1969 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net
1969 Humanoid Reports. The end of a turbulent decade. Times were changing. J F K,
Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X were now gone. The 1967 Arab-Israeli war brought the world to the brink. Escalation in Vietnam. While violence seemed to dominate the US and other points globally, bizarre events were being reported in Brazil, Canada, England, and other locations. Brazil seemed to have been in a yearlong grip of bizarre humanoid encounters and contacts, in Canada similar events were steady, and in the US strange events also abound, but remained hidden and remained in the background as an echo of the dawning of “The Age of Aquarius.” Following is a list of the known reported events for that year.
Location. Calgary Alberta Canada
Date: 1969
Time: unknown
While driving near Calgary, two men saw a silvery disc shaped object flying at very low altitude. Through an opening, a single figure could be seen. The object flew out of sight. No other information.
HC addition # 20
Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters
Type: A
Location. Near Didsbury Alberta Canada
Date: 1969
Time: morning
A man on a farm looked up from work to see a small silver suited entity floating in the air, immediately in front of him. The entity floated to a craft, which then took off. No other information.
HC addition # 2147
Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters
Type: B
Location. Santa Rosa Bolivia
Date: 1969
Time: daytime
A sheep herder and two Indian helpers were watching the flock when a silent disc shaped object descended from the sky, gliding down gently in a curving approach until it stopped 50 feet above them, as it hovered it emitted flashes of white light from its underside. This happened about 30 times in quick succession, and the sheep suddenly fell to the ground. Concerned for the flock the shepherd picked up a stick and ran toward the glowing shiny metallic disc. Suddenly there was a flash of violet light land the shepherd was completely paralyzed. As he watched terror stricken the domed craft descended lower till about six feet from the ground. A trap door with a built in stair opened down from underneath, and two human like feet started down the stair from the center of the ship. Two man-like figures wearing white reflective form fitting suits emerged; both wore transparent dark helmets over the head. The beings wore matching white gloves and boots, and each carried what looked like a shiny silver fire extinguisher in one hand, and a black nozzle on the end of a white hose to the bottle in the other. The two men walked around the flock of sheep putting the “fire extinguisher” nozzle to each of the fallen sheep and completely ignoring the men. After about 3 minutes the men finished their task and re-entered their craft. The stair retracted as the big, circular object, drifted higher, to about 300 feet. From that position, there was s tremendous noise and the object sped up into the sky at a steep angle and disappeared. The men found all 34 sheep dead and apparently bloodless, some of the internal organs were also found to be desiccated and spongy.
HC addition # 3349
Source: Timothy Good, Alien Base
Type: B
Location. Short Hills Ontario Canada
Date: 1969
Time: afternoon
Two 14-year old boys were playing in a conservation area when a huge Bigfoot type creature approached and picked them up, the creature took them onboard a landed disc shaped object. Inside, several short humanoids dressed like doctors examined them apparently putting an implant into one of them. The Bigfoot type creature was seen to sit on a large chair inside the object. Several wires were placed on its head, which led to another device nearby.
HC addition # 297
Source: Lawrence J Fenwick, SBI Report # 40
Type: G
Location. Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City Mexico
Date: 1969
Time: afternoon
Mr. Mercado Orue, involved in a previous encounter, had entered a local bar and had sat down for a drink. As he sat there, a very tall, pale man approached and sat down. Orue noticed that the man wore a metallic-like outfit, soft to the touch. The stranger told Orue not to eat the ham or drink the whisky since it was damaging to his health. Among other things, the stranger said that he came from a very far place that was not divided into “cities or continents.” He then bade goodbye telling the witness that he would see him again.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso
Type: E
Location. Near La Coruña Spain
Date: 1969
Time: evening
Brother and sister Olga & Manuel Lombao 5 & 7 years of age respectively had gone to a nearby store with a baby sitter, when Olga found herself standing outside the store by herself. Looking up towards the sky she noticed a bright light descending at high speed. As it got closer she could see that it was a large circular object encircled in bright lights. She ran into the store to notify the baby sitter but found everyone inside, except for her brother in an apparent state of suspended animation. They both went outside and noticed that the object had landed nearby. From a luminous tube-like extension located at the base of the object, two tall man-like figures wearing tight-fitting flyer-like outfits descended to the ground. The two beings beckoned the witnesses to come closer and invited them inside the craft. Inside they were taken inside a large room with numerous monitors. The beings told the young girl that they came form the star system “Aldebaran,” showing them a star map. Before leaving the object they were told that they were going to meet again.
HC addition # 3178
Source: S.I.B. Betelgeuse
Type: G
Location. Durban South Africa
Date: 1969
Time: night
Jack van Der Merwe was working the night shift in the harbor when suddenly he heard a voice in his head telling him to relax and go somewhere quiet where he could be alone. He went into the shed where bales of wool were stacked. He stood there listening to the dock noises when suddenly he found himself in a strange place as if standing in water, almost as in he was under water. It was very misty and there were people around him. These were described as dark and wearing white flowing garments. They seemed very beautiful. A voice spoke to him, in his head, which gave him all sorts of advice and warnings that he does not recall. He felt relaxed and calm. The next thing he knew he was hearing the dock noises again and went back to his office, there he realized he had been gone for two hours.
HC addition # 2350
Source: UFO Afrinews # 7, January 1993
Type: G
Location. Morgantown West Virginia
Date: 1969
Time: night
The young witness was playing in the kitchen and was hiding under a table when she happened to look at the doorway. At the doorway stood a five-foot tall hairy figure, with long hair, wearing a blue shirt and what appeared to be a skirt. The creature had a large nose and long fangs. The witness screamed and ran to get the others, however the creature had already vanished.
HC addition # 1950
Source: Bob Teets, West Virginia UFO’s, Close
Encounters in the Mountain State
Type: E
Location. Near Penrith New South Wales, Australia
Date: 1969
Time: night
Several men noticed a huge ball of fire, appear in a paddock some 100 meters from their location. Suddenly the fire went out and a row of lights flickered on and they then saw a huge disc shaped object. Several windows could be seen and through them several human shaped beings could be seen moving around. After a few minutes the object rose and left.
HC addition # 1310
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: A
Location. Crewe, England
Date: 1969
Time: night
9-year old Mark was walking along the wide pavement street when he saw some strange characters coming toward him. He saw three of them and they were somewhat taller than normal humans. As they approached, he was stunned to see that they were dressed as men in suits, but had very large dog-like heads. These heads swayed widely from side to side as the creatures walked. Mark was absolutely terrified as they approached, but they seemed not to notice him and he passed by them safely. Terrified he ran all the way home.
HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times
Type: E
Location. Tres Lagoas, Matto Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Date: 1969
Time: night
One night Nadia Marzalle was lying on her bed when a bright light and a strange noise invaded the room. She went outside and saw a UFO floating above the ground. Suddenly she felt herself “sucked” inside the object. Once inside he saw a humanoid similar to a human and next to him two other younger men, with brown hair and taller than the witness. They wore white coveralls and spoke in an unknown language, which the witness could not understand. They sat him on a metallic and cold chair. Looking out a porthole like opening he was able to see that they were flying over a world, which had houses that lacked roofs. The craft then floated above some woods under a star-filled sky. The craft never did land and after drinking a sour tasting liquid he was returned to earth.
HC addendum
Source: Pablo Villarrubia, & Mario Rangel
Type: G
Location. Durban South Africa
Date: 1969
Time: late night
The witness was sitting up in bed as she was having difficulty in falling asleep. She suddenly noticed that the wardrobe seemed to be fading into the wall. A long dark tunnel now appeared, shaped like a cone. There was a small light at the end that appeared to be getting larger. A tall man suddenly stepped out of the tunnel. He was wearing a greenish jacket and pants and knee high black boots; he also wore a thick black belt. He had huge eyes and close cropped brown hair, his ears were pointy, and his mouth was a straight line. The witness felt a mental command telling her to come, next thing she knew she was being dragged down a bright tunnel. She ended up in a bright room with a high narrow table with white sheets. The room was cold and had a strange smell. She then blacked out and does not know what happened next.
HC addition # 1117
Source: Cynthia Hind, UFO Afrinews July 1988
Type: G
Location. Dayton Ohio
Date: 1969
Time: late night
As the witness husband and children slept, she saw two small entities enter through some close patio doors and into the living room. The humanoids were very pale, had large hairless heads, huge black wrap around eyes and long skinny arms and thin legs. They wore skintight metallic suits made out of a silvery material. They seemed kind and gentle. They communicated by telepathy with the witness and invited her to follow them. She was then taken into a large laboratory type room inside an object. The walls appeared to be lined with computer like machines. In the center of the room there was a large solid white rectangular block resembling marble. She was made to lie on the table and suddenly found herself floating just above it. She does not recall what happened next.
HC addition # 556
Source: Tom Dongo, Alien Tide
Type: G
Location. Adelaide South Australia
Date: 1969
Time: late night
The witness had gone to sleep on her sister’s bed when she suddenly felt warm and heard a high-pitched ringing sound coming from the hallway. Several beings then entered the room and were somewhat confused when they noticed she was not in her bed. Soon they located her. The beings were all short except for one taller one who seemed to be the leader. The smaller beings were described as being about four-foot tall with large hairless heads, large dark colored eyes and wearing tight fitting flesh colored clothing. They also had webbing between their fingers. The tall being was about seven-foot tall of moderate built, he wore a light suit with a cape and hood over the head, he had a normal nose and seemed to avoid the light and communicated with the small beings by hand signals and possible telepathy. The witness was levitated from her bed and given a small sphere of light. The beings then surrounded her and all then walked through the wall and to the yard. She was then levitated up into the sky into a bright light. She found herself in a room, the bright sphere was then taken form her and she was made to sit on a chair. The chair then became horizontal and the tall being conducted a medical examination on her, including a vaginal probe. Another tall being then entered the room. She lost consciousness then later woke up bathed in a green light surrounded by the small beings. She was shown a screen with scenes of earthy disasters and was later returned home.
HC addition # 1231
Source: Keith Basterfield, IUR Vol. 16 # 2
Type: G
Location. Adelaide, South Australia
Date: 1969
Time: night
The eleven year old witness, Susan, was abducted from her bedroom by one tall entity, and a group of small, entities that entered the room via the bedroom door. The smaller beings were some 120cm tall, with large baldheads. They had large eye sockets, no visible pupils, with dark blue or black eyes, and a slit mouth, and a small nose. The taller being seemed to be in command and was 210cm tall. She was levitated off the bed and taken to a circular “room” where she received a medical examination whilst lying on a metal table. The next conscious recollection was of waking up in her own bed. The witness also recounts numerous lifelong episodes of such things as poltergeist activity, the sense of a presence in one house she lived in, being told she levitated whilst asleep, seeing objects such as children’s tricycles moving by themselves, experiencing apparitions, precognitive visions, telepathy and spirit photographs. There are also claims of unusual implants in her face; X-rays were taken by dentists of these. One shows an apparent anomaly, whilst a second more detailed one shows nothing present.
HC addendum
Source: Keith Basterfield, UFORSA
Type: G
Comments: I am not sure if this summary is a garbled version of the previous case, there are many differences including the description of the humanoids.
Location. Orland Maine
Date: 1969
Time: late night
Diana Deans and her 8-year old friend were sleeping in the living room late that night when both suddenly woke up at the same time. Diana looked out the window, and under the bright, full moon, she saw a caped, hooded figure, gliding up the road. Her friend saw the figure too. As they both watched the entity began to come up the driveway and the girls became frightened. They went to the kitchen and looked out the window there. The bizarre apparition was getting closer to the house. They hid below the kitchen window. After a few minutes they stood up to see if it was gone but it was still there. They described seeing a hood. Inside the hood was total blackness. They could see no face, eyes or any features, just total blackness. The girls ran back to the living room and hid under the blankets for some time.
HC addendum
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, March 1992
Type: E
Location. The Moorfields, Stoke Alder-Moor, England
Date: 1969
Time: late night
David Rogers suddenly woke in the middle of the night and saw a bright object outside. He saw two aliens, both human looking with blond shoulder length hair and wearing one-piece silvery suits. One of the figures appeared to be a female. The male figure informed him that they had inserted information into his mind that would be retrieved at a later date. He has since experienced several other UFO sightings.
