2009 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTS Compiled by Albert Rosales

What follows is a chronological list of events:

Location. New Paris, Ohio
Date: January 3 2009
Time: 2026
The witness (possibly involved in other encounters) was about ready for bed, letting his dog “Dudley” out for an evening walk. The dog then began barking and used his tail to cover his genitals in fear as he cowered behind the witness. The witness suddenly felt what he would describe as an extreme static charge in the air that seemed to cause droplets of dew to quickly evaporate. Even the frost on the ground turned to steam and he could fee intense heat. This quickly turned his attention towards the tree line in front of him as he heard the same high pitch sound, only this time much more painful. He dropped to his knees and noticed blood dripping from his nose onto the ground. This came to a sudden stop as a warm intense blue/gray light surrounded his body and seemed to have a heavy weight on his back, pushing him to his stomach and making his face lie on the blood from his nose. He woke up shivering and nude in his bed nearly six hours later. “Dudley” seems to have been scared and barking all day. He wouldn’t eat and wouldn’t let the witness touch him. He found scratches on his nose and suffered from migraines all day. During the night he heard the following thoughts in his head, “its ok we are scientists, you will feel pain shortly, and think of it as a study.”

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G?
Comments: Apparent unexplored abduction event.

Location. Al Qasim region, Saudi Arabia
Date: January 7 2009
Time: evening
Arabic language forums are abuzz with Saudi citizens claiming to have witnessed what is even being described by some in the normally conservative Saudi Arabian press as a possible UFO either crashing to earth or simply executing maneuvers designed to scare humans. Others are claiming the object was an asteroid or a satellite. Witnesses are reported to be waiting for an explanation from local meteorological bureau’s but have received no answers yet.
On Wednesday 7th of January after evening prayers a large noise was heard in the sky followed by the sighting of an intense large light heading from the west above a region east of the capital of Riyadh. Many locals had seen meteors prior to this but claimed this one did not fit the description at all: it was a blue green color and was shooting out green lasers (flashes?). One witness, Khalid, commented, ‘No one has ever seen anything like it’. Amazingly for an incident that hasn’t even made the news in the West it was seen as far away as Kuwait. Locals in the region where the object appeared to be heading claim they heard an explosion and felt a large tremor indicating that the object crashed. The Saudi government has not released information regarding the crash site but is reported to have sealed the area.

HC addendum
Source: www.allnewsweb.com in: http://www.abovetopsecret.com
Type: H?

Location. Near Chinle, Arizona
Date: January 9 2009
Time: night
Rangers from the Navajo Nation Department of Resource Enforcement reported that a Navajo elderly couple and a girl saw a UFO land near their house in a rural area northeast of town. According to the ranger, the occupants of the object went up to the residence and used what looked like flashlights to look around the house and the outhouse before leaving. An area of flattened grass was reportedly found at the site of the landing. Navajo Nation rangers have yet to interview the witnesses for additional details. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: C

Location: Rocklin, California
Date: January 10 2009
Time: 0100am
The 21-year old witness had stepped outside his backyard to smoke a cigarette and let his 65 pound pit-bull go to the bathroom. It was dark outside and there were no lights on in or outside the house. However the moon was rather full so he could somewhat see his surroundings. He was staring up at the moon which was in the westward direction and his dog was at the fence also in the west side of the yard. He was about halfway through his cigarette when he had the feeling that someone was watching him from behind. When he turned around he saw the outline of what appeared to be a person standing by the corner of his house near the fence and he/she seemed to be facing the witness. Immediately the figure started to run away from the house towards the back of the property (only about a 15 to 20 foot distance), when the witness dog heard its footsteps it ran towards it. Thinking that he was dealing with a trespasser he ran back into the house through the sliding glass door but left the door open so he could attempt to call his dog inside fearing for his safety. As soon as his dog reached the figure, it flew straight up into the air at a height of approximately 10 feet and then flew directly to the far back edge of the property and either landed on the fence or hovered directly over it for about 2 minutes. The witness could see the outline of what appeared to be wings or some type of a cloak. The witness was too scared to let go of the door in fear that the figure would come towards him. After a minute the witness realized that he could turn the outside backyard light on so he did. As he did he could barely see the figure as it went over the fence. His dog continued to paw at the fence as he called for him to come inside. After about a minute of calling the dog came inside and the witness went directly upstairs to wake his girlfriend and tell her what had occurred.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E
Comments: First flying creature report of the year
Location. Clevedon, Somerset, England
Date: January 23 2009
Time: before midnight
A UFO has crashed at a local primary school—giving the clearest sign yet that aliens do exist. The object, described by witnesses as an alien spacecraft, crashed on the playing fields at Yeo Moor Junior School shortly before midnight on Wednesday. It then took off again, but as well as leaving a trail of debris behind, footprints were also found. Police are not confirming what it is but a crime scene investigator exclusively told the newspapers “he had never seen anything like it before” and that in his opinion it appeared to be alien. Mrs. Symes of Baytree Road said she was walking her dog about 2300 on Wednesday when she heard “an amazing noise”. She said “Initially I thought it was an aircraft having trouble, and then I spotted this strange-looking rocket type machine falling to the ground.” It crashed at the school and there was a huge explosion. Her dog was going berserk and she suddenly felt very frightened so she ran home and immediately called the police. “When I was on the phone I heard engines start again and saw the rocket take off and disappear within seconds”. The police cordoned off the school field.

HC addendum
Source: www.thisissomerset.co.uk
Type: H
Comments: Could have been a helicopter[asr1]???

[asr1] Reputed Hoax

Location. Sao Sepe, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Date: January 28 2009
Time: night
According to police, 20-year old Kelly Martins Becker claims to have been attacked during the night by an “animal” that looked like a big dog that was standing on its back feet and walked as if it were a man. According to the complaint the creature scratched the face and arms of the victim. The policed informed that Kelly underwent medical examination, where the wounds were confirmed.

HC addendum
Source: http://forgetomori.com/2009/skeptcicism/a-brazilian-werewolf-is-back/
Type: E

Location. Eastern Georgia (USA), exact location not given
Date: January 28 2009
Time: 2200
The main witness was driving with his girlfriend and was just about to pull on her road when he saw in the trees something that almost looked like a bird. It was 2.1 meters long, and about as thick as a good sized tree trunk. It was maybe 20 feet off the ground and moving away from a tree, it looked brown and almost feathery. The witness had lived in these parts his whole life and has seen every type of known bird that lived in the area, but was convinced that what he was looking at was not a bird. It was huge, far too big to be a bird. He thought out loud to himself when he saw it and his girlfriend asked him what had he seen, he blinked and said nothing and there was no sign of the creature, just the calm swaying of the tree branches. After he dropped his girlfriend off he had to drive by the area again so he figured he’d see if he could spot anything. He only found a good size pile of branches on the ground right under where he had seen the creature.

HC addendum
Source: http://forums.about.com
Type: E

Location. Ocala, Florida
Date: February 2009
Time: evening
Two men were parked on their driveway talking when they heard something very large hovering above but when they looked at the sky they saw absolutely nothing. Then they heard something in the woods behind them and saw several figures with large black eyes looking at them from the woods. When they tried to approach the figures the hovering noise stopped and the shadowy figures vanished.

HC addendum
Source: Direct communication
Type: C?
Comments: Invisible object?

Location. Near Los Lunas, New Mexico
Date: February 2009
Time: night
The main witness and his friend ‘Will’ were in Will’s car driving home in this town just south of Albuquerque. As they were getting within 10 miles of their homes they saw a weird silvery shape in the sky. He thought it was just smoke from a fireplace until they got really close to it. They slowed down and rolled down the windows to stick their heads out and get a better look. The object seemed to be solid and had a sleek, black-looking exterior; the silver look was like a dust that was floating around the main black craft. Then it got really weird. He blinked his eyes and when he opened them they were on the road by a gas station about a quarter mile away from where they should’ve been. He was confused because he didn’t remember Will driving from the shoulder of the road where they were looking at the floating object. He looked at him and said, “Did I fall sleep?” He responded “What?” and then looked around as dazed as he was. He turned the car around and headed back to the spot where they saw the object. It wasn’t there anymore. They drove to the store and walked around in the parking lot trying to figure out what happened. They both felt sore, like their neck muscles had been tensed really tight earlier. Then he remembered his portable CD player, they had been listening to the portable CD player through an adapter in the car. When they saw the object, they turned the radio off, but not the player. The last track he remembered hearing was track 3. He pulled the player out from under the seat and it was dead. He popped fresh batteries in and it started from the point it was on before the power went out. It was on track 7. So they had experienced at least 13 minutes of lost time.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—June 2009
Type: G?
Comments: Unexplored abduction event?

Location. Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada
Date: February 2 2009
Time: 0400am
The witness was camping in the Abbotsford outskirts area very late one night, and was having issues sleeping because of his back. He was sitting outside by the campfire when all of the sudden he felt an odd rumbling sensation in his abdomen. Compelled by the strange feeling, he picked his flashlight and looked around the area. He found nothing and decided to go and sit down again. He sat there for the next 20minuntes with a growing feeling of uncertainty and discomfort washing over him. The air around him grew very warm; a high pitched sound reached his ears. Unsure of what was happening he stood up. A bright light with a red tint surrounded him. He felt himself loosing consciousness and he fell to the ground. He drifted in and out of consciousness each time he awoke he remembered seeing a bright light and blurry silhouettes all around him. The most apparent thing to him was that the figures were short, no taller than a meter or so, and the table he was lying on was very close to the ground. He remembered that occasionally the abductors would speak to each other, always in a high-pitched language. Many hours later he woke up, he was outside. He stood up and felt dizzy. Stumbling, he looked around the small clearing he was in. He finally found his tent, after walking around for nearly 15 minutes. He wasn’t exactly sure of what happened. He packed his tent and other camping gear as fast as he could. He drove back to his house and went to bed. His dreams were disturbed with strange dreams of symbols he’d never seen before, as well as that same strange high-pitched noise he had heard the previous night. Since then he had a psychological evaluation done, and it came out completely normal.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G?

Location. Gentleshaw Common, Cannock Chase, England
Date: February 8 2009
Time: 1100am
Five locals witnessed a figure traveling, seemingly unaided over houses on Sunday morning. One described it as looking like “Superman”. Three witnesses Clive Wright 68 his wife Janet, 68 and their 14-year old grandson Nicholas were watching quite a number of seagulls and noticed what they thought was one in the middle moving quite slowly. Clive got up to take a closer look and realized it was a flying man. He searched the sky for the plane he had bailed out of, but could see nothing. All he could see was the man traveling in a controlled, straight line, traveling from Ryecroft shops to Gentleshaw Common. He ran upstairs to get his binoculars but when he returned the flying man was gone.

HC addendum
Source: Paranormal Florida Forums
Type: E

Location. Exact location not provided
Date: February 9 2009
Time: afternoon
The main witness was at a Wal-Mart shopping with her daughter and niece and as she walked down an isle en route to the restroom, where her niece was running ahead of them, she saw a younger aged “woman” about 10 years old or so. There was absolutely nothing unusual at first; blondish-brown hair up into a pony tail, t-shirt, sweat pants to the knees, and tennis shoes. She appeared to be biting her nails, for her hand was next to her mouth. As the witness got closer she noticed something about the woman’s walk…her strides seemed to be longer or something. She was about 5’9” in height, but it just seemed different. As they got closer what appeared to have been nail biting turned into an aggressive biting of her fingers. She did not display this kind of aggression when the witness niece passed her, but she turned and looked at her as she ran by. Her eyes were totally black, and she was staring the witness down as to intimidate her. It was like nothing she had ever experienced. A thought came to the witness head, “I am not afraid of you. I know what you are.” The witness daughter said that she was staring the strange woman down, like she was doing to her. The witness walked by, ignored her and confidently kept going. The witness daughter stopped to fix her shoelaces and said that the woman got behind them and turned to look at them, and her head turned in a fast motion and what looked like almost completely around. It frightened her daughter. The witness felt something evil in nature and felt negative energy and something unusual.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—March 2009
Type: E?

Location. Barking, London, England
Date: February 11 2009
Time: 2330
The witness had just brought the cats into the bedroom as she always did, and got into bed. At that moment she had the feeling of a presence. As she lay there she felt someone or something sit on the edge of the bed. She felt very nervous at that moment so she lifted the bed sheet from over her head to see a lady sitting there on the edge of her mattress. She was brimming with fear; the female entity looked at the witness and put her hands up and down in a way to say ‘calm’. She had pale skin, and she was wearing an all in one suit with a belt, and she had blond hair, and black eyes with no visible pupil and just two dents for a nose. That’s all the witness remembers until the next morning.

HC addendum
Source: Flying Saucer Review Autumn 2008
Type: E

Location. Edinburgh, Scotland
Date: February 16 2009
Time: 1000am
Early that morning the 25-year old witness had been watching television and around 0800am he was woken up by his roommate entering the kitchen as he prepared to go to college, the witness then went back to sleep. Later he was again woken up by a noise in the kitchen, cupboard slamming, drawers slamming shut, the fridge being fumbled through, he assumed it was his roommate again and turned his head ready to curse him out; he turned from his side to lie on his back and at his feet stood a 7feet tall entity. It bent right over and placed its hand besides the witness head on the sofa and looked right at his face, an inch from his head. The witness couldn’t move properly, he was not afraid but could not scream or shout either. The entity seemed to ask in a terminology not used in the local dialect, “Hello are you alright?” The witness turned his head away from the creature and just like that was able to get up. At this time he saw another similar creature, and both were emitting a strange growling sound apparently communicating with each other. The witness apparently did not see how the creatures departed or disappeared. He could only describe them as humanoid in shape and dark green in color.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.uforc.com
Type: E

Location. New South Wales, Australia (exact location not given)
Date: February 18 2009
Time: night
The witness had gone on her usual walk with her dog around the local race course and noticed a ‘small man’ standing about 200 meters away from her. She didn’t notice at first but then as she got closer he started to wave. She walked up to the 5foot man and started talking about the weather. The little man then asked her if she had seen any shooting stars in the night sky that night, puzzled she looked at him and he started laughing as though it was an inside joke. He told him that she regularly see them on her nightly walks. As she threw the ball for her dog to fetch she noticed a shiny blue/silver object over the other side of the lake, possibly a craft of some sort. Shortly after noticing the craft the small 5foot tall man, who looked very human, threw the ball for her dog, incredibly the ball went about 500 meters and her dog bolted after it. She looked in shock at the small man and commented on his strength. He laughed and thanked her. They then talked a little about dogs and then something strange happened, a thick layer of fog started to engulf them making it impossible to see where her dog was, the craft like object was covered with the fog as well. At the thought of loosing her dog she ran into the fog looking for him. After a few moments he came waving his tail and she felt relieved. She turned to walk in the direction of the 5 foot tall man but he was nowhere in sight. She looked around for a few minutes and then walked over to where the ‘silvery craft’ had been, it was also gone but she found some crushed grass at the site. (Unfortunately there is no additional description of the small man).

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: C?

Location. Highams Park, London, England
Date: February 21 2009
Time: 2200
Mrs. P, a 52 year old swimming instructor was walking her dog with her boyfriend when she thought she saw young children playing with a torch in the woods. As she approached the forested area, the torch was shone on her, and she noticed burnt footprints on the ground and the smell of sulfur. The little figure that resembled a child in stature entered a white cylinder that was 4foot long. The cylinder then turned a glowing red and took off trailing two jets of flame. Mrs. P watched the cylinder ascend to the cloud base and pass through it.

HC addendum
Source: Flying Saucer Review Autumn 2008
Type: B

Location. Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Date: February 28 2009
Time: night
The main witness was returning from the Carnivals accompanied by his sleeping girlfriend in the front seat, on state road BR-116 and was rounding a corner in an isolated stretch of roadway when his headlights caught sight of a bizarre human-like figure, pale white in color, long dangling arms, an oval shaped head, and long oval-shaped ears, that was walking slowly across the roadway. It suddenly turned to see the approaching vehicle as the stunned driver swerved violently in order to avoid hitting the creature. The terrified witness kept on driving and did not look back; his girlfriend did not wake up.

HC addendum
Source: Luis Carlos Centro de Ufologia Brazil
Type: E

Location. Near Varkaus, Pohjois-Savo District, Finland
Date: end of February 2009
Time: night
A 53-year retired woman (involved in other encounters) had been sleeping at night when she was awoken by a strange crackling sound coming from the wooden walls of the house. Now awake the woman spotted a small 1 meter tall blue-gray humanoid, which was moving slowly around the bed, it then leaped on the bed and walked across it next to witness head. She saw the humanoid’s legs close up and describe them as very thin. She also felt an unpleasant, electrical, sensation between her shoulders. Before walking across the bed and disappearing the humanoid was seen ruffling through some items and papers on top of a table in the witness bedroom.

HC addendum
Source: Usko Ahonen, Finland
Type: E

Location. (Wilderness area) Canada (exact location not given)
Date: early March 2009
Time: night
The witness who lives alone in a remote cabin one night saw a light outside the window. The nearest town is a few hours away, so of course I was confused. He rarely sees lights outside at night where he lives. So he went to the window, he looked out and saw a “massive UFO”, the craft was huge. As he looked up stunned he began to feel a sense that he was floating. Then the next thing he knew he woke up in a totally white room. Four beings came out first; they were small, probably 4-5 feet tall with gray skin. (He claims he had never sent these before from previous abductions). But what made this abduction so “special’ was what happened next. He was overpowered by an unseen force and restrained on a table. He began to scream, telling them that he didn’t want any more experiments done on him. He tried to struggle and fight, his eyes were closed but when he opened them all the little beings were gone. The white room began to glow an extremely bright fluorescent blue. Suddenly a being about 6 feet tall appeared right next to him. It had gray skin but some fluorescent blue marks on it, and some ocean blue marks as well. Its eyes were pitch-black with red “veins” running through them. It had an aura coming off it, light blue, dark blue and some other colors. In his head the witness heard something talking to him, it said, “Don’t worry for I am a ‘God’ and you are protected, soon you will be free.” And then a very bright yellow light blinded him, and the next thing he knew he was outside his cabin in the garden. He felt very afraid.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.book-of-thoth.com/ftopict-20031.html
Type: G

Location. Vallenar, Chile
Date: March 2009
Time: 0630am
The witness had been traveling by bus on his way to Copiapo and had stopped to rest in Vallenar. He was sleeping in the bus when he woke up and looked outside to see a very thick fog surrounding the area, the streets appeared deserted. He attempted to go back to sleep when he suddenly heard a very loud humming or ringing sound in his ear, he could not hear any other sounds. Suddenly he felt as if his body was rising or floating, he briefly felt some fear and soon became very hot. He opened his eyes and saw two short gray humanoids staring at him. He felt fear again and closed his eyes. He then felt a sort of electrical current going through his body from his waist down, after that he does not remember anything else until he came to sitting on his seat on the bus, he still could not see anything outside the window and his ears seemed clogged, similar to experiencing a change of cabin pressure on an airplane. He felt afraid and could not sleep anymore. The witness experienced other strange lucid ‘dreams’ in one such dream he felt something hitting his feet, when he looked he saw a short gray being carrying a sort of baton which he used to strike the witness feet. The being was about 120cms in height, with a large head and huge black eyes, it had long arms, and a “bloated” stomach, his skin tone was kind of silvery gray in color.

