Mar. 30, 1966 Pecos (Texas). An elongated object about 30 m long
and 9 m high was reported to have landed near a high-
way for 5 min. (NICAP Mar., 66)
Mar. 30, 1966 Lexisburg (Indiana). A civilian woman and her four
2035 children observed an oval object crossing the road as
they were driving south about 15 km north of Lexis-
burg. It came close to the car, and a pulsating sound
was heard, increasing in frequency as the object came
nearer, but it seemed to come through the car radio
rather than directly from the object. The witness
drove away in fear, but was followed for 13 km by the
object, whose color suddenly changed from reddish-
orange to bluish-white before accelerating out of sight.
Mar. 30, 1966 Mansfield (Ohio). An anonymous witness saw a
2200 round object with two lights land near the Ohio State
University campus. A door opened and a very thin,
child-sized figure was seen. The object then began to
move torward the witness's car and rose rapidly.
(Gribble Jun., 66)
Mar. 31, 1966 Vicksburg (Michigan). A man driving home saw
0200 lights on the road and discovered a gray,lens-shaped
object hovering at 1 m altitude. It had one intense
white light and three colored flashing lights. Driving
within 2 m of it, he became afraid and backed up, but
the object suddenly flew over and behind him. A noise
similar to that of a swarm of bees was audible. It left
at high speed toward the east. (Personal)
Mar. 31, 1966 San Francisco (California). Two women observed a
0600 large object with a pulsating bluish light on top, an
orange light below, windows, and antennae, resting
in a construction area. Silhouettes could be seen mov-
ing inside, one of them gesturing as the craft took off.
(Gribble Jun., 6)
Mar. 31, 1966 Hamilton (Canada). Charles Kozens, 13, saw two
2115 objects, 2.5 m long, 1.2 m high, with flashing lights,
land near Hamilton. When he tried to touch an
antenna on one of the objects, he received an electric
shock. (FSR 66, 4)
Apr. 01, 1966 Tangier (Oklahoma). A civilian man, 34, was driving
2240 about 10 km south of Tangier when he reached a hill-
top and saw a green object flying north at very high
speed, emitting a shrieking noise and a "heat wave."
The car engine died. The witness noted that the ob-
ject was wider than the road. (Atic)
Apr. 01, 1966 Liberty (Missouri). Darlene Underwood and her
2400 mother saw two starlike objects land in a field. One
of them rose rapidly when a train came into view. It
went behind a hill, while the second one hovered at
tree height with its lights off. When the train had
passed, both objects landed again and two manlike
shadows were seen. Voices shouting in a foreign lan-
guage and what sounded like a pig being butchered
were heard. Light signals. (IIR May., 66)
Apr. 04, 1966 Hague (Florida). A civilian man, 40, saw an object
0605 resting on the ground as he was going to work, less
than 2 km southeast of Hague. It was an elongated
craft, 2 m long, 70 cm high. When he tried to touch
it, the craft left at great speed toward the west. It had
six openings, 10 cm in diameter, and made a "turbine"
noise so loud that the witness had to put his hands
over his ears. After going away for a few meters, it
vanished suddenly. Rain was falling throughout the
observation, which lasted four min. (Atic)
Apr. 05, 1966 Wycheproof (Australia). R. Sullivan was driving to-
ward Maryborough when his headlight beams ap-
peared to "bend" to the right. He then observed a
vertical, conical beam of light in a nearby field, very
white at ground level and rainbowlike up to an alti-
tude of 7 m. Top and bottom diameters: 3 and 1 m
respectively. The object producing the light flew
away. (APRO May., 66)
Apr. 05, 1966 Durhamville (New York). A woman was awakened by
0130 a flash, thought her heater had exploded, but found
everything in order. The next day she was told that a
pulsating, luminous object had flown at very low
altitude over her trailer, circled and left. Three wit-
noises. Low buzzing sound. (Binder)
Apr. 05, 1966 Lycoming (New York). A civilian woman, 42, went
0300 to get a glass of water in her kitchen and saw a spin-
ning object, 3 m in diameter, 6 m above ground near
her house. It departed very suddenly, leaving a trail.