HC addendum
Source: FS UFO Dimensions
Type: C
Location. Missouri, exact location not given
Date: 1969
Time: late night
7-year old Jenny K found herself paralyzed in her bed. Then small beings (not described) penetrated the room through the panes of the closed window. They took the young girl by her arms and proceeded to take her through the closed window. As she floated up into the sky she noticed that she was approaching an enormous hovering mass. She also saw her younger brother, Mark, also being transported by the short creatures. No other information. The witness was to have further “contacts”.
HC addendum
Source: Jean Sider, “UFOs, Uncovered Invaders”
Type: G
Location. Mt. View, California
Date: 1969
Time: late night
One night a hum and a thumping sound in her bedroom awakened the witness. On opening her eyes she saw very bright balls of light in the corridor at the entrance to her bedroom. The light was so bright that there were no shadows and her surroundings were almost bleached white. Remarkably her eyes, adjusted instantaneously. As the balls of light disappeared a loud electrical popping sound was heard and three dark gray figures appeared in their place. One of the gray figures stood out as the leader and has remained an integral part of the witness experiences. She was then taken onboard a craft and was immediately escorted and placed into a chamber where her physical body was subjected to a vibration that increased in intensity until it felt like every molecule in her body exploded. After this she experienced total euphoria. It was her understanding that this procedure was necessary to change her physical configuration to accommodate either the great speed they were traveling or to exist in a similar physical reality, but in a different dimension as the “aliens”. She was told she could not remain in this state for a long time without damage to her physical body. Her next memory was of waking up in her bed the next morning. Soon after this incident the witness’s canary died unexpectedly and the caged was temporarily placed in the laundry room, along with the dead bird. As the young witness entered the laundry room one night she saw standing next to the washing machine a very dark gray bird-like being with large black slanted eyes and an enormous head. She felt she was seeing something she shouldn’t have. The being was holding the bird in his hands and was studying very intently. He passed the bird from hand to hand while studying the small creature. The being seemed quite aware of the witness presence and turned his head toward her as they made eye contact. Immediately after, the witness was filled with a sense of terrible grief and a feeling of great loss and extreme pain. The feeling suddenly ended as the witness approached the short gray figure and placed her hands upon his upper arm as a form of comfort. Immediately she felt a kind of flutter in her hands and a ball of light appeared in his place. It rose up to the ceiling and moved up over her head making a whirling, humming sound. It then flashed and vanished. Apparently as a result of the previous visitation in the witness bedroom, the canary had died.
HC addendum
Source: Doreen Imper, 1995
Type: E or F?
Location. Pirassununga Brazil
Date: January 1969
Time: unknown
A large circular object descended slowly and landed on the grass near some farm animals. Three men wearing white uniforms and helmets emerged from the craft. One carried an object resembling a pair of binoculars, the second a large bright “lantern”, and the third carried some type of cartridge. There was a red luminous light source on top of the object. The object later took off at high speed.
HC addition # 1005
Source: J Antonio Huneeus, Fate December 1993
Quoting SIOANI Brazil
Type: B
Location. Uruapan, Mexico
Date: January 1969
Time: afternoon
Seven-year-old Maria Del Carmen Ocampo was strolling in the woods when she observed a being materialize in front of her. The being was described as a beautiful female wearing a shiny dress that identified herself as the “Virgin of Guadalupe.” The girl was sick for several days after the encounter.
HC addition # 3538
Source: Keel, Operation Trojan Horse
Type: E?
Location. Domback, Angermanland Sweden
Date: January 1969
Time: evening
Gottfried Olsson was looking out the window of his home when he saw a strange humanoid standing on the side of the road. It appeared to be as big as a human and lighted. It was about the length and width as an ordinary human, having the shoulder part clearly marked, so was his lower part, somewhat like a box. Its head had dim contours and appeared hazy. It stood perfectly still for about 3 minutes radiating a strong red/white light except for a vertical blue line on the middle. Suddenly there was a brilliant flash and the figure disappeared.
HC addition # 2314
Source: John Magor, Aliens Above Always
Type: E
Location. Gines-Sevilla Spain
Date: January 1969
time: night
Two reputable bank officials, in a car, saw a strange creature, about 10-feet tall, green in color, and with two protruding antennas on the head area walking alongside of the road on the embankment. They “suffered a nervous shock” and would not talk about the incident. No other information.
Humcat 1969-1
Source: Jose Darnaude
Type: E
Location. Whangamata New Zealand
Date: January 1969
Time: 2200
A man and his wife were strolling on the beach, when suddenly they felt an uncanny silence and a strange oppressive feeling. Then 4-6 tall figures floated down some nearby sand hills and approached them. The figures were dressed completely in black, with no visible face, arms, or feet. Then a large dark gray balloon like object appeared nearby, it had a flat bottom. Both witnesses turned and ran.
HC addition # 216
Source: Keith Basterfield, Mufon UFO Journal # 177
Type: C
Location. Near Haymarket Virginia
Date: January 1969
Time: night
Four men were in a farm when they heard a peculiar rushing sound coming from near a small lake. Grabbing flashlights they set out to investigate taking a couple of dogs with them. Suddenly the dogs howled and ran away. The men then noticed standing by a tree a huge dark man like figure with wing like protrusions and large red orange eyes. The men fled the area in their vehicle.
HC addition # 1252
Source: John Keel, Fate November 1992
Type: E
Location. Los Alisos Jujuy Argentina
Date: January 1969
Time: late night
A farmer felt a powerful odor apparently emanating from outside, going outside to investigate he came upon two short green skinned humanoids with large luminous eyes.
The two beings were gesticulating and were walking towards the witness. The frightened witness ran inside and locked the door.
HC addition # 1322
Source: Hector P Anganuzzi, Historia de Los Platos
Voladores en Argentina
Type: E
Location. Edina Missouri
Date: early January 1969
Time: night
Adeline Davis had been asleep when she suddenly found herself sitting up in bed; looking out the window. Outside, about 6 feet away, she saw a curious object, shaped like two deep bowls put together rim-to-rim but separated in the connecting mid-section by a band of windows; the object was resting on 3 legs, and its color was dark, olive green. The window directly facing her was lit up, and inside was visible an occupant, apparently working on something below the level of the window. Mrs Davis pinched her arm to be sure she was not dreaming, and went to bathe her face in water. The figure looked up and, apparently seeing the witness, showed surprise; then he reached up for something and the object began backing away slowly from the house, just above the ground. From its bottom projected a “bent” white beam of light. The object then moved out of Mrs Davis’s view around the corner of the house. In the morning the electrical clocks were all 20 minutes slow; her neighbors apparently had no such power failure in their homes.
Humcat 1969-2
Source: Ted Phillips for Apro
Type: A
Location. Near Haltwhistle, Northumberland, England
Date: January 5 1969
Time: noon
On December 29 1968 the witness, Mr. D Robson, (a National Trust) employee was on patrol along the Roman wall, which is near the town and was sitting at the top of Whinshiels Crags listening to the radio when he glanced up at a sparrow-hawk which was hovering above him, and in a break in the clouds there appeared a silvery disc, which was coming down very fast but with no noise. It was spinning very fast, trailing smoke. At first he thought it was a plane but when it was at about 1000ft from the ground it leveled off and went away to the north. He must have followed it for about 12 miles when it suddenly just nose dived out of sight. The witness decided to go and looked for the object the next Saturday (January 5). After covering about 10 miles he discovered the object in a piece of marshy ground between two hills. It was a silver disc-shaped object that was sticking out of the bog, half in. He hurried down to where it was and discovered that the object must have been around 100ft in diameter. It resembled a huge spinning top. He noticed an open doorway, which was open so he walked in. Inside he encountered a “fantastic” sight, all the walls were a mass of equipment. Everything appeared to be working, lights flashing and weird noises, but not a sign of life. As he walked back to the door he noticed the door was half submerged in the bog. The object was sinking se he jumped out. He thought it was going to disappear but it stopped, leaving about 2 ft sticking out of the marsh. He was disappointed that he had not managed to pick anything up before it went under. Later after being interviewed by the police, the witness admitted that he had made the whole story up, that he had only seen the UFO in flight. (Why did the witness made the story up in the first place?).
HC addendum
Source: Andy Roberts
Type: H. I chose to include this story for correlation purposes and other factors. (ASR).
Location. Pontejos Santander Spain
Date: January 6 1969
Time: 2115
Maren Merino was working in the kitchen of a small café owned by her family when she looked out the kitchen window and sees an intense brilliance but originally does not give it any importance. Her daughter, 25-year old Felicidad Fernandez Merino then enters the kitchen and also looks out the window and observes the light. Felicidad asks her mother about the light, but this one continues to ignore the light, thinking that it was something abnormal she yells out to two other women, including a woman called Paquita. All three women then open the window and observe an incredible scene, on a field about 30 meters in distance, hovering about 3 meters from the ground they see a luminous square of four to five meters wide, intensely illuminated with a light of orange-white color. Inside the luminous square they see the silhouette of man walking about. Suddenly from the right another similar figure appears and both walk towards the left side of the luminous square. Then from the opposite of the square three more squares appear, thus making a total of five figures within the luminous square. By now the witnesses are totally fascinated and cry out to the beings, they are now joined by another witness, 35-year old Antonio. At this moment Antonio looks out the window and the craft disappears from sight. According to the witnesses the movements of the humanoids was somehow mechanical, with arms straight on their sides without any apparent joint movement. The beings were tall and very well built, with normal features, chestnut-color hair and light skin. They wore something similar to dark or black, very tight-fitting coveralls with sleeves and turtlenecks. The incident lasted for about 5 minutes. Suddenly as the witnesses look for the object a small shiny sphere descended from the middle of the air falling to the soil in a curvilinear trajectory, the body of the UFO also became visible clearly displaying the shiny square section and the section of the object hat had remained invisible to the witnesses thus far, it was an ash-silver color, lightly fluorescent half spherical cupola. The object then rose slowly and disappeared very quickly leaving behind a brilliant greenish track that persisted for about 15 minutes after the object left.
Humcat 1969-3
Source: Manuel Pedrajo, Ballester-Olmos
Type: A
Location. Mount Misery, Long Island New York
Date: January 12 1969
Time: 0800A
Two local UFO investigators had driven into an isolated area in order to photograph the landscape. They were now on foot near a wooded hill when they caught sight of a tall human like figure that apparently had a disfigured face and long wild black hair, he also wore a long black garment. The being upon seeing the witnesses retreated silently into the woods without attempting to communicate.
HC addition # 1897
Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants
Type: E
Location. Near Childers Queensland Australia
Date: January 14 1969
Time: 0430A
George Vas and his wife and 2 daughters were asleep in their trailer when they were awakened by the barking of their dog, and heard a loud noise like the buzzing of a swarm of wasps. It came from an object shaped like a sombrero, 25-30 yards in diameter, which was brilliantly violet-luminous. From the craft descended three beings “about 3 times as large as humans,” which had “blocky arms and legs and shapeless bodies,” and emitted a purple and yellow glow. For about 10 minutes they gathered sugar cane and other plant specimens, without concern for the observers. Olga Vas said that the beings descended from the larger craft in a small object similar in shape. At one point one of the entities moved close enough to the group for Mr. Vas to call out in alarm; the ‘spaceman” showed no concern and, after picking up several rocks, moved away. They re-entered their craft and the object took off vertically; as it did so, the hair on the witnesses’ bodies stood up “as if affected by a form of magnetism.”
Humcat 1969-4
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: B
Location. Isla Del Altar, El Salvador
Date: January 15 1969
Time: afternoon
After feeling a burning sensation from a ring given to him by a presumed extraterrestrial, that was to signify an upcoming contact, Ludwig Pallmann took his motorboat to a local sandy beach. There he noticed that several huge concentric circles ruffled the normally placid waters of the lake. Shortly after that, he encountered the human like humanoid named Satu Ra, who he had met on previous occasions. Satu Ra was sitting motionless on nearby rock. Ra was inexpressively sad and was wearing dark green coveralls, a broad instrument belt on which was a much larger device that the one he usually carried. The stunned Pallmann was told that another extraterrestrial, which he knew, Xiti, among others, had been killed. Supposedly a disaster had befallen and expedition on another planet. Shortly after this encounter locals reported observing a silvery disc shaped object hovering over the capital San Salvador.
HC addendum
Source: Timothy Good, Alien Base
Type: E or D?
Location. Las Pajanosas Sevilla Spain
Date: January 15 1969
Time: 2030
An anonymous man driving from Extremadura stopped and got out to investigate a light seen nearby on the ground. When he got to within 600 ft of it he could see an illuminated rectangle in which several figures were seen passing by. A dog that was watching the light had its hair raised and was growling softly. Alarmed, the witness left the scene. When he returned a few days later with a friend, 3 apparent landing marks, 6 ft apart, were found at the site.
