Bigfoot – A Large Brownish Red Creature Ran Across The Road (United States)


About Bigfoot, It is my second encounter, in 1986 a large brownish red creature ran across the road in front of me and (name removed) when he was in the first grade. Apparently he knew where we lived because at night I began to feel I was being watched. About 3 or 4 weeks later, the dogs in the kennel in the Corral barked all night, finally at 3:00am I went out to let the dogs out, everyone in the house was sleeping. I went out, opened the gate, took about 10 steps toward the kennel and he (Bigfoot) screamed (yelled) at me. It was the scariest sound I’ve ever heard, I stopped and said OH Sh–. then I ran to the pen and the dogs passed me running into the house. The next morning I went out to the corral and he had broken a cedar post off that had been set in concrete for 2 years, so I think he left his calling card.

At sundown here, you can go out and hear them hollering to each other. One will yell in one direction and another one will answer him, then another one will answer that one from another direction. So, there here. I have feelings for them, and I’ve learned a lot. I believe this particular one lives underground. I know where. He has to be underground because he lives near people, and hunters are everywhere during hunting season, so I feel he goes underground at day break and comes out at sunset. He gets very frustrated and beats tin on the barn and it sounds like King Kong. My son has had different experiences with Bigfoot also. As for me, I think BF is curious about me, and I think he watched me through the windows when we first moved into this house. This is getting a little long, I’ll write you more later. Think about what you want to do.

Thank you to the witness for their report. Also if all goes OK, I will be interviewing this witness for the Vike Report Radio Show. I know this interview will be something to hear. Making arrangements for this now.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research.



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Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada – VOJ 1ZO

[UFOINFO thanks Brian Vike for passing this report on.]

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