Apr. 05, 1966 Kittery (Maine). A landed object was observed
1900 through binoculars by four persons. It took off,
hovered for a while, and left. (Atic)
Apr. 05, 1966 Alto (Tennessee). Two civilian men stopped to watch
2400 an object hovering above a swamp, tried to follow it,
but it flew awav. They observed that animals (cows,
dogs, horses) were restless in all the areas that the
object crossed. A photographic reconstitution by the
U.S. Air Force showed an oval object, 30 m long,
flying at 5 m altitude, between a high-tension line and
a row of trees. (Atic)
Apr. 07, 1966 Daniels Park (Colorado). Six teenagers reported
2130 strange lights following their car as they left the site
of a picnic in a state of extreme fear. An unknown
man, 2.20 m tall, wearing black clothes, had been seen
passing in front of the shelter entrance and walking
on the roof. (Personal)
Apr. 08, 1966 Norwalk (Connecticut). Mike Dorsey and Gary
0805 Hunt, 12 were walking to school when they saw a
circling object making the sound of humming bees.
They ran for cover, trying to stop a car. The craft re-
sembled an upside-down plate, very smooth, ap-
parently metallic, with a black spot near the rim, a
red light and an antennalike projection, and red and
white lights spinning counterclockwise. Diameter-
2.5 m, height, 1.5 m. Minimum altitude was 2 m, held
for 5 min, with a slight rocking motion. The object
then took off at great speed. (Lor. III 108)
Apr. 11, 1966 Greensburg (Pennsylvania). A civilian man, 43, saw
0000 a well-defined object 5 m above ground, 100 m away.
It showed a flashing red light, rose, was lost in the
fog, then came back at treetop level with a strong
whistling sound. Its shape was that of a cigar, 15 m
long. It had no wings, tail assembly, or wheels. (Atic)
Apr. 12, 1966 Dorchester (Massachusetts). During a power failure
1945 many residents, including Robert Moses and Robert
McCambly, saw an oval object with a dome on top
and lights (red to white to green) around the bottom,
which appeared to land on the roof of the Oliver
Wendelle Holmes grammar school after a series of
maneuvers. (FSR 66, 4)
Apr. 17, 1966 Millersville (Texas). A person in a car saw an oval
object the size of a car follow his vehicle, then cross
the road behind it at 5 m altitude. The object reflected
sunlight. (Atic)
Apr. 18, 1966 Battle Creek (Michigan). An egg-shaped object, 25 m
2210 long, 5 m high, gray-colored, was observed from a
distance of 25 m by a 42-year-old witness driving a car.
The object supported a cockpit with windows and
three rows of lights, emitted red flames, and made the
same noise as a heavy truck on wet pavement. The
object followed the car for some time. (Atic)
Apr. 19, 1966 Bellingham (Massachusetts). Two women saw a
2200 cigar-shaped object, with bright, red lights at both
ends, flying erratically. It made a whistling sound
when moving, was silent when hovering. Minimum
distance: 100 m, length, 20 m. The lights began flash-
ing and the object went down behind some trees when
five planes and a helicopter came over the area. Two
of the aircraft circled the location, then flew on. The
whistling sound was again heard, but the object was
not seen after the departure of the planes. (Personal)
Apr. 19, 1966 Peabody (Massachusetts). A man saw what he
2245 thought was a crashing plane, then observed it was
oval, had white, red, and green lights, flew low over
him, circled, came down with pendulum motion, and
appeared to land on Route 114. At midnight, two men
driving along that route saw a beam sweep the road,
stopped, and saw the object in a field. It was a disk
with a white, a green, and three red lights. The two
reports were independent. (Personal)
Apr. 22, 1966 Bagley (Minnesota). Several people were said to have
1530 observed an object fly at low altitude and land outside
Bagley. Four dwarfs seemed to make repairs, then the
craft flew away. (FS Mar., 67)
Apr. 22, 1966 Beverly (Massachusetts). A child saw a blinding,
2100 multicolored source of light making a buzzing sound
as it flew over the road 15 m away from the house. It
seemed to land in a field near the school. Three adults
came out to calm the child and also saw the object
circling and hovering. They called the police. Two
officers arrived and saw the object appearing to
"dance" with two other craft. All witnesses then ob-
served the arrival of one helicopter and two aircraft,
as the remaining object flew away to the southwest.