Humcat 1969-5
Source: Felipe Laffitte
Type: A
Location. Jales Sao Paulo Brazil
Date: January 25 1969
Time: 2230
In the suburbs of Jales, a flying saucer landed on a roadside, and two occupants were seen. They were 5 ft tall, dressed in white, bareheaded, and apparently normal human beings. The disc, which stood on a central column, left a crater 20” deep.
Humcat 1969-6
Source: Nigel Rimes, FSR Special Bulletin # 3
Type: B
Location. Alexania Brazil
Date: January 31 1969
Time: 2000
A small “astro ship” approached General Moacyr Uchoa and his investigating team on Wilson P Gusmao’s Alexania Fazenda, where UFO phenomena had been frequent for more than a year. It made some maneuvers, then landed 100 yards away. Gusmao left the group and walked up to within a yard of the vessel, which he found to, be only 6.5 ft long and 3 ft wide, hovering 18” above the ground. A door opened, and a crewmember stood up in the entrance. He looked at Gusmao while manipulating something on his belt, which Gusmao thought was a camera. Then he turned his back, and “as if obeying an order, a big light arose from the nearby ridge.” The man then again faced Gusmao; he put his hand to his belt again, which caused a luminous halo to surround his body. After this the onlookers could see him only as a ball of light. Then, with a little gesture, he slipped down again into the craft, which took off rapidly.
Humcat 1969-7
Source: SBEDV and General Moacyr Uchoa
Type: B
Location. Near Itaperuna Brazil
Date: February 1969
Time: unknown
Geni Maria Santana, 21, heard a knock at the door of her hut; looking out the window, she saw a little man 40-45” tall, with “Japanese eyes”, a big ugly mouth, a pointed nose, and skin covered with a dark powder. He was covered with a striped bluish “shiny” garment, resembling an overall; it was capacious and covered his hands, which seemed to be holding something. She asked, “What do you want?” she could not understand his reply, and said “No!” The creature lowered its eyes and said no more; she closed the window.
Humcat 1969-16
Source: SBEDV
Type: E
Location. Nuble Valparaiso Chile
Date: February 1969
Time: 0400A
An intense light coming in the window awakened Mr. X and his wife, and their 2 daughters. They got to see a UFO hovering over the beach, 200 ft away. It had the shape of an octahedron, with a cupola on top and with 3 legs, also 2 kinds of antennas and several portholes. It was 15-20 ft in diameter and almost equally high; it looked metallic and was of an intense sky-blue luminosity. This object, descending with oscillation, landed on the beach 200 ft from the witness house. A luminous ray came from it, and “3 beings of humanoid aspect descended by this luminous ray.” They were about 6 ½ ft tall, dressed in dark blue suits that covered the whole body, including hands and feet; on their chests was a metallic emblem. Each placed 10 tubes in the sand; then they collected all the black stones to be found on the beach; then they picked up their tubes and re-entered the craft, which rose diagonally with oscillations and then went off very fast. The duration of the observation was 30-40 minutes. Mr. X’s watch stopped “between 0400A and 0438A”. As an apparent consequence of the observation, “the skin of the witnesses became covered with a sort of scales, which disappeared after 3 days”. In the sand were found holes 6’ in diameter and 10’ deep, left by the entities “tubes”; also a circular zone 6 ft in diameter, “where the sand seemed to have been absorbed.”
Humcat 1969-17
Source: Elena Marino, LDLN # 111
Type: B
Location. Pirassununga Sao Paolo Brazil
Date: February 6 1969
Time: morning
Barbara Mina Da Silva was weeding rice at a place called “Chacara Do Benedito,” when two boys, Joao Batista Da Silva, 9, and Benedito Paulino Ramos, 13, called to her attention a “shining little tent” 500 meters away. She described it as white, looking like one of the triangular tents used by exterminators of the sauva ant; nearby were three men with helmets, which she took to be the men fighting the ants. The boys told her that the men’s clothing was shining, but she described it as gray. She continued her work, when suddenly the boys cried out, “Look, the little tent has disappeared.” She saw that both tent and men had indeed gone. Shortly afterward the boys pointed out a “luminous ball the size of the sun” stationary just above the woods. It disappeared after 30 minutes, and at once a Brazilian AF helicopter appeared and descended about 2 km away. The helicopter was seen on several occasions during the next few days.
Humcat 1969-14
Source: SBEVD Members
Type: C
Location. Pirassununga Brazil
Date: February 6 1969
Time: 2015
A small silvery disc with a high protruding dome landed on a field. From a small opening two short humanoids emerged, they seemed to hover just above the ground. The beings were heavy set and human like. Two other being remained inside. The beings spoke among themselves in a hoarse “serious” voice.
HC addition # 1006
Source: J Antonio Huneeus, Fate December 1993 and
Type: B & A
Location. Pirassununga Sao Paolo Brazil
Date: February 6 1969
Time: dusk
The witness name is Mr. Jose Antonio Fioco, 53; the distance of the object and entities is variously given as 20m. And 200 m. The object’s size 13 x 16 ft. Entities were 1.60 m tall, and they wore “silver shoes”, one piece suits with 3 silver buttons in front. One held a tube or rod 14” long and 2” wide, from which light was emitted at one end, which clearly lit up the hen house 820 ft away. Second entity carried a slightly larger rod; the third carried an implement or device like a box camera. On passing through his gate to get other witnesses, the creaking of the gate apparently alerted the entities to his presence, and they entered the object, which took off immediately. Other members of the family were reported to have seen objects around the same time on several occasions; Fioco saw 4 more UFOs subsequently, including 2 other landings but no more entities.
Humcat 1969-15
Source: Dr. Walter Buhler
Type: B
Location. Pirassununga Sao Paolo Brazil
Date: February 7 1969
Time: 0730A
People shouting about a mysterious object visible on a hillside awakened Tiago Machado, 19. He got his binoculars and went to see the object, approaching to within 30 ft. It was a domed disc, aluminum colored, about 12 ft in diameter and 5 ft high. A hinged door was open in the top of the dome, and from this two humanoid figures emerged and seemed to float to the ground; two others were visible inside the craft, through windows. The beings, 4.5 ft tall, were dressed in tight, silvery garments without buttons, covering them from feet to head. Their features were seen through transparent helmets. Their skin was yellow, eyes slanting, and the mouth with thin, slit-like lips. They came to within 3-4 meters of the witness. When they laughed at the witness, who was puffing a cigarette, he could see that they had black teeth. He tossed the cigarette pack close to one, who put his hand above it; the pack floated up into his hand. The thumb of his hand was set further back than on a human hand. The beings spoke in “hoarse, guttural” sounds. When a friend called out to the witness, the entities walked backward and re-entered through the door; the second one, when halfway through, pointed a tube at Machado, which emitted a bluish flame that “floated” toward him. When it hit him, he felt pain and was paralyzed; as the UFO took off, almost horizontally, the witness fainted. A welt remained where the flame had struck him. On the ground were found three landing-leg marks.
Humcat 1970-8
Source: Nigel Rimes, Ned S Martins &
Reginaldo Da Silva
Type: B
Location. Near Green Cove Springs Florida
Date: February 10 1969
Time: 0300A
Marion and Jim took a drive from Jacksonville to Daytona Beach, leaving shortly after midnight. They arrived at approximately 0330A. At this time Marion was experiencing a severe headache. They returned to Jacksonville, arriving at 0700A. Afterwards Marion realized that more than three hours time of the trip down was unaccounted for; neither had any recollection of stopping. She spent most of the following month in bed, depressed and listless, unable to go to work. On the back of her left hand an acute itch developed, and several rather long, dark hairs grew on this spot, vanishing and returning to normal some 6 weeks later. She noticed a circular mark, about the size of a dime, on her right cheekbone. In November 1977, under hypnosis, Marion recalled that a few miles after leaving Green Cove Springs, a brilliant white light shone into the car from above and behind them, and they heard a buzzing sound, which became painfully loud. Both became unconscious. The next thing she knew she was standing in a curved hallway; a sliding door opened and she walked into a small wedge-shaped room, then from the narrow end of this into a larger room containing several tables. A short man with gray skin, large eyes and ears, no hair, and a small slit-like mouth was sitting at one of the tables, wearing a gray tight fitting suit. He led her into “the examining room”, telling her telepathically that he meant no harm, but wanted to examine her. She took off her dress, leaving her slip on, and got up on the table, where she was given a physical examination that lasted 40 minutes. He touched her with an instrument that tingled, and took skin scrapings from the side of her hand; they put “some kind of machine” on her right cheekbone, which “hurt a little bit.” After the examination she was floated up to the “control room”, where the ceiling was transparent, showing the stars; here there were 3 other men, one (the captain) dressed in white and taller than her, the other two in gray and shorter than her. The “doctor” pointed to a spot in the sky to show where they came from; the trip, he told her, took hardly more than an instant. “Their time is different from our time.” He told her also “when the planets align the earth will roll in the heavens and there will be much destruction”; “they want to help us so that we all will not be lost.” They will take with them “anyone who is not afraid to go with them.” They “have the secret of eternal life.” All of the humanoid’s conversation was telepathic, not by sound. One of the men escorted her out, where she met Jim again; they were “floated” down to the ground and escorted back to their car.
Humcat 1969-58
Source: Paul Krutz, The Florida Crown Psychical
Research Society
Type: G
Location. Pirassununga Sao Paolo Brazil
Date: February 12 1969
Time: 0540A
Luis Flozinho De Oliveira, a farm worker, was on his way to work when he was approached and attacked by two aggressive beings 1.5 meters tall, with long hair, beards, and asymmetrical eyes. Both humanoids wore white unbuttoned shirts and long beige colored pants with what appeared to be colorful inscriptions and drawings on them, they also wore dark shiny medallions around their necks, their skin appeared to be normal in color. Stunned at first, Luis then fought back, knocking both of them to the ground, one on top of the other. At this point both humanoids rose up and exchanged some words between them in a strange language, and then they told Luis in perfect Portuguese that they were leaving since he was much stronger than them, at which time they both fled into the thick underbrush. The witness dog “rolled up into a ball on the ground for protection” during the attack upon its master. The dog refused to eat anything after the encounter and was found dead a month later his body completely bloated up. He had refused to return to the place of the encounter.
Humcat 1969-9
Source: Dr. Walter Buhler
Type: D
Location. Chateau Des Martins Vienne France
Date: February 16 1969
Time: night
Five horses in the paddock of M Meingault were panicked by “something shining,” with intensely bright eyes “of a very pale, brilliant green;” he saw the eyes approximately 3.75 ft above the ground, re-entered the chateau to get his gun, and on his return, saw a “flying shadow” pursuing the horses. There was much material damage left at the site by the frightened animals.
Humcat 1969-10
Source: Jean-Claude Baillon, FSR Vol. 16 # 4
Type: E?
Location. Flinders Park, South Australia
Date: February 17 1969
Time: 0250A
A woman heard a whirring sound coming from outside waking her up. She looked out the window and saw an unusual object on a field nearby. A man like figure emerged from the shadows and walked around the object. The figure was very tall, lean, with light colored hair and wearing white coveralls. He walked around the object several times. The witness then ran to obtain additional witnesses but upon returning the object and the tall figure were gone.
HC addition # 1309
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: C
Location. Pirassununga Sao Paolo Brazil
Date: February 20 1969
Time: night
Hearing his pigs grunting during the night, the manager of the “Bela Alianca” Fazenda (ranch) went out and saw from a distance of 60 ft the landing of a UFO about 12 ft wide and 15 ft high, which rested on tripod legs. Three crewmembers emerged onto a small catwalk around the machine, each with a different type of implement with which they busied themselves for a period of 2-3 minutes.
Humcat 1969-11
Source: Dr. Walter Buhler
Type: B
Location. Awanui New Zealand
Date: February 22 1969
Time: 0100A
Nathan Brown, a 46-year old Maori, was walking home when he saw a light, and came upon two men sitting with their backs to the road and their feet in a ditch, while a pale young woman with white shoulder length hair lay across the ditch. She wore a long white gown that covered her feet. The men merely sat in a relaxed attitude looking down at the woman; they were about 5 ft 6 inches in height, had dark brown skins and crew-cut hair, and wore brown pants and jackets. Brown questioned the men but go no response; when he stepped closer to see what was wrong with the woman, he ran into an invisible barrier, which he likened “to a bar across the stomach.” He tried to grab one of the men but was again prevented by the repelling force; after this, he ran off, “shaking like a leaf.” The light he saw was a luminous haze, having no visible source. Brown found marks at the site the following day.
