Encounters with Aliens on this Day January 5

1954 – In Tooma, New South Wales, Australia
three bright orbs moved very fast through the sky to the west at noon,
orbited one another, then turned to the south in a line. (Source: Loren
E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1954: January-May, p. 9).

1954 – A red circular object landed and took off at night in San Sebastian, Spain. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 3178; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 104).

1954 – Mr. Chesneau, a fireman, saw a round luminous object slowly descend toward the Marignane Airport, France
at 9:00 p.m. He went inside and called the control tower to report it.
When he came outside again, the object had gone. (Source: Jacques
Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 123, citing Jimmy Guieu).

1954 – Three separate observers in Murchison, Texas
witnessed a bright silver, saucer-shaped UFO that hovered
for 3 minutes. It was gone in seconds. It was also seen in Tyler, Texas. (Sources: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 3179; Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1954: January-May, p. 12).

1955 – A red circular object three meters in diameter was
observed to land and take off again in San Sebastian, Spain. Three
independent witnesses saw the object come to ground. They described it as
a very bright red globe 2.5 meters in diameter, which they thought was
made of a metallic material. When one witness approached to within 100
meters, the object took off. The principal witness was a 23-year-old man
named Galarraga. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A
Century of Landings
, p. 248; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos,
Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 18;
UNICAT database, case 565, citing Stendek).

1956 – At midday two soldiers at Fort Wood, Missouri saw
a big silver balloon like object fly by slowly. No balloons were
scheduled for release in the area at that time. The object rotated,
then vanished. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 4893).

1958 – At around 4 p.m. a silver gray disc followed two
witnesses in their car along the side of road in Bloemfontein, Orange Free
State, South Africa at low altitude. It then abruptly shot off into
the sky. Later that same evening in Beachwood, Ohio three nocturnal
lights traced a perfect triangular path in the sky. (Sources: (1) Cynthia
Hind, UFO AfriNews, July 1992; (2) Richard H. Hall, The UFO
(Volume I), p. 15; Otto Binder, What We Really Know About
Flying Saucers
, p. 38; Richard Haines, Project Delta: A Study of
Multiple UFO
, p. 90).

1965 – At 5:56 p.m. an aerospace engineer named Bruton on Wallops Island, Virginia watched a round glowing object that moved rapidly from horizon to
nearly overhead at the NASA station in seconds. Radar tracked it at 6,000 mph. (Sources: NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1965, p. 1; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, August 1965, p. 56; Donald B. Hanlon, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1966, p. 14; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II:  A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 150, 317; Richard M. Dolan, UFO’s and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973, p. 412).

1966 – Violet Bricker was driving two miles north of La Harpe,
Illinois on Rte. 94 at 8:15 a.m. when she observed a light flash
that she first believed was an approaching plane. As it neared she saw it
was more dirigible-shaped and closed rapidly on a collision course with
her. It stopped and hovered over the telephone lines opposite her car. It
was ovoid shaped and made no sound, and was about as long as a Piper Club.
It had a single bright yellow-white light on the end facing her. There
were no doors, ports, or landing gear visible, but a lateral line like a
seam encircled the UFO. It began revolving in a clockwise motion on its
axis, bringing the other end in view and exposing a two-foot platform on
which stood a “man” wearing a bulky, white, one-piece suit. He was about
five and one half feet tall, stocky build, and he stood with his left hand
against the object and his right hand on his hip, staring directly down on
the witness. His face had a ruddy complexion and his eyes were dark, but
he looked entirely normal otherwise. The object drifted about on its axis
and the man was lost from view. Ms. Bricker was so taken aback by the
experience she could not recall if she actually stopped her car or not.
She recalled seeing a man and a woman on foot not 20 feet away to whom she
signaled frantically to catch their attention, but to no avail. (Sources:
Robert Smulling, Skylook, August
1970, p. 19; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of
Humanoid Reports
, case 1966-01 (A0691); Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 20).