Police described the object as plate-shaped when
stationary above the school building. TV reception
was blurred throughout the observation. (Personal)
Apr. 24, 1966 Pedernales River (Texas). Tom M. Lasseter, archi-
0330 tect, was camping near the river when he was awak-
ened by a fluttering sound and observed a glowing
white disk, 7 m in diameter, at treetop level 60 m
away. It had a row of lights. (NICAP May., 66)
Apr. 24, 1966 Ashby (Massachusetts). Two men saw an object dive
1810 within 30 m of their car. It was silent, had a bright
blue light on top, suddenly accelerated, and was lost
to sight toward Mt. Watatic. (Atic)
Apr. 26, 1966 Follansbee (West Virginia). A young man saw a
2330 silent object shaped like two bowls glued together,
30 m altitude, ahead of his car. Estimated diameter:
10 m. He drove away without looking behind. (Atic)
May. 10, 1966 Marisela Caracas (Venezuela). A man observed the
1652 landing of an oval object and two beings, who ame
out of the object through a system of light beams.
They used strange instruments to examine a number
of objects, especially plants. They were 2 m tall, had
oversized heads, appeared bright and "transparent."
Their eyes were slanted, their shoulders very broad.
They wore no apparent weapon, but their belts were
very wide and emitted light rays. They did not touch
anything without first illuminating it with these
beams. They went back aboard their craft "as if car-
ried by the light." (Personal)
May. 10, 1966 Atafona Campos (Brazil). Approximate date. The
2200 crowd at a movie projection panicked, thinking it
was an earthquake, as an unknown object exploded.
According to police, a sulphurous odor and a trace
25 cm deep, 35 cm wide, were noted at the site.
(LDLN 84)
May. 16, 1966 Cordoba (Spain). Manuel Hernandez was coming
back from the fields near Cordoba when he saw a
disk-shaped object land 100 m away. Small beings
resembling "green birds" came out for a few instants,
then took off again. (162)
Jun. 03, 1966 West Point City (Pennsylvania). Two witnesses ob-
2145 served a stationary object 3 m above ground. It had a
diameter of 7 m, lights on top and bottom and smaller
lights at the rim. It flew away very fast to the east.