Humcat 1969-12
Source: Don Jackson and others, Auckland University UFO Group
Type: E
Location. Near Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Date: February 23 1969
Time: unknown
A youth reported that while bathing in the waterfall in the mountains, along with a friend, they heard a slight sound. When they looked behind them, they beheld an enormous object from which, through a vertical door, two men of small stature emerged. They had human features, a greenish tint in the coloring of the head, and shining phosphorescent chests, while from the waist downwards they were ashen-gray colored. The boys fled away down the mountain. Later, they returned with two guards, but there was no longer anything to be seen at the spot.
Humcat 1969-19
Source: FSR Case Histories # 5
Type: B
Location. Miajadas Caceres Spain
Date: February 23 1969
Time: 0245A
At the time of the earthquake that hit the area, a truck driver, and his helper observed a strange craft and five humanoid beings, described as tall and luminous. Seized with an irrational fear, they drove away as quickly as possible.
Humcat 1969-13
Source: Manuel Osuna
Type: C?
Location. Middle of the Atlantic
Date: Spring 1969
Time: night
A British sailor named John Fairfax was crossing the Atlantic alone when he reportedly observed two brilliant lights on the horizon. They separated and flew higher into the sky. As he watched, fascinated, he claims he entered a motionless, trance-like state. “It was more than just seeing them,” he related afterwards. “It was this force. It was as though they were saying to me: “Do you want to come with us?” And I was fighting it and saying back: ‘No, no, no!’ It was like telepathy, like being hypnotized.” After the objects swooped away, Fairfax realized for the first time that the cigarette he was holding had burned his fingers.
HC addendum
Source: John A Keel, Our Haunted Planet
Type: F
Location. Clermont Ferrand Puy-de-Dome, France
Date: March 1969
Time: afternoon
On the slopes of the bare hill, Puy-de-Chanturge, Miss B. saw, about 600 ft away, 3 little humanoid forms of squat aspect and uniform gray color. Without touching the ground, they were moving rapidly back and forth. After she had watched these “gnomes” for 3 to 4 minutes they suddenly disappeared.
Humcat 1969-20
Source: LDLN Circle of Clermont Riom
Type: E
Location. Mexico City Mexico
Date: March 1969
Time: night
Alberto Zecua was sleeping in his bedroom when he suddenly woke up with a feeling of being watched. He opened his eyes and saw three very tall human-like figures wearing tight-fitting gray silvery coveralls looking down on him. They wore some type of metallic bracelets around their wrists and boots and wide belts with a luminous box in the middle around their waists. These were apparently the same beings he had met before in 1968. Again, using telepathy they told him that they were here to help and not to interfere. They then placed a small square box-like device over his bed that floated over the witness. Then one of the beings walked over to his feet and another to his head. He then felt numb and heard a humming sound, then found himself levitating above the bed. Soon they were done and the witness noticed a strong odor in the air resembling menthol. He was told that they had performed an internal cleansing of his body. The beings then apparently vanished in plain sight.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso
Type: E
Location. Near Punta Arenas Magallanes Chile
Date: March 6 1969
Time: 2145
Osvaldo Dominguez, driving his van, got out to check his battery when his lights grew dim. He noticed only 20 feet away and floating in the air a saucer-shaped object some 4 meters in diameter. An opening appeared and two shadowy entities emerged; one of them approached and Dominguez asked what he wanted, but received no reply. The figures were about 1.60 meters tall and one leaned on the right side of the vehicle, leaving 3 scratch marks, similar to cat’s claws. Then they returned to the object, entered and the object ascended and disappeared from view, silently and at a prodigious speed.
Humcat 1969-21
Source: LDLN # 118
Type: B
Location. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Date: March 10 1969
Time: night
A witness reported being abducted onboard an object by three human-like aliens, one a woman with long blond hair, wearing blue coveralls and boots and two tall men with dark hair and wearing tight-fitting gravy coveralls and boots. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: G
Location. Trejorningsjo Angermanland Sweden
Date: March 12 1969
Time: 1830
K. Maslund, a radio and TV station technician, was at work when he heard the station’s transmission alarm system go off. Opening the door, he saw outside about 50 feet away an object 150 meters wide and 5-6 meters tall, hovering in the air. A “tunnel of light” extended from the object through which the witness saw 7 or 8 entities, 1.30 meters tall by 30-40 cm wide, floating towards him. They passed Maslund within inches and he found that he could not move; after 5-10 minutes, they left the station and re-entered the object through the tunnel, which then closed. The object then took off toward the north and the witness was again able to move. The entities were non-humanoid in shape, looking more like boxes than anything; he had the feeling the entities were inside the boxes and did not want to be recognized in their “true form.”
Humcat 1969-22
Source: Richard Heiden, Quoting Swedish UFO Group
Type: B
Location. Near Barra Da Tijuca Brazil
Date: March 17 1969
Time: 0245A
The witness, at the time a retired army general, had become stranded along a dirt road after his car engine had quit. Moments later he saw a light rising above a nearby hill and felt a strong compulsion to walk towards it. After a short walk he came upon an object with translucent walls that gave off a dazzling light. Despite being translucent, the object appeared metallic. Part of the wall of the object flung itself back and an opening became visible. Three human like figures stood in the opening, one was a woman. The witness was then invited inside by one of the men that informed him that the other two were also humans. After a short ride in the object he was told that time, as we know it did not exist, he was eventually released back to his vehicle, which quickly started without any difficulty.
HC addition # 1483
Source: Irene Granchi, Intl. UFO Magazine Vol. 1 # 3
Type: G
Location. Lincoln Nebraska
Date: March 17 1969
time: night
Herbert Lancaster told police that a saucer shaped UFO landed in front of his car at a crossroads and “turned off the car’s engine.” An occupant “an ordinary average guy,” was seen peering from a window in the UFO. A short time later, the saucer “took off at a high rate of speed.”
Humcat 1969-27
Source: Humcat, quoting newspaper source
Type: A
Location. Caltanissetta Sicily Italy
Date: March 19 1969
Time: 0135A
Renato Bifarella, looking at the sky with binoculars on a night of the full moon, saw a “tortoise” hovering in the sky. It was green in color with pale brown spots, and had “legs” underneath. It was 5-6 meters wide and 4 meters high, with a brilliantly lit turret in which he could see figures moving. It approached him, and emitted a beam of pink light, which struck him and caused him to faint. When he regained consciousness, he could see that the UFO had led down 2 thick “ropes” 1 meter in thickness, upon which 2 men—one in red overalls and the other in white ones, with blue helmets—were climbing. The witness fainted again; when he came to, the object was gone.
Humcat 1969-26
Source: F Izzo’s Italian CEIII Catalogue.
Type: A & B
Location. Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: March 22 1969
Time: 2000
Two unidentified girls were returning to their home in the Colegio Batista district when they saw a luminous object with a blue light hovering in the west. It had a ring of white lights around it and appeared to spin. At home later, one of the girls went to the window and saw a little man 10 meters away near the gate, standing erect and facing the window. He wore a kind of diving suit with a soft green luminosity, and a helmet, through which she could see a pair of glowing eyes, like a cat’s. She told her companion and a third girl; the second girl also saw the entity, which was then standing facing to the side; the third girl went to the aid of the first who was so frightened by the figure’s appearance that she went into shock. That same evening, the boyfriend of one of these girls was walking on the other side of the city when the streetlight went out; he saw a few meters away, the faintly illuminated silhouettes of two small figures standing on a precipice high above the street. Frightened, he hurried on; on passing through the area later, the lights were once again on and the figures nowhere in sight.
Humcat 1969-23
Source: CICOANI group
Type: D
Location. Nova Iguacu Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Date: March 31 1969
Time: mid afternoon
Dozens of residents (possibly 200 in all) of the Coenze neighborhood saw the descent of a “mystery airplane” on Maxambona Hill, falling in an unusual manner, slower than usual and appearing to be “controlled.” Among the many witnesses was an elderly man and his children, whom he told to go immediately to the landing site to assist possible casualties. As he watched hundreds of townspeople converge upon the hill, he saw “two beings come out of the craft,” which seemed to be slowly “slowly moving like a wing” which was shifting slightly. As the first of the people neared the site, the object and its occupants vanished abruptly from sight; when they arrived there was nothing to be found. No one heard any engine noise when the “plane” landed, and investigations at the site by members of the military police disclosed no wreckage.
Humcat 1969-24
Source: Fernande Cleto Nunes Pereira &
Dr. Walter Buhler
Type: B
Location. Clayton County Iowa
Date: late March 1969
Time: unknown
A ball shaped object was seen to land and to direct a beam of red light at each of the young witnesses. Two occupants, 3 ft tall with long arms, were seen, in white “space suits” with large yellow-brown “helmets.” Many sets of marks were found by an investigator, with one set, as of landing leg imprints, found within a scorched circle.
Humcat 1969-29
Source: Brad Steiger & Ted Phillips
Type: C
Location. Balizac France
Date: April 1969
Time: late night
The witness was sleeping alone in a room with a fireplace and recalls suddenly awaking and seeing several short white figures standing near the fireplace. She hid under the covers. The next morning she woke up and found a peculiar injury or scar on her ankle. No other information.
HC addition # 1272
Source: Joel Mesnard, Mufon Journal # 309
Type: E?
Location. Near West Nyack New York
Date: April 5 1969
Time: 1900
The two witnesses were parked in a remote area when they saw a light approach; they got out of the car and saw a large oval shaped craft with lights around its edge and a beam of light shining from its center. A memory lapse occurred, with one witness vaguely recalling the object landing and shining a beam of light towards them. Later one of the witnesses remembered being inside a circular room lying on a white Formica table. He was surrounded by several humanoids described as being five-foot tall with play gray skin, large round heads, and large black eyes, these beings were well built and wore tight fitting gray green coveralls. One being who appeared to be the examiner wore a turtleneck garment and peered intently into the witness face. At one point one of the witnesses remembered struggling and thought it felt that he had been ripped to pieces and then reassembled again.
HC addition # 489
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions
The Measure of A Mystery
Type: G
Location. Ouro Preto Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: April 10 1969
Time: 2200
During a spate of UFO observations in various parts of Brazil, student Marco Antonio von Kruger noticed interference on his TV; glancing out a window, he saw a “vague shape in movement” and heard garbage cans being overturned; next day, he found the garbage cans had been “investigated.” At about the same time, a worker returning to his home not far from the student’s residence observed an enormous round object hovering near the ground from which were emitted “strange measured, muffled sounds.”
Humcat 1969-30
Source: FSR Case Histories # 6
Type: D
Location. Between Bridgeworth & Shrewsbury England
Date: April 12 1969
Time: 1830
A ex-schoolmistress, exercising her dog in some fields, observed on the far side of a hedge, a top-shaped object about 3 meters high, which was resting on gray colored legs. Around the object she saw 3 beings about the size of 11-year old children; they had pear shaped heads, were dressed in black outfits with white belts, and appeared to lack hands. Nevertheless, they seemed to be collecting samples, which they placed on the side of the object; the samples seemed to disappear into the solid craft. The woman’s dog fled at the outset of the sighting.
Humcat 1969-25
Source: Roger Stanway & Anthony Pace
Type: C
Location. Itaucu, Goias, Brazil
Date: April 20 1969
Time: afternoon
25-year old Adelino Roque was on his way to the local Serradinho ranch on his horse when suddenly a bright beam of light originating from somewhere above struck him. Soon he found himself inside what appeared to be a dark drum-like object totally silent and moving at what appeared to be a very excessive speed through the sky. He could not remember anything after that and woke up next to he River Paranaiba lying on top of rock and miles from his original location. Meanwhile his horse had been found earlier tied up at another ranch, apparently unharmed. Roque also appeared to be unharmed except for a strange bruise on his side. He did not remember seeing any entities or hearing any one talking to him during the time he had been gone. Soon after this experience, Roque began neglecting his work and began drinking heavily and apparently fell in love with his 17-year old niece. A month later Roque again was reported missing this time along with his niece. On June 12, both Roque and his niece were found dead under unusual circumstances, some said apparently poisoned.
HC addendum
Source: Willy Silva, Revista Brasileira Ovni
Type: G?
Location. Berwick Nova Scotia Canada
Date: April 24 1969
Time: night
There were several reports of a “phantom” 18 ft tall, “a tall, very dark form,” either walking or floating about at 20 mph. large numbers of cars were assembling at Berwick to observe the monster. No other information.