HC addendum
Source: http://aionchile2007.mforos.com
Type: E
Comments: Translation by Albert S Rosales

Location. Wayne County, Pennsylvania
Date: March 2009
Time: 1030a
The witness, G. G., (involved in other encounters) looked out the window at a snow-covered field behind her home and spotted three tall black stick-like figures walking side by side in unison. They were moving very fast in were quickly lost from sight in a wooded area. The witness was reluctant to check for any traces and sent a friend who returned and informed her that there was a strange odor ‘like something burnt’ in the area. He did not find any traces.

HC addendum
Source: Direct from witness
Type: E

Location. Calais, France
Date: March 2009
Time: afternoon
The witness (a tourist) was at a new shopping center situated away from the port on Boulevard Jacquard and between Rue Neuve and Rue du Temple. The shopping arcade comprises of one large main entrance and inside is two main concourses with a central block of shop units. There are small entrance/exits at the other end but the main entrance/exit on Boulevard Jacquard is the one that everyone seems to use. The witness had walked up the one main concourse on the left hand side, looking at a few of the shops and noticed that there was a Sushi Bar at the far end, near to the small rear exits. He then turned and went to walk down the other side towards the main entrance/exit, and as his girlfriend and he turned the corner, he saw that two young girls were walking casually towards them, holding hands. They were not twins, he doesn’t think, but they were both white, in their early 20’s both had long (past shoulder length) light brown hair which was not tied up. They were also wearing light blue denim jeans, and were wearing these identical retro look leather jackets. They had those 70’s style wide collars that pinch in then pinch back out before trailing off to form the line of the bottom half of the coat. They also both were pinched in at the middle as they had belts which were fastened with a rather large square buckle at the front. The strangest thing about the coats was that they were made of this strange green, shiny material which was almost metallic in color. Its something the witness had never seen for sale in any shop in the area or for anywhere else for that matter.
Thinking it strange that these adult girls were holding hands and were dressed identically, with these strange jackets on, the witnesses made their way directly to the front of the store to go and get a drink. As they got to within 20 feet of the entrance, the same two girls casually walked in through the front door, wearing the same clothes, holding hands and they were not out of breath or anything. To get to the front of the shopping center, they would have had to leave at the small rear exit and sprint down in order to meet the witnesses at that point. It was clear that they had not been running at all and in any case, for them to do such a thing would be pointless. The witness was convinced that they were not just twins, and he was assured by his French friend, Virginie, that this wasn’t just a “French thing”. In fact, all the girls the witness had spoken to agree that this was a strange way for two adult girls to dress. Incidentally, his girlfriend did see the ‘girls’ at the entrance as he pointed out that he had seen them at the other end of the shopping center previously.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.forteantimes.com/forum
Type: E?
Comments: A pair of out of place punk rockers or some kind of time traveling hybrids?

Location. Dallas, Texas
Date: March 1 2009
Time: late night
The witness, (involved in other encounters) woke up with a black shadowy being actually sitting on top of his left thigh with its hands holding down his arms as he tried to get out of bed in a half paralyzed state. It seemed to stare down the witness “like a drill sergeant” and seemed to have black vapory streams emitting from its body. As soon as the witness thought, “It can physically touch me.?” It looked at his thigh were it was sitting and the witness felt what seemed like a dozen metal wires jingling mixed with the feeling of vibration or an electric current. Previously before this event he recalled being dragged off his bed unable to speak or shout for help to his wife who he could see sound asleep on the other side of the mattress. He felt the carpet and wall brush against his head as he was pulled from his back off the bed and out towards the doorway. Terrified, he thought “Jesus” to himself before he was let go. He walked to the bed and fainted. The same night of March 1 his wife told him that she felt very scared and could not help but feeling that something was watching her in their apartment.

HC addendum
Source: Lyle Williamson
Type: E

Location. Near La Junta, Guerrero, Chihuahua, Mexico
Date: March 2 2009
Time: 2130
A young woman, “Yvonne” was returning home after dropping off a friend near the new Guerrero highway and was driving on a side road that took her by the local “Panteon” (an old local Pantheon like structure). As she drove by the front of the Panteon she noticed a tall hulking figure standing by the entrance wearing what appeared to be a black cape or blanket. Terrified she drove away at high speed, thinking she was looking at “death” itself. The witness said that the top of the figure’s head almost touched the top of the entrance to the Panteon which is almost 4 meters in height. Another witness in the village of El Rosario after hearing strange screeching noises coming from the vegetable garden went to investigate and saw a tall dark humanoid figure with glowing red eyes that appeared to have tangled itself with the frost protection screen. The witness ran from the area and when he returned later the strange creature was already gone.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.oem.com/mx/elheraldodechichuahua/notas
Type: E

Location. La Junta, Guerrero, Chihuahua, Mexico
Date: March 6 2009
Time: night
A student at the local Universidad Regional del Norte was driving home, when he noticed a strange hunched over figure that appeared to be covered with a blanket, standing on the side of the road. As he drove by the figure suddenly straightened itself up, taking a tremendous jump forward and spreading a huge pair of wings. The terrified witness accelerated as fast as he could from the area, but the bizarre winged figure followed his vehicle, flying parallel to the car on the passenger side. The winged humanoid followed the witness for about 15 minutes, until it disappeared from sight. The student furthered described the creature as having glowing red eyes, about 2 meters in height and with a pair of huge wings; it had a pair of “small kangaroo type arms” on the front which hung down in front of its body. As it flew alongside the witness vehicle it kept hitting the window on the passenger side. According to the student the face of the flying humanoid appeared to be covered in a “veil” behind which he could see the eyes and a very high protruding forehead. Around the same time a family driving along the same stretch of road reported seeing a similar flying figure. And possibly related, at three local ranches dead and mutilated lambs have been found.

HC addendum
Source: Ana Luisa Cid http://analuisacid.com quoting Francisco Prieto Torres
Type: E

Location. Saenz, Guerrero, Chihuahua, Mexico
Date: March 7 2009
Time: 2200
An elderly man checking around his property, observed standing at a certain distance the silhouette of a very tall thin “man” with luminous eyes, wearing what appeared to be a black cape. The figure standing just outside the fence of the witness’s property, the witness suddenly yelled at the strange figure and this one bounded backwards into the field and ran at very high speed into the nearby hills, quickly disappearing from site. Around the same time 2 sisters, Angela Mendez Rascon, 20, and Viviana Ledezma Rascon, 30, had gone to investigate strange screeching noises coming their apple grove in the nearby community of Miñaca. Once there they spotted a tall bulky humanoid figure moving among the trees and terrified they ran home.

HC addendum
Source: Ana Luisa Cid, http://analuisacid.com
Type: E

Location. Near Anson Texas
Date: March 10 2009
Time: night
The witness was traveling back and forth in an attempt in finishing removing all the property from his mother’s house. As he drove along the highway he saw a flashing reddish orange light appear. At first he thought it was just an airplane or a ‘weather balloon’, as he passed through Anson he then drove on an extremely isolated stretch of road. He then began to see the bright orange light maneuvering back and forth overhead. The light then crossed slowly in front of his car and then came around to the left side of the car. Scared he kept driving and did not stop. He tried calling his brother but could not get through on the cellphone. In the meantime the object came closer to the witness as it descended from the sky. And as the object got closer he could see that the light was really an unusual shaped ‘spaceship’. The craft drifted to his left but low enough so that he could see it and slow enough so that he could observe the inside of it. According to the witness he was able to see a non-human entity onboard the craft. He also felt breathtaking energy from the entity and the craft as it approached his vehicle. It felt like if it were going to lift his car and take him off the highway. He felt that it could have easily done that. As the object came even closer the witness felt a sort of message in his mind. He could feel pressure in his body and was having trouble breathing but most of all he was afraid that he would never be seen again. He began to pray and to cry, begging the object ‘not to take him’. It felt to the witness that he had been out there in that stretch of highway for hours. However next time he looked the object was moving away from him until it completely disappeared high in the sky.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: A
Comments: Mental communication? Perhaps an unexplored abduction event, even though there is no mention of any missing time.

Location. Kingman, Arizona
Date: March 11 2009
Time: night
A witness observed a strange light and jet in the night sky. After the sighting she became extremely tired and developed a mild headache. She went to bed around midnight and had a ‘dream’ that she described as being vivid and realistic. In the dream, she described entering a craft. It was very bright inside, and she was met by several tall green entities. She doesn’t remember much more about the alleged incident other than they were traveling somewhere. She recalls being awakened by a loud noise at 2am. She was startled by this and felt as though she were being watched. Since the incident she has been suffering a ‘raging’ sinus headache and has noticed deep and surface cuts all over her body. She claims her boyfriend had a similar experience.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.monstrous.com/forum
Type: G?

Location. Oamaru, New Zealand
Date: March 11 2009
Time: midnight?
The witnesses were walking down a street when they saw a “car” roll off the cliff at the lookout point. It stayed in mid-air for 30 seconds and then changed shape. It now resembled a sort of “crushed car” that was on fire and the strange part was that a man exited the “car” and walked away. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC

Location. Not given, United States
Date: March 16 2009
Time: 0200am
Before the encounter, the witness was told by his next door neighbor that a man had been photographing their house, he thought nothing about it—until he saw a man drive up in a blue Jeep, take one photograph and drive away, When this happened three more times over a nine day period, the witness began to worry. The last time it happened he ran outside, only to see a red car with a government license plate racing away. Next he started getting weird telephone calls—beeping noises, silent lines…it worried him. One the above date his wife was awakened by a bright blue light in the bedroom, strangely she simply went back to sleep. That same night, he awoke in a bright white room. He remember that three small cream colored or pale white “things” were on his right and a human-looking female, who was trying to calm him, was on his left. Something was placed on his lower back and he felt terrible pain. When he awoke the room was lit up with blue light. He thought he was dying; he was sweating, his heart raced and all he could see was the image of those three beings in his mind. He suffered trauma for about 3 ½ months, he knows that what happened was more than a dream.
After this encounter he remembered that three years before in England, he had had another experience, during which two beings stood at the side of his bed. One pulled the sheets back and held his leg. He remembered feeling a floating sensation, then being in a dark room. At this point he just thought it was just a dream.

HC addendum
Source: http://thechurchofufology.blogspot.com
Type: G

Location. Harbin Hot Springs, California
Date: March 17 2009
Time: evening
Two ladies, Marlene Fitchthorn, 50, and Marie Jones, 70, became lost during a hike expecting to last 2 hours. They became lost in an area familiar with them. One, Marie Jones, was found later by friends, (after an extensive search by police and county rescue teams…including two helicopters) after two and a half days, Marlene Fitchthorn was found 6 miles away in the opposite direction after three days by local friends and neighbors along a remote country road. After being found and examined at the local ER where unusual body marks were found. According to Marlene after being lost for about one day, she encountered on her path a strange being or light. She later described the “being” as perhaps a “device” (robot?) or some sort of mechanical being. This being was rectangular, with a tapered top shape on top; it hovered about two feet off the ground, and emitted a light. The witness impressions was this “being” or “presence” was not benevolent and she became frightened of it. She also described feeling somehow disoriented, as if some part of her was there, and another part of her was “somewhere else”. No clear indications of a UFO craft was ever reported, however she reported up on a high ridge in this wild area a set of bright lights in an area unreachable by 4 wheel vehicles. The being seemed to be “present” she stated, nearby, if not always clearly seen for about 24 hours. She wandered trying to find her way back, often forced to drink water from a stream and eating grass or whatever she could find to help her survive. She shivered at night under trees, once a bobcat approached her. She remarked the bobcat seemed to be curious. She said she was afraid of the “being” but it did not approach her or attempt to harm her. She described it as almost transparent, sort of square or cube shaped, floating several feet above the ground and having red eyes which, at times, put forth bright red beams of light. She also described this entity as “carrying a flashlight”. She said the being trapped her in a circle of white rocks from which she eventually escaped. She wandered through the woods throughout the next day and into the next night. She had nothing to eat or drink the entire time and by the second night was dirty exhausted and had her ribs hurting. The second night, the being eventually directed her to a cattle road and she eventually crawled under a fence where she was found on March 19.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufonmembers.proboards.com and http://naturalplane.blogspot
Type: G?
Comments: Perhaps an unexplored abduction event

Location. Near Temple, Texas
Date: March 22 2009
Time: night
The main witness and his wife were heading southbound on I-35 from Waco when his wife pointed to a strange light in the sky moving at incredible speed. It suddenly stopped on a dime over a field about a mile or so off the highway. He pulled his car over to the shoulder as they wondered what it was. Suddenly it appeared to land in the field and when it did they could make out a disk shape but dud to the darkness it was hard to tell exactly. It was a cloudy night. He pulled his binoculars out of the back seat and when he focused in he saw what did indeed appear to be a saucer like object on the ground. At first he dismissed it as a feeder for livestock due to the poor visibility but soon realized this object had what appeared to be a door of some sort that opened up and a reddish orange light could be seen when it opened from what appeared to be the interior. Then suddenly 3 men walked out of the craft and the door shut. The craft then after about 3 minutes rose upward hovered for a brief time and then took off northbound at a very high rate of speed and the witness lost sight of it. He then refocused on the field to see if he could see any one or anything in the field but visibility was very poor. He did note that the men appeared to have been walking in the direction of a rest stop that was just off of the field near the highway. He wanted to make a turn and go northbound and stop at the rest stop but his wife would not let him, she was getting concerned that it could be “aliens”. He never regained sight of the three figures.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: B

Location. Arizona, exact location not provided
Date: March 25 2009
Time: midnight
A husband and wife were in bed when suddenly the wife sat up in bed and looked at the bedroom, which was open, she could see the hallway and back door from her bed view. At the start of the bedroom door and to about half way down the hallway there was a bluish white light, the light was lighting up the hallway. She looked at the clock and it was exactly midnight. She looked at her baby in the crib and looked back at the hallway and saw a small fat brown ‘blobby’ thing with somewhat of a child’s face (!). It was really strange looking, and then a head of something gray popped through the hallway wall, and then it slowly stepped into the hallway from outside and just stood there looking at the witness. The witness stood up to see a taller bluish gray looking being also step through the wall into the hallway, this other creature was very tall and thin, and it was acting ‘dainty’ like, it put its hand out towards the witness and for some reason, the witness walked towards it. She wasn’t scared at all, and she turned around to see the two smaller ones were now in front of her, the gray one looked at her and she looked into her room and her husband and baby were still sleeping. She was now holding the tall being’s hands “finger tip/thumb holding” as she stepped through the wall and into a craft. The interior was pearly white/cream color and when she touched the wall, there was a slight glow around her hand and fingers. The seats in the craft were molded into the walls, there was some translucence to the walls of the craft and she was able to see the night turn into day really fast. In the center of the craft she saw a strange bulb-shaped contraption, she walked to it and it was humming and she could feel “vibrating air around it”. She went to put her hand on it and the short fat brown being grabbed her wrist, its hand felt like sand paper. Then the short gray being put went up to the witness and put its hand up to where the brown one had its hand and then the short brown one let go of her hand. And then the tall bluish gray being pointed to the wall, so she looked at the wall and the craft was either stopped or it had slowed down to a crawl, it was light outside, the tallest one then looked down, so the witness also looked down and the craft slowly dipped into water, it then plunged downward and she looked up as they did and saw a beautiful coral reef, she could see some fish swimming around, some plants and remembers seeing a huge yellow fish with a blue striped. With the three humanoids standing on her sides the little gray being said to her, “We do exist” (mentally) its mouth did not move. Then they looked out and it went from light to dark and before the witness could react the tall being came to her side and lead her back to her hallway. She looked up at the tall humanoid and for some reason it made the witness feel as it was a female, about 7 feet tall with hug wrap around eyes, with hairs lining the bottom of her eyes and on the tight areas of the facial skin there were bumps or pits, resembling pores or blemishes. The being had no expression but seemed very calm and delicate. The other shorter two beings were apparently males. The witness then looked into her room and clock and it was 1215am exactly. Her husband and baby were still sleeping. The witness crawled into her bed and looked at the tall being as it disappeared back through the wall.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: G
Comments: Perhaps these ‘aliens’ were using some kind of interdimensional portal travel to travel and contact the witness.

Location. New York (exact location not given)
Date: March 27 2009
Time: night
An entity was observed looking into the witness living room window. The window is in the back of his house. He saw the entity looking into his living window; it then ran away when the witness turned on the light and went outside. The entity moved/ran very quickly and disappeared in the darkness as it ran away from the witness. The entity was approximately 4 & half feet tall. There was no communication between the entity and the witness. There were no UFOs observed in conjunction with the entity encounter. The entity wore a dark/black one-piece suit that did not reflect any light. The duration of the event was approximately 1-2 minutes.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E

Location. La Pampa, Argentina
Date: March 28 2009
Time: night
According to the main witness a local woman, who has been involved in previous experiences including encounters with tall humanoids and shorter robot-like beings. While she was outside her home carrying her 5 year old son two disc shaped objects descended nearby close to her home and hovered low over the ground. Suddenly a strange force attracted her towards one of the objects and along with her son she began floating towards the craft, at this point her husband came out of the house and saw what was happening running towards his wife and son and clinging to her legs knocking her to the ground. The two objects then apparently left the area.

HC addendum
Source: CEUFO www.ceufo.blogspot.com
Type: G
Comments: Apparent attempted abduction

Location. Colorado (exact location confidential)
Date: March 30 2009
Time: night
The daughter of the main witness (involved in other encounters with the same entity) came running down the stairs and told her mother that she had seen the same entity lying on her mother’s bed. The entity is about 7 feet tall, generally humanoid in appearance, wearing a black sil like cloak. It has eyes a bit larger than humans, completely white with small black pupils, and has long black hair that appears to be wet. (It was seen on several occasions in the summer of 08).

HC addendum
Source: direct from coffeeheadmom@aol.com
Type: E
Comments: Coincidentally or not the entity was seen by the witness daughter right after she emailed me and told me about the original encounters!

Location. Puerto Huarmey, Peru
Date: April 2009
Time: various
A strange looking “animal” which resembles a small bear and leaps with great agility has reportedly mutilated numerous farm animals, including ducks, pigs, and even dogs, causing great alarm among the locals. The men have organized nightly “hunting parties” in order to look for the animal. According to different testimonies the bizarre creature resembles a bear but the size of a dog, perhaps 45cm in height, with a yellow chest, and large fangs protruding out of its mouth. It apparently has the ability to leap over tall hedges and animals pens. Madeleine Flores, a community leader reports that so far about 14 households have been affected, they have asked for assistance from the Agricultural Ministry.

HC addendum
Source: http://perumisterio.blogspot.com
Type: E?