Jun. 08, 1966 Sandusky Road (Ohio). A civilian man, 43, driving
0645 west between Kansas and Toledo, saw an object ap-
pear out of nowhere. It was cigar-shaped, bright
metallic, and flew low to the northeast. Minimum
distance: 30 m. The object was completely silent, and
the size of an airliner. (Atic)
Jun. 11, 1966 Westport (Connecticut). A civilian who was going
0345 fishing saw an object dive toward his car and hover at
treetop level, stopped and observed it for two min. It
was shaped like two plates glued together, and had a
smaller, oval object on top. It took a 45 (degree)
inclination, rose, made a right-angle turn, and changed
color (white to yellow to blue to green) as it
accelerated. (NICAP)
Jun. 13, 1966 Milan (Michigan). The policeman who had observed
an object over Milan on Mar. 17 saw an unidentified
machine on the ground at a street intersection. He
drove toward it with his headlights illuminating the
object, which took off like an airplane, flying away to
the southeast. Investigation by Selfridge AFB. (Atic)
Jun. 18, 1966 Bar-sur-Loup (France). The Mayor of Bar-sur-Loup,
0345 Leon Barbier, saw a large, round object with yellow
and green lights on a hilltop. (LDLN 89)
Jun. 18, 1966 Le Rouret (France). A truck driver, Mr. Dugelay,
0400 saw a disk-shaped object over Le Rouret. It remained
motionless for five min, then disappeared. Its lights
were alternately red and bluish-green. (LDLN 84;
Jun. 18, 1966 Mount Mitchell (North Carolina). Four campers
2400 saw an object with three flashing red lights land on
the ground 200 m away. It remained there all night,
rose at dawn, was then observed through binoculars
as a red-colored, bell-shaped craft. Broken trees and
other traces were found. (Atic)
Jun. 23, 1966 Hamburg (New York). A 61-year-old civilian woman
2130 was reading when an intense red light illuminated
the ground near her house. She went outside and saw
a lighted object 20 m away 1 m in diameter, which
backed up and flew away "like a bullet." Three other
persons saw it from the next house. (Atic) <*>
Jul. 05, 1966 Chaclacayo (Peru). Several persons reported seeing
a very small creature leaving a luminous trail, quietly
walking along the streets, while children and adults
panicked. (164)
Jul. 11, 1966 Union-Kirkwood (Pennsylvania). Two civilian women
saw a red, luminous object 30 m away in a field. It
had small openings and made a whirring sound.
Length, 30 m; height, 6 m; duration, 90 min. (Atic)
Jul. 13, 1966 Pontedera (Italy). Camillo Faieta, 35, a lineman, was
on duty when a light dazzled him, and he observed
that it came from an object on a small island on the
Emissario Canal. Two little men were seen briefly on
the ground before the departure of the object. There
are four other witnesses. (LDLN 86; FSR 67, 1)
Jul. 17, 1966 Rebouillon (France). Rene Pebre and two others were
0345 driving back from Draguignan when they saw a gray
oval, metallic object, about 5 m long, hovering at
low altitude, about 300 m from them. They noticed
several window-like openings on the craft, which
emitted a light beam. All the dogs in the vicinity
were barking. (GEPA Sep., 66)
Jul. 25, 1966 Vancehars (North Carolina). A man driving between
0200 Greenville and Vancehars saw a glow in the woods
and was followed by the light even at speeds of 170
km/hr. He finally stopped to observe it, but became
afraid when he saw that it came from a pulsating ob-
ject that flew within 100 m of the car, 15 m above
ground. The color changed in sequence, orange to red
to blue to green, and the object wobbled on its axis.
It came within 30 m, then suddenly left straight up.
Jul. 28, 1966 Montsoreau (France). A photographer, Mr. Lacoste,
evening and his wife, saw a red, lighted object cross the sky
and appear to touch the ground. It then rose, hovered,
and disappeared. The next day a wheat field was
found flattened over an area 3 m in diameter, and
covered with an oily substance. (166; Magonia)
Jul. 31, 1966 Erie, Preque-Ile Park (Pennsylvania). Young wit-
2025 nesses reported an object flying erratically and land-
ing 300 m away. It had the shape of a mushroom and
swept the area with a light beam. A strange being,
1.80 m tall, was seen. Police report. (167; FSR 66, 6)
Aug. 01, 1966 Rushville (Indiana). Several young witnesses reported
1945 seeing an unidentified object at low altitude. (Lor.
III 109)
Aug. 06, 1966 Texas. A civilian man and his family observed a dark
1400 object hovering near their isolated house. It had a
square "door" emitting a yellow light. Three children
saw a dwarf through the opening. He was dressed in
shiny black coveralls. The object left slowly with a
soft humming sound. (Atic; Magonia)
Aug. 18, 1966 Barinas (Venezuela). Three hunters, E. Beucomo,
J. Zapata and J. Ramos, observed a strange glow in the
forest and discovered a very large, egg-shaped object,
stationary 2 m above ground. It had large, circular
openings emitting a multicolored light, and it made a
whistling sound. The hunters ran away. (APRO
Sep., 66)
Aug. 19, 1966 Donnybrook (North Dakota). A border patrolman
1650 saw a bright, shiny disk on its edge, 10 m in diameter,
5 m high, floating down the side of a hill, wobbling
from side to side 3 m above ground. It reached the
valley floor, climbed to about 30 m, and moved across
to a small reservoir where it assumed a horizontal posi-
tion. A dome then became visible on top of the disk.