Humcat 1969-31
Source: Humcat, quoting newspaper source
Type: E
Location. Calgary Alberta Canada
Date: April 26 1969
Time: evening
David Arychuk, walking his dog, saw 200 yards away a circular object with 3 pulsating red lights around the top. It was about 30 ft in diameter and 20 ft high, cream-colored with a pitted surface. A rather nauseating smell, of “sweet bitterness” was in the air. 100 yards away were 2 beings, “taller than normal,” in dark clothing. David yelled out “Hey you,” and they walked around the UFO. The dog refused to go on, and was shivering from fright. By the time David brought his stepfather, the UFO was gone, but the odor was still present the next day.
Humcat 1969-44
Source: William K Allan
Type: C
Location. Wisconsin, exact location not given
Date: May 1969
Time: 0300A
The witness was sleeping in her sleeping bag in a wooded area next to a stream when she awoke to see a streak of light shoot overhead and come down into the nearby forest. Later as she lay down half sleep she became aware of some movement in the forest and what appeared to be the sounds of men and women singing. Suddenly several small figures with large heads and with grotesque facial features stepped out of the woods, they all seemed to be carrying small flashlights. They had very large eyes and resembled large reptile-like beings. One carried a box-like object in his hands that emitted strange crackling sounds and beams of light shot out of it. Suddenly the being carrying the box stopped and began making high-pitched squeaking noises. The other beings gathered around and began looking into the forest. The frightened witness thought that the beings were searching for her and as she was about to run form the area she felt a touch on her shoulder, as she turned around she was confronted by a very handsome man with golden shoulder length hair and large beautiful blue eyes. The witness by now had forgotten about the short humanoids and had become sexually aroused. She remembers having intercourse with the golden haired man then waking up the next morning on the forest floor. (Apparently the witness became pregnant and gave birth to a child that resembled the golden haired entity)
HC addition # 1096
Source: Brad Steiger, The UFO Abductors
Type: G
Location. Orlando Florida
Date: May 1969
Time: morning
The young witness was waiting outside the school for it to open when a strange 1965 black Cadillac pulled up. The occupants sat motionless for a few moments. Finally they got out of the car, both were dressed in old-fashioned black suits, dark tinted glasses, and hats. One stayed by the car, the other walked up to the witness and other students and began asking questions about a fellow student. The stranger was apparently dressed in drag, (lipstick, white pancake makeup) and disheveled clothing. Eventually they left. The student that the stranger was inquiring about had experienced several strange incidents and was reported missing soon after the black Cadillac episode.
HC addition # 3875
Source: CAUS
Type: E
Location. New Westminster British Columbia Canada
Date: May 1969
Time: 0930A
Pearl Ardron and her 5-year old niece were walking along 6th Avenue when they came up with a couple of “big children,” as she thought at first, who had their arms around each other. Their skin was copper toned and they had very slanted eyes; they were about 4’9” tall. Both wore dark blue 2 piece suits with some gold brocade on the chest and sleeves, and high peaked caps also with some gold brocade; they wore black boots. Their heads were “round as a ball.” They kept looking up at the sky, Mrs Ardron “got a very scared feeling” about these people, even though they smiled at her as she passed. “I have never had such an uneasy feeling,” she told the investigator. She is sure they were not merely Orientals.
Humcat 1969-45
Source: Soren Buus, for Mufon
Type: E
Location. Gibbonsville, Idaho
Date: May 1969
Time: 2300
18-year old Bettina Comfort was walking through a pine forest when she experienced a period of confusion and apparently suffered a period of missing time. Later under hypnosis she recalled encounter a 2.50 m tall gray colored humanoid with huge red phosphorescent eyes and a flat nose. The humanoid apparently scanned her with an unknown instrument and then sexually assaulted her. She apparently blacked out again and woke up on the ground in the woods.
HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: G
Location. Bebedouro Espirito Santo Brazil
Date: May 4 1969
Time: 1500
Jose Antonio Da Silva, a soldier, was fishing when he heard a cry and felt his legs struck and numbed by a burst of “fire” coming from bushes. He was seized and dragged by two little beings only 4-foot tall, clad in shining, light colored garments and wearing aluminum masks or helmets. Tubes ran from the masks to small containers on their backs. They dragged him to a craft that was shaped like a vertical cylinder terminated by wider saucer shaped top and bottom; rods from the base of the cylinder supported the upper disc. It was only bout 6 ft high and 9 ft wide. Inside was a cubical room, brilliantly lighted from no visible source. Here they fitted on him a helmet like their own, then tied him down to a seat. He felt a sensation of taking off; during the flight, which lasted for hours, they talked among themselves in an incomprehensible language with many R’s. At one point in the journey the craft seemed to turn on its side for a while. When they landed, he was blindfolded and dragged into a large room, where a little man without a spacesuit confronted him; he had long reddish hair and a beard that flowed to his waist. He was strongly built, and his skin was pale; he had large round, green eyes and a big nose, and his mouth appeared toothless, “like a fish’s.” To the side of the witness were laid 4 human cadavers, one a Negro’s. A dozen more little men, all much resembling the leader, were in the room. They examined his fishing tackle and other possessions. Several carried weapons. The leader then addressed him in his incomprehensible speech, making sketches simultaneously on a light colored slate beside him. He was given, from a stone cup, a bitter green liquid that restored his energy and made him better able to comprehend what the alien meant to express. The latter was able to convey to Da Silva the idea that he was expected to help them land on Earth, a proposition that the soldier rejected, fingering his rosary. The leader irritated, snatched the rosary away, and showed it to the others. At this point a kind of vision appeared to Da Silva of a Christ-like man with long fair hair and beard, dressed like a monk, who spoke to him in Portuguese, giving him a message, which he was sworn to keep secret. After this vision had vanished, Da Silva was again blindfolded, dragged back to the spacecraft, and returned to the earth in the same manner as he had been taken away. Released during the night, when morning came he found that he was near Vitoria, more than 200 miles from Bebedouro, and that four and a half days had passed since his abduction. He suffered various physical ailments later. (Did a different more benign force attempted to help the abductee in this case?)
Humcat 1969-32
Source: Hulvio Aleixo & Dr. Walter Buhler
Type: G
Location. Jaboticatubas Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: May 5 1969
Time: daytime
About the same time as the Bebedouro incident, a deaf mute named Antonio Rodrigues, 60, of the Fazenda Constantino on the Rio Das Velhas, was fishing when he was confronted by apparently the same type of being encountered by Da Silva at Bebedouro, 20 km to the east. When they made signs for the man to approach, he fled, terrified; he was pursued and knocked to the ground by an implement one of the little beings drew from his belt. They gathered around the deaf mute, felt his arm and conversed amongst themselves in an unintelligible language, and shook their heads, departing toward a machine parked nearby, into which they climbed and ascended vertically. The witness identified the beings from various drawings, including Da Silva’s that were shown to him by the investigators.
Humcat 1969-33
Source: Hulvio Aleixo & Dr. Walter Buhler
Type: B
Location. Rockville, Virginia
Date: May 11 1969
Time: 0145A
20-year old Mike Luczkowich, a student at Manakin, Virginia, was returning home after a date with his girlfriend. Just a he passed the Rockville General Store; Mike noticed something about 50 yards ahead of his car. At first he thought it might be a couple of deer, but he soon realized that he was observing two figures about three and a half to four feet tall. The creatures were wearing spherical helmets that looked as large as basketballs. Circling each helmet was a pale green band that reflected the headlights of the vehicle. The beings were motionless at first, but they soon scurried off and ran up an embankment to the left of the witness. The first two creatures had barely disappeared when a third small creature appeared from the right side of the road and quickly joined the others by climbing over the embankment. Luczkowich reported that the little men were dressed in light-brown coveralls that were somewhat baggy in the legs but were tight-fitting at the ankles. He did not see any arms, and he could not detect features behind the oversized helmets. The student was shaken by the experience, and he did not tell anyone of the encounter until Sunday. On Monday Luczkowich and three other men returned to the site. They were able to locate a definite trail through the poison ivy and honeysuckle on the embankment the three beings had scaled. Beyond the embankment they found a barley field with a path through it, such as the three humanoids might have made. After a few feet they noticed two flattened areas, where small entities might have thrown themselves down in the grain field. The crushed barley at one of the impressions, according to Luczkowich showed the imprint of two small bodies, while another impression outlined one small body. About a half mile west of the area, and about two hours earlier 18-year old Debbie Payne had reported seeing an oval-shaped luminous object over her house as she arrived home from a date. The object appeared rather bright, then dimmed and became bright twice more before she and her date reached the house.
HC addendum
Source: Ted Bloecher, “Occupant Case Detailed” Skylook
November 1974
Type: E or D?
Location. Fernandes Santa Catarina Brazil
Date: May 19 1969
Time: 1930
Two women, Dona Aurora & Clair Mefessoli, were going to a neighbor’s house for milk when they saw an elongated yellowish luminous object descend behind them, not quite to the ground. Two little beings, 3-foot tall, with features like humans, got out of it; terrified the women fled.
Humcat 1969-36
Source: FSR Vol. 14 # 4
Type: B
Location. Rising Sun Indiana
Date: May 19 1969
Time: 1930
George Kaiser noticed a strange figure 25 ft away, the size of a man and covered with black fur. The head sat directly on the shoulders and the face was black, with close-set eyes and very low forehead. When Kaiser made a move to get into his car, the creature grunted, jumped over a ditch, and ran down the road at high speed. Footprints were found that showed only 4 toes. On the following night, an object was observed over the same area by neighbors.
Humcat 1969-37
Source: Jerome Clark & Loren Coleman
Type: D
Location. Vila Operaria Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: May 20 1969
Time: 0100A
Jose Pereira Sacramento was awakened by a noise; going out his back door, he saw “the white face of an animal” and a light in the sky which came down toward him. He was paralyzed, and could not re-enter the house or call out. An “enormous object” landed beside him, and he was “pulled through an opening” into the ship, finding himself inside a small elevator, which rose to a brightly lit circular compartment with a curved ceiling, about 45 ft in diameter. In this room were six small entities only 31” tall, with big heads, entirely covered by a close-fitting plastic film of light cream color having openings only for the eyes and ears. The eyeholes were slanted. Each entity stood inside a cylinder 3 ft in diameter and 15” high, and above its head was a curved plate with a lever. They spoke among themselves in “a language of short sounds repeated shrilly, like pigs grunting.” After 4 or 5 minutes, one of the beings moved a control, and the illumination increased in brightness to such a point that Pereira lost consciousness. At 0600A he woke in his bed, not knowing how he got there. Inflammation of the eyelids lasted a month, and a year after the event he still felt light-headed and had difficulty concentrating.
Humcat 1969-35
Type: G
Location. Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: May 21 1969
Time: midnight
Jose Antonio Da Silva had a sudden impulse to get out of bed and go into his garden. He stepped out his door and saw three of the same entities he had encountered earlier that month at Bebedouro, dressed in the same flight-suits. They stood motionless, looking at him. He quickly stepped back indoors and bolted the door, without saying a word or hearing a sound from them. He then explained to investigators that they wanted him to “work against my own people,” and expressed his great fear that the world was in great danger, without knowing from where the danger would come.
Humcat 1969-38
Source: Hulvio Aleixo & Dr. Walter Buhler
Type: E
Location. Warminster England
Date: May 30 1969
Time: 2330
The witnesses were staying in a caravan on Cradle Hill and were looking out for any mysterious lights that might appear when suddenly they saw a crimson red oval shaped light passing over the area, it was completely silent. Later one of the witnesses noticed a luminous cloud-like humanoid figure standing by a nearby gate, it appeared to be covered entirely by tiny pinpricks of white light. No facial features could be seen.
HC addition # 901
Source: Arthur Shuttlewood, UFOs Visions of a New Age
Type: C?
Location. Near Danang Vietnam
Date: Summer 1969
Time: 0100A
A soldier on guard duty in Vietnam saw a luminous figure approaching slowly in the sky. When it got close, the figure was seen to be a naked woman with bat wings, her skin and the wings completely black, but glowing. The body was covered with the glow. This apparition passed only 6-7 feet above the witness head and flew away, having been visible from 3-4 minutes. The witness PFC Earl Morrison is the step nephew of the investigator.