Location. Exact location not provided
Date: April 2009
Time: 0130a
The witness, a dog breeder, was outside with his newest addition to his kennel, a German shepherd puppy. He was in the process of housebreaking the young pet. He lives in a largish corner lot with lots of trees, shrubs and bushes, and many things—animal noises, distant traffic and sudden rain fall—would really get the dog’s attention. Before day one morning, they were both out there doing the dog’s business, and the witness was off in his semi-wakeful zone, still in his pajamas and hoping for the best. They were both facing away from the house when he noticed the dog sitting alertly, watching something with complete interest. The witness glanced in the direction he was facing, sort of south-westerly and looking a bit scornful. At first h thought he saw a white plastic bag or some kind of cloth stuck up high in the last of the tall privet hedge that runs from east to west along his property line. He chuckled at his puppy and quickly told him it was nothing, “Get busy!” he said with semi-urgency. However the puppy never moved, but continued to stare fixedly at the ‘thing’. He was about to urge him again, but something about his attitude urged me to really look. Something was just odd about what he was seeing. The ‘thing’ was up about 10 feet or so near the end of the property, maybe about 15 feet from where they both were standing, and it was oddly and continuously moving. What made it so odd was how fluidly it moved, like nothing that would make any kind of sense in nature. He noticed it was square and very white, waving from the bottom parts, left to right and up and downward in a weird, unnatural way.
At first he thought the wind was making it move, but as he watched the thing, he realized there wasn’t much in the way of wind or even breeze to keep that thing moving so smoothly all the time. And he could not hear the tell-tale sound of plastic (what he first thought it was). In fact, he could hear no sound at all in his yard. Not one insect or frog made its presence known. His puppy continued staring at this thing. The witness points out that all young puppies and kittens will do this, but this dog would have lost interest if the thing wasn’t threatening or didn’t change its behavior, which it hadn’t. The more he watched the thing, the more he knew something was odd about it. The liquid movement was all wrong. Something told him he needed to go inside, now. He called his puppy, which was not quite ready to leave. He had to pull him away, calling his name quietly to coax him along. He kept stopping to look back. At the patio doors he turned back to watch the thing in a way that totally scared the witness. He wanted to hear like a plastic bag would make in that kind of quiet; he need to see it was only a fragment of white fabric stuck in his hedge, but he was getting nothing like that…nor was his dog.
Finally he got his dog on the stoop and urged him into the house. He couldn’t wait to be behind a locked door. He talked to the puppy, trying to encourage him. The dog looked at him and back at the now locked patio doors. Then he kept staring at the witness, as if he didn’t recognize him for some time. He behaved sort of lethargically, as he was coming out of a trance, and that scared the witness more than seeing the thing in the shrubs. Once he had gotten the puppy in his crate, he went to the bedroom window that looked lout into the back to see if the thing was still there. It was, it continued where it was in the hedge, flowing in its languid, spooky way. His roommate asked him what was wrong, and as he watched the waving object he related what had happened. If the puppy hadn’t been staring at the thing so intently, the witness doesn’t know if he would have ever noticed it. In fact he thinks that if the puppy hadn’t been staring at it for so long, he would never have even been bothered by it, especially since he probably would have never noticed it in the first place. Later when early daylight had come he was heading out there with his puppy again, he looked for the thing first. He fully expected it to be there, since the wind hadn’t picked up to dislodge it from its hold in the hedge. Naturally, he looked for it, but it was nowhere to be seen. He looked in the side yards, in the shrubs, in his neighbor’s yards and into the street but it had apparently moved on. The weird part was that his puppy kept looking for it afterward, he knew exactly what he was searching for whenever he pulled him in that direction, where he would sit and wait expectantly for a while. After about 3 days the puppy forgot about it. The witness could not.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—September 2009
Type: X
Comments: Difficult to categorize this one. But it seems like some type of primal survival instincts had taken over the witness and his puppy.

Location. Death Valley, California
Date: early April 2009
Time: 0030a
Four teenagers were out camping in the desert when they decided to turn in for the night. They got into the RV and got ready for sleep and turned all the lights out at about 2130. At 0030a they woke up after hearing several metallic clangs. They turned the lights on and anything metal that wasn’t secured stuck to the roof of the RV for about 10-15 seconds, after that the four of them simultaneously felt a strong static shock and everything fell to the floor again. Although we were half asleep they sort of disregarded the event as some ‘freak something’ they turned the lights off once more and about 30 minutes later the motion detection light outside went off and one of them looked out for about a minute assuming that it was a coyote or another animal. When the light went off again he woke up his girlfriend sister. She asked him what was going on outside, and immediately after that she screamed and there was a bizarre creature at the window looking in with very long skinny hands, its neck was about an inch and a half thick which made it obvious that it wasn’t human, and its skin was bluish and somewhat translucent and as for its large oval shaped head, it had no discernible features except a faintly glowing blue light. There was a gun under the bed so the male witness picked it up and shot at the creature. The creature held its hands to its head and stumbled back setting off the light detector once more. At this point they estimated its height to have been about 7 feet 5 inches with long arms that almost touched the ground and extremely thin with very long legs also. Then it just vanished. The next morning they found a huge burn mark on the left side of the top of the RV and 3 trees that were there the previous day just vanished, with no sigh of them being chopped down.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufonmembers.proboards.com
Type; E?
Comments: Very unfriendly greeting to the supposed alien

Location. Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Date: April 2009
Time: 1845
The witness had left the house in order to meet some family members at the theatre. About 2 miles from the house on a country road known as the Wendel Road along the Mistinka River he saw 3 white tail deer. Two of the deer were rather small probably just yearlings and a larger doe who he assumed was the mother. Being an avid hunter and future wildlife biologist he stopped to look at the deer. He normally hunts in the area and has spent his whole life in the Fergus Falls area. The deer were following a small creek bed which is a fact the Mistinka River so there were hardly any trees except for one. At this point the witness noticed something crouching behind the tree on his side of the road looking at the deer and to his belief hunting them. It just sat there looking at the deer taking no notice of the witness, even though the witness was in a truck no more than 40 yards away with nothing obstructing his view of it. It had one ‘hand’ on the tree that it was bracing itself. What struck the witness as shocking was the fact that it seemed to be a 2 legged creature not a 4 legged one. Its hands appeared to have opposable thumbs and were rather slender and long very unlike a wolf. The creature looked like if it stood up it would be over 7 feet tall, with a protruding muzzle, broad shoulders, slender waist, thick muscular legs; he could not see its feet. It was dark brown in color throughout the body. After several seconds of looking at the creature in shock the deer ran off, then something amazing happened, it looked directly at the witness, as though blaming him for losing its meal. It just sat there looking at the witness and blinking but not moving. The frightened witness then hit the gas pedal and drove off. The next day the witness found some strange 4 toe looking marks in the snow.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum
Type: E

Location. Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico
Date: April 2009
Time: 2200
Ramon Perez and several other young friends were returning home on Calle 22 Av Industrial when a bright blue flash of light attracted and a strong rush of wind attracted their attention towards a nearby building. Next to the building they saw a short dark hairy figure, child-like, which appeared to be stretching itself going up and down, and stretching its arms high above its head. They could not see any eyes or ears, and the head was round and hairless. The figure was at about 80meters away from the witnesses and they watched it for about 5 minutes. At one point the witnesses decided to approach to see what it was and at about 10 meters away, the creature ran behind the building in a hunch-like position.

HC addendum
Source: http://enigma900.blogspot.com
Type: E?

Location. Boydsville, Arkansas
Date: April 10 2009
Time: night
A local farmer and his wife were driving on a gravel road near the above community when they sighted a beam of light slowly moving through the wooded area near the road. He stopped the truck and watched as an object shining the light came into view slowly moving just above the trees. He asked his wife if she was seeing what he was seeing. He described the object as over 400 foot long with large windows about 8 foot in size. The object then traveled slowly away. At the rear were large glowing blue lights. He described the color of the lights as being welding arc blue and just as bright. The object moved away to the west and was lost from sight near a large ditch. Another local resident complained about “people” looking into her windows late at night. Oddly she described the “peeping toms” as very tall and very skinny with egg-shaped heads. She stated that her border collie hid under the bed at the time of the incident[asr2].

[asr2] Animals tend to sense danger much more acutely than humans.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: D

Location. Denver, Colorado
Date: April 25 2009
Time: 0415am
The witness, who suffers chronic pain due to a degenerative joint disease, was experiencing pain and was in bed accompanied by her dog trying to sleep. At that point her eyes were closed and she was embracing her dog when she felt a strong wind in her room that moved her hair and left some papers on the floor. She stated that she is a Christian and that the papers contained prayers she’d been reading. She described the wind as strong and stated the nature reminded her of a 30-40mph wind. She reported no open windows or doors to the outside were open at the time. She described the experience as terrifying and that she heard a voice in her head she associated with having a telepathic source. She stated that the voice instructed her not to be afraid. She also reported sensing a presence that she felt was physically close to her face and that she did not want to open her eyes due to fear but not due to any physical effect. She also reported being unable to talk. Her next memory is of the wind returning and with it her impression is that she was returned to bed. She noted the time to be 530am. She and her dog did not go back to sleep afterward and remained upset for some period of time afterward.

HC addendum
Source: Ethan Rich in http://mufoncms.com & tpeay@centurytel.net
Type: G?

Location. Mesa Arizona
Date: April 25-26 2009
Time: 2115-7am
At around 2115 the witness’s mother called him outside in their backyard where she claimed to see several objects in the sky. She never gave him any other descriptions of the objects except for that they gyrated. He looked up and saw a quick white flash in the sky. It occurred again one minute later. Since nothing else happened, he went back inside and went to bed. The next morning, it was around 7am when he woke up on his right side and was paralyzed in all parts of his body. Suddenly he felt a gentle poke on his lower back and he received a vibrating sensation throughout his body. He could not speak and was able to breathe out “Who are you?” He felt tension release of his neck and he turned around to see a 7-8 ft tall male humanoid with pale white skin and long blond hair. He had no eye pupils, just pure white eyes and was wearing s silvery jumpsuit. The witness noticed that the humanoid had four fingers instead of five on his hands. It was then that the witness began struggling to get free. This lasted for about 2 minutes until the vibrating sensation stopped and he was able to move. The figure was gone and the strange thing was that he had locked his door from the inside the night before and it was still locked the next morning. His sister told him that his room just had a weird feeling afterwards and this lasted for about two hours. The witness feels that the being was not trying to hurt him and was just trying to tell him something.

HC addendum
Source: John Hayes webmaster@ufoinfo.com
Type: E

Location. Basalt, Colorado
Date: April 26 2009
Time: 0230am
The 18-year old witness was walking back home from a friend’s house when he saw a large bright light hovering low over the area which began to follow him. Afraid he ran the rest of the way home and went into through his bedroom window. Suddenly while inside a sort of “force” took control of the witness and he was unable to move. He felt communication from the “beings” and saw images of what was apparently future events in his life (no details yet). He was able to see several entities which he vaguely described as 4feet tall, with very skinny “reversed chicken legs”; he did not describe the facial features. Apparently the entities told him that he was “a good person” and let him go. The experience lasted about 15 minutes. During the encounter, his parents were in their room and heard a strange sound resembling a “tornado” outside the house. They did not investigate.

HC addendum
Source: UFOs Northwest
Type: G?

Location. Thompson, Connecticut
Date: April 28 2009
Time: 2115
The witness (involved in a previous incident in 2007) heard some noises outside the back of the house, so she told her brother to shut off all the lights. Looking out she saw a glowing person run very fast through the yard. Her boyfriend reported seeing a similar figure standing in the woods by the dog’s house a few weeks ago, another glowing figure was seeing coming out of the woods around the same time about 7-8 houses down from the witness.

HC addendum
Source: mjessypiex@aim.com
Type: E

Location. North Port near Ft Myers, Florida
Date: April-May 2009
Time: various
A young boy watched two aliens from his bedroom window, a gray and a reptilian. His parents found it difficult to believe him but he was very sincere. He saw them several times thru the month of April and May. His father was nervous about it and kept the door locked. However around 1am on the 16 of May he checked the back door and it was not locked; it opened when he checked it. In the morning he found a strange footprint outside the back door. Whatever it was he must have startled it, since dirt seems to have flown up as it moved quickly to its left. The witness took photos of the print and a plaster of Paris. It appears to have 3 “chicken” like claws in front and one in the back, but also a foot shape behind the claw with a heel. The witnesses have also heard the creature jump on their roof at least three times.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.skyscan.org/NewStgs4.htm
Type: E

Location. Lake District, England
Date: May 4 2009
Time: 0130a
After a long day the witness had eventually settled down for the night in his tent at around 2300hrs. He was woken up by a deep humming sound, not loud but really deep so much that it seemed to vibrate through him, the inside of his tent was also lit up by a dim glow. What is most puzzling and very disturbing is that from about that time the witness remembers nothing until dawn on Wednesday morning when he woke up outside his tent stark naked and very cold. His tent and all his clothes had a very strong ‘ozone’ type smell. He only has a vague recollection of being laid face down on something hard and something being pushed into his rectum which was now very sore.

HC addendum
Source: http://iwasabducted.com/forum
Type: G?
Comments: Unexplored abduction event?

Location. Fallon, Nevada
Date: May 7 2009
Time: 2118
Two teenagers, one male and one female, were alone in their car near the Fallon Naval Air Station when they encountered odd lights in the sky to the east. Three boomerang shaped objects were seen with five lights on each. They said that each object had one light at its center, one in the middle of each side, and one at each end. While they watched the three objects, one of them separated from the group, shut off three of its five lights, and appeared as though it would land or crash. At this point, the two witnesses decided to give chase. After driving 3 and a half miles, one of the objects moved closer to their vehicle—about 100 yards away and just 20 feet off the ground—and began to pace it. And a second object positioned itself behind them. At this point they accelerated from 30 to 50 miles per hour, but the objects kept pace. The witnesses observed that the objects were about 50 feet across, but they could not estimate their thickness. They drove five more miles, stopping where the road came to a dead end. They turned their vehicle around at a dairy farm’s private drive, and stopped next to an irrigation canal. The first object was now circling 50 feet above them, while the second object was still behind them at about 50 feet off the ground. The female witness described the craft’s main body as ‘silvery but when it banked and turned it appeared to be transparent and she could see the stars through the hull of the craft. She described the crafts as being shaped almost like a horseshoe, having two rear ends with red glowing elements.’
The male witness used a million-candle spotlight from his truck to shine on the craft above, using his hand to shade the light back and forth to produce a ‘signal’. The object overhead then responded by descending from 50 feet to 20 feet above them and then it disappeared. The witnesses reported that they had been parked near the irrigation canal for only about five minutes, but after they worked through the time sequence with investigators, it appears they were at that location for as long as an hour and 20 minutes. One odd event at the scene involved a broken iPod in the vehicle. During the event, the unit began playing music, but after the event, they realized it was back to its original and broke state. Additionally, they reported that there were no sounds during the incident coming from any of the nearby farm animals. And no insects were seen or heard during the event. Both witnesses arrived at their Fallon homes at 2300 and reported the encounter to their parents. The male witness returned to the scene an hour later with his father. At this time they were able to observe the area ‘being combed by helicopters and black SUVs with dark windows’ and apparently military personnel with flashlights walking the area. The helicopters were using spotlights to search the ground from the air. The two decided not to approach the group.

HC addendum
Richard Lang Mufon UFO Journal July 2009
Type: G
Comments: Apparently the young witnesses have not undergone any hypnotic regression to explore the missing time.

Location. Michigan, exact location not given
Date: May 14 2009
Time: 0300a
In the early morning hours the witness (involved in other encounters) was awakened by a sharp pinch to her upper lip. He yelled out and swatted at her face to remove the offending object. She opened her eyes (though everything appeared as in a fog) and though she saw a pair of legs that were grayish-green. She then heard in her mind, “You scratched yourself!” She got up from bed very agitated and in pain from the “scratch” and went to put ointment in the wound to ease the pain. She groggily walked into the bathroom and tried to open he eyes so she could see the ‘scratch’ but what she saw was not a scratch at all but a bloodless circle with blistering around the edges of it. She put some ointment on it as if in a trance and went back to bed. Her husband, who is a light sleeper, never woke up during this whole episode. She didn’t remember the incident until later in the evening the next day.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com/
Type: E

Location. Near Findlay Ohio
Date: May 16 2009
Time: 0300am
Earlier the witness had been viewing different UFOs in the sky. The majority consisted of red, blue, yellow and green flashing lights at a very high altitude. They were also hovering in one general area but would zoom back and forth effortlessly as if gravity and inertia had no effect on them. The witness rode his bike so he could change locations and have a good view of what he was looking at. Later he found himself riding by an abandoned airplane runway. About less than a quarter mile away from the street, there was a whitish blue light on the runway. It was hovering back and forth very similarly to the other UFOs he had been looking at. He watched it for a while and then left to go to a different location. After a period of time, he returned to the airplane runway. It was already 0330am as he returned to the abandoned runway. This runway sits on a road that is no longer in use because it was partially eroded away by a big flood a couple of years ago. It’s basically a dead end with nothing around it except a golf course which is directly in front of the runway’s gate in the fence. As he rode up to the gate of the runway, there is a streetlight directly above the gate, he caught sight of a slight movement under the streetlight that suddenly comes to an abrupt halt. He then proceeds closer to the “objects’ that appear to be moving and as he got closer they started to move again. The witness then was shocked to see that the two ‘objects’ were two little humanoids that appeared to be less than 4 feet tall. They had some sort of bulky apparel on and they had large light gray spherical heads (helmets?). They then ‘waddled’ from the street through the gate, they seemed to sway their right shoulder in conjunction with their right foot and vice versa. He didn’t see their faces just the back of them. He quickly drove his bike away in shock of what he had just witnessed. A little over an hour later he returned to the location where he saw the little humanoids, he wasn’t too afraid of them because of their “tiny size”. He was checking his back constantly and looking in every direction to make sure nothing walked up on him while he was looking for the UFO. After about 10 minutes of sitting on his bicycle looking at the UFO he caught movement in his peripheral view coming from the gate. He looked over at the gate to see a tall man walking around the corner of the fence. He was now walking directly at the witness. The ‘man’ had now been in view for about 2 or 3 seconds when he realized that it wasn’t a man at all. It took him a few seconds to get a good enough look at the creature to describe it. It was light gray in color, very tall, maybe 6 ft or more, very skinny and it had no clothing on. It was walking very fast directly at the witness, who began to pedal his bike as fast as he could away from the creature while he nearly burst into tears from fear. Once he got up to full speed, he looked behind to see if the creature had given up the pursuit and to his surprise it had not. It was still coming at him, the witness however managed to drive away and return home.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com/Close-Encounter-Greys-and-Questions-t25228.html
Type: D

Location. Trenque Lauquen, La Pampa, Argentina
Date: end of May 2009
Time: 1800
The witness who had been hitchhiking in the area was dropped off near the town center and decided to go on walking alone, after about 10km it started getting dark. At this point he noticed a ‘person’ by a nearby barbwire fence that appeared to be gathering something on the floor, the witness assumed it was firewood. He decided to approach the figure calling out, “Don, Don” (Sir Sir) but received no reply. At this point he noticed that it was a man but very short and thin, he approached closer and asked the strange figure if it was collecting wood for a fire, the strange figure then turned to look at him and the witness noticed that it had strange red glowing eyes, terrified he ran from the area and was almost hit by a passing vehicle. He told his family what happened the next day.