It hovered for one min and seemed about to land less
than 80 m away, but tilted back on edge and flew into
the clouds at high speed. (Atic)
Aug. 20, 1966 Heraldsburg (California). Otto Becker, his son, and
early daughter-in-law woke up to find the whole house
bathed in bright light, and they observed a "six-story"
object at treetop level 60 m away. It gave off rainbow
colors which appeared to pour off its edges "like
water" in a fantastic display. Distinct engine noise
was heard before it took off vertically. Domestic
animals had been greatly disturbed, and the witness
had inflamed eyes for several days. (Gribble Jan., 67)
Aug. 20, 1966 Niteroi (Brazil). A woman called police to report a
luminous object rising and descending on top of a
high hill. When policemen climbed to the site they
found the bodies of two men, electronics technicians
Pereira da Cruz and Viana. The bodies had lead
masks on the upper part of the face. An autopsy failed
to disclose the cause of death. Investigation disclosed
several earlier incidents and an organization to which
these men belonged. (Personal)
Aug. 24, 1966 Minot Air Force Base (North Dakota). An airman
2200 observed and reported by radio a multi-colored light
high in the sky. A strike team was sent to his location
and confirmed the unknown. A second object, white,
was seen to pass in front of clouds. At the radar base,
an object was detected and tracked. The observations
lasted nearly 4 hours and were confirmed by three
different missile sites. Radio interference was noted
by teams sent to locations where the object was some-
times described as hovering at ground level. (Atic)
Sep., 1966 El Campo (Texas). A police officer was driving at
0330 nearly 200 km/h toward the north on Route 71 when
he suddenly saw an object on the road ahead and
another one following his car. The first one looked
like a flaming car and was the size of a 3-story house.
It flew away as the policeman was about to hit it.
Sep. 03, 1966 Texas. Two young witnesses went outside when the
1400 TV set became blurred. They observed a fantastic
spinning light illuminating the house. It came from
an object hovering at the same location as an earlier
sighting (see Case 786). (Atic; Magonia)
Sep. 05, 1966 Texas. A civilian man observed a peculiar light
evening phenomenon and a small figure that appeared to
enter a bedroom. The figure was not seen again.
(Atic; Magonia)
Sep. 07, 1966 Durand (Wisconsin). About 15 km east of Durand,
2000 Mrs. E. Bruns and her two children observed an
elongated object, about 10 m long, with revolving
lights, hovering 1 m above ground and making a
deafening noise. After 30 sec, it tilted and took off.
(APRO Sep., 66)
Sep. 9, 1966 Franklin Springs (New York). A man saw an object
2100 descend from a cloud bank, slow down, and land with
a soft whirring sound. It showed three horizontal
bands of light-blue, red and green. (Personal)
Sep. 13, 1966 Stirum (North Dakota). A child of 11 years saw a
0730 disk-shaped object land near a farm. It had a tripod
landing gear, two red lights, two white and one green
light, and a transparent dome. A businessman from
Gwinner and an Air Force Lt. Col. went to the site
and discovered three traces, apparently left by spher-
ical objects, 18 cm deep, very compact. Radiation
measured at 0.1 milliroentgen (normal). The child
reported that the object "went away so fast that it
vanished." (Atic)
Sep. 17, 1966 Cranes Beach (Massachusetts). Mr. and Mrs. Ron-
0445 ald MacGilvary saw a golden-white, luminous object
resting on the beach, with two bright lights flying in
and out of the craft. It went away after one hour.