Humcat 1969-42
Source: Don Worley, FSR Case Histories # 10
Type: E
Location. Little Pine Creek, Pennsylvania
Date: Summer 1969
Time: afternoon
The wife of Clinton County Sheriff John Boyle, while sitting in front of the couple’s cabin, saw an enormous gray colored bird land in the middle of the creek. A few moments later it rose to fly away. Its wingspan appeared to have been about 75 ft. Around the same time three men claimed to have seen a “thunderbird” snatch up a 15 pound fawn near Kettle Creek.
HC addendum
Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Type: E
Location. Near Tjisaga Bandjar West Java Indonesia
Date: June 1969
Time: unknown
The witness met an attractive woman in the theater and then accompanied her to a large lighted structure. He apparently spends the night with her in the structure, the next morning he found himself in a forest, dazed and his clothes hanging from a tree. He was then apparently taken to a local medicine man that “cured” him.
HC addition # 449
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The
Measure of A Mystery
Type: G?
Location. Vicuna Chile
Date: June 1969
Time: 2100
Four men in a truck see a brilliant fireball shoot overhead. Soon afterwards they see two luminous humanoid figures on the roadway, which hide from view. A beam of light paralyzes the men’s arms. No other information.
HC addition # 2417
Source: LDLN # 118
Type: C
Location. Near Fasterholt, Denmark
Date: June 1969
Time: 2115
Three boys were riding their mopeds in the area when all three of them suddenly heard a strong whistling kind of sound coming from above them, a few seconds later they saw a large round object hovering to their right. The mopeds suddenly stopped. The UFO also stopped only about 50 meters from the witnesses and about 100 meters above the ground. Now there was total silence. Behind small windows on the object the witnesses could see indistinct figures looking down. Eventually the UFO glided slowly away again emitting the whistling sound. A bus driver and 23 passengers reported seeing a similar object around the same time.
HC addendum
Source: Poul Erik Nielsen, The UFO Truth
Type: A
Location. Near Gaithersburg Maryland
Date: June 1969
Time: night
Gary and another boy scout out of a troop of 20 were at a camping trip and both had stayed up late one night when they saw a brilliantly lit huge circular craft flying at about 100 ft overhead. The craft suddenly descended and landed on a nearby empty field. It appeared to land on its belly. Both witnesses stared in disbelief while the others remained fast asleep. A few minutes later an opening became visible, which emitted a tremendously bright white light. Moments later a very short gray colored humanoid came out and slowly walked towards the two witnesses who remained unable to move. The creature approached to within a few feet from the witnesses and apparently communicated by using mental telepathy. It conveyed to Gary some kind mathematical equation, which years later turned out to be a piece of missing information of research being conducted by a nuclear physicist. It also gave an attempt to describe the nature and meaning of the creator or “God”. The creature then ran back into the craft. Both witnesses had also noticed tow other humanoids standing next to the craft; these were described as tall and human in appearance. The short humanoid was described as having rough looking brown-gray textured skin and large black eyes. The craft then rose up into the sky, emitted two beautiful coherent beams of light, which apparently levitated two heads of cattle into the craft from a nearby field. The craft then tilted at a 90degree angle and shot away at incredible speed. Soon after that an F-14 military jet aircraft flew overhead apparently searching for something.
HC addendum
Source: Art Bell’s Coast-to-Coast Radio Show with George
Noory, November 16 2002
Type: B
Location. Portland Oregon
Date: June 10 1969
Time: 0100A
The two witnesses were sleeping outside in the yard on summer night when they saw an object approaching them at about 500’ and ¼ mile away. Soon they could see that it was a single file formation of disc shaped objects, which dropped down to about 30’ and turned north. As they flew over a field the witnesses could see a bluish green light under each object, which were about 30’ in diameter. They could see small-lighted windows on the objects and in each window a figure was seen apparently looking out. The last object shot up at a 30-degree angle and vanished within seconds leaving a short trail of light behind.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A
Location. Near Segovia, Spain
Date: June 11 1969
Time: late night
A doctor X, returning home from a funeral one night found his vehicle suddenly blocked by a dense curtain formed by hundreds of small luminous white cylinders that hovered in a vertical position in front of his vehicle. Dr X suddenly heard a voice in his mind that told him to relax that everything was going to be all right. At the same time he noticed on the front passenger seat an opaque cube-shaped form that appeared out of nowhere. His next recollection was of again driving his vehicle around a curve and then arriving home, feeling very tired and haggard having no recollection of what occurred during approximately one-hour period of missing time.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Zerpa, Los Hombres de Negro
Y los Ovnis
Type: F or G?
Location. Overton Nova Scotia
Date: mid June 1969
Time: 2130
The witness had gone out of her house one evening, behind, which were some trees and a swamp. As she was locking her porch door she noticed a light in the swamp; wondering what it was, she went upstairs and looked out a bedroom window. She saw some kind of machine with a rim around it. She said she was sure someone was walking around the rim as it had a row of lights and they kept on going out as though someone was passing in front of them; she could also hear a hammering sound. Occasionally she saw a puff of smoke come from it. She said, “I suppose you wonder why I didn’t call the police or someone, well I was jus too stunned to do anything.” She did phone her neighbors down the road but they were unable to see the light through the trees. She watched until the light shot up in the sky and disappeared.
Humcat 1969-46
Source: John Musgrave for Apro
Type: C?
Location. Near Salt Lake City Utah
Date: mid June 1969
Time: after midnight
Bill McGuire and Nora Johnson, with Nora’s 2-year old son Alan, were driving westward from Salt Lake City when they saw a light in the air following them. It came up to within 100 feet of them, & they could see that it was a fish shaped object, with a back “fin” and a flat bottom, with a red light on top. It emitted a strange humming sound, and made them feel “funny vibrations” in their bodies. Nora stepped on the accelerator, but the car slowed down, and would not go above 55 mph. The object continued to follow them until they reached a roadside rest area, where a camper was parked. Inside the camper, looking out, they saw a “bony, peculiar, not quite human” face. Beside it Bill saw a figure “like a snowman” dressed in a white rubbery suit that walked toward them. Nora could not see it. When the car’s headlights were turned on, Bill could not see it either, but when they were switched off, he saw it again, coming closer. They drove away, with the UFO still following them and holding their maximum speed at 55 mph. It left them only with the coming of dawn. After a 2-hour sleep, they again drove westward. They came up with a camper that seemed to be the same one they had seen, and passed it; Nora looked at its drivers and screamed. Wearing black leather suits, they had only “dim outlines” of heads, except for Cheshire-cat-like grins. Under hypnosis 5 years later, Nora remembered leaving her body and floating from the car into the UFO, in which she saw a curved instrument panel with gauges and levers. About 20 short humanoids were in it, having oversized heads and large green insect like eyes; they communicated by “buzzing or mumbling.” They terrified her. Bill, likewise remembered being floated up out of the car and into a white “round room” with a clear dome, where she saw white “little people” with big heads, no hair, minute round mouths, and very big light green eyes. He felt himself to be in a reclining chair, paralyzed. He felt that the creatures had telepathic knowledge of his thoughts; when they read his thoughts, it made him feel tired. There was some large device in the room around which they clustered. Then he fell asleep, although he was afraid to do so, and remembered nothing more until he found himself back in the car. He thought the experience lasted 20-30 minutes.
Humcat 1969-39
Source: Jerome Clark
Type: G
Location. Dunedin, South Island, New Zealand
Date: June 22 1969
Time: unknown
Terry Ennshyman reportedly encountered a “frenetic” robot type humanoid who conducted her onboard a landed disc and had sex with her several times. The robot had cold extremities and a cold penis, but does not lack “warmth” and sweetness despite his constant guttural sounds. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Annuaire CIGU 1988 quoting Dunedin Telegraph
No date, in Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: G
Location. Olds Alberta Canada
Date: July 1 1969
Time: 0615A
Fred Yoos, 62, heard a clattering sound that shook the building; looking out the window, he saw a 20-foot green oval object descending from a dense cloud in the northwest. It hovered just above the ground 50 ft away. By the light of the rising sun, he could see the movement of two figures through a window-like opening. The object ascended vertically, leaving an imprint.
Humcat 1969-47
Source: Ted Phillips, Cufos
Type: A
Location. Johore Baru Johore Malaysia
Date: July 2 1969
Time: 1035A
An object was reported to have landed next to a local primary school. Several school children reported seeing five tiny men like figures wearing red colored outfits emerge from the object. The children rushed at the figures in an attempt to capture them but these jumped into a hole in the ground and vanished. The object described as silvery in color also vanished.
HC addition # 1453
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A Summary of UFO and
Related events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Type: B
Location. Anolaima Colombia
Date: July 4 1969
Time: 2000
Mauricio Gnecco saw a yellow red light moving in the sky. When he signaled with a flashlight, it approached within 150 ft of the house, and was seen as a yellow-orange Saturn shaped object with 2 bent blue and green legs; then it seemed to land on a nearby hill. Arcesio Bermudez, an adult, went to the site and approached to within 20 ft; he saw inside the object a person whose upper half was normal but who resembled from the waist down a luminous letter “A”. The object then ‘blinked on” again, rose and disappeared. Two days later Bermudez became very ill, and within a few days he died of gastroenteritis.
Humcat 1969-41
Source: John Simhon for Apro
Type: A
Location. Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Date: July 4 1969
Time: 2230
The witness and her father had gone to a local racetrack and at one point were sitting by herself on the top bleachers when she had a feeling of being watched. She looked to her right and saw an object hovering about 1000 feet away. Described as an oval shaped craft with a transparent rectangular section on the center. There she saw several man-shaped silhouettes apparently looking down at her. At one point she looked briefly the other way and the object disappeared.
HC addition # 3174
Source: Minnesota Mufon
Type: A
Location. Fort Worth Texas
Date: July 11 1969
Time: midnight
Jack Harris saw a tall white shaggy creature cross the only road going through the area around the Lake Worth Nature Center, and he tried to photograph the creature, but his flash failed. He then took a second hasty picture. The creature ran up and down a bluff as other cars arrived, eventually 30 or 40 people had gathered to watch the creature. Many of the onlookers were armed with guns, and when it seemed that people were ready to go after the creature it grabbed a spare tire with a rim on it and threw it at the onlooker’s cars. Apparently more than 500 feet in distance. The creature walked like a man, was whitish gray and hairy. It was estimated to have been at least 7 feet tall and weighing perhaps 300 pounds. It emitted a “pitiful cry.” The creature was seen again, and shots were fired at it, a trail of blood to the edge of the lake was found. Others found dead and mutilated sheep in the area.
HC addition # 3010
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate October 1992
Type: E
Location. Sobral Ceara Brazil
Date: July 18 1969
Time: unknown
A shining flying saucer stopped and remained stationary for half a minute near the cement plant, and opposite the house of Neusa Rodrigues. Through the window of the craft was seen “a little bluish colored man with eyes that gave off flashes.” The UFO performed various maneuvers over the cement plant and drew the attention of many of the employees, who stopped work briefly to watch it. Lt. Pedro Edvaldo De Souza took statements from eyewitnesses, on instructions from the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza,
Humcat 1969-18
Source: Lt Pedro Edvaldo De Souza, Brazilian Air Force
Type: A
Location. Trois Rivieres Quebec Canada
Date: late July 1969
Time: 2100
As dusk fell, three youths aged 12, 15, and 16 were in an abandoned field beside a car that was out of gas. In the direction of a nearby pond, 500 feet away, they noticed a pulsing luminosity, and then perceived that this was coming from a dark discoid object with a cupola, hovering 15-20 feet above the pond, beyond some intervening fir trees. Then from behind the trees emerged a procession of seven or more white luminous “objects,” or figures, consisting of vertical cylinders with a lump on top, vaguely resembling a human without arms or legs; they were five to six feet high and were floating a foot above the ground. Where the face should be was a darker oval. As these figures turned toward them, the three teenagers sought refuge in the rear seat of the car, closing its windows and locking the doors, and hiding under a blanket. The entities soon surrounded the car, and seemingly attempted without success to open the doors; one rose up and “walked” on the car’s roof, leaving traces on the metal. The siege of the car lasted for more than an hour. When the lights of an approaching car, containing friends of the witnesses, became visible, the entities returned to the UFO, which then rose at great speed. The youngest witness had nightmares for a week.