HC addendum
Source: CEUFO www.ceufo.blogspot.com
Type: E

Location. La Perla, Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico
Date: summer 2009
Time: various
Local farmers have reported on several occasions encountering landed disc-shaped craft and standing next to the objects humanoid creatures about 80cm in height, wearing a sort of shiny metallic suits and helmets. Other travelers near the town of Hercules Coahuila have reported seeing tall muscular blond haired strangers in the vicinity of lighted objects near the side of the road. Others have reported large luminous spherical objects flying low over the fields. According to the source this area is rich in mineral deposits including a large concentration of iron, quartz and uranium.

HC addendum
Source: http://gifae.blogspot.com
Type: C
Comments: Translation by Albert S Rosales

Location. Carite Lake, Guayama, Puerto Rico
Date: June 2 2009
Time: late night
The witness was on vacation visiting the tropical rain forest that surrounds Carite Lake when he awoke in the middle of the night from restlessness. He wandered around the forest like he always did, but after wandering for a bit he started to notice a strange metallic vapor smell. He recognized the smell from his freshman year in college when they were turning silver metal into a vapor compound. Very similar, but with something indistinguishable mixed in. He followed the smell and stumbled upon an area full of tall grasses and ferns. In the middle of this was a large black almost diamond shaped object. It was faceted on top like a diamond and rounded off at the bottom. It touched the ground on its rounded end and somehow managed to stay upright. He got closer in an attempt to find an opening but found none; it was almost like a solid black stone in the ground. He attempted to use a stone to scratch off a sample of the material and a small chip came off. The material peeled away from the object almost like obsidian. He ran to the house to get his camera and returned as quickly as he could. When he returned the object was in the air almost indistinguishable from the surrounding sky, the colors mingled perfectly to camouflage it. He attempted to take photos, but it was pointless. The object was too dark in color, the light too low. As it rose however, he did noticed an almost honey colored row of circles appear on the faceted top. They seemed to be lit almost like a tungsten bulb behind paper. They seemed to move independently from the object and circled the faceted top. To make things even stranger the hole in the ground the rounded edge of the object had made was covered in plants by morning. As if overnight the forest had sprung up to repair the damage. He cleared them away and tried to find the hole left behind but could not. The only thing he found was an abundance of plants and insects in unusual numbers near the area. The only evidence he found was a 1mm burn on a nearby rock with the impression of the small shard he had managed to chip with the rock.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com/
Type: X

Location. Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Date: June 6 2009
Time: 0300am
The two witnesses were working on a computer and one of them was demonstrating software that they had planned to use for their business. They had been visiting Rhode Island on a business trip and went outside to take a break. At that point they saw a bright light in the sky. They next remembered being in an enclosed room with two unknown entities. One of the entities had green skin, the other entity was more human looking, but had eyes that seemingly would not focus. They felt that they were onboard the craft for about 15 minutes. However they woke up lying in the yard side by side at noon (nine hours later). The entities were both humanoid, but the witnesses said that one of the entities had green skin and an “evil guffaw” that frightened both of them.

HC addendum
Source: UFOs Northwest
Type: G
Comments: More information coming on this one

Location. Thornville, Ohio
Date: June 12 2009
Time: 0430am
The witness had been unable to and was up on the computer. She lives in a wooded 4.5 acre lot and her neighbor’s yard is a cleared lawn that transitions into woods like theirs, and as she looked over to their yard out of her office window (it was very dark near her house, but their porch light illuminated their lawn very well) she saw a “human-like” invisible creature appear out of nowhere in the middle of the lawn and walk very rapidly (faster than a human could walk—it looked as if someone was rolling a tape in fast motion) for about 15-20 steps, maybe at a distance of 30 feet and then it just disappeared. She could see through the being as it was invisible, however, she could definitely tell that something was there. The best way she can describe it is that it was like the alien in the “Predator” movie. Thinking her eyes were playing tricks on her she blinked and moved her head side to side by the window wondering if the window screen had caused her to see something, trying to recreate the sighting to no avail. Spooked she ran to her room and jumped in bed next to her husband.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E?

Location. Near Rocky Branch, Louisiana
Date: June 15 2009
Time: late evening
Having run out of gas in an isolated road and was walking back home with her son. The sun was just starting to set, but it was not dark out yet. On the way home they had to pass by these three huge garbage containers on the right side of the road, where all the locals hauled their garbage to. They were walking along and as they passed the containers they got the shock of their lives. There was a creature that looked like a troll out of a Dungeons and Dragons book. It was standing there eating out of one of the containers. It had a big, wide forehead, a long nose with wide nostrils and a long skinny chin. It had long white hair and big blue eyes. It had a large torso, but skinny arms and legs. When it saw the witnesses it crouched between two of the containers, as if it did not want to be seen. The witness’s son took off running and the witness was right behind him. All she could think was, “Please don’t chase us, whatever you are.”

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales February 2010
Type: E

Location. Oregon, exact location not given
Date: June 16 2009
Time: night
The witness had taken his dog outside and was smoking a cigar when halfway through the cigar he began to notice flickers and flashes of light in both crescent shapes and orbs. There was cloud cover but no thunderstorms. The lights seemed to be in the clouds at times and also under the clouds. As he watched the very lengthy light show he was aware of a passing car. His dog then began to get unnerved and looked in the same direction he was looking. As the car came closer down the road, across the street he noticed a pair of eyes of an animal’s eyes that were reflecting the light except they were a deep purple/indigo color. As the car passed he watched the spot where he had observed the eyes and was shocked to see a whitish humanoid shape stand up and quickly walk into the neighboring yard across the street. His heard began to race and he became quite nervous. He called his wife outside and told her what he had seen and asked her to look at the lights in the sky as well. She confirmed the multiple flickering and flashing lights. They both then got very nervous and came inside the house. All through the episode the dog was alert and cautious as though she was watching something that he couldn’t see across the street. Sound afterwards he heard a loud jet engine roaring overhead.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E?

Location. Near San Antonio, Texas
Date: June 20 2009
Time: 0240a
The witness suddenly woke up for no apparent reason, he rolled over and went back to sleep. Ten minutes later he woke up again and felt uneasy. He turned his television on and went to the bathroom, fixed a glass of tea and sat on the couch for about 5 minutes. He doesn’t know why but he felt like he should just go back to bed. He turned everything off and got back under the covers, this was around 240a. He woke up again and noticed that there was a bright white light with a vertical black shadow in the middle like a light pole or a telephone pole, coming in through the window. It was so bright that it cast a ‘white silhouette’ on the wall across from it. The witness thought that it was someone with some really bright headlights in the apartment parking lot. He tried to ignore it and tried to go back to sleep. However he couldn’t get back to sleep because of the light, so feeling somewhat scared he pulled the blanket over his head. The light wouldn’t go out and he couldn’t hear any kind of engine hum from anything in the parking lot. He finally calmed down enough to doze off when suddenly the blanket started to be pulled off of him from behind. At first he thought it was his grandmother and wondered why she just didn’t pull the blanket off like a normal person would do, so he reached up and grabbed the blanket and whatever it was that was pulling was tugging back. He became terrified and started screaming for his grandmother, but he was so afraid that he couldn’t get the words out. As he screamed under the blanket a small thin gray arm, with a small skinny hand with really long fingers reached under and got a vice-grip on his wrist. He then blacked out. The arm’s skin wasn’t gray like the stereotype ‘gray’, but it was very dark grayish brown, maybe close to black. He never saw the face or body of the creature. Finally when he woke up, he was in his bed. There was still bright light flooding the apartment. He saw his grandmother coming out of the bathroom and asked her if she didn’t hear his screams, she then asked, ‘Why? Were you looking at the window?’ The question struck the witness as kind of odd. He felt exhausted; feeling like he had just ran a mile and was feeling sort of sick to his stomach. He finally managed to go back to sleep. He was left alone in the house for the next week and could not sleep and over the next few months he would randomly wake up around 230a for no reason at all.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E?

Location. Castellucio, Baia del Silenzio, Sicily, Italy
Date: June 29-30 2009
Time: 2300
Ion a warm quite summer night, Concetta Z, owner of the villa and her sister Marie Antoinette were feeding a stray cat in the patio of their kitchen when suddenly the cat looked up as if startled by something, at the same time Marie Antoinette heard a strange sound resembling the purr of a cat mixed in with a gasp. She looked in the direction of the sound and saw something looking at them from behind the corner of the house. It resembled a human shadow that appeared to be attempting to conceal itself. She could not see any other details of the dark figure, other than the eyes like looked similar to cats when reflecting the light of a flashlight. They were larger than normal cat’s eyes. Terrified she grabbed her sister’s hand and ran into the villa telling her what she had seen. A couple of hours before the two sisters had seen unusual military aircraft over the area, including an aircraft that seemed to be circling the area. Later it was estimated that the height of the creature was about 110cm, based on the height of the wall and its position.

HC addendum
Source: Centro Ufologico Siciliano
Type: E

Location. Between Cushman & Mapleton Oregon
Date: July 2009
Time: after midnight
The main witness, Scott Riddle, was driving with five friends going east on highway 126 when he saw a light coming low over the mountain about 5-6 miles up ahead & just off to the right at the one o’clock position. At first he didn’t think much of it as he continued driving and looking at it. It was flying very low just over the treetops as it approached following along the valley floor. As it came closer he could see that it was very big, like a large airliner. That made him think that something was very wrong, a jet airliner shouldn’t be that low and slow. Soon he realized that it wasn’t anything he had ever seen before. It was like a huge rectangle office building with smooth black or smoked glass sides, about 30-40 feet high and 300 feet long & 150 feet wide. It was flying at about 40-50 mph as it came directly over them, at less than 200’ high. He could see rooms with lights inside shining out through the glass. As it went over them he saw that the underside was bright with lights and it was open underneath with a catwalk running along the inside walls all the way around it, also a catwalk ran across the middle from one side to the other side. He saw structural beams and pipes, with wires and cables hanging from them. It was silently moving over them so close that if someone was on the catwalk he “could have picked him off with a slingshot”. He kept driving never taking his eyes off it until it passed over the mountain top out of his view to the left and behind them. As soon as it was gone he pulled over to the roadside and said out loud, “What the hell was that??” two of his friends were asleep in the back and another was falling asleep but the other two saw it too, and they said at the same time with a weird look on their faces, “I don’t know, what was it Scott?” He said he didn’t know and didn’t want to hang around to find out and drove to Eugene Oregon at 80mph in a state of shock.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: A?

Location. Wisconsin (exact location not given)
Date: first week of July 2009
Time: night
A Mufon report made this week described three sightings of translucent aliens or beings over the course of two weeks. The percipient of two was a woman living with her husband. According to the report, the woman first spotted three translucent beings that she believes are of extra-dimensional origin sitting in the trees outside her window. The event happened at around 1000a in the first week of July. At the time she had been sitting watching television in a recliner, with a clear out the window when the beings appeared. Startled, she found herself frozen in place as she examined the beings standing side-by-side. Each entity was somehow attaching itself to the tree four feet off the ground. The beings were about six inches wide, and approximately a foot tall, but the report also says it may have been difficult to judge height since the creatures may have been sitting. She also described their arms as being extremely long. Their faces were cone-shaped, and she couldn’t make out any features on the strange conical snouts as the creatures were also somehow translucent and not reflecting light properly as though they were cloaked or invisible. Only the outline was visible. The creatures and the woman stared at each other for four minutes that must have seemed like an eternity before the woman finally got up the nerve to slowly extricate herself from the room and leave through the front door. She had heard stories of people ‘getting abducted’ and this only added to her unease, “I was afraid they would come in and abduct me. Or do experiments as we hear about what happens to people’. She turned her back to them for no more than a couple of seconds, but they had vanished by the time she looked back. She quickly ran to her neighbor who asked her if she had seen a ghost, to which the woman said she had indeed seen something very weird.
The next person who saw the creatures was Mark, her boyfriend who woke her and asked if she had seen anything weird outside of their rear window. Having not told Mark the story of the bizarre creatures, she tentatively said ye, but nothing else. Mark described the three creatures with cone-shaped faces identical to the ones she had seen, and that they had eyes or possibly holes where eyes should have been. The beings were apparently riding some form of platform or stationary device, busying themselves at a control panel when he spotted them. Their bodies were also translucent, although the platform held a faint milky color to it. He was certain they didn’t see him, and was able to watch them for about four minutes. As they shared their stories, each was relieved that the other could confirm the sighting, but they were also unnerved by the possibilities of strange creatures stalking their window.
Two days later, as the couple was sitting at 900a watching television, she saw movement again in the trees. Only one of the beings had returned. He stood hanging in the middle of the window at the same height as before. His conical faced stared blankly at them before it vanished. Mark, terrified at the prospect of seeing the creatures yet again, didn’t turn his head to look out the window, and the creature vanished. The sightings had a toll on the occupants of the house. They are now terrified and looking for answers as to why the creatures were appearing outside their window, and what it wants from them.

HC addendum
Source: Mufon reports
Type: E

Location. Tonopah, Arizona
Date: July 1 2009
Time: 2230
While in the desert near the Palo Verde Nuclear Plant the main witness and some friends saw a very large triangle shaped UFO. they were driving down a dirt road and saw a bright flashing light. They had seen objects in the area before and their intentions were to look for UFO’s. According to the witnesses people that live in this area have been chased in their cars and seen objects on a regular basis. They went off the road behind some mountains, and no sooner had they come around the mountain they saw the large flashing light. All of them were scared but at the same time curious. The main witness friend’s girlfriend was crying and telling them to turn around; they got within 2 to 300 yards from the light. It was the size of three football fields, it was triangular in shape, and had windows around it. It was about 3 stories tall, and about 30 feet off the ground, they flashed their lights and it flashed back, in the same sequence of flashes. The main witness and his friend, James, got out of the car and walked closer, the closer they got the better they could make out what was standing in the windows. They could see small big headed aliens, and then 7 to 9 foot tall aliens, they based this on the size of the windows. Some of the windows they could see through, the other windows were dark, but then the dark windows, cleared up one by one, and as they went clear more and more aliens appeared on the windows. James was supposedly videotaping the whole time. The main witness was terrified but excited at the same time. They walked closer and had to stop because the heat coming from the craft was so intense. The craft hovered and then landed a large panel at the bottom of the craft opened and then two aliens proceeded to walk out. This absolutely terrified the witnesses more, but they couldn’t move or talk. The main witness remembers trying to scream and run but they couldn’t move or talk. Two others were in the car honking the horn, and screaming for them to come back, but they couldn’t respond or move. The aliens walked up to within 20 feet of them. One of them was very thin and tall, about 8-9 feet, the other one was about 3-4 feet tall. The witnesses stood there in amazement, shocked because they couldn’t move or speak. Then calmness came over them and the aliens began speaking to them telepathically, they were saying not to be scared that they were not going to harm them. This “conversation” went on between the 4 of them for 15-20 minutes. They said they were here to help us, so that we would not destroy our planet, and that there was a horrible event coming soon, that it had to be stopped. One of the witnesses asked if it was something like ‘911’ and they said that it was bigger and that it would come from the Middle East. The main witness then thought to himself that he had been in this situation before and the tall alien heard his thoughts and repeated his name and said that yes, he had been visited before when he was 6 years old in Deming New Mexico, he had been in the desert exploring and they had talked to him then. He had blocked that out, but it all suddenly came back, they said they knew they were coming and wanted them to warn people about global warming and what was to come if they didn’t take start taking care of our planet. Visions of disaster then entered their heads, as if to show them what was to come.
The taller alien then walked closer, and held his hand and he was no longer scared, neither was his friend, James. They said that they would see them again soon and to warn people about ‘saving our planet’. Supposedly James was recording the whole time. The aliens then returned to the craft and it was gone in a split second. When the craft left they both felt weak, but managed to make their way back to the car, when they got there the occupants of the car, Heather and Jamie, were not crying anymore they just hugged the witnesses. For a minute the craft would not start and suddenly it just turned on by itself. As they started to drive away three military helicopters appeared, and began shining their lights on the witnesses. Then t military Hummers showed up and chased the witnesses. They tried to avoid the Hummers but were told over a speaker to pull over or they would be forced to shoot at them. They pulled over and military personnel surrounded their vehicle. Two men dressed in black opened the door and asked them to get out. One of them looked familiar to the main witness. He asked the witnesses to get out and both questioned them, while the military personnel searched the car. They asked them what they had seen, how long they had been there and if they had had any contact with the alien ship. One of the soldiers then found the video camera. The men in black reviewed it and told the witnesses they were not to speak of this, they then confiscated the camera and took the main witness with them. The other 3 witnesses asked where they were going and they told them not to worry about ti. He left with them and they questioned him further. He kept staring at one of the men since he looked familiar. They then dropped him off on the I-10 highway near Tonopah Joe’s restaurant. There he was later picked up by his friends.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: B

Location. Tehran, Iran
Date: July 3 2009
Time: 0630am
The witness was in bed when he suddenly woke up; he closed his eyes and felt a strange powerful vibration in his brain. He then saw a strange figure appear before his closed eyes, it was not human, after that a strange face approached him and tried to talk to him, but he couldn’t understand what it said. He is convinced he was not asleep at the time. He feels something attempted to contact him. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E?

Location. Gmunden, Austria
Date: July 5 2009
Time: 0130am
A witness reported seeing a hovering disc-shaped object at about 20 meters from his location. An opening became visible and the witness could no longer move, however he was able to several figures with large heads moving inside the object. The object eventually left and the witness was able to move again.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.ufo-datenbank.de
Type: A

Location. Near Easton, Pennsylvania
Date: July 5 2009
Time: evening
On this evening the witness was sleeping in his bedroom when he woke up to a humming sound. At first the sound was a straight hum, but then it was followed by short beeps. The pattern would be: hum-beep-beep-beep, hum-beep-beep-beep. At first he thought it was the burglar alarm. He got out of bed to check the control panel only to find out that the noise was not coming from that location. He then walked back into the bedroom and checked his iPod. He then sat on his bed and remembered thinking how bright the moon beam was coming through the window. As he turned to look out the window he saw a huge round light just hovering outside his window in the sky. The light was almost blinding, it was so bright. The beam of light that came across his bedroom by almost pure white light, and very bright, when he walked over to the window he was able to ascertain that the noise was definitely coming from this round light source. He wasn’t startled or scared. After a few minutes, he crawled back into bed. The noise then stopped and the light was gone. As he drifted off to sleep he heard a voice say, “We have been watching you. As a matter of fact we have pictures of inside your body”. The next morning he was told of a UFO sighting in the same county.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type; F?

Location. Silbury Hill, near Marlborough, Wiltshire, England
Date: July 7 2009
Time: 0500am
A Wiltshire police sergeant was driving in his private car towards Marlborough on the A4 highway and about to pass Silbury Hill on his left. He looked to his right and witnessed three exceptionally tall beings inspecting the new crop circle which appeared there on the 5th of July. He stopped his vehicle and watched them for several minutes because they stood out as odd. Each of them were well over six feet tall, each had blond hair and also they all were wearing one piece white suits, with hoods that had been dropped onto the back of their heads. After a few minutes watching them, he said they appeared to be examining the crop in the circle, he shouted at them from a distance of about 400 yards but they ignored him. As soon as he entered the field, they became aware of him and ran at an amazing speed to the south, away from Silbury Hill. He said he realized that he could never catch up with them since they ran so exceptionally fast. He glanced away for just a few seconds and looked back to find that they had completely vanished. He became very uneasy and left the scene. The police officer was very aware of hearing a static crackling sound in the field and around him. He said that as the plants moved around, he could see the movement coincided with the level of sound, as if the static was affecting the plants by moving them. He also started to experience a headache in the field, which became worse as the day went on and he could not shake it off all day.