1967 – At 4:00 a.m. a 32-year-old man was driving to work in
Winsted, Minnesota in his 1964 Chevy truck when he had to get out
and inspect his vehicle when the engine stalled. Only then did he observe
an intense light to his right, coming closer. He saw it land on the road
and locked himself inside the cab of his truck. The craft settled on a
tripod landing gear; it measured 25 meters in diameter and was 10 meters
high. Something similar to an elevator came down from it, and a man
dressed in blue coveralls “with something like a glass fish bowl on his
head,” of medium height, seemed to check something and then left. (Source:
Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case

1967 – At 5:40 p.m. four observers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
watched a disc-shaped object for 45 minutes as it buzzed, circled,
and flipped over several times, then shot off to the south. A
box-shaped object was then seen flying north. (Source: Larry Hatch, U
computer database, case # 7424; NICAP UFO Investigator, February 1967, p. 4).

1967 – On or about this date six witnesses from three families driving on Highway 55 two miles east of Farwell, Minnesota
had their car engine falter when several tiny lights passed their
windshield. The car functions alright after the lights had
departed. (Source: APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 5; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 31).

1968 – On this night six observers with binoculars in Nelson, British Columbia, Canada
watched four saucers hover over a radio tower. They had flames
coming from the top and flat bottoms. (Source: Brad Steiger & Joan
Whritenour, Flying Saucer Invasion, p. 95).

1968 – An very bright, yellowish orange, disc-shaped UFO landed
at a remote distance from two men, Sr. Massague and Sr. Aguade, in the
Torrellas de las Foix mountains, Barcelona, Spain at 8:15 a.m. It
was ten meters in diameter, and estimated to be about 3500 meters away.
(Source: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO
Events in Spain and Portugal
, case 54, citing CEI).

1969 – At four o’clock in the morning a glowing object rose to
the surface and floated on the ocean off the coast of Vina del Mar,
Valparaiso, Chile. The surface of the sea boiled and there was an
odor of sulphur in the air. At 9:00 p.m. in Port Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil soldiers
at the Vila Floresta watched a hovering fireball that shot a fiery beam
when it began moving. At 11:45 p.m. on the highway between Campos
and Itaparuna, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil a single witness
stopped his car to watch a metallic domed ovoid-shaped object hovering
over a nearby hilltop. The dome on the object glowed a purple color.
(Sources: (1) Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 118; (2) Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, June 1971, p. 9; (3) UFO
, February 1973, citing a newspaper source).

1970 – Between 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 the sky and the village of Montigne, Charente, France
were lit by and odd luminesence. At 9:00 p.m. a red disc-shaped
object was seen flying at a very low altitude. The witnesses were
19-year-old Mr. Aubineau, 21-year-old Mr. Mijon, his son and two other
children. (Source: Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, p. 336).

1971 – A car driving between
Penrith and Windsor, New South Wales,
was paced by a one-meter ball of light  for 13
minutes. It flew away when the car stopped. (Sources: Bill Chalker, FSR, September-October 1973, p. 21;
Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal,
January 1991,  p. 20).

1971 – An engineer in Suceava, Romania saw a star-like light zigzagging in the sky. It vanished at 8:45 p.m. (Source: Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 271).

1972 – While snowmobiling in
East Kingston, New Hampshire five
witnesses came upon an object close to some railroad tracks at 10:45 p.m.
It glowed yellow, hovered 10 feet above the tracks, 300 feet away. It rose
vertically, then descended behind some trees. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler,
UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p.
341 & 358).

1974 – At 6:00 p.m. a motorist watched a nine meter in diameter
domed disc-shaped object fly to the west over the reservoir in
Rambouillet, Yvelines department, France. It directed a beam of
light down on the water. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, June

1974 –  At 4:25 a.m. two
police officers, Abbington and Regot, in a patrol car in St. Charles,
Missouri followed an oblong UFO
with two white rectangular lights and a rotating red light in the
center. The object moved directly toward police at one point, and made a
hissing sound like escaping steam. (Sources: George D. Fawcett, Saga UFO Report, April 1975, p. 50;
John F. Schuessler, Skylook,
February 1974, p. 16).