(LDLN 88; NICAP Oct., 66)
Sep. 21, 1966 Summerside (Canada). Eight members of the Royal
0630 Canadian Air Force saw a bright object that flew
down at high speed, stopped abruptly, remained at
ground level for 20 min, and flew away straight up.
(NICAP Oct., 66)
Oct. 05, 1966 Potomac (Maryland). A boy saw a disk-shaped object
with a transparent dome and a row of lights, at ground
level. It rose at high speed, emitting a "heat wave,"
and was lost in the clouds. (NICAP Oct., 66)
Oct. 14, 1966 Newton (Illinois). A adolescent first saw a bright
1845 light, then a plate-shaped object hovering near the
house. It took off at high speed, causing static on
the phone as the boy was calling his mother to
describe it. When she came home, she found her son
in a state of shock and the dog hiding in a corner.
Oct. 14, 1966 Fork (West Virginia). James Roberts saw two round
2230 pinkish-red objects on a hillside near his home. He
fled when they took off with a hissing sound emitting
streams of fire. (Gribble Jan., 67)
Nov. 02, 1966 El Campo (Texas). Mrs. Mark deFriend, 32, saw an
evening object at ground level in front of her car on a rainy
night. It would leave the road and fly over the fields
from time to time. The greenish-blue object flew back
in front of the car, then was lost to sight behind some
trees. (168)
Nov. 02, 1966 Parkersburg (West Virginia). W. Derenberger, sales-
1925 man, saw a dark object ahead of him on the road. It
was flat on the bottom and rounded on top. As he
stopped, the object came within 20 cm of the road
surface, and a man of dark complexion, dressed with
a shirt and ordinary trousers, both a shiny blue color,
came out, smiled at the witness who then thought that
he received a message, although no word was spoken.
The message described a hypothetical "other world"
and suggested that the observation be reported to
authorities. The man also promised to return. Several
people who drove by the witness did report seeing a
man speaking to him, as well as a strange vehicle
nearby. (169; FSR 67, 1)
Nov. 17, 1966 Gaffney (South Carolina). Patrolmen A. G. Huskey
0400 and C. Hutchins saw a dark, spherical machine with
a flat rim land near them. Estimated diameter: 7 m.
An opening and a short ladder became visible, and a
small man, dressed in a shiny gold suit, emerged,
came within 6 m of them, and spoke in perfect English
before taking off. (FSR 68, 2)
Nov. 19, 1966 Bavonne (New Jersey). Two local businessmen ob-
0750 served a dark, gray, metallic sphere, from the top of
which projected a dozen "tentacles" over 2 m long,
flying at about 40 m altitude and then coming down
behind a house. It was assumed that it plunged into
the bay, but a search by patrol boats was unsuccessful.
Nov. 28, 1966 El Campo (Texas). Two witnesses observed a dark,
red object land by the side of the road, later follow-
ing their car. (168)
Dec. 30, 1966 Haynesville (Louisiana). A physics professor driving
2015 through a wooded area saw a bright, pulsating glow,
changing from orange to white, in the woods about
1.7 km away. Coming back the next day, he located
traces of burns, and called the Air Force and the Uni-
versity of Colorado. (Personal; Magonia)
Jan. 17, 1967 Romieres (France). A woman walking home saw a
1845 beam of light about 1 m in section sweep the ground
in her direction. It came from a circular, white object
that turned off its main light. She then saw reddish
spots before it vanished entirely. Another witness saw
the phenomenon from a separate location, 2 km
away (LDLN).
Jan. 17, 1967 Freetown (Indiana). F. Bedel, 23, driving on Route
night 135 about 8 km north of Freetown saw a plate-shaped
object with red, yellow, blue, and white blinking
lights, lost control of his car, and ran off the road.