HC addendum
Source: Andrew Russell http://www.truth-reality.co.uk/index.html and http://www.colinandrews.net/UnexplainedPhenomenaAlert.html

Location. Sedona, Arizona
Date: July 10 2009
Time: evening
The witness was at work, a shop in Uptown and was standing near the door which was open when he saw something running. He stepped out the door and by then it was too far down the road to have been a human running on foot. It was as fast as the witness could turn his head. It ran to the edge of the motel parking area and stopped at the bushes. It stopped and looked back at the witness. It was brown, wearing brown clothing, all the same color skin and clothes, form fitting, large dark eyes but normal looking head and limbs except extremely thin. Too thin to have been a human—at least one that could run that fast. Unnerved, the witness broke eye contact and went back inside.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E

Location. Colorado, exact location not given
Date: July 11 2009 Time: night
The witness had just arrived home and was getting off his bike when he peripherally noticed something crossing the street—he glanced up to catch a fleeting outline of a bipedal albino/human looking figure at least 8 to 10 ft tall, which crossed the street very quickly and disappeared into a neighbor’s yard approximately 30 meters away. He put the dog inside and immediately took off on his bike down the connecting street to verify that it was someone out for a late night run (for his own peace of mind). However after scouring the surrounding streets he found no joggers. He also reported that the creature’s head was huge; though overall it seemed to be a very large and strong creature.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E

Location. Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: middle of July 2009
Time: night
According to the main witness, a 23 year old woman, there were fourteen aliens in total. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, they were surrounding the bed the witness shared with her husband and small daughter. They looked at her silently and at no moment did she feel fear. She wanted to wake up her husband, to have him witness what was occurring before her very eyes, but the visitors advised her telepathically that he would remain asleep, as he was still ‘not yet ready’. Then the beings revealed all of their secrets to her during a 40 minute time period. Among other revelations, she said that the aliens visit our planet on six-month rotations, and are replaced by a new group. They also explained that the circles and shapes that appear on the fields are signals they employ among themselves, And finally explained that there are dozens of civilizations from other planets that come down and interact on Earth to study it (and surely to study us).
“I never had an experience of this sort. It happened two and a half months ago. We were in bed—my husband, my baby and me. They were asleep and I was trying to fall asleep. Suddenly I felt lights and when I opened my eyes there was nothing there. I closed my eyes again, and the same thing happened. Like a flash of light. I opened my eyes, but all I could see was the (pilot light) on the stove.” “The fourth time that this happened, I felt it closer. I opened my eyes and saw the beings standing beside me. I was lying between my husband and my daughter. I uncovered myself and sat up. They were around the bed, fourteen of them, all of them short except for one: this last one was beside my husband staring at him fixedly. The small ones were all around, and measured 1.30m or so. They were slightly taller than my bed’s sommier, which is rather tall.” Said the young woman. In her description of the events the witness explained that she tried to wake her husband, but was unable to do so. “ I even dug my nails into him, but nothing. The baby was on the other side, on her stomach, but neither of them reacted. At that time one of the beings told me not to wake up my husband, because he was not ready. I realize that they spoke to me telepathically, and I could answer them in the same way,” Karina explained.
They were practically alike. The only difference was the height of one of their number. They were skinny, with long necks and small heads. Their eyes were black, like almonds, slanted and their mouths were also small. Their eyes were black, like almonds, slanted, and their mouths were also small. They had little wrinkles on their faces and the head was oval. They had shoulders, their fingers were long and had no nails. The aliens proceeded to touch her hair, the palms of her hands and lifted one of her arms. “Five of them were on the left, four facing me and five on the right side of the bed. I was the only one who wasn’t paralyzed. We communicated for some 40 minutes, mouths closed. That is to say, I spoke but my mouth didn’t move. I managed to touch one of the little ones, and he touched my face. I just felt the need to touch him, and in fact I felt peaceful in their company. I never had the impression that they could harm my daughter or any one of us.” Karina insists. Suddenly one of them made a movement and touched her with two fingers and finally brushed a finger along her forehead. They told her they had come to give her answers about a black book (the Bible) and that what she was thinking was in fact true. When she would ask them a question they would answer everything in detail. Karina added that the tall one was looking at her husband all the time. His head was slightly smaller than the others, because the small ones had rather large heads. According to Katrina, it felt like touching a baby’s skin—they had small wrinkles, but she couldn’t feel them when she touched one of them. Their skin was cold and the color was odd, neither white nor gray. “They had a skin tone that doesn’t exist here.”

HC addendum
Source: Guillermo Gimenez Planeta UFO & Jorge Marron and Daniel Valverdi, Grupo Ovni
Type: E

Location. Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England
Date: middle of July 2009
Time: evening
A computer programmer had parked in the area to rest awhile after visiting a company customer. He was aware of something off to his left as he sat in the car. A strange sensation of prickly warmth and as if someone was watching him. He then turned to witness a ‘strange man’ staring at him from the edge of the car park. The stranger was blond with an unusual face and there was something ‘different’ about him. He was dressed in normal clothes but the programmer kept emphasizing there was something ‘not quite right’. That was the last thing the programmer can remember, he said that the next thing he knew it was about an hour later and the man was gone. The programmer believes he fell asleep but in the context of typical experiences of this nature the source does not believe this is the case.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.colinandrews.net/UFO-PoliceSergeant-SilburyHill.html
Type: E?

Location. Brentwood, California
Date: July 15-17 2009
Time: night
The witness and her boyfriend had been asked by his mom to house-sit while she, her husband and her boyfriend’s three sisters went on a vacation. They thought it was going to be great. On the morning on the 16th she got up to make breakfast and was chatting away when her boyfriend told her to shut up. He had heard something coming from the room above them. Then they both heard footsteps in the hallway upstairs going toward his mom’s room. They both grabbed knives, thinking it was an intruder and went upstairs to see what was going on. When they checked his mom’s room, they found that the bedroom door was locked and they couldn’t get in. They went back downstairs to finish cooking, thinking it was all in their heads when they heard definite footsteps above them and a loud thump, like something falling over. They both freaked out at this point and went over to her mom’s house. When they got back her boyfriend started seeing a shadow out of the corner of his eyes. He described it as someone waving at him just out of his vision. They also both saw shadows going around corners when they were standing next to each other. As this continued, one of her friends came over who had past experience with ‘ghosts’. She didn’t see anything, but the whole time she was there, the witness’s boyfriend kept seeing this hand waving at him. Then around 2100, instead of a black shadowy thing, it flashed orange and then vanished for a bit. When they went to bed that night, she could feel malice through the bedroom door, and it prevented her from sleeping. The next morning they picked everything up as it was the day when her mom was returning. When they finished, she sat down to read for a bit in the house and her boyfriend was outside with a clear view of her and the banister that was above her. He then saw a dark shadowy person walk by, stop at the banister and look down at the witness. At this point her boyfriend got up from his chair rather loudly and the shadow looked up at him. Later when they moved all of their belongings outside, her boyfriend heard one of the skillets that was drying n the stove being picked up and one of his dogs stop barking. Concerned he ran into the house and the dog was lying down. She was ok but to be safe they brought both dogs outside with them. After they had gone to eat and came back, something attacked her boyfriend while she was in the bathroom. When she got out, she found him sitting like a ‘statue’. She slapped him, pulled on his leg as hard as she could; she even tried to move his head. Nothing she did got a reaction. He wouldn’t move an inch. Later he told her ‘it’ was trying to hurt him.

HC addendum
Source: http://paranormal.about.com/od/trueghoststories/a/tales_09_0822t.htm
Type: E?
Comments: Apparitional beings or shadow beings?

Location. Ocala, Florida
Date: July 22 2009
Time: late night
The witness F. L. doesn’t recall at what time he fell asleep, he only knows he passed out because he was so tired. He awoke to what looked like a ‘lamp’ over her head and it was not turned on. He was lying on his back only it felt that he wasn’t on his bed. He looked to the right where his wife always sleeps on the bed beside him and there was a humanoid figure lying next to him looking at him with large dark eyes, its mouth was open as if it had no life. He tried to jump up, and he did but when he sat up he was on his bed and it was 430a. His wife was sleeping peacefully next to him. On September 12 2009 he awoke to a noise in his room, he attempted to wake his wife but he couldn’t move. He was moving his lips but no words came out of his mouth. He finally was able to shout and his wife woke up. It was 430a.

HC addendum
Source: direct from mafiosoluciano@hotmail.com
Type: G?

Location. Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: July 26 2009
Time: 0400am
The witness, who suffers from insomnia, was again having difficulty sleeping that night and was reading a book in bed. He briefly went to the kitchen for a glass of water and then returned to his book; at this point he suddenly heard a strange sound resembling that of radio static when someone is searching for a radio station. He thought the sound was strange but what really startled was a sudden loud thump on the roof as if something had fallen on it. He then heard another strange sound, a sound he could only compare to the cooing of a pigeon, he thought it could be a cat since he could hear his dog outside becoming very nervous. Everything became silent for a minute then he heard the sound again, and this time his dog began to growl. He got up from bed and opened the bedroom window expecting to see his dog attacking a cat. The backyard was very dark but it was slightly illuminated by a nearby light post. He then noticed his dog attacking something that at first he could not immediately identify. He noticed what appeared to be two short arms moving upwards as if trying to shoo the dog away. At this point the witness was stunned when he noticed that it was a creature that he had never seen before. The creature was very short with very short legs, a round large belly, a curving neck, like that of an ostrich, it had a small head and appeared to be protected by a sort of ‘shield’. The witness did not see any eyes, mouth or ears. The creature’s skin was gray in color and appeared to be scaly like that of a snake. At this point the creature turned and headed towards the witness’s window. Terrified he jumped back and closed the window, at this point his vision became very blurry, he could hear a loud buzzing sound in his ears and his skin became to itch. Suddenly everything returned to normal and his vision gradually normalized. The witness immediately ran to his sister’s room, screaming that there was an ‘alien’ in the backyard. Of course his sister did not believe him and when they looked out whatever it was it was gone. His parents did not believe him either, telling the witness that it must have been an animal. He did not notice any visible marks on his dog.

HC addendum
Source: Bruno Fernandes Bertoni, Centro de Ufologia Brasileiro
Type: E

Location. Near Passa Tempo, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: July 26 2009
Time: 1630
Two men, Antonio Faleiro and Beto Antonio Braga were driving on the outskirts of town when they spotted a tall human-like figure wearing a brown cowl or smoke, complete with hood and cape standing on the side of the road, the hood completely covered its head. As the car approached, the strange figure took two steps into the bush and disappeared in plain sight of the witnesses.

HC addendum
Source: apfaleiro@uaivip.com.br
Type: E

Location. Sylvan Lake, near Forest Lake, Minnesota
Date: July 27 2009
Time: around 1400
A report was made by an eyewitness of an object which fell out of the sky and caused a wave of 30 ft when it hit a lake, near Forest Lake. The object is still there on the bottom. The incident caused a dive team from lower St Croix Valley fire dept to be activated to locate it. The water was very murky and the team was not able to locate or identify the object. Washington county sheriff’ office was involved in the incident. The eyewitness, who reported waves from the event in excess of 30 feet high, was near the southwest shore of Sylvan Lake before 1400 on Monday July 27. Additional information from the Forest Lake Times:
Jennifer Larson
Staff Writer

Whatever supposedly crashed into Sylvan Lake, creating 30 to 40 foot waves on Monday was never recovered nor spotted.
The search and rescue team from Forest Lake Fire dept and Rescue responded with its airboat to a call of a sizeable object landing in the body of water located south of Scandia Trail. The Washington County Dive team also had nine members searching below the surface through murky water to depths of around 26 feet without locating anything. Before the dive team arrived, search and rescue spied air bubbles in a 20 foot diameter. To quote Forest Lake Fire Chief Gary Sigfrinius “We don’t know what it was.”

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com also http://forestlaketimes.com/content/view3312/44/
Type: H?
Comments: A crash or did something briefly touched down? Waterspout, it does not mention anything about inclement weather at the time, who knows?

Location. Kiryat Yam, Israel
Date: July-August 2009
Time: various
Locals and tourists are flocking to this locality hoping to catch a glimpse of a mermaid who has been spotted doing a few tricks and disappearing into the water. According to Schlomo Cohen, one of the first people to see the mermaid, “I was with friends when suddenly we saw a woman laying on the sand in a weird way. At first I thought she was just another sunbather, but when we approached she jumped into the water and disappeared. We were all in shock because we saw she had a tail.” The town council of Kiryat Yam is even offering $1 million to the first person to snap a photograph of the reported mermaid.
Mermaids are believed to be mythological creatures that have a human head and torso and the tail of a fish. Throughout history, they are said to have charmed people, often distracting them and causing them to walk off their ship decks or run ships aground. Other mermaids are said to have squeezed men to death while attempting to rescue them.

HC addendum
Source: Lyly Fu MYFOX International and other news sources
Type: E?

Location. New Zealand (exact location not provided)
Date: August 2009
Time: late night
The witness was lying on his bed asleep having a nice dream about something or other, when suddenly he awoke for no apparent reason. His bed was situated so that his head was facing out a window and his feet were facing out the doorway, which is totally against the laws of Feng Shui. He also slept with the door to his room open so that he could see out into the hallway. He looked out into the hallway and saw what looked like his ‘dad’. It was wearing a gray jersey, white pants, and sandals and socks. It just walked straight past his room, completely ignoring the witness. As it walked its neck grew longer and longer and longer and then it ‘went all squiggly’ sort of like a snake. The witness didn’t get a look at its face, but it looked to him that it was a male with black hair cut in a bowl-like shape around its head. After that the witness became extremely frightened and screamed a prayer and switched on the light and the figure just disappeared into thin air. Lately the witness has come know about some ‘Japanese’ creatures called ‘rokurokubi’. They look like ordinary humans in the day, but at night they have the ability to grow their necks to insane lengths. Apparently some of them are very evil and like to drink human blood. However the witness is confused since he is not of Japanese descent and lives in New Zealand.

Rokurokubi: A female monster with an extremely flexible neck. By day they are indistinguishable from normal women, but after nightfall rokurokubi stretch their necks out to any length in search of prey. According to one theory, they are seeking out men in order to suck the life energy out of them.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—October 2009
Type: E?

Location. Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: August 4 2009
Time: 0100am
The witness, involved in the previous incident on July 26, was at this time sleeping in his sister’s bedroom. His sister was still awake and the witness decided to go to the kitchen for some water. Near the kitchen sink he suddenly noticed a strange shiny reflection on the wall and looking at the window he noticed the same creature he had seen about a week before. This time the witness attempted to control his impulse to run and stared at the creature. On this occasion he noticed what appeared to be a shiny yellow stripe on the creature’s dorsal area, small shiny reddish eyes and long thin arms. The witness quickly walked to his sister’s room and told his sister to open the window that he was going to wake their father. Once at his parent’s room his sister ran out of her bedroom screaming, apparently she had seen the back of the creature, describing it as gray with shiny stripes. His father did not see the creature but all heard the strange cooing sound and the bizarre radio static noise for a few seconds.

HC addendum
Source: Bruno Fernandes Bertoni, Centro de Ufologia Brasileiro
Type: E

Location. Ivanovo, Khmelnitsky region, Ukraine
August 7 2009
Time: 2200
During a rash of strange animal mutilations in the region a local resident, Bogdan Bilous had gone to his garden in order to gather up his goats when he saw something strange in the nearby bushes. At first he thought it was a dog belonging to a neighbor sitting on a path, but when he whistled at it the strange creature stood up on its hind legs. The beast was red in color, resembling a kangaroo; he could not see its head clearly since it quickly galloped away using large jumps. The goats stood petrified in a group; huddle together, without emitting a single sound. Two days before this case another local heard loud noises coming from his rabbit cage and when he went to investigate he saw an unknown red beast inside the cage killing a rabbit, apparently sucking the blood out. He banged on the cage and shouted but the creature ignored him. When the creature finally hopped away, a pool of blood mixed with an unknown substance was left on the scene.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.facts.kiev.ua/archive
Type: E

Location. Near Arlington Texas
Date: August 8 2009
Time: midnight-0100am
Around this time local citizens were awakened by a series of extremely loud explosions, soon after a traveler on I-20 took a picture of a strange disc-like object being transported near the area: . Concerned citizens contacted local police and media. There was no official response to the extremely loud explosion reports. A media blackout left the people of Arlington to draw their own conclusions. Additional information states that numerous callers began phoning local stations with reports of a strange sight on Interstate 20, which runs between Dallas and Ft. Worth. They described a surreal scene—a large, flatbed truck was carrying what appeared to be a UFO on its trailer. The 18-wheeler appeared to be escorted by what appeared to be military vehicles, and they were flanked by Dallas Police Department vehicles and personnel. In the immediate vicinity of the entourage, incoming ramps to the freeway were closed. Some of the callers, who got close enough to see the parade of vehicles, stated that the large UFO was giving off steam or smoke. One driver, who was escorted to the side of the highway, managed to take two photographs with his cell phone. The photos are not clear and taken from a distance.

HC addendum
Source: http://ufos.about.com/od/currentuforeports/a/dallasfreeway.htm
Additional information by researcher Manuel Navarrete:

This report comes as a result of an interview with a member of the Dallas Police Department. I was approached by the officer who had read the article that I posted on www.ufoclearinghouse.webs.com about the incident in Dallas, Texas. He contacted me and we communicated via e-mail (his choice) and after he gave me information to verify that he was a member of the Dallas Police Department, He offered to give me information in regards to the incident that occurred on the evening of August 7th and early morning of August 8, 2009.

The only condition that he had was that he did not want to reveal his name, or any other information that would allow him to be identified by anyone of his superiors or by any of the agencies that were involved in the operation that night. I tentatively agreed, and then sought the advice of another one of my fellow researchers to see where I stood in regards to this. I then contacted him and agreed to his terms and set up a time for us to discuss the events of that evening.

The officer, who was an 8 year veteran of the Dallas Police Department, was assigned to normal street patrol in a particular section of the city (again information has been withheld per his request). He was called via his mobile phone and requested to report back to the district police station, no explanation was given, no words other than “We need you to report back to the station immediately” He was told that someone would meet him at the entrance and to do as he was instructed. As sudden as the call came, it ended with the other party simply hanging up.

The officer then proceeded to the station as instructed; when he arrived at the station, he noticed that other patrol cars were also arriving and that the other dozen or so officers looked just as confused as he did. The officer was met by a pair of men in black fatigues who greeted the officers, they then asked the officers to please, leave all communication items in their patrol cars. No radios, no mobile phones were to be taken inside with them.
After a short pause of bewildered mumbling, the officers complied and then were walked into the station; they were lead into one of the station briefing areas. They were met by a couple supervisors and more men in black fatigues.

