1971 HUMANOID REPORTS Albert Compiled by Albert Rosales


After 1970 went out with a whimper, 1971 began in much the same manner, but a trend was beginning to form. High strangeness reports were becoming more and more commonplace, memories of 1966-1968 came alive. Something was coming down the pipe; something incredible was going to happen. A change was in the air, 1973 was just around the corner, and the world would never be the same.

Note: Images have been used by Albert with permission or in good faith. If you have any objection to his use of them please write to Albert at the address below. Also contact me (John Hayes) with details of the image(s) and it/they will be removed from the website.]

Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: Garuda79@aol.com

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

Chupacabras And Other Mysteries
– Scott Corrales

The Chupacabras remains a paranormal phenomenon not well understood where it appears, and even less so with interested US readers. Chupacabras and Other Mysteries provides the first substantive English work dealing with the bugger. It relies on the research and work of Jorge and Marleem Martin, who made first-hand investigations of animal mutilations attributed to the Chupacabras in the Puerto Rican municipalities of Orocovis and Morovis. The book includes a photo section, none of the elusive creatures, but of kittens they ‘exsanquinated,’ haunts, and the original sketch based on eyewitness memory. Chupacabras is not a run-of-the-mill hide and seek type bigfoot. A wide variety of paranormal activity attends its visits. As UFO researcher Marc Davenport points out in the introduction, the creatures’ reported eye-beams do not behave like the bio-luminesence of fireflies and deep sea fish. Chupacrabras is something else again, and this volume contributes greatly to helping figure out what.


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