one of the shelves. She gasped and stared in awe at a six foot tall black foggy figure passing right over the television and the shelf. It had two white spots where its eyes should have been, and it was in the shape of a man. It wasn’t see-through and it what appeared to be its feet never touched the ground. As it passed near the shelf, one of the dragon figures got bumped. As the figure passed, it wheezed and walked right into the wall. After this happened, she put the covers tight over her head and fell asleep.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—April 2008
Type: E

Location. Cerro Uritorco, Cordoba, Argentina
Date: March 23 2008
Time: 2030
Adalberto Maciel’s wife, Gladys was able to obtain a photo of a strange figure humanoid in appearance, surrounded in a strange mist. She used a digital Kodak camera. No other information. (This area is known for its numerous UFO encounters and other paranormal encounters).

HC addendum
Source: Adalberto Maciel Planeta UFO Listas
Type: E

Location. Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia, Canada
Date: March 25 2008
Time: 2330
The main witness (involved in two other encounters, so far) was driving the family car along the Hammonds Plains road, it had been a very long day and the witness was feeling kind of depressed, driving around with no direction or intended destination because being on the road made the witness feel more relaxed. Approaching the Lucasville Road the witness noticed a flickering light in the sky. The immediate natural assumption was that it was an airplane approaching Halifax International Airport, that is until it completely stopped dead and literally fell from the sky, coming to rest just on the tree tops behind the Woodhaven campground and Hammonds Plains Pizza. The witness was overwhelmed by a flow of emotion, curiosity and awe, just like on the first experience (March 2007). The witness was almost rear ended by another motorist driving behind when she stopped. She doesn’t know if the occupant of that vehicle witnessed the object or not, because they just continued driving down the road. Again she got out of the car for a closer look and nearly lost consciousness when she actually recognized what it was. It was, maybe not the very same, but an identical object to the lone she had spotted and followed a year before. Same flat X shape and dome like topside, same tail, and the same pulsing light on the underside, in the center of the “X”. Instantaneously in her mind all the events were connected by the feeling and emotion as well as psychological awareness of knowing your being observed, and that what you are watching knows your looking at it, again as soon as it all clicked in her mind the object accelerated away, down the Hammonds Plains Road, towards Bedford. Again she tried to follow, this time she pushed it a little further and exceeded 160km on a double lane. To her surprise the object took a nearly identical route away from her. When they hit Bedford, she turned onto the highway hoping for a better view. By this time it was well ahead of her, traveling parallel to highway 102, towards Truro. Finally near the airport the object just shot straight up in the air and disappeared in less than a second. The witness stopped the car and began throwing up on the side of the highway, completely confused but yet certain of what she had seen and just like in her first encounter, she has a blank space in her memory of any event between being on the side of the highway and waking up the next morning. According to the witness the pulsing light on the underside of the object coincided flawlessly with its physical movements. It was brighter under directional movement and got brighter more so as speed increased. Also it was able to pivot from side to side in a hovering position; in the same fashion a person would turn their head from side to side. Most importantly its transitions from a hovering position to a direction of travel were transition-less. It was as if it moved without resistance, and it seemed like there wasn’t actually an acceleration process. It was like it jumped to a pre-determined speed instantly. The witness believes she was contacted in all of her experiences by the same or similar beings. In every experience she could feel something inhuman in the very core of her soul and in every corner of her mind and body.

HC addendum
Source: Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research
Type: G
Comments: Unexplored abduction event

Location. Fulton, Texas
Date: March 28 2008
Time: 0330am
The witness was sleeping with his windows opened when he was awakened by a very strange noise that was hard to describe. The noise was like someone wearing metal shoes walking on his concrete driveway and porch. At the same time, he could hear “talking” that was like a bubbling sound that would change in frequency and pitch. At times, it would sound excited and “talk” faster. This was always with the metal on concrete noise. It would go away and then come back. At one point he went outside and sat on a porch swing in the dark. There is a mobile home park across the street and one home had some lights on. He then saw a dark, low flying form pass the lighted windows at a fast rate. Then he heard sounds from inside the mobile home park and dogs started barking. Concerned he decided to go back inside his house. He kept hearing the noise off and on until dawn started to break. He found the experience very “creepy” and hard to describe.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E?

Location. Near Arroyo Seco, New Mexico
Date: March 28 2008
Time: night
The main witness and a coworker were driving back to his home in Des Montes on highway 150 and the topic of extraterrestrials came up during the ride, and almost simultaneously his co-worker pointed to a flashing orb hovering over the Taos metropolitan area. This did not come as a surprise, but it sure was exciting. They spotted several of these lights surrounding the Taos County airport on the Mesa, and proceeded to drive there. When they arrived at the Airport as if it were all just a mirage they “turned off” nowhere to be seen. Disappointed they left. Along their way home, they decided to stop at the Rio Grande gorge bridge. After sitting in the car for several minutes they saw a similar orb “turn on” and moved in ways that defied “common logic”. From this orb emerged three, it literally split into three. A strong energy seemed to surround them, enveloping their physical body in waves of essence. Symbols began appearing in his mind. He then understood that these lights were not only extra terrestrial, they are extra dimensional. Going home amazed, he felt a sense that he would see “them” again. Sure enough, the main witness has had countless extraterrestrial experiences since that time (no details on that). The main witness points out that he had recently made some startling discoveries regarding the human dilemma of this planet and also had come to the solid conclusion that the extra terrestrial presence is very much a reality.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: F?
Comments: I wonder if the witness will ever go into details about the further encounters.

Location. Port Angeles, Washington
Date: March 29 2008
Time: after midnight
The witness had felt a little apprehensive going to bed that night (she was scheduled for surgery on April 1st). She finally fell asleep but was abruptly awakened. She sat up quickly and her fiancé was standing next to the bed, near the bathroom opening. This happened simultaneously. She looked around and sort of loudly whispered to her fiancé “what?” she felt a horrible chill and feeling at this time. He was clearly startled by her voice, turned back to look at her, confused, and that is when she saw something between him and the bathroom. She yelled there and pointed. He flipped around and it disappeared. It was about 5’8” about the same height as her fiancé. All she could make out was a long haired person, not man or woman. She was cold and shaking. Her fiancé turned on all the lights. She couldn’t stay in the room and felt imminent danger. He did also. They went into the den for about an hour. The hair stood up all over her body that night and the next day when she spoke of this. They didn’t discuss the encounter that night. They compared thoughts the next morning. After returning to bed that night, she laid down wearing her glasses. It was about 20 minutes later when she saw a very bright flash, mostly green with white edges, not lighting. It happened twice, quickly. It was not long after that she thought she heard a military jet fly over. She was able to fall asleep.

HC addendum
Source: UFOs Northwest
Type: E
Comments: Apparitional entity?

Location. Port Townsend, Washington
Date: March 30 2008
Time: 0200am
The witness was up after a night time bathroom break and clearly saw from her bedroom window a bright blue/lime green flash brightly in the eastern sky over Fort Worden. She wondered about what it might be, but laid down again. She hadn’t been dong long when the car started growling, alerting her to something. Fully awake, she noticed a couple of shapes in the corner of the room, blinked and blinked again to try to turn them into something known, but couldn’t. Not precisely alarmed, she closed her eyes because she didn’t want to see them and immediately fell into a deep sleep. When she thought to look around for the shapes again (it felt as though it had been just a moment or two that her eyes were closed), they were gone and so were a couple of hours. A similar occurrence happened—without the flash of light—a few months previous to this episode, leaving her with a strange puncture mark and a bruise on her arm the next morning.

HC addendum
Source: UFOs Northwest
Type: E
Comments: Probably unexplored abduction event

Location. Santana do Livramento, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Date: April 2008
Time: various
Some local inhabitants had their moments of terror with the attacks of the “Man in the black cape”. With no solid evidence about the creature’s sightings, the police archived the records as folklore. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: http://forgetomori.com/2009/skepticism/a-brazilian-werewolf-is-back/
Comments: Springheeled Jack in Brazil?
Type: E

Location. Lake Jonsvatnet, Trondheim, Norway
Date: April 2008
Time: evening
Hans Skaret and his wife reported seeing a large hovering gray disc-shaped craft over the lake close to shore. They felt frightened as they saw clear window on the craft and behind it moving humanoid shadows. The shadows or figures appeared to be performing some type of task and moved around frequently. The craft eventually moved away at high speed. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.galactic-server.com/rune/ufomoter.html
Type; A

Location. Wayne County, Tennessee
Date: May 2008
Time: night
A family living on South 48 Creek has reported several strange encounters. A 10-year old boy stepped outside his home round 2100 to investigate a rumbling noise, and says he saw a 20 foot wide saucer shaped object with various colored flashing lights hovering just a few feet over a nearby chicken coop. A month later his 28-year old mother and his grandmother were startled late one night as a glowing white beach ball sized object cruising only 2-3 feet over the ground silently glided down the gently sloping hillside toward their home. The grandmother, fearing that it might crash into the house, grabbed a flashlight and beamed it at the strange object. When she did this the object stopped and then reversed its direction, and then gained altitude and flew away. And on at least three separate occasions, the children (three) and their grandmother, and once their great-grandmother, saw white human-like figures coming down the hill toward the house. They always mysteriously seemed to disappear at about the same spot. The adults speculated that they may have been “angels”.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.mysterious-america.net/reality309.html
Type: D?

Location. Burton, Michigan
Date: April 5 2008
Time: 0130am
The witnesses, K & C were driving back home after shopping and were going west on Davidson Road and as they passed the Chase Bank they both noticed something unusual flying in front of them. Street lights lit up the area and both agreed that the creature appeared to be flying 3 ½ feet above the ground heading south. C. was driving the vehicle. When she turned her head from glancing at the Chase Bank to face the road, a flying creature appeared in her right peripheral vision. It moved very fast, C. quickly looked at the creature as it flew in the direction of the Chase Bank before disappearing, she didn’t notice any wings on the creature, but for a minute, she noticed a nearly 5 inch furry brown colored body which then turned into a small 1 ½ inch shape. The creature was flying horizontally before nose diving another ½ foot towards the ground before reaching the other side of the road. Then it disappeared. K. was sitting in the passenger seat and looking straight ahead when he noticed the bizarre flying creature or object. He caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a cigarette butt thrown from a window, but as K. followed it with his eyes; he noticed it was too big to be a cigarette butt. It had the appearance of a bright orange Christmas tree light or an orange globe. The size of it was 1 ½ inches and it appeared to be 3 ½ feet off the ground. The creature moved perfectly horizontally slightly rising by the time it reached the middle of the road. It looked like it slightly dipped maybe ½ foot before it reached the other side of the road. When it reached the other side of the road it was gone. Both agreed that the event lasted about 8 seconds and the creature was a bit faster than a bird or bat. They speculated that it might have been a “fairy” experience.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E?

Location. Pustunich, Ticul, Mexico
Date: April 11 2008
Time: 0030am
After the death of four sheep, local residents claimed having seen a strange being in the night and insist that it is the Chupacabra. One resident who requested anonymity says that she also saw the strange entity in her backyard. According to her, shortly after the sheep were killed her niece was feeling sick and she was given a medication to calm her down. They suddenly heard a growl, such as dogs make when food is taken away from them, only louder. She then saw a creature drinking water from a bucket that they had placed under a water tank, but it drank as though it had a long tongue, as if absorbing water, not like dogs do. The witness stood up by the window and placed her face against the glass. She was able to see a hairy form and heard heavy footsteps. The noise she made when she approached the window apparently scared the creature away. She thinks it flew away. Her son, who lives next door, also heard the noise. The creature even banged against the wall twice. Other residents have heard noises after this encounter. A man named Delio Beh after hearing strange sounds tried to go out armed with a shotgun but fear got the better of him. Another local resident, Ligia Couoh says that several families have seen a strange entity standing two meters tall in the night, and they say it looks like a bear.

HC addendum
Source: Leopoldo Zambrano, Fundacion Cosmos AC and Scott Corrales IHU
Type: E

Location. Rindge, New Hampshire
Date: April 11 2008
Time: evening
The witness was driving down Shaw Hill from the top of Cathedral Rd when he saw through the dark a car parked at the bottom of the hill with only one headlight on. Although it was parked on the opposite side he slowed down because he was at the lowest point in the road and couldn’t judge exactly where it was until the parking lights went on, they were bright lozenge shaped red lights in front of the car. As he passed the SUV he noticed a person standing in the road in front of the car, he is not sure if there were two, when the person suddenly lit up so that the witness could see him/her in a head to toe rain gear outfit. The head was covered with a very distinct rain hat so that the face was too dark to make out. The witness also noticed a “flashlight” that was just a glowing half dome on a stick like a microphone. He noticed, but didn’t think anything of it then, that there was no beam of light coming from it. The rain suit had reflective stripes running lengthwise and sparkling. So he realized that the sudden light he had seen was the reflection from these stripes once the parking lights came on and he saw the “flashlights”. As he passed the SUV he glanced to see the people inside and saw what looked like two ordinary people. A man in his mid 50’s was in the driver seat, staring straight ahead with no facial expression but he couldn’t make out the passenger. What struck him as odd was there being another person standing behind the vehicle dressed exactly the same as the one in front. He figured since they weren’t police (there were no other vehicles) they must be trying to help the car that had only one headlight. It had been raining earlier so the wacky rain gear didn’t seem so odd, that is until he looked back in the rear view mirror and saw the one standing in back, move out into the road and start looking for something on the ground. Again he noticed that he saw no beam from the “flashlight” but he could make out that he was dressed in a silvery jumpsuit with reflective bands and a helmet hat. At this point the witness drove away from the area.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E?