The men were briefed that their help was needed to provide an impromptu escort for a truck carrying “cargo”. No other information was given, no questions were asked by the officers. They were told that this was a military operation and that they needed to act to secure the “cargo” and clean up the situation before the sun rose. They were told normally, military personnel would handle the situation, but since time was of the essence, they were going to use officers of the Dallas Police Department to secure the route the flat bed would take. The military officer in charge advised them that this was not going to be “pretty” and that “they had no time to wrap up the present, nice and neat”.

The officer at this point made the comment to me that he felt that this was not the first time this particular military officer had done this. When asked, the officer noted that the military personnel, who were in the room, including the officer, wore only the solid black fatigues, black combat boots and had no name tags, rank insignia, or unit designation on their uniforms.

It is here that the military officer instructed the officers that anything that happened during this “exercise” would have be held in the strictest secrecy, no one was allowed to talk about this, not to each other, not to their families, and not to fellow officers. The reports that they filled out would be handed directly to their supervisor who was instructed on how to handle those reports and hand them over to the military for safekeeping. The officer then stated that they were all required to sign a paper stating that they could be prosecuted for talking about this operation to anyone with out express permission from the United States government.

It was here that we took a few minutes break since the officer asked if we could take a few minutes break, he had to use the bathroom and grab bottled water. I agreed and pretty much did the same.

When we came back, we kind of re-capped the events up to the point, making sure to try to get as much as I could into the report. The officer again, reiterated that he would not give out any information that could possibly lead to his identification. I again agreed to his terms and proceeded with the interview.

The officer stated that he was given his instructions, he and four other officers were to block entrances to on ramps to Interstate 20, not allowing anyone access to the interstate till the convoy was safely down the road. He was instructed if the drivers were already on the interstate, to pull them over and hold them there until the convoy passed, using his car and himself, if possible to shield the driver and any passengers from seeing the flatbed as it passed by and continued down the road. They were instructed that the flat bed’s driver was instructed to keep driving as high a speed as he could without compromising the load’s integrity. Therefore it was up to the officers to keep the path clear of civilian vehicles.

The officer would not give specific details as to where exactly they met up with the truck or where the truck originated its journey. The officer threatened to end the interview if I kept insisting that he give out specific details. The only tidbit of information the officer gave me, was a passing comment that he was able to look out the window and see mixture of moon light and other lights reflecting off of Joe Pool Lake. The officer stated that they met a large semi- truck pulling a flat bed truck with what looked like a circular object on the back of it. The object was securely chained to the flat bed, but was uncovered. The object was a sort of dull gun metal grey from what he could see as the truck sped under the street lights. The officer noted that when the truck initially passed, there seemed to be a strange odor. The officer did not say if it came from the smoldering object on the back of the truck. He stated it smelt a lot like smoldering sulfur

The officer then described how the went about blocking the roads, while one blocked the exits or pulled over motorists, others would race ahead to clear out traffic and block other on-ramps and access points to the interstate, once the convoy had passed and gotten sufficiently down the road, he would then open the road back up and race to catch up and re-join the others in the rotation. He described how some of the government vehicles assisted them by blocking the on-ramps, he stated the vehicles carried four people in each one, each one of the passengers were dressed in full battle fatigues with body armor and carrying weapons. As the convoy wound its way through the interstate, the procedure was all the same, stop anyone already on the road, and block traffic from coming onto the interstate. The officer stated that they travelled approximately 10-12 miles before they were radioed instructions to proceed back to the station. When asked about the destination of the object, he responded that he did not know, others took over the job of escorting the truck and they were told to head back to the station post haste.

The officer then told of being met there by other men, these men did not wear fatigues, but wore suits. They were debriefed and told that they had taken part of a government response drill. That was being conducted in major cities through out the United States to gauge the response time of the military and local law enforcement to an incident such as the crash of a highly classified government plane or satellite. They were instructed, as before that they were not to speak of this; they would have to keep it to themselves for the sake of military security. They were then instructed on the procedure of turning in any reports that they had to write up to the police department supervisor.

At this point the officer’s family had returned home and the officer advised me that he did not want to speak with them present. He advised that we could make arrangements to speak again and wrap up the interview at a later time, when he would not expose the family to this. I agreed and advised him that I would write him back to set up the time.

I have written him back, twice and have not heard a response back, when I attempted to write him back a third time, the email came back to me as a failed to deliver. I therefore decided to publish as much as I could with the information given to me.

Manuel Navarette

Location. Akureyri, Iceland
Date: August 9 2009
Time: midnight
A green light was seen above a mountain across a fjord in this town. The light was seen going down with smoke from it and crashing and more smoke. It apparently crashed somewhere near a farm. So far, no traces of the object have been found and flares have been ruled out.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: H?

Location. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Date: August 15 2009
Time: 0345a
At 0245a the witness was buzzed for about 5 seconds by a 4 foot round luminescent orb on the roof of the building that he worked in. It materialized about a foot away from him, blocking his way and making a buzzing sound, it then took off and dematerialized at approximately 6 feet away. At this time he decided to turn around and leave the roof. About an hour later he was walking through a machine room on the roof, near the same location of the orb when he encountered a 3 foot tall tri-ped creature. It was standing by an electrical transformer looking up at the conduits. He observed it for about 30 seconds from a distance of four feet before it turned around and noticed him. The witness was looking down at it; it had a beautiful baby blue eye which was moving rapidly, just one, a long eye lid and rubbery looking legs with bulbous feet. He could see that it was starting to panic because it started stomping its feet like a mad skunk and jumping up and down making a high pitch squeaking sound almost like a cat’s toy. The witness was blocking its way to the open roll up door leading to the roof behind. The witness put up an open hand in a gesture to let it know that he wouldn’t hurt it and backed up towards a different part of the machine room, away from its path to the door, but kept his eye on the creature.
He watched it walking down the isle slowly when it started to move. It stopped where he had turned to get out of its way; it then turned and looked at the witness over for a couple of seconds. The witness couldn’t help himself and started to laugh at it. He got the impression that it was thanking him but he thinks if was also offended because it started to leer at him and its eye changed to a lighter color. The creature then took off running in the direction of the door disappearing behind machinery in the area. The witness didn’t feel threatened in any way by the creature but he was quite sure that cornering was a bad idea. That same morning the witness was doing his paperwork in the control room when a larger than man sized ‘praying mantis’ comes up to the window and just stares at him for about a minute. He did not feel comfortable with this encounter considering the nature of this insect. He sat there not moving a muscle until it left. For two nights before he had heard screeching sounds in the roof of the machine room. On August 18 around 0300a the witness saw a giant bird above Eakins Oval, with a 40 foot wing span or better, it had rectangular shaped wings and no tail feathers. He didn’t see any feet or head either, all he could make out was the huge wings with all of the feathers moving in the breeze and there were hundreds of them, there were no primary feathers that he could see. It looked like an enormous kite. He had never see a bird like that before.

HC addendum
Source: http://naturalplane.blogspot.com quoting MUFON
Type: E

Location. Nevada (exact location not given)
Date: August 15 2009
Time: night
A lone witness reported seeing a short, maybe 2 feet tall figure walked right in front of her through the door. The short figure appeared to be wearing a black clock with some kind of device on the face area. It was apparently looking at a reflection from the other room, the reflection was from a Mitsubishi rear projection TV screen, there was wan interview of a football announcer on and the side was yellowed-out with the other side left blank. It was very light in the room and the figure was very clear and well defined. It seemed to be headed towards the witness computer but when he got up and looked it was either gone or he couldn’t see it any more. The witness had been doing her children’s homework with them at the time. She felt no sensations and saw it walk about 2-3 feet; there was a window behind it with the shades open.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E

Location. Verkhnyaya Salda, Ural region, Russia
Date: August 16 2009
Time: evening
Ufologists in the Ural region have been called in to assist with the disappearance of an 11-year old girl three months ago after conventional investigations failed to solve the case. Investigators with the Ural UFO group have noted that it is likely that a UFO abducted the girl, Lisa Hlupinoy. The tragic saga began on August 16 when Lisa and three boys of the same age left their homes to wander through nearby woods. At some point they all got lost. After three days the boys were found however, Lisa was not with them; after a period she assumed dead and police started suspecting murder at the hands of her companions. The boys vehemently denied the charge. No trace of Lisa’s body has been found as of yet. At some point the police called in the services of Ufologists and a local psychic. The Ufologists helping with the case noted that UFO sightings are very common in the area. There is also a missile testing range nearby which tends to attract extraterrestrial visitors, they claim. They boys who were treated in a hospital after they were found and have since recovered have claimed that something paranormal happened to Lisa: alleging they were followed by white beams of light that they think “took Lisa”. According to the Ufology experts involved these are classic signs of alien abduction.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.allnewsweb.com/page9399891.php
Type: G?
Comments: Permanent abduction?

Location. Sedro Woolley, Washington
Date: August 18 2009 Time: 0100am
Camped near a ridge the witness had been seeing red, blue and green object go over the ridge many time late at night. This night he camped on top of the ridge directly northeast of his home. He took his binoculars and saw an oval disk shaped object with blinking lights and making a low pitched humming sound. It was over the ridge in a small clearing. He did not see it until its lights came on. It hovered there for a while, he looked through the binoculars and saw what appeared to be a porthole or small window, and he could also see a humanoid shaped head wearing some sort of helmet. This frightened the witness who decided to climb down the ridge and go home.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A

Location. Mattawa, Washington
Date: August 23 2009
Time: 1830
The main witness and her mother had just bought a new pair of binoculars and went out to test them out. They walked north to an area of dry sagebrush and hills. After about 10 minutes the witness noticed a strange creature coming out from behind some boxes near an orchard, it seemed to have a huge white round head. At first she thought it was a dog, but noticed that it walked on two legs and was moving very fast. It looked like a humanoid figure covered in a thin layer of black fur with a huge round white head. It moved swiftly so the witnesses got into their vehicle in order to chase it; however the creature was soon lost from sight. Apparently earlier on the year the mother had seen a similar creature.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.ufosnw.com/sighting
Type: E

Location. Near Bugarach, Aude, France
Date: August 26 2009
Time: 2330
The witnesses, Mr. & Mrs. Alain & Marie-France, had visited the nearby site Rennes-le-Chateau which overlooked the village of Bugarach and the nearby valley. They had a perfect view of the mountains and following the advise of a friend they begin signaling at the mountains using their flashlights. (They were curious due to the high amount of UFO activity and other phenomena in the region).Soon the husband, Alain distinguishes strange lights over the mountains; these lights appeared to be projecting a beam over the grounds as if searching for something. The couple was intrigued since the lights did not correspond with any known natural explanation. Shortly after, Alain & Marie decide to leave their observation post and use a small country road to reach their lodgings. However, they decided to stop for one last observation and as they exited the vehicle, they suddenly saw on the roadside a “luminous entity” that seemed to move by floating above the ground. Marie-France described the appearance of the entity as human in form and normal size. She remembered being not very ‘dense’ but instead very bright. The entity seemed to be encased in a very bright white light which was not dazzling combined with bright spots of green fluorescence. The entity’s head was conical in shape. Alain could only see an armless humanoid form within a large ball of light moving at ground level. According to the two witnesses the being was about ten yards away, it was therefore clearly visible. The observation lasted for about a minute and then the entity approached the couple and suddenly disappeared in plain sight. Marie-France noted that the disappearance of the entity coincided exactly with a strong feeling of fear she felt in seeing it approach them.
After this encounter with the luminous entity, Alain and Marie-France return to their vehicle. A little further along the road they saw three ‘discs’ of light floating in waves over a nearby field. According to Marie-France, the discs looked like ‘pancakes’ with a hole in the center, ‘like the rings of Saturn’. The ‘rings’ were flat with no apparent external structures. Alain described the ‘devices’ as oblong, bright but with shades of gray. The objects moved horizontally, in slow ‘wave’ like motions resembling the movements of ‘Manta rays”. According to the witnesses the ‘rings’ were several meters in diameter.
The third part of the testimony of Alain & Marie-France is probably the strangest. After seeing the floating discs over the field, they both go home in a state of shock. Later that night while asleep Marie-France reports that four distinct thoughts cross her mind, “We are beings of light”, “It is dangerous for us to make direct contact with you”, “February 28 2010, there will be a disaster”, “You have to help many people in need.” Marie felt that this was some sort of telepathic message and worries about the supposed impending ‘disaster’. No specific location or extend of the disaster was given. Deeply intrigued by their experience, Marie-France and Alain decide to return the next day to the same place they had seen the luminous entity. Upon arriving at the location Alain sees numerous balls of lights of all sizes hovering on the side of the road and floating near the trees, he believes that there were at least 100 of these spheres. Shortly after he feels a ‘strong flow of energy’ that seems generated by the spheres of light that then quickly surround their vehicle. They then feel a ‘sense of movement’ and chills through their backs and kidney area, their legs are numb. The vehicle appears to be encased in some sort of ‘energy bubble’. Alain then feels that his is being ‘prodded’ and possibly undergoes a physical examination. For her part, Marie-France feels a sense of internal vibration in her body resembling that of a very mild electrical current. The phenomenon lasts a few minutes and then stops abruptly. After the encounter both Marie’s and Alain’s watches have malfunctioned.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.lesconfins.com
Type: D or G?
Comments: Of course the site is well known for other mysterious events and anomalies. Ufologist Ghislain Sanchez notes that the Bugarach Mountain “is suspected of sheltering within a giant lake that is the home of an alien base”. The locals frequently spot strange moving objects over the summit. Military maneuvers preventing access to the south side of the mountain area also common. Magnetic disturbances are also common. Mobile phones and laptops are irreversibly damaged.

Comments: Of course we all know now that a powerful earthquake struck Chile on February 27 2010 devastating large areas and killing hundreds.

Additional information: Do you remember the experience by French couple Marie-France and Alain on 26 August 2009? Marie-France received a telepathic message which predicted a catastrophe on February 28, 2010, Which is only one day wrong, since the Earthquake in Chile occurred on February 27.
But, what is even more amazing, is that on November 15, 2009, Marie-France sent an email to The French ufo-website Lesconfins and asked them to change the date from 28 to 27.
You can read about it here http://www.lesconfins.com/rr3aude.htm just above where the page comes to the earthquake in Chile.

Location. Apolda, Thuringen, Germany
Date: August 28 2009
Time: 0300am
12-year old Natali was awakened by her little brother who had to use the bathroom, upon returning from the bathroom she heard her cat meowing outside. Going outside into her patio she heard a deep, humming, vibrating sound. Looking up, she saw through the transparent sky-roof window a large circular shiny craft, which flew towards nearby woods and then returned to hover over the house. She ran to her bedroom and tried to hide under the blankets. However the object then shone a bright beam of light into her room through her window and looking at the window she saw a short grayish figure with a huge hairless head and large almond shaped eyes peering at her. The creature had no lips or ears and only a very small hole for a mouth; it had also had a very thin neck. She estimated it to be the same size of her 4-year old brother. When the figure noticed that the witness had seen it, it quickly disappeared from sight, at that moment the hovering circular object disappeared towards some nearby woods.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.ufo-datenbank.de/europa/Deutschland/index.htm
Type: C

Location. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Date: August 28 2009
Time: after midnight
The witness was standing outside his apartment door smoking and as he stood there he heard a rustling sound in the tree in the middle of the front lawn which he had heard before but never saw anything. Thinking it was a squirrel or crow the witness was stunned to see a strange creature come down from the tree and moved on the ground from the tree to back behind a brick wall that was attached to the end of the building. The creature appeared to be approximately 3-3 ½ ft tall. And as it ran across the lawn, it sounded heavy, like an adult human. It didn’t have fur or feathers. The witness remembers seeing two thin bone-like legs, but didn’t look as though it had feet like a human, but more similar to a bird. The body appeared to be sort of transparent. The witness didn’t notice any wings or arms as he concentrated on the body. It moved so quickly that he didn’t have time to get a better look. The witness found what appeared to be hoof-prints marks on the ground.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.paranormalnews.com/article.asp?ArticleID=1391
Type: E

Location. Unicoi State Park, Georgia
Date: August 30 2009
Time: 0400am
A husband and wife had gone camping on Saturday and on Sunday morning the wife woke up to go to the restroom. (There was a building near the campsite that provided restroom and shower facilities.) It was pitch black outside, except for the light from her lantern and the lights from the building. After she started to leave to walk back to her tent, she stopped because she felt there was someone behind her. She turned around and saw three gray alien figures standing there. At first she thought there were other campers, but when one of them turned and looked at her, she realized they were not human. For one thing, the arms were too long and the bodies were too thin. Their skin had a pale glossy look, and they had a very large cranium and lumps all over the top of the scalp. They had huge black eyes that seemed to pierce right through her. She stands about 5’3” tall, and they looked to have been about one or two inches shorter than her. The one that saw her stared t inch toward her, but she bolted back to her tent. When her husband asked her what was wrong, all she could say was, “There’s (expletive) aliens back there!” When he finally calmed her down enough, he had her stay in the tent while he went to go see what it was. He found nothing. Later that night, they kept waking up off and on; her husband said he saw a shadowy figure move outside. He didn’t hear any footsteps. He looked up and saw the top cover of the tent move, as if someone pulled it aside to look in at them from above.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E

Location. Miami, Florida
Date: September 2009
Time: night
The witness, Jane, (involved in other encounters) reported seeing an alien figure in her house one night. The alien was wearing lime green and had a sort of tube going into its belt. She could not see its face clearly. She said the alien seemed to be looking at her pet bird, which chirped loudly, but when Jane turned her head briefly, and looked back the alien had disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: http://skyscan.org/Jane.htm
Type: E

Location. Near San Diego de Alcala, Chihuahua, Mexico
Date: September 2009
Time: night
A lone motorist traveling on a deserted road reported seeing a large transparent sphere crossing low over the road ahead of his vehicle. Inside the sphere he was able to see a group of humanoids apparently of the ‘gray type’ variety, about 10 of them that were accompanied by a very tall blond haired humanoid with a very athletic body, who when noticing the presence of the witness, stared at him in a very ‘intense and aggressive’ manner. Afraid the witness stopped his vehicle and watched as the sphere continued on slowly and at a very low altitude until it disappeared into the distance.

HC addendum
Source: http://gifae.blogspot.com
Type: A
Comments: Translation by Albert S Rosales

Location. Butler, Missouri
Date: September 2 2009
Time: 2000
The witnesses were taking night shots in the country, trying to catch some wildlife out hunting. When they came home, the 45 minute trip had taken over 2 hours; they found photos on the camera of what looks like a creature in front of the car. It had a huge head with leathery, wrinkled skin, and large eyes. They did not see it, or have no memory of it. Their stomachs ached really badly the next morning. They went back out, this time taking a tape recorder with them, lost time again, and again found strange pictures, and this time on the tape player they heard two other male voices saying “recon” “they are ready now” and a few other things. A few minutes later they start the car and pick up their conversation where it had ended. They went down some other country roads, and one of them has a memory of seeing a ‘robot’ behind a fence. There was also a rod that came down to the car with a blue light on the end. They lost time, felt ill and have no memory of seeing the images on these pictures. They found several other pictures at a different location that could indicate some kind of craft moving towards them.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G?
Comments: I have not seen any of the alleged pictures anywhere.