1974 – At 9:00 p.m. a disc-shaped object paced a car with six witnesses north of Glenham, North Dakota
causing electrical system interference. The UFO followed the witnesses
home. Small windows were seen through binoculars. (Source: Robert
Emenegger, UFOs: Past, Present and Future, p. 128).

1975 – Carlos A. Diaz was
walking home from the bus after a late night at 3:30 a.m. in Puerto
Ingeniero, a town outside Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he
saw a blindingly bright that emitted a bent beam of light and found
himself paralyzed. He then heard a humming noise and was levitated off the
ground. He fainted, and when he came to he was inside a spherical room
about 8 feet in diameter with luminous walls. Three beings, about 5′ 9″
tall, entered the sphere. Their heads were half the size of human heads,
shaped like smooth green knobs, with small noses and small ears, and
were completely devoid of hair. They were dressed in pale cream
colored “rubber” suits that covered their entire bodies up to
their necks. Although their arms terminated in fingerless stumps, they
were nevertheless able to pull out large clumps of Diaz’s, but this
caused him no pain. They even pulled out some hair from his chest. Finally
Diaz fainted again, and when he awoke he found himself lying beside a road
outside Buenos Aires. The time was 7:30 a.m. but his watch had
stopped at 3:50 a.m. He was nauseous the entire day, and was taken
to hospital. (Sources: Pedro Romaniuk, FSR, November 1975, p. 39; David F.
Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT:
Catalogue of Humanoid Reports
, case 1975-01 (A1381),
citing Pedro Romaniuk & Jorge R. Martinez; Richard F. Haines,
CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth
, p. 227).

1975 – At 2:30
p.m. 15-year-old David Mahon was in his backyard in Brownstown, Illinois photographing his dog when he
heard a loud droning noise and saw a black disc-shaped object passing
overhead. He took five photographs, then felt himself being
levitated upward and he lost consciousness. He recovered conciousness in a
small cubicle only five feet in diameter. There was a row of blinking
orange lights that encircled the room at waist height. He remembered
being in this compartment for less than a minute. He
then fainted again and recovered consciousness near his home.
His father told him that he had been gone for nearly an hour. The
photographs of the UFO were overexposed and out of focus. There were two
other witnesses who briefly witnessed the flying disc in Brownstown.
(Source: Eileen Sperber, 1975 letter to CUFOS; David F. Webb & Ted
Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid
, case 1975-02 (A1382); Vandalia (IL) Leader-Union, February 4,

– At 4:50 p.m. three witnesses in separate cars observed a very
large (88 meters in diameter) disc-shaped object hovering near a water
tank north of Wakefield, Rhode Island. There was a red glow coming from the windows in the craft. It faded from view after four minutes. (Source: Donald R. Todd, APRO Bulletin, January-February 1975, p. 5).

1975 – At 6:55 p.m. in Laulne pres de Lessay, Manche department, France
a domed disc-shaped craft 15 meters long with portholes, took
off from a landing on  a farm. It had three legs
as landing gear. The principal witness was 12-year-old Yvon
Vildier, but two more adult witnesses named Marie LeClere and Richard
(first name only) observed it as a light in the sky. It left
behind traces on the ground and a petroleum odor. The ground marks
included three large landing pod imprints, irregularly spaced in a
triangle 1 m x 1.6 m x 2.5 m, and three small center clustered
imprints. The entire event from first observing a luminous phenomenon
in the area to the disappearance of the craft lasted 20 minutes.
(Sources: Roland Godefroy, Phenomenes Spatiaux, March 1975,
p. 9; Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier Dossier Complet des Rencontres
Rapprochees en France
, p. 530). 