Humcat 1969-28
Source: Phillipe Blaquiere and Wido Hoville
Type: C
Location. Near Voronov, Russia
Date: August 1969
Time: morning
Heinrich Ivanovich was driving his motorcycle along the Kama River near a wooded area. On the side of the road he noticed a man who suddenly raised his hand as if saluting. Ivanovich slowed his motorbike and approached the stranger. As he approached he noticed a strange disc-shaped object on the ground close to the stranger. The stranger wore a grayish-metallic overall with thick soled boots. The man did not wear a hat and had a short haircut. On his left hand he held a hose-like implement, which was apparently extracting water from the Kama River. He approached the stranger and both conversed in the Russian language mostly about the propulsion of the object. They also spoke about space constellations. At the end of the encounter the stranger asked Ivanovich to stay back from the object and to just observe it take off. The object had a semi-transparent green colored globular dome on top. As the stranger approached the object a door appeared on the dome and he entered it, the door the shut. The external disc immediately began to revolve and its outer rim became invisible. The object then rose into the sky and instantly disappeared into thin air.
HC addendum
Source: Ravil Ishkakov, Chairman of Tatar Republic committee,
On the study of the phenomena of nature.
Type: B
Location. Near Detroit, Oregon
Date: August 1969
Time: afternoon
The main witness, 8-years of age at the time was playing in a creek with her two sisters as their family camped nearby. All of the sudden she could see that the sun had suddenly changed position, the shadows had moved from what they were a few seconds ago, and time had unaccountably gone by. Her mother came down yelling for the girls, saying that they had been looking for them for the last 45minutes. Confused, she told her mother that she was in the same spot she always had been. Years later the main witness was hypnotized and she recalled being in a white room with white tables that were real cold, like metal and really bright lights. She saw several “spacemen” all dress in white like the modern astronauts, but their suits were somewhat thinner than the normal astronaut suits. The men had large heads with large almond shaped eyes and two holes for a nose and communicated with the witness through telepathy.
HC addendum
Source: Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter, Special Edition # 44
Type: G
Location. West Akron Ohio
Date: August 8 1969
Time: 0200A
Dollie Hansen had been in touch with UFO occupants and had been promised a trip in a spaceship on Thursday, August 7. At 0200A on Friday a knock came at her door, and outside was a superbly built young woman with deep chestnut hair but no features on her face. Nevertheless, Mrs Hansen had no fear, and went with her to a black car containing, two men, which, wrapped in a gray mist, conveyed them to the spaceship. She was given the promised ride, but the source gives no details beyond this, except to say that the spaceship was softly lighted and contained no visible seams or welds. Around the same time a local handicapped boy also reported being taken onboard a UFO and given a ride, his encountered occurred at 0230A. No other information.
Humcat 1969-43
Source: Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Mysterious Visitors
Type: G
Location. 30 km from Rouen Seine Maritime France
Date: August 11 1969
Time: 0600A
Jean Migueres was driving an ambulance from Perpignan to Rouen when he heard a voice in his head say: “Do not be afraid, nothing bad will happen to you, you will feel nothing…”20 minutes later, he observed a nearly spherical cloud moving toward him, which then took the form of a nucleus surrounded by an incandescent white ring having at its base a dull black metallic platform about 65 ft in diameter. At the same time, a “DS” car appeared, moving directly toward the ambulance. Migueres was unable to avoid it, and a head on collision took place; the ambulance was traveling at the time at 100 mph. After the crash, a being “materialized” on the seat beside Migueres, and addressed him telepathically in French: “Be assured, you are only apparently injured…you will feel no physical pain…I am going to “regenerate” you by a procedure that is not yet known on your planet.” He then took from a pouch on his belt a disc about 1” in diameter, of an incandescent white luminosity, and applied it to the nape of Miguere’s neck. Migueres felt a prickling sensation all along his spinal column. The being said:”This accident was necessary for you; we will come back to see you.” Then he disappeared. Migueres with multiple injuries and broken bones felt no pain then or later. He underwent several lengthy operations and was twice pronounced “clinically dead.” After an internal hemorrhage with bursting of the gall bladder, he received a telepathic message to “leave the hospital immediately,” which he obeyed, being transported to a hospital at Montpellier, near his home, where he was again pronounced “dead.” Nevertheless he survived. After 3 weeks in the Montpellier hospital he received a message: “You have succeeded in your mission thanks to our help…you can now go home, we will continue to protect you.” He went home, but for 3 years his broken bones remained unhealed. “Then one day, all the bones re-knitted in record time,” and he was immediately able to walk again, without even a limp. Migueres says that since his accident he has had the gift of healing. He remains in contact with the “extraterrestrials,” who have given him a “code which permits him to free the corresponding wavelength of his brain” to establish contact with them. The “extraterrestrial seen at the time of the accident was of medium height, or less, with a very swarthy skin and a big head with a very high and wide forehead, eyes far apart, eyebrows “like scars,” and brown hair cut short. He was wearing a coverall or a pants and shirt combination resembling a military uniform, with no hat or helmet.
Humcat 1969-59
Source: Guy Tarade, Jean Luc Rivera
Type: G?
Location. Near Macae Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Date: August 19 1969
Time: 0250A
Luis Renato Matos, a schoolteacher, was driving his sister in law and her two children from Ararauma to Campos. Near Macae, he saw a blue light which, when seen again some 200 meters ahead, now appeared as a bright blue inverted plate about 20 meters in diameter, and floating at an inclined angle 3 to 4 metes above the ground. His passengers were all sleeping. As he came around a bend in the road, Renato saw 5 or 6 small human like figures less than a meter tall, all scurrying rapidly about; each one carried an illuminated pear shaped implement, held by a small rod; these glowed like red-hot iron. Renato speeded the car up and just after he passed through Macae his headlights failed and the motor quit. He sat there for a long while not knowing what to do until, finally, he was again able to start the car and proceed.
Humcat 1969-40
Source: Richard Heiden
Type: C
Location. South Akron, Ohio
Date: August 22 1969
Time: 0400A
After Joyce Vellacca and her husband reported seeing a multicolored object maneuvering over the area Joyce Vellacca decided to lie down on the sofa for a few winks. However she had scarcely stretched out when a big gust of wind swept through the window and blew the curtains out. She jumped up to close the window and froze in her tracks. Mrs. Vellacca stated that she was unable to move. Literally paralyzed to the spot. And standing on the other side of the window, looking back at her, was a woman, marvelously built, with the most beautiful long dark chestnut, almost black hair she had ever seen. But the woman had no discernible features where her face would be located. Oddly enough, when Mrs. Vellacca recovered from her frozen immobility, the visitor had gone. She rushed outside and turned on all the floodlights to illuminate the area, but could see nothing unusual. Then there came a high-pitched whine similar to that of a motorcycle, except that when that machine reaches its take-off there is a loud roar. This was not audible. Instead, the noise gained in shrill frequency until it was no longer heard. The dogs in the neighborhood were raising a great rumpus.
HC addendum
Source: Brinsley LePoer Trench, Mysterious Visitors The UFO Story Type: E Note similarity with the West Akron case, two weeks before.
Location. Cradle Hill Warminster England
Date: August 27 1969
Time: 2210
11 people watching for UFOs saw on the ground something like a “burning bush” about 600 yards away, in the place called “Kidnappers Hole.” Christopher Trubridge and Robert Coates ran in that direction. The lights went out, but when near the spot Christopher saw in the moonlight, 100 ft away, a figure about 7 ft tall, dressed in a tight fitting shiny black suit, with a gold sash or “bandoleer” around the neck and shoulder. Long, dark gold hair fell to its shoulders and it had bright eyes, their color indeterminate in the lighting, and a “rather feminine” set of features in a not unattractive face. The figure was motionless, one arm upraised. The witnesses could not approach it nearer than about 30 yards. Overcome by fear, oddly mixed with an indescribable emotion, both men retreated hastily.
Humcat 1969-48
Source: Arthur Shuttlewood, Cosmos December 1969 and
Ken Rogers “The Warminster Triangle”
Location. Near Boston Massachusetts
Date: Fall 1969
Time: unknown
A motorist came across a large object blocking the road. A man with bulging eyes and a red face that had difficulty in breathing approached the car and asked for a lift to town. The man wore a short black coat and “very shiny green trousers made out of some material I have never seen before.” After the odd man had gotten into the car, the object lifted, took off, and vanished. The motorist asked the man where he came from and received the reply, “You wouldn’t understand.” The motorist thought about going to the police, but when the man was deposited on Main Street he said, “Nobody is going to believe you, so don’t bother.” The man then staggered away.
HC addition # 3212
Source: Jim Keith, Casebook of The Men in Black
Type: C
Location. Ann Arbor Michigan
Date: Fall 1969
Time: 2300
Marlene Meyers and her husband were driving back from Ann Arbor to their home in Toledo and were just entering the camp onto Route 23 outside Ann Arbor when they saw an object ahead of their car, low over the highway. It was disc shaped and contained a row of large rectangular windows around the center, lit from within. They observed three human-like figures standing at the center window, from the waist up, as though looking out at the observers. Then the object moved quickly out of view.
Humcat 1969-51
Source: Ted Bloecher
Type: A
Location. Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Date: September 1969
Time: 0530A
The 30-year old witness had gone out for a walk over a hill when he heard a loud pitch hum and saw a large round disc shaped object with 3 yellow lighted windows descend over the field ahead of him. He could see two figures moving inside, apparently doing something. Suddenly it gave off a higher pitch sound and rose disappearing over a nearby oak tree, which bent a bit as the craft flew above it. He could see three dangling metallic pole-like legs on the object.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Watch
Type: A
Location. Yakima Washington
Date: September 1969
Time: morning
Susan heard the two family dogs barking, they seemed to be throwing a fit and had run to the end of the fence. Stepping outside Susan saw a “boy” with blue jeans, a royal blue shirt, and black hair, and dark skin, walking along the road. The boy appeared clean cut and could have been Hispanic or Indian. She watched the boy walk out of view as he passed behind the tree that bordered the road. However the boy did not pass beyond the tree, as he should have in order to continue down the road. The dogs began whining. After waiting awhile, Susan became concerned that the boy had suffered some type of mishap behind the tree, she ran out onto the road but the boy was nowhere in sight.
HC addition # 3846
Source: Greg Long
Type: E?
Location. Alum Creek Columbus Ohio
Date: September 1969
Time: 2200
The witness had gone outside to put hay into the rabbit pen when he suddenly heard a loud clapping sound. As he turned around he spotted a strange creature walking into a nearby wooded area. The being was wearing a black uniform with a silver belt. It had long thin arms and legs that seemed to move with rhythm. It had a large head that emitted a yellow glow. The witness ran inside to get his parents but the creature had already disappeared when they came out. That same night a neighbor girl had seen mysterious lights hovering over a nearby field and a large oval depressed area of grass was found at the site.
HC addition # 1767
Source: I Scott, IUR Vol. 12 # 1
Type: D
Location. Springdale, Arkansas
Date: September 6 1969
Time: 2300
A strange man stared into the bedroom window of Mrs. Barbara Robinson. She called police and Officer Ken Speedlin “discovered that anyone who looked through the bedroom window would have to have been at least seven feet tall…there was nothing in the area of the window on which a prowler could have stood.”
HC addendum
Source: John Keel, Strange Mutants
Type: E?
Location. Near Beauharnois Quebec, Canada
Date: September 14 1969
Time: 1700
A young boy saw a small silver object land nearby. Through a small hatch two small green colored humanoids emerged, these moved like robots and appeared to gather rocks and plants before returning to the object. The object then took off.
HC addition # 19
Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants &
Type: B
Location. Montreal Quebec Canada
Date: September 22 1969
Time: evening
The witness was walking with her son along a footpath by a wooded area when they suddenly noticed a bright circular object on the ground at the edge of the woods. They also noticed three men standing outside of the object and two men inside. The men were described as very tall, over seven-foot tall, slim, and wearing tight fitting one-piece garments. The witness left to get additional witnesses but upon returning the object and humanoids were already gone. A circular flattened area of grass was found at the site.
HC addition # 1101
Source: Jean Claude Bourret, The Crack of The Universe
Type: A & C
Location. Clermont Ferrand Puy-de-Dome, France
Date: October 1969
Time: 1430
On the slopes of the bare hill, Puy-de-Chanturge, ab0ut 50 ft from the place where she had previously seen 3 “gnomes,” the witness saw a nearly black silhouette, like that of a man 6 ½ ft tall wrapped up in a cloak; she referred to this form as “the shepherd.” It remained in the same position until the witness broke off the observation. She saw this form more than once, and another man, a friend of theirs, saw it also from a different viewing point.