Location. Baca, Merida, Mexico
Date: April 12 2008
Time: midnight
Several members from the UFO group, “Ovni Merida” were conducting a “night vigil” in an isolated field at about 350 meters from the road. It was a cloudy night with little moon. Suddenly one of the men saw what appeared to be a pair of red eyes at about 100meters away in a field. The eyes were shiny and the men immediately thought it was a dog, but if it was it did not bark, move or approached the group, suddenly it disappeared. Two of the men walked over to the site and failed to locate any prints or ground traces. As they looked around the same or similar pair of red shiny eyes again appeared at about 100meters away in another field, as they watched, the eyes vanished and then would appear again another 100meters away in another field, and this went on for several minutes. The men again failed to find any footprints or traces. Soon they rejoined the others and heard a loud galloping sound like that of a horse and immediately after that a sound of huge wings fluttering overhead, one of the men screamed in fright. One of the men managed to see a large pain of dark wings disappeared into some nearby brushes. Two of the men, one armed with a powerful flashlight and the other with a canister of tear gas, approached the bushes in order to investigate, they failed to find anything. Later as the group was again together, one of them who had gone to investigate reported that he had seen a shadowy 2 foot tall figure walking in the brush, the figure, whatever it was seemed to be walking hunched over. Terrified he asked the other man to return to camp.

HC addendum
Source: Emilio Cetz, “Grupo Ovni Merida” Mexico
Type: E

Location. Carolina Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina
Date: April 22 2008
Time: 1000am
The witness was walking on an incline over the Cape Fear River in the Carolina Beach State Park when he heard a scream like as if a pig was being slaughtered. This grabbed his attention and he searched for the source. He soon came upon what looked like a small naked black man. He thought maybe that this “person” was in trouble so he moved in closer, that’s when he realized that it was not human. The witness yelled out in surprise and the creature heard him and dove into the water as he ran back up the hill terrified. The overall color of the humanoid was dark brown with leathery looking skin. It was about four feet tall with small arms. Its face was sunken in with little brown eyes. It had the body of a large child. It had been standing on the river side breathing heavily.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.gcbro.com/WS0062.html
Type: E

Location. Georgetown, Texas
Date: April 24 2008
Time: 0315am
The witness was awakened by a female voice in his head (telepathy maybe) saying “John, wake up!” and then a very clear rectangular “screen” picture (TV monitor type) appeared in his bedroom 10ft to his left and 6ft from the floor. The “screen” was approximately 3ft x 2 ft and did not emit light anywhere in the room, not even on a large dress mirror located behind and to the side of it. On this screen was a human-like being with black or dark brown bulging eyes (very little white showing) no eyebrows, a very small nose, a short thin straight lipped mouth and off-white to vanilla skin. The figure wore a beige helmet with a clear face plate which covered its hair and ears if any. It wore a beige/off white suit with 3 or 4 circular fittings in positions like T-shirt/necklace, similar to deep-sea diving suits. Since the screen ended at mid-chest the witness could not see any hands, legs, etc. Although the being constantly moved his/her lips the entire 2 minute episode, no sound was made. The being reminded the witness of a TV news anchor facing the camera lights, a clear reflection shown from the helmet & faceplate with a tan/light brown wall in the background. Back in February 2008 a guest in the house had seen a small human like figure standing in his room early one morning.

HC addendum
Source: direct from jdhoyt@suddenlink.net
Type: E

Location. Louisa Virginia
Date: April 26 2008
Time: 0217am
A witness reported seeing a hovering grayish medium sized disc-shaped object. It hovered silently for a while and then emitted a bright beam of light which was bright blue in color. At this point the witness saw a figure descend from the object and left when he came back the object and figure were gone.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.iwasabducted.com
Type: B

Location. Condon, Queensland, Australia
Date: April 26 2008
Time: 1630
Mr. R, an army paratrooper spotted a man-like figure standing in an upright position flying at 100 feet away in the sky, appeared to be looking around, and seemed to be moving purposely at the one speed and same height. It looked like a man, and seemed to go down near a chicken farm. Another witness, Mrs. E saw what looked like a human form flying through the sky, it was solid in shape with its legs together. There appeared to be no source of propulsion or platform under the figure. There was no sound and it was heading in a westerly direction towards the mountain range. They lost sight of it over the range. No noise was reported as the figure was estimated to have been 6-7 foot tall, black and shiny. Some of the witnesses experienced uncontrolled shaking after the sighting.

HC addendum
Source: Diane Frola AUFORN
Type: E

Location. Stamford, Connecticut
Date: April 28 2008
Time: 2000
The witnesses observed all through a digital camera two lights over pond in a wooded area, one bright and the other larger and wider of orange color which appear after 1930. Camera observation revealed two rectangular crafts one under the other. On both right sides of each craft he could see a “face” that changed expression. Left side of the craft is bright and portioned by a wavy panel. A “life form” to the right of the panel appeared to have been piloting the craft and is aware of the witnesses’ observation, and was observed to wave and beam out lighted hologram “faces”. The top craft on its top left side has an electronic type of projection that appears as a face hologram. At its neck level, there is a computer like instrument panel with flickering light. When a brighter light is observed, it grows in intensity and size.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A
Comments: Above is one of the photos allegedly taken

Location. Fort Collins, Colorado
Date: April 29 2008
Time: 1230am
The main witness and his 19-year old son were walking like they normally did after he got off work late in the evening. They would always walk from the corner of Timberline and Drake intersections headed south to Horsetooth and make a left at the Fort Collins High school, head east to county road 9 and then go west on Drake Road. As they approached the new King Soopers built on the corner on Drake Road and Timberline, about 60 ft ahead, the main witness thought he saw something on their right hand side flying by very close to the ground about 10 feet up. Suddenly there was a loud sound as if a miniature sonic boom had occurred and before them appearing out of the wall that protects King Soopers loading docks was an oval shaped object about 12-14 feet long by about 3 to 4 feet tall moving at about 10 miles per hour floating 3-4 feet off the ground. It was translucent and they could see something inside it and there was a long tail following it. He was in a state of shock as was his son. He could see the shadow it was casting on the ground as it was flying by them on the right about 30 feet away. The moon was full and bright and what alarmed the witness was that he could see it and see through it at the same time it was as if it were surrounded by small mirrors yet remained translucent. The tail was about 7ft long. His son said he could see something inside of it in a humanoid form. All he could see on the outside of the oval shape craft were many angular shapes that made him think of mirrors. In total silence it quickly gained speed and shot up into the sky and was gone within 30 seconds from beginning to end. They went home very quickly.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: A

Location. Southern British Columbia, Canada
Date: early May 2008
Time: 0230am
The witness (involved in other experiences) woke up to see about a foot away from her face, another face looking at a side glance at her. She was shocked and filled with fear. She was both repelled and compelled by this creature. She felt that it was female and the face was colored tan and very wrinkled, very leathered small black eyes, no mouth, and no nose that she could see. The creature’s eyes looked at the witness’s and she felt almost tenderness there. She felt that the creature was very ancient that meant no harm, and then it was gone. Her husband slept through the whole event.

HC addendum
Source: HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston British Columbia Canada
Type: E

Location. Miami, Florida
Date: May 2008
Time: 0315am
The witness who had been sleeping was awoken by some kind of movement inside the bedroom. When she opened her eyes she saw a small figure, light gray in color, around 3ft tall and very skinny, that was holding a light, not like a candle but more like a long stick with as mall flame and was running out of the bedroom to the hall next to the bathroom. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing so she closed and opened her eyes several times and concluded that she had been dreaming and decided to go to sleep again. Around 15 to 25 minutes later she heard some voices out in the living room, voices with a sort of echo-like resonance and she couldn’t understand what they were saying. Thinking it was a nightmare she went to sleep again. Minutes later some movement inside her closet made her open her eyes again, and she saw 2 little people similar to the one she saw originally that were both “playing” with their “fire stick” and seemed to be enjoying what they were doing. She was very scared and tried not to open her eyes to much afraid that they noticed she was watching them. Her body felt paralyzed and she was sweating. Two days later she came home from work around 1700 and the TV was off, and then she noticed that the TV screen was covered in some strange thin hand prints. She took a picture of the prints.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E

Location. Irving, Texas
Date: May 6 2008
Time: 0400am
The witness (involved in previous encounters) watched a small gray color “spaceship” land near her and a small thin alien with pink skin, a light-bulb shaped head came out of the object. Using telepathy the alien told the witness that it was time to go with them for good. Immediately after that some sort of force began pulling the witness towards the spaceship (he started to float in midair) but suddenly she decided he did not want to go yet, and saw herself back into his home. Soon after the encounter the doctor told the witness that they had found pre-cancerous cells in a yearly routine exam she had recently had.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: B & G attempt

Location. Near Bush, Alaska
Date: May 7 2008
Time: evening
Nick Andrew Jr. was on a snowmobile hunting birds some distance out of town—maybe three hours away. Preparing to return home, he decided to check a different location on a hunch. Stopping to look he saw a small boy all alone in the middle of the marsh, he recognized the child as a boy from the village. He asked him where was his dad or hunting partners. He then grilled him with questions of who he was with and if he was alone. The boy was scared and had been crying. All his answers were “I don’t know.” He described the boy as disoriented, dazed, confused and scared, with no concept of time. He did not appear tired, nor was he hungry or thirsty. But the boy had been lucky; it seems he was found in a spot frequented by large tundra brown bears. Andres took the boy home, noting that there were no footprints in the spring snow to indicate anyone had walked into the area. He found that puzzling, he counted at least 10 other snowmobiles in the neighborhood, none of whom had spotted the boy. After getting the boy back to the village he left his VHS radio on overnight, in case some other hunter reported a missing child. No one did. It wasn’t until the next day that the story started emerging that he’d had what you’d call an “out of the ordinary experience,”. He’d had some missing time, just like people who report being abducted by UFOs. The boy said he was brought into Picher Mountain, a site often associated with “Ircenrraat” encounters. There he was questioned and saw other “little beings.” He said he made contact with a little girl abducted over 40 years ago. She told him who she was and she wanted help. After the Ircenrraat decided to release the boy and that’s when he came to, possibly a few minutes before Andrew found him.

HC addendum
Source: T. Peter Park tpeterpark@erols.com
Type: G?
Comments: The “Ircenrraat” are a recurring theme in traditional “Yupik” teachings and legends, “little people” who dwell in the tundra usually underground. They disorient, discomfort and trap unwary humans.

Location. New Milford, Connecticut
Date: May 11 2008
Time: 2330-midnight
The witness was asleep when she felt something weird in her mouth like someone or something trying to open her mouth and put something in. She couldn’t breathe that well and she felt a little disoriented. She saw lights circling her bed. She could not move or talk, like she was paralyzed. Then something scanned her body like an X-ray machine from the neck down. The whole time she tried waking up her husband sleeping next to her, but she could not talk or move. Then all of the sudden, she could move and talk, and said “alien”. It was “they” had been looking for something in her body.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.iwasabducted.com/ufoboard/reports/1012.htm
Type: E?

Location. Near Needles, California
Date: May 14 2008
Time: 0300am
On the Colorado River near Topock Arizona a long time houseboat resident was stunned to see a large, bright “fiery object” hurtling from the sky toward him. From the upper deck on his houseboat, R. B. was puzzled by the vivid turquoise blue with touches of green he was seeing instead of reds, yellows and oranges in more normal fire. Despite the strange blue green color, the witness thought perhaps he was watching a plane about to crash. R. B. did not know there was another eyewitness—Frank Costigan, retired former Superintendent of Operations and Police Chief at Los Angeles International Airport from 1978 to 1985 and Superintendent of Operations at Ontario International Airport in California from 1985 to 1986. Frank had gotten up to let his Siamese cat out and went outside to look at the clear night sky. His home is about three miles east of the Colorado River. To his surprise a large, bright object of many colors dominated by turquoise blue with some green was streaking through the sky toward the Colorado River area. Frank could also see some red and yellow colors like flames and expected to hear the huge boom of a crash impact. “I thought I might hear something when it hit the ground because if it was as close as I thought it was and as big as it was, I thought I would hear something. But I did not hear anything. And it went out of my view before it hit the ground.” But over on the Colorado River, R.B. was only about 400 yards from where the fiery turquoise blue object hit the ground on the west side of the river. He was outside fishing at 3am when he saw the brilliant turquoise blue flaming object. When it hit the ground about 100 yards west of the river he saw the whole thing bounce back up in the air with even more glowing red yellow pieces around the big center object. And yet, he did not hear the crash sound he expected. “There was only a thump sound,” he told the source. But he was afraid that some kind of plane had crashed and urgently went down to the lower deck of his houseboat to get his cell phone and climbed back up to the top deck to get a satellite signal for his phone. When he had a signal he kept dialing 911, but only got a busy signal. All of this took about seven minutes after the crash. Then to his complete amazement the witness heard the loud sound of a sky-hook or skycrane helicopter coming fast in the night sky. The next thing he knew the still glowing object was hooked underneath the skycrane and carried away rapidly. He thought that the object as big as a 10,000 gallon tank truck and oval shaped. After the sun came up, David Hayes the owner and general manager of KTOX AM 1340 was driving to work along I-40 in Needles when he saw very unusual vehicles traveling together with black and white U.S. government license plates.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.earthfiles.com/news
Type: H?