Less than 2 km away, Phil Patton saw an identical
object that came within 30 m of his car. (Lor. III 22)
Jan. 19, 1967 Charleston (West Virginia) Tad Jones, 38, was driv-
0905 ing near Charleston when he saw a large, metal
sphere, about 6 m in diameter, having four legs
equipped with wheels and a very small propeller un-
derneath. Two min later it flew away. (FSR 67, 3)
Jan. 05, 1967 Winsted (Minnesota). A civilian man, 32, driving
0430 to work in his 1964 Chevy truck, had to stop and
inspect the vehicle when its engine stalled. Only then
did he observe an intense light to his right, coming
closer. He saw it land on the road, and locked himself
inside the cabin. The craft settled on a tripod landing
gear; it measured 25 m in diameter and was 10 m high.
Something similar to an elevator came down from
it, and a man dressed in blue coveralls "with some-
thing like a glass fishbowl on his head," of medium
height, seemed to check something and left. (Atic)
Jan. 26, 1967 Coffeen (Illinois). A Methodist minister was driving
2100 on Route 185 near Coffeen when he saw an object,
flat on the bottom, rounded on top, cross the road
silently 100 m away, at low speed. Length, 20 m;
height, 3 m. (Atic)
Jan. 28, 1967 Studham (Great Britain). Children observed "a little
1345 blue man with a tall hat and a beard" that disappeared
in a puff of smoke; they later saw him again, and
heard "foreign-sounding" voices. (FSR 67, 4; Ma-
Feb. 01, 1967 Boadilla del Monte (Spain). Three witnesses inde-
2100 pendently saw a craft emitting light signals land a
few meters away. (LDLN 93)
Feb. 05, 1967 Hilliards (Ohio). A young man heard a strange noise
evening and a barking dog, and saw an egg-shaped object land.
From an elevatorlike shaft came human figures that
placed small spheres around the craft. A man walked
to them and appeared to speak with the entities. The
witness was seen, the creatures tried to abduct him,
and then took off. (NICAP May., 67)
Feb. 11, 1967 Milford (Ohio). Miss Hildebrand, 19, and Michael
0145 McKee fled when they saw a large shiny object off
the road. Returning to the scene with a policeman,
the found broken branches at the site. (APRO Jan.,
Feb. 22, 1967 Chippenham (Great Britain). G. Grammond saw an
night object with flashing red and green lights glide, circle,
and land in a field. He saw it again spinning in the
northeast when he came out with two other witnesses
5 min later. (FSR 67, 4)
Feb. 23, 1967 Linstead (Maryland). Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Weston
1030 were talking on the phone when they were surprised
to hear a very strong sound and saw an object flying
low over their area. A third person saw the object, and
many heard it. The snow was swirling under it. The
object was mushroom-shaped, supported a dome with
a fin, was greenish, and left toward the Severn River.
Feb. 24, 1967 Riachuelo (Chile). Approximate date. An engineer
from Osorno, well-known locally, saw an object touch
down and a strange being, 1.50 m tall, emerge, wear-
ing a transparent suit. He had a very white face and
white hands, a pronounced jawbone, and no apparent
nose. Seeing the witness, he got back inside the ma-
chine, which took off at great speed. (Lor. III 59;
Mar. 03, 1967 Red Hill (New Hampshire). Mr. and Mrs. Fellows
were driving toward Sandwich when they saw a
lighted object going up and down, turning from white
to greenish blue, and following their car for 20 min
until they reached Route 113. It left to the northeast.
They reported feeling an "electric discharge" as it
left, and their dog was very nervous during the ob-
servation. (NICAP Mar., 67)
Mar. 04, 1967 Vilhelmina (Swedish Laponia). The Sodestrom fam-
2400 ily obsered two plate-shaped objects, one 30 m in
diameter, the other smaller and gray in color. They
hovered at 20 111 altitude for 15 min. The object left
with a hushed whistling sound, illuminating the forest
with intense light. (171)
Mar. 08, 1967 Leominster (Massachusetts). Two persons observed
0105 deep fog in the vicinity of a cemetery and saw a light
in the center, coming from an object hovering 100 m
above ground. Thinking it was a fire, the witnesses
stopped. Paralysis and ignition interference were then
noted while the object, about 13 m in diameter,
oscillated and then departed with a whirring sound.