1976 – At 5:50 p.m. Jean Claude Silvente, age 10, was walking
through a vacant lot overgrown with brush and surrounded by buildings in
Domene, Isere, France when he heard a noise, and saw that a
bell-shaped UFO had landed next to some bushes. It was about 30 feet away
from him, about 15 feet high, a luminous white color, and resting on five
thin legs. A door in the craft opened and a very tall man, at least two
meters tall, emerged. He wore tight, white luminous coveralls and had long
blond hair. On the back of each hand was a green circle. He walked stiffly
with his arms extended in front of him, in the manner of a sleepwalker.
When the boy sneezed, this “giant” turned toward him, and Jean Claude ran
home. A short while later he was sent out by his mother to get some milk,
and while returning home he saw the same being again. It was following him
on the sidewalk 80 feet behind, still with its arms held out stiffly in
front of him. Jean Claude ran home. Note: An almost identical humanoid was
seen in Chamouilley, France in October of that same year. It had
similar features, was tall and had blond hair, and it also walked in the
manner of a sleepwalker with one slight difference, it appeared to be
wearing tight-fitting goggles. (Sources: Charles Bowen, Saga UFO
, November 1976, p. 62; Bil Gil Helair, Skylook, May
1976, p. 5; Alain Gamard, UFO Register, volume 7, p. 44;
Jean-Claude Bourret, OVNI l’ Armee Parle, p. 146; David F. Webb and
Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Human Reports, case 1976-02,
citing Michel Levy, Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 159).

1977 – Two separate truck drivers in Nysater, Varmland, Sweden
had a close encounter at 1:15 a.m. with a disc-shaped object on Highway
18. The saucer was just above the roadway, with five legs extended
as landing gear. Both of the observers were paralyzed and frozen
in place for five minutes, 150 meters away from the craft. The UFO
emitted a solid coherent light beam. (Sources: Bertil Soderquist, MUFON UFO Journal, January 1978, p. 18; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 270).

1977 – At 2:30 a.m. EST in Napanee, Ontario, Canada
three police officers watched a bright object hovering over the Lennox
Hydro Electric Power Station. A red NL nocturnal light bounced up
and down for 10 minutes. (Sources: Larry Hatch, U computer
database, case # 11901; MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 118).

1977 – At 4:10 a.m. a 30 foot in
diameter domed disc was seen over power lines near the town of Bednesti,
20 miles west of Prince George, British
Columbia, Canada
on Highway 16. A beam of energy struck two
witnesses in separate cars, and both experienced 20 minutes of
missing time. (Source: Michael Sinclair, APRO Bulletin, March 1977, p. 1;
Joseph Kovacs, report to CUFOS, January 14, 1977).

1977 – At 8:00 a.m. two teenagers in Wrexham, Wales
took photographs of four disc-shaped objects flying in a procession of
objects. Their clear photos were analyzed and pronounced as genuine by
the Kodak film company. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case
# 11903; Warrington, UFOs: a British Perspective, p. 89).

1977 – At 8:00 p.m. a gray, 15 meter disc-shaped object hovered silently at 25 meters altitude near Eriswell, Suffolk, England
for 20 minutes, 100 meters away. It then shot up into the sky and flew
away. There were two witnesses and a dog present. (Source: Larry Hatch,
U computer database, case # 11906).