Humcat 1969-49
Source: LDLN Circle of Clermont-Riom
Type: E
Location. Paradise California
Date: October 6 1969
Time: 0830A
The witness had walked out towards his garage when he caught sight of an approaching object flying above the treetops. The object was a metallic disc with a flange around it and a transparent cabin in the middle. Inside the cabin sat a man apparently operating some controls. He had dark hair, was wearing a white coverall, and briefly glanced at the witness. The underside of the object appeared slightly convex and the flange rotated rapidly clockwise apparently creating a clear vapor like smoke. The craft was totally silent and it disappeared towards the south.
HC addition # 1549
Source: Larry Kingston, An experiment with Alien Intelligence
Type: A
Location. Makalle Chaco Argentina
Date: October 9 1969
Time: daytime
Amaro Lotcket, a well-known farmer in the area, was driving his small truck when he was seized by a sudden sensation of coldness, or of fear; on stopping he saw, 10 meters away, three strange beings occupying an object that was perched in the top of a large tree, weighing down. The beings were about 80 cm tall, with long blond hair and a single eye. Without any noise, the object ascended into the sky and disappeared. Police later found scorch marks and other traces in the tree. (The return of the Cyclopeans!)
Humcat 1969-52
Source: Humcat quoting, newspaper source
Type: A
Location. Berleur Belgium
Date: October 9 1969
Time: 1945
Jacques Yerna, 16, was riding a horse along a lane when he saw a UFO with four blinking red lights, approaching him slowly and silently at a low altitude. It gave off powerful flashes of white light by which its silhouette, almost round, could be seen. Then he saw, above the trees of a little wood nearby, a 2nd such craft, black, likewise with 4 blinking red lights, but only half as large. It moved behind the first UFO, and both flew off together. Then, as he passed the little wood, he found a parked car in the lane, with a man standing in the adjacent field. His horse took fright at this point.
Humcat 1969-50
Source: Laboratories D’Analyse et d’Experimentation Technique
Liege, Belgium
Type: C?
Location. Vancouver British Columbia Canada
Date: October 13 1969
Time: 2200
A round metallic object that made a soft whistling sound flew over the area. Through an opening on the object, the witness observed numerous men moving inside the craft. No other information.
HC addition # 18
Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters
Type: A
Location. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Date: October 15 1969
Time: night
A reported abduction took place on this date where the witness encountered short greenish skin humanoids, with duck like feet and long pointy ears resembling those of rats. These wore tight-fitting silvery suits. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: G
Location. Waterville Iowa
Date: October 16 1969
Time: 1700
UFOs seen in the area for two years had been landing regularly since early spring on the S. farm. On October 8 10-year old Steve, with another youngster, had seen a UFO at the base of a cloud, and snapped a picture. The object apparently landed leaving traces. On the 16th, Steve watched a spherical UFO, 10 ft wide and 6-7 ft high, land not 60 ft away from him. His attention was caught by the humming sound it emitted as a ramp came out silently and smoothly. A little man, 3 to 4 ft tall, with long arms and hands with only two digits, emerged with a bow-legged kind of gait. He wore a disproportionately large yellow-brown helmet, which he took off to wipe his brow; the boy could see that he was bald, and had a pale green complexion; large eyes set close together, a slit like mouth and a double slit where the nose would be. He was dressed in a white spacesuit. The being looked directly at Steven, then put his helmet back on and re-entered the UFO. In another earlier encounter (date unknown) with a 2 ft being, Steve had discovered a “scanning device” on the roof of his barn; he pocketed the implement and almost immediately the being appeared from nowhere and snatched the instrument away from him. Later a second similar device was found and when the same thing happened, the boy struggled with the entity and the device fell on the floor, part of it rolled into a crack. The fragment was retrieved and allegedly is still in the family’s possession. On still another occasion, a 10 ft entity appeared in front of a large plate glass window in the farmhouse; a tube was pointed at Steve and a white beam of light hit him in the chest, hurting him and leaving red welts. The window was broken in the attack. On yet another occasion the boy was asked if he wanted to ride in a UFO to another planet; he said he wanted to go to Pluto, but the Ufonauts compromised on Venus, and all he saw were heavy clouds. The round trip took only 45 minutes.
Humcat 1969-53
Source: Brad Steiger, Kevin Randle, Ralph Degraw
Ed Olsen & Bob Griffadel et al.
Type: B, E & G
Location. Helsinki Finland
Date: October 17 1969
Time: evening
A 47-year old Helsinki man was in his kitchen when he found himself pulled backward by at tentacle of light coiled around his chest. Turning around, he saw a shapeless light 18” above the floor and about 12 ft away. From the coiling above the light a voice addressed him, telling him he had been selected for contact because he was not afraid, and saying that they “wished the people well.” Refusing to meet him in person because the sound of their teleporting machine infuriated dogs, the unseen communicant said he would return in two years.
Humcat 1969-54
Source: Timo Pyhala, Finnish Interplanetary Society
Type: F?
Location. San Juan Capistrano, California
Date: November 1969
Time: night
Living in a brand new housing development very near the top of a hill a six-year-old boy reported seeing a “little man” just outside his bedroom window. Unfortunately no other details were forthcoming from the witness.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Milan Italy
Date: November 1969
Time: night
A lone motorist traveling on the Via Berna reported encountering a tall man-like figure wearing a tight black outfit and dark helmet standing on the roadway. The figure suddenly vanished in plain sight. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: CUN Milano
Type: E
Location. Palmer Massachusetts
Date: November 9 1969
Time: night
In one of many incidents involving Stella Lansing, she produced the following account by a 9-year old of an encounter on the above date. “We went riding in the car and I saw lights. We flashed to it and it flashed back. We clapped the light on it and it began to come closer. We saw a black man about eight feet tall and I saw something like a wolf, but it was not a wolf. It had a strange body, two and a half feet long. It had three fingers and a face.”
Humcat 1969-55
Source: Dr. Berthold Schwarz for FSR
Type: C? Or F?
Location. Nancy France
Date: November 15 1969
Time: 1700
The witness was at his window awaiting the pigeons, which he usually feeds when he sees behind a nearby chimney, a transparent cupola with two heads inside. Initially there is no reaction from the witness but suddenly he turns to the window and sees the object flying slowly from behind the chimney, it is a gray metallic disc shaped craft with a transparent cupola on top. Many lights resembling those of car headlights are visible around the circumference of the object. The witness exclaims: “But it’s a saucer!” and hears a voice whispered outside his ear: “Yes it is a saucer, do not be afraid, it was necessary that you see it”. The two beings inside the dome then look at themselves and then turn their heads towards the witness while smiling at him, and then their heads disappear inside the object. At that same moment two other UFOs identical to the first, also with visible figures inside transparent cupolas fly over the roofs above 70 meters from him. The first object join the other two and all three fly towards the north. The witness attempts to notify his neighbors but finds himself in a kind of stupor with his face and hands swollen and a red bump on his forehead. A red scar on the forehead was still visible in 1978.
HC addition # 2418
Source: Figeut/Ruchon, Ovni Dossier
Type: A & F
Location. Olavarria Buenos Aires Argentina
Date: November 17 1969
Time: 0600A
Upon arising, Aquilo Ramon Acosta went into the yard for water and saw up to 17 strange beings with powerful lights that lit up the area. About 10 of them were clustered outside the paddock fence, while another group of 7 were inside the paddock. Acosta cold see them clearly only from the waist down, and said they were wearing a shining, transparent garment. One came over the fence and approached to within 8 meters of the witness; he carried a rod-like implement, which he raised into the air, upon which he suddenly rose into the air and sailed back over the fence. The witness then observed closely the group in the paddock who turned their lights upon him; he felt a sudden heavy blow as everything lit up and, alarmed and stunned, he retreated indoors. From a window Acosta saw the beings run along the wire fence that enclosed the paddock three times, shining their lights on the ground. They appeared especially interested in a dung-heap. The visitation lasted nearly an hour, and a windowpane in the door was broken, presumably when the beams of light were played upon the witness. At the site, reporters later found traces, including footprints as well as holes in the ground. Acosta suffered headaches and other effects following the encounter. Strangely, he said that his dogs were unusually quiet, as though asleep, throughout the experience.
Humcat 1969-56
Source: Gordon Creighton
Type: E
Location. Urubupunga, Brazil
Date: November 21 1969
Time: night
A security guard at a local power station reportedly encountered two tall robot-like humanoids that communicated in a shrill-like electronic voice. A week later a large
Metallic zeppelin-shaped craft was spotted over Pirassununga.
HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: E
Location. Villa Velha, Espirito Santo Brazil
Date: early December 1969
Time: unknown
Children began to disappear in this city, within a few weeks scores of youngsters, all between the ages of nine and fifteen and all from poor families, vanished without a trace, The police in the state of Espirito Santo rallied their forces and began a massive search for a sinister kidnapping ring. But they had no leads, the disappearances seemed random, and none of the children knew each other or shared a common school. Then on February 1970, four of the missing youngsters reappeared separately. Two were stumbling about the streets blindly, suffering from amnesia. The other pair was able to remember fragments of their adventure, but their stories were as bizarre as a James Bond tale. They had been stopped on the street, they said, and offered a ride in a large American style limousine. Once they were in the car, they were given a cigarette (apparently laced with narcotics) and they lapsed into unconsciousness. One returnee recalled that he awoke in a small hut, tied hand and foot, when a stranger entered freed him, and told him how to find the nearest police station. An eleven-year-old girl identified as Vani said her kidnapper was a woman named Laura. Laura fed her sweets and then took her to a field where an “airplane” was waiting. Vani began to scream and fuss, and surprisingly Laura gave her some money and returned her to her village. Most of the Brazilian victims were boys, although a few girls were included. The children that returned mostly described their kidnappers as tall, blond and European in appearance.
HC addendum
Source: John A Keel, Our Haunted Planet
Type: G?
Location. Serra do Vulcao, Nova Iguacu, Brazil
Date: December 1969
Time: 2200
A young couple was parked in an isolated area in a known lovers lane area when they suddenly noticed a strong luminosity approaching their vehicle from the rear. Horrified they watched three huge beings, estimated to have been at least 3 meters in height approached their vehicle within the light. The man attempted to start the car but the motor was dead. The luminosity grew stronger as the humanoids approached even closer to the vehicle. The beings began looking into the window of the car as the terrified couple began to dress frantically. The beings then emitted a sound similar to “Kaan” and one of them introduced a baton-like object into the opened window of the car, as it did saw the baton released a sort of gas. At this point both witnesses lost consciousness. They woke up in the morning the following day. The man had a strong migraine and had a nosebleed and both noticed that the car was now at a different position from where it was originally parked. Both have refused hypnotic regression.
HC addendum
Source: G.E.P.U (Grupo Espirita de Pesquisa Ufologica) Brazil
Type: E or G?
Comments: This intriguing case has all the signs of an unexplored abduction.
Location. Near Atlanta Georgia
Date: December 27 1969
Time: 0200A
Miss Mary Smith and her mother were in their car parked along the side of the road when the mother saw a black saucer shaped object with a flat bottom hovering some distance away; the bottom opened slowly and from it dropped a sort of “plastic bubble” with a glowing light inside. It drifted downward, separating into 3 glowing “arrow-shaped” objects that came to rest in a parking lot across the street. Shortly afterwards they saw at the spot 3 dark figures, like men with wide shoulders and narrow hips, but with arms shorter than normal; one was much larger than the others, and all three were “seeping furiously” with implements like lawn rakes, in an area about 9 ft in diameter. What they swept up was put into a container in the center shaped like a basket. At one point the larger figure chased something to the edge of the street and caught it in his hand, picking it up and running back to put it in the basket. Then two boys in a car approached and saw the beings, they drove into the parking lot; the figures then simply disappeared.
Humcat 1969-57
Source: Ted Phillips for Mufon
Type: C
Location. Tirau New Zealand
Date: late 1969
Time: unknown
A 30-year old woman saw a bright yellow glowing light over a nearby hedge. In front of the light stood five dark shadowy figures. These moved slowly around and one appeared to be taller than the rest. No arms and legs were visible. The witness did not stay around and did not see the light or beings depart.
HC addition # 217
Source: Keith Basterfield, Mufon UFO Journal # 177
Type: C
The year 1969, as far as humanoid reports were concerned started off with a bang, but it ended in a soft whimper. It was a preview of the coming three lean years. Perhaps since man had reached the moon, we though of ourselves as the “Omnipotent” ones of the Universe. But soon we all realized that we are just but “dust in the wind.”
Total cases: 131
Addendums to be included as they become available.
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.