Location. Miami Florida
Date: middle of May 2008
Time: 0900am
Karen Martin reports lying awake in bed (her dog had been barking and had woken her up). She then began to hear a strange noise like a buzzing, but it was so loud she felt like it had to be an airplane. The only thing was that it didn’t go away, it just stayed right in her ear for about 30 seconds, she tried to get up to look out the window to see if there was in fact an airplane passing, but she couldn’t move. She was awake and aware; she could move her eyes but nothing else. She then began to feel a weird sensation in her body. It began in her toes and came up to her head, it felt like she was being “scanned”, it then went back to her toes and up again. She then began to feel the bed get really hot and shake, she would have normally been really scared but she just felt calm and like it was safe. She felt like she was being pulled up to the ceiling but then she was being put back down. Her bed was still shaking a little. Then the buzzing sound just went away and when she looked at the ceiling she could see two red eyes, they were almond shaped like some of the pictures she had seen. They were only there for a second and then they were gone. Her bed had stopped shaking so she tried to get up again, she was able to, so she looked out the window, there was clear skies and everything seemed normal. She even ran outside to make sure everything was fine.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.trueghosttales.com/paranormal
Type: E?
Comments: Mild case of sleep paralysis?

Location. Lake Sherando, Virginia
Date: May 16 2008
Time: evening
A couple were parked at the lake just talking and before the boyfriend was driving the girl home she stepped out of the car to smoke a cigarette and heard strange sounds coming from all directions around the lake. It was an eerie metallic sound, almost musical. She could hear it on one bank of the lake and then it was if there was a “response” from the other side of the lake, the sounds were different tones but all about the same loudness. The girl screamed for her boyfriend to get out of the car, he did and was immediately terrified. In addition to the strange sounds, there were no other usual “night noises.” In this part of the country they often hear insects and other animals at night. This night was completely silent. Both became scared and jumped back in the car to get out of there fast. As they were driving down the road from the lake a huge disc-shaped object cleared the treetops and hovered above the car for a few moments. At this point the girl became terrified and began crying and screaming. The disc then took off at a speed she had never imagined. They have not returned to the lake since.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com

Location. Washington County, Pennsylvania
Date: May 20 2008
Time: 1400
The witness was traveling south on PA Route 43 about two miles from the Route 40 interchange. As the man traveled down the road, his attention was drawn to what he thought at first was an aircraft moving over the trees. He soon noticed that the wings were moving. The flying thing was moving in the direction of his car, so he pulled off the road, and got out to get a better look. The winged thing passed over the car and moved behind the witness about 100 feet overhead. At that point this creature appeared to be gliding, and getting lower, and it looked more like a giant bat than a bird. The witness could see no feathers, only short dark gray or black hair on the body. The wings appeared to be a membrane stretched over bone. It was a little difficult to see the details due to the sky being so bright. The witness commented that a small amount of light could be seen through the membrane. He emphasized that it was not solid like metal. As the man watched, the creature dropped lower from the sky behind his car. Apparently other motorists also caught sight of the huge flying animal. One car stopped down the road, and a person got out. That driver had a camera with him, and was seen taking pictures of the flying creature. As they watched, the creature glided down to no more than 20 feet above the road surface, and was seen flapping its wings once or twice. With each wing flap, the creature appeared to rise about 20 feet higher above the roadway. Since the creature was flying so low its huge wingspan was very evident to the witness. The man stated that when the creature spread its wings, they extended beyond the one edge of the pavement, to the other side of the two lane road. That would be about 20 feet or more in length. The creature flew off towards the west, and was lost from sight over the trees on that side of the road. The man with the camera was seen running into the woods following the creature. At this point the main witness decided to leave since he was concerned that he could be attacked.

HC addendum
Source: Stan Gordon quoting Jim Brown www.jimsdestinations.com
Type: E

Location. San Carlos, Salta, Argentina
Date: May 20-21 2008
Time: evening
Two men, Omar Ferlatti, and Walter Lopez reported encountering a short glowing humanoid figure, about 40cm in height in a field. The strange humanoid appeared to be surrounded by a sort of “magnetic field”, which prevented the men from approaching it. The figure was described as having human like features, with a pointy nose, round black eyes, thin lips and copper-colored hair parted in the middle and pointing up on both sides. The figure wore a tight fitting 2 tone brown coverall with a tight-fitting wide belt around the waist area. It had long arms and long fingers but without fingernails. The men did not see its feet. Around the same time a local sheep herder grazing in the nearby Valles Clachaquies reported being startled by a similar humanoid while guarding the herd.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.copenoa.com.ar/SALTA-Extraterrestres-en-San.html
Type: E
Comments: Translated by Albert S. Rosales
Additional description here: http://www.copenoa.com.ar/SALTA-Vea-en-3-D-al-extraterrestre.html

Location. Phu Quoc, Vietnam
Date: May 27 2008
Time: 11am
An unidentified flying object crashed on Phu Quoc Island Tuesday. From the debris, authorities suspect it to be an airplane but in the absence of markings on them or the remains of passengers, no firm conclusions have been made. Residents in the north of the island said they heard explosions in the sky at around 11am and then saw a black object plunge to the ground, leaving a white trail of smoke behind. Island authorities confirmed they found six pieces of metal, some with screws on them, with the biggest being about 1.5m long. Truong Quoc Tuan, the Kien Giang Province Party Committee chief, said the explosion occurred in airspace used for international flights. But no signs of persons piloting the object have been found. Officials have informed airlines in Vietnam and nearby countries, but no plane crash report had been reported. The island’s militia has started searching for possible human victims and for more debris to identify the object and find out the cause of the explosion. Luckily the debris fell in a thinly populated area.

HC addendum
Source: Hong Hanh from the Thanh Nien Daily May 28 2008
Type: H?

Location. Wyoming, Pennsylvania
Date: May 31 2008
Time: [asr1]morning
On this date the witness family got into a huge argument, resulting in her sister cursing out her father, slamming the door and taking her nephew with her. The home fell into a gloom of sadness and depression that entered weekend, and she wasn’t looking forward to being home from work that following Monday. Monday morning came and she dragged herself up from bed and sat by their window with the morning sun pouring in. Listlessly she daydreamed while looking through sections of her hair in the sunlight. Suddenly she was aware of a sense of being watched, and at the corner of her eye she saw a small feminine face looking at her with total empathy. She did not seem aware of the witness staring at her in shock. Her eyes were totally beaming unselfish concern about her, as though she sensed things were not right in their home. Her face was not human, but very “otherworldly” and beautiful. She had soft, light brown, cocoa-colored skin and wide-set eyes that tilted up a bit. And her eyes were totally all dark chocolate brown with no irises. They were not scary, though; they were full of love. She had high brow bones, high cheekbones, a high forehead and delicate nose and lips. She looked very delicate and regal. And there was a sense of innocence and humility about her as well as royalty. After a good minute of the witness staring at her hard, she realized the witness was able to see her and she got this look on her face like, ‘Uh oh…she sees me. I better disappear.’ And with that she did. The witness still feels a connection with the entity to this day and the encounter has taught her to love and respect Nature and the environment more.

[asr1] Earlier that spring the witness had met two Native American women who have had very vivid encounters with the Fairy Realm, but she wasn’t sure if these interdimensional beings were real. She prayed that God would let her meet one of these “Nature Guardians” and she forgot the prayer.

HC addendum
Source: http://paranormal.about.com/od/othercreatures/
Type: E

Location. Western Maryland
Date: summer 2008
Time: evening
While sitting at a stop light the witness saw a large man-like figure with wings flying through the clouds. The figure had an iridescent color and was gliding through the clouds around the sun. The bizarre figure eventually disappeared from sight in the distance. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: http://ufomagazine.forumotion.com/sightings
Type: E

Location. Czestochowa area, Poland
Date: summer 2008
Time: night
A 19-year old man was in bed listening to music when he felt strangely. He was self-conscious but soon found himself unable to move. On the other hand, he recalled he was immobilized and could remember all the details. When he struggled with this strange state, he felt pressure on his body and after a while, when he opened an eye, he saw a blackish, hooded short being that was passing by his room hovering in mid-air. He then fell asleep.

HC addendum
Source: Piotr Cielebia woe_@vp.pl NPN, Poland
Type: E
Comments: An example of sleep paralysis?

Location. Colorado, exact location not given
Date: summer 2008
Time: night
On several occasions various family members encountered a strange being roaming around the house that they described as very tall at least 6-7 feet tall, dressed in a black silk cloak, with ebony arms. It has long hands and bony long fingers and long black nails. Its face is oblong shaped, very white, with shoulder length black hair that looks wet. Its eyes are a bit larger than humans, completely white with small black pupils. Its teeth are small and a bit sharp. They didn’t notice a nose, on one occasion it was holding a sort of stick. It has been seen three times, once outside, once in the doorway of one room, one crouched in another doorway.

HC addendum
Source: direct communications from coffeeheadmom@aol.com
Type: E

Location. Kennewick, Washington
Date: summer 2008
Time: late night
The two main witnesses, a girlfriend/boyfriend couple were visiting friends in the area. He was sleeping in the family room on the couch and she was sleeping in a separate bedroom. Her bed was facing the doorway, & the couch he was on was adjacent to the kitchen and garage door. There were other people sleeping in the house at the time as well, & the only animals there were an old dog & a cat in the house. There was a sliding door that separates the bedrooms from the family room. The sliding door outside her bedroom was shut that night. She was sleeping or at least she thought she was when suddenly she saw an “alien”. It was a few feet away, either at the end of the bed or standing in the hallway with the door open. The strange figure was tall, taller than the door hedge, light colored (possibly changing colors), it had a lean body type, but it was very muscular & cut. The head was way too small & disproportioned to the body. There was no hair and it had normal arms and legs. She couldn’t remember what the feet or hands looked like or the facial features. Unsure if it wasn’t a dream she watched the alien just standing there in front of her. She felt paralyzed, shocked, in awe, but she wasn’t scared, but she didn’t feel safe. She remembers mumbling over and over “it’s not good, but it’s not bad”. What was also weird was that there was a bright light shining behind him, which could’ve been the hallway light because it stays on at night. She also felt as though as she was floating, on in some state of relaxation, and the alien was also slightly floating. She doesn’t think it lasted that long, but she fell into a deep sleep until the next morning. When she woke up the next morning she felt really dreary and went to talk to her boyfriend. He immediately said, “I had the weirdest dream last night.”
He told her that he was lying on the couch, trying to sleep, when he sawn an alien-like creature coming from the direction where her bedroom was. The alien continued to walk through the family room & exit through the garage door. Before the alien departed, he quickly turned his head towards the boyfriend and glared at him, and then he left. The boyfriend recalls feeling paralyzed, like he knew what was happening but couldn’t move or do anything. Also, he noticed that the sliding door was left all the way open, & he’s not a deep sleeper so he would’ve seen somebody move if they woke up. The described the alien looking the same way as the girlfriend described it.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com
Type: E

Location. Edinburgh, Scotland
Date: early June 2008
Time: midnight
A husband and wife took the dogs out for a walk on the Braid Hills golf course following a path to the summit of one of the hills, the path then flows downhill into a valley, this is when they noticed what they called “cellophane UFOs” as you do not see it all, its like a large sheet of cellophane rippling in the wind above you. Normally when they come across them they are small or look small, about four square yards. But in this case it seemed at least fifty square yards and then it was gone. They continued their walk along the valley then across the green to the return path that is at the other side off the hill. At this time the man was looking up trying to see any other UFO and his wife had wandered about thirty yards in front of him when he saw her watching something on a green half way up the hill. When he arrived beside her, she told him someone was watching us and pointed to the area. At first he saw nothing, and then a man came into view that seemed to bend over to do something. He was about fifty to one hundred yards from them so he assumed he was doing the same as them, walking a dog, so they continued their walk still watching his movements as it was midnight in the middle of nowhere so better safe than sorry. As they followed the return path it took them up towards the green where they could still see what they took to be a man moving around on the green so even though it was quite high, he switched on his flashlight and highlighted his dogs. One a longhaired German shepherd and the other a cross between ridgeback and Great Dane, both large dogs. He then turned his flashlight off again and continued up the hill to the return downhill path to the car park, this took them about fifteen yards from the man who at this time had turned and moved about two yards in their direction then stopped. They could now see him very clearly—his height was the first thing they noticed as he must have been over seven feet tall, very thin, dressed in all black. It was then that he noticed that his wife kept referring to him as “them” but as he could only see one person, he did not mention this at the time. They continued walking up the green, and then they reached the downhill stretch of the path. They must have been about ten yards from the man so they stopped and looked at him and he just continued to stand still and look at them. This is when they could see that he was a lot taller than seven feet—he was big, but very thin. He then moved over about two yards and then stopped, and they just continued their walk down to the car. It was not until he started the car and turned the lights on ready to leave that the whole episode became clear and they started discussing the event. His wife was adamant that there were two people, dressed in black, both very tall, even though he could only remember seeing one. The other strange fact is that they could not remember seeing a face, only a tall black human shape, with arms, legs, etc. He noticed a belt with what looked like silver buttons on it. Apart from that they cannot remember any other detail about the person. The other strange face is that the dogs did not seem to notice him, were very calm, just wandering about as usual, and that is very unusual for them as they normally stick close when nearing someone and get defensive. They both felt no fear and that is very unusual for his wife as she spooks very easily, and even though he had his camera with him he had no inclination to take a photo, yet this would have been the first move he would normally make.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Casebook Newsletter, June 2008
Type: D or E?