1979 –  Two members of the
Quezet family in Mindalore, Gauteng province, South Africa experienced a 20 minute
episode of missing time in the pre-dawn hours when they had a close
encounter with an ovoid object that made a buzzing sound. Meagan
Quezet and her 12-year old son Andre were out looking for their dog
shortly after midnight after they heard it barking. Soon they noticed
a peculiar pink glow beyond a tarmac road. Thinking that it was a police
car, they approached the area. As they reached the glow they noticed that
it came from a peculiar egg-shaped craft resting on the ground on several
thin leg-like protrusions. The intense pink glow emanated from the top of
the craft. Suddenly5 or 6 men jumped to the ground from an opening in the
craft. One walked to the far end of the object, two remained standing
in front of it, and two others approached the witnesses. The men
appeared to speak among themselves in a loud “sing-song” unintelligible
language; two kneeled down and appeared to touch the asphalt. All the men
wore tight-fitting white suits; all but two had hoods that covered most of
their faces. The one who appeared to be the leader approached Mrs. Quezet
and spoke to her in a high-pitched unintelligible voice. He made a slight
bow towards her as if in a form of salute. He had a black beard, frizzy
black hair, and slanted eyes and dark olive skinned complexion. Soon the
men walked back to the craft and entered the object, the craft then
emitted a whistling sound, the thin leg-like protrusions telescoped back
into the craft, which then rose up and disappeared into the clouds. Under
hypnosis the witness recalled being taken inside the object where she saw
chairs, panels and a table. She was asked to come with them but she
refused.  (Source: Xenolog,
March 1979, p. 19).

Jean Hingley had waved goodbye to her husband as he went off to work in
the bitter cold morning in Rowley Regis, West Midlands, England at
around 7:00 a.m. Then she saw a light in the garden. Thinking her
husband had left the carport light on, she went out to investigate, but
it was still to dark, so she returned to the kitchen. She put down some
food for the family Alsatian dog, Hobo, and called him from the garden,
but he flopped down as if he had been drugged and gazed at the ceiling,
glassy eyed. Then, with a “zee-zee” noise, three weird looking
creatures flew past her into the lounge. There were only three and a
half feet tall, and had waxy white faces and coal-black eyes with no
eyebrows and very thin mouths. They wore silvery uniforms, with a
transparent fish-bowl type helmet over their heads. They also had
transparent wings, and floated. Jean was left clinging to the sink,
paralyzed, but she next suddenly also floated towards the lounge. Jean
noticed that the aliens were inspecting the ornaments on their
Christmas tree with interest. She said they also probed her mind with
telepathy, “it was like a light or an X-ray penetrating.” They told her
telepathically that she would not be harmed, and when she asked them
where they were from, one of them reported “we come from the sky.” She
then explained to them why the house was all decorated, to celebrate
Jesus’s birthday. “We know all about Jesus,” they claimed. They said
they would return. They also claimed that “we come down here to talk to
people but they don’t seem to be interested.” Finally, when she showed
them how to light a cigarette, they fled in terror, taking a mince pie
with them. Outside in her garden was an egg-shaped object with windows.
They floated into it and it took off, emitting a bluish flash and
pulsating twice before disappearing with a flash. The dog returned to
normal, and Jean called the police. Her electric wall clock had
stopped, and all her cassette tapes were magnetized and unplayable. In
the snow outside where the object had sat, there was an oval outline,
which the local UFO group was able to photograph before the snow
melted. (Sources: Albert S. Rosales, 1979 Humanoid Sighting Reports
database, case # 440, citing Alfred Budden, Fortean Times, issue # 50; Jenny Randles, Abduction).

1979 – In the town of Bannalec, Finistere, France a 15
meter in diameter circular object hovered near the ground at around 10
p.m. for three minutes. It had a blue halo, and shot away very fast.
(Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, February 1979).

1979 – At 6:20 p.m. three red triangle-shaped UFOs were sighted over Interstate 290 in Auburn, Massachusetts;
AM and CB radios were affected. There was steering loss, loss of
power, and the main witness’s car was reportedly levitated as
well. Ms. Emery felt heat, paralysis, and she had a skin rash as the
result of her close encounter. The UFOs flew off to the northwest. Also
during this period of repeated sightings of low level lights and a
diamond-shaped object over the area, a witness reported seeing a 7-8
foot tall hairy figure in a field at 11:00 p.m. near Sturbridge, Massachusetts. He shone a spotlight at it and the creature ran
towards him. The witness fired three shots at it and then ran away,
shooting one more time over his shoulder. The shots appeared to have no
effect on the creature, but it stopped and did not pursue him further.
(Sources: (1) Raymond Fowler, MUFON UFO Journal, March 1979, p. 8; (2) Ann Druffel, MUFON UFO Journal, March 1979, p. 17; David
F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports,
case A2192; Albert S. Rosales, 1979 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case
addendum # 741, citing CUFOS).