It took about 20 min for the witnesses to recover
muscular coordination. (NICAP Mar., 67)
Mar. 09, 1967 Follansbee (Virginia). Three witnesses observed an
2100 object as they were driving on Route 2. It was round,
hovered at rooftop level, left suddenly at high speed.
Its size was that of a car, and the underside showed
several lights. (Atic)
Mar. 12, 1967 Rochester (Minnesota). A boy who had gone out-
side to buy a newspaper saw an object resembling an
inverted mushroom hovering 10 m above ground. It
was not larger than a car, took a 45 (degree) orientation,
oscillated, and left to the northwest. Three photo-
graphs were reportedly taken. (Atic)
Mar. 20, 1967 Butler (Pennsylvania). A man and his daughter saw
2245 two lights that they thought were landing lights on
aircraft, but they came to ground level, flew straight
toward the car, and suddenly vanished. At the same
time, five figures appeared about 3 m away. They had
narrow, pointed noses, mouths and eyes like slits,
blond hair, rough skin, and were dressed in loose
"hunterlike" clothes. Witnesses drove away as fast
as they could. (FSR 68, 5)
Mar. 24, 1967 Belt (Montana). Numerous reports came from this
area, including one of a landing observation. At dawn,
police and a Malmstrom AFB helicopter made a
search, with negative results. (Atic)
Mar. 25, 1967 Iguala (Mexico). An intensely luminous object woke
dawn up several residents. People in trains going toward
Acapulco and people traveling by car saw the same
phenomenon. It came to ground level with a blinding
light, then took off. (177)
Mar. 26, 1967 Altona (Canada). Mr. and Mrs. John Dick and Mrs.
2045 W. Buhr were driving toward Gretna. Near three
radio towers situated 3.5 km south of Altona, they
saw a very bright object at ground level, illuminating
the countryside with a pink glow. The object itself
was dark, with a luminous band around it, was mo-
tionless and pulsated, then suddenly disappeared.
Mar. 31, 1967 Hanley (Great Britain). Three strange objects, a
bright, orange light emitting a shower of green
sparks, and two smaller sources, were seen in a field.
No details. (FSR 67, 6)
Apr. 01, 1967 New Westminster (Canada). Two boys saw an
2000 orange disk, less than 1 m in diameter, flying at high
speed, stop and hover for three min, 20 m above
ground. Chief of Police Peter Mehan confirmed that
the sighting was under investigation. (174)
Apr. 05, 1967 Jonestown (Pennsylvania). Justice of the Peace John
1945 H. Demler was driving north on Route 72 when his
car stalled and the lights went out. He then saw an
object, 10 m in diameter, which gave off a smell of
sulphur and camphorated oil, hovering low over the
car, which was pulled and rocked when the object
took off. Physiological effects (perspiration and peel-
ing skin) were reported after 12 hours. The object
gave off a sound resembling an electric motor, and
emitted sparks. (NICAP May., 67)
Apr. 06, 1967 Crestview (Florida). An entire class at an elementary
1245 school observed an object 20 m above ground, 2 km
away. It vanished suddenly as the children and their
teacher, 33-year-old Robert Apfel, were watching it.
Apr. 07, 1967 Crestview (Florida). More than two hundred chil-
0945 dren and three teachers saw an oval object, with a
light at each end, come to ground level. Several other
objects also were seen, moving up and down with a
pendulum motion. (FSR 67, 3)
Apr. 16, 1967 Boraure (Venezuela). Guillermo Roldan, his daugh-
ter, and other persons saw a glowing, egg-shaped
object fly across the sky at high speed, stop suddenly
and descend to ground level. As the witnesses rushed
toward the area, the object took off at very high speed.
(Lor. III 60)