Location. Reseda, California
Date: June 6 2008
Time: late night
On Saturday June 7 the 34-year old witness began getting glimpses of memories of an encounter/dream she had the night before. She “dreamed” of being face to face with a reptilian creature that showed her images telepathically. This creature showed her what appeared to be a slide show of her life as if he knew her completely from early childhood until now. Not only did the creature show her things about her personal past, it showed her things to come for humanity as a whole such as war, natural disasters, etc. It also showed her what seemed to be a child approximately 8 years of age walking. While walking this child morphed into a reptilian-humanoid and back, the reptilian entity displayed this hybrid child to her with some kind of importance as if she “mothered” or had something to do with it’s creation and hinted towards a future child that would have even more importance to her and their species. (The witness husband recalled a “dream” she mentioned having about 14 years ago before even the birth of her 1st daughter who’s now 15 years old. In this “dream” she had, she remembers lying on a table pregnant ready to give birth when suddenly someone reaches out to her belly and suddenly her belly shrinks back to normal size and the pregnancy is gone. She said she screamed hysterically “Where is my baby? and a “doctor” replies, “What baby? You were never pregnant”). The witness said that in this latest “dream” or encounter her husband his older brother and a host of other people she has never seen before were present with her but stood motionless and expressionless as if they were “frozen in time”. She described this creature as having big black eyes with lizard-like skin, facial features resembling a snake but the mouth never moved and was more of a straight line than a mouth. She said only the creature’s head was visible. In the morning both woke up feeling very tired as if they had been drugged. 2 weeks prior to the encounter, the husband and his stepson saw a triangle-shaped UFO fly over the apartment building. A week after that sighting his older brother called saying he had spotted a square-looking UFO by his house in Mission Hills.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: G or F?

Location. Antioch Community, South Carolina
Date: June 7 2008
Time: 2320
A married couple with many years of aviation experience was returning from some friend’s house where they had been watching movies. They were discussing one of the movies when the wife said, “Look at that, what in the world is that?” They saw a black triangular craft in the air with lights and several windows. There was a purple beacon in the center of the bottom, but no position lights or anti-collision lights anywhere on the object. They thought for a moment that it might be a B-2 bomber, but it made no noise at all and after “zooming” up to them it stopped right over their vehicle. About this time they turned onto their private road and made it up to their house. This was around 2320. The next thing that either of them remembers was being in the car at 224a in the morning. The car was running but the wife was in the driver’s seat and the husband in the passenger’s. Since he is 6’5” and she is 5’7” this meant that his knees were forced into the dashboard. Neither remembers anything whatsoever after parking the car. They do not remember what happened during the lost time, why they were in different positions in the car, or why they were still sitting outside their house with all of the car windows still down and the moon roof open. The husband woke up with a headache the next morning and his wife felt ill enough to stay in bed for most of the day. There were other reports of flying triangles that same night in different parts of the country.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.nicap.org/waves/2008fullrep/htm quoting NUFORC
Type: G?
Comments: Unexplored abduction event

Location. Hooper, Colorado
Date: June 7 2008
Time: 2230
The witness and his kids were coming back from the movies and as they turned into the lane the headlights caught something that appeared to be humanoid and seemed startled by the headlights; it started moving very fast in the field in front of the house. It was about 5-6ft tall and crossed 150+ feet in under a second. It didn’t seem to run or jump, it just cruised or floated across at very high speed. It was gray and blurry; it looked ethereal like the being the main witness had seen before but taller. They didn’t see any additional details. The next day he found strange marks about 20 feet apart on the earth, that appeared to be 1 inch scoop marks in the same line of the direction they saw the humanoid.

HC addendum
Source: tpeay@centurytel.net
Type: E

Location. Caracas, Venezuela
Date: June 10 2008
Time: midnight
The witness had gone to bed after seeing two cylinder shaped objects flying over the area and for some reason he was thinking that someone was on top of his roof, he then heard a noise and found himself completely surrounded by a strong blinding light, first it was yellowish, then white and then changed to a hundred tiny white specks. It lasted for about 2 minutes. For a few moments the witness was unable to see, but soon recovered his vision.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: F?

Location. Tuckerton, New Jersey
Date: June 12 2008
Time: 0430am
The main witness was resting after a day of fishing when he heard a “voice” approaching the window that was opened. A strange creature then walked up to the window and chanted his name. His hair stood up and he froze. He looked out and the creature had disappeared and over the bay he saw a flash of light, and five minutes later a small airplane flew to where light had been and immediately turned around. The next weekend the same thing happened again but this time the creature was making strange chirping sounds like a squirrel and jumped on the roof. Then outside he glass sliding door he saw the creature again, described as a black being approximately 3 feet tall. It wore some type of black suit with white dots on its chest, then being then walked away, and seemed to be breathing heavily. The witness then ran and told his grandfather which did not believe him. The witness reports additional experiences, like an odd craft flying over the treetops and jet aircraft swooping low over the area.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E & D
Comments: Multiple experiences

Location. Arkadelphia, Arkansas
Date: June 16 2008
Time: 1100am
The witness and his wife were floating on the Caddo River in a canoe when approximately one mile down from the dam he observed two gray humanoids standing in a clearing in the woods. One was facing west the other facing north. They were huddled together as if looking at something one of them was holding in its hand. They were approximately 5’6” tall. They were a pasty white color with a yellow hue and were not wearing clothing of any kind. The witness decided not to investigate, his wife then asked him why he looked so shocked but he did not tell her anything. The two gray humanoids had very large heads and had a crease that ran from the forehead all the way back down to the back of the neck, both appeared very frail and the witness claims he was able to see their “spinal column” and rib cage. The weather had been clear and sunny with excellent visibility.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Indianapolis, Indiana
Date: June 20 2008
Time: evening
The main witness, her husband and son were driving westbound on rte. 30 when she saw a black object. Her husband thought that it might be a kite, but it was moving around coming towards them. Her son in the back seat also saw it too; the object or figure seemed to be darker than the clouds. When it got above them the witness looked up and saw that the object appeared to have wing action. When she first saw it in the distance it looked like there were two of them and on of them just vanished. After watching it for a few minutes it just vanished as if it went straight up, but fast. It was all back in the shape of a human, no lights or sound. According to the witness it almost looked like it was wearing a cape.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E

Location. Near Bear Lake, Utah
Date: July 2008
Time: 0200am
The witness was at a scout camp and had suffered a concussion while playing around. One night he woke up with a headache and walked outside the tent. He took a few steps and then decided to go on a walk for more fresh air. He walked for a few minutes when he decided to go out to the lake and check if there were any rabbits or squirrels drinking water. He started to walk down the path to the lake, at first he couldn’t see part of it so he went down further, starting to fast walk down to see what was happening, being curious. Much to his surprise, about 200 ft away from the lake, he saw a giant, weird animal, it had legs and feet, but it move in a slither. Its head was that of a lizard and so was the body, but it had some eel-like features to it. Being very excited and scared at the same time, the witness attempted to approach even closer. He must have stepped on something because it suddenly went into the water and swam away.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales, October 2008
Type: E?
Comments: Cryptid????

Location. Taua, Ceara, Brazil
Date: July 2008
Time: various
In a rural area locals asked for police help, scared with sightings of an individual “half man and half wolf” that was stealing sheep and breaking into houses. At the time the police investigated the case, suspect that a gang was using costumes to scare the locals and commit the crimes. Nothing was ever heard of the results of the investigation.

HC addendum
Source: http://forgetomori.com/2209/skepticism/a-brazilian-werewolf-is-back/
Type: E

Location. Apple Valley, near Barstow, California
Date: July 1 2008
Time: 2215
Three witnesses looked up at the sky and watched an abnormally large oval or round shaped flying object. It was very shiny and silvery. Although id did not hover, it did crash. It fell straight down from the sky and burst into flames twice. Yet there is no evidence of a plane or helicopter crash. Shortly after the sighting, two or three local planes were out circling the area in which they had seen the “UFO” crash. When it fell it came in at a 45degree angle then suddenly fell to a complete 180-degree drop. There was no sound and no movement caused from it. There is nothing out in the desert that even implies that an aircraft landed or crashed let along blew up twice.

HC addendum
Source: HBCC UFO Research http://www.hbccufo.org
Type: H?

Location. Holly, Michigan
Date: July 5 2008
Time: 441am
The witness was returning from dropping off a volunteer that he works with at an art center in Davison. He hadn’t drank anything and wasn’t on any medication or illegal drugs. His speed was slower than the posted limit, about 45mph, and his bright lights were on. No other vehicles were present. As he drove he slowed down because there appeared to be a very large creature digging in someone’s trash next to the right side of the road, it was located 20-25 feet away from the car. He began to slow down to get a better look. This thing was really tall and too huge to be any “average” animal that he would normally see in the roadside trash bins at night. Befuddled and not knowing what he was looking at the witness saw a creature holding a piece of trash who didn’t appear to have paws, but more slender hand like protrusions. It had huge, round and red glowing eyes. It reacted and looked kind of surprised to see the witness as if it thought no one will ever find out that it existed. That was the witness’s impression. Its eyes just stared at the witness vehicle while holding onto a piece of trash for nearly 4 seconds. Its triangular like gray face reminded the witness of a dog but it was more pointed and triangular towards the end of the nose and mouth. Its presence didn’t seem ordinary and those gigantic glowing red eyes made the witness feel something was out of place. Its ears were large and rounder sort of like a mouse. Its arms were bendable and closer to its body than its long flexible legs. The body was heavier in the bottom and kind of reminded the witness of a kangaroo body but he was completely gray. Maybe short haired fur, the witness was not sure, but the body was definitely gray in color. It had a skinny tail that was similar in appearance to a rat’s tail but it was much longer and slightly wider. He had barely noticed the creature’s tail until it maneuvered out of the way from the garbage can. It stared at the witness for about 3-4 seconds then dropped the trash forcefully like a human would with both hands. It was standing upright and appeared to be over 3 feet tall in height. The creature bent down to the ground and jumped forward on all fours then got up a bit and turned to the left to aim for the woods. It reached for the ground again with its front arms and jumped forward with its back legs swinging in front of it like a rabbit. The creature didn’t make any sounds that the witness could hear with his windows open and it didn’t try to attack him or hiss at him. When the event was over the witness wanted to turn around and find out what the thing was but knew that it would not be a good idea.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E

Location. Santa Rosa de Quives, Peru
Date: July 8 2008
Time: afternoon
A family in an outing in the woods filmed a strange thin humanoid creature lurking behind some brush. It appeared to be walking hunched over and was carrying some type of wand or stick. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: http://naturalplane.blogspot.com
Type: E

Purported video: http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2009/02/video-strange-alien-like-being-dubbed.html (further investigation revealed that the anomalous entity was a human simulacra effect from a tree branch!)

Location. Glasgow, Scotland
Date: July 9 2008
Time: night
The witness was walking his dog and saw a spotlight in the sky and thought it was from the nearby Hampden Park stadium, but the spotlight turned into a glowing orb and began to fall from the sky making no noise. He thought of Chinese lanterns but curious to see one up close, he left his dog in his house and traveled to the large woodland area a mile from his house where the orb landed. He found the gate leading into the field guarded by a military police van along with several armed soldiers. He remembered a hole in the fence, so he crawled through it and made his way toward the glowing light. Then suddenly the glowing light disappeared and when he got to the end of the tree line he saw a large craft. At first he actually thought it was one of those stealth bombers, but it was too complicated looking to be one. The craft stood perfectly still just inches above the ground. A crowd of elderly soldiers stood in front as if expecting someone. Then out of nowhere this giant man appears in front of the craft. It certainly wasn’t human and not like anything he had ever heard of before. He thought ‘they’ were supposed to be small gray men with big eyes, but this one was taller than any living person he’d ever seen. It stood upright like a man and had two arms and two legs. It wore a sort of tinfoil suit and its face was like a lizard, its nose and eyes were like a bat, but its mouth was huge. It stepped over to one of the men, and by this point the man measured up to its lower stomach. The man began talking but he couldn’t make out what he was saying, but the alien or whatever it was, brought out a small ball looking purple thing and closed its shiny eyes.
The witness then brought out his cellphone and began recording. He waited eight minutes until the footage ran out. The alien disappeared again and the craft, all different colors, began glowing brightly as it silently shot into the sky. The boomerang-looking craft vanished, but he took a quick picture at it before it did and then he made his way home. He immediately got his USB cable and put the picture and video on his web site, but not even three months later a knock at his door was followed by the police raiding his house, claiming there was reports of child pornography on his PC. As his PC taken away he was ‘gob smacked’. Then a day later he was asked into the station. He went and they said his PC was clean and had been sent back to his house. A man there wearing a suit said he’d give him a lift home and as he did, he took a detour and took him to a flat in Govan. There in the apartment waited two forty-something strong looking men smoking and each of them had a pistol in a shoulder holster. A man wearing a military uniform told him to sit and repeatedly asked if he had any more copies of the UFO or the ‘Draconian’ as the soldier said. He destroyed his mobile phone and told him to keep quiet or his pregnant fiancé will lose the baby when giving birth. He obviously agreed (?) and ever since, he sees the same UFO in the sky every night when he walks his dog, as if stalking him.
But not long ago from now, he doesn’t know if he was dreaming, but his room was blindingly lit up. He fell backwards and he swears he didn’t fall down on his carped, it was like concrete. He knew he wasn’t in his room. A tall similar looking alien stood over him wearing a purple robe. It did not look alien, it looked extremely human. It was male, had eyes like us, skin like us, hair like us, and a nose and mouth like us, but this being was taller than the witness by one foot. But it was smaller than the lizard looking alien. This being communicated with the witness in English, and told him the Draconian will eat him if he talked to others about it. The Draconian is a warring, bloodthirsty race. The Draconian hates mankind after they were exiled from our planet 11,000 years ago. This being said it was the Anunnaki, creator of modern mankind. An immense amount of information went through his brain—300,000 years ago the Anunnaki come to our planet to conquer or make allies with it and found it populated with Draconians, descended from velociraptors and reptiles, and other humanoid intelligent species were the Draconian’s slaves, what we would call cavemen. The Anunnaki made peace with the Draconian and for thousands of years they shared technology, and space travel, alongside each other in interstellar wars. But because of the over grooming the Draconians started to get out of control and demanded the Anunnaki leave Earth to themselves. The Anunnaki refused, causing a war or as the Bible states (a war in the heavens to determine mankind’s fate) the Anunnaki main base on the planet Mars was evaporated along with the rest of the planet. However the Anunnaki defeated the Draconians and exiled them all out of the galaxy forever. The Anunnaki decided to take over the Earth and they genetically modified human DNA from their own and made us the way we are today. The Anunnaki built cities and structures, but decided not to stay in touch with our planet or race because they didn’t want us to turn out like the Draconians did.
The witness woke up in his bed in the morning and assumed it was a dream and still does to this day.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.ufocasebook.com/101909.html
Type: C & G?