1980 – At around five a.m. the witness, a 33-year-old painter
living in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England suddenly awoke in his
bedroom to see a huge two-meter tall glowing green figure standing at the
foot of his bed. It looked to him more like a holographic image than a
solid figure. The being apparently communicated with the witness using
telepathy. Among the many things mentioned was that his race regularly
transported human beings to other planets in order to colonize them. When
a planet was in danger of overpopulation they somehow started a war in
order to reduce the number of inhabitants on that planet. He also warned
that the Earth was in danger of “breaking in half.” Apparently the
witness’s wife slept through the entire encounter. (Source: Albert S.
Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1980, case #3423, citing Jenny

1980 – A light in the sky flashed and changed colors as it moved over Santa Ponsa, Islas Malgrata, Baleares, Spain
at 8:00 p.m. It made upward jumps in an oscillating motion, and would
stop cold at times. Three powerful lights in a triangle pattern were
higher in the sky, changing color from orange to blue to white,
and making left-to-right moves. (Source: Richard Heiden, UFO Newsclipping Service, June 1980, p. 10, citing Baleares, January 6, 1980).

1986 – Police and several other witnesses in Mineral Point and Vermont, Wisconsin
(both located in Iowa County) saw a silent nocturnal light at low
altitude that hovered, turned, and made other maneuvers. It was
covered on the local TV news. (Sources: Robert Gribble, UFO Reporting
Center, case 1076; Jay Rath, The W-Files: True Reports of Wisconsin’s Unexplained Phenomena, p. 84).

1992 – A luminous glowing ball of light flew eastward in a
descending staircase flight trajectory over Longchaumois, Jura department,
France at 8:45 p.m. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 312).

1994 – On this night a disc-shaped object with portholes and lights was sighted over Wilsden, West Yorkshire, England. The lights on the craft turned off when an airplane passed nearby. (Source: UFO Newsclipping Service, February 1994).

– Beginning at around 10:00 p.m. a silent, sky-blue colored disc-shaped
object hovered for five minutes over Errington, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.
There were small red discs on the bottom of the object and a beam of
light along the middle. It was back the next night at the same
time as well. (Source: Chris Rutkowski, 1995 Canadian UFO Survey, case
# 5, citing the National Research Council).

1997 – B. C., a 57-year-old farmer living in Ille et Vilaine,
Chantepie, France was awakened at two a.m. by a noise like an
explosion and a strident whistling sound. His wife continued to sleep. He
got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Suddenly
he saw a bright flash of light outside. He looked out the French windows
of his farmhouse and saw lights in the middle of a field resembling
headlights. He grabbed his shotgun and went out to investigate. Running
toward the light, he attempted to shout a warning, but oddly no sound came
out of his mouth. He next was hit by some invisible force field and was
unable to move. He then saw two small beings emerge from the luminous
form. The figures looked to be transparent and passed close to him,
seemingly unaware of his presence. The figures then walked toward the
nearby barn. At the same time he felt a prickling sensation and began to
sweat. The small beings walked by him a second time and disappeared inside
the luminous form. The light shot up into the sky vertically at an
incredible speed. B. C. was now able to move and he returned to his
kitchen, still sweating. When he got back to his bedroom his wife was
still in bed sleeping. He appeared to have experienced some missing time.
(Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, citing
Sentinel News # 6, July-August 1997).

1998 – At 2:50 p.m. a silent, round disc-shaped object flew to the northeast slowly from Springfield, Missouri in
an overcast sky. It tilted to reveal a silver top and a gray body.
(Source: Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, volume 3, issue 3).