Location. Puerto Gaboto, Santa Fe, Argentina
Date: September 5 2009
Time: 1722
A family of three, Sergio, Laura and their 7-year old son were parked next to the Coronda River enjoying some ‘Mate’ (Argentine tea) when they noticed sometime strange over some nearby fields. They noticed something white flying through the air and as they looked at area through the camera zoom lens they were stunned to see that the floating or flying object was actually a cow, and on top of the cow about 30 meters above it, there was a hovering metallic disc-shaped craft. It was clear to the witnesses that the craft appeared to be ‘absorbing’ the cow up into it. Suddenly and inexplicably both the cow and the object vanished in plain sight of the witnesses who managed to film the bizarre sequence of events. According to them the cow was not moving and appeared to be either asleep or paralyzed. According to locals mutilated cows had been found in the past in the region.

HC addendum
Source: Daysee Moreira & Blas Kolev, Vision Ovni, CEFORA
Type: G!
Following is still images of the incident:



Location. Cecina, Maremma, Italy
Date: September 6 2009
Time: 0530a
The witness had been camping in the woods with some friends and had gotten up early for a jogging session. It was still dark and windy as he ran on a wide dirt road along the entire length of the pinewoods. Suddenly the inner peace achieved through the benign influence of the surrounding nature was suddenly broken by something strange. He realized that in front of him (about 40 meters away) there were strange lights placed at a height of about 2 meters. At first he thought it could be streetlights, placed along the side street leading from the beach to the coast road outside the pine forest. But something was not right. Within a few seconds he suddenly stopped running and once he stopped he noted with great amazement that something very close to 2 circular phosphorescent green eyes were coming toward him in a straight line. Quite surprised by the unusual phenomena the witness now began hearing a strong buzzing sound similar to that generated by an electrical field. Turning around in the opposite direction he started running at a fast rate, occasionally looking back at the green ‘light source’. By now the green eyes had disappeared, however at about 2km from the site of the original encounter the witness again saw the same or similar eyes this time ahead of him, approaching him in the same mode. Not knowing what to do and quite agitated by the situation he embarked on a different path that took him to the beach area. All arriving at the beach, he looked back to the source of the greenish eyes and noticed a reddish yellow glow similar from those of a car’s break lights, it seem to vanish up into the trees in a wisp. The witness then continued on the path towards the sea in the direction of Marina di Cecina. Feeling safe now but fascinated by the full moon reflecting on the ocean and from the rising sun that was about to break over the pine-trees, he paused to take a couple of photos with his cellphone. It was already 620am. He then took the path back to the Cenina camping grounds. He walked a short distance until he came across two ‘people’ taken a bath on the seashore. This image of simple people trying to cool down seemed to be quite natural, if not for the particular elements in those two figures that led to a screeching halt to the witness’s progress. Initially filled with the comfort of finally encountering company, in the next moment he was seized by a mood of anxiety and dismay noting from about 35-40 feet away the bizarre features of the two ‘people’. He first noticed that their stature and body proportions were similar to those of children of 5 to 7 years of age. But these were not normal children, the sun reflected on the back of their smooth shiny gray heads. The two creatures suddenly ran out of the water in a disorderly way keeping their arms dangling forward so disjointed and lacking of harmony, as if they were fractured and out of control, the witness could only compare their movements to monkeys. Their bodies were thin and fingers twice as long as normal humans. At this point blinded by fear but lucid enough to distinguish their forms for a few interminable seconds (about 10 seconds) the witness’ instinct took over and he turned around to ‘escape’ the fear of the unknown. He ran for about five minutes until he came across a gentleman walking his dog, at this point the witness was able to breathe a sigh of relief. Later the witness returned to the strip of sand where he had seen the tow little gray men and found hundreds of strange footprints which he photographed with his cellphone. He found different types of prints, some clearly belonging to the little men and others to larger creatures. He also found three small ‘bunkers’ male out of stone and sticks of woods, placed side by side and about five feet each, reminiscent of the Celtic megalithic dolmen type constructions in Britain and Scotland. (Unknown if this might be related to the encounter with the strange creatures).

HC addendum
Source: http://igu.freeforumzone.leonardo.it/discussione.aspx?idd=8985348
Type: E

Location. Western New York (exact location not provided)
Date: September 9 2009
Time: 2330
The witness was brushing his teeth as hid did nightly; he has a small bathroom with a single window that’s usually open. Its about 10 to 15 feet from the ground. He was brushing his teeth when suddenly he heard something that scared the “Bejesus” out of him. It sounded like something had hit the window screen, trying to get in. He was a bit shaken, but he had to take a look to wait for whatever it was to come back. So he stared out the window. Suddenly, the biggest ‘bat’ he’d ever seen in his life hit the screen. It had at least a six-foot wingspan. Overall its body had to be as large as a soccer ball. He got a clear look at it as it bombarded his window several times, eating the insects that wee attracted to the bathroom’s light coming from the window (the witness assumes). Running from the bathroom to the living room, the witness opened his sliding glass door and turned on his flood lights. When he turned on those lights the enormous bat took right off after hitting the screen again.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—October 2009
Type: X
Comments: Unorthodox growth in creature

Location. Near Wilbur, Washington
Date: September 12 2009
Time: 0300a
A mother and daughter went outside to see a bright object much like a plane when seen head on in the sky near the mountains (however there were no running lights or noise). They were watching it when it suddenly moved at a very high rate of speed directly towards them, covering 25 miles in seconds. They were terrified. It stopped at the edge of town, which is only 3 blocks away and hovered perhaps 200 ft above the ground. It was very bright, very menacing, silent, shaped like an orb with spikes coming out and seemed to have a companion light under it to one side. They were very scared. They ran into the house and they peeked out a window and it stayed in position for about 2 hours. At one point the father watched the light blink out, only to go back to the window later and see it was back. They turned on all the lights in the house, locked the doors and windows, brought in the cat and huddled in the living room afraid to sleep. At about 3am the daughter went to the kitchen window over the sink. That side of the house is very dark with no outdoor light and a large tree in the yard. She turned off the lights, pulled back the curtain and screamed. She saw a gray shape, about 4ft tall, gray colored from top to bottom, of an approximate human form moving rapidly across the yard from south to north.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com/
Type: D
Comments: On July 15 2009 at 0230a the father was awakened by the sound of helicopters. He went to the windows and saw a Black Hawk helicopter flying due N-NW a minimum height. There were the lights of other copters already ahead of the one he heard. As he watched, in about 2 minutes another came over in the same straight direction. He counted out 2 minutes and another and then another came over in the same straight direction. He watched as they began an intense search at about 10-15 miles north of town. The copters set up a perimeter, with one at each corner of a grid and the others began moving east to west and west to east. The entire time he watched there was a sound in the air of a very low decibel hum, which made a kind of whum, whum sound. He watched for about one and a half hours and then went to sleep. Two days later his daughter witnesses several strange events. She was driving home from a movie at about 2330 on the 17th she witnessed a black helicopter flying out of the direction of town. When she reached home she got out of the car and heard the whum whum noise and noticed a strange glow in the North-North East emitting pulses almost like heat lightning, but it had a 1-2-3 rhythm. The pulsing and hum went on all night. About 4 days later the daughter was out walking, it was a calm day, no wind, no storms, when suddenly she heard the hum again and was hit by a sudden blast of air that rushed past her. One night the daughter again noticed the pulsing lights, she went out onto the porch to sit and watch as it was only a few miles out of town in the north. Suddenly a helicopter emerged from the glow and skirted the edge of town. A few minutes later she started to gag, stumbled into the house calling out to her mother. She was overcome by an intense smell of something very pungent, very acrid, and metallic. They ran around the house and closed all the windows and doors.

Location. Stow, Ohio
Date: September 14 2009
Time: 2215
The witness, who wishes to remain anonymous, was driving to work, northbound on Hudson Drive. As the witness drove under the RT8 overpass bridge, just north of the Hudson Drive Applebee’s Restaurant, he sighted a 9-10’ tall solid black entity standing on the southbound side of the road. No discernible head or facial features noticed. Duration 5-10 seconds, distance approximately 15-20’ from his vehicle. The witness had the feeling that the entity was watching him and was “there” for him only. No other vehicles/persons present during sighting. Immediately after turning his head back to the road, he looked in rearview mirror, and the entity was no longer visible. He did not see entity depart or disappear. The witness became extremely upset and scared. He felt that he paled, and his eyes began to water uncontrollably. His first thought was to turn around and ago home, calling off of work. He tried to call his wife at home, but his cellphone would not work, either from the programmed address book, or manual input calling. He kept getting “call failed”, which had never happened before. The cellphone continued to be affected all the way to the I-271 entrance ramp, approximately 8-10 miles up the road. Other than the uncontrollable watering of the eyes, no other physiological or physical effects were noted on the witness. The following day on his way home, as he neared the RT8 overpass, this time driving over the bridge he went under the day before, as he approached the bridge area, his eyes began to water uncontrollably once again, as he drove over the bridge his eyes continued to water, until he passed beyond the bridge, then his eyes began to clear up again.

HC addendum
Source: http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2009/
Type: E
Comments: Modern day Mothman type entity report?

Location. Casper, Wyoming
Date: September 23 2009
Time: 0245a
The witness had left the dog out on the backyard and looked up at the stars like he always did. He notices that part of the sky was blacked out and at first it didn’t register why. Then he noticed the windows in the craft and two people or beings looking right at him. They were so close that he could see that one was wearing a baseball style cap or what appeared to be one. The being waved at the witness as it passed over. The witness was so stupefied to do anything but sit there and watch. He could hear a buzz of some kind and thought that it “must be an Air Force recon ship”.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.universeofmystery.com/ufo-sightings/
Type: A

Location. Indiana, exact location not provided
Date: September 26 2009
Time: evening
The main witness’s church was on a forest retreat and they were staying in a small building in the center of the forest. They decided that evening to go out and play in the forest with the children, so they came up with a game to play. It was like police: the kids were the police and they would pick an adult to be the hostage. So when they began the game, they had to find the adult hiding in the forest in the middle of the night. So they start going around the back of the building and they spotted a tall figure. It had to have been at least six feet tall. It was running toward the trees where there was a small open area with tall grass that goes up to your knees. It ran with its arms on its sides, but it stopped at the edge of the tall grass, as if to wait for the witnesses to get closer. They chased after it, thinking it was the adult. When they were finally a few yards away, it dove into the grass and started to crawl very fast, almost snake-like. At this point the witnesses became frightened, but stood there staring at it. When it got across the tall grass, it began to climb a tree. It looked somewhat like a deformed cat-like animal when it was climbing. Then a few moments later a kid yelled, “I see him!” and was pointing in an opposite direction. They then saw a similar figure running a couple of yards away, so they chased it. But it then vanished behind a tree. There were at least 15 witnesses to the bizarre creatures.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—October 2009
Type: E
Comments: A bit weirder than your ‘typical’ Bigfoot creature report.

Location. California (exact location not given)
Date: September 30 2009
Time: 2150
At 1500 the witness was watching his cat in the yard from inside the house, looking out a sliding glass door. He was looking out into a field and then looked straight up. His ears went flat and his eyes were big and he ducked down and quickly ran to a tree to climb but stopped halfway looking up all around. At that moment the witness saw a reflection of a black oval (off a camper shell window in the driveway) moving away to the left. The witness has tall trees all around the house but only the sky can be seen in the reflection. He went and picked up the cat and he was trembling and shaking. Later that night at exactly 2150 he went outside to feed the cat, as he stepped out of the door he saw something flashing colorful lights just off the porch steps in the yard no bigger than a baseball. It was very dark and he took 2 steps towards it and noticed that it was being held by “something” about 1 to 2 feet tall. The witness was startled and he jumped back and at the same time the “thing” was startled also and dropped the flashy object and ran away very fast. The witness looked where “it” dropped the bright object because it was right in front of his pumpkin patch. He heard it hit the ground and later believes it bent a pumpkin leaf stem. There was nothing there. He was terrified by then and ran inside his home to collect himself.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: D?

Location. Spring Lake Park, Minnesota
Date: October 2009
Time: 0530a
The witness was driving to work past Spring Lake when he approached a stop sign; he got a clear view of the lake. From the stop, to the lake, its maybe 20 yards. He looked over and crouched down next to the lake were two figures. At first he didn’t think anything of them, but as he went through the stop, one of the creatures stood up and looked at him. He pulled over and stared at it. They looked like two large ‘mutant bears’, but muscular and had human features. He could see fingers with claws. Its face was human-like, but with a snout. After watching for a good minutes, the second creature stood up. The witness then drove away at high speed.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—April 2010
Type: E

Location. Near Churchville, New York
Date: October 2009
Time: evening
The main witness, ‘Paul’, (involved in other encounters), while hunting with friends on a farm three miles from his house, came across a creature standing in the woods, Paul described it as being three feet tall with white skin, black almond shaped eyes with no whites, a small nose, and very thin lips. To his amazement the creature looked almost human. It was wearing a green camouflage hunting cap. Paul’s hunting buddies were turned away from it at the time, so he was the only one that witnessed the creature before it vanished. Paul thinks the creature may have been some sort of human alien hybrid, but cannot explain why it was wearing a hunting cap.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.unexplainable.net/
Type: E

Location. Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
Date: October 2009
Time: night
After dinner and some drinks (they were not intoxicated) a husband and wife went outside the club to go their car, when they husband noticed what looked like someone standing near a fire escape across the street. At first he didn’t pay much attention until his wife pointed out how ‘peculiar’ the man looked. His face seemed somewhat obscured by shadows, but he was about 7 feet tall, slender and in a black suit. It felt like he was watching them. That was their cue to leave quickly, the wife was a little shaken up and the husband was somewhat rattled. Then as they were not even 10 minutes away from their house they saw the same tall man in the black suit standing on the sidewalk. The witness headlights briefly shone across the stranger’s face, but he had no features. Not looking back the witnesses sped away from the area. The couple does not discuss the incident for a week until she was woke up by a nightmare one night. In it, the skinny, faceless man, hovers into their room and fiddles around with something in their nightstand, takes something and leaves. The husband gets up and investigates and finds 20dollars missing from his wallet (!).

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—March 2010
Type: E
Comments: A thieving humanoid?

Location. North Miami Beach, Florida
Date: October 10 2009
Time: night
The witness lives in a condo by a bay called Maule Lake. Two days prior to the sighting there was a large white light shining up from the water like a spot light. The center of the light would have been about 4-5 feet in diameter. Two days later there appeared in the water seemingly from nowhere five “beings” sort of potato shaped standing on top of the water or so it seemed. The witness was about 150-200 feet from them by the pool. It was a clear calm night. After about 12-13 minutes a helicopter came to the east about 300 feet away flying about 100 feet above the houses at a very high rate of speed with a very intense spot light shining down directly under it. It circled twice and then flew off. After this the figures seemed to fade away.

HC addendum
Source: http://skyscan.org/
Type: C or D?

Location. Cold Hesledon, Durham, England
Date: October 10 2009
Time: night
A couple walking on a lane leading away from the Pemberton Arms, encountered a seven foot tall, black man-shaped figure with glowing red eyes. The couple watched it for around fifteen seconds before it screamed and dropped from view.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.paranormaldatabase.com/reports
Type: E

Location. Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania
Date: October 12 2009
Time: 0900a
A young child that had been playing around his backyard all morning first heard strange rustling sounds outside and then noticed that all the branch piles and leaves he had set up and been rearranged and piled differently. He rearranged his setup again and then walked around the house for about 15 minutes. He then came to his backyard to go back to his ‘fort’ and saw at his branch piling site a little human-like creature. He noticed that it was piling sticks in the piling site for him—perfect four inch around and four foot across sticks. The little man was climbing trees and snapping out branches. The witness gasped as it nimbly hopped out of trees and dropped sticks onto the pile. The creature was about 4 ft tall with a hunch on his back and covered with brown hair all over. He had such long hair that it covered everything on its body, however its hands had no hair and they were white. He saw no visible nose but black beady eyes. The creature walked like a monkey. Stunned, the young witness stood rooted to the spot. Suddenly his legs felt ice cold and he ran away, trembling. As he ran, his legs heated up and felt like they were on fire. The witness locked himself in his room with his Golden Retriever and both fell asleep, but soon woke up to the sound of rustling leaves outside his window. He cracked open his shutter and saw the strange creature racing through the leaves, bouncing up and down, and speeding around in circles. It took a handful of leaves and threw them in the air as it danced under the decaying shower. The witness’s dog growled and the creature stopped ‘dancing’, rooted to its spot. It looked shame-faced at the messed up leaf pile and slouched away. The witness watched as it made its way to the woods, it then hopped nimbly into the trees and gathered sticks, it then laid them on a pile and suddenly noticing the witness, and it straightened up and grinned at him with crooked, rounded, stubby teeth. It waved its left foot at the witness, as if in a greeting and then disappeared into the treetops.
For the next few days, it left the witness sticks until the witness’s mother saw it and screamed in terror. The witness had started leaving the creature grapefruit halves which it ate gratefully. But after the incident with the witness mother it peeped through its shutters and then never returned.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—February 2010
Type: E
Comments: Weird

Location. La Pampa province, Argentina
Date: October 20 2009
Time: 2000
The 65 year old female witness (involved in a previous encounter) had briefly stepped into her house to say goodbye to her nephew when she saw a strange creature standing in her living room. In a courageous move the woman walked to a nearby table in the intent to obtain a camera that she had there. After she grabbed the camera and turned around to obtain the photo the creature suddenly placed one of his hands on the witness’s forearm and at that same moment the witness seemed to loose all strength and fell to the ground. According to her family she remained in a semi-conscious state from 15 to 20 minutes. She was then able to call her son on her cellphone and when he came over she was found sitting on a chair and the camera lying on the floor. Strange palm prints were found on the witness forearm. A small dog that always accompanied the witness was found hiding under the sofa in a state of shock. Within hours the marks on her forearm changed color and the next day they had blistered, the witness popped the largest blister and a strange yellowish liquid oozed out in great quantity. She described the being as about 2meters in height, with a very thin built ‘but with great energy’. The creature’s eyes seemed sunk in into its face, the nose was flat ‘like an ape’ and the mouth was just a thin line. The creature’s skin was grayish-green in color and wrinkled. She felt that the creature had five fingers on each hand. Strangely, and according to the witness the creature gave out an aura of ‘tenderness’. The witness had the same or similar being back in November 2007 at the same location.

HC addendum
Source: http://ceufo.blogspot.com/2009
Type: E

Location. Idaho, (exact location not given)
Date: October 23 2009
Time: 0500a
The night before the witness had been noticing many “shooting stars” in the sky and counted 24 of them. Tonight he was watching on his backyard porch when he saw a red shining object suddenly appear and move over the house. So he ran to the front door and watched it until it stopped and then another shining star-like light began blinking on and off. Then the red object would do the same, and as he watched the star-like object moved over the red object and they both disappeared. Later he awoke around 05:00 to smoke a cigarette and hoping to see more ‘shooting stars’. Suddenly he felt fearful and although it was dark outside he saw something like the shape of a human in the backyard where the tall weeds and a small fence were located. The human shape was rather tall and what frightened him the most was that it was coming in his direction and it looked like a dim light was outlining its shape. As it moved closer it did not disturb the weeds as it moved through them. Frightened the witness quickly ran back into the house and shut the door. He was unable to go back to sleep.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com/
Type: D?