Location. Holly, Michigan
Date: July 24 2008
Time: 0340am-0400am
As the witness (same witness in previous case) was heading home on I-75 from a friend’s house a strange figure appeared in the ditch right before he approached the Holly Road exit. He couldn’t see the body because the ditch was deep but he did see the head of what appeared to be the long eared Chupacabra type creature he had seen earlier that month. The head appeared to be hopping forward as he was driving so he didn’t get the best look at it. It didn’t react to the vehicle. It hopped a total of three times before the witness passed it going at about 55-60mph. The gray head appeared to have long ears, big eyes and a long face looking downward. The witness stopped the car and veered to the side of the road and backed up to see if the creature was still there, he didn’t see it. There are plenty of trees and bushes in the area.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E

Location. El Yunque, Puerto Rico
Date: July 25 2008
Time: afternoon
William Cruz had spent the day at the famous Caribbean rain forest and had taken several photos of the surroundings. One he returned home he was studying the photos when a friend noted something strange in one of them. He had taken a photo of the waterfall area and in the water they noticed something strange that appeared to be coming out. After zooming the photo to see additional details they noticed what appeared to be a head with disfigured facial features. They could see what appeared to be eyes, a nose a mouth a neck and hair. This area is the site of several other purported photos of anomalous beings and objects. According to the source it could be a simulacra created by a leave in the water.

HC addendum
Source: Andrew Alvarez Chardon PhD and Lucy Guzman
Type: E?
Comments: I have not seen the photo yet

Location. Rural area Georgia, exact location not given
Date: July 25 2008
Time: 0300am
The 18-year old witness and his grandfather were out in the woods in a hunting expedition, walking on a little rocky road heading for a site where his grandfather often sees deer. As normal there were a lot of sounds going on at night in the woods. They ignored most of them and remained quite so not to scare away anything. Suddenly they heard an unusual noise they never heard before on their many hunting trips. His grandfather looked at him and listened. Then he raised his finger in front of his mouth to show him that they shouldn’t make any more movements. He heard a lot of movement and more of the noise. He couldn’t really describe the sounds. They just kept listening to the sounds and suddenly something came walking slowly out of the bushes and onto the road maybe 150 yards in front of them. Both witnesses were amazed at the sight of the creature and did not move. Incredibly they were staring at something that resembled a Raptor from the popular Jurassic park movies. It had a long, stiff tail, walked on two feet and had short arms. It looked lizard-like and had a huge claw on both of his feet and smaller claws on its arms. Since the creature appeared to the witnesses that it could run fast, they decided to just not move at all. It raised its head in the air and it seemed like it smelled the air. The witness estimated its height around 5 feet at the shoulders. After sniffing the air, it made those strange sounds again and turned around and ran off into the bushes. Both witnesses waited until they felt safe again and then quietly made their way back to the truck and drove home.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—April 2009
Type: E [asr2]

[asr2] True reptilian account? Or maybe to many dinosaur movies?

Location. Zenta, Serbia
Date: July 30 2008
Time: evening
Serbian Radio Stations have been flooded by calls from this town where a cluster of cars leaving the town westward have been halted on the road as two craft identical one to the other landed on the road. One was covered in a hazy mist and a blue glow, the other one was more visible and cone-shaped with a flat top. One hovered and a being described as gray-green in color, four foot tall with large black eyes a small mouth and no ears floated to earth to a height of merely one meter and then quickly returned to the craft and both then sped off. Witnesses included two truck drivers, a town manager, and other laborers. The authorities responded to the scene, dispersed the crowd that had gathered. Local police were claiming what was seen was a set of party balloons, however all witnesses say that was out of the question, since the crafts appeared very sophisticated, hummed, glowed and shot upwards. The humanoid figure reportedly moved like a human. One witness, Alexander Petrovic was quoted as saying, “this was the strangest thing I ever saw and cannot accept that it was a balloon.”

HC addendum
Source: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum quoting Newspaper Politica, Serbia
Type: B

Location. Rio Cubuy, Puerto Rico
Date: August 2008
Time: 2130.
Engineer Edwin Fontanes Jr. his son, father and 3 friends had gone to river to catch some freshwater shrimp. The whole time there they could hear branches cracking around them and strange whistling sounds from an unknown source. Later that night as they were returning his son and father were walking at about 50 feet ahead of the rest of the group. At one point the grandfather stumbled and when his grandson attempted to pick him up he again heard the sound of branches breaking nearby. He pointed his flashlight in the direction of the sound, and saw what at first he took to be the trunk of a palm tree, curious he set the flashlight at a brighter level and pointed again at the “trunk”. At this point he realized that it was not a palm trunk but a strange very tall creature. He described the creature as about 7ft tall, with brown skin, it had a pointy head with two protrusions and in the shoulder area it had what appeared to be one sharp protrusion on each side. On its chest area it had what appeared to be some vertical marks, close to the waist area. It had three claw-like fingers and was very thin. From the knees down it appeared to be “backwards” as oppose to humans. According to Edwin Jr. the creature stared at him briefly and then ran away without moving its arms.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.ovni.net
Type: E
Comments: Above is the depiction of the bizarre creature.

Location. Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
Date: August 2008
Time: late night
A 37-year old security guard traveling on Avenue 186 in his security van on his way to work when suddenly from the brush on the side of the road a strange creature emerged, the creature then stepped onto the road and stood in the middle of the vehicle’s path. The security officer described the creature as about 4 ft tall and standing on two feet, like a human, facing his vehicle. It was covered in black and gray hair, its face was also covered with hair. The witness who had been driving at about 30mph was unable to stop his vehicle and ran over the strange creature (!). After being struck by the vehicle the strange creature made a sound like that of a “child” and screams resembling those of a pig when is being slaughtered. The witness was so terrified that he did not stop the van and kept on going, but 5 minutes later he returned to the scene, but found nothing not even traces. However the front bumper of the security van was heavily dented as a result of the impact.

HC addendum
Source: Andrew Alvarez PhD & Ovni.net
Type: E

Location. Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico
Date: August 2008
Time: late night
As the 28-year old anonymous witness slept he suddenly felt a very strong ‘pressure’ on top of him. Once he woke up he realized he could not move. He opened his eyes and saw two strange humanoids which he does not remember their features, but was sure that they were not human. One of them appeared to be looking for something in the closet while the second one carried with him something resembling a firearm which it pointed at the witness apparently causing the paralysis. The strange ‘firearm’ emitted a loud sound which the witness could not place as anything he had ever heard before. After awhile the witness fell asleep and did not see the creatures depart.

HC addendum
Source: http://enigma900.blogspot.com
Type: E

Location. Near Glenorchy, South Island, New Zealand
Date: August 3 2008
Time: morning
The witnesses were backpacking around in South Island, the weather had cleared and they decided to go for a tramp on the Mt Aspiring track, but before they got there they spotted what looked like a landed UFO in a paddock. The craft was round about 5m tall with legs and pulsing yellow white lights around its perimeter. The witnesses attempted to approach to take photos but several “men” in white suits confronted them taking their cameras. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.psychics.co.uk/psychic-forum
Type: C?

Location. Wrentham Massachusetts
Date: August 8 2008
Time: 2035
The main witness and his sister were hiking through Joe’s Rock in Wrentham and were suddenly taken aback by a very strange figure they saw lurking behind a tree. Curious, both witnesses moved towards the creature as it shyly walked out from behind the tree. It was very incredibly thin and its color looked much washed out, and its skin was very wrinkly and looked like soft old leather. The creature then began making strange clicking sounds and moaning sounds. Both witnesses were stunned and could not react to what they were seeing. The main witness does not remember much else of the experience except for being back at the car and realized when checking the cellphone that it was already 0146am. The creature was additionally described as about 4.5ft in height, with dark black eyes.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.uforc.com
Type: E or G?

Location. Australia (exact location not given)
Date: August 15 2008
Time: 2330
The witness had gone to bed and experienced a very strange and lucid dream. In the “dream” he was woken up by three slender people with very pale skin with a bluish tinge and huge dark eyes. The one in the right side had a strange hand held device that could see beneath the witness’s skin, the one standing near his head almost behind him lifted his head up so that he could see a liquid-like screen and he looked into it, he could see his leg bone and all the muscles, tendons, arteries and other things. The one on his left waved his hand and he then fell back asleep. When he woke up in his own bed, he instantly remembered what had happened and documented all the details. He felt safe and calm throughout the entire event.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E or G?

Location. Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Date: August 29 2008
Time: night
The witness was lying on his back, sort of awake when he felt a magnetic pull at and through the top of his head, or the crown. Immediately he relaxed. Then like a baby he was gently rolled to one side and then the other. Something was placed under his back. Again he was lying on his back and what seemed like arms came up from under the witness and began to wrap themselves around the waist. The witness grabbed both “arms” in each hand. The texture of the “arms” was interesting. Kind of like velvet to the touch, rubbery and flexible. The witness apparently had “fun” with the arms, waving them around like the arm of the robot from the show “Lost in Space”. He then felt another magnetic pull, and he let the arms go and relaxed more. He thinks he was not asleep enough. The “something” that was placed under his back continued to wrap itself around the witness body, like a comfy, seamless papoose. He felt safe. The last thing he remembers was a tug to the papoose and he was in the air heading “somewhere”. He was amazed how unafraid he was. No other recollections reported.

HC addendum
Source: Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research hbccufo@telus.net
Type: E or G?

Location. La Pampa, Argentina
Date: September 2008
Time: daytime
A hunter spotted a “critter” in the Pampan wilderness. “It gave me the sensation that it arrived floating, and it stopped near the stream,” he said. The entity caused a horse to whinny and the ranch’s dogs to bark desperately. The strange animal stood on four legs and the back of its neck was white, with protuberances in its head and ears the same color as the neck. The rest of the body was dark. The hunter opened fire with a 30.06 rifle, but only a small puddle of blood was found the next day. At the same place on the following day another hunter witnessed the presence of two strange “red eyed” beings that approached the area, making a strange sound that he compared with that of a dog’s whine. It rained heavily over the area, making the recovery of blood samples impossible.

HC addendum
Source: http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/
Type: E

Location. St. Adele, Quebec, Canada
Date: September 2008
Time: 2200-2300
The main witness (involved in other sightings) and his wife (who was spending their anniversary in this picturesque area) decided to go out and stand on the balcony of the small bed and breakfast room they occupied. Looking up at the sky it was cloudy, and he remembers being disappointed as he always enjoyed star-gazing. The moon was out also, but not full, but was hidden behind clouds. After about half an hour all the clouds seemed to drift off, he was surprised because he remembered saying to his wife, “I haven’t seen anything in such a while, it would have been nice to spy out some tiny moving object”. Still they saw nothing at all that night, and as it grew chilly, we decided to go in and get some rest. Waking up the next morning the witness remembered a “strange dream”. All he could remember was being inside a circular shaped room, and there are figures standing inside. The room in clean and crisp, he thinks bluish white and it had windows or circular portholes of some kind. He was standing facing the beings, which looked like humans, except for the fact they were all dressed in ancient robes—not modern clothes, not skin-tight spandex or spacesuits, just robes like something from ancient times. What is more they are all male as far as he can tell, and all have dark hair and facial hair as well. There was one in the center and three flanking either side, making a total of seven “men”. The one in the center must have been the leader; in fact, the witness knows he was, for he “radiated” the most energy, and he gave the impression of being very wise and very holy. The first thing that came to the witness mind was “Jesus” or someone like him in some way or another, he doesn’t know why, but that’s how he felt. All the men looked at him, but not the one in the center. He is looking down at the floor as if pondering something. The witness does not recall any words said or felt in his mind whatsoever. After that there is nothing. The duration of the episode lasted perhaps 10 or 15 seconds. The following night they were back home with nothing special happening, only the warm feeling of having spent a nice weekend remaining with them. The next morning they discover a mark on his right temple. There is a thin scar there, a scab, freshly healing from a cut of some kind. The shape of it was an arrow pointing upward. The “scar” healed normally and it was gone in a few days.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—April 2009
Type: F or G???