2000 – At 4:28 a.m. Police
Officer Stevens in Millstadt, Illinois took a photograph of a huge
arrow-shaped UFO flying from the northeast to the southwest at 1,000 feet
altitude. There were three lights in back and many dimmer lights sprinkled
on the surface like “starfield camouflage.” This was one of a series of
several UFO sightings by police from eight police departments and
civilians between 4:00 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. around Scott AFB in St. Clair and
Madison counties, Illinois, which
are both eastern suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri. (Sources: Valerie Schremp,
Concord (NH) Monitor, January 10,
2000; Brent M. Raynes, Alternate
, April 2000, p. 49; UFO Magazine (USA), April 2000, p. 16; UFO Magazine (UK), May 2000, p. 47;
MUFON UFO Journal, March 2000;
Curt Sutherly, UFO Mysteries: A Reporter
Seeks the Truth
, p. 211).

2001 – At 6:45 a.m. a
50-year-old high school teacher on his way to work in East St. Louis,
Illinois got a good look at a
silent, arrow-shaped UFO in Frank Holton Park, juat as the sun was coming
up. (Source: Curt Sutherly, UFO
Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks the Truth
, p. 211).

2001 – A self-luminous white
cigar-shaped object with a luminous trail, hopped forward in flight slowly
behind a mountain in Whitehorse, Yukon
Territory, Canada
at 10:30 a.m. (Source: Geoff Dittman, 2001
Canadian UFO Survey, case # 10, citing UFOBC).

2001 – At 8:00 p.m. a lemon-shaped object was seen “swinging back and forth” over Kelowna, British Columbia.
After a few minutes it then moved to a higher altitude. The sighting
lasted five minutes. (Source: Geoff Dittman, 2001 Canadian UFO Survey,
case # 8, citing UFOBC).

2002 – At 2:00 a.m. a rectangular UFO was seen briefly over Florissant, St. Louis County, Missouri.
It appeared to the witness to be a two-story tall rectangle with very
large windows on the side of the object. (Source: Peter Davenport,
National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, January 2002 webpage, citing
Missouri Investigators Group).

2002 – A single stationary silver disk, reflecting sunlight, was seen over Brooklyn, New York
at 8:40 a.m. EST for 15 seconds. It didn’t move or wobble at any time
that it was hovering there. Two flying discs were seen In Santa
Barbara, California at 9:30 p.m. PST. (Source: George A Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer’s Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 2, citing NUFORC).

2003 – At 1:13 a.m. a witness in Plain Dealing, Louisiana
reported several multi-colored lights maneuvering in the sky under the
cloud cover. They made no sound, and were red, blue, and green in color.
They moved up, down, side-to-side, and stopped to hover at times, but made
no fast movements. The sighting lasted 54 minutes. (Source: Peter
Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, January 2003 archived

2003 – At 3:08 a.m in Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada
a small, bright, crescent-shaped object was sighted
moving fast through the sky. It looped, flashed, and turned fast
for 45 minutes. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting
Center, Seattle, January 2003 webpage).

2004 – At 4:03 p.m. a
saucer-shaped object was seen hovering below a strange looking cloud, over
a mountain in Port Coquitlam, British
Columbia, Canada
. (Source: Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey,
case # 11, citing HBCCUFO and NUFORC).

Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 4 January 2013).

Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database.

abductions; blue uniforms; buzzing sound; circular UFOs; car pacings;
disc-shaped objects; discs with portholes; domed discs or domed ovoids;
hissing sound, human-looking UFOnauts; landings with landing gear;
levitations; missing time; multicolored UFOs; multi-year reports from
British Columbia, England, France, New South Wales, Spain and Missouri;
olive skinned UFOnauts; pendulum motion; physiological effects: heat
sensation, nausea, paralysis, prickling sensation, skin rash; radar
visual confirmation; red UFOs; ruddy complexion; short humanoids;
solid light beam; tall hairy humanoids; tall Nordic humanoids;
telepathy; transparent humanoids or holographic projections; triangular
UFOs; unintelligible language; vertical ascent; watch stopped;
whistling sound.

© Donald A. Johnson

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