Location. Barrio Sintonia de la Cumbre, Capilla del Monte, Argentina
Date: November 2009
Time: night
Several young witnesses hanging out at a local plaza (Plaza Fatima) reported being approached on several occasions by short dwarf-like beings, about 1m in height, wearing black pants, white shirts, with large feet and using quick “aggressive movements”. According to some of the witnesses the “dwarves” approach witnesses and ask for ‘cigarettes’ if refused they would hit the unsuspecting witness. Allegedly one of the witnesses reportedly committed suicide after encountering the strange entities. They have been seen several nights in a row. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Proyecto Catent, Capilla del Monte Argentina
Type: E?

Location. Punta Gorda, Florida
Date: November 3 2009
Time: 0125a
At first the witness saw two pairs of lights near their backyard over empty lots that are wooded. The lights seemed to dance and moved between trees and brush. Once he stepped out and they both pointed directly at him as if the lights were mounted on a helmet or head. The lights were amber in color and round. On October 25 at 2130 the witness saw strange lights moving through wooded areas near her residence, they were moving in and out of the tree coverage. Sighting lasted about 1 minute and video was taken of the event. One light was due west about 300 yards from his property. October 29 she noticed lights in the sky, in the eastern horizon. The first light traveled in from the sky at about a 45 degree angle and stopped suddenly. About a minute later a second light streaked in from the south and also stopped suddenly. At about this time he started taping the event. About 2 to 3 minutes later the third light came in from the north and streaked in, in three separate bursts of speed. Once all three lights were in a triangle formation they seemed to instantly inch towards the ground. The formation of lights then seemed to quickly shift a few degrees instantly. His wife also witnessed this and quickly went back into the house. At first he could hear a helicopter approaching from the south, the helicopter seemed to approach the formation of lights between him and the lights. The helicopter also flew directly over his house and circled the house after he pointed the camcorder at it. The objects eventually went up slowly and started to separate and disappeared over a long period of time. The helicopter returned the next night but flew in one direction. On the date in question the witnesses heard noises in the backyard, the witness and his son in law went outside and they could hear noises and branches breaking. The son in law pointed his flashlight in the direction of the shrubs and they saw what looked like a pale white skinny arm grasping a branch. It seemed to hide from the light but they could still see the hand and part of the arm. They froze and went into a sort of shock and returned to the house quickly and did not go back outside. The hand seemed to have a total of four digits, 3 fingers and one thumb, and the center finger was longer than the other two fingers. The skin was pale gray.

HC addendum
Source: http://skyscan.org
Type: D?

Location. Newport Beach, California
Date: November 4 2009
Time: 2330
The witness was coming off the exit for the 133 road connector, and while stopped at the light he saw a group of three large, four-legged creatures dash out from the trees along the road. He started second-guessing himself and tried to convince himself he was seeing things. He made the left turn at the light, and while the speed limit was still 40 mph at this part, he looked up and ‘almost peed his pants’. Those three beasts were running upright. The ‘wolves’, which seems to be the most logical guess, were about 6.5ft tall and looked like they easily weighed 250-275 pounds each. They had snouts and mouths that almost could be expressive (being able to smile/frown) and the fur was dark, although there wasn’t enough light to tell if it was dark brown or black. He was going at 45 mph and the giant ‘wolves’ were keeping up with ease. He then literally put the pedal to the metal and sped up to 70. He was sweating profusely and having a panic attack. As he sped up to 70, the wolves stopped following him, considering he was about to enter a high-traffic part of the road. The wolf-like creature at the front seemed to stop on a dime and watch him drive off. He did not hear any howls before or after the sighting.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—December 2009
Type: E

Location. Glasgow, Scotland
Date: November 16 2009
Time: 2130
The witness was walking his dog at the Oval in Prestwick and was aware of a strange tension in the air and his hair began to stand on end, beneath the many layers he was wrapped up in because of the winter weather. His Alsatian dog began to cower in fear of some unseen object overhead, and began to pull on its leash. He was suddenly very lightheaded and saw several different combinations of flashing lights above him. He woke up outside the swimming pool in Prestwick six hours later, his eyes bloodshot and with an orange liquid coming from his nose. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Filer’s Files quoting Mufon CMS
Type: G
Comments: It appears to be a possible unexplored abduction event.

Location. Mount Pleasant, Banks County, Georgia
Date: November 20 2009
Time: morning
The witness arrived on a sunny morning to his isolated cabin, located at the end of a dirt road behind a small stand of trees. Much of the area is forested. He was greeted by a very old woman who told him that he lived alone, but would like to take out an insurance policy on her cabin (the witness is an insurance salesman). He needed to inspect the place and take some pictures, as is routine before offering a contract. He was walking around to the shed outside when he saw a totally hairy and muscular biped of some sort stacking wood. This creature wore no clothes, but had very long hair covering its entire body. It had a black nose and very large eyes and a mouth very much like a human being, but not quite. It was hard at work stacking wood and did not seem to notice him. It was also no bigger than around 3-foot, 5 inches tall, maybe less. It was however, very plump and wide. It made a grunting sound as it worked. It seemed very strong. The stunned witness who was accompanied by the elderly woman, asked her what on earth the creature was and she casually replied that it was a “woods helper” and that many of the county’s old-timer residents had one from time to time to help them with tasks that they were too old to handle. These ‘woods helper’ only asked for food and some drink. The woman also explained that they drank only beer (!) and never seemed to be drunk or disorderly. She said that everybody knew about them, but that not many people liked to talk about them. He got one more look at the creature before he drove off. It was moving rocks into a runoff ditch this time.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—January 2010
Type: E

Location. Miami, Florida
Date: November 20 2009
Time: between 2000 & 2100
The witness, Brenda (involved in other encounters) was watching television when a gray figure appeared in the window by her chair. She does not know if there any missing time. It is seven feet from the top of the being’s head to the ground by the window. Since this sighting Brenda has been counting steps to her mailbox (?).

HC addendum
Source: http://skyscan.org/brenda.htm
Type: E

Location. Laugharne, Wales
Date: November 22 2009
Time: midnight
While on holiday at Laugharne Park, close to the estuary, a lady observed a pale skinned, red headed woman moving across the park, although the way the entity’s green and blue clothing flowed, appeared to be moving through water. The woman smiled before vanishing.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.paranormaldatabase.com/reports
Type: E
Comments: Apparitional entity or water nymph?

Location. Near Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Date: November 28 2009
Time: 1030a
The witness was driving to Al Ain (located 135km from Abu Dhabi) when he stopped his car for a break, strangely his car radio stopped playing and only emitted a strange ‘tune’. He had his camera with him so he took a few pictures of the desert. There was a fence to keep civilians out of desert (strange) but he jumped the fence to take few pictures and started walking towards a sand dune. Suddenly he spotted something, which at first he thought was a plane, and then he saw this thing moving very fast and suddenly stop. It then came closer to the witness and at this point he couldn’t move his body and his camera was still in his hand, but he couldn’t move anything. His head and eyes were fixed on the object. When it came a bit closer the witness saw that it was round in shape with no windows, and ‘sand’ in color. It hovered about 50 feet away from the witness and began to spin rapidly. The witness then fell to his knees as he felt “waves” coming from it and had a strong headache. The object moved again and then suddenly changed into a triangular form and started moving slowly away. When the object vanished in the distance the witness was able to move again. Since the incident the witness has suffered from headaches, had really strange dreams in which he sees shapes, (circles, triangles, etc) he then sees numbers and possibly equations. In the dream he then sees a place where there are big clouds and explosions and strange circles that appear to be connected to the Earth. The witness also alleges he has become sort of clairvoyant as he is able to experience the feelings of people, animals and even trees. He says he is having difficulty coping with the whole situation.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: F?

Location. Australia (exact location not given)
Date: December 2009
Time: night?
A mother outlines a recent event experience by her son (involved in other encounters). He was shown a ‘van’ and he got inside as there was no feeling of fear present. All 5 beings were ‘Asian’ in appearance. The two at the controls did not once turn to him so he did not see their actual faces. The ‘van’ changed from, it turned into a ship of some sort. He was taken straight up at a speed that made his stomach feel like he was on a lift. He was, in seconds, looking down at the earth from space. He was then taken to another location where they ‘hovered’ over the surface of the planet. He saw other beings on this planet and they were destroying what was on it. He remembers feeling confused as these beings had ships hovering over the surface also and, were visibly, technically advanced…so he could not understand why they would be using brute force…to attack in such manner. He does not remember what they looked like only that they had a type of ‘scale’ and were colored. He was not at all scared as he said he just knew that the ship he was in was more advanced and that the beings could not harm them at all. He was then taken to a much larger ship where, the one he was on was ‘docked’. He remembers asking if he could operate one of the smaller ships. He was informed that they still had ‘laws’ to follow as far as the ships were concerned but if he stayed in the immediate vicinity, he can have permission. (!) He did, when he came back and got out, he said he just wanted to go again and they allowed him to do so. They were in the ship together again and he was asked if he would be an ‘ambassador’ to the earth for their introduction. They then did something that amazed him, they changed his form! They said that the people on earth respond better to a form that is very pleasing. He could then see himself changed. He said he was very slender (stocky in normal appearance) he had on a suit and his face was quite handsome. He told his mother that he did not feel good about any of that and refused to take a new form. They were compliant and told him that he is able to have only that one form, if he agreed…no other. He doesn’t recall anything after that as he must have been brought back.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: G?

Location. Napadovka, Ternopol region, Ukraine
Date: December 2009
Time: night
In an area where numerous domestic and farm animals, including rabbits had been found mutilated and drained of blood, a man walking back home at night reported seeing a strange white kangaroo creature cross a road in front of him. There were also reports of attacks in nearby villages. The area was hit by another mutilation wave last year. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: http://rus.newsru.ua/ukraine/30dec2009/4upakabra.html
Type: E

Location. Texas (exact location not given)
Date: December 5 2009
Time: afternoon
The witness was outside taking his dog out for a walk in a rural area when a silver disc with a glow (no other lights) descended and hovered just above the ground. A platform lowered beneath the UFO and 3 beings walked out. They did not look like the “typical grays” they walked like humans but were smaller. They were too far away to see any details, but it was obvious they were not ‘your typical gray’. His dog was going crazy and wanted to run towards them, but he grabbed its collard and put on the leash. He did not have a camera or his phone with him. Once he got the dog under control he ran as fast as he could back home to grab a cellphone or camera. However by the time he got back outside, there was nothing in the field. His dog didn’t even sense anything anymore.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: B

Location. Miami, Florida
Date: December 8 2009
Time: night
The witness, Brenda (involved in other encounters) was looking out her living room window at steely gray clouds when she saw a circular metallic craft that blended into the clouds but still was discernable. Whenever Brenda closes her eyes she sees a humanoid image with a square jaw, thick neck and sharp angles on the jaw, chin and cheeks.

HC addendum
Source: http://skyscan.org/brenda.htm
Type: F?

Location. Near Monahans, Texas
Date: December 11 2009
Time: night
The main witnesses were having a family/friends get together to celebrate a birthday. During the celebration two of their nephews and a nice came tearing into the house, screaming at the top of their lungs, saying that a plane crashed in one of the adjacent pastures. The witness, his brother and 3 others walked outside to see what was causing the ruckus. They didn’t see anything out of the ordinary except for a strange burning smell that smelled like burning mesquite, they didn’t think anything of it since it was kind of nippy and someone could have been burning some wood in their fireplaces. They asked the children to show them where they saw the ‘plane’ go down and they walked over to the place they pointed to. The first thing they noticed was that all the dogs in the area were going crazy. They were barking up a storm, like they were all seeing the same thing.
The area is a pretty much rural community and many of the houses are set on large plots of land, usually 4-5 acres per house. Although they could see the houses of many of their neighbors and they do have traffic on the road, you do get a feeling of being all to yourself out here. Some of the houses are over run by wild mesquite trees, only a small portion of the land surrounding their house is cultivated and cleared out. Beyond the stand of trees runs a small barbed wire fence that separates them from their neighbors, who they could see were home from the lights in the house. They walked around the edges of the trees, not wanting to really go into the stand at night. Even though it was technically winter, there could be rattlesnakes seeking shelter in amongst the trees, not to mention that mesquite trees have some wicked thorns that protrude from them which are razor sharp and quite capable of punching through a pair of jeans or boots. As they looked around they started noticing some sort of electrical charge to the very air around them. Almost like the kind you feel when you approach a large electrical substation or a charged and active radio antenna. As they made their way around the trees, one of his brothers noticed some light peeking through the brush. He told him it was probably one of the neighbors leaving or coming home. He promptly told him that it couldn’t be headlights because the light seemed too defused and not as concentrated as a car’s headlight. They moved around as they cleared the stand of trees and were shocked to see an oval-shaped object hovering maybe 4-5 feet off the ground. They stood there in total shock and awe. As they stood there watching the object hover without any sound, the witness noticed that it was perhaps about 30-40 feet from front to back, it was maybe the same dimensions all around. The object seemed to be of a highly polished material that reflected the area around it. The reflection of the distant street light from the surrounding neighbor’s properties seemed to reflect off the surface of the object. There was also a small dull glow to the object, barely noticeable unless you were really looking, almost like an aura of sorts, an iridescent blue of sorts. As they stood in total shock, his brother next to him expressing disbelief, they saw two strange looking ‘men’ appear from around the object. They at first didn’t notice the witnesses, they were busy running around and gathering objects from the ground, and from the trees. They looked to be about the size of his oldest nephew, about 4 feet tall, but they looked very thin, like they had no meat on their bones. Their heads were large and their arms were long, thin and hung down around their knees. About this time the witness’s two nephews came walking behind them (startling the witnesses) they saw the object and the strange ‘men’ and in a voice that only a kid can project, screamed out loud ‘What are those things!”
That’s when the creatures turned and noticed them. The sight of the creatures was something that will ‘aunt the witness until the day he dies’. They turned and looked right at them. Their eyes were large, almost like the eyes of a praying mantis, except they were jet black and wrapped around their heads. The two creatures looked at them for about 7 seconds, without the slightest of movement and then they calmly walked around the craft, one right after the other. They disappeared behind the craft and they never saw them again. A few seconds later the craft silently lifted up, no rush of wind, not even a swaying of the nearby branches of a mesquite tree. It rose quietly and hovered about 40 feet from the ground, and shot out like a bat out of hell. As it zoomed away, it started glowing and made it easier to track as it zoomed away getting higher and higher until it faded away. The witnesses stood there in complete silence when finally one of them said that they should call the police, but they decided to cancel the idea. Some of the witnesses refused to talk about the incident later.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: C

Location. Hugo, Oklahoma
Date: December 12 2009
Time: 1600
The witness mother was sitting on the living room couch talking with her husband and her 8-year old son was in the front yard when she saw flickers of an orange glow reflecting off a box on the porch, through the living room window. She opened the door to see what it was when she saw her son standing past the end of the east side of the house, staring at the porch. She asked him what he was doing and what was going on. He walked quickly over to her and proceeded to tell her what he saw. He was crying and shaking and very scared. He said he saw a dark figure with really big, dark eyes, with an orange glow all around it. He said it looked like it was floating just a little off the ground, came from behind her car and went next to the house and turned and looked at him. He said it then floated higher, and was about the height of the Christmas lights hanging on the porch. He said it looked at him. He slightly turned his head and closed his eyes briefly because he was scared. When he looked back it was gone. He said whatever he saw was about as tall as he is (about 4 feet). He said he couldn’t see its legs and its arms appeared to be straight down beside its body. He said its face was very dark and its eyes were really big and a slightly different color than the face. He said it glowed all around it. The mother estimated that her son had been 40 to 50 feet from the entity, given where he was and where he said he saw it. They have dogs in the back, but they did not bark at all. However when she called her husband out to tell him what happened and to look for it, her small house dog came out and immediately started smelling the ground where her son said the entity had been floating.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Connecticut (exact location not given)
Date: December 17 2009
Time: 530a
The witness suddenly woke up when he heard a boom from outside. Scared he sat up and saw a white figure in his neighbor’s yard. He thinks that it must be a light or a reflection so he tries to fall sleep again, but it doesn’t work. He thinks about what it could really be, and he surmises that it could be ‘an extraterrestrial’ (!). For 30 minutes he was afraid to get up, so he checked his cellphone which was on the table next to him to check the time. It was now exactly 602a. He sat up again and could now see the figures closer now, so he could make out what they were. He could see that the figures had ‘paper white’ bodies in the distance. As he stared at the figures he could see that the figures ‘blink’ their ‘heads’ on and off, with no particular pattern, as if communicating to one another. Then he sees a third figure appear. One figure was far to left, a short figure in the middle, and a slightly bigger figure to the far right. The orange figure is about twice the size of the other two. He then hears a loud roaring sound in the sky like the wailing of an engine. He thought that it could be their ship’s engine, but he cannot see any object. A little bit later he gets up and looks out the window, he could now see them very clearly. They had two arms, two legs, and heads and on one of them he saw a separate light coming from the one on the far right. It is shaped like a square. They blink their ‘heads’ once again as if in conversation. The witness then turns to his computer to ‘write a report of the event’. He is only 15 years of age and very afraid. He looks out one more time and the figures have by now vanished. He then heard another loud engine sound and then nothing.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: E?

Location. Essex, England
Date: December 22 2009
Time: night
The witness and his grandmother both experienced very realistic and surrealistic ‘dreams’. Both were quite disturbed by the dreams and found it difficult to sleep all night. In his dream he was in a motor home with his parents but it wasn’t outside it was in a large, pitch black room. He opened the door to the motor home to enter the room and he noticed ‘people’. They were dressed just like us, he presumed just ordinary people. However he became very agitated by them and they began to try and enter the motor home, not in a threatening way, they just wanted to go the same place he was going. He started shouting ‘go home’ repeatedly and kicking one that he actually woke himself up by kicking the wall by his bed. While awake his heart was pounding very hard and he couldn’t control it. He didn’t even feel scared by the dream but his heart was aching. His grandmother also had a dream that something was breaking into her house after seeing a brilliant white light in her garden. She then saw a crack in her bedroom wall and she could see a glacier type phenomenon emerging through the crack. She felt as though something was trying to take her away but she resisted. However her cat started acting odd by insisting on jumping on the bed and doing something to her head. She tried repeatedly to throw the cat off the bed but it needed to be doing something near her head.
Both witnesses were woken up around 0300a that night.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com/Strange-dream-t27665.html
Type: F?

Location. De Kalb County, Tennessee
Date: December 25 2009
Time: late night
The witness (involved in other encounters) was about to fall sleep when ‘a small child’ with very white skin appeared in her doorway. She looked at the witness and said mentally, “Come on, Mama, we need you.” She left the bed and entered the living room which then became a very bright light. Then she was in a large room about the size of a football field. This room was oblong in shape with shiny metallic walls and was filled to capacity with more of the strange looking children. Then she was in the center of the room and all the children were taking turns just touching her, stroking her arm, or thigh. They were projecting thoughts of awe, gratitude, and love to her. Many were saying, “thank you for allowing us to be here.” They were very loving, she felt from them just overwhelming gratitude. Later the witness woke up in bed, very cold and tired.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.mysterious-america.net/reality210.html
Type: G
Comments: The hybridization program of the human race coming to fruition?

Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

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