Location. Near Taverny, Bessancourt, Ile-de-France, France
Date: September 4 2008
Time: 0200a
Several witnesses reported seeing a UFO resembling a bright greenish sphere encircled with red lights moving very fast over the area. The object then apparently landed, not far from the military base at Taverny and several witnesses at various locations saw 2 humanoids exit the object. The beings or humanoids were described as ‘translucent’ and greenish in color with large black eyes. No legs were visible and they seemed to move around strangely and very quickly. Two of the witnesses were only about 50-100 meters from the craft and beings but were too surprised and frightened to take any photos (on their cellphones?). Apparently the humanoids noticed the witnesses and re-entered the craft which then also took off and disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: http://nousnesommespasseuls.xooit.com
Type: B

Location. Michigan, exact location not given
Date: September 5 2008
Time: 0330am
The witness found himself in a sort of dream-like state standing outside his home. He looked in front of him and saw a small very bright light and then all of the sudden a very bright flash. When he turned around there were 3 small gray beings standing there. He felt no fear (doesn’t know why). The beings then told him telepathically that they needed help (he doesn’t remember for what) and asked him to help them. He agreed and then he looked up and saw a huge craft hovering near them and then he saw a second one about 400ft away from the “main” one. The next thing he remembers was looking up t the night sky and it was like someone just pulled the sky apart and there was an opening maybe 200ft across. He could see blue sky and clouds in the opening and could hear a humming sound. He looked to his left and there were two other people standing near him and looking up as well. He had never seen these people before and none of them seemed to be able to talk or move much. There wasn’t a sound or a breath of air moving. There was some light at ground level that illuminated everything but he couldn’t turn to see the source. Then all of the sudden the small gray beings were gone and the first ship flew into the opening followed instantly by the second ship. The sky then closed. The witness then seemed to wake up from this strange dream-like state. He then found his 8-year old daughter sleeping on the floor because as he found out later she couldn’t sleep in her room. His wife told him that their daughter had woken up in the middle of the light and saw a lot of very bright flashing lights outside their upper roof dormer window. She thought there were about 11 of them.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: G?

Location. Not given
Date: September 10 2008
Time: night
The witness who had gone to sleep around 2000 was awaken by about 5-6 small gray aliens. The room was dark and the witness was not sure were they all where, but got up and turned on a light. The room was white and the light seemed to shock the little grays for some reason and then somebody turned out the light and the witness could not remember anything else.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: G?

Location. Not given
Date: September 11 2008
Time: late night
The next night the witness was awakened to see a dark entity next to the bed. The entity had its head a few inches from the witness head and it was moving its head back and forth a bit. It seemed to be saying something like “era” and “gra” and something else that the witness could not remember. But it was more like a mental projection instead of words. The witness then went back to sleep. (The witness claims to have other experiences).

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E

Location. Dahlonega, Georgia
Date: September 14 or 15 2008
Time: around 0300am
The witness was at home sleeping and woke from a really vivid dream around 0300am, when he woke up he was wide awake and felt like his bladder was going to explode. Strangely, everything in the house was too still and quiet. He used the bathroom and immediately went back to sleep. He then had another “dream” of being in a waiting room soon after that something woke him up, opened his moth and slowly inserted a probe into his mouth which was like an X-ray of some sort. The probe was illuminated and could see through the skin, bones and muscle, and projected the image on like a hand-held machine. The beings or aliens, woke him up in the middle of the procedure and showed him what the inside of his lungs looked like on some type of display screen. Being a smoker the inside of his lungs looked like they had cancer or something. He was concerned but the beings somehow spoke to him telepathically and told him to stop smoking and he would be fine. He never felt fear and felt like he was with a “doctor”. The doctor type being was stronger than the others and very reassuring. Then it was all over and he woke around 0600am. He was wide awake again and immediately took out his sketch book and began drawing what occurred. (The witness never describes the being). In 2001 the witness spotted a round object hovering above the forest canopy, it shot out a beam of low intensity which illuminated the forest. It did this for 10 to 15 times and then it shot a laser beam and a large tree in the middle of the woods burst into flames.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E or G?

Location. Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Date: middle of September 2008
Time: unknown
According to different media sources a short black hairy humanoid or creature caused panic and frightened several school children at a local school. However no additional details on the incident are provided.

HC addendum
Source: Luis Burgos quoting “Cronica TV”
Type: E

Location. Florida, exact location not given
Date: September 16 2008
Time: 0256am
The witness, Tessa, (a self-described witch or Wiccan) was suddenly awoken by a blue man with dark hair and black eyes that was standing at the foot of her bed with a strange toothy smile. His skin seemed to glow, even though there was no ambient light in the witness’s room since the witness had taped up all the windows. The man then grabbed the witness foot and she remembered the feeling of sharp nails across the top of her foot. That apparently startled her awake. The witness then sat up in bed as the strange vanished without saying a word.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales, October 2008
Type: E

Location. Capilla del Monte, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: September 17 2008
Time: 2030
A woman vacationing in the area reported seeing standing next to a wooded field a very tall figure with what appeared to be “an inflated head”, gray in color. She saw the figure standing among some plants and felt that the moment their eyes met it seemed to retreat away from her. She felt that the figure possessed “negative energy” but felt no fear. The area is thick with spiny plants and brush and difficult to explore.

HC addendum
Source: catent2002 catent2002@gmail.com
Type: E
Comments: This area is known as a “window” area for different type of phenomena and alien encounters.

Location. Near Fieldbrook, California
Date: September 21 2008
Time: 0130am
The main witness and a friend were heading to Blue Lake to visit a local casino there. There isn’t much traffic on the road they were on and on this road there is a turn out, that has an access to the Mad River and next to the old river access there is an old train yard that is now fenced off. As they drove past the turn they saw a being of some sort, a dark silhouette, that was approximately 4 to 41/2 feet in height, it had an abnormally large head, wide between the forehead and eye area tapering down very narrow towards the chin area. The head was very white in color, and about ¾’s of the way down the length of its body was a small circular blue light. The witnesses drove on and did not stop to investigate.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com
Type: E

Location. Virginia (exact not given)
Date: September 21 2008
Time: 2200
The main witness walked outside his friend’s residence to smoke a cigarette. He had an uneasy feeling about being outside by himself and he doesn’t recall actually returning inside the residence, but his roommate’s fiancé remembers him walking back inside without speaking or looking at anyone. About an hour later his roommate’s fiancé found him asleep in the gust room on the couch. She thought that he had been crying so she went outside to get his roommate and come back inside to talk to him. When she went outside she found him wandering towards the edge of the trees. She had to call his name multiple times to get his attention. Finally he responded and came inside where he found the main witness lying on the couch with his arms extended like he had been chained. He woke the witness up and asked him what was wrong. The witness explained that he had no idea what had happened but vividly recalled being in a craft. He was lying naked on a table and there was a group of slender gray colored figures standing over him. He remember watching them slice his chest open then a bright light came on over him and two of the entities began to speak loudly, almost like shouting at one another and motioning towards him. The next thing he remembered was his roommate waking him up. They both then went outside to smoke again and while sitting outside the main witness looked up and saw a figure crouched on top of the carport. He pointed the figure out to his roommate and then they became very uneasy. They began to look around the yard and saw more figures around the edge of the trees. They then decided that it was too risky to be outside so they went back in. Right before they entered the house they saw a figure at the end of the fence so they stopped and looked at it, right as they opened the door the figure moved back behind the fence. While they were outside they called out to the figures several times thinking that they may be some neighborhood kids messing around. None of the figures moved away from them except for the one by the fence.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E & G?

Location. Uniontown, Pennsylvania
Date: September 23 2008
Time: afternoon
The main witness, Barbara, a wheel chair bound retiree had gone to the Century 3 Mall with her husband and as her husband sat on a bench at the mall, Barbara went to the men’s dept in JC Penney. While there she saw a creature that looked like an extraterrestrial. There was another woman present with her young children. She says they were rushing out of the area. Her son saying, “I want to see” and the mother replying “No you can’t, let’s go now!” Barbara in her wheelchair saw a gray man approximately 4 ½ feet tall, wearing a red/black plaid shirt and blue pants. He was standing by a clothes rack. She saw his profile and then looked away. When she looked back he was now facing her. She described the figure as male, no hair, gray skin, almond black eyes with a lumpy heavily wrinkled face. She said the face was not human, it looked like an animal. She again looked away because it’s not polite to stare and when she looked back he was gone. She went to the register to ask for security but there was nobody around. She wasn’t afraid and said that he had a pleasant smile on his face. She decided to leave the store because she and her husband were planning to attend a movie. Barbara tried to tell her husband but he told her to tell him after the movie. Barbara recalled sitting in the dark theater in the rear by the exit door and every time the door opened, she looked to see if the creature was there. She became frightened and completely forgot about the encounter and never told her husband until about 2 months later. She believes that when the creature was staring at her it made her memory fade away. She only recalled 2 months later after reading a UFO article in the local paper.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com/
Type: E

Location. Reserva Los Robles, Moreno, Buenos Aires Argentina
Date: October 2008
Time: various
Strange phenomena have been reported in the area of the Roggero Dam by fishermen and other witnesses. Ranger Chaco Ferrer and his assistance Second Lieutenant Hector R. Losa have reported strange unusual sounds and one night as Losa was on sentry duty in a shack located on the dam itself, he heard a buzzing noise he had never heard before. While this occurred he tried adjusting his television set telescopic antenna, since he wasn’t getting a signal which seemed very odd, as he could always place it in the proper direction to watch TV. Minutes later he heard an insistent klaxon outside the shack. Running outside, he encountered a police cruiser with two fellow officers, who excitedly asked him if he’d seen “the light” that was hovering over the shack. Losa said no, as he was inside with the blinds closed. His fellow officers were heading toward the shack, part of their customary patrol, and even though they were at a distance, they noticed a powerful light over the reservoir. The light was slightly smaller than the shack itself so they hurried over to investigate. During one of the twists and turns on the road, they lost sight of it and couldn’t see it again.
A group of fishermen had headed to a rather inaccessible part of the lake formed by the reservoir to do some night fishing, They were equipped to spend the night there, carrying with them a battery and a spotlight to dispel the shadows. While they were readying their fishing tackle, they heard sounds emerging from the shrubs, and they turned around to see what it could be. When they were able to focus on the area where the noise was coming from they were able to see the outline of a very hairy “man” possibly some two meters tall, with a very large head and luminous eyes. Without succumbing to panic, one fisherman told another to hook up the spotlight to the battery to get a better look at the “thing”, but the man’s nervousness kept him from connecting the spotlight to the battery’s terminals, and by the time the operation was over, the “stranger” had gone. They didn’t wait for it to return: they collected their gear and left immediately.

HC addendum
Source: Scott Corrales http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/2008/11 quoting Daniel Valverdi, Daniel Szauter and Jorge Marron Type: D?

Location. West Palm Beach, Florida
Date: October 2008
Time: night
The anonymous witness was asleep when she awoke to a voice in her mind calling to her “Look!” She turned her head and saw three aliens staring at her from her doorway. They were about four feet tall and wore robes. She couldn’t see their arms or hands. She was paralyzed except for her head. Under hypnosis she remembered that these entities came close to her and then she was in a cold round dark place lying on a table. The entities seemed to be speaking mentally and saying, “We came back for you.” Then she was back in her bed at home. The next day she was thirsty and very tired. In August 2008 the witness had noticed a V-shaped mark on her side. One month later the mark was gone. As a six year old child she remembers being up in a peach tree and seeing something big that looked like the gray top of a metal garbage can. It came close and caused her to be very careful and unable to move. The next thing she remembered was being on the ground and her mother waking her up. When she was 16 years of age she saw a man in a blue shirt and khaki pants walking past her. When she turned around he was gone! She feels that she “doesn’t belong here” and that “this is not my home.”

HC addendum
Source: http://skyscan.org/syrnex.htm
Type: G

Location. Elk County, Pennsylvania
Date: October 4 2008
Time: 0445am
Two hunters had entered the woods at about 0445am. It had been raining and it was very dark. For lighting they had only a “hat light” and a mini Mag light. As the fellows walked further into the wooded area, they heard the sound of a coyote howl and the two men stopped. A short time later, they heard coyotes howling from various locations all around the woods. It appeared to be three different packs of the animals. The men had hunted quite often and one of the men said he had never heard so many coyotes howling like that before. At times it was hard for the men to communicate with each other. Suddenly about 150-200 yards ahead on the other side of a field they noticed two very dim glowing lights, the lights were about the size of a baseball and about two feet apart, and estimated to be about 15 feet above the ground. They glowed, “like the indigo color of a watch.” The two men thought the lights were odd, but considered that maybe there were some hunters ahead. The men shut off their lights. As they walked forward, in the distance toward where they saw the first glowing lights, they now observed what looked like a flashing beam flashing back and forth between the tree line. They did not think this was odd, since it was archery season, and there was the possibility that other hunters were in the area. Within minutes of seeing the single light beam, about 10 individual white beams of light suddenly appeared. These light beams which “flashed around” seemed to originate from one point, and were not moving around as if being carried by someone. The beams appeared to be about 10 feet above the ground, and projected parallel with the ground, and extended straight out from the originating location. One of the men asked out loud, “how many are there?” It seemed odd to the two hunters that these lights did not seem to be trying to find a path through the woods. The men were confused as to what they were seeing. Their attention was then drawn to a glowing figure, moving from the area of the beams of light. “It seemed as though one light beam led it to the field.” The glowing human-like form moved about 20 feet out into a grass field. The grass in the area was about 6 inches tall. The other beams of light suddenly went out. One of the men described the being as similar to “a silhouette of a person just glowing, completely glowing.” The man said the best way to describe what they saw was if someone took glow in the dark paint and rubbed it on a person’s body. The being was estimated to be about three feet tall, the head may have been a little larger than a human, and the upper part of the body seemed to lean forward. The arms appeared to hang straight down, and were longer than that of a human. The legs were hard to see, as the glow was blocking out the shape. The color of the glow was described as a light green, lime color. The being seemed to be moving at twice the speed of the two men, who were walking fast. It actually gave the impression that it was gliding, and no sound was heard. One of the men recalled that he was becoming quite shook up during the incident, and he began to whistle out loud. Moments later, the being, which had been moving steadily, just “stopped on a dime.” It remained motionless for about 30 seconds. It then moved about 20 feet into the field, “then suddenly just vanished.” It disappeared in front of their eyes, and was not seen again. Within about two minutes after the being disappeared, all of the coyotes in the area suddenly stopped howling. The entire incident lasted a total of about five minutes. The men went back to the location later that day and looked around for any traces where they had seen the lights and the mysterious being, but nothing was found. This incident occurred amongst a series of other UFO reports which have been ongoing across Pennsylvania in recent weeks.

HC addendum
Source: http://etcetrasetcetras.blogspot.com/
Type: E

Location. Berlin, Germany
Date: October 7 2008
Time: night
The witness on the couch reading a book and had a small light on, just good enough to see what he was reading, everything seemed normal, suddenly he saw something “red” about 2 meters in front of him by the television. The television wasn’t on. Looking more closely he noticed 3 creatures standing next to the television who seemed very curious as to their surroundings and were apparently checking several items around them, one of them picked up some dry clothing from a basket on the floor. The creatures moved around but very slowly. The creatures were very tall, about 3 meters in height and resembled a mixture of insect and reptile, red in color. Their eyes were black and oval-shaped. The witness thought it would be wiser to be silent and remain where he was; they totally ignored him showing no interest in the witness. He had the feeling that the creatures were not dangerous in any way and felt good “vibrations” emanating from them. After about 5 minutes the witness felt a sudden urge to sleep, he couldn’t understand why since he was not tired. After what seemed to be only a minute or so he woke up again but when he looked at the clock it was already after 700am.

HC addendum
Source: fexed@gmx.de
Type: E

Location. Waterford, Michigan
Date: October 9 2008
Time: 0400am
The witness recalls waking up in the middle of the night after feeling like he had been dropped back down on his couch. In was dark in whatever room he was, but surely it could have been a dream. He remembered yelling at a being, while he was lying down. Further, the being looked like an insect, but stood upright, it had antennae coming from its head. The idea the witness got after he woke up was that it was a locust being. For some unknown reason he compared it to a locust. After he woke up he recalled a loud humming noise above his place outside. The sound was subtle but noticeable. He hears these sounds above his house after waking up all the time (always in the middle of the night). Generally he would go to the bathroom after waking and hear this sound of some craft, plane, etc. before or during his trip to the bathroom. Many times he hears the sound but do not feel any other strange symptoms or problems after waking.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E or G?

Location. El Supi Beach, Paraguana Peninsula, Falcon, Venezuela
Date: October 18 2008
Time: after midnight
Five witnesses observed watched a very large luminous creature gliding above the waters of the beach. One of the witnesses, Larry Gonzalez, reported that it was a moonless dark night while he, his older brother and three other friends tended to a log fire on the shore near the house which they had rented. According to the witnesses the creature was about 2 to 3 meters in height shiny white in color almost transparent (hologram?). It moved very quickly above the waters about 70 meters away from the witnesses. The stunned witnesses stared at the creatures while one of the men attempted to shine a powerful flashlight at it, but the creature moved to swiftly and it was very shiny and no additional details were visible. However the witnesses did describe the creature as feline in nature, but bipedal and stealthy in movement. One of witnesses, Ruben, yelled at the creature and this apparently caused it to move even faster. The men did not hear any sound and did not see any disturbance on the water. The creature appeared to be so light that the waves did not seem to disturb it. The creature disappeared into the distance as it headed to the open sea. Suddenly as the men stood in stunned silence hundreds of fish began to jump out of the waters as if being electrocuted. Despite all having cell-phones and cameras none of the men was able tor react and fear and confusion reigned. Curiously that very same night there were several blackouts reported in the area.

HC addendum
Source: Hector Escalante ovnivenezuela@yahoo.com
Type: E

Location. New Gloucester, Maine
Date: October 25 2008
Time: 0127am
The main witness along with two other individuals was exploring a 60 acre sand pit when they saw an extremely bright light. They were terrified at first but decided that they would investigate. They continued walking toward the light until it led them to a section of the pit enclosed by thick trees with a small opening in the middle. At this point they saw a large upright being approximately 8 feet tall, covered with hair and with piercing ice blue eyes. Frozen with fear they stood still as possible until the creature noticed them and bolted into the trees. The witnesses then left the area.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: D? or E
Comments: Bigfoot UFO connection?

Location. Chicago, Illinois
Date: October 25 2008
Time: 0200am
After a late party the witness was staying at his girlfriend’s house, he had decided to sleep in the basement even though his girlfriend’s party had warned him that the house was “haunted”. As he was dozing off on the couch he began hearing small noises, like stuff being moved across the floor, but he brushed it off, assuming it was his girlfriend’s father trying to scare him. It was pitch black in the basement. Shortly after he began hearing what sounded like feet dragging across the floor—right next to his bed. He looked to see and even though it was pitch black, he could clearly see a black shadow walk past the mirror that was hanging across from him. He pulled out his cellphone to use the light to see, but all he saw was blackness. He checked around but the door was still closed. A few weeks before this event he had seen the curtains in the living room open up as if someone was looking out, and there hadn’t been anyone in the house.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—April 2009
Type: E [asr3]?

[asr3] Most likely an apparitional entity or shadow entity, or maybe dad playing tricks on unsuspecting boyfriend? Who know?

Location. Monroe County, Ohio
Date: November 2008
Time: 0400am-0500am
The witness was driving home from work early one morning when he noticed in the road this large creature crouched down on the ground with bright red glowing eyes that looked directly at him. He said this creature also had very large wings which were also kind of wrapped around it as it crouched in the middle of the road. Terrified, he proceeded to drive by it, and he looked behind to see where it was, and it was gone. He said that he was actually scared to get out of his car when he got home in fear that perhaps it had followed him or was even on his car.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.yourghoststories.com/
Type: E

Location. Homestead, Florida
Date: November 2008
Time: night
A 13-year old boy was walking back to his house when he ‘felt’ someone or something staring at him. Looking across the street on the grounds of an abandoned nursery, he saw a tall figure with shiny red eyes that seemed to be trying to hide behind a wall, but was staring at him intently. Terrified he felt a sort of ‘influence’ emanating from the figure and began to cry, he then ran into his house. The figure seemed to have been wearing a light suit with a luminous area on the chest area resembling a star. It was about 30 feet or less from the witness. He was bothered with nightmares after the encounter.

HC addendum
Source: Personal interview with witness
Type: E

Location. Miami, Florida
Date: November 1 2008
Time: late night
The 45 year old female witness (known personally to the compiler) suddenly woke startled in her bed to find in her darkened room an even darker image or figure standing by her bedside apparently staring at her. She could only describe the figure as “darker than light” of average height and a general human shape. She could not see any features other than what appeared to be a sort of “crown” around the figure’s head (resembling an icon). Incredibly she felt no fear and only felt happiness. She blinked twice but the figure remained there, it suddenly vanished in plain sight.

HC addendum
Source: Personal interview with witness
Type: E
Comments: Apparitional figure?

Location. Corrego do Salgado, Ceara, Brazil
Date: November 2 2008
Time: 1900
During a rash of recent sightings in the area three local boys apparently experienced a major event. One of them, aged 6, came to his house with a wound under his right armpit. The boy named Janiel, told his grandfather that a “man with big ears and claws had attacked him and cut him with a sharp instrument.” It was a small wound however but his story was confirmed by his brother Gilmario and his cousin Jose Felipe who saw the incident as they hid on top of a nearby tree. They watched a large “Frisbee” shaped object land and two men come out and approach Janiel. A strong wind prevented Jose Felipe from climbing down from the tree. Janiel added that after the two strange men approached one of them pulled out a sharp instrument and cut him. At the local hospital where the boy was treated nobody wants to reveal the name of the doctor who treated him. Other observations have been reported in the region.

HC addendum
Source: Wilson Gomes from Diario do Nordeste http://diariodonordeste.globo.com
Type: B
(At the original website go to “Busco” and type in Ovnis)

Location. Ocean Beach, New York
Date: November 3 2008
Time: night
The main witness had been having strange dreams for a while. Just after Halloween he was walking out on the beach with his dog at night when he saw a light bobbling off near the horizon out on the water. At first he thought it was a light atop a mast on a boat that was passing in the distance, but the light shot straight up before shooting straight down. He watched as the light seemed to get larger as it approached the witness. As it got closer he could see it illuminating the water beneath it. He is not sure what happened next but he remembers being in a brightly lit white room with strange beds set up in it and a strange being, shorter than him that was not human. It had large black or maybe brown eyes and an almost milky gray skin. The being spoke to the witness but he didn’t see its mouth move. It was telling him to remain calm that it would all be over soon. He was made to lie down on the table and he is not really sure what happened next since his next memory was of him lying on his bed. His dog has been missing since the incident. Soon after the incident the witness talked to a friend who is a hypnotherapist and underwent 4 or 5 sections. He remembered being presented with a female being similar to the other being he described and was instructed to copulate with her. He seemed to have no control over his actions. Before they set him free they told him that they would come for him again when the “child” is born.

HC addendum
Source: HBCC UFO Research http://www.hbccufo.org
Type: G

Location. Near Manati, Puerto Rico
Date: November 6 2008
Time: 0100am
The young witness was awakened by his father who told him to follow him outside the house to the other side of a hill next to the house, there gathered the rest of his family all staring at a large teardrop ship craft that was floating just 3 to 4 feet above the ground at about 100 feet in distance. The craft emitted a loud humming sound. In front of the craft stood a human shaped figure covered in a shiny blue metallic appearing armor-like suit that was carrying a large box-like object on his hands. The being then placed the box on the ground and it also started floating in midair. The being then scooped up a handful of earth from the floor and placed it inside the box and in an instance the box emitted a bright red beam of light into the air that seemed to travel deep into the space. The group just waited and stared in awe as the alien figure then picked up the box and walked back inside the object, the craft then took off and disappeared into night sky. They described the craft as having a large shiny bulbous hull. About an hour later the same group of witnesses and others in the area reported seeing additional similar looking ships but apparently larger maneuvering high in the sky.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: B

Location. Victoria, Argentina
Date: November 12 2008
Time: night
Another strange manifestation occurred in this locality, which evidently remains the area for deep mysteries. This occasion involved the mutilation of a small rabbit, which shows us the impunity with which such deeds are committed. The animal’s owner says that at 2000 the previous evening, she fed the animal for the night and awoke to find it in the condition displayed in the images. Brick walls on all sides enclose the site: the only open area is the roof. It is divided by another wall, with the rabbits (3 of them) on one side and hens and chickens on the other. Even though there are dogs on the property, no one heard anything that night. The following night, at around 0200am the family heard a commotion in the henhouse. They got out of bed and headed for the location, fearful on account of the previous day’s activities. An older woman had the courage to venture forth, and found a being that stood more or less 1 meter tall in a corner, menacing five of her chickens. According to her description this entity had clawed hands and was jet black – even thought it was night; it was darker than the encircling, moonlit darkness. She thought it might attack her, so she cried out and summoned her son, but when she turned around to do so, the creature was no longer there. She doesn’t know how it vanished but she didn’t see it again. A black fungus that desiccates plants is growing behind the place where these events occurred. Samples were taken and sent to the School of Agronomy and Veterinary Science of the University of Buenos Aires.

HC addendum
Source: http://inexplicata.blogspot.com
Type: E

Location. Paducah, Kentucky
Date: November 14 2008
Time: 0530am
The main witness woke up in his bed unable to move or scream. His girlfriend was sleeping right next to him and his 93 pound Great Pyrenees dog was sleeping at the foot of the bed. He moved his eyes to his left and saw what looked like a rounded expandable antenna held by a white hand moving towards the side of his head. His dog was woken up and immediately jumped off the bed and started growling in a defensive mode. Then the dog got low to the ground and was out of his sight. The hand holding the antenna was now pointing it at the dog and she stopped barking and growling. The witness was then able to move a little and was filled with unbridled rage. He moved his eyes to his left and saw that the alarm clock said 0535am. His left hand had felt like it was being held down, but he was now able to move and he swung it to his left with all the force in his body and made contact with a hard but latex feeling body. Immediately he jumped and looked to his left where the being had previously stood but now it was gone. His girlfriend now woke up and he told her to run to the living room followed by the dog, he grabbed his 9mm Glock and went into the living room checked it and then checked the complete apartment but found nothing unusual.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Epping Forest, England
Date: November 15-16 2008
Time: 1500
There have been reports of strange creatures roaming the Epping Forest recently. Michael Kent saw a peculiar looking Bigfoot type creature and Irene Dainty came face to face with a hairy creature. This hairy creature came out of nowhere. It was about 4 ft tall, really large feet and looked straight at the witness with animal eyes. It then leaped straight over the wall with no trouble and went off into a garden. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Steve Gerrard Editor UFONEWS UK Magazine
Type: E

Location. Near Carnarvon, Western Australia
Date: November 22 2008
Time: 2140
Walking in an area near this locale the 17-year old witness spotted a very sleek, small airborne vessel that was clearly only equipped for one person only. It was shaped like a thin pyramid of some sort; it was entirely black and had no apparent engines or anything keeping it in the air. The only sound it made was a strong air-resistance type sound, which landed very close to her. And what the witness saw of the interior (which wasn’t a lot) appeared to be very simplistic, almost like a cockpit but with no visible instruments or controls, there was a sort of “lid” that seemed to completely enclose the cockpit, which she thought left no room for the “pilot” to look out. The aforementioned lid had slide opened and the witness was approached by a human looking figure, approximately 6 feet tall wearing a sort of uniform with shoes, its eyes appeared to be golden brown in color. The figure appeared muscular and quite pale in appearance, he attempted to communicate with the witness is a voice very similar to a human but completely unintelligible. At first he was extremely formal and gave the witness a bow, apparently introducing himself or perhaps greeting her. The stranger was extremely cordial in behavior but the witness does feel that his mood was changing towards the end of the encounter to become slightly aggressive, only verbally, it remained very calm otherwise and appeared to be trying to obtain information. It appeared to be attempting to communicate something quite specific and became irritated when the witness did not understand; its language was unrecognizable to her as any dialect from earth. The witness was apparently able to cause a small cylindrical item to fly from the cockpit of its vehicle into its hand. She also believes that an item that he was wearing around his neck had something to do with its way of communication as it was steadily getting closer to English speech as the ‘conversation’ progressed, but this is definitely speculation. (Perhaps frustrated in his attempts the alien man returned to his craft which promptly left).

HC addendum
Source: http://www.uforc.com/ace/Western-AU_112208.html
Type; B

Location. Navajo Reservation, Northeastern Arizona
Date: November 23 2008
Time: 0645am
This past Sunday Jeremy Spokane encountered a creature he described as weighting about 35 to 40 pounds, mottled gray in color or maybe very short hair. It had a very pronounced spine and moved in a manner more like a rabbit or kangaroo, rather than a canine. His friend’s dogs both of which are young and strong didn’t have a chance catching it. They took off in pursuit, but the strange animal’s ability to cut corners on a dime and its sheer speed left the dogs far behind. It had huge hind legs that it employed to accelerate and turn. According to Spokane the creature looked more like a kangaroo and moved with an entirely different posture and method than that of dogs.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales – December 2008
Type: E

Location. Doral, Miami Dade County, Florida
Date: November 28 2008
Time: 0500am
The witness was walking his dog when he noticed at a distance a set of bright and colorful strobe-like lights changing in sequence from blue red and yellow colors. The lights were coming towards the witness at a very low altitude just like an airliner approaching for a landing. At first the witness thought it was a news helicopter and then he thought it was an airliner but later changed his mind as the object did not have any familiar looking lights normally located on aircraft. He could only see the bright blinking strobe-like multicolored lights. He was about to resume his routine when he noticed that his dog became a little bit nervous and began to look up in the direction of the approaching aircraft which was now very close to the witness. At this moment the witness realized that the craft did not produce the normal sound a jetliner or chopper would, but it flew silently until it was directly overhead. At this point the witness heard a strange loud sound “similar to a loudspeaker” coming from the rear of the craft. As he studied the craft he noticed that it had a weird shape resembling an oval wing with a black hole or opening on the center from where the sound was apparently coming from. The sound was very odd and seemed to be an attempt in imitating a real jet engine sound, as if the craft was attempting to camouflage itself. At the rear of the craft he saw two sets of yellow and clear lights and several huge vertical windows probably about 10 to 12 feet tall and six feet wide and probably about five or six of them. The windows ran from side to side and the strobe lights were located below the windows and one set above. At this point the witness noticed several shot thin figures along inside the windows as if performing some kind of task, as they did not appeared to be looking out. At this point his dog became very afraid and attempted to release herself from the leash. The figures or entities inside the craft were about 3 or perhaps 4 in number. A few moments later this strange aircraft disappeared above the nearby buildings.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A
Comments: Animal reaction noted

Location. North Carolina, exact location not given
Date: November 30 2008
Time: 0210am
The witness (involved in other encounters) had fallen sleep and was woken up by a bright light coming through the window, next thing she knows she is on a stretcher accompanied by a short gray, which lets her know he wants to hurt her (!). Then a tall gray humanoid appears and dismisses the short gray with a wave of his hand. He then rubs the witness forehead and lets him know he is ok. They communicate by using telepathy. She is then scanned by a machine that looks like an upside “L” usually that’s all they do but this time the short gray came in and gave her an injection in her inner right upper arm which was very painful. Then she was taken to what she describes as a waiting room to go home, still on a stretcher. Then a bright redheaded woman comes in and takes his hand in hers (but she has four claws instead of hand like humans) and says “come with me”. She gets up and goes with her. She is already terrified because of the injection and the fact that she had never seen a woman there. The woman has bright red long hair, with what appeared to be a crown on her head. She has white skin very beautiful dark deep set blue slanted upward eyes, a small nose and a round mouth and actually talks like a human and her mouth moves. She was dressed in a shimmering silver gown with a dark purple hooded robe over it. She is wearing a dark deep blue diamond shaped stone that glows brilliantly and bright. She has a kind and trusting voice. The witness was impressed with the woman and does not know if she is a queen or princess. She is still partly afraid because she doesn’t know what she wants with her. She saw no feet but her gown did drag the floor. She leads her to a room with children of all ages, from small to what he would consider to be teenagers. They all come running up to her as if they knew her and all looked like 2 people she knows and herself. They were all trying to touch her and most did. Then they went into another room which had embryos and fetuses. There were hundreds so it seemed, they also had something over their eyes because they were in bright lights. They looked human but had no visible sex organs. Then the woman says, “Come on” and they leave. They walk down a hall to what appears to be a large picture window in a house. She tells her “to look through it”. What she saw appears to have been the future. There was a bloody war in the US and other countries and it was very graphic, he began to cry and said she didn’t want to see anymore and turns away. But she yells at her to look, so she did, what she saw this time was death, many people dying some of sickness others via suicide and others murdered. Some she knew and some she had never seen before. Finally she told her that she had seen enough and refused to look back in the window. She kept saying, “We are not through” over and over again. She kept saying, “No, no”! Then she was back on her bed and for a while she could not move or speak. But as soon as she could she asked her husband where did the bright light go and where did the grays and that woman go. He said he didn’t see anything as usual. She got up at 0600am tired and drained of energy. When she went to put her clothes on she noticed bruise marks on both sides of her abdomen, so her husband took pictures of them and a red area in her inner right arm. As the day went on the bruise on her stomach became redder and resembled scratch marks. The witness took additional photos.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: G

Location. Bristol, England
Date: December 06 2008
Time: 0100am
The witness was lying in bed when he awoke around 1am with a headache. He stood up got out bed and moved over to the window noticing what a clear night it was. He looked up at the sky and saw a flash of light and then a ball of light moved quickly across the sky. Suddenly he felt extremely afraid; he says it was the most horrible feeling ever. He then heard a noise behind him, he looked and there was another flash that illuminated the room and for that time that it was illuminated it seemed as if a figure was standing on the doorway to his room. The figure seemed to have large hands with long fingers and a very large head. Somehow he managed to look out the window again and saw nothing there so he decided to get into bed; he then fell asleep and apparently did not see the creature depart.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: D?

Location. Near Norman Oklahoma
Date: December 12 2008
Time: 1028am
A man and his wife were driving just having passed Norman and having taken a wrong turn, they found Highway 9, a small road that would take them back to Highway 44. The traffic at the time was heavy, with motorists running at a high speed. The driver was keeping up with the flow of traffic, when his wife suddenly said, “What is that?” He looked up to where his wife was pointing and saw a very surprising sight: a line of white lights, book-marked on each end by orange lights. At least that is what it first appeared to be. The witness knew something was odd, however, because his wife was what he called an “Army brat,” and was familiar with almost every type of flying object there was. As he continued to gaze at the sight, the UFO turned; showing its bottom, and immediately its shape became very clear. It was triangle-shaped, with an orange light at each corner, and a blue-white light in the very center. There was ample light in the area to clearly see the object’s center light pulse, getting brighter as it did. A military helicopter was also present, flying between the witnesses and the triangle UFO. A very strange sight was soon seen: fiver or six round, orange lights on the horizon which appeared and then disappeared in a second. The appearance of the orange orbs was very vague to the witnesses.
As they drove on, they felt that the sightings were behind them, but they were mistaken. They had been driving since 700am when they left Knoxville Tennessee, and the driver was a clock watcher, always projecting his arrival time. He had last looked at his watch at 940am. He estimated they would arrive at their home by 1100am. His wife also took medication, and was always aware of the time. They had seen the craft at about 1028am, and her next meds were to be taken after they arrived home. She last checked her time at 940am at about the time of the sighting, which meant they had lost about 48 minutes of their lives at the time of the appearance of the triangle UFO, and the strange distant orbs. It seemed that they had been in heavy traffic one moment, and suddenly they were the only car on the road.

HC addendum
Source: http://ufos.about.com/od/currentuforeports
Type: G?

Location. Waterford, Michigan
Date: December 15 2008
Time: 0730am
This was the second instance of seeing a being while coming out of a sleep for the witness. He awakened for an unknown reason while sleeping in his bed on the upstairs floor of a 3rd level unit. The blinds are the same as the lower level, and the light comes through them well. So there was a good amount of ambient light in the room. He was still trying to come to a full awake state. His arms and legs were disabled, but he could move his mouth and see with his eyes. He was sleeping on his right side of his body in a half fetal position. The being was standing at the side of his bed, facing him, at about the halfway point to his mattress. It was staring at him. The witness stared back, and he was a bit frightened by the appearance of the being, especially due to it being at his bedside as he awoke. He attempted to move his arms and legs, but to no avail. This angered him. He then proceeded to show his teeth in a fierce manner to the being. He thinks he did this because it was the only method left of self defense. He was very uncomfortable, not being able to move his arms and legs. This being disappeared right in front of his eyes, one second it was in front of him, the next it was gone. No movement, was noted, it was just gone. The being was brown in color, but unlike the previous encountered by the witness. This being had a human-like appearance in bodily form, (legs, arms, round head, etc), but looked nothing like a human in other way. It had a dark brown color to it. It almost appeared to have a slimy texture to it. Further, although he could not completely recall, the witness thought the being could change the coloring of itself slightly, from light brown to dark brown. He was afraid for a few days after this. He had issues of not wanting to fall asleep,

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Date: December 16 2008
Time: 1315
The main witness and three of her friends had decided to go into the woods near her house after finishing mid-term testing. They came across an old waterway that would stop flooding and as they followed it they were going further and further into the woods. Strangely it had become real quite around them and soon they spotted a black creature moving through the woods. They estimated the creature to have been 6 ft tall. The creature’s face was elongated, like that of a wolf, but it was humanoid in appearance and ran like a human. It was moving very fast. Whatever it was it stopped and looked around as if it knew the witnesses were there. It then took off shortly after. None of the m wanted to move right away in case it came back, but they decided to leave. The main witness is convinced she saw a werewolf type creature.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales March 2009
Type: E

Location. Near Reno, Nevada
Date: December 22 2008
Time: 0650am
Three friends were coming back from Elko and traveling westward on highway eighty, they were traveling to Sacramento California to then fly back to Raleigh, North Carolina. The purpose of their travel to Elko was to see their long lost friend from elementary school. When traveling back they took a stop in Reno and from there they spent the night at a motel. And in the morning upon departure they saw what they thought to be a UFO. There was a bright light, it then turned into a turquoise color and seemed to disappear. They then heard heavy winds from inside the car and then saw lots of dust and a dim light and at this point they saw some type of “creature” approaching them. Shocked and panicked they drove quickly away from the area. (No further description of the creature is available).

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: D?

Location. Jardinopolis, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: December 27 2008
Time: 2100
Two local youngsters, Denilson and Rafael were playing in the Sebastian’s Chapel Square when they were surprised to see bright lights moving overhead heading towards a field close to the square. The lights seemed to be rotating around an ellipse form, and were red and blue in color; they suddenly descended and disappeared from sight. Feeling somewhat frightened the two friends ran to a nearby house where they told their two other friends, Carlos and Cristiano. The boys knew that it hadn’t been an airplane since there wasn’t any noise and the lights seemed to have performed a vertical descent into the field. The now four witnesses approached the field and could now see the lights on the grounds alternating colors from red to blue. Three of the boys were afraid to approach the field by Cristiano drove his scooter closer and illuminated the area with its headlights, as he did this, Carlos, Denilson and Rafael followed closely behind him. The boys could now see that the lights were suspended in mid-air in a diagonal position and under the lights they could see three or more “crouching” creatures on the field. The creatures were crouching in a horseshoe or U-formation and appear to be “communicating” with each other. The boys were extremely frightened, since they had never seen anything like that before. The boys were convinced that the creatures were not animals, since their behavior was totally different from that of typical farm animals that abounded in the area. The boys explained that the creatures were well-defined but when they changed their viewing angle they were able to see four and up to five creatures, giving some the creatures the appearance of being “invisible” and only becoming visible when the struck by the light rain that was falling at the time. When Cristiano shone his scooter headlight directly on the creatures these disappeared. They could only see the creatures when it was dark. In the darkness they still see the contours of their bodies. The boys estimated the creatures to have been about 1.20 meters in height, with large black oval-shaped eyes, lacking noses or ears, they had a round mouth and their color was dark gray. They hands with fingers but were unable to count how many fingers on each hand. All four youths gave identical description of the creatures. They observed the creatures for approximately forty minutes and during the time the boys noticed that the creatures appeared to be communicating among themselves. Suddenly they saw a red “laser point” on Carlos’s shirt, Rafael pointed it out to Carlos who became afraid, and he immediately lifted his arms in a way to demonstrate that he was no threat to them and that he was unarmed. At this point the witnesses could see a red beam of light that appeared to be emanating from a cylindrical shaped object on the field, there also appeared to smoke coming from the tip of the object. Terrified the four witnesses began leaving the area slowly concerned for their safety. The youths estimated that they had stood about 10 meters from the creatures. They arrived home afraid and nervous. Three days later the witnesses visited the site and found that the brush in the area had turned brown in color.

HC addendum
Source: Milton Dino Frank Junior, Presidente do Centro de Ufologia Brasileiro
Type: C?

155 cases so far, compiled by Albert S Rosales